BohicaChapter 18 free porn video

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The next morning I got up early, and had breakfast done by the time Gloria came out. I cooked us omelets by the time she was dressed, and I went in and got dressed as she did the dishes. As I applied a little makeup I realized we were good roommates. We seemed to split the chores easily, with one cooking and the other cleaning. Or one cleaning up as the other did something else. Never arranged, just one happening to do it or the other.

Once we were ready I took her hand when we hit the stairs, and had her close her eyes. Gloria giggled as I led her downstairs, then walked her across the garage and stopped her. Taking her hand I placed them on the hood and told her open them.

She screamed then pulled me into a huge hug. “Chris, when did you get this?”

I told her how I had bought it last night. “After all, we do need another car. Otherwise people are going to realize you come to the shop all the time, and never seem to leave. Then you are seen with Bo, come here, then appear at the shop. Now, you can drive this back and forth, and anywhere else you need to go. The car is in your name, this is your car. And as you can see there is more than enough room in it here for both of our cars.”

I handed her the keys, and 10 minutes later she was heading out, to show her uncle and friends. I laughed, and headed to the shop. I had opened the shop, and shortly after my phone rang. I looked at it and saw it was Di, and answered it. “Hi babe, Chris here. What’s up?”

“Hi Chris, can you come down here in about 2 hours? As Bo?”

“Sure, I’ll get Gloria to run the store and be there in a bit. What’s up?”

It turns out it was several things, and she and Doug would fill me in when I got there. So I made a phone call and asked Gloria to take over at noon. 15 minutes before noon we exchanged a soft kiss and I was heading down the tunnel to change to Bo.

When I got to Control I knocked on Di’s door, and she got on the phone and told Doug I was there. I had just finished exchanging greetings with Doug when Dr. Tran entered. “OK, first of all we will have a court date within the next 2 weeks for formal approval of your fostering of Alicia. But we have a problem, what is Bohica’s last name?”

I did not even have to think. “Night, Bohica Night. I even had my Paladin card and drivers license changed to reflect that the other day.”

And secondly, the week after he had arranged the presentation with the higher echelon of Control leadership. I would have to fly to Washington for that. And between now and then they had to have myself and Alicia come in for further testing and confirmation.

“We want to test both of you with some new protocols we have developed.” They were indeed going to test us, and they warned me it would be rough. And we had the sweep of Chinatown that night. I said I would be ready, and on the street this time. This was the last major sweep. The total number of girls rescued now was well over 200. And the top floor of the new dorm was now set aside for boys, and another 125 runaways were staying there.

So 2 days later I found myself picking up Alicia from school, and in her cute little plaid schoolgirl outfit we drove to Control. Once there, we met Dire Wolf and she brought us to a locker room. We were each handed a pair of over sized jumpsuits in light green.

We both looked at them, and I crinkled my nose. “Di, these are horrid. Why do you want us to wear these?”

“Chris sweetie, don’t you know these are the latest in fashion?” And she said this so deadpanned that I snorted and Alicia giggled. “Think about it girlfriend. Part of what we are trying to do is force a reaction, not just to find any new abilities you may have. And as Chameleons, both of you have the ability to change into rather large forms. This actually is new protocol, as you suggested we do. These are both so large that it will not hamper any changes, unless you grow as large as Clint. It is stretchy also, for that reason. If we force a change, do you really want to sit there as Bohica, or Alicia here as Gabor in a ruined bra, panties, and a dress burst out all over?”

“Wow, good idea! And yea, you have never quite had that experience as I have, but it is not fun to be wearing a pair of size 5 panties, only to have your cock and balls crammed into a body that would probably be better in a size 10 at the least. And every time I change like that I have to throw away all of my clothing afterwards.”

“I know kind of how you feel. I grow about 6 inches or so, so my panties get tight as do my bras. As you have seen, If I have to change and have a chance I just remove the panties and open my blouse and bra. Thankfully my change is more up than out. But I can do it, it is generally just very uncomfortable, so long as I am in a skirt or dress. However, Doug likes the fact that every bra I own is front closing for that reason.”

I chuckled, and Alicia was watching both of us closely. “Sweetie, this is why you see me almost exclusively in dresses or skirts. I have had to change into Bo a few times in say jeans, and it is not a fun experience. During the few seconds it takes me to change, the first second or two I still feel pain as Chris. And by that time I feel real pain until either the seams split, or I become Bo enough to no longer feel pain as my body is constricted.”

“Are they going to make Gabor come out?” she asked softly.

“Yes Alicia, they are” Di answered her, kneeling in front of her. “But don’t you worry, I am going to be right there with you the entire time if you want. Would you like that?”

