Taboos Of Transylvania free porn video

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He could not make out where the snarling and gravelly, throaty noise had come from as he stepped out of the rickety carriage early that dark moonless evening. It was as if somewhere in the acoustics of the steep ridge, someone old and throaty sounding were speaking in a primitive language, but just before the end, he could make out the words in English "foreigner" and "love". It was the first sign in the traveler's adventure into this forlorn locale that something may be amiss in a supernatural way.

His assignment for his Fleet St. employer just a year earlier had been to write a biographical profile of the eccentric investigator of vampires, Montague Summers. It had been Summers who had provided author of "Dracula", Bram Stoker the inspiration to model the central character after the historical Vlad Dracule. Summers believed in vampires and his investigations had taken him to this difficult terrain in northern Romania in the ethereally beautiful and steep Carpathian mountains, once identified as Transylvania. The journalist who followed in Summers footsteps, 18 years after the first publication of the sensational novel, had seen autumnal visages in late October: steep escarpments and mountainsides, gnarley old-growth forests quickly divesting themselves of vermilion foliage, ruins of old castles, and charming antique but solid old word dwellings of thick beamed wattle and daub and tight thatched roofs. First rail, then motorcar had carried him to one of those larger Romanian villages whose names he could not pronounce. That Sunday morning he set off on the final leg of his journey to a noisy and oddly syncopated clamor in sharps and flats from church bells within mushroom shaped steeples. It had taken all day, traveling on bad roads through narrow and sometimes frighteningly steep mountain passes to arrive at his final destination in a creaky old carriage. The charming inn gave off a warm and hospitable glow from its many lamps in what was otherwise a deathly damp chill evening in an uninviting landscape.

"You tourists seek out your vampires." The fat innkeeper spoke with a sort of fearful resignation in his eyes. The new guest was ingesting the last morsels of his boiled and roasted supper. The fires crackled and blazed in more than one fireplace in a cozy and charming interior rural setting. The host's German was in thick vernacular dialect, but the journalist acclimated to it soon enough. "There are as bad and worse things in the night, though." His fat wife sat next to him on the verge of tears, clinging to both an eastern religious icon and rosary, whimpering as if trying to restrain her husband's open confidences. Occasionally he would just wave her off. "We have known wolves and werewolves. Bears and beasts we know not what of have plagued us in the night. But such things have not been so present in the forests and mountains in recent years. To wander about the night now, one would surely be set upon by one of Lucifer's servants. These are demons that are neither animal nor human, but a sort of beast like a werewolf that is a combination of the two." The speaker kept repeating a Slavic word, struggling for the German translation. "drool-a-cu". Finally he conjured a word that was the same in English, "incubus".

"You know that just over the mountains is Hungary. In a convent nearby the local Bishop of the Roman church would often visit, because one nun or another would frequently become pregnant. In his investigations, he would be told that the incubus would come in the night and rape them. Finally, they reinforced the old wall around the convent and the pregnancies stopped. But the nuns all birthed dark eyed boys of great intelligence but unruly and disobedient dispositions. Their vandalisms would earn them all imprisonments, but they would always disappear into the forests just as the jailers would pursue them.

"In the mountain pass not ten miles from here, the priests tolerated a Benedictine monastery of the Roman Church." The innkeeper lowered his voice and glanced out of the corner of his eye almost conspiratorially. "It is said that they could produce a good wine for the communion mass. But some of us know they fermented a brandy wine to suit the palate of the patriarch in Bucharest. It would seem these demons in service to the prince of darkness also pursue men in their unholy and unnatural lusts." His wife now truly burst into tears and her husband scolded her impatiently. "Out of here you weeping strumpet. Our guest is entitled to know what could injure him in his visitation." She ran off sobbing, clutching her apron to her wet eyes and wailed into the kitchen. He genuflected before he spoke next. "The monastery has been abandoned and barren for nearly 50 years, and it is said that sometimes one of the monks would be seen wandering in the open, naked in a daze, blood and foul fluids oozing from the back hole God has given us to excrete our dirt. Sometimes splashes of white spray, like what farmers know to be the wet seed of horses and bulls, would smear their faces and lips. More than one priest of our own church has ventured to investigate, never to be seen again."

The journalist still had not shaken off the chill of the night and so they both reseated themselves closer to one of the fires. "The most recent was a cheerful young priest from our closest village. This makes my wife very sad." The listener started to protest that he had never intended to cause such distress. "No, no, no," the storyteller protested. "You want your story for the people in the west. No matter how unbelievable, we want people to know. Now!" He fidgeted to recollect where he was in the continuity. "This young man of the church would protest to his superior clerics that he would need to return on many occasions to know the full extent of crimes committed here. Later it was learned that, in the flush of his youth and vigor, he was corrupted and had become a deceiver. He had been seduced in the woods and would return to the scene repeatedly to disrobe of all his vestments and love one or more of the beasts in the dark of the night." The storyteller crossed himself again, his eyes rolled back as if to look to the heavens. "In the flush of youth in God's service he had profaned himself so savagely. When the ecclesiastical council defrocked and excommunicated him for his crimes, he was exiled to Bucharest. It is said that he still lives and frolics in the shabby quarter where men love each other in disgrace, in the eyes of our Lord."

