Organism X - Ch. 08 free porn video

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In the distance, Erin could hear the freshly turned girl moaning and grunting as the blonde, Lindsay, toyed with her. The sound simultaneously repulsed and aroused her.

"She's going to be a beauty when she fully changes," Megan said.

Erin turned to face her the arrogant brunette.

"You're a freak. All of you are freaks," she said.

Megan snorted.

"As if you aren't?"

Erin burned with shame and stared down at the floor. An image of the terrified girl Erin turned flashed through her mind.

It had felt so right in the moment. So good.

"Exactly," Megan said.

The pair were standing in front of Felicia Owen's room. Megan held the door shut, her body brimming with anticipation. Erin continued torment seemed to be her favorite new game.

"Why are we here?" Erin asked.

She wanted to get this over with.Author's Note: After several months of development hell, I present to you the eight chapter of Organism X - Now with 100% less farting!


In the distance, Erin could hear the freshly turned girl moaning and grunting as the blonde, Lindsay, toyed with her. The sound simultaneously repulsed and aroused her.

"She's going to be a beauty when she fully changes," Megan said.

Erin turned to face her the arrogant brunette.

"You're a freak. All of you are freaks," she said.

Megan snorted.

"As if you aren't?"

Erin burned with shame and stared down at the floor. An image of the terrified girl Erin turned flashed through her mind.

It had felt so right in the moment. So good.

"Exactly," Megan said.

The pair were standing in front of Felicia Owen's room. Megan held the door shut, her body brimming with anticipation. Erin continued torment seemed to be her favorite new game.

"Why are we here?" Erin asked.

She wanted to get this over with.

"Because," Megan said. "I wanted to show you something special! Your hero has been busy!"

"My hero?" Erin asked.

"Oh, come on. We all noticed how you followed Felicia around like a little puppy dog. It was kind of pathetic, to be honest, freshy."

That part of Erin's life now seemed like an ancient era long since passed. It was hard to believe she had been a normal human being only a few hours before. Now what was she?

The thought of Felicia being turned into one of these things hurt in a dull and empty kind of way. It was an ache in the back of Erin's heart, crowded out by so much condensed trauma.

That all changed when Megan threw open the door and gestures inside with the enthusiasm of a circus showman. Erin followed her pointing fingers and lit upon a scene she had no reference for.

What Erin saw didn't make sense. The room was a mess of green slime and bulbous, fleshy pouches. Things Erin guessed were more worms wriggled in the slime and piled garbage.

The smell hit her a moment later. An overwhelmingly sweet yet alien odor that matched her own warped scent. This was amplified a thousand-fold, however.

One of the flesh bulbs began to wiggle and shake. Cracks formed along the membranous surface from which green ooze leaked. In the next moment, a bulging black head burst out of the top of the mass, reminding Erin of the chestburster from Alien.

The head turned this way and that in the air before slithering its phallic body out of the ruined mass of flesh to join its brethren deeper in the room.

"Eggs?" Erin said. "She laid eggs?"

"Yup! She's even more of a freak than we are. And look at all these perfect little worms. There's probably enough to turn the rest of the hallway in here."

Erin stepped back, horrified at what she saw. It wasn't human. Humans didn't lay eggs. They didn't give birth to monsters either.

She felt so horribly unclean. Would she become like that? It had happened to Felicia, why couldn't it happen to her?

"Oh God," Erin muttered. "She laid eggs?"

"What's the matter? Does this freak you out, freshy?"

Erin backed away from Megan and the room of horrors behind her. She could feel the remnants of her own mutagenic worm stitched into the fabric of her body. It made the horror even more palpable.

"Oh God, I need to go," Erin cried.

"Because," Megan said. "I wanted to show you something special! Your hero has been busy!"

"My hero?" Erin asked.

"Oh, come on. We all noticed how you followed Felicia around like a little puppy dog. It was kind of pathetic, to be honest, freshy."

That part of Erin's life now seemed like an ancient era long since passed. It was hard to believe she had been a normal human being only a few hours before. Now what was she?

The thought of Felicia being turned into one of these things hurt in a dull and empty kind of way. It was an ache in the back of Erin's heart, crowded out by so much condensed trauma.

That all changed when Megan threw open the door and gestures inside with the enthusiasm of a circus showman. Erin followed her pointing fingers and lit upon a scene she had no reference for.

What Erin saw didn't make sense. The room was a mess of green slime and bulbous, fleshy pouches. Things Erin guessed were more worms wriggled in the slime and piled garbage.

The smell hit her a moment later. An overwhelmingly sweet yet alien odor that matched her own warped scent. This was amplified a thousand-fold, however.

One of the flesh bulbs began to wiggle and shake. Cracks formed along the membranous surface from which green ooze leaked. In the next moment, a bulging black head burst out of the top of the mass, reminding Erin of the chestburster from Alien.

The head turned this way and that in the air before slithering its phallic body out of the ruined mass of flesh to join its brethren deeper in the room.

"Eggs?" Erin said. "She laid eggs?"

"Yup! She's even more of a freak than we are. And look at all these perfect little worms. There's probably enough to turn the rest of the hallway in here."

Erin stepped back, horrified at what she saