TandraChapter 82 free porn video

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Secric started to remove her clothes first. I just let her know how beautiful I found her and started to remove my own clothing as I watched. She came into my arms and I held her small body to me, just luxuriated in her feel. It was like part of me that had been missing for a long time had been found again. I pulled back a bit and used my hand to elevate her chin. She saw my tears as I said, "It had been too long my wife. I have missed you so much. A day doesn't go by without me thinking of you and the life you bear. Our child grows large within you now and I see her both healthy and strong. I am also proud of what you and Mom have accomplished here. No husband could be more happy."

She got a few tears of her own but stayed quiet. In a moment I picked her up, brought her to the bed and took my time to make slow methodical love to her. She had many orgasms and I was careful of the life she bore. After an hour I moved to her back passage and filled her many more times before she collapsed completely.

As she lay in my arms I could see the peace and serenity in her. She slept for hours in my arms as my mind worked on the problems of this particular system and gloried in the woman I held. Ship repair had improved but the people directing the computers would take many more years to get over their slavery and learn the necessary skills that their race once had. All I could do to assist was to raise the intelligence of many of the AIs, so that they could take over the burden of getting the Tandra back on their feet.

The computers in the tug and the Strangle were doing fine but would still take a while to complete. The Earth Mom, Harriet and a few others were assisting as best they could while still performing their other duties. Secric stretched then opened her eyes to see me staring into hers. "Oh, I love to wake up this way." She thought of my plans which she had learned from the data I had sent and continued, "When will you have to leave my husband?"

I bent over and kissed her then said, "You will now be in communication with me all the time and soon with the rest of our family too. One day perhaps all the galaxy will be linked this way. It's too bad that I cannot send myself the same way a matter transmitter does in the upper dimensions. If I could, then I could be with you all at once." I went on, "Before I have to leave I want more AIs here to be improved to assist us in rebuilding the system and in its defense too."

I followed the reasoning in her mind but she said instead, "Make love to me Henry. I never get enough." Of course I obliged till she fell unconscious again.

When she awoke next I took both of us to the cleanser and then got dressed for our meal. When we finished I had Secric show me some of the things she had personally had a hand in that were doing very well. I saw the resettlement camps and met many of the local leaders. Not all were Tandra but all seemed to be very earnest in trying to help their particular group.

Large fabricators had been built to build other fabricators to rebuild the defenses. There were enough ships and the fabricators dealt with weapons and their associated platforms. Soon, I knew many small missiles would be built with the temporal shield that would make the larger missile obsolete unless a counter could be found.

I stayed four Earth days and helped Mom gain her full potential. She was just as capable as her Earth counterpart. The Strangle and seven dozen other craft were improved. There was very little probability of any enemy taking the system now. This was good for here but not all the other systems were as lucky. Some of the craft that were completed first were sent off to guard where small garrisons had been placed. I wanted to take care of the ones my wives held and also the Fairchch system where Governor Roderick and his six men and fifty nine Tandra governed.

Secric cried when she knew I was about to leave but recovered as she saw that she could still converse with me in my small ship. She was convinced to get back to work and do what she could for the people of this system.

In less than ten minutes I was in the major ship building system of Fairchch. The system was very well guarded and I just communicated with the nearest major vessel and asked it to spread the word back with its much more powerful transmitters. Governor Roderick was very glad to see me as I stepped from my ship. He looked haggard from loss of sleep and stress. I had to sympathize with him for I liked a simple military operation best too.

"Emperor Buchanan, it is so nice to see you. I watched the progress of your small ship and I could not believe the speed you are capable of."

"I have found out a lot more things that will help us. Tell me more of what happened to you since I picked up the data packet coming through here a few weeks ago." All his problems were small when looked on during a war but large when considering the running of a large system. His Tandra assistants had done their best but for some reason the races on the main planet were not as forthcoming with their assistance or in embracing the old Tandra ideals.

I talked to him about what I had accomplished recently, only leaving out the ability to stride the corridors between computers in the upper dimensions. Only the AIs knew of this; only the ones that were loyal to me. I did start to alter ships, a planetary based AI and three space stations that worked on fabricating and repairing ships to a higher intelligence. The latter would also be manufacturing weapons for the ships that would not be able to alter the crystals necessary for the missiles.

While the computers worked to rebuild themselves, I went to some of the areas that seemed to having problems. With my aura all out I had no problem getting the Tandra and other races to gather their people for some meetings, so that I could talk to everybody face to face, even if there were a few million of them. The first meeting was arranged as I worked on the ships that were guarding the system. Roderick had kept two men and two Tandra as adjutants while the four other men and a dozen Tandra now captained battleships patrolling the fringes of the system.

The meetings were well attended and the imperial theme played. They all bowed and stayed that way till Roderick told them to arise. Across the planet, I was told, most of the other Tandra watched if not able to attend personally. He talked very well about the way the war was being fought and what I had to do with it. From the crowd I got a feeling of relief. He turned to me and touched on the fact that he was not getting enough assistance from the group in front of us.

I spoke for the first time to this group and asked the general populous what was wrong. I could feel some discontent in a few places but could get no one to voice their concerns. Unarmed Tandra in my colours went into the audience and homed on a representative of the people that seemed to be most opposed to helping our cause. They were all encouraged to come forward without fear of repercussions. The fact that they would loose face when they were among friends, for not complying, was the only reason they approached me.

I was given a deep bow but not all of them saw me as the rightful leader. Rather than talk, I gave them some of the images that I had seen and corrected in the last few months. They were quite familiar with Samutz atrocities. Seeing new races that were now our allies was just nice. The Thonas seemed to make them cringe. They saw how easy I destroyed the enemy ships and even planets. Lastly, I showed them their ancestral home; actually where it once was.

