Organism X Ch 01
- 4 years ago
- 28
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In the distance, Erin could hear the freshly turned girl moaning and grunting as the blonde, Lindsay, toyed with her. The sound simultaneously repulsed and aroused her.
“She’s going to be a beauty when she fully changes,” Megan said.
Erin turned to face her the arrogant brunette.
“You’re a freak. All of you are freaks,” she said.
Megan snorted.
“As if you aren’t?”
Erin burned with shame and stared down at the floor. An image of the terrified girl Erin turned flashed through her mind.
It had felt so right in the moment. So good.
“Exactly,” Megan said.
The pair were standing in front of Felicia Owen’s room. Megan held the door shut, her body brimming with anticipation. Erin continued torment seemed to be her favorite new game.
“Why are we here?” Erin asked.
She wanted to get this over with.
“Because,” Megan said. “I wanted to show you something special! Your hero has been busy!”
“My hero?” Erin asked.
“Oh, come on. We all noticed how you followed Felicia around like a little puppy dog. It was kind of pathetic, to be honest, freshy.”
That part of Erin’s life now seemed like an ancient era long since passed. It was hard to believe she had been a normal human being only a few hours before. Now what was she?
The thought of Felicia being turned into one of these things hurt in a dull and empty kind of way. It was an ache in the back of Erin’s heart, crowded out by so much condensed trauma.
That all changed when Megan threw open the door and gestures inside with the enthusiasm of a circus showman. Erin followed her pointing fingers and lit upon a scene she had no reference for.
What Erin saw didn’t make sense. The room was a mess of green slime and bulbous, fleshy pouches. Things Erin guessed were more worms wriggled in the slime and piled garbage.
The smell hit her a moment later. An overwhelmingly sweet yet alien odor that matched her own warped scent. This was amplified a thousand-fold, however.
One of the flesh bulbs began to wiggle and shake. Cracks formed along the membranous surface from which green ooze leaked. In the next moment, a bulging black head burst out of the top of the mass, reminding Erin of the chestburster from Alien.
The head turned this way and that in the air before slithering its phallic body out of the ruined mass of flesh to join its brethren deeper in the room.
“Eggs?” Erin said. “She laid eggs?”
“Yup! She’s even more of a freak than we are. And look at all these perfect little worms. There’s probably enough to turn the rest of the hallway in here.”
Erin stepped back, horrified at what she saw. It wasn’t human. Humans didn’t lay eggs. They didn’t give birth to monsters either.
She felt so horribly unclean. Would she become like that? It had happened to Felicia, why couldn’t it happen to her?
“Oh God,” Erin muttered. “She laid eggs?”
“What’s the matter? Does this freak you out, freshy?”
Erin backed away from Megan and the room of horrors behind her. She could feel the remnants of her own mutagenic worm stitched into the fabric of her body. It made the horror even more palpable.
“Oh God, I need to go,” Erin cried.
And then she ran down the hall, desperately trying to escape the reality hidden in that room. She didn’t know where she was going. It didn’t really matter. There was no real escape.
Erin stumbled down the brick pathway, reeling from what she had seen.
Eggs. Felicia had laid eggs.
The thought didn’t cease to horrify Erin. Even her own inhuman nature seemed normal next to the alien mess in Felicia’s room.
A twinge between her legs made the girl cry out, reminding her of the dragon that now lurked inside of her body. It wouldn’t be long now before her urges kicked back into high gear. She needed to get away.
Erin stepped hard on a patch of slick brickwork and felt her leg give out, sending her to her knees. Pain flashed like a firework explosion in Erin’s knee before fading to a murmur.
Erin sank down, feeling the cold water on the ground seep into her clothing. That’s when she heard it.
There was the rhythmic thumping sound of footsteps approaching in the distance. Erin jolted up and looked down the path in the direction she came from but saw nothing.
“Who’s there?” She called out.
There was no response.
Was it her imagination? She swore she heard something.
Erin stood up and made her way down the path, moving at a faster pace this time. She suddenly felt watched.
What the hell? I’m the monster, so why do I feel so afraid?
As Erin walked, she heard the footsteps resume, moving faster this time. She whirled around and nearly screamed at what she saw.
Three men in what looked like paramilitary gear stood about forty feet down the path. One of them pulled a radio on their shoulder close and spoke a command. The other two men pointed guns at Erin and opened fire.
Instead the explosive clatter of gunshots, Erin heard two loud pops and followed by a whistling sound. Looking over, she saw a bright red dart planted into the soft earth next to her.
“Close in!” The man with the radio shouted.
Erin turned tail and sprinted down the path, her heart pounding in her chest. Just hours ago, her life had been normal and now she was being hunted like an animal.
There was a bend in the path ahead. If only Erin could get around it fast enough, she might slip out of the men’s vision.
Erin hit the bend at a full sprint, her lungs burning. She could hear the men’s voices behind her still. She dashed behind a wall and pressed her back against the moist brick. If only she could double back around once they passed her, she might get away.
