Fucked My Cousin Megha
- 3 years ago
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Passion In James County IX
By D.C. Roi
Chapter fifteen
Tom Singleton checked his notebook again, dropped some money in the pay phone, and dialed the number he’d read. The phone rang and rang, Just when Tom was about to give up and hang up the phone, someone answered.
‘Hello?’ a female voice Tom recognized said.
‘Hi. Is this Alison?’ he asked.
‘Yes,’ the woman said warily, ‘It’s Alison.’
‘This is Tom Singleton,’ he said. He’d met Alison almost a year before, and had made no effort to contact her since. But since he had to deliver some horses in the town where Alison lived, Tom thought he’d call her.
‘Ah…Tom…Tom Singleton…’ Alison said. There was a pregnant pause. ‘Oh, yes, I remember you Tom. I…I didn’t expect to hear from you again. Are…are you here in town?’
‘I had to deliver some horses to a farm not far from here,’ Tom explained. ‘Since I was in the area, I thought I’d give you a call. You interested in having coffee with me?’
‘Ah…well…’ Alison said. ‘I’ve got some things I have to do here at the house, but…if you want, I…I suppose you could stop by here.’
Tom found the fact that she’d invited him to her home interesting. He wondered if she were still interested in sleeping with him. Then again, if she wasn’t, inviting him to her house with her kids there might make it safer for her. ‘Sounds good,’ he told her, ‘How do I get there?’
Alison gave him directions.
‘See you in half an hour,’ he said, and put down the phone.
A half-hour later, he pulled his pickup into the driveway of a fairly generic ranch-style home situated on a street in a nice residential neighborhood. There was a fairly good-sized yard and a two-car garage sat next to the house at the end of a short driveway. The grounds were neatly kept. Tom shut off his truck, got out, and headed for the house.
Alison opened the door in response to Tom’s knock and smiled tentatively as he walked into her kitchen. She had on a pink checked man-tailored blouse and a pair of snug-fitting jeans.
As Tom looked at her he remembered the body covered by the clothing and smiled. ‘How have you been, Alison?’ he asked.
‘Ah…I…I’ve been fine,’ Alison replied, flushing a little. ‘Have a seat, I’ll get the coffee.’ She headed for the kitchen counter.
Tom sat down at the kitchen table while Alison got their coffee. ‘You don’t mind that I called, do you?’ he asked.
‘Ah…no,’ Alison replied. She walked to the table, set the two cups of coffee down on the table, then sat in a chair next to him.
Tom was puzzled. Alison was acting uncomfortable about having him there. He wondered why she’d asked him over.
‘Alison, is my being here a problem?’ he asked.
Alison reddened a little. ‘Ah…well, a little, I guess, I…’ she stammered.
Tom reached across the table and began stroking the back of one of her hands lightly. Alison closed her eyes and shuddered. ‘If you didn’t want me here, why did you invite me?’ he asked softly.
‘I…I…there was something I…I wanted to tell you,’ Alison murmured. ‘I…I thought, maybe, it…it would be better if…if I told you in…in person.’
Tom put his cup down and began fondling her breasts through her blouse with both hands. Alison’s eyes were closed and she seemed to be having a lot of trouble breathing.
‘It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you,’ he continued. He found her rigid nipples and concentrated on them. ‘And I’ve been thinking about you a lot.’
Alison seemed to be having difficulty focusing her thoughts, but she wasn’t telling him to stop.
‘I’ve missed you. I’ve missed this,’ Tom murmured. He began unbuttoning her blouse.
‘Please…’ Alison put her hands over his. ‘I…we…don’t…’
‘What’s the matter? Are the kids home?’ Tom asked.
She shook her head. ‘No…I…I took them to daycare,’ she said. ‘I…I wanted to…to be able to talk with you alone and…’
‘And?’ he asked.
‘Tom…I…I can’t see you any more,’ she said. It seemed as if it took a tremendous amount of effort for her to say that. ‘I thought what we had was just a very pleasant memory,’ she whispered. ‘I…I thought that I…I was over you. Then you called, and I started to wonder. I…I guess I asked you to come over to find out for sure, to convince myself that I…I didn’t still have feelings for you. But…but then, when you touched me…I…’ Her hands fell from his.
