Annie free porn video

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NOTE: This one is light on sex, more about relationships.



A police patrol picked up Annie French well after midnight drunk, smoking some sort of ‘weed’ that didn’t appear to be cannabis and took her into custody for her own safety. The holding charge was vagrancy because she couldn’t remember where she lived but the charge would not stick in court because she had almost $400 bucks in her wallet in the back pocket of her jeans.

Annie was released early next morning and told to go home and behave.

‘Where have you been you slut?’ barked her mom, looking at the disheveled 24-year old blonde with baby blue eyes.

‘Oh Deborah and I had a few drinks after a movie and I stayed at her place.’

‘I don’t believe you. I’m calling Deborah’s mom.’

‘Fine, here’s Mrs Walter’s house phone number,’ Annie said, hauling out her library card from her wallet and staring her mom in the eye.

Carol was duped. ‘All right but get into the shower and tidy up. You have that interview with Mrs Crowley early this morning.

‘Oh shit, thanks for reminding me. Black coffee please.’

‘What did you just say?’

‘Black coffee. I said please.’

Carol sighed. ‘Here sip this Gatorade slowly while I dissolve two Berocca for you and then I want you to eat this banana.’

‘You know I don’t eat bananas,’ Annie said with a sense of futility, expecting her mom would win this one.


”Okay mom who shall be obeyed.’

‘Right and I want you to walk to the interview as that will help to disperse your hangover. Phone when it’s finished and I’ll drive over and get you.’

Two and a half hours later Carol collected her daughter and they went to the mall for early lunch.

‘That stupid bitch grilled me for an hour while several applicants were out in five to ten minutes.’

‘As a successful novelist Hannah Crowley is certainly not stupid and judging by her popularity as a professional speaker and all-round celebrity she’s unlikely to act like a bitch.

‘Well whatever.’

‘And what does that mean young lady?’

‘It’s an answer you interpret to your satisfaction. Is your daughter becoming too clever for you mother?’

‘Bite the hand that feeds you darling and you’ll learn who’s the stupid bitch.’

‘Oh are we having one of those forgettable lunches. Anyway dad will dispense cash my way till I get employment if funding from you dries up.’

‘You father will not do that without getting my approval first.’

Annie looked out of the window and smiled. Her father had generously supported her excesses financially during her final eighteen months at university when completing a master in administration. Jack began funding her after Annie had arrived home unexpectedly to find him plowing her mom’s sister in the pool dressing room. Annie had raced to the dressing room thinking their cat was cornered by a pack of rats or whatever only to find her father was the rat and the screamer was Aunt Judith.

God the size of her dad’s dick had made Annie feel faint. She later negotiated a great deal but unfortunately to get it had to agree the financial support stopped when she graduated and at that point the unfortunately incident would be regarded as dead and buried. Annie still had the occasional nightmare dreaming about the size of her dad’s erection. Her mom’s ability to deal with that monster really impressed her.

Carol had given her daughter a lovely little navy blue dress and with Annie opening the bag and holding up the dress and saying her mom was so generous to buy something so beautiful for her difficult to live with daughter, made the startling announcement: ‘Hannah Crowley interviewed you for an hour because she thinks you are the one.’

‘That’s flying a kite, you can’t be sure of that. What if she interviewed someone for two hours?’

‘Did she?’

‘Fuck mom, how would I know that?’

‘Apologize to me young lady.’

‘What for?’ Annie said, trying to stare her mom down.

Carol was a redhead with freckles. Her top lip pulled back, the veins in her neck bulged and she pushed her jaw forward. That frightened Annie.

Her phone went.

‘Answer your phone you young bitch,’ hissed her mom. ‘It will be Mrs Crowley.’

Voice quavering, Annie said it was Annie French speaking.

‘Dear Annie, it’s Hannah. I’ve had a big think about you. I wish to make you two offers. The first is as we discussed. You work for me on weekdays, eight hours a day, administering my business affairs for a salary of $26,000. Alternatively, you come and live with me and work longer hours, administering my business affairs and being my social secretary and accompanying me to many of my social and speaking engagements and managing my contracts with people who do research for me and dealing with my publisher’s minions but I’ll continue to deal with my publisher.’

‘That sounds attractive.’

‘For that I’d pay you a salary of $48,000.’

