Dawn and Patti Move To Denver
- 3 years ago
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Once upon a time in the land of OOH Blah Dee there lived an aircraft mechanic who worked for an airline. One day the mechanic met and fell in love with a beautiful stewardess and he pursued her. Eventually the beautiful stewardess succumbed to the aircraft mechanic's charm and they were married and lived happily ever after. The story of my life? Not!!
I'd been working for North Central Airlines for just a little over three years when I met Patti Anne Manis. One look at her smiling face and I fell ass over tea kettle in love with her. I asked her for a date and she said yes and we set it up for her next day off which was two days away.
For the next two days I was walking on clouds in anticipation. I showed up at her door only to find a note taped to it.
"Bob – I was called in to cover a DTW to ORD overnight. Sorry. Call you when I get back."
I had worked at the airline and had known stews long enough that I should have been prepared for it, but I wasn't. Patti was only four months out of training so she was on what was called 'reserve.' What that meant was that she didn't have enough senority to bid for regular trips – called blocks – so she was basically a substitute and would cover for anyone who called in sick, went on vacation or couldn't cover their own block for some reason.
The next evening she called me to let me know that she was back and we made a date for my next days off which were three days away. Again I found a note taped to her door telling me that she had been called in. We made four dates before we were able to connect. The night was magical for me. We talked over dinner and danced a lot and I was absolutely lost in her deep blue eyes.
Given her reserve status and the fact that I worked the afternoon shift with rotating days off made it hard for us to connect. For those who don't understand rotating days off they way they work is one week you have Mon/Tues off and the following week your days off are Tues/Wed and then Wed/Thurs, Thurs/Fri and so on.
Anyway, with my day off schedule and Patti's reserve status we were only able to date eight times over the next five months. With each date I fell deeper and deeper in love with her. Then we hit a spell where we were able to see each other two or three times a week for a couple of months and Patti seemed to feel towards me what I felt for her.
We had been making out since our sixth date and while I wanted more I sensed that Patti didn't so not wanting to scare her off I had pretty much behaved myself. One night in the middle of the two and three times a week period I was fixing dinner for Patti and myself in my apartment. I was at the sink rinsing the pasta for the Linguini Alfredo I was making when Patti came up behind me and put her arms around me. I turned around to kiss her and found her standing there stark naked. Before I could say a word she put a finger to my lips, whispered "Shush" and then led me to the bedroom.
Patti was not a virgin, but then neither was I. She helped me undress and then knelt in front of me and captured my cock with her mouth. She worked on it for a couple of minutes and then stood up and got on the bed. She spread her legs wide, smiled up at me and said:
"Come on baby; I've been wanting this for months now."
I got on the bed and surprised her by going down on her instead of just climbing on. I worked on her for several minutes until she grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled me up while saying:
"Fuck me damn it; fuck me!"
She was wet and I had no trouble in getting in. She wrapped her arms and legs around me and hung on while I did my best to get her off before I got myself off. It was close but I managed and then I rolled over and had her on top as I slowly went limp. When she got off me she asked:
"Why did we wait so long?"
"I was just stupid I guess."
"We have to make up for lost time" she said as she moved down and took me in her mouth. We never did get back to the Linguini.
From that night on Patti and I made love every time we got together. Six more months went by and I asked Patti to marry me and she said no. She said she loved flying for a living and wasn't ready to give it up just yet.
"Maybe" she said, "After I've gotten some seniority and have held a block of my own for a while I'll be ready to settle down."
I was bummed, but at least she had left the door open for later.
A year went by with the two of us getting together every time we were off at the same time. I asked her to move in with me and she said no. She said that the off the wall hours when they called her for trips would keep me from getting rest. It was reasonable so I accepted it. Another year went by and because of resignations and retirements Patti moved up the seniority list until she was finally able to bid and hold a block of her own.
It was the beginning of the end for Patti and me.
The block she had overnighted in Chicago and at first there was no change in our relationship, but gradually I began to see less and less of her on our shared days off. Then one day she asked me to meet her at the Landing Strip Lounge which was a bar close to the airport.
She was already there sitting in a booth when I got there. I leaned in to kiss her and she turned her head away.
"What's wrong" I asked as I sat down next to her.
"This is hard Bob and I'm really sorry, but I can't see you any more. I've met someone, fallen madly in love with him and I'm going to marry him."
I did the only thing I could think of under the circumstances. Without a word to her I got up and walked out of the bar. It would be six years before I saw her again.
Six months later I was sitting in the employee cafeteria in the main terminal building when Alice Dean sat down at the table with me. Alice had been one of Patti's two roommates. She asked me how I was doing and I told her I was getting along okay. She asked if I was seeing anyone and I told her that I didn't have anything going; that I dated some but wasn't seeing anyone on a steady basis.
"It was a shame what Patti did to you and Marsha (Patti's other roommate) and I wanted to tell you, but we could never work up the courage to do it."
"Tell me what?"
"That Patti was just using you until she could get what she really wanted."
"Using me? What did she really want?"
"To marry a captain or a first officer about to become a captain. She said that was where the money was. That they made more than a lowly mechanic ever would."
"A lowly mechanic?"
"She was talking money Bob. A mechanic doesn't make near what a captain does. She did care for you and more than once she said that she would marry you in a heartbeat if you could give her the life she wanted."
"Gee Alice, that sure is good to know."
"Just don't let it sour you on stews Bob. We all aren't like Pat."
"Not me Bob; I'm more than happy with Allen, but Marsha would say yes in a New York minute if you were to give her a call and Barbra Brick has said more than once that she wished she could find a guy like you. I'm having a party Friday night. How about you coming over?"
I went to Alice's party and I had a good time. I did ask Marsha for a date, she said yes and we did have a good time, but after a half dozen dates we realized that although we liked each other there was no real spark between us.
Next I dated Barbra Brick. She gave it up on the second date and we saw each other for a little over a year. She let me know, when she sensed me getting serious, that she wasn't the marrying kind.
"If I was Bobby I'd snap you up in a second, but the sad fact is that I'm pretty much a slut. I like cock, but I like different cocks. I've already stayed with you longer than I have with any other guy, but I'm starting to crave something different. The man I marry would have to be a very understanding guy who would put up with my straying as long as he knew that I would always come back to him. You and I both know that you aren't that guy and it's a crying shame because in all other respects you are the kind of guy I want."
"So how long have I got?"
"A couple of weeks, a month or maybe two. I haven't met him yet, but he is out there."
I actually made it three and a half more before she told me that she had found my replacement. I wished her well and moved on with my life.
The next girl I hooked up with was also a stew low on the seniority pole. I went through the same kind of relationship with Carol that I'd had with Patti before Patti finally got a block of her own and one night when I showed up for a date with Carol and found the note on the door I said "Fuck this shit! No more stews!"
Working afternoons and getting off shift at eleven-thirty didn't leave much of an evening to do anything with so I had gotten in the habit of stopping at The Landing Strip after work with a couple of the guys I worked with.
There were three girls working there at the time. Karen was the barmaid and Cookie and Tina were the waitresses. All three were hard on generators and all were constantly being hit on, but I never did see anyone get anywhere with any one of them. I got along well with all three and on slow nights Cookie or Tina would sit and talk to me.
One night about a week after I had found the note on Carol's door I was sitting at the strip and I guess I must have looked a little out of sorts because Tina sat down with me and said:
"Why so glum chum?"
I don't know why I did it, but I told her about my lousy luck at having a love life. She laughed and said:
"You should have talked to me sooner. I would have warned you to stay away from stewardesses."
"Why would you have done that?"
"Because I used to be one sweetie. Four years for Ozark. The job was supposed to be fun and exciting and maybe it was if you years and years of seniority, but if you were on the low end of the totem pole you couldn't have a life for shit. Even if you built up enough seniority to bid and hold your own trip section someone with higher seniority could bump you off of it if they decided that they wanted it."
"That doesn't sound like it makes sense. If they had the seniority why didn't they bid for it in the first place?"
"Flight crews bid on a different schedule and sometimes stews follow certain captains or first officers. Say I bid the Memphis to Dallas run on the first of September and got it and on the fifteenth Captain X or First Officer Y bid that block and Sue Smith had a thing going with one of them. If she had seniority she could bump me off the block and I'd end up going back into the reserve pool until the next stew bid cycle. I finally got tired of it and quit. You need to find a girl with a steady job and steady days off."
"How do I do that working afternoons three to eleven-thirty? Not many places to find girls in the mornings and by the time I get off work at night all the girls have gone home."
"What am I? Chopped liver?"
"You? Why would I hit on you? I've seen you turning down guy's right and left ever since I started coming in here. I don't believe that there has been a night I've been in here that some guy hasn't tried to hook up with you."
"And all of them have a snoot full and half are married and are out looking to cheat and the other half are single and are looking for one night stands. Neither of which I am interested in. I will not allow myself to go out with some clown who flirts with me and tries to cop a feel whenever he can. Face it Bobby; very few of the men who come in here are the type I'd be interested in."
"That brings up the question that given what you've just said why would you consider me?"
"You have been coming in here now for almost three years and not once in that time have you made a lewd or suggestive remark; you have never been anything other than nice and polite and even though I have seen you looking at me appreciatively you have never stepped over the line." She laughed and then said, "Plus, you tip better than average."
"Aha!" I said, "You want me for my money."
"Don't be silly. You are an aircraft mechanic. You make good money, but a Daddy Warbucks you ain't."
"You got me there. I might not be in the bucks, but I'm not stupid. You just opened a door I'd be a fool not to walk through. Would you like to go out with me on your next day off?"
"That would be this coming Sunday."
"What does that mean?"
"My days off this week are Friday and Saturday. I won't have a Sunday off until the weekend after the one coming up."
"That's right; I'd forgotten that you blue duck guys have rotating days off."
"Blue duck guys?"
"That's the tail emblem on your planes right? A blue duck in a circle?"
"I've never heard us called blue duck guys before."
"Yes what?"
"I'd love to go out with you Sunday after next."
It was on our third date that Tina set me straight.
"I want a steady boyfriend Bob, but at this point in my life I'm not interested in getting married. I became a stewardess because I have a bad case of wanderlust and I'm always wanting to go places and do things and flying all over met that need. I don't fly anymore, but I still have that urge.
"I don't know if you have noticed or not, but I occasionally disappear for a month or so. I'm a damned good cocktail waitress so Joe always holds my job open for me. Plain and simple Bob I am not a settle down and be a wife and mommy kind of girl. Can you handle a friends with benefits relationship with a girl like that?"
"Friends with benefits? What benefits?"
"That comes when you take me home tonight."
If I had any doubts that I might not be a friend's with benefits kind of guy the night with Tina cured me of that. The woman flat out loved sex! We undressed each other and then she went down on me. I returned the favor and then she pulled me up and told me:
"Do me hard bobby; do me hard."
I got us both off and she swung around into a sixty-nine and when she had me up she had me do her doggie. I got us both off again and then she went down on me again. It took her a while to get me serviceable and when she did she said:
"Anal this time Bobby; fuck my butt."
She rode me hard that night and put me up wet. No way was I not going to be her FWB from that night on.
Tina and I settled into our FWB relationship and for the next three years we kept steady company. It wasn't always easy with her days off being Sunday and Monday and me only having Sat/Sun, Sun/Mon and Mon/Tues every four weeks, but I did pick her up when she got off work two or three nights a week.
I got tired of renting an apartment and getting nothing but a collection of rent receipts so I went looking and found a nice three bedroom house with an attached three car garage and became a home owner. I asked Tina to move in with me, but she said no.
"I like my independence Bobby. What we have is perfect for me and I don't want to change any part of it."
Every six or seven months or so Tina would disappear for anywhere from two weeks to a month and when she got back she would tell me all about where she had gone. I kept telling her that we could go on trips together since as an airline employee I had pass privileges, but she always told me that she needed her alone time and her trips gave her that.
And then, almost three years to the day when we first got together, Tina came back from a month in Tempe, Arizona and told me that we couldn't see each other any more.
"I met a guy Bobby and I swear to God sparks flew when we looked at each other. I'm moving there to be with him. I know its sudden Bobby, but I'll do my best to ease the pain."
She gave her two weeks notice and then spent the two weeks trying to fuck me to death. And then she was gone.
For a couple of weeks I just worked and went home. I just couldn't work up any interest in going out and looking for female companionship. I still stopped at the Strip for a few brews with the guys and Gloria, the girl who took Cookie's place when she got married and quit, and who knew of my relationship with Tina let me know, subtly, that she wouldn't mind being Tina's replacement. Gloria was a very sexy looking lady and I was considering taking a shot when out of the blue my life took a sudden turn.
Three guys I worked with and I closed the Strip, stopped at the Town and Country for a bite to eat and headed on home. When I got there I found a car parked in my driveway. It was a top of the line Lexus SUV and it was parked in the middle of the drive. I couldn't get around it to get in the garage so I parked in the street. As I was walking up the driveway the car door opened and Patti Anne stepped out.
I stopped and looked at her and wondered what she was doing in my driveway at four in the morning. She walked up to me, threw her arms around me and kissed me. She stepped back and said:
"And then some" I said.''
"Invite me in for a cup of coffee or a drink and some conversation?"
I was half tempted to say "Fuck no!" but she still looked as good to me as ever and I was curious so I told her to come on in. I offered her coffee or a beer and she chose coffee so I put a pot on and while we waited for it to brew I asked her what brought her to my driveway.
"I wanted to stop by and see if I could correct a huge mistake."
"A huge mistake? And what would that be?"
"My leaving you for the ass wipe that I married."
"Ass wipe? You said you met someone and fell madly in love with him. You fell in love with and married an ass wipe?"
She took a deep breath and then said, "I didn't actually tell you the truth there. I wasn't madly in love with him. I liked him; I liked him a lot, but I didn't love him like I loved you. The thing was that he was a high seniority captain making almost a hundred thousand a year. I grew up poor and getting by on hand me down's from my two older sisters and I wanted the good life. To be blunt about it I wanted the life you could never give me on a mechanic's pay. Jim was hot for me and tried like hell to get me so even though I loved you and only liked him I let my greed lead me away from you."
"And you are back here why?"
"Because I've never forgotten you. When I divorced Jim and came home I found out that you weren't married and after several months of trying to work up the courage I finally managed to get myself over here."
"So just what is it you are after Patti Anne? Forgiveness for shitting on me?"
"Frankly I was hoping for more than forgiveness. I want a chance to get you back."
"Why? I'm still a lowly mechanic making lowly mechanic's wages and I don't see that ever changing."
"I found out that living the good life with an asshole didn't even come close to what we had before I let greed get in the way. All I'm asking for is a chance Bob, just a chance."
Call me stupid, call me and idiot, call me a sucker, but I had been hopelessly in love with Patti Anne and I'd never forgotten her or completely gotten over her. Every place I went I'd been there a time or two with Patti and when I went there I would remember having been there with her.
I gave her the chance she asked for.
We didn't just jump back in bed, but dated as we worked at reconnecting. On our third date Patti told me:
"I didn't tell you earlier because I didn't want to scare you into not giving me a chance, but I come with baggage. I have two children. Roberta and Rachel. They are twins and yes, before you even have a chance to think about it Roberta is named after you."
"Your husband stood still for that?"
"He didn't know. I never told him about you. He thinks I picked out the name because I liked it."
"Why would you want to name one of your children after me?"
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Hi ajay agra se fir se ek story ke saath jo ki meri dost ki behan ke upar hai main ajay mera id hai moonstar11111 koi bhi bhabhi ladki gupt rup se sex chat ya sex karna chahti hai toh send me mail sirf agra mein. Ab jaise ke maine bataya mera dost hai uski behan hai jyoti woh dikhne mein bahutg sundar hai figgure toh zabardassst hai umar mein mujhse kamhai mera dost nahi hota toh bhi main uskey hai woh 20 ki hai aur main 25 ka but kayamat hai boobs toh aise hai kya kahu . Jyoti se meri bahut...
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Anne was just about to cum when she heard the basement door creak open. With quick, calm motions practiced over years of concealing similar close calls; she removed her hand from her worn, plaid pajama pants and casually placed it on her thigh in order to discreetly wipe away the glistening wetness that was coating her fingers. The dark, glossy marks camouflaged well with the fabric's pattern and were no more noticeable then any of the other myriad stains that preceded it. Thankfully...
It’s the 1970’s. Tim and Anne were dating in high school. Anne was so cute and beautiful. The boys also pursued her. She would meet the boys over in a ditch by the railroad tracks acrossed from the school at lunch time. The k**s would smoke cigarettes passing them around. Anne would let the boys rub her nipples or finger fuck her. Eventually she would get so stimulated she would do blowjobs. Anne loved the attention, the sexual stimulations and cocks.After graduation from high school, Anne and...
Anne is a beautiful, voluptuous, mature woman whose husband, Tom, ran off with some blonde bimbo half his age that he met at a Christmas party they attended a few years back.What a fucking idiot he was–he and his new toy went at it hot and heavy for about six months, then she decided he was too old for her and dumped him! Served him right for letting a woman like Anne go in the first place. Some people are so stupid, they don't know when they have it made.I had known Anne for about a year...