The innkeeper shifted his chair right next to his guest as if in a gesture of intimacy. "Now I am going to tell you something that I hope will convince a sensible man such as yourself to not venture off in our dangerous lands in the dark of the night. It is said that the incubus, while of varied heights is usually shorter than the average man. Despite this, he has, in his nakedness, a disproportionately large male member that hangs and swaggers between his legs that is much more like a horse's. When stiff to satisfy his lusts, surely it causes great injury to the blessed chamber of a woman from whence we all come. And for that nearby passage from which we all must eliminate our filth, the only one available to it among men, it must rend the vessel open into our very viscera." The journalist thought this was quite enough offense to his Edwardian sensibilities and was about to protest and retire to his assigned chamber for the night. "Pardon my frankness friend, but this must be spoken. For all its awful evilness, it is said that one glance upon the gigantic member in its dreadful exposure, whether to a woman or a man, the beholder is struck by a powerful seduction, a spell, a terrible enchantment that paralyzes the poor victim, who is then powerless but to succumb to the advances of this vile apostate from hell. Despite what must be awful pains visited upon its victim, the poor wretch certainly is transformed into a disciple of the devilish cult that demands the most depraved acts of carnal debauches between humans."

The journalist reassured his host that he had no need to gallivant in unfamiliar territory at night. He lied. In his small room he nearly chuckled to himself as he unpacked and contemplated the depths of imaginative superstition these isolated people have been immersed in. He only had two days here and he certainly would wander about within as much as two miles from the premises in the dark. He remembered to take one of the new electric torches he had packed called a flashlight. He was amused that the innkeeper had written a note littered with bad German spelling. "If you are so foolish to fail to heed my advice and wander out into the night of horrors, please take these as added protection." He openly laughed as he snatched the rosary and three or four cloves of garlic and stuffed them into his satin lined woolen tweed pockets.

He heard his own footsteps trudge along the road that was little more than a stony path. They clearly had already experienced their first frost in high elevation. There was barely any cricket or insect noises. He thought he heard a wolf or dog howling in the distance, but it seemed to be far enough off not to cause concern. But the dampness of the cold, visible in the mist that clung low to the ground, chilled him to the bone despite many layers of clothes. If he was going to find anything at night that might suffice as the source of superstitions, he had to work fast as his pocket watch showed it was less than an hour before midnight. The cold irritated his swollen bladder. He remembered he had not urinated since a stop more than six hours earlier and he stood facing the woods in wider stance to fumble at his trouser buttons and reach in through other layers of clothes to his respectable length of male hose and expose into the frigid night air. He pulled back his foreskin enough just in time when his bladder seemed to start to empty itself of its own accord. Maybe it was the cold, but his warm discharge seemed to smell more acrid than usual and added to the night humidity as it streamed to the cold ground.

They were upon him long before his bladder was completely empty. He never noticed or heard their approach. Three of them, small and bundled in monk-like cowls they were extremely powerful nonetheless and when they restrained him, one of them grabbed hold of his penis to direct into the woods as he continued his evacuation. He was startled and out of control, he could not stop. The monk captor wound his penis about so that the stream flailed on tree trunks and branches. The three of them cackled in German, "good, good, yes, yes, pisssssss!" He was dragged into the woods, realizing it was too far for anyone to hear him, but his struggles were pointless for they seemed to only have the effect of tightening the grip of the assailants. Within seconds, one of them started to tug at his clothes as if they were starting to disrobe him. In less than a minute he became alarmed with the progress of this activity. Both of his boots were off and one of his stockings was being wrenched away in short order. Short of some miracle of intervention they were going to subject him to the humiliation of having him stripped both stark naked and of all his dignity. His captors knew the transformation that was at hand would have him delight in his nakedness within the hour.

He went into a sort of mental shock of denial but started to snap out of it when the top of his undergarment was stripped away to reveal his upper torso. The cool night air actually tantalized his exposed skin and hardened his nipples in a sensation not like anything else since a moonlight skinny dip frolic he had enjoyed with his new bride during their honeymoon. He was startled to realize that he actually enjoyed the captors tug away at the lower half of the reinforced underwear and expose him birthday suited, in communion with an eery gothic surrounding that seemed enthralling and blissfully connected. A nearby owl hooted in celebration. He suddenly realized he was no longer restrained as his captivating companions lifted their cowls and smiled mischievously when he appreciated they were liberating themselves in nudity as well. He wondered whether they would chase each other about in some animal-like play. He wanted to connect himself in exuberance with his new experience by pissing again. When it was apparent he didn't have anything to pee, it crossed his mind to use his male organ in its other purpose of life affirmation. That is when he heard that noise again.

