Organism X Ch 01
- 4 years ago
- 28
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Evan Sherman whistled Yankee Doodle as he entered the hallway, trying his hardest to not go insane.
It was his fifth week as an RA and he already had a body count. He walked by Brad and Arthur’s room and felt a shiver run down his spine.
Evan stopped and stared at the door, whistling louder than before. The words cascaded through his head like rushing water.
Yankee Doodle came to town, riding on a pony, he stuck a needle in these kids and turned them to baloney.
He turned away from the door, away from the death and gloom, and that’s when he noticed the open doors.
There were five doors open in his hallway. Most were opened about a foot, but one was wide open. This alone wasn’t strange. College kids do as college kids do, but what made it weird was that not a single one of these rooms with open doors had the lights on.
Evan stepped over to the closest room and pushed the door open. In each bed was a lump nestled under the covers.
Stepping closer, he saw that neither lump was moving. No ride and fall of breath, no fidgeting. Evan’s blood turned to ice water.
He stepped over to the bed on his right and pulled the covers down, revealing a pale, lifeless face that looked more like Halloween mummy prop than a human being.
Looking over to the other bed, Evan saw the mummy’s twin. He touched the forehead. It sure felt real.
Evan stepped out into the hall and began to whistle Yankee Doodle again. Reaching for his phone, he dialed 911. It took two tries his fingers were shaking so badly.
2“You’re choking me,” Hades said.
His belt was looped around his neck and tied to the bed frame. Duct tape bound his hands and feet.
“If I was choking you,” you wouldn’t be able to say that,” Lindsay said.
She was admiring the top drawer of the boy’s dresser, running her fingers along the bottles of pills and liquids. Then she picked up the handcuffs.
“Now why didn’t you tell me you had handcuffs? It would have made things so much easier, Hades baby!”
“Fuck you,” Hades said.
Lindsay ignored him. She walked over to his desk and pulled out his wallet. Opening it, she slipped out his student ID. She began to laugh like a hyena.
“Your real name is Merryweather! That’s so fucking fitting,” she said.
Hades began to struggle against his bonds. From the looks of it, the tape would not last.
“Calm yourself,” she said, placing her open palm on the college boy’s exposed chest.
A soft green light emanated from her hand and suffused into the boy’s chest. All of a sudden, he began to breathe heavily and his eyes rolled back into his skull. A massive bulge appeared in his underwear.
Lindsay reached down and began to squeeze Hades’s cock, causing him to buck and scream. Suddenly, Lindsay felt warmth and wetness in her fingers.
“And that’s how you do it,” She said as she secured the handcuffs on Hades’s wrists.
“Fuck,” the boy yelped.
Lindsay added another layer of tape to his ankles, tightened the belt, and then gagged Hades.
“Now, let’s see what we have in your chest of wonders, shall we?”
Lindsay pulled out several feet of rope, a large bottle of chloroform, a bottle of what were most likely roofies, and an ornate switchblade.
“God,” Lindsay said. “You really are a creep. You’re lucky, you know that? I could probably kill you, but I’m supposed to be careful.”
She blew a raspberry and thumbed the button on the switchblade before mounting Hades.
Under her, the boy squirmed. He was skinny as a twig, but had enough wiry strength to easily overpower Lindsay if not for the restraints.
Carefully, Lindsay ran the tip of the blade down Hades exposed chest, pressing just hard enough to leave an angry red line on his pale skin.
“Keep struggling and I might actually stab you,” Lindsay giggled.
“Don’t worry Hades, baby. Or should I call you Merryweather? I’m going to call you Merryweather. I think we’re past a causal relationship.”
Hades tried to scream, but the tape turned it into a pathetic, muted groan.
“Hmm, maybe I’ll fuck you later. Seems like a waste to drain you right now. You haven’t even explained your toys to me yet.”
Lindsay hopped off Hades and paced around the room, inspecting every little crevice. Under the bed, she found a cheaply made katana - probably from a carnival stand or something equally skeevy, she figured. Still, it was sharp enough.
I’m Hades desk drawers, she found stacks of condoms, another pair of handcuffs, and a bottle of viagra, which made me Lindsay nearly tumble over in peels of laughter.
He’s got an entire rapist starter kit in his dorm and he can’t even get it up, she thought. How pathetic.
“This is too funny, Merryweather. I think I need to bring a friend.”
Lindsay pulled out her phone and texted Emily, feeling a tingle run through her at just the thought of being reunited with the stunning redhead.
Hades began to struggle against his bonds once more, but the handcuffs were too much for him.
“Just you wait till you see my friend, Merry. You might not struggle as much.”
3Across campus, Emily Bloom’s phone chimed from across the room.
“Who is it?” Megan asked.
Emily checked.
“Lindsay. Oh holy shit,” she said.
“You know Hades? That creepy dude with the skull earrings and shit?”
“Yeah, he drugged Ashley Miller last year, fuck him. Why?”
“Lindsay’s got him, she wants me to come over.”
On Megan’s bed, the girl moaned softly opened and her eyes slightly. She had been in and out of consciousness.
“Hi sleeping beauty,” Megan said, caressing the girl’s naked chest.
Already, the girl’s small breasts were starting to expand. They felt fuller than the last time Megan had touched them.
The girl turned away, blushing bright red.
“It hurts,” she said softly. “Help.”
“No can do,” Megan answered. “It’s a little late for you.”
Megan looked at the girl’s belly and saw a slight form bulging under the skin. Scanning down further, she watched as green slime trickled from the girl’s swollen pussy.
“She really did a number on this girl,” Emily said, coming over.
“It’s not much of a surprise. I put a real monster in her. So she became a monster. It seems consistent.”
The girl began to writhe on the bed, arching her back and expelling more slime onto the sheets below.
“It hurts!” She screamed suddenly.
Megan cupped her palm on the girl’s mouth to silence her and with the other hand pressed her back into the bed.
“It didn’t hurt like this,” Emily said. “For me, that is.”
All of a sudden, there was a loud squelching sound as a trio of slender green tendrils erupted from the girl’s pussy. They waved in the air, sensing the world around them. Each seemed to move with a mind of its own. The head of each one leaked slime that glowed in the dim light of the dorm room.
