College Roommates Pt 1 free porn video

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Moving day at the dorms is always fun and also nerve-wracking. Glennon Hall is a mixed class dorm where freshman, sophomores, juniors, and seniors all are intermingled. It’s meant to promote mentorship and solidarity. It’s a good idea but most juniors and seniors don’t stay in the dorms. They often find off campus apartments. But still, some stay in the dorms with the freshmen and sophomores.

Tyler has lived in Glennon Hall every year and never had an urge to move off campus. He’s a confident, presents as cocky, but truly kind senior that knows campus and the dorms very well. It’s his comfort zone, and he’s become a popular and respected figure in the hall. If the RAs aren’t helpful, people go to Tyler. He’s always friendly and happy to lend a hand, but also doesn’t often take part in the parties and large events. He likes to take a more calm approach to his days and nights. It might be why his psychology major is turning into a counseling or pre-med decision point to continue his caring ways next year. But first, to finish undergrad and today Tyler finds out who he gets as his new roomie.

Ben is a nervous wreck. He regrets having convinced his parents to let him move by himself so he could be independent and not get embarrassed. Instead, he feels scared and alone on his first day away from home. School isn’t the fear, he’s crazy smart. Becoming an independent adult isn’t a fear either as he’s going to do just fine for himself as a biochemical engineering and physics double major. The fear is the students. Living with another guy. Sharing a bathroom with 20 guys. It all gives him flashbacks to high school locker rooms with assholes teasing him and poking his stomach humiliating him. He can’t get a note to skip gym or avoid changing in the locker room here. He gulps and pushes his cart loaded with boxes to his assigned dorm hall and looks at each door in search of his room number. He navigates the busy halls and crowd by a bulletin board with notices of campus clubs and intramural sports signup sheets and notices not to masturbate in the showers. Ben cringes at the notice and fears the type of guys he’ll share showers with.

Tyler breaks down his boxes having unpacked when the door swings open. He turns to see a short chubby guy backing in pulling his cart. He couldn’t be more than 5 foot 7 and maybe 220 pounds with medium length wavy/messy brown hair. Tyler jolts over to help and pulls the cart through the door and turns to introduce himself, “Hey, I’m Tyler.” He extends his hand.

Ben stumbles back a bit as the cart is pulled inside with ease. He turns toward the voice and extended hand and freezes. Holy fuck. Ben dreads his new roommate then nearly 6-foot-tall obvious jock with his strong build and short gelled red hair perfect goddam smile and strong arms with long tattoo up his right arm. Ok, the tattoo is interesting and cool, but FUCK why a jock? “Hi I’m Ben.” He says quietly reaching out to shake hands. Looking Tyler up and down in his sneakers basketball shorts and sleeveless shirt, yup, definitely a jock.

“Great to meet you, Ben. Guess we’ll be rooming together this year. I got here early so I’m all unpacked. I hope you don’t mind I set up on this side already. I’m happy to help you unpack these boxes.” Tyler picks up a box offering to assist.

“Umm, no, that’s cool. I uh can get it myself.” Ben doesn’t want to get on the jock’s bad side and owe him anything and definitely don’t want him going through his stuff so he can make fun of them.

Tyler sets the box back down and nods. “Ok no problem, you’re new to campus. Probably wanna get a feel or your new place and settle in. How bout I get out of your hair and let you settle. “Tyler goes over to the desk at the foot of the bed on his side of the room and scribbles something on a post-it. “Here’s my cell number if you need anything. I’m gonna go to the union and hang for a bit and give you a little space. How bout I get us a pizza tonight and we can get to know each other a bit…?” Tyler tilts his head nudging for a yes.

What’s his deal? Ben takes the post-it and nods.

“Perfect. I’ll let you settle, and I’ll be back with pizza around 5. That should give you plenty of time to get all unpacked.” Tyler smiles and heads out the door softly closing it behind him.

Ok, so Ben isn’t the type to invade anyone’s privacy but as he unpacked his things on his side of the symmetrical room, he kept feeling the urge to check out what Tyler was all about. He fought the urge and continued to unpack.

The room was tight but had a perfect pair of twin beds, decent sized dresser and bookshelf combo, small desk, and tiny closet. Tyler had already claimed the right side which shared the outer wall of the building, smart. Ben will share a wall with the next room. There are also dual end tables between the two beds with a window over them looking out onto campus. A tight fit for sure to have all that furniture and two guys. If they both stood at their bed sides, they’d bump into each other. This is going to suck.

By the time Ben finished unpacking the room felt cramped with boxes so he stacked them back on the cart and pushed it out into the hall where boxes and carts were being collected. Much better. A clean and full room. Sure hope this guy isn’t a slob. Ben takes a seat on his bed and looks at Tyler’s side and the urge returns. Ok, just a peak. He opens the end table drawers which clearly is being used as underwear drawer. Briefs, really? Ok. Tank tops, that’s going to be distracting. Bottle of lube, gross. Ben closes the drawer and opens the bottom one. Phone chargers, some random cords, leather strappy thing with some silver loops, a weight belt? Fucking jock assholes.

Ben stands up and scopes out the rest of Tyler’s stuff. Desk seems pretty normal with office supplies. Dresser containing nicely organized clothes, under a stack of pants a weird leathery blue and black mask almost feels like a wet suit, is he a swimmer or something? Closing the drawer and moving to the bookshelf. A few psych books and a stack of towels and a toiletry bag with toothbrush, paste, floss picks, hair gel. Hmmm, standard jock. Maybe it won’t be terrible. He tried being nice. Ben laid down on his bed listening to the commotion in the halls outside go from chaotic to white noise to silence.

