The Erotic Adventures Of Annie free porn video

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Quickly she turned off the water, stepped from the shower and ran to the phone in the bedroom. “Hello.” She panted as she flopped across the bed and grabbed the telephone.
“Stan, hi honey, where are you?”
“You’re a little out of breath, there baby, you ok.”
“I was in the shower, thinking about you.” She said softly, her face flushing at what she had been doing.
“Hope it was good thoughts.”
”It was sexy thoughts, sweetie.” She giggled. The dampness between her legs made her squirm around on the soft covers. “Stan why are you calling me, I thought you were on your way in?” She asked suddenly aware that something might be wrong.
“Annie I’m going to have to stay over the weekend.” Stan said after a short pause. “I’m sorry honey I knew you were expecting me home tonight, but there is just too many things to get done in the next couple of days before we open the plant.”
“But Stan,” She started, but she could hear the pain of letting her down in his voice. “How long are you going to have to stay?” Her pussy throbbed as she asked him.
“It’s probably going to be another week, listen Annie can you get a few days off and come down here with me.”
“I told Cindy I’d help her with the paper Sunday.” She said, sadly. “I don’t know if Mr. Long will let me off any next week, I’ll try, ok.”
“Ok, are you alright?” Stan asked.
“Yeah, I’m ok, just miss you that’s all.” She said, her wet pussy involuntarily grinding into the soft covers.
“I miss you too honey, I’ll make this up to you, I promise.” Stan’s voice soothed her a little.
“I just wanted so much too feel you wrap your arms around me and hold me.”
“Me too baby, listen I’ll call you in the morning, say about nine and see what you found out ok.”
“Ok, I love you.”
“I love you too Annie, maybe you and Cindy can catch a movie or something.”
“I love you, sweet dreams tonight.”
“Sweet dreams to you too honey.” Annie hung up the phone and buried her face in the pillow. “Damn you Stan, I’m so god damn horny I can’t stand it and your five hundred miles away.” She groaned as her hand slid between her legs, and her fingers once again found the soft wet folds of her cunt. “I need more than fingers.” She moaned as she bounced up and down on her invading fingers. “I need more.”
An hour later Annie awoke from her self-induced orgasm sleep and realized she was still naked. She glanced at the clock it was just past eight. She lay there for a few minutes then slowly got up and moved to the dresser. Pulling a pair of panties from the drawer she slipped them on, then went to the closet and pulled out one of her light weight scoop necked sweaters and pulled it on. Next, thumbing through her skirts, she picked a mid calf wrap around and put it on. Walking out to the kitchen, she went straight to the cabinet that held the liquor. Pulling down a bottle of Vodka and a bottle of Kahlua, she then went to the refrigerator and got the milk. A glass, and a few ice cubes later she was sipping on a white Russian. She then padded off to the living room and turned on the television.
Twenty minutes later and an empty glass, Annie gloomily stared at the clock. “This sucks.” She said to herself, got up and walked back into the bedroom. “Let’s see Annie dear, you could throw yourself on the bed and finger yourself again, or you could go out and have another drink and maybe a little dancing.” She turned and looked into the mirror across the room. She had just enough alcohol in her the decision was pretty easy. Walking over to the closet she slipped on a pair of low heels then went into the bathroom and began putting on her make up.
It was about nine thirty when she pulled into the parking lot of her favorite bar. Her and Stan came there often on the weekends. They usually had a decent band and the place was just upscale enough she never really worried about going in alone.
“Hey sweet lady, where’s the old man?” The large gray haired man at the bar asked as she made her way to the corner stool, the only one not taken.
“Had to stay over and work the weekend Steve.” Annie said, sitting down.
“The usual.”
“Sure.” Annie watched as Steve fixed her a white Russian and brought it to her. “On me.” He smiled.
“Feeling sorry for the old married woman on her own are ya.” Annie scolded him, and then smiled.
“Just a way for your friendly neighborhood bartender to hopefully keep a pretty young woman out of trouble.” He grinned back at her.
“What by getting her drunk?” She giggled as she sipped her drink.
Steve moved off down the bar, fixing drinks for the ones that needed them, Annie turned slightly to watch the band. About mid way through her drink, Annie realized she hadn’t eaten anything since lunch, which was why she was feeling a little light headed. She was about to call Steve over, to see if he had anything left over from happy hour, when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to see a man about her age maybe a little older smiling at her.
“Would you like to dance?” He asked, his piercing blue eyes looking directly into hers. Got to work off the booze, Annie thought.
“Sure.” She said sliding off of the barstool. The alcohol had a little more of an effect on her than she thought it would. She stumbled slightly into him and realized as her breast pushed against his arm she hadn’t worn a bra. “Sorry, guess the drink was a little stronger than I thought.” She said, taking his hand, hoping he hadn’t noticed she wasn’t wearing a bra. She glanced down her hardened nipple pushed the light sweater out, not a chance of that. He was at least gentleman enough not to mention it or stare.
She danced the next two songs with him. They were fast songs so there wasn’t any real contact between them. It felt good to get on the dance floor and move around. By the end of the second song she had worked enough of the drink into her system it wasn’t effecting her head. When the second song ended, she looked up at her dance partner and smiled. He was a good-looking guy, no doubt about it.
“Thank you.” She said.
“No, thank you, you’re a good dancer.” He paused for a moment. “Not to mention prettiest woman in the place.”
Annie blushed at his last statement. The third song started, it was a slow number. The man held out his arms. Annie thought what the hell since we’re here. She slid between his arms and draped on of her arms over his shoulder. His right hand went to the small of her back and his left hand grasped hers. It was the first time he had noticed her wedding ring.
“Where’s your husband?” He asked, slowly guiding her around the dance floor. They were far enough apart he could easily gaze down to her pretty face. Annie thought about her answer for a moment. She really didn’t want to send out the wrong signals.
“He’s working late, going to meet me here in a little while.” That would be sufficient for now.
“And if he comes in and finds you dancing, not the jealous type is he?” He smiled at her.
“I hope so.” Annie giggled. “No I think he would understand.”
“Good, because you’re a lot of fun to dance with.” Annie felt his hand push a bit more firmly into her back. Their bodies came a bit closer together but not enough to panic her.
“You know, there is one thing I would like to know.” Annie said, leaning back just a bit.
“And what would that be?”
“Your name, I’ve dance three times with you and don’t know your name.”
He laughed. “Art.”
“Hi Art, I’m Annie.” When she once again leaned forward, her breasts lightly grazed his chest. A tingle went all the way through her. “This is getting out of hand.” She thought as the song ended.
He led her off the dance floor and back to her seat. “Would you join me for a drink?” He asked as he helped her onto the barstool.
“Now that I don’t think my husband would understand.” Annie was glad she had told him Stan would be coming.
“Yeah, probably not, thank you Annie, maybe another dance, later.”
“Maybe, thank you Art.” Annie turned on her seat and Steve was standing there grinning. “What?” She drank the last of her drink and Steve fixed another.
“If you have any trouble, Annie just holler, ok.” He smiled once again.
“Everything is fine, but thank you for thinking about me.” She grinned at Steve. “Do you have anything left back there from happy hour, I forgot to eat.”
“How does someone forget to eat?” He said shaking his head and walking to the opposite end of the bar. He said something to the barmaid and a few moments later at plate of food appeared. “Here you go, best I could do.”
“It will be fine, thanks my favorite bartender.”
“Your welcome my favorite hot sexy little customer.” Steve once again made his way down the bar fixing drinks and swapping stories as he went.
He had brought her three hot wings, celery sticks, baby carrots, chips and ranch dressing. She ate and enjoyed the music, every once in awhile catching a glimpse of Art as he moved through the bar working his magic on all of the women that looked interested. She wondered if he used the same lines on all of them. A couple of men asked her to dance but she refused gracefully and just watched. With her plate of food gone and her third drink of the day nearly finished, she decided it was time for her to get home. Just as she finished her drink and turned to get up, Art was standing behind her again.
“Hubby’s running pretty late isn’t he?”
“Yeah, he’s not going to be able to make it, I’m going to meet him at home.” Annie lied
“Hey, how about one last dance then, before you go.”
Annie thought about it for a moment, what harm would one more dance hurt. “Ok, I’ve got time for one more dance.” Annie stood up and took his hand, the third drink was one more than she normally had and she could feel it start to affect her in ways that weren’t good. As he led her to the floor, the song to band was playing ended, the next song was slow.
Art turned as they got to the dance floor and put his hand once again on her back, she felt tingles as he pulled her closer to him. As they started moving through the crowded dance floor, he lowered his mouth to her ear. “You are such a gorgeous sexy thing.” He whispered. Annie felt goose bumps all over her body. She could feel his hot breath on her neck and her legs felt like they were going to buckle. He rose back up and pulled her close. Her breasts pushed into his lower chest. His hand gently rubbed her lower back, all of the feelings she had early in the evening laying on the bed alone flooded back. This guy was good. She felt him gently push his midsection into her. Almost unaware of her motions, she pushed back. It felt so good; she could feel his hard member push into her.
“I can’t be doing this.” She said, pulling back just a bit. Her body suddenly ached for his touch. “Here, too many people know me.” She bit her lip at what she had just said. He smiled down at her.
“Your husband is waiting for you.” His hand slid a little lower on her back and pulled her into him again. Annie had nearly lost all control now.
“He’s out of town.” She blurted out. His cock pushing into her felt so hot.
“Your going to leave, I’ll follow you out in a few minutes.”
“Ok.” She moaned as he pulled there left hands close in and his hand brushed against her hard nipple.
“Your so hot, so delicious.” His mouth was once again near her ear. She could feel herself getting wet. Thankfully the song ended and he walked her back to her seat.
“You be careful going home now.” Art smiled at her, then at Steve who once again was standing waiting on her. “And tell your husband I appreciated the opportunity to dance with you.” With that Art turned and walked up to another woman who was sitting alone, Annie felt a little pang of jealousy work through her.
“You ok to drive Annie?” Steve asked, when he saw there were not problems with the guy she had been dancing with.
“I’m fine, I got to get home and get some sleep.” Annie smiled at Steve.
“You sure your ok, you look a little flushed.”
“No I’m fine promise. Me and Stan will stop in next week when he gets in.”
“Ok, be careful sexy lady.” Odd choice of words, considering what was about to transpire.
Annie stepped outside and the cool evening air hit her like a rush of cool water. What had she just done? She had all but told a man she had just met to meet her outside and fuck her. She could just get in the car and get the hell out of there before he came out, that’s what she could do. The dampness between her legs told that wasn’t what she was going to do. She walked to her car, fighting with herself. Damn Stan it was all his fault she was like this. If he just would have come home. She turned and stared back at the front door of the bar. Maybe he was just teasing her, maybe he was in there having fun with someone else and wouldn’t come out. That was probably what he would do.
Five minutes went by, then ten. Annie smiled to herself she had been had. Her and her throbbing pussy were going home alone. Actually she felt a little relieved, she didn’t want to cheat on Stan, and he was the love of her life. She stood up from where she had been leaning on her car and walked around to the driver’s side door and unlocked it. Glancing at the door one more time she opened the door at just about the same instance as the door opened to the bar. Art stepped outside and looked around the parking lot until he saw Annie. She could see the self assured smile on his face as he walked toward her.
She had just enough time alone to sort out what was going on and decided she needed to put an end to the evening. As he got closer, she began to say something, but didn’t have time. His arms engulfed her and he pulled her lips to his. The kiss was hot and hard her little speech flew out the window. Her arms went around his and kissed him back passionately, their tongues dueling with each other. Her breathing became ragged as she felt his hands cup her ass and pull her hard into him. She ground herself into him frantically her entire body was on fire with passion, passion for someone other than her husband.
When the kiss ended, both were panting, somehow one of his hands had slipped up her sweater and was gently tweaking her tender nipple. “Get in.” Was all she could manage to say? He didn’t argue he walked around the car and slid in the passenger side. Annie got in and started the car, then turned and looked at him. “I have never done anything like this in my life, I just want you to know that.” She said. With that said she put the car in drive and sped out of the parking lot and straight to her house. Art’s hand had found her thigh and slid it up until it was under her skirt just inches away from her overcharged cunt. “Stop or I might wreck.” She moaned.
“Then you better pay close attention to the road.” He said, moving his hand higher.
“Ohhhhhhh god.” Annie moaned as his hand brushed across her damp panties.
“Jeez girl, you need to get out more, this pussy’s on fire.” Art smiled as his finger rubbed over her puffy nether lips.
“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.” Art had just sent her into a minor orgasm just running his finger across her panty-covered slit. Annie turned into the driveway and nearly ran into the garage door before she could get the car stopped. Slamming the car into park she crawled over on top of Art and once again kissed him hard. Her hard nipples now pierced into his chest, his hand was firmly planted on her cunt rubbing it furiously.