She nodded enthusiastically, and asked about me and Fang. “Sorry, no Chris, and no Fang. For one, Chris is going through her own testing. And for two, we are going to do things to you which is why Fang will not be there. I am not going to lie to you, we are going to be hurting you a little bit. Nothing bad, it will be more like the pain of somebody pinching you or kicking your leg. And there will be things like ice and really hot things. We are going to be trying to find out if you have any more powers hiding. And Chris here may try to interfere from instinct to protect you. It is the same with Fang. If we are doing things that make you cry out, how do you think he would react?”

“He would get upset or mad, and want to stop them.”

“Exactly! He is as smart as we are, but does not think and understand as we are. He would see you in pain, and his entire being would be demanding that he protect the puppy.”

So once in the jumpsuits that made us look like limes after a famine we headed off for our testing sessions. And yes, this was as I suspected. I was exposed to heat and cold, a mild acid and then a mild alkali were applied to my arm. High sounds, bright lights, strobe lights, complete darkness.

That one was a bit of a shock. I had to walk through a door into a dark vestibule then through another door into a room in complete darkness. There was a very dim red light 20 feet away, kind of like a tiny LED. I had been told to walk to that light. So I did so. On the other side another door and I was told to wait. 5 minutes later I was told to cross back. I did so again, then was told to wait. Then they told me to once again enter the room and cross to the other side.

What the hell? So I crossed the room yet again. This time the wait was longer, and I was told to cross yet again. But suddenly I stopped, and took several steps to the side before resuming the walk to the original door again. This time the three people who had been administering the test were looking at me in shock.

“Bo, you have some form of either echo-location, spatial prediction, or something. Come look at this!”

I was then shown a video of me walking through the room, taken with an infrared camera. And there were basically boxes and furniture scattered all over the floor! And the first two times I simply avoided each and every one. The third time they placed a chair and table in my way, and I simply slipped around them then resumed course. The fourth time they set up the table on it’s side right in the middle of the room, with chairs and stacks of boxes completely blocking the path. I sensed this and it is why I stopped, and I moved until I just stepped through a 3 foot opening and headed right for the door. Once again simply stepping over blocks and boxes on the floor as if they were not there.

“We will want you in for more studies on this.”

I closed my eyes, and asked them to set it up one more time. “I want to try this again, being aware. Just two crossings, make the first as you normally would, then in the last try to make where I have to make several changes.”

They did so, I walked across quickly the first time. But I noticed that at time I would have the very slightest of hesitations, then either lengthen my stride, or shorten it. And on the last pass I found myself moving from side to side as I crossed.

They showed me the video again. This time they had moved in chairs and tables, and sure enough I walked a serpentine course through them to the other side.

“OK, I never saw anything in there. So it is not any kind of SONAR. I was never conscious of anything in my way, something just made me lengthen or shorten my stride as I walked across normally. The same with the obstacles. That last time I was really aware of them because I changed course so often. But in the others even though I moved to the side it was so slight I barely noticed. And when you made that wall, I just stopped. If I have to guess, look into the highly sensitive skin like you find on sharks and rays. I forget what it is called, electrosomething or another.”

At that point a slender redheaded guy said “Electroreception. I actually suggested it might exist, we know most mutations are found in mammals, and that ability is also found in some Monotremes. Specifically the platypus and in echidnas. I am actually in the biology section, and 3 years ago I wrote a paper on studying the extreme abilities of mammals. I made a case that with few exceptions like flight and mental powers, almost every straight physical power was also found in mammals and not reptiles, fish, or the like. Oh there are a few that have things like gills, but they are very-very rare.”

I nodded. “Makes sense. I never saw anything, I only sensed when the items were really close, and only noticed this when I had no choice. Hmmm, call this ‘Cat Whisker Sensing’. And like in a cat, it warns me if I am about to hit something but is not of much use other than that. But it does explain why I almost always move silently, and I almost never step on something that might give me away.”

“Almost never?”

I explained how sometimes when jumping from a building I will land on something, like a can and alert those who are near. There was simply no way to avoid it, and it was to far away to detect when I was falling. Or at times if I was having to move very fast, like in a sprint. At then my need for speed eliminated my need for stealth.

All told, at the end of the testing they had discovered or confirmed over a dozen powers I had. Most of them minor, like my ability to find north. For that one they blindfolded me, and put me on my back on a playground spinning wheel then spun me for times ranging from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. And in the longer ones they would change the speed while it spun. When it stopped I had to stand up and move to the North side of the room. I had to do this 10 times, and I moved north all 10 times.