‘The hours would destroy my social life.’

‘Darling do you really have a social life? You’ve been away to university and many of your old friends will have flown or have gone out of circulation following marriage.’

‘That may have happened to you Hannah but I have reconnected to about twenty of my old friends with about forty still to search out.’

‘So what do you want to be compensated?’

‘A salary of $60,000, you to maintain my wardrobe and grooming to the level you require and at your expenses and a year’s contract in return for me giving up my life for a year to be at your beck and call.’

‘That’s too much.’

‘The find someone else,’ said Annie, and then stopped talking.

Eventually Hannah said, ‘Why didn’t you cut the call?’

‘Because I knew you’d buckle.’

‘Cheeky bitch but that’s one of the things that drew me to you, you have a hard edge and appear to know what you’re about.’

‘Might we get on with it? I’m lunching we my mother and she’s talking about her lovers.’

Annie was relieved to see her mom smile and exhibit no aggression.

Hannah said, ‘Well I’ve never thought of making my heroine’s mother THAT interesting. Thanks for the prompt.’

‘So can you afford me at my terms?’

‘Yes you have a deal. In fact I believe you’ll stimulate me into becoming more productive and exciting as a writer. You see I’ll have access to your mind, you being a generation younger than me.’

‘Yeah, I think I see what you are on about.’

‘Be at my city office at 11:00 tomorrow. My attorney will be there with the draft contract for you to take away to have your attorney peruse it.’

‘Keep it simple and I won’t have to pay for something I can do for myself.’

‘Well in that case let’s meet at Walter’s at 12:30 and we’ll sign over lunch.’

‘Can you be sure of getting a table at this short notice.’

‘Darling, I am Hannah Crowley who also happens to be wife of celebrity attorney Joseph Crowley.’

‘Oh the big name pushers who squeeze little folk like me out of restaurants?’

”Beautifully expressed darling. I made a note of that comment. You are earning your keep already.’

‘Bye Hannah and don’t keep me waiting tomorrow.’

Hannah laughed. ‘Oh darling, you are so refreshing and please don’t allow me to squash your rebellious spirit. Bye.’

Carol said, ‘So you’ll be moving out?’


‘Will Hannah Crowley really pay you $60,000 to be available to her at all hours?’


‘But you have very little work experience behind you.’

‘Part of her reasons for hiring me is to be her role model of a younger woman, the age of her heroines.’

‘What skills of knowledge do you have to be her adviser?’

‘Mom have you had group sex, been gang-ganged, had your drink spiked, spent a night in jail, had anal sex, been h
igh on dope, had cat-fights, had sex with your boyfriends’ dads and sisters?’

‘No of course not. God how revolting.’

‘I have experienced many of those things mother although I’m not identifying which ones. Please understand my generation of women has done things your generation would have never dreamed of doing.’

‘Well all I can say darling is I hope you don’t disgust Mrs Crowley. I looked up the dust jacket of one of her novels I have, ‘Sex Mad Lizzy’ and she’ll be about forty-eight now.’

‘Yes, I think that would be right. She mentioned her husband was her senior by twelve years.’


Now curly blonde and chic after being to the hairdresser and wearing a new stylish top over her ancient Levis and last season’s brown ankle boots, Annie’s breath caught as she sighted the mini mansion amid eight acres of pastureland near the edge of the city limits.

‘This is a very handsome house ma’am,’ said the cabbie.

‘Yes I’m a house guest,’ Annie said, alerting the big guy not to expect a big tip. That warning proved unnecessary because Hannah emerged from the entrance and paid the cabbie who looked pleased.

Annie was introduced to Gretchen the house manager and Hannah led her into the house, leaving Gretchen to handle the two travel bags and six cartons of other possessions.

‘This is an amazing house,’ Annie said in awe, taking in the huge chandelier in the entrance hall.

‘It’s a house,’ Hannah said, all but yawning. ‘My great hope is you are about to liven up things round here.’

‘Um these old jeans…’

‘Wear anything you wish, even run around nude for all I care but watch out for my husband. He’s so gross he almost has sex with anything that moves and I don’t excluded animals.’

Annie swallowed and said she would not be provocative.

‘Just keep away from him and stick to me dear.’

