Lesson(s)( free porn video

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Chap 1


Yoruichi woke up early that morning. That wasn't hard since she only took cat naps. But, this was not the reason, she was starting to get perturbed from both the complaints of others and her observations that Ichigo was becoming more and more arrogant, and at the regret of those close to him. "What can I do" was the question she pondered. Every solution so far had someone ending up with hurt feelings, no matter how many scenario's she ran thru. It would usually be Ichigo. She laid back, and closed her eyes, her hand accidentily brushed her nipple when trying to adjust her hair. Not hard to do when you sleep naked... but ohhhh that feeling. "Wait!" she sat up. "That's it! Why didn't I think of that before". She jumped up and headed to the small pool nearby thinking to herself "I'm going to have to move quick!".

Yoruichi let herself slide into the healing warm water of the pool. A soft moan escaped her lips as the her nerves came into contact with the warm water and it's healing powers tickled her in all the right places. "Oh my" she purred, "It's soooo delicious, but I have other things to think about". Then she softly thought to herself, what's a few minutes more or less as she slid a little further down into the pool, bringing the water level up to just under her firm breasts. She already had a tingling "down there", and she new what would happen when the water encompassed her nipples. She took a deep breath, not because she was going below the water, but to prepare her for what was to come next. She slid down and the water slowly tickled the soft undersides of her breasts. "Ohhhhhhhh" she purred in a long slow exhale, her breasts still moving slowiy under the water. The water lapped at her breast as her nipples made contact and the tingling began. She tensed as the sensations now grasping her nipples connected with the earlier feelings down below. She took another deep breath, for a couple of reasons. It had been so long since she entered the pool with "dirty thoughts" that she had forgotten it's spell. The second reason made her open her eyes wide and exclaim "It's going to be a big one!'. The sensations met at the small of her back causing her to arch in an almost painfull way. Her muscles tightening as electrical impulses fired up her spine and at the same time down towards her clit. Sure she'd "played around" in the pool before, but since it's been so long without physical release and the thoughts previously going thru her mind that she really had no idea what was going to happen next. But, she soon found out when the impulses hit her brain, it made her eyes glaze over and her mouth slightly open, drool forming on the corner of her mouth. A millisecond later the other impulse found her clitoris and she exploded with a scream that made no sound. She desperately tried to grasp at something, anything, but only she found only handfulls of empty air. Her tongue licked at her lips, as if they were parched. She slapped at the water trying to make the orgasm end, but the water payed no mind.

As the orgasm subsided, she slowy crawled her way away from the pool, looking back at it as if it had attacked her. In a way it did, but she new that the big reason was her fault. The water was meant to heal and sooth injuries. She entered the pool, not with a physical injury, but an sexual one. The pool sensed this and it gave Yoruichi what it thought she needed to heal. Yoruichi started to laugh at herself when she was pulling herself back together. "Point well taken" she said to the pool, "I guess I should have known better". With that she turned and started back to her quarters.


"Ok I've taught you what you need to know" ,Yoruichi said, continuing "I will get this started, and it's up to you to do your parts". She looked again at the faces before her. There, in her quarters stood Orihime, Soi-Fon, and Rukia. "Ok ladies let's get this thing started". The three turned and left Yoruichi's quarters heading for their homes both on Earth and the Soul Society. Yoruichi thought to herself "They know what to do and how to do it, will they follow thru?". She knew Soi-Fon, her bee, would do her part without any hesitation. "Hmmmm that just might be fun" she thought and let out a little giggle. Rukia, she would, but it might take some doing. No, the only weak point in this is Orihime. Just to make sure, however, she had Rukia come down earlier than the rest and gave her some other instruction and training before the others arrived Another giggle left her lips just thinking about that one.

"Why did you want to see me Yoruichi?" asked Rukia.

"Rukia, I have been watching closely and I am troubled. Troubled in a way that needs intervention, not only by you and I, but a couple others as well".

"I don't follow, we have been winning..."

"That's not the point" Yoruichi cut in. "Ichigo has become too arrogant, both with his cohorts and those who care for him! If he is ever to be a great Soul-Reaper, he has to learn some things that has nothing to do with a zanpakuto! Now be still and listen! Now Rukia, let's try it for real," Yoruichi said.

Rukia softly uttered a soft montra and touched Yoruichi on her hand. Yoruichi at first went a little limp then was still. Rukia took Yoruichi by the hand and led her over to her bed. Yoruichi moved slowly but steadily to her sleeping bed.

"Sit" Rukia said as Yoruichi slowly laid down. "Now rub your forhead" Rukia commanded and Yoruichi did as she was told, rubbing her forehead with her fight hand. "Hey this works" exclaimed Rukia "well I'll be damned". Rukia muttered a few more words and Yoruichi stiffened a little and was her own feline self. "See Rukia, now remember what your part is for this part of the plan, and you will get your other duties when the meeting takes place".


As the three attractive ladies entered Urahara's secret door he couldn't resist a smart remark. "So were you gals at a tea party or something?"

All three were in no mood and threw glances at him would have killed him if looks could do harm.« try they were in now mood and shot him deadly glances.

"Okayyyy, I guess I'll just get back to work then". The three ignored him as they they made their way out to the street. It was Soi-Fon who broke the silence with her good-byes and made her way back to the Soul Society. Rukia and Orihime again turned silent and started walking down the street.

"You know that we have to do this 'Hime" Rukia said adding "it's for his own good. Or else his arrogance may get him and maybe some of us killed".

"I know" said Orihime, "but this is drastic! I mean I never..."

"Listen to me 'Hime... you heard Yoruichi, which one or two of our friends do you want to see die?".

"I don't want to see anyone get hurt, let alone die, but what she wants is...",

"'Hime, this is not only for his own good but ours as well".

They walked along, bickering back and forth in the warm summer sun. Up one street and over a couple more, walking and talking until they reached Orihime's house. Orihime was parched, well Rukia is too she thought to herself and asked Rukia if she'd like some iced summer tea, Rukia was licking her lips so she knew she was thirsty too and invited her for some iced tea.

Rukia thought to herself, "well I guess it’s time for part one ." , and followed Orihime into her house.


Rukia sat down on the floor cushions by the table as Orihime teetered off to the kitchen.

