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Chapter 1 In retrospect, bumper to bumper traffic on my way to work was the first sign that today was going to be a terrible day. For some reason or another, the state had a repair crew out there again, even though they were supposed to have finished months ago. I swear, sometimes it felt less like a road, and more like a construction site. Unfortunately, it was also the most direct route to work. I've never been one to believe in omens, but if I had the signs would have been clear. That they were out there today, of all possible days. You see, today was a pretty big day for me. The day they were going to announce my big promotion, and I wanted to get there nice and early to savor the moment. Our CTO had just been poached away by one of the tech giants, and yours truly was the leading candidate. It wasn't one hundred percent official, but by this point I'd been all but assured the position. The choice made sense. I'd been with the company since nearly the beginning, the fourth or fifth employee hired. Just a QA intern that had been offered a job right out of school and worked my way up. These days, I was project manager for our flagship product. In a very real sense, taking the position would just formalize what I was already doing, since I already made most of the company's tech decisions. I had absolutely every reason to be confident. Right up until I walked through the door. From the moment I saw Anvi's face, I knew something had gone terribly wrong. "I'm so sorry," she said. "They've made the announcement, then?" "Not yet," she said, "but word got around." "Who?" I made myself ask, forcing myself to congratulate her if she got the job. She'd been a candidate, but not a serious one, I'd thought. Her position was similar to mine, but on a smaller project with a smaller team, and she was still new to that. A good person and a good friend, but I hadn't ever imagined that she would really get the job. Who else could they have picked? All the other candidates were worse than me. The only thing I could imagine was that they'd wanted to promote a woman executive in an admittedly male heavy company. That didn't seem like their style, but I couldn't dismiss it out of hand. Despite having an obscure company with a woman CEO, we weren't immune from criticism. So yeah, it was possible they'd passed me over to have a woman take the position, but during all the rounds of interviews, I'd never gotten that impression from anybody. But if not her, then who? "Don't know his name," she said. "some outside guy. Hired him away from some damned consulting agency. Word is that he's going to be bringing in a bunch of his people to shake things up or something." So much for that idea. I almost wish it had been her. "A consultant? They're replacing our CTO with a consultant?" We'd always been very product-first, dating to before I was hired. It was one of the reasons most outside candidates hadn't made the cut. Businessmen had their place, don't get me wrong, but a lot of them that just didn't get our philosophy. Certainly, we'd buried enough competitors with other ideas. They hadn't interviewed anyone except the internal candidates for over a month now. Where had this clown come from? "Everyone! Could you please gather around?" Patricia Parkins, the CEO and 'old lady of the office' called us all in. We milled around a bit, but slowly everyone shuffled their way towards the front of the room. "Nice suit," Anvi snickered as the man walked in. A stark contrast to the rest of the room, where t-shirts were the norm and polos were practically overdressed. His hair was greased, slicked back and sporting an almost plastic sheen under the bright office lights. His toothy smile the envy of used car salesmen from miles around. "Everyone," Patricia said, "I'd like to introduce you to Hanz Freidrich, our new CTO. A long time veteran of Integrated Consulting, we're very excited to see how he applies his expertise to help build an exciting new future for this company. I'm sure I speak for all of us in extending a very welcoming hand to our new colleague." Hanz got up to speak, a rambling but otherwise slick speech that was mostly filled with platitudes. The guy was smooth, I had to admit, but how in the world did anyone believe he'd be able to run a software company? Except to run it into the ground, that is. "So, any idea what you're going to do now?" asked Anvi once the speech was over. "I'm not really sure," I said, though we both knew my days here were numbered. Even if I could stomach being passed over for that suit, his sort would never tolerate someone like me sticking around. Not the guy who everyone had expected to take his job. Either I'd find something else in a big hurry, or I was about to get "resigned". "Let me know," she said, "the way things are going, you might not be alone." "Thanks, Anvi," I said, "that means a lot." "No sweat. Hey, speaking of things that are out of place, check out what the old lady is wearing." I'd missed it, the way I'd been paying attention to that suit. But now I saw what Anvi had been talking about. Even though she was CEO, Patricia was normally just as informal as the rest of us. The few times she'd been forced to dress up, it had mostly been pantsuits all the way. I could count the number of times I'd seen her in a skirt on one hand. With fingers to spare. But there she was, skirt and blouse as frilly as you please. It was actually a bit unnerving. It also seemed to take about ten years off her age. Despite her nickname, she wasn't all that old. Mid forties, perhaps, more or less. It was her sparse, slightly severe demeanor, coupled with the fact that she was a little older than the rest of us, which had earned her that affectionate nickname. There was nothing cold or severe about the way she was looking at Hanz. Anvi noticed the look too. "You don't think..." "Nah," I told Anvi, "this company is her baby. She's built her life around it. There's no way she'd ever throw it all away over some chiseled face." Besides, he really didn't seem her type. Yeah, I suppose he could be considered conventionally handsome, and a certain type of woman went for his overly put together style, but I'd never gotten even the slightest hint that Patricia was one of them. Apparently, she noticed us looking and waved me over. Great, exactly what I wanted right now. Oh well, putting it off wouldn't make things easier. "Looks like the fun's over," I told Anvi, "I'll talk to you later." Hanz was all smiles and handshakes when Patricia introduced him to me. As though it never occurred to them I might be sore about being passed over. He had a firm grip, and oozed enough oily confidence that you'd half expect OPEC would let him join as a member state. "So I want to get together for some one-on-ones with the principle stakeholders at the company," he said. "Why don't we duck into my office for a quick meetup and make sure we're all on the same page about the company's direction." "Um, sure," I said, "but isn't that moving a touch fast? And I'm not even sure your office is ready." Or habitable. Last I checked, the office had become a sort of temporary storage closet. We all knew that it would be filled when the position was replaced, but for the moment it had been a convenient dumping ground for stuff that didn't have anywhere else to go. Besides, we both knew that when it came to me, the only relevant direction for the company was "away from me". "Nonsense," he said in a loud, boisterous tone, giving me a light slap on the back. "It's never too early to start working. And there's a lot of work to do if we're going to turn this company around, don't you agree?" My answer was noncommittal. Several products were clear, undisputed market leaders, and we'd been profitable for nearly ten years running. There had been talk about an IPO, but I wasn't sure how that fit into today's news. Still, I didn't want to burn any bridges. For the sake of my team, if not for myself. "Sorry about the condition," he said as he ushered me into the office. "It's still a work in progress." "N-no problem," I said, "it seems good to me." Somehow, they had gotten the room cleared and furnished. The clutter all gone, and in its place a large, extremely polished desk with a brass nameplate at the front. How long ago had they chosen him? Why keep up the sham? He stepped around, reaching for yet another handshake. His grip lingered just a tiny bit longer than I was comfortable with, and he shook it vigorously. This launched him into a big spiel about the future of the industry, and our company's place in it. The talk was noticeably light on details, or anything actionable, but I was impressed by his confidence. You could easily see how someone might get swept along by the sales pitch if they weren't paying attention. By the end, I couldn't have told you a single thing he'd said, except that somewhere along the line I'd been talked into sticking with the company. After all, nothing had really changed since yesterday. I was still team leader for our most important product. Besides, we were a still growing company, with so much untapped opportunity waiting for me in some nebulous, ill defined future. I wasn't really clear on what that direction was, but I was almost curious to see where he'd lead us. One by one, he met with most of the remaining team leaders and department heads. I caught up to Anvi right after her meeting finished. Her clothes were disheveled and she wore a slightly glazed expression. I put it down to a long and busy day. "Is everything ok?" I asked her. "Hmm? Yeah, everything's fine," she said, sounding slightly distracted. "So about what we were saying earlier-" she began. "I've decided to stick around," I told her. "Oh thank goodness," she said, "I wasn't sure how to break the news, but I'm staying too. I'm glad to hear you'll be around." "Yeah, Hanz sure has a way of persuading you, doesn't he?" She blushed even darker than she already was, gaze dropping to her toes. There was a mumble. Something like "I guess you could put it like that." "Hey, don't feel bad," I said. "He talked me into it as well." She coughed, choking on her words as she said goodbye with a quick. "Ineedtoleavenowseeyoutomorrow" Huh. Strange. True to the rumors, there were a pair of "cultural consultants" in sharp blue suits introduced during our daily new "company wellness meeting". Adam Randolf and Pyotr Ivanovich, who would be helping to assess how to make our company's culture run more smoothly. "Look around you," Adam said, "I mean it. Go on. Head to the left. To the right now. Turn and look at your neighbors. What do you see?" He waited a minute for the words to sink in. "Men," he finally said, "you're seeing men. Men to the left, men to the right. In this company, and our industry as a whole, women are massively underrepresented. It's unbalanced, you might say. And we all must do our part to correct that." He did have a point. I loved our industry, but it wasn't the most gender mixed in the world. Still, most women turned aside long before they'd even picked a major, much less graduated and entered the industry. For every woman's resume we got, there were dozens, sometimes hundreds of men alongside them. Unless he wanted some sort of educational outreach, I didn't see how we were going to solve anything here. "The key, ladies and gentlemen, (but mostly gentlemen), is empathy. How can we solve our problems, when there's this terrible gulf of understanding? So with that in mind, we've decided to invite some outside experts to run a little impromptu seminar this afternoon. Please welcome my good friend Chrissy here, who will explain what we'll all be doing." He waved in a young, bubbly blonde in a tight pink miniskirt and a matching crop-top. She practically skipped up in front of us, waving excitedly to her skeptical audience. If there were more than a pair of brain cells in her head, she wasn't doing much to show it. "Like, hello everyone. My name's Chrissy, and I'm here to tell you some totally important stuff about women." "I'll bet you boys didn't know this, but women have to like, totally work real hard to keep ourselves pretty for our men. It's a lot of work, but that doesn't mean it can't be super fun too! So, like me and my friends are going to give you boys some makeover tips, so you can see how what it takes to be a super cute babe like me!" I looked over the crowd, trying to see where Kate was before the explosion hit. A nice lady, and a talented designer, but sometimes a little militant over the whole feminism thing. If she didn't explode, I'd half assume it was because she was too busy dialing a