“Jesus,” Emily gasped. “We don’t have that, do we?”
“Apparently Felicia is more special than we thought.”
The girl kicked her legs and arched her back again. She tried desperately to scream, but Megan would not let her. The three tentacles shot jets of the glowing slime onto the opposite wall and then the girl went limp.
“Do you know who she is?” Megan asked.
“I think her name is Lily. I haven’t talked to her much.”
Megan looked the girl over.
She was out cold, breathing deeply. Slowly, the tentacles retracted back into the girl’s pussy.
“Anyways,” Emily said. “I’m going over to see what Lindsay’s done with the creep. Do you want to join?”
“If I’m in the same room with that bastard, I’m going to kill him. I won’t even fuck him. I’ll just kill him. Besides, I have someone more interesting right here.”
“Fair enough,” Emily said. “Let me know if Felicia comes back.”
“She won’t. She has that thing between her legs to keep her busy.”
In the distance, they suddenly heard approaching sirens.
4Professor Vanessa Pierce hunched over Sarah’s shoulder and skimmed the document on displayed on her laptop. Her brow was furrowed with a look of concern. Jenny watched this, feeling a growing sense of trepidation in her heart.
Sarah was a wreck. She was pallid, skinny to the point of wasting, and the deep circles under her eyes made her look like a raccoon. All of this decay because of her goddamn senior project.
It made Jennifer want to lash out at Pierce, Sarah’s advisor, but she knew that was wrong. Vanessa Pierce was a lot of things, but cruel wasn’t one of them. She was a good advisor to Sarah and an even better friend. It wasn’t her fault Sarah picked a major way outside of her capabilities. If anything, she was Sarah’s lifeline.
“I can’t accept this,” Professor Pierce said, shaking her head.
“No, I know,” Sarah responded quietly. “This is just my draft.”
Professor Pierce gave Sarah a warm pat on the back and smiled.
“That’s fine. I can still give you pointers. There’s enough to work with.”
At that moment, the doors to the small classroom swung open and Molly Dubois marched in, followed by two girls Jenny didn’t recognize.
“Hey Professor P,” Molly said briskly.
She turned to the girls behind her.
“Just chill here for a second.”
Then Molly disappeared into the back laboratory. For several seconds, everyone in the room settled into an awkward silence, finally broken by Professor Pierce.
“So, do I have a pair of future biologists here?”
Pierce was a tall, slender woman with a kind of perfect elegance to her. She was graceful in movement. Her hair, black as pitch, was almost always put in a tasteful bun; sometimes she even worked a pair of chopsticks in for fun. She wore simple glasses that only improved the poise she showed to the world.
It would have all been somewhat intimidating if not for the woman’s kind eyes and kinder soul. She was open to everyone.
The pair looked nervously at each other. The short, slim Africa American girl then said proudly: “Biochemist actually.”
“Oh, well we’ll be getting to know each other pretty well then. I’m Professor Pierce.”
The professor extended her hand and the other girl shook it eagerly.
“I’m Erin Stephens,” she said. “I’ve heard a lot about you from upper class men.”
“Oh no, that makes me nervous,” Professor Pierce said with a little chuckle.
“Don’t worry, this upper classman says she’s awesome,” Sarah chimed in.
“I’m an English major and even I can agree,” Jenny added.
The other girl blushed hard and let out a nervous giggle.
“Way to throw me under the bus Erin, jeez,” she said.
“Aw, not a fan of biology?” Professor Pierce asked.
“Or science really. Or math. Or engineering. Or anything like that,” the girl said timidly. “I like art!”
“Art is cool too!” Professor Pierce said. “And your name is?”
“Melissa Lee. Nice to meet you!”
The girl seemed as effervescent as a shaken up can of soda in the sterile classroom. Jenny found it all cute.
“So,” Jenny interjected. “What were you guys up to that had Molly rushing to the lab?”
Both girls were suddenly quiet. They stared at each other, both looking for the other to take the lead. The chubby Asian girl, Melissa, especially looked unsettled.
“I’m,” Erin began. “It’s really hard to explain.”
“Oh?” Professor Pierce asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah,” Melissa said. “We found something weird around campus and Molly is checking it out. An egg thing.”
Erin shot Melissa a sharp look for running her mouth.
“An egg? Did you find it in the river? I can probably identify it,” Professor Pierce said.
“It wasn’t in the river. It was in a dorm,” Melissa said.
“Near a dorm,” Erin exclaimed suddenly. “We found it near a dorm, probably a bird egg or something.”
Melissa glared petulantly at Erin, but said nothing.
“Molly and Hunter are up to some weird joint senior project. They’ve basically been obsessed with it for the last week, but they haven’t said much about it,” Sarah said.
“Yeah, I haven’t either,” Professor Pierce said, suddenly seeming concerned. “Maybe I should check out this bird egg you found in a dorm.”
“Around a dorm,” Erin said meekly.
The professor ignored this and made her way towards the lab at the back of the classroom.
5“I can’t believe you come from Dunwich hall. All boys dorm, more like all apes hall!” Ellie said.
Jon shrugged.
“It’s not too bad.”
“I guess, if you take away the stink and all the creeps making it!”
“If only!”
The couple reached the entrance when Ellie recognized a figure standing at the door.
“Lindsay!” She squealed, pulling the girl into a tight hug.
“Hi Ellie.”
Ellie pulled away and her eyes widened as she took in the view. Lindsay was squeezed into a skin-tight AC/DC tank top and her creamy cleavage seemed liable to escape at any moment.
Looking back, Ellie noticed Jon looking as well. She blushed hard when she noticed this.
So what if she didn’t have massive boobs and didn’t act too cool for school?
“What are you doing at this rat hole?” Ellie asked, trying to pull herself together.
“Oh, just visiting a friend of mine.”
Lindsay seemed to look Ellie up and down, sizing her up. Something in her eyes, something hungry, made Ellie uncomfortable.
Ellie pushed back her mop of curly golden hair and adjusted her skirt, keeping her eyes on the pavement.