The men were close now and it wouldn’t be long before they came upon her.
Her mind raced as she tried to formulate a plan. She could feel the hot tears burning her eyes and blurring her vision as she pushed her brain to its limit.
“Fan out,” the lead man called out.
He couldn’t have been more than a few feet away.
Erin’s blood ran cold as she realized her time was up.
From deep within her, a voice whispered. It was the same voice that drove her to plunge into debauchery in third floor dorm room of her classmate. The voice of the monster.
“I can save you,” it seemed to say.
Erin pushed it away. Nothing good could come out of that voice.
Hearing the men’s shouts, Erin’s panic took hold of her and she dashed out from the brick wall and began running the way she came.
Immediately, she heard the men cry out, followed by a loud pop. A sharp pain erupted in her shoulder, followed by a spreading warmth.
Erin slumped to the ground and looked to see the men closing in on her. All the energy in her limbs died away and she could feel her consciousness slipping away.
The voice inside spoke again.
“I can help you.”
The man with the radio barked out a code and stepped up to Erin.
“Looks like we’ve got another one, boys.”
Another one?
“Get her locked up and secured for transport. Nellie wants samples from several different hosts.”
Ice cold terror flooded Erin’s veins. These men were going to cart her away like a zoo animal. She could feel the darkness closing in around her. It wouldn’t be long now.
“Let me help you! Please!” The voice said.
Erin only had a few seconds left and the lead man was nearly to her. Soon, it would be hopeless.
The man brought a gloved hand down and snatched Erin by her hair.
“This one’s even better looking than the last,” he said, flashing a lecherous glance at Erin’s large breasts.
Something snapped in Erin. She could feel the voice surging through her sluggish brain like lightning.
When she looked up at the man, her eyes were burning with unholy emerald light. The world crystallized and all her drowsiness vanished.
Erin locked her fingers on the man’s wrist and squeezed with newfound strength. She saw his terror and relished it.
Screams filled the quiet little corner of the campus only to be silenced suddenly.
Leah stretched out and walked over to the water’s edge. Her enlarged breasts ached pleasantly after the coital romp and the cool air tingled against her skin.
Bending down, the girl scooped up water from the river and splashed it on her face and arms, rubbing away the mud and grass that caked her body from the evening’s chaos.
Looking at her reflection, Leah noticed that her face and body were unmarked, the nasty bruises and cuts from Jessie’s assault wiped away as if by some unknown magic. The throbbing headache from earlier was gone as well, leaving Leah feeling wonderfully energized. The world felt warm and open for the young coed.
Then, in the next moment her body ran cold. In the moonlit reflection of the river, Leah made out another figure looming above her. She felt something cold and sharp press into the small of her back, just barely puncturing the skin.
“You have some explaining to do,” a male voice as cold as the knife pressing into Leah’s back said.
For several seconds, Leah said nothing. For the first time since her transformation, she was truly afraid. No amount of power could save her from the cold steel at her back.
Then she explained everything to the boy. Whenever he sensed that she was holding out on him, he would push the tip of the pocketknife into her back hard enough to draw just a single drop of blood. By the end, she had several little pin pricks across her back.
When Leah finished, she fully expected for the boy to slash her throat. Why wouldn’t he? She would be a monster in his eyes, after all.
Instead, the boy withdrew his knife and stepped backwards, giving Leah space once more.
Now that she was free, Leah realized she was trembling. For the first time since her transformation, she was afraid.
“Wow,” the boy said. “That’s a lot.”
Leah prepped herself to bolt. Now that she had space, escape was possible. In his partially drained state, he would likely be a lot slower. Still, something held her back.
“So, what are you going to do?” She asked.
“Help you,” the boy said.
Leah gaped at the boy, utterly flabbergasted. Help her?
“Help you and your -- What did you call them? Sisters?”
Leah nodded as she tried to conjure the right words.
“Why?” She finally managed to say.
“Because it’s hot. This is a fantasy come true for me.”
“So, you’re going to help us because you’re horny.”
The boy nodded.
“And because I don’t want to die. I see the writing on the wall. You guys are going to keep spreading and keep sucking guys dry. I want to make sure I’m on your good side.”
“I guess that makes sense. But what makes you so special? We’ve been doing just fine on our own,” Leah said.
“For now. That’s because you’re still an unknown quantity. Soon, however, people will catch on. Public safety, the police, maybe even the government! I don’t think you guys are ready to maneuver that.”
“And you are?”
“You’re looking at the senator for Ward hall and the youngest ever member of the student disciplinary board. I have contacts in SGA, public safety, and the administration. I’m also an avid player of strategy games.”
Leah didn’t know whether to be amused or embarrassed by this guy. When she had picked him up, she hadn’t taken him for a mega-dork. He did, however, have a point.
Jessie knew about her condition and had proven willing to fight her every step of the way. Now she had a companion to add to that number. God only knew how many other people had discovered the sisters’ secret across campus. It was only going to get worse as their numbers increased.
“So, what do you propose?” Leah asked.
“You need to infiltrate systems of power on campus. You need to turn SGA members, RAs, administration, professors, public safety. Anyone in power who can use that power to cover for us.”
He was awful quick to throw around “us”.
“And you can help out with that?”
“Of course! From there, we can expand our reach. We’ll eventually have to get off this campus.”
Leah smiled.
“All this to get your rocks off?”
“Of course! This is the hottest thing ever. All the stories and comics I’ve read never even came close to how hot this is.”
Leah didn’t want to imagine what those comics or stories contained, nor did she want to imagine what the boy did while reading them. Still, he had a point. Having someone with this kind of access, assuming he wasn’t bullshitting her, would be very useful.
“You really are a little pervert,” Leah said, her eyes blazing like twin emeralds.
For a moment, the boy cowered backwards as Leah advanced on him. Then she stuck out her hand and smiled.
“A pervert with some good points. Do we have a deal?”
The boy relaxed a little.
“Deal,” he said.
“I’m close!” Emily cried out.
The buxom redhead lay on top of the scrawny, purple haired RA, their bare pussies rubbing together.
Megan could see the empty look in the RA’s eyes, an effect of the Emily’s rewiring touch. At that moment, the RA was completely at Emily’s mercy: mind, body, and soul. That was boring.
Megan laid a hand on Emily’s pale, supple back and bent down to whisper in her ear.
“Not yet!”
Emily shook her head profusely.
“I can’t stop, it feels too good!”
Megan sighed. She would have to do this the hard way.
She looped her arm around Emily’s neck and yanked her backwards, pulling her off the RA.
“Wait a little bit,” Megan demanded. “I want her to be aware of what’s happening.”
Emily moved to struggle against Megan, but soon came to her senses. Megan could feel her roommate panting like a bitch in heat and relished the sensation.
“Fuh-fine,” Emily said.
She bent over the motionless RA and dragged an index finger down the girl’s belly. Megan watched as a myriad of green lines and appeared and then disappeared on the girl’s skin. Then, almost instantaneously, the girl’s pretty eyes widened in shock.
The girl sat up and scanned the room, growing more disturbed with each new detail she drank in.
“Who the fuck are you people?” She said.
Instead of answering, Emily jumped on top of the girl and resumed her assault. She grabbed the RA’s wrists and held her down as she lowered her sopping crotch to its target. Emily’s belly bulged violently, showing Megan that the moment was fast approaching.
The busty redhead threw her head back and moaned loudly, her luscious breasts jiggling from the motion. Fluids splashed out of her pussy, followed by the fat black head of a worm.
Megan watched with mounting anticipation. She loved this part.
However, two things happened simultaneously that overturned the carnal order of the room.
Megan turned her head in panic as the door swung open and saw two figures gazing at her. One was Leah. The other was a boy.
That couldn’t be right.
At the same moment, Emily screeched in pain and fell backwards. She rolled on the ground, clutching the meaty space between her shoulder and her neck. Crimson fluid trickled through her fingers.
“She fucking bit me!”
As Emily writhed in pain, her worm slithered out of her pussy and made its way towards the purple haired RA, who now scrambled backwards, her hands covering her pussy.
“Help!” The RA begged. “Get public safety!”
The pair entered the room and Megan noticed that the boy’s eyes were fixed on the scene in front of him. She saw deep hunger and satisfaction in the boy’s eyes. Had Leah somehow turned a boy rather than draining him? That didn’t make any sense.
“Leah, why did you bring your meal here?” She asked. “Not food,” The boy said. “I am an ally!”
“Yeah, I didn’t ask you,” Megan said. “Leah, what’s the deal?”
“He just said it. He volunteered to help us, and he made a good argument. Didn’t you, pervert?”
Leah winked at the boy, but he didn’t seem to notice. His eyes were fixed on the naked RA, struggling in the corner. By then, the worm had made its way to the RA, coiling around her right leg like a snake.
The RA clamped her hands over her pussy to stop the creature, but it would only be a matter of time before she slipped. Megan knew from experience that these parasites were strong and slimy and a lot smarter than anyone gave them credit for.
Then, remarkably, the boy stepped over to the RA, seemingly in a trance.
“Please, help me!” The RA sobbed.
The boy smiled and said:
“Don’t worry, I’ll help you.”
Megan saw the relief on the girl’s face. The boy was going to play hero and all Megan’s sisters were just going to let it happen.
She took a step, ready to send the boy sprawling when Leah caught her by the shoulder.
“Just watch,” she said.
The boy reached the RA and smiled, patting her shoulder.
“It’s okay,” he said. “I’ll help you.”
“Thank you! Please grab it!”
Megan couldn’t believe her eyes. Was Leah just going to let this bozo help the girl? Not on her watch.
“He’s going to save her, Leah. What are we doing?”
“Just watch,” Leah repeated.
The boy reached down and gently grasped the girl’s hands.