lawyer over this absurd spectacle. Instead, I found her nodding along. Smiling, actually smiling as Chrissy brought in a group of similarly dressed women and began breaking everyone into groups. "Do we really have to do this?" asked Dave, one of my senior developers. "Honestly," I told him, "I don't really know. I'll be the first to admit that this is all a little strange, no make that really strange. But Hanz brought these people in, and I trust that knows what he's doing." He started to protest, but Pyotr wandered up behind before he could really get going. "Is there a problem?" he asked before taking Dave aside for a private chat. Dave seemed a little subdued when he returned, and more than a bit sullen, but he continued with the program. They were all doing that, I noticed. Hanz, Adam, and Pyotr. The three making rounds of the room, encouraging, reinforcing, and subtly heading off any real resistance. They were good leaders, I had to admit. Not much when it came to technology, but they sure knew how to handle people. We watched intently as our guide walked us through the subtleties of cosmetics. Showing us what all the different products did, how she applied them to herself, and what went with what. It looked like a lot of work, but the girl did seem to be enjoying herself. "And now, like, we're ready for the group activity." She threw up her hands in a little cheer, though I'll bet that most of us were a bit more intent upon her chest. "Now, you boys aren't ready for makeup yet," that drew a laugh, "but we can totally paint your nails and make them super cute, just like mine!" There were a few nervous grumbles, but the suits were around to settle our niggling concerns. Telling us that it was an important part of our team building program, and all for the sake of building a stronger office. I noticed, however, that the three of them were not participating. Just a few minutes later I was sitting down at the table, watching as she slid the bright red coating onto my outstretched fingers. "Pay attention, silly. It takes three coats to get them nice and cute, and You get to do the next two. Isn't that going to be fun?" I murmured something noncommittal. Not good enough for her. "I can't hear you. What's the matter? Don't think you can handle it?" Playing to my competitive side. Now that was low, but by the end of the day we were all enthusiastically painting. Not willing to be showed up by some giggly bimbo. It wasn't until I pulled into my driveway that I realized I'd gone out in public with my nails painted. I'd meant to get rid of it, but somehow just hadn't found the time. Hiding it from my wife, Susan, quickly proved to be a futile effort. "What in the world?" she asked once she saw them. "Some weird thing at work. They brought on some new management consultants, and they're a bit, well..." I was going to say 'loopy', but that was being uncharitable of me. They were just trying to improve things, to make our office better. Even if I didn't understand their methods. "Well I think they look cute," Susan said. Really cute, apparently. She didn't even wait until dinner to drag me up to the bedroom. Unfortunately, I was a bit trigger happy that night, and had all sorts of trouble getting it up again afterwards. My wife didn't complain too much, at least not after I went down on her, but I could tell she was disappointed. I had to hand it to those consultants, they certainly did manage to change our company's culture in ways I'd never suspected. Like on Friday, when I caught up to Anvi in the parking lot before work. "You're looking nice," I told her, "anything special?" She'd taken those makeup lessons to heart, apparently, though a bit more subtle. Still, deeply colored lipstick, much less eyeliner and carefully waxed eyebrows were a new look for her. As was the long, tight skirt and clingy top. It suited her, though. "No, nothing like that," she said, looking away. "Just, thought I'd try some new things out. See how they looked." "Well, I think they suit you." "Thanks! You're really sweet." She wasn't the only one. Several of the guys had touched up their nails over the week, and one or two were even sporting new colors. It might have been my imagination, but I swear that Barry was wearing a layer of foundation on his cheeks. My own nails were looking awfully worn and ragged next to theirs. That night, on the way home, I bought my first bottle of nail polish. Chapter 2 "An open house?" my wife asked. "Pretty much, yeah. Something about 'getting the families onboard for maximum buy-in'. Whatever that means." "Doesn't sound much like your company." "It is now, apparently. They, um, kinda hinted that attendance wasn't optional." More than hinted. I'd heard the suits talking about how they were going to "phase out" anybody who didn't bring their spouse to either this meeting or the next. Funny, it had made sense the way they'd described it at the time. If we really wanted to stir things up and take the company to another level, we'd need the complete buy-in of not only our employees, but of their extended support systems. Obvious, right? Except, now that I thought about it, this all seemed a bit draconian, didn't it? I mean, we'd been doing fine before. What sort of changes could really needed this kind of support? We got into the car, Susan looking so unbelievably lovely that I wanted to jump her right then and there, and to hell with the company. I honestly might have, except that I'd been having some problems in that area for a while. Susan had been patient, but that almost made it worse, especially when I could see how frustrated she was getting at our lack of intimacy. Hanz gave a stirring speech, as always, though for some reason Susan lost concentration partway through. I was a bit disappointed in her, to tell you the truth. Here we were, laying out the future of the company I'd put so much hard work into, and she couldn't even be bothered to listen. I let her go as she wandered off to the catering table. Along with many of the other spouses and girlfriends, though I was happy to see that my coworkers stayed faithful. "Wasn't that wonderful," I said to Anvi a short while after he'd finished. To thundering applause, I might add. I found her milling around with the other employees, an ecstatic smile on her face. From hearing something so moving, no doubt. It was strange, seeing her as one of the most dressed up women in the room, but it suited her. She wore a clingy black dress that came down to mid thigh. I'd never really thought about Anvi as having cleavage before, but the sleeveless neckline showed me how wrong I was. "Absolutely stirring," she gushed, "I'd never really thought about things like that, but the way he said it just made so much sense. "I know. I just wish Susan had stuck around for the whole thing. Speaking of which, have you seen her? I haven't been able to find her since it ended." Anvi's smile tempered slightly. "I think she's doing her interview now." Hanz had showed up with nearly a dozen of his old consulting partners. A necessary concession, to make sure they could personally meet with every family member over the course of a single night. It made sense, though I didn't understand why they couldn't have had some of us senior employees help out instead. For that matter, I noticed that Hanz and the other suits hadn't brought any of their family to the gathering. But still, I trusted them to know what they were doing. "Do you know where?" "They've been using the 200s block of conference rooms, but I'm not sure you should-" "Thanks," I told her before heading off to find Susan. I wouldn't interrupt the meeting, of course. I knew how important those were. But at least I could catch her when she came out. I made my way to them just as Dave's wife Linda was about to go in. She was nervous, eyes darting around the room, never resting in any one place for more than a moment, but the suit was doing his best to put her at ease. If anything, he was getting a little familiar with her, the way his hand slipped down her hip. Dave sure wouldn't like someone touching his wife like that, but I'm sure it was all perfectly innocent. With the windows curtained over, I couldn't tell which room Susan was in. I didn't want to overhear anything private, but maybe if I listened in just a bit. Just so I could figure out where she was, mind you. Coming from the room were the oddest sounds. A sort of rhythmic shuffling, like furniture being nudged just a tiny bit. There was a woman's voice, but though I couldn't make out the words, it sounded breathless. Almost like... but no, that was absurd, I must have been imagining things. Except, the same sound came from the room next door. And the one after that, and the one after that. Except that the last one held Susan's voice. I could hear a man saying something, in between bumps. Susan's voice was sharp and gasping. Short, monosylabic. Almost like she was saying "Yes!" over and over in response to his words. I was imagining things. Of course I was. I trusted them completely. They knew what was best for the company, and they would never abuse our trust like that. Still, there was no harm in checking. Just for my peace of mind, of course, I didn't actually suspect them of anything. I was just making sure. "Did you need something?" A voice from behind me, Hanz. "I was just looking for my wife" "Yes, Anvi said you were. She's in the middle of her meeting right now, and you'd hate to disturb them, wouldn't you. As long as we're waiting, how about you and I go for a nice little walk?" He'd placed his hand on my shoulder comfortingly. It put me at ease just a bit, that he thought everything was alright. I still had some concerns, but they could wait, couldn't they? "Sure." "Splendid," he told me, leading me away from the conference rooms. His hand slipped down as we walked, resting just above my lower back, but that was ok. Normally, I didn't like to be touched, but I didn't mind so much when he did it. We talked then. About the direction the company was headed, of big changes to be made, and the importance of resolution in the face of uncertainty. That even when you didn't understand why something had to be done, that didn't mean it wasn't important, or that you shouldn't go along with it. There were going to be big changes coming, he assured me, and that was why they had to get the families on board. He put my mind at ease about Susan. Of course, it was all just an innocent meeting, and an important one at that. Whatever happened, it was for the good of the company, and I trusted them completely. How nice of Hanz, to explain everything to me. We went home that night, and for once this week Susan wasn't pressuring me for sex. It was nice, considering the problems we'd had, to just cuddle together for a bit instead of dealing with the mounting pressure. All weekend long, Susan kept hinting at some big surprise she had for me on Monday. She spent most of Saturday out shopping, and I was firmly not invited. For once, I was almost disappointed, even though shopping with her was usually a bit of a bore. I kept trying to pry it out of her on Sunday, but all she'd tell me was "you'll see". The bags were hidden, and it was tough not to peek, but I managed to restrain myself. After all, what was one more day of waiting? Why not let her keep her surprise? "Surprise!" she said as she woke me up early Monday morning. "Hmmm?" I grumbled as I pried my eyes open. "You bought yourself a new outfit?" She was holding up a shirt and blouse combo, grinning madly like she'd never seen a cute outfit before. Was this the big surprise? Some new work clothes? They were nice, but it was one heck of a letdown after an entire weekend of secrecy. I'd really been expecting something more. "Not for me," she said, "for you!" "Wha-?" "They explained everything to me. I think it's SO sweet the way you guys are trying to develop an understanding of what women go through. And what could be better for that than wearing a skirt for a change." "I don't know," I said, but she wore me down until I finally agreed, which called for a celebratory trip to the shower so she could help shave my body clean. It was all worth it when I felt the strange, smooth pantyhose slide up my legs. Of course, Susan absolutely insisted that I sit down with her to do my makeup. "I should have gotten you heels," she said as I slipped on my dress shoes, "but that can wait for later." The wig came last, and was actually a little tough to put on. My hair kept getting in the way, even though I had cut it not that long ago. Perhaps another trip to the barber was in order. "Another couple weeks, and we won't even need the wig," Susan