Peppermint AnticipationChapter 3
- 5 years ago
- 30
- 0
Over the river and through the woods, to Grandmother's house we go.
It's going to be a long few days.
I thought my ordeal was over when Patty went away to college, and in a way, it was. She only came home for holidays, and they were always busy, so I could usually find ways to put distance between us. It wasn't that we had a bad relationship. Quite the opposite, in fact. Though she was two years older, she had always tried to include me in whatever she was doing when we were younger. We rarely fought, and even as we got older, she often found time to spend with me.
It would have all been perfect except for one little problem. Somewhere along the line, between how nice she was to me, the way she dressed and acted around me, and my less than stellar social life, I'd developed decidedly un-brotherly feelings for my strawberry-blonde sister.
It had always been there, but one night was the tipping point that pushed me past all my rationalizations and reservations. Not long before she went off to college, I came home to find her crying in her room. I went in to check on her, and before I knew it, she had her arms wrapped around me. Holding her that night as she sobbed and told me about her boyfriend cheating on her was the last straw of my denial. I had to admit my feelings for her - at least to myself.
And with those softer emotions came desire.
I stared into my laptop, blinking through folders without any real thought. All I was really trying to do was distract myself from how incredible Patty's tits looked in the tight fitted sweater she was wearing, and the way errant bangs always wanted to hang over her gorgeous face.
"Nick, are you even paying attention?"
The sound of my mother's voice snapped me out of my contemplation. "Huh?"
She rolled her eyes and let out an exasperated sigh. "I said, we're almost there. I don't want you sitting with your face stuck in that laptop the whole time. Christmas is about family, and you're going to leave that thing in the hotel room."
"Give him a break, Mom. Geesh."
"The same goes for you, Patricia."
"Okay. Okay," Patty responded and dramatically rolled her eyes.
As if her voice wasn't enough to give me chills, as soon as Mom turned around, Patty reached over and tapped me on the leg. When I looked in her direction, she turned her iPhone toward me, showing that she had Facebook open. Mom had never looked at our phones, so she had no idea that they could do almost anything that our laptops could.
Patty grinned, her smile making me feel as if I was melting in the seat, and then gave me a wink before looking back down at her phone.
A few minutes later, we pulled into the hotel. Christmas falling on the weekend had encouraged the family to plan a four day extravaganza. Since the planning had started on Christmas the previous year, family members from far and wide had made the necessary arrangements. With no way for Grandma's house to accommodate us all, only one of my uncles was actually staying at the house, while everyone else took hotel rooms for the long weekend.
When we walked into the lobby, Patty wandered off toward the gift shop while Mom and Dad took care of things at the front desk. It was a nice place - far better than the hotels we'd stayed in over the years on family vacations. Dad had earned a promotion to upper management a couple of years before, and we were reaping the benefits.
The whole place was decorated with clear Christmas lights and wreathes, with a tree that had to be ten feet tall as the centerpiece. The decorations were all modern reproductions of antique styles, and I walked over to check them out while waiting on my parents.
Patty came walking up to me at about the same time as I noticed Dad raising his voice, and Mom putting her hands on her hips in what I knew was her I'm not going to stand for this pose.
She asked, "What's going on?"
I shrugged. "Don't know. Looks like they're pissed."
"Let's go find out."
I followed, noticing that she was carrying a bag from the gift shop. I couldn't make out most of the things, but I could see that she'd bought a large candy cane because the top of it was sticking out of the bag. Actually, it was one of those thick peppermint rods, and didn't have a crook like a candy cane despite the stripes. It was hardly surprising, because she was almost addicted to peppermint.
Without the slightest conscious direction, my eyes drifted to the right, to Patty's heart-shaped butt. The tight jeans she was wearing showed off every curve, and it was all I could do to tear my eyes away before she noticed.
"This is ridiculous. I confirmed these reservations again before we left this morning," I heard Dad grumbling as we approached.
"I'm sorry, Sir. I'm not sure what happened. What we do have available is an upgrade to what you reserved, and there will be no additional charge."
"That's fine, but we were supposed to have three rooms, and those two aren't even on the same floor," he grumbled.
"I don't mind sharing a room with Nick, Dad," Patty piped up.
Dad turned around as my brain locked up in panic. He shrugged and said, "It's not as if we have much choice." He turned back to the counter and said, "We'll take them."
Patty took our keycard almost as soon as it landed on the counter, not that my brain was functioning well enough to grab it if I had wanted to. I was looking at the prospect of hiding how I felt about my sister in close proximity for four days, and the thought made my stomach lurch.
