Becoming Patty
- 2 years ago
- 28
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Over the river and through the woods, to Grandmother’s house we go.
It’s going to be a long few days.
I thought my ordeal was over when Patty went away to college, and in a way, it was. She only came home for holidays, and they were always busy, so I could usually find ways to put distance between us. It wasn’t that we had a bad relationship. Quite the opposite, in fact. Though she was two years older, she had always tried to include me in whatever she was doing when we were younger. We rarely fought, and even as we got older, she often found time to spend with me.
It would have all been perfect except for one little problem. Somewhere along the line, between how nice she was to me, the way she dressed and acted around me, and my less than stellar social life, I’d developed decidedly un-brotherly feelings for my strawberry-blonde sister.
It had always been there, but one night was the tipping point that pushed me past all my rationalizations and reservations. Not long before she went off to college, I came home to find her crying in her room. I went in to check on her, and before I knew it, she had her arms wrapped around me. Holding her that night as she sobbed and told me about her boyfriend cheating on her was the last straw of my denial. I had to admit my feelings for her – at least to myself.
And with those softer emotions came desire.
I stared into my laptop, blinking through folders without any real thought. All I was really trying to do was distract myself from how incredible Patty’s tits looked in the tight fitted sweater she was wearing, and the way errant bangs always wanted to hang over her gorgeous face.
“Nick, are you even paying attention?”
The sound of my mother’s voice snapped me out of my contemplation. “Huh?”
She rolled her eyes and let out an exasperated sigh. “I said, we’re almost there. I don’t want you sitting with your face stuck in that laptop the whole time. Christmas is about family, and you’re going to leave that thing in the hotel room.”
“Give him a break, Mom. Geesh.”
“The same goes for you, Patricia.”
“Okay. Okay,” Patty responded and dramatically rolled her eyes.
As if her voice wasn’t enough to give me chills, as soon as Mom turned around, Patty reached over and tapped me on the leg. When I looked in her direction, she turned her iPhone toward me, showing that she had Facebook open. Mom had never looked at our phones, so she had no idea that they could do almost anything that our laptops could.
Patty grinned, her smile making me feel as if I was melting in the seat, and then gave me a wink before looking back down at her phone.
A few minutes later, we pulled into the hotel. Christmas falling on the weekend had encouraged the family to plan a four day extravaganza. Since the planning had started on Christmas the previous year, family members from far and wide had made the necessary arrangements. With no way for Grandma’s house to accommodate us all, only one of my uncles was actually staying at the house, while everyone else took hotel rooms for the long weekend.
When we walked into the lobby, Patty wandered off toward the gift shop while Mom and Dad took care of things at the front desk. It was a nice place – far better than the hotels we’d stayed in over the years on family vacations. Dad had earned a promotion to upper management a couple of years before, and we were reaping the benefits.
The whole place was decorated with clear Christmas lights and wreathes, with a tree that had to be ten feet tall as the centerpiece. The decorations were all modern reproductions of antique styles, and I walked over to check them out while waiting on my parents.
Patty came walking up to me at about the same time as I noticed Dad raising his voice, and Mom putting her hands on her hips in what I knew was her I’m not going to stand for this pose.
She asked, “What’s going on?”
I shrugged. “Don’t know. Looks like they’re pissed.”
“Let’s go find out.”
I followed, noticing that she was carrying a bag from the gift shop. I couldn’t make out most of the things, but I could see that she’d bought a large candy cane because the top of it was sticking out of the bag. Actually, it was one of those thick peppermint rods, and didn’t have a crook like a candy cane despite the stripes. It was hardly surprising, because she was almost addicted to peppermint.
Without the slightest conscious direction, my eyes drifted to the right, to Patty’s heart-shaped butt. The tight jeans she was wearing showed off every curve, and it was all I could do to tear my eyes away before she noticed.
“This is ridiculous. I confirmed these reservations again before we left this morning,” I heard Dad grumbling as we approached.
“I’m sorry, Sir. I’m not sure what happened. What we do have available is an upgrade to what you reserved, and there will be no additional charge.”
“That’s fine, but we were supposed to have three rooms, and those two aren’t even on the same floor,” he grumbled.
“I don’t mind sharing a room with Nick, Dad,” Patty piped up.
Dad turned around as my brain locked up in panic. He shrugged and said, “It’s not as if we have much choice.” He turned back to the counter and said, “We’ll take them.”
Patty took our keycard almost as soon as it landed on the counter. Not that my brain was functioning well enough to grab it if I had wanted to, I was looking at the prospect of hiding how I felt about my sister in close proximity for four days, and the thought made my stomach lurch.
“Don’t dally. Put your things in your room, and then meet us right back down here,” Mom warned, “We’re leaving in fifteen minutes. Everyone’s expecting us.”
“Okay, Mom,” we said in near perfect unison.
“C’mon, Nick. We’re on the fifth floor,” Patty said as she grabbed my shirt sleeve and tugged.
I was lost in thought, trying to figure out ways to avoid giving away my dirty secret, and followed her on autopilot into the elevator. The doors closed and we started heading up.
“Want one?”
I looked over to see her holding out a starlight mint. “Nah.”
“Suit yourself,” she said as she unwrapped it. She let out a moan and shivered as soon as she popped it in her mouth.
Holy fuck! My inner voice screamed at me. Did she have any idea how that sounded? How it looked? It was like she was purposely trying to drive me crazy.
The doors opened, and she led the way to our room. She sat down one of her bags, swiped the card, and opened the door.
“Score. Jacuzzi.”
She grabbed her bag again and I saw the tub sitting in the corner on a section of raised tile. It was plainly in view from anywhere in the room except inside the bathroom. If she planned to use it...
Patty walked over to the nearest bed, which was closest to the tub, and dropped her bags on it. She put the bag from the gift shop on the nightstand while I crossed the room and put my stuff down on the other bed. She opened the door on a small fridge.
“Mini bar. Too bad Dad would kill us, huh?”
I shrugged and didn’t say anything.
“You’re such a drag sometimes, baby brother. This room is great. C’mon, we better head back downstairs before Mom sends out a search party.”
At least for a little while, that would give me a buffer between me and my fears, so I didn’t waste any time in heading for the door.
I was pretty worn out by the time we got back to the hotel. I had stuffed myself on cheese, chips, and snack mix all day in between riding quads and snowball fights. I was ready for bed, knowing that Mom would have us up early the next morning for Christmas Eve.
Barely in the door, I said, “I’m going to get in the shower.”
“Okay,” Patty responded as she walked over to her bags on the bed.
I grabbed clean clothes and hit the shower, feeling a lot better – and even a little more awake – when I got out. If I’d been in my own room as planned, I would have just put on a pair of boxers and goofed around on the internet. As it was, I figured I’d probably end up sleeping fully dressed.
I froze in my tracks as soon as I opened the bathroom door. Patty was sitting in the jacuzzi, an inch or so of cleavage above the roiling surface.
“Sis,” I exclaimed, disturbed by just how much effort it required to turn away toward the door, “What are you doing?”
“Mmm... Relaxing in a jacuzzi. Bring me a towel, so I don’t drip on the floor. I still need to wash my hair.”
Heart racing, I walked back into the bathroom and grabbed a towel. I faced the door to the room when I walked back out, holding the towel at arm’s length.
“What are you doing, you goof?”
I heard water running down her body as she stood up, and felt a surge of blood between my legs. She grabbed not only the towel, but my hand as well. It spun me toward her just enough to see that she was wearing a bikini.
“It’s not like I’m naked. Geesh.”
She may as well have been. The feeling that washed over me was equal parts disappointment and relief. The bottom barely covered anything, and the strapless top strained to keep her tits inside. Soaking wet as it was, I could see a faint outline of her nipples.
I let out a laugh that I hoped didn’t sound as nervous as I thought it did.
“I was just messing with you,” I said as I walked toward my bed, turning my back to her.
“Yeah, right.”
I could hear her climb out of the tub and then the sound of the towel as she dried off. I made a point of not looking at her, but I could still see her caressing her body with the towel in my mind’s eye. Finally, she walked into the bathroom.
I turned around to see that one of her suitcases was open, with several pairs of panties and bras on the lid. Like a moth to a flame, I slid off my bed and toward hers.
The undergarments were more or less plain – functional – and not all that racy. The panties varied in color, though the bras were mostly in white or skin tones, with only a pink one for variety. It wasn’t the way they looked, but rather the thought that they had been next to my sister’s skin that attracted me. I picked up the pink one, the frilliest of the bunch.
The tag said 34C, which sort of surprised me. I thought they looked bigger than that. I ran my fingers over the outside of the cup, then picked up another. It was heavier, and the cups seemed more padded, but the tag said it was the same size.
“Hey, Nick.”
I dropped the bra and stepped backward so quickly that I nearly fell on my bed when she opened the door and called to me. I cringed when my voice cracked a little as I answered, “What?”
“I’m such a dumbass. I forgot to grab my clothes. Everything is folded up in those white shorts on the bed. Bring them to me?”
“Yeah, sure.”
I picked up the bundle and carried it over to the bathroom door, where Patty was peeking out a crack in the door. She opened it just a little wider when I reached her and stuck out a hand. “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome.”
As she pulled the clothes through the narrow opening, the door slipped just a little wider. It probably wasn’t even an inch, but it was enough. The bathroom had a huge mirror on the wall over the sink, and my eyes homed in on the reflection of my sister’s naked ass.
In one glorious second, I drank in the sight and burned it into my memory forever. It was everything I’d imagined, seeing her in tight clothes and shorts over the years. A perfect heart, leading down to gorgeous legs, the skin smooth and unblemished. No artist could have painted a picture more beautiful.
The door closed and I shut my eyes, still seeing her. I was rock hard, and it had happened so fast that I was surprised not to have heard a cartoon boing. It’s a good thing she didn’t decide to open the door again for some reason, because I stood there until the sound of the shower coming on snapped me out of my daydream.
I had to give my dick a squeeze as I stepped back from the door. It was throbbing like mad. I almost grabbed a handful of tissue and jerked off right then and there. There was just enough fear of her coming out and catching me to make me sit down on the bed and grab my phone instead. I needed a serious distraction before she came out and saw her brother with a raging hardon.
Angry Birds for the win.
That worked right up until she walked out of the bathroom. Damn. I knew the bundle of clothes hadn’t been very thick, but it didn’t prepare me for seeing her.
The white shorts showed off long expanses of bare leg. Above that, a loose pink top left her belly button bare. Only a blind man couldn’t have noticed that she wasn’t wearing a bra, with her nipples tenting the cloth the way they were. The neckline dipped low enough to show off almost as much cleavage as her bikini had, and the spaghetti straps didn’t really cover anything. Her hair was damp, and looked just a little more red than usual.
I took it all in with the briefest of glances, and got one of those brilliant smiles as a bonus. She cleared her suitcases off the bed, bending over a couple of times, and I could almost superimpose the memory of her naked butt in place of the shorts. I was clicking through some website on my phone, but I don’t think I even knew what it was at the time, let alone now.
Patty plugged in her phone and an alarm clock, giving me another thrilling show in my peripheral vision as she stretched.
“I’m going to bed. I can probably sleep with the light on, if you’re staying up.”
Already sitting with one knee bent to hide my erection, I welcomed the darkness that would hide it. The burst of energy that had hit me when I took a shower had worn off as well. I turned my phone off and grabbed my charger. “Nah. I’m tired.”
“Okay.” She went over and turned off the overhead light, leaving only a lamp on near the bed. Once she was in bed, she reached for the lamp and said, “Night.”
The lamp went out, and I finally felt safe enough to take my shirt off before I pulled the covers over me.
I fell asleep, right enough, but it didn’t last long. I had some sort of weird dream that I couldn’t remember when I woke up, and the strangeness of the room was enough to snap me almost fully awake. I was facing the other bed with the crook of my arm resting on my forehead. When I opened my eyes, I could see the other bed bathed in the red glow of the alarm clock display. It wasn’t all that bright, but it was more than enough in the pitch black room.
I could see Patty with her eyes closed. The comforter was pulled down to about her belly button. Her hand slipped out from beneath the covers, and to my amazement, she squeezed her tit and took a deep breath. Then, a flash of movement caught my eye, and I could see the comforter shifting.
It was right between her legs.
She squeezed her other breast, and then stroked her fingers over both of them, drawing circles over her nipple. The comforter moved a little faster, and I knew without a doubt that my sister was playing with herself not four feet away.
Remaining perfectly still, I prayed that the shadows and my arm in front of my face would keep her from noticing that my eyes were open.
She traced her nipples with a fingertip a couple more times, and then gave one a pinch. Her back arched, and she sucked in a deep breath. Her hand slipped under her shirt, and after a few caresses, she pulled the cloth up, freeing her tits.
Hard as a steel bar, I watched her teasing her bare breasts for a couple of minutes. She stopped, and I thought the show was over. I couldn’t have been more wrong.
Patty slid both hands beneath the covers and lifted her butt. She was pulling down her shorts, and probably her panties. A second later her mouth drifted open, and the covers moved faster. In the silence, I could hear the soft sound of her fingers sliding over her pussy lips.
She started to writhe on the bed a little, and the covers slipped tantalizingly lower. Suppressed whimpers bubbled from her lips, and I wanted desperately to wrap my hand around my cock. It felt as if it was going to burst straight through my pants. I knew that to move a muscle was to end the wondrous vision across from me, though.