told me. Couple weeks? How long did she think this program was going to last? Sure, big changes don't happen overnight, but this was always supposed to be a temporary thing. Right? "I feel ridiculous." "Nonsense, you look lovely." To be honest, neither of us were really right. The proportions were all wrong, for one thing. Too wide at the shoulders, too narrow at the hips, and my face was a bit butch. But with all that said, what I looked like was a girl. A butch girl, sure, but not a man. Even if we both knew that the chest volume came from a stuffed bra. It was only my promise to Susan that kept me coming in to the office. I couldn't believe I was going out like this in front of my friends and coworkers. Even worse, the first person I saw that morning was Anvi. "You look wonderful," she said upon seeing me. "I can't believe I actually agreed to do this." "Hanz told me all about it, and I think it's such a wonderful idea. You can't imagine how nice it is for everyone to understand the struggle I go through getting ready every morning." "But..." I scrunched my face, "but you never used to dress like this. Not before." She looked confused, lost for a moment, but then she shook her head. "Well, I do now," she said, as though that answered everything. As it turned out, I was far from the only guy to come in dressed like this. In fact, the only people who didn't at least come in wearing a skirt were the ones who were either single, or whose significant others hadn't come to the open house. I got to work, but it was far from the most productive day I'd ever had. Hanz kept finding excuses to show up and micromanage my group, always finding some small thing where his input was suddenly oh so critical. At first, it annoyed me, but by the third or forth time I had grown used to his constant interruptions, and even the way he had suddenly become so touchy with me. "All part of understanding the feminine dynamic," he'd told me after his hand slipped onto my arm. It was a good point, the attention made me feel even more girly, and I definitely felt like I understood them better, but it was still a little distracting how he kept slowly rubbing my bare arm. Somewhere along the line, Susan and I became less like husband and wife, and more like a pair of close girlfriends who just happened to sleep in the same bed. A lot of it was the sex. Namely, that we weren't having any. I was still horny as ever, but do anything about it. Even when I tried on my own. On a brighter note, Susan had been totally right about my hair. Pretty soon, I didn't even need the wig to keep myself stylish. We even found a way to make it look like I had boobs, though it did make my chest start to become puffy and sore. But as Hanz pointed out when I asked him about it, I didn't need to pay attention to things like that so long as I was looking and feeling great. The whole office had begun dressing girly. Except the suits, of course, that would just be silly. There were times when I could hardly tell which ones were girls to begin with, except that Anvi had way better cleavage than me. I had to buy a bunch of new skirts, which is sad because the first one didn't fit me all that well anymore. Too bad, because it will always have a special place in my heart, but at least I can wear all sorts of cute smaller ones. Chapter 3 "You're replacing me?" "Of course not," Hanz said, his hand gently patting my rear as we spoke. "I just think it's time we brought in someone else to help provide additional insight and oversight for your group." "So," I began to ask, more than a little confused by this all. The way he was rubbing my hand was distracting, but also a bit reassuring. "So you're telling me that I'm still the project manager. It's just that Adam is making all the decisions, and my team members are going to be reporting direction to him from now on?" "Exactly." Hanz smiled at me. He had a really nice smile. "If you really think it's a good idea..." "Absolutely! don't you agree?" "Yeah, I guess I do." "Wonderful, I'm glad that's settled. Now, he doesn't start fulltime until tomorrow, but I've taken the liberty of arranging a meeting for you tonight. Dinner at his condo sound ok? I wanted to keep this informal." "Sure, whatever you think is best." "Perfect. I'm sure you two will get along splendidly." Susan wasn't going to like the idea of me going out again, nevermind a dinner meeting. Or at least, she hadn't in the past. Somehow, I didn't think she'd mind this time. Just so long as I told her that Hanz had set the whole thing up. Ever since their talk, she'd become one of his biggest supporters. "Are they seriously replacing you?" demanded Liz, formerly known as Larry. In fact, many of the guys had gone ahead and picked out a female name to use around the office, although I wasn't one of them. Something about the idea just felt wrong to me, like it was just that one step too far. Surrendering something precious that I didn't want to relinquish. Hadn't this all been a temporary program to help foster understanding? Now we were a couple months in and people were changing their names. Hadn't it gone just a little too far? "I know they're only doing what's best," Liz said, "but that's too much, even for them." "I'm not being replaced," I assured her, him, I wasn't sure what to call them. The ones who weren't really girls, even if it was hard to tell the difference sometimes. Except the ones getting morning sickness or whose bellies had begun to swell from pregnancy. Which was pretty much all of the real women, come to think of it. "They're just doing some restructuring. Making changes to how things run. I talked to Hanz, and he explained everything to me. I'm meeting the new guy tonight, but I'm sure that everything will be ok." "Well, if Hanz says it's ok, and you're fine with it." "Trust me, just give it a chance, and I'm sure everything will work out for the best." Just like I'd suspected, Susan was on board the moment she heard that it had been Hanz's idea. What I hadn't expected was how excited she'd become at the idea of getting me dolled up for my "date" that night. No matter how many times I told her that it was a business meeting, not a date, it didn't deter her in the slightest. "You do remember that I'm your husband, right? Shouldn't the idea of me going on a date bother you? Not that this is one, mind you, but why is it ok with you if it is?" That, finally was enough to earn a short pause. Her eyes went blank for just a second, a distant stare that meant she was stopping to rethink something. Then she shook her head, and the dopey grin was back. "Because it's so cute," she said, "I love seeing you all dressed up and girly. Don't you love it?" "Yes," I said automatically, "I love how soft and feminine it makes me feel." It did, I loved wearing those smooth, tight clothes that showed off my body. But, since when did I like it? This wasn't how I used to act. "See, I told you. Now try on the slinky black dress. It'll look great on you." A couple hours later, I stood nervously in front of the doorman at a fancy uptown condo. One of those awkward moments where you didn't have anything to talk about, but there you were, stuck together just long enough to make things awkward. Like being in a slow moving line at the store, except that it was only the two of us stuck in a cramped room. I clutched my purse, staring down at my shiny black high heeled shoes so that I didn't have to look at him. He seemed so big. I mean, I knew you didn't usually hire someone to work security because they were scrawny, but I wasn't used to how tiny he made me feel. So many things did, these days. Even Susan. Hadn't she always been shorter than me? When we went to hug, the only reason I had so much as an inch on her was because I was wearing heels. As I walked over to the elevator, I could all but feel the doorman's eyes on my rear. There'd been a lot of that, recently. It had been over a month since the last time anyone had called me out for being a guy. The weird thing was, the woman had actually apologized once she got a closer look at me. Catcalls and stares, sure, but no one accusing me of being mannish. There was an art to moving in high heels, that when combined with a tight, constricting dress made my ass wiggle so deliciously. I could remember myself staring at those sorts of women, and especially liking it when Susan dressed up, but all that was nothing compared to the sensation of feeling my own hips sway with each step. I'd worn the black dress that Susan had picked out. My legs were bare, smooth and uncovered except for the top third or so of my thighs, with just a thin, semitransparent pair of black lace panties underneath. The necklace I'd borrowed from Susan hung nestled in my cleavage. At Susan's insistence, I'd gone braless tonight. She said I filled out the top of the dress better that way. This place was all sorts of swanky. The type of building that didn't need to advertise. It just had its PR rep contact the paper and let them run a story about the latest luxury development in town. How had he been able to afford this, on a project manager's salary? Then again, he wasn't a project manager, was he? He was just taking over for one and telling everyone what to do. His place was high up, on the far end of the building where the doors are spaced far apart. I knocked softly, feeling increasingly shy and out of place. What was I doing here? Yeah, I'd told Hanz I'd go to the meeting, but this was so far above me it was absurd, and I was far from poor to begin with. The Adam Randolf that opened the door was as sharply dressed as I'd ever seen him. Just like the others, he fit the type perfectly. The suits may have come from different races and ethnicities, but there was a certain sameness to them. Reskinned variations pressed from the same model. "Ah," he said, "the project manager. What a delight, to finally meet one on one like this." He took my hand, not in a firm handshake, but a gently, enveloping grip that encircled my entire hand. His thumb caressed the back of my palm as he slowly lifted it up to kiss the back. "Enchanted," he told me, lowering my hand but not relinquishing his grip. I felt giddy, floating on air. No one had ever treated me like that before, like a real lady. "Come, we have much to discuss." He led me across the condo, a massive corner suite filled with designer furniture. Art hung on the walls, and something told me these were not reproductions. There was a table for two laid out on the far side of the room. Chairs pushed slightly together to offer a view of the city skyline and the deepening sunset. At his sharp clap, a woman appeared, bottle of wine in her hand. "My maid, Josephine," he explained, as I looked over at her. She was wearing a classic French maid outfit. Complete with short poofy skirt and white apron, to her absurdly plunging lace-edged neckline. Not to mention the distinctive cap nestled in her curly brunette hair. It was unbelievable. Like something out of a movie studio or fetish film. Real maids didn't actually wear things like this. Did they? Somehow, it didn't surprise me to see her here. If anyone could talk a girl into that, it was one of the suits. They could sure be persuasive, when they wanted to be. I'd have to be on my guard tonight. The wine was delicious. Probably expensive, considering the rest of our surroundings, but I didn't know enough to tell one way or another. Wine in hand, we began to speak, as he asked me all about the group he was about to take over. From the smallest details about Jason's favorite foods, to the way Elizabeth had picked out her new name. Always about the people, though, not about the product or the market, just the people in our company. It should have bothered me, but there was something about him that put me at ease. More than at ease. I was feeling positively dreamy. The way he looked at me, the touch of his hand on my arm, it made everything feel so warm and fuzzy. At some point, the maid had turned the lights low, leaving just the candlelight and waning sunset to illuminate. "And what about you," he said. His hand was resting on my knee, his long fingers just barely reaching up to tease the bottom of my thighs. I squirmed, distracted by his touch. "Have you chosen a name yet?" "No," I whispered. Barely able to part my lips to mouth the word. "Mary," he said in a firm, resolute tone that brooked no denial. "That's a pretty name, isn't it, Mary?" I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. His hand had trailed lightly up my thigh, just barely pushing aside the thin fabric of my dress. His other hand rested on my shoulders. When had we moved so close to one another? "You