I had absolutely no idea I had this ability! Finally it was the last tests. Being thrown in the pool, being held down for 5 minutes in the pool. Being thrown in hot water, then being thrown in cold water. Then being put in a freezer, then being subjected to almost 200 degrees in an oven disguised as an office.

Finally I was sitting in the cafeteria chatting with the cute redhead (Doctor Eric Singer) and were sharing a coffee and doughnut as I was explaining some suggestions to the tests. He was also the one that came up with the north test, and was surprised I had that ability also. “You know Bo, this is going to really shake up the community. We are confirming abilities we did not even know existed before. I took a look right before I saw you in here, there is not a single mention of this in anybody. I bet it is just so basic it was always overlooked.”

At that time I saw Alicia already in her street clothes walking quickly over to me, with Dianna and Fang in his harness right next to her. She finally reached me and gave me a hug, then said “You stink Bo”.

I laughed, and said she probably had also but she had obviously showered and changed already. I gave her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek and told them to talk to Eric as I showered and changed.

Feeling clean with slightly damp hair I saw a sticky note on the door asking me to go to Di’s office. Alicia had obviously written it, as every O was written as a heart. When I got there, she and Eric were both discussing the new powers they had uncovered. Alicia had over a dozen, including Compass, Cat Whisker, and limited invulnerability. Her skin could be punctured, but the level was much higher.

“The average human skin needs over 1 Newton of pressure to puncture, and even before mutations there were some individuals that needed as much as 20 Newtons to pierce the skin. Chris, as Bo you cannot be measured because we have never found a way to pierce your skin that so that even if it did was not fatal. The only way we ever got blood from you was by sneaking into your body and taking it from the inside.”

Yikes, even the memory made me cringe. Under the eyelid, along a tooth, and once by sticking a tube down my throat. All were able to get some blood, and I outright refused when they had suggested going in through the back door and seeing if they could extract some from my bowels.

“Alicia here, she needs around 400 to 500 newtons to penetrate when she is Gabor! Now we can get a needle into his skin, but it must move very slowly. We did draw blood, but the nurse had to move slowly, like through jello. Moving fast, the needle just skidded along the skin. And we did a few tests, knives do the same thing. But if placed against Gabor’s skin and pressed slowly it did start to penetrate. He can still be shot, and a bullet will probably penetrate if it is really close. But I bet lower velocity things like air rifle pellets and bricks would bounce off.”

“That’s great sweetie. You are almost like a mini-me!” She looked at me funny, and I knew during our next weekend sleepover I had to introduce her to Austin Powers. “And we also confirmed that she has abilities as Gabor that she does not have as Alicia.”

“Well of course, I do not have the skin, strength or bones now that I do as Bo.”

“No Chris, I mean abilities. Did you know that Alicia can’t swim? Not a stroke. But Gabor can swim like he was born in the water. There is something else in play here that needs to be studied more. I would like to see you again sometime and see if we can figure out what this is.”

I looked at him and said “Sure Doctor, that would be a great idea.”

“Please, call me Eric. Give me a call when a good time to get together, and maybe between the two of us we can figure something out.” He pulled out his card and wrote his cell number on the back. And I made sure to “accidentally” rest my hand on his when he handed it to me.

Once he left Alicia giggled, and Doug grinned at me. “What, what is it?”

Doug was whispering something into Di’s ear, and then she too giggled. “Chris, are you even aware that you were flirting with him?”


“You were!” Alicia said. You called him Eric earlier, then you called him Doctor a minute ago. And when he asked you to call him Eric you actually looked down for a second and blushed. And you said it was a good idea if you and he get together again. And you caressed his hand when he gave you his card.”

“It is not what it looks like, honest!”

“No sweetie, it is. Remember, I have very limited empathy, it has been confirmed now. You do not have the hots for him, but you are very interested. And he feels the same. Oh, and Doctor Singer is single. Ugly divorce about 2 years ago. And I sensed an interest in you just a little bit stronger from him.”

We drove to Chris’ home, and took the tram. Once upstairs I had to endure more teasing as Alicia of course had to tell Gloria that I had a crush on somebody. And of course Alicia had to tell her how nice his butt was, how he was tall but not too tall, and had the neatest red hair. I just grumbled and changed into a pair of sweats. As soon as I came out, Gloria shook her head no.

“Sugar, you get right back in there this minute! You go take a shower, then when you get out put on the underwear I set in there and sit in the chair. I’m doing your makeup and hair. Then you are going to put on the clothes I will set on the bed. You are going out tonight.”

I refused, and she said I had promised, and she was going to make me keep that promise. “Honey, it’s almost 3. That is time for you to shower, have me make you up properly, and have a light meal in time to leave here by 5. And if I have to I will drive you there myself. I want no excuses for you not being there at 5:30.”

