Patti free porn video

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Patti by: Princess Panty Boy Part 1: The Mall I'll start my story when I just turned 18, but I look a lot younger. I was always small and kind of skinny for my age. My mom always kept telling me how cute I was and to get my hair cut. I wouldn't. Saying all the cool guys had long hair, so I let it grow and grow. I was 18 now so no one was going to tell me what to do, I laughed to myself. I have two little brothers and a little sister. I'm the oldest even though my brother who is almost two years younger than me is way taller than me and built like a football player. I'm built more like a little cheerleader from Middle school. Knock, knock on the door of my buddy Keith's parent's house. Keith's older sister Patti answered the door. "Hey Barry Keith isn't home. If you want to wait for him you can." So I said, "Okay." "Barry can you help me downstairs real quick?" "Sure okay." I followed her. "You have such pretty hair Barry." "Oh thanks Patti," as I thought boys don't have pretty hair. "Sit down and let me brush it for you." "Ummmmm it's okay, I don't need it brushed. I like it in a ponytail like it is." "Oh just have a seat and stop whining like a baby." I feel Patti push down on my shoulders. I sit on a wooden chair as she takes my hair tie out of my long hair. My hair is way past my shoulders going down my back. "Wow your hair is so long and thick Barry." I feel her brushing my hair out. "Thanks it feels nice when you brush it," as I relax. "I bet it gets hot on your back and neck in one long thick ponytail maybe we can try two ponytails?" "Ummmmm okay, whatever I guess." I feel Patti move to my side and starts brushing my hair and pulling it to the one side. Patti was starting to twist and turn my hair as I feel her pulling at my hair. "Owe that hurts Patti." "Oh stop it Barry or I'll get you a diaper if you're going to act like a baby." "Ha-ha-ha, that's not funny. I'm 18 now ya know." I feel her go to my other side and start brushing my hair out and twisting and turning it. Not knowing she just braded my hair into two ponytails one on each side giving me pigtails, but I couldn't see it yet. "Barry you would look cuter with bangs." "No Patti I don't want you cutting my hair. I know you did hair in high school, but no thanks. Patti can I see what you did with my hair? It does feel better not hanging on my back anymore?" "Ummmmm in a minute," Patti said. I looked at her smiling at me. I watched her knock her soda off the dresser and all over my shirt and shorts. "Oh man I'm soaked," as I stand up trying to wipe the soda off me. "I'm soaked." "Oh I'm sorry," she says. "They're okay we'll just wash them real quick and you'll be okay." "Ummmmm but what can I wear Patti?" "Barry you can wear some of my clothes from when I was your age, I mean your size. You are a lot smaller than I was at your age." "No way Patti, I'm not wearing girl's clothes. Can't you get me some of Keith's clothes or something?" "There's no way you would fit into Keith's clothes, he is at least three sizes bigger than you! Just get your wet clothes off." "But, but..." I feel her lifting my arms up as she pulls my Spiderman tee shirt off. I cross my arms around my chest as I see Patti staring at me smiling. "What's so funny?" I see her smiling really big at me. "Oh nothing, you just look so cute with no shirt on and you're so skinny and petite too. You look a lot younger now. Barry you sort of look like me when I was in middle school he-he-he." "Ha-ha-ha Patti, you're funny. Can you get me a dry shirt please?" "Okay Barry hold on." I see her bend over in her little skirt while she's looking through her old clothes in boxes. I giggle like a little girl seeing her panties as she turns real fast catching me staring up her skirt while she is bent over. "Barry what do you think is so funny?" "Oh nothing," I say. Patti hands me a little girl's camisole top. "Here put this on." "But that's a girls tee shirt or something." "It's just a camisole top or you would call it a tee shirt." I feel her putting the silk camisole top on me. It goes to mid tummy. "Look it's too small on me," I say as she adjusts the straps. "Oh, don't worry you little baby, it goes under your clothes so no one will see it." "Oh okay I guess." I try to pull the top down a little bit to cover more of my tummy, but it still only covers half of my tummy showing off my little belly button as Patti stares at me. "Okay take your shorts and underwear off, you're soaked Barry." "Ummmmm but I need something to wear." "Oh stop whining like a little baby girl." "Ha-ha-ha." I feel her hands around my shorts pulling my shorts and underwear down all in one motion. "Hey!!!" I shout while I put both my hands in front of my little limp bulge. I see Patti stare at how tiny my little penis is. "Come on I need some shorts." "Oh Barry you whine just like a little