Elise And My Roommates Chapter 3 free porn video

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Weekdays had a way of wearing me down. School work was killing me this week, it seemed every class had a major paper or project due at the same time. It was Friday again and I was actually looking forward to the weekend, even though that's when Elise seemed to get in the most trouble.

Over the last week she had been wearing less and less around the house, if that was at all possible. Last night she was walking around in just a bra and a tiny thong. The back of the panties was basically just a string so her whole ass was on display as she walked around. I even caught Jeff staring a few times.

Another time during the week I caught her coming out of the shared bathroom from her shower completely nude except for a towel on her head. She didn't seem to have a care in the world that anyone could have seen her as she made breakfast then headed back to our room to get dressed for the day. Maybe it really didn't matter at this point, everyone in the house already knew what she looked like naked.

Strangely enough I started getting used to it. It doesn't even bother me anymore that she sends pictures to Shawn and Matt, it seems oddly normal. I guess I rationalized it in my mind by comparing living with Elise to living with a playboy model, sure everyone knows what she looks like, but I'm the only one fucking her.

Speaking of fucking, our sex life has been off the charts since she moved in. Elise seems to be horny all the time and if taking selfies helps with that I'm not going to rock the boat. She still insists that flashing the guys or sending them nudes doesn't turn her on, I'm not completely sure I believe that, but I'll take her word on it for now since she seems to believe it. One of the things I love about Elise is that she never hides things from me, she's always tried to be honest and open.

Like I said, it was Friday and the final class of the day was almost over. I was eager to get home and relax after a crazy busy week. This last lecture was probably the most boring to date, and was glad when my phone buzzed to break the monotony.

It was a text from Elise. I was a little disappointed that there was no picture this time, she sent me a really hot pic of her bending over earlier in the day. Her ass looked amazing.

Elise: Hi Babe :) Almost done?

Me: Yep

Elise: Cool! Come right home if you can. Need a favor.

Me: Sure. See you soon.

The class finally finished and I headed home. I was relieved that another week of school was finished and was just a little closer to being done for the year.

I had barely got in the door when Elise met me with a big hug and ushered me to the living room where my buddy Jeff was waiting.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked.

"You remember Sara right?" Jeff asked.

Of course I did. Back in the last year of high school, Sara was the only girlfriend Jeff had ever had. They were together for less than a year before she moved a couple hours away. It wasn't too far away, but without a car or decent public transit it was hard to keep the relationship going and they soon broke up. Even though it wasn't a messy breakup, Jeff still took it pretty hard. He wanted to try and make the relationship work, but Sara opted for the breakup. It took Jeff quite a while before he started dating again, I'm not sure he ever completely got over her.

I casually wondered what she looked like now, back in high school she was really tall, stick thin and a bit of a tomboy. She had a fairly cute face, not as good as Elise, but definitely above average. She was also really kind, which made the breakup even worse, it was hard to hate her. Still I took Jeff's side and supported him how I could.

"Yeah, of course I remember Sara," I replied.

"Well, she gave me a call earlier. She's in town for a couple days with her new boyfriend and wanted to see me so I invited them over tonight." Jeff said. I could tell there was more to this story.

"That's good right? She was a good friend and we haven't seen her in ages. It will be fun to catch up on things," I replied hopefully.

Jeff sighed, "Yeah, it's good I guess. But she has a boyfriend now, and I don't want her to know that I've been single ever since the breakup."

"Well, you have a good excuse. You're in college. Just tell her you're dating around and don't want anything serious," I said.

Jeff shook his head, "I don't think she'd buy it. She knows me too well."

"So what's this favor, what do you want me to do?" I asked. I figured the favor had something to do with this.

Elise quickly spoke up. "Well, Jeff and I were talking and we thought that maybe I could be his pretend girlfriend for the evening while Sara's here."

I really didn't understand why Jeff couldn't just be honest with Sara. "Sara's cool, I don't see why you need to make up a story."

"I know she's cool, but I don't want her to pity me. It will be awkward and she'll worry that she broke my heart and I can't get over her. It's not true of course, but that's what she'll believe." Jeff explained.

"So you want Elise to be your girlfriend for a couple hours," I said flatly. I really didn't see the point in this. I thought I was the guy who overreacted, now it was Jeff.

"Come on, it will be fun," Elise said jumping in. "Just like acting. You know how much I love acting. I was in the drama club in high school and everything."

I shrugged, "Whatever, okay I guess."

Jeff smiled as Elise clapped her hands excitedly.

"This is going to be really fun," she said. "First we need to get our stories straight, Sara might ask us some personal questions."

Jeff thought for a moment, "You're right. Okay, well we can just go with the story of how you and Kevin met. I was there so we can just replace Kevin with me."

"Yeah, good idea, that should work," Elise said. "Plus I've known you pretty much as long as I've known Kevin so there's shouldn't be too many surprises."

I sat down and listened as Elise and Jeff worked out their fake relationship story.

Elise turned to me. "There's one more thing," she said nervously.

"Okay, what?" I asked.

"Well," she continued, "to be convincing we may need to be a little affectionate."

I hadn't thought of that and it didn't make me too happy. "Affectionate huh? This is sounding more like Jeff is trying to make Sara jealous," I replied.

"Well, maybe a little bit, Elise is probably the prettiest woman I've ever met," Jeff admitted.

"Aww, you're so sweet," Elise said as she touched Jeff gently on the arm.

"So how much affection are we talking about here," I said wanting to make sure I knew what they had planned.

"Not very much," Elise quickly said as Jeff nodded. "Maybe just a little hand holding, or a hug, maybe a quick kiss. Not too much. It will be no big deal."

I looked back and forth between the two of them as they looked back hopefully. "You're going to owe me big time for this," I finally said.

Jeff smiled broadly, "Yes! You're the best friend a guy could ask for."

"Yeah, yeah," I replied, "Don't make me regret this."

