Organism X Ch 01
- 4 years ago
- 27
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For some reason, she just kept reliving that feeling.
It was the feeling of being filled by that slimy creature that came out of the river. The sensation, horrid yet sickly satisfying, of that bulbous head thrusting against her unprotected snatch and forcing its way in. The bursts of pain as inch after inch of the slick body worked its way inside the girl’s body.
As the last few inches of the creature slipped between Leah’s nether lips, the pain had faded, leaving a burning between her legs that only grew with each moment the creature was inside of her.
For several minutes, Leah leaned against the rock outcropping, tears dripping down her cheeks. She desperately needed to process this, but nothing made sense. This thing. This horrible, disgusting thing was inside of her.
Leah lurched and whimpered as she felt a horrible stretching sensation deep within. The creature had forced its way through the girl’s cervix.
At that point, panic gripped the young woman. She thrashed in the water and tried to belt out a scream, but only managed a pathetic little cry that barely extended beyond the little pool.
It needed to be out of her. Leah knew this and only this. It needed to go. She needed to be free of it.
Leah desperately grasped the rock outcropping, ready to scream for real this time. She was a singer and goddamnit she could be loud.
Before the girl could even open her mouth, a sharp jolt within cut Leah off. For a moment, Leah froze in the darkness, held still by the sudden sense of something piercing into her flesh.
Then it hit her. An overwhelming shock of pleasure rolled over Leah unlike anything she had every felt. Bliss and carnal delight danced a tango through the girl’s veins, causing her vision to temporarily go blank. Within seconds, Leah came, sending of a jet of girl-cum into the water and leaving the young woman entirely immobilized.
Then came the voice.
It didn’t speak to her in words. Mostly just impulses. It told her she needed to leave this place and go somewhere private. Somewhere where this, whatever this was, could finish.
As punctuation for this point, another blast of pleasure rolled over Leah, causing her eyes to water and her hips to buck. How could she not obey?
Leah stumbled out of the water and made it a few steps before she realized through her foggy consciousness that she was buck naked. That wouldn’t do. She needed to be somewhere private. Unnoticed. This needed to finish.
For this good instinct, another wave of pleasure rolled over the college girl. Leah felt a gush of sticky fluid run down her legs. Her pussy burned.
Leah found her clothes a couple hundred feet away, by the docks. Clumsily, she slipped on her panties and shorts, revelling in the pleasure of the fabric against her pussy, which all of sudden felt hyper-sensitive. When she tried to slip on her bra, the sensations proved too much. Her nipples were so sensitive that even the slightest sensation against them sent powerful jolts into her crotch.
Leah dropped the bra and searched around in the clothes. She seized on the shirt of one of the larger freshman boys and tossed it on her. It came down past her ass, but it did the trick. Even so, the pleasure from the fabric rubbing against her tits made it hard to manage. Every so often on the trek back, Leah would have to stop and brace herself as a small orgasm rolled over her body.
What is this? The girl wondered. Deep down, there was still horror and disgust. Leah’s true feelings had not died, only been submerged by the tidal waves of pleasure and the voice within.
After what felt like hours, Leah made it to her dorm. She stumbled through the abandoned hallway and fumbled at the door with her keys, hoping desperately that her roommate was not yet in. She needed privacy. The voice demanded it.
When she saw that she was alone, Leah slammed and locked the door, shut off the lights, and immediately started to rip her clothes off. The voice rewarded the young woman with the biggest orgasmic wave of pleasure yet.
2Hunter saw the smoke first.
It was a crisp, clear day in late September and the woods were absolutely stunning. It was the perfect day for a hike.
Hunter and Molly reached the small valley that terminated in the diminutive stream by around one in the afternoon. Hunter rounded the bend, looked off towards the river, and saw the billowing wisps of white smoke rising into the air.
“Check it out,” Hunter pointed off in the distance.
“Shit,” Molly said softly. “What should we do?”
“Let’s see what it is first.”
The pair had been dating for nearly a year. Both met in organic chemistry their junior year and bonded almost immediately over their love of the outdoors.
Molly was a vivacious woman with black hair cut short and beautiful olive skin. Hunter knew the day he locked eyes on her that she was the one.
They reached the origin of the smoke after ten minutes of hiking. Molly gasped when she saw it. Hunter simply stared, too shocked to process.
Before them was an impact crater the size of a small car. In the very center of the crater was a steaming rock roughly the size of a watermelon. From the jagged crack that ran down the length of the meteorite, lime-green slime oozed.
Molly was the first to act. She farted over, grabbed a twig and started to poke at the meteorite.
“Molly wait,” Hunter called.
“Babe, do you know what this means?”
“A meteor. We found a meteor.”
“No,” Molly said. She held up the twig, green slime oozing from the tip.
“Organic compounds hunter. This is the discovery of a lifetime!”
“Holy shit,” were the only words he could muster in response.
3Jessie Miller stumbled into her room and groped around for her bottle of ibuprofen. Her head pounded and her lower regions felt even worse. She downed three pills and took a moment to steady herself.
That’s when she noticed the lump under the covers of her roommate’s bed.
“Well that answers that question,” Jessie mumbled to herself.
She stared at the lump in the bed, watching who she assumed was Leah toss and turn slightly. It was then that Jessie noticed the smell of the room.
The air was heavy with what almost smelled like sex, undercut by a deeper, darker odor that Jessie could not place.
Jessie took a couple steps towards her roommate. While she still could not make out Leah’s face in the tangle of covers, it was clearly her. Jessie could see the girl’s tangle of chestnut hair peeking out from the top of the covers. From where Jessie was standing, there was no one else under the covers with Leah.
A knock at the door broke Jessie out of her investigatory mood. She padded across the room as quietly as she could manage and opened the door a crack.
Megan Jenson stood on the other side of the door, arms crossed and looking as uncomfortable as usual.
Jessie liked to think of Megan as a virgin cosplaying as a slut. Megan always wore low cut tops and push-up bras to make her tiny a-cups seem like so much more. Despite all the extra makeup and work, Megan never seemed to sell the look quite right.
Like a little girl playing dress up with Mommy’s clothes, Jessie thought as she gazed at her friend with bleary eyes.
“Hey, you guys going to brunch?” Megan asked, trying to peer into the dark room.
“Yeah, I’ll be ready in, like, ten minutes. Sound good?”
“Yeah, is Leah coming too?”
Jessie turned back towards the lump in the bed. The girl showed no sign of waking anytime soon.
“Nah, just me. She’s sleeping something off.”
Megan nodded.
Jessie closed the door and grabbed a change of clothes. She thought about heading to the bathroom, but Leah was so thoroughly knocked out that she decided to change right then and there.
Five minute later, Jessie Vitelli was on her way to brunch, leaving Leah alone once more.
4“Anyone hungover?” Eliza asked. She looked especially pale and deep purple rings hovered beneath her eyes.
Bethany responded with her usual brightness.
“Nope! Plenty of water does a body good!”
“Perfect,” Eliza said.
Haley gazed out the window, thinking about the shooting star she saw the night before. More and more, she was certain it had landed near the campus. She wondered if anything was left of it.
“So, anyone have any fun plans for today?” Melissa asked. She was a pretty, plump asian girl with blue dyed hair and round, cherry-colored glasses.
“Homework,” Eliza grumbled.
“Oh same,” Melissa said.
“I’m going down by the docks. It such a beautiful day. Gonna get my sun on!” Bethany chimed in.
Haley thought that sounded wonderful. She was starting to feel anxious, but she could not figure out why. Her homework was done for the week, no big tests or assignments approached on the near horizon, nothing.
It was as if some far off storm were creeping closer with each second. Some time outside in the sun might be a good counter balance.
“Mind if I join you?” Haley asked Bethany.
“Sure! More the merrier!” Bethany beamed.
Haley felt her internal world brighten a tiny, but significant bit.
5Leah peered at her roommate as she left the room, watching the girl’s full hips sway. An impulse washed over Leah then and for a moment, she nearly leaped out of bed and dragged Jessie back into the room.
Then the voice stopped her. Not yet, it whispered to her. Not ready.
Leah obeyed. She had come to trust the voice through this ordeal. It gave her clarity. Simple purpose.
Instead, Leah waited for her roommate to close the door and walk down the hallway a few steps before she ripped off the covers. The cool air on her naked body was exhilarating.
Leah jumped out of bed, feeling a sudden burst of inhuman energy in her limbs. She felt like she could lift a boulder over her head with this kind of energy.
She skipped over to the lengthwise mirror on the door, her fingers idly reaching for her pussy. Sopping wet and slimy flesh met Leah’s fingers. That and the burning, dizzying pleasure that radiated from her snatch.
What Leah saw in the mirror made her gasp. While the old Leah had been beautiful in her own right, her new incarnation was jaw dropping.