girl. Here put these on and stop whining or I'll get you a diaper." Patti tosses me a pair of little girl panties. "These are panties. I can't wear these." "Put them on or I'll get you a diaper since you're whining like a little baby girl anyway." She just stands there with her hands on her hips staring at me holding the little Barbie panties I slide the tight panties up. I notice Patti staring between my legs seeing no bulge since the tight panties pushed my little bulge up and to the back seeing the flat panties in front. "Oh that's much better." I hear her giggle as I still put my hands in front between my legs. "Barry what are you hiding, you can't see anything in your panties?" "They're not my panties Patti. These panties are so small. How old where you when you wore them?" "Oh a little bit younger than you I guess. Since you like looking up my skirt when I was bent over here put this on." "What? But that's a dress, a little girl's dress. No way!" I say. "I guess you will just stand there in panties then. If you're not going to do as I'm telling you, maybe I'll just toss your clothes outside so you have to walk home in panties." "But Patti pleaseeeee!" I start to whine and a tear comes down my face. "Barry you said you just turned 18, well have you ever had a blowjob before?" I stop whining and stare at Patti. "Ummmmm... no not yet why?" "Well if you let me dress you up a little bit I'll make sure you get a blow job." "Really!" I smile. "Ummmmm... ok I guess," while I smile real hard. Patti hands me this little girl's blue/white dress with Polka dots. I feel her pull it over my head as she buttons it up from the back. Wow I feel so small in this dress. "How old where you when you wore this Patti?" "Oh I don't know." "Come on tell me," I demand. "Oh I guess around your age I think. I just became a teenager, that's right I remember now." "What I'm 18 you know!" "Well now you look 12 maybe 13 with the dress on." She turns and hands me some frilly socks. I slide them on as she puts black Mary Jane shoes on me and she buckles them. "Okay Carrie walk around and see how they feel." "Ha-ha-ha funny Patti, I'm Barry not Carrie." "Well maybe you should look in the mirror Carrie." She walks me over to the big wall mirror. "Woooow. No way! I look like a little girl now. Hey and my hair, it's in pigtails, that makes me even look younger." "Oh Carrie you look so cute with your pigtails," Patti says. I see her smiling. "Can you pick the brush up off the floor that I dropped?" "Yea okay." As I bend over I turn and see Patti looking up my dress. "Hey what are you doing?" "Oh just looking to see how your panties are fitting you. They look just fine!!!" I hear her giggle. "Where are you going?" Patti was walking towards the bathroom. "Just going to use the bathroom, hold on to your panties little Carrie?" "Oh you're just a riot!" I see her shut the bathroom door. I turn and look at myself in the mirror. I see how short the little girls dress is that I'm wearing now. The dress is about eight - ten inches above my knees. "Carrie, come help me." Patti came out of the bathroom in jeans and a tee shirt. "Hey how come you're wearing pants and I have to wear a little girls dress?" "Oh stop it Carrie or I'll pull your panties down and put a diaper on you. Now stop whining and take this basket of wet clothes from the washer and follow me." "Ummmmm... ok I guess." We walk towards the back door. "Hey I can't go outside wearing this little girl's dress." "Well you said you wanted a blowjob right?" "Ummmmm yea." "Well then stop whining and help me hang the clothes out so we can start the washer for your clothes." "Okay ok whatever. You won't tell?" I look around following her outside. Patti doesn't respond. "You won't tell anyone I'm wearing a dress, right Patti?" "Oh noooooo, of course, not ever." I see her smiling as I hand her the clothes. She hangs it up on the clothes line. "Here Carrie you finish hanging these up. I'll be right back okay?" "WHAT? No you can't leave me out here by myself." "Well the way you're whining I'm going to come back with a diaper if you don't hush up." I continue to hang the rest of the clothes up as I hear people walking past the fence. As I freeze almost wet my panties. I can't see them. Patti comes back outside carrying her purse and grabs my hand. She drags me towards the gate. "What are you doing?" She doesn't answer. "Hey what are you doing?" I demand. She opens the fence gate and pulls me outside and opens the side door of her car. "Hey I'm not going for a drive dressed like a girl. No way." "Oh stop it, you're dressed like a little girl no one will know it's you." He-he-he she giggles. "Now you have a choice Barry." I stare in shock as she says my name right. "You can either stay here in the street till I get back, while you're dressed like a little girl, or you can come with me?" "Heck no, I'm going back in the house and change!" "Oh