make a very beautiful girl, Mary. I can't wait until you are complete." What did he mean by that? When what was complete? I wasn't sure. I was to distracted by the way my heart sang at hearing this man call me beautiful. My eyes closed, and I didn't even realize I had been leaning forwards until our lips touched. It was electric. I gasped in shock and delight. I realized that there was something warm and hard under my hand. I broke the kiss, jerking back in shock as I realized my hands had wound up in his lap. "It's ok," he reassured me, "you can touch it." I reached out, slowly, haltingly until my fingers made contact with his bulge. It felt so huge, so powerful. I could feel the thing twitch as my hands ran over it. My fingers found the zipper, and he nodded. It sprang free. Tall and proud now that it was released. The thing was a monster, far larger than I had ever been. Yet as my fingers ran over it, something told me that I didn't need to feel inadequate. That I didn't need to compete with this man, or measure myself against him. I was no longer competition. All I had to do was please it, and everything would be ok. Curiosity drove me forwards. I bent closer, fascinated by the thing. Enthralled, I wanted to take in every line and vein on the shaft. "Go on," he said as my head drew close. "You know you want to." No. This wasn't right. I had sworn something. To another, to always be faithful. "Susan," I said. Stopping, but unable to pull myself back. "She wants you to as well. After all, who helped you get ready for tonight?" No, that wasn't true. Except, it sort of was, wasn't it? Who had been the one talking about my "date" tonight? Who had spent so much effort making sure I looked sexy? Who had been more like a sister to me of late than a wife? Susan. My lips kissed the tip. They stayed there, for a moment. A pressure, against my closed mouth. A welcomed visitor knocking at a door I so desperately wanted to open. They parted, ever so slightly. Just the tip, pushing past, but it wasn't really in my mouth yet, was it? I licked the tip, and tasted him. Salty, strong, and ever so masculine. I wanted it so badly. "That's a good girl, Mary," he said as I descended upon his shaft. "This is what all women want. To be beautiful, desired. To please their man." Something about that sounded off. Not all women were like that. There were lesbians, asexuals, and ever most heterosexual women had wants and dreams besides pleasing their partners. Right? With his cock filling up my mouth so deliciously, it was hard to argue the point. For months now, I had been so horny, filled with needs I could slake. I understood now, why I could no longer have sex with my wife. She didn't have what I needed, just as I lacked what it took to satisfy her. The dress had fallen off my shoulders, removed by his dexterous fingers. Without breaking my grip on his cock, I let it shrug off onto the floor. He ran his hands along my body. Touching me, telling me that I was a beautiful girl. That I was his beautiful girl. He spasmed slightly, and I could feel him shooting into my mouth. Bursts of viscous, strong tasting liquid filling me up. I swallowed it all. For Him. Because I knew he wanted me to. "Good girl," he told me, squeezing my nipples. I came. My entire body swept away by the torrent of feeling, and all it had taken was a word and a touch. My tiny cock, still safe and secure in my frilly panties, was silent. Not a participant in that mind blowing experience I'd just had. I threw myself at him, wrapping my arms around him as my head nestled against his chest. Never had I felt such a connection with someone. This man, this god who held me in his arms. So safe, so feminine, so his. Chapter 4 For the most part, things continued as normal. Work went on as it always did, except that Adam was calling all the shots and I usually sucked him off at least once or twice a day. Of course, he didn't manage any of the technical parts. He was more an idea guy, while we carried out his instructions. And speaking of good ideas, Adam decided that since I used to be in charge, I ought to move my things over to the desk in front of his office. That way we could consult easier when necessary. And as long as I was there, I could go ahead and take his calls. Plus sometimes he'd need me to come in and take notes or help out other ways. I kept working in between tasks, of course, but it was awfully with all the interruptions. Productivity had slipped since he had taken over. In fact, by any objective measure, pretty much everything had gotten worse since the suits took over. When I stopped to think about it, I started to get the feeling that something was deeply, totally wrong here. But then Adam would call me into his office to help out with something, like licking his yummy cock, and I'd forget all about my silly objections. Even if things looked bad from my perspective, I had to trust that he understood exactly what he was doing. If I couldn't wrap my silly head around it, that was my problem. Besides, wasn't it so much more fun to lick his cock than to worry about product development? Especially when I got to hide under his desk while he was in the middle of a meeting. It was so hot, silently getting him off with someone else in the room completely unawares. I felt guilty, going behind my wife's back like this. I wanted to tell her, I really did, except that I wasn't sure what she would say. The truth was, I'd grown addicted to servicing him. Constantly horny, without any other way to gain release. Certainly, I wasn't getting anything from my crotch. It was warm, sore, and strangely sensitive, but so underdeveloped as to be utterly useless. What if she told me to stop, decided that she'd leave me? I didn't want to lose my best friend and partner, but how could I possibly let go of Adam's cock? That's why I was surprised, and more than a little concerned, when she announced that she'd invited him over for dinner the following Saturday. "Don't be silly," she said when I objected, "You've met him enough times already, shouldn't he come over here for a change?" "But, our place isn't anywhere near ready for guests." I thought of his luxury condo, and how poorly our suburban home stacked up against it. "Then you'd better start tidying," was all she said. So I spent the rest of Friday, and most of Saturday afternoon cleaning, getting the house perfectly polished and tidy. Except for a break to prepare a five course meal for dinner. Hopefully, the cooking classes I'd been attending were actually worth something. I really wanted to please him. Susan was gone most of the day, busy with her hair and makeup appointments. Even when she got back, she was far too busy getting changed and prepared to offer any help. It was only when he was about to arrive that she finally called me in. "Oh Mary," she said. Susan had taken to using my female name every chance she got. "Look what I got you for tonight." She held up a plain, bluish dress, with an accompanying white apron hanging from the hook. For the first time that night, I really stopped to take a look at her. She was all dressed up, a look I recognized from our date nights, back when we'd still had those. "W-what is that?" "A maid outfit, silly. Don't you want to look the part?" "But I thought-" "Look, someone has to serve the meal, and he's MY guest. I invited him over, didn't I" "Yes..." I admitted. "There you go, then. Now hurry up and get changed. He'll be here any minute." "I... no," I said, "I don't want to wear it." Something deep within me was screaming right now. All my doubts seemed to wiggle back into mind. This was just a step too much, on a road I had already traveled way too far. I could see Josephine before me, dressed in her skimpy outfit with that airy, servile smile plastered across her face. "But, you'll look so cute and girly in it," Susan cajoled, dangling it out towards me. Josephine had looked rather cute, hadn't she? This outfit wasn't nearly so skimpy, but the idea of dressing up suddenly stirred something in the pit of my belly. "Well..." I demurred. This wasn't a good idea. "But don't you want to look all feminine and pretty for Mr Randolph?" "I... yes, I do," I said, mesmerized by the outfit, unable to help myself even though that part of me was still screaming not to. "That's a good girl. Now hurry and get changed before he's here." My doubts seemed to evaporate when I finally caved and put the dress on. I looked so cute as a maid, I couldn't believe that I had ever objected to it. Sure, I wasn't dressed all pretty like Susan, but it made me feel so soft and girly. The thought of serving others just made me melt inside. The bell rang, and I was standing at attention beside the door. I opened it, and found Adam there, dressed up and dashing as ever. "Mary," my wife said sternly when I reached out my hand. "This is not a business function. You are to curtsy when you greet our guests." "Ok, Susan," I said, sinking low before him. My knees went weak to have him see me like this. I loved acting feminine for him. "That's 'Yes, Miss Susan' to you," she rebuked. "Yes, Miss Susan." It was very easy to fall into the role, now that he was here. "Hello Mary. And Susan, you are looking positively radiant." He pushed past me, and kissed my wife's hand. "If you'll follow me, sir and madame." I led them to the table. Candlelit at my wife's insistence. When they were seated, I poured the wine, not unmindful of the parallels to Josephine , and brought out the first course. All while Susan stared at him with rapt adoration. That didn't mean anything, I told myself. Of course she was taken with him, what woman wouldn't be. That didn't mean there was anything to it. But all throughout dinner, I couldn't help but notice the way his hands kept lingering on her. Or the way she returned his touch. She positively glowed when she looked at him, a fine red heat blossoming across her bared skin. "And now, my sweet, are you ready for bed?" "Oh, yes," she said without the slightest moment's hesitation. "But," I protested, "that's my wife." "Is that so, my dear?" Adam said. "And how much of a husband can you be, looking like this? Can you truly tell me that you have been satisfying her?" "Well, no, but-" "Is it right to do that to her? To make her go sexless now that you have discovered your inner femininity?" "I guess not" "Then I'm sure you will be glad to know that I have been fucking your wife ever since she first attended your little company meeting. Aren't you?" "I... yes?" "Then aren't you going to thank me?" "... thank you?" "Thank me for what, Mary?" "Thank you for fucking my wife, sir." I was confused. Something about his argument didn't seem right, but I couldn't wrap my head around it. He seemed so confident, so sure of himself, that it felt wrong to disagree. "Excellent, that's a good girl. Now come, it will be instructive for you to witness how a woman responds when she is fucked by a real man." That still didn't seem right, but unable to think of any reason why it wouldn't be, I dutifully followed the pair up to the bedroom. Standing at bedside with my hands demurely folded as I watched him passionately strip my lovely wife. There, on our bed, I watched him fuck her brains out. The stamina of the two was absolutely unbelievable. On her back, on her stomach. All fours, with her legs behind her head. Different positions, but with an animal passion I'd never imagined Susan could contain. Time and again she climaxed, with a passion and intensity that had been missing for ages. No, I was forced to admit. That I had never been able to evoke in the first place. He finished, pouring cum into my wife's hungry pussy. I'd thought him prolific when he finished in my mouth, but this was something else. I watched as he withdrew, softening, yet still thick and proud. Cum drooled out onto our sheets from between her spread legs, and his tool was slick with their mingled juices. "Come, Mary, and clean this up." There was no question of disobedience. Uncaring that my wife watched, I knelt between his legs and took him into my mouth. Savoring the taste of their combined flavors, but loving his the most. "Oooo, she looks so cute with your cock in her mouth," Susan said, recovering slightly from the mind blowing orgasm she had just experienced. "She does, doesn't she. A shame she couldn't be there like this in the past." "But there will be plenty of time later, right?" Adam chuckled. "Oh, I think they will. After all, even this time wasn't strictly necessary. Not anymore." What? The significance finally filtered through my addled brain. I stood up, looking at Susan in shock. Particularly at her midsection. Surely I was