The door swings open and Tyler walks in with a pizza box and a couple bottles of soda. He looks at the room for a moment taking in the look and feel of how both their stuff is situated. He smiles and kicks the door shut behind him. “Alright Ben. How was your first day? You find everything?” Tyler pulls a desk chair out and uses it to sit the pizza box on and hands Ben one of the two sodas.

Ben sits up in his bed, now trapped with the chair and pizza blocking the exit from between the two beds. “Yeah, it was alright I guess.” Ben opens the bottle and takes a drink.

“Miss home already?” Tyler tries to get him to open up as he’s clearly not as excited as anyone else on moving day. When Ben shrugs at the question Tyler doesn’t accept it. “Look, we’re gonna be living together in this tiny place for the next 9 months. I know it’s scary being a freshman and can be scary living away from home with 19 strange dudes on this floor alone. I’ve been there, done that. This is my senior year and I know the lay of the land. I’m happy to help you acclimate and figure things out here. We can be strangers and never talk or we could get to know each other and even become friends here.”

Ben was listening but also not. The words were a bit of a blur as he looked over Tyler’s athletic frame, but the meaning of what he was saying hit home. This guy isn’t a jock. Not sure what the fuck he is. He’s too nice, and suddenly his body doesn’t look so jock-ish. More fucking amazing. This dude is looking like that and is being nice to a fat shy nerd? Ben shifted from being a resistant sarcastic defensive grump angry at being roomed with a jock asshole to being slightly more relaxed and receptive guy who got lucky to room with a hot nice guy. Oh fuck! He’s hot. This is going to be dangerous.

A long silence confuses Tyler but he’s ok waiting for a reply. During the silence he sees the wheels turning in this cute messy haired nerd in front of him. He’s so quiet and shy and adorable, but dang is he closed off. During the silence there’s a shift in his posture and finally, words.

“I’m sorry” Ben says softly. “I’m just not good around other guys. I got bullied a lot, so I guess I’m just defensive.”

“Damn man, I’m sorry you dealt with that.” Finally, some progress. “You don’t gotta worry about that from me. Whoever you are is awesome and I’m excited to get to know who that person is.” Tyler leans back against the wall on his bed and takes a bite of pizza. “And if anyone gives you any flack, you tell me, and I’ll take care of that shit quick.”

Ben laughed and relaxed grabbing a slice.

They spent the next couple hours talking and exchanging stories. Ben learned of Tyler’s passions for helping people and his life on campus becoming a sort of big man on campus. Tyler learned about Ben’s fucking genius which mostly went over Tyler’s head, but he loved how passionate he was about it all. They found a shared love of sci-fi movies and dogs.

Tyler looked at his phone and got out of his bed “Getting late, I’m gonna get rid of this box and get a shower. You should do the same while it’s dead cuz it’s gonna get really busy in about 20 minutes.” He closed the box and rolled the chair back to his desk, walked over to his shelf grabbing a towel and his toiletry bag.

Ben sat up “Oh ok, yeah I guess I’ll do that.” Shit. Shower. Ben watched Tyler leave the room. Ok, 20 minutes before it gets busy. Quick in and out. Ben grabbed his bathroom bag. He pulls out a pair of swim trunks and a quickly changes into them and a t-shirt, grabs his towel and toiletry bag and follows after Tyler.

Tyler dumps the pizza box in the trash and heads into the bathroom. It’s a very wide-open bathroom with a row of lockers separating stalls and urinals on the left and a row of 10 open showers with curtains for privacy and a row of sinks on the back wall. There are benches on either side of the middle lockers. Tyler tosses his towel on a bench and undresses. He puts his clothes in a ball next to the towel and takes the middle shower with his bag. He rinses himself off while brushing his teeth. A quick scrub and rinse and he’s good to go. Having been here a few years he had a routine and knew how to get in and out easy enough and never used the lockers. Just no worry about being here long enough to have stuff swiped. He steps out of the shower and walks over to the sinks where he sets the bag down and flosses his teeth.

Ben walks in and put his towel on a hook next to the showers and steps in wearing his shirt and trunks. He sees Tyler standing at the mirrors butt-ass naked. Fuck. He quickly averts his gaze and goes into the shower.

Tyler sees Ben in the mirror go in wearing the shirt and shorts and sighs. He packs his stuff in the bag and walks over to Ben “Come on bud, you gotta get a real shower. You can’t be wearing that getup every time for the next year.”

Ben looks at this figure in front of him just standing there with no fucking shame with his perfect creamy white skin with perfectly located and portioned patches of red hair on his chest, naval, arms, legs, and oh fuck perfectly trimmed and groomed pubes. He’s not ripped sat all like the asshole jocks, but well-built and strong with just enough definition in all the right places. Of course, he’s confident walking around naked.

Ben hangs his head and blushes “I wouldn’t have a problem if I looked like you. I’m a fat hairy loser.”

Tyler puts a hand on Ben’s shoulder “Don’t say those things about yourself. That’s bullshit. Now, you got about ten more minutes before it gets busy in here. Now close the curtains here, take of those trunks and shirt, hand em over and get a real shower. You can cover up with the towel and come back to the room and no one is gonna see you. I’ll bring your clothes back with me.”

Ben sighed, closed the curtain, took off the trunks and shirt and handed it to Tyler and began to quickly and nervously clean himself.

Tyler took the clothes, walked over to the bench to grab his things, wrapped a towel around his waist and went out in the hall toward their room.

Ben washed and rinsed lightning fast and grabbed the towel and wrapped himself before opening the curtain. He quickly scurried back to the room.