Rukia thought to herself "I've been trained, I have a mission and I must carry it out". She repeated this to herself over and over again. As Orihime entered the room, Rukia mumbled out a few words. When Orihime sat the tray with the glasses of tea down and handed a glass to Rukia, Rukia touched Orihime's fingers when taking the tea. Orihime looked at Rukia then went a little limp. Orihimes eyes looked Rukia in the face, realizing what had happened.

"Stand up "Hime" Rukia spoke softly. Orihime slowly stood up not taking her eyes off Rukia. Rukia moved in close to Orihime, feeling her body touch hers. A low moan escaped, but it was hard to tell from who's lips it came. "Hold me Orihime" Rukia said and Orihime slowly wrapped her arms around Rukia, pulling her even closer, softly pressing Rukia's face to her bossom. Rukia felt the warmth of Orihime's beasts as they cradled her face inbetween them. As Rukia nuzzled aginst the smooth silk fabric of Orihime's blouse, her movement caused the buttons to come undone, slightly opening the blouse allowing Rukis'a face contact with Orihime's bra. Casting a glance, Rukia saw that the bra opened in front, "good" she silently said to herself. She brought her hand up under Orihime's blouse to softly cup the underside of Orihimes breast while softly whispering, "Kiss me, Orihime".

As Orihime let out a long soft exhale caused not only by the feel of Rukia's tiny hand on the enclosed soft underside of her breast, but also by the command she was just given. Sure she had kissed girls before, but not with passion, is that what she was feeling inside her? Her thought suddenly ended as she lowered her face towards Rukis's which was tilting up to meet hers. As Orihime's eyes closed and her lips formed for the kiss, Rukia's deft fingers moved, then open the clasp on Orihime's bra when their lips met. The kiss startled both of them, not because of the warmth, not because of the softness, but because of the desire that had built up.

Yoruichi wanted Rukia to show Orihime that Ichigo would not be hurt, either phyiscally nor mentally. Rukia was now having her doubts on the latter as the kiss became more demanding on Rukia's part. Rukia pressed her lips harder against Orihime's as her hand now caressed the smooth skin of Orihimes left breast. The skin was so smooth and warm she thought. and she lightly lifted it, as if checking it's weight. It was firm, warm, smooth...

"Should I" Rukia thought, but as soon as the thought ended, the thumb of her right hand rolled over Orihime's nipple. A gasp escaped from Orihime's busy lips as Rukia now used both hands to grasp the silk blouse and bra of Orihime and push them over Orihime's shoulders. Rukia broke the embrace as Orihimes' garments fell to the floor in a small pile. Rukia looked at the now naked top half of Orihimes body, her eyes staring at the nipples that had now become rock hard and distended from the combination of the excitement and temperature.

Rukia then gazed into the warm, slightly glazed eyes of her project. What was it in Orihimes' eyes, fear, trepidation, maybe lust? The warmth from Rukia's face and hands, now the soft chill from the air-conditioning was too much for Orihime's nipples and they had a mind of their own, sending sensations to Orihimes enchanted mind that were difficult for her to process. Rukia again placed her face into Orihime's bossom and wrapped her arms around her.

Without thinking Orihime reciprocated, gently causing Rukia's mouth to come into contact with her left breast. Rukia placed a soft kiss on the inside of Orihime's breast, feeling the cool skin start to warm to her lips. Placing repeated soft kisses, Rukia's lips started their journey, little by little to Orihime's swollen nipple and at the same time her hands, wrapped around the young healer, found the zipper that would remove the skirt that Orihime wore. Rukia's small mouth slowly sucked the hardened bud between her lips as the only sound to be heard was the noise the zipper mad as it did its duty and Orihime's skirt fell to the floor, leaving her panties as her only defense.


Still wrapped in their embrace, Rukia's mouth sucking and her tongue rolling the hard nipple in her mouth let her hands each grab a handful of Orihimes buttocks. Another low moan from Orihimes lips was the only sound to be heard as Rukia now, knew what she had to do. Rukia stood back from Orihime and looked deep into her eyes. Reaching down and taking Orihimes right hand into both of hers, started to pull the young woman towards the bedroom. Pulling might have been the wrong word, because there was no opposition from Orihime, guided Orihime to the bedroom, Rukia was a little surprised there was no opposition from Orihime.

It seemed to Orihime that it took hours instead of the few seconds to cover the distance from the livingroom to her bedroom, but cover it they did. Rukia stopped Orihime and again marvelled at her naive charms. Yoruichi told her how this was to be done, but Rukia wanted to experiment. "'Hime", she cooed, "If you want this to happen, you must take off the last remaining garment and lie down".

A flicker flashed across Orihime's face as the thought was being processed. Rukia opened her light coat and unbuttoned her blouse, pulling them both off at once. She did not wear a bra, so her small perfectly shaped breasts were quickly seen by Orihime. Rukia then put her thumbs on the inside of her skirt, catching both the material of her skirt and her silky panties. She pulled both down in one graceful movement.

Standing in front of Orihime in only her socks, Rukia again looked at Orihime who was now focused on the naked soul-reaper before her. Neither had even in a position like this. Sure they experimented, played, never was the tension in the air felt like this before. Orihimes hands moved to her hips and pulled her lacy panties to the floor then slowly stepped to the side.

Rukia led Orihime to her sleeping bed and said "Relax, and lie down". Orihime did just that, laying flat on her back, not knowing what to think or expect.

Rukia laid on the bed next to Orihime, looking at her face and gave 'Hime a long kiss. Orihime thought to herself that this isn't so bad, she had long thought about further "exploration". Her only concern was how this will affect... she felt thru the thought and kiss, Rukia's soft, gentle hand touching her skin. Touching her in a way she at first felt startling and yet comforting. Rukia's hand was on Orihime's taut stomach and slowly moved up to her large firm breasts. At first, touching the soft underside, as she had done before, then she rolled her thumb over the nipple which was getting rock hard again.

Rukia broke off the kiss and slowly left a trail of kisses to 'Hime's left breast. Her lips replaced her thumb as she first blew a long stream of warm breath across the hard nipple. A low moan escaped from Orihime as she felt the charge of feeling flash from her nipple to her brain. Rukia took this as a good sign and ran her hand down across Orihime's stomach again and let it travel further down still.