A gasp escaped her – the loudest sound she’d made so far. She kicked off the covers, confirming that she had pulled her shorts down. I couldn’t really see her pussy, but I could definitely see her hand between her legs, moving back and forth at a rapid pace.
After a blissful minute or so, she stopped, and her head turned toward me. I held my breath for a second, afraid of even that much movement, and then forced myself to breathe slowly, pretending to be asleep. She reached up onto the nightstand and grabbed her candy cane.
She peeled the wrapping off, seemingly unconcerned with the sound it made. My heart beat loud and fast in my ears as she rolled onto her back again and spread her legs.
Before my amazed eyes, my sexy sister filled her pussy full of peppermint.
She pumped it in and out at a rapid pace, the fingers of her other hand above, rubbing her clit. She squirmed on the bed, her breathing loud and fast, broken by gasps and pants. Those sounds grew steadily closer together until she whimpered, her back arching up from the covers and her hands freezing in place.
She rubbed her clit a few more times, once her back settled on the mattress, gasping each time, and then went limp with a soft moan. My naked sister lay with her legs spread wide, quivering as the aftershocks of her orgasm played out.
Eventually, she put the candy cane on the nightstand again, and snuggled up in the covers. I don’t know how long it was – it felt like an eternity – but I waited until I thought she was asleep and then slipped out of bed. I tiptoed to the bathroom, where I furiously jerked off into the toilet, replaying the mental movie of what I’d just seen.
I made it back to the bed on weak knees, and fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow.
I have no idea how I made casual conversation when the alarm went off the next morning. I couldn’t even look at her without seeing her naked, jamming a candy cane into her pussy and coming. Fear of discovery was probably the only thing that got me through it. When she went to the bathroom right before we left to go meet our parents, I looked over at the candy cane to see that the red stripes were almost completely gone for over half its length.
I couldn’t get it out of my mind all day. I made the excuse that I hadn’t slept very well, and everyone seemed to accept it as I tried to get through Christmas Eve festivities. My cousins appropriated Patty for a lot of the day for girl things, so that helped a little. Still, every time I did see her, I was popping wood.
We made it back to the room that evening with an admonition from my mother not to stay up so late.
Once inside, Patty said, “You can have the shower first again. I’m not wasting the jacuzzi, so don’t freak out.” She laughed, and stepped into the bathroom to grab her bikini from where she’d hung it to dry on a towel rack.
I was rock hard through the whole shower. The temptation to jerk off was incredible, but I was worried about her hearing me. It wasn’t going down in the slightest when I got dressed either. I held my dirty clothes in front of it as I opened the bathroom door. As promised, Patty was in the jacuzzi.
“Towel,” she reminded me.
I nodded and grabbed one to take to her. She stood up as I approached with it, and the sight of her with water running down her barely covered body didn’t help the throbbing stiffness in my pants one little bit.
I sat down on my bed as Patty climbed out of the tub. She started drying off and said, “I can’t wait to see what Mom and Dad got us this year. They really splurged last Christmas.”
More than a little excited about that myself, as Dad’s raise had proven lucrative for both the previous Christmas and birthdays, I nodded. “Yeah, me too.”
“I haven't even recovered from Thanksgiving, and now I’m going to have to work out even more to get rid of all the fat from Christmas.”
“Fat?” I laughed. I could see damn near every inch of her, and had seen even more the evening before. “You’re imagining things.”
She grinned, making my heart leap. “You’re sweet.”
I opened my mouth to banter some more, but she stopped me cold. She whipped the towel over her head and started drying her hair. Her tits were bouncing all over the place. My eyes followed every little jiggle, while my mouth hung open. I barely snapped it shut when she pulled the towel off her head and shook out her strawberry-blonde locks.
Patty walked over to the bed and grabbed clothes she’d laid out, while I tried not to stare and drool. She headed for the bathroom, and my eyes locked on her bikini-clad butt cheeks swaying back and forth – rising and falling with her steps.
Expecting her to get in the shower, I was surprised when I never heard the water kick on. Then, she came out only a couple of minutes later. I’d flipped on the television, but I glanced over when the bathroom door opened, and my breath caught in my chest. She was wearing a nightshirt that barely reached mid-thigh, and her nipples were poking at the cotton.
I pretended to watch television, even though she was sitting on the edge of the bed brushing her hair and making her tits jiggle again. When she put down the brush, I could feel her eyes on me for a moment. I heard her blow a little puff of air out her nose, and saw movement in my peripheral vision. I glanced at her, and my eyes widened beyond any ability to control.
Patty was licking the candy cane she’d stuffed in her pussy the night before.
A crooked grin on her face, she tilted the candy toward me and asked, “You want a lick?”
Fuck yes! Somehow, my mouth formed a far different word than the ones echoing in my mind. “Nah.”
She gave the peppermint stick one last lick and said, “Suit yourself.”
I turned off the television, positive that my heart was going to leap out of my chest and I was going to explode in my pants if I looked at her any longer. “Think I’m going to crash.”
Patty shrugged and put her candy cane down on the nightstand.
“Sweet dreams,” she said as she pulled back her covers.
I got the overhead light this time, and she turned off the lamp as soon as I was in bed. Feeling overheated already, I pulled off my shirt. I had at least been smart enough to put on a pair of sweats this time, so my dick wasn’t straining against a zipper. I knew that I wasn’t going to get to sleep anytime soon.
I lay down, wondering if I shouldn’t just go to the bathroom and let off the pressure. It might have helped put me to sleep, but I was worried about Patty realizing what I was doing. After a while of staring at the inside of my eyelids, I glanced toward her bed.
My eyes had adjusted to the darkness, so I could see her bathed in the red light of the alarm clock. She rolled over to face away from me at almost the exact moment I opened my eyes. I couldn’t help but remember the last time I’d looked at her in that crimson glow, and it set me to throbbing again.
She seemed a little restless, wriggling beneath the covers. After a little while, she pushed back the comforter. Her nightshirt had ridden up as she moved, and I could see the small of her back. There was something just so hot and sexy about that little bit of skin, hinting at what I couldn’t see. Masked by the cover of darkness, I could take it all in and enjoy it.
Even though I was still hard as a rock, I drifted off a little as I stared at my sister’s back bathed in the red light across the way. At some point when my eyes closed for a second... A minute? I’m not sure. Anyway, when my eyes focused on her again, the comforter had slipped even lower, revealing that she wasn’t wearing panties.
The red glow on her butt turned it the color of the heart it resembled. My eyes moved slowly over every curve, fixing it in my memory. I reached down and grabbed my cock, squeezing it before the silent screams for attention drove me crazy.
I didn’t have long to enjoy it, because Patty started to roll over, and I snapped my eyes shut. I slowed my breathing, counting out an agonizing minute before opening my eyes a slit. She was facing me, and neither the comforter nor her shirt had moved.