Tyler barely got into the room and tossed Ben’s clothes on his bed before Ben was already in the door and closing it behind him. Tyler turned to see Ben’s dripping wet hairy body with towel around his waist. “Bud, you gotta stay there long enough to dry a little and not get our floor wet.”

Ben looked at the dripping wet floor. “Oh sorry.” He quickly grabbed another towel off his shelf and put it on the floor and stood on it and a third towel and started wiping his hair face and body.

Tyler watched the frantic performance. He’s thick and chubby sure, but not fat. Stocky, maybe? Yeah, stocky. Light brown hair covers his tummy and chest and around his nipples, up and down his arms and legs. Tyler smiles watching and then interrupts “Three towels for every shower is gonna be a challenge. I hope you take a little more time in there next time.”

Ben looks at the three towels and is humiliated by his own fear. He hangs his head and tears fill his eyes.

Tyler steps in. “Woah, buddy, come here.” He gently guides Ben to his bed and sits Ben down, towel covering him from the waist down. Tyler, in his towel, crouches down to eye level sitting on his heels. “I’m sorry if I said something to upset you. I just want to help.”

Ben sniffles embarrassed.

“Listen, I go take my shower every day same time cuz I know I have the bathroom to myself. You go same time, and nobody is gonna see you or embarrass you. You can close the curtain for extra privacy just in case and I’ll even hang out til you’re done if you want to make sure nobody gives you any trouble. Tonight, you just got nervous. Next time you won’t need three towels.”

Ben laughs a little and wipes his tears away.

“Plus, I don’t know why you’re embarrassed. You have a great body.” Tyler smiles and pats Ben on the arm. “Wanna watch a movie on my laptop with me?”

Ben nods.

Tyler stands back up and grabs a pair of underwear from his drawer, dropping his towel and stepping into the briefs.

Ben sees Tyler’s perfect ass and hanging cock up close as he pulls up the briefs. He gulps nervously. “Yeah, a movie would be cool.”

“Great.” Tyler puts on a tank-top and walks over to his desk and grabs his laptop.

Ben grabs a pair of boxer briefs and slides into them and pulls them up under the towel before dropping the towel. He puts on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt when Tyler sits on Ben’s bed in his briefs and tank. “Ok, here’s what I’ve got. You pick the movie.” Tyler holds up his laptop for Ben to choose.

Ben looks and immediately is struck by the background behind the window with movie options. A pride background? He’s gay? No. An ally? Yeah, that would make sense. Psych major, kind. Yeah, he’s an ally. Why the background on personal laptop then?

“Anything look good?”

“Oh um, yeah, this looks good.” Been points at a random movie on screen.

“Great. I’ll get it started.” Tyler stands up and positions the laptop on a desk chair as he did with the pizza and lays down on his bed above the covers.

Ben, mind racing, gets under his blankets and positions himself to watch the movie.

Tyler hits a switch and turns out the lights leaving only the glow from the screen.

Ben faces the laptop but stares at Tyler laying on his bed. Ben’s eyes focus on the bulge in his briefs. Briefs show a bulge on anyone but of course Tyler’s is prominent. Fucker must be like 4 or 5 inches hanging soft. Goddamit, watch the movie. If he is gay, the briefs would make sense. But I don’t wear briefs. Watch the movie. Did he say I have a great body earlier? WATCH THE MOVIE.

Tyler lays in bed watching the movie on his laptop but is distracted when Ben appears to be shifting and the look on his face appears perplexed but in the dark is unclear what he must be thinking. Poor guy, he’s having such a hard time with this move. His skin was so soft and fuck that furry body. No, just watch the movie. He’s got a perfect fucking figure, totally my type. No, he’s your roommate, just watch the movie. I mean would it be the worst thing to mess around or even date your roommate? YES, it would, stop thinking like that. Oh, but I bet he’d feel so good to hold with that furry body. Great now I’m getting fucking hard. WATCH THE MOVIE.

Ben adjusts his pillow and tries to watch the movie when his stare goes back to Tyler’s crotch. Is he getting hard? There’s nothing sexual on the screen. Is it just like a random hardon. It’s fucking thick, god that would feel good. Stop it, he’s not gay. Would he be a top if he were gay? Briefs say he’d be a bottom. What does that matter, he’s a fucking stud he’s never fuck me. He was totally watching me dry off, wasn’t he? There are chubby chasers. Ugh he’s not gay. Was the wetsuit mask thingy a bondage kinda thing? No, bondage stuff isn’t blue. Holy shit the weight belt was a harness. He’s totally gay. What was the blue mask thingy then? No, I’m imagining things.

Tyler sits up and turns on the light. “What’d you think?”

Fuck the movie is already over. “It was good.” Thank god I’ve seen it before.

Tyler closes the laptop and puts it back on his desk and sits on his bed.

Ben sits up. I gotta know, just ask. I can’t just ask. Well say something “Do you lift weights?”

Tyler chuckles “No. I mean I work out a little but not a ton. Why?”

It’s a goddam harness. He’s fucking gay. Do straight guys wear harnesses? Shit, do they? He’s straight. Ugh! Ben blurts out, “I’m gay” and freezes. Fuck why did I do that?

Tyler laughs, “I know. But hey that’s the loudest you’ve spoken. Are you finally not so shy?”

Ben looks back at Tyler confused, “You know? How did you know that?”

“Ok back to normal quiet voice.” Tyler smiles at the shy Ben, “I just know. I’ve got a really good gaydar. Kinda wasn’t a question for me. Is that why you’ve been nervous, you were afraid how I’d respond?”


Tyler’s gut sinks, feeling awful. Tyler loses his calming tone and begins to nervously ramble “I’m so sorry. I never wanted to make you uncomfortable. Like you’re really cute and totally my type but I wasn’t at all hitting on you or trying to make anything happen with the talk about the showers or anything. I seriously just wanted to help. I’d never try to make a move on you if you didn’t want. I’m not that kinda guy. Fuck I’m so sorry I made you feel like that all day.”

Ben stares with jaw dropped and trying to process the fast-talking word vomit that just occurred. “You’re gay?”

Tyler stops rambling. “Yeah. You didn’t know that?”

“But you’re all jock-y and manly”. What the fuck, did I really just say that? What does that even mean? How homophobic was that?

“You’re ‘manly’ and you’re gay.” Tyler tilts his head confused. If he didn’t know, what was he afraid of? And I just told him he’s my type. Great, ughhh.

“I didn’t mean it like that. I’m just.” Ben pauses not sure where to go from here or how to explain himself. Wait….” Did you say I’m your type?”

Tyler takes a deep breath and composes himself, “Ok let’s take a minute and just lay it out since we were both obviously very confused and not on the same page.”

Ben calmed by Tyler’s tone just lets it out “Ok. I told you I’ve been bullied, and I was afraid of you being an asshole jock. I looked in your drawer, I’m sorry, and saw a weight belt but then when you were super nice to me I got confused” While Ben confesses, Tyler smiles and sits on Ben’s bed next to him, “and suddenly I didn’t see you as a jock but a really hot nice guy and I’ve kinda been in my own head debating if maybe you’re gay and maybe that was a harness not a weight belt and then you said I’m your type and does that mean you like me or just a nice comment.” Ben is breathing quickly with his words.

Tyler interrupts and rubs Ben’s shoulder, “Woah, ok. Slow down, breath. Take a break.” Tyler calms Ben down until his breathing steadies. “I’ll go now. I knew you were gay, but that didn’t matter to me when I saw you struggling. I offered help regardless of your orientation. So, all that being nice was just me being me. Getting to know you and yes, seeing your body, I 100% am attracted to you and think you’re sexy as hell. When you told be you’re gay I was worried you thought I was taking advantage of you struggling to adjust. So now that I know that isn’t the case, I can simply tell you yes, that’s a harness. I forgive you for snooping. And I’m very attracted to you and only didn’t say anything sooner because we’re roommates and don’t want to make it awkward.” Tyler looks off into nowhere to think, “I think that’s everything. All caught up.”

Ben’s breathing stabilized but still had an unanswered question, “So what do we do now?”

Tyler smiles and let’s go of Ben’s should, now just sitting on the edge of the bed, “I’m not totally sure, but I suppose we should decide if we should make this purely a friends and roommates things to avoid awkwardness or if we gamble things get awkward.”

Ben adjusts and sits up “It’s gonna be awkward no matter what after this mess.”

“Ok so which would you prefer?”

“I mean in an ideal world instead of this whole embarrassing awkward conversation you would’ve just fucked me after pizza” Ben laughed awkwardly.

Tyler laughs and bites his lower lip, “That’s an honest response. I appreciate that, but I honestly prefer it happened the way it did.”


“Yeah. Consent is sexy and without this whole awkward mess we wouldn’t really know where we each stand. So now that we do, what do you want?”

Ben blushes “That” Ben looks down at Tyler’s bulge.

Tyler smiles, laughs, and stands up.

Ben panics. What did I say? Shit. I fucked up.

Tyler reaches over and hits the light switch and turns back to Ben, pulling the blanket aside and getting in with him. He places his hand on the side of Ben’s face and kisses him deeply and passionately.

Ben melts in Tyler’s hands. All his nerves calm and he feels truly at home locked in this kiss. His cock hard and leaking precum in his boxer briefs as he begins to explore Tyler’s body. Tyler breaks the kiss briefly to pull off his shirt and allow Ben to explore without a barrier. Ben feels every inch of Tyler’s back and then his strong arms and to his stomach and firm chest. Ben moans into the kiss and continues moving both hands all over Tyler’s perfect skin.

Tyler pulls back from their kiss and lifts Ben’s shirt off. Now Tyler begins to explore. His hands roaming Ben’s belly and running his fingers through his fur. Tyler kisses down Ben’s neck to his chest. Kissing and rubbing his face all over his hairy body. He makes his way to Ben’s nipple and gently sucks making ben gasp and moan softly. Tyler focuses attention here awhile enjoying the reaction it creates before eventually kissing down Ben’s tummy and then sitting up and stepping off the bed. Tyler pulls Bens legs over the edge of the bed and pulls down Ben’s shorts and underwear. Ben blushes and his body tenses again being exposed.

Tyler positions himself on his knees next to Ben’s bed, lifts Ben’s legs up onto his shoulders and gently licks Ben’s hairy ass. Ben trembling. Tyler’s tongue roams and finds his tight rim and circles. Ben moans still trembling. Tyler lifts his head “You ok?”

Ben nods his head “y-yes”

Tyler returns to Ben’s tight hole and gently pushes his tongue inside.

“Ohhh” Ben gasps and moans clutching his sheets.

Tyler’s tongue gets clamped down on as he gently probes further. Ben’s cock pours precum and it flows down his shaft. Tyler withdraws his tongue and resumes eating Bens furry ass. Ben’s trembling calms. Tyler doesn’t push it; he lifts his head and kisses Ben’s thick thigh and lowers his legs to either side and Tyler grips Ben’s thick wet five-inch cock in his hand and begins to rub up and down.