As Rukia was rolling her tongue over 'Hime's nipple, she thought to herself "well, it's now or never". She let her hand mover along the top of Orihimes thigh, then brought it inward. Orihime's eyes widened, "well I guess I'm going to find out....". Her thought ended as Rukia ran her index finger along 'Himes pussy lips. Not intrusive, but light as a feather and soft as a gentle breeze.

Orihime drew in a short gasp as the touch sent tingles straight from her nether regions, up her spine and into her brain. Orihime's body stiffened, well as much as it could in her hypnotic state« try something like hr body respond naturally even though she was hypnotized, then it relaxed as she started to feel a glow coming from her mound.

Rukia sensed Orihime's physical bout of tensing and relaxation and she slowly started to pry the petals of her preys womanhood apart. Delicately, as if she was playing with silk she opened Orihime's lips, feeling the deepening of 'Himes breath and the wetness she was beginning to feel on her fingers. Rukia wanted to explor a little and she pressed her lips to Orihimes as she ran her finger straight onto Orihime's clitoris. Thru her lips she felt both the surprise and the desire that was coming from her partner. Orihime lips expressed jolt of sexual feeling and surrender as she returned the kiss with as much energy and passion she could muster in her state.

Rukia now knew that her path was wide open. She broke of the kiss and trailed kisses down Orihime's neck.

Orihime let out a little moan of disappointment. "Did that come from me?", Orihime thought to herself, a little embarrased. But the soft pecks on the ultra soft skin of her neck caused her to end that thought and concentrate of the new feelings coming from her groin. Rukia's continued her soft assault on poor Orihime's clit. It was getting hard and beginning to unsheath itself from the skin surrounding it, like it had a mind of it's own. For the time being it did, because Orihime's brain was being overrun with sensations. She had masturbated before, and playing around with her girlfriends had another girl touch her "down there". This was different, was it the charm placed on her or was it....

Oh My God ! Orihime felt Rukia's mouth engulf her nipple as she also ran her fingernail over her now erect clitoris. She couldn't think at all now as a huge sensation erupted from her pussy, the wetness was now a flood staining the pad below her. A feeling starting in her toes, which made them curl, shot up her legs and met with those from her vuvla, and shot straight into her brain as she arched her back and let the orgasm take her over.

In her state she had no choice as wave after wave of pleasure took her over. Rukia's lips pressed back onto Orihime's wanting to feel the release thru her lips, to try and steal some of its essense. Another blast of sensation flowed thru Orihimes body, causing her to vibrate, even the slightest touch made her quiver and moan. This Rukia gave her in abundance with her lips and her velvety touch. Slowly now Rukia knew that her job was almost over and she had to ease Orihime out of the orgasmic condition she was in. Rukia mumbled a short phrase and licked "Himes ear lobe. This sent a straight shock to Orihimes brain as she slowly stated coming out of the fog, her body still tingling and her senses still unable to fully react. Rukia slowly and softly stroked Orihime's face, bringing her slowly back to reality.

A soft moan escaped from Orihime's lips as she quickly embraced a startled Rukia. Rukia was unsure of what to do. So far the plan was moving ahead, but Yoruichi left out some details. Like, what to do next. Rukia held hugged Orihime and hummed to her. Orihime stayed in that position, for what seems like hours to her, but in the real world only a few minutes. Back to almost her same old self and realizing that here she was, naked and in another young womans arms. Her face buried with her cheek resting on....

OH MY!... is that a nipple? Is it getting erect? What am I going to do? Her first thought was to run into the bathroom. Her second thought surprised even her. "Well 'Hime", she thought to herself. If you get up and run away, this make things really awkward between Rukia and I. How will that affect Yoruichi's plan to help Ichigo? AND, well what Rukia had done to her really felt good. She could even feel the wetness and noticed that it had spread to her inner thighs. "Well, I can think of only one way" and remembering what Yoruichi told her in private...

Orihime moved her cheek back an inch and turned her face towards Rukia’s chest, she then pulled Rukia's nipple into her mouth. Now it was time for Rukia's thoughts to end in the middle, for her eyes to open wide in surprise and a moan to escape from her lips. Now Orihime whispered a small almost silent phrase and again sucked in Rukia's nipple into her mouth, her tongue rolling over the ever hardening nipple. Rukia felt the fog coming over her brain as her body seemed to lose all control.

"That damned Yoruichi" she thought, because she could only think, no words would escape her lips. Now she remembered, Yoruichi pulling Orhime to the side for only a moment, and almost un-noticed moment and spoke something into her ear. "Gaaaaaa!" Rukia thought, "What now!". before she could answer herself, Orihime brought her hand down Rukias' back inbetween Rukia's buttocks and further. Rukia was still slowly falling under, because of her training, but falling nonetheless. She was ill prepared when Orihime's fingers rolled down the crack of her butt, then she realized it was too late. She could not fend off what was to happen next. Orihime let her middle finger roll over the puckered bud of Rukia's asshole, let it hover for a second, and then let it move further down. If Rukia could let out a sigh of relief, she would have then, but in the next second it would have choked on the gasp she made as Orihime let her finger slide into Rukia's womanhood which was more than wet from the previous thiry or forty minutes and 'Himes arm rested on the taut muscles of Rukia's back.

"Get on your back Rukia", Orihime said "and spread you legs for me." Rukia did what she was told, how could she refuse? Orihime again pressed her lips to Rukia's as Rukia lay flat on the bed. Orihimes finger again took it's place in Rukias vagina, letting it slowly slip in and then when she pulled it out let it run over the hardening bump of Rukia's clitoris.

"I have an idea" 'Hime thought not wanting to break the deep soul kiss that was going on. Orihime repositioned her body so that the nipple of her much larger breast was hovering ever so close to Rukias smaller yet hard nubbin. A "hhhmmmmmm" escaped for 'Himes mouth and into Rukias as she let her nipple rub Rukias'. Yes this more fun than she had with her other girlfriends. Since rubbing their nipples was really feeling so good, why not... Before she could talk herself out of it, she rolled herself onto Rukia., mounting her as she thought a man would. Pulling back a few inches 'hime looked at Rukias face, her eyes still closed from the kiss, felt their breast mashed together and started moving her pelvis around until they were pussy to pussy, clit to clit.