"During the last while I have traveled a lot and found no major Tandra civilization that could prosecute this war. I found no Tandra individual that could take all of you and bind you to a single cause of freeing this galaxy of lawlessness. What I have found is the remnants of a once great empire that is slowly going extinct. You all will live to an old age as will many of your decedents but eventually the Tandra will all die out. Some will be both deaf and dumb to mindspeech and others will be eaten or languish in a barbaric civilization that cannot do what you can now accomplish."

"The Tandra and other races could pull together and defeat any enemy that threatens us. Separated we are all doomed. Other Tandra are freely giving their time and energy to prepare this planet for more battles. This is because I cannot keep all the ships here to protect you. Other planets are almost defenseless and need the protection that even a few major ships will bring."

I looked at the Tandra before me and said, "Now, tell me your reasons for not cooperating."

Many reasons were given once the first one spoke but it was easy to see even from the audience that they were skirting the issue. I was just a foolish Human that was impersonating a Tandra emperor. They saw that I really had little power and at the moment only had the backing of a handful of supporters and the AIs.

"I see that you feel that you do not want or need me. Here is my decree. Within the next four days everybody on this planet that does not want to work for the common good will be compelled to leave. I will give you ships that will allow you to go to any place you want. If you land on any planet within the influence of the Alliance, you will be required to again make a decision to help or move on. Eventually you will find a home that will give you freedom from my rule and freedom to protect yourselves from what this galaxy has to offer."

The next morning every Tandra over 14 years of age was asked to choose. It took two more days for the AIs to go through the entire population. There were slightly over a hundred thousand dissidents. They were brought forward and placed in four heavily armed cruisers. There were only a few altercations but they were used to this sort of discipline. Some cried and wanted to recant their choice but I did not allow this. There were enough former military officers to command the ships and I sent them off toward our frontier. Their AIs were under orders not to stop until they reached this area and not to return.

The remainder of the population began to work for their own good and ours. I had altered enough ships to do as I said. Many ships were sent off to many of the systems that paid homage to the former Samutz king. There were few major ships remaining when I left but they were much stronger and smarter than the more numerous variety that were here when I arrived.

Zindor was my next destination. Blue ruled this former capital with Cal. There were many ships here when I left the system and many were still here. Blue and Cal were very happy to greet me.

"Oh husband, it has been so long and I was so worried that you would have been hurt."

I kissed her just like old times and I believe she had a small orgasm before it ended. "I have missed you too. I miss the old days when we were all together." I started to talk about her daughter, Topaz, and how she was growing and maturing. Then I said, "It's better to have you do your own talking." She did not know what I meant and I simply led her to the captain's quarters.

Cal had been repaired and improved a bit but was not up to what I now knew he could be. I left Blue with a promise to return soon and went into Cal's computer. I did my altering and within a few moments I was back with Blue. We both sat in something like a love seat and I told her "Ask Cal to connect you with Earth and our daughter." She looked at me incredulously but did as I asked. The screen came alive showing the interior of the apartment on the moon. Topaz, thankfully, was studying and not making love when we called. When she suddenly turned at hearing her mother's mindspeak, she saw us sitting together.

Topaz was shocked and got up before remembering that we were not really in front of her. "Mommy, oh Mommy, I missed you."

Blue did not know what to say but decided to try "I missed you too Topaz. Our husband here seems to like playing jokes on us. I did not know I was able to talk to you till just now."

Topaz was learning and said, "We have at least a thousand years to get even with him. My daughters will do the same thing. One day he may learn; but then again, he's only a male."

Blue actually smiled at that thought and said, "I believe you're right. Tell me what you have been doing." The conversation went on for a while till Moth came in and saw Blue, then called the rest of the family. When Ingrid and her children came, I introduced them to Blue and vice versa. It was comfortable to just sit here in the presence of some of my family.

While we were talking, the major AIs looked at this system to see how improvements could be made. I called Cal and asked him to connect us to Falm and Secric. When she came on she saw all of us together and this formed a conversation as if we were all in the same large room. Dola was introduced and eventually all eighteen Human children that looked fully half Tandra came in too. Nova's new child, that she knew nothing about, came in with Roger and Justine's children. I wanted to introduce the last three as my children too but knew that this would be misunderstood and only used their first names.

Blue looked at Secric and could see the unmistakable indications of pregnancy that anyone could now see. I could see her need for the same state and decided to do something about it later. Before we ended the get-together Doris came on with Carl and the four girls.

I wondered where Duc and Lam were and found them trying to give us some privacy with their own large family. Mom brought them into the gathering too and Duc was happy to introduce his new sons. Blue found it easy to spot Lam's pregnancy and again she felt slighted or perhaps neglected.

The conversation went on for hours and I got food for Blue and ate some with her. When the conversation started to lag I called an end to our participation and said goodbye. Blue knew she could talk at any time now and was happy to say the same thing.

An hour later Blue released an egg but I pinched it and selected one of my choosing. Three hours later a numerically large army attacked and one was able to breach the barrier and gain entrance. Blue was ecstatic when I showed her the fertilized egg. I stayed a week with Blue and helped her with many of the same problems that plagued Roderick. Cal, though, had many more Tandra onboard that did a better job of convincing the now free slaves on the planet below our feet.