It was the same gravelly voice that made him panic momentarily with a flight response. But where would he run to? -- back to the inn to pound on the door in his undignified disgrace and subject himself to the worst assumptions by the ogling inn keeper and his wife? The audible low-pitched language spoken shifted about to identifiable German and finally, "foreigner".

Before he could run, one of his captors had picked up the flashlight and flashed it in the direction of the approaching silhouette. The light shone directly on what was a plainly visible animal phallus. Long, thick, and almost purplish dark, it was festooned with a palpable glans. Elegantly serpentine, it was decorated at its base with a magnificent mane of dark maroon fur, almost glistening in the light with a sheen of sensual silkiness. A line of thick fur could be seen to grow part way from the underside of the fleshy staff. At the end was a slight tuft of hairs like at the end of a bull phallus. The journalist was frozen with mesmerism. How beautiful it was to be naked in the dark of night and struck by this vision of sheer sensuality, this icon of elegant flesh certainly worthy of worship and veneration. The low gravelly voice continued in English. "You like what you see, foreigner. We wondered whether we would see you tonight. " The phantom chortled. "It was not hard to find you by the smell of your water. You humans are always the easiest to prey upon." The naked traveler just swiveled his hips involuntarily in the deep trance that continually heightened all his senses. He was unaware that his own phallus was stirring to life and stiffening out visible to his captors. "My boys," he continued. 'We have found an easy one. The festivities will be especially raucous tonight. Bring the naked one over here and have him take my scent. His kidnappers dragged him over directly in front of the beast on his front and lifted him as if to encourage him to prop himself to gently grasp the superb flesh that hung before him. "Sniff it, foreigner. Know my power from my wand of magic even before it turns hard."

The deep inhalation was a drug more powerful than the journalist had known in his days of experimentation with a number of distillates of opium. His head spun with a whole new hunger and his loins burned with an intensity of lust he had never known with a woman. He inhaled the flesh again and the sensuality of his nakedness now prompted him to grind and hump his lower torso into the ground twice. "Oooooaaahhhh," he moaned. The heated stimulus came over him like a wave of bliss and his delicious spasms of orgasmic missive shot through on the ground all about the beast's feet. The splendid intensity of the hot spasms of his ejaculation were the most intense in his life and he felt energized sexually more than ever before. Next he was encouraged to lick and suck about the lengthening and thickening roll of magic flesh. He clung to the beasts furry legs as he did so and warmed by the silky hairs against his bare upper chest and shoulders. The great serpent heated, thickened, and stiffened into a great black and blue pole. Its raw flavor was of an intense morning dew and a vaguely sweet treat of mother earth. His head spun even more and his loins throbbed with heat anew. He moaned with the delirium and relished the greatest treat of his life. He licked and sucked on the low sack of monster orbs where the juices of evil itself percolated with fierce heat.

The beast snorted his approval as his new supplicant smacked his lips and feasted with wild abandon only to pause every three or four minutes or so to unleash the hot tension that would build in his loins again and again, sending great heated increments of slithering new man seed to gush forth from his desperately stiff and quivering bare organ on to the terrain all about them. The creature growled and snarled in the throes of his own mounting desires. "Yes foreigner! Kiss and suck my awful cock from hell. Better than any man's, it is the supreme desire of all the men who are apostles of our race. You are about to be awarded our greatest prize." The low grizzle in his voice now thickened and strengthened in volume. The naked captors were now stepping about in a weird sinuous dance in unison, thumping in sympathy with the great intensely physical frenzy that played out before them. The beast suddenly let loose a great deafening wail into the night. His hairy head with its large wide black eyes thrown back toward the sky. The enormous tube steak in the hands of the helpless captive flailed about, jettisoning great shots of off white almost burning beast seed into the attending naked man's face, mouth and upper torso. The stench of it filled the night air, but it was an enthralling odor, primal and fecund with a fresh ripeness. The journalist greedily slobbered down as much of the milky nectar as he could, only stimulating his libido even more.

For the first time, the captive noticed that a nearly full moon had risen above the tree line and the landscape of dense intertwined forest blended well with a greatly menacing apparition. This stocky animal, shorter than himself was covered with the silken fur. A great head was ensconced with large human ears except they pointed sharply at the upper ends. The mouth was shaped almost as a snout with pointed teeth more like a dog's. On his red forehead, two knobs on either side suggested emerging devil's horns. Two deep set but very large eyes from a furrowed brow glared down on the improbably naked and vulnerable captive, garnished with the most stinking of obscenely lascivious fluids. It was a frightening but somehow intensely sensual and erotic moment of surrender to the journalist. It was his most enlivening moment and he reveled in his heart and soul to be suddenly posessionless excepting all the highly sensitized body that was released from his mother's womb. He was entirely at the mercy of a monster in an ancient forlorn forest seemingly at the edge of the world, but to the captive it seemed the moment of his greatest good fortune - to be trustingly submissive to a powerful ogre of unknown genesis. The beast suddenly moved his head from side to side and glanced at his attending "boys", still naked. In that gravelly low pitched voice, "see that the foreigner is laid out that he can be taken like a woman."