good luck LITTLE GIRL!" she yells at me. "The house is locked up and Keith will be back any minute." "But Patti I can't go dressed like this." "Yes you will or I will put this on you." She opens her purse and I see a disposable diaper in there. "What you're kidding Patti?" "Now get in the car, you said you wanted a blow job right Carrie?" "Ummmmm... yea you promise I will get a blow job if I go with you?" "Yes sweetheart you will. My word." She treats me like I'm a 10 year old little girl. I climb in her car while I play with my pigtails. I see Patti smiling. Patti looks at my panties showing as the dress slides up as I get in her car. "Hey what are you doing?" "I'm buckling you up! Or do you want the diaper and the car seat?" Patti says. "Ha-ha-ha you're too funny," I say as she buckles me in as I watch her stare at me as she walks over to the driver's door smiling and gets in. "Where are we going?" "Oh just the mall," she says as we drive off. "What I can't go to the mall dressed like this!" "I'M REALLY GETTING TIRED OF YOU WHINING!!! DO I NEED TO PULL OVER AND PUT A DIAPER ON YOU?" Patti yells really loud at me. "No please. No please! No I'll be good I'll be a good." "SAY you'll be a good girl. NOW!!!" "Ok. Ok. I'll be a good ummmmm girl." "Say it louder!!!" "I'll be a good girl I promise." "Carrie if you whine again I'm going to pull over. Not say a word and lift your dress up pull your panties off and spank your little bottom, then I'll put a diaper on you. DO YOU UNDERSTAND LITTLE GIRL?" she yells at me. "Yes Patti I'll be good." "Barry you need to call me Aunt Patti since you are acting like a little baby girl. SAY IT NOW." "I'll be a good girl Aunt Patti, I promise." "Good girl now we're here so you be a good girl and I have that surprise for you." "Oh really you mean I'll ummmmm get a blowjob?" I whisper into Patties ear. "Yes if you act like a big girl and are good in the mall you can have your first blowjob." "Okay. Ok I'll be a good girl." I think to myself wow seeing Patti on her knees in front of me sucking on me that would be great as I snap back to reality as we continue to drive to the mall. "Oh you will be what Carrie?" "I'll be a big girl," I promise. We get out of her car and I look around in the parking lot. Hoping I don't see anyone from school. "Patti?" She stares at me. "I mean Aunt Patti, if you see anyone from my school let me know okay?" "Don't worry little girl, no one will notice you as long as you act like the little girl you look like. Okay Carrie?" "Ummmmm... Okays Aunt Patti, I'll be a good girl. I mean a really good girl." "Then we will get you your first blow job," she whispered into my ear. Wow the mall is packed as I look around as Patti holds my hand. "I better hold your hand, you look like such a little girl. I don't want anyone stealing you." "Yea and you can't leave me alone dressed like a little girl." "Oh stop, it's not like I dressed you as a teenage girl, you look more like a little girl from elementary school." I see her smiling at me. "Oh yea like thanks ha-ha-ha Patti I mean Aunt Patti." "That's a good girl," Patti smiles at me. "That's a pretty dress in the window, isn't it Carrie." "Ummmmm... yea I guess." "Good let's have you try it on." "Ummmmm... no. Do I have to Aunt Patti?" "I know you're not whining Carrie." "Ummmmm... Oh no I'm not whining!" I respond as I see her opening her purse and showing me the diaper. She closes the purse as we walk into Macy's. "Wow these are such pretty school uniforms Carrie; maybe you should go to catholic school again!! I bet you would look pretty in this." She holds the skirt up too me for sizing. "Ha-ha-ha very funny Patti." "I always thought it was funny seeing the girls wearing these mini skirt uniforms in high school. I saw a catholic school college and they wear these little uniform skirts there too." "I was in catholic school my whole life. I can't wait for my first day of public college this year." "Well maybe I'll let you show your mommy and she will let you go in the little catholic school uniforms," Patti said laughing out loud as I'm silent. "Here go try this on." I see her staring at two guys smiling at her. "Ummmmm... okay I guess." "Now make sure it's on you perfect when you come out, you hear me little girl?" "Yes Aunt Patti." I walk into the girl's dressing room and start taking my dress off and hang it on the hook behind the door. I don't see Patti talking to both the guys as they are smiling as they keep turning and looking at the dressing room as I'm getting changed. ~~~ "Hi boys!!!" Patti smiles at them both. "Oh, hi how ya doing? I'm Jake and this is Max, we were just walking in the mall when we saw you and the other girl." "Oh my niece Carrie yea, she is in trying on her new school uniform. I'm Patti, so what are you boys doing, cruising the mall for girls? Max smiles and says, "Yea pretty much, how umm old is your niece anyway?" "Oh she's 