God was the forty-eight-year-old implying she was gay? Annie swallowed hugely, thinking of the humiliation is being groped by an old woman of forty-eight even if she were lean and good looking as Hannah. Beneath the clothes her skin would be like leather… oh yuk.

As they walked up the wide staircase and reached the mid-landing where the stairs split to run in the other direction, Annie was told, ‘This stairway to the left with ‘Hers’ embroidered on the carpet leads to my quarters and the other leads to the guest rooms and to his quarters, his being my husband Joseph. He pays for sex and often has women living her with him for short runs and if they appeal to me they are invited to live and eat with us.’

‘Do you still have sex with your husband?’

Hannah smiled. ‘I was hoping you’d have the courage to ask me that. Yes I occasionally visit him to remind myself he is my husband in every way and his wealth is responsible for my establishment and rise as an author. My career was barely providing me with subsidence living when I met him at a book launch and he told me I was the woman he had been looking for to replace his last wife. I of course was flattered and gave him what he wanted but mistakenly thought the line about being the right woman was simply a line to get beyond my pants.’

‘So you do have sex with males.’

‘Yes dear, I’m not prudent. I’m aware you are very sexually active.’

Hannah saw the startled look and said, ‘Darling you don’t think I’d engage you without knowing everything about you. For example, Gloria Shanks told me you were basically honest, very dependable and her brother had described sex with you was memorable, quite the best he’d had.’

‘Gloria,’ Annie said, ‘but she’s now married and living with her husband, a diplomatic official, in Eire at present.’

‘Yes but my employment agency tracked her down for me. I wish I had loyal friends like Gloria. I really had to screw that last bit of information from her.’

‘Well Glory-girl never was diplomatic.”

They laughed.

Every one was expected to dress for dinner every night. Joseph appeared for drinks with a stunning redhead named Kitty attached to his arm. Hannah introduced Annie as her business manager and social secretary and ignored Kitty. Joseph ran a speculative gaze over Annie and appeared to nod approvingly

‘Welcome to Hampton Meadows Annie,’ he said, this is Kitty my ah…’

‘Social secretary,’ Kitty said, holding out a hand for Annie to shake.

Omigod, Annie thought. She’d read her mother’s copy of ‘Sex Mad Lizzy’ and realized the description of Clancy Manor somewhere in Kentucky was actually this property and the description of Lizzy’s adulterous father matched the facial features of Joseph and Lizzy was probably based on the sexy bitch Hannah’s husband was rutting at the time. But probably Hannah was running low on creative powers for settings and plot and had engaged Annie to be the centerpiece of the next novel and that would be based on a tumultuous sexual relationship between two women.

Annie, feeling rather excited, looked across at Hannah who smiled and her lips parted slightly. Annie’s heart pounded.

After the first drink and leaving Joseph staring at Kitty’s tits while she talked about women’s fashion, Hannah took Annie to the kitchen to meet ‘Cook’, the aged Miss Aitkin and Molly, a college student who assisted Cook with evening meals and served and cleared away.

As Hannah and Annie walked upstairs Annie remembered the bubbling spa she’d seen in Hannah’s bathroom. She took Hannah’s hand and said softly, ‘Shall we have a spa bath together?’

‘Look dear, I think we should keep our relationship more formal don’t you? I have my valuable public reputation to protect.’

‘Oh yes. You’re not gay are you?”

Hannah was horrified. ‘Good heavens no, whatever gave you that idea?’

‘Oh it was just something someone said,’ Annie said vaguely and Hannah demanded the name of the ‘fucking slanderous bitch’.

‘It was a woman in black in a coffee shop.’

‘What coffee shop?’

‘Um a Starbucks from memory. They attract expressive clientele don’t you think?’

‘I wouldn’t know. I only go to places serving real coffee.’

Whew, thought Annie. That was a close one, almost brawling with her boss on day one.

Hannah stopped at the doorway to her suite and called,’ Oh Annie I almost forgot to tell you. Please remember I am recording our conversations and am likely to use extracts in my new novel, without acknowledgements of course. This is a secret just between we two. I need to spice up and modernize language in my writing as will benefit by having you as my associate.’

‘I’m fine with that Hannah.’

* * *

Three months later, when Joseph was away at a law convention with his PA who posed as his wife, a Mustang arrived at the front entrance of Hampton Meadows Manor.

‘Gee this place looks swell,’ said the beefy six foot six guy.

