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Eighteen By Julie O Edited By Robert A Chapter 1- Background My life and the lives of everyone else on Earth were shaped by two events that followed close together following the end of World War II. Six months following the dropping of two atomic bombs on Japan and their unconditional surrender the so-called Burmese Flu broke out. Why they called it this is beyond my understanding as the virus had nothing to do with Burma. It supposedly broke out in China and in weeks it was a worldwide epidemic. Thanks to the turmoil following the war, the virus spread throughout the world in less than two months. This was in part due to its initially long incubation stage. Displaced peoples and troops returning home carried it without knowing. By the time the governments of the world realized what was happening it was too late. Like the Spanish Influenza of 1918, the Burmese Flu killed millions of people and, from what I have read; society came very close to collapsing. The only good thing about it was that it helped the newly formed United Nations gain power in order to fight the virus. No, the UN didn't take over governments or anything like that. Basically it helped in containing and fighting the flu. Medical procedures were quickly developed and sent out to all corners of the world. The tensions that had been growing between the Soviet Union and the democratic west also faded rapidly as all efforts were thrown into the fight against the bug. I've read that some historians believe that the flu may have saved the world from a massive political struggle. Because some scientists believed the disease may have been caused by the atomic fallout, all nuclear weapons testing was banned immediately. It was suspected that the Soviet Union was attempting to develop their own atomic bomb, but following the death of Stalin by the flu, they too agreed to the ban that has stood to this day. While it is true that there haven't been any big wars since WW II ended, there have been some small conflicts, but they've stayed small and local. Just as rapidly as it appeared, the flu vanished. Some think it just mutated and became less dangerous or that the human immune system adapted, either way it was over. The worldwide death toll was in the tens of millions and, combined with the task of rebuilding the world following years of war, society entered a period of peace and hopeful stability. I really don't give the human race any credit for this; the basic truth was that there was too much work to be done to worry about war. Just keeping the lights on; food on the table, and other aspects of maintaining civilization was work enough for the survivors of the flu. I also think they were all just too tired and sick of death to fight any more. However, nature wasn't done messing with the human race and no one could argue that Mother Nature didn't have a highly warped sense of humor. Okay, this is my own opinion as I believe what happened next was due to nature and not an act of man. Yes, I know the theories and have read all of them; it was a weapon, it was caused by the atomic bombs, it was a plot by some secret society, etc, etc. But the fact that it has gone unchecked for decades, without any proof of a plot, tells me that it's natural. I'm not a believer in conspiracies. Anyway, the first reported cases of the gender mutation occurred sometime in January, 1949. The exact date and location of the first case is unknown as it was either never initially reported or deliberately covered up. Personally, I suspect that most governments tried to cover it up, just to prevent a panic, but eventually it became too big of an issue to be hidden. Cases were popping up all over the world, almost at the same time. The one thing that they have discovered was that it didn't come from the Burmese Flu. The mutation initially had many names, but was eventually christened The Brubaker Syndrome or The Bru, after Dr. Harold Brubaker of London who officially identified it in 1950. He was also the one who determined who could be affected by it. As most people know today, The Bru only affects males. For a medical infection, it is rather particular. It only affects males around the age of eighteen. The earliest documented cases have been around seventeen years, six months; while the latest known case was at nineteen years, two months. The period that the change can occur is called the Bru zone. The infection is also peculiar since there is no rhyme or reason for who gets it and who doesn't. In some families all males get it while in others no one does. There have even been documented cases of twins where one gets it and the other doesn't. The infection rates are consistent among the entire world's ethnicities too. The changes occur down to the molecular level and are irreversible. One good thing about The Bru is that it has pushed huge advances in genetic science. In the drive to discover the cause and possible cure there are numerous labs devoted to genetic science. While they are still clueless as to what causes The Bru, or how to cure it, they have found cures to dozens of other illnesses. Anyway, once infected by The Bru, the male transforms completely into a female. They are physically no different than a natural born female. In one out of a hundred thousand cases the male takes on a female appearance but becomes a hermaphrodite retaining both male and female genitalia, each fully functional. The transformation or "turn" normally occurs over a period of a week, with most of the internal changes occurring in the first twenty-four hours. The complete transformation usually takes a week to ten days. In most cases the male first feels flu like symptoms, usually with a really bad fever and muscle pains. The physical changes can vary from mild discomfort to excruciating pain. They say that the lucky ones will slip into a coma and therefore not feel the most drastic changes. While the transformation can be painful, most survive. The survival rate has been increased with the creation of specialized emergency rooms. Most fatalities occur when the external organs form first which can lead to excessive bleeding. As I wrote earlier, The Bru infected males become completely female and in most cases fully capable of reproduction. At first, many victims of The Bru were sterilized out of fear and ignorance. However, when some of them did have children, it became evident that they didn't pass on the effects. Their children were normal and their male children were no more likely to be infected than a male from a natural born woman. One of the strange side effects of the turn is sexual orientation also changes in many of the new women. According what I read, over sixty percent of the transformed become sexually attracted to men. Most, myself included, suspect the number is higher and that the transformed are lying. Some of the transformed continue to try and live their lives as men. They keep their hair short, dress in men's clothing, keep their male names and even go as far to take male hormones. The problem is that their bodies seem resistant to the hormones, and basically they look like girls dressed as guys. Society has nicknamed them "Bois" and many in this group have adopted the name themselves. I'm not being judgmental about them as I don't know what I would do if I was in their place. The impact of The Bru has had a profound affect on the world. The gender ratio has slowly shifted and now adult females greatly outnumber adult males. This mismatch will only continue to grow as long as The Bru exists. In some parts of the world women now outnumber men four-to-one. Women are filling leadership positions in all aspects of life. This of course is necessary; as otherwise society could not function. This is also one of the reasons for the decrease in war as women are more willing to negotiate problems. However this doesn't mean that the transition has been uniformly smooth. Certain countries have resisted the advance of women and ignoring the fact that men are fast becoming the minority. Saudi Arabia has dissolved from a central kingdom into small tribal areas that are loosely connected. The oil rich areas have been leased out and guest workers brought in to do the work. These areas are off- limits to all locals, especially the women. This is because the small male ruling class doesn't want their women to know about the changes in the world. Also they don't want their people to know that many of the guest workers, who are keeping their country running, are women. Before you think that I'm picking on the rest of the world, we've had some problems here in the United States too. Many state and local governments fought change by trying to rewrite laws so that men would hold onto power. Thankfully, the federal government stepped in and passed the Equal Rights Amendment, which made sexual discrimination illegal. The funny thing is that many of the men who initially fought against this law now support it when they realized that they were slowly becoming the minority. Another issue that has risen from The Bru is reproduction. With each generation the number of males available for marriage has dropped. Polygamy was officially legalized in 1978, although it's not widespread yet. The law provides for legal protection for all involved in multiple partner marriages. While in some areas polygamy is practiced where the man and his wives and children all live in one house; the more common way is for the wives to have a separate home. The husband spends time with each family separately, sort of in a rotation basis. The separate families may or may not associate. I know it's not exactly conventional, but strange times call for strange solutions. The legal age for marriage has also been lowered in many states in order to fill the shortage of males. I know several guys in my class that are already married. One of my friends is married to a woman in her twenties and they already have a kid. All marriage certificates for males younger than eighteen have a clause to account for The Bru. If the male turns the two parties can annul the marriage without going through the expense of a divorce. Lawyers weren't too happy about losing all that lucrative income, but there was little they could do about it. Same-sex marriages were also legalized in 1978. The law passed with surprising ease. It was seen a practical solution to the shortage of males and to provide legal protection to the many same-sex families that already existed. Sperm banks have also become a major growth industry. It was determined that the sperm from males was safe, even if they later were infected by The Bru. A teenage male can make several hundred dollars a week by stopping by the sperm bank, which are as common as coffee houses. With the gradual acceptance that The Bru wasn't going away, many states began to provide mandatory education in high school for all males. Obviously, Pennsylvania is one of these states. Males must start the class before they turn eighteen to better prepare for the possibility of transformation. Like me, most take the class at the start of their senior year of high school, although it is usually offered in the spring of the junior year too. No one I know is looking forward to taking the class. Don't get me wrong, I fully agree with the need for education, but walking into that class just means that you're in the zone for becoming infected by The Bru. I have been dreading this day since I first learned about Brubaker Syndrome, and I will be counting the days until I am in the clear. My family hasn't been hit hard by The Bru, but I know that doesn't mean a thing. My other brother Jon, is now twenty-one and in college. I watched him count the days until he was in the clear. I have had two cousins turn in the past five years, and while they now tell me that it isn't that bad, I still think that bad is a relative term. Still, as much as I'm happy being a guy, I will accept my fate... no, that's not true; I will admit that I'm scared about the turn. Yes, I know that the stigma that once existed is pretty much gone, and I know that being a woman isn't an illness or anything like that; it's just that the idea of changing gender is pretty frightening. I'm very happy being Scott Andrew Gordon and I want to live out my life as a male. But now that I am entering the range of The Bru I will be counting down the days until I'm safe. Chapter 2 Present Day "Scott, I very pleased with your paper," said Mrs. Marion Martin. "I also appreciated your personal comments." Scott fidgeted slightly as he stood in front of his high school gender counselor's desk. "I know that we're supposed to be positive about all this..." "Scott, it's perfectly normal to be worried about this, and you wrote a very insightful paper. You have excellent background knowledge of The Bru, one of the best that I've seen," she interrupted. "I appreciate that you are sincere with your feelings. Most of the papers I read are pretty void of that sort of honesty." He looked at the pleasant looking woman in front of him. Her jet black hair was styled short, her brown eyes beamed back at him. She looked too young to be a gender counselor. Scott saw her college diploma on the wall behind her and could see that she had graduated from Penn State just eight years earlier. Still, he had heard she was one of the best at North Penn High School, located in the Philadelphia suburbs, and he was happy to have been assigned to her. "Scott, I'd rather you be honest about your fears," she continued. "Please sit down." The school was required by state law to have at least one counselor for every forty male students; North Penn, being a more affluent school, had one for every twenty students. All counselors were specially trained to assist male students as they entered the target age for The Bru. "Were you scared?" he asked. "Yes," she replied honestly. While it wasn't a requirement, nearly ninety percent of gender counselors had once been male. Marion made it clear to all her students that she had been transformed by The Bru. She felt that it let them open up more to her about their fears. She required all of her students to write a short paper to discover their knowledge of Brubaker's Syndrome and to gage their emotional state. "Do you have any questions about the class?" she asked. Scott shrugged his shoulders. "No, not really. My brother told me about it." Marion smiled back. She knew from Scott's record that he had an older brother, Jon, along with a sixteen year-old sister and a ten-year-old brother. He also had both a mother and father living together. "We've made a few changes since then," she said. "I think you'll find it useful." He scratched his short brown hair. "I read an article where they think they might soon be able to tell who will get it." "Yes, they've been looking at DNA for the past few years, but so far they haven't found anything specific." He nodded again. Scott knew that even if they found something it would years before a cure could be discovered. "Scott, this isn't easy, and I want you to know that I'm here to help you. If you feel stressed out and just want to talk, don't hesitate to stop by. Even if you don't get infected, the stress from thinking about it can be harmful." He smiled slightly. "Thanks." "Also, we have one of the best programs in the country for assisting those transformed," she added. "I know...still doesn't make it any easier," he replied. "That's true, but it does help some. Now, I see that you have agreed to keep a journal for us," she said. "I don't mind, but does it do any good?" he asked. The journal was designed to collect as much information as possible, including categories ranging from diet to personal hygiene products used. All information was kept confidential and submitted to a master database. The information was constantly analyzed to look for trends or similarities in those who turned. "The more information we collect the better. By collecting data from your everyday life and then comparing it to our database, we might see a specific trend. You will turn in your entries each week." "So it will be useful if I don't turn too?" he asked. "Exactly," she replied. "So maybe pizza will be a cure," he said as a grin formed on his face. Mrs. Martin laughed. "Okay, that's all for now, I'll see you next week," she said as she signed his pass. Scott stood up and took the pass from her. "Thank you." Chapter 3 "How'd it go, Scott?" asked Debby Schultz. He shrugged as he slipped his arm around her waist. "She liked my paper," he replied. Scott was of average build. He was five-nine and weighed nearly one hundred and forty-five pounds. Debby Schultz was a stunning blonde haired girl who was two inches taller than Scott. She was on the cheerleading squad and had been friends with Scott since eighth grade. Both had spent their whole lives in the area. Scott grew up in Lansdale and Debby lived in nearby Hatfield. Many of her friends were surprised that she was dating Scott, as he was an average student, but Debby was looking beyond high school. With the shortage of males, she figured Scott was a good choice to be going steady with. His family had few cases of The Bru and she was gambling that Scott would also make it to nineteen unscathed. She also really liked Scott and discovered that he was a sweet guy. "That's good," she replied. "I guess you're kinda nervous about this, I mean your birthday is in six months..." "Can we change the subject please?" interrupted Scott. "Look, I know you care, but I just would rather talk about something else, okay?" Debby nodded. "You want to come by my place after the game on Friday? My parents are out of town." Scott grinned. "That would be great." Debby leaned over and kissed Scott. "I have to run, cheer practice." "See you later," he replied. Chapter 4 Scott saw his friend Kyle Barron step out of the school's sperm bank. "Man, I'm so glad they opened one of these up in here," exclaimed Kyle as he held out his money. "That was a fast hundred bucks!" "You could get more in town," said Scott. "Yeah, but I'm horny now," he replied with a grin. Kyle was nearly six-two and had short black hair. Most guys kept their hair short as if to show they were still masculine. He was very athletic and was on the baseball team, and had been best friends with Scott since cub scouts. Like Scott, Kyle was also entering The Bru zone. "Did you met with your gender counselor?" asked Kyle. Scott nodded. "Man, I can't believe that it's here. Why couldn't it hit you when you were older?" "I know what you mean, buddy," said Kyle. "You know Jim Long?" Scott nodded. "Not well, he's on the basketball team right?" "That's right. I heard he started changing last night," said Kyle. "My mom told me." Kyle's mother was a doctor who worked at the local hospital. "Shit, he's what...six-five?" "You mean she now. I suppose she could always play for the girl's team now," added Kyle. Scott nodded in agreement. "If she's good enough. The girl's team was district champion last year." While high schools still had gender specific sports, the ripple effect of The Bru had a major impact on Collegiate and professional sports. Baseball was now fully integrated, as was basketball and soccer. Football had reverted to a club sport on the college level. Professional football had disbanded in the late seventies due to an increasing lack of good players. Kyle and Scott walked out to the student parking lot. It was a beautiful early September afternoon, warm and sunny. "Do you check yourself when you get up?" asked Kyle. "And when I go to bed," added Scott with a nervous laugh. "And when I get up in the middle of the night to take a leak..." "Man, this sucks, this should be the best year of our lives and we're forced to worry about turning into a girl," complained Kyle as he opened the driver's side door of his truck. "I know. I almost wish that I was out of school," he replied as he got in next to Kyle. "I mean, if I change, it will probably be during the school year." "Well, if you do, I'll take you to the prom," joked Kyle. "Fine, but don't expect me to do the same for you unless you look a lot hotter than Debby," replied Scott with a laugh. "Yeah, that makes sense," said Kyle as he backed out of the parking spot. "What do you think will happen between you two if you turn?" "I have no idea," replied Scott. "I love her, but we've never really talked about that. I brought it up a few times and she immediately changed the topic." "Hey, it might be you who breaks up with her; I mean you might not be into girls after you become one." Scott punched Kyle in the arm. "No way, I fully plan on being a lesbian!" The two friends laughed as it helped to ease the tension that existed in their lives. Chapter 5 "Good morning class, I am Ms. Lake and I will be one of your teachers," greeted the plump red-headed woman. "Just so you know a little about me, I am originally from Allentown and I attended Lehigh to become a teacher. I later shifted from science to gender studies." The class of twenty-nine males listened in silence. This was a class that they had dreaded attending for as long as they could remember. Alyce Lake had long ago noticed that the students in this class took longer to open up. There was none of the initial horseplay or joking that existed in other classes, but she did her best to keep it upbeat. "And before anyone asks, yes I was born male, so I know about the transformation process," she continued. Kyle looked at Scott and whispered. "I told you so." "Now, you all know the basics about The Bru. We know that it affects approximately thirty to thirty-five percent of the population. Some years the number is lower, although this year the number seems to running around forty-two percent," she said. There was some immediate mumbling. They had all suspected that it had been a bad year, but no one had ever told them it was this high. Scott looked around and did a quick calculation; at least 12 of the 29 in the class could become women if the percentage held up. "Why is this year so bad?" asked Ed Gomez. Ms. Lake shrugged her shoulders. "No one knows for sure, but one study seems to show that the percentage rises during periods of increased solar flares." "Why would that be a cause?" asked Larry Franks. "Flares release higher rates of energy particles which are known as a proton storm. Some scientists feel this may increase the mutation effect," she replied. "But it is just a theory." "Any more good news?" asked Kyle sarcastically. Instead of being angry by this response, Ms. Lake just smiled. She was pleased that the class was getting engaged in the discussion. "Nothing specific," she replied. "I will try to keep you up-to-date on the latest percentages and trends as we progress through the year. I know some of you would prefer not to be constantly bombarded with information, but it's best to be informed." "What happens to us if we change?" asked Taylor Browning. "I mean, how will the school handle it?" "As everyone in here will turn eighteen during the school year, you will be given the option of completing your senior year here or transferring. Home schooling is an option but not recommended. We've seen that immersion in society is the best way to adjust to the change." "How was it for you?" asked Scott. "I changed in November of my senior year. It started Thanksgiving weekend right after my high school's last football game of the year," she replied. "I played in the game as starting tight end and the changes started that night. I was out of school for two weeks as I recovered." "And you went back to the same school?" asked Scott. She nodded. "I sort of had to, as my options were slim. The only other high schools that were close were both private and religious." The students nodded as they knew what that meant. In some religious schools the transformed students were forced to transfer and in others they were required to wear a different uniform than the others girls. In some schools the transformed girls were made to wear a red T on their blazer, so that everyone knew who they were. While private schools were allowed to do this; public schools had been banned from such procedures for years. The good thing was that this practice was slowly changing as society accepted The Bru." "How was it?" asked Scott. "I mean, how were you treated?" "I was treated very well by my classmates. I had expected the worst and was pleasantly surprised by the way I was accepted," she replied. "Did you have an idea it was about to happen?" asked Dustin Wayne. She shook her head. "I've heard from some people who claimed they had a premonition of the change, but I had no inkling of what was about to happen. I went to bed and woke up around three in the morning. At first I thought it was the flu as I had a fever, but when I saw myself in the mirror I knew what was happening." "Thank you for sharing with us," said Scott. "You're welcome. It's part of my job to talk about this, but it's still sort of painful to think about the past. Don't get me wrong, I have accepted who I am and have made the best of it. The thing is, it's not the end of the world. Yes, you will face new challenges, but that's part of life even if there wasn't The Bru." "Can I ask something...it's sort of personal, but I know that I'm not the only one in here thinking about it," asked Rod Abbott. He was the star player of the basketball team. "Let me guess; are you going to ask about my sexual orientation?" she asked cheerfully. Rod nodded, slightly embarrassed by his question. "I don't mean to pry, but it's sort of a big deal and most people won't talk about it." "It's okay, if you can't ask those sorts of questions in here, where can you ask them? I had a girlfriend in high school up to the change. We broke up shortly afterwards as it didn't work for either of us. I now consider myself bisexual, but I am married to another woman and am quite happy." While the idea of same-sex marriages was still a sore spot with the older generations; for those who had been born and raised under the shadow of The Bru it was no big deal. In fact Kyle's birth mother was married to another woman. "Does it...um... feel normal?" he asked. There was some laughing from the other guys. "As normal as sex ever is," she replied. "And just so you know, that isn't the first time that someone in this class has asked me that. I want to point out that the purpose of this class is to allow you a safe environment to ask these sorts of questions." "Thank you," replied Rod. "Um, I have another question. How soon after you changed did you notice the difference?" "That's another good question, as I really don't have a set date or anything. I just noticed one day that I was attracted to men. It was a few months after I changed if that helps. I will also let you know that it wasn't a big deal...not compared to other things." Taylor immediately raised his hand. "Um, Ms. Lake, when you say other things...are you referring to your...um... period?" He got a bunch of dirty looks from the other guys as this was one topic that they didn't like to think about, let alone talk about. "Yes, exactly," she replied. "I know this isn't a popular topic, but it's important. Should anyone in here change, you'll be placed immediately in a health class to educate you on your body. Most people have their first period after thirty days; sometimes it's a little longer. I will let you know that it's a good sign when you have one as it means you have a healthy and normal body. Those that change and don't have a period often have severe health issues." "She's right, my cousin changed and she didn't have a period. It turns out her reproductive system didn't change completely. She's had like a dozen surgeries since then and she still has problems," said Rod. "Before class ends, I need to hand out some new permission forms. Once a week nurses will be collecting both blood and DNA samples. This is part of a nationwide study to try and determine the cause of The Bru; participation is strictly voluntary," said Ms. Lake as she passed out the forms. "While you can join the survey at anytime, we would appreciate it if you start as soon as possible." With that the bell rang and the students got up to leave. "Have a good week and see you all next week," said Ms. Lake. Chapter 6 "That wasn't so bad," said Scott. "She seems pretty cool." "My brother had her two years ago and he said she's the best," added Rod. Kyle nodded in agreement as he ate lunch. "Sorry about your cousin," said Scott. "Thanks, she's not doing very well. The only good thing is that all her operations have been paid for by the government." "That's good," replied Scott. "What do you think about the journal?" asked Kyle as he took a bite out of an apple. Scott shrugged his shoulders. "I guess it may help. I mean if they spot a trend." "What good will that do?" asked Rod. "They might be able to give someone head's up that they're going to turn; maybe that will lead to the cause," said Scott. "I suppose that makes sense...as much as any of this does. So, have any of you made plans for after graduation?" asked Rod. "I've been accepted as a couple of colleges, but I'm waiting to make my choice until after....well you know," replied Scott. "I know what you mean. I have some offers for athletic scholarships, but a couple of them are dependent on me still being a guy," said Rod. "I also have talked to one school that said they'll take me either way." "I'll probably go to Temple," said Kyle. "My moms want me to stay close." "That's one of the colleges that are offering a scholarship," said Rod. "Cool, maybe we'll be there together" replied Kyle. "So, have you heard about Jim?" "Yeah, Coach told us all today," said Rod. "He just turned eighteen in August." "You mean she," corrected Kyle. Rod shrugged his shoulders. "That'll be hard to get used to, Jim and I have played ball together for five years. I wonder what Jim's new name will be. Have any of you picked out a new name...in case you turn?" Scott shook his head. "I'm letting my parents decide, although I do have a right to reject it. I don't want to know any of the choices as that's supposed to be bad luck." "I didn't think someone as smart as you would be superstitious," said Rod. "Not superstitious...just cautious," replied Scott with a grin. "My Moms have worked on a list, but I haven't looked at it either," said Kyle. "Same here, my mom has a short list," said Rod. Just then Dustin Wayne walked up to them. "You guys want in on the pool?" "You mean they're actually doing it again this year?" asked Rod. "Yep, it's a tradition," replied Dustin. "The cost is fifty bucks, and it gets paid out to the first three to turn." "Did you know that Jim Long started to turn last night?" asked Rod. Dustin shook his head. "No, I hadn't heard, but then again we just started the pool today, too bad. So are any of you in? The deadline is this Friday." "How much do you expect to collect?" asked Kyle as pulled out his wallet. "Well, we have around four hundred guys in our senior class who will turn eighteen this school year. If everyone joins then that's twenty grand in the pool. However, I'd be happy if we get at least seventy- five percent in the pool," said Dustin. "You could win five grand each as the first three to turn... win...or whatever." Kyle handed Dustin five twenties. "I got you covered, Scott." "Damn, where do get that kind of money?" asked Rod. Kyle made an up and down motion with his cupped right hand. "You do really that?" asked Rod. "Free money man," replied Kyle. "Hell, I do it anyway; I might as well get paid for it." "I hope you finish in the top three then, Kyle. Five grand is 50 trips to the sperm bank," said Dustin. "I know, that's almost a week's work," Kyle replied as he broke out laughing. "Yeah, right," countered Rod. "Talk about making money hand over fist," added Scott. Kyle groaned. "Damn! For that pun I should take my money back." Chapter 7 Scott and Debby were lying together in her bed following making love. "That was so good, Scott," she sighed. "I enjoyed it too," he replied. Debby snuggled closer to Scott. "I want to do this as often as possible," she said. "I mean, I'm not trying to get pregnant or anything like that, I just want..." "It's okay, Debby," he interrupted. Jim Long's girlfriend Kathy was a close friend of Debby. The school provided counselors for this sort of thing too, as in some ways it was like a death. "Kathy is pretty broken up. She feels so bad because she didn't have sex with Jim," continued Debby. "Now, they can't, it's so tragic." Scott didn't say anything. Jim may have turned, but Jim wasn't dead, still to Kathy maybe Jim was dead, he thought. He then wondered if Debby would mourn him in the same way should he turn. He decided not to bring it up, partly so it wouldn't upset Debby and also because he was afraid of what her answer might be. "I just hope Jim's turn goes well," he said. "It won't be easy for him...I mean her, she'll have trouble finding clothes," said Debby. Scott rolled his eyes. Finding a dress that fit right would be the least of Jim's worries he thought, but he didn't see a point in bringing this up. There was always a certain amount of underlying tension existing between couples in The Bru zone. Some girls felt that too much attention was given to the males who turned. After all being female was no big deal. Also the world was becoming female dominated so what was the big deal? They sometimes made fun of the newly turned girls and their wardrobe selections. There was also a darker issue; some girls felt that the old laws that identified the turned girls should have never been repealed. It was bad enough that there was a shortage of males in their age group, but to make matters worse there were more women with each passing day. Some natural born girls felt it might be better if The Bru killed more males than it turned. Scott glanced at his watch. "I gotta get going, Debby. My family's going over to Jersey tomorrow to see my grandmother." "Are you staying there overnight?" Scott nodded. She sat up and kissed him. "One more time, please?" Scott smiled back as he felt her hand on his cock. "Sure, babe." Chapter 8 Scott sat in the front passenger seat next to his dad, Ron. They were going down to the Jersey shore to visit Scott's grandmother on his dad's side of the family. She now lived fulltime on Long Beach Island. Scott's mom, Maggie and his younger siblings sat in the back. Scott's younger sister Annie was a junior at North Penn and planned to go to college to be an engineer. Annie was an overachiever and extremely intelligent. She and Scott were very close and this closeness had grown as Scott's eighteenth birthday got closer. Scott's youngest brother was Harry and he idolized his older brothers. Scott was worried how Harry might react should he turn. "Traffic isn't too bad," said Ron Gordon. "I was thinking that more people might be heading down to the shore while the weather's been so nice." "Be thankful they're not," said Maggie. "We're still a ways from the bridge that goes over the sound and you know how that backs up." Ron nodded. "How's school going, Scott?" "Good," he replied as he looked out the window. "That's it, good?" asked Maggie. Scott shrugged his shoulders and glanced back. "You know what I mean. We had one guy turn this week." "Oh," said Maggie. "I hadn't seen anything in the paper." All teens, when they turned, were listed in the paper. This was done to try and normalize the change and to get the word out. "It was Jim Long," said Scott. "The basketball player?" asked Ron. Scott nodded. "I hope everything works out for...her," said Maggie. "Can we change the subject?" asked Scott. "Sure thing," said Ron. "Oh, we hired a new dental tech." "That's good," said Maggie. "I know you've been short handed." "She's fresh out of school, but she's really eager to learn," continued Ron. Ron was one of three dentists who had a practice together. He was the only male in the office. "Oh, Scott, the office is sponsoring a new scholarship. It will pay full tuition, room and board, and a monthly stipend in exchange for five years of service," said Maggie. Maggie was an executive in a large pharmaceutical firm. Like many companies, they had trouble getting qualified new employees. "In what area would I have to work? I mean I don't want to be the one who has to clean the animal cages," said Scott. "I also don't want to burn the dead monkeys." Maggie reached up and playfully smacked him. "You know that's a myth. We don't even use lab animals." A popular local legend was that the company had a special incinerator for cremating lab animals, including monkeys. The smoke stack was actually a remnant from an old power plant that had once been used on the site. "Hi, I'm Scott Gordon, I'm a monkey fryer," stated Scott. "The official title is simian incinerator technician," interjected Annie. "Your title makes it sound like you're some sort of a primate clergy member; although that might not be a bad job for you." Scott turned around and stuck his tongue out at her. Maggie rolled her eyes. "Do you want to know about the scholarship, Scott or make monkey jokes?" "Ook, ook," replied Scott with a laugh. "Okay, please tell me about it." "We're developing a path for future executives, so you would need to study business