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This book is a work of complete fiction – or is it? You may draw your own conclusions.

In the disclaimer at the front of the work it states very clearly that any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely accidental and coincidental. That is true and is there for the benefit of those happy souls among us who believe that litigation is a fun pastime. (It could also, perhaps, be there to protect some very good friends who have shared with me their most intimate thoughts.)

May all of you who believe that litigation is a legitimate form of money making burn and rot in whatever version of hell you believe in and may you stay in that place for a very long time. In the meantime get a haircut and a real job.

There are also those in our society who like to try and regulate the thoughts and actions of others. That is your right to do that – but don’t be surprised when you find that there are many who disagree with you. Political correctness is the last refuge of the unprincipled scoundrel.

For those of you who actually read the book you will find a notable scarcity of political correctness – that is intentional and is done without apology. If you don’t like to read about things without the dressing and tinsel applied by people who wish to hide behind political correctness – don’t bother to read any further.

The book is intended to provide, among other things, titillation and unashamedly goes into great detail in describing the characters’ feelings and experiences. Don’t worry – you won’t go blind.

It is also intended to be read for enjoyment – so enjoy.

Finally, and importantly – it is not intended to be a blueprint for a life-changing shift in direction but for a lucky few it could work that way. For others, particularly the insecure and confused, any attempt to put into practice some of the ideas expressed here could be quite dangerous. Remember the golden rule of “Eight”. If it doesn’t feel right – don’t do it.

So sit back – with or without your favourite friend – and just let yourself go.



I lay on my side, wondering perhaps for the fiftieth time what I was doing here.
Naked – in front of seven other people.

Across the wide expanse of mattress I could see Rene lying in the same position as me and facing me across the wide expanse of three king-size mattresses which had been laid side-by-side in the middle of the room.

For a moment our eyes met and we exchanged a little half smile – I wondered what she was thinking but I must admit she didn’t look as nervous as I felt. I closed my eyes and tried to relax, knowing that what was about to happen was new to me but anticipated with a mixture of feelings, some pleasant – some not so pleasant.

Would I be able to perform as the others obviously expected me to? Would I freak out at the last moment and run screaming and sobbing from the room? At least I was going to find out very soon.

Along one wall of the beautifully decorated room was a row of comfortable couches, the sort you sink into and find difficult to get out of if you stay in them too long. Seated on the couches were six other people, all smiling, all naked and all sitting very close.

I looked up and saw my husband Pete. He was sitting next to Jane, a petite blonde with large pinkish breasts and they both looked completely relaxed as he absently stroked the top of her thigh and she gently stroked his very erect penis. He winked at me and smiled an encouraging smile. I wondered what the man I thought I knew so well was thinking at this moment. He certainly didn’t look as if he was suffering.

I closed my eyes again and felt carefully between my legs – surprise, I was soaking wet, so at least everything was working properly down there. One fear gone – I wasn’t going to have any problems in that area. I had been worried that I would dry up as I often did when I was nervous. Probably the sexually charged atmosphere I thought, and it was certainly that. Also the help I had received from Jane, Rene and Anne while we were getting ready for what was about to happen would most certainly have helped.

I felt the edge of the mattress subside a little as someone lay down behind me and thought – “here we go.” I wondered who, among the four men in the room, it was. Not Pete because the rules of the game were that you couldn’t have your partner until at least one other person had been with you and anyway he was still playing with Jane.

Was it George? The tall guy with the infectious laugh and the impossibly hard stomach on a fifty five year old man.

Was it Dennis? One of the uncircumcised ones with a penis that seemed to look around the room every time he moved.
Or was it Brian? Our genial host who had entertained and amused us all through a delicious meal as he explained the rules of engagement as he called them. God, it sounded as if we were going to war.

I couldn’t help shuddering a little as I felt my back being stroked gently and my long brown hair gathered into a bundle as George, Dennis or Brian – who was it? – nuzzled against my neck and gently kissed his way up to the top of my spine. So far so good – this was a gentle man.

I wasn’t the most innocent female in town from a sexual perspective. In my fifty four years I had had a couple of partners and a variety of sexual experiences – some ok, some good, some very good and one absolutely outstanding. I guess I am lucky because I’d only had one bad experience and never been mistreated, unless you count being betrayed by my sister and boyfriend, like in some of the stories you hear and read about.

Judging by the tension in the bottom of my stomach and the warmth flooding around my vagina this was going to be different but in no way unpleasant.

I felt my new friend stretch out against my back and felt his very obvious erection as it brushed between my buttocks. How was he going to go about it? Please let it be good. Would he try and give me anal straight away? I hoped not because it is something I don’t mind, in fact I like it a lot, but I like it better as a second round of lovemaking.

I gently pushed back against him and felt his hand on the cheek of my bum as he very
carefully pulled my buttocks apart and slid one knee between my legs while he ran his finger from the top of my vagina to the entrance of my bum. What was he going to do?

I didn’t need to wait very long to find out as I felt his now very erect penis begin to explore the bottom part of my vagina as his fingers started to explore my clitoris. I pushed back against him – hard. I was ready.

He gently pushed against my shoulders so that I was lying at a better angle for him to take me from behind and I felt the tip of his penis begin to enter me.

I don’t like to be entered too quickly – it sort of is too much of a shock all at once – and I hoped he would be as gentle with me as he had been up till now. I need not have worried.