Tom removed his hands and sat there looking at her. He wouldn’t force her. If she wanted him to leave, that was OK. He’d manage. ‘OK,’ he said. ‘If that’s what you want. I don’t want to cause problems for you. I’ll leave.’
Alison looked surprised. ‘You…you mean that?’ she asked.
Tom nodded.
‘Oh,’ Alison responded.
Tom was surprised that he heard disappointment in her voice. This didn’t make any sense. Did she want him to stay, or didn’t she? He stood up. ‘I guess I better get going,’ he said. ‘I really ought to get back on the road and get home anyhow.’
Alison stood, too, looking confused.
Tom started for the door and Alison went along with him. She looked as if she weren’t sure this was what she really wanted. And, in fact, she wasn’t sure she wanted him to leave. When he’d begun touching her, the feelings she’d felt when she was with him before began sweeping through her, and were continuing to grow stronger.
At the door, Tom stopped and looked at her. ‘It was nice seeing you again, Alison,’ he said. ‘I’ll never forget what we shared.’
‘Me…I…I won’t, either,’ she replied.
‘How about one last kiss, for old times’ sake?’ he suggested.
Alison wasn’t sure she wanted him to leave now. Her body was filled with wild emotions, which grew stronger by the second. ‘I…OK,’ she said. She moved into his arms and their lips met.
Tidal waves of passion broke over Tom when Alison’s body and lips pressed against his. His cock rose to full, throbbing life. He cupped her taut bottom and crushed her against his distended organ. ‘Do…do you really want me to leave, Alison?’ he gasped when their impassioned kiss ended. Alison remained pressed against him, her arms wrapped around him. Her hips were rotating slowly against his middle.
‘I…I…don’t…I don’t know…I…I can’t…’ Alison stammered. She knew she didn’t want him to leave. She wanted him to make love to her. She shuddered and took a deep breath. ‘I…I guess I don’t.’
‘Where’s your bedroom?’ Tom asked, looking around.
She stiffened. ‘No! I…I couldn’t!’ she murmured. ‘Not…not there!’ She couldn’t allow him to make love to her in the bed she shared with her fiancée. It was bad enough she was going to cheat on him.
Tom glanced around and saw the sofa the living room. If she didn’t want to do it in her bedroom, then… Taking her hand, he led her into the living room, sat on the sofa, and pulled her onto his lap.
Alison sat on his lap and made no attempt to keep him from unbuttoning her blouse and removing her bra. When he had her chest bare, he began kissing and licking her tumescent nipples. She gripped his head and moaned.
While his lips and tongue sent thrills into the woman on his lap, Tom opened her jeans. He paused, got her to stand up, and shoved her jeans down her legs. Alison offered no resistance. Her legs were trembling and, as Tom kissed and touched her, the trembling grew more pronounced and the her moans grew more passionate. Finally, he pulled her down on the sofa, knelt next to her and continued making love to her with his mouth and hands. If this was to be their last time, he’d make it memorable!
His lips ventured into her delightful, delicious middle and, softly, he licked the soft folds of her labia, teasing her. Alison squirmed and arched her back, her hands fluttered over him.
‘Ohhhhhhh!!! Yessssss!!! Yesssss
ss!!!!’ she cried. ‘Please!!! Oh, please!!!’ She was being inundated by wonderful feelings, just like she knew she would be!
His tongue fluttered over her labia, touching her swollen clit. He slipped two fingers into her already-wet opening.
Alison squirmed furiously and a constant stream of moans issued from her.
‘Uhhhhhhhh!!!! Uhhhhhhhhh!!! Uhhhhhhhhh!!!! Oh, God!!! Oh, God!!! Oh, God!!!’ she bawled. Her body rocked, keeping time with his thrusting fingers. Her legs tensed and relaxed as waves of pleasure rolled over her. Then, suddenly, she stiffened and sounds Tom remembered from the last time they were together began to pour from her. ‘Ohhhhh!!! Oh, Goddddddddd!!! Oh, Goddddddd!!! Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!’ Alison gripped Tom’s head, forcing it against her pulsing opening. ‘Nowwwwwwww!!! Ohhhhh!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!’ she cried.
Tom was surprised by Alison’s impassioned response, given how reticent she’d been earlier. The fervency of her response didn’t end with her orgasm. The minute it ended, she began pulling at his clothes. ‘Take your clothes off!!!’ she moaned, fumbling with his buttons and zipper. She was obviously no longer hesitant about what they were doing.