"Don't dally. Put your things in your room, and then meet us right back down here," Mom warned. "We're leaving in fifteen minutes. Everyone's expecting us."
"Okay, Mom," we said in near perfect unison.
"C'mon, Nick. We're on the fifth floor," Patty said as she grabbed my shirt sleeve and tugged.
I was lost in thought, trying to figure out ways to avoid giving away my dirty secret, and followed her on autopilot into the elevator. The doors closed and we started heading up.
"Want one?"
I looked over to see her holding out a starlight mint. "Nah."
"Suit yourself," she said as she unwrapped it. She let out a moan and shivered as soon as she popped it in her mouth.
Holy fuck! My inner voice screamed at me. Did she have any idea how that sounded? How it looked? It was like she was purposely trying to drive me crazy.
The doors opened, and she led the way to our room. She sat down one of her bags, swiped the card, and opened the door.
"Score. Jacuzzi."
She grabbed her bag again and I saw the tub sitting in the corner on a section of raised tile. It was plainly in view from anywhere in the room except inside the bathroom. If she planned to use it...
Patty walked over to the nearest bed, which was closest to the tub, and dropped her bags on it. She put the bag from the gift shop on the nightstand while I crossed the room and put my stuff down on the other bed. She opened the door on a small fridge.
"Mini bar. Too bad Dad would kill us, huh?"
I shrugged and didn't say anything.
"You're such a drag sometimes, baby brother. This room is great. C'mon, we better head back downstairs before Mom sends out a search party."
At least for a little while, that would give me a buffer between me and my fears, so I didn't waste any time in heading for the door.
I was pretty worn out by the time we got back to the hotel. I stuffed myself on cheese, chips, and snack mix all day in between riding quads and snowball fights. I was ready for bed, knowing that Mom would have us up early the next morning for Christmas Eve.
Barely in the door, I said, "I'm going to get in the shower."
"Okay," Patty responded as she walked over to her bags on the bed.
I grabbed clean clothes and hit the shower, feeling a lot better - and even a little more awake - when I got out. If I'd been in my own room as planned, I would have just put on a pair of boxers and goofed around on the internet. As it was, I figured I'd probably end up sleeping fully dressed.
I froze in my tracks as soon as I opened the bathroom door. Patty was sitting in the jacuzzi, an inch or so of cleavage above the roiling surface.
"Sis," I exclaimed, disturbed by just how much effort it required to turn away toward the door. "What are you doing?"
"Mmm ... Relaxing in a jacuzzi. Bring me a towel so I don't drip on the floor. I still need to wash my hair."
Heart racing, I walked back into the bathroom and grabbed a towel. I faced the door to the room when I walked back out, holding the towel at arm's length.
"What are you doing, you goof?"
I heard water running down her body as she stood up, and felt a surge of blood between my legs. She grabbed not only the towel, but my hand as well. It spun me toward her just enough to see that she was wearing a bikini.
"It's not like I'm naked. Geesh."
She may as well have been. The feeling that washed over me was equal parts disappointment and relief. The bottom barely covered anything, and the strapless top strained to keep her tits inside. Soaking wet as it was, I could see a faint outline of her nipples.
I let out a laugh that I hoped didn't sound as nervous as I thought it did. "I was just messing with you," I said as I walked toward my bed, turning my back to her.
"Yeah, right."
I could hear her climb out of the tub and then the sound of the towel as she dried off. I made a point of not looking at her, but I could still see her caressing her body with the towel in my mind's eye. Finally, she walked into the bathroom.
I turned around to see that one of her suitcases was open, with several pairs of panties and bras on the lid. Like a moth to a flame, I slid off my bed and toward hers.
The undergarments were more or less plain - functional - and not all that racy. The panties varied in color, though the bras were mostly in white or skin tones, with only a pink one for variety. It wasn't the way they looked, but rather the thought that they had been next to my sister's skin that attracted me. I picked up the pink one, the frilliest of the bunch.
The tag said 34C, which sort of surprised me. I thought they looked bigger than that. I ran my fingers over the outside of the cup, then picked up another. It was heavier, and the cups seemed more padded, but the tag said it was the same size.
"Hey, Nick."
I dropped the bra and stepped backward so quickly that I nearly fell on my bed when she opened the door and called to me. I cringed when my voice cracked a little as I answered, "What?"
"I'm such a dumbass. I forgot to grab my clothes. Everything is folded up in those white shorts on the bed. Bring them to me?"
