- 4 years ago
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She couldn't believe she was actually doing this. How many times had she thought about it, but figured it would never happen, or worse case scenario, she might chicken out. But no, here she was, about to realize a fantasy that was too long in the making.
Patti sat in her car for a few moments, collecting her thoughts. What would her friends say? What would her late parents have thought? How would her HUSBAND react if he knew? Closing her eyes for a moment, she drew in a deep breath, and then got out of her car.
The parking lot of the truck-stop was like countless others along I-5, which ran along the West coast from the California border with Mexico, North through Oregon and Washington, to Vancouver. To one side were the big rigs that ran freight across the nation on eighteen wheels. They were parked while the people who drove them were inside, getting a meal, a hot shower, or a few hours sleep in a bed that was larger than the back of the cab. Fuel pumps of assorted grades of gasoline were off to another side. Next to them, diesel. And the large parking lot for RV's and autos. Tractor trailers were not the only vehicles that the station serviced. It was so large and humming with activity, it was the perfect place to blend in and meet a stranger.
A stranger? Well, perhaps that might not be the best way to describe who Patti was about to meet. No, he was someone she had encountered on-line, a few years ago. They had chatted and spoken on the phone several times. She had a certain hunger that her husband couldn't fulfill, and she figured that the anonymous nature of the internet would help her in ways she could not receive at home. At the time, she was taking care of her parents who were both ill, and she and her husband had moved back into her childhood home so she could be there with them full time, while her husband worked. When her father had passed, she was devastated. She had loved the man deeply. And shortly after that, the death of her mother left an even greater void in her life.
Family was a help, but her husband wasn't the rock of support she craved. After being the care-taker for so long, she desired to just have him take charge for once. Make the decisions about things that mattered. But that was not the case. Perhaps he was oblivious, or maybe he didn't care, but Patti simply NEEDED someone to step in as the decision maker. She was, as the saying goes, "burnt out". A part time job helped to distract her, but it was not the outlet she craved.
Her "special friend" on the internet was someone she poured her thoughts and heart out to. They played "games" where he would order her to do certain things. Some of these commands were not at all out of the ordinary, such as what to clothes she had to wear, or how to do her hair and makeup. Other times, he told her to do things to herself. Explore her body. Please it, and herself as well. He had introduced her to the concept that pain isn't always a bad thing, but can actually lead to heightened feelings of arousal and pleasure. The fact that she now masturbated several times a week while attaching over a dozen clothespins to each of her breasts no longer seemed unusual to her. As one hand worked her dildo up inside her, the other would reach up to twist and pinch the wooden clamps tighter around her tender flesh. How many times had she dropped to her knees to suck her husbands cock like a starving animal, the moment he got home, but fantasized that it was not her husbands cum she was swallowing, but that of the man on the other side of the computer?
On multiple occasions, he had made requests of her that she was unwilling to try. A meeting between them. Maybe a weekend away. Pictures. Being able to converse more freely by telephone. Her reluctance caused a small but gently widening rift between them. E-mails and conversations became less frequent, and then ... Stopped. She mourned the loss, and told herself that maybe it was for the best. But still, she longed for them in a nostalgic way. He had told her that she was beautiful. Something she doubted about herself due to her ever constant battle with weight. "I like women with curves," he had stated. She didn't doubt him for a moment. But still, she missed their chats.
A few weeks without contact turned into months, and then a few years. Then one day, she saw a message from him in her in-box. "I've been thinking of you," was all it said. She replied at once. "I miss our talks. How are you?"
Again, contact was resumed. And finally, she made the decision to meet him. Never, in all the years of her marriage had she been unfaithful to her husband. Yes, she had become sexually active at a young age, perhaps in ways that might not have been healthy or safe, but she had put that behind her (as she kept telling herself, with mixed results of believability). The tipping point was reached when one afternoon, when her husband returned home, she had wanted sex. Not to "make love", but just to have sex. Animal instincts kicking in, which would lead to brainless fucking to satisfy her on the most primitive level. She just wanted an orgasm that she had not induced by her own hands, but by those of her husband who would take her, and ram himself in her until she blacked out from the pleasure.