“Where? Where do you think I’m going Gloria?”

“Really? You forgot? It’s Friday. And you are going to the Beth Israel Synagogue tonight, or you and I are going to be having some serious words. I will even throw away that bet we made, but please do this. For me, and more importantly for yourself.”

I lowered my head, then nodded. I then went up and gave her a big kiss. “OK, I’ll go. But do not expect much. The last time I was there was to take something, and I have never stepped foot back in 5 years.”

But I knew better than to argue. When I got out of the shower, under the towel was a pair of good, conservative panties and bra. And white thigh high hose. Then Gloria came in, and when she was done, she had done up my hair and makeup to make me look older. Not as severe as I did in the mall, but now I think I actually looked close to my age. And the light brown dress that fell half way between knee and ankle and black 1 inch heel shoes it looked appropriate. And after a light meal of chopped chicken on a salad and with some trepidation I took the tram back to my apartment, and was driving back across town.

People were already congregating in front, and I saw several faces that were familiar. Then I heard “Christina?” I turned and saw Maggie, a friend of mine I had known most of my life. “Christina! You’re back!” she said loudly, and came up to give me a big hug. Of course this caused others to turn and look, and she was crying! And I saw the boy hiding behind her. I knelt down, and asked who he is. “Oh, this is Chris. Chris, this is a dear friend, Christina. His father is in the Army and on deployment, but he comes home soon. We have to have you over, you and I have so much to catch up on!” I hugged her again, and gave her one of my cards.

Well, Gloria was completely right, and I was completely wrong. Even Rabbi Mordecai hugged me and gave me a kiss on both cheeks and on my lips welcoming me back. Not a single person was angry I was there, and I started to remember more and more names and faces. In fact, they all seemed joyous I had returned.

Yea, my makeup was a mess and I had to excuse myself and wash it all off before I could go home. But I promised to be back regularly again.

That night after a lot more tears a tired Alicia gave us both hugs and kisses and headed to bed. At 11 I went to take a quick shower as she picked up the living room. I came back out in one of Bo’s shirts, and said it was her turn. And then I got ready for bed.

When Gloria came out with a towel around her chest, I was already laying in bed. Nude, with her backpack sitting next to me as I had my back against the headboard. “Chris, what?”

“Glory, we had a bet. And you were absolutely, completely, 110% correct. I now know I needed that, and I also never ever welch out on a bet. So get over here and collect your first payment.”

She looked right into my eyes, then blushed and gave a small smile. Soon we were in a familiar position but different, she was laying cuddled in my lap, her back against my chest. And I had already laid out the blue gel vibrator, and wrapped my arms around her and held her as she spent several minutes toying with herself before starting to get serious. And it did look very sexy as she slowly pushed it in and out of herself. And hearing her moans as she fucked herself with her toy, hearing the soft noises her pussy made as she slid it in and out. And for the first time really smelling her excitement as Chris. And feeling her shivers and gasps as she drove herself higher.

And during this I never called her Gloria, I called her Glory. And she seemed to delight in this special name that only I would use at times like this. And realizing this, I whispered it to her over and over. How sexy I thought Glory’s nipples looked, all fat and hard poking out like that. And how sexy Glory looked pinching them as she shoved the dildo in and out of herself. And how wet Glory’s pussy was, as I could smell and hear it as she fucked herself.

And my whispering encouragement to her, saying how pretty she was, and how she was making me feel so good by helping her in that way. And finally for the first time as Chris I held her and kissed her neck as she came in my arms. And I realized it was different than when I held her like this as Bo. And then later on as she cuddled up behind me as Gloria drifted off to sleep after she reminded me that she still had 4 more payments owed. And I did not even care that it was really 3, I was positive she came twice. But I did not care, I had a feeling that this was going to be yet another game we played, betting one of us to hold the other as we gave ourselves orgasms.

And as I started to drift off, I found myself pondering what else I had found in her bag. Until tonight I had never really looked into her “Bag of Tricks”. In the main compartment were 8 toys, pretty much all as described. And the bottle of lube. And in a small front pocket I did find sanitizer, sanitized wipes, and several clean cloths.

But in a larger front pocket was something I did not expect. It was black, and made up of straps and adjustment buckles. I looked at it for a minute as she was in the shower, trying to figure out what kind of bondage she was into. Then I saw that the front had kind of what looked like a codpiece, with a hole in the front, and it was padded on the back side.

Oh dear me, she did say she had made love with girls before. This was some kind of strap-on harness!