‘Indeed Jerry. Just be relaxed when you enter,’ Annie said kissing him, ‘Please don’t be lewd or say things that make you sound ignorant.’

‘That doesn’t leave me with much scope.’

‘Jerry that’s rubbish. Just be your usual charming and attentive self and be gentle and understanding later because until now Hannah only has sex with guys she knows. I operate the microphone to pick up her conversation with her lovers and it’s part of my duties to edit extracts from the recordings and file the sound clips for her to listen to and consider what she uses for dialogue between selected characters in her draft novel. She will allow you to be as lewd as you wish in conversation and when you two get down to sex I’d like you to be bawdy because that will make her excited and fill her head with ideas.’

‘Why does she want to fill her head with ideas when she should be concentrating on fucking?’

‘A good point Jerry but remember women don’t think on only one channel like men.’

‘Oh yeah?’

Hannah looked nervously at being introduced with Jerry towering
over her but he put her to ease saying as if in admiration, ‘You are a swell looker Hannah…um if that’s an appropriate comment to make to a married woman who is a famous author.’

‘That was a lovely thing to say to me,’ Hannah said, toughing his arm slightly. ‘You can repeat that compliment as much as you like.’

‘You are a swell looker Hannah…’

‘Twice is probably sufficient for now,’ Annie smiled.

‘Oh yeah right.’

Dinner was hilarious with Jerry acting the clown and making out he’d never eaten with a knife and fork. At times Miss Aitkin came to the dinning room door to listen to Jerry’s obviously foolishness.

In the bathroom Hannah looked at Jerry wide-eyed at his exposed his erection and then waggled it against her thigh.

Annie, watching the couple in one of the six monitors, each attached to a video camera, had chosen Jerry for this performance because he was long but not excessively wide and had great stamina and could come multiple times.

Hannah was the first to fully undress and having to remove her own panties with shaking hands said, ‘Hug and kiss me Jerry.’

Having Jerry’s dick pressed against her and his tongue deep into her mouth calmed Hannah and they were away, she squealing as Jerry lifted her and lowered her over the side.

‘Sit on my dick Hannah facing away from me and bouncing while I tell you what I’d like to do to you after this introductory fuck. I’m a bull so don’t expect to get me off quickly and when I do fire there will be plenty of repeats available.’

‘Oh Jerry, you make me melt talking to me in the manner you do.’

Later Hannah leaned over the edge of the bath and Jerry plowed her into a shrieking jelly.

‘Christ you fuck good Hannah but it will it be great being in a tight cunt again.’

‘Jerry you insulting asshole,’ Hannah shrieked. ‘Stop fucking me and get out of my home you crude man.’

Jerry pulled out and spun Hannah around and filled her mouth with dick to shut her up.

Hannah was unable to resist and went to work on him.

Hannah refused to have anal, paid Jerry and called Annie to show him out.

When Annie returned she found Hannah looking at the unedited take.

She was shaking.

‘God that Jerry extracted more sex from me that any guy I’ve had,’ she said weakly.

‘Come on,’ Annie said to the near-exhausted Hannah. ‘I’m putting you to bed. You can look at the video tomorrow after I’ve edited out the crap and converted it into a movie you can run on your laptop. I agree it was the best fucking session I’ve seen you engaged in and we’ll have some magnificent voice clips.’

‘Yes tomorrow ill be fine, Hannah yawned. ‘I’ll probably sleep through to lunchtime. You didn’t pick up that awful thing he said about the size of me did you?’

‘No Hannah. What did he say?’

‘Thanks for lying to me darling.’

* * *

Annie’s quarters were the second bedroom suite, quite hotelish in design with entry into a lounge that extended to a breakfast area containing a bar and kitchenette. Entry to the bedroom was via a dressing room and then into a bathroom with a door leading off to the left to a big bedroom that received great views of sunsets across the fields.

Hannah’ dressing room and bathroom were larger and went parallel to Annie’s lounge that only had windows at one end and Hannah’s huge bedroom received the sunrise over woods. She usually wrote only to lunch time, sometimes starting as early as 3 a.m. She often slept after lunch.