He wiped his penis the full length of my slit and satisfied that all was moist enough inserted just the head into me. Bliss. I could feel myself opening in readiness to receive him and suddenly the fact that there were at least six other people watching didn’t matter. I became lost in the moment.

We lay partially joined for at least a minute and I began to wonder what he was going to do next when I felt him move his hips and a further part of him entered me. Gently
but firmly, smoothly but hard, I felt myself opening as he began to fill my entire
being and I shuddered as the first tremors of an orgasm began to build.

I don’t normally cum quickly – even with Pete (although we have never missed out unless you count the time on the beach when we had an unfortunate experience with some sand). This was different, perhaps it was the atmosphere, perhaps it was the sight of Pete and the blonde, maybe the sight of Rene who was obviously experiencing something similar to me judging by the look on her face when I stole a glance at her. She had her eyes closed and was softly moaning as George set up a rhythm which was obviously doing everything it was supposed to for her.

Well, that partly answered my question – it wasn’t Pete who was in me and it wasn’t George so that left two possibilities. Maybe that was why I was cumming so quickly, the delicious lack of knowledge of who it was who was doing me so nicely.

The familiar waves began to roll up my stomach and I felt my vagina tightening around Brian’s? Dennis’s penis. I pushed back hard against him and let myself get lost in pure sensation – selfish sensation because at that moment I had no thoughts for his pleasure as wave after wave rolled up my body until, as usual, I briefly lost all control and momentarily blacked out.

We lay still.

I knew he hadn’t cumm yet because he still felt like only a fully erect penis can feel. I have tried a variety of toys and dildoes in my time but nothing, absolutely nothing, feels as right to me as a well-filled penis. You might wonder why I keep referring to things by their formal names – I’m not a prude (think about what I had just done) but I can’t think of any reason to give beautiful things silly nicknames.

He lay without moving for another minute or two and I thought maybe he had cumm after all but if so I hadn’t felt the usual rush of warmth filling my insides. Perhaps this man just had superb self-control.

A soft voice in my ear said. “Time we got to know who’s who – don’t you think?” As I felt him slowly leaving my insides I wanted to grab him and put him back into me but he pulled right out and I found myself being rolled onto my back and looking up at mine host – Brian.

He immediately pried my legs apart, not that I needed a lot of persuasion, and as he re-entered me easily said in the softest voice possible.”Hi Margaret – I’d ask you how you are but I already know – you are absolutely fantastic.”

I looked up into his grey eyes and said. “Hi Brian – you sure know what you are doing with that thing.”

He smiled and said. “Well you weren’t exactly a disappointment yourself you know. Are you ready for the next part?”

I laughed. “You mean there’s more than that?”
In reply he wrapped his arms around me and rolled over so that I found myself on top of him with his penis fully buried inside me and my legs wide open on either side of his. He reached down and took hold of the back of my legs just above my knees. I thought he wanted me to be even more open so I raised myself up onto my knees and felt him slip even deeper into me.

Then things got really interesting and I experienced, at my age, two firsts.

First, someone else got onto our mattress and began to gently massage nthe cheeks of my bottom and to stroke gently up and down my spine. This, I thought, is kind of special as I had never been attended to by two men at once and then I got my first surprise.

I felt my vagina being stretched as I had never felt it stretched before and to my absolute amazement realized I had two men inside me at the same time. A slight burning feeling at the bottom of my vagina was the only unpleasant part of the whole experience and it was soon lost as my two men began to carefully move within me.

Orgasm number two for the evening came even quicker than the first one and I realised that the reason I had got onto my knees was so that I could receive even more of what these lovely men had to give me. So, I thought, that is why Brian wanted me on my knees. Surely the evening was over for me and I felt enormously tender towards these two magnificent men.

Surprise number two. My unknown lover eased himself out of my vagina, leaving Brian as its sole occupant, and again I could not remember feeling either of them cumm.

Before I could say anything or object to what was happening Mr Unknown scooped a few fingers full of juice from my soaking vagina and began to massage my anus. I couldn’t believe what was happening and wondered again if this would work. One well-lubricated finger entered me and was soon followed by another. Wow! That felt almost as good as when they were both in the front of me and I was glad we had all followed Brian’s suggestion after dinner and emptied everything we could empty.

I’ve enjoyed anal sex since I was a much younger woman but had never experienced it like this before so decided that, based on my earlier experiences that evening, I would go along with whatever happened.

Soon the fingers were removed slowly and I felt the end of a very well-lubricated, and to my way of thinking quite enormous penis, pushing at my back door.

“Don’t panic Margaret.” I told myself and tried a trick which had never failed me before. I pretended I was going to the toilet and pushed back against his penis while pretending I was in the toilet. It worked. First he managed to get the head of his penis into my rectum and very considerately waited until I caught my breath and the burning sensation settled into a very pleasant warmth. We stayed still for perhaps two or three minutes and I signalled to him to keep going by gently pushing back onto him so that a little more of him entered me. A soft voice in my ear said. “That’s great
Sweetheart, you just take it at your pace till you’ve got as much as you want.”

Another considerate man – two in one night – where did they get these guys?

I eased myself back onto him and felt his hardness inside me as well as Brian who was lying still underneath me with a contented grin on his bearded face.

Suddenly the voice said again. “Sorry Sweetheart that’s all I’ve got to give.” I couldn’t believe it – I had never been able to take all of Pete in my anus and I was sure this guy was bigger.