It was the culminating moment of truth for the journalist. All the perfidious acts of lewdness and unparalleled subjugation to the most decadent pleasures of the flesh led to an apparent unspeakable act of bestiality. Yet sensations emerged in the depraved naked man's seated orifice he had never experienced as he was shifted about so that his rump was raised from a position of resting on his knees. He shifted his hips in yearning that his vacancy would be filled and stretched to be skewered alive by a monster's massive roll of heated male urge. For all the peril to his physical well being, the captive still languished in a haze of libidinal desires. The beast stepped menacingly from in front to around and behind his captive. The naked man waited for the momentous impact to his tiny anus, but instead felt a very wet and greasy slobber to the muscled ring of his intensely personal opening. The muscle expanded involuntarily in delight to the caress to such a sensitive exposure. His mind flashed back to one particularly raucous event of love play with his young wife with whom he wanted to experiment with these acts of intense intimacy, but her mood changed instantly as she recoiled in horror. He turned to see the beast protrude a long thin tongue with a forked end and notice it in persistence insinuate through the barrier with its sensual slime and grease into the captive's delighted rectum. He swooned with new feelings of exalted lust. The vivacious feelings of liveliness instilled a new confidence in him to be the lover of the beast and succeed in satisfying all his beastly urges despite whatever physical assaults that might entail.

He barely noticed the withdrawal of the tongue and rise of the creature to bend and cling to him about his lower ribs and step up behind him to mount him like some female four legged animal. The "boys" about him, still ever-naked themselves, held him down as the semi-animal from hell pointed his great phallus at the appointed spot and impaled the vulnerable naked man with great force. The victim gasped with the flash of instant pain. It was as if his insides extending into his vulnerable belly were being torn asunder in a single thrust of great violence. For all the pain and bodily shock it was as if his mind was shifting into a domain of profound peace. Every muscle was tensed in reaction to great injury to his person, but somehow he felt himself beautiful to be selected by this horrible glutton for sadistic pleasure. He thought that he could die then a passing of sensual and subservient majesty. As the revolting creature viciously stroked his mammoth battering ram of rigid flesh into the victim's mightily wounded cavity, he was consoled and actually gratified by the disgusting snarling spewed by his assailant who reveled to the friction of the small human rectum against his excited appendage. The minutes went by like hours, and the victim transfixed in his assault became convinced that he was trapped in a hell where a beast would love him physically for eternity.

The attendant "boys" turned him over and made sure that his legs were shifted up and back so that his rump would be facing up, allowing for even greater penetration. The eyes of the semi-animal were turned red as it bent over with his grizzly mouth to kiss his victim on the lips, all the while retaining the pace of stroking invasion. The journalist in helpless assault astonished himself even in trance to open his mouth and move his tongue to meet the greasy slender forked tongue of his assailant. He was further transfixed by the elegant eroticism of the silky fur on the beast's abdomen rubbing against his almost desperately excited man parts in all the physical frenzy. The tension of pleasure climaxed and he squirted out his last measure of festered jism that night on to both himself and the beast. The incubus felt the effect of the climax on the man's injured but still functional internals and the snug grip of a velvety moist grasp on his flesh. He thrust his hips with rapidity and howled into the moonlight. His own sex let loose with an explosion and great profusion of heated effluence pumped up and out by virile loins. It was a soothing splash for a victim who now grasped and clung to his assailant in a gesture of hellish love. The mess of fluids swirled about in an intimate coupling and flowed freely from the victim's stretched opening while still penetrated.

As the great beast withdrew his softening pole and disentangled himself from the victim, he spoke softly in grizzled tones. "Foreigner loves his master, now." He stomped off as if disappearing onto thin air. While, still trying to recover his wits lying on the ground, two of the attendants were covering themselves with their cowls while the third gathered up the naked journalist's clothes to help him dress. Now dressed, the very sore injured journalist could never have arrived back at the inn had the attendants not escorted and aided him so. Opening with his key to a back entrance, he felt the cozy warmth welcome his senses and one of the three attendants call out to him in accented German, "listen to the dreams."

The journalist slept fitfully the remainder of the night and most of the next day. He drank all the bottles of hospitable warm beer the innkeeper had provided. He used all the handkerchiefs he had packed to clean away the mix of blood and other fluids that oozed from his anal passage. Every time he awoke, he was amazed at how much the soreness about there had diminished. He dreamed many eerie and yet shadowy beautiful landscapes. In strange locations of great mist the beast would come to him. "You will come back to me, foreigner. You love your master now and must obey me to serve my needs and urges." He spoke much else, beside.