"Yeah, sure."
I picked up the bundle and carried it over to the bathroom door, where Patty was peeking out a crack in the door. She opened it just a little wider when I reached her and stuck out a hand. "Thanks."
"You're welcome."
As she pulled the clothes through the narrow opening, the door slipped just a little wider. It probably wasn't even an inch, but it was enough. The bathroom had a huge mirror on the wall over the sink, and my eyes homed in on the reflection of my sister's naked ass.
In one glorious second, I drank in the sight and burned it into my memory forever. It was everything I'd imagined, seeing her in tight clothes and shorts over the years. A perfect heart, leading down to gorgeous legs, the skin smooth and unblemished. No artist could have painted a picture more beautiful.
The door closed and I shut my eyes, still seeing her. I was rock hard, and it had happened so fast that I was surprised not to have heard a cartoon boing. It's a good thing she didn't decide to open the door again for some reason, because I stood there until the sound of the shower coming on snapped me out of my daydream.
I had to give my dick a squeeze as I stepped back from the door. It was throbbing like mad. I almost grabbed a handful of tissue and jerked off right then and there. There was just enough fear of her coming out and catching me to make me sit down on the bed and grab my phone instead. I needed a serious distraction before she came out and saw her brother with a raging hardon.
Angry Birds for the win.
That worked right up until she walked out of the bathroom. Damn. I knew the bundle of clothes hadn't been very thick, but it didn't prepare me for seeing her.
The white shorts showed off long expanses of bare leg. Above that, a loose pink top left her belly button bare. Only a blind man couldn't have noticed that she wasn't wearing a bra, with her nipples tenting the cloth the way they were. The neckline dipped low enough to show off almost as much cleavage as her bikini had, and the spaghetti straps didn't really cover anything. Her hair was damp, and looked just a little more red than usual.
I took it all in with the briefest of glances, and got one of those brilliant smiles as a bonus. She cleared her suitcases off the bed, bending over a couple of times, and I could almost superimpose the memory of her naked butt in place of the shorts. I was clicking through some website on my phone, but I don't think I even knew what it was at the time, let alone now.
Patty plugged in her phone and an alarm clock, giving me another thrilling show in my peripheral vision as she stretched.
"I'm going to bed. I can probably sleep with the light on, if you're staying up."
Already sitting with one knee bent to hide my erection, I welcomed the darkness that would hide it. The burst of energy that had hit me when I took a shower had worn off as well. I turned my phone off and grabbed my charger. "Nah. I'm tired."
"Okay." She went over and turned off the overhead light, leaving only a lamp on near the bed. Once she was in bed, she reached for the lamp and said, "Night."
The lamp went out, and I finally felt safe enough to take my shirt off before I pulled the covers over me.
I fell asleep, right enough, but it didn't last long. I had some sort of weird dream that I couldn't remember when I woke up, and the strangeness of the room was enough to snap me almost fully awake. I was facing the other bed with the crook of my arm resting on my forehead. When I opened my eyes, I could see the other bed bathed in the red glow of the alarm clock display. It wasn't all that bright, but it was more than enough in the pitch black room.
I could see Patty with her eyes closed. The comforter was pulled down to about her belly button. Her hand slipped out from beneath the covers, and to my amazement, she squeezed her tit and took a deep breath. Then, a flash of movement caught my eye, and I could see the comforter shifting.
It was right between her legs.
She squeezed her other breast, and then stroked her fingers over both of them, drawing circles over her nipple. The comforter moved a little faster, and I knew without a doubt that my sister was playing with herself not four feet away.
Remaining perfectly still, I prayed that the shadows and my arm in front of my face would keep her from noticing that my eyes were open.
She traced her nipples with a fingertip a couple more times, and then gave one a pinch. Her back arched, and she sucked in a deep breath. Her hand slipped under her shirt, and after a few caresses, she pulled the cloth up, freeing her tits.
Hard as a steel bar, I watched her teasing her bare breasts for a couple of minutes. She stopped, and I thought the show was over. I couldn't have been more wrong.
Patty slid both hands beneath the covers and lifted her butt. She was pulling down her shorts, and probably her panties. A second later her mouth drifted open, and the covers moved faster. In the silence, I could hear the soft sound of her fingers sliding over her pussy lips.
She started to writhe on the bed a little, and the covers slipped tantalizingly lower. Suppressed whimpers bubbled from her lips, and I wanted desperately to wrap my hand around my cock. It felt as if it was going to burst straight through my pants. I knew that to move a muscle was to end the wondrous vision across from me, though.