Breaking the kiss, Annie scooted back across the seat and opened her door. “Come on, hurry.” She said, scrambling out of the car and nearly running to the front door. After fumbling with the keys for a minute she got the key into the lock and pushed the door open. A moment later the door closed behind her and Art moved straight in behind her both hands slid under her sweater and kneaded her breasts. He pulled his hands up and her sweater moved up. Annie instinctively raised her arms so he could pull her top off. He then spun her around bent and took one hardened nipple into his mouth. He gently sucked and bit on it for a moment, then moved to the other. Annie was out of her mind with lust. She held his head between her hands and guided him from one to the other.
His hands were busy with her skirt and a moment later she was standing by her front door in only her panties as a strange man sucked her breasts and rubbed her pussy. Finally breaking away she turned and ran toward the guest bedroom. Art followed closely. Annie fell on the bed and rolled over. Art was between her legs immediately. Grabbing her panties he ripped them from her. Pulling her legs up until they were pushed against her breasts he lowered his mouth to her drenched pussy. Annie shoved herself up to meet his lashing tongue. Stan had done this before, but never had anything felt so wonderful. Art’s magic tongue found her clit and flicked it over and over again until she unleashed an orgasm like she had never felt in her life. Her juices coated his face and tongue she could feel some running across her ass.
With his initial onslaught finished he rose up and smiled at the luscious young woman under his spell. He could see in her face she was his to do with what he wanted, and he wanted to do a lot. Crawling up between her legs he once again kissed her; she could taste her juices on his mouth. It drove her crazy.
“You like the way you taste, baby.” He said, kissing her again.
“Oh yes, I have never felt anything like that before.” She looked him in the face and realized he was still fully dressed and she was totally naked.
“Finger yourself baby.” Art said, crawling off of the bed and unbuttoning his shirt. Annie didn’t think twice, her hands moved to her drenched pussy and she slid two in all the time watching her new lover undress. “Now lick your fingers off and do it again.” He unbuckled his belt. Annie lifted her fingers to her mouth and sucked them in, licking all her juices off, and then she went back down again. “Now three fingers do three fingers.” He pushed his slacks down, for the first time Annie got glimpse of his cock, bigger than Stan’s she thought as it tented out his boxers. She dug three fingers into her pussy then once again licked them off for him. Her third time down she worked a forth finger in for him without him instructing, she let out a low moan as she pushed them deep inside herself. Without hesitation she lifted her cunt soaked fingers to her mouth once again.
Art dropped his shorts and his cock sprang free. It was hard and thick and about eight inches long. He walked to the side of the bed, Annie rolled onto her side and raised up until her mouth was just inches from his cock. She opened her mouth and he slowly fed it to her. His hand went to her breast and squeezed it. Any other time it would have been enough to make her flinch but tonight it was just right. His thumb and forefinger found her nipple and pinched it. His free hand came up behind her head and pulled her mouth further onto his cock. She felt the cock hit the back of her throat and she looked up at Art. He smiled and pushed more in. Her eyes teared as she felt his cock push into her throat, she choked and he backed out just a bit, and then pushed back in again. Annie’s head was spinning. This man had total control over her and she loved it. His fingers increased the pressure on her nipple and she moaned. He wrapped her hair in his hand and pushed more into her throat then out just enough for her to breath before he assaulted her throat again. This time he didn’t stop until his pubic hair tickled her nose. She had taken his entire length down her throat, an unexpected orgasm rumbled through her as she sucked harder on his rigid cock. He released his grip on her hair and she pulled off of him panting and gasping for air. She laid back and stared up at him.
“Get on all fours.” He said, she rolled over and pushed herself up wiggling her ass seductively as she did. “Spread wider baby.” Her legs moved apart. She dropped her head onto the bed and waited to feel his cock. He moved in behind her then pulled her back to the edge of the bed so he was still standing. When she felt his cock slip up her throbbing slit she hunched back. He lined his cock up grabbed her hips and thrust into her sopping cunt. “Ohhhhhh yes, fuck me, fuck me, and fuck me.” She screamed as his cock plowed into her. He pounded into her hard holding her hips as he stabbed her tight cunt. “Harder, I want it harder.” Annie’s body was racked with orgasmic passion as she took the hard pounding. She could feel her cum juices running down her thighs only pushing her deeper into yet another orgasm. Art released her hips and let her work his cock in and out on her own. Reaching under her his finger found her clit and rubbed it, and then he worked his fingers around her pussy until they were wet. He then ran his finger across her tight little asshole. Annie was too far-gone to realize what he was doing, she was so incredibly turned on it didn’t matter. Whatever this guy wanted to do with her, she would let him.
Art felt his balls begin to tingle, he knew it wouldn’t be long before he flooded her cunt with his hot cum. As he felt it begin to build he shoved his long slender finger all the way into Annie’s virgin ass. She shook and convulsed under him as he worked his finger back and forth, feeling his cock about to erupt into her cunt. She felt his hot scalding juice shoot into her; it was then she passed out. Her last orgasm took everything she had. Her body twitched beneath him as her juices flooded from around his cock. Art backed out of her ravaged pussy and fell across the bed. The last thing he remembered before he fell asleep was his and her juice gushing from her gaping swollen cunt.
The first thing Annie felt when she awakened was a slight rush of air between her legs. She hadn’t moved since she had passed out. Pushing herself up on all fours she looked around the room. “God what have I done.” She moaned as she rolled over. Her pussy was sore; her thighs were caked with cum. She raised herself to a sitting position and glanced around the room. She was alone. Gingerly she stood up and on wobbly legs walked to the bathroom. She stared into the mirror for a moment before a flood of tears came forth. “Oh Stan I am so sorry.” She sobbed as the night replayed in her mind. She glanced down one of her nipples was red and swollen. She cried for a good long time standing in front of the mirror before she composed herself enough to turn on the shower.
What the hell had gotten into her? She sobbed at how depraved she had been. How could she have gotten so carried away? Why had it felt so good? The hot shower felt good, it relaxed her. She gently cleaned herself, then just stood letting the water cascade over her. Her mind was reeling with mixed emotions about what had happened. The longer she soaked the more her thoughts turned to the experience and less to what she had done to Stan. She understood none of it, but by the time she turned the shower off her mind was made up that it was an experience she needed. She pulled the shower curtain back and standing in the doorway was Art. His presence startled her. She thought he had left.