Annie poured a wine and went on to the Internet. Hannah had decided her heroine’s father would be a professor who headed a department of physics at a university so required Annie to do the research and build a profile for such a man and to find if he would have access to women for promiscuous behavior in his work environment. She’d already produced a lengthy profile suitable for the hero who was a contracts manager for a construction company and another profile on the heroine who possessed a master’s degree in invertebrate zoology who worked fulltime as a trainer for bored matrons wishing to be pre-prepared for yoga classes prior to enrolling.

She stopped just before midnight and went to bed for a session with her vibrator and recalled some of the scenes she’d seen from earlier that evening when Hannah engaged in sex with Jerry.

Annie was up early and as arranged took Hannah’s Buick into the village for servicing at 9:00. The mechanic said he’d take her home and return the vehicle at 11:00 but she said she would window] shop and have coffee and return at 11:00.

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It was Friday night; I had been looking forward to this all week. John and I had agreed to put work, friends, everything on hold to enjoy each other’s company on a date night. The restaurant I had chosen I had been to once before on a work function. It was very upmarket. High ceilings, luxurious décor and candlelight added to the atmosphere of opulent decadence.I had gone minimal with jewellery and make up, letting nothing distract from how the short backless black dress I'd bought earlier...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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The Innocence GameCh 03 The Result

Part Three of Three in The Innocence Game series. Please read Chapters One and Two if you haven’t already done so, as they explain key events leading up to this point. And please enjoy! ——————————————— ‘How many more of these are there?’ Emily asked ‘Just this last one’ Brent said ‘Good luck!’ Christi and Hailey wished her good luck as well as they escorted her out of the car. Then she looked up at the junior high. I had a feeling she was trying to guess which one of the memories from this...

3 years ago
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Glab Rmid AmabChapter 8

The rest of Carlotta’s shift passed in a blur. She spent most of it hopping around the kitchen as Jason barked commands at her, so aroused by his masculine presence that she literally found her juices literally onto the floor. When Jason noticed, he made her lick it up. That only served to create a fresh wave of juices, which further caused issue when he unloaded inside her once more. “Wait here,” he said thoughtfully, and came back a few minutes later with a pair of warm panties. Carlotta...

2 years ago
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Fucked My Teacher Hard

Hi i am sai from rajahmundry. I will not take much time for introduction. This happend nearly 12years back. i am in 10th class and i failed in maths, i wasfree for one year, my parents engaged a tutuion for maths. Myteachers name is savitri. very good in looks almost homely, i came to know later that she is my sisters class mate. i have no idea about her in filthy manner. Ok one fine day my sister had got cow milk which is called as Junnu( at the time of delivering the calf that milk comes)...

4 years ago
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Fucking my friends daughterthe beginning of th

Several years ago I was visiting an adult book and video store, and after a good hard cum while watching videos, I left the store and planned on going home. As I walked out a guy about my age was also leaving. When I first looked at him I thought he looked familiar, and then I realized his daughter and mine had gone to school together, and she had even been at our house several times, sometimes overnight."Hey, ya doing?"I asked. I could tell he had no idea who I was, which was...

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Im The Star Of The Show I Guess

I'm The Star Of The Show, I Guess... By Boredsitting Chapter 1: Am I really a light drinker? The roar of applause is very jarring, but at least it wakes me from my daze. Geez, I can't believe that I'm actually doing this. 'Go to a hypnotist show... you'll have fun... you get to laugh at the stupid people clucking like chickens,' whatever. Honestly, I think it's all just a show. The people acting hypnotized are obviously in on the joke or are the plants. I'm must be the guy...

2 years ago
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Blonde on Blonde a Tale of Two Women

Diane parked her car in front of Elaine’s apartment house and got out. An attractive woman in her late thirties, she walked towards the front door of the building. A younger man was coming down the sidewalk in the opposite direction. As he approached her a big smile spread across his face and he nodded to her. “Hello, how’re you doing?” His voice was warm and friendly. “Fine, thanks,” she returned, smiling demurely. Out of the corner of her eye she could see him looking at her as she passed....

3 years ago
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SurprisesChapter 3 Dinner At The Country Club

I woke up about an hour later, and as I shifted to get up, Mom’s eyes came open as well. She moved her hand from where it was caressing Daddy’s limp prick, then climbed off the bed. Daddy didn’t move at all; if anything, he was sleeping sounder than ever and started snoring. We stood up, leaving him in the center of the bed, and Mom motioned me to follow her out of the room. Out in the hallway, Mom closed the bedroom door so we wouldn’t wake Daddy. “I think tonight we should have your father...