18 but looks way younger." "And you look pretty young to have a niece that old as you look pretty." Max trips over his words being shy. "Why Max how old are you? You both look like you're in college I bet." "Yup we both start college this year." "That's great boys you look like you work out or play sports, maybe because you're both wearing basketball shorts." "Yea we both are going out for the team, it's our first year at college," Jake says as they both high five each other. "Well my niece has never had a boyfriend if that's what you're asking?" Both boys smile and look at each other. "Maybe we can go for a walk when she comes out, what you boys think?" "Sure that would be great!" They high five each other with big smiles. ~~~ I stick my head out the door and see no one there as I feel the door open all the way. Patti is standing there with the two guys seeing me in the tiny little school girl uniform. "Ummmmm... I think this uniform is too small, it's so short too Patti..." I start to say. "I mean Aunt Patti." "Oh boys what do you think? You think Carrie's school uniform is too short on her?" "Ummmmm... No way it looks great on her," Max says. "I think it's perfect too. I'm Jake." "Oh yea, Carrie this is Jake and Max, say hi to the guys." "Ummmmm... hi!" "That's kind of rude say hi boys." "Ummmmm hi boys, how are you?" They both stare at me up and down as I see them staring at my legs. "Can I change now Aunt Patti?" As I start walking towards the dressing room Patti says, "NO Carrie come here," and walks over to the checkout counter. "Hi this is my niece Carrie she wants to wear her school uniform, is that okay?" "Sure," the sales girl says. She comes around the counter and lifts the tags up and cuts them with the scissors, then she goes around in back of me and pulls on the back of the super short skirt and pulls the tag which pulls the back of the skirt up showing my Barbie panties to the boys and Patti. The boys and Patti smile and I turn bright red. "Boys do you know where we could get something to smoke?" "I've got a joint we can smoke," Max says. I look at Patti smiling as I look scared as I start to act like a little girl. As we start to follow the boys through the fire exit. Wow it's really quite in here as I look around the walkway with the mall doors behind us with only block walls all around us and exit to the small stores in the mall. We stop and max lights the joint up and we start smoking it passing it around. "Hey Carrie so you don't have a boyfriend?" Jake asks. "Ummmmm... no I don't." I look at Patti smiling. "She has been wanted a boyfriend for a long time but she doesn't know how to act if she had a boyfriend," Patti says smiling. "Well Carrie maybe the boys could help you practice for your first real boyfriend." "Ummmmm... NO I'm good." I watch Patti smiling as the four of us are getting really stoned from the joint. "Yea Barry... I mean Carrie go stand in front of Max." "What!!! No way Aunt Patt!" Patti comes over to me pulling me by one of my pigtails into the exit doorway to Spencer's as the boys smile smoking the joint. "This is the deal Barry," she whispers in my ear. "You do what I say EXACTLY HOW I TELL YOU. If you start crying or say no I will leave you in the mall dressed in your little school girl uniform and go get your buddy Keith and tell him I seen you in the mall dressed as a little school girl. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" "But..." "NO BUTS Barry you say one NO or cry and I'll be gone and you will walk home in the school girl outfit and Keith my brother will see you dressed like a little school girl! And he'll tell all your little buddies plus your parents will see you come home dressed like a little girl. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" "Ummmmm... Ok but you won't tell anyone I was dressed like a girl right if I do what you want?" Okay but you promised not to tell right Patti." "Right but you do exactly what I say exactly no crying no bad looks just do it or I leave you. Okay." "Okay Aunt Patti." When she hears me call her that again she smiles. "Remember Barry they think you're a girl, so go with that. No one knows you're my little brother's best friend." "Okay Aunt Patti." We turn around and the boys are standing next to us. "Okay Carrie walk up to Max and if he kisses you on the lips you close your eyes and kiss him back." "Okay Aunt Patti." While max kisses me deeply I close my eyes and feel his tongue in my mouth as I kiss him back with my eyes closed as our tongues play with each other. "Both of you keep your eyes closed. If Max starts to run his hands down your back and feels your butt, kiss him harder." I feel his hands pulling me to him with his hands sliding down my back and resting on my butt threw the skirt as I start to kiss him harder. "Now Carrie, as you both kiss, if he puts his hand under your skirt and feels your little pantied butt. You need