I had another meeting but this time the loyal Tandra went among the planet's population and put them into more of a receptive mood. When I arrived many bowed as they would to a Tandra Empress and soon the remainder did something similar. The local equivalent of news had many of the battle scenes and how we faired. Usually we won but not always. Some battles left many wounded and dead. The results did show an ever growing volume of space that showed the imperial yellow. Things did pick up even more when I said that Blue was my wife and thus a regent in her own right.

Cal was improved further and even given some minor crystals in the same fashion that Jamal had. This would allow him to think better and delegate tasks to many of the sub-processors. Many improved ships were sent out to guard the planets that the Samutz king once held in the palm of his hand. The beacon that I had left in the system had kept the rogue Samutz from invading and causing Blue more aggravation. She was able to claim the ships though, once she gained the override.

With Zindor now watched and protected better, I left for Sallis; King Dulfa's old realm. This one was very strong and with his many new ships he had garnered many systems. Blue would have cried as I left but had talked to Secric and knew that she would be able to see me at any time.

Sallis held not only three of my wives but two very pregnant ones. Chris would be too but not showing very much yet. The system was still very well guarded. I had left two million mordis here to insure that it stayed in our hands. Instead of watching a screen I went in again at maximum, after giving them notification of who I was.

I docked in a large battleship and thousands of mordis infantry stood at attention as the imperial anthem played. I wanted to rush to my wives but followed protocol instead, saluting the far wall and waiting for the music to end. Even then I had to walk slowly to the three lovely girls in front of me. They loved the procession; they too wanted me.

When I stopped I had to be circumspect. There were many officers present that I knew were not in my original allotment of troops. I searched their minds and found them to be techs that had been in Samutz ships that had been captured. Their old ranks had not mattered to the Samutz. When they found freedom, they readily pushed their way to the top with initiative and leadership. They all bowed to me, even my wives that had large waists. The curtsy was not used here because there were no dresses.

Chris had practised a speech and welcomed her emperor to this system. She introduced the dozen or so Tandra and gave a small blurb about each one. Some had made a name for themselves a very long time ago, while all seemed to have made a name for themselves in the present. With the large number of ships, they could afford to take the fight to the Samutz without endangering the system like Susan had.

Chris promised a banquet and I found I had to attend. She pleaded with me on a silent channel, that the two younger wives had planned this for me for at least a month. Amy and Star had worked exceptionally hard at this. Part of it was a way to pay me back for trusting them after the way they treated me. For the next two hours I visited many different facilities, all to do with the war effort. I made appropriate noises at the right times and this pleased the girls as well as the management and techs that had done all the work.

Finally I was allowed to go to an apartment that Chris had set up. Apparently it was not the one Susan had picked and it was another way of showing independence from the woman that gave me those problems. I could see that Amy and Star were very gravid and I had them sit as soon as possible. Chris was only beginning to show and that was only because of all the secondary signs.

This time I kissed Chris first and foremost for keeping not only herself safe but a major portion of my family. I put my hand to her abdomen and said, "She is growing very well. Do you remember the vision I had?"

"I will never forget it, husband. My daughter was there and I knew that at least one path would lead us to that future."

"Perhaps more than one path will get us there."

I moved to Star, who was the next in line. I kissed her very tenderly as if she would break. "How have you been my wife? I have missed you very much."

She cried a little and said, "Oh, I missed you too. It was so good having Chris and Amy here but I missed you the most."

I put my hand on her belly and felt the large lump that a Tandra woman would not have. "How is our baby treating you? Are you in much more pain than what the other Tandra women would go through?"

"Only a little, my husband. It is worth it though."

"It is things like that, that will make future generations very strong."

Amy was hugged and kissed next. "I missed you very much, Amy. How are you and our child doing, Honey?"

"I missed you too. The only way to keep me from getting too sad was to work hard. Star and I did many things together to help the people here and on the ships, while Chris ran the entire system almost single handedly."

"I can see that she could do such a good job. Perhaps because she has four hands do you think?"

She smiled at the old joke and then began to cry in earnest. Soon the other two joined in and I knew them to be tears of joy that we were together again. We all retired to the bedroom and I undressed each of my wives, one at a time. I kissed their lips then their abdomens before putting them to bed. I got into bed facing them. Before they could question me I began to tell them many of the things that had happened; except the communications, which were going to be a surprise for later.

Dola was new to them and they took him in stride. They all remembered Ingrid and her children and I told them that she was now a wife. I explained about Jeremy, Matthew and Sofia needing a father while their mother and her lover learn to be soldiers. Ingrid's tiara was described; what it did for her and what I hoped it would do for my family. Lastly, I told them about my trip across the galaxy and the fate of the original Tandra worlds.

The fact that I could do such a thing did not seem to bother them very much but the fact that their race was now without roots did hurt. They thought for a few minutes, trying to get a grip on the situation, when I said, "Our race has as many roots as it needs. Within you three are more than anybody needs to carry on. There are more Tandra in other locations. Some groups are fairly large and some will be small; but eventually, with your help, we will build a new civilization that will be still going many millions of years from now."

The girls did cry a little and this time I went to the youngest first and made very tender love to her. I used my lips, tongue and fingers first; and only after I deduced it was safe did I use her other openings.

Chris and Star did not please each other but only watched. When Amy fell asleep, I took Star and did almost the same thing to her. When she collapsed later I covered her up like Amy and then started to make a more vigorous love to Chris. When I finished with her, she had my seed in all her orifices and was twitching in her sleep from the effect on her system.

I wanted to stay with my wives but I wanted them to be even happier with seeing the majority of our family. The local computer for this area was fairly minor. After dressing I stepped outside the doors of our suite and found guards at the door. The AI could do a much better job but this was what they wanted to do. I found, through their minds, the head of security. Within a minute, a tall Tandra woman by the name of Koco came to me and bowed very low. "You have need of me, My Emperor?"

"Yes, I do. I want to go to the main computer for this area of the planet. I want the least possible ceremony for I have work to do."

"Yes, My Emperor."

We went quickly about a hundred klicks away and landed in front of a small, heavily defended dome. Koco said, "Would you like me to get some technicians? They would be happy to do whatever you need."

"Thank you but they will not be necessary. Please wait, I will only be a few minutes." I made my identity and my intention known to the computer. I was allowed in past all the automated security. The matter transmitter took me to the hatch. In a minute I had opened a large area and contacted Mom on Earth. The AI was now prevented from divulging the secrets and I began to populate an area that would handle this system much better. While this was happening, my AI family would be assisting this computer to grow and take over its duties. Frieda again gave me a fairly large crystal and some smaller ones. These were processed and laid aside till they were needed.

Koco drove me back to the apartment. She was dying to know what I had done and I decided to tell her part of it. "You are the first on this planet to know this, Koco. The computer I was just in will become at least a thousand times more capable soon; and before that happens, you will be able to talk to people on far planets as you do now with the communicator. This is one of the things that your race tried to find for millions of years. Now you will all have it but it takes time to set up each planet."

"You mean I can talk to our home planet?"

"I am sorry, Koco but your home planet and many others had been destroyed by the Thonas millions of years ago. The communications have not been tested yet for maximum range. Perhaps it will reach that far. I have no idea yet."

The woman was upset about an old hope dying but began to feel a joy about the new ability of the communicator. I hurried into the apartment and was just in time to see Amy get groggily out of bed. She wobbled a bit and I assisted her to the bathroom and held her as she peed. "Thank you, my husband. It is getting more difficult to do that all the time."

I had an idea suddenly, "What if I get Topaz and the younger ones here to help? They would love to be with you and they can be here when the baby is born."

She gave me her old Tandra smile and said, "Oh yes, bring them. I miss them too."

"Well I have a surprise for you. Let's get you dressed and then your sisters. You are going to have some visitors."


"If I told, then it wouldn't be a surprise."

I helped get the other two dressed and into a comfortable position before saying, "Chris, ask the computer to talk to Secric please?"

"Secric? She is too far away to talk to." I looked at her and remained silent. She got the hint and said, "Will you please connect me to Secric?"

Secric was sleeping and I did not want to see her disturbed. All of us could see her large abdomen go up and down as she breathed. I closed the connection. "You better try Kitten on Earth."

The view this time showed Kitten, Dola and Ingrid lying almost asleep themselves. They were all naked and it was easy to see what they had been doing. I didn't want this to happen to me and decided to have the recipients of the calls opt for only audio. Amy quickly took off her clothing and soon Star and Chris did the same. Amy mindspoke only to me, "Husband will you come over here and give me pleasure?" I did as she asked and her groans and finally her scream of pleasure let the others know we were here.

As the conversations went on, I simply sat back on a seat and watched the interaction of my wives. Dola was not too shy now but I could see his worry that he could not give me what the girls could. Kitten was going to get Secric when I said, "She is sleeping and she needs her rest."

Blue was not sleeping, though and joined the now three way conversation. I stayed for an hour and then said that I had to do other things and excused myself. A hen party like this did not need a male even though Dola fit in well.

I communicated through Harriet about the condition of this system's defences. The consensus of the major AIs was that the system was now defendable but some ships placed a little differently would increase the safety margin a good five percent. The major ships and even minor ones, that should be added to our ever widening list of ships were made. Mom sent orders through the local computer to move the fleet a bit and to rotate some of the units to the planet to be refitted.

In the meantime I had Koco take me to more ground based units and get them upgraded. The ships came in regularly and I had set up a special protocol where they didn't see me and thus did not have to put on any fancy uniforms or break their stride.

The ships that were closest were done first and I had to change for the banquet that was in my honour. Chris had my clothes ready, as were their own. They were very formal as were mine; but over the millions of years the Tandra had lived, they found ways of being comfortable and dignified at the same time.

The imperial theme started as we entered the large banquet hall. I had my hands on Amy and Star while Chris walked beside Amy. Everybody had bowed when we came in and rose as we passed. I seated my wives as everybody else stood by their chairs. After sitting I said simply, "Please be seated."

They all sat in military precision. There was to be a majordomo that would introduce us but I vetoed the idea because of the length of time. I arose after a minute and everybody suddenly quieted. I gave what I thought was a good speech about what they had done here in this system. I especially thanked the mordis infantry that were fairly numerous here for their dedication and hard work. Others I mentioned by name as I drew their information from the computer. I did not overdo it by mentioning everybody but I did get the ones that worked the hardest to make the system and the alliance as safe as possible.

The food was good and some was Earth food produced in the replicators. The Tandra population had tasted some before and now had a chance to try more. Mom from Earth had shared this data along with troop strengths and the number of ships. After the banquet I got to meet many more people. Not all of them were Tandra, though and I was happy to speak in the native tongue with Softay and T'aut.

Later, when we were alone, I thought more of my position. The adoration was nice for a while but I did not want to revel in it. It had a necessary purpose. The pecking order of chickens came to mind and the current empire seemed to be just a large flock of different breeds of hens. Private time alone in a crowd of people would now be long gone unless I wore a disguise.

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Mera nam rohit hai mai ek din apne by kamre mai tha aur maa andar kaam kar rahi thi tabhi pass mai rahne wali maa ki ek frend geeta a gai aur wo dono apass mai bate karne lagi tab maa ne kaha ki aaj bada khus lag rahi hai toh unhone kaha ki kavita mai chudwa kar aa rahi hu na isliye Toh khus hu maa ne kaha kisse bate se ya kisi aur se toh unhone kaha ki bate se hi chudwati hu aur kisse chudwaungi pati ka lund toh milna hi muskil hai paisa toh kama raha hai tare pati ke saath ku ki mare papa aur...

3 years ago
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Jaq Puts Me On Lead

Jaq has a friend from the college where they both work, Maria is a lovely lady who I have admired for a while.Jaq and Maria became very good friends, working for several years in the library at the local college. The two of them often shared intimate details about me and Bill, Bill was the husband of Maria. One evening Jaq came home from work a little later than usual, she had been for a drink at a local pub with Maria on the way home. Jaq was a little tipsy and began to tell me what they had...

1 year ago
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Sophie Anderson 2400 358000

Sophie Anderson was born in Bristol, England, on November 23rd, 1987. Not much is known about her young life other than she became sexually active early. After graduating high school, she frequented local pubs where she would exchange blow jobs for drinks and drugs. This is one classy lady. Certainly, the type you bring home to mom.Behind Every Great Man...Admittedly, I've received more than my fair share of bar bathroom blowers, and as a gentleman, I always buy them a drink afterward. It's...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Matchstick Girl

Here is a bit of Christmas Cheer for you all. Matchstick Girl By Talonhunter 'Three days before Christmas.' Tony thought. 'And me so broke I can't even afford a book of free matches. I knew it was a mistake to quit the gang.' Unknown to Tony, he was being watched by a young lady that could change his life, if he would only take the final risk. Meanwhile off in another fold of time and space where time and space have no meaning, we see a small wooden faced shop with no reason...

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the librarian

LibrarianThat was this summer. I had very long relationship and last year i got ridden of it. So I sex occasionally wit various girls till then. One night this September I was very very tired of everything. Job went finally better and some private investing also, but I had being working for 14 hours a day at time. It was About 1 am in the morning and was just went of from long shower and about to lay down on my bad.The voice from the other side of cell phone was very pleasant, some kind of baby...

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From friend to crush to friendzoned cuck

I've known Sarah for years and we hit it off immediately. I always thought she was attractive, with her long legs, her dark hair, her beautiful thick lips. But I didn't have romantic feelings for her right away, it was something that slowly grew as we spent more time together. One night we were drunk at her place. We flirted a lot, and I thought it was time for me to finally make my move. I told her how I felt, but she gently let me down. She said she couldn't ruin our friendship. She loved me,...

4 years ago
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My first Time29

When I was about 13, I was just getting into looking at some Playboys that some friends of mine had gotten from their older brothers. I was starting to masturbate very regularly. It was at this time that I discovered that the 12 year old girl across the street shared my interest in sex. Here are some incidents that happened between us. The first time. I grew up in the time before a thousand TV channels and recorded movies. Back then we spent a lot more time running around outside and...

3 years ago
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Bound To HappenChapter 4

Now that my sexual life has been rekindled, now that our kids have crossed the incest line and we've taken our hedonism to new heights, I guess you could say something dastardly was bound to happen. That wonderfully hung Grantham surprised us by his ability to keep his mouth shut! He wasn't the problem, although his newly found confidence, coupled with his massive appendage gave him impetus to open his own high school sexual franchise. We never hear from him, anymore. Tom thought his use...

1 year ago
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Aphrodites KissChapter 12

When we arrived at Janine’s place, predictably, Branden had his cock buried up to the hilt in Jock’s ass, while Luis did the same to him. They were in a train and so caught up in their fun that they didn’t realize that they had an audience until Janine coughed. Looking sheepishly at her, Branden blushed a tad and spilled his load in Jock’s booty. Then Jock noticed that they had company and emptied his balls onto the bedsheet from excitement as well as shock. Luis saw us last and grinned,...

2 years ago
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A girl called Bree Part 2

"Hey sweetie, Sorry for taking so long to reply to you. I've been away, its all been very busy and really silly. I loved your itinerary, so thoughtful and generous. Really clever of you to think of everything, making me feel secure and safe. I'm still really nervous about going out, I wish I wasn't, and everyone on Flickr says such lovely things but I just don't see that I'd pass. Do hope you understand but I don't think I'm ready." A pause. You check your make up, feeling the...

4 years ago
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Ghosts and ShadowsChapter 10 Hot Times at Obriens

It was jumping by the time we got there. I'd called ahead and asked the owner, a former professional boxer named O'Brien, if he could save a spot for me and he'd promised there would be a table or two when we got there. Of course, some urban cowboys had spotted the tables, brushed off the objections of the waitresses trying to hold it for us and were sitting and being obnoxious when we walked in. Normally, O'Brien would have cleared them out, but he had his hands full with a catfight...

1 year ago
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F slaves

100% fiction! Hi everyone!! I’m PRINCE serving in Indian Army, 36yrs old and happily married for 6yrs. I had sexual relationships with some women before marriage and a few after marriages. But I’ll write about them later, now let’s go back in time when it all started. It all started when I was about 21 and returned home in Hyderabad after completing my engineering from Bangalore. My family consisted of my parents and me. But an year ago my mother got transferred to Guntur and was promoted to...

First Time
2 years ago
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The neighbor and his friend

I was coming home after work, thinking about what I was going to do. When I saw that my top neighbor Jorge was already waiting for the elevator accompanied by a friend, I immediately understood what I wanted to do.- Hi Jorge, I'm glad I found you, I really need a favor from you, it's quick, can you come over to the house now?- Sissi of course, but what is it about?- It's just that I want to change a piece of furniture, but of course I can't do it alone. It was good that your friend was too, it...

2 years ago
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The Incubus Wife Pleasured At Dinner

Introduction: Sweet Emma Cox is the wife of an Incubus, who feeds on sex alone and nothing else. PLEASURED AT DINNER Masons eyes are the most dazzling green that I have ever glimpsed, green as the bottomless sea on a lukewarm and sunlit day, green as the leaves of a tree in an unbounded and never-ending forest. As I stare into his eyes, gradually and with deep infatuation, he strolls towards me, throwing his brief casewhich he has brought with him from workfarther away. While he draws closer...

1 year ago
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First Saw My Wife

When I first saw my future wife I thought how plain she looked, but she had a nice smile. Our parents had set up our meeting because her father, a multi millionaire wanted to get shot of his daughter to a good family, while mine wanted me to marry money. Although I have a good name, the family had lost all it lands and titles over the last hundred years or so. We had arranged a garden party so we could meet under favourable substances. Her father introduces us, we shook hands and I steered her...

2 years ago
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Paying My Daughters Debt

I had been at a spa weekend with the girls, a present from my adoring and loving husband. There were massages, mud baths, wine, and of course oggling the pool boys. Not that any of us would ever stray. We were your typical suburbanite housewives, married to our high school or college sweethearts, living in what people like to call McMansions outside of Detriot. My husband was a consultant, and had been very busy with work lately. I decided for his present I would treat him to a nice...

2 years ago
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Seduced My Mom When She Was In Sick

Hai to iss readers after getting a huge response for my previous five posts now I decided to write a new story..This my sixth story.. Send your feedback and suggestions to “”..….Now I am coming to the story… I am vijay my native is chennai now settled in Nagercoil,age 24 height 5.10, weight 76, penis size 6 inch. My mom name lakshmi age 41,weight 84,height 5ft,sizes 42c 40 44,she is fat and yellowish. Enaku enga amma mela chinna vayasula irunthae oru aasaithaan…daily avala ninachi kai...

4 years ago
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My Little Sisters GirlfriendChapter 29

My somewhat steady girlfriend Memphis took a sudden swerve into Sapphic splendors right at the time that I was getting addicted to her perfect heart-shaped butt. I was happy for her but saddened at the loss of prone-boning her sweet ass in sweaty sessions. Right about that time, my favorite sister Princess moved in with me temporarily because she had caught her husband diddling the same chauffeur that she used periodically to ease her boredom. I thought the entire affair to be bordering on...

1 year ago
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Showing Some Spirit

"We are going to be late, Grant!" Brandy called out as she closed the door to their small home. Brandy had just finished a shift at the bank where she was a teller and was still dressed in her 'professional' cream-colored blouse and grey skirt. She wore her blonde hair up and the reading glasses that dangling from a chain around her neck made her look more like a young librarian than anything else. However, her transformation from employee to bound serial-killer victim was just minutes...

1 year ago
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Anniversary Special

Anniversary Special By NorthernWolfShe was comfortable until he shortened the rope raising her tied wrists higher up her back which pulled her shoulders back and tightened the loop around her neck. Bent at the waist and forced to her knees her large breasts hung freely allowing him to wrap the base of each one tightly with a black leather thong. Narrowing the base of her tits forced them to bulge as they began to deepen in colour. The latex hood encasing her head covered her eyes and left only...

4 years ago
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The Cherry PopperChapter 18

It was the first warm Saturday of spring and Cindy, Janet, Dave, and their guests were sunning themselves out by the above ground pool as they waited for it to fill. Cindy petted her enlarged belly as Dave played with her nipples with one hand while he played with Debbie's milk filled tits with the other. In spite of how good Dave was making her feel most of Cindy's attention was on Lori Taylor as the eleven year old told her story while her father played with her tits and her mother's...

1 year ago
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Imprisoned in Silk Part 3

7. A new fate Geoffrey was left alone with Mrs Driver and his dreams' girl. Mrs Driver took a solemn tone. "I didn't see you squirming when we talked about the best way to improve your manners with Edna. Then, I assume you agree. That's much better that way, it's half the job done! Alice, will you take care of Jessica? She's going to need help to get cleaned and to get dressed..." "Of course, Mommy Driver. Anything you want me to do if it's to help Jessica!" "Mmmmbllmm! Mmmph?"...

1 year ago
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Silly Jenny showing at the wrong time

That afternoon I really needed a good relief for my stress. I was totally exhaust after a long week; but still I had to complete Friday at work…My Boss Andrew called me to his office. When I went into, he was on the phone. He motioned me in quietly and I shut the door behind me. After listening for a few seconds, it was clear he was talking to his wife. He was telling her something about how he just still needed time to build his trust in her back up. I walked around his desk and got down on my...

4 years ago
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What Girl Is ThisChapter 2

When he awoke, Stan opened the bedroom door and walked down the hall to the living room. The girl was not there. Looking around, he saw a pile of trash bags, paper bags, plastic grocery bags, all filled with trash lined neatly up near the front door. He turned and entered the kitchen. The girl was there, on her hands and knees, carefully scrubbing his kitchen floor with a scouring pad. She was naked still, and her ass was towards him. Completely unselfconsciously, her legs slightly parted,...

3 years ago
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My Quantum of Solace

I work at London's main airport, every day I meet assholes, really nice patient customers, the crazy ones who think it's all my fault and sometimes a famous face enters the round of people I have to deal with. Today was different, I was working United flight 3029 to Los Angeles and I know it was late and was going to have to deal with estranged passengers wanting to get home or their vacation started because it is very annoying when it does not go as planned. All of a sudden everyone got really...