Did she get it? No. He stated that he was "tired" and he expressed annoyance that she seemed to be wanting more and more from him, in ways he felt were not "normal". To Patti's husband, sex was done in the dark, at night, missionary, and not much else. Yes, he enjoyed it when she sucked him off (what man wouldn't?) but when she asked him to reciprocate, he balked. "Yuck, that's not normal." She fought back the tears as he went to shower, and turned on her lap-top.
"You spend too much time on that thing," he snapped.
"What the hell else should I be doing?" she snarled back.
The lap-top was a prized possession. When her old desk-top computer had caught a "worm of death" that put it out of commission, once and for all, she scrimped her cash to buy it. It was pass-coded, and her husband NEVER was allowed to touch it. Had he managed to get it open, he would be stunned at what she had saved there.
And when she once again received the invitation to meet, she accepted.
"Really? No bullshit this time?" No bullshit, Patti answered. A date and time was set up. The truck stop was about thirty miles from where Patti lived, and she doubted anyone would notice her car parked with the hundreds of others there. She had followed the instructions to meet him at 10:00 in the morning, parking in a specific row of the lot. She knew what vehicle to look for, since she had been informed of what he was driving. She slung the case that held her lap-top over her shoulder (it also doubles as an over-sized purse). He had instructed her to bring it, so he could teach her some new photo shop effects and to swap pictures and downloads.
As she approached the SUV, the driver's side window slid down. "Hey there, pretty girl. You looking for a date?" She had to giggle at the goofy smile on his face.
"Maybe," she answered coyly as she opened the door and hopped in on the other side.
Suddenly, he was pulling her tightly against his body, crushing his mouth to hers. She felt a little lightheaded at the sensation it gave her. Mouths opened, tongues wrestled, and hands groped across each of them.
"I need you," she gasped. "Take me wherever it is you have planned, and just take me."
"Last chance to back out," he replied. "Are you sure?"
He started the SUV and quickly drove out of the parking lot and towards the road that would take them back onto I-5. Shortly after that, they were at the motel.
He had selected that particular one for several reasons. First, it was one to indulge the illicit meetings between people who didn't want it known that they had been there. Cash was the preferred manner of payment. No credit card receipt trail. Second, it was older, so it was built a lot more solidly than the newer motels, which also insured for better sound-proofing. And finally, the room was on the first floor, around the back side of the place, away from view to anyone on the street.
When he shut to door, he paused to look at her. Patti was, as he had always told her, quite beautiful. Her long dark brown hair hung nearly to the small of her back. Smokey eyes, the color of sable looked up at him as she smiled. Upon his instruction, she slowly undressed, releasing the top that encased her full breasts. When she released them from her bra, they fell slightly as gravity took hold, but the nipples and areola was a rosy pink. The weight she feared didn't do anything unflattering to his eye. In fact, the soft full curves of her only added to his lust. Once she had finished, he allowed her to do the same to him. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he told her to stand next to him. "I want to inspect you." As she had been told, there was not a hair on her body, below her neck. Patti had worked for hours to shave, wax and exfoliate herself, so that she was hairless and smooth. "Very good," he purred as one hand slipped up between her thighs to tease the tender moist button of flesh that awaited his attention. He drew Patti into his lap to kiss her, and continue to stroke her. She shifted and opened herself to accept his attentions, delighted at his praise.
Bodies shifted, and soon Patti found herself on her back, savoring the sensations of his hands and mouth that traced patterns across her skin. Closing her eyes, she tried to reach for him, to feel what would soon be inside her, but found him brushing her hand away. "Later," he had whispered. "Just lie back, and enjoy this." And enjoy, she did. And when at last she felt him open her legs wide to lower his mouth down onto her sopping pussy, she moaned with an animal lust that was new to her. She pressed her hands down upon his head, holding him there as his tongue worked deeper and deeper into her. Fingers joined in the explorations, and between his nibbling and sucking her clit, and stroking the insides of her pussy, Patti lost control of herself. The orgasm hit her like none prior in her life. And before she could make sense of it, he had moved to reposition himself so that her ankles were at his shoulders, and he was sliding into her.
"Fuck me," she moaned. "Oh God, please ... Fuck me!" Her words came is short gasps as he thrust repeatedly into her. "God ... Yes ... Fuck me ... Fill me up ... TAKE ME." She didn't pause to think on his answer; "That's my plan."
She had no idea how long they made the old bed bounce and creak. All she knew was that her body was releasing the pent up frustrations that had been coiled up inside her like a spring, winding ever tighter. She could tell by his grunts that he was also reaching his climax, and just as he reached the point of no return, he placed a hand down to where their bodies were joined, and he pinched her clit.
She screamed with delight as her eyes rolled back into her head. Below, she could feel his cum pumping into her. She knew she would need to shower thoroughly before she got home, because any sign of another mans cum oozing from her pussy would be a death blow to her fragile marriage. But she would enjoy this moment to the fullest. As his contractions slowed, he paused to grind himself against her pubic bone, causing yet another orgasm. Shivering with delight, she allowed herself to drift...
When she awoke, it was dark. But during the Winter season in Oregon, "dark" came early. "OH SHIT! WHAT TIME IS IT???" Never in her imagination could she have anticipated being fucked so hard, she would pass out for several hours.
"It's almost 4:00, pet. What's the concern?"
"What's the concern? My husband will be home from work in thirty minutes! If I'm not there, he will wonder what's going on. He will call me every five minutes on my cell phone until I answer. DAMNIT! You need to take me to my car so I can go home."
The word was stated firmly, with a quiet resolve.
"No? What do you mean, 'no'? What the hell... ?"
His actions stunned her as much as his words. "I said 'no', because I am NOT bringing you back to your car, and you are NOT going back to that house. And I do NOT like your tone of voice, little girl." He smacked her across her cheek, and her head spun as she felt the side of her face sting and grow warm.
She held a hand to her face. "You can't just..."
"I can, and I am. Be honest with yourself, little girl, you want this. You want someone to take you and remove you from the life you have grown to hate. Here I am, ready to do just that. Tell me, little girl, do you REALLY want to go home to that empty house, to the man who is more interested in what sports are on TV tonight and dinner than what you are willing to offer? I want an answer, little girl." He stood over her, a sneer on his face, hands on his hips.
"Patti," she answered shakily. "My name is Patti, not 'little girl'."
"Your name is whatever I decide it will be. You have no say in the matter. When you prove to me that you have earned it, I will give you a new name. Until then, I will call you 'little girl' or 'slut' or 'bitch' or whatever other designation I think of. Got it?" She looked up at him, stunned. "I said; 'GOT IT?'" He reached down to grab a handful of hair to pull her head around to face him.
Tears leaked from her eyes. What the hell had she gotten herself into? Maybe she could play along and then figure out a way to get away from the situation. "Um ... yes," she answered meekly.
"Yes, WHAT?" he shook his hand to make her head bounce.
"Yes ... Sir?" she shivered.
"That will do for a start. Know that you will address me from now on as one of the following; 'Sir', 'Master', or 'Owner'. You will NOT refer to yourself as 'Patti', since that name no longer applies. You will refer to yourself as 'slut', 'bitch', 'little girl' or 'Masters property'. Is that simple enough for you to understand?"
"I think so," she gulped.
Again, his hand lashed across her face. "Wrong way of answering. Try again."
She gasped for air, and managed to croak; "bitch understands, Sir."
"Good," he snarled. "Now I want you to use that mouth of yours to wash my cock. It's sticky from filling your cunt with my cum."
Kneeling in front of Him, she reached up to touch his hardening penis. Tracing a finger along the underside, she could indeed feel the stickiness there, and the scent of their combined bodily fluids was strong. Opening her mouth, she gave a brief thought to what might happen if she were brave enough to bite Him. But that idea vanished in an instant as he grabbed handfuls of her hair to pull her face forward. Without question, she knew He would kill her, if she tried anything.
Quietly, she accepted his cock into her open mouth. Washing the shaft up and down with her tongue, she made sure to attend it properly, from the base of His balls, up to where she wriggled the tip of her tongue in the small opening at the top. "Not bad, slut," he grunted. "Keep this up, and Master will give you a taste treat." A gurgle and a nod was her answer. After a short time, she found herself fighting her gag reflex as he fucked her face, shoving his cock into the back of her mouth and partially down her throat. Rocking back and forth on her knees, she wondered how long He would keep this up. The answer came soon enough. Pulling her tight against his groin, He shot His load down her throat. Most of it she was not able to taste, since it entered her mouth well beyond her taste buds. When he finished, he shoved her away and she toppled over to the floor. "You need to improve your technique, bitch. But we will have plenty of time for you to work on that."