And as I drifted off to sleep I pondered if I might someday have her wear it for me. Was it lesbian sex if I had her fuck me just for relief?

Two days before the hearing, we had a guy in a suit stop by and serve legal papers to Gloria as I was out doing a patrol. She texted me to come home immediately, so I did. She had already gotten Di on the phone, and she and Doug were on the way over.

I held her tight, and told her to calm down. As soon as I heard the honk I ran down and the two of them came in and started demanding to know what happened. We went upstairs, then the four of us sat at the dining room table and went over the thick stack that had been delivered.

Same as Bohica
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Lyla: All Hands on Deck"To be honest Clarke, I thought you would be a lot more happy. Marlon has agreed to help out before the launch, you kept telling me that he is a genius and that you would kill to have his input on the team."Lyla sat in front of Clarkes desk, fanning herself with a folder. The heat was getting to everyone making them tired and cranky. This was her first face to face meeting with her boss since she overheard him and his wife arguing about her. She had spent the previous...

2 years ago
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Showing Her Ample Cleavage Sara Evans

Sara Evans is one of the sexiest female country singers ever. There's nothing about Sara that isn't hot. Check out website about Sara Evans at and see if one of the words that comes to your mind in regards to her is "awesome cleavage". Sara has always been a very attractive young girl and then young woman. And with puberty and her body developing into the womanly figure she'd have in her teens and early adult years, Sara developed a body that was eye-catching and...

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Mum Nd dads fuck

My room is next to my parents and I have spent many nights jerking off to my moms moans and screams as dad gives her a good hard fuck. They go at it so hard sometimes I can actually hear dads balls slapping her ass. That's if mom quiets down enough for me to hear them. I've been brave enough some nights to actually stand outside their door as I jerk off listening to them grunt and groan. One night the door was open a bit and I stood there with my heart beating so hard at the thought of...

4 years ago
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Well Being and All ThatChapter 3

“I heard you were a big hit with Lady Monica?” chortled Bob in the Tory club. “Yes, veeary porrsh,” I chuckled, eyeing up a starter red. It middled the pocket, so I lined up the loose pink. That went in too. “Is she a lady?” “Shit yeah. Big house, Romsey Road, after the bypass bridge. Royalty there somewhere.” I nodded and we got on with the game. His wife must have not mentioned the nude modelling chat. My land line buzzed the next day. “Er Del ... is that your proper name by the way?”...

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Neighbor and Naked Pictures Fantasy Story

I am a guy and when I am at home alone I like to walk around the house with nude, it just feels more free and relaxing, freeing my dick from being covered up, been doing this for years. One day while I was outside doing work in the back yard, my neighbor that lives right behind me call for me to come over. I have no idea why she would want me to come over, let alone to wanting to talk to me. She had lived there for as long as I can remember and never once spoke with her. I had to jump the back...

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Cindi and I were finishing our packing and I could tell she was getting as excited (even more than I was) for our trip. We were making a trip to see my old college roommate at his beach condo.This trip was going to be a little different though. We have visited many times before and a few years earlier we had started having threesomes with Tom, Cindi and me. It was something we had all enjoyed several times but Cindi and I had always fantasized about a gangbang and this trip we were going to...

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Tina lsst wirklich jeden ran

Wie war sie nur wieder in diese Situation gekommen? Tina sah sich in dem riesigen Spiegel über dem Tresen einer etwas runtergekommenen Kneipe. Hinter ihr ein hagerer älterer Kerl, der sich abmühte, sie von hinten zu besteigen. Sie wurde langsam wund. Das lag nicht nur an ihm, sondern an der Vielzahl von Männern, mit denen sie es heute Abend schon getrieben hatte. Der Schwanz des Kerls war nur Durchschnitt, aber er stieß sie hart und kräftig, angefeuert mehreren Männern, die sie umringten....

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Jessicas Story Part 32Michelles Story Part 29

Jessica's Story - Part 32/Michelle's Story - Part 29 It was an early wake up call on Monday for John's children. They were making their way back home after a long weekend stay with their relations in Walsall. "You'll be seeing them again in less than a week," said John, reminding the girls of the well known truth. "Just look forward to the holiday now," said Liz. "Now, we do want to start off early this morning, so when you have your breakfast, don't take your time." "We...

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Hampered in His Plans Ch 03

The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...

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Chad The Babysitter Part 13

Trish had indeed gone when I woke up and a little note on her pillow read, “Have fun babe, I love you xx” which was a damn nice gesture and that’s why I love her. I got the girls fed and watered and on a promise of Pizza tonight they went to school happy and excited.Peace at last, it wasn’t that I was complaining but I had gone from bachelor to married with 2.4 in a very short pace of time and it was nice to have some ‘alone’ time.I decided to take a long hot shower and was happily rinsing off...