to reach down between his legs and rub or squeeze the bulge in his pants." I open my eyes and see Patti staring at me pointing between his legs. Max slides his hand under my skirts and feels my pantied bottom. Max eyes are closed as I start to slide my hand down his chest and feel the bulge threw his shorts as I rub it threw his shorts. I hear him moan softly. "Good girl now with both of your eyes closed and he is still rubbing your panties under your skirt slide your hand inside his shorts and continue to rub his hard penis." I slide my hand back up above his shorts and slide my hand inside his shorts and inside his underwear wrapping my hand around his hard cock. "Good girl Carrie," Patti says. Patti and Jake watch, they can see my hand stroking Max's cock inside his shorts as we kiss deeper. ~~~ Patti smiles as she watches Barry and notices Jake who is standing next to her seeing jakes bulge start to grow in his shorts as Jake watches his best friend being stroked by the school girl. "Good girl now while you're stroking him with your hand use your other hand and start to slide his shorts down while you still stroke his hard cock." ~~~ I start to slide his shorts down as my hand and his cock come into view as I start to bend down pulling his shorts down to his ankles as I kneel in front of him stroking him as I pull his short all the way off. "Yes. Now if Max puts the tip of his penis to your lips you need to kiss the tip of it slowly." I feel his hard cock against my lips. I still hold his cock from the base as my other hand rests on his butt. "Now lick it Barry, I mean Carrie!" I open my mouth and start to lick the tip and then the length of his cock. Patti watches as I lick his long cock than his balls. I lift his cock out of the way licking and sucking his balls. ~~~ Patti smiles as she doesn't say what to do while Barry continues licking his penis and balls on his own without Patti telling him. ~~~ I feel Max put the tip of his hard cock to my lips again. I feel it slide inside my mouth as I notice max holding on to my pigtails while he moves my head around and around as more and more of his cock fills my mouth as I start bobbing up and down on his hard cock. Patti and Jake stare and smile at me. I feel him start to tense up as he holds my head between his legs. Patti just watches as he pumps my mouth full of cum as I swallow it not letting any drip out. As I continue to suck on him with my mouth full of cock and cum Jake comes over to us. I reach out towards Jake to push him away. "Carrie, slide your hand into Jakes shorts," Patti says softly. I feel my mouth still full of cum and cock, my free hand pulling jakes shorts down while I'm sucking Max and stroking Jake. ~~~ Barry continues to clean Max up licking all the cum off his penis. I start watching you while you start to rub Jakes cock inside his shorts. "Good girl Barry I mean Carrie," I say as I watch him with a mouth full of cock while his other hand is wrapped around the second guy's hard cock. Thinking to myself if Barry only knew I was a virgin and has never even seen a guy's penis till today and let alone never touched one. I smile giggling watching him bob up and down on one cock as his other hand is stroking the second guy in his shorts. ~~~ Max pulls out of my mouth as I open my eyes and see his limp cock slide out of my mouth. I turn to Jake. He slides his hard cock deep in my mouth with my eyes closed and I start bobbing up and down on him faster without Patti telling me to do anything as I start to suck harder on him, as Patti smiles at me. While Jake pulls my pigtails into him driving his cock down my throat as I gag. I start to feel Jake start to lower himself as he is bending down and seating on the concrete as my head is between his legs bobbing up and down as my butt is in the air. I hear Patti say something to Max, but can't hear exactly what she says. I feel the back of my skirt lift up and feel his hard cock against my butt cheeks as I open my eyes. I see Patti smiling at me. While I have a mouth full of cock she whispers in my ear, "Good girl Barry, good girl Barry." Our eyes lock together my mouth full of cock. I feel the tip of his cock start to move inside me and I moan. I open my mouth more, he slides his cock in deeper making me gag. I close my eyes as Jake pulls my head up and down on him. As he fucks my mouth, I feel Max long hard cock slide deeper inside me. I moan like a little girl as he starts pulling my hips into him. I spread my legs apart as I feel him slide in deeper. Max starts to pump me slowly, then harder as I feel him go deep inside me. I feel Jake explode in my mouth as I feel cum dripping out between my lips as I swallow it up, sliding his cock deeper in my mouth as he fills my mouth up with cum. I feel his limp penis in my mouth, but I still suck on it as Max continues to pump me harder and faster deeper in my butt till I feel hot cum deep