A gasp escaped her - the loudest sound she'd made so far. She kicked off the covers, confirming that she had pulled her shorts down. I couldn't really see her pussy, but I could definitely see her hand between her legs, moving back and forth at a rapid pace.
After a blissful minute or so, she stopped, and her head turned toward me. I held my breath for a second, afraid of even that much movement, and then forced myself to breathe slowly, pretending to be asleep. She reached up onto the nightstand and grabbed her candy cane.
She peeled the wrapping off, seemingly unconcerned with the sound it made. My heart beat loud and fast in my ears as she rolled onto her back again and spread her legs.
Before my amazed eyes, my sexy sister filled her pussy full of peppermint.
She pumped it in and out at a rapid pace, the fingers of her other hand above, rubbing her clit. She squirmed on the bed, her breathing loud and fast, broken by gasps and pants. Those sounds grew steadily closer together until she whimpered, her back arching up from the covers and her hands freezing in place.
She rubbed her clit a few more times, once her back settled on the mattress, gasping each time, and then went limp with a soft moan. My naked sister lay with her legs spread wide, quivering as the aftershocks of her orgasm played out.
Eventually, she put the candy cane on the nightstand again, and snuggled up in the covers. I don't know how long it was - it felt like an eternity - but I waited until I thought she was asleep and then slipped out of bed. I tiptoed to the bathroom, where I furiously jerked off into the toilet, replaying the mental movie of what I'd just seen.
I made it back to the bed on weak knees, and fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow.
I have no idea how I made casual conversation when the alarm went off the next morning. I couldn't even look at her without seeing her naked, jamming a candy cane into her pussy and coming. Fear of discovery was probably the only thing that got me through it. When she went to the bathroom right before we left to go meet our parents, I looked over at the candy cane to see that the red stripes were almost completely gone for over half its length.
I couldn't get it out of my mind all day. I made the excuse that I hadn't slept very well, and everyone seemed to accept it as I tried to get through Christmas Eve festivities. My cousins appropriated Patty for a lot of the day for girl things, so that helped a little. Still, every time I did see her, I was popping wood.
We made it back to the room that evening with an admonition from my mother not to stay up so late. Once inside, Patty said, "You can have the shower first again. I'm not wasting the jacuzzi, so don't freak out." She laughed, and stepped into the bathroom to grab her bikini from where she'd hung it to dry on a towel rack.
I was rock hard through the whole shower. The temptation to jerk off was incredible, but I was worried about her hearing me. It wasn't going down in the slightest when I got dressed either. I held my dirty clothes in front of it as I opened the bathroom door. As promised, Patty was in the jacuzzi.
"Towel," she reminded me.
I nodded and grabbed one to take to her. She stood up as I approached with it, and the sight of her with water running down her barely covered body didn't help the throbbing stiffness in my pants one little bit.
I sat down on my bed as Patty climbed out of the tub. She started drying off and said, "I can't wait to see what Mom and Dad got us this year. They really splurged last Christmas."
More than a little excited about that myself, as Dad's raise had proven lucrative for both the previous Christmas and birthdays, I nodded. "Yeah, me too."
"I'm not even recovered from Thanksgiving, and now I'm going to have to work out even more to get rid of all the fat from Christmas."
"Fat?" I laughed. I could see damn near every inch of her, and had seen even more the evening before. "You're imagining things."
She grinned, making my heart leap. "You're sweet."
I opened my mouth to banter some more, but she stopped me cold. She whipped the towel over her head and started drying her hair. Her tits were bouncing all over the place. My eyes followed every little jiggle, while my mouth hung open. I barely snapped it shut when she pulled the towel off her head and shook out her strawberry-blonde locks.
Patty walked over to the bed and grabbed clothes she'd laid out, while I tried not to stare and drool. She headed for the bathroom, and my eyes locked on her bikini-clad butt cheeks swaying back and forth - rising and falling with her steps.
Expecting her to get in the shower, I was surprised when I never heard the water kick on. Then she came out only a couple of minutes later. I'd flipped on the television, but I glanced over when the bathroom door opened, and my breath caught in my chest. She was wearing a nightshirt that barely reached mid-thigh, and her nipples were poking at the cotton.
I pretended to watch television, even though she was sitting on the edge of the bed brushing her hair and making her tits jiggle again. When she put down the brush, I could feel her eyes on me for a moment. I heard her blow a little puff of air out her nose, and saw movement in my peripheral vision. I glanced at her, and my eyes widened beyond any ability to control.