The journalist set off from the inn once more and later into the night. It was not until nearly midnight so the moon had risen completely over hills and mountains and he did not need the aid of the flashlight to his appointed destination as instructed in the dream of his sleep. He was already in a trance like daze and the fact that he only wore his outer cape over complete nudity except his house slippers did not cause him a chill in the night air. He strolled slowly unobstructed, his face aglow with a sense of profane love. He loved the beast and hence was a disciple to all the incubuses and by extension the prince of darkness and all that permeated his realm. It was more than a Faustian bargain, it was a love affair and discipleship that would last into eternity. He and all his male descendants would be devoted disciples to unbridled profanity henceforth. The incubus growled approvingly as his supplicant arrived and approached into the woods. The attendant "boys" watched nearby naked and aroused, but silent in the arrival of the hypnotized one. He removed his cape to expose his own nudity and arousal before lowering himself on the moist cold ground to prostrate himself before the master he loved with unwavering devotion and obedience. be continued

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Taboo High Runners Ass

Brady closed the door to his hotel room and let out a sigh of relief. It had been a long five hours in the school van. Brady was in his first year out of college and working as a biology teacher and cross country coach. This year he was lucky enough to have two incredible female runners on his team that made it to the state meet. The meet was being held two hundred and fifty miles away and with only two students qualifying, he drove them himself in the school van.The trip over had been anything...

3 years ago
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Taboo Carlas Story Part One

Bianca and Carla were not only sisters but best friends and had always gone on nights out together. The more academic of the pair, Carla was at college while Bianca worked in a local bar. They both believed in working hard - but playing even harder, which they did as often as possible. They had contrasting appearances, Bianca being dark and Carla fair, but they each had a gorgeous thick mane of hair flowing down to neat waists, framing their petite, pert bodies. Early one Saturday evening, they...

2 years ago
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Taboo Eve in the bedroom

As Eve led Lee into her bedroom she knew there was to be no coming back now. She turned around and faced him pushing him slowly onto her bed.Lee fell back onto the bed with his feet still on the floor with his huge erection pointing to the sky. Eve knew this was what she was wanting desperately. She fell to her knees in front of Lee and started to lick his shaft. This made the young lad shiver with excitement. Slowly licking up and down his cock. This lasted for what seemed an eternity then Lee...

2 years ago
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******VERY TABOO*******Matt was just fifteen the first time he fucked his younger sister. It started as he walked by his mom and dad's room and the door was ajar and he watched them fucking. His dad was licking his mom's cunt as he twisted on her nipples then the dad pushed his cock deep in mom's fuck hole and fucked her hard as she moaned and said harder. Matt's cock was rock hard and he went into his sister's room and pulled the covers back and pulled her gown up and her panties off and he...

4 years ago
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Taboo confessions

Now I changed the names just in case but this is true and just in case those involved figure out I'm telling the swinging swapping asslicking anal pussy lesbian gay chubby BBW perverted taboo secret world... Everything I really know... It's a kinky world out thereA few years back when I was still just a boyfriend to my now wife I had discovered that her parents were swingers because although the were very kinky they were older and not computer savvy. And a few searches and BOOM I hit a payload...

3 years ago
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Taboo Orgy Part 11

Taboo Orgy Part 11.This is part two of a two part story.“Ok then Ann, if you want to fuck your brains out then who am I to say no,” Rick said with a smile.When he opened the door he saw two men rubbing the front of their pants, two men smiling while having a smoke and two men trying to look through the shaded window. And all of them are big muscled and black.When Darren told Rick about their orgy and that he wanted to see Ann get gangbanged by a group of workers, Rick was shocked and thought...

3 years ago
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Taboo Orgy Part 10

Taboo Orgy Part 10.This is a two part story for it’s so long.Sorry friends for taking so long in letting you all know what Darren has in store for Ann but here it is and I hope you enjoy it.Cheers. Two weeks after the orgy Darren and his wife Ann were still talking about it. Ann would get horny thinking about all the things she did and had done to her. The biggest thing that turned her on the most was when she fucked her son Kevin. The second was watching her husband Darren fuck her daughter...

3 years ago
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taboofirst sexual experiences for a virgin

Taboo sex education, summer vacation,i****t is BestMy first sexual experiences were not what 'society as we know it' would call Normal.but then again, i dont think i ever considered myself to be "normal" It was to be my first summer vacation away from home... thats how it all started. an inocent 6 week summer vacation staying at my aunts house. my cousin jimmy was 1 yr older than me, Brian, was 3 yrs older. and we were best friends... there sisters... kim and pam were 1 yr younger and 4 yrs...

4 years ago
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Taboo Orgy Part 9

Taboo Orgy Part 9.Cathy had all eyes on her as she sipped on her drink. She could feel every part of her body tingle and she wanted more sex in any shape or form. She was amazed that she was doing all of this in front of her mum and dad and she loved them for letting her be a part of this orgy. Never in her wildest dreams would she have imagined being in an orgy could have so many possibilities for her to try out. As she sipped her drink and saw the state of all the others in the room her mind...