Orihime started to grind against Rukia, round and round, back and forth until... "That's the spot!" she excliamed, her clitoris rubbing on Rukias'. Even this made Rukias' eyes open, staring right into 'Himes eyes. But, 'Hime wanted more, more sensation, more sex... Yes the effects were all gone now! Every tingle coming for her nipples or clit, even the nerves of her skin was fueling a fire that was comsuming her. Rolling of Rukia sheslid around until she was in a scissor position with both vaginas pressed together. With a growl Orihime now started in earnest, roughly rubbing the slick hot genitals against each other. Both women letting their juices flow then mingle on the skin if their pubic area, their thighs and finally starting to stain the pad of the bed.

Rukia at first was breathing slow and deep, but as she still could move something, do something, if she concentrated long enough. However, Orihime's sexual assault on her did not give her much chance of her being able to do anything. She finally was able to move her own pelvis a little and joined 'Hime in the jumble of thighs and crotches. Orihime now grabbed her own breasts, not soft and gentile, but hard and as rough as she could. Squeezing her massive firm boob with one hand using the other for support, Orihime let her head tilt back as the pleasure was again attacking her brain from two regions. She was also anticipating a oft felt felling of self-pleasure. her thumb and forefingers grasped her nipple firmly and pulled... "Ohhhhh!" came from another growl coming from 'Hime. Smashing and rubbing erect clits were now slippery with juices and seeking any form of contact to end the jolts of electricty surging thru the two women. Orihime was always ready to experiment, well after a while, some cajoling and maybe a sake or three. She now had no hesitation what she wanted. She knew Rukia had a modicome of control but will it be enough?

"Rukia", 'Hime said, still grinding and tugging. "Rukia, I want you to lick me.. NOW" With this said, Orihime now moved around with her head between Rukia's thighs from on top, Rukia with her head between 'Himes thighs from below.

With a deep breath for support, 'Hime placed her fore and second fingers astride Rukia's vagina lips and spread them as the moved her head down. Rukia was still trying to piece things together when the command finally sunk in. "Lick me ... NOW" took over. But to Rukia it didn't seem like a command, but a request, one she wanted to grant.

Rukia was thinking, trying to move her face up, "damn this is taking so long why.... Ahhhhhhh!". Orihimes tongue found the small firm bud of her clit and sucked it into her mouth flicking her tongue over it's head. "I wonder if this is like "doing it" to a man, on a smaller scale", I wonder if Rukia can get herself..... Ohhhhhhhhh!"... Yes, 'Hime she can as she finally felt Rukia's tongue run up and down her slit. Both women were now licking and tasting each other. Tongues on clits and skin on skin. Both feeding off each other, both physically and emotionally as they rode an up and down roller coaster. Trying this and trying that as they were riding toward a peak neither knew if they could reach. Neither thought it would take so long. The sensations kept building, putting themselves away in a corner, but not exploding. The girls were almost frustrated, but another tingle or sensation would come and move to the side.

"I know what I'm going to do!" 'Hime said outloud, breaking contact with Rukia's wet and swollen mound she whispered a few words and again attached her mouth to Rukia's womanhood. Rukia was slowy able to come out of her trance, getting back control of her body much faster than 'Hime could because of her training.

Rukia now had two choices as far as she could tell To break away and try to salvage the situation, or.... "Fuck it", she thought and let her mouth rejoin the feast that was taking place, adding her slow moving fingers to the mix. But before Rukia got too far into her ministrations a quick and powerful orgasm struck her from nowhere. It didn't come from where she though it would, those sensations hoarding themselves to the side. It struck hard making her toes point out and her back arch, her arms stretched over her head. Any fog left was now gone as little Rukia stuck her face inbetween 'Hime's thighs with a new abandon. Her tongue was every where, her face saturated with the young redheads sexual essense.

The new flurry made Orihime moan a long deep moan that vibrated thru her body as well as her tongue, which was drawing a lazy circle over the gard nib of Rukia's clit. Both knew that they were approaching a point of no return and it was going to be big as their extremities were starting to vibrate. Orihine sped up the speed and increased the pressure on Rukia's love button, while Rukia now held 'Himes clit gently between her teeth, push the skin back of it so she could concentrate her suction and tongue on the healers long, hard mini-penis. Another long deep moan shot from "Hime and her tongue to vibrate again on Ruka's clitoris, this was too much for Rukia as all the pent up sensations were let go... A flood of both juice and sensations which caused her to shake uncontrolably. Her brain exploded as a huge wave slammed into her casing her jaw to drop releasing "Himes button from between her teeth, but her top teeth lightly slid along the tender nerve endings of "Himes clitoris and her tongue still moved back and forth.

Orihime felt the scrapping on her tender, swollen clit and this was her trigger. Her arms stretched out as she lost control of them, her face buried itself in Rukias' vagina and then her legs, already shaking gave out. Rukia started shaking hewr head back and forth as another orgasm swept over her, Orihimes' body was spasming as she lost all control emitting little jerks of her body as she convulsed. Every convulsion "Hime had was in itself a orgasm, every fiber of her nerves were reacting to any stimuli that set it off. Be it the smooth skin of Rukia, the cool sheets, a breeze for the fan overhead.

Rukia was not faring much better. As Orihime started coming, she buried her face into Rukia's womanhood, just the thought of "Himes' face in there, getting smeared with the come that Rukia knew was gushing out of her, then the feeling against her pussy lips caused by "Himes face did it to her again. Rukias' entire body went rigid as a board, she stopped breathing, a bright red flush consumed her from her crotch to her neck.

Rukia went totally limp, looking to see that Orihime was in the fetal position her body jerking with every breath and a silent pleasured scream on her lips. Rukia didn't know whether it was the charm or just that she was just spent that caused her to lie still, unable to move and barely able to breathe. Orihime felt the spasms start to diminish in both frequency and strength. Rukia with the better training and other attributes slowly crawled to Orihime. Moving behind the redheaed healer in a spoon position, Rukia embraced Orihime. Orihime jerked at the touch of Rukias body. Not out of revulsion or guilt, but because of the electricty that shoot from every nerve ending that was touched. Rukia started to softly stroke "Himes arm and hummed a soothing melody to calm the healer. They both started to calm down for good, it was Orihime that broke the silence first saying in a raspy voice

"I think I see now..." and let the statement stand on its own. "See, it won't hurt him at all... I promised".