Ben’s breathing speeds up and groans with each thrust of Tyler’s hand. Tyler feels Ben’s legs start to flex and he quickly lowers his head and sucks Ben’s cock in his mouth and bobs up and down. Ben instantly erupts, filling Tyler’s mouth. He can barely swallow before his mouth is filled again and again and again. Tyler keeps jerking Ben and raises his head unable to take the last few spurts in his mouth. Ben finishes cumming and his whole body goes limp. Tyler smiles and climbs back up on top of him and kisses him deeply.

They reposition to both get into Ben’s bed and Tyler holds Ben in him arms cuddling and kissing gently.

Ben pulls back “What about you?”

“Don’t worry about me. You’re not ready yet.” Tyler strokes Ben’s furry body with his hand, “I’m plenty happy.”

“How’d you know?” Ben asked shyly.

“That you’re a virgin? I could feel you were nervous so either you’re a virgin or you’re just not ready to go that far with me. Either way is just fine.” Tyler circles his fingers around Ben’s nipples as he talks.

“Sorry, I want to be ready. I just haven’t before.” Ben apologizes wishing he could’ve had his first time tonight.

“Well, you’re no virgin anymore.” Tyler smiles. “And we can work up to that when you’re ready.” Tyler squeezes Ben tightly and pulls up the blankets.

After a few minutes of enjoying cuddling and having fully caught his breath Ben turns his head to Tyler, “What is the wet suit mask thingy?”

“The what?” Tyler asks confused.

“The black and blue thing in your dresser that feels like a wet suit.”

“Ok, no more snooping.” Tyler laughs. “Ever heard of a pup?”

“A what?”

Tyler laughs “That’s a conversation for another time.” He kisses Ben deep ending the discussion and cuddling him to sleep.


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Losing My Virginity To My Roommates

“Please Ashu, just let us enjoy. You won’t have to do anything.” Amit and Vicky, my roommates begged. I tried to pull myself away from their grip. “No, it will hurt. You are going to hurt me.” I said. “Promise we won’t,” said Amit. “You just relax and let us work our magic on you,” said Vicky. They came closer to me. I was once again squeezed between them. From behind, Amit’s hot dick was pressing into the small of my back. His hands were gently squeezing my nipples. Vicky was kissing my neck,...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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The Apartment New Roommates

A little fantasy that I've been playing with recently and thought to share with you all... ------------------------------------ The Apartment: New Roommates I needed a new place to live anyways, so why not give it a try? All it took was a simple and honest ad on craigslist: "Looking for 2 discrete crossdressing roommates to share a 3 bedroom apartment near campus." I ignored a lot of jerks and jokers, screened out some that rubbed me the wrong way, and asked for proof from...

3 years ago
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The day we became more than roommates

I was living with this guy named Brandon we have been roommates for about 6 months now, Brandon was just over 6 feet very muscular and extremely good looking. I had no idea that he was gay until one afternoon I came home early and heard loud moaning coming from his bedroom his door was cracked open. I peeked in expecting to see him fucking a girl but to my surprise it was another guy I watched for a few minutes and then left, I got in my car and all I could think of was how I wished that was...

4 years ago
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The Roommates

The four of us, two guys, two gals, rented a house together.  While we knew each other from college, we hadn’t planned on becoming roommates.  But unless you’re one of those over-paid Washington lawyers – which none of us was -- the high cost of living in the DC area meant that no one could afford our own place.  So we found a four bedroom house, across the Potomac River.  We dated, but not each other.  There was an unwritten rule that sex among us would complicate things too much.  We were...

1 year ago
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Perfect Roommates

Author's Note: It became clear while I was writing this story that aspects of it have been influenced by the stories of Ed Miller and Zedd, among others, but those two primarily. I hope they, and the reader, see this effort as one by a new TG writer searching for their own voice as opposed to being an imitation of those two established authors. Although, I guess, both things could be true. Regardless, I hope you enjoy this story for what it is. PERFECT ROOMMATES You don't always...

4 years ago
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It was a very slow night for a Sunday at the pizza joint that I waited tables at. So slow my jerk of a boss let me go early so he wasn’t paying me for sitting there. Probably a good thing since I had 8 am class the next day and could use the extra sleep. Well, I thought I was gonna get some much needed, but my roommate had a surprise for me when I came home unannounced. As I opened the front door my eyes were treated to seeing my her on the couch with some guy I’ve never seen before. It was...

3 years ago
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It was a very slow night for a Sunday at the pizza joint that I waited tables at. So slow my jerk of a boss let me go early so he wasn't paying me for sitting there. Probably a good thing since I had 8 am class the next day and could use the extra sleep. Well, I thought I was gonna get some much needed, but my roommate had a surprise for me when I came home unannounced. As I opened the front door my eyes were treated to seeing my her on the couch with some guy I've never seen before. It was...

2 years ago
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The Trouble with Roommates

The Trouble with Roommates Chapter 1 Nick was right in the middle of a firefight in an online shooter when he heard a knock on his door. His roommate Brian stuck his head in. "Hey Nick. Rent's due tomorrow, make sure you have it for me." Oh shit, Nick thought to himself. Nick was regularly late with the rent. His website design job paid fairly well and let him work from home, but there were more important things like new video games or beers with his friends that he needed that...

4 years ago
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I looked across the room at Janie. She was so beautiful and a complete contrast to me. She was the epitome of sophistication compared to my rustic look. Her blonde hair styled to perfection, and her makeup looked so natural. If I didn't see her put it on, I'd swear she wasn't wearing any. She wore a simple summer dress that accentuated her body and her ever present rainbow necklace. My brunette locks were always unruly and pulled into a ponytail. My makeup was limited to some lip gloss. I...