“I’ll be right back, babe,” Jon said, giving Ellie a peck on the cheek.
“Hurry up,” Ellie whispered.
Jon disappeared into Dunwich hall, leaving Ellie in the deafening silence with Lindsay.
“So, uh, how are things, Linds?”
“Never better El. Really, never better. What about you? Is Johnny boy treating you right?”
Lindsay stepped closer as she said this, coming to only a few feet from Ellie. She was taller than Ellie, draping the girl in her shadow.
It was quiet around Dunwich hall as the last cicadas had finally disappeared with the first week of October. However, Ellie could hear the somber wail of ambulance sirens in the distance.
“Jon is great. I’m so happy!” Ellie said, trying to cast some sunlight on the dreary night.
She fidgeted with her denim dress and dug her right toe into the dirt, trying desperately not to look directly into Lindsay’s eyes. She had to avoid that hunger.
“That’s great to hear,” Lindsay said.
The girl stepped even closer to Ellie, stopping inches from her. In her presence, Ellie felt very small - like a child in the presence of adults. She got that feeling a lot and she hated it.
Lindsay cupped Ellie gently along the cheek, running her slender fingers forward along her jaw. Ellie froze and looked directly into a pair of eyes that now blazed green.
Suddenly, a warm, tingly sensation burst from where Lindsay’s fingers touched, seeping into Ellie’s flesh. It seemed to fill the girl, spreading to her whole body, especially between her legs.
Ellie’s legs buckled and she felt her whole body go numb. Her vagina suddenly throbbed and she felt a slight bit of wetness forming.
“What’s the matter Ellie?” Lindsay asked softly, her lips less than inch from Ellie’s own. “You seem stressed.”
“I-I feel strange,” Ellie said.
She felt so weak and distant all of a sudden. The world seemed at a remote place beyond her ability to care.
“I know, sweetie. Let’s help you out.”
Lindsay wrapped her hands around the girl and pulled her into a soft kiss. It was wet and sweet and the taste was indescribable. Jon never kissed her like this.
Suddenly, Lindsay moved both her hands to Ellie’s chest, massaging the girl’s small breasts through the rough denim. Hot pleasure exploded from Ellie’s tiny, hard nipples like twin atomic bombs. This could not be natural.
Ellie felt a gush of warmth from her vagina that nearly brought her to her knees. What was this? Did it matter? Ellie closed her eyes and let her body flow against Lindsay’s fingers.
There was a loud creaking of an old door opening and suddenly every sensation stopped. Ellie’s eyes shot open and she found herself staring at Lindsay and Lindsay side-by-side.
“Earth to Ellie! Earth to Ellie! Ground control to Major Thomas!” Lindsay said.
She was waving her hand in front of Ellie’s face and smiling like her old self.
“What happened? What the hell?”
“You spazzed out for a second there! I thought you were having a seizure or something.”
“El, you okay?” Jon asked.
“Fine,” Ellie said. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Are you ready, honey?”
“Yup! Let’s roll.”
“See you, Lindsay,” Ellie said.
She felt very confused as she walked away. Did she dream all of that? Running through the events, it didn’t seem like a dream.
As she walked, Ellie felt the moistness between her legs. It had to be real.
5“Am I the only one starting to get a little freaked out by all of this?” Molly asked.
Hunter held the glowing orb in his hand, feeling the animal warmth and steady throb of fluid within. It was the same color as the slime from the meteorite.
“Not anymore,” he said.
“Why did I find this in Felicia Owens’ room? There were like two dozen of these things, some a lot bigger than these three.”
The orb shook slightly in his hand and for a second, Hunter swore he saw a shadowy form within.
“I don’t know, but consider me freaked out. I’m just glad you didnt run into Felicia.”
“What? Why?”
“I don’t know, following horror movie logic, she’s already been taken over by the pod people.”
Hunter flashed a wry smile at his girlfriend.
“That’s not funny.”
The door to the lab suddenly opened and in walked Professor Pierce.
Hunter panicked and tried to hide the orb behind his back. Professor Pierce was unimpressed.
“I’m faculty. You can’t really hide things from me.”
Hunter and Molly both flushed. Their entire ost week had been hiding things and now the jig was up.
“Sorry professor,” Hunter said. “I don’t really know how to do this, but here goes. Do you know what this is?”
Hunter held the orb out to Professor Pierce. She came closer and eyed it, but did not touch it.
“Is this a prank?” She said.
“I wish,” Molly answered.
The looks on both their faces seemed to convince Pierce. She took the orb from Hunter and held it up to the light. Inside, the could all see a faint, oblong shadow within.
“Well,” she said. “It’s definitely alive, whatever it is. That’s my intuition at least. I mean the obvious thing to call it is an egg, but I feel like I might be jumping the gun. I’ve done that before.”
“Does it look like anything from this world?” Hunter asked.
Pierce gave him a puzzled expression.
Molly pulled out the other two eggs and set them on the table for Professor Pierce to see.
“What he means is have you ever seen anything like this before?”
“I meant what I said,” Hunter muttered.
“I’ve never seen anything like this before. That’s not saying much, there are countless species on Earth and we’re discovering new life all the time. I wouldn’t expect coastal Virginia to be the place, but I’ve heard of stranger things.”
“There might be more to the story,” Hunter said.
He explained about the slime from the meteorite they had found in South Woods, showing Pierce the sample he had worked on in the microscope. Molly explained about the origin of the eggs afterwards.
Pierce ran her hand down her long black hair, deep in thought. For several minutes, she paced about the room trying to piece everything together.
“Alright, I need to take this over,” Pierce said finally. “I hope you don’t mind, but the stakes are too high with something like this. I can’t in conscience let a pair of undergrads have full reign over this.”
“Fine,” Hunter said, deflated.
“Give me three or four days to do my own research and I’ll call you back in. Until then, stay out of the lab. I’m going to redirect all current senior projects to use labs b and c down the hall and close this one off. Being a department head has its perks.”
Pierce winked at the couple.
“That’s fine,” Molly said. “Besides, it’ll be nice to get a break from this room.”