Neither saw the black cat looking into the window, with what looked like a smile on its face.


The rest of the day and night went basically uneventful for Rukia and Orihime. Talk revolved mostly about the plan and pretty mundane other things. That night they slept together, but the days events had taken its toll on the two and hanky-panky was the furtherst thing on their minds. They both new that they had a day or two to recover before they stepped up to bat, each in their own way. Tomorrow belonged to Yoruichi, and may mercy be shown to Ichigo. If he acted his usual self, then he had better standby.


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My dark, naked body slinks down the pale surface of yours, as I fall to my knees before you. The contrast of my skin against yours is our private aphrodisiac. I lick my berry colored lips in anticipation. I work your pants down, shoving them to your ankles. Grabbing the cuffs, in a swoop I pull them off. You didn't confine yourself today, as you often do. I laugh lightly. You make every thing so simple for me, removing your shirt in advance and wearing no underwear.You are as eager for me as I...

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obedience The words on the note I’ve passed to you are unmistakable, yet they seem so out of touch with the reality you’ve immersed yourself in that, contrary to your nature, or at least to your already considerable experience, you blush.Yet your hand is already on its way to do as my note bid. Obedience is no longer a matter of choice, of reflection of any consideration of the consequences of what you are made to do.One part of you may well be considering the implications of the order. You are...

3 years ago
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Part One: The Train God! But she was beautiful in those days. Not that Jenni is any less beautiful now, but she was unbelievably stunning back then. Since though, time and the bearing and rearing of children have taken their toll. Jenni still is a very good looking woman, a little thicker than she would like, but all in all, very pretty for a fifty something year old woman. Her beauty goes further than the depth of skin. Jenni is one of those people who is just naturally lovely, without a mean...

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Come and try out what a Big Black Man can Do

Angie's very attractive, just over 5ft tall and has worked hard to keep her slim shapely figure despite her three pregnancies. She has long dark hair in a frizzy perm.She's well used to all the men giving her the once-over every time she walks by and she secretly enjoys the attention. She's been tempted many times when the fellow looked nice and she enjoyed playing around when she was single but, since they were married, she's always stayed faithful to Gary; -- until now. She's a very outgoing...

1 year ago
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Golden sun covered the turquoise sea, white waves brushing the sand heading out from the line where she knelt, scooping great pits there just below where the fluffy white stuff I was sat upon merged with the firm apron of beige. Oblivious to those around her, she worked at her play, building with her chosen medium. I watched her from the lazy comfort of our sheet, spread upon the heated sand. My face pillowed on crossed arms, just slivers of my sunglasses were visible peeking up to gaze down on...

2 years ago
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Music Of Change 2 The Bonus

Music of Change #2: The Bonus By Valerie Hope ?I swear to God, if I hear one more industry buzzword, I?m going to climb the clock tower with a high-powered rifle,? Gary said between his teeth, trying to look interested and busy as he doodled on his legal pad. The meeting had been going strong for an hour and a half easily, and showed no signs of deteriorating before rush hour had started in earnest. Sales meetings were always like this ? no one liked the sounds of their own...

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GangbangCreampie Reverse Cowgirl July Edition 07092021

Saddle up for a new month of cowgirls with Nicole, Kourtney, and Liv. There’s not a runt among them as all three girls ride their Cocksmen with unbridled passion! Fit, firm, and stacked, Nicole is up in the stocks first on top of stallion Scotty while Chris and Randy suck on her full, natural boobs. They jiggle intensely as Scotty pounds Nicole with gusto from below. Once ample attention has been paid to her responsive nipples, Chris and Randy grab Nicole’s legs so she can be...

1 year ago
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Robin and John are going to dinner with their eldest daughter, Hailey, and finally getting to meet her new boyfriend. For months they’ve been hearing about this amazing man named Jackson that seems to have swept Hailey off her feet. Robin and John are sitting at the restaurant anxiously awaiting Haileys arrival. “Do you think we’ll like him?” She asks. “I don’t know hun…as long as he’s treating her well and she’s happy I don’t see why we wouldn’t. “I guess you’re right…” Robin says as she...

2 years ago
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Through the YearsChapter 11

Second half of the Competition After we finished breakfast, I was checking the scores as the girls went to the bathroom to get ready. Brit was the leader with thirty-two, Syndy in second with thirty, Kacy and Wren next tied with twenty eight, followed by Amy with twenty six and Tam last with twenty-two. “Ok, today we’ll be starting with knotted-rope walk where you’ll in turn move from one end of a rope that has five knots to the other end while having a minimum of two-ounces of weight...

1 year ago
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My Big Brother

I love Tommy. I can't imagine a better brother. Last Saturday I wanted to go to the mall with Jennifer and Mandy but Mom said no because I still had the laundry to do. Wash, dry, fold, iron and hang, put away. It would only take me about three hours to finish it, so I kind of begged her. "Mom, I'll do it when I get back. Please let me go. They are going to look at dresses for the dance." "No, Susan. We all have our responsibilities and you have yours too. You could have started last...

3 years ago
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Sherry The Story Teller Pt 2

Sarah went into the kitchen, washed her hands, then took out from the refrigerator lettuce, broccoli, a green pepper, a cucumber, a jar of Greek olives, a small ceramic container of cheese, then from the basket over the counter, a red onion and a big tomato. Angelo came in with a bottle of red wine and Sarah handed him a cork screw and, with her eyes, told him to open the wine, then reached for two wine glasses. “ Hope you like a Greek Salad with homemade feta cheese.” “ Homemade?” “ Yes...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Kausi Chitti Sealing The Deal

This is a continuation from the first part of Kausi Chitti How it Began It was around 5 pm and my uncle was leaving for his shift just as my cousin entered the house I watched her come in covered in sweat from the heat. Her under boobs having a distinct outline and her armpits having small almost cute wet patches. The weight of her school bag made her body convex and arch in the sexiest way imaginable. She is only 18 but is so developed that if it was not for her cute innocent face she would...