4 years ago
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Naive And Erotic Roommates

ALL CHARACTERS DEPICTED IN THIS STORY ARE THE AGE OF 18 OR OLDER. Welcome to my first story on Chyoa! Im a somewhat inexperienced writer, so all feedback is welcome. This story was originally intended to have a far more linear intro, having the main character meet his initial roommates in the first chapter, however i saw wider potential in the idea and have decided to split the intro into multiple parts. the path labeled [Main Story] will continue the intro as originally intended. Have fun!...

3 years ago
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The Roommates

After a semester at college, the lease on your apartment is up, and your roommate decides to get an apartment of his own. Now you've got to find an apartment fast, so you decide that you'll take anything as long as the rent is cheap and you can move in soon. You get a newspaper and look through the classifieds for apartments. You quickly spot something: Roommate wanted, large two bedroom duplex, to share with three roommates. You think about it, four people living in a two bedroom apartment...

2 years ago
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The Roommates

After a semester at college, the lease on your apartment is up, and your roommate decides to get an apartment of his own. Now you've got to find an apartment fast, so you decide that you'll take anything as long as the rent is cheap and you can move in soon. You get a newspaper and look through the classifieds for apartments. You quickly spot something: Roommate wanted, large two bedroom duplex, to share with three roommates. You think about it, four people living in a two bedroom apartment...

4 years ago
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Chapter 1 It had been a long, hot day for Michael, he was planning on going home to his apartment, drinking a couple beers and having a nice slow jerk-off session. After stopping at the local Liquor store, he went and rented some new porno vids, but as he pulled up to his apartment he spotted his roommates car. "Damn, he must have come back early from his trip. Shit!" As he opened the door he braced himself for the argument that was about to happen since he had yet to clean the apartment...

4 years ago
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Roommates By RogerGirl "So, that's pretty much it," Marcus said after showing him around the apartment, "what do you think?" "Wow, it's great," Reggie said surprised at how much bigger, cleaner, and well furnished the apartment was compared to the other apartments he'd been visiting, "when can I move in?" "Whenever you'd like," Marcus said, "but there's something you should know about me before you make your decision." "What is it?" Reggie...

5 years ago
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Sexual Fantasies Roommates

DISCLAIMER: This particular series of stories will be one-off adventures. Some long, some short. Some straight, some lesbian, some bi, some sissy, some gay (probably most). But hopefully you’ll find them arousing!Sexual FantasiesRoommatesBrian, 20, rolled over in bed and sat up. He looked over and saw his best friend and roommate, 19 year-old Kevin, looking back at him. The two boys smiled at each other. “That was so intense last night.” Brian said. “But damn it was fun.”Kevin sat up in bed...

4 years ago
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The Adventures of Having Roommates

No matter how hard I try I have never been able to beat Cassie running. It’s not a defeatist attitude but rather a simple indisputable fact. Every time we go for a run she crosses some imaginary finish line ahead of me. I’ve tried sneak attacks. I’ve tried to get a lead and hold it. I’ve tried to shadow her and sprint to the end and I’ve even tried the “I’m just running next to you but sneak a three step sprint in at the end” technique but none of it works. Cassie is just a faster runner than...

4 years ago
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Life with my roommates

I was living with two guys both of whom were these tall black men. We all had our own rooms and they didn’t know about me wearing panties, at least i thought they didn’t. One morning i woke up with a salty taste in my mouth and white stuff on my face. I didn’t think nothing of it and walked downstairs to the kitchen where Jamal and Kyle were sitting at the table eating breakfast. Both of them looked at me and began to chuckle under there breath. I was not sure why but sat down with them and...

1 year ago
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Newfound Roommates

Have each and every one of you people ever allowed yourselves to have the nerve to finally move out of your parents house and start a new life for yourselves in another city? Well, if you were to ask me that question, all I could do is introduce you to an old Berea High School buddy of mine named Wade Gilbert, who had finally decided that he has had enough of his dad running his life for him. And after he had told his dad what to do with his plans for his mom, packed up all of his belongings...

1 year ago
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Part II Roommates

My roommate wastes not time letting the guy from 3B and I know exactly who is in charge of us both. She instructs him to get undressed. At first he seemed shy but then removed his jeans and tee shirt to reveal he was a boxer-brief man. My roommate giggles and tells me, "Well I guess we were both right on what he wore" which causes the guy in 3B to blush. My roommate instructs the him to come closer to her so she can inspect him and make sure that he'll be able to handle all that she has...

1 year ago
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Part I Roommates

I am living on my own with a roommate, who even I have to admit is a . So I come home from work early one day and am hella horny and decide that I'm going to take care of business myself. I go to my room and close the door, but I don't lock it because my roommate isn't supposed to be home for an hour or so. Well I open up my little drawer of fun and pull out two toys... one's a straight dildo and the other is a dildo with like a rabit's head so the ears play with the clit. I'm not sure which...

3 years ago
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Jenny Reed balanced the small bag of groceries on one arm as she worked the lock to the apartment door with her free hand. The twenty-four-year-old nurse had gone out two hours earlier to see a movie with a co-worker, only to have her cancel at the last minute. So, rather than go alone, she'd stopped at the market for munchies and planned to crash on the couch and watch some old movies on AMC. "Just as well," Jenny thought as she stepped into the semi-dark apartment and clicked on the...

4 years ago
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Author's note: there is a chapter "Author's notes" at the end of this one, I believe it's worth a read. I hope you enjoy this (long) story, and if you have feedback and/or ideas, please leave a comment, I love to hear what you think! **Caution: The story contains strong language and is sexually explicit. Mature audiences only.** Introduction Thursday, July 2nd. The last week of school is ending and the graduates of UvH, the University of Hoorn, are awaking from their drunken stupors as the...