3 years ago
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Taboo Orgy 7

Taboo Orgy 7Darren looked at Trevor and said, “Trev, if you fucking tell anyone in the office, I’ll sack you on the spot and make your life a living hell.”Trevor just smiled and told him to chill out. “ As if I would tell anyone about what happens here tonight and who the fuck on this world would believe me anyway.”Kevin could not believe that these two best of mates were going to fuck each other on a promise his mum had made to his dad.Ann was sucking Tanya’s clit and heard the boys talking...

3 years ago
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Taboo Orgy 6

Taboo Orgy 6.While everyone in the lounge room was fucking each other Kevin was watching Tanya their house maid fucking herself? He was going to have his way with her but wanted to watch her masturbate to an orgasm first. She was spread out on the tiled floor with her eyes closed and her hand stabbing into her cunt with force. She had hold of one tit and was lifting her hips up and down as her climax was building and Kevin moved in closer to her.Her other large breast was swaying in time to the...

4 years ago
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Taboo Orgy 5

Taboo Orgy 5The smell of sex was very noticeable and so were all the noises coming from the women.Karen first looked at Jenny who was on the floor pumping her hips up into Ann’s hands and was shocked and amazed at what they were doing that her own cunt started to respond.She had one hand to the side of her opened mouthed face and had the other pressing against her cunt for fear that she may have wet herself through her dress and someone might see. Her eyes then turned to Kevin who looked...

2 years ago
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Taboo Orgy Part 3

Taboo Orgy Part 3Thanks for the response to the first two stories and I hope you like this as well.CheersRoyby.Ann knew that look on Jen’s face meant that she was ready to join in their sick behavior and said, ‘well now that you’re here why don’t you shut the fuck up and get your gear off while I get back to getting my rocks off.Jenny told her that she was going to have a pee first and come back ready for the fucking of her life. Ann told her to take her jeans off right now and piss in her...

1 year ago
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Taboo Part VI The Journey Begins

Panting and slowly coming down from an earth shattering climax, she was a quivering mass of jello; every muscle exhausted. Her entire body shook sporadically as if electrical currents were zapping her from the tips of her toes all the way up her spine to the base of her neck. Her mind was mush from cumming so hard, and so many times this afternoon; more than she could ever remember, fathom, or like to admit to herself. Sex at home with her husband was for a lack of a better term, severely...

2 years ago
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Taboo sex with widow aunty1

Taboo sex with aunty-1This story happened when I was 18 when my parents moved to US for work, I ended up living with Sharmila Aunty who was my mom’s younger sister. Her husband had died a few years ago with no k**s . Sharmila aunty was all alone and she needed company. Of course, I had the normal teen fantasies about her but never really acted on them, I had a new friend Arun who lived downstairs in our apartment complex with his Dad Rajesh, also a widower. His Dad, Rajesh, had a reputation for...

4 years ago
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Taboo Bisex

I awoke with a start, gazing at the unfamiliar ceiling above me, wondering where I was. Suddenly it dawned on me. I was at my brother's house, in his bed...with his wife..and with him on her left-hand side.We were all naked. I had my hand on her pert little breast, while unbelievably, he still had his fingers up her fat pussy. I grinned to myself at the memory of the debauchery we had gone through last night. So what happened? Alright, let's go back to two weeks ago, and how it all started...

2 years ago
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Taboo sex with aunty2

Taboo sex with aunty-2If you already read the first chapter you know that my Sharmila Aunty, and I have already had sex in the kitchen. After that day, outwardly, things looked the same between us but at least 3 nights a week we would spend the night in her bed fucking like rabbits and finding new ways to love each other. She taught me a lot and I was an eager student. Sharmila Aunty seemed happier than ever with more energy and always a smile on her face. After about a month and after a...

1 year ago
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Taboo sex with aunty3

Taboo sex with aunty-3After Sharmila aunty got a taste of two cocks at once she couldn't wait to add a third. Rajesh was excited to see his son fuck my aunt too. We decided the following weekend would be the best time to plan some fun. Sharmila aunty and I continued to have sex during the week but neither of us could wait for the weekend to get here. We invited Rajesh and his son Arun over for dinner and all of knew what would be for dessert except for Arun. The night finally came and Sharmila...

3 years ago
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Taboo sex with aunty4

Taboo sex with aunty-4The night after Sharmila aunty fucked Arun, his Dad and me, I was talking to Arun about me and him having some fun with my aunt together. Since the following Friday was a Holiday and Sharmila aunty would have the day off we decided to make a plan for Thursday night. When my aunt got home that night I had dinner in the oven, whiskey ready and I had just rolled a joint. Arun had put some music on and Sharmila aunty was very surprised when she saw all that had been done. She...