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I know exactly when the end began. He gave me a great hint when he said, ‘I’m sorry love, I just don’t feel comfortable doing this anymore.’ Not a bad hint eh? He kept speaking, carried on for several more minutes. I never heard anything else he said. Right at that moment, my heart shattered. Shards of glass seared painfully through my body. I bled to death internally, but my lungs continued taking in air. We met online. A fast friendship that sprang out of nowhere. I told him things about...

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BrotherInLaw Made Me A Porn Star 8211 Part 1 8211 The Trap

Part I – The trap It all started 3 months back with my sister Anu when she got pregnant with her boyfriend. Anu was elder to me by 6 years and worked in a call center. At 25 years of age, she wanted to enjoy the world like anything and was a free bird in true senses. In contrast, I was a hot headed, shy traditional Indian girl with firm belief in Indian cultural values. Dev was Anu’s co worker and boyfriend for last 2 years. They both were Same in nature ‒ extrovert, flamboyant and party...

1 year ago
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Expo Summer Part 3 The Peerage

EXPO SUMMER Part 03 The Peerage Copyright (c) 2000 by Kim EM All rights reserved - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between this Story and any actual person, living or dead, is coincidental. Why won't you believe me? The story contains mature subject matter. It may contain adult situations and/or language. If you're not old enough to legally read this (and you know who you are), then...

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Second ChanceChapter 24

I shared my concerns with Garner, but chose to withhold them from the chief of security, who also came to me from MI6 but seemed less all-in, than Garner. The result was instantaneous. “Boss, I have the CIA on the phone. They tell me that the whole story about Fiona and Nan might be a mish mash of made up tales and old cases that MI6 worked over the last few years.” We talked until he gave me the rest. “Fiona is her name and she is from where she says she’s from, but there are no...

2 years ago
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The Spirit of the White StagChapter 3

The gray light of dawn snuck into the cabin and Colin became aware, once again, of the soft and delicate female still sleeping on his chest. Under any other circumstances, he'd have gotten up and started his day. But these weren't his usual circumstances. In fact, there was nothing about this day that could be called "usual". Letting the memories of what they'd shared during the night roam around in his memory, it began to register that the cabin was still warm, even though he hadn't...

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Mamaji Ki Beti Aur Main

Hi all. I am Sooraj, 29 years old good looking guy from Delhi currently living in Sydney. This incidence occurred last month when I traveled back home for my sister’s wedding.I’m a fairly good looking guy and have enjoyed a number of women. I’m married now and have a good sex life with my wife. I won’t bore you with the dick size n all the crap and honestly I’ve never measured it too. But any ladies interested in secret talks or emails (or more) can get in touch with me at Privacy assured. I...

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MonstersOfCock Abigail Mac Abigail Stretched By Her Instructor

Abigail hired a Yoga instructor to help her get relaxed, the instructor could not resist to check out Abigail’s perfect ass and great body so he decided to use unorthodox methods for the lesson, he kneeled behind her and started rubbing his dick against her ass to help her achieved a good support, he pulled her yoga pants down and started massaging her butt cheeks then he continued massaging her perfect tits until she got horny and wet, so the instructor revealed his huge cock almost the...

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WinnerChapter 5

The third-to-the-last pre-season game, before we got back to Washington, D.C., for a scheduled meeting with the Orioles at RFK and then another thirty miles north at Camden Yards, was against the Atlanta Braves in Richmond. We had still won more than we had lost, and Buzzy had trimmed the team down to the guys he wanted to keep plus the players he had to keep because Greeley Jepperson had paid them so much money and given them no-cut contracts. I stayed, I think, partly because I worked...

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A Weed in the GardenChapter 4

After two disappointing cancellations, the cell meeting was to be this evening on a tour boat cruising the river mostly for the benefit of visiting tourists. The only other true believer of my acquaintance at the meeting would be PC Anderson and I rejoiced at the opportunity to feast my eyes on her perfectly shaped bum once again. There were five of us total. I was the “implementer”, PC Anderson was our “security”, and some dark-skinned lad from Manchester was our “logistics” and gave the...

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My Story With Avantika 8211 In Search Of 8220The One8221

Hello Everyone, This is Pankaj from Mumbai back again with a detailed story. If you would remember I have written few stories prior to this. And for now it had been quite some time (read years) I have written anything. This is because I had been caught up due to office work and personal commitments. Nevertheless, I am back and am quite sure that this time you would enjoy my literature even more . Do not forget to drop in your comments which, as always, are a symbol that you liked the story and...