“I bet. Hunter, you especially look run down. This will be good for you.”
Pierce could see his disappointment.
“One more thing,” she said.
The professor lifted the heavy mesh lid off of an empty terrarium and placed each egg inside. Then she replaced the lid and placed a stack of fat textbooks on top.
“Just in case they hatch while we’re away,” Pierce said.
Then they left the lab, reentering the adjoining classroom. The two freshmen were still there along with Sarah Decker and her friend Jenny.
“Any luck figuring it out?” Erin asked them.
Pierce shook her head.
“It’ll take some time and testing. It’s definitely a weird one.”
“Got it,” Erin said. “I need to get back, but I don’t know if I really should. My hallway is giving me the creeps now.”
“I’ll go back with you,” Melissa said, placing an arm on her shoulder. “As long as I don’t have to touch any eggs.”
Both girls said goodbye and bustled out of the lab.
Sarah Decker, meanwhile, had her head down on the long black table. Jenny was giving her a backrub that didn’t seem to be doing much for the girl. Molly hated seeing her this way.
“Hey Sarah, Jenny, how’s about drinks at my place tonight? You look like you need it.”
“I would love to,” Sarah muttered. “I just can’t.”
“Honestly, just go Sarah. You’ve done enough for tonight,” Professor Pierce said.
Sarah looked up. It was clear she had been crying at some point. She did that a lot now.
“Well if my advisor is telling me to, I better listen.”
She offered a weak smile and stood up. In the pale light, she looked too skinny.
The girls started to leave the lab when Professor Pierce caught Hunter.
“Can we walk and talk?”
Molly looked back, wide-eyed and concerned, but Pierce dismissed her.
“Don’t worry. Just TA business for Organic Chemistry,” she said.
Hunter flashed pierce a confused look, but nodded his head.
“I’ll meet you later,” he said.
Then they all dispersed.
6They kissed softly in the dark room. The more Megan touched the girl, the more she responded. The alluring, sweet smell that marked their kind filled the room, making both of them lightheaded.
The girl, Lily, was in full bloom now. Her breasts, formerly unremarkable and small, had grown by what seemed to Megan about two cup sizes in the past hour. She was becoming very beautiful and that only made Megan want to kiss the girl more.
Suddenly, the three tendrils within the girl’s pussy erupted once again. Lily screamed for a second before losing her voice from the sheer pleasure. Megan watched the tendrils hover in the air for a moment and subconsciously slid her knees outward, presenting her glistening pussy.
In the next moment, the tendrils dove into Megan’s pussy, spraying their hot, glowing nectar onto the walls of the girl’s pussy. Megan screamed as her nerve endings seemed to burst into flame, sending her into orgasmic convulsions on top of Lily.
Lily let out a low, purring moan and started palming Megan’s large, full breasts. She seemed to get as much pleasure as Megan from the way the tendrils moved and explored. Megan wondered if the girl could feel the tendrils like she could any other body part. It sure seemed like it.
The two girls thrust against each other for several minutes, enjoying the scent and feeling of each other’s body to the maximum degree. Finally, Lily screamed loudly and began to convulse on the floor. Megan felt a large gush of hot fluid inside her and then her vision went blank.
When she came to, Lily was asleep again. Clearly, some time had passed. Megan looked down at Lily’s sleeping form and drank in the girl’s figure. She had grown more, her body now nearly as curvaceous as Megan’s own.
Megan gently stroked the girl’s pale stomach until her eyes opened.
“It’s you,” Lily said with a smile. “What are you? What’s happening to me.”
In the hallway, Megan heard a male voice and knocking. It sounded like it was on the door across the hall.
“I’ll answer that later. First, let me give you a present.”
Megan slipped on a tank top and a pair of athletic shorts, both of which now fit snugly against her body. She pulled down the tank top, making sure her cleavage was on full display. Then she walked into the hall.
A boy with long, greasy brown hair in a hand-me-down army jacket and ugly black jeans was knocking on the door across the hall, his back turned to Megan.
“Amy,” he said. “Are you there? I’ve got your glasses.”
He repeated this over and over again. Amy was clearly not there.
“Hey!” Megan said loudly.
The boy whirled around, clearly startled. When he caught sight of Megan, his eyes widened even more. He stammered, but could not manage a complete sentence.
“I need you to settle something between me and a friend. Can you do that for me?”
Megan squeezed her arms together, showing the boy an absurd view of her boobs popping out of the ill fitting tank top.
“Is that a yes?” Megan asked.
The boy nodded and followed her into the room. It really seemed as easy as taking candy from a baby sometimes.
Megan closed and locked the door and turned around to see Lily approaching the boy. Her eyes were now blazing green, like two emerald sparks in the darkness of the room.
The boy began to babble incoherently as Lily snaked her arms around him.
7The questioning didn’t take long for Evan. He told them what he saw, how he found the bodies, and that was it.
All-in-all, six boys had been added to the body count from his hall. With the added deaths, the hall was becoming thoroughly depopulated. It was a miserable business.
Evan moved to the other side of the dorm, desperately needing to vent to someone that wasn’t wearing a badge or a uniform. Someone who might understand.
Stepping into the girls’ hallway, however, Evan suddenly felt that something was wrong. The hair on his arms and neck stood on end as he moved down the lonely corridor.
At a distance, he could see that the door to Felicia’s room was ajar. Evan’s heart sank as he remembered the hour prior.
He quickened his pace and flung open the door when he reached the end of the hall. What he saw baffled him.
The room was an absolute wreck with what looked like green sludge over every appreciable surface. Fat orbs of what looked uncomfortably close to flesh throbbed under the pale fluorescent light.
One particular orb close to Evan, swollen to the size of a watermelon, seemed ready to burst.
“Quite a sight, isn’t it?” Came a rich female voice behind him.
Evan spun around a saw a girl standing behind him, smiling. Not just a girl - an excessively attractive one.
Her brown hair tumbled in luxurious curls down her back, framing two creamy swells of breast flesh that threaten to pop out of her skin-tight tank top at any moment.
Evan’s nostrils filled with a sweet, lovely odor like flowers and fresh fruit. It made his head swim.