imagining things, but had it begun to swell ever so slightly? "That's right, Mary, I'm going to be a mommy. Aren'y you happy for me?" No, this was insane. My wife, my beautiful wife, growing large with someone else's child? The thought was horrific. A pair of large, strong arms encircled me from behind, and I melted back into his embrace. "You should be happy for her, Mary. Isn't it wonderful, that she is finally getting the baby you could never give her? Shouldn't you be congratulating her, as one woman to another?" "Yes," I said in a dreamy, distracted voice. "Congratulations, I'm so happy for you." "That's my girl," he said, patting my belly softly. It chose that moment to gurgle, as I felt another of those cramps that had been plaguing me for the past week or so. Fortunately, they never lasted all that long, even though I still felt ever so slightly sore. Even though Susan was perfectly knocked up, Adam was still ready for another go. This time I got to strip off my uniform and join in the fun. Too bad I didn't have a pussy of my own for him to stuff, but at least I got to curl up in bed with him afterwards. Like my wife, just another woman on his arm, clinging to him happily after a busy night spent pleasing our man. Chapter 5 Something was strange, but I couldn't put my finger on it. There'd be these scattered, disjointed concerns in my head, but then something would happen and everything would flitter away. That's why I decided to start keeping a journal. It helped me remember what was happening. Even when I forgot all my silly little thoughts, I could go back and read them later. It was amazing, all the things I had been forgetting. Like when Adam told me I should forget all this development nonsense and work as his secretary. What did a silly girl like me have to contribute, anyways? Everything he told me made perfect sense. Except, hadn't I been complaining just the other week about how badly things were going? That progress had slowed drastically without me in charge? We'd only put out two updates since he'd taken over. Customers hadn't noticed yet, but major feature developments were way behind, and there were no new ones in the pipeline. I had always taken point on new features, but Adam was supposed to be the man with the vision. The one calling all the shots. I was just his silly secretary, what did I know about that sort of thing? But if that was true, why did my former team members keep stopping in to ask questions? I'd helped as best I could, but if I hadn't made a note afterwards I would have forgotten all about it. Taking care of Mr Randolf was always so much more memorable, it seemed to drive away any other thoughts unless I wrote them down. So far as I was concerned, I'd just spent the week serving as his airheaded secretary. Until, that is, I opened up the file and read what really happened. What Mr Randolf was telling me just plain didn't match what was going on in reality, but that didn't make sense. I trusted him to know what was best for everyone. Didn't I? The buzzer rang, summoning me to his office. My mouth watered in Pavlovian glory at the prospect of perhaps getting to service him again. Something strange was going on. Perhaps I should ask him about it? I slid onto the corner of his desk, the edges of my skirt bunching up as I sat down. There was a long period of silence as he looked me over appraisingly. I smiled, wondering what he wanted, but knowing that he'd tell me what he needed. Everything became so much simpler in his presence. My mind was cotton candy dripping with chocolate syrup. Shallow, simple, and so ready to please. "You're resisting, somehow. Aren't you," he finally said. "Though not very well." I frowned slightly, confused. What in the world was he talking about? Resisting? I couldn't imagine refusing this man anything. Except... "You're doing something," my voice slurred slightly. It was so hard to think. "Changing people somehow." I remembered Betty, announcing to the whole dev team that her pregnancy test just came back positive. Except, when I went back through my journal later, there hadn't been a Betty in the earliest entries. There had been a Barry. "Well done," he said patronizingly. It made me feel so warm and cozy, like he was going to take care of all that difficult thinking for me. "You like it when I change you, don't you?" "Yessss..." I sighed. Especially if it involved him continuing to touch me like that. "You like it enough that you want to help make it happen. To crush whatever silly objections you're still holding onto. Isn't that right." "Yes." "That's a good girl. Not get down beneath this desk and take care of me." "Thank you." I was so grateful that he let me service him like this, after how naughty I'd been. When I got back to my desk afterwards, I immediately deleted all my notes. Three hours later, enough time for my head to clear, the backups arrived via email. Exactly as I'd expected. I made another entry in my journal. He'd noticed that something was wrong. Had all but admitted that he was changing everyone. Changing me. Those memories weren't just a figment of my imagination. I hadn't always been Mary, and although the idea of wearing something besides skirts and dresses felt wrong, I knew that this hadn't always been the case. He hadn't discovered the journal, but his word alone had made me delete it. Would I always recover in time to save the backups? Would a day come when I didn't recover at all? That night, after Susan went to bed and I finished cleaning up, I sat down at my computer. I needed a way out, while I still could. Plane tickets were the obvious first choice, but it soon became clear that my ID was no longer up to the task. Train or bus might be a better option. My first impulse was to buy two. Save my wife, run away and start over together. But that wasn't really an option, was it. She was his, now, not mine. If I told her what I was planning, it was as good as telling him. I couldn't save her. Not by running away. But could I really just leave her? Even if she was carrying someone else's child, she was still my wife. I had sworn to love and protect her. It would be beyond cowardly for me to run away and leave her to her fate. To leave everyone to their fate. The entire office was in danger, and I was the only one who realized. Friends, my coworkers. People who had depended on me once. Was it right to abandon them when they needed me most? I closed down the ticket site and I opened up a search tab. It was time to see what I could find about Integrated Consultants. "I know everything," I told him, confronting Adam in his office a week later. "The takeovers, the buyouts, the way you always leave a trail of babies behind." It had been hard to find. There was no webpage for Integrated Consultants. No news articles or public filings. They were a privately held company, and played things close to the vest. It was in IPO filings and mergers that a clearer picture began to emerge. The name Integrated Consultants showing up again and again as a significant shareholder. There was no clear theme to them, no particular industry or profession, but you'd see companies show up later in news articles praising them for things like the quality of their childcare benefits. Dig a little deeper, and one pattern began to emerge again and again. Normal company one year, and then suddenly a burst of fertility. Woman dominated companies, even in industries that heavily favored men. I had everything, all the documentation I could ever want. It was a wild story, and I knew no one would ever believe the way that they had been changing us. But the papers always loved a good sex scandal. All I had to do was sell the story of a shady consulting agency that kept leaving its clients pregnant, and they would find the truth as soon as they did some digging. The trouble was, I still didn't know how to free my friends. The reporters wouldn't. Even the police probably wouldn't be able to do anything more than arrest them. There was only one group who might be able to help, and I bet they didn't want any media attention. "Is that so? And what, exactly do you plan to do about it?" "I have everything together. You're going to fix this. To let everyone go, reverse whatever you're doing, or I'll tell everyone about you. All I have to do is send what I've discovered to the newspaper, and what will happen to your little company then?" He smiled. It made me go weak at the knees, but I was tougher than that, now that I knew what I was dealing with. "And if I told you to throw it all away?" "That, that's not going to work anymore. Not on me." He turned away, looking out the window and up at the sky. The silence stretched out between us. I was about to threaten him some more, but then he spoke. "I actually like this world, do you know that? Some of the others don't. They miss the stars, hate the fact that we are stuck here. For others, the ones born here who have never known anything else, they dream of a home they might never see. But not me, I look around and I see beauty, art, culture. So much of it, and it's all for the taking." He turned around, advancing on me. He was so big. So... intense. I steeled myself to resist his charm. "For procreation, all we ever needed was your women. But pleasure, ah, that is another story altogether." "W-wha?" "Look at you. A proud male, once upon a time. You could have sired children. Competed for the wombs we desire. But now? Now you will bear my children. Just as they do." "That, that's not going to happen," I forced myself to speak. He was so near now. That closeness, his very presence, it made me ache between my legs. "There are species on your planet, animals that can freely swap between the sexes. Interesting, don't you agree? The things that are buried deep within the great code of life." "It starts with the environment. A lack of balance, you might say. Too many males in too little space. And so, quite on their own, things begin to change." "It is about dominance, you see. The ones who are the strongest, the most assertive, well, they impose their will upon the others, forcing them to adapt. It begins with behavior. Males taking on the body language, the posture of their females. Does that sound familiar, Mary?" He gently tugged at the fabric of my tight, short sleeved blouse. The top two buttons came undone, spilling out the top of my cleavage. "And what of your behavior, Mary, your body language. Can you truly say it is masculine, or is it that of your females?" "I-" I wanted to deny it, but the response he evoked when his fingers slid across my skin was unmistakably feminine. "That's what I thought. You see, their interactions become more and more feminized, they take on the roles of a female, the behaviors of a female, and they respond to their males as a female does." He groped my heavy, full breasts. Pushing me back ever so slightly until I bumped the desk behind me. "As their actions change, the body follows. Producing the correct hormones, of course, but that's not all. Everything changes. The dimorphism reverses, and they begin to take on female characteristics." My blouse was on the floor, and my bra soon joined it. There was no mistaking what I looked like now. He continued to rub me, to stroke and touch my soft, feminine body. "Then, when she is ready, the male mounts her. Claims her as his female. Puts a baby in her, and the species continues on to the next generation." He paused, looking me in the eye. The breath caught in my throat. Time stood still. "You are ready, Mary." I nodded, but it had not been a question. Just a bit of pressure, and I was sprawled out across his desk. His fingers hooked under my panties, pulling them right off. I knew I had to resist, to stop this, but there was something about this man that made it utterly impossible not to respond. My thighs parted, and he stepped between to fill the gap. For the first time, I felt that monster of a tool touching the opening of my pussy lips. I had a pussy? When had that happened? Somehow I had never noticed the change when it happened. Only from my journal entries did I remember that I had recently possessed anything else. Then he pushed inside, and in one glorious moment all my questions were rendered irrelevant. It was wonderful, life changing. He completed me in a way I'd never realized I lacked. For months now, I had felt something missing, an emptiness that I was unable to explain, and now I understood exactly what it was. Even before I had possessed a pussy, I had known somewhere in the back of my mind that I needed his cock to fill it for me. There were no concerns, no questions that needed to be answered. Just here and now, lo