Tom helped her and soon was as naked as she. Before he realized what she planned to do, she pushed him onto his back on the floor and rolled off the sofa onto him, kissing him passionately, her warm body writhing atop his.
Tom moaned and squirmed as Alison’s lips and hands moved over him. She wasn’t this aggressive the last time they were together! Then her warm mouth engulfed his cock.
‘Gahhhhhhhhh!!!!’ he cried as his engorged cudgel disappeared into her oral cavity. She began massaging his balls at the same time. It felt fantastic!
Alison suckled him mercilessly, bringing him to the brink of explosion, backing off, then taking him there once more. At first Tom was afraid he’d come in her mouth, then he found himself desperately wanting to, but she wouldn’t let him! Finally, she let his cock slide out of her mouth and moved so she was sitting atop him.
‘Got…to…have you in me!’ Alison murmured. She gripped his cock, centered it on her vagina, then she sank onto it, emitting a loud, passionate sigh as she did. ‘Oh, God! I needed that!’
Once she had Tom fully inside her, Alison began moving. Her hips gyrated wildly and his cock lashed around inside her, driving both of them wild. Her tiny breasts bobbed and shook. Tom gripped the spongy globes and rubbed his thumbs over her distended nipples. Alison’s head lolled, as if there were no bones in her neck and she grunted with delight.
‘So…Goood!!! So…Goood!!! So…Goood!!! Uhhhhhhhhh!!! Uhhhhhhhh!!! Feels so gooooooodddddddd!!! Take meeeeeee!!! Please!!! Nowwww!!! Take meeeeeeeeeee!!!!! Nowwwwwwwwww!!!’ she groaned. Her legs tightened around him and her back arched even more.
Tom felt her vagina extracting his explosion from him. ‘Take…ittttttt!!!’ he cried, his hips rising, his hot cream erupting into her.
‘Yeeeeesssssssss!!! Yeeeeessssss!!! Nowwwww!!! Nowwwww!!! Nowwwwwwwwwww!!! Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!’ Alison cried. Her fingers dug into his arms while her body continued to quiver wildly.
Spent at last, Alison fell atop him, her rigid nipples boring into his chest. Tom held her as their bodies quieted. His cock softened and slid from her.
After a few minutes, Alison stirred, pushed herself up, and looked down at him. ‘I…I have to get cleaned up.’ She slid off him and padded out of the room.
Tom watched her go and lay there, exhausted. Finally, he sat up on the sofa. That was the best it had ever been with her! It was too bad he’d never see her again.
He was sitting on the sofa when Alison returned. She sat down, still naked, and pulled her legs under her. ‘What’s the matter with me?’ she asked softly, her eyes red and wet. ‘I…I can’t resist you. I…I didn’t want to do this, but when you touched me, I…I couldn’t help myself…’
‘I think we ought to stop,’ Tom said, only half meaning it. ‘I like you a lot and I don’t want to mess up your life.’
Alison looked astonished. ‘Do you…you mean that?’ she asked.
Tom nodded. ‘If being with me causes you this much pain,’ he said softly, ‘I don’t want to keep doing this. I can’t do that. Not to you.’
Alison leaned forward and their lips met again. Once more, as Tom held her warm body in his hands, excitement began to blossom anew in him. What started as a kiss of gratitude became much, much more.
The kiss ended abruptly when Alison pulled out of his embrace and got off the sofa. She walked across the room and stood there, back to him, her body shaking. ‘I…I have to…to tell you…something. I…you…you need to know. Since…since the last…time I saw you,’ she stammered, ‘I…I met somebody, a very nice man. He…he’s a wonderful man, he loves me and the kids and…and we…we’re engaged.’
Tom got up and went to comfort her, his half-hard cock bouncing as he came up behind her and put his arms around her. With a sigh, she leaned against him. His cock slid between her buttocks and stiffened even more.
‘I’m happy for you, Alison,’ he said. ‘I hope things work out for you. I’m sorry I called you today. I…I didn’t mean to hurt you.’
‘What…what is the matter with me?’ Alison sobbed, her body shaking, as he held her against him. ‘You…you touch me and…and I…I can’t help myself. I…’
‘When I leave here today, this is over,’ Tom said, kissing her on the cheek. ‘I mean it. I’m not going to put you through any more pain.’