There was a tiny little tuft of hair above her pussy – an arrow pointing at the smooth shaven treasure below. I risked a glance up at her face to see that her eyes were closed, and then looked back down. I couldn’t see more than a short, narrow valley below that tuft at first, because of the shadows and the way her legs were pressed together. She moved, and I once again shut my eyes tight.
When I opened my eyes, as if in response to my silent wish, she’d bent her far knee, resting her foot on the mattress. I squeezed my cock and stroked my thumb over the head as I beheld my sister’s pussy for the first time between her parted legs. The shadows and the red tint of the light didn’t provide a perfect view, but it was more than enough for me.
From between her somewhat puffy outer lips, thin petals peeked out. I imagined that they were probably pale pink because of the difference in color I could see. It had worked to get me a better look, so I wished that she would touch herself again. I knew it would be pure torture, but I wanted it anyway. I was staring so intently that I didn’t close my eyes as quickly when she moved again.
A soft call reached me from across the room. “Nick.”
My heart pounded as I tried not to panic. Breathe slowly. In. Out. In. Out. Don’t move a muscle.
Patty’s bed creaked a little, and I could hear her sliding across the sheet. I kept up the carefully measured breathing, fighting the urge to peek and trying to ignore the throbbing of my dick, which my hand was still wrapped around.
“Nick. Nick, I know you’re awake.”
Fuck! Don’t move. It’s dark on this side of the room. She couldn’t have seen anything clearly.
It wasn’t dark for long. My racing heart nearly stopped when the lamp blinked on. I took advantage of what I assumed would be my natural reaction to groan and cover my eyes. It also gave me an opportunity to pull my hand away from the compromising position between my legs.
“God, you’re stubborn.” A second later, she sat down next to me on the bed. “Nick, look at me.”
In what was becoming a common rush of warring emotions, I was both relieved and disappointed to see that her nightshirt covered her again – if only barely.
“Sis, what are...”
Patty shook her head and cut me off with a finger pressed against my lips. Before my brain could begin to process anything more, she leaned in and her lips replaced the finger.
Though soft and brief, that first kiss overwhelmed my senses. I could smell the fruity shampoo she used, along with the scent of her perfume and peppermint. I could taste the peppermint on her lips. My whole body broke out into goose bumps. Her quiet moan was the sweetest sound I’d ever heard.
“Please stop avoiding me, Nick. You’re breaking my heart,” she whispered with her lips still only centimeters away from mine. Then she kissed me again – harder this time. Her tongue slipped out to tickle my lips.
I kissed back, reaching up to cup her cheek in my hand. Her moan this time was louder, and I felt her shiver. She giggled when our lips parted.
“Whew. I was beginning to think I was imagining things. You are so oblivious. I’ve been dropping hints for so long, and I was getting desperate.”
“Mmm hmm.” Another kiss. “Did you really think I didn’t notice you looking at me? That I didn’t think you might see me last night? You were watching, weren’t you?”
“Mmm!” Her tongue slipped between my lips as she kissed me.
Our hands started roaming, though I was still nervous and avoiding all the places I really wanted to touch. That changed when I slid my hand down to the small of her back and she pushed it lower. I groaned as I squeezed my sister’s bottom.
She pulled away from the hungry kiss with a gasp, bit her lower lip, and held up a finger. Then, she climbed over my legs and out of the bed. My mouth dropped open as she pulled the nightshirt over her head and I beheld her butt close up in full light for the first time. She grabbed her candy cane from the nightstand and turned around, giving the candy a lick.
Her nipples were pink gumdrops in the center of a darker circle. Tear-drop breasts quivering with her steps, she walked back over to my bed, grinning as I looked her up and down, reveling in every smooth curve and movement.
She climbed onto the foot of the bed, where she reclined and parted her legs wide. My guess about the color of her pale pink folds was dead on, and I could even see a glint of moisture between them. I kicked the covers off my legs.
Patty parted her pussy lips wide and took aim with the candy cane, looking up at me and smiling all the while. I sucked in a deep breath as the rod slid inside her and she moaned. She stroked it slowly in and out as I watched in aroused fascination.
She buried it a little deeper, until her fingers pressed against her. “Now do you want a lick?”
I pulled my knees under me and leaned forward into the V of her legs. The hot, musky scent of her arousal mingling with mint was intoxicating. It made me light headed as I fumbled to find a good angle around Patty’s hand pumping the peppermint rod into her. She laid one bent leg down flat on the bed, tugging on my shoulder to guide me that way. As soon as I lay down over her leg, I knew I could reach her.
I didn’t waste another moment before diving into my sister’s peppermint pussy.
“Oh, Nick,” she breathed as my tongue washed over her clit.
It was pretty much impossible not to lick the candy cane as well as her pussy, so I didn’t even bother to try. The peppermint rod was coated in her juices anyway. In my limited experience, I’d always had to work a little to see a girl’s clit, but my sister was different. Hers was big, swollen, sticking out from beneath the hood, and begging for attention. I could feel it twitch under my tongue every time I lapped it. She whimpered and moaned, stroking the candy cane into her a little faster.
Drunk on her minty juices, I licked my sister’s pussy like a starving man. The way she wriggled and twitched constantly encouraged me to even greater efforts. Her sounds of pleasure grew louder – though not alarmingly so – and I felt a swell of pride from knowing how good I was making her feel.
The candy cane dived deeper – faster. I could hear the wet sounds of it sliding in and out, and her hand slapping against her skin. When I looked up for a second, she was squeezing her right breast and her head was leaned back. She let out a yelp when I returned to my treat with a long, hard stroke of my tongue.
“Yes, just like that. Don’t stop!”
As if.
I lapped directly over her clit – hard and fast. Her hand bumped into my cheek and chin every once in a while as she pounded the candy cane home.
“Oh! Oh! Oh yeah!” She sucked in a breath, making a high-pitched mixture of a squeak and a squeal. She let the breath out in a long, tight-throated cry that started with, “Ohh,” but changed into something that I think was several words all bunched up on top of each other, and completely inarticulate.
Patty let out a squeal, buried the candy cane inside her, and lurched beneath me as she came.
The weight of my body on her leg prevented her bucking hips from pushing me away, though I could feel every powerful contraction of her muscles trying to snap her legs together. She whimpered and groaned, erratically pumping the candy cane while I continued to lick her clit. Her other hand was curled into a claw, trembling as it scratched at the bedclothes.
Long before I was ready, she pushed me away from her sweet pussy and squeaked, “Too much. Wait.”
I had barely shifted my weight when she pulled her leg out from under me and clenched her legs around her hand, still holding the candy cane deep inside her. I watched, squeezing my aching dick through my sweats as she quivered and moaned through the aftershocks of her orgasm.
Once she settled down and her eyes fluttered open, Patty chuckled and beckoned me with a crooked finger. As I moved closer, she let me know what she wanted by puckering her lips. I had no problem with that.