Elise came over and gave me a big hug and kiss, "This is why I love you so much. You really care about your friends. Tonight will be fun, I promise. Just pretend we're acting in a movie. I promise things won't get out of hand. Shawn and Matt are in on it too, so they will be playing along."

If I could trust anyone it would be Elise and Jeff. Tonight would be odd, but it would be fine.

"They're going to be here soon, I better get dressed for my starring role," Elise said excitedly as she bounced down the hall to our room.

Jeff and I decided the easiest thing to do for dinner would be to order in some Chinese food, we were going to wait until Sara arrived and then everyone could choose what they wanted and we'd have a few drinks until it arrived.

The two of us started tidying up a little to pass the time, we didn't want it to look too much like a bachelor pad.

"Sooo," Jeff said, "you're not going to freak out or anything if I have to kiss Elise right?"

"I'll be fine," I said. "If it was anyone else, no, but you've had my back forever. I can handle anything that comes along tonight."

"Cool," Jeff said relieved, "I'm sure things won't go very far, I just want to be convincing. Sara's always acted like she could have me back anytime she wanted, I just want her to think I've moved on and have someone better."

"I understand," I said. "Really I do. Just do what you have to do."

Elise returned about fifteen minutes later wearing a white cotton miniskirt and a cute light pink t-shirt. She had pulled her long dirty blonde hair into a ponytail and put just a little makeup on. She looked really good, cute and a little sexy, but not nearly as revealing as she normally was around my roommates. I could also tell she was wearing a bra for a change.

Jeff nervously paced and kept glancing at the clock. "They'll be here any minute," he said to no one in particular.

Shawn and Matt were getting a kick out of Jeff's nervousness. "You must still be really hung up on this girl to be this stressed out," they joked.

The doorbell rang, Jeff took a deep breath and went to answer it. I went with him to greet Sara.

I have to admit, Sara looked great. I talked to her on the phone a couple times over the years and we occasionally trade emails but I hadn't seen her in person in almost three years. Wow, did she ever change. Of course she was still tall, but she wasn't so skinny anymore, she actually had curves and boobs. Not big boobs, but boobs none the less and she now had long black hair, a change from the simple bob cut she used to have. She was wearing a simple short sun dress that showed off her long legs brilliantly.

"Hi! Jeff, Kevin, It's so good to see you!" Sara exclaimed as we answered.

We welcomed her in and there were warm hugs all around. It really was great seeing an old friend again. Almost like old times.

Sara introduced us to her current boyfriend, "Guys, this is Scott. Scott, these are my old friends Jeff and Kevin."

Jeff and I shook his hand and said our hellos before we led them into the house.

Scott seemed like an okay guy, at least in the couple minutes that we knew him. He was thin and rather average looking, but seemed friendly and a pretty good guy.

Jeff made the additional introductions. "Sara, Scott, these are my other roommates Matt and Shawn," he said motioning to the guys. "And this is my girlfriend Elise."

Elise smiled warmly and gave Sara and Scott friendly hugs, "It's so good to meet you."

Sara seemed slightly surprised that Jeff had a girlfriend, but returned the embrace and remarked, "It's great to meet you too."

Shawn and Matt said their hellos then excused themselves to the backyard beach so the five of us could catch up.

Sara sat on the sofa with Jeff while Scott and I grabbed a free chair. Elise, playing the happy girlfriend sat down on Jeff's lap and put her arm around him. I was wondering if they could pull this off or if Sara would see right through it.

I watched as Elise tried to get comfortable sitting on Jeff. She got up slightly and shifted to sit lower down on his lap, in doing so she inadvertently opened her legs to me. I was surprised, but maybe I shouldn't have been, to see straight up her miniskirt to her bare pantiless pussy. Maybe it was too much to ask that she be fully dressed for a change.

"Anyone need drinks?" I said as coolly as possible, slightly annoyed at the lack of clothing. Being naked around the house was one thing, but these were strangers to her. I took everyone's orders and headed to the kitchen.

Elise immediately noticed my reaction and excused herself to help. "You two catch up, I'll help carry in the drinks."

She cornered me in the kitchen, and said worriedly, "What's wrong? You look annoyed. All I did was sit on his lap. That's completely innocent and I thought that's what a girlfriend would do, right?"

"Where are your panties?" I asked.

Elise blushed. "It's not what you think. All my white panties were dirty, and I couldn't wear the colored ones because they'd show through the fabric and I really wanted to wear this skirt because it's cute but not too sexy," she pleaded.

I guess my look didn't convince her I totally believed it.

"Honest," she held up her hand as if taking an oath, "I'm not doing it for Jeff. Not directly anyway. I'll admit it does make me feel sexy and a little naughty doing it in front of his old girlfriend, but that will just help me be more convincing in my role. We're just acting right? I just want to be realistic for Sara. New girlfriends sometimes act jealous or possessive around old girlfriends and might try to show off."

"Okay, it's fine," I relented, "just please be careful, you already flashed me once. I don't want the whole neighborhood knowing you're going commando."

Elise turned her back to me, and leaned forward resting on the counter. "So I shouldn't do this?" She giggled and flipped up the back of her skirt showing me her perfect bare ass.

She always knew how to defuse a situation and bring a smile to my face, I was overreacting once again.

I saw Elise grab the bottle of my high proof rum, pour a shot and quickly down it.

"Wow, that burns," she winced.

"Hey! Careful with that, you'll be blitzed before you know it," I said taking the bottle and putting it away.

"I just need to loosen up a bit," she said, "I think it will help me be more realistically affectionate. It feels really weird being with Jeff while you're sitting there."

"Yeah, well, let's not get too realistic. Watch the drinking," I told her.

Elise giggled, "Don't worry. I'm going to have lots of fun tonight acting, but you're going to get all the benefits later."

We took the drinks back to the living room and Elise again took her spot on Jeff's lap, this time being a little more careful about adjusting her skirt. She looked at me and gave a quick smile.

"So, tell me how you guys met? I know so little about Elise," Sara asked Jeff.