3 years ago
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BBW Hook UpDonnaPerfect Fuck Buddy

I met Donna on the same web site I met Gail (BBW Hook Up-Gail). Donna was about 42 yrs old, married for over 20 yrs and one grown son. She lived nearby but in the next larger city to where I lived. She was married and her husband worked nights, spent his paycheck on beer and lottery tickets and sexually pretty much ignored her. She said that he never, ever in all their years together went down on her and she said she could probably count on one hand how many times he brought her to orgasm. She...

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Charlie and KarenChapter 12

"We're going to do it tonight," Karen said to Helen on Thursday afternoon. "What time should I come back?" "He has a meal at work so anytime after eight-thirty will be okay." "That's even better, is there any reason you can think of why I shouldn't be here when he gets home?" "No, none that I can think of." "Great, I'll be back by eight." "Are you sure you'll be alright there alone?" Charlie asked. "Yes, I think so. I'm pretty sure I've read him right but if not,...

1 year ago
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BounderChapter 4

With the gathering of hardboys growing just down the street from us, we really had very little time left to linger but I first need to get the items that I'd asked Mumford to collect for me from the house. "Mumford, I see you brought the package I asked for?" He nodded and handed me a small but heavy parcel wrapped in twine from inside of his large cloth covered market basket. Mumford always handled my daily shopping needs for our cook and could be regularly seen in the local markets...

3 years ago
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Dealing With George

Jo Gilbert and Madeline 'Maddy' Prescott had been school friends, but when Maddy went off to university they didn't see much of each other, but they'd stayed in touch. Maddy had wanted a career before she thought about having a family, but fate decreed otherwise. Her father had died when she was quite young, and the year that she graduated her mother confessed that she was dying, but that she wanted her daughter to finish her education before she told her. For two years after she was told,...

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Jilnar Jardalys Sexual Healing

Hey, gang! I've head about this amazing thread so thought I'd share an amazing experience I've had with the gorgeous جلنار جردلي Jilnar Jardaly slut.After a couple of tours in Iraq (I'm a US marine) I returned to my hometown Detroit in a complete state of physical exhaustion. The docs told me about a new military hospital that was trying a brand new experimental procedure which was already having amazing results on ex-servicemen patients suffering my condition, so I signed up...I was put in a...

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Damians Harem

Back to the story. My mom sighed and looked up at me, she said “Damian your father and I are going out of town, and we aren’t coming back.” “Okay. Let me pack some things and” mom cut me off. “You don’t understand… You’re not coming with us. You have the money you earn from your computer consulting business, but we are going to leave you with enough money to last you till you’re 18. You’ll also have a debit card in your name to get what ever you want.” As she spoke I sat dumbfounded. Now I am...

2 years ago
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Barb Cheated

Authors note: Not much sex, just a story. He couldn't face me. He knew what he had just done to me and he knew how much I was hurting. How could he not? My best friend since the third grade, the best man at my wedding, Brandon knew me inside and out. To make him feel easy I said: "Relax bud, we don't shoot the messengers anymore. You sure she didn't see you?" "I don't think she did, but am I sure? No, I can't say I'm sure. I saw her as soon as I walked in the door and I turned to go...

1 year ago
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Aunties House

• Auntie “catches” me dressed in her clothes and assists me in realizing all of my sissy desires• She takes you to her dresser drawers and fits you in her panties, pantyhose, bra, slip, dress, and heels. Then she does your makeup while you watch in the mirror. You are getting excited and she notices and puts a girdle up to cover your hardening condition. You are incredibly pleased. You and she go to the kitchen and she instructs you on how to treat your man as a woman and cook dinner. She...

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Norwegian Wood

‘I swear to you, I don’t usually do things like this.’ The compulsion to defend my honor drops the words off my tongue right as I’m noticing their incongruence, this is how I know I’m out of it, and part of me goes cold and clenches, bracing for impact. ‘Things like what?’ she asks, laughing behind the words as she drops her purse onto something solid in the dark and walks into the abyss with the calm assurance of one who either knows the terrain intimately or is too giddy to care whether she...

1 year ago
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Sex Game

The Sex Game by Randomking Warning: This story contains material of sexually graphic nature. I take no responsibility for anyone reading who shouldn't... yada, yada, yada. I used to be a normal business man who was only trying to make a living, but, alas, I was proving to be poor at what I did. As I came to the realization of that, I started getting very depressed. I realized that my love-life was not going anywhere, that I was just getting bored with life. Eventually, I...

4 years ago
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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 36

I did some advance work for my plan. I called his house when I was pretty sure he wouldn’t be in. I spoke to Sunny and asked her to tell Jeff I would be by for him around 7:30, maybe a few minutes later. ‘Is everything okay?’ she asked. ‘You sound a little funny.’ ‘No, everything’s great.’ In that moment I learned a key lesson about lying. I had practiced lying all my life and I considered myself quite good at it. Pick the emotion, the stress level, the sincerity you want to portray, feel...

2 years ago
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Miss Robins Sunday Morning

Jackie woke me up by licking on my penis through the pink panty material. I love getting woken this way. We were both wearing baby dolls with matching panties and Miss Robins and Mother both insist we are to wear coordinating bras. We both need breast enhancers anyway so that goes without saying. We were lying on the bed in a 69 position and his wonderfully engorged penis was popping out of his cute little panties. Oh, what is a girl to do? Like Duh? I started lapping away and he...

4 years ago
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Getting to know your Neighbors

Beth leaned over the sink and pulled open the light blue curtains. The cold sink sent a jolt through the young woman's body when it contacted the unprotected area between her t-shirt and panties. She braved the cold for a few seconds to look out onto the freshly fallen snow in the early morning light.Then she backed away and scanned the windows of the neighboring house. There he was. A towel wrapped around his waist. He dried his hair with a smaller towel then threw it out of her sight. She...

Straight Sex
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For Ginger Part 1

While I was out on a walk by myself I stumbled upon a very sexy looking older lady out for a walk herself. She was wearing these tight camo pants that showed off her tiny waists and a big blue and white sports bra. Her tits look absolutely massive. Like the sports bra is struggling to keep them from bouncing up and down every step she takes. She is short blonde and I am wondering how this lady is managing to walk alone with no one else trying to make a move on her. I continue to follow her and...