‘Do…do you mean that?’ she sobbed. ‘Do…do you really mean that?’
Tom squeezed her. ‘Yes. I hate seeing you like this,’ he told her. That was true. He didn’t want to cause her any more anguish. However, despite his good intentions, her helplessness was exciting him as much as her sucking his cock had! It didn’t hurt that his cock was lodged between her buttocks, either.
‘I…I better get going,’ he said. He loosened his hold on her and started to back away.
Alison’s hand closed on his rigid cock, stopping him in his tracks. ‘What…what about this?’ she asked.
‘Ah…’ Tom gasped. He wasn’t sure what to say.
‘One more time!’ Alison murmured. She stroked his swollen rod. ‘Please, Tom! Once more!’
They were standing next to a big over-stuffed chair. ‘What the hell?’ Tom thought. ‘If she wants to make love with me once more…’ ‘Kneel on the chair,’ he said, unable to keep the urgency out of his voice.
After Alison did as he suggested, Tom moved behind her and slid his cock into her. He began thrusting in and out slowly, caressing her back as he did. His engorged wand rode easily in her snug, well-lubricated opening and pleasure rose once more in his loins and spread through his body.
‘This is wild!’ Alison purred, her body shaking as he slid in and out of her. Their thighs kissed as Tom poked his cock all the way home. He pulled back and repeated the delightful motion, again and again.
Tom’s need began to grow once more. He leaned forward, cupped Alison’s breasts in his hands, and let her rigid nipples rub against his palms.
Alison shuddered and gripped the chair harder. ‘Yessss!!! Oh, Tom, yessss!!!’ she purred. ‘Don’t stop!!! God! I don’t ever want you to stop!’
Tom shared her sentiments, but knew, sooner or later, he had to. Even though he was taking it easy, enjoying the friction of her snug channel around his cock as it rode in and out of her, he knew eventually things would get out of control.
He thought about how this would be their last time and decided he didn’t want it to end like this. He stopped, straightened up, and pulled out of her.
‘Tom, What are you doing? Don’t stop!’ Alison moaned. She looked back over her shoulder to see what he was doing.
‘Come on…’ Tom said. He took her arm. ‘Let’s go over on the s
They moved quickly across the room. Alison laid down on the sofa and Tom laid atop her and felt her hand grip his cock and guide it into her.
‘Yesss!!! Oh, yessss!!!!’ Alison purred when his cock again plunged into her. ‘That’s wonderful!!! So wonderful!!!’ Her legs rose and her heels locked behind his knees. Her pelvis ground against him.
This was better! Tom kissed her, then began fucking her in earnest. The sofa creaked from the force of their frantic coupling.
‘Yessssssss!!! Yesssssss!!!’ Alison cried, her hands raking his back. ‘Better!!! Oh, God!!! This is even better!!! Please!!! Please!!! I…oh, God!!! I can’t wait!!! Oh, God!!! I can’t wait!!!’ Her hips worked against him urgently and her grip tightened.
Tom felt a rippling sensation on his cock and knew she was about to come.
‘Nowwwwwwww, Tom!!! Take me nowwwwwww!!!!’ Alison cried. ‘Take me nowwwwwwww!!!! Yessssssssss!!!! Yessssssssss!!!! Yessssssssssss!!! Oh, yesssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!’
‘Here it comes!!! Take it, take ittttttttt!!!!’ Tom groaned spewing more of his torrid cream into her.
Afterward, they held each other for a while, then they got up, cleaned up, and put their clothes back on. Alison walked Tom to the door. Once more they tried a parting kiss, and this time that’s all it was.
‘It’s been wonderful, Alison,’ Tom said. ‘I won’t ever forget what we shared. And I honestly do hope you have a wonderful life.’
Alison flushed. ‘I…I won’t forget, either,’ she replied. ‘And I…I hope your life is wonderful, too. You really are a very sweet man.’
Tom got in his truck, started the engine, and headed for the highway, reflecting on his afternoon. Alison was a good lover, and a nice person, but she deserved a good life, a life that included a man who cared about her, not someone like him, who was just using her.
And, as he thought about Alison, the woman who’d ushered him into the cheating life, he thought about his wife, Melissa. She deserved more than he’d been giving her, too. A lot more. Maybe it was time for him to sit down with her and figure out what they needed to do about their marriage. As exciting as having other women wanting him was, it didn’t come close to what he and Melissa had once had. Could they still have it? Maybe it was time to find out.