Elise and Jeff took turns telling Sara a long rambling story filled with tangents about the evening they met. I have to say, it was pretty convincing. They were even finishing each other's sentences like an old couple would. I'd almost believe it if it wasn't for the fact the story was really about me and Elise.

Sara smiled and touched Elise's hand, "That's so sweet, I'm so happy Jeff found someone like you."

"How about you and Scott," Elise asked. "How did you two meet?"

"At a party, but our story is a little embarrassing to tell. I think I'll need a drink first." Sara said.

"I know just the thing!" Elise sprinted to the kitchen and returned with a shot glass. "I was a little nervous about tonight too and I think this is helping."

It did look like the strong alcohol on an empty stomach was already having an effect on Elise. She wasn't drunk yet, but she was getting there. The rum is very strong plus she was almost finished her first wine cooler.

Sara took the shot and made a funny face, "God that's awful"

Elise laughed, "I know right!" and poured a second for herself.

I wanted to step in here, but I worried that Sara and Scott would wonder why I was telling Elise what to do. I had to rely on Jeff, who so far seemed content to see the girls drinking.

We talked a bit more and I could see the drinking was really having an effect on Elise. She was becoming a little louder, a little goofy, more affectionate towards Jeff and less careful about her skirt. I was positive she'd shown Scott her goods a couple times already, possibly on purpose.

"Are you ready to tell your story yet?" Elise slightly slurred.

"Yeah, sure," Sara replied. It looked like the drinking was starting to loosen her up too. "So we were at this party my friend was throwing. She's can be a little wild at times and likes to drag people along. She had her eye on some guy and decided to see if she could catch him with a party game. So she pulls up this app on her tablet and starts pairing people up to play. No one really had much say in who their partners were, my friend just grabbed people at random then took the guy she liked for herself."

Sara paused for a moment to take another sip of her drink then continued, "So anyway. I got paired up with Scott who I'd never bet before. The game, I guess, was like a truth or dare game, you enter the number of people, their names, their sex, who they're a couple with, and then it automatically chooses a truth or a dare for everyone in turn."

This didn't sound so bad so far. I was wondering if Sara was just being dramatic by asking for a drink.

"The game started innocently enough," Sara continued, "you know, little things like revealing your favorite sex position or kissing your partner for 10 seconds. Things like that. But there's a 'sexy' setting on the app and as the game went on, my friend moved it to maximum."

Elise was enthralled with the story so far. "What does maximum do?" She asked.

Sara blushed, "Well let's just say after enough drinks and enough rounds of the game people were naked and sucking dick in front of everyone and didn't care in the least, me included. I'm not sure if there's anything we didn't end up doing that night, and a bunch of it we haven't done since. Even after the game was finished and the party over, we still screwed like rabbits until morning. It was crazy."

Elise's mouth was wide open in surprise, "Wow, I've never been to a party like that," is all she managed to say.

"After that," Sara said, "Scott was kind enough to ask me on a date. He took me to a nice restaurant and we had a great time. We've been together ever since."

"What a crazy story," Elise exclaimed, "that's sounded like such a wild party!"

"Do you want to see the app? Scott has it on his phone. We can do a round or two on mild if you want to get the idea of it."

I thought this sounded like a really bad idea, but I knew in Elise's drunken state what the answer would be.

"Okay sounds like fun!" she said cheerfully. I wasn't surprised in the least.

Jeff looked hesitant, he was never the party type so that wasn't surprising. I was hoping he'd say no but he kept silent, probably to impress Sara. What was I supposed to do, tell Jeff's "girlfriend" she couldn't do it?

"Before we start, I need to go to the bathroom," Sara said. I directed her down the hall. As I turned around Elise was right in my face.

"Isn't Sara great!" she said.

"Yeah, this game is going to be great fun," I said sarcastically.

"Don't worry," my girlfriend reassured me, "it's on mild. And if something is too naughty we'll just pretend to do it. That's what I told Jeff. Everything will be fine. No big deal, you'll see."

Sara returned and they got started.

"Sorry, Kevin. I know this won't be much fun for you since we're playing in couple's mode. We'll just do a round or two then stop so you don't have to watch us for long." Sara said to me.

First question was for Elise and was fairly tame, it asked what her favorite sex position was.

Elise quickly blurted out, "Doggie style!"

Matt was just coming in when her heard Elise. He called for Shawn and they decided to stick around and see what this game was all about.

Next question was for Jeff, it asked him the last time he had sex.

"This morning," he lied. Or at least he better be lying. Elise played along and nodded in agreement.

This isn't going to be so bad I thought.

Sara had a question asking if she'd ever done anal and she replied that she did. The last question was for Scott. It asked how many times a week he masturbates. He paused for a moment as Sara looked at him waiting for his answer and reminding him to tell the truth. He said three times a week and Sara seemed content with that answer.

"Round one all done," Sara announced. "We'll just do one more. Second round is dares."

A little animated wheel on the phone screen spun and came up with a dare for Elise. "Show each guy in the room your panties."

"Is this just Scott and Jeff or everyone?" Elise asked.

"It says everyone, not just players," Sara replied.

Elise got up and came over to me first, when no one else could see she mouthed the words "Sorry, it's the game" to me and lifted up the front of her skirt to show her panties, that is if she was wearing any. I didn't know why she couldn't just say she wasn't wearing any instead of flashing.

Not only could I see her smoothly shaved pussy, I could also see some dampness starting to form. There was no doubt she was enjoying this, whether she admitted it or not.

She next moved over to where Shawn and Matt were standing and lifted her skirt. I saw their smiles grow wide. She spread her legs just past shoulder width, bent her knees slightly and tilted her hips forward. My roommates were getting a really good view, Elise was making sure they could see everything.

My girlfriend now moved over to Scott's chair and stood close in front of him. Her waist was at his eye level. "Are you ready?" she asked with a smile.