administration," she said. "Sounds like a good deal," interjected Ron. "We're offering three scholarships this year," continued Maggie. Scott thought about it. He had thought about going into business anyway. "Okay, bring the info home and I'll take a look at it." "I already did," said Maggie. "Just so you know, you're more than qualified." "Thanks, Mom," replied Scott. "You have to have the application in by 1 October," continued Maggie. "They'll make the decision by December." Scott nodded. "Will it matter if I turn?" "Of course not, Scott," replied Maggie. "Why would you say that?" "Some of my friends at school have had a turn clause in scholarship offers," said Scott. "I didn't know that was legal," said Ann. "It is for private universities," said Ron. "Damn Neanderthals. I can't believe there are those in this country that are still so close- minded." "Dad, are we going to stop soon?" asked Harry. "I gotta go." "Hang on, sport," said Ron. "We'll stop as soon as cross over into Jersey." Chapter 9 "It's so good to see all of you," said Elizabeth Gordon as she greeted her family. Her family had always maintained a house at the Jersey shore and after her husband died in a car crash, she moved there fulltime. She was in what she called semi-retirement, as she worked part-time for the local municipal government in city hall. She said that sixty-eight was too young to not do anything. "Good to see you, Mom," said Ron as he hugged her. She gave her son a big kiss and then hugged Maggie. "I'm so glad you came down," said Elizabeth as she hugged her grandchildren. "How're you doing, Scott?" she asked him as she slipped her arm around his waist and led him into her house. "I'm fine, Gran," he replied. "Well, I'm so happy to see all of you. I have passes for you if you want to go out on the beach." "Thanks, Gran," said Harry. Chapter 10 Scott, Annie and Harry changed and headed over to the beach. It was just three blocks away and it was too nice a day to pass up. They laid out their things and Harry ran down to the ocean with his wave board. "Don't go too far, Harry, we don't want to tell Mom and Dad you got eaten by a shark," shouted Scott. "There are no big sharks here," replied Harry as he looked out towards the waves. "Yes there are, one of the biggest shark attacks occurred right off this island," replied Scott. Harry stopped and looked at the ocean and then back at his brother. "You're kidding right?" Scott shook his head. "A great white ate a whole bunch of people out there, so stay close. I mean you would be nice snack for a great white." Harry looked at the water and back at Scott before heading slowly to the water's edge. "That happened back in 1916," said Annie as she began to apply sunscreen. Scott nodded. "Shhhh, if it keeps him close he doesn't have to know that." "That's pretty cold, Scott Gordon," exclaimed a female life guard. "You should treat your little brother better than that." Scott turned around and looked at the tall pretty brunette in the one- piece suit standing behind them. He looked at her face and couldn't place it. "Do I know you?" he asked. "You should, I've lived next door to your grandmother for ten years," she replied as she removed her sunglasses. "I also got drunk with you last year... by the way, you still owe me ten bucks for the beer I bought!" Scott's jaw dropped. "Jake? Is... that you?" "More or less, mainly less. I'm Jill now," she replied. "Damn, when...I mean..." stammered Scott. "In July," she replied, grinning slightly. "Just a week after my eighteenth birthday; some present huh?" Scott looked at the young woman. He had hung out with Jake many times over the past ten years and was shocked by how much she had changed. "You're beautiful, Jill," said Scott. Jill's smile grew larger. "Thank you, that's so nice of you." "Hi Jake... I mean Jill," said Annie, who was now standing next to Scott. "Annie!" exclaimed Jill. Scott remembered how Jake always had a crush on his sister. Judging by the way Jill was looking at Annie, some things hadn't hanged. Annie got up and hugged Jill. "Good to see you." "Same here. Are you down for the whole weekend?" asked Jill. "Yes," replied Scott. "So are you a full-time life guard?" "Just until the end of the month," she replied. "Thankfully I didn't lose my job after the turn." "That's good to hear," said Ann. "Well, I better get back to work. I'll stop by later," said Jill. "Good," said Scott. "Bye, Jill," said Annie. Scott and Ann sat down on their towels. "I never would have recognized her," said Scott. "I know what you mean. Crap, Jake was so cute," she replied. "She still is," said Scott. Annie playfully punched her brother in the arm. "You know what I mean." "I do," he replied. "You know, Annie, if Jill wants to be alone with you, just tell me." "If you turn, I hope you look as cute," she countered as she returned to applying sunscreen. Scott just laughed as he lay back on his towel. Chapter 11 "How's Scott doing?" asked Elizabeth as she handed Ron a bottle of Pinot Grigio. "He started his gender class this week and one of the guys in his class turned this week," said Ron. "Jake Dennison turned this past summer," said Elizabeth. "I wanted to tell Scott before he left for the beach." "Jake turned? Ann will be more upset than Scott, she had a crush on him," said Maggie. "Her name is now Jill and she's a really nice girl. The poor Dennisons, they've had so many turn in that family," said Elizabeth. "Jill was their last child." "It happens," said Ron as he filled the glasses. "We've been lucky so far, but if it does we'll give Scott all the help possible." "I know you will," said Elizabeth. "So, how's Jon doing? I wish he was going to college closer." "That makes two of us," said Maggie. "He's really close to a girl out there. I wouldn't be surprised if they get married, but I think they want to wait until they both graduate college." "We haven't met her yet, but Jon is always talking about her," added Ron. "So, tell me about my future granddaughter-in-law and start with her name," stated Elizabeth. "It's Gina," said Ron. "What a lovely name," said Elizabeth. Chapter 12 After dinner Jill stopped by. "So what are you plans, Jill?" asked Maggie as she helped Elizabeth pass out the dessert. "I want to stay down here, I'm pretty much an island girl, but jobs are scarce after Columbus Day when most places close up. I'm waiting to hear back from Rutgers as I applied for the marine biology program. I'd like to have a job that keeps me near the ocean," replied Jill. "I'm hoping to start the winter semester." "And pay's better than being a lifeguard," said Scott. "I like being a lifeguard, but you're right about the money," said Jill. Later Jill and Scott went out for a walk down by the waterline. "You're in the zone now, right?" asked Jill. Scott nodded. "My birthday is in February." "It's not that bad," she said. "I mean, I was freaking out when it first started, but now it doesn't seem like a big deal." "How long did it take?" he asked. "Six days. The first couple of days I was semi-delirious and wasn't that aware of what was happening. When I regained my senses I was pretty much a girl. Thankfully everyone down here was really cool about it," she said. "Did it hurt?" asked Scott. "A little. Have you ever had food poisoning?" she asked. Scott nodded. "Sort of like that, the stomach cramps were the worst part," she replied. "I guess I was lucky as some people go through severe pain." "Um, do you like guys now?" asked Scott as they continued to walk along the shoreline. "Are you asking me out, Scottie?" she asked with a laugh. Scott laughed too. "You know what I mean." Jill shook her head. "Nope, I'm a lesbian." "Oh," replied Scott. "It's fine Scott, I mean, there are a lot more girls out there than guys," she replied. Scott shook his head. "It's not that, I mean I'm cool with things like that, it's just I was hoping to get some insight." "Wow, you really must be worried about turning," said Jill. "I have a hunch about it," he replied. "I don't think that means anything. I had no premonition or anything. I just got sick and ta da, I was a girl." Scott nodded again. "Look, before you go I'll give you my email address and cell phone number, don't be afraid to use them," said Jill. "Thanks, by the way, if I wasn't already dating someone, I would have asked you out," said Scott. Jill leaned over and kissed Scott on the cheek. "And if I wasn't into girls I would have accepted." Scott laughed. "If you do turn, look me up," said Jill with a wink. "If you look anything like Annie, I'll be asking you out first!" Chapter 13 The rest of the weekend was uneventful, although Scott did tell Annie about his conversation with Jill. "Jill is pretty cute...not as cute as Jake was," said Annie. "I guess I should take that as a compliment." The drive back went pretty smooth and Scott was happy that his dad let him drive part of the way back. They listened to the Phillies game on the radio. It was an exciting game as the Phillies beat the Mets when the All-Star shortstop Jana Rollins hit a double to knock in the winning run in extra innings. "I don't know where the Phillies would be this season without her," said Ron. "I agree," said Scott. They weren't home ten minutes when the phone rang. Ann answered it and called for Scott. "It's Kyle," she said. Scott took the phone. "What's up?" "Frank Reynolds started to turn yesterday," said Kyle. "Shit," replied Scott. "I knew you'd want to know," said Kyle. "Thanks buddy," said Scott. "Ill see you tomorrow." Scott hung up the phone. "What's wrong?" asked Ann. "Another guy in my class started to turn," he replied. "Who?" Scott told her. "His birthday is just a week before mine." "That doesn't mean anything, Scott," said Annie. "Come up to my room and we can talk about it." Chapter 14 Scott walked into Annie's room. He looked at her bookshelf by her computer and smiled. She was probably the only girl in eleventh grade that had a book shelf full of math and engineering manuals. While Annie was a serious student, she was also a very attractive young woman. She was about the same height as Scott, although she was thinner. Her body was more athletic than heavily curved. Still she had large breasts, like most women in the family. Her hair was dark brown and had a natural curl to it that seemed to flow around her face. Scott sat down on her computer chair and she flopped down on her bed. "I just want you to know that nothing will change between us if you turn; in fact it'll probably make us closer," said Annie. "I appreciate that, Annie," he said. "I will help you adjust. I mean, I know how some of the girls at school can be to the new girls." "Hopefully it won't come to that," said Scott. "I know, but I can tell that it's on your mind. I know if roles were reversed I would be a wreck until I was out of the zone." "Is it that obvious?" he asked. "You can't seem to escape it. We go to the shore and you run into Jill, it must really suck," she said. Scott chuckled. "You have no idea how funny it is to hear you say suck." "Girls curse too, Scott," she replied as a smile appeared on her face. "I know that, it's just strange to hear my little sister say it." Annie picked up a pillow and tossed it at him. Chapter 15 Scott decided the best way to get through The Bru zone was to just take one day at a time. Yes, he would plan his future by applying for the scholarship that his mom talked about, but much of his life he decided to live day to day and not worry what could happen. By early October he had grown to like his gender class as it gave him a chance to be open about his feelings. It was not a conventional class in that there were no grades or tests. There were assignments, but they were more personal in nature; one of the assignments to write a short paper on someone famous who had undergone the turn. "So who are you writing about, Scott?" asked Kyle as they stood in line to buy lunch. "I was thinking of maybe doing Beth Gates, the head of Microsoft, or maybe Petra Jackson, the director of The Lord of the Rings movies, what about you?" "I'm doing mine on Lana Armstrong, the woman who won the Tour de France," he replied. "That's a good one," replied Scott. "I wonder if these people would have been as successful if they had stayed male." "I think so, I mean their drive to succeed wasn't caused by The Bru... I suppose that's why we're being made to write the papers in the first place." "Whoa, keep that up and someone might