Our lips actually stuck together for a fraction of a second when I pulled away due to the mixture of her juices and peppermint that coated them. We both chuckled at that before she pulled me back to her lips again. Just before they touched, she whispered, “I taste good on your lips.”
Man, that made me throb.
Patty finally slipped the candy cane from inside her after that kiss, revealing that it was much smaller and the stripes were completely gone below where she’d held it in her hand. She shuddered as it slipped free of her embrace.
My excitement must have shown as she brought it toward her lips. It was still glistening in the light with her juices, and she lapped one side of it with a broad stroke of her tongue, moaning all the while. I was transfixed as she first licked, then sucked the candy cane – so much so that I didn’t notice her other hand moving until it settled in my lap.
Her eyes widened as she closed her hand around my erection and I grunted. She pulled the candy cane from between her lips and said, “I thought you were supposed to be my little brother?”
I must have turned bright red, because she giggled and said, “You’re so cute.”
She sat up and said, “Lie down.”
While I was moving toward the pillow, she quickly put what was left of the candy cane on my nightstand. My heart beat fast as she ran her fingertips down my chest, ending by tracing the top of my sweats from one hip to the other. Then she slipped her fingers beneath the elastic and pulled until my cock popped free.
“Mmm, it’s bigger than I thought.”
Of course that made me smile.
Patty continued to tug at my sweats until she pulled them off. Once she dropped them over the edge of the bed, she grabbed my ankles and pushed until I bent my knees. She moved forward as she pushed, getting ever closer, until she darted in without warning.
I gasped as my sister’s tongue wiggled its way up my shaft. She moved it back and forth, slowly heading toward the tip, and looking up into my eyes the whole time. When she reached the head, she swirled her tongue over it, and then wrapped her fingers around the root, standing me up.
The grin on her face as she kissed the head and a drop of pre-cum welled up was deliciously mischievous.
I groaned and my eyes pinched shut when her lips wrapped around the head a moment later. Her tongue tickled the slit, gathering up the clear droplet, and she moaned around me. I could feel just a hint of warm mint sensation from where she’d sucked her candy cane clean. I forced my eyes back open to watch her give me head. She sucked and tongued me, the feeling of the ridge popping in and out of her lips making me grunt.
“Feel good?” she asked, her eyes telling me that she already knew the answer.
“Oh yeah.”
She chuckled and took me back in. This time, she didn’t stop at the head. I watched in aroused fascination as my cock vanished in her mouth, all the way down to her hand. When her lips slid back to the tip again, my shaft was glistening with her saliva in the lamplight.
Her head bobbed up and down, hair bouncing as she sucked my dick like nothing I’d ever felt before. She sucked in her cheeks concave, and her tongue undulated against my shaft. Her hand worked in twisting motions, adding to the sensation. Her other hand crept between my legs and cupped my balls.
“Fuck, Sis,” I groaned.
Patty’s lips slid back up my shaft with agonizing slowness until she released the head with a wet pop. “Good idea.”
She crawled over me, bending down to let her stiff nipples drag across my chest. Then she rose up on one hand andTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.
Maryam, Nell, and PattyLesbian i****t, mom / daughtersWarning: Explicit sexual scenes and graphic lesbian sexual activity between female members of the same family.---It was the same dream again.The one she dreamed so regularly it broke her heart.She knew she was dreaming, some part of her mind was awake, seeing as if she was herself. It was always on rails, she knew she was dreaming, but she could not control or direct it. She was twenty-two again, just married, young, virile, beautiful. Drew...
Carol could see the crotch of the girl clearly, sitting at a small table in the ice cream store where she was enjoying a butterscotch sundae. The girl was perhaps five feet away, sitting and talking with another girl. Carol knew the girl slightly because she lived in the same suburban neighborhood, and Carol had seen her walking by her house occasionally. Her name was Patty, Carol learned when one of the girl's friends had said her name when she laughed at something the girl said. Carol...
Over the river and through the woods, to Grandmother's house we go. It's going to be a long few days. I thought my ordeal was over when Patty went away to college, and in a way, it was. She only came home for holidays, and they were always busy, so I could usually find ways to put distance between us. It wasn't that we had a bad relationship. Quite the opposite, in fact. Though she was two years older, she had always tried to include me in whatever she was doing when we were younger. We...
My sister Sarah was a pretty popular girl in school and had many good friends. One of those friends was Jill who lived in our same neighborhood. Jill would come over to our house to visit Sarah and they would work on their homework together since they were in the same grade at school. Sometimes they would get stumped on a problem or report they were working on. That was when I would get recruited as a tutor. Jill was a pretty girl and had a personality that would win you over in a heartbeat....
Sometimes when Janet would come over to visit my sister, her younger sister would come with her. Most of the times, Sally and Janet would lock themselves in Sally's bedroom leaving Patty alone to fend for herself. Now Patty was a very pretty girl and I found her quite attractive. She dressed in skirt and blouse and looked pretty good. Her skirts were quite short and, since I liked girl's legs, gave me plenty of eye candy to stare at. Patty was two years younger than me but we got along...
Father Murphy, after what he had done with and to Sister Susan had a brief period of remorse. By the second day, however, he had rationalized his actions. The young novice would have continued on sinning with Sister Capello if he had not shown her God's way so, therefore, what he did was acceptable and to Sister Susan's benefit. Or, at least that was how he justified the seduction. It was easy, after that, to rationalize his next surrender to temptation although most would say it was more...
When I was sixteen my mom and dad divorced. I could not understand why. My mom was drop dead gorgeous with a body to die for, yet my dad consistently cheated on her. He even fucked my mom’s sister, Aunt Patty.Mom and Patty were very close and mom was broken hearted when she found out dad had fucked Patty. It took a while, but they reconciled and were now as close as ever. I don’t believe Uncle Ray ever knew my dad had fucked his wife.It must be the genes, because I secretly lusted after my...
IncestJanet came over to visit Sally and they went up to her room to gab. Patty had also come over so we played around while she waited for her sister to leave. We got into a quick game of cards where I was able to actually win. Patty reached over and tickled me on my side. That has been the trigger for us to get into one of our wrestling matches. I was using every move I could to feel parts of Patty's bare skin. The way she was dressed, there was plenty of it. We would wrestle until one of us...
The restaurant where I had planned to meet my sexy mother-in-law, Patty, was on the edge of town. It was the nicest place in town. It was arranged so the booths were very private. A good place for lovers to meet. Patty didn't question me about it when I told her where to meet me. I figured she may have been there several times before. It was not the kind of place Robert would have taken her. I wondered who my sweet M-I-L had been playing with. I really was a born voyeur. As I waited for...