3 years ago
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Taboo Ice

A few days after Peggy broke the taboo ice by fucking her new stepson, she was anxious to share the event with Wanda, her college girlfriend. Wanda was the one person she could tell anything to and would not get any condemnation from. In fact, it was quite the opposite. She and Wanda had an unspoken competition between them. Each wanted to outdo the other with the dirtiest stories and nastiest desires. There was always a hazy line between what was real and what was fiction between these two....

2 years ago
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How many times you had the fantasies about girl you can’t have? Your dirty mind would draw pictures of you two in different places having wild sex. Well, I’ll tell you my story. I am an average guy. Some girls think I’m hot, some are not. I don’t think so, but it’s not the point. One my friend has a roommate. She is hot. I don’t think any guy can say “no” if she would ask for sex. And I remember I gave promise to my friend that I will never think about sex with her. But isn’t taboo thoughts...

1 year ago
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Taboo TwinsChapter 2

Morgan D’ Pokeworthy was released from the stocks with a new outlook on life and the expanded expressions of sensuality in anal matters when engaging in carnal activities. She was never one to engage in such tomfoolery in her past experiences and had actually not had many male visitors to her “prima donna” pussy. After a large number of the male residents of the area had personally done their level best to teach her the proper behavior for a God-fearing young female, she was forced walk a...

4 years ago
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Taboo Futa WishChapter 3 Deidrersquos Naughty Spanking

My dick softened as my mom stared at me in absolute fury, spunk dripping from her face. It was my girl-spunk, fired from my new futa-cock. I trembled on the couch, my little sister half-lying on the ground and half-hanging by the wrist from our mom’s grip. Only moments ago, I had been fucking Keily’s asshole beneath our mom’s very noses as we watched a movie, hidden by a blanket. It was Friday night. Movie night. And I had turned it into something else. Something taboo and lusty. My...

3 years ago
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Taboo Part VI The Journey Begins

Panting and slowly coming down from an earth shattering climax, she was a quivering mass of jello, every muscle exhausted. Her entire body shook sporadically as if electrical currents were zapping her from the tips of her toes all the way up her spine to the base of her neck. Her mind was mush from cumming so hard, and so many times this afternoon, more than she could ever remember, fathom, or like to admit to herself. Sex at home with her husband was for a lack of a better term, severely...

3 years ago
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"Yo, Chad! Who are we doing for our next episode, bro?""Okay, so, we're doing Jessie next, then the lesbian scene afterwards. Come on, dude, you know the script! We went through it about 500 times!" I said."Okay, relax, when is she getting here anyway?"The door opened. I saw her. I couldn't believe it. It was like a part of my past had came back to me."Sierra?""Chad?" My name is "Sweet" Chad Jones. I'm a director/writer in the adult entertainment business. I used to be a porn...

4 years ago
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Taboo American Style Pt1 of 3

. A little later, my head started getting a little fuzzy, and I excused myself to go lie down on the couch. I flicked on the TV and quickly fell asleep. When I woke up the house was dark. I stubbed my toe and cursed, regretting letting myself falling asleep. I was supposed to go over to my girlfriend’s house after dinner for some fooling around. “That ship has sailed”. I thought, “might as well find somewhere more comfortable to sleep than this couch.” On my way to the basement (which I...

4 years ago
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Taboo Pt 1

Introduction: This is my first attempt. While I am male, I wrote this from the perspective of the female. Let me know what you think and if youd be interested in reading more. One night I woke up at 2 AM to get a glass of water. My parents were out of town and they had left me and my twin brother Billy alone in the house for the week. It was the first time our parents had ever left us alone for an extended period of time and it was exciting. This was the first night they were gone and the house...

4 years ago
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Taboo High The Virgin Part 2

“Are you ready for what’s next, Buttercup?” Brady asked.“Yes,” replied Jennifer.Brady replied, “Now I need you to listen to me carefully. My bedroom is right over there,” he said pointing the way. Through it is my bathroom. Please go in and clean yourself up. You will find everything you need in the linen closet. Once you are ready, take off the rest of your clothes, fold them and put them on the dresser. You will then need to strip my bed down to the fitted sheet, folding the comforter,...

3 years ago
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Taboo High The Virgin Part 1

Brady opened a beer and sat down on his couch ready to watch the game. With the state cross country finals completed last week, he finally had a day to himself to relax and watch some sports. As a first-year biology teacher and cross-country coach, it seemed like every waking minute for the last two and a half months had been occupied with work.Just as he turned on the TV there was a knock at his door. Crap, he thought. Who would that be? When he answered the door, he was surprised to see...

First Time
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Aunt and her friend The next time I would have the opportunity to have sex with my uncle's wife was on a cruise to Finland. She called and asked if I could come home from work, and added that we would be more. -What more, I wondered. - It is a friend of mine who offers a birthday trip, she explains and tells that she and her friend share all interests. -Is it OK for you, I will send a train ticket and we will of course cover all expenses. - Everything you need to contribute costs nothing, if...