2 years ago
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Her first year into the degree was a bit rocky; having to adapt to her new surroundings while trying to push down her longings for her family and friends. The school work was extremely interesting however and it kept her busy and distracted for most of the time, especially since she made it her first and most important priority. She was intent on finishing the degree in four years and it seemed like she was on the right track. It helped keep her mind off of those she missed but it also kept...

1 year ago
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The Roommates

I eat out all the time, so I decided to change my life style and learn to cook and in this endeavor I was in the local market buying some easy to cook stuff. I was looking to buy some beef and realized I didn’t know squat about the stuff. Also looking over the meat was a very hot looking lady with great legs so I asked her if she knew anything about meat? I told her why I was there, she gave me a whole discourse on the stuff and when she was finished I asked her if she would like a cup of...

4 years ago
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by samslam"What happens in this apartment, stays in this apartment," my s!ster said, not meaning what I wish she had meant."What I mean is... I'm not going to change my lifestyle for you, okay?" Her tone softened slightly as she adjusted to my reaction. "If I want to bring someone into my bedroom, I will." She paused as if waiting for my agreement. I nodded so she went on. "If I want to parade around in my nothingness, I will. This was my apartment first." I didn't really expect her to parade...

4 years ago
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"What happens in this apartment, stays in this apartment," my sister said, not meaning what I wish she had meant. "What I mean is ... I'm not going to change my lifestyle for you, okay?" Her tone softened slightly as she adjusted to my reaction. "If I want to bring someone into my bedroom, I will." She paused as if waiting for my agreement. I nodded so she went on. "If I want to parade around in my nothingness, I will. This was my apartment first." I didn't really expect her to...

1 year ago
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It was my first year at Havershem University, and I was so excited. After finishing high school, I couldn't wait to be on my own. I never had a problem getting guys, since my body was a total knockout. I am 5'5", with 36c tits, and a perfect round ass. My hair is a deep red and sits just my below my tits. I was head cheerleader at high school, so I was in great shape. When I arrived on campus, I quickly unpacked my things and waited to meet my new roommate. After about an hour, she finally came...

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The stinky roommates

With a rumble, your taxi speeds off into the darkness. You wave goodbye, then turn to look at the building you have arrived at. It is a tall, brick, multi-story building, and it is where you will be living for the next year. Checking your watch, you see that it is already half past seven. Your taxi journey was three hours long. With a sigh, you lift your heavy suitcase off the asphalt of the car-park, and drop it onto the pavement. The front entrance to the building is only a few meters away,...

3 years ago
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It was my first day at college. I had already gone to orientation and was ready to hit the sack. I decided to head to my room early to see who my roommate was, and so I could pick which bed was mine. I arrived at my room and looked around. Not bad. Two beds, a bathroom, and a window with a view of the campus. I picked my bed and dropped dead. When I woke up from my sleep, I looked around and found the clock. It was 8P.M. When my head cleared I heard something. The shower running. My roommate...

4 years ago
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More than Roommates

Jessica sat on her dorm room bed as she stared across the room to her roommate, Krista."It's about time we have a night out, hey?" Krista said as she slipped on a black, cotton crop top over her head. The top was loose, and showed off her tanned midriff."I'm definitely ready to take a break from studying," I said. "And we've been studying hard enough this week. We deserve a break." It was true. Finals had already crept around the corner. Krista and I had spent hours on end in our cozy dorm room...

2 years ago
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Pandemic Roommates

Aside from daily walks and the occasional trip to get essentials like groceries we were pretty much stuck at home. We tended to not walk together to give each other as much space as possible. We both had large laptops and shared a TV in our tiny living room. Sometimes several times a day, one of us would take our respective laptop and head to our room to be alone for a while. It was never actually discussed but we both knew what the other was doing behind closed doors. After all, we were at...

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Downtown Roommates

I woke up Saturday and started my day like any other with some light breakfast, a walk to the mailbox to check out the hot neighbor girl leaving for work and a quick shower to end my routine. My roommate Mike and I met in the living room for some casual conversation and TV watching until lunch. We decided to pick up some fast food for lunch and continue watching TV lazily into the afternoon. I spoke up and asked “Mike, what do you want to do tonight?” He says “Doesn’t matter to me, as long as...

3 years ago
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Cary and Crystal College Roommates

I walked into my dorm and my roommate, Cary, was on her laptop. The outlet to charge her laptop was too far over on her bed so she was sitting on mine. ‘Hi, Crystal,’ she smiled. She was a very cute girl. Beautiful, intelligent, and athletic. She had a small muscular build to her. I ended up developing a crush on her over the last couple months we’ve been living together. I’m bisexual, but she’s straight. I sat beside her on my bed. She was typing up her project for biology that was due in a...

3 years ago
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James was estatic when he realized he had been accepted to start his fall 2004 semester at the UCLA. Being born and raised in a small town in Texas, he had been average his whole life, well... perhaps not so average. He had sent in his application not really believing he'd make it in. When he was accepted into the business department, which was ranked among the top schools in the nation he was surprised as anyone else in his home town. Now he was standing on the steps to his dorm about to start...

4 years ago
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Cartoon roommates

Cartoons… Such a wondrous and enjoyable thing to watch, for these worlds of animation and ink, are filled with heroes and villains, destroyers and creators… Each world filled with their own unique brand of hero and villain, but as these worlds exist, a question comes to mind… What would happen if characters from these worlds were forced to live together? Such a question brings so many possibilities and so many answers, but with these answers also come many more questions my dear reader… These...