Brian began to slowly set-up his gentle rhythm and Mr Unknown began to match him stroke-for-stroke while asking me a few times if I was ok. All I could do was nod my head and press down harder on them both. It was happening again. My two lovers were increasing the speed of their strokes, my stomach waves were rolling up and down inside me, my vagina was pulsating and trying to suck Brian even further into me while I pushed as hard as I could onto Mr Unknown. This time I felt it, an absolute flood of warmth inside my stomach and another in my behind as first Brian and then his friend filled me to overflowing with their juices.

I began to cry. Tears rolled down my cheeks and I alternately laughed and sobbed as I slowly came down from the most intense orgasms I have ever had.

I didn’t feel Dennis, that’s who it turned out to be, withdraw from my anus but did feel someone wiping me with a warm, moist towel. I hugged them both and slipped into a beautiful dreamless sleep. The last thing I remembered before sleeping was one of the other girls covering me with a velvet sheet.



I’d organised tonight’s little party in the usual way. By trolling through a few adult sites on the internet until I found people with whom I thought had the right profiles. I’m retired, I’m wealthy by most standards, I love sex and I’m reasonably uninhibited.

My live-in companion, friend and lover is Rene.

She is superb, after a disastrous marriage with an idiot she was ready to give up on all men.

We met at, of all places, the local park where we both exercised our dogs. Of course the conversation started with us talking about our dogs and I soon discovered that she had an infectious laugh, a high intelligence and as far as I could tell a magnificent fifty-five year old body.

It took a long time to gain her trust and not quite as long to get her to move in with me.

When someone has been hurt, devastated would be a better word, by physical and mental abuse it takes quite a long time to break through the armour.

Gradually she began to open her mind to me and I was horrified by what she revealed and we spent hours in the park as her story slowly unfolded. I could tell it was hurting her to talk about the things she had buried for so long.

One day she told me about a particularly horrible incident involving her drunken husband and a coke bottle which he wanted to put into her. She resisted, he insisted, she tried to run away, he caught her, she tried to stop him, he smashed the bottle and wiped it across her throat.

As she described her experience and the subsequent ambulance trip to the hospital she suddenly stopped and looked me straight in the eye. “You’re not like that are you?”

I shook my head. She fell into my arms and as I kissed her for the first time she whispered. “Please don’t hurt me.”

We slowly walked back to my place and for the rest of that afternoon we sat and talked in my lounge-room about everything and anything we wanted to talk about until finally, after about five hours of non-stop talking and a huge amount of coffee, enough to seriously endanger our kidneys and hearts, she suddenly stood up.

I thought she was going to leave but instead she went calmly to the French windows and drew the curtains. She stood in front of me and looked straight into my eyes and for the umpteenth time that afternoon said. “Please don’t hurt me.”

As she said it she slowly began to unbutton her blouse while she continued to look into my eyes. I don’t know what she was trying to see but she told me later that if I had looked down she would have left straight away.
Finally, after what seemed an eternity, she stood naked in front of me and said quietly.
“You have to let me take the lead.”

I said, very gently. “Are you sure this is what you want?”

She replied. “That does it.” And fell into my arms.

For the next three hours we made love with Rene setting the pace all the way but it turned out that her idea of taking the lead sort of went out the window.

It happened this way. We lay together for a short time until at last I said. “If we’re going to do this I think I’d better get undressed, don’t you?” I stood up and as I took my shirt off she turned on her side and faced the back of the lounge chair we had been lying on. I asked if there was anything wrong and she replied that there was nothing wrong but that she wasn’t ready to look at me naked yet. I asked her if she was having second thoughts and she said definitely not – it was just that it was a long time since she’d done this and wanted to take things really slowly.

I finished taking my clothes off and lay down behind her and gently caressed her back and neck until I felt her beginning to respond. I stroked and kissed her up and down her spine and quietly rolled her onto her stomach.

“Don’t go away.” I said and padded into the bathroom. I returned a few minutes later with a bottle of Evening Primrose massage oil and after warming it between my hands placed some into the hollow at the small of her back. I couldn’t get over how smooth her skin is.

As I massaged the oil into her back and neck she sighed and visibly relaxed and I felt the tension going out of her neck muscles. I worked slowly down her back and when I reached the crack of her bum gently slid my fingers into the valley between her cheeks.

She tensed for a moment but then relaxed a little and I noticed she was breathing quicker and had spread her legs slightly.

I took that as a signal to go a little further and pulled her cheeks apart slowly so that I could see her little puckered hole and the bottom of her fanny. I whispered into her ear that I thought she was very beautiful and she sighed and raised her hips slightly.

When I began to massage the tops of her legs she didn’t object when I slid my well-oiled hands between her legs and brushed her fanny with my fingers. I gently pushed against the inside top of her thighs and she responded by allowing me to pull her legs further apart so that I could see the rest of her.

She was, still is, absolutely lovely, but that first glimpse of her most private part was very special to me.

When I asked her softly if she would like to turn over she took a deep breath, sighed
and slowly rolled onto her back with her eyes closed tight. I knelt between her legs and kissed and licked her clit until I felt her stomach muscles clenching and then placed the head of my cock between the lips of her fanny.

She whispered. “Yes!” And opened her legs a lot wider as I started to enter her smoothly.

She tensed up immediately and held me so tightly that I couldn’t move but gradually relaxed as she grew used to me being inside her. When I started to move in her she took hold of the cheeks of my arse and pulled me into her until I had nothing more to give her. I’m afraid I didn’t last long because as soon as I felt her start to climax I unloaded everything I had into her.