Sprawled naked on the floor, she shivered, as the room was cool. "Master? Can slut use the bathroom? Please?"
"You need to pee?" He was answered by a nod. "Fine. Crawl in there." He opened a door that led to the small bathroom. There was a toilet, and a sink, but no bathtub, only a shower stall. "Stop," he ordered as she crawled towards the toilet. "You will go into the shower to pee. Animals squat to relieve themselves. That is where you will also. If you need to shit, the drain cover can be removed and you will wash it down. Now piss."
Shame caused her to blush brightly. In all of her life, she had never been able to go to the bathroom when anyone else was around. "Miss Bashful Bladder" was the joke for her. Crawling into the shower, she turned to face the corner as she pulled herself into a squatting position.
"Turn around," he commanded. "A slave doesn't hide ANYTHING from an Owner. Understand that you are no longer quite human, but an animal for MY pleasure. What I state, is Law, and there is no argument. Disobedience will be punished. Proper behavior rewarded. Understood?"
"Understood, Master." With a sigh, she turned to face Him, and did her best not to let the shame keep her from releasing her bladder. It had been so full, it was starting to hurt. A slow trickle soon came out. And as she fought to relax, the trickle turned to a steady stream. And after that, she felt her bladder fully relax as it was empty.
"Animals mark their territory with their urine. It is also a way that ownership is stated. Were you aware of that?" She nodded. "Good, so I do not need to explain THIS." Suddenly, hot spurts of urine shot from the tip of His penis and splattered across her face and body. Instinctively, she tried to cover her face, but his commands to keep her hands at her side as she crouched in the shower stall prevented her from doing so. The hot liquid splashed across her face, into her hair, up and down her torso, and legs, and in spite of her attempts to keep it from doing so, some of it entered her nose and her mouth. Try as she might, she couldn't help but spit out the fluids, to clear the taste from her tongue. "Master is marking His pet; the little cunt who wants to be owned and fucked on a daily basis. Soon she will respond like a bitch in heat, begging for cock in every opening her body has. And Master will enjoy doing just that, and many other things. He is SO looking forward to using you and your body. And after that, maybe He will let you go. Wouldn't it be interesting to see how you would explain yourself and where you had been?" A deep laugh erupted. "I would very much enjoy seeing that. Or maybe I will give you to someone else, who will use you. And after that, you are passed along, like a piece of property, just a chunk of fuck-meat, waiting for more cum to fill you up."
Between the cool air in the bathroom, His words, and the tart smell of His urine on her skin, she couldn't help but whimper and shiver. In the other room, a phone rang, and she knew it was her husband calling on her cell phone, asking where she was.
"Do not move or make a sound," he ordered. Turning, he went to answer the phone. "Hello? No there is nobody named 'patti' here. Yes, I am sure." Pause. "Look, I can understand you are looking for someone, but there is no 'patti' here." Another pause. "Now listen up, asshole, there is nobody named 'patti' here. No need to yell or be insulting. Wrong number. Try dialing the number again. Got that?" Shutting the phone off, He removed the battery from the back of the phone. "No way to trace the phone location now," He muttered. Returning to the bathroom, He looked down at the shivering individual. "I bet you can guess who that was. Remember, as stated, there is nobody named 'patti' here. Right?"
The upside of coaching the Ravens, a U-17 team instead of U-18 like the Strikers, was that most of the players were juniors, which meant that they would playing club soccer for two years before they graduated. That gave me more time to develop their skills. I started the first season with my head on straight and my moral compass pointing in the right direction. I managed to make it all the way through a busy and successful Fall season with no inappropriate thoughts. Well, OK, I had a few...
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Before we get started with this one, I would like to thank all of you who take the time to contact me about my stories. I would like to say though, those of you who are looking for happy endings in my stories, you're probably not going to find one! Extreme humiliation, feminization and punishment is what my subjects will suffer through after being caught or tricked! If this is not what you're looking for in a story, please take your less than desireable reviews and move on to another...