Patty was licking the candy cane she'd stuffed in her pussy the night before.
A crooked grin on her face, she tilted the candy toward me and asked, "You want a lick?"
Fuck yes! Somehow, my mouth formed a far different word than the ones echoing in my mind. "Nah."
She gave the peppermint stick one last lick and said, "Suit yourself."
I turned off the television, positive that my heart was going to leap out of my chest and I was going to explode in my pants if I looked at her any longer. "Think I'm going to crash."
Patty shrugged and put her candy cane down on the nightstand. "Sweet dreams," she said as she pulled back her covers.
I got the overhead light this time, and she turned off the lamp as soon as I was in bed. Feeling overheated already, I pulled off my shirt. I had at least been smart enough to put on a pair of sweats this time, so my dick wasn't straining against a zipper. I knew that I wasn't going to get to sleep any time soon.
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Over the river and through the woods, to Grandmother’s house we go.It’s going to be a long few days.I thought my ordeal was over when Patty went away to college, and in a way, it was. She only came home for holidays, and they were always busy, so I could usually find ways to put distance between us. It wasn’t that we had a bad relationship. Quite the opposite, in fact. Though she was two years older, she had always tried to include me in whatever she was doing when we were younger. We rarely...
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About an hour later, my cousin, Marie who is a friend of Patty’s, came into the store. I was working alone because the boss was out to lunch. “What did you say about Patty”? I looked at her stunned, “what are you accusing me of”? I asked. Marie responded that Patty was talking like I was the greatest guy in the world. She continued to say that I stuck up for Patty and said that she was pretty. “Ok”, I said. “I did. Some stupid guys were picking on her and I made them knock it off. ...
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When we were together in one place it wasn’t big problem and everything was all right. She had tits after some correction from big A into middle C and she was hot. She could even suck my dick and nail her cunt on my cock in the car when she was waiting for a plane... Patti was really nice bitch Break up happen by my stupidity and missing some little detail, what I forgot it could be harmful. We were together some times already but we didn’t live in one town. Big distance made we could...
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Before we get started with this one, I would like to thank all of you who take the time to contact me about my stories. I would like to say though, those of you who are looking for happy endings in my stories, you're probably not going to find one! Extreme humiliation, feminization and punishment is what my subjects will suffer through after being caught or tricked! If this is not what you're looking for in a story, please take your less than desireable reviews and move on to another...
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Fantasy & Sci-FiMeanwhile, next in line is Patti and this interesting George at the church. Patti has poo-pooed all of George’s attempts over the past few years. It appears that he thinks Patti is a desirable woman and that her husband was not worthy of her. Since he finally died, George has patiently waited his time, but Pattie has not shown any interest.George has known the family for years since the children were little. George and his wife would sit a few rows behind them most Sundays, and George envied...
TransThis had been Pattie's routine for the past year since her mother skipped out leaving her, her Dad and older brother alone. They had adjusted. They all took turns with the cleaning and cooking and were getting along fine. There wasn't much about her mother to miss. She was an abusive alcoholic whose absence made for a much calmer household. One of the new responsibilities that Pattie had picked up was taking care of her father's morning erection. Pattie didn't mind. She knew how good she...
She couldn’t believe she was actually doing this. How many times had she thought about it, but figured it would never happen, or worse case scenario, she might chicken out. But no, here she was, about to realize a fantasy that was too long in the making. Patti sat in her car for a few moments, collecting her thoughts. What would her friends say? What would her late parents have thought? How would her HUSBAND react if he knew? Closing her eyes for a moment, she drew in a deep breath, and...
The upside of coaching the Ravens, a U-17 team instead of U-18 like the Strikers, was that most of the players were juniors, which meant that they would playing club soccer for two years before they graduated. That gave me more time to develop their skills. I started the first season with my head on straight and my moral compass pointing in the right direction. I managed to make it all the way through a busy and successful Fall season with no inappropriate thoughts. Well, OK, I had a few...
My name is Pattie, and my husband and I have been married for five years. My husband treats me like a princess. He buys me all sorts of clothes and loves to dress me up. Every day he picks out my outfits. He especially loves to pick out my intimate items that I wear. He’s most fascinated with my panties. He loves the fabrics and wonders how they’ll look on my pussy. The man is in love with my beautiful, bald pussy. Often, my husband Bobby loves to shave my pussy. He loves for me to be bald and...