“I’ve got you,” he said.
The wide-eyed girl nodded. Her entire body shook, but she seemed so relieved to have the boy’s help.
Then, without warning, the boy locked lips with the girl and kissed her deeply. At the same moment, he wrenched the girl’s hands away, clearing a path for the worm impale the girl on its bulk.
The girl let out a muffled scream as the fat, black head of the worm rammed against her slick entrance. Her arousal betrayed her as her pussy easily accommodated the parasite’s bulk.
Megan watched in utter shock as the newcomer sealed the RA’s fate. The worm pushed itself into the girl, inch-by-inch. The girl involuntarily thrust her hips as the intrusion continued. The entire moment was burned into Megan’s memory as she watched. These were the moments she lived for as a member of this strange sisterhood.
All the while, the boy pinned the RA’s hands against the back wall, preventing any disruption in the girl’s conversion. The RA fought, but not well. The invasion clearly strained her too much to allow for clear thinking and the boy was much stronger than her.
After less than a minute, the tail of the worm disappeared between the RA’s nether lips. The girl’s fate was now in the hands of the parasite worming its way deeper and deeper into her flesh.
The boy pulled away quickly and stepped back over to Leah’s side, his eyes never leaving his victim. There was a look of pure hatred and betrayal marked on the RA’s face that even gave Megan chills.
Megan filed this tidbit away for later - you never knew what might prove useful.
Then, as the worm reached its target, the RA screamed in agony and fell to the floor unconscious. Besides a few twitches, she was entirely motionless.
“Jon, get her onto the bed,” Leah said to the boy.
So that’s what his name was.
The boy nodded and picked up the RA. She looked so small and helpless in his arms. The boy gazed down at her with mingled curiosity and arousal.
Emily stumbled over to Megan and whispered in her ear.
“She was mine. He stole her!”
Megan turned her attention to her dear roommate and smiled. Em was jealous! That too would be useful later down the road.
Megan took Emily in her arms and pulled her in for a light kiss before whispering in the girl’s ear.
“Ease up. We’ll talk later.”
Emily cocked her head to the side and shot Megan a confused look but nodded and let the subject go.
Jon rested the RA on the bed with almost loving affection before turning back to face the girls.
“I guess I should introduce myself,” he said.
Megan saw the opening and took it. The longer she let Leah sink her claws into this guy, the less power anyone else would have. While Megan didn’t know how to feel about this Jon character, he had made his bed with the sisters. There was no going back for him now.
That impressed Megan. Whoever this guy was, he clearly had some use. Megan was quickly getting the hang of collecting useful things.
Bounding across the room, Megan grabbed Jon and pulled him into a tight hug. She gazed up at him with big, watery brown eyes, making sure to squeeze her boobs against his chest so bulged obscenely at him.
“Wow! That was so impressive, um, Jon is it?”
Jon nodded, struggling to maintain eye contact.
“It is so cool that you’ve decided to help us, Jon!” She continued. “You’re like, my hero!”
Megan then kissed Jon several times on the cheek.
“Enough,” Leah said. “You’re acting like a bimbo.”
“Fine,” Megan responded. She stepped away from Jon, doing her best to show him every inch of her curves as she did so. Drink it in, lover boy.
There was a knock at the door. Leah walked up and peered into the peephole before opening the door. In walked Lindsay followed by a gorgeous girl with disheveled brown hair that formed a tangled halo around her head. Megan barely recognized the girl as the one from the hallway.
Before, the girl had been as plain as plain could be. Thick glasses, a thin and colorless face, and little in the way of curves. Boy had that changed. Susie looked like she was about to rip through what remained of her clothes.
Lindsay drank in the scene of the room and grew increasingly confused. She pointed at Jon.
“What’s the deal?”
“He’s an ally!” Megan chimed.
Leah closed the door behind.
“He wanted to help us, and he has some good ideas. We’ll explain everything soon enough. Who’s she?”
Leah pointed at the voluptuous brunette next to Lindsay.
The girl looked like she had been drugged. She gazed out at the world with dull, unfocused eyes and a sleepy smile. Had the worm fried the girl’s brain?
“You really have been gone awhile,” Lindsay said. “She’s just my little consolation prize.”
“Lindsay wanted this angry little redhead. She’s been going on about her for the past day!”
“Shut it,” Lindsay said. “That’s the other thing. A bunch more people know about us. We haven’t exactly been subtle.”
“Well that’s why he’s here,” Leah said, pointing to Jon.
“Interesting,” Lindsay said.
Susie wandered around the room before planting herself on the bed opposite to the unconscious RA. Her eyes were now fixed on Jon.
The baby bird is hungry, Megan thought.
Leah began explaining the plan to the other girls while Jon, filled in the little details.
The plan wasn’t half bad. Hell, the idea of turning a professor made Megan very wet. Still, she found herself distracted by Susie’s luscious body numerous times during Leah’s little speech. Every inch of the girl looked yummy and ready to be licked and touched.