Leah’s firm, perky C cups had blown up by at least two cup sizes and now bulged off her chest like a pair of soft melons. Leah cradled her breasts and felt the sudden rush of pleasure. They were so sensitive!
The rest of Leah had been enhanced in a dozen little ways. Plumper lips, Fuller ass, no blemishes, longer, curlier hair. She now had to be one of the hottest women in the school by far.
Leah massaged her big tits and fingered her pussy desperately. Within less than a minute, a series of powerful orgasm rocked the young woman’s body, sending her to her knees.
In the burning heat of the moment, the voice came to Leah again. It came as a deep urge. Hunger.
6Sarah’s heart beat rapidly as she worked her way towards the library. It was a sunny, beautiful day out; a real shame given that she was not going to be enjoying it whatsoever.
The next several hours were going to be nothing but research in a gray, fluorescent-lit computer lab. It was at moments like this that Sarah questioned why she was even pursuing a biology degree. She possessed no ambition to be a doctor and all personal curiosity in the subject had drained from her after the first year.
She felt trapped.
It was in this bitter trance that Sarah failed to notice Hunter and Molly waving at her. She nearly walked right past them when Molly tapped her on the shoulder.
Sarah jumped, suddenly feeling mortally endangered.
“Hey,” Molly said softly. “It’s just us.”
“You okay, Sarah?” Hunter added.
“I’m so sorry guys. I’m just in a mood.”
“Senior project mood?” Molly asked.
“What other mood is there?” Sarah said, trying to crack a smile. She half-managed it.
“Well don’t overwork yourself,” Hunter said.
“What are you guys up to?” Sarah asked, hoping to change the subject.
It was nice having human contact and the sun was warm and soothing on her skin. In this place, she could almost forget the sterile hell waiting for her in the library.
“You won’t believe what we found in South Woods,” Molly said, bubbling with excitement.
“A meteorite!” Hunter chimed in.
“Holy shit!” Sarah said. “That’s awesome! You’ve got to give me the details!”
“We found it hiking in south woods,” Hunter said. “We were hiking and saw the smoke. It must have just landed in the last few hours.”
“You didn’t even mention the coolest part,” Molly said, playfully nudging her boyfriend in the arm. “We found this goo leaking from it. It might be organic! We’re on our way to collect samples.”
“Potentially the best senior project ever!” Hunter said.
“Wow, that’s great guys. Well good luck,” Sarah said.
Somehow, she left the conversation more dejected than before. Someone sure was enjoying biology and it certainly was not her.
The library loomed before Sarah, beckoning her with dark windows and dreadful whispers of a listless, colorless future.
7“So Brad and I hung out last night. Now by hang out, I don’t mean hang out,” Megan punctuated this with large air quotations. “We just played board games with some of his friends. It was kind of boring, but also kind of nice?”
Jessie desperately wished Leah was here to absorb some of the radiation from Megan’s constant need to fill air. Leah had the heart for that type of thing.
Instead, it was just her. Just Jessie. The wild child, her mother had always called her. Wildly bored, Jessie thought.
“Do you think I should push him more?” Megan asked.
Jessie panicked as she realized the past several seconds slipped by without her paying even the slightest attention to Megan.
“I’m sorry, what?” She said.
“Should I push Brad to be more active? I don’t want him to think I’m a slut or anything. Hell, we aren’t even dating. Then there’s Mikey. Poor Mikey...”
And Megan was off on another tangent.
Jessie swiped her keycard at the entrance of the sophomore dormitory and opened the door for Megan. Jessie followed and started towards her room, all too painfully aware that Megan was following her.
“You might want to ask Leah about this. She’s better with this sort of thing,” Jessie murmured.
“Better with what sort of thing? Talking? Having a meaningful conversation,” Megan said. She was starting to get a little huffy.
“It’s just that she has better advice, usually.”
“Well I’m also friends with you,” Megan said indignantly. “I want to know what you think.”
Jessie opened the door and turned on the light, revealing an empty room. That, however, was not what cut Megan off mid-sentence.
Trailing from the doorway to Leah’s bed were splotches of lime-green slime. The path ended in Leah’s bed, where the sheets were entirely drenched in the stuff.
“What the fuck?” Jessie said reflexively as she carefully tiptoed around the goo.
“What’s that smell?” Megan whined, pinching her nose.
Jessie sniffed the air and remembered the odor she picked up hours earlier. Before, it had been muted and difficult to distinguish. Now it was overwhelming.