AnalMelting snow mixed with her tears, as Thomas said his last words to Anne. "My dear, you are in the best possible hands. For as long as you live, my bank will send money for your maintenance. You will be well cared for. The Aston Asylum is one of the finest and most progressive in all of Britain. Dr. Aston is both a doctor of divinity and a physician, a noted alienist who assures me you will have the best treatments known to medical science. Good bye, now. Most probably we will never see each...
Alexis devient Anne "Je sens qu'on va se plaire ici Alexis! Je suis vraiment contente de m'installer avec toi dans cet appartement et que l'on puisse enfin vivre ensemble, sans nos parents! " "Oui, c'est le d?but d'une nouvelle vie Jessica! " Alexis enla?a sa copine dans ses bras et l'embrassa langoureusement tout en lui touchant d?licatement les fesses. Sa copine, Jessica, de son c?t? caressait sa poitrine muscl?e, excit?e de ressentir contre elle le corps si viril de son petit ami. Comment p...
"I wonder if she's into girls?" I asked, looking down from the bleachers at the track team practicing, and at one particular girl. "Who?" Hailey responded without looking, just laying back staring up into the sky. "The new girl. I think her name is Anne." "I dunno. Do you like her?" Hailey asked, leaning forward to look. "She's kinda cute, I guess." "She's more than cute." She was. She had soft peaches and cream skin. Her hair was long, black, and tied back into a pony tail....
The time on the mantle clock showed 9.20pm. I sat on the sofa and slipped my heels off and tucked my stocking clad legs under me. I picked up my glass of Chardonnay and took a sip. My thoughts went to the events of today.It had actually all started a month prior. I was recruiting for a new secretary when Anne’s curriculum vitae had come across my desk and it struck a cord with me. So I had invited her in for an interview and I had been impressed with her polite and respectful manner. She had...
Crossdressing(AUTHORS NOTE: I wrote this story about my first wife. I've posted it on a couple of other erotic story sites, and have corrected a few grammar and spelling mistakes and posting it here now.) Anne It was another hot Texas summer day! Anne, I and Tom decided to head out to the quarry for a swim. Anne was beautiful! I can still see her standing there with us, 5' 6", and short brown hair in a pixie cut. Her tanned 34 22 34 body was almost covered in a tiny little bikini that she crocheted. What...
Wife LoversShe didn't make it home, not right away at least, though the part of her brain still operating rationally knew home was the only place she should go. She was exhausted; over the five days of camping she'd had, Anne did the math in her, 15 hours of sleep. Maybe. Probably less. That she'd gotten so little sleep was no surprise, she'd spent every waking hour fucking her friends, again and again, waking them to quench the need that flared continuously in her, sleeping only when her body would...
I had seen Anne around the school for about a year before. She was a small girl from Hawaii and very soft-spoken. She hung around my friend group and we spoke many times, each time getting a little closer.Anne and I joined the friend group when they headed to the gulf coast of Florida for spring break, and on the drive down we sat next to each other and decided we would pair off for the week. The group rented a large four-bedroom suite for the weekend, which was pretty expensive but not when...
College SexCupping and lifting up her breasts she teasingly asked “You boys like what you see?†Noticing our embarrassment she then asked. “Would you like to see more?†After the morning coffee room service start of my day at Plantation House, late breakfast downstairs was a bit of a sombre/hung-over affair with lots of coffee being consumed. After breakfast, pushing back from the table Lee Anne said “It’s a glorious sunny day and Gary and I are planning to spend time at the waterhole in the river...
MasturbationI don't know where I was the night Mary Anne McAlister cried rape. I haven't a clue and that's the truth. I know Sheriff Parker found me at six the next morning lying in a pool of my own vomit under the Ultine Bridge, I can still feel the boot he used to wake me. Now, old Parker was one of those good ol' boy's "born and raised in the county like all the Parker's going way back." He had no time for city folk who fancied their chances at farming, even less if the miserable bastards failed. ...
I approached the front of my house and climbed the steps up to the front porch. I said to myself, "Ok, Pattie girl, just keep going. Don't look left or right, just straight ahead." Everything around me was deathly quiet. The only sound that I could hear were my footsteps on the wooden porch. I walked to the front door, unlocked it, and stepped into the house. After closing the door behind me, I relocked it securely. Since I had showered less than an hour before, I simply undressed,...