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It was the following week, and once again I had set off on my weekly long walk through the Chilterns. I went out through Shardeloes and up towards Beamond End, then heading off further through open grassland and through some woods, once again descending into the valley. There was a sense of anticipation, combined with apprehension, as I neared the village where Amy lived. Would she be in? Had she remembered that this was when we’d talked about meeting again? and what were those needs that she...
130,140 views all-time plus of course 83027 at sol By the time I set foot inside the Downtown house again, I had been gone two and a half days. It was right after 2PM on a Thursday when I entered my home which I converted from a finance company building. I intentionally left the smarter than smart phone unanswered while I had been gone. Whatever mundane shit awaited me, I decided to let it lay till I got back. I had to be Maxine the super spy for two days. I would just be damned, if I was...
I suppose my story really starts on a afternoon in May, I was in my house which was half of a converted large country house that had been made into two, the other half had stood empty for a couple of months since the owners moved due to work commitments. I had been enjoying the peace and quiet living alone miles from my closest neighbour and not having to go out as my job was done on a computer and emailed through and I did my shopping online and had it delivered and at 38 years old was...
The next two days weren't swimming days, David and John followed their normal routine. One day they had the calves suck them off and the next day they fucked the ewes. At night the younger boys played their usual games with each other, and the twins did the same. Ted and Susan had had to be satisfied with what they could do with their own hands. All the kids were anxious for the next swimming day. David and Susan were impatient for the next tutoring session. Saturday dawned sunny and warm....
I finally regain my senses and pull her to me, our lips connecting for a long, slow, sensual kiss, our tongues dancing around each other as my hands slide down, cupping her ass, grabbing all that I can get my hands on. As I squeeze her ass cheeks she moans in my mouth, wrapping her arms around my neck, pulling me even tighter to her, forcefully rubbing her tits on my chest. Finally she breaks the kiss, coming out for air. Breathing heavily, she looks at me with lust filled eyes, grabs her...
Hey guys I am Rakesh. I am 5.7ft and bit fair and having healthy body thanks to occasionally gyming. I study engineering in Odisha. We have college hostels but I prefer living outside as college is in a remote place and 8 km away from the nearby town. I stay with 2 of my friends. This happened few days before. I was tired of masturbating and missing my cousin and gf a lot as they were away. The heroin of the story is our land lady who is around 47 but look like 34. She works as an insurance...
We headed west from there moving as quickly as we could. I wanted to put as much distance between where we'd left the hunters and our next camp. The last thing I wanted was any more trouble today. Tok ran ahead of us for a while, while Kola and I jogged along behind her. I pointed us out across terrain already churned up by meandering herds of grazers hoping that their movements would eventually obscure our trail. Amazingly my new body seemed to be getting into the exertions that I was...
Only a couple of drinks in me so far, my sexual appetite becoming brave and unruly. I was out for a drink with a male friend of mine. We usually went out for drinks at least once a week, and for some reason the small minded people in this town, couldn’t quite get their heads around the fact that man and woman can be great friends without fucking one another. I was talking to a couple of strangers, well brothers actually. Clive was the youngest at 30, and his brother John 37. They were both...
Several years ago I took early retirement and we bought a second house in Florida. My wife Sally had always wanted to live near the ocean so we bought a place in a Miami suburb. It was a few miles away from the ocean but was affordable. It also had a small pool in the backyard. Sally, who is four years younger than me, had lived and worked in northern states all of her life and was very excited at the idea of spending winter afternoons lounging by the pool. Lying around the pool all day seemed...
Group SexA Wee Bit More O' Seasonal Fluff By Kelly Blake Nobody told me about the snow. I was warned about the winds and the summer heat and the fall chills. Oh...they did tell me it would snow and the cold could be beyond frigid...but...this snow? Really! It began rather mildly as a sprinkling on the twenty-third. But now? Dear Lord! It was the afternoon of the twenty-fourth and one couldn't see one's hand before one's own eyes! The driveway was a distant memory and the road...what...
Another hot, dry, desert day. Not a cloud in the azure blue sky. Dalia dropped to her bed exhausted from the heat and felt the coolness of the air conditioner pour over her. Slowly she pulled her top and her jeans off, her silky bra and panties barely covered her soft skin.Her eyes closed and she slipped into a deep sleep, letting the cool envelop her. Her breathing deepened and soft moans escaped her lips as the dreams overtook her.Dalia knocked at the door and from deep within the house heard...