It was a cloyingly sweet smell. Deep and rich like molasses with floral hints and an undertone that was sweaty and animalistic.
“Did she pee herself?” Megan asked. Jessie turned to face the girl and saw the growing concern on her face.
“Does that look like pee?”
Megan did not respond.
Jessie grabbed her laptop, her backpack, and her water bottle and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her.
“I’m not dealing with this right now.”
“Do you think she’s okay?” Megan asked, wide-eyed.
“How should I know?” Jessie felt a growing pit in her stomach. “You know as much as me.”
“Sorry,” Megan said.
Jessie felt the polished steel of the door handle at the entrance to the public safety trailer warm in her hand. The sky was slate gray and a gentle mist fell at a steady pace. Things were not well in the world of Jessie Vitelli. The idea of ratting on her best friend, of ruining their friendship, it did not sit well with Jessie. The girl Jessie saw last night was not Leah. Those primal eyes and that inhuman strength when Leah grasped Jessie’s arms. A shudder ran through Jessie just thinking...
It was the feeling of being filled by that slimy creature that came out of the river. The sensation, horrid yet sickly satisfying, of that bulbous head thrusting against her unprotected snatch and forcing its way in. The bursts of pain as inch after inch of the slick body worked its way inside the girl's body. As the last few inches of the creature slipped between Leah's nether lips, the pain had faded, leaving a burning between her legs that only grew with each moment the creature was...
Molly gazed down and gasped at what she saw. Millions of little objects wiggled about in the protoplasm, their bodies covered in cilia. If she had to guess, Molly might have called these things cells, but there were issue with that. First of all, they didn't seem to have even a malleable single form. Instead, the gelatinous blobs reshaped constantly, something sprouting little tentacles, other times inflating, sometimes splitting apart and coming back together. To her knowledge, nothing...
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The girl held Haley close from behind. She heaved with excitement in Haley's ear, only causing the college freshman to reach new heights of terror. "How did I miss you before?" The girl asked in a husky voice. A voice thick with grotesque pleasure. "You're putting out energy like a goddamn nuclear reactor. All of it coming from right here." The girl tapped the fingers of her left hand gently against Haley's forehead. With her right, she gagged Haley. If only she struggled, Haley...
Evan Sherman whistled Yankee Doodle as he entered the hallway, trying his hardest to not go insane. It was his fifth week as an RA and he already had a body count. He walked by Brad and Arthur’s room and felt a shiver run down his spine. Evan stopped and stared at the door, whistling louder than before. The words cascaded through his head like rushing water. Yankee Doodle came to town, riding on a pony, he stuck a needle in these kids and turned them to baloney. He turned away from the...
There was a rising pang of anxiety rising in Leah's gut as she walked down the hallway towards the boys' wing. Megan walked with her and Leah could sense the girl's own sense of foreboding, streaming into her brain like a staticky radio signal. Things were growing out of control. "Tell me again how you left them," Leah said. "They seemed out of it. Pale. Passed out. Not too different from how you described it." "When I did it, I didn't give birth to some monstrosity. Besides,...
There was a rising pang of anxiety rising in Leah’s gut as she walked down the hallway towards the boys’ wing. Megan walked with her and Leah could sense the girl’s own sense of foreboding, streaming into her brain like a staticky radio signal. Things were growing out of control. “Tell me again how you left them,” Leah said. “They seemed out of it. Pale. Passed out. Not too different from how you described it.” “When I did it, I didn’t give birth to some monstrosity. Besides, you’re...
The girl held Haley close from behind. She heaved with excitement in Haley’s ear, only causing the college freshman to reach new heights of terror. “How did I miss you before?” The girl asked in a husky voice. A voice thick with grotesque pleasure. “You’re putting out energy like a goddamn nuclear reactor. All of it coming from right here.” The girl tapped the fingers of her left hand gently against Haley’s forehead. With her right, she gagged Haley. If only she struggled, Haley knew she...
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I see how guys look at me and the things they say to me it turns me on. Sometimes I purposely walk through the park in the summertime with a tight top that barely covers my 38d breast and a pair of TIGHT capri's that ascent my round juicy firm but SOFT ass. I walk pass the basketball court just to hear them say nasty things to me. one time this guy told me how he could make me cum all over his cock then he walked beside me talking so so nasty how his cock is 9inches and THICK. Then he told me...