2 years ago
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The Roommates

You are just coming back from a date with your new boyfriend. When you enter the room you find your roommate, Rosalina watching a porno. You hear her moaning and you look and see that she is masturbating. "Ohhhh Yessssss"Rosalina screams out. You feel yourself getting wet and need to masturbate.

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Maria slammed the door in frustration and tossed her coat on the pile of shoes at the entryway. "Hey, hun, what's up?" It was Deirdre her roommate. "Mark was a fucking no show again," Maria growled, flopping down on the couch. Dee was watching some peculiar program on the nature channel. "What the fuck are you watching?" "Oh," Dee said airily. "Nothing really. Just flipping." She started flipping the channels again. Maria caught a flash of a program on bondage as Dee whipped by it. "So Mark...

2 years ago
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Cary and Crystal College Roommates

I walked into my dorm and my roommate, Cary, was on her laptop. The outlet to charge her laptop was too far over on her bed so she was sitting on mine."Hi, Crystal," she smiled.She was a very cute girl. Beautiful, intelligent, and athletic. She had a small muscular build to her. I ended up developing a crush on her over the last couple months we've been living together. I'm bisexual, but she's straight. I sat beside her on my bed. She was typing up her project for biology that was due in a few...

2 years ago
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OctoberIt's been a while since we talked. She's got cock on the brain.My roommate Leah's boyfriend Tom happens to be hung like a bull. She's constantly fucking him, that's half their daily routine. The other half is sometimes showing up to class, sometimes sitting around and talking about his dick. She sat me down and gave me a vivid description of her sucking him off in an alleyway near the theater she temps at. At first I contented myself to putting on my headphones during their many-hours...

3 years ago
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Sex Diaries Roommates

Josh Burrows stared up as Amy started slowly riding him. Her C-cup breasts bouncing with each gyration. He reached up and grabbed her soft melons and squeezed. He loved the they felt. Soft and ample. He traced his fingers over her erect nipples. Amy let out a low moan, and bit her lower lip. She stared back at him and leaned forward. Her lips came close to his, but instead of kissing she moved her lips closer to his and exhaled. Josh felt her cinnamon breath. Josh leaned in to kiss her but she...

5 years ago
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Servicing my roommates

I was startled awake by the sound of my bedroom door creeping open and someone sliding into bed with me. One hand tussled my hair and the other found my hard morning wood and began to slowly stroke it up and down. Suddenly, I was intensely aroused. There was a tongue probing deep in my mouth and he pressed his body and incredibly hard cock against my naked body."Rick, I have work in an hour," I protested."Just some quick fun," my roomie said.I pushed him hard onto his back and kissed down his...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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First time roommates

I'm sitting on the couch when Lexia walks into the room. Now let me first share something about Lexia she has been like a best friend to me since I came here to visit loving heart with no foul intentions, eyes that completely pull you in even when she's not really looking at you. As for her body she's about 5'3 with meat on her and I thick ass that I refer to ass two watermelons side by side. And her tits oh oh my her breasts are a 42 DD and they make your mouth just drool. But I have never...

First Time
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College Dorm Roommate

When I was a young teenager, I had several experiences with an older man. I'm not necessary gay and am not sexually attracted to men, but this guy got me into cock and cum. Let me tell you, that no woman can suck a cock like a man. Men are simply better at it. But there is something about a nice hard cock with a big mushroom head that makes me hard. Hearing a man moan and feeling his cock pulse in your mouth as he's getting ready to shoot a nice creamy load into your mouth is incredible. The...

4 years ago
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New Roommates

When I showed up to the house it was a couple around my age, twenty four to twenty six, Katie, who is about 5'2" small and petite with what looked like nice perky C Cup breasts and her boyfriend John, who was average build and about 5'10". They were renting out their upstairs room. It was perfect, so we worked out a price and the details and I moved in shortly after that. Going home on my weekends gave them plenty of room and space and we barely saw each other. One day I got home from...

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Cindys new roommates

I met two of my room mates, Bill and Josh, when I toured the house. They were working-out in the garage which has been converted into a rec-room of sorts. The garage has a connecting door going into the kitchen and they had a weight bench, pool table, an old couch, stereo system and an extra refrigerator out there in addition to the washer and dryer. Bill and Josh are both tall, really good looking and muscular, in their mid twenties. They told me that they worked in construction and that the...

3 years ago
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Sex Diaries Roommates

Josh Burrows stared up as Amy started slowly riding him. Her C-cup breasts bouncing with each gyration. He reached up and grabbed her soft melons and squeezed. He loved the they felt. Soft and ample. He traced his fingers over her erect nipples. Amy let out a low moan, and bit her lower lip. She stared back at him and leaned forward. Her lips came close to his, but instead of kissing she moved her lips closer to his and exhaled. Josh felt her cinnamon breath. Josh leaned in to kiss her but she...

3 years ago
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Temporary Roommates

Fire sucks. I just wanted to say that from the start and get it out of the way. There’s no way to describe coming home from a long day at work to see fire jetting out of your apartment windows. To make a long story short … electrical fire. I guess you could say I was lucky though. Not everything burned, and I was able to save about half of my clothes and a few other odds and ends. And trying to look on the bright side of things … I guess that’s what renters’ insurance is for, right?

3 years ago
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The Adventures of Having Roommates

No matter how hard I try I have never been able to beat Cassie running. It’s not a defeatist attitude but rather a simple indisputable fact. Every time we go for a run she crosses some imaginary finish line ahead of me. I’ve tried sneak attacks. I’ve tried to get a lead and hold it. I’ve tried to shadow her and sprint to the end and I’ve even tried the “I’m just running next to you but sneak a three step sprint in at the end” technique but none of it works. Cassie is just a faster runner than...

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