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Jack In The Box Ch 2 Checking In

The hotel lobby overflowed with teenage athletes from all the competing schools. Coach Moore struggled to keep her noisy boys and girls in one group as Coach Buchanan checked everyone in at the front desk.Jack admired his coach's sexy ass for several minutes before sneaking up behind her. "Did you like the show on the bus, Sylvia loves to suck my cock, and I know you wanted it to be you."The sudden voice and soft breath on her ear surprised her. Staring into Jack's piercing eyes, she lost...

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Mamachi Mulgi

Namaste mitrano chodurock from navi-mumbai punha tumchya sevesathi haajir aahe magchya stosychya reply baddal dhanyawaad. Any girl or aunt mail me Aaj navin chapter, mi 10th chi exam dili hoti aani majhya mamachya muline jiche naav aahe Sheetal tinehi 10th chi exam dileli sutti madhe tasa kahi special plan navta, sagle jan ekach prashna vicharun hairan karat hote ki result nantar kuthlya faculty madhe admission ghenar, kiti % padtil vagaire-vagaire. Mi matra hya fandat navto sutti enjoy karat...

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A present for my step mother

My step mother and I have always been close. When she was left at a young age to bring me up on her own it was inevitable that I should be the one man in her life from then on…but I didn't realise how much she thought of me until one Christmas when she came to visit.I had moved out a few months before into a flat I was renting, it was comfortable with enough room for me and any guests - my mother arrived looking immaculate as always pulling a small suitcase on wheels. She beamed at me and...

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LoraOlder/YoungerKinkyExtreme Large Insertion Tim watched Lora while she was on hands and knees planting flowers. She was so proud of their little rental in the suburbs. They had settled there, after both had meet during their homeless period. Tim was 20 years old now and Lora 45. The neighbors assumed they were family. Her boy style shorts had crawled high bearing her ass cheeks as she worked. He gave her a shout, “hey ole girl, the school will let out soon and Coach Hines will surely stop...

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Brend Kennel Bitch Part II

Sometime later she heard a soft humming noise and opened her eyes. A boy squatted next to her. Well, maybe he wasn’t a boy, now that she could see him clearly. He was solidly built, very muscular and stood probably less than five feet tall. His face was angelic; she had never seen eyes like his before. His skin was dark brown with tiny lines around the cream-colored eyes. They were set quite wide and were light tan, almost like the coffee momma drank laced heavily with almond cream. He...

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Working Out with Mother

Working Out with Mother by Reeb *NOTE: This story was stolen and reposted on another website under another "claimed" author. I reported it to the site managers but last I saw, it was still there.   It was July during the summer before his senior year of high school. Seventeen year old David was a well built young man who had dreams of playing professional football. Standing 6 feet 2 inches, he weighed a muscular 215 pounds and was always into lifting weights in an effort to become stronger to...

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Mera Student Aur Uski Maa

Hello, indian sex stories dot net Friends.. I am Raja and I am from Odisha. Let me give a small introduction of myself. I am a 32 year male with a hight of 5 feet 7 inches. Recently I got married and very happy with my wife and sex life. I am new to this site and I found lots of good stories here. I also like sex as you like. This incident happened with me when I was in my college. It was my first sex experience. The year 2001, I was in the second year of Inter. I was a good student. At that...

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My wife the flasher

My wife has always had an urge to show off. It all started when we were teenagers. We ahd gone to a drive in and we were like all teenagers. We would park in the back rows and usually never saw the movies. On this particular night we were going at it pretty heavy. When I picked her up at her house she came out in a little short button down dress and look hot as hell. Well it didn't take long once we were at the movies for things to heat up quickly. Because the dress was a button up dress it was...

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Introduction: If you dont want to read about rape, move along. Also, written very quickly so please excuse how sloppily it is written. There was a knock on my front door in the evening time, and I was the only one home at the time, so I ignored it, I wasnt expecting anyone and my parents didnt like me opening the door when I was alone. I had just gotten out of the shower, and was lying on my bed. I had returned earlier from a long camping weekend, and boy was it a crazy weekend. I had been...

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Caught By A Kitten Part 1

The last time I saw her, she had been a gawky twelve-year-old, stuck awkwardly between childhood and womanhood. That was eight years ago. The difference took my breath away. I was fifty-three, and five years widowed. It had been a happy though childless marriage; but for several years before Phil died I had experienced feelings of growing curiosity about sex with a woman. I had done nothing positive about this, but found myself, casually at first, increasingly looking at women in malls and...