3 years ago
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Wife Your My Bitch NOW OWNED

It's amazing how hard it is to think logically when you're horny. I had the house to myself for the entire morning, a rarity anymore, and I was finally able to spend plenty of time in front of the computer searching my favorite porn sites. On a day like this, when I know my wife will be gone for hours and there is no chance of being disturbed, I like to take my time with things. I grab my lube, strip down and watch video after video, browse through stories, look at pictures, and try to make my...

4 years ago
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Beginning Of My Sex Life With My Brother

Hey everyone this is Deepika. I was one of those traditional Indian girls who are even shy to look at boys a year back. But it is quite strange how things have changed in a matter of a year. I suddenly took interest in porn and was learning each and every thing I could about sex, thanks to internet. It’s all because of my friends, I joined college recently and had to make friends and fortunately I got a really amazing group of girls so funny and never hesitant to talk about sex and stuff. After...

2 years ago
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House of Black Horse

House of Black Horse Last night I dreamed of a black horse. Upon waking, I looked in the dictionaryof dreams I keep in my bedside table to see if there is any significance tothis particular night time vision. It seems a dream of a black horse is a dreamof passion. Considering all that has happened in the past weeks, I am not surprised. Thinking back, I remember just where it all began. The beginning of my newlife filled with dark passion. It seemed like any ordinary day to me. Masterwas working...

4 years ago
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Wifes pussy came in handy

Saturday I had finished my weekend chorus and was headed to the shower to wash off the grass clippings and sweat. My wife came in the bathroom just as I turned on the water and asked me what I was going to do today. I turned around to answer her and saw she was wearing her shortest denim mini skirt and a pale yellow tank top, her nipples easily seen due to she was braless. I told her I was going to look at a 1931 model A Ford body I found for sale. She asked if she could come with me? I told...

2 years ago
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It was a difficult thing for Buffy, watching her friends suffer. Her entire life had been about protecting people and preventing as much harm as possible. She'd always done her job very well, but all of her years as a slayer didn't help in any way when it came to mending a broken heart.When Willow broke up with Kennedy the first time, Buffy and Xander swarmed to her side and stayed with her for two days, helping her get over the post-breakup blues. They ate ice cream and pizza and reminisced...

2 years ago
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Kangalaal Pesum Kaama Pen

Vanakam enathu peyar Rajesh vayathu 26 naan pudhuvaiyai sernthavan. Parpatharku azhagaga sexyga irupen niraiya pengalum auntygalum ennai ooka muyarchi seivaargal. Nan innum oru penudanum sex vaithathu illai athanal eppozhuthum yaraiyavathu vaaipu kidaithal oklaama endru ninaithu irupen Appadi oru naal enathu nanban veli naatil irunthu pdone seithaan ennai oru agencyku senru train ticket book seiumaaru kettan. Naanum sari naan sendru book seigiren endru sonnen, naanum enathu innoru nanbanum angu...

2 years ago
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The Creators Book Two Chapter 31

Prelude: Wrath DIAMOND The sun was dark in the astral plane. It stayed low in the sky, some part of it always dipping below the horizon, as through perpetually setting. It burned around the rim like a great circle surrounding a void, and that bit of radiance that escaped the edges, illuminated the astral plane in twilight. “It’s being eclipsed by the true sun,” a familiar voice said beside me, “but the true sun doesn’t shine in the world.” “Hi, Arby!” I grinned at the little man. His...

3 years ago
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Daddy and Daughters perspectives Part 2

Author’s introduction. This is an unusual account of a taboo topic; incest between a father and daughter. What makes it unusual is that both parties have written this from their individual perspective. Kelly is 16, Bill her father is 45. This is their story of how their relationship changed from that of a parent daughter to one of lovers. ********************************************************************************************** Bill November 28, later that evening. My pulse began to race...

2 years ago
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Wife desires fulfilled

This is first time I am writing here. I have some stories here and feel my story will be appreciated. I’m now 52 years old and my wife is 45. This happened approximately about 4 years ago. My wife and I used to have a healthy sex life but 4 years ago and I started to reduce coupling when I checked with doctor I found to be diabetic and I was told that sexual activity will reduce but not the desire. It was at that time that I noticed my wife being angrier and always frustrated instead of our...