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The WeekendPart 3

I stared at the logs in the fireplace, my vision blurry with the tears I was trying to hold back. I finished my beer and put the glass down. Carol took my hand in hers. I said to her with a catch to my voice. “She should have been home at seven, and now it’s almost eleven. She sent me a message saying she was delayed at the office and it wasn’t true. She lied to me. Now she’s ignoring all my calls and messages. Gillian’s supposed to be here as well, and she’s not turned up either.” “I’m...

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John knew from a young age he liked cock. When he was young he always was rubbing his and playing with it. In his teens his friend Mike and he would get together and suck each others cocks and jerk them. As they learned more they would fuck each other in the ass. They lived in Las Vegas and when they started driving they would go to a male sex club. The men there loved the young guys and every Saturday they would suck cock and get their asses fucked many times. One Saturday as Mike was sucking...

3 years ago
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In Her GenesChapter 6 A Few Small Steps

Come early December, David reached a milestone. With Arturo and Melanie supporting him from both sides, he was able to stand wobbly on his own feet in the chest-high water of the pool. Melanie was so excited that she sprinted through the cool evening air into the main house, dragging Josh to the pool and having him take pictures of David standing between Melanie and Arturo. She and David mailed those pictures to his mother that same evening. It was the happiest the two had been since the...

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Luke Violet 6

As I turn into my driveway, I can see my dad mowing the lawn in the front. When I get out of my car, he stops and greets me. “Hey Lucas! How’s my college boy doing?” I embrace my father with a hug and a big smile on my face. “So happy to be home and out for the summer dad! Really looking forward to dinner. I’m starving!” My dad laughs as he helps me unload my car with bags into the garage. “Your mom is out in the backyard grilling some burgers with the rest of the gang (I have a...

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The Birthday Gift

The text on his mobile was clear enough:- Meet me, 10am, Friday 19th November, Birmingham Metropole Hotel, Room 472 xxOMG was she serious!Adam's mind had gone into overdrive:- Could he make that day? Would he go? Should he go? If he did, would she like him? Would he like her? What would he wear ? DAMN NO! His moral conscience was so strong too. He couldn’t possibly go, he shouldn’t go, what about his real life? Cheating was not something he could do - he would tell her he couldn’t make that...

Straight Sex
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Beckys New Adventures Birthday Suprise

Part 3: Becky’s Birthday Present (This story is completely fictional) Three weeks after their first experience together, Glenn had discovered a new term that described him exactly… GirlLover. He had stumbled on a web site that explained that GirlLovers are attracted to young girls emotionally and physically. The sited talked about how today’s society treats pedophiles (which means lovers of children) as child molesters and evil people, but that true lovers of children never molest them, but...

First Time
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This is a true story, as it has been told to me from an American friend. I just “released” his story… If wrongly translated, or wrong phrases, please bear with me… Mostly you can read about sexual relations between young girls and older men. Sometimes you can also read stories of young boys and women, but they’re mostly told by the women, so I’ll tell you a story from the ‘boy’s view’, as it happened to me when I was 13. I said 13 years old, but in fact it was just 1 month before...

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My intro to sex part 1

Julie their mother, was a really bad chain smoker and would go through three or four packs a day. Julie would offen visit Kayles trailer which caused Kayle, Chase, Ellen and me to mostly stay outside to just be able to breathe. I didnt mind because, other than the double wide trailer, kayle's land was beautiful plent of oak trees for climbing, untamed acres for hiking, and even a small pond to keep any teenage entertained. One day I stopped by Julies i remember Ellen and I were going...

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Chronicles Of Amy Started Whoring

This series is a figment of my imaginations. All characters mentioned story are fictional. Any suggestions and comments are appreciated. This is a completely new series and none of the characters has any kind of association with the old stories submitted by me. Alex woke up at 10. He fucked Amy and left at 12 noon. He went to the brothel which was located in the middle of town. Prostitution was legal in the town so everyone was aware of the brothel. The manager of the brothel was a friend of...

1 year ago
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William Redman CarterChapter 22

The underground bunker for housing the computers had been completed. A work crew sent by Dan Biggerstaff was busy wiring the room to support the network that would tie the computers together. It was a massive job considering that they were linking ten thousand computers together. It was made even more difficult due to the fact that they were physically located on four separate floors. The room was cold. The air conditioner was set up to cool ten thousand machines, but there were only empty...

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Loss Prevention Officer1

My office was a converted part of a warehouse about twenty feet square. I had a nice desk, filing cabinets, a couple tables and a huge bank of video monitors showing the view of all the security cameras in the store. I could control the cameras with a joystick, pan tilt and zoom. It was a much busier job than I expected. I couldn’t believe how many people stole. I processed 31 people the first week. 24 of them were women. They stole mainly cosmetics, clothes and cheap jewelry. Several of the...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Danielle Derek G140

Greetings and Salutations Gangbangers! It’s Fuck ’em Fill ’em Feed Friday! Danielle is finally on the bench, and she’s anxiously awaiting the Creampies that are about to cum! They get her back, and bust those tittles out of shirt jail. Kaboom, those 34GGG’s are crazy big, and they’re gonna bounce all over the place while she’s taking those cocks. So they get right to it, going downtown and munching on the pussy. Filling her hands and mouth with cock....

4 years ago
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Daddy Broke Me Part 1

I hadn't brought a jacket to school, or an umbrella, which meant I was going to be soaked. When I walked up onto the front porch, my hair was soaked and clung to my face, my neck and my shirt. My shoes were soaked through, so I took them off on the porch and put them to the side before walking into the house.  "You are late young lady!" I heard my dad yell from the other room. He had gotten home before me. And if he saw me like this, I knew I'd be in trouble. "Sorry dad. It rained." I...

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Gazebos and VermouthPart 7

In front on her house and lined up on her driveway were several cars. I put on the brakes just to count the cars as a car pulled aside me and honked a horn. I was blocking the right of passage it seemed as a younger kid of about eighteen was wanting to deliver pizza to Diane’s house. I moved the car up a few feet giving him room. My mathematics skill kicked in as I counted the number of pizza carry-out boxes. It appeared to be four large ones. They surely weren’t watching Dancing With The...