LesbianAlan's turn: Susan won the race to deliver. Blanket message from her. Jason is loading my bag into the car right now. I've been cramping and the doctor says go straight to the hospital. Bingo. You just KNOW that this news puts Tina to waddling (I'm going to Hell for that one, but she's sooooo pregnant) to me. "We need to go wait with her." "Yes, dear. What about Terri?" "Terri knows the drill. Beck and Sim's." "You know Susan's gonna have a cheering section. You will, too....
The story until nowSue, my wife had been cheating on me for years. I initially didn’t respond but as time passed and she continued to be unfaithful I responded by having an affair with Marg. Eventually, I decided to leave my job and travel to the west. In doing so I told her that if she wanted to come with me then she had to stop her cheating. She agreed but within weeks of arriving in the west, I found that she was having an affair. This was directly after we had decided to have another child....
Wife LoversMy wife has often fantasized about fucking black men with incredibly large cocks. Often during our sex sessions she will beg me to fuck her with one of her big dildos, she has quite a large collection. Sometimes I’ll stick a suckered one to the mirrored wardrobe door and have her ride it on all fours whilst she sucks my cock. I must admit, I love to watch as her stretched pussy squirms up and down the long thick rubber shafts.I decided to get her a ‘special’ treat for her birthday. I put an ad...
I call my girlfriend Kate and ask if I can borrow her camera. She says, ‘Sure, Hon, anytime. Why, what’s up? You aren’t taking naughty pictures again are you?’ ‘Well, actually…’ I reply, ‘I have begun to share some incredibly sexy stories with my lover. He sends me stories while we are apart, I add in my side and send them back. I just want to…’ ‘…Want to send him a couple of photos so he can see what these stories do to you,’ she finishes for me. ‘Can I read the stories? Maybe I can stay and...
BDSM School Synopsis- A School where all sorts of BDSM stuff is taught to the male students while the female students and teachers help them to learn their BDSM lessons in better ways.Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity.� If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave.Author- This is my first attempt of story writing...
After meeting and fucking Biff (yeah I know, but that was what he wanted to be called) Cindy kept in touch with him and tried to work out another time to see him. She came to me and asked if I minded if she stopped into the bowling alley where he was in a league. I of course told her to have fun. I watched as she took a shower, and then got dressed for her night out. By the panties she slipped on, black lace, I knew she was hoping the night would end in sex. She wasn’t disappointed.She left the...
At that, Don and Anne both turned to see two men following them. They were scraggly and unkempt, looking like they had just left a bar after an all-night drunk rather than at the zoo with families. ‘Do I know you?’ Don glared at them. Anne grabbed Grace’s hand and instinctively moved behind Don with the little girl. ‘No, but we know you, you fucking asshole.’ One of them spit out as the other laughed. Don’s anger was building and he had no doubt he could take these two. ‘What did you say...
What’s a romantic getaway without shower sex?! Bridgette B. doesn’t want her vacation with her man to end, so she bends over for him in the shower and lets him stick his big dick inside of her one last time before they leave. But wait! She has a better idea. Why not surprise him with something special, like anal sex! First she wows him with sexy lingerie and stockings, then she deepthroats his dick, and then she lets him tittyfuck her with her big tits. The sexy Latina makes things en fuego...
xmoviesforyouKate and Roger Anderson were now married for five years and still loved each other deeply. One afternoon while they were at the gym working out when young women introduced her self to Kate. He name was Francine and she knew Kate from college and asked her, “Kate I remember you as person who was open minded about sex and Lesbian relationships.” Kate said, “Francine I am married now and I don’t know how my husband would feel about sharing their bed with another women.” Francine said, “I would...
"Morning!" Melanie looked up as she unlocked the door to her store. The greeting was from Toni, who strode down Pearl Street toward her. "Hi, yourself," Melanie answered. "You're out early. Come on in, I'll start some coffee." The two women went into the store and Melanie turned on the lights, went about making coffee. Toni was wandering about the store, looking at the displays of lingerie, lifting the fabrics, looking at the construction of the garments. Melanie called, "Come...