3 years ago
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Hallie the Slut I Had a Dream

Hallie the Slut - I Had a DreamSince she'd had a couple drinks that evening, both Hallie and Mark suggested that Jessica spend the night with them. She could drive back home the next day. Jessica admitted that was a good idea. On the way home, Mark told the two girls that he had errands to run the next day in a city a couple hundred miles away. He told them he would be getting up and leaving early and wouldn't be home until very late in the evening. So when they got home Mark excused...

1 year ago
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Bra and Panties Match

Es war der letzte Abend eines 7tägigen Yoga Workshops an der Ostsee in einem kleinen Ferienhäuschen. Die 5 Protagonisten saßen nach der letzten Einheit noch auf ein paar Gläschen Rotwein beisammen. Die Yoga-Lehrerin Merle war Anfang zwanzig, ist 1,71m groß bei ungefähr 62 kg, hatte langes glattes dunkelblondes Haar und eine sehr sportliche Figur was ihr auch sehr bewusst war. Sie trug an diesem Abend eine schwarze Leggings und ein enges schwarzes Longsleeve. Sie war sehr beweglich und gut...

2 years ago
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ShilohChapter 11 Surprises

At his mother’s shocking revelation Kyle’s mind screams, Jonas was my father! Though his mind is going like crazy Kyle and his sisters are speechless. Kathleen and Beverly listen without judgment. Finally, Kyle asks, “Mom, what happened?” Charlotte replies, “Remember, I asked that no one press me on the details. If I ever tell this story it’ll be in front of Robert, not behind his back like a common gossip. If you love me, please honor my request.” Felicia pulls her Mom close and comforts...

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Clever And Insightful Quotes About SEX

"So I'm licking jelly off my boyfriend and all of a sudden, I'm thinking, 'Oh my God, I'm turning into my mother.'" --Sarah Silverman"There are a number of mechanical devices which increase sexual arousal, particularly in women. Chief among these is the Mercedes SL500".--Lynn Lavner"I think we can all agree that sleeping around is a great way to meet people". --Chelsea Handler"You could put a blond wig on a hot-water heater and some dude would try to fuck it".--Tina Fey"If God's got anything...

1 year ago
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Executive Asst Caught in a Moment of Self Pleaure

Yvonne was every man’s dream administrative assistant. Ifirst met her the day I interviewed in a large nationwide company. Standing all of five foot four, she filled out professional work attire like no other office worker in the company. Yvonne was pretty and she knew it. Although there were other well- dressed administrative assistants, Yvonne had a special talent for making sure she took care of those who took care of her. Every morning, when I would step into the office, Yvonne would be...

Office Sex
3 years ago
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Double Honey

Hi I am Sam with another experience with a high profile lady, who used me as a sex slave. Normally I used to chat more in internet in the name of Using that id I register in a dating web site. I got lots of request in that site but most are fake. I paid to that website for one month subscription and started to search for some ladies to have fun. Nearly after 10 days (Saturday after noon) I got a message from a profile stating… “U Really enjoy licking?” I thought it’s a fake one and never...

3 years ago
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A Farmer I Am NotChapter 3

Lastadday, the 14th of Planting continued. Andrew was tired already, but the day was young and he knew he had many more ahead, so he dug in and got busy. Andrew looked at his hands and saw they had been cut up again by the edges and thorns of the brush. He needed to keep those gloves in his bag, yet he continued to forget them almost daily. He would have stumps by the end of the day he thought. As he started to ponder whether he should run back to the tool shed to pick up the missing gloves...

3 years ago
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My sister Marta had stopped by to have coffee with me and shoot the shit. Then, from out of nowhere she told me about what had happened the night before following a party she had been to. "You're joking, right?" "No Ellie, I'm not joking." "But I thought that you loved Mark." "I do Ellie, I do. This doesn't have anything to do with love. Besides, he doesn't know and it isn't as if I'm going to do it all the time. It has only happened three times in the last six months." "But...

1 year ago
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The New Nudist

Tan lines, that’s how this whole adventure started. Soon after I had been seeing Jodie in a more carnal nature, I had got up and was heading to the bathroom, I stopped mid room and turned to see why she had stopped mid sentence, she was looking me up and down, then read the confused look on my face. ‘I’ve been meaning to ask you, were are your tan lines?’ I laughed, more from relief that nothing was wrong and continued my journey to the bathroom, Jodie followed me in, a look of total...