4 years ago
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Natalie Conrad

Natalie and Conrad Natalie paced back and forth alongside her parked car. She stopped alongside the cars passenger window. She bit a nail, trying to stem her nervousness. What if this man, this Conrad, doesn't like her? What if she doesn't like him? Yesterday she had been so excited after Katy had told her about him she couldn't think straight, but now, if Katy had come by and said it was all off, she'd be glad. Wouldn't she? She glanced at her watch for the sixth time since getting out...

3 years ago
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The Wolf SummersChapter 3 Iriss Price

The beginning of a young story As soon as I realized I voted for my baby sister's happiness over 'The Itch', I regretted my selflessness. For six months, I became intimately familiar with the curse of teenage boys, sexual frustration. There were other options; but even though Rachel shattered the ritual nature of 'The Itch', it still shaped my understanding of sex. The task of shaking me completely loose of the 'The Itch' fell on a visiting male cousin from Puerto Rico. Being my...

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Las Vergonzosas Desventuras de Victoria Willow

En muchos aspectos, Victoria Willow es una chica común. Cabello castaño oscuro, ojos color avellana, un cuerpo algo atlético, unos pechos de tamaño normal, medianos, un trasero redondo y pequeño. En la universidad tiene calificaciones normales, ni muy altas ni muy bajas. Tampoco es la chica más popular ni una marginada. En resumidas palabras, conociéndola superficialmente, Victoria te parecería una chica promedio. Sin embargo, hay algo que la hace especial: su mala suerte. Y particularmente, su...

2 years ago
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Artur and Erina Fearghas and their childhood friends Darry and Flanna O'Callaghan had been friends that had moved to Wisconsin after they were married. The Fearghas' became dairy farmers while the O'Callaghan's raised beef cattle both had become very successful. The Fearghas' had two sons Paul and Rorke. Paul was not interested in farming and joined the US Marines. Rorke had loved his brother and was always able to talk out his problems with him. Paul was home on February 1, 1956 just...

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Unknowingly turned into a BBC whore

So Jamal had fucked my wife with his BBC like no one had ever before. For the next couple of months not at day passed without my wife either talking or texting with Jamal. We lived about two hours away from him so spur of the moment hook ups were not common but happened occasionally. Jamal would come up to our house on the weekends and fuck my wife two days straight and she would occasionally drive to his college during the week. Her whole demeanor had changed and she was like a school...

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the dirty neighbor 3

hi there if you've been following my encounters you will know what the dirty old man next door and I have been up to if not here is a quick up date .after plying me with his home made wine down in his cellar he made me suck his massive cock. the following day I surprised him in his garden shed where I let him lick my wet pussy then let him fuck me with his big manhood on his work bench. the third and final time happened on the night before my husband and son were about to return from their...

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My Wife And The Play Part Four

I left her alone and poured us a glass of wine each. It was almost an hour later when she emerged from the bedroom and boy did she look sexy.She was wearing a short bright red dress that flared at the waist and her little makeup made her face look so beautiful: her high heels highlighted her slender firm legs.“Wow, Jen you look amazing!” I told her as I gently kissed her.“Thank you, Kevin,” Jen smiled, “I bet you’re regretting letting Tony share my bed now aren’t you?”“No, why?”“Because you...

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Summer fun

the story starts with a hot night in a greek island with my ex-gf.We were with some friends drinking some cocktails and lot of shots. 3 guys, 3 ladies. only couple was me and her, the rest were friends. there was one guy i didn't knew him not either my girl. He was a friend of another girl. My gf liked him, he was muscled guy and beautiful at the age she liked 30+.After all that drinks and around 4am she was almost drunk also the rest of us and then she started dancing with him as she did with...

3 years ago
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DreamweaverChapter 15 Complications

I was sitting at the desk, Allison standing behind me when Bob and Rebecca walked in. I had already cleaned us up and wiped all outward signs of what had just happened between Allison and me. As usual, they had met in the lobby and come in together. I didn't wait for them to say anything, "So how bad is it?" They stopped in the entryway for just a moment before moving to sit down. "Bad enough," Rebecca said. "An envelope was delivered to my office yesterday. It contained a letter from...

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Slums Slut Meghna Fucked by Giant Twins

I love making love. I am 26 years old and I have a perfect woman’s body with measurements 38-24-36. I have chocolate brown skin and firm C cup breasts. If you want to make love with me just ask Meghna, Room No. 203. “Meghna I like to suck on your boobs,” says Zeeshan. “I love to fuck your tight pussy,” says Khan uncle. These are the feedback of a few from many lovers that I do every day. I have been doing this for many years now. I love my life in the slums. I started writing as a hobby. I do...

1 year ago
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Got My Cousins Wife Pregnant Part 2

  Phani’s family was very happy that Lahiri was pregnant.When she was 3 months pregnant, her family members went to a relative’s marriage for 10 days including Phani. She pretended as if she was not feeling well (fortunately she didn’t suffer from morning sickness). They asked me to stay with her just in case she needs anything. I agreed to stay in their home. She cooked nice meals for me and kept looking at me with a sense of gratitude. After a day, I asked her why she is looking at me...

3 years ago
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The girl next door

My neighbor was a slim, brown, black hair woman. Every time when in home in my shorts and small tops that show my shape. She always looks at me in a weird way which gave me the chills. I was home doing my laundry on a Saturday when she was doing the same. I was just about to go inside when she call me and said she wanted me to come over. To look at her laptop she knew I was great with computers. I told her to give me a few mins so I could go home and have a shower first. She was like anything...

1 year ago
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Are you ready to lick now

Peter has been reticent, of course he has. What decent self respecting man comes gratefully, regularly to the sticky semen mess left in his wife's wet pussy by a dominant man? But Dominic insists that Peter does come to pussy and that he lick nicely. He insists that my husband put me up on a pedestal that way, worshiping cunt in a way that demonstrates his utter submission to the new order. I want that as well. At first it disgusted me that Peter might do something quite so humiliating. But...

1 year ago
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A cam site doesn’t thrive for over a decade for offering a shitty experience. Credit to Cam Contacts for all the hot girls with no fake fucking titties, plastic surgery, too much makeup and have that ‘girl-next-door’ vibe. Being an exhibitionist or simply a voyeur, hot girls from over 170 countries willing to assist you to realize your sexual fantasies.A lot of sites have great interactive features, but CamContacts.com just takes it a notch higher. The site makes it possible for you to meet-up...

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