think that you're actually smart and not just a big dumb jock," chided Scott. "Don't worry, I'll just say something really stupid right afterwards and everyone will forget the smart thing," said Kyle. "So, what's up with you and Amber? I haven't seen you two together much lately," asked Scott, referring to Kyle's girlfriend. "We put everything on hold until after I turn nineteen. She's more freaked out by this than I am," replied Kyle as he reached for a hoagie. "Why is that?" asked Scott. "Her parents were married young and her dad turned. Amber never met him as guy," he replied. "Oh," replied Scott. "I notice that you don't have that trouble with Debby." Scott nodded as he also grabbed a hoagie and a bag of chips. "To be honest, she's wearing me out," whispered Scott. Kyle broke out in a big smile. "I wish I had your problems. The only good thing about Amber and my timeout is that it's making me rich. I'm on a first name basis with the nurses at the sperm bank." Scott shook his head. "Dude, that's way too much information." They paid for their lunch and found a table. The weather had cooled off, so going outside was no longer an option. A tall girl walked towards them and sat down next to them. "How's it going, Jan?" asked Kyle. "No bad," she replied. "I have my tryout for the girl's basketball team this afternoon." "Good luck," said Scott. "I'm not too worried. They don't have a center and that's what I've played the past three years," said Jan. Jan had returned to school in late September and had slowly reintegrated herself back into school life. She said that the hardest thing was being so tall; it made blending in difficult. "I heard that Frank transferred to another school," said Jan. Frank Reynolds had refused to take on a female persona and was living life as a Boi. "That's his choice," said Kyle. "But I saw him and he looks so feminine; even with his breasts taped down and his hair cut masculine he looks like a girl." "I know," said Scott. He could understand that some of the turned didn't accept what happened to them, but what Frank was doing seemed rather futile. "My counselor said that he might change his mind after a while," said Jan. "I read where nearly eighty percent of Bois eventually accepted their new gender within six months," said Scott. "That makes sense," said Jan. "Did you think about it?" asked Scott. "I mean, considering your size, it must have crossed your mind." Jan shook her head. "I hate living in the past. I can still get a full scholarship and maybe even play in the pros, so why bother." "Frank was always a bit stubborn," added Kyle. "I wonder who will be next," said Jan. "If it's me, I'm getting five grand," said Kyle. "I talked to Dustin and the fund has almost fifteen grand in it." "Just my luck to turn before the pool was started," said Jan. "Frank didn't get any either," added Kyle. As they talked a girl walked by and stared at Jan and then turned away. "I see that Kathy is still not talking to you," said Kyle. "I know. I've tried to talk to her, but she won't listen. I mean it's like she thinks I did this on purpose," bemoaned Jan. "I guess we still have a long way to go," said Scott as he wondered about Debby. Chapter 16 "Okay, today we're going to start talking about personal hygiene and other changes," announced Ms. Lake. She then put her hands up. "Now, before any I hear any moaning and groaning, this is not going to be a health class or anything like that. I know you've all had human sexuality classes. Also, if you turn you will receive additional training. The purpose of this part of the class is to let you ask questions without worrying about the reaction of the teacher." The guys sat there in silence. "Okay, I know at least one of you has a question," interjected Ms. Lake. Again she was greeted by silence. "Okay, I'll start, let's talk about going to the bathroom," she said. "And there's more to it than just sitting down to pee." There was laughter from the guys. "You'll need to do more than just shake it," she continued. The guys started laughing harder. Now that she had their attention she began to talk about basic hygiene. "So that's why we go through so much toilet paper at home," stated Dustin. "Dude!' said Ed. "That's way, way too much info!" "Hey, I have three sisters and two moms. I never realized the reason why we bought so much toilet paper. I never thought about it, so sue me!" countered Dustin. "The important thing is keep yourself clean. One of the biggest problems we have to face is infections and other issues that could be prevented by better hygiene," said Ms. Lake. "Trust me; the last thing you want to deal with is an infection that you could have prevented." The guys nodded as the reality sunk in that there was more to the turn that just wearing female clothes and makeup. After class Scott and Kyle walked together to their next class. "That was pretty frightening," said Scott. "You're not kidding," replied Kyle. "It definitely gave me something to think about." Chapter 17 "Where are your parents tonight?" asked Scott in between kisses. "They went to into Philly to see a new Shakespeare production," replied Debby as she kissed Scott back. "They'll be home around midnight." In one of the many twists caused by The Bru, Shakespeare's plays were now done by all female casts, with women portraying male characters. Philadelphia had one of the best Shakespeare companies in the country. They were soon naked and making love in Debby's bed. It may have been Scott's imagination, but their lovemaking was becoming more furious. When they finished, they clung to each other under the covers. "I can't believe that it's Halloween next weekend," said Debby. "I know," replied Scott. The good thing was that another month was almost over. "I really like our costumes," said Debby. They were going as vampires. Debby had joked that they should dress as football player and cheerleader, with Scott being the cheerleader, but he turned this idea down. Like many of his friends, he believed that dressing up as girl with you being in the zone was bad luck and temping fate. "My parents asked me if you'd like to come over for dinner Sunday night," asked Scott. "And what about you?" asked Debby. "You know that I want you to come," he replied. She leaned over and kissed him. "I accept." "Cool," he replied. She glanced at the clock. "My parents will be home in an hour." Scott nodded. Her parents knew Scott and Debby were having sex, but it still felt strange to be doing it when they were there. He started to get out of bed when she pulled him back. "Please, don't go yet, let's make love one more time." Scott heard what sounded like a tone of panic in her voice. "What's wrong, babe?" She bit her lower lip for a moment. "I had a nightmare the other night, it was so realistic! I dreamt you had turned," she admitted. Scott reached over and caressed her with his hand. "It was just a dream, they don't mean a thing." "I know it's silly, but it felt so real," she continued. "Was I pretty?" he asked. "Don't joke about this, Scott. I'm so scared about losing you," she confessed. "Look, there's nothing we can do but wait it out," he said. "Aren't you worried?" she asked. "Yes... but what I can do?" he admitted. "Debby, I'm downplaying this a little, but I've decided that the only way I can get through this year to just take it one day at a time and to enjoy each day the best I can. I want us to be together too. I know that some people break up to make this period easier, but I want to be with you." Debby wiped back a tear. "Hey, don't cry," he said as he leaned over and kissed her. "Stay a little longer, please," she begged. "Of course." He began to caress her body. Chapter 18 It was midweek when the next guy at North Penn turned. It was also the first person in Scott's class and Ms. Martin broke the news to the class. "As you might have noticed, Dustin isn't here," she said. "We got word that he started to turn last night." There was some murmuring among the guys. The tension was broken by Rod. "Well, at least she won't have any trouble getting her money." In spite of himself Scott laughed. He then tried to picture what Dustin would look like as a girl. One of the many Bru related products was a computer software program that showed what a male would look like as a girl. Scott had never done it as he considered it bad luck. He joked that it wasn't a superstition if it worked. There was a long list of superstitions regarding The Bru and the list seemed to grow longer every year. Scott had once Googled it and found thousands of hits. What was amusing was that depending on where you lived determined what was considered good or bad luck. One that was popular among more conservative areas was that maintaining one's virginity was a sure way to avoid The Bru. Scott laughed when he saw that and knew not only that it didn't work, but it seemed a waste of a very good opportunity. With the shortage of males over eighteen it was very easy to find a girl willing to have sex. He had lost his virginity with Debby on his sixteenth birthday. Other superstition involved avoiding certain types of food and drink. The only superstitions that he observed where ones that seemed to taunt the odds. He wouldn't dress as a girl, look at potential female names, the photo manipulations and things like that. He didn't see the pool as temping fate as almost everyone did it. "How's...she doing?" asked Rod. "From what we've been told, everything is going well," replied Ms. Lake, who was sitting on the edge of her desk. It had been ten years since a North Penn student died from The Bru. There was a brass plaque with his name on it in the main entrance of the school and touching it was supposed to bring good luck. The letters on it were kept shiny by the hundreds of fingers that touched it daily. Scott had always liked Dustin, as he was the type who could always make everyone laugh. He hoped that she hadn't lost her sense of humor. "Okay, today is open topic day, does anyone have anything they want to talk about?" asked Ms. Lake. No one initially volunteered, so Scott raised his hand. "Yes, Scott," said Ms. Lake as she pointed to him. "I know that we will get all the necessary help, should we turn, but is the school going to do anything for...well our girlfriends? I mean, Debby and I have talked a little about the possibility of it happening." "There are support groups available for girls and also some for family members," she replied. "I know that, but there's nothing here at school. I mean, it would make sense to have something here," he said. "I agree," said Rod. "Jan Long's old girlfriend is still upset." "If it were up to me, I would do it," said Ms. Lake. "The biggest problem is funding. They won't cut any money from this program; and too many people remember what it used to be like." "What do you mean by that?" asked Kyle. "Tell us," demanded Scott. Ms. Martin walked over and locked the door. "I don't want any interruptions. No one likes to talk about it much, but there was a very high suicide rate in the first years of The Bru." "We've heard that some people killed themselves, but they were really low," said Kyle. "The numbers were manipulated to hide the real totals. If you look at the statistics for the first five years you'll see much higher rates for death. These were classified as medical reasons and not suicide," explained Mrs. Martin. "We now recognize that this cover-up was a mistake, but no one wants to go back and re-write the past. The good thing is that out of this sprung the education program that you now have. "The Bru caught them by surprise and combined with the male dominated society of the 1950's, it was just too much for some people to take. It didn't help that there was little support for them," added Ms. Lake. "Also, society wasn't exactly supportive. In some cases we know that some individuals and groups actually encouraged suicide," said Mrs. Martin. "They were afraid it was contagious." Scott listened intently. He had read accounts of some religious fanatics calling for the death of the turned. Thankfully these people were not supported by mainstream religion, at least not in the United States, Canada and Western Europe. He also remembered reading accounts of forced sterilizations and in some cases female circumcision. "You must remember that the world had just gone through a long destructive war and then the Burmese flu. I don't condone what was done...no one can,