1 year ago
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Taboo Carlas Story Part Two

Carla didn’t know what to make of Bianca’s proposition. Her mind was fuddled with booze and her orgasm seemed to have wiped her mind completely. Dillon, for his part, lay there, his face full of expectancy.Carla glanced at the bedside clock. Half past seven. They usually went out at eight and, in the midst of her uncertainty and embarrassment, she suddenly saw this as a get-out clause.‘We should really start to get dressed to go out shouldn't we?’ Her excuse sounded lame, even to her ears.‘We...

First Time
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Taboo subjects that this girl has done

There are laws, rules and morality in place to let a girl know and how to behave. The laws and rulings are laid down by men, and regardless of the restraints imposed, it's about control, control of the female body, and her reproductive organs, her pleasure zones and thus, theirs.The Dutch religious sect that made a teenage daughter's first bleed, a bath by her mother, and sent to her father's bed, for her first sexual experience, was that bad in the eyes of whoever it was meant to offend, tell...

3 years ago
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Taboo Eve and the Bathroom Experience

Eve could not get the photo session out of her head, despite it being a number of weeks since it had happened. She also had not deleted the photo she had been sent.It was not unusual for Eve and Lee to be in the bathroom at the same time, in various stages of undress. Today was different though as she knew she had to see Lee naked again whatever it took. She knew Lee was planning on going for a bath, as he always did after sports, and enjoyed a long soak. She hatched a plan in her head and only...

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Taboo Eve and the Photo session

Eve had been sleeping with Chris on and off for a number of years. Chris was a young lad from work. She had been flirting with him all morning at work and was so turned on by the time she finished her shift at 2 O clock. She headed home straight from work, and as Lee was not due in until 3.30 she though perfect time to relieve her stress before he came home. When Eve got home she kicked off her shoes and went straight upstairs to her bedroom with full intentions of grabbing her rabbit vibrator...

4 years ago
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Taboo Eve wants more

Now Eve knew she had the attention of Lee she wanted more, but wasn't sure what she actually wanted. She knew she loved posing for Lee and knew it turned her on so much. As the holiday was nearing she decided to go shopping for a couple of new bikinis, and thought this would be a great opportunity to flash some more skin at Lee. She asked if he would come shopping with her, which he really did not want to until she told him she needed new bikinis. This changed his mind instantly and was more...

3 years ago
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Taboo Eve a mothers awakening

Eve had been noticing her panties had been going missing out of the laundry then returning a few days later with obvious signs of cum in them. At first she thought nothing of it and assumed it was her husband, as he had done this many times before. It was only when her husband was away with work for a week and it continued to happen she realised the only person it could be was her son Lee. At first she was shocked then realised she had become extremely wet between the legs. She knew it was...

2 years ago
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Taboo Eve a mothers awakening

Eve had been noticing her panties had been going missing out of the laundry then returning a few days later with obvious signs of cum in them. At first she thought nothing of it and assumed it was her husband, as he had done this many times before. It was only when her husband was away with work for a week and it continued to happen she realised the only person it could be was her son Lee. At first she was shocked then realised she had become extremely wet between the legs. She knew it was...

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Taboo Sister Rivalry

My younger sister Angie and I rarely got along growing up. She and my little brother were always much closer. When my brother moved to his dad’s house, it got even worse, and I think she blamed me for it. But when I was 19 and she was 18, things changed. My mom remarried, and along with her scum bag husband, came our new stepsister Shayla, also late teens, and she could not have been less like my sister. Angie was athletic and outdoorsy, and Shayla into trendy clothes and malls. Shayla was...

2 years ago
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Taboo Threesome with Mature Bro Sis

I woke up in my friend's guest's bed needing to piss.Her, my friend from way back when, had put me up in her guest bedroom. In her house.While on a mini-vacation visit to my friend(let's call her "Hips")Hip's hometown! Hip's was elated to have me visit with her! More so, because it would give me the chance to meet her brother-we'll call him "BOLD"! Whom she had always wanted the two of us to meet! But, not for the reasons I had thought! Her brother was a weed smoker and sci-fi nut. Like myself....

3 years ago
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Taboo Road Trip

Word came around that my grandfather wasn’t doing real well and I also caught wind that my cousin was going to drive out to visit him. Now this particular cousin I’ve had a crush on for as long as I can remember but being four years younger he never looked at me that way which is understandable. But now in my young twenties and he in his mid I figured if nothing else now he’d stop calling me little Cuz. It’s been about five years since we were in the same room as each other but photos back and...

2 years ago
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Taboo Mom in law

This story started way back before i got married. I always fantasized about my mom in law and i always had this weird feeling that she was into me. She would always love me complimenting her in front of her husband and my gf at that time.I remember she once told me to tie the laces from her clothes on her neck once. For some stupid reason she said she was not being able to do it. I did and she looked at me in such a way to say thank you that it got me hard. Few other incidents i remember, she...

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