Wife Lovers"Don't move. Stay right where you are," I whispered. She complied as I felt her muscles relax and her body slump against my chest. We were silent. There was no need for conversation. We had both exclaimed our delight over the past half hour and swam in the pleasure of our shared passion. We had expressed our fulfillment at the completion of a blissful union. We lay there in the dark, the gentle rocking of the boat adding to our peaceful recovery. I pulled the comforter over us to ward...
It was still early on Sunday night and I had the urge to talk to Marcie. She was comically critical of my commitment to get Smyth laid. "What made you volunteer for such an enormous feat, Sammy?" "I don't know." I did know, but I wasn't ready to admit to Marcie that I had heard Shirley tell me to turn the tables on Smyth for spying on me and my guests. "How do you plan to carry it out?" "I don't know." I really didn't know, but my sub-conscience was working on a plan. "Who...
She couldn't believe she was actually doing this. How many times had she thought about it, but figured it would never happen, or worse case scenario, she might chicken out. But no, here she was, about to realize a fantasy that was too long in the making. Patti sat in her car for a few moments, collecting her thoughts. What would her friends say? What would her late parents have thought? How would her HUSBAND react if he knew? Closing her eyes for a moment, she drew in a deep breath, and then...
My name is Pattie. I'm 37 years old, 4 feet 7 inches tall. I weigh 80 pounds, and have an A-cup bra size. In other words, I am what some people might call tiny. I have blue-green eyes, a small straight nose, a small somewhat pouty mouth, and my brunette hair hangs to just below my shoulder blades. I also am a sapiosexual: I adore intelligent men. To me, a guy who is intelligent is not just appealing or interesting. A guy who is intelligent (and unattached!) could get himself pounced on...
Fantasy & Sci-FiIt was a casual evening and the two were curled up side by side on the great braided rug. The television was muttering something in the background, but the two could only think of each other, warmed by the soft flickering of the fireplace. She was all curves, even evident under the terry robe – the belt cinched in to define a small waist over wide hips. Her auburn hair was cropped short, her vivid emerald eyes lined in black – stark against pale pale skin. Those eyes were thinking naughty...
Jack Blake had just celebrated his 16th birthday yesterday. Although a tall and athletic boy, he was shy and somewhat awkward. So here he sat in his room on a Friday night jerking off to pictures of naked or near naked women. He saved his favorite for last. It was a picture of his 32 year old mom Sara in a thong bikini on a beach in Mexico. Jack and his mom had always been close. He was the product of a one night stand that his mom had at the age of 16 with a sailor who was on...
Will led Sarah by the hand into his bedroom. He closed the door as they entered and pulled her towards him. He placed his hands around her, caressing her toned stomach as he slightly nibbled on her earlobe. He could feel her trembling in his arms. Sarah lightly ground her ass into his crotch, rubbing herself against his hardening cock. “Mmm,” she moaned, feeling Will’s lips kiss the nape of her neck, causing her to break out in goosebumps. She turned to face him, wrapping her arms around his...
Charlene McCloud listened to the many diverse conversations her neighbors were having around the table. The couple from apartment 4B, Tobias and Ruth, were talking about the one day their water heater decided to leak causing hundreds of dollars of damage to their newly renovated hardwood floors. The couple from apartment 2A, Jason and Jared, shared some of their designer tips to a couple from floor 5. Their names escaped Charlene, but she had bumped into them a few times in the elevator. The...
CheatingI'm sure everyone is aware of the covid-19 lockdown, but, in case someone reads this in years to come, I'll just say that a global pandemic has shutdown society. We are all asked to stay home, and if we do go out to stay 2m from people we don't live with. We ARE allowed to exercise though. I like to jog.One morning recently I slipped on my t-shirt, jogging shorts, running shoes and off I went. Down the street, around a few turns and off into a small area of woodland in a concrete jungle. I...
He could not make out where the snarling and gravelly, throaty noise had come from as he stepped out of the rickety carriage early that dark moonless evening. It was as if somewhere in the acoustics of the steep ridge, someone old and throaty sounding were speaking in a primitive language, but just before the end, he could make out the words in English "foreigner" and "love". It was the first sign in the traveler's adventure into this forlorn locale that something may be amiss in a supernatural...
GayHawk terminated the call and joined Bill and Gunnery Sergeant Kellogg. After a questioning look by Hawk, Bill said, “I called Brenda. They’re sending out two vehicles; one for us and one to carry Sergeant Kellogg back to Coronado Island.” “Excellent!” proclaimed Hawk. Then, turning to the sergeant Hawk said, “Gunny, I want to thank you for coming with me as security. I know we’re both grateful nothing happened that required your services, but it helped knowing you were there.” “Sir, I was...