Megan tried to listen idly. She followed the logic well enough. One of these days, the cops would start sniffing around looking for why kids kept dying on campus. Being careful was a sensible enough decision.
Jessie felt the polished steel of the door handle at the entrance to the public safety trailer warm in her hand. The sky was slate gray and a gentle mist fell at a steady pace. Things were not well in the world of Jessie Vitelli. The idea of ratting on her best friend, of ruining their friendship, it did not sit well with Jessie. The girl Jessie saw last night was not Leah. Those primal eyes and that inhuman strength when Leah grasped Jessie’s arms. A shudder ran through Jessie just thinking...
It was the feeling of being filled by that slimy creature that came out of the river. The sensation, horrid yet sickly satisfying, of that bulbous head thrusting against her unprotected snatch and forcing its way in. The bursts of pain as inch after inch of the slick body worked its way inside the girl's body. As the last few inches of the creature slipped between Leah's nether lips, the pain had faded, leaving a burning between her legs that only grew with each moment the creature was...
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Evan Sherman whistled Yankee Doodle as he entered the hallway, trying his hardest to not go insane. It was his fifth week as an RA and he already had a body count. He walked by Brad and Arthur's room and felt a shiver run down his spine. Evan stopped and stared at the door, whistling louder than before. The words cascaded through his head like rushing water. Yankee Doodle came to town, riding on a pony, he stuck a needle in these kids and turned them to baloney. He turned away from the...
The girl held Haley close from behind. She heaved with excitement in Haley's ear, only causing the college freshman to reach new heights of terror. "How did I miss you before?" The girl asked in a husky voice. A voice thick with grotesque pleasure. "You're putting out energy like a goddamn nuclear reactor. All of it coming from right here." The girl tapped the fingers of her left hand gently against Haley's forehead. With her right, she gagged Haley. If only she struggled, Haley...
Evan Sherman whistled Yankee Doodle as he entered the hallway, trying his hardest to not go insane. It was his fifth week as an RA and he already had a body count. He walked by Brad and Arthur’s room and felt a shiver run down his spine. Evan stopped and stared at the door, whistling louder than before. The words cascaded through his head like rushing water. Yankee Doodle came to town, riding on a pony, he stuck a needle in these kids and turned them to baloney. He turned away from the...
There was a rising pang of anxiety rising in Leah's gut as she walked down the hallway towards the boys' wing. Megan walked with her and Leah could sense the girl's own sense of foreboding, streaming into her brain like a staticky radio signal. Things were growing out of control. "Tell me again how you left them," Leah said. "They seemed out of it. Pale. Passed out. Not too different from how you described it." "When I did it, I didn't give birth to some monstrosity. Besides,...
There was a rising pang of anxiety rising in Leah’s gut as she walked down the hallway towards the boys’ wing. Megan walked with her and Leah could sense the girl’s own sense of foreboding, streaming into her brain like a staticky radio signal. Things were growing out of control. “Tell me again how you left them,” Leah said. “They seemed out of it. Pale. Passed out. Not too different from how you described it.” “When I did it, I didn’t give birth to some monstrosity. Besides, you’re...
The girl held Haley close from behind. She heaved with excitement in Haley’s ear, only causing the college freshman to reach new heights of terror. “How did I miss you before?” The girl asked in a husky voice. A voice thick with grotesque pleasure. “You’re putting out energy like a goddamn nuclear reactor. All of it coming from right here.” The girl tapped the fingers of her left hand gently against Haley’s forehead. With her right, she gagged Haley. If only she struggled, Haley knew she...
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Vacation, three years ago. My god, what a body.I hope she doesn't notice me. With her dark blonde hair conveniently obstructing the view, his tall, blonde and tanned mother allowedher son a perfect view of her body. Three weeks of hot sun had certainly bronzed her Skin to a very tastysun-kissed tone. The fact that she was all oiled up and sunbathing only added to his dillemma. Or was it? She had put on an orange and black bikini, which tightly accentuated her hourglass, mature figure. And...
MILFWhen the troops were all ashore, they began unloading equipment. The two Blackhawks started up and flew ashore. While the four tanks drove off the ship to the dock from the modified lower deck hatch, one Blackhawk flew cover while the other went in search of the first group. One tank was left alongside the ship and ten guards were left aboard to guard the women. The previous group had left signs spray-painted in Arabic along the route to their compound. Finding the compound empty and signs...
I have no idea why I get so aroused by dangers of my wife becoming emotionally attached to another man, but I do. I know for couples who enjoy open, or cuckold relationships, it’s normally no strings sex and living out their fantasies which much of our society considers taboo.I’ve done a lot of internet research on wife sharing, cuckolding, swinging and jealousy and I’ve concluded there are virtually hundreds of variations and they’re usually attached to strict prearranged rules however, for...