Behind him, he heard the sound of something squelching and tearing. It was a distant sound and he had to rip his eyes away from the feminine beauty in front of him to see its source.
The fat orb closest to him had opened and from it emerged a dark snake-thing covered in green slime. It slithered out of its egg towards Evan.
Arousal was replaced by sheer horror as the RA watched the otherworldly monster approach.
Supple, feminine arms encircled Evan from behind and he felt the soft, warm swells of the girl’s breasts against his back. The sweet smell was now overpowering, making his head spin.
“What the fuck is that?”
“Don’t worry,” the girl giggled. Her voice was as sweet as her smell. “It’s not interested in you.”
As if on cue, the worm thing reared its head up towards Evan and seemed to give him a sniff. Then it dropped back to the ground and slithered away down the hall at a slow, almost casual pace.
“Fuck,” Evan said, desperately trying to stay conscious. “What about Felicia?”
“Aw, are you in love with her?”
The girl fingered Evan’s crotch, where he noticed a massive erection now throbbing.
“What? No!”
“She’s changed quite a bit since the last time you saw her. I’m sure of it. You just met one of her children, in fact!”
“That thing?”
The girl ignored him, instead opting to focus on the head of Evan’s penis. The smell, the feeling of her soft body, the way she touched him, it all made him want to give in. To let go.
Jessie felt the polished steel of the door handle at the entrance to the public safety trailer warm in her hand. The sky was slate gray and a gentle mist fell at a steady pace. Things were not well in the world of Jessie Vitelli. The idea of ratting on her best friend, of ruining their friendship, it did not sit well with Jessie. The girl Jessie saw last night was not Leah. Those primal eyes and that inhuman strength when Leah grasped Jessie’s arms. A shudder ran through Jessie just thinking...
It was the feeling of being filled by that slimy creature that came out of the river. The sensation, horrid yet sickly satisfying, of that bulbous head thrusting against her unprotected snatch and forcing its way in. The bursts of pain as inch after inch of the slick body worked its way inside the girl's body. As the last few inches of the creature slipped between Leah's nether lips, the pain had faded, leaving a burning between her legs that only grew with each moment the creature was...
For some reason, she just kept reliving that feeling. It was the feeling of being filled by that slimy creature that came out of the river. The sensation, horrid yet sickly satisfying, of that bulbous head thrusting against her unprotected snatch and forcing its way in. The bursts of pain as inch after inch of the slick body worked its way inside the girl’s body. As the last few inches of the creature slipped between Leah’s nether lips, the pain had faded, leaving a burning between her legs...
Molly gazed down and gasped at what she saw. Millions of little objects wiggled about in the protoplasm, their bodies covered in cilia. If she had to guess, Molly might have called these things cells, but there were issue with that. First of all, they didn't seem to have even a malleable single form. Instead, the gelatinous blobs reshaped constantly, something sprouting little tentacles, other times inflating, sometimes splitting apart and coming back together. To her knowledge, nothing...
Evan Sherman whistled Yankee Doodle as he entered the hallway, trying his hardest to not go insane. It was his fifth week as an RA and he already had a body count. He walked by Brad and Arthur's room and felt a shiver run down his spine. Evan stopped and stared at the door, whistling louder than before. The words cascaded through his head like rushing water. Yankee Doodle came to town, riding on a pony, he stuck a needle in these kids and turned them to baloney. He turned away from the...
The girl held Haley close from behind. She heaved with excitement in Haley's ear, only causing the college freshman to reach new heights of terror. "How did I miss you before?" The girl asked in a husky voice. A voice thick with grotesque pleasure. "You're putting out energy like a goddamn nuclear reactor. All of it coming from right here." The girl tapped the fingers of her left hand gently against Haley's forehead. With her right, she gagged Haley. If only she struggled, Haley...
There was a rising pang of anxiety rising in Leah's gut as she walked down the hallway towards the boys' wing. Megan walked with her and Leah could sense the girl's own sense of foreboding, streaming into her brain like a staticky radio signal. Things were growing out of control. "Tell me again how you left them," Leah said. "They seemed out of it. Pale. Passed out. Not too different from how you described it." "When I did it, I didn't give birth to some monstrosity. Besides,...
There was a rising pang of anxiety rising in Leah’s gut as she walked down the hallway towards the boys’ wing. Megan walked with her and Leah could sense the girl’s own sense of foreboding, streaming into her brain like a staticky radio signal. Things were growing out of control. “Tell me again how you left them,” Leah said. “They seemed out of it. Pale. Passed out. Not too different from how you described it.” “When I did it, I didn’t give birth to some monstrosity. Besides, you’re...
The girl held Haley close from behind. She heaved with excitement in Haley’s ear, only causing the college freshman to reach new heights of terror. “How did I miss you before?” The girl asked in a husky voice. A voice thick with grotesque pleasure. “You’re putting out energy like a goddamn nuclear reactor. All of it coming from right here.” The girl tapped the fingers of her left hand gently against Haley’s forehead. With her right, she gagged Haley. If only she struggled, Haley knew she...
In the distance, Erin could hear the freshly turned girl moaning and grunting as the blonde, Lindsay, toyed with her. The sound simultaneously repulsed and aroused her. “She’s going to be a beauty when she fully changes,” Megan said. Erin turned to face her the arrogant brunette. “You’re a freak. All of you are freaks,” she said. Megan snorted. “As if you aren’t?” Erin burned with shame and stared down at the floor. An image of the terrified girl Erin turned flashed through her...
Organization of Heroes: Mimic By Angela J. I. "His name is Joe Clark," said the man in dark grey fancy suit. The two men were in a large living room decorated with very expensive looking furnishings and were watching a large video screen that projected out from the ceiling in the middle of the room. One man was sitting in a wheelchair while the other man in a grey suit sat next to him in a couch. The man in the wheelchair looked like he was in his thirties while the man in...
This is a transgender story. It's also part mult-part (But loaded as one file and not finished). Maybe it will go to a conclusion if there is any interest. You should be at least 18 to read this. It involves obviously transgender items, body growth. If any of these offend you please do not read any further. Oh gee, the obvious part, nobody depicted in this story is real, that would be a little hard as its a Sci-Fi Story to begin with! Organ Transplant by...