Hi, my name is rihaan and I am 20 years old 6ft tall well-built guy pursuing MBA in Bangalore.and this is my first story in indian sex stories dot net which I am willing to share with you if you find any mistakes please bear with me and any women who want to have some fun or share their feelings can ping me through email()trust me it will be safe and secure So coming to the story, one day I and my friend wanted to go out for a movie.and I called him and asked if I can come and pick him...
Part IHer day began just like any other with one exception – that feeling was already gnawing away in the pit of her stomach. It was a feeling of excitement, anticipation, and dread all at the same time. It was not a feeling she hadn't known before, but this time it was different...much more consuming. He had told her it would be different this time. He did not say why, but by now she knew him well enough to understand it would be something out of the ordinary. She realized she would...
The weather was so hot as I got out of the house for the first time for the day. Looking across the street, I saw him standing there, washing his car. Muscular. Tanned. Shoulder length hair and just fucking sexy. I knew I would see him sooner or later but I hoped for sooner. He was the grandson of Mrs. Hawthorne, the nosy neighbor. He had relocated here to stay with her for the next few years. I know I am going to enjoy my new neighbor!Everyone knows me, am Nikki, twenty-two years old, brown...
Straight SexBy: Gayboy The most haunting question of my life is; should I get married to a man or woman? On the road or on computer screen, television, or wherever my eyes fall, they’re searching for the men. But while masturbating, I dream of having woman most of time. If I come across a naked couple, I’ll definitely stare at the male I was in love three times, but only with men. I joined plenty of dating sites, but only gay sites. I always dream of spending the rest of my life with an older man, aged...
Gay MaleI pulled her naked body close to mine and lower my head to kiss her. My lips grazed hers and her mouth opened as my tongue darted out to meet hers. Pent up desire exploded with that first naked kiss and my hands began to explore her body. I teased my hand slowly down her back, smiling as she shivered and groaned into my mouth. I cupped her bum,...
I looked at Abo and he looked at me. I looked at Shanana, Flala and Tewnia. They were looking at me and had the biggest, shit eating grins I'd seen in a long time. "Oh MY GOD!" I exclaimed. "How do I get myself into things like this? Why can't things be just a little normal around here? Now what am I going to do?" Shanana recovered first. "Why, you mate her, too!" She started laughing again and that set the other two off also. I looked over to Abo and his grin matched the girls'....
Author Note: So yeah, this is my first submission. I am ready to read all your horrible reviews of this story. This story is greatly inspired by The Role Exchange by Morpheus, and is told in a similar style of being in parts. There is minimal transgender in this story, but it is there, and I can promise I am already in the planning stages of the next part of this story (don't worry this one is complete) which will have a bigger focus on it. There is also a ton of hand waving of how...
When I heard from a friend that my mother-in-law Grace had called me a dumb blond bimbo who wasn't good enough for her son, I was furious. Her son had been my slave since marriage and we had kept it a secret from everyone but my mother Linda who walked in one day and saw what was going on. To my surprise, she enjoyed it and wanted to join in. Now Paul my husband serves as my slave and hers. But today was revenge time on that bitch mother of his.When Paul came home and appeared before me nude...
100% Fiction I never found it strange that I had a sexual attraction towards my mother; she was , petite, a cute round plump ass and fantastic firm DD cup titties. I often fantasized about fucking her but would never let her know this. Every chance I got I would catch glimpses of her fantastic body e.g. walking in on her in the shower, walking in on her getting dressed etc… In my house it was just me and my mum, my dad left home when I was boy and since then it’s just been my and my mum. I knew...
IncestI say thanks, you were great too, and I will, giving her a big smile. So there i was, in their house alone, ( which was a first,)so i lock the door after Jodie leaves, i go to the bathroom, have a quick wash, and clean myself of Jodies smells, and then go and sit on the lounge watching TV. It was 4pm and helen was due to be home, I doze or on the lounge Because next thing I feel is Helen had easd my pants down, and was grinding her pussy on my dick getting me hard and waking me...
It did not take Dr. Harris long, he was ready to cum. He wanted to prolong his pleasure so he pulled his cock out of Linda and told Peter to open his mouth and get him wet. He pushed forward into Peter's mouth, where he fucked it for a few strokes and then back into Linda's warm hot cunt. He shoved himself as deep as he could inside of Linda. He just buried it all the way inside before he came inside of her. Peter could see the doctor's balls churning in his nut sack as he fed his wife his...