Again she held me tightly until gradually she began to relax and when I started to withdraw from her she held me tighter and asked me to stay in there a little longer. Then something happened to me which had not happened for many years. Normally, once I have cumm it takes at least a couple of hours before I am ready to start again but I found that my soft cock was rapidly starting to grow again and she smiled a sort of knowing little smile as she gently massaged me with her stomach muscles. This time it took a long time for me to cumm and by then she had managed at least two more orgasms and we were hopelessly besotted with each other.

She never went home except to pack her things and to load about half a ton of dog-food into her beaten-up old car.

Gradually Rene learned to relax again and slowly let me be the one to trigger our lovemaking. We could have gone on like that forever because we found we had so much in common – including an enormous appetite for sex.

As Rene regained her confidence and trust in humanity – albeit with a very small part of it – she began to take note of her surroundings with a different outlook.

One day, about six months after our first bout of love-making, our friend George and his partner Jane were visiting and we were all sitting in the spa. George and I were drinking a very nice bottle of Scotch and the girls had drunk enough 7 Up and coke to irrigate the entire drought affected area of New South Wales.

When George got up to go to the used beer department Rene suddenly surprised all of us by saying. “Hasn’t George got a nice bum?”

Silence! I thought. “Oops – that’s done it.” Jane didn’t say a word for about two minutes that seemed to take forever to pass by.

Rene was hugely embarrassed and said quietly to Jane. “I’m sorry Jane, I was way out of line.”

Jane smiled and asked. “Why are you embarrassed? You’re only saying what we’ve all been thinking and besides I think Brian is the cutest thing on two legs – after George of course.”
Another silence until George wandered back from the dunny with a smirk on his face. He looked straight at Rene and said. “Young lady, I heard what you just said so there are two things we can do – we can all go home and probablynever see each other again – and we don’t want that to happen – or ……”

With that George turned his back and without further comment dropped his shorts to the ground.

“Shall I turn around?” He asked.

Rene looked at me and I nodded and she said. “If it’s OK with Jane, please do.”

Jane looked thoughtful for a moment and then said.”I think before George turns around we should all agree that whatever happens between us after this should stay between just us and that if anyone of us says “stop” we should all respect that.”

Beautiful, clever Jane – she was not to know that that simple statement would become so important in all our futures.

Rene then said. ”This is very unfair to poor George.” And with that she stood up and released the clip on her bikini top.

I thought to myself that Rene had certainly come a long way since I met her. Perhaps I have been a bad influence on her.

Jane turned her back to me and asked. “Brian, do you mind?”

I undid her bikini top and said. “I think you should turn around George.” As I stood up and dropped my shorts onto the edge of the spa.

George turned around and couldn’t believe his eyes.

For at least a minute everybody stood like naked and half-naked statues and tried to think of something to say until finally Rene said. “I’ve never seen an uncircumcised cock before – doesn’t it look different?”

Jane said. “I can assure everyone here that it works just fine. In fact I’ve had both types and I’m not sure I don’t prefer it.”

Rene, who by now had lost almost all her previous inhibitions said to Jane. “Do you mind if I feel it?”

George asked. “Don’t I have any say in this?”

We all laughed.

Jane sighed and with a huge smile said. “Go for your life.”

George sat on the edge of the spa and Rene hesitated before she reached out and took
a gentle grip on the shaft of his dick.

“It feels just like yours Brian – but what’s under here George?” With that she pulleddown his foreskin until the purple glans was glistening in the afternoon light.

With that Jane slid across the spa and took hold of me but without the hesitation Rene had shown with George.

Suddenly Rene squealed. “Jane – look what I’ve done.”

George sat red-faced with the best erection I’ve seen in a long time.

Then she said. “Don’t worry Jane, that one works just as well.” With that she eached across and pulled Jane’s bikini bottom to her ankles and gently turned her in a full circle. By the time she had completed the circle I was in the same condition as George.

George and I said, almost as one. “Girls this is fantastic, you are fantastic.”

Me. “And very sexy.”

George. “And very worth looking at.”

Me. “And do we all want to do this.”


Rene reached down and removed her bikini bottom while sliding across to George’s side of the spa.

Jane kicked her bikini off her ankles and moved next to me then she knelt in front of me and gently took me into her mouth.

Rene stood in front of George, smiled at him, put her hands on his shoulders and jumped up so that her legs were around his waist.

Guess the answer’s yes.

I don’t remember what I was thinking as I saw George put his knob into Rene but any doubts quickly disappeared as Jane took hold of me and gently guided me into her.

Jane was magnificent but different. She moved in a different way to Rene but knew exactly what she wanted as she guided my hand onto her clit.

Over her shoulder I could see George buried deep into Rene while his free hand played with her arse and he slid his finger into her back passage. She began to move in a way I knew about and very soon was clinging tightly to George as her orgasm worked its way through her body.

Jane pulled away from me and I wondered what was wrong but she turned her back to me and bent over while guiding me into her back passage. Rene slipped under her and began to eat her.

Jane had a magnificent orgasm and we both came together.

The next eight months passed as quickly as any time had ever passed for any of us. We saw each other almost every day and behaved like four lovesick teenagers – four very experienced teenagers.

We had sex in every space we could imagine and at any time. The more likely we were to be discovered the more we wanted to try and somehow nobody ever caught on to what we were doing. Well almost, Jane and I were very nearly asked to leave a supermarket when an old dear complained that I was feeling Jane up between the shelves. Had she turned the corner about ten seconds earlier she would have really had something to complain about.

One hot afternoon found the four of us back in the spa and feeling very relaxed after a serious bout of lovemaking and putting everything into anywhere we felt would feel good.

By now we felt absolutely no inhibitions among ourselves and had tried just about everything there was to try. Rene and Jane loved to perform in front of us and secretly had bets between them as to how long it would take before George and I could take no more and joined in.


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The Dinner Party1. An appointmentEmily strode angrily down the street. How could she have got herself into this situation - she had rich parents and had been to an excellent school. She should have had everything going for her but here she was on her way to a one-off waitressing job - how demeaning could it get. If only she had held back - had seen common sense. But managing the finances for her and her flatmates meant that the rent money was always sitting in her account - and it was just too...

3 years ago
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Number 67 Story by MrsAnaC Part Two

NOTICE: This story is fiction, no resemblance to RL context/characters/names so on doesn't apply. It is my intellectual property and any individual or institution is NOT allowed to redistribute it without my written permission. I didn't plan to write more so soon, but hey, inspiration hit and it hit me quite good (rofl)... Enjoy the second part here, let me know if you do, and stay tuned for more! This part is... a bit more special... you'll see why :) Part One here (Introduction, so that you...

2 years ago
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"Shadow?" I blinked my eyes bringing myself back from the enchantment spell that her eyes as well as her hold body has the power to put me under, 'Hmm?' Her eyes flickered with a slight worry as she laid there watching me. "Baby are you okay?" I nodded then smiled at her, reassuring her that everything was okay. Chloe looked so beautiful laying there before me. It was like seeing her for the first time all over again. We had been dating for a few months now but every time that I saw her...

4 years ago
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SeedlingChapter 5

Mark makes his way through the woods in a haze-like euphoria. The trees whip past him almost hurriedly and his mind just brushes it off, not connecting reality to fiction. Through his eyes it is like a dreamscape and nothing is real except for the bliss coursing through his body. The feeling of being summoned has only increased and so has the need to reach the tree. The only thing Mark is unsure of is whether it is all because of the tree or partly because of Ms. Savile. Either way, it...

3 years ago
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Sarahs Submission Ch 09 Jenny Submits

Sarah called Jenny that night about the extra babysitting gig, letting her know it would only be for a couple of hours. Jenny agreed happily to join again. They talked for ten minutes about what to wear. Jenny laughed at how much fun she had teasing the old perv. Sarah agreed but knew her friend would feel differently one day soon. She idly wondered if Mr. Michaels would make Jenny walk to his home naked at some point. Just the thought of the previous night sent shivered down her spine...

2 years ago
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At India Gate In The Evening

Hi all, this is my first story. I have been readingiss for almost 5 years. But I never contributed any story. So I decided to write something for fellow readers. I am Kumar (not a real name obviously) 36 married guy from Ghaziabad. My wife has a complaint that I am always hungry for sex. And I guess she is true. I like being real dirty while doing it. I like sucking pussy, boobs, and lips for hours and hours; otherwise I m very gentle with ladies. You can contact if you want at I am 6ft tall...

3 years ago
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True Story How We Tricked The Census Lady Into Watching Us

Some years ago we had a general census here in South Africa for a population count. At the time we were living on a five acre small holding just out side of Johannesburg. Late one Wednesday afternoon a car drove up to our house and a friendly lady in her forties approached us and requested that we complete the census form, stating that she would be back on Sunday around 13h00 to collect it again. My wife and I, being the kinky people we are, decided that we were going to be naughty and have the...

1 year ago
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The Runesmith Chronicles 172

Later that morning Kal found himself in a very unexpected situation: riding piggyback on Ikuno. She was taking advantage of the natural trail that ran along the base of the mountain range. The oni surmised that it had been made over many years by herds of game animals traveling north and being turned aside by the steep mountain faces, eventually creating a decently wide path. Kal had used it a few times to get to Ikuno’s but it wasn’t significantly faster for him to go north to the trail and...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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A Poem of Hope for a Friend

There once was a girl from Westcoastant, Who had things she sought but she oughtant, Was so close to her goal, But blew off his control, And too long her search left all for naughtant. There once was a knight from the mountant,Who had what was she needs, but hesaughtant,The two in such great rhyme, But near doomed by the times,Their lives left in mimes which was terriblyhorroughtant. There was this poor guy from cearalplantnearant,Who stuck his nose in where he oughtnotant,His friends they...

1 year ago
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Blackmailing little sister

theoretical sense, before I got my chance to make something really happen. But when the opportunity presented itself, I grabbed it. I'm 19 and my sister Sara is two years younger. I didn't much notice her beyond thinking she was an irritation until about two years ago. One day she was this annoying girl, following me around, and the next she was...something interesting. She didn't have large breasts, but they were perfectly shaped, and firm, and she had long legs that wouldn't...

2 years ago
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Promises Promises

The emails between Cheryl and me had dropped to a bare minimum in the last couple of weeks. We had established a pattern. When she could, Cheryl would appear in our apartment around ten in the morning on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. The only emails we exchanged came when there was some reason when she was unable to keep our arrangement. The ping I heard announced something in my inbox. I started to feel dejected. Cheryl couldn’t join me this particular Monday. “Family obligations,” the...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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A Controlled Life Chapter 32

Chapter Thirty-Two Tom was almost catatonic as he followed Yvonne up to the front of the salon. She had him sit down in the styling chair furthest left of the entrance on the window side. This meant that anybody walking by could see as he was getting his ears pierced, but fortunately they would not be able to see his face. Yvonne then opened up one of the cabinets below the window and pulled out a Studex System 75 ear piercing tool and two single use vinyl gloves. "You don't need to...