Not everybody is a visual turn-on, and my plain Jane looks made me one of the least popular girls in school at that critical time when hormones took control. I could become a slut, I suppose, but then boys would pass my name around and soon, everybody who asked would want a fifteen minute 'date'. No, I stayed a virgin while all my former close friends drifted away to be with their boyfriends. It was frustrating as hell, and soon I was moving up to my senior year in high school! The...
Organize crime been around for hundreds of years. There been people who make their own law for centuries. There people that law enforcement can’t seem to totally wipe out. There been a recent trend of female crime bosses. They are women who take control of a normally male dominated business. Their women have to be smarter, tougher and sometime more sadistic then there male counterparts. Sometime they are all 3. These women tend to use sex as a weapon as much as the use normal weapons. There are...
FetishHi guys!! This is shankar again from Chennai. Thanks for your comments. Girls your comments are really driving crazy. Love you dear..Thanks for iss viewers for giving 5 star rating to the previous story. Post your comments on This story is based on true incident which happened few weeks back. I got many comments from girls aunties and boys. Many are requested for group sex. I got a idea and started a group in whatsapp. Arranged for group sex Members are, Divya 34 F Néethu jain 24 F Mounika 26...
A sissy called Jezebel Part XXXVII - Alone at last! What ever will Ismeralda and Jezebel do to pass the time? After sie shuts the door, I say to Ismeralda, "remind me to never piss that gurl off, wow! It's all sweetness, rainbows and butterflies, except in the bedroom, then it's crazy mean. So. What did you say to the 'Beast of the Bavarian Alps' before sie left?" "I called hir 'the good girl with bad habits', which seemed fitting." Ismeralda looks at me, "alone at last. What...
The first time When Gayatri was at college, she wasn’t in good shape as she was nine years after. She wasn’t fat, but she wasn’t fit, so she wasn’t self-confident. This was the case during the first semester of her college. Also, because she was rather shy, she had no male friends except one. He was Raj. So this happened at the end of their first year of college. Gayatri went home for the summer vacation. When she did so, she also met Anvi, her cousin from Delhi, who had come to meet her, and...
Dinner with Mike Collins was a delight. Cynthia told of her marriage to Ed, her daughters, and being kidnapped with the fear of being killed. Mike told her of a girl he met in college. Their ten year affair with her refusal of marriage. She wanted to live with him but not be married. They broke up five years ago. Her reason for not marrying him was because he chose to go into the FBI. Her name was Marilyn and was a beautiful blonde with no loyalty to her country. She wanted all the benefits...
As midnight arrived, Krissy Lynn, her step son, and her husband were getting ready to welcome the new year. Krissy had her step-son , Juan dress up as baby new year and her husband dress as father time. Her only resolution for the upcoming year was to try something new. Once the new year arrived, Krissy and her husband headed over to their bedroom to have a little bit of fun. Unfortunately for Krissy, her husband busted way too early and her fun was cut short. However, as her husband laid...
xmoviesforyouTeased and denied by my Mistress’s FeetMy wife always knew I had a foot fetish. She loved the attention I would lavish on her feet, allowing me to provide her with long intimate foot massages when ever she wished, dutifully giving her a pedicure each week, to ensure her toenails were always perfectly painted, and that her soles, heels and toes were soft and supple. She would often indulge my insatiable fetish by allowing me to kiss her bare feet during sex, knowing just how much it would turn...
She had fallen asleep while reading. Molly had warned her when she gave her the book that she should only read it in bed, alone. "Look at the state it's in, it's been passed around all the girls and it's got like that through all those sticky fingers!" Veronique now new what she meant. That book was hot! Not at all the thing to read at a nudist beach. She knew that she had slept because she could still recall the fantastically erotic dream, inspired by the gang-bang scene she had just been...
Erotic FictionDo you have a wife that you wish that you could share with other people? Or do you just love the thought of getting off with other people’s wives? No matter the reasoning, there is an XXX subreddit make just for you. Isn’t that the fucking rule of everything though? No matter what you are into – whether it’s X-rated or for general audiences – Reddit has a community just waiting for you.The horny fucks like you that enjoy sharing wives and watching shared wives is no different. Hence the XXX...
Reddit NSFW ListI originally wrote this story for another site that will remain nameless here. Although you cannot read what came before I think I have given enough information to enable any reader to make sense of the story. There’s enough in what I’ve written to make what I believe is a good stand-alone story. >>>>>> I rarely read cuckold stories. There’s something about them that makes me extremely uncomfortable, especially when the male is a totally accepting wimp, but I did find “A Willing...
It was looking to be another picture-perfect mid-summer day in my small hometown of Ormond By The Sea, so of course my damn mother had to fuck it up. Apparently, a friend of my step-father’s is coming over for the afternoon and bringing his k**, Alex, with him. This meant that I had to keep the k** entertained, just what I need on a day just made for surfing. This fucking sucks!I tried to blow off some steam by mowing the lawn while I waited for my parents’ guest and his little bastard. It...
Stress Relief in Stormwind By: Lyrissa "Of all the presumptuous, ignorant, stubborn..." Anya Trueshield muttered to herself as she slammed the door to her private quarters shut behind her. Her steel-plated warboots impacted roughly on the thick, soft carpet as she stomped around with no clear direction for a few moments. "Can't do this. Can't do that. Of course we trust you, lady Trueshield, it's just that... Bah! I'm tired of all this constant interference. I have half a mind to...
Woman Janet L. Stickney [email protected] When it happened, all I could do was lay there as they did it. I couldn't move a muscle, the drugs making me lay perfectly still. I was barely awake, I could hear them talking, I saw the flash of medical instruments once in a while, but other than that, nothing. Everything I used to define myself was being removed, replaced with what the doctor told me would also be fully functional, but I would be a woman, not a man. It was not the...