My name is Pattie, and my husband and I have been married for five years. My husband treats me like a princess. He buys me all sorts of clothes and loves to dress me up. Every day he picks out my outfits. He especially loves to pick out my intimate items that I wear. He’s most fascinated with my panties. He loves the fabrics and wonders how they’ll look on my pussy. The man is in love with my beautiful, bald pussy. Often, my husband Bobby loves to shave my pussy. He loves for me to be bald and...
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My name is Pattie. I'm 37 years old, 4 feet 7 inches tall. I weigh 80 pounds, and have an A-cup bra size. In other words, I am what some people might call tiny. I have blue-green eyes, a small straight nose, a small somewhat pouty mouth, and my brunette hair hangs to just below my shoulder blades. I also am a sapiosexual: I adore intelligent men. To me, a guy who is intelligent is not just appealing or interesting. A guy who is intelligent (and unattached!) could get himself pounced on...
Fantasy & Sci-FiThis had been Pattie's routine for the past year since her mother skipped out leaving her, her Dad and older brother alone. They had adjusted. They all took turns with the cleaning and cooking and were getting along fine. There wasn't much about her mother to miss. She was an abusive alcoholic whose absence made for a much calmer household. One of the new responsibilities that Pattie had picked up was taking care of her father's morning erection. Pattie didn't mind. She knew how good she...
She couldn’t believe she was actually doing this. How many times had she thought about it, but figured it would never happen, or worse case scenario, she might chicken out. But no, here she was, about to realize a fantasy that was too long in the making. Patti sat in her car for a few moments, collecting her thoughts. What would her friends say? What would her late parents have thought? How would her HUSBAND react if he knew? Closing her eyes for a moment, she drew in a deep breath, and...
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Hi all readers this is Nishad. Hope you enjoyed my previous story. Thankyou for your wonderful emails and responses. Any unsatisfied or satisfied aunty or girl looking for a fun time with no strings attached in Pune can mail me at I would love to take care of you and your privacy. This story is about my ex-girlfriend whom I dated quite long. Meeting an ex girlfriend is almost always an awkward situation and I experienced something like this some months before. My ex was going to shift to...
CHAPTER 3: LIFTING THE VEIL I tried to say something to my parents that night. I really did. But the right moment never came. This was an evening in 21 Ashleigh Close, not an episode of The Partridge Family. I went to bed early, and lay there with the light on staring at the ceiling. I'd never given much thought to the future; now my mind was filled with nothing else. Your first menstrual period will most likely arrive between the ages of 9 and 16... Pansy wasn't sixteen...
CHAPTER 4: AN UNWRITTEN BOOK CHAPTER NOTES: The Shakespeare quote comes from King Lear, Act 4 Scene 1. TV21 was a comic popular during the late 1960s. Many of its stories featured Gerry Anderson creations such as Stingray, Thunderbirds and Fireball XL5. Kali (pronounced 'kay-lie') was originally a powdered sherbert into which you dipped a moistened finger. In north-east England it came to mean any kind of cheap sweets - penny chews, liquorice sticks and so on. Another local...
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As Gloria lay next to Rachel on the night after her third fight she stroked that smooth soft warm skin. Her own skin was roughened these days. That winter on the island had wrought havoc with it. She looked healthy, but she had lost some of the soft feminine smoothness that she so loved in Rachel. Using skin creams would restore her to her former state, of course. But Gloria liked herself the way she was. She'd long given up on shaving her legs, armpits or pubic thatch. Rachel didn't mind...
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“You're wearing my things again!” Brenda screamed when she came home early from community college and found me prancing around the house in one of her short skirts. “Take them off, you little pervert!” It wouldn't be nearly as bad if I were her little sister and trying on her clothes but I was her brother. But it wasn't as bad as it could be. I mean, if she knew what Tommy and I had been doing just two short hours ago, she'd really be pissed. Truthfully, Tommy and I had never really done...