1 year ago
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15 February 2009Chapter 2

Sandra parked her car at the Belleville rink, the same one Brad played many of his midget games. She opened the trunk and Jessica took out her large equipment bag and stick. Sandra picked up two blankets, handing them to Brad. “It gets cold inside.” Jessica waved goodbye to them and walked towards the dressing room as Brad and Sandra went to the concession stand. “I could use a hot coffee, would you like anything hot?” Brad gave a light laugh, thinking, “Yeah I’d like to have your hot...

2 years ago
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Doobte Ko Tinke Ka Sahara

Hi, doston mera naam Rohit hai aur main Chandigarh ka rehna wala hun aur ek private company mein job karta hun. Meri umar 25 saal hai aur main pichle kayi salon se ISS ko padta aa raha hun socha aaj apni kahani vi byan kar hi dete hai. Kab tak dusron ki kahaniyo ke maze lete rahenge. Mere paas chudayi ke bahut se kisse hai lekin main apke sahmane ek kissa jo zayada purana nahi hai rakhana chahata hun, toh zara gaur farmayiga. Yeh ek asal wakaya hai aur thoda sa lengthy bhi main aap sab se...

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Ronnies Song Ch 05

The next instalment in the series. I don’t plan to have many chapters following this one, but I don’t intend this to be my last story. Thanks again to all dedicated followers of the series! —— Waking up with Nate had to have been one of the best feelings I’d had in a long time. The feel of his arm draped over me, clutching me to his body – I could feel the hard planes of his abdomen against my back. His face was pressed lightly into the back of my head, inhaling the aroma of my shampoo as he...

3 years ago
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06 HomeChapter 94

Flashback – Tatiana – At the hospital I was talking to Masha in the hallway when she dropped a bomb on me! I gasped, "Does this mean that you're leaving 'the company'?" She smiled at me and answered, "Yes Tatiana, I must. You know our superiors will never accept a situation where I am married to Jack and do not feed them information. And feeding their insatiable appetite for information from Jack is something I will never do. To do that would break the sacred trust of marriage." I...

3 years ago
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Family LettersChapter 14

Ah my brother, Nice to hear that you are happy in your new position. I guess you forget that I'll test and know my CAP score before Beth gives birth. Depending on how things go I might even be picked up before you hold your baby in your arms. And it sounds like you'll get to father quite a few more. I guess I'm a bit different from you. You mention being content being a concubine and a bit afraid of leaving them behind if you become a soldier. I've already decided that if I get the...

3 years ago
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07 Home 2Chapter 79

Present – Ben – at the Continental Divide Trailhead It was good to talk to Jim again and he was right - I did save his ass in high school when I took the blame for his thermite bomb. Jim had discovered the formula for thermite in a chemistry book in the library so naturally we made a shitload of it and we messed around with it after school for weeks. It was incredible what it could burn up and believe you me, we burnt up a ton of shit with it. However, I need to explain why and what Jim did....

4 years ago
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Blood LustChapter 9

Shortly before noon, Tom was awakened by the sound of heavy footfalls moving through his apartment. He reached to the night stand for his gun before recalling with a curse that he had left it in the living room. Before he could think of any other course of action, his bedroom door banged open and Mark walked in. "Rise and shine, lover boy," Mark called out boisterously. He didn't seem especially surprised to see Mia occupying the bed. "I used the keys you gave me so I could water your...

2 years ago
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Hole in Four 2Chapter 2

I'm not sure how we did it, but we managed to cram everything into my old compact car for our trip up to Tiffany's parents' Navachee Point cabin. Sara, Erin, and I were only going for the weekend, but the girls packed as if we would be gone a month. We would need even less stuff than we did last winter because we were going up during the summer this time. There was no chance of getting snowed in and having to spend a couple extras days. There was no need for heavy jackets and other snow...

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parosan ho to aisi

This is kamran zubair from hyderabad pakistan.This all started during this summer about 4 months ago. My wife and children had gone to Karachi my hometown for vacations. Due to my job I was to stay back in hyderabad, my adopted town. I live in one of the few luxury apartments in the city where most of the people are stuck up and usually don’t know who is living next door .Exception was a couple that was our next-door neighbor Lubna and he husband Salman who was in garment business. We have good...

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Kari and I had always been a pain in the ass to each other and after our folks died in a car wreck things just got worse. I was nineteen when she got married to Don and kicked me off of the estate and I ended up in a shitty little apartment in the bad part of town. I managed for a year and then the company I worked for went into Chapter 7 and that was that. The only upside was the company lawyer told me a legal right to live back at home so I enlisted his aid and was soon back at home in my old...

1 year ago
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Melissas Vacation

Melissa knew Paul had something naughty planned from the start. He had made her pack some sexy lingerie and heels. Not that she minded. It had been almost a whole month since their last sex and even that had been rushed. Melissa was a 5’7” dark haired, light eyed girl with a modest style but a hidden freaky side she only shared with her lover. As they pulled up to the resort Melissa noticed it was not the usual cookie cutter hotel. The first building they came to was a long concrete...