Scott nodded, he already had a grin on his face knowing Elise had no underwear on from her flashing him, now he was going to get a really close view. She raised one leg and placed her foot on the armrest of the chair and slowly lifted the front of her skirt. She held it there for at least 10 seconds, until Sara called time. Scott seemed to have enjoyed the very close up and personal view of my girlfriend.

Jeff was last, and as she raised her skirt Sara noticed for the first time that Elise was pantiless.

Sara started laughing, "Oh my god, maybe we should have put the game on level 10. You seem ready for it!"

Jeff's turn was next, his dare was to make out with his partner for 10 seconds. I didn't know if this was better or worse than the last dare. I cringed slightly as the two planted a pretty real looking kiss on each other. Sara called time and they ended the kiss, Elise looked flushed, Jeff a little uncomfortable.

"Jeff's not used to performing in front of others I see," Sara joked.

Sara's dare was to show everyone her bra. She sighed, "I have almost the same problem as Elise. I'm not wearing a bra. But if Elise can do it, so can I."

Sara got up and stood in the middle of the room so everyone could see her clearly. She undid the first few buttons on her dress then let the straps slip off her shoulders. As the dress fell to her waist, her cute little boobs came into view for everyone. They weren't nearly as big as Elise's but they were nicely shaped with small nipples. Once Sara was content everyone had a look, she slid the straps back over her shoulders covering herself. She didn't bother buttoning the dress all the way back up.

Scott's dare was to ask a guy from one of the other couples for permission to feel the breasts, over the clothes, of their partner.

Jeff told Scott it was okay. Great, I thought, now Jeff's giving other guys permission to feel up Elise. Jeff can't begin to imagine how much he owes me for tonight.

Scott massaged Elise's breasts for a few moments, she closed her eyes and seemed to be enjoying it.

"Okay tiger," Sara said, "that's enough, times up."

Round two was over and I couldn't be happier.

The food arrived just as we were finishing up the round and everyone got up to help. I paid the guy at the door and grabbed the food while Jeff and Elise set the table.

Sara bumped into me in the kitchen as I was unboxing the food.

"Hey," she said. "Sorry you weren't included. It would have been fun."

"No problem," I replied.

"You know, I never imagined you would be single, you always seemed to have a girlfriend whenever we talked," she smiled.

"Just a dry spell I guess," I lied.

"Too bad you weren't at the party with me, maybe we could have been partnered up, I think I would have made sure of it and then you never know..." she smiled at me and lightly touched my chest.

Wow. I was being hit on Sara while her boyfriend was right in the next room.

"We'll need to make sure we keep in touch," she said as she grabbed a bowl of rice and headed for the dining room, her ass swaying seductively.

I shook my head, not quite believing what just happened. Just a few minutes ago my girlfriend was flashing her pussy and getting felt up. Now my friends ex was hitting on me. I laughed, at least it was nice to know I had options.

There was definitely a lot of sexual tension in the air. Between Sara and me, and between Elise and well everyone else it seemed. Dinner helped dissipate some of that energy as we joked and talked as we ate.

I think Shawn and Matt saw an opportunity to possibly get the girls naked. It wouldn't be like them to pass it up. "You want to head to the beach after supper?" Shawn asked.

"Beach?" Sara said puzzled, "There isn't one for miles."

"What a great idea!" Elise exclaimed, quite obviously tipsy. "We have one in our backyard!"

"This I gotta see," Sara said as Shawn led her to the back patio doors.

I cleaned up after we finished eating as the others headed outside to enjoy the sand and the now setting sun. Elise changed her mind and said she was going to stay behind to help me put the food away.

When we were safely alone she gave me a big hug.

"Thank you so much for putting up with that, I know it must have been really hard for you but it means a lot to Jeff. I'm so proud you're my real boyfriend." she gushed. I think she even had a little teardrop in her eye.

Elise released the hug and looked at me with a sexy grin. "I hope they leave soon," she said. "All this drinking and playing sexy games is making me really horny. I can't wait for you to bend me over."

I was instantly hard and tried grabbing her right then, but she playfully stopped me.

"Now, now, if someone comes in and sees us it will be big trouble," she said, "you just have to wait a little longer."

I sighed, she was right of course. Getting frisky with Elise now would blow up everything and the slight embarrassment of the game would have been for nothing.

"Just remember, everything is pretend. I'm an actress remember? I only lifted my skirt because the game told me to, I didn't really want to. Even when I was kissing Jeff it was pretend, we didn't use our tongues, so it doesn't even count as kissing. We just wanted it to look real for Sara. So if Jeff and I hug or kiss or hold hands or anything else, it's all pretend, you know that right? We're not actually doing it," Elise assured me.

I told Elise that while everything was a little awkward and embarrassing for me, I assured her I was handling it okay and could put up with it for a little while longer.

"We need to get to the backyard before anyone misses us, see you in a minute." Elise slipped out of the kitchen and joined the rest of the group in the backyard. I quickly finished up and followed. I didn't want anything to happen or get out of control while I was gone.

I heard Sara talking to Elise as I walked onto our little beach. "All you guys really got naked out here?" Sara asked.

"Yep," Elise said drunkenly. "Well, everyone except Jeff."

Sara laughed, "I'm not surprised, he was always a little shy about showing off. I don't know why though, he certainly has nothing to complain about down there."

I noticed Scott was uncomfortable with the conversation and I felt kind of bad for him. No one likes hearing their woman talking positively about another man's penis, especially an ex-boyfriend. But hey, I have lots of problems and that's not one.

Shawn called Scott over, "So what's this app I've been hearing about. Can you show us?"

Scott pulled out his phone and sat down beside Shawn and Matt. He opened the app and quickly explained how the Truth or Dare style app worked. The three guys quickly started whispering to each other, it looked like a plan was being developed.

"Hey Elise," Shawn got her attention, "Ready for round three?"

Elise looked confused for a moment, she thought they were done playing.

"Oh, sure. We're still playing? Okay," she replied.