inside me. Max fills my butt with his cock Cumming and Cumming filling me up till cum is dripping out of me as I feel him start to pull out and I lean up pulling my panties back up as Jake and Max high five each other as they walk away laughing. I look up and see Patti smiling as she sees the stain in my panties growing from the cum dripping into my panties. "Oh your panties are soaked little Barry, you better lay back down let me get them off of you." I see Patti staring into my eyes smiling as I stare into her eyes not seeing what's in her hand as she pulls me down and making me lift my butt till she slides the diaper under me. "No Patti please. I did as you wanted to do. Do I really have to wear the diaper?" "Yes little baby Barry you have to wear a diaper silly you have cum dripping out of your bottom. Do you want it dripping down your legs as we walk through the mall?" "No but no one will know I have a diaper on right?" "No baby girl Barry you will be okay." I feel her push my little penis and balls back between my legs. "We don't need to see these little baby boy parts." She closes the diaper around me tightly. As we stand up I feel Patti pulling my little school girl skirt down and straighten it out. While we stand next to each other I see Patti is smiling. "I told you Barry you would get your first blowjob today!!!" He-he-he- he. "But that's not what I thought you meant by me getting a blowjob Patti. I didn't want to give a blowjob, I wanted to receive one." Patti's giggling at me he-he-he. "Just think Barry, 20 years from now when you're sitting around with your buddies and someone brings up. 'Do you remember your first blowjob?' Your buddies will be able to tell all about the girls that sucked them off and you will only be able to remember that you were on your knees sucking off TWO!!! Boys before you even started college and how one fucked you in the butt while you were sucking his best friend." he-he-he-he "Yup your first blowjob you will be able to say to yourself that your knees hurt and they will not know that you sucked off two boys your first time while you were dressed like a little school girl." he- he-he-he. "Oh look Carrie you have cum all over the back of your pretty school girl uniform. You better change back into your little wizard of oz Dorothy mini dress." As I start to take the uniform off I stand only in the little silk camisole top and diaper. Patti stares at me giggling he-he-he "You look so cute in just a diaper and top maybe we should have you go out there dressed like this." he-he- he. "Come on Patti give me my dress back." When she hears me say MY DRESS she laughs and hands me the dress. I put the little dress on as Patti giggles buttoning the back up as we leave the little school girl uniform on the floor. "Patti I have to use the rest room real, real bad before we leave." "Barry you're wearing a diaper so just use it!!!" "WHAT NO-WAY!!! I can't pee in my diaper! I mean the diaper I'm wearing. Pleaseeeee?" I can't move as I cross my legs tightly so I don't wet myself. "It's okay just let it go." She moves my legs apart and stares into my eyes. "Noooooo!" I feel Pattie kiss me on the lips, then she slides her tongue in my mouth as our tongues touch I kiss her back. I feel a couple little drips sneak out. Thinking to myself 'Noooooo I Can't!!! Oh Noooooo'. I start to flood my diaper. 'Oh Noooooo!' I feel the warm pee soaking my diaper as it flows around my little penis and balls as I can't stop from peeing. Patti lifts up the front of my dress and slides her hand around the front of the diaper while kissing me deeply feeling the soaked diaper. "Good baby girl," and laughs at me. "I guess I have to change the little baby girl's diaper." he-he-he. The diaper just slides down my legs as she undoes one side of the diaper and the soaked diaper splats on the concrete floor from the weight of the pee. Patti stares at me and hands me the panties. I slide the panties up. "I guess I'll have to bring extra diapers or plastic panties to go over the diaper or maybe just wear the plastic panties over your panties. The next time we go to the mall to pick up on guys next time." he-he-he-he. "Very funny," I say. Patti giggled so loud as we start to walk out of the mall. "Carrie you even walk like a girl now," he-he-he-he. "Oh you are so funny, a freaking riot ha-ha-ha." "Carrie did you enjoy his cock in your mouth more? Or when he was fucking you more? Or did you enjoy both the same?" "I don't know, I guess so. I don't know which one was better," I answer. I hear Patti start busting out laughing. By my answer it means I liked both but I didn't think about it till after I said it. As I look up seeing Patti smiling looking deep in my eyes as we get in her car and start to drive away. "Hey what are you doing?" "I'm giving you a ride home Barry." "But, but I'm still dressed like a little girl. I can't go in my house dressed like this in