InterracialMy name is Pattie, and my husband and I have been married for five years. My husband treats me like a princess. He buys me all sorts of clothes and loves to dress me up. Every day he picks out my outfits. He especially loves to pick out my intimate items that I wear. He’s most fascinated with my panties. He loves the fabrics and wonders how they’ll look on my pussy. The man is in love with my beautiful, bald pussy. Often, my husband Bobby loves to shave my pussy. He loves for me to be bald and...
Wife LoversMy Anne It all started very innocently, after another row with her mom my d_aughter Anne came to stay with me for a few extra days. Just like on so many other occasions the storm would settle down and eventually everything would go back to normal, or so I thought. But this time it was different and in hindsight I should have known better. By the way I’m Scott; we married far too young and of course got divorced after 13 mostly happy years. The breakup was a little messy but that’s the way life...
100% fiction! After the morning coffee room service start of my day at Plantation House, late breakfast downstairs was a bit of a sombre/hung-over affair with lots of coffee being consumed. After breakfast, pushing back from the table Lee Anne said “It’s a glorious sunny day and Gary and I are planning to spend time at the waterhole in the river swimming and tanning. Charlie would you like to join us?” “Won’t three be a bit of a crowd for you and Gary?” I asked knowing full well that they would...
IncestNumber 10 of a series of individual stories. (email [email protected]) Please send comments, favourite pictures etc.!!!) A Surprise for Sally Anne ? by: SONIA en_femme My wife Sally Anne and I had had many adventures with me wearing panties or fully dressed as a woman. When I dressed up the sex was out of this world and as well as the incredible excitement I felt when wearing panties I knew Sally Anne was turned on by being able to enjoy her lesbian tendencies...
Anne was a girl that I knew only slightly. We were more acquaintances than friends. After September, however, she started to say hi to me a little more, and she seemed to always be looking at me. Anne was a cute girl, but she didn't work at it. She had blondish/brown hair, and with a little work could have made herself look real pretty, but she never wore makeup. The way that she dressed made her look mousy and she was almost pathologically shy. That was why I was surprised when, on a...
One rainy Tuesday, Anne cruised the library stacks, looking for something saleable. Finding herself at a stack of plain-cover reference books, she turned away to find better pickings. Something behind her buzzed, then flashed pale blue. The glare was bright enough to cast her fleeting shadow on the opposite wall. Looking back, she saw a fading brightest near the floor. Then it was gone. Anne squatted, feeling among the books on the bottom shelf until she found one oddly warm. Tan hardcover,...
© Copyright 2003 The fish had not been very cooperative that day, but then, catching fish isn't really the point of fishing for me. I was heading back through the woods to my house, when Caesar and Czar took off like bats out of hell. From the way they fled silently between the trees, I knew there was someone on my property who shouldn't have been. When I go far from the house in these woods, I carry a Super Blackhawk in a belt holster. A.44 Magnum is a bit heavy for use on humans,...
As we were checking out of the ski resort, the next morning, the lady at the front desk game me a small package wrapped in brown paper. "It's from Brian," she said. "You are to open it in private." As we were pulling onto the highway, Pyx unwrapped the box. Inside was a zip-lock baggie full of marijuana, and a generous supply of rolling papers. Vonda and Pyx were elated. I was troubled. "You better smoke all you can now. There's no way I'm going to take it on the plane." Vonda...
My name is Pattie. I'm 37 years old, 4 feet 7 inches tall. I weigh 80 pounds, and have an A-cup bra size. In other words, I am what some people might call tiny. I have blue-green eyes, a small straight nose, a small somewhat pouty mouth, and my brunette hair hangs to just below my shoulder blades. I also am a sapiosexual: I adore intelligent men. To me, a guy who is intelligent is not just appealing or interesting. A guy who is intelligent (and unattached!) could get himself pounced on...
Fantasy & Sci-FiTo go with Gallery AnneANNEI was on a business trip a couple of years back, to Denver, we have friends who live in Wyoming, so being hubby was back at home looking after things,I decided to stay with our friends who moved out there years ago.Anne and Mick had been good friends, and we played around when they lived in the U.K, we never swopped fully, and some fondling was as far as it went, but I know Mick wanted me, and Anne was just starting to explore her bi side, so what better place to rest...