“You ok.” He said gently. She could only nod. After what they had done, she felt no modesty about him seeing her naked. “I was worried about you, I couldn’t even get you to lay down.”
“Listen Art, I don’t know what got into me, but………..” She searched for the right words.
“Hey, what got into you is what has been in the back of your mind for a long time. People in general are only going to do what they want to do. You my dear, wanted to be ravaged.” He smiled at her. “I made some coffee, thought we’d have a cup then you could take me to my car.” He turned and walked into the kitchen, Annie slipped on her robe and followed him. They sat across from one another at the table.
“So how did you know, there were a lot of women in the bar?” Annie sipped her coffee.
“I could tell you were horny when you walked into the bar. Sometimes women just exude the fact that they aren’t getting enough.” He could see Annie blush. “You came into the bar looking to get laid, not matter what you thought you were there for.
“I did not…did I?” She smiled weakly at him, she knew now that’s the only reason she left the house.
“What surprised me is how much you enjoy being subservient to others desires.”
“What do you mean?”
“I first noticed it when we were dancing the first time. The way you let me pull you a little closer as we danced, the way you leaned in and rubbed your tits across my chest.”
“You pulled me in.” Annie said.
“I pulled you closer, you rubbed your tits on me.” He grinned.
“Well I don’t think.” She stopped short and looked at him. Her body began to tingle again. The smile on his face grew, he saw it too.
“And you’re insatiable.” He leaned back in the chair. Took a sip of his coffee then sat it down on the table.
“Aren’t you?”
“I…a…” She felt her face flush. It hadn’t been an hour and already her mind was working back to sex.
“Annie, come over here and suck my cock.” Art’s hands dropped to his belt and he unbuckled it.
“Listen I think you better leave.” Annie stared at him, trying to resist her temptations to do as he said. She watched as he unzipped his fly and pulled out his semi hard cock.
“Get on your knees between my legs and suck my cock, Annie.” His voice never raised or sounded threatening. He grasped his cock at the base and shook it slightly. As if in a trance she slipped off her chair onto her knees and crawled between his legs. She kissed and licked him, then slipped her lips over the head. She swirled her tongue over the head as she felt it grow in her mouth. Little electric shocks went straight to her clit as she engulfed more of him into her mouth. He was right she was insatiable. She felt his hand on the back of her head again as he pushed himself further into her mouth.
“You love to have it in your throat don’t you?” He groaned as he felt the head of his cock shove into her throat. She only gurgle her answer as she forced more of it into her mouth. “You are so good.” He said twisting his hands in her hair and fucking her face.
“You want my cum down your throat don’t you, answer me Annie.” Annie forced herself off of his cock and stared up at him.
“Yes, I want you to cum down my throat I want to taste you, I want you to do whatever you want to me.” She forced herself to take him all the way for the second time that night. She could feel him twitching in her mouth and a moment later his hot cum poured down her throat until she was choking. She pulled back and let the last jet spray her face; she felt her cunt melt when his juice hit her cheek. “Oh damn what is wrong with me.” She moaned before devouring his cock on more time.
A few minutes later she let his now limp cock escaped her lips. Scooting out from under the table she sat back down in the chair, a tear ran down her cheek. She wiped the cum from her cheek and licked her fingers clean. She then finished her coffee. She glanced at the clock, it was almost five am, and she sighed deeply. Then got up to put some clothes on so she could take Art to his car.
“Where are you going?”
“To get some clothes on.”
“Your fine just the way you are, let’s go.” Annie didn’t argue, she picked up her purse from the table and followed him out to the car.
They drove back to the deserted parking lot of the bar in silence. She pulled up next to the only car in the lot. Art turned to her.
“Slide over here.” He said, she slid over and he hugged her close. She felt warm and secure in his arms. “Tomorrow evening, I want you to check into the Starlight Motel out on 42, you know the one.” She did, it was a cheap old place that had lost most of its clientele when the interstate came through. Art’s hand slid down to her robe-covered ass his fingers traced over her tight back hole. Her pussy was tender but still wet. He wet his fingers on her juices, and then put his finger back against her asshole. Slowly, steadily his finger worked its way into her tight butt. Annie only whimpered and pushed back, everything this man did to her felt good. His finger began a fucking motion and she gripped his shoulders.
“You want me to fuck you in your ass, don’t you?”
“Yes.” She whispered.
“Yes what Annie?”
“Yes I want you to fuck my ass.” She whimpered moving back harder on his finger.
“You want me to do it right now, do you want to sit down on my cock right now?”
She shivered. “Yes, yes, fuck my ass right now.” Her hand went down to his cock it was getting hard again. She could never remember Ned getting it up more than once. Art was ready for his third time around. She unbuckled his belt, unzipped his pants and fished his cock out. Sitting up, she straddle his legs, never letting go of his cock. Art just sat back and watched her. Lifting up, she ran his cock over her tender pussy a couple of times, then slid forward until she could feel the head of his cock pushing against her virgin ass. Her mind was reeling; it wasn’t so much that he was doing this as she was. She moved down until the head began to stretch her tight sphincter. The pain was intense as the head of his cock slipped in. She was panting deeply, as she slowly lowered herself onto his waiting cock.
“Oh god, it hurts.” She cried, never relenting on her obsession. She laid her head on his shoulder and continued to abuse her own ass. Art just sat there, thoroughly enjoying the tight confines of her butt. “Oh, oh, it’s too big.” She cried, rising up then sitting down again on it, shoving another inch deeper into her. She ground her ass into his cock; the pain was giving her some type of perverse pleasure. Inch by inch is cock worked further into her ass until finally she was fully impaled. “Fuck my ass Art, fuck me baby, and make my body scream.” She began bouncing up and down on his thick prick, the pain subsiding into a mind seizing pleasure she couldn’t understand. Her pussy was leaking cum like a faucet as she brutally impaled herself on his cock.
“That’s it Annie fuck your ass with my cock, I’m going scald your ass with my cum are you ready.”
“Yes, yes, cum up my asshole lover, give me your fucking juice awwwwwwwwwwwww.” She screamed as she felt his cum erupt deep into her bowels. Art shook uncontrollably as his cock spit shot after shot of hot cum into her. He grabbed her hips and forced himself as deeply into as possible then held her there as his cock shriveled. The torrent of lust that consumed her, now shone in her eyes.
“What time at the motel tomorrow?” She smiled; nothing mattered now except more sex.