“Please Denise, text me a picture of your sexy naked plump ass,” Rick pleaded.“No Rick, isn’t the picture I sent you of my ass in tight cut-off denim shorts enough?” Denise replied.“Please, I am so horny for you. It has been so long since I touched you or kissed you.”Denise was torn. She had been sexting her boyfriend for a while. She was getting into teasing him with provocative photos of her in shorts and a braless pink crop top. The downside to all this teasing and posing was that she was...
ReluctanceBecoming Zoe By Julie O Chapter 1 "I'm home," announced Zach Jones as he entered his apartment. "How'd it go?" asked his roommate Brandon Miller, as he turned around from watching the TV. Zack took off his hoodie and then flopped down on their beat-up leather couch. "No luck," Zach replied in a tone of defeat. "Another fucking wasted day." Brandon didn't reply and just let his roommate vent. "Man, I went to at least a dozen places today and no one is hiring. A few...
Introduction: After Sandra changed my career in life I thought it would be nice to write about it and delightful experiences starting, of course with The Beginning Since the first massage of Sandra P., I was hooked. Massage was my life. Its been a couple of years since we first met at that college party. The thrill and excitement of just touching another person and relieving them from so many symptoms of every day stresses, aches and pains is what I enjoy doing. It was not an easy profession to...
November 19, 1995, Chicago, Illinois When I finished my workout with Dyani at the dojo on Sunday morning, I headed home for a shower. “Hi, beautiful wives!” I said, coming into the bedroom. As usual for a Sunday morning, Jess had joined Kara in bed. She’d eat breakfast with us, spend a bit of time with the kids, then sleep. Keeping the odd schedule was the only way for her to not be completely wiped out by the night shifts. They got out of bed and followed me into the bathroom. I stripped...
Julie Miller, a lovely 15-year-old, was eager to mount her father's huge, erect prick again but somebody was pounding on the door. Jimmy, her skinny brother came running up the stairs and said it was old Jeb Jones and his son, Bobby, and that they were mad as hell and wanted to see Daddy. "Dad, you just rest there. Probably about that spring you diverted or them heifers you kinda borrowed. Be back and take care of that big, stiff thing soon as I can." Julie strapped on her old Navy Colt,...
Eliza Jane is worried. Tomorrow is the first day her mother will meet her new girlfriend. The problem is that her new girlfriend used to be married to her dad. She’s with her stepmom and they’re going to meet up with her parents tomorrow. Eliza has no idea how to deal with all this. Reagan Foxx reassures Eliza that it’s going to be ok. She tells her that when they see them together they’ll realize everything worked out for the best. Eliza isn’t so sure: this will...
xmoviesforyouHi, My name is George. This is the first story that I am publishing on this forum although I have been an avid fan and reader of many of the erotic tales that have been displayed here for our satisfaction. I live everywhere in India mostly because I travel for work and otherwise because I love seeing new places and experiencing the most of life. I am 5 ft. 9 inches and my junior (not really a junior when it’s raging) is a moderate 7 inches (or so I have been told). I’m a young, free, wild and...
"God, I always feel so out of place every time I come here..." I moan as I step into the vast dance studio, surrounded by my friends. "I really hope that's NOT because you feel uncomfortable wearing THAT!" Lauren teases, making me giggle as I stare down at the short-sleeved black leotard and baby pink tights that are covering my body. "Hell no!" I reply, making my friends giggle and cheer. "It's just- you know? You girls are all so good at ballet, and I'm still just a beginner... Not...
October, 1984, Chicago, Illinois October flew by. Between school, work, programming for the unions, and time with my friends, days vanished like fog under a bright sun. Wen had continued getting one kiss each Saturday, but nothing more, and she’d gone home after studying. The twins, for all the teasing and banter, hadn’t done anything except serve lunch when I’d visited them on Sundays. Things with everyone else continued as they had. Anala had gone on a few dates with Prajesh, the guy who...
Chapter One: Mother/Daughter Pregnant Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Fiona – Shesh, Lesh-Ke Mountains, Kingdom of Haz I took a deep breath, trying to ignore my twin sister's terrible antics in the bar. “Ten guys before a quarter of an hourglass runs out,” she boasted. “I'll make you all explode.” “Las's cum, but you're a wild one,” laughed a rough-faced man with the dusky skin of a Hazian, contrasting against my sister's...