4 years ago
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Hillcrest Academy for Girls Part 3

The Head Mistress watched Mr. Williams leave her office and she smiled. This new teacher, Brad, had potential, she thought, as his cum leaked from her stretched cunt. It felt so good to have a real thick cock inside of her again. She loved how his animal instincts took over and forgot all about innocent Cassie. She got dressed, bid her still flustered secretary goodnight and drove home. Her pussy tingled as she remembered watching Brad get aroused watching and then spanking Ms. Yuko’s bare...

4 years ago
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How to FlyChapter 2

Xou Xi read over the unfamiliar characters she had auto-trance scripted, then brushed in some notes in her own more familiar style about using frame shifts to trance-form physically were-style, inspired by Fred’s comment “invest its proper avatar”. -just a form of shift-adjusting, not much different than the healing she had taught the dream outlier, in exchange for his skills in return. Dealing in dreams with outlier entities is chancy, if potentially rewarding, and luckily he had been an...

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Seeing Matts Stars Part 51

“You know I would never spend time with someone without your permission.” Despite his thick skull, there was no way he could miss the sarcasm. My temples were already throbbing from the volume of the television, and his continued inability to do anything useful. Flicking the pot holder off of my hand, I shut the oven door and reached for the boiling pot on top of the flame. “Fuck you, Charley!” His outburst caught me off guard, and I stupidly jerked in reaction. My hand slammed...

2 years ago
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the summer I became Suzie chapter 2

CHAPTER 2My eyes follow a trail of goosebumps to where Jack's gentle tongue teased my sensitive nipples to life, driving me crazy. He reached into a pocket of his discarded shorts and pulled out a tube then demanded I turn around so I could see my pussy."Wiggle that ass and tell me how you loved sucking Harry's cock"! Jack grated."Oh yes, I loved sucking his cock.""Can you still taste his cum in your mouth Suzie?" "Oh yes, I love that too." Then after pulling my lace thong off he squirted the...

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sharing blonde wife with black

we were in south france and we decide to go to a nice little restaurant, we chose one nearby the seaside, my wife was dressed with a nice flower dress long till the half middle of the thigh and beeing tanned and blonde was really sexy to see. We enter in the restaurant and the owner said to us that we can sit where we want. So we decide to sit in a table that was three step higher than the floor with mirror behind. The owner looks like a carribean and was about 30 years old with athletic body...

3 years ago
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bubble ass

After the night she made me playing the girl she coudnt stop inviting me over at nightshe woud meet me in the backyard and walk me to her roomalways fresh out of a shower like she wantedass up in one of her panty on her lap getting lube and played with her hot vibrator i was now craving to have in memoaning like a girl for her and loving it too much always back the toy in the panty i wear proudly getting between her legs and licking her my ass dancing for her gigling on its own the buzzing...

2 years ago
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Scented Date Night

She turned, taking both his hands into hers, and led him into the other room. Candles glowed throughout and provided all the light she needed as she began to unbutton his shirt. Everytime he reached for her, she frowned and forcefully put his hands back to his sides; when he tried to speak her finger would silence him again. With each button she undid she placed a light kiss on his skin; his skin remembered each one as if it had been put there by a hot branding iron. She slid the shirt from...

4 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 842

These are compliments of Al B. When the store manager returned from lunch, he noticed his clerk’s hand was bandaged, but before he could ask about the bandage, the clerk had some very good news for him. “Guess what, sir?” the clerk said. “I finally sold that terrible, ugly suit we’ve had so long!” “Do you mean that repulsive pink-and-blue double-breasted thing?!” the manager asked. “That’s the one!” “That’s great!” the manager cried, “I thought we’d never get rid of that monstrosity!...

4 years ago
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The Speakeasy

Sitting on the bar stool waiting for the doors to open, Feline watches Swag walking around, getting the dance floor ready for the night. She quietly sits there, wearing her high heeled boots and a sexy silk short low cut black dress. He looked dashing in his fedora, dress pants, polished shoes, a blue silk button-up shirt with a black long tailed jacket. Gliding across the floor to Feline, he stood in front of her, his handsome face smiling at her. Returning the gesture, she hopped off the...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Suzy Unleashed Chapter 1

Chapter 1 I’ve always had a fondness for women’s clothing, dating back to when I was a young boy. For most of my life, I kept that under control, but, as I got older, the fascination only increased. After I got married, I discovered I had an entire wardrobe of women’s clothes to try on whenever my wife wasn’t around. Eventually, the fear that I might soil or tear something of hers and get caught pushed me to invest in my own female clothing, which I managed to keep hidden in the attic. ...

3 years ago
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Jessica Alba No Cock For a Month

The look of dread that appeared in her eyes when he declared her punishment was something he had never seen in his daughter before– the sadness and disappointment seemed to overwhelm her. Jessica had immediately dropped to her knees and mashed her face against his covered crotch in an attempt to woo him back, and he’d almost broken right then. But he reminded himself that if he gave in now, she’d never listen to another word out of his mouth. He had to stick to his guns and stay out of her for...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 496

The Prison Planet “We brought you a gazillion pairs of panties, negligees, robes and the like,” Arlene said. “Oh, I so hope you like them. Kayla and I have some similar ones, and we love them, and ... so does our husband,” she quietly said while glancing in Jeff’s direction. Jasmine hardly knew what to say. “Uh, you didn’t have to do any of that. I don’t even know you people, but I, uh we certainly appreciate everything. And ... I didn’t pack any sexy sleepwear. To be truthful, I never...