Straight Sex
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Student Lodger Part 4 the 12th and final task

This follows on from the last story. It is purely fantasyMy wife had completed 11 of the 12 challenges she had sold off to the guys who had attended a gang bang with her. The 12th one was more open and could be interpreted in many ways, she had offered her body to a guy to try anything he wanted with her. She was worried about what she had let herself in for and what she would be willing to do. The one thing that she thought she had in her favour was that the man who had won this challenge,...

4 years ago
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Godless and FaithlessChapter 9

They returned to Ridgehill with little fanfare. The battle had already ended by the time they arrived. It was a resounding victory for the people of Alta and residents of Ridgehill. The Coalition army showed up marching out of the Corpsewood having made a deal with the Elves that he and Rayner knew to be fairies. Also, one of the country’s leaders used the invasion to rally enough political support from the regional governors to become head of state. The first thing on his to-do list was...

3 years ago
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A serial about a horny husband and his lovely wife Sue and their sexual encounters

Sue had gained a good position at a company and was dressing quite sharp, not overly sexy, but not hiding the fact that she had a very nice petite figure. Whenever possible she went bra less, causing her pert 34B tits to giggle around, much to the delight of all who noticed. Dresses and skirts hung off her legs as she had one of those cute asses to die for. This night she told me, the going away party for Geoffrey, was being held at lunch, the next day by the staff and management, at a local...

3 years ago
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The Boss Part III Mouthed

Part 3 - “Mouthed” This is a fictional dark fantasy story that will contain romance and some vanilla parts to it, but mainly consists of blackmail, rape, and violence. I don't condone or partake in any of the actions portrayed here. This is for people like me, guys and girls, who like this kind of harsh stuff with a good story. For those of you out there, enjoy. ***THIS STORY CONTAINS FICTIONAL RAPE, BLACKMAIL, AND VIOLENCE. READ AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION. YOU’RE WARNED.*** ****** The next...

1 year ago
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Watching my neighbours Pt2

Introduction: Molly comes round to retrieve a ball There was a ring at the doorbell. I had just sat down and turned on the TV to watch the news, a cold beer on the table. I was a bit annoyed as I was looking forward to a quiet evening and maybe a film. I got up and went to the front door. I opened the door and there stood in front of me was Molly, wearing just a short thin cotton dress and flip-flops. With the sun behind her the dress was just about see through and I could clearly make out her...

1 year ago
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The Master DownstairsChapter 11

It's been a few days since we visited the adult store, and surprisingly, we haven't played with any of our toys or slaves. Kristen and I had sex several times, but it almost felt like before any of this had happened to us. Perhaps more frequent, but no real exercise of power or control. Just a married couple getting it on. I realized that we still had two, or actually three Leaks still to deal with: Susan's friends Jen and Sally as well as Stephanie's husband Rob. I was also eager to...

4 years ago
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Community ServiceChapter 15

By mid-March, I'm back on the job but I'm not a hundred percent yet. It's kind of surprising how much strength you lose when you're caged up in plaster for a long time. The boss insists I only do half days until I'm fully recovered. The pools are pretty much done and construction of the building housing the bathhouse and concession stand is underway. My new task is to work on the three flower gardens that are going to be islands of color spotted around the parking lot. The lady in...

2 years ago
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Jacob And Tiffany Naked in SchoolPart 1B Monday

Science class went as it usually did. Jacob and Mr. Schuman got into a deep argument again on the fundamental interactions of density as it related to forces within reality. They went at it for ten minutes again, losing the rest of us 3 minutes into the argument. I did sit next to him though. I didn't do anything else to get his attention. I just watched him scribble the answers to the science experiments in the lab book before Mr. Shuman finished explaining. In other words science class...

1 year ago
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The War DiariesPart 3

My wife Maria and I had taken to reading Dad and mom’s love letters in the bedroom. They had become so deliciously naughty that, after a while we just had to give in to our own carnal desires, more often than not, mimicking what we had just read. It seemed as if all we did was eat, sleep, read….and fuck! We had read through the rest of 1943, amazed that my father, Mr. conservative, had virtually fucked his way across England, and after the invasion of June 6, 1944, had continued to follow his...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Gaby Ortega Super Hottie Gaby Ortega Gets That Pussy Pounded LIVE

Gaby Ortega is wearing the shit out of her tight little dress that does not want to keep her beautiful ass contained. One right twerk and that dress is rolling up so you can admire that ass in all its glory. That is exactly what she wants too… she loves to be a tease with her long legs kicking off her heels and letting you drool over her pussy before she spreads open her lips inviting Celtic Iron in for a taste. It doesn’t take long to get Gaby moaning and begging for that big hard...

3 years ago
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How My Junior Year Changed My Life

Today was the big day, the annual rival soccer game against Schaumburg High School had come. Throughout the day everyone, friends, teachers, other people I don’t know, came up to me wishing me luck, they really wanted us to win! As game time approached I could feel the nerves growing inside of me, until I heard the ref’s whistle and the game kicked off. Our stadium was packed full of fans, all rooting for us to win. The game started off extremely poor for us as we gave a way a penalty kick...

1 year ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 152 Changes

2002-2003 I spent the rest of the summer letting my ribs heal, which put a real crimp in my Krav Maga training and workouts. Doc Tubb heard, probably from the Residence staff, that I had a beer with my pain pill, and promptly chewed me out and put me on ibuprofen instead of anything more amusing. Marilyn gave me an insufferably superior look when she heard that. The twins were concerned that after jumping on me and then landing on the ground, Stormy might have been hurt. They were less...