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Linda and Eddie made hot dogs and fries for dinner, with a quick green salad, and the meal was like having a party. Everybody seemed to talk at once, and even though Isobel Zachary had gotten over most of her embarrassment, the woman wore her panties to the table. Beth had on the flowing robe, but she didn't bother to belt it, and the gown hung open so that her lavishly developed body peeped out, now a ripely modeled tit, now the treasure of her mound or the flash of a pale thigh. His...

1 year ago
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Private Lucy Belle Horny Model Enjoys DP

Brunette, sexy, and a perfect a little ass too, that’s Lucy Belle, a Private babe and legend that we get to experience once again today as we recover her lost scene from Private Specials, Euro Chicks Love 2 Dicks, right here on www.private.com! A photoshoot with a girl like Lucy was only going to end one way, and sure enough, photographer Nick Lang was soon getting treated to a sloppy deepthroat blowjob before Bob Terminator joined the party for some phenomenal DP threesome action that had her...

2 years ago
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Our Cabin in the Woods Book 1Chapter 40

Kelly woke me and said it was time to get going. We used the bathroom, changed into our workout clothing and left our room. Kelly knocked on Jenny’s and Rob’s bedroom door, opening it when Rob answered. “We’re going to workout. Are you going to join us?” Kelly said. “Yup, we’ll be down in a few,” Jenny said. Kelly made a pot of coffee while I sat at the table looking outside. Rob and Jenny came in as the coffee maker finished. We sat at the table sipping our coffee and trading...

3 years ago
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Still the sweetest

Of all the pussy I've eaten my girlfriend's sister had the sweetest! Now before I tell the taleI'll give the background. My girlfriend had a sister whom I have wanted since I met her 8 years ago so I had to wait. She is about 5'8 210 40 D, BBW long curly dark hair, glasses, very pretty face, carrys herself very well for a 'bigger girl '. She has fat toes!! And they were just as sweet as her pussy lol. It was tough living together over the years on and off. Especially sharing a wall. Oh the...

3 years ago
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Helpful to a fault

Helpful to a fault James had lucked out in his youth - he had married Camilla, a rich young doctor, much more attractive and intelligent than him. He treasured his wife immensely and always submissively tried to satisfy her every whim. He had recently lost his job at an auto repair shop when his wife came to him with a request - and a job offer. The hospital where she worked was shortstaffed and they desperately needed a nurse. Noone had answered the numerous ads and the officials...

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Claire and Evelyn

I had met Claire at a spa weekend; she is a masseuse and had given me a massage that ended up with me having my first lesbian sex. But that's another story! We arranged to meet up outside the spa and perhaps see if we could take things a bit further. And so it was that one Friday evening we found ourselves at a bar getting to know each other a bit better.I should explain that Claire is very pretty and it was obvious she was going to attract a lot of attention. She's petite with medium...

2 years ago
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Numchucks The Legend Ch 18

(Where are you?) Jefferson Texas~ ‘Numchuck’s…NUMCHUCKS!’ I called and called. Walked the woods close to the house and drove the roads till late into the night. ‘Numchucks where are you?’ I would call just to break the monotony of the same name over and over. The next day a neighbor from down the road walked up while I was outside and told me that her husband had witnessed ‘The big black dog of ya’lls was laying in the road and a truck pulling a boat came around the corner and ran over your...

2 years ago
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Neighbourhood Attractions Darren and Ella Part Two

Ella and Darren kissed, feeling their lips press together softly at first and then harder as shyness dissipated. With her arms hooked around his neck, Darren drew Ella up to him from the stool. Ella felt his tongue on her lip and deepened the kiss in turn as she pushed her tongue into his. Kissing more passionately with his hands moving over her back and sides, he kept his hands off her curves for the time being. Ella could taste the beer on his breath while his designer stubble teased her...

College Sex
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Net MommyChapter 6

I dropped Rick at the gate of our building and went on to park the car in the basement. When I reached back, he was standing near the lift, waiting for it to descend. We reached our apartment. I opened the door lock. Rick pulled open the front door and entered into our living room. I followed him. He put all the shopping bags on the sofa, turned and locked the door from inside, properly fixing door latch from inside. I watched his hurried activity; he was making sure that no one, not even my...