"It's back to truth. Do you spit or swallow?" Shawn asked.

To me it didn't look like the guys were even using the app, they were just making up questions and seeing what happens.

Without missing a beat Elise answered, "I swallow of course."

"Good answer," the guys cheered.

If they were really using the app a question would have gone to Jeff, but they skipped him and went directly to Sara. The girls were both too drunk to notice or care.

Matt handled the next one. "Sara, your question. Have you ever eaten out another girl?"

Sara blushed a little but said no.

"Would you?" Matt asked as a follow up.

"Hey, no fair. That's two questions," Sara complained.

"I'm just doing what the app says," Matt defended himself.

Sara accepted his excuse and replied she might if it was the right woman. The guys cheered her response.

"Round 4 is dares again. Elise are you ready?" Shawn asked.

"Ready," she said smiling.

"Uh, oh. These dares are starting to get crazy now," Shawn smirked. "It says you need to perform oral on your partner."

Elise looked a little nervous, "I don't think I can do that..."

"Wow, just a minute ago you proudly said you swallow, but now you won't give a blowjob?" Shawn teased.

"No, no, it's not that," Elise said quickly trying to recover. "I just don't know if I can do it in front of everyone." Elise hoped that was a good enough reply.

"How about in front of just one person then, just so we know you did the dare. How about you blow Jeff in front of Kevin?" Shawn asked. He was really enjoying this. I was ready to smack him.

Since Shawn brought me into it, I had a chance to jump in. "Why would I possibly want to watch my friend get a BJ," I said.

"I feel bad for you Jeff," Shawn shook his head in mock sadness. "You're girlfriend proudly proclaims in front of everyone how she swallows, then refuses to blow her boyfriend. What sad times we live in."

"No, no, I'm a good girlfriend!" Elise cried out. "But I just need a little privacy, I can't do it in a crowd." She looked around for a moment then led Jeff to the edge of the beach away from us and sat Jeff down on a lawn chair.

You could see Jeff kept asking her something and Elise would nod her head, it looked like Jeff was getting cold feet. Finally it looked like they came to some kind of agreement. My girlfriend quickly undid Jeff's shorts and lowered them along with his underwear to the ground. Jeff's cock was standing straight up and was every bit as impressive as Shawn's. Elise then knelt down in front of him and put her head in his lap.

"Damn, she's really doing it," Shawn muttered.

With her back to us and at the opposite side of the yard, it was impossible to tell if she actually blowing him, but it looked very convincing. I was going to have to take Elise at her word that she was pretending, but even if she was, she still had her head in his lap with his big dick in her face and I wasn't too happy about that.

After a couple minutes she stood up, wiped her mouth with the back of her arm and came back to the group. "Is that okay?" she asked.

Jeff was struggling to pull up his shorts. I could see his penis, still mostly hard but now covered and glistening with moisture.

"Good enough for me, although I would have liked to have seen the money shot," Shawn said. He then turned to me adding with a sly smile. "What do you think? Pretty hot huh?"

"Yeah, it was hot," I said reluctantly. Shawn laughed at my reply.

I looked back to Elise, she just gave me a big smile and a quick thumbs up. I guess that meant everything was okay and she was happy she fooled everyone?

"You know, it's getting pretty late," Matt spoke up, "Sara and Scott, you've had a lot to drink and I don't want to worry about you guys getting home. I think it would be a great idea if you stayed the night. Elise and Jeff have the biggest room, there's even a separate Murphy bed in there they never use."

"Thank you so much!" Sara said. "We're having so much fun and I am pretty drunk, we'd love to stay."

Shawn and Matt were being so helpful I could kill them. Elise just looked at me and shrugged her shoulders. Now it looked like I was losing both my girlfriend and bedroom for the night.

"Awesome, so it's settled," Matt announced.

"Sara, since you're staying, ready for another dare?" Shawn asked.

"Um, sure," Sara replied. She looked unsure why the guys kept getting skipped but must have assumed it was part of the program.

"It says you need to make out with a member of the opposite sex," Scott made up the dare this time.

Elise and Sara got up and stood face to face in the middle of the circle of friends. There was quite the contrast in the two women. Sara was tall and slender, and towered over the shorter busty Elise. Sara held Elise's hands and leaned forward, Elise tilted her head back, slightly parted her lips and closed her eyes.

Sara nuzzled her softly at first, their noses gently rubbing together as they figured out the right angle. Then their mouths locked in a passionate kiss. If I thought Elise's kiss with Jeff looked authentic, this one blew it away. It blew all of us away, I was glad to see I wasn't the only one adjusting my shorts and cheering them on as the girls made out in front of us.

After a few long moments they broke their kiss and sat down.

"I think that's enough dares for now," Elise panted, she was flushed and almost out of breath.

The rest of the night was pretty uneventful, at least when compared to the kiss and "pretend" blowjob. Elise spent most of the time cuddling with Jeff, playing her role well, while we all shared jokes, talked about sex, and caught up on old times.

When it was almost bedtime I motioned for Jeff to help me get things setup inside.

"Hey I'm really sorry about this. Elise assured me you'd be okay," Jeff tried to apologize.

"I don't really want to talk about it now, we'll sort it out all later," I said tersely. "Let's just get this over with."

Since Jeff was now going to be in my room with Elise, I needed to clean out a few things. It was easier for me to hide the few pictures of me with Elise than to try and move all her stuff out of my room. I couldn't believe I was doing this, Jeff couldn't possible imagine how much he owed me after all of this.

"Elise asked me to tell you to change the sheets too," Jeff said quietly. Trying not to push me too far.

I sighed and changed the sheets while Jeff pulled down the spare bed and locked it in place. Soon enough everything was ready.

"Watch yourself," was all I said to him as I left the room.

I went outside and managed to corner Elise for a moment alone while the others were busy. "I'm really not liking this," I told her quietly.

She was still clearly drunk but smiled and reassured me that everything was going to be okay.