2 years ago
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I have been sat for ages trying to think of an eye-popping, gripping title for my sex experience giving ass jobs but truth be told I couldn’t think of anything more truthful and simple than the actual truth, I love giving Assjobs and although I am still fairly new to them, it’s my new favorite thing to do for a guy and it has always made the guy I’m with moan with joy.WHAT IS AN ASSJOB?Just in case you don’t know and you have stumbled across this article, a quick breakdown is that an Assjob or...

3 years ago
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A Week At Papaws chap 2

Monday – Training Begins – ObedienceIt hasn't happened in some time but today I was up with the sun, getting veggies from my garden and some fresh mushrooms from the cellar and set about making a couple of omelets for us, we had a lot to get started today. I have the table set, and a tablet next to her plate, I even baked some cinnamon buns. Always the Chef, guess I wanted it to be nice. As I am finishing up the eggs, she kinda plods into the kitchen, looking like she had just crawled back to...

1 year ago
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A Helping hand

As I stood on the edge watching the waves hit the cliff face a hundred feet below I knew their would be no turning back once I took my first step. With a tear rolling down my cheek I closed my eyes for the last time, took a deep breath and stepped off... Twenty-four hours earlier... "Caleb, are you up dear?" Jane called to her son. Jumping out of bed, Caleb replied, "Yes mum." As Caleb through water onto his face he knew that by this time tomorrow he would be a different man. For the last...

3 years ago
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Slut to Remember

Copyright© 2000-2003 There was a young lady named Brook Who never could learn how to cook. But on a divan She could please any man- She knew every darn trick in the book! I didn't even knock but entered into my best friends house with only a quick glance behind me to ensure no one saw my entrance. The door closed quickly behind me. It was Wednesday afternoon and I had a free period, an hour and a half. It took only five minutes to get to Williams place from my high school....

3 years ago
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Two For One

Two for one.So, okay. Happy new year, motherfuckers. You're getting two for the price of one.Part one.A long time ago, in a galaxy far away... Like, before I met my current guy, I spent a period living with a roommate. We both needed to live with eachother to be able to afford anything, but other than that, there was nothing between us. I'm sure he's sneaked a peek or listened at my door at some occasions, but to be honest, I would have done the same. In fact, I did.Anyway, he was a nice guy...

2 years ago
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Good Medicine Sophomore YearChapter 57 With A Little Help From My Friends

March 9, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio If Tasha hadn’t already been upset by Clarissa, Robby, and Lee, her face showed she was beyond livid with me now. The kiss Janey and I had exchanged wasn’t just a peck on the lips, but the kiss of a boyfriend and girlfriend, if not lovers. And Tasha had seen it. She knew I dated, but she didn’t know I was involved with Janey to that degree. And given the spat Tasha and I’d had the previous night, I could imagine all the evil thoughts going through her...

1 year ago
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CHAPTER 16: EXPLORATIONThe next morning began with more excitement. I went for a swim very early, then to the waterfall to clean the salt off. Walking back to the shelter I was thinking about what the day might bring but how would I know? I only had vague references to the terrain, a****ls, people and dangers that we might encounter. I decided immediately that extreme caution was called for. b**st and I needed to approach this with a sense of stealth reconnaissance and try to minimize being...

4 years ago
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Carl Carla and Hannah Part 8

As we drove to work the next morning, Hannah told me to meet her in reception at twelve so we could go shopping. Because the office ran a flexi-time approach to lunch hours, and provided the time was made up, staff were allowed to lunch between twelve and two. So, at one minute past twelve we met and headed out into town. The cool air round my legs felt different through the tights, but by now I was fairly confident that no one would give me a second glance, especially with Hannah beside me....

2 years ago
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Turning Amanda Part 1

I met Amanda's mother, Valerie at a trade show. I was a 'spokesmodel' for some type of equipment that I had no clue about. I was dressed to attract the mostly male attendees, flirt a bit then pass them on to a salesperson to get their information so they could annoy them until they bought something. My skirt was short, showing off my toned legs which looked even better in the five-inch pumps I wore. My top gave off more than a hint of cleavage which didn't need much help since I'm fairly...

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Julie Joins Joyfully

I met Julie in a college class called “Spiritual Philosophy”. It was her calm and insightful manner that caught my attention. Her physical appearance was not remarkable, nor was her manner of dress. Not bad; just didn’t get your attention. When she spoke, however, the clear and confident voice with well thought out utterances captivated me. I engaged her in conversations before and after class and finally mustered the courage to ask her to visit in the college coffee shop. That lead to a date...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Zaawaadi The Spanish Stallion Undefeated Sc 4

In the world of boxing, passionate, physical workouts are not limited to the ring! Drop-dead gorgeous African beauty Zaawaadi meets handsome, Black trainer Joss Lescaf. Joss peels off long-legged Zaawaadi’s lovely outer attire to reveal her sexy lingerie. She drops to her knees to suck his big Black cock. Joss plants his face in her crack for a rim job while she grinds on him. He fucks her cunt doggie-style. Joss holds her long, stockinged gams up while his massive meat thrusts in her...

2 years ago
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My new young black neighbor

One Saturday afternoon, as I pulled into the driveway, I noticed that we had new neighbors moving in next door. A nice couple of blacks in their early forties, Samira and Shawn.I introduced myself to them, saying I was married, but my loving hubby was now out of town due to business.They called their son, Tyson, a very handsome dark skinned guy.I saw these nice people were busy with the moving; so I told them, that if there was anything they needed, to just knock on the door. Later on, I was...

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