Back with part two of Elina Takigawa. She is now wearing her gift. To remind you she and her friend were spending the day together. They have been friends for some time and have enjoyed each other’s company. But on this day, Valentine’s Day they are together and he gifts her a box of chocolates. And not only does he give her some chocolates that she starts to consume like a hungry monster, but he also hands her a bag with a soft gift inside. It is a new nighty, lingerie in lace and see through...
xmoviesforyouCHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM"But Dr. Ross, I-I just find it difficult to forgive Rose for what she's done. After all, we're engaged and plan to be married in eight months. Don't you think if she requires me to be faithful that she should do the same? A-And what she did with them in the way of-of sex is just too painful for me t-to even talk about yet.""I understand how you feel Robert, but in response to your question of faithfulness, she was faithful to you in terms of emotional feelings. She said...
Note: You are advised to read each part of this story in order to understand references. Most often things between Ashley and I went on as usual. I mean, life does goes on as they say. It’s not like in a porn movie where all you do from that point forward is get together for long, drawn out fuck sessions and no other aspects of life are visible. Like I said, more often than not when we saw each other, it was on an every other day frequency and consisted of her delivering and/or picking up items...
Straight SexMorning came, and I was itchy to get out of bed. I glanced at the clock, and it was only 6:45, but I wanted to see the sun. Making love in the afternoon and again late into the night seemed to have tired Moira out. She looked like she might sleep until noon. I didn't want to wake her, so I carefully slipped out from under her arm, then tucked my pillow back where I'd been and slipped off to the bathroom. I showered quickly, and dressed even faster, just pulling on panties, a skirt, and a...
My sexual addiction came at a very young age. I was finally able to experience the opportunities and pleasures of women. Now i hadnt yet had sex with a younger female, but that didnt bother me not one bit. My ficherst being a distant relative but thats relative but thats another story, along with three teachers and 2 female couches, i must say sex was ecerything i could have hoped for and then some. Well, high school was done and over with. All my fiends still had their high school sweethearts...
Mom and her Son All this happened a year ago. My name is Shalini and I am 46 and my son 26 now. It never is supposed to happen but it just happened. To be frank, I am a sex-craving woman. I always wanted sex and more of it often. I am married to my husband for 26 years now and I can say we were hot on bed a lot of those years. My husband is still hot even to this day but for the past few years sex has become a scarce activity in our lives. This started to take toll on me as I was getting...
IncestMy trip to Catalina with a handsome pilot and two of his friends turned out to be a working sex vacation for me. So far, I had already given a great blow job to the pilot, Phillip, on take-off. Then I sucked off his friend, Harry, who also sucked on my titties and played with my clitty dick through my white lace panties. Now, I was ready for the big prize, sucking Dick's big ten inch man tool for him like a slutty stewardess would.I don't know how many other stewardesses get to suck off three...
CrossdressingAll of you who see my profile here at Hamsters and on my website at , KNOW what a whoring, slutty cum lover I am! I can't ever seem to get enough cock, cum, pussy or ass and my recent favorite thing to do is take cock up my old asshole! It feels so damn good when a nice cock slips in it and when the man cums, I can feel each and every pulse of hot sperm shooting inside me. Even the feeling of it leaking back out and running down my legs turns me on and I only hate that I...
I imagined this would only be a one off story and not a continuing series. But, due to popular demand, I wrote a sequel. And, now, a sequel to the sequel of the sequel. We moved past the Halloween theme in the first sequel and continuing in a new, to me, direction in this one. I believe this will be the final chapter in the series. Since this is my fantasy, in the world of my creation there are no STD’s or unwanted pregnancies. Also, we can assume all my characters enjoy good hygiene and...
"Journal Entry for the night of August 23, 1876. "Word reached me towards the end of the meeting I had been having with the Prime Minister that the unthinkable had happened - the news collapsed me. On their return journey from Hamburg, my wife and my son had an accident. The carriage had overturned, the messenger informed me, and the heir-apparent to the throne, my son, had been killed on the spot. "My wife was wounded. Badly. Her head had slammed into the roof, and she had fallen into a...
This is true, One day last year I was home and dressed, Nails lipstick, and a very short dress. I was watching porn and using a large toy! I was hot and horny! The doorbell rang and without thinking I got up and answered the door. It was my mailman. He is a big guy, 6'4 white and a bear type! When I saw him the first thing I said was OH SHIT!He looked at me and said I never knew! But if you don't suck my cock I will tell your neigbors! What would you do? I let him in! More later
He's met her online, as he often does. She was kinky, really kinky. He took her on as her master, giving her daily tasks: wear this, do that, touch yourself, don't touch yourself. Depending on her performance he would dole out rewards and punishments. She lived in another part of the country so this was all online to start off with. He would have her on webcam while he watched her perform his tasks or punishments. Sometimes he would let me kneel between his legs and suck him while he told her...
BDSMMena Mason is one voluptuous and curvy Latina who iscar trouble. A nice gentlemen stops to help her. This good samaritan pops the hood of her car open and shows her dumb ass where the engine of the car is located. As she peers into the hood of her car, he realizes that he should pop her trunk open. He is mesmerized by her huge ass bending over. They take their discussion indoors since the car can‘t be immediately fixed. Mena tells the guy that she was on her way to a twerking competition and...
xmoviesforyouHello friends apne aur maine iss par bahut si story padi hai jo bahut hi hasi hai magar main aaj aapko apna ral kissa batane jaa raha hoon sabse pahhle aapne brief introduction de doon main mera naam hai Mohit meri Maa ka naam hai Urvashi aur choti behan kaa naam hai priya chalo jaayada time waste naa katre hue aapko story batane jaa raha hoon Main Merrut kaa rehne waala hoon mera parviar kaafi frank hai meri maa Maa kam dost jaayada hai baat sardiyo ki hai main kamre mein baitha tv dekh raha...
Introduction: A series of short stories about a young teacher who know what she wants and how to get it. Chapter 1 The End of Another Year My name is Anna White. The only things you need to know about me is Im 32 years old and have been teaching for the last 9 of those. I am fairly conservative…in public (more on that later). And yes, I am a nympho maniac. That being said, of course Ive never been married. Aw well. I guess being an English teacher at an all-boys junior high school wasnt the...