CheatingWhy do they schedule appointments late Friday afternoon? Easy, they are one of the world’s largest companies, certainly the largest in their industry and one of our biggest customers. Also, our rep can’t seem to say no, and no skin off his back, he is driving distance. Worse, the meeting is in Hartford, and if you have ever tried to get a flight anywhere from Hartford on Friday evening, you know there might not be one and if there is, connections and layovers are involved. And it’s snowing –...
So took a ride onto the beach today in spite of the windy day with light rain. I was trying out a new lens fir my camera and was getting some good shots. I decided to move to another spot and was walking around a bit when a 4wd van pulled up nearby and parked. I glanced over and the driver and passenger waved. I waved back and went back to my photo adventure. I happened to go past the van and as I looked towards the cab I saw the driver, and he rolled his window down and waved me over. As I got...
Regina’s Place -- 8PM Truth be told, I was nothing if not a sixteen year-old horn-dog. Less than three hours earlier I had boinked a mother and daughter I’d gone home and showered their love juices off me, had dinner with my mother, talked for twenty minutes about the mother- daughter romp with Stephie on the phone and dressed for a date with Reggie—casually since her parents were out—and Stephie told me what Reggie was expecting from me. Yeah, I was a horn-dog all right. Reggie was more...
Victoria Preston Aware her ‘work schedule’ meant his Aunt Vicky had a free day, although by now quite used to her nephew Dan coming and going as he wished, Victoria Preston was none the less surprised and alarmed to see to see her nephew Dan confidently striding into her bedroom the morning after his Mother had ‘entertained’ Annie Day. In fact fresh from being on the receiving end of a great blow job from his Mother Catherine, Dan was carrying out the request of Annie Day that he check up...
Helena and I were both alone that week end; our loving husbands had to fly away on business that same Friday; so, she invited me to spend a couple days outside, in a nice cottage she had rented before in the woods.After a two long hour drive, we reached the place.Helena told me to go upstairs; relax on the balcony and lay out to get sun.I had driven mostly of the trip; so, I was a little bit tired and really needed some relax. I went to the bedroom and put on a tiny thong to get some sun. When...
Hello friends and ISS lovers. I am narrating you my true story. Kaise maine apni best friend ko satisfy kiya…. Mera naam saajan hai mai 6ft tall hun aur ek average looking ladka hun. My dick size is 6. I am very disappointed on my dick size that how can I satisfy my partner with this size???.. Ye story 2012 ki hai us samay mai graduation complete kar k apne ghar aaya tha aur ghar pe hi rehne lga mere mom dad dono dusre seher mein rehte the aur mera bda bhai mere saath hi rehta tha. Wo kbhi Kbhi...
I studied Marc as he slept peacefully. Globules of dried semen tangled in his pubic hair, as a reminder of our lovemaking and a look of contentment filled the character lines on his face. Placing a few kisses on his brow, I blew and softly whispered into his ear. " Wake up Mr sleepy head, Catherine needs her breakfast, it's gone Eight, and Edinburgh awaits us."His eyes flickered open slowly, and a broad smile transformed his face." Good morning. " He yawned, rubbing the sleep from his...
MatureI pulled in the parking lot all hype with anticipation of running down my prey. These clubs are all the same. You see they get popular around here because all the white women hook up with black men here at clubs like these, this one in particular. The entrance line is very long. This means that this club is particularly ‘phat’ tonight. I do a preliminary scan of the line to see any of the possibility of any ‘PAWGS on Parade’. I like going during the warm weather season specifically because of...
It’s been six months since Ella has become my temp sub, andshe’s learning quickly. I’ve been training her in a lot of the areas she didn’t know about. She follows orders to the T and doesn’t get to cheeky. Of course she is by no means perfect, but she’s learning. We started off seeing each other a few times a month, now it’s as often as we can. She doesn’t know it yet, but this weekend I’m going to ask her to be my live in weekend pet. This means she’ll come stay with me all weekend long. We...
As our last mails date back about half a year, I´d almost forgotten about Lisa.No matter her lovely looks and letters, nor her few sexy images on my page.Suddenly she sprang back to my mind, as I recognized her as ´cover girl´ of a gallery, titled "girls I´d like to f***", of an admiror of a young lady friend of me, here on hamster. I just checked that page and immediately saw: "That´s Lisa"!The guy had photoshopped away any texts. Like the tribute written on her belly.My name and hers. And the...
I want to share this true story in my life Which happened with me and I loved it. The whole episode is so clear and exciting to me today as it was six years back when all these started. It was the third year of our marriage. My name is sarina was married to kuldev three years back. His younger brother surdev got married after one year of our marriage to nayna. Nayna was a nice girl but Kul always says I am the hotter. Anyway Nayna gave birth to a nice boy after a year of marriage -that’s when...