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My Husbands first Cuckold Experience

I see the number of reads are dropping off, which is a shame really, but if a couple of hundred men have a nice jack-off, then I am overly pleased and satisfied.Although I am a University Educated middle class girl, I am not a writer, no I don't have the ability to turn a good yarn into a piece of Erotica, which is what I really would like, as anything sexual should be the ultimate reading, transporting you, my reader, into my story to savor and enjoy yourself with me, as I relive my encounter,...

3 years ago
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Someone need a medic

It had been a long shift for Cody and he desperately wanted to head home but yet again another call came through. Jumping into the ambulance with his partner David they shot off to a call where there was head injury at a rock concert. When they arrived at the scene they could see everyone beginning to move out of the venue but the casualty they couldn’t see yet. Climbing out of the ambulance Cody grabbed the medical pack filled with the essentials that they would need whilst David brought a...

3 years ago
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From Past 9 Years Still Virgin

Hi, this is Abhi and I am new to this site. I found many interesting stories on this site. So this was my first and still continuing story from past 9 years. So please avoid for my grammatical mistakes please give suggestions after reading my story my email id . At first, I stay in Hyderabad that was 2007 I am studying in well-reputed school which was just 2km away. I am in 7 standards like all days I went to school and came back at 5 o clock in the evening. When I was entered my home I see a...

3 years ago
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Just taken a shower, walked into my bedroom the sun was bright and beating down on my bed, I dropped my towel and laid down taking in the hot relaxing sun. I had just started to get hair down there it was soft and my nipples had just started to grow, they were nipple buds about the size of a pop bottle cap, I touched one and felt a feeling I had not felt, I was feeling aroused, I put one hand between my legs and felt a small hard bump but when my finger touched it, it felt good. I had never...

2 years ago
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Tie me up and make me cum

Every so often someone asks me to "tie them up" usually I politely decline but Alex was different "Tie me up and make me cum then" he challenged. I cant say this would be my first gay experience and Alex knew it, he made it clear a year ago whilst very drunk he wanted to have sex with me, in his own words “I want your cock balls deep in my ass” I thought to myself for a few moments about the idea remembering what he had said that previous yearI’m on an enforced holiday thanks to my Wife, Alex...

2 years ago
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Finishing School For Young Ladies Chapter Two

Finishing School For Young Ladies By Michele Nylons Chapter Two - The Butterfly Emerges "So why Valerie Swindon?" Sally asked, sipping a gin and tonic with her stocking feet up on the coffee table. "It's the first name that popped into my head so no one should associate it with anything to do with my past life," William replied, also sipping a G and T and smoking a cigarette. "That's smart. A lot of trannies take on femme names that resemble their male names; Steven becomes...

1 year ago
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Lisa A past lover often thought about

I met Lisa in early August, I had just gotten called up to active duty but hadn’t left yet. My wife at the time had informed   me 3 days before that she was not happy and was going to file for   divorce before I left. I was feeling pretty bummed out, to say the least. I had stopped by a photo kiosk to drop off some film for development and Lisa was the clerk. She was a very pretty girl,   tall, about 5’9′, oval face, shoulder length blonde hair, almond shaped green eyes and somewhat pouty...

2 years ago
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Chelsea begins training for marriage

Chelsea begins training for marriage By Sissie Maid cuckold "Sylvia...this is Jessica..." "Yes dear, how are things going?" "Well...that's what I am calling you about. Some things have happened and I am not really sure how to handle them and I need your advice." "Oh...tell me about what's going on, nothing bad I hope?" "No nothing bad...well at least I don't think so. Well anyway Chelsea has told me he loves me and I can tell he is truly in love with me." "Does that scare...

1 year ago
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Ella and the Magnificent 7 Eds Toy

Ella Ed's Toy Ed woke hearing Ella showering. She came out with only a towel on her hair. She passed in front of the mirror and glimpsed him watching her naked ass. Ella swayed it, then bent forward reaching into her pantie drawer. She saw his eyes peer between her legs at her downward hanging labia. She knew it hung flapped wide below her ass cheeks like open curtains. She turned saying “Hi Baby”. She walked toward him telling him that she knew he didn't get to see her “ugliness” all fresh...

2 years ago
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Malan MothersChapter 8

"Indeed so, Margo. They are more reliable than any human I have met. They have a rigid sense of propriety, and stick to it. You may not realise it, but they are into big business on Earth, and are worth a fortune. For example, they run an audit service for most of the big companies, and are great at the job." Margo was suddenly interrupted by a store employee. "Pardon, ma'am, but you are causing a slight obstruction to other shoppers. Would you mind moving, please?" "Oh, sorry. I'll...

2 years ago
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Sex Slave Of School Management Pehle Baap Fir Beta

Mera naam hai neha hai meri age abhi 24 saal ki hai ik mein middle class family se hu mere ghar mein mere ilava mere husband and mere saas and sasur ji hai meri shaadi ko abhi sirf ik saal hi hua tha mein ik private school mein job karti thi aur mein dekhne mein bahut sunder tho nahi hu but mera body structure bahut acha hai so isi liye har koi mujhe apna banana ki koisish karta rehta hai. Meri story apko kesi lagi apni feedback pe de. Meri life bilkul achi chal rahi thi mujhe life mein koi...