2 years ago
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Alex and PeterChapter 10 Alex

School's out for a week at Thanksgiving and Peter decided that this year we'd spend part of it helping at the Fishery. Three days spent doing the maintenance stuff that usually gets done like once a year. It sucks. But Peter said we're doin' it, so we're here. It's kinda funny 'cause over the last month, nothing has changed and yet everything has changed. We still go to school, an' hang out with the same people. We date the same girls. We still take 'em ta the river, too - although...

2 years ago
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Straight Man Taught a Hard Lesson GayMaker

I was working from home when the doorbell rang. It was Ken, a friend of my oldest son, a guy he'd played basketball with in high school. He was wearing a suit and tie. I wasn't sure what he was doing here. My son had his own place now."Hey Ken," I said. "You looking for Brian?"Ken shook his head. "Came to talk to you, actually.""OK," I said, and opened the door. He walked right past me like he owned the place, went into the living room, took off his suit coat, tossed it over the couch and sat...

3 years ago
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Unexpected visit

It was a warm summer day and I was sitting at home bored, so I put in a porn video to watch. After about ten minutes, I hear a knock at my screen door. Suddenly realising that I had left my door open, I scrambled for the remote to turn it off. I stood to answer the door and saw that it was my next door neighbors daughter Ashley. I had known her for years and she often did odd chores around my yard for a little extra cash. I invited her inside and offered her a soda to drink. "No thanks, I'm...

3 years ago
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Shadi Mein Asha Ki Chudai 8211 Part 4

Asha aur Mohsin sab ab Mohsin ke cousins ke room mein party ke liye bilkul ready ho gaye. Asha, “Dress bhi aa gayi.” Dress wahin attached room mein rakh di. Asha, “itni saari beer kiske liye.” Mohsin, “Maine socha kya pata bhai logon ka mood bhi ban jaye.” Asha, “theek kiya, chalo hum dono ki to khol do.” Fir dinner karte karte Asha aur Mohsin beer peene lage. Thodi der mein khaana khaate hue Asha ne 1 beer khatam kar di. Par Asha abhi normal thi. Mohsin ek aur le aaya. Asha ne thodi aur li,...

1 year ago
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Divorcing My Wife

She was at it again, complaining, bitching and berating me. For years I had to listen to my wife Carrie call me every kind of worthless because I don’t earn the kind of money she demanded to live a life style she dreamed of. She quit having sex with me, barely allowing herself to sleep in the same bed and that was only because we didn’t have a separate bedroom. I hadn’t been laid in years because “You haven’t earned it you lazy bastard! Get a real fucking job and I’ll give you a good fucking...

4 years ago
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A Stones Glow AwayChapter 11

The following day had little of note except that the food was noticeably better now that the old cook had been removed. The one time Jessa came out and tried to flirt with Andrew almost led to a fight with Brena. Andrew had decided after their fun in the shower that he wouldn’t have any more time with Jessa. He could ill-afford to have Brena angry with him in the coming months. This was going to be a trip that could very easily get them all killed if she were not focused on survival at all...

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College Celebrations Ericas Bukake

“It was a male blitzkrieg. Its Erica’s bukake moment. The spasmed sperm splash of every wanking and jerking Tom, Dick and Harry from the choir…plus a Mark and a Will… and her personal black skinned arse delighter…”Bernard really ought to give up smoking was Erica’s thought as she diverged from Chas and Beth in the vestibule. She had time to find the St Xavier’s Senior Male Choir before her own practice.....Her morning had been really pleasant, spent with Meredith. A senior dorm girl who had...

2 years ago
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Special Needs One

‘It’s only for an afternoon and overnight,’ Rodger said. ‘That’s one afternoon and night too much,’ I said into my phone. ‘Jean, you know I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t absolutely necessary. Jason and I are stuck here in Philadelphia and won’t be back to Connecticut until about noon tomorrow.’ ‘Can’t Jason’s mother take BOTH boys for a night?’ ‘Jean, she’s old and tired and needs this less than you do. One teenager is all she can handle.’ ‘Why did Mica’s mother have to pick this week to get sick...

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