Rufus got us up late the next morning, knocking on the door. "Rise and shine kiddies if you want to go. Breakfast is on the table." Rufus asked me how my head was feeling as I was sitting down at the table. He opened his hand to show me two aspirin. I took them with a mumbled "Thanks." I managed to drink the coffee, that was all. It helped. I had a horrible headache and felt sick as well. Rufus asked if I remembered anything about last night. "I remember Paul dumping me onto the floor...
This is a somewhat fictionalized account of a true story.My best friend Kevin had been seeing Leslie through most of high school. But as he liked to party, and she was a daddy's-girl-princess-type, Kevin's relationship with Leslie was pretty private, and I barely knew her at all by the time we had started college. So I was pretty surprised when Kevin told me that Leslie wanted to come to the bar with us. Leslie had just turned 18 and was a slim, beautiful, blonde, little bombshell -- smoking...
It was coming. The dark, evil presence loomed ominously in the air like storm clouds gathering on the horizon, slowly creeping in, moving closer… closer… prowling through night, existing in shadow. Phoebe could feel it approaching, the sense of dread, so real that she thought if she reached out she could touch it just as surely as she could reach out and touch her reflection in the full length mirror in front of her. Her face was mask of deep concern, the lines of worry etched into...
DADDY’S LITTLE GIRL 1985Madeline was late getting in, but just by six minutes?but she’d have to sign the chart?Daddy and Mama gave her twenty minutes to walk home from school, and she’d foolishly stopped to discuss a French quiz with a classmate, and there would be trouble. Madeline also had to mark the chart for the weight and size of her bowel movements, which Daddy made her keep in a separate freezer. Daddy loved Madeline, but only in his way. She finally got to the house and opened the...
Brenda Buttsmit was obsessed with boys' bottoms. She was only 14 years old and had never seen a naked boy but she had a vivid imagination. At first is was a minor distraction as the lines of boys in their school uniforms passed in the hall. Her furtive glimpses usually led to a reddening of his cheeks and a secret shame that she had done to them what she knew they all did to girls: undressed them in their imaginations. Shy glances led to gawking when some cute guy bent over or had to stand on...
"Oh, hey, hun, you just missed breakfast, sorry," Lilly greeted him. "Where is my door?" "Oh, yeah I noticed that. I don't know, the girls were still pretty crazy after you went to bed." Lilly then got up to put her dishes away. "Speaking of the girls, before Diane, Olivia, and Meredith left for the stores this morning they mentioned a small problem they have. You did not do anything wrong, but they have discovered they are uncomfortable sharing a bathroom with you." "Ok,...
My friend Tamara had told me that the only people who took out personal ads in our local weekly were "horny yuppies with more money than brains." However, I had recently finalized my divorce after twenty-seven years of marriage, and I simply didn't know how to play the modern dating game. Besides, I could think of a lot worse things than a man with a fat wallet, a lonely cock, and an empty head. One advertisement called to me again and again: "Good-looking professional, 26, who enjoys...
Chapter 1: Mike Hires a Housekeeper I've known Mike since college. We were roommates for two years, and have been good friends ever since. He has done some crazy things over the years, but nothing prepared me for what happened when he hired a housekeeper. When I got involved it became an erotic adventure that I don't think either of us will ever forget. I have to admit I have always been a little jealous of Mike. He is one of those guys that can fall into a septic tank and find a diamond...
About ten years ago my wife, Donna, worked in one of England's biggest and well respected clothing store. she would alternate between the mens and the ladies departments depending on which was the busiest. One Wednesday afternoon it was quiet in the store as she was on the ladies section, she was qualified in the 'bra fitting' department, we would love that wouldn't we lads.This Wednesday a mature woman had an appointment booked at 1:30pm, she arrived on time. Now whenever this procedure was...
This was part one of this story: is part 2:She looked at me and asked if I wanted anymore but had a look of concern on her face. Before I answered I asked her what was wrong. She said if I want to fuck her she will let me but it will hurt because her pussy is sore and swollen. I told her. I was tired too and did not want to hurt her. I offered her a way to help her feel better. She asked how. I offered to...
Hi I am Rahul aged 18, from Chennai. I was seduced by neighbour she was 4 years older than me. [email protected](Only girls and aunties from Chennai)...
Sex With StrangerIt happened just after my thirty eighth birthday, in the May of 2004. We had a couple of messages left on our telephone answering machine asking us to call a number to claim a prize. Well, both my wife Jennifer, and I straight away thought it was a scam and just deleted the message. Then one evening while waiting for Jennifer to serve dinner the phone rang, “Hello?” “Ah, hello is that Mr Thorpe?” “Yes, who’s this?” I asked not recognising the voice, there was a -lot of people talking in the...