About an hour later, my cousin, Marie who is a friend of Patty’s, came into the store. I was working alone because the boss was out to lunch. “What did you say about Patty”? I looked at her stunned, “what are you accusing me of”? I asked. Marie responded that Patty was talking like I was the greatest guy in the world. She continued to say that I stuck up for Patty and said that she was pretty. “Ok”, I said. “I did. Some stupid guys were picking on her and I made them knock it off. ...
Patty and I have lived next door to each other since we were born. She was an only child while I had a younger brother Timmy. She was quite a tomboy so when we were preadolescents we three did everything together. That included playing “doctor” in the treehouse my dad built for us quite a way back in our big yard. We examined each other’s parts and she thought our little stiffies were cute. We were all fascinated by the way the other kind peed and played a few games with that as part of our...
I was just home from a job at a summer camp. I stopped at my brothers to see what he was up to. A curvaceous girl with black hair, dark complexion, and huge tits met me at the door. Your brother and his wife are gone for the day, I Patty and the k**s are napping. I know who you are. We attended different high schools, but I have noticed you at some of the games. She was standing close, looked good, smelled good, and before i knew it she was in my arms and we were kissing.Her blouse came off, ...
When we were together in one place it wasn’t big problem and everything was all right. She had tits after some correction from big A into middle C and she was hot. She could even suck my dick and nail her cunt on my cock in the car when she was waiting for a plane... Patti was really nice bitch Break up happen by my stupidity and missing some little detail, what I forgot it could be harmful. We were together some times already but we didn’t live in one town. Big distance made we could...
AnalSharon's Luck part 3, Pat(ty)'s Tale My given name is Patrick. I'm twenty-three, I'm into self-bondage, and I'm a cross-dresser. Not all the time, you understand; I have to work for a living, but cross-dressing is my fetish, and for lack of interest in almost anything else, my one hobby. I'm sure that I probably spend more time and money shopping for shoes & clothes than the average female, but it's what I like. I'm lucky that I have a body that lends itself to female attire; I'm...
Patti by: Princess Panty Boy Part 1: The Mall I'll start my story when I just turned 18, but I look a lot younger. I was always small and kind of skinny for my age. My mom always kept telling me how cute I was and to get my hair cut. I wouldn't. Saying all the cool guys had long hair, so I let it grow and grow. I was 18 now so no one was going to tell me what to do, I laughed to myself. I have two little brothers and a little sister. I'm the oldest even though my brother who...
Before we get started with this one, I would like to thank all of you who take the time to contact me about my stories. I would like to say though, those of you who are looking for happy endings in my stories, you're probably not going to find one! Extreme humiliation, feminization and punishment is what my subjects will suffer through after being caught or tricked! If this is not what you're looking for in a story, please take your less than desireable reviews and move on to another...
I slipped naked into bed next to my Patti, we hugged and kissed, and then as I felt my Patti's hand cup and rub my right breast, I purred. Then my Patti pinched my nipples, sending short sharp jolts to between my legs. I was getting quite wet in anticipation. My Patti knew just exactly what to do, it had been fucking me since I move out on my own, that was several months after I turned eighteen.I rolled over onto my back, my Patti moving with me and slipped on top of me. Penetration was fairly...
Fantasy & Sci-FiMeanwhile, next in line is Patti and this interesting George at the church. Patti has poo-pooed all of George’s attempts over the past few years. It appears that he thinks Patti is a desirable woman and that her husband was not worthy of her. Since he finally died, George has patiently waited his time, but Pattie has not shown any interest.George has known the family for years since the children were little. George and his wife would sit a few rows behind them most Sundays, and George envied...
TransThis had been Pattie's routine for the past year since her mother skipped out leaving her, her Dad and older brother alone. They had adjusted. They all took turns with the cleaning and cooking and were getting along fine. There wasn't much about her mother to miss. She was an abusive alcoholic whose absence made for a much calmer household. One of the new responsibilities that Pattie had picked up was taking care of her father's morning erection. Pattie didn't mind. She knew how good she...
She couldn’t believe she was actually doing this. How many times had she thought about it, but figured it would never happen, or worse case scenario, she might chicken out. But no, here she was, about to realize a fantasy that was too long in the making. Patti sat in her car for a few moments, collecting her thoughts. What would her friends say? What would her late parents have thought? How would her HUSBAND react if he knew? Closing her eyes for a moment, she drew in a deep breath, and...
The upside of coaching the Ravens, a U-17 team instead of U-18 like the Strikers, was that most of the players were juniors, which meant that they would playing club soccer for two years before they graduated. That gave me more time to develop their skills. I started the first season with my head on straight and my moral compass pointing in the right direction. I managed to make it all the way through a busy and successful Fall season with no inappropriate thoughts. Well, OK, I had a few...
My name is Pattie, and my husband and I have been married for five years. My husband treats me like a princess. He buys me all sorts of clothes and loves to dress me up. Every day he picks out my outfits. He especially loves to pick out my intimate items that I wear. He’s most fascinated with my panties. He loves the fabrics and wonders how they’ll look on my pussy. The man is in love with my beautiful, bald pussy. Often, my husband Bobby loves to shave my pussy. He loves for me to be bald and...
Wife Lovers"Don't move. Stay right where you are," I whispered. She complied as I felt her muscles relax and her body slump against my chest. We were silent. There was no need for conversation. We had both exclaimed our delight over the past half hour and swam in the pleasure of our shared passion. We had expressed our fulfillment at the completion of a blissful union. We lay there in the dark, the gentle rocking of the boat adding to our peaceful recovery. I pulled the comforter over us to ward...
It was still early on Sunday night and I had the urge to talk to Marcie. She was comically critical of my commitment to get Smyth laid. "What made you volunteer for such an enormous feat, Sammy?" "I don't know." I did know, but I wasn't ready to admit to Marcie that I had heard Shirley tell me to turn the tables on Smyth for spying on me and my guests. "How do you plan to carry it out?" "I don't know." I really didn't know, but my sub-conscience was working on a plan. "Who...
She couldn't believe she was actually doing this. How many times had she thought about it, but figured it would never happen, or worse case scenario, she might chicken out. But no, here she was, about to realize a fantasy that was too long in the making. Patti sat in her car for a few moments, collecting her thoughts. What would her friends say? What would her late parents have thought? How would her HUSBAND react if he knew? Closing her eyes for a moment, she drew in a deep breath, and then...
My name is Pattie. I'm 37 years old, 4 feet 7 inches tall. I weigh 80 pounds, and have an A-cup bra size. In other words, I am what some people might call tiny. I have blue-green eyes, a small straight nose, a small somewhat pouty mouth, and my brunette hair hangs to just below my shoulder blades. I also am a sapiosexual: I adore intelligent men. To me, a guy who is intelligent is not just appealing or interesting. A guy who is intelligent (and unattached!) could get himself pounced on...