4 years ago
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Lucy goes to the Ball Part 1

Lucy couldn’t deny she was nervous. For weeks she had planned to attend the annual ‘Halloween Leather and Lace Fetish Ball’ held in the nearby city with two close friends, Hayley and Kelly. They had all thought it would be a liberating experience and were all anxious to see attend an adult themed Halloween party. Now, she sat in her car parked alone, as her friends had backed out unexpectedly at the last minute. She seriously considered just leaving, but the ticket hadn’t been cheap. The...

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The Master WarriorChapter 16

We broke off observation of the building well before sunset. Grace had heated water for our evening meal of freeze-dried food, and we would have more of the roasted venison also. The moon had risen that morning and would set just before midnight tonight according to the data that I had. Again from the same data, Astronomical Twilight would be just before 9:30 tonight. Since the moon was four days past new moon, it would provide some light for part of the night to see by. We would be starting...

3 years ago
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Doggie FarmChapter 3

On the cobblestone path connecting the security-tight servants' quarters with the plantation home of the Baline's, young Diana Williams' blood temporarily turned cold, which was natural enough, she reasoned, having no certain idea of what was to be expected of her. At that moment, she was thankful for the two joints of fine-grade Columbian marijuana that the Baline's so generously kept available for their servants. Not that the Baline's weren't good to their help otherwise. Man, if it...

2 years ago
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Perceptions and DeceptionsChapter 48

Jason entered a house of brooding silence. His father worked in the back yard while his mother sulked in the sewing room. A bare nod of her head was the only acknowledgement she offered when he told her that he was back only long enough to check if he had received an email from a friend. Jason walked to his room at a sedate pace to avoid giving his mother a reason for complaint. He closed the door to his room and fetched the Book. The pendant under his shirt grew warm against his...

4 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 175

In a transatlantic flight, a plane passes through a severe storm. The turbulence is awful, and things go from bad to worse when one wing is struck by lightning. One woman in particular loses it. Screaming, she stands up in the front of the plane. "I'm too young to die!" she wails. Then she yells, "Well, if I'm going to die, I want my last minutes on Earth to be memorable! I've had plenty of sex in my life, but no one has ever made me really feel like a woman! Well, I've had it! Is...

4 years ago
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After Moving Motherinlaw in repost

I'm trying this again and I hope it is in better shape than the first post I finally got to post here and I am sorry about the first post of this story being messed up.After Moving Mother-in-law inThis story starts when my wife Sandy Ann, and I, were married during our Forth year. Sandy Ann didn’t want any k**s because she wanted to work on her career first before we have any k**s, which I gave her the support like a good husband does, which to do so she took pills to make sure she didn’t get...

3 years ago
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Chronos ChroniclesChapter 8

The two hours fly by fast. I am the first up the ladder and out into the open. It feels so good to breathe fresh air, and feel the wind on my face. I had not realized how much I missed it, living from one artificial world to another. And lucky me, I am getting my first sunset of the Sun in a 100 years. It is beautiful. I want to bask in the splendid sight forever. Gwen wants to take me over to meet some of the other women. Saber and Melville want to head off to look for the hidden entrance...

1 year ago
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Gramathu 19 Vayathu Pen Thozhi Ennai Ooka Azhaithaal

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en siru vayathu gramathu kama kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal iyarkaiyaana tamil kama kathaikul selalam. En peyar Vishnuvarthan, vayathu 27 aagugirathu, naan ippozhuthu thaan niraiya kama kathaiyai padithu varugiren, en kama anubavathaiyum naan intha inaiyathalathil pathivu seiya aasai patu en anubavangalai ungalidam pagirugiren. Appozhuthu en vayathu 19 aagiyathu, Coimbatore city side la engal veedu irunthathu. En paati veedu oru gramathil...

2 years ago
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The Corporate Slave

Jan 2019: I joined Deepu’s team. I was like a corporate slave. There isn’t a single male, including the security guards of our Gurgaon office, who doesn’t want to fuck our sales manager. Deepanjali is simply irresistible. She’s a hot Punjabi girl with natural assets. She also does Pilates to shape her voluptuous body. I’ve spent many hours trying to count the number of ways in which her lower body is curved. There are steep slopes on both sides of her torso, from her boobs to waist. There is a...

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The AutoCloset

THE AUTO-CLOSET by Kristen O Prelude A lone figure was accidently transported into the not to distant future using a time machine of his own creation. He emerged in a lady's bedroom filled with futuristic equipment. He did not realize where he was. A machine in the corner of the room caught his eye. The Auto-Closet Part I - Discovery Jack walked up to the curious machine and examined the instrumentation on the panel. A switch was left on marked "enabled". Another...

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"Come on boys," I heard my mom shout from the next room, "Pies are almost ready."I rushed to put down what I was doing and could hear the eager running feet of my two elder brothers hurrying to join us. Mom's pies were something really special, a treat that we were all only to eager to eat up. We raced into the living room together and there we three were met with quite a sight.My mom lay on her back on the dining table. She was completely naked except for a white lace garter belt holding up a...

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Rons Surprise Touch

I live in west Michigan near the Lake Michigan shore. My husband Ron, like all of his family, is a recreational sailor. In the summers, he participates in the weekly Wednesday evening sailboat races on Lake Michigan. I had invited my special girlfriend Erin to have a mid-evening dinner with me, one of those evenings, at the restaurant which overlooks the marina. There we would wait to meet Ron after the races had finished. Because parking is sparse there, I had asked that she meet me at my home...

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Joy of Their YouthChapter 10

Cindy had felt herself getting very very horny in the two or three days before she called her father-in-law, Chuck, and asked him if he'd come over to her house the next morning and help her with a problem she had. Chuck knew that Cindy wanted more than just "help" and he asked her if she'd meet him for brunch first and if she'd dress the way she would if she wanted to seduce the guy she was meeting. Cindy's reply was "Yes, sure I'll meet you and you're saying I only need to dress...

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Reginalds FutureChapter 8

Mr Robson sniggered, “Wives are pretty adept at telling their husbands what to do, I agree.” Mrs Robson appeared at the door. “If you two boys are done blathering, you can help lay the eats on the table. Us girls have more important things to deal with. These two are wonderful now, Reg. Congratulations.” “As I told your husband, it was my household that did the job, not me.” “Whatever. The job was done, and done well; that is what matters,” she insisted. Reg nodded, as no reply was...

4 years ago
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Nach einem langen Arbeitstag kam Irina erschöpft nach Hause. Sie merkte immer mehr, wie sie ihre Arbeit auszehrte und ihr Leben bestimmte. Wie lange hatte sie schon keine Verabredung mehr gehabt. Von Sex ganz zu schweigen. Sie wollte mal wieder richtig durchgenommen und ordentlich gefickt werden. Bislang war sie zu schüchtern gewesen, um sich einen Kerl einfach nur zum ficken zu suchen. Aber inzwischen dachte sie sich, dass für eine Beziehung einfach keine Zeit war und sie deshalb sehen...

4 years ago
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Arabian Plaything Chapter 17

FLASHBACK Waiting to be punished was the worst of all. They knew it. That’s why there were often long drawn-out hours between the pronouncement of a punishment and its administration. Hassan’s words were of the previous night were still in Belle’s ears when she awoke the following morning. “For your carelessness, slave, you are to be birched,” he had said. “It will take place tomorrow afternoon. And it will take place before the ladies and gentlemen you offended.” Offended? Could it be said she...

1 year ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 418 Breakthrough

Tuesday, June 25 to Thursday, July 24, 2008 Everything was going so great, and I especially loved the gains I was making from understanding my abilities better, so a couple of days later I did another round of upgrades with my Second-Tier Helpers. Last time I'd copied upgrades from the twelve lowest-minded helpers. This time I upgraded with all fifteen of them, leaving them with one of my minds but keeping the copies of all of theirs. That added 9,421 minds, giving me a total of 16,592. I...

3 years ago
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Part 03 Devon Fallen Touch

I was hurrying to my last class of the day when I accidentally bumped into her. She dropped her books and I knelt to help her pick them up. I apologized for my clumsiness. When I looked up into her face, I froze. It was Tamara Jensen. I couldn’t believe my eyes. From a distance, she was frightening. I had never seen her up close before. Most people were afraid of her, because of the way she dressed and the black lipstick she wore, but I was never scared of her. She was a mystery to me. ...

2 years ago
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Wishes Granted Case EightDont Wear Your Sisters Underwear

Wishes Granted: Case Eight Don't Wear Your Sister's Underwear By Micah Distel "AHA! I knew it! I thought you had been doing that." "Listen, Gina, I can explain." "Explain what? That you're some sort of perverted transvestite who likes to wear his sister's underwear?" "See. I knew you would understand." "Yeah. I understand that now, thanks to you, I have to buy a completely whole new set of lingirie 'cause for one thing, I don't know, nor do I want to know, what you've...

1 year ago
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sister Blackmailing Me Part 3

So a few hours have past since i was in my sister Emma's room and I've still got the imagine in my head of her sucking my cock. It felt so wonderful and i wish she had sucked me till i cum so i could cum in her mouth. Im lying on my bed with these afternoons events i my head and my cock is rock hard i am wanting relief. Just as i am about to pull down my boxers to have a wank i hear a knock at my bedroom door and the door opens up "Jon i have something to tell you" Emma says. I sit up...