Only 3 things are certain in life. Death, Taxes & that the cold does a number to ones size! It could be the cold water, the pool water or even just nerves! Whatever the reason your penis is now much smaller then normally and is about to be displayed to a bunch of people who will not believe your cries of foul play or the cold! The naturally tiny have damned us all! Not to say that shrinkage only happens to men with huge dicks! If your naturally small you just get even smaller! The difference...
Mapquest that I held in my hands. I arrived a short time later in front of a large Victorian style house. I took a deep breath, walked up the front steps, and raing the doorbell. I looked through the window next to the door and saw Davy jogging to the door. He opened it, and when he saw it was me he smiled so big I thought his dimple would implode. "Hi, James. I see you've thought about this." He motioned into the hallway and I stepped into his house. I looked around, seeing...
Being a school counselor can have its rewards in different ways sometimes. This is one of those times that a counseling session in high school was remembered ...Yes, I was the part-time high school counselor when Todd was called in for counseling. I worked 2 days a week as a high school counselor at Todd's school and 3 days a week I worked at an inner city college as a Special Education teacher working with k**s that were failing and falling behind.Todd, a husky, black tenth grader, who lived...
Hey, hi to you …. My name is Aaman. I am in final year MBBS from Bangalore .. Me aguy with average looks and 5 7 height ….. I stay in a flat (apartment) 10mins drive from my college … I was in lift of the apartment where i use to stay … There entered a girl with a bag on, blue jean with a bit long top than the usual short tops which girls wear with jeans …just saw her face and i was staring at the floor, as i was a shy guy thinking that wow she is gorgeous i should talk to her (in my life never...
I looked back, this time yesterday I was just a petty thief thinking I was scourge of these water ways The Pirating life for me By CWstJ Nobbs I looked back; this time yesterday I was just a petty thief thinking I was scourge of these waterways.? Laughing I realise that I?m closer to my grand ambitions than ever, here I am at the helm of my new vessel and that?s not even half of my tale.
LETTER FROM BUREN CITYDear Shoeblossom:Gillian often awakens me by kissing my inner thighs. Feeling her full lips moistly kissing around my crotch area, sometimes with playful tiny bites, is really a sensual experience. After Gillian has perceived that my eyes are open, she pushes her little body up to my face, her big soft breasts grazing my hard cock until she rests her chin on my chest.Gillian is not allowed to speak without permission, but I know from certain hand signals that she’s asking...
Violet wakes up, groggy, not knowing where she is or how she got there. Unable to see anything but a small red light indicator just a few metres away from her, softly pulsing. She's tied to a solid iron chair that's bolted to the floor, wearing a little black dress and her favourite boots. She remember some sort of party last night but it seems vague, her head hurts thinking back on it. Even though Violet is seated in the dark she can hear there's people around. Quite a few. Her arms touch a...
Jon fucking me in the shower left me dazed and to be honest, incredibly sore. That night, I layed awake thinking about him, thinking about the feelings and sensations I had been experiencing since I met him. It wasn't like he was some gorgeous male model or famous athlete. He was handsome enough, I guess, but he was alittle over weight and Quite a bit older than me. I had never been attracted to men before, but I seemed to be drawn to him and the way he could make me feel.That very next...
Ashok and Savita have reconciled. A sudden call from Ashok’s family has taken them to his parent’s house for the weekend. It was afternoon when they reached Ashok’s parents’ home. His parents Shiv Patel Ji and Sasu ma were more than happy to see the reconciled couple. His parents asked both of them to rest for a while. Ashok was tired from the hard-core session with his sex Slave Annie, Alex’s wife whereas Savita was horny even while she drove them to his parents’ home. She wanted to make...
Whenever I seemed to need her, Bhabhi was always there for me. She was always attentive to me, she gave importance to what I had to say, and she listened carefully to whatever I said. It was only natural that over a period of time I grew closer to her and started going to her with my little problems and questions. I particularly liked the time we spent together alone either in her room or on the terrace during the evening. I cannot remember when, but slowly I started noticing that Bhabhi was a...
Incest“My ship?” Roy repeated the question. The Wurgus made the confirming gesture again. “Yes, Masterun. The All Patriarch has gifted you a Pod ship. You can’t be a Patriarch without a Podship.” Roy sighed. “You Wurgus value honesty right?” “Yes, above all,” “We humans like to be asked about things like that. This should go both ways you know. I want to become a Marine and I don’t need a ship or want to make a career out of becoming a surrogate Wurgus. I think you guys are very nice and go out...
Introduction: Posted by Anonymous at Reposted here(not mine) My wife is an organic scientist, a damm fine one. She has always made me proud with many groundbreaking discoveries. She was raking the money in since shortly after we married and it was a no brainer for me to take to the house dad role. I raised the kids, pursued my hobbies, we traveled, and had a great time. Our sex life had the ups and downs of any marriage, cycles I guess. Generally though we were...
John was spent. He has rather regular sex but today was very taxing and he wanted to rest. Susan had other ideas as she had only had a little orgasm and was not about to quit. Susan looked at John and she started to kiss him first on the neck and then down and nibbled on each nipple and down kissing and lightly sucking on every part she could. John had a hand on her head and just lay back. He was thinking, man this girl is not going to stop, oh god that’s good, oh, you can do that all...
It’s strange. Just two weeks ago, I couldn’t even get her to touch me. To say the passion my wife once had for sex had faded would be an understatement. She was a woman like no woman I have ever met. At least in the beginning. When we first got together, if I wanted my cock sucked, she bobbed at the chance. If I wanted my balls sniffed, a ball sniffer she would be. If I wanted to fuck her and cum deep inside of her, then she would be walking around with enough hot cum inside of her that a...
Lucky gurl.Four weeks of luxury in front of me, returning once again to the lovely hotel on the beach. Four of us return each year to this paradise. Our two friends, my partner and myself. The first two days were spent lazing around in the sun, just chilling out. The others decided they wanted to visit the capital city, it was a four day trip, I didn’t particularly fancy it, so the three of them booked for the next week. On the fourth morning at eight, my friend stood nattering to some others...