the little girl dress, my parents will freak." We pull in the drive way. "No Noooooo." "I'll walk in with you Barry and tell them we were playing dress up and I ruined your clothes so you had to wear this or I can tell the truth that you were sucking off two boys while one was taking you up the butt while you where sucking the other and there both from your new school." She says and she giggles. "I bet you really want public school now." he- he-he-he. As I open the door to my house we hear my mom yell, "Barry is that you?" "Ummmmm... yea mom." "Hi Mrs. B," Patti yells back to my mom. Patti stands there holding my hand when my mom comes into view. She stops and stares at me up and down in the little girl dress. I try to run down the stairs to my room but my sister appears at the top of the stairs blocking my way. ~~~ "Ummmmm... mom we were ummmmm..." Barry says. "Mrs. B we were hanging out at my house then we kind of played dress up and I ruined Barry's clothes, I'm sorry." "Well Barry don't you just look so cute! I love your little dress maybe you should shave your legs." He-he-he I hear his mom giggle. "Mom that's not funny." "Well little girl you need to call me mommy like all little girls do while you're dressed like a little girl." he-he-he "You hear me?" "Okay mommy whatever," Barry says. "I have to go Mrs. B." I giggle after I hear hearing Barry's mom and hearing Barry say mommy like a little girl would. ~~~ "So see ya later Barry," says Patti as she kisses me on the cheek like she would a little girl. Then she lifts the back of the dress to show my mom I'm wearing panties too before she walks out the door. "Umm mom I mean mommy, I'm going to get changed." She and my sister smile and laugh at me. "Okay but we need to get that outfit and your panties in the wash so get up here and get into the shower and little Miley will get YOUR DRESS and YOU PANTIES from you." "Ha-ha-ha funny mom," was my response to hearing her say MY panties and MY dress. Mom turns around and stares at me. "I mean mommy. Okay," I say as I walk upstairs past mom in the little dress. My mom pats me on the bottom as I walk past her and I walk into the bathroom. I take off the dress and panties, then I hear a knock on the bathroom door. "It's me Miley I have your stuff and I need YOUR DRESS and YOUR PANTIES." "Ha-ha-ha funny Miley." Hearing her say My panties and My dress angers me a bit. I open the door a crack and hand out the dress and panties. Little Miley hands me a little yellow Hello Kitty nightie and panties. "Hey I'm not wearing these!" I say to Miley through the crack in the bathroom door. "Mommy said to put these on or she would give you a spanking and she said make sure you shave your legs and arms or else." "Oh man." I shut the bathroom door. Miley's giggling as she hears me complaining and walks away smiling. I start the tub and decide to seat down in the tub seeing moms pink razor and shaving lotion on the tub. I start to rub in the lotion on my legs and grab the razor shaking my head as I start to shave my legs. I rub my hand up and down the one leg I shaved. I feel how smooth and soft it is now. WOW that feels nice as I shave the other one too. I start on my arms and my arm pits feeling how soft I am now. I wash off all the soup. I step out of the tub seeing myself in the mirror as I look like a little girl all smooth and silky as I see myself still in pigtails while my little penis gets hard. I slide the panties on and the little hello kitty nightie that goes to about six to eight inches above my knees as I push my little bulge to the back so it doesn't show threw the panties. I open the bathroom door seeing mom! She stares at me wearing the little Hello Kitty Nightie and little Hello Kitty panties. "Okay mom you happy now?" I say. "I mean mommy." "Yes and I love your little hello kitty nightie and panties, where did you get them from? And why are you wearing them? And WOW why did you shave your legs and your arms? You must really want to be my little girl and I love your hair in pigtails we should just leave it like that, maybe we should get your ears pierced too that would look so pretty and maybe bangs." "What mom? You mean you didn't tell Miley that I had to wear this nightie and panties and to shave." "That's mommy to my little girls." "Whatever mommy." "Come over here and give your little sis a kiss good night." "Night, night sis." As I bend over in the tiny nightie to kiss Miley who is laying in her bed I hear mom giggling behind me. "What's so funny mommy?" ~~~ Mommy stares under Barry's nightie and see's the hello kitty panties. I hear him say, "Night, night sis," to me. "Ha-ha-ha," Barry says hearing her call Barry sis. "Mommy I wish Barry was my big sister all the time." I look up seeing mom giggling. "Ha-ha-ha mommy funny," Barry whines. "Night, night GIRLS!!!" ~~~ I turn around and see mommy smiling as I head to bed. (End of Part 1 of Patti)