Yiming Curiosity is the assistant to a bad hypnotist in Private Specials, Young & Pretty, however given the crazy sexual appetite on this Asian beauty, she pretends to be hypnotised anyway so she can get a good fucking. Watch all the action on as Yimming gives in to the demands of her teacher Potro, getting a mouthful of cock and warming up with a sloppy blowjob. Then enjoy Yimming’s tight body and pussy take a hard pounding as this oriental gem moans and screams with...
xmoviesforyouThe girls slept contentedly and were awakened by Ellie's mother. It was Saturday, and they went shopping at the mall, spending a great deal of time at Victoria's Secret, but not buying anything there. The sensual garments they touched and held against themselves only served to whet their sexual appetites for later that afternoon. Their plan was to tell their parents they were headed back to the mall around four and to the movies afterward. They promised to be home by ten or ten-thirty the...
Two days the phone rang. I picked it up. It was John. "Hi Jim. Thanks again for a great night. Your family is incredible and it did wonders for Chris's confidence."I wasn't surprised. Having one beautiful woman lick your ass and caress your balls while you're fucking another beautiful woman will tend to do that."That's good," I said, wondering where this was going."Jim, I've talked with Joanne about helping Chris build his confidence further and learn how to be with women. She feels he still...
I have arranged for you to take a part time job as a substitute teacher at an all-boys school. The classes you will teach are small, 5-8 boys, at a school for especially difficult k**s with behavioral problems. The k**s are around 18. Young, eager, and very horny boys. You will dress in a simple blouse, two sizes too large for you, so that the top can easily fall away from your boobs. You will leave the top three buttons undone at all times. Your skirt will be about knee length, flared...
I’ve decided I’m writing these down just after they happen now and not waiting, I’m getting so much action in this motel I’m beginning to think that the men around here have issues.So it’s 6am this morning, and I’m asleep alone for what feels like the first time this week. I’m woken up by the feeling of someone climbing in under the sheet next to me. Half asleep I open my eyes and it’s the little receptionist from the front desk. She had left my room with her security guard boyfriend the...
Hi all you ISS readers, this is Mithun, I am 19 yrs old, this happened last year. I will tell you about my true sex experience with my mother sister Renuka. Renu was married to her boyfriend, she now also has 2 sons one is one year elder to me. When ever Renu comes to my house she comes with her kids. But that day she came alone. My parents and her sons & hubby had gone to a family marriage. She didn’t want to go and as I also didn’t want to go she was agreed to stay with me and look after me...
IncestA Woman's Clothes VII By Donna Williams "Morning Sara!" my wife exclaimed, apparently in a better mood. "Time for your big change! We won't be having a party this time, because I think you are a little too old for that." "How old am I?" I asked. "Eighteen!" She responded. "And I got you some real sexy lingerie, and some real sexy outfits to go over them. But first, we need to make you look older. Go shower, no bubble bath yet, and shave real close all over. Then come back...
I had been at the garage for almost ten years and was in my early sixties. The garage had become my second home, and also the place that unblocked certain problems that I had in my head. I could never understand why the young mechanics could possibly have had an interest in an old girl like me.I was always going to be the only female in the garage, which suited me just fine. Each Wednesday morning, I would go out into the yard where the second-hand cars were for sale, and make general notes...
IncestThe morning sun streaming through the kitchen windows beside her rendered the thin, billowy fabric of Linda's yellow, baby doll nightie practically transparent. It was no accident that as she vigorously stirred a bowl of pancake batter, the shape of her huge breasts and rock-hard nipples were clearly visible to her young son, Bobby. The twelve year old sat just a few feet away wearing a pink cotton nightshirt she had bought for him. The nails on his fingers and toes were painted a shade...
If you like this story check out my blog for moreI get off the plane in the Netherlands and head through the airport. It’s been a long few days, just three days ago I was standing in the church waiting to get married to the woman that I thought loved me and she didn’t show up.It was horrible to be standing there in front of my entire family, friends and the minister. I kept checking my watch and she was late I figure she was stuck in traffic.I was standing there for...
The Club I had discovered this unique club through a Black Rose meeting. It was an old warehouse that had been purchased by a Dom, modified to an extent, and then opened to memberships. A mere 100 a month gained a key and the use of the facilities at any time. There were meetings for everyone once a month, the announcement not necessary since word of mouth in the community was very sufficient. As a matter of fact, it was becoming such an event that the owner was contemplating an invitation...
BDSM19-year-old Ali Fisher has gone on vacation to Greece in search of fun and adventure. She falls into company with Amy, two years her junior, but has much more interest in Amy’s married father David. Mutual attraction simmers between Ali and David before finally boiling over in an intense swimming-pool encounter. They have crazed sex in the elevator on the way to Ali’s room, but are almost caught when David’s wife and daughter return early from an excursion… Briefly Ali heard Melanie’s reply:...
We joined together for our next to last song, “Happy”... MICHAEL It might seem crazy what I’m about to say Sunshine she’s here, you can take away I’m a hot air balloon, I could go to space With the air, like I don’t care baby by the way Because I’m happy EVERYBODY Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof Because I’m happy Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth Because I’m happy Clap along if you know what happiness is to you Because I’m happy Clap along if you feel...