"I'm sorry you're not having fun," she slurred, "I know it might be embarrassing for you, seeing Jeff and I pretending to be a couple. Just remember, it's not really me with Jeff, it's 'Jeff's girlfriend Elise' with Jeff. They're two completely different people. I promise I'm just acting and things done when you're acting aren't real. I only do real things with you."

I thought Elise was a bit confusing with her explanation, but I chalked it up to her drunken state. I felt better that Elise promised it was all an act, so obviously nothing was happening. Even knowing that, it still made me uncomfortable to watch.

Elise giggled and went back to Jeff, "It's really fun being an actress."

The rest of the gang came in and everyone headed to their rooms, with Elise, Jeff, Sara and Scott sharing mine. I was in Jeff's all alone in a strange bed.

I tried to sleep but the laughing, giggling and the more than occasional muffled moans from the other room kept me awake. I was dying to know what was going on, but would have to wait until Elise told me. I knew she'd tell me, she always does, and even though it was acting and pretending I didn't know if I wanted to hear it.


I woke to a knock on the bedroom door, Elise poked her pretty face in and smiled at me.

"Good morning," she said cheerfully. "Breakfast is ready and Sara and Scott will be leaving soon. Come out when you can." Elise blew me a kiss then shut the door so I could get dressed.

Sara and Scott were just finishing up breakfast and getting ready to leave when I finally emerged.

I shook Scott's hand and did the customary goodbyes. I gave Sara a hug, "It was really good seeing you again."

Sara smiled and replied, "You too. Let's not wait so long again to see each other again."

"It's a deal," I smiled. It was really great seeing her again.

Sara leaned in close and whispered in my ear, "I like the kinky games you and Elise play, they're really hot but don't worry, I won't say anything if you don't want me to. Take good care of her, she's a great girl. Call me sometime, I'd love to have you and Elise over."

I shook my head and laughed quietly. I always thought Sara would see through the plan, but it sounded like Elise and Jeff were at least pretty convincing.

Elise, Jeff and I waved goodbye as Scott and Sara got into their car drove off down the street.

As I closed the door, Elise sighed, "Finally I have you to myself again. Come with me."

Elise took my hand and led me to our room, locking the door. She jumped on the bed and patted her hand beside her so I'd sit beside her.

"Are you okay?" she asked. "Honestly, are you okay? Things didn't go quite like we planned."

"Yeah, I guess," I replied.

"Do you have any questions about last night?" she asked.

I looked in her eyes, "Well, there was the blowjob..."

She put her hand on my knee and smiled, "We talked about that already, remember? It was all acting and role playing like we all agreed on, right? I know you're worried and get jealous, but I was acting and acting isn't real. So it wasn't and can't be a real blowjob. I thought we agreed last night it was no big deal."

"I'm glad to hear you say that. I just wanted to hear it again, because it looked pretty real," I said relieved. "I think you fooled everyone."

I didn't recall saying the "acting" blowjob was "no big deal" but I had a lot to drink too so maybe I did. Still, it was good to hear again from her that nothing happened.

"Do you want to know what happened in here last night? I'll tell you everything if you want. But you might get a little mad, even though it was all pretend. So if you want to hear just let me finish my story before you say anything" she said with a slight worry in her eyes.

I nodded and prepared for the worst, "Okay, let's have it"

"So we were all in here getting ready for bed and having fun. As you know we were all really drunk and Sara asked if we wanted to do another round of dares. I normally wouldn't have, but being a little tipsy I thought that's what 'Jeff's Elise' would do in that situation so I said okay. Sara and I had a few dares and we kinda, you know, ended up getting naked and playing with each other a little while the guys watched."

My jaw dropped and I started to speak but Elise put up her hand to shush me. Damn, Elise and Sara? I can't believe I missed that. Even worse, I needed to sit in Jeff's room alone while he watched.

"I'm sorry you couldn't see us, I think you would have really liked it," Elise said with a shy smile.

"Actually it wasn't just a little playing, there were lots of dares and we did lots of things to each other for a really long time. I thought Sara would be okay since she's doesn't have a penis, so the no penis rule didn't apply. You didn't say anything to me after Sara and I kissed in the backyard, so I thought that meant it was okay, you guys all seemed to enjoy it. You even cheered, I saw you cheer."

Elise paused for a moment, then said shyly, "Sara is really pretty."

She took a deep breath and continued, "Thinking about it now when I'm not acting, it's really embarrassing to know Jeff saw me doing all those things, but it was really hot at the time for Sara and me knowing that guys were getting excited watching us play."

My mind was reeling, I would have to find out what happened. I knew Elise would give me details if I asked, I just needed to let her finish what she wanted to say first.

Elise looked down and saw the large bulge in my pants and giggled. "I see you like the idea of Sara and me. Now that I think about it, I think there's even a few pics on my phone. If you're interested I'd really like to look at them with you, I think that would be fun. I'll tell you all about Sara and me later if you want, but there's other stuff I want to say first. I'm really sorry you didn't get to be there, I'll try to make it up to you somehow."

I groaned, my friend got to watch one of my fantasies because he was too chicken of his ex.

"Anyway, we finished the dare game then went to bed. Sara and Scott started having sex on the bed beside us," Elise said. "They didn't even care that we could see. I think they wanted us to watch," she added, sounding astonished.

"It was really hot watching the two of them and when they were done they were looking at us to see what we would do, so Jeff and I acted for them for a little while," Elise said blushing.

I know I was supposed wait for her to finish her story, but I spoke anyway, "Acted?"

Elise spoke rapidly, like she did when she was nervous or excited, "Yeah, you know, we pretended we were a couple and acted for a while until Jeff was done, then he went to sleep. I really wanted to act a few minutes longer, but Jeff was too tired and not able to so I needed to act alone for a little while. Sara and Scott were okay with that and just watched me until I was done."