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Maryam, Nell, and PattyLesbian i****t, mom / daughtersWarning: Explicit sexual scenes and graphic lesbian sexual activity between female members of the same family.---It was the same dream again.The one she dreamed so regularly it broke her heart.She knew she was dreaming, some part of her mind was awake, seeing as if she was herself. It was always on rails, she knew she was dreaming, but she could not control or direct it. She was twenty-two again, just married, young, virile, beautiful. Drew...
Carol could see the crotch of the girl clearly, sitting at a small table in the ice cream store where she was enjoying a butterscotch sundae. The girl was perhaps five feet away, sitting and talking with another girl. Carol knew the girl slightly because she lived in the same suburban neighborhood, and Carol had seen her walking by her house occasionally. Her name was Patty, Carol learned when one of the girl's friends had said her name when she laughed at something the girl said. Carol...
Over the river and through the woods, to Grandmother’s house we go.It’s going to be a long few days.I thought my ordeal was over when Patty went away to college, and in a way, it was. She only came home for holidays, and they were always busy, so I could usually find ways to put distance between us. It wasn’t that we had a bad relationship. Quite the opposite, in fact. Though she was two years older, she had always tried to include me in whatever she was doing when we were younger. We rarely...
IncestOver the river and through the woods, to Grandmother's house we go. It's going to be a long few days. I thought my ordeal was over when Patty went away to college, and in a way, it was. She only came home for holidays, and they were always busy, so I could usually find ways to put distance between us. It wasn't that we had a bad relationship. Quite the opposite, in fact. Though she was two years older, she had always tried to include me in whatever she was doing when we were younger. We...
My sister Sarah was a pretty popular girl in school and had many good friends. One of those friends was Jill who lived in our same neighborhood. Jill would come over to our house to visit Sarah and they would work on their homework together since they were in the same grade at school. Sometimes they would get stumped on a problem or report they were working on. That was when I would get recruited as a tutor. Jill was a pretty girl and had a personality that would win you over in a heartbeat....
Sometimes when Janet would come over to visit my sister, her younger sister would come with her. Most of the times, Sally and Janet would lock themselves in Sally's bedroom leaving Patty alone to fend for herself. Now Patty was a very pretty girl and I found her quite attractive. She dressed in skirt and blouse and looked pretty good. Her skirts were quite short and, since I liked girl's legs, gave me plenty of eye candy to stare at. Patty was two years younger than me but we got along...
Father Murphy, after what he had done with and to Sister Susan had a brief period of remorse. By the second day, however, he had rationalized his actions. The young novice would have continued on sinning with Sister Capello if he had not shown her God's way so, therefore, what he did was acceptable and to Sister Susan's benefit. Or, at least that was how he justified the seduction. It was easy, after that, to rationalize his next surrender to temptation although most would say it was more...
When I was sixteen my mom and dad divorced. I could not understand why. My mom was drop dead gorgeous with a body to die for, yet my dad consistently cheated on her. He even fucked my mom’s sister, Aunt Patty.Mom and Patty were very close and mom was broken hearted when she found out dad had fucked Patty. It took a while, but they reconciled and were now as close as ever. I don’t believe Uncle Ray ever knew my dad had fucked his wife.It must be the genes, because I secretly lusted after my...
IncestJanet came over to visit Sally and they went up to her room to gab. Patty had also come over so we played around while she waited for her sister to leave. We got into a quick game of cards where I was able to actually win. Patty reached over and tickled me on my side. That has been the trigger for us to get into one of our wrestling matches. I was using every move I could to feel parts of Patty's bare skin. The way she was dressed, there was plenty of it. We would wrestle until one of us...
The restaurant where I had planned to meet my sexy mother-in-law, Patty, was on the edge of town. It was the nicest place in town. It was arranged so the booths were very private. A good place for lovers to meet. Patty didn't question me about it when I told her where to meet me. I figured she may have been there several times before. It was not the kind of place Robert would have taken her. I wondered who my sweet M-I-L had been playing with. I really was a born voyeur. As I waited for...
About an hour later, my cousin, Marie who is a friend of Patty’s, came into the store. I was working alone because the boss was out to lunch. “What did you say about Patty”? I looked at her stunned, “what are you accusing me of”? I asked. Marie responded that Patty was talking like I was the greatest guy in the world. She continued to say that I stuck up for Patty and said that she was pretty. “Ok”, I said. “I did. Some stupid guys were picking on her and I made them knock it off. ...