Fantasy & Sci-FiIt was a casual evening and the two were curled up side by side on the great braided rug. The television was muttering something in the background, but the two could only think of each other, warmed by the soft flickering of the fireplace. She was all curves, even evident under the terry robe – the belt cinched in to define a small waist over wide hips. Her auburn hair was cropped short, her vivid emerald eyes lined in black – stark against pale pale skin. Those eyes were thinking naughty...
I was recently chatting with a sexy woman online and the subject turned to masturbating. She confessed that she always wanted to watch a guy stroke his cock and cum for her. Being a gentleman i am i switched on my webcam and proceeded to jack off for her viewing pleasure. She was telling me what a big black cock I had and how good it looked and she was fingering her pussy at the same time. After I shot my load I asked her where she lived. She lived less that 6 miles away and wanted to watch me...
Woke up my last day of holidays in Jamaica. Things had been getting out of hand and I didn't realize that I would be going out with a BANG! I got up the weather was again beautiful hot & sunny, I had a shower put on another very small Yellow Bikini everything hanging again! I made my way down to breakfast then over to the pool to enjoy my last day. I was back at the pool over by the beach there was a gang of young guys there playing volley ball there, I found a lounge chair then lay down to...
Chap 1 THE TRAINING POOL Yoruichi woke up early that morning. That wasn't hard since she only took cat naps. But, this was not the reason, she was starting to get perturbed from both the complaints of others and her observations that Ichigo was becoming more and more arrogant, and at the regret of those close to him. "What can I do" was the question she pondered. Every solution so far had someone ending up with hurt feelings, no matter how many scenario's she ran thru. It would...
Jake is in the middle of finishing up his TPS reports when he’s approached by his gorgeous blond boss, Sarah Vandella. She’s always had a thing for her young male employees and asks him to get a file from the bottom drawer just so she can steal a glance. Then , she grabs his butt and makes him jump in surprise. Backing him against the file cabinets, she coerces him until he finally relents and lets her suck on his big dick. Then, she unbuttons her blouse and titty-fucks his johnson...
xmoviesforyouI am Ritesh from Mumbai, 30, 5.8, fair and handsome with good sense of humor. As mentioned in my earlier story , I had a very good fuck with my maid. After that on mutual comfort level we used to enjoy. One fine day she asked me that she wants to ask me something. I said please go ahead. She said no probably you will get upset. I told her if you feel it, share with me its okay or leave it. She asked looking Point Blank in my eyes would you like to satisfy some other women too.. I was zapped for...
Alyx bolted for her purse when she woke to the sound of a nearby gunshot, but relaxed when she heard hooting, hollering, and laughter. Delilah was gone. She crawled out of the tent and saw her sitting on one of the beach chairs, watching a distant bonfire. She handed Alyx a cold beer.“How come you’re not enjoying the party?” Alyx asked her.“You said you didn’t feel safe, so I wanted to make sure you were safe.” Alyx thanked her and said that it meant a lot to her. She decided to loosen up...
Group SexAs Marla wiggled her ass in the face of the half drunken Japanese businessman he reached out and slipped his hand between her legs and ran a finger along her g-string covered crack. After the quick feel, he stuck a thousand yen into her waist band and called out to the waitress for another drink. It was almost ten o'clock in the evening, and still the company men, as they are called in Japan, were drinking and carousing with there business associates. It was said that sake and geisha girls was...
EroticHow many people through the long history of the world have looked back on their lives and wondered, 'When did it all go wrong?' Do you suppose Napoleon ever asked himself that question? The fact is that even if you knew precisely when it happened, what difference would it make? What could you possibly do with that priceless bit of information? I can do some pretty amazing things, but time travel isn't among them. Unfortunately, one of the things I do have is an exceptional memory. Using...
This is my first story, please be gentle.I had just gotten home from work that afternoon, when I walked in the kitchen to find my mom on the phone. She waved with little interest to me as I made my way to the fridge, whoever she was talking to must have had serious news. As I pulled a pop out of the fridge, I heard her say “Okay Peg, he just walked in, I'll let him know, and we can be off in the morning.” Peg was my aunt, she was a widow (uncle Dave died when I was young) and lived about a...
Finally, I woke up after a nice nap. I saw the time. It was something around six in the evening. I was extremely happy because I could make out with my mom. I felt fresh, but my body was paining a bit, so I took a shower. I went to the bathroom and had a quick hot shower. I just wrapped a towel around my waist. When I came out of the room, I saw mom sitting on the bed wearing a bathrobe. She had brought coffee for us. I sat beside mom, I don’t know why, but there was an awkward silence between...
IncestEvery word of this story is true. My wife enjoys sex with other men. Here is how it all happened.I am not your garden variety cuck. I started this whole thing by asking permission to fuck other women because, after seventeen years of marriage, sex was boring and infrequent. I had tried everything to rekindle the fire but in the end, it all just felt like pressure to her and this was creating more stress than it was worth. So eventually, I said that I wanted to be able to get additional sexual...
CuckoldHi, I’m Divya. I’m writing the continued part of my first story how I was fucked by my manager Ruchi. After my first orgasm, I was tired and slept for one hour. When I woke up it was midnight and Ruchi was already awake in the bed. I could see her topless boob in dim light with shorts on. She was looking at my naked boob with pink panty on and with shirt button removed. I can see a wild smile on her face. She came near me and whispered in my ear ” how are you honey?”. This is the first word I...
LesbianSpecton - 2 1/2 minutes Toton - 2 1/2 hours minton - 2 1/2 days daycon - 2 1/2 weeks quant - 2 1/2 years gallant - 2 1/2 centuries heckson - 2 1/2 miles tetson - 2 1/2 acres Cast of Characters Bill Axor - Lion clan and main character, born name Ambrose Axor King Tomco Traxor - Bill's father King Tobias Traxor - Bill's dead brother Queen Niaco Traxor - Tiger clan and Tobias’ mate Twitty Glax - Grey Tabby clan, Bill’s bodyguard and...
At 5 foot 4inches and weighing 12 stone, with floppy tits, fat thighs, a really hairy cunt and silky fat belly, Hazel had not had sex for 10 years. At 59 she thought her days of getting a cock up her cunt were over. But they weren’t. The internet and a growing audience for granny sex came along.Trawling the porn sites, she found a swingers page that listed dogging sites and found four in her area. Clicking through to dogging porn, she was delighted to find that many women there were large...
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Hi indian sex stories dot net doston direct story pe aata hoon. Me rahul 23 saal ka meri maa shalini 45 saal jo ki is story ki main heroine hai . Dikh ne me kayamat lagti hai rang gora height 5’7 inch ghathila badan. Jawani me bhar pur. Dhudh 36 kamar 30 aur gaand 38 ki hai. Jab woh gaand hila ke chalti hai mahole walon ki pani nikal jaa raha hoga. Sab toh waise lalchi ke nazar se ghur te rehete hai. Hamara family ek acha family me belong kar ta hai. Papa govt sector me kaam karte hai. Maa...