"Huh? Slow down, you're confusing me and not making any sense. Okay, so you pretended to be a couple and acted out a sex scene so Sara and Scott would get a show like the one they gave you?" I asked, not really getting what Elise was saying.

"Yeah, close enough," she said, "we were all pretty drunk and it seemed like the right kind of thing to do at the time. I think that's what Jeff's girlfriend would have done, at least if he had one and she was like me."

Elise looked at me with her innocent eyes. We didn't talk for a few minutes as I processed the thought of her pretending to have sex with Jeff in front of another couple.

"Are you mad?" she finally asked. "I think you're mad."

"Yeah. I'm pretty far from happy. It went way further than we agreed to and I didn't like sleeping in Jeff's bed while you guys had fun in here. But you never lie to me, and if you say everything was pretending and acting with Jeff I believe you and I'll get over it."

Elise's face lit up in a smile, "I'm so happy to hear you say that! I'm really glad you know I have no feelings for Jeff, you're the only man I want."

She held me close and we didn't say anything for a moment until she broke the silence. "Jeff, is pretty upset about everything that happened last night. He's been apologizing to me non-stop. I said I'd talk to you first and see how you were."

"I'll talk to him in a bit, as long as this was a one-time thing I think we can move on," I said.

"You're such a good friend and boyfriend. Can I ask just one more tiny favor?" Elise asked.

I raised my eyebrow, "another favor?"

"Please hide the rum," she said. "I think it clouds my judgement."

I laughed, "done."

"So, do you want to look at those pictures with me now?" she asked as my cock stirred.

Same as Elise and my roommates Chapter 3 Videos

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I woke up in my boyfriends room, hung over and naked. His load was leaking out of me, but he was nowhere to be seen. I heard his roommates downstairs, so i put on a pair of panties and a t-shirt that was long and went downstairs. When I got down there, I saw that 4 of the 5 were downstairs in shorts, mostly without shirts. Since we were close, i didn’t even bother to hide what i was wearing, and it was obvious that they were happy with what i was wearing. I offered to make breakfast, and they...

3 years ago
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Miss Kamiko and the Rainbow Roommates

I had just left a horrible living situation and was moving into my new accommodations. I honestly didn’t know what to expect. I had only met Aya two days ago, and I was moving in with her and her four roommates. The house was amazing! It was a large house on a hill, and it had six bedrooms, two full bathrooms, and two large living areas and a large modern kitchen. I was told it was a rooming house in the 1920s, but it was renovated. There was a sprawling treed backyard with a hot tub that has a...

4 years ago
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My Girlfriend Meets My Roommates

A college age girl goes to visit her boyfriend at college and stay the weekend. She is about 5'2 with brown hair, big full natural breast's, and though she is petite she has thick thighs and an ass that is thick and always gets the attention of the boys.She hasn't met his roommates yet but when she gets there she is greeted by her boyfriend and he introduces her to 4 black guys 3 of which are his roommates and one that is just visiting his 'boys'. She didn't know his new roommates were all...

4 years ago
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Roommates Chapter 2 Second Hand Rose

Doug and Emily lolled, naked, on her futon during the half time of the football game, resting from their sexual exertions the night before, that morning, and earlier in the afternoon. His cell phone rang.“Hi, dear,” he said. A pause.“Yeah, I’m free. I’ll be right over.” He hung up the phone.“Sorry, I have to go," Doug said to Emily. "My girlfriend is back in town.” With that he got up, put on his pants, leaned over, kissed her cheek, patted her left breast, and said, “I loved it. We’ll talk...

Straight Sex
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Disclaimer: All characters are over eighteen years of age. This futanari story contains questionable morals and inordinate amounts of sex that never result in chafing. If you don't know what 'futanari' means, stop right now, Google it, and then decide if you want to continue reading. Enjoy!Editing credit: Blind_JusticeCopyright © 2013 redskyes*It was almost two o'clock in the morning. I was lounging on the couch in my underwear and tee shirt, spooning Ben & Jerry's Phish Food into my mouth...

2 years ago
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Sharing Our Girls Within The Roommates

This is a real story. It might sound you that it is weird and fake but it is not. To us, when we thought of it, it was a taboo. But later we enjoyed every bit of it. I am Aayush, I live in Bangalore and working in an US based MNC. My life has always been sexful. This is incident happened three and half year back when I was in college doing my graduation. All those who are have completed their Graduation would know that it is very common to have sex with your partner. But we went a step ahead,...

2 years ago
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College Roommates Ch 01 An Introduction

This is an introduction to a story of two girls who fall in love, if you want to continue following their blossoming relationship the content will continue in further stories under the same headlines but in specific erotic categories. You can also go to my profile to follow the story as well. Thank you! Feedback is appreciated! ***** ‘You know I am just a few hours away, so if you need anything just call okay?’ my mom had tears in her eyes. We had gotten to campus early and got my entire side...

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It was late in August when I officially began to look for a roommate. The end of first year university was over, and while most of the people I knew had already signed housing agreements as early as February, I left dealing with housing until the end of the summer. While I had met great friends in my dorm during first year, I didn't really desire to room with any of them for various reasons. Most of them were simply too loud and went partying every weekend, whereas I was a relatively quiet...

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From Candace to CandyChapter 7

Well, now it's time for school. Candace and I go to a small high school, not private, but because we are so rich, it is not exactly public either. The students have been screened by my fathers' security teams; they are all exceptionally bright, well mannered, not prone to causing trouble, and to add ice cream to the pie, all are very good looking. There are 40 students, 20 boys and 20 girls. When the school was larger it had state champion quality teams in boys basketball, girls volleyball...

3 years ago
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College Roommates Pt 1

Moving day at the dorms is always fun and also nerve-wracking. Glennon Hall is a mixed class dorm where freshman, sophomores, juniors, and seniors all are intermingled. It’s meant to promote mentorship and solidarity. It’s a good idea but most juniors and seniors don’t stay in the dorms. They often find off campus apartments. But still, some stay in the dorms with the freshmen and sophomores. Tyler has lived in Glennon Hall every year and never had an urge to move off campus. He’s a...