2 years ago
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Thunder and LighteningChapter 22

It was Wednesday night when Bill came home for school, sullen and quiet rather than his normal chipper self. He moped around the house without saying much of anything, giving one-word answers to any question he was asked. Observing the subdued behavior of his son, Jerry became worried that something bad had happened. The worst thing that he could imagine was that Bill had gotten into a fight with his friends. He asked, “Are things okay with your friends at school?” “Yeah,” replied Bill in a...

1 year ago
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Nate and Ariana Chapter 3

When Nate and Ariana were in the boutique together Nate let his shy, geeky exterior down. Ariana’s attention and their sexual exploits together gave him a confidence he had never experienced before. However, when he walked out the door, his shield went back up, his confidence gone. He was a computer geek, and he knew how people looked at him. He wasn’t one of the jocks or popular guys on campus. He was jealous of them. They were so confident with girls. He knew he’d never have a relationship...

3 years ago
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Teenage girl in mens locker room1

In some European countries are different rules about how old children may be present in the opposite locker room. Mainly there are problem with too old boys, mothers sometimes bring their schoolage sons with her to women’s locker of swimming pools, because they don't want to let them be alone at men’s locker room. This will lead to little girls and their mothers protest. The foremost thing is that a 10-year-old girl would not want to be with a boy the same age such as after swimming in the...

2 years ago
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Girl in Mumbai Local train

This is a normal morning at Virar railway station. Whole crowd rushing towards the arriving train. Some people managed to get in while train is still moving. I am in crowd near gate rushing to get in. crowd is pushing me from all sides. I am moving forward slowly and finally I am in. Still crowd pushed me from behind and I couldn't move further as there are many people ahead of me in train. I tried to hold handle, which is above my head. I held handle, which is already grabbed by someone....

4 years ago
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Secrets of Liberty Mountain Yesterdays TomorrowChapter 25

As the drone’s camera pointed directly down, Alice and I stared straight up, whooping for joy, our mouths as wide open as baby sparrows awaiting a fresh worm. Our hungry-bird-faces filled the screen as Sheila reviewed her notes while she paused the video. “Oomph!” I let out an involuntary snort of laughter; we looked fucking ridiculous. Alice tried to stifle giggles as the audience got the joke. Titters and chuckles filled the hall. Sheila had a puzzled expression on her face as she looked...

2 years ago
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Bed and Bondage

Bed and BondageThe room is warm, almost too warm. I am slightly damp from perspiration, and the occasional draft makes me shiver.The room is filled with a warm, diffuse light, sunlight through heavy lace curtains, giving the place an antique feel. The air smells of potpourri, mingled with red wine and musk.My eyes travel lazily along the ceiling, until they reach the far wall, where a full-length mirror stands across from the foot of the bed, tilted slightly forward in its heavy oak frame. The...

3 years ago
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Path To GloryChapter 37

No one wanted to get to the course too early and since Sophie didn't tee off until 11:40 and Catalina, who was still in the last group, didn't hit the course until noon, we didn't leave the house until 10. I offered to stay with Tanner for the day to let Amelie get out of the house but she looked at me like I'd lost my mind. I told both Catalina and Sophie that if they needed to make up a stroke, to use my trick on 13. "It's no good to leave it in the bag," I said. "They're going...

2 years ago
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How far will my daughter go

Hello all ISS fans. This is Abhishek Singh, a 18 years old boy from Delhi. I have written many stories in ISS from past one year. But from few weeks I have been quite for some personal reasons. But know there will be some blast from the past by me. Now I will write only insect stories in ISS and I am sure that u will enjoy too much. This story starts from here. My eighteen year old daughter, Sadie, and I are at the supermarket – she’s got an urge to stuff some fresh fruit and vegetables inside...

3 years ago
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Sun Sea Sangria and SEX

There’s nothing better than a holiday soaking up the sun. When I was younger, I had an experience on holiday with a very sexy friend of mine. And it didn’t just involve sun, sea and sangria!I’m Anne, I’m a 38 year old married woman; I’m 5 foot 10, with long blonde hair, green eyes, big breasts (32FF) and long legs, and I like to think I’m still attractive. This experience happened to me 20 years ago, when I was 18. Me and my best friend, Lisa, went on two weeks holiday to Tenerrife in May. Lisa...

1 year ago
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The Tunnel Part 2

The Tunnel part 2 The next morning I awoke early as Brian I had never got up before 11 AM on a Sunday, well apart from a visit to the bathroom as a result of a heavy drinking session the night before. Susie's memory however told me that breakfast was at 8 AM before leaving for church at ten. It was only 7AM so I had plenty of time. I sorted my clothes for church and made my way down for breakfast. Dad was reading the Sunday paper and exclaimed that the dead passengers daughter...

1 year ago
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Adult Theater Sexaholic

This is a collage of some of my kinkier visits involving my favorite pass time.As I walked into the room I noticed there was a hallway that went both ways. There was a wall extending perpendicularly from where I stood that separated the two ends of the room. At the far end each direction was a large screen, the one to my left showing a gangbang flick and the one to my right showing a some what kinkier flick. The hallway to the left was almost blocked with guys standing (some facing one...

3 years ago
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Divorce and my Mother In Law Part Seven Guess Wh

It was my birthday and there was a party for me at Eddie and Darlene's. Among the people invited were my parents. I was nervous about it but Melody said everything would okay.The party started at seven on Saturday. Eddie was cooking hamburgers, hotdogs and other goodies on his nice grill. Darlene was mixing the drinks and sampling as the evening went on. Dad, Peter senior, was into his third margarita already. My Mom, Polly was sipping the same one she got when they arrived. There were...

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My MotherinLaw Kate Ch2

Well, Janice didn't come back three days later from the bingo marathon as she said she would. Not that I expected her to. With her attitude towards me, she only pushed me closer to her mother. I loved what Kate did that night but the next time there would be no heel in the way.Kate dropped in a week later to say hi and visit for a while. Janice was off somewhere and I didn't care as she was no company for me anyway."So how are things with Janice?" asked Kate."Same lousy attitude, Kate. ...

1 year ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 145

Diana parked in front of the art supply store. Hope, sitting in the second seat with Ann, started to open her door, but Ann put out a restraining hand. "Let Security do their thing first." "Are we really in that much danger?" Diana spoke up from the driver's seat. "We didn't go into details when we told you about the attack, and no, we don't expect it to happen again, but we didn't expect that attack, either. And, yeah, it's an irritant having to have Security everywhere we go,...

4 years ago
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Role Model

Role Model By Caitlyn Masked Sean and I were good friends. When I told him about my cross dressing he completely supported me. He didn't offer any judgements or assume anything bad about me. Our friendship lasted through high school where he helped me keep my secret from my family. It even lasted into college where we were roommates and he would let me dress in the safety of our room. About the only point of contention that arose from my cross dressing was Sean's insistence about...

2 years ago
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The One

I am scared to death. Tonight I meet the man who has been living in my dreams for most of my life. My hands shake as I apply the final touches to my make-up. I want to look perfect for Him. I am wearing a short, tight dress of red silk. It has a plunging neckline, which clings to every curve, and shows my firm, full breasts to their best advantage. I chose red because that is the color of whores, sluts and cunts. I will be all of those to Him, and more. The meeting is to take place...

3 years ago
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I am 69

This story starts on day three of my summer adventure abroad. I was visiting my favourite uncle and aunt who live in Dubai. My uncle took me shopping to The Mall of the Emirates; we spent all day chatting, shopping and browsing the fabulously expensive and extravagant stores. I had a funny feeling all day, deep inside me. that someone had been following us throughout the mall, but I had been putting it out of my mind. We made our way back to my uncle's white Mercedes Jeep that was parked on...

First Time
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Memories From Moving Out

The sweat glistened off his face as once again another heavy box was carted from the small, two bed room third floor apartment that he lived in. Every single cussword known to mankind came to mind as Trey wobbled from left to right down the stairs with a box filled with what he had ‘lovingly’ deemed with the rest of the boxes marked in black pen: ‘God Only Knows’. Moving from apartment to apartment was suppose to be easy. Not back-breaking! Yet, as usual, Trey had waited till the week before...

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Mommy Texts Alex

Anna was sore. Even in her sluttiest days of college, she hadn’t ever been fucked the way she was last night. She hadn’t even taken as many dicks at once as she did last night. She hadn’t been choked, or spanked as much as she was last night. And she hadn’t had her pussy, ass, and mouth filled with as much cum as she did last night. Last night, she wasn’t a mother. She wasn’t an accountant. She wasn’t a registered voter of Dallas. She wasn’t human. All of those things have value, and purpose....

2 years ago
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Bella Gets Painted Part 2

Bella gasped, her body tightening immediately against the ties and cuffs that held her open. Her hips squirmed as Cean laid a hand between her breasts, and she stilled at his words. “My love, there’s nothing to be frightened of. You trust me, you said.” Her nod was jerky, even as her breasts rose and fell rapidly, heart hammering nervously against his palm. She lay there and felt the warmth of the stranger’s body suddenly leaking into hers, and the unknown of what this other man could do,...