1 year ago
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A list of my cuckold experiences

I'm going to list some of my favorite times my wife has cuckolded me.First of all a description of my wife for those that haven't read my stories. My wife is five foot four and weighs one hundred pounds even. She has blonde hair and blue eyes, her tits a perky thirty four B cups. She is extremely leggy and she loves showing off her body. I turned her from a shy quiet young lady into a sexy cuckoldress.The very first time I actually saw her having sex with another guy was on a trip we took to...

4 years ago
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School of Deceit Pt 9 B

School of Deceit Part 9(B) - The Final and the aftermath Both me and Emma were up early I'm not sure who was more excited or nervous us or the girls. We gathered them together in a room and had a quick pre-match chat then had a light breakfast and sat around waiting for the time to head over to the dressing rooms. An hour or so later as we walked over Graham appeared wished the girls luck and then walked over to the small seated area and sat down, I could see another couple of...

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Camp Clear Lake Hell CampChapter 2

It was nearly twenty minutes before she returned to the room. In the interim I had found that it wasn't just our clothing that was missing. Our cell phones had been taken. That was kind of a waste. They didn't even get a signal out here. Joni's car keys were gone. The only things that they had left us were our toiletries, these towels that weren't large enough to adequately cover us, our shoes, and our birth control pills! When she returned, Joni was carrying her large bottle of...

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The Bomb Shelter Virgin

The Bomb Shelter Virgin Christmas Eve 1941, Kyiv (Kiev) Russia.Natalya was busying herself peeling vegetables for Christmas day by candlelight. She had not long returned from Christmas Eve mass at the church, the deep cold still in her bones.Dressed in her numerous layers of woolen clothing it seemed impossible to keep warm.It was ten below zero outside and the snow had been falling for many days.Everything was white-over and silent.Natalya wasn’t looking forward to spending another Christmas...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Ice StormChapter 5

Reid held Monica's hand as they trudged up the hill to his dormitory. "I'm glad you and Lauren patched things up," he said. "Well -- I thought her apology was a bit disingenuous," she replied. "However, in the interest of cordiality I am looking beyond it." "Disingenuous? How so?" "She apologized for saying things that were none of her business. She didn't apologize for slandering me." "Slander requires either malice or gross negligence," Reid replied. "If she was passing...

1 year ago
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Mom Turned Into Wife Part 1

Hello, people, today I am going to narrate my incest relation with my mom and it’s sex story. Let me introduce myself, I am Aryan, a young and handsome stud and I just want to narrate the real incest relationship. Also right now, I am in the same relation. Let me start my sex story. This all happened when my mom was 45 years and I was around 26 years. My mom has married my dad in her very early age.But when I was around 10 years old, my dad had left us and gone with some other woman to Dubai...

3 years ago
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Learning with Lou Part 2

“Well?” asked Lou as I joined her in the far corner table of an anonymous branch of a national coffee house chain. “What’s the latest on your young admirer?”It was two days since my gorgeous teenage stepson Richie had groped and fondled me in our kitchen after the two of us had been for a run - the ‘kitchen incident’ as I now thought of it. Richie and I hadn’t said a word to each other about what had happened and seemed to be making excuses to avoid being alone.My mind was fuddled. In the first...

4 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 36

I slept pretty good all in all. I attributed it to exhaustion as much as anything. 5AM came early on the last day of my day shift. I still had to force myself to run, even thought it was just a few degrees warmer, which make me feel a little better. Spring was on the way, thank god. It could not get here soon enough for me. It had been a dismal winter. I didn't stop in the cafe again that morning. It was time to give some though to breakfast again. I had already started to lose the weight I...

4 years ago
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New America the Suffrage of MenChapter 10 Planning and Recruiting

Roger and the other soldiers from the train raid were blindfolded when they were about 100 miles from the resistance base of operations to retain secrecy prior to vetting the men. When the blindfolds were removed, they found themselves inside an abandoned airplane hangar. Each of the men were provided a jumpsuit to wear, which was the first thing any of them had worn since the beginning of their boot camp. They then had then help unload the tractor trailer trucks and redistribute the loads to...

4 years ago
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Christmas with Chris

If you haven't read An Unexpected Lover Chapter 4, this will all make much more sense if you do, but it should stand well enough on its own. I spent my first Christmas as a married woman in the arms of someone other than my husband. If you’ve been following along, you know that shortly before meeting my husband I had a one-night stand with his brother; except I didn’t know that Chris and Steve were brothers until Thanksgiving. Needless to say, walking into that Thanksgiving dinner was an...

2 years ago
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My Best Friends Ex Ch 2

I strolled along the sidewalk window shopping with a smile on my face. Sure I looked ridiculous but what did I care? Ed was mine at last and it elated me to no end knowing that. It’s been a couple of weeks since I seduced him at my apartment which, I might add, was the hottest night of my life. Before I go on about how happy I am let me fill you in on Amy’s reaction when I told her about us. That following evening after I had invited Ed over for, ahem, a little (cover your innocent eyes) hot,...

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Welcome to Melonpatch

"You have arrived at your destination," your phone chimes from the passenger seat of your car, letting you know that your long road trip is finally over. Just to be sure, you grab the paperwork that you'd stashed in the glove compartment and compare the address on it to the number painted on the side of the rusty mailbox next to your car. "36 Lone Pine Lane," you say to yourself as you confirm it. "Looks like I'm home..." You pull the car into the gravel driveway and up to the small farmhouse,...

3 years ago
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The precious aunt

Summer 2004 I was 18 and every time i saw her,my dick couldnt relax in my pants.I talk about my aunt who was at 46,nothing special in the face but with an amazing gaze,big lips for a perfect cock sucking and a killing body.She always wearing tight pants with a result to turn all the men in the f****y on.She never work out and for a reason her body stays in amazing shape.The ass is the masterpiece in her body.Not so small,not so big,frisky and hard as a rock and she was at 40’s….She is my moms...

4 years ago
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My Wifes Gangbang

As you have probably figured out by now after reading my past few stories, my wife, Liz, loves two things--big dicks and sex. Of course, she also loves me but that is outside the bedroom. This story takes place about 4 months ago while I was at a work conference in Chicago. My work conference lasted three days, Friday through Sunday and I would be home Monday morning. My wife was a little down in the dumps because I was going to be away and also her bull, Darren, had to be out of town as well....

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A Night with an Angel

I was laying bed crying. When a voice spoke to me from across the room. A male voice, but not one that I know. "Why do you cry, little one?" I looked up tears still coming down. And there I saw the most beautiful man I had ever laid eyes on. He was tall. Looking about 6 feet. His head nearly touching the ceiling. He had black messy, spiky hair. His eyes...like the clearest blue pools you could ever see. His lips were slightly puffed but not enough to create a feminine look. He had a...

3 years ago
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Howd that happen 2

I woke up startled. I couldn’t figure out why I was naked as a baby. Then I looked around. When what to my wondering eyes should appear. Was this Christmas? What the hell did I do to deserve two gorgeous, naked, sleeping, girls lying aside of me. Then my memory cells started firing. WOW, did that really happen? And if it did, could I repeat it? Taking stock of myself I realized that, yes, maybe I could, but not right now. I was goin’ to have to recuperate a while first. I cleared my throat...

2 years ago
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Measuring Up 2

It was about three months later that Liam came up to Max with an excited look on his face. "Its happened!" he exclaimed. "What has happened?" enquired Max. "Some stuff came out last night and I don't think it is pee - you know, it was different and a bit sticky. Since your birthday I have been playing with my knob like you showed me and I have not only got bigger but I think I can now get stuff out just like you". "That's great and I bet it feels good. How much bigger are you now?"...

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Ed BiggersChapter 12

“The straps are too tight!” growled the elderly man. “They have to be tight,” replied Ed absently echoing his standard answer to the often-repeated complaint. The ambulance bounced as it hit a minor pothole in the highway. The old man shouted, “Tell that driver to be careful. I’m in pain back here!” “He’s being as careful as he can be,” replied Ed as he looked up from his journal. The drive had been remarkably smooth. “Damn it, why are you making me ride halfway across the country in the...

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A New Infection

Note: This story has its origin in "The Virus" by The Joker Naturally, a number of myths and romanticized stories have grown up even in the few short years since the beginning of the New Age. Many of these concern the first critical moments that made all the difference. Did it really happen just that way? Maybe not, but so the story goes... Dr. Mercedes Silva was doing a routine gene sequence when the wail of the All Seal alarm froze her heart. Putting aside false hopes that it was only...

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LTD Malissas Academy 26

LTD, Malissa's Academy, 26 By: Malissa Madison Classes were running smoothly, everyone was excited about the Halloween Dance that was nearly here. And I was wondering if Tizzy would tell me what had happened in the meeting between the Seeker Council and the Sisters of Light that was due to begin after school was finished for the day. There were also a lot of rumors popping up about one of the Ancients, Crylon Regent, who was Sylvia's long lost brother returning. Speculations were...

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