REKINDLEDChapter OneI turn the shower on and slowly removed my robe before stepping in and closing the glass door. The hot water felt like a thousand tiny fingers as it pelted my body. It was one of the features I truly loved about our home.But before I get too far into this story I should tell you about myself.My name is Joy. I turned seventy two months ago. One year ago I decided I needed to lose some weight and get into better shape. I stand about five foot four and before starting a workout...
"You are NOT my mother!" Samantha closed her eyes for a moment, shutting out the image of the rebellious teen. She had been expecting, and yes dreading, that comment. As sure as water flowed downhill, at some point that fact was going to get thrown in her face. She had even told Mark she was ready for it, had her reaction all planned out. She hadn't expected it so soon, though. The sound of stomping feet came to her ears. With a sigh, Samantha opened her eyes to see the thirteen year old...
Jen was more then ready to put Dave’s plan into action. The next time her parents Barry and Cathy went out and left her alone she made a beeline for the hidden box of dirty movies. She picked out the girl-on-girl movie and started to watch it. Last week when she first saw it she was not that interested in watching it. Now she could not wait to see the action. She was going to put on a show for her parent that would get them very hot. As she watched that movie the action really was getting her...
Rebecca was feeling very excited when she left Michelle in the kitchen and went back to her room to retrieve the stimulating DVD. What'll she do when she sees that kissing scene?' the question had been plaguing her since she'd come up with this plan early this morning. The scene Becky was so excited to show her friend was only about twenty minutes into the movie that ultimately ran an hour and forty-five or so. She wouldn't have to wait long once they got started. She slipped the disc...
I have quite a substantial bank account and so own a few foreign properties we decided to go to our home on the spanish coast (the costa lotta ;). Its a really nice place with its own cove type beach/suntrap with worn steps leading down from the villa. Its was my wifes favourite. We'd been there for quite a while trying to rediscover each other and i was starting to enjoy it as jenni was doing things she never used to, we had plenty of toys and some GHB, she even started swallowing. But...
Jon Today was the day we received our first visitors to our adults only park, “Be Yourself”. Over the last two years I had built twenty two-bedroom cabins and a small hotel with ten unique theme rooms. It included a restaurant large enough to seat one hundred people and a bar with a seating area. There was also a gym with a workout area, Sauna and changing room. The staff quarters were on the ground floor and consisted of large three-bedroom suites with all the amenities. Even the lake, that...
This whole thing started about three months ago. My boyfriend, Nick, and I decided we would make a sex tape. We’d been together for five years and it was always a huge fantasy of his so for our fifth anniversary, I agreed to it. I was not too crazy about the idea but I had laid down some ground rules for him to agree to. The rules were as followed: 1. The video would be recorded to my personal computer and he could not have his own copy. The meant we could watch it together or not at all. That...
ExhibitionismThey all lay on the floor catching their breath,Josie kissed her husband gently, thank you,I love you so much Phil said the same,lovingly stroking her hair" come on now girls ,let's get showered and dressed for tonight, we will be about an hour boys, have a beer and rhen you can get ready" announced carolThe girls left,Phil amazed that his beautiful big tatted formerly shy wife was now so easy with her nakedness, even in front of the creepy horse cocked Fred,who remained standing where he was...
Jack: Sunday morning -- early -- and I was up and around, yawning. Beth teased coffee out of the replicator; the kids were still in bed. Keisha got up with me, too; Frieda, being in the other room, was asleep with Tara when I started banging around. The morning would be taken up with two very different briefings -- one for sponsors, and one for concubines -- then at noon, all Hell would likely break loose... the AI reported. 'Thanks, ' I replied. "Beth,...
My family and I were on vacation, we were camping in a remote area on the shore of a large lake. It was just myself, Jimmy, my sister Lynn, my mom Julie and dad Bill. My Aunt and two cousins were going to be coming up to join us later. I was 17 at the time, 6’2”, 175 pounds. My sister was 18, about 5’4”, 120 pounds with 32 “C” tits. Mom was 33, about the same height as my sister, one 125 pounds with 36 “D” tits. Dad was 35, 6’2” and about 190 pounds. My Dad got my Mom pregnant with my sister...
OK, you see, it all started in 1964. There was this bank robbery over in Thornton. And that's, maybe ... eighty - ninety miles as the crow flies, from here. Across the state line. It's a pretty big city. You're askin', "where's here..." Well now, this little podunk spot is Station Gorge. Once hailed as the Gate Way to the Wilderness. Back in its heyday. But now days - well, spend a little time here. Look around. Decide for yourself. XXXXXXXX The day of the robbery, the four guys on...
TABBOO Sex, sadomasochism, incest, perception’s reality between siblings. Part One Chapter One She melds as one with his homemade apparatus, every inch of her naked, shimmering body as she appears to be gaining consciousness. The taut slipknots of the lithe, brilliant white ropes that a sailor would be proud of, calculated for both efficiency and effectiveness, the series of interlaced bindings painstakingly planned in advance not only offers out, but vividly contrasts with the very...