"Captain Tufts," the KTT AI announced, "you have four hours to cradle your ship in the heart of the transport nest. Once you are in place and we have verified your positioning, we will give you a thirty-minute countdown to shift. Your destination documents have now been transferred to your shipboard AI and you are cleared to begin the process. This transport will be exactly 27,341 light years and will place you near the Hilaris system. It is the most livable of all the solar systems within...
LAKE ONTARIO Part One BY Lauren Westley Let me introduce myself. My name is Loren. When I was 22 years old I had a job similar in some respects to the Shining. I was working on a novel and found a job that had all the right characteristics. There was a small resort on Lake Ontario. It was only open from May through October. The first day in November it was closed and only needed a caretaker during the winter season. I had spent last year doing it and knew the routine. The...
One morning, acting on an impulse, he stopped at the bus stop where she was waiting, wound down the passenger window, and asked if he could give her a lift to wherever she was going. She told him that she wouldn’t want him to go out of his way, but he assured her that it would be his pleasure. She accordingly got into the car, and as she did so, her skirt slid up her thighs to give Paul a glimpse of her white panties. Paul immediately got hard, and Jayne could clearly see the bulge in his...
The word Embarrassing didn’t quite do how I felt justice. Mortified, or humiliated would maybe fit better. Although I must admit that I was more turned-on than I think I ever had been. I couldn’t believe what was happening, or how it was making me feel. I think the most surprising thing was that every time Sam called me a girl, or a slut, or whore, well, I felt a throb between my legs at each horrible name he called me, making my dick seem to get even harder than hard. I danced...
Kate turned to sally , what time are you leaving, I’m being picked up at ten I stood up and rinsed my mouth out The girls were talking, Sally giggling the Kate said Christine call Paul ask him to come round Why ? I want to film the pair of you What no Kate please I responded Christine do as your told, you just cum watching sally and me, so why don’t you want us to have the fun of watching you two I had no answer and I didn’t want to upset Kate I phoned Paul’ his dad answered the phone and...
I want to bring my real story to your notice . Hope u would love it. I remember I was studying plus one Intermediate at that time . A couple with a child had come to stay near by house. Uncle used to work for a FOOD corporation company . I used to go to his house almost daily and have some chat with him . This was my daily routine for a year. His wife used to serve me with some toffees and and tea some times . she rarely looked at me and used to do her work. One day I was going to my college...
"Y'know, when I was a kid," Victoria said, "and that was longer ago than I'll ever admit to – before I met Ric and we migrated to Solar City – there were fairs with food courts and stuff..." "Really?" Michael asked politely, talking around a much smaller bite than Victoria had in her mouth. "Yep!" Victoria continued. "And I think that was the last time I ever had a Kraut Dog! Before today, I mean..." "Well, this is still pretty new to me," Michael admitted. "Before the Great...
Chapter Twenty-Nine – Hogsmeade Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: Mff, x-mast, hp, grope, magic, spank, unif, voy It had been a very good week for Harry, Ron, Hermione and even Ginny; they had all had some fun on Monday night and the days that had followed, had been ones of joyous occasion. Hermione and Ginny had been hard at work on Tuesday morning; developing,...
Late Saturday morning we walked along King Street. We went into Red Chili, but nothing seemed appealing. At The Urban Store there were just the sort of tee shirts I'd wanted: crimson, emerald, peacock blue, forsythia. "Can I get more than one?" I asked Rachel. "Why not? You'll still have something when you spill sauce on the one you're wearing Sunday!" "Nasty girl! I should beat you for that!" "Oh, please, sir!" We both laughed at that. I bought an emerald and a blue. They...
Ramesh is a CD whom I met on FB. At first we had normal conversation slowly we became good friends and started knowing about each other. When we come online we talk about our cross dressing etc.. After all this once we decided to meet at his place so we fixed one day and I went to his place by 10 in morning and rang the calling bell. He came and opened the door it was the first time I looked him (even though we chatted on fb but never asked for a pic). He welcomed me inside and closed the...
The next morning Ron left on foot early to walk Debbie to school. Pam planned to go shopping over in Brownsville and would be home late afternoon. She cautioned him to go slow with Debbie, "The girl will come around if you don't go scaring her with too much too quickly." He was a little concerned about Debbie's reaction to yesterday afternoon. They certainly went further then than they ever did before. And even though she showed no sign of being upset by yesterday's events, acted no...