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CHAPTER 25: HI, I’M HELEN, YOUR SISTER!I almost leapt out through the door, but Mom jump across the opening and pulled me further into the house. “No, you can’t go out there like this. Not in front of the Sheriff and this girl. You have to stay quiet and see where this goes.”“But, what is she up to? I don’t have a sister. I’m an only c***d. You said that dad was your first. You got married young and I came along.”“All that is true, dear. So we need to hear what she means but not like this....

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Sweet CarolineChapter 27

“I GOT A HOT ONE,” was heard throughout our office, meaning someone has a potential buyer in their grasp. It was Jenn’s idea for the ‘shout out’ saying that there should be a healthy competition between the girls. Jenn went over to whoever yelled, it was Marietta, our redheaded southern girl, originally from Georgia. She told me in our original interview that all of her brothers and sisters were named after different cities in Georgia, she has a brother named Cordele, a sister named Griffin...

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Not quite cuckolding

I guess it would have really started right around when me and my boyfriend started dating. He showed me wifelovers and I posted a picture of my pussy after he ate me out for the tenth time that day. We continued to have learn each other's bodies and kinks. We would watch movies about cuckolding and look at picture on wifelovers.I was always satisfied with our sex. He always made sure I got off, but I'm sure he could tell I was missing something. I haven't really had sex with huge cocks but he's...

1 year ago
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My Mistress punished me because of my temper Part

After my mistress Nicky was satisfied and decided to go to sleep, I walked out to the living room to see if the guy is still there or if he left, I was worried he might still be confrontational or he might want to fight me still.I walked out and he was sitting on the couch, he told me a girl came out of the other bedroom and asked about me, I knew my girlfriend woke up so I went in and said hi and walked back out. I sat with him outside and he started asking me questions.Him: so that girl isn’t...

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Slave Hunters Slave Preys

Slave Hunters, Slave Preys Ch Slave Hunters, Slave Preys Ch.? 01 by Nikita and Wolff     Synopsis: In a phantasmagorical tale of sexual slavery, a mysterious man and woman, a generic sheik, twin submissives, and even some celebrities, come together in a story exploring submissive and dominant needs.? Just for fun, there are many references and allegories to pop culture.? It is surreal at times but it is not fantasy or a spoof. The story begins with a dance of dominance and submission...

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Accidental Seduction

I turned the Harley around the final corner and struggled to keep the speed down as we rode the final block back to her house. My passenger knew I was struggling, and yet she scraped her nails up my ribs and pinched my nipple again. She let out a moan that echoed mine as her other hand caressed my hard cock through my jeans.As I turned into her driveway and screeched to a stop, she stood on the foot pegs and planted a biting kiss on my neck."Leave it running," she instructed as she hopped off....

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After I turned eighteen, I decided to explore my sexual life further. The awkward situation of a prying family made this difficult. I had been exploring the different ways of masturbation for some time. I decided to go to a ‘toy store’ and try whatever interested me. It was time to satisfy my desires. The emotions and excitement I felt when the doors opened to the shop overwhelmed me. It felt good to get over the inhibitions and to just let go. My heart raced as I searched through the DVDs and...

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Amanda in Taiwan Chap 2

Amanda in Taiwan – Chap 2   I was stretched out on the edge of the king-size bed, finishing a thin joint of some very resinous Hawaiian pot. We were staying on the Club level at the Taipei Hilton; one of the older luxury hotels, you could still open your room windows…making it very convenient for me. Among the frequent business guests, it was also known as the largest brothel in Taipei. The staff was ‘old school’ as well – a few dollars up front and the promise of much more when...

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The Film Class

The Film Class*Please understand that the era of this story included true social experimentation, up to and including at the levels of graduate university studies. “Far out” events, like the following, really did occur. If they were not sanctioned by administrations, they were, at least, tolerated or ignored.By 1970, my wife, Janet, had a true athletic fitness and had changed her hair, from what had been light brown, to a true bright blonde color. It was an excellent combination with her Nordic...

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It was that lazy time of year where no matter how much one has slept, the haze of the early morning made everyone stifle a yawn and blink their eyes over and over again, struggling to stay open until the body stopped trying to make the mind rest. The sounds of the city just outside the window of the taxicab were muffled, the bumps in the streets the only noise that broke the otherwise chilly silence – not even the taxi driver was trying to make conversation, it was so cold and dreary a...

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At Ellies

This is the first ever story I have written and published on any site. All comments are welcome as they will help me with how I write future stories.  As to if it is a true story or not, well, that is up for you and your imaginations to decide! I do hope you enjoy reading it!   It was nearing 9pm when I walked up the path and knocked firmly on the front door of her home. I looked around, to see if there was anyone about, as I waited on her answering. I turned back as I heard the door unlock...

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