Patty and I have lived next door to each other since we were born. She was an only child while I had a younger brother Timmy. She was quite a tomboy so when we were preadolescents we three did everything together. That included playing “doctor” in the treehouse my dad built for us quite a way back in our big yard. We examined each other’s parts and she thought our little stiffies were cute. We were all fascinated by the way the other kind peed and played a few games with that as part of our...
When we were together in one place it wasn’t big problem and everything was all right. She had tits after some correction from big A into middle C and she was hot. She could even suck my dick and nail her cunt on my cock in the car when she was waiting for a plane... Patti was really nice bitch Break up happen by my stupidity and missing some little detail, what I forgot it could be harmful. We were together some times already but we didn’t live in one town. Big distance made we could...
AnalAll my stories so far, have been drawn from some sort of personal event or situation in my life. I haven’t written a story in a fair while because nothing had happened of note. Something in my life, though it happened years ago, finally hit me recently, and this was borne of it. ————————————————- I hope it’s peaceful where you are. Looking at your photo, I hope you’re at peace Scott. My fingers, they trace the outline of your face on the photograph. Interesting. This is the closest I’ll ever...
“You and I need to tell them the truth.”“Must we?”“I'd rather they hear the whole story from us, instead of from strangers spreading rumors, exaggerating the nature of our....”“What is the truth? In your opinion.”“We're friends, Quigley. Friends who coincidentally see each other at the same monthly movie club.” “As well as today, in a booth at the back of this quaint diner.”“Approximately once every 30 days, we engage in cinematic conversations.”“In a congenial manner.”“And we watch the...
Love StoriesThe quarter ended to the school year, that meant I was no longer in gym class. The last day of gym I made sure I fucked my gym teacher very well because I knew I wouldn’t be able to see him much more. But that was okay because without him knowing I was admiring my math teacher. I was switched into that class about a week ago. He’s about 32 years old, has a shaved head, clean cut beard, brown eyes, and beautiful smile. When he smiled it was like the world lit up. I always loved math, but this...
Chapter 10 – Muck-Up Day “Good morning, Miss Granger.” I looked up from my desk, startled out of a little daydream. It was only Josh, but even after two years of teaching that term of address still reminded me more of Hermione than of myself. And that might just be the last time I hear it, I thought to myself with an inward smile. Mrs Jeannie Marsh. Or at least that’s whom I would become in just three weeks’ time and I probably wouldn’t see many more students between now and then. I’d get a...
Straight SexChapter 8 – Celebrity Bang 2011 was a wonderful year for me. After that extraordinary first date, Kevin and I later revealed to each other that it was our first time – something that hardly came as a surprise to either of us. Belinda spent hours trying to debrief me. Ostensibly it was to ascertain the effectiveness of her plan for managing virgins, but I think she really just likes to listen to all of the lurid details. I gave her just enough to shut her up on the subject, but no more. I...
Straight SexI woke up at midday with a mild hangover and my face burning from third-degree pash-rash. I pulled on my robe and trudged to bathroom, and as I sat on the toilet, I jerked in surprise at the crazy-woman looking back at me in the bathroom mirror. God help Emma Watson if she ever looked like this; I had bloodshot eyes, hair in a crazy tangle, and my lips and chin were glowing red and swollen. I looked like a meth-addict’s mug-shot. Stretching for the medicine cabinet while I peed what felt like...
Straight SexUnder normal circumstances I’m a positive person; despite my emotional misery, I finished school with good marks and was accepted into my chosen course at university: a Bachelor of Science with a major in Pure Mathematics. And I did well, well enough to progress on to my Master’s degree in 2008-09. Hermione Granger didn’t haunt me beyond high school, although I did have one scare when J.K. Rowling published the final book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, where Hermione’s middle name was...
Straight SexPrologue “Miss Granger, may I ask a question?” Oh shit, here we go. Class smart-ass, Craig Wellman. It was the last week of school and the Year 12s were getting feisty; we’d spent the school year preparing them for life after high-school, treating them like adults, loosening the apron strings and encouraging them to engage us as peers, if not as equals. It worked for most of them; at eighteen they can legally drive a car or drink a beer; though preferably not at the same time. Heck, they could...