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I was just getting ready to close up the shop for the day when this gal came in. Oh who am I k**ding, this was no gal, this was a lady. She was my height as I looked straight into her eyes, but she was also wearing heels, so she was probably more like 5’5” to my 5’9”. No more than 25.Black straight hair that flowed to the small of her back, and a gray dress that fit her slender body perfectly. As I saw her walk to my desk I could see her hips swaying and moving back and forth, and found myself...

4 years ago
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Pam and Annie

This is an excerpt from an unposted story, 'Windfall' Pam learns early Pam went on to describe to me, in detail, her childhood awareness of sex and her early fascination with it. She was fortunate that she grew up in a close-knit household with a great extended family and parents that were stern but doted on her. But she had discovered when she was about six that playing with herself brought on the greatest pleasures she had ever experienced, and she was masturbating from that time...

4 years ago
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Introduction: Two preteen girls learn about sex When I (Alice!) was twelve, I was in the sixth grade and had a friend named Annie I had known since I was first grade. She lived in the next block and we spent more time together than we did with anyone else. We used to play jacks, tag, hide and go seek, dolls, and all the other things. We were also both readers and sometimes just sat together and read for hours. We would spend the night frequently at each others houses. I was average size and...

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We used to play jacks, tag, hide and go seek, dolls, and all the other things. We were also both readers and sometimes just sat together and read for hours. We would spend the night frequently at each other’s houses. I was average size and she was average for her age, 11. She was in the 5th grade. Neither of us had boobs yet, but I was just noticing little bumps, more than used to be. I hadn’t started my periods either or gotten more than two long hairs over my slit. I did have a little...

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Curious night for Agent Annie

Curious night for Agent AnnieAgent Annie was lurking in the shadows, on the lookout for a new criminal cell dealing with d**g trafficking in her area.According to what was known, the organizers used nurses as mules to transport the d**g packets, but it was still unclear how the dogs had been unable to detect the smell of the d**g. d**g for an unknown reason.But it did not matter to Agent Annie, because when she was watching the grain, no detail escaped her.And precisely, in the semi-darkness of...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 45 Weekend with Annie

Not long after Crystal finished in the dojo, we were on our way to her house. Her parents insisted that we have dinner over there tonight before Annie and I were driven back over to my house. Annie was going to be staying the whole weekend with me. At my house it was no secret that girls were going to be in my room and probably naked. It was different going over to Crystal's house and yet her parents didn't even so much as blinking an eye as the three of us went up to her room. For every...

3 years ago
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My Slut Annie

Annie rang asking if it would okay if she came over on Saturday night as she wanted to spend the night here if it was okay. Of course, my sweet you know you are always welcome Exactly as the clock struck seven there she was at my doorI choose my long red dress. Extremely sheer and tight fitting with a low-cut neckline. Nothing underneath of course apart from stockingsAnnie arrived wearing her beautiful navy mini dress, very see-through, almost translucent. Plunging neckline to below her breasts...

2 years ago
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Scene 1 All of a sudden her messy room seemed so creepy. She never realized until now how narrow the walls were. The place was dusty and crowded: posters, books, clothes, and those annoying little pieces of paper with things written in a hurry…Annie was starring at the walls - ”Am I supposed to decide good from wrong?... but sometimes there are those things that are sooo good, in the most evil way possible…hmmm…” Finally, for her own peace, Annie had to admit she was only 14 so she should take...

1 year ago
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My Annie

As a special surprise, after chatting on line, I took Annie out for a ‘night to remember’, just to see how far she would go and to test her claim of being a ‘slut’ who could take anything.She arrived at the nice hotel I’d booked, having done her part of the deal; wearing dark red nail varnish, black high heeled shoes and having (so she told me) totally shaved her pussy.Before the adventure began she undressed and entered the deep hot and fragrant bath that awaited he. After a relaxing bathe,...

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Granny Annie

Annie wrapped her legs tighter around the young body that was fucking her so well, her mind was in a whirl feelings of total pleasure coupled with panic and guilt swept through her brain but her body was in control and the enjoyment was just too much. She cried out as she exploded into an orgasm better than anything she had felt in years, then she reached up and pulled Danny’s head closer and kissed him, tears of pleasure and guilt ran down her face as her grandson continued to slide his young...

1 year ago
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My Girl Annie

It's hard to say when Annie's attraction to me really started, but it was clear by our second semester at Greendale that it was becoming difficult for her to hide it.  She's an absolute sweetheart, and her naivete made her attempts to suppress or conceal her emotions somewhat transparent.  I gotta admit I was flattered, but I just really couldn't see us really being together.  It was kind of an awkward situation, but she's a smart girl and I figured if I was honest with her, she would...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 40 Crystal and Annie

I had already forgotten that Crystal and Annie were supposed to come over to meet me. I was just putting away my cup when there was a very solid knock on the door. Being really careful, I turned on the place in my head and made me not see the door anymore. Outside there was a very big muscular man standing next to a girl in a karate uniform that was holding two plastic grocery bags. I recognized that the girl was either Annie or Crystal, but not which since they both looked so alike. I made...

1 year ago
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Imagine this, There are s*******n vacancies at the school and eighty applications for places, the schools reputation is so admired, almost everyone wants a placement. Interviews from the short list are being conducted in my office with the girl and her parents present.I want pretty pleasant and intelligent girls so many are rejected without getting this far. Daddy can recognise the type of student he wants, submissive and obedient , nice firm tits and above all a pretty pert bottom.The parents...

3 years ago
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First blowjob courtesy of Annie

You can call me Matt, and this is my storyIt was January and I was getting close to twenty three years old; I was incredibly frustrated and had been down on my luck dating wise for the longest time. It had been almost three years since I had a serious relationship, or really even just fooled around with anyone beyond some clothed dry humping. In fact, I hadn't had an orgasm from someone else in over a year. I was talking with a few girls towards the end of the year before, but most of them fell...