‘Oh my God! What is about to happen to me?’ was the silent scream echoing through Catilin’s mind. Her heart was pounding, her mouth was dry and beads of sweat stood out on her smooth, naked body. She had never been so afraid in all her life! But at the same time she had never been so completely turned on. Caitlin could not see a thing through the pitch black darkness in the room. However, she could hear the sounds of breathing. Not only her own panicked gasps, but the deeper and harsher...
Everybody liked Bernie. Her given name was Bernadette but everyone called her Bernie. She was a hard worker, a live wire and an inspirational leader. People loved being around her and worked hard for her because she busted her ass, was always positive and enthusiastic, had a great sense of humor and could sell ice cubes to an Eskimo in February. Oh, and she was also hot as a firecracker. Bernie was in her early forties but looked ten years younger. She was of medium height with light brown...
Sunday morning arrived to the most amazing sensation, opening my eyes I saw what I knew I could feel, Emma bobbing up and down slowly and gently on my morning erection, she smiled up at me as I focused on her I just laid there and let her do her magic. I wasn't long before I was gasping and moaning in ecstasy as Emma skilfully brought me to orgasm and I filled her mouth with my sticky cum. She licked me clean and kissed up my body until our lips met and we shared a delicious cum...
Look into my eyes, you are getting very sleepy and your eye lids are very heavy. ‘Maybe he hypnotizes them, Boss,’ said Vito. ‘Maybe he uses some kind of mind control to get them to do whatever he wants.’ Now it was Vito who had Julio’s focused attention. ‘Yeah, yeah, that’s what I was thinkin’, Vito. It’s got to be somethin’ like that,’ said Julio. ‘I had a friend who could give hypnotic suggestions. He started hypnotizing girls to put them in a trance so that he could feel them up. Then,...
Well, I could somewhat tell the effect that I was having on Charles. His hands seemed a bit unsteady as he zipped up my classic black YSL minidress for me. "Thanks sweetie," I said, "now sit back down on that couch and be a good boy while I go back into the bedroom and change out of these slippers. I want you to get the whole effect before you decide if this little dress is right for today." With that I turned around and walked back to the closet. I knew his eyes were watching me...
Hi, this is Daksh Kashyap, Graduate from IIT Mumbai. Please read in which I have told about my 3-year journey at IIT. This story is about the Internship period after that. In the last story, I have told you how I fucked my cute girlfriend Bidisha in 2nd year and 3rd year even after the breakup. I can surely say that I am great in fucking because whoever I fucked till now, they want to be fucked again. After the 3rd year, I went for an internship in Gujarat and Bidisha went to Bangalore. I...
My name is Alexis, better known as Lex. I’ve just turned 16 this past week, and I’m pretty tall for my age at 5”8. I have auburn hair that rests nicely atop my C cup tits and hazel eyes. Although I’m only 16, I’m a very sexual person and I always tend to go for people much older than me – almost always teachers. But, obviously, doing anything with a teacher is illegal. We’ve flirted back and forth before but that’s as far as I’ve ever gotten. So you could imagine my surprise when a...
But tonight was a little different. Tonight ended a lot different than any way I could have ever imagined. It was a Friday night, I'd just gotten off work after a long 14 hour day, so I needed this night to relieve some stress. So you could say I was ready for tonight. We get to her house around 9pm, she had prepared some finger foods for everyone, and I could tell that they've already started drinking. My sister is a little bit of an alcoholic. I grab a sandwich and a beer and sit...
“Damn, Sis ... wow!” I told Becca as she began washing me in earnest. “Hey, Bro, what are sisters for? If it were up to me, all sisters our age would bathe their brothers and vice versa. It should be the norm, the rule, not the exception. It might be naughty, but so what? I’m my own woman and I have the right to love and serve whoever I wish. I happen to love two men ... a lot. The love that I feel for Eddie is more respectable, whereas what I feel for you is far more taboo. “I would be...
I know that you have had a long day at work today from the messages you have sent me. I also know that you just want to come home, eat your dinner then go take a nap in a hot bath, but you don't know that I have other plans for you tonight. As you pull into the drive way you can see that every light in the house is off but you see my car there to so you think that I'm just sleeping or one of my boys came and picked me up. As you walk though the door, you feel arms wrap around you as a bag is...