Naan oru thirumanam aana pennai usar seithu oothen, aval peyar thaan kala. Parka sexyaaga irupaal avalin mulaiyai paarthu aasai padatha aangale kidaiyaathu. Ival mugam parka thakali pondru thala thalavendru irukum. Eppozhuthu idupil irukum thopil theriyum padi thaan aadai aninthu irupaal, ival idupil kozhuthu athigam irukaathu. Kala vayathu 31 ivaluku kuzhanthai innum piraka villai, kaaranam avalin kanavanuku vinthu prachanai irukiraathinaal. Ival athanaal vaazhaikaiyai niraiya kastap pattu...
Cindy has always been a tiger in bed, never seeming to get enough fucking. Lately, it's all I can do to keep up with her. Seems like the more she gets, the more she wants. When we watch X-rated movies, I notice that her nipples get particularly hard when a scene with two men on one women comes up. One night I brought the subject up while we watching a tape, and she got really turned on thinking about it. When we fucked, her cunt was bigger than usual and she was insatiable even after we fucked...
Template The smell of disinfectant, hovering over a deeper taint of rot. The scent of a body slowly failing, the shameful weakness of being all out of beginnings but not having a clean clear ending. Everything that yellow-tinged white of old stained ivory, the colors of a sick bed. The men with black suits and black briefcases were silhouettes against the picture window behind them, the panoramic view of the estate that I hadn't seen in weeks. One was talking, I could barely hear him...
Hi doston main monika apni kahani puri karne aayi hu .Main bhiya ki god me nangi soi rahi subah niche bell baji to main jaldi se uthi aur bra panty pehna aur bhiya ki di hui red net wali dress pahni aur niche jane lagi bhiya bole darwaja khol dena niche ja ke maine kaha are bhaiya mere kapde to dekho bole khol ke hat jaana maine kaha theek hai us ghar me kam log aate the jitendra ke office ka bhi koi nhi aata tha maine darwaja khola to ek aadmi bag liye bhiyya ko pucha to maine unhe uper bhej...
Bhai o Bhauni mane, setebele mu 29 barsa ra abibahita mast jubaka.Bank chakiri karu thae Bhubaneswar re.Agaku gote promotion ku apekha kari sejae mu jani suni deri karuthae baha habaku.Mo Bapa Bou rahuthanti Cuttack re.Sethi Bapa State govt office re section officer thanti.Mu majhire majhire ghara adu jaai buli dei asuthae. Semiti thara kara ghatana.Mu gharaku asithae.Sedina mora kama ku feribara thibaru mu khub sighra uthipadi thili sakalu.Toilet ade jau jau hathat najar re padila,mo Bou agana...
I have had a fantasy since college. I was in the adult viewing booth when I heard a tap. I loooked down at the hole and heard a womans voice asking if I wanted my dick sucked. Obviously I did, so I pulled it out and stuck it through the hole. At first it was just licked with some tugging on my balls. Once I was fully erect she took into her mouth. She sucked it with just her mouth at first. She then started working it with one hand while gently rubbing my balls with the other. I counldn't hold...
“Sky?” You hear him calling from the corridor. “Yes?”“Aren't you coming?” he asks with a hint of mischief in his voice.What? No way in hell. There is no way that he is inviting you to shower with him. It’s a prank. It has to be. Or maybe you misunderstood or misheard or something.“Coming where?” you ask, hoping he gives you an answer which counters your low expectations.“To shower with me. Where else?” he asks, almost shocked by the notion that you would want to be anywhere but there.Your mind...
Straight SexBreak Up To Make UpDisclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. Always look both ways before crossing the pond. Beware of geeks bearing gifs. An answer known is a power broken. One man’s crisis is another man’s narcissism. This...
Hi iss reader I am mehul from Mumbai. me iss ka website dekha to muje achcha laga or muje laga ke me bhi meri real story logo ko batau… Me or mere parivar me meri do bahne sabse chota hu.badi bahen 35 years ki hay uski saadi gujarat me hi ho gai hay or hamare gav ke pass ke gaav me hi rahti hay or dusri bahen jo 32 years ki hay uski bi saadi ho gai thi lekin ek accsident me mere jija ki death ho gai..or me gujarat se bahar rahta hu me kaha rahta hu vo nahi bataunga kyonki ye real story...
A husband reads his wife's email, finds out she is cheating.Aloha means hello AND goodbye...The day started out as a hectic one when the alarm clock failed to wake me and my wife. It seems there was a power outage during the night and we had to rush to make it to work on time. Well she had to rush as I didn't have to be at work until 9 am and it was only a fifteen minute drive for me. My wife likes to check her email in the morning before she leaves for work but was in such a hurry she forgot...
To start with, she was my waitress at a Sushi restaurant. I had taken a date there, naturally, and not paid her–my waitress–that much attention. But for whatever reason, she kept popping into my mind, time after time. So I took a different girl there, trying to impress her with the hot chicks I dated. She wasn’t my waitress this time, but I made a point of saying hello to her, on the way to the restroom. I don’t think she remembered me. Or at least acted like she didn’t. I noticed her name was...
You just LOVE the maid fetish so much that you can’t stop staring at your own maid’s ass, even right in front of your wife, Alex Harper! The fact that she doesn’t mind shows just how lucky you are to have her, and the fact that it turned her on and inspired her to dress up as your own naughty maid and seduce you shows that you may just be the luckiest SOB on Earth! So give your hot wife the good bangin’ she deserves; who knows, if you’re extra good to her, maybe next time she’ll invite your...
xmoviesforyouMy horny brotherChapter 1Hi, I'm Shelly, divorced in my late thirties. My br(o)ther Mike is in his thirties also divorced. We found what we were looking for in each other. Although we're free to date we don't. We found what we sexually need in each other so what's the point in dating? I spread my legs and open my holes for my br(o)ther.I'm in decent shape for a woman my age. I have redish blond hair, green eyes. I have very pale skin with a lot of freckles. I have a very high sex drive as does...
100% fiction! Okay this is a story about me and my aunt, i will be using fake names for the purposes of the story. okay so ive fancied my aunt since like when i started puberty and ive always given her hints but its always been difficult around my family as you would understand. with my aunt married now it is ever getting harder and harder to find some way of finally getting to nail her without the rejection or possibly worse someone finding out and my family disowning me. so i had to find some...
IncestI was in John's Escalade, being delivered to my second gangbang bukkake party. I was excited, eager to get there, when he dropped a bomb on me. "It will be a little different tonight." "Mmmm? Meaning what?" "Well, you're not a rookie anymore, we're trying another format." I didn't know what he was talking about. He clarified, "There will be a second woman in the mix, Alexandra." I felt a surge of anxiety, my head full of questions. "What am I supposed to do with Alexandra?" I said, with too...
Group Sex