First Time
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This is a true story about how I lost my virginity. I am now twenty one and this started six years ago. It is still ongoing. The neighborhood we live in in somewhat upscale, most of the houses have pools and are nice. We have a nice pool with lots of trees around. Annie lived next door with her husband. They are in their early thirties and a good lokking couple. Very friendly. Annie's husband is gone alot and she and I became good friends, we talk alot about alot of different things. This...

2 years ago
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Getting Even With Annie

I hate cock teasers with a passion and God must hate me because he pushes so many of them my way. The latest in this long line of despicable creatures is my Cousin Larry's wife Annie. Larry met Annie when he was stationed in San Diego, married her, and then brought her home with him and inflicted her on us. Larry's parents, my Uncle Sal and my Aunt Sophie, threw them a party to welcome Larry home and to introduce his new bride to all the family and friends. Annie wasted no time and by the...

2 years ago
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Sheyla Discovery of Sex Part 2 Annie

Part II : Annie It has been a day since Sheyla saw her dad fuck her sister. She couldn’t believe it, her dad fucking her 14 years old sister, it was unbelievable. She was wondering if the opportunity arrised, would he fuck her too. She was the only virgin of her class. Most of the girls at school were little sluts who fucked older men. There was a friend of hers, her name was Annie who fucks almost every girl’s dad. She was a 5’4 brunette with a tight little ass and C cup breasts. She acted...

1 year ago
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While living in a small retirement community I found that neighbors could be more than just good friends. We had moved to Florida and were renting a house in retirement subdivision. The closest town was 30 miles away. Our new next door neighbors were very friendly. George was 55 years old and his wife Annie was 20 years younger (35). At the time I was only 23 years old and my wife was 20. We became very good friends with George and Annie, going over there for dinner or them coming over in the...

1 year ago
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Anal Annie

Annie was not having a good day. It all began when her alarm clock didn’t go off when it was supposed to. Luckily she woke up on her own, albeit 30 minutes late. So she had to hit the ground running and scramble to get ready for work. Running behind her already tight schedule, she quickly dressed in the first thing she could grab from her closet and threw it on. Then putting on her nylons, she got a run in one of them! Great! She took them off and put on another pair and then slipped on her...

2 years ago
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Carrot Top Annie

I’d never heard my dad swear so much! Our Model T bounced and bucked like a rodeo horse and I held on tight so I wouldn’t be thrown around and get hurt. No seat belts back then. We hadn’t been warned that to get to his new school assignment needed a horse and buggy to traverse the last few windy and hilly and rough miles of what couldn’t really be called a road. We managed it slowly and arrived at the log school house intact. Next to it was the small cabin for the schoolteacher. I just stared....

3 years ago
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ldquoOh fuck Annie

“I was thinking about it all the next day while I was away in Belfast,” she continued. “After dinner in the evening, I made an excuse about having a headache, and went back to my hotel room to look at Lush Stories again on my laptop. I read a couple more of your stories, then I looked at some of the other stuff. I found their store, and looked at the stuff they had, and found the Lelo vibrators. And I was so turned on, I thought sod the cost, and ordered one. And they must be really efficient,...

2 years ago
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The Hay Trailer and Annie

My wife and I live on ten acres out in the country. We built a house and decided to use the tiny trailer we had lived in to store feed for our a****ls. I sometimes used the trailer as a place to go to on a nice sunny day to look at my porn and jack off onto the bales of hay. I was in the trailer one day when I heard the next door neighbor from ten acres away calling out my name. She was no more than ten feet from the trailer and had most likely already seen me through the window. I had my...

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My Cousin Annie

I know my last one was bad, I was never really good at writing stories but I try my best. I'm now making a new one that I hope EVERYONE will like...hopefully...Anyways i'm more of the funny type, not story type but again, I do try my best and it just entertains me to make a story that atleast one person will like. So, I hope you enjoy the story. _____________________________________________________________________________________ We fucked till' we could fuck no more. It felt so good...

2 years ago
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Yesterday I had driven down to the nearest mall and sat on a bench right outside of Macy’s and placed my purse on my lap and rammed my fingers down the front of my pants and went to town. It was a busy time of day and I figure the security guard who kept circling me like a hungry hawk knew what I was up to but I finished in record time and was off the bench and out the door before I was thrown out of the mall for lewd behavior and into the county jail. Fuck that. I had to find a job. I...

1 year ago
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Gaping Anal Annie

Hi there, sexy! My name is Annie. Can I tell you a secret? I LOVE ANAL!At 43, some of the knockout beauty of my youth may have faded, but I do alright. My figure now carries a few extra pounds, but my auburn hair is still past my shoulders and my 38-D tits barely sag. My pussy's still snappy and I come very easily. There may be a few laugh lines around my mouth, but that mouth can still suck your cock and swallow your load, just the way you crave it.But the best thing about me is my 24/7...

3 years ago
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A Story for my Special Friend Annie

Annie and I share stories/ This is the last one I wrote for her when she returned home from work. Hi Annie, you finally home from work? We kiss hello as you walk into the kitchen after an afternoon shift at work. How was your day? I have a surprise for you. You tell me about the people you saw at work and which ones were worth watching. We laugh and discuss the variety of shapes and sizes of the people you saw during your shift. Then you ask “What is the surprise I mentioned earlier?” ...

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Learning from Annie

Annie and I worked at the same place on a part time basis. It was a sports and rec facility where she worked the concession stand and I did whatever was needed. Sometimes I had to preside over the play area for the kids. Other times I was reffing soccer or putting together schedules for flag football leagues. It didn’t pay the bills by any stretch, but it was a fun and easy way to pick up some easy cash from time to time. I was considered the “Old Man” of the place at a whopping 27, but still...

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The Adventures of Grace and Anna Erotic Classic Ch2 Part 1

In part 1 to 11 of Chapter 1,. you have read that the author meets a girl named Anna and he Invites her in his car for a ride. In-car he kissed her and boldly squeezed and manipulated her breasts and erect nipples. Then he molded and caressed her bare and electric thighs and felt the bare lips of her sex and the crinkly pubic hair and have sex in Car. and then he meets her again next time and takes her to an apartment that was maintained for just such incidents. Anna proposes to introduce him...