When I got up on Monday it was sunny and warm for mid-November, so I wore my Polartec and a pair of those really tight ski pants with half-boots. The Polartec feels nice and fuzzy on my breasts and it almost covers my buns. The zipper neck lets me control the draft. I didn't need a coat. I thought it looked pretty good. After lunch, Saul waved frantically at me as I started to leave the Union, so I went to where he was sitting. "Dad left a message on my answering machine over the weekend....
I became friends with Anne for a few years, I always fancied her but she had a boyfriend, she was very beautiful young woman she was a nurse at rest home. Anyway we lost touch for a few years then unexpectedly we met in the local supermarket, I was so pleased to see her again, we talked awhile, she invited me back to her home for coffee, I agreed so we drove to her home a short distance away. When we arrived at her home we talked as she made coffee, she told me she had parted from her partner...
First Time"Hi, Mei-Ling. It's Anne Stilwell." "Oh, I'm glad to hear from you. How are you? How're things?" "Good. Very good. School is good, business is good, the guys are good, so am I. Haven't talked to you since New Year's. What's with your kids?" "They're fine, Anne. Sally had an ear infection, but she's over that now." "You know I really didn't focus on their names when we were there. Sally and Joshua. Why not Chinese names?" "We're not Chinese, Anne, we're...
We met my sister Anne, at the airport. I could see her look at my clothes as she approached us. While I was dressed a lot more conservatively than was normal these days, I was still displaying a lot of flesh.“Well sister look at you” she said as we hugged “you look amazing”She then turned to my husband hugging him. He seemed to press her tighter to him than usual. When we got home there was a lot of small talk. My husband offered her a glass of wine which she accepted. I knew that he had spiked...
I was putting laundry away when Mary came into our room. "Got a minute?" "Always, for you. What's the matter? You've been looking down the last day or so." "I've been thinking about that trip to Fairplay. It was so wonderful, everything I would have dreamed of a year ago, if I hadn't known it was impossible." "From what you said about it, it must have been. How come you're feeling low? Backlash?" We sat down on the bed. The sunshine coming through the open window ended not...
“Gay Cake” row rumbles on! The headline was plastered over half the front page of the Belfast Telegraph.I drop the newspaper onto the counter along with the morning post. The Asher’s bakery story is still the main talking point. I scan the first paragraph, shaking my head that people in the 21st century would refuse to make a cake with the icing saying “Supporting Gay marriage” as it is against their religion.I scroll through my phone, reading the newspaper’s Twitter feed as I boil the kettle...
LesbianChapter one. Patti was a tomboy, 16 years old, hair cut in the schoolgirl style and pretty quiet for the most part. She didn’t seem to have a girlfriend or a boyfriend and I didn’t know very much about her even though she was my next door neighbor. Our parents had no contact with each other mostly because of indifference. I had never really paid any attention to her. She was actually very good looking, blond with clean, flawless skin and a nice face and small but obvious tits, however she...
Today 9/29/2013The Chocolate Experiment“Patti cakes” Today I woke up like usual, naked and with my cock hard as steel and horny as all hell. I sleep naked as much as possible, except when the k**s are home, then I wear my boxers. Well, my wife was not in bed with me because of me having sinus issues with the weather, so she slept on the couch. I got up walked to the living room and there she was, all cuddled up under the blanket on the couch still sleeping. So I just stood there with my rock...
Patti had a teen son who was beginning to get interested in sex. She caught him staring at her tits and other women's asses. It was time to show him how the birds and bees do it. She was going to be a great teacher. She had already fucked two of his friends, and it was great. She loved the young cocks.On Saturday she told Tom to go to his room and undress. He looked surprised so she told him that if he didn't strip she would undress him. She was going to make him a man today. She gave him ten...
Next morning, Linda and Julie woke me up at 6am. "Sorry Patti, but Dr. Mallard wants X-rays before breakfast," Linda said. "And blood work," added Julie. And so, dressed in a hospital gown, they wheeled me to the front desk of the pediatric ward where an orderly took over. I could have walked, but hospital rules being what they are... Julie and Linda said they would see me tonight and wished me luck with my tests today. Today? I thought I would get some advance notice, but it...
A dark haired girl came running when the nun called her name. She had hair so dark it looked to be black, and her skin was so pale I instantly thought of how I must have looked when Ann had found me passed out on the kitchen floor. "Wendy, this is Patricia," said the nun. "It looks like you two have a lot in common." I looked at Wendy and thought, not likely. She was about 5 foot 5 and still had baby fat on her. She did have bigger boobs, but that could have been from the extra weight....