3 years ago
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My Sexy Sister

Our parents were on a one-week cruise Mom earned at work. It was for two people only so they decided to make a second honeymoon out of it. The k**s had to stay home. I was the youngest, having just turned eighteen that spring. It was my last summer in high school. Mom and Dad wanted me to enjoy it. My brother joined the Marines when he graduated two years ago. My sister, Susan, was going to start her senior year in college. She offered to stay home and be sure that I stayed out of trouble. Just...

1 year ago
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Gary and Dave The Next Day

So you know how it is. You’ve just fucked and been fucked by your heterosexual best friend while watching a bisexual porn movie. You’ve both cum, the film has ended and you’re sat in the living room naked with cum leaking out of your arses. What do you do?Surprisingly there wasn’t any real awkwardness between us. Gary went to the toilet and cleaned himself up then returned to the living room. When I returned from the toilet he was sitting in his chair still naked watching TV. I sat on the chair...

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The Brothel at the End of the Universe pt 5

I am running. On the run. Again. My lungs are two loaves of agony in my heaving chest, screaming curses at me with every gasp of air. My legs pump me forward even though they are full of lead and liquefied packing peanuts.Faster, Val.My toes and the balls of my feet fight for purchase on the moss-covered, uneven ground.Run!My heart is pounding in my head so hard that my skull seems to be pulsing like the Yellowstone volcano, and boy, I won’t be surprised if I slip on this slippery goddamn...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 05Chapter 7

[Janice] We were airborne again after lunch and flew to Oklahoma City for the evening. We found the airport and landed. I taxied to the general aviation section. We were getting good at this. We left the plane and found fuel and refueled. Then, we looked around to figure out where we would eat and sleep this evening. We found a lounge and put the cushions on the floor and rolled our sleeping bag over the cushions. There was an attached café and the natural gas worked. We would have an easy...

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Jamies gradual grooming

"Jamie? Is that you?" A voice shouted out from across the road. Jamie lived in a relatively small town or village so it must be someone he knew. "Jamie, it's Mike from three doors down, Phillippa's dad?". With that Jamie stopped, he walked over to the very fast and expensive looking BMW. "Hi Mike, sorry I didn't recognise the voice at first are you okay?" Mike explained, he has seen my Mum the day before, who had aired my dirty laundry with him, charming! "Do you want to go and get some food...

3 years ago
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Sissys Long Evening

SISSY'S LONG EVENING by Throne "Let's have a look at you, Kissy," Milly said to her husband through the bedroom door. She had enjoyed a full dinner but allowed him only a light salad. Now Kenny was standing in front of the full length mirror she had recently purchased, gazing unhappily at how sissified he had become. He was slender and of below average height, wearing a shorty camisole top and bikini panties, both in pale peach. His legs were in stay-up, apricot colored...

2 years ago
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Hot chachi ki cool chudai

HI to all iss readers this is Shiv. I am a tall, cool n handsome guy. I am 5″11 in height have an athletic body n main thing which female r fond off my manhood is also like me sexy n horny of 9 inch n 3 inc thick n I am in my most joyful age of 21. I am narrating my first n real sex experience with my chachi she is a real horny n dam sexy but a little chubby having fig. o f 38-32-34.This happened before 3 years when I was in my 12th class. I was my chachi’s favorite form the day of her marriage...

2 years ago
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bedding my student

I am Jyoti 23 year bisexual girl with good looking body. I have always thought of girls ever since 18 of my age but never got chance to experiment it. When I was doing my bachelor degree from Delhi I rented a flat in a low cost area and was living alone in part time I used to teach biology in a coaching center and was popular because of good teaching.One day I was visited by a lady in 30 and was asked to teach her daughter in private and acknowledged that she is very week in biology. First I...

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Marriage gift My pussy

Julie and I have been friends for years and have lived the same slutty lifestyle. However, Julie, a 34B, blonde, and now 24 years old, met Aaron, age 32, a few years back. They fell in love, and now want to get married, have kids and live happily ever after. They have been engaged for a year and their wedding is coming up next month. Both are lucky enough to be rich and thankfully, money is never an issue for them. This has created one complication for Julie though. She is slutty like me and...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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A Letter to L

The morning of Friday, Sept. 17Dear L. My knee hurts and you are to blame. Or rather that damn photo you took, the one that I can’t get out of my head. Even now, I am thinking of it, wondering if I should put it up on my screen as I write or just go ahead and print it out and tack it to my wall so I can stare at it. The thing is, if I did that, I’d never get anything done. Even thinking about you is distracting. It’s taking forever to type this up, the periods at the end of each sentence...

2 years ago
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wife fucking with servent

Recently I was watching a movie with my wife in which a girl was having fun with 2 boys. I asked in joke to my wife should we try something like that. She just gave a naughty smile a said if people we come to know then our reputation will be finished in no time. But the answer encouraged me to see my wife being fucked by others. So regularly I started teasing my wife about similar topic and ask her to have fun with others. After about one month my wife agreed but asked me to be careful. One...

4 years ago
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Waiting for Steven

Steven had only been away for four days, but Lyndsey missed him and missed him fucking her. Her Rampant Rabbit, a present from him on her last birthday had never had so much use. Right now she was laid on the bed, thinking about him and when she would see him next. He was currently on a plane coming back from a lads weekend in Spain. The thought of seeing him tomorrow after work was enough for her to open the drawer at the side of the bed and reach for her toy. Switching it on full speed she...

1 year ago
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Slave Boys First Session 1

SLAVE BOY - available for quick meets. No limits! Young, horny slender boy available to act out fantasiesThis was Sam's advert He was sick of fantasising and camming, he needed more.His sex drive was So high! His girlfriend did her best to look after his needs but he couldn't help going to the next level, his curiosity led him through all the usual phases of regular porn, hardcore, But then he got onto gay porn, camming, posting vids and pics of himself on the net,trying out stuff on his own in...

2 years ago
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The Nurse Ch 01

I felt his big hands traveling over my body…over and over, head to toe. I felt like I was swirling in a black cloud. I couldn’t see him. I couldn’t touch him. Every time I reach out my hands, I only feel air. I feel his lips touch that sensitive spot below my ear. ‘Baby, I wanna fuck you so bad….’ I feel ripples of desire flow over my heated flesh. Yes! Yes! I want that, too. I feel something brush across the small of my back…was it his cock? I turn around quickly. I must have turned to quickly...

2 years ago
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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 15 Medical and a Guest

Stepping out of the transport tube, Tammy walked into the medical bay, and over to a young girl. Looking down, she saw a beautiful child lying there, who should not have a care in the world. "Ashley, we will make it better for you, I promise." Tammy looked around the huge room, and saw Molly down at the far end talking to someone, and wandered down that way. As she got closer, she saw Commander Hutcheson sitting up in one of the beds. "Commander, you should start feeling better, now....

2 years ago
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Her father watched her lick my pussy

Most girls growing up get exposed to men's cocks, we get to see our brothers, and fathers, and occasionally our uncles, although they are off limits, especially as we start developing tits, our hormones make cocks more interesting to us, they are no longer a piece of dangling skin we used to giggle at, no our hormones are a warning to our parents to keep men away from us.But what about girl who have never set eyes on the real thing, now that can be a daunting experience, 'I have kissed more...

1 year ago
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How I Paid The Landlord

How I Paid The LandlordSeveral of you have seen my Picture Gallery with this title and asked 'What was the deal with the Landlord?'Four of us, all in our final year at university, rented a flat together in a suburb of Manchester. Cost £700 per month (12 month contract). We shared the kitchen and bathroom of the house and all had our own room in an old semi-detached villa, one of several properties the landlord rented out to students. I had the attic conversion on the top of the house, the...

4 years ago
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Eds New Life Original versionChapter 04

The loud ringing phone wakes me at 8:05 a.m. Withdrawing my arm from Sarai I reach over Marie and pick up the phone, giving Marie a quick kiss in the process. I’m unhappy and a bit angry as I say, “Hello.” Marie’s father says, “What’s this about you raping my daughter?” Marie is awake and hears the question. I hand her the phone, saying, “Here, darling, it’s your father, he’s wanting details on the rape.” Sarai is awake and looking at me with a worried expression. I put my finger to my...

3 years ago
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The Note

I had to remind myself why I was at the store at 6:30 in the morning... Ok, maybe the 105 degrees that it had been for the last week, had a bit to do with it. It would of been a great idea if I had had it all by myself. The store was busy already. I thought to myself that I was already here, just do my shopping now. I did get more than a few looks for my being in my uniform. I shugged them off and hurried to get done, untill I came around this one corner. She was stunning. Her curly hair set...

3 years ago
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Internship Sex With Anamika

Hello indian sex stories dot net readers, I’m Amit from Delhi, I’m 5’11 athletic build. Tall and Dark. (Google Hangout ) This is the first time I’m sharing Sex story on Public Platform, I hope you guys and Girls like it. *Name used in this story is imaginary, to hide her identity Moving to this Story, This is Story about Anamika, She was interned in the Company I work. Details About Anamika Height- 5’9″ Weight- 60 approx Figure- 34d-32-34 Colour- White She started her internship in the First...

1 year ago
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Office Encounter

We had known each other for some time. We worked at the same place, each in a different department. Something in his look, something in his voice, something in his eyes – they called to me. He was a slender fellow. Very different from me. I cannot count the number of years I spent in the gym and at the pool.. Years I invested in the hope that my body would attract what my person would not. Oh, yes, I’m built: broad shoulders, rising pecs, tapering waist,. Bubbled ass, curving thighs. But what...


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