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Angry Annie

Annie was mad! She’d just discovered that her husband of ten years had been putting his dick in her younger sister for the last twelve months. She shot off a text to him to just stay where his dick had been straying and don’t come home. She slept fitfully that night, struggling to understand how he could want the skinny, small-titted sister more than her lush and lovely body. She decided to balance the books by getting laid herself. The next day was Saturday. She only put on a robe and put a...

3 years ago
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The Erotic Sex Adventures Of Ramya

Hi, Welcome to ISS (Indian Sex Stories). I am Rishi of age 29, from Hyderabad. I am working as a software individual in an MNC company. This story the erotic sex adventures is a continuation of my previous story. People who haven’t read , please read so that you can follow on this easily. After that day, Ramya and I became very close. We used to chat every day and night. Ramya: (texted me) I would want to try something adventurous. Me: What’s on your mind? Ramya: I would like to get fucked by...

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The Erotic Adventures Of Jazz and Jezzabell

Jazz And Jezzabell – The Book Store Adventures – The BeginningMy wife and I had been talking about going to the adult video and toy store and do some looking around. We have a fairly large collection of toys so it was far from our first visit to one. The store just happened to be on the way from my school to her work. I had a couple hours to blow so instead of wasting gas going home and coming back, I decided to drop in to the video store and see what it was like. We had just found the place...

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The Erotic Adventures of American Glory Book One

An excerpt from The Erotic Adventures of American Glory Book One “The Quest Begins” Prologue January 1942 Glory Mounds is a young American woman suddenly embroiled in World War II Europe. She is twenty-four years old, and absolutely stunning! Standing 5’9” tall, she is athletic, yet voluptuous at the same time. Her lush golden hair hangs to the middle of her back, and her brilliant blue eyes are mesmerizing. She’s large breasted, has a narrow waist, and has long, gorgeous legs. Matching her...

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Beths Erotic AdventuresChapter 7 Memories

Later that night as Beth lay in bed she thought over the day's events, the memory of the feel of her pussy stretched around the stallion's cock filled her with burning need. Sliding her hands over her naked body she cupped her breasts lifting the engorged nipples to her mouth, allowing her tongue to run over them. She continued to play with her breasts as she lowered one hand down over her stomach, feeling the muscles tense with arousal as she slid her fingers down between her parted...

2 years ago
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The Erotic Sex Adventures Of Ramya 8211 Part 2

Hi, Welcome to ISS (Indian Sex Stories). I am Rishi of age 29, from Hyderabad. I am working as a software individual in an MNC company. This story of erotic sex adventures is a continuation of my previous story. When I woke up, we were in the same position as we slept in the night. Slowly I started sucking her left boob. Ramya: Good morning (With a smile on her face) Me: Good morning. Sorry for waking you up. Ramya: No, I was already awake, just waiting for you to be awake. Me: Oh, is it?...

4 years ago
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When I met Annie

It's my first try and pure fictionOne of my c***dhood friends invited me to his birthday in some campingsite on seaside. I was surprised, I had lost touch with the guy years ago. First I though I won't go, venue is in the middle of nowhere, I'd lose all weekend and probably won't know most of the people in there. Then I had busy couple of weeks at work and really needed a break. So what the hell, I'll go and give it a tryI was one of the last to arrive, I reckognised few faces, said hellos, had...

3 years ago
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The Continued Erotic Adventures of Slave Kala Beach Mansion

I remember my first trip to Daniel Thorn’s beach mansion well; he was an extremely rich man, wealthy to the point there’s no point talking about it. I went for a party, and loved every minute. I had a great time during that weekend, and made ever so many new friends (it’s amazing how reminiscing on the past can make you feel younger, isn’t it?). This was only the first of many times I spent with the Thorns, both at his island retreat off the coast of France and the place in the Hunt Country, I...

2 years ago
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The Adventures of Grace and Anna Erotic Classic Ch2 Part 2

In part 1 to 11 of Chapter 1,. you have read that the author meets a girl named Anna and he Invites her in his car for a ride. In-car he kissed her and boldly squeezed and manipulated her breasts and erect nipples. Then he molded and caressed her bare and electric thighs and felt the bare lips of her sex and the crinkly pubic hair and have sex in Car. and then he meets her again next time and takes her to an apartment that was maintained for just such incidents. Anna proposes to introduce him...

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The Adventures of Grace and Anna Erotic Classic Ch2 Part 3

------------------------- CHAPTER 2 PART 3 'At that time, my dear friends, I knew nothing at all about the digital method of relieving my excited feelings and even to this day, I would much rather resort to the poorest-made man with a shrivelled member than comfort myself with the old maid's method of sex cooling!' Grace and I both laughed at this, and kissing Anna for her frankness, and not to slight Grace, repeating the same caress with her, I begged her to continue. 'Well,' she...

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The Adventures of Grace and Anna Erotic Classic Ch1 part 7

In part 1 to 6 of Chapter 1 you have read that the author meets a girl named Anna and he Invites her in his car for a ride. In-car he kissed her and boldly squeezed and manipulated her breasts and erect nipples. Then he molded and caressed her bare and electric thighs and felt the bare lips of her sex and the crinkly pubic hair and have sex in Car. and then he meets her again next time and takes her to an apartment that was maintained for just such incidents. Anna proposes to introduce him to...

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The Adventures of Grace and Anna Erotic Classic Ch1 part 11

In part 1 to 10 of Chapter 1,. you have read that the author meets a girl named Anna and he Invites her in his car for a ride. In-car he kissed her and boldly squeezed and manipulated her breasts and erect nipples. Then he molded and caressed her bare and electric thighs and felt the bare lips of her sex and the crinkly pubic hair and have sex in Car. and then he meets her again next time and takes her to an apartment that was maintained for just such incidents. Anna proposes to introduce him...

2 years ago
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The Adventures of Grace and Anna Erotic Classic Ch1 part 4

In part 1 to 3 of Chapter 1 you have read that the author meets a girl named Anna and he Invites her in his car for a ride. In-car he kissed her and boldly squeezed and manipulated her breasts and erect nipples. Then he molded and caressed her bare and electric thighs and felt the bare lips of her sex and the crinkly pubic hair and have sex in Car. and then he meets her again next time and takes her to an apartment that was maintained for just such incidents. Now Further. CHAPTER-1 PART-4...