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Seducing Old Housewife Friend in Bus Journey

Earlier I wrote stories with all details of romantic talks and actions. But I did get very few responses. I feel my way of writing was not liked by many. Hence, now I am changing my style of writing and telling the events in short. I feel this will be more exciting for you all to enjoy my stories.This is incident of my official trip to Udaipur in Rajasthan. It is incidence of December this year. I had a meeting in Udaipur. I missed my flight to Udaipur due to late arrival of my flight from...

1 year ago
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Getting a discount at the mall

That afternoon at the mall I had found a very beautiful black dress; but it was too expensive to purchase. I could not afford it at all…But the next day I felt I really wanted that black dress and I went back to the store. I kept asking around if I could ever get a discount on that nice piece; until one of the cashiers; an elegant young black guy, replied something different:“There is only one way…but only if you suck my dick” He said with a giggle.He thought he was joking and I would not dare...

1 year ago
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CD Maid Fantasy

Nervously, I knelt on the ground, and wait for Mistress to return. The whole day, I had spent cleaning her house, wearing my maid outfit, always making sure that everything on it was in order. It was difficult to keep the white stockings and gloves clean, but I had managed to do so, all while in 5" black heels, a lace-like maid outfit, and of course, a plug, collar, and cage to keep me from playing early. So I had finished my tasks, re applied my make-up, combed my short black, hair and had...

2 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 295

Makeeda did not phone Laura from Japan, as she had promised to do. As the time wore on, and she didn't call, Laura felt more and more wistful about it, but not really angry. She knew she herself had not called Makeeda from Dallas, after having promised to. They were both a little skittish about talking over the phone, since there was clearly so much emotion packed into their friendship, and the potential for misunderstanding so plain. Still, she did daydream about her all the time. In spite...

2 years ago
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Working lateagain

I was 21, relatively geeky and inexperienced.I have had girlfriends, with each of them I had very uneasy (and quick) sexual encounters too. Quick was the operative word.Whilst being 21, working in the office, I was the new guy. The young lively guy who liked a drink on a Friday and was always first at the bar, last to leave. It became my super power. I was Party Boy.Making out that women were not that much of a mystery and a (false) air of confidence and the never to be seen pretend long term...

2 years ago
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Superhot Aunty Next Door

Hello, my all ISS site friends. I’m Raj from Pune, height 5’11” currently working in an IT MNC. This is my first story in ISS, I’m sure you’ll enjoy this story very much after reading this, for any mistakes please apologize. I’m waiting for your comments, likes feedbacks and relationship on As I remember, this story happened almost 2 years ago when I was doing my third year engineering from one of the reputed college from pu ne. This story is about me and my neighbor aunty Neha (Name changed...

3 years ago
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Megans Corset

"Megan, you look mighty fine in that outfit." I tell my sexily dressed girlfriend."I would hope so, you got this for me." she saysThis outfit isn't really an outfit at all, more like 'come fuck me' wear. It's a black and red corset with matching thong. I'm drooling as I'm looking her up and down. My cock is painfully hard as I lay on the bed watching Megan prance around our bedroom.I watch her as she walks over to our stereo, pushing play, and starts dancing. She gives a whole new meaning to...

1 year ago
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Swaziland Gangbang Part 2

When we got back to the cabin Lisa plopped down into an arm chair, exhausted but fully stimulated. “Pour your little, big black cock slut of a wife a glass of wine please. I feel I have earned it after such an enjoyable afternoon of sex in the outdoors. I think you also enjoyed watching your young wife being fucked repeatedly by three black Swazi boys. I can’t wait to see your erotic pictures of the action.” Lisa said. When I returned from the kitchen, with her glass of wine, Lisa was sitting...

4 years ago
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Joanna and the Sea DevilChapter 4

The after gun crew of the Seeteufel waited until the vessel turned and they had a clear field of fire. Firing over their own stern-quarter they risked blowing away the shrouds of the mizzen mast. When they had an uninterrupted view of the French patrol boat they opened fire. The 88mm Krupp gun cracked, brown smoke erupted from the muzzle, and they all looked to see where the shell went. Capitaine Krusenbourg of the RFS Chasseur saw the flash from the rear of the German sailing ship and held...

2 years ago
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The Unspoken Game

Introduction:Bryce's and his step sister Samantha, start playing an inappropriate game. Mom catches them and things escalate. enjoy! :)The driveway was empty when I pulled in at the end of my academic school day. It was just starting to turn dark when I got out of the car and headed into the house, enjoying the calming sensation of the warm early summer breeze on my skin.It was good to finally be home after a long day of studying.I walked over to the front door, my heavy bag on my shoulder, and...

2 years ago
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Street Hooker

Okay, how do I start? I can go by what happened the last time I had a similar situation. He was a guy I liked so I gave him a good deal because I was horny too. His name was Ryan, he wanted to get the whole package which usually costs 300 and up with bareback. But I needed my holes used and came down in price because he was a nice guy. I gave him my 169 special. He was happy because he paid 200 for just pussy before. This time he got the dirt. He cruised up slowly as I walked down Drouillard,...

4 years ago
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The Masters Project 6 Micky And SusanChapter 3

A couple of nights later I dropped by my faculty advisor's house. I was like an adopted child to Fran, his wife, and she greeted me, as usual, with an invitation to come into the kitchen and have a piece of pie. She was always trying to fatten me up. "Ted's not here," she said. "He had a faculty meeting tonight." "I know," I said. "You're actually the one I wanted to talk to, and I needed him to be gone for this." "Oh?" she responded. "How interesting!" I was suddenly...

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