5 years ago
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I love my Hmong Roommates

Back during my freshmen year in college I blindly moved into an apartment with two very good looking girls. They were both a year older than me and were in need of another roommate. Sadly the dorms were already packed full. I heard about them through a friend of mine. A few days later, one of the girls contacted me and I agreed to moving in with them. It was akward at first because I have never met the girls, but I really needed a place to live for the school year. When I got to the apartment...

4 years ago
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Roommates Part 1

I felt like the luckiest man in the world after Jane took my cherry. I'd just gotten royally fucked by the woman I'd been fantasizing about for a couple years now and had probably become my best friend. Not only that, she'd liked so much we were now steadies, so I'd moved directly from monosexuality to rampant, kinky sexuality all courtesy of my voluptuous, delightfully kinky sweetheart. She came over every night and after study we jumped each other bones. Sometimes before we finished studying....

3 years ago
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Handyman Candys Cabana

This is a story about a sexual FANTASY written for consenting adults. If you're not both of those, don't read it. Characters in a FANTASY don't get sick or die unless I want them to. In real life, people who don't use condoms and other safe-sex techniques do get sick and die. You don't live in a FANTASY so be safe. The fictional characters in my stories are trained and experienced in acts of FANTASY - don't try to do what they do - someone could get hurt. If you think you know somebody...

2 years ago
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Pandemic Roommates

Aside from daily walks and the occasional trip to get essentials like groceries we were pretty much stuck at home. We tended to not walk together to give each other as much space as possible. We both had large laptops and shared a TV in our tiny living room. Sometimes several times a day, one of us would take our respective laptop and head to our room to be alone for a while. It was never actually discussed but we both knew what the other was doing behind closed doors. After all, we were at...

2 years ago
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Nandhini Chechi Breastfed And Got Fucked

Dear sexstory friends, this is Rajesh presently working in Bangalore in an MNC and I would like to share my past experiences with you people. I am a 38 years old horny man with a slightly big cock of 8 inches and satisfied many girls and Aunties from past 20 years. Any unsatisfied girls, Ladies and widows can feel free to chat with me on The incident happened when I was 18 years old and studying PUC in Bangalore, when a new Malayali neighbours occupied the vacant house next to our home. They...

4 years ago
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Roommates Chapter 4 Im not gay

"I have been fucked to exhaustion," announced Emily. She was stretched out naked on the futon in her loft apartment. Her roommates, Doug and Jason, also both naked, lay beside her."I'm still in the mood," said Doug. He was the aggressive one of the pair."I could do it again, Emily, but whatever you want is fine with me," said Jason. He was the cupcake, warm, loving, and wimpy."The two of you are too much for me," she replied."I need to come again," said Doug. He sat up on his knees. "I will...

2 years ago
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Andrea Andy and Me

(MMF, wife sharing) At the time I write this story Andrea, (My wife) is 36 years old, and quite a knockout. She's always been into bodybuilding and has been a runner since she was a k**. With all of the attention that she has given herself, it really shows. At her age she still has a hard body, and a deep rich "California Girl" tan. Her chestnut hair is beautiful. And her dark brown eyes seem to see right through me sometimes. My Andrea is a beautiful "self made" woman that any man would be...

2 years ago
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Gorgeous Indian Chechi Nandhini fed me her excess

Nandhini Chechi fed me her excess breast milk and surrendered her pussy to my 8” cock.Dear friends, this is Rajesh presently working in Bangalore in an MNC and I would like to share my past experiences with you people. I am a 38 years old horny man with a slightly big cock of 8 inches and satisfied many girls and Aunties from past 20 years. Any unsatisfied girls, Ladies and widows can feel free to chat with me on [email protected] The incident happened when I was 18...

4 years ago
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Becoming Brandee Chapter 14

Disclaimer: This chapter, like all chapters of the Brandee series is intended for adults only. Additionally, no part of this story may be reproduced without the permission of the author. Becoming Brandee Chapter Fourteen: It was almost a year since I had been transformed from smart independent CD girl, Jenni, into sweet dumb and adorable bimbo, Brandee. It was also Halloween and the final evening performance of my promotional tour being staged back where it all started, the...

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Andee Plays a New Version of Around the World

Andee felt a little reluctant as she stared at the calendar hanging on her kitchen wall. Scribbled in among her children’s sports and music lessons were the pending dates of her fall travel schedule again. At one time, she loved the idea of jetting off for a few days every month to another distant location for business, easily slipping into her professional role as a career woman on the move; but this time around, she felt a little hesitant.Of course, a big part of her reluctance was a direct...

Wife Lovers
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Andee Plays a New Version of Around the World

Andee felt a little reluctant as she stared at the calendar hanging on her kitchen wall. Scribbled in among her children’s sports and music lessons were the pending dates of her fall travel schedule again. At one time, she loved the idea of jetting off for a few days every month to another distant location for business, easily slipping into her professional role as a career woman on the move; but this time around, she felt a little hesitant.Of course, a big part of her reluctance was a direct...

Wife Lovers
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Andee Poses For A College Art Class

There weren’t many people in Andee’s day-to-day life that knew about her naughty little secret. Even though she had been posing on an adult website for over twelve years, she had managed to keep it under wraps for the most part; and the people to whom she did disclose the information fell into two categories: intimate friends and persons of seductive interest.Her good friend Bella – a wild one in her own right – was someone Andee had entrusted with the knowledge. In fact, Bella had often played...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Andee Poses For A College Art Class

There weren’t many people in Andee’s day-to-day life that knew about her naughty little secret. Even though she had been posing on an adult website for over twelve years, she had managed to keep it under wraps for the most part; and the people to whom she did disclose the information fell into two categories: intimate friends and persons of seductive interest.Her good friend Bella – a wild one in her own right – was someone Andee had entrusted with the knowledge. In fact, Bella had often played...

Wife Lovers

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