1 year ago
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Feminist SororityChapter 13

Events at the sorority went on much like normal after the confrontation with Mrs. Turner. While the betrayal of a favored alumni still shocked the girls of the sorority, it did not break them. In fact, finding out the source of so many of their problems liberated them. First on their agenda became repairing their relations with the frat boys who they had neglected in favor of the donors for so many years. Their spontaneous orgy after Jason’s defeat of Mrs. Turner became a weekly event for...

4 years ago
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The Cove Ch 2

I had returned home from the cove after watching Amber join Jackie and their friends below. I wasn’t interested in gazing at the girls down on the rock ledge any more that day. I had plenty of images in my head already that I needed to sort out. I was hoping I would be able relive the events of the day, in my mind, for weeks to come. What the three of us had done, or more specifically, what the two girls had done to me, would serve to replace the imaginary fantasies that would typically...

2 years ago
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No FutureChapter 40

A Well-Rounded Education Karen 2063 It was with genuine affection that Karen gazed across the kitchen table at the hairs on Kevin's chest. She leaned forward and placed an open palm over them, entangling the tips of her fingers in its grey wiry forest. He was still damp from the shower they'd shared after making love together on the living room sofa. She rose up from the kitchen stool where she'd been sitting and pressed her lips on his while letting her other hand fall limply onto his...

2 years ago
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A walk along the promenade

The morning sun was hot and sultry that moring back in 1951 as I walked along the promanade, the holiday makers were sat taking in the sun, in front of me was a woman in her mid forties, she wore a fashionable skirt of the day a tan coloured front button which reached down to her calfs, she also wore a white blouse with ruffled neck and cuffs, as the sun caught her I could see what appared to be a wide bra strap through the material, suddenly as I watched her walk in her black botties with high...

2 years ago
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Body Works

A young mistress damages her sugar daddy’s car. Quick repairs come at the price of twice her own body’s capacity. [DP]Well just what is a young mistress expected to do when her sugar daddy is away. Well and truly away with the Missus, actually on the other side of the Continent in Perth. A business transaction he said that needed the pretense of a family guy to seal the deal. Oh I was left with the run of the penthouse suite in Sydney but I needed some distraction as I wasn’t getting my usual...

4 years ago
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A Boy Fulfilled His Sexual Need

Hello, my name is sher alam I am from Ranchi I am 22 year of age with athlete body height 5’7″ wheat complexion.. Now coming to the story,I was very shy but very horny I used to watch porn and want to have sex desperately but due to our society we can’t have sex before marriage . So I started to looking for fulfilling my desire…And became friend of those who has been enjoying sex , they told me don’t worry you will taste the sex but not with girlfriend … He told me if I want to have sex then...

1 year ago
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Box Office Bang P9

Gemma pressed Redhead's head into the duvet and hissed in her ear, "...so, how does that feel, eh? You fuckin' bitch...no, there ain't no lube on his cock, either...". Redhead whimpered and sobbed, "...s...sorry, Gemma...your arse must...be...be sore"? Gemma gave a little laugh, "...maybe it is...maybe it it ain't? But it was fuckin' beautiful gettin' fucked like that...but I ain't had him in my cunt yet...so stop fuckin' complainin', you fuckin' dirty slut"! My cock was about 2/3 of the way up...

2 years ago
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Put it in me0

         I drive my black toyota camri to school every morning. I have to drive my senoir brother Robert to school as well ever since his dumb ass got his car towed. I let the windows down and blasted my lil wayne cd as i speed through a red light. Robert reaches in his pocket and grabs a pack of cigerettes, lights one and puffs.           I have fourth period french with Terrance. Shit. I walk down the hallway. Applying my lipgloss. I drop my books on my desk. I notice Terrance come into...

1 year ago
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My Elder Cousin Sister

Hi there. After a long time I came back to u. This is my third posting on ISS. And I wish luck and thanks to all who give me comments and contacted me. This story is especially for them. Remember me! This is Sayam from Rajshahi, Bangladesh. I had this sexual encounter with my elder cousin sister 8yrs back when i was 18 and she was 22. Her name is Jeetu … she is of 30 years… now. She has a very nice figure of 36-28-36. She is of correct weight and she always looks very sexy…. Then she was stayed...

2 years ago
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My Hot Kiran Aunty

Hello, friends, my name is vijay singh and I am from punjab patiala city. My gmail account is my age is 20 and my height is 5 fit 5inch body is well muscles and my cock size is 7 inches long and 3 inches thick and I am m.Com 1st year student. I am the regular reader of indian sex stories I read all story’s of story on iss bt I am more and more interested in autys story’s kyu jo maze aunts ko chood kar aata hai wo maza kisi ladki ko chood kar nahi aata kyu ki aunts ko sex k bare me jayada pta...

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Soldiers WifeChapter 9

"Get ready." "Oh." Gwen rolled painfully over to her side and tried to open her puffed eyes. Her shoulders and back ached. She pushed herself up on one elbow and forced her eyes open. Allen was throwing socks and shorts into a small bag. "Get your ass in gear, Gwen. It's Friday." "Friday?" She tried to move her legs, but a throbbing pain in her crotch made her stiffen. She reached down and felt the tender, battered flesh around her vagina. "Yeah, Friday. We're going up to see...

3 years ago
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From Nightmare To Wet Dream fiction

After the passing of my husband l couldn’t see another long term relationship let alone getting married again. But as it so happens l found a guy I really liked and after a eight years we were wed. He would of liked for it to had happen far earlier and I might of been good with it too, if not for his daughter. She was the stepdaughter from hell or would of been. So having some separation was a good thing, a very good thing. But as the years went by as did her school years when she was getting...

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