Straight SexIn April, 1971 Sarah and I had only six weeks left to serve in the Air Force having served seven years seven months a three stripe Sergeant living in a modern open plan apartment in a block of eight apartments. Next door neighbour Captain Frank was away in Indiana on leave and had told us he planned to ask his girl friend Anita to marry him. He,d told us they,d been engaged for over a year and it was about time they got married(she said Yes and they married in Juky). So Sarah had only me now...
My final fling with AKIKO in Shingikhu near Tokyo, Japan way back in 1964; God I,m only, but still going strong, everything below decks still works though not so often began when I called the telephone number she stayed at, apparently she lived with her sister and brother in law out in the boondocks of Tokyo. She invited me to come and see her “erotic show” at her club which in English was “The Pussy Cat Club” and to me Any Thing to do with pussy then was a good thing. As requested I turned at...
I woke up before her and started touching her. She slowly came out of sleep and hummed contentedly as she became aware of what I was doing to her. I spooned around her and caressed her softly with my hand. She started to turn over, turn into my arms and touch and kiss, but I stopped her with a firm hand on her hip. Sleep fell further away, and she wanted to protest. But her mouth opened and only a small sigh escaped as my hand slipped up her body, sliding on her naked body to gently cup her...
After we rested, we both knew that we had very little time before her husband comes back from work and also my departure time is less than 3 hours away. I leaned closer and took a deep breath of her pussy. The smell gave me a boner instantaneously. I stuck my wet tongue out and licked from her pussy all the way to her tiny ass hole. She moaned softly and rolled onto her back, exposing her clean- pussy with her legs spread open. I started kissing her inner thigh. I used my middle finger to...
When I came out from the bathroom, she told me that she is going to prepare lunch for us, I told her ok. After about 25 minutes, she came in with a tray of Yam porridge. She set it down on the table and we started eating. As we were eating, we were also cracking jokes and laughing, just enjoying each other's company. We were having such a great time. After we finished eating, I felt Fatima's foot on my bare leg. Slowly and sexily, she began rubbing it up and down. As she was teasing me, her big...
On Monday morning when I went to site, I got my letter for leave, I was to leave on Friday night. I called Fatima and told her and from her tone, I noticed that she was very sad. We tried to fix an appointment during the week but found out we couldn't except on our normal Friday when her husband leaves for prayers. I met with her husband and explained to him, he was sad too because both of us have bonded well. I thanked him for all the assistance he gave to me during the course of work, I...
I was on holiday with my family in Gotland, in the Baltic. We were down south living in a caravan park, which was part of a larger park, where people were in nature with nice sandy beaches.There was a washroom complex where you could wash, with showers, that worked by putting Krona's in a meter, which gave you hot water for a short time, then more Krona's were needed.I remember on my third day I went to these washroom facilities, it was 7am in the morning, and when I got closer I stumbled...
I closed my eyes as tightly as I could, lying there, on the cold leather couch, nude from the waist down, I felt violated, as his cold fingertips touched my warm thigh, and ever so slowly made their barely touching way until they stopped on my reason for being there, in this situation.I heard him say to my mother, who sat on the other side of the curtain, 'Puppy Fat', and as he said it, he was parting my labia and touching my clitoris, pressing it down into its small sheath, which his...
My pussy throbs with anticipation. My heart beating rapidly as I grow excited to see him. It has been weeks since we had been together. For those past long weeks, the thought of him made my pussy quiver. The few days we would run into each other, my body ached for him to touch me, my pussy moistening as I looked into his eyes and he made promises that he could not keep. But finally the day had come that we would be together again; even just for one last time. I had to make it special somehow. ...
STORY NOTES The medical condition described in this story is a product of my imagination. There was indeed a drug that some expectant mothers took during the 1950s and 1960s that in a few extreme cases resulted in girl babies being misidentified as boys, but to the best of my knowledge the symptoms didn't persist until adolescence. Any resemblance between the drug named here as 'Testranol' and any existing product of any kind is entirely coincidental. This chapter is dedicated to...