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The Adventures of Grace and Anna Erotic Classic Ch1 part 9

In part 1 to 8 of Chapter 1,. you have read that the author meets a girl named Anna and he Invites her in his car for a ride. In-car he kissed her and boldly squeezed and manipulated her breasts and erect nipples. Then he molded and caressed her bare and electric thighs and felt the bare lips of her sex and the crinkly pubic hair and have sex in Car. and then he meets her again next time and takes her to an apartment that was maintained for just such incidents. Anna proposes to introduce him...

1 year ago
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The Adventures of Grace and Anna Erotic Classic Ch1 part 10

In part 1 to 9 of Chapter 1,. you have read that the author meets a girl named Anna and he Invites her in his car for a ride. In-car he kissed her and boldly squeezed and manipulated her breasts and erect nipples. Then he molded and caressed her bare and electric thighs and felt the bare lips of her sex and the crinkly pubic hair and have sex in Car. and then he meets her again next time and takes her to an apartment that was maintained for just such incidents. Anna proposes to introduce him...

1 year ago
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The Adventures of Grace and Anna Erotic Classic Ch1 part 5

In part 1 to 4 of Chapter 1 you have read that the author meets a girl named Anna and he Invites her in his car for a ride. In-car he kissed her and boldly squeezed and manipulated her breasts and erect nipples. Then he molded and caressed her bare and electric thighs and felt the bare lips of her sex and the crinkly pubic hair and have sex in Car. and then he meets her again next time and takes her to an apartment that was maintained for just such incidents. Now...

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The Adventures of Grace and Anna Erotic Classic Ch1 part 8

In part 1 to 7 of Chapter 1 you have read that the author meets a girl named Anna and he Invites her in his car for a ride. In-car he kissed her and boldly squeezed and manipulated her breasts and erect nipples. Then he molded and caressed her bare and electric thighs and felt the bare lips of her sex and the crinkly pubic hair and have sex in Car. and then he meets her again next time and takes her to an apartment that was maintained for just such incidents. Anna proposes to introduce him to...

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The Adventures of Grace and Anna Erotic Classic Ch1 part 6

In part 1 to 5 of Chapter 1 you have read that the author meets a girl named Anna and he Invites her in his car for a ride. In-car he kissed her and boldly squeezed and manipulated her breasts and erect nipples. Then he molded and caressed her bare and electric thighs and felt the bare lips of her sex and the crinkly pubic hair and have sex in Car. and then he meets her again next time and takes her to an apartment that was maintained for just such incidents. Now...

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The Erotic Adventures Of The Tease

Melissa, a gorgeous woman in her 20s with auburn brown hair, grew up not listening to authority. She never obeyed her parents, her teachers in school, nobody. Melissa loved teasing guys, she had a great body and she knew it, and she loved to manipulate guys with her body. She had nice, large tits and long, sexy legs. Melissa loved to stay nice and tanned, which made her even hotter. She loved to go out to clubs and watch guys stare at her sexy figure; she would let them buy her drinks, and...

2 years ago
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Episode 2 Erotic Nirvana with Mom and Sister More Filthy Morning Adventures

The early glow of dawn serenaded her room. The curtains were parted. She was still asleep on her bed. Dressed only in the boxers I had slept in, I crept up on her bed and proceeded to do what she had so earnestly requested of me the previous night.Ellen looked very cute, sleeping peacefully on her back. I knew mom was behind me watching when I started undoing her pyjama top buttons, one by one. The fabric parted and I basked in the lovely view of my older sister’s bare body as it was revealed...

4 years ago
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Learning from Annie

Annie and I worked at the same place on a part time basis. It was a sports and rec facility where she worked the concession stand and I did whatever was needed. Sometimes I had to preside over the play area for the kids. Other times I was reffing soccer or putting together schedules for flag football leagues. It didn’t pay the bills by any stretch, but it was a fun and easy way to pick up some easy cash from time to time. I was considered the “Old Man” of the place at a whopping 27, but still...

3 years ago
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Discovering Annie

The revelation came forth after a night of vodka. Recently my college roommate and I talked about what it would be like to kiss a girl. She finally convinced me that the best person to experiment with was my best friend. Which just so happened to be her. However -- I never told her that I needed convincing. My name is Annie. I am quiet, short, thin, with blonde hair, green eyes, and my ass is the subject of many off-color conversations. My roommate is Jen, she is gregarious, tall, voluptuous,...

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If you read part 1 of this story, then you would know that we left off with Nancy {sexy whore wife/little anal annie} having her face and hair full of cum and asking me to "fuck her asshole" ! After rehydrating myself, I put a xxx movie, "ANAL MOMS", on the television to get even more in the mood and sit against the headboard of the bed, watching Nancy get some dildos and a clitty buzzer from her bag. When she looks up and see's the movie starting and me on the bed stroking my flacid cock, she...

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Episode 4 of the Adventures of John and Holly

Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 37: Light My Fire A few months passed before we broke our pledge of monogamy. Seriously, In this house, with Stephanie and Sandy just a few feet away, that’s quite an accomplishment. I bet if you put Stephanie in a convent, in a month you would have a whole bunch of bi-curious nuns. Of course it was Stephanie that ended our monogamous relationship. It didn’t matter though; Holly and I had gotten back the confidence in our relationship that had...

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Brandis Slutty Adventures Ch 01

The elevator doors slid close and I looked up into Tony’s piercing blue eyes. Here I was a mature married professional woman, alone in an exciting big city, heading toward a young, handsome stranger’s apartment. Soon the elevator doors would open and I would have to make a decision. Do I do the mature responsible thing, respect my martial vows and stay on the elevator or do I give in to the uncontrollable animalistic lust driving me wild and sleep with him? Who am I kidding, of course, I’ll...

1 year ago
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The Adventures of Grace and Anna Erotic Classic Ch1 part 3

In part 1 & 2 you have read that the author meets a girl named Anna and he Invites her in his car for a ride. In car he kissed her and boldly squeezed and manipulated her breasts and erect nipples. Then he moulded and caressed her bare and electric thighs and felt the bare lips of her sex and the crinkly pubic hair and have sex in Car. Now Further.. CHAPTER-1 PART-3 ‘Oh, no,’ she answered, ‘tomorrow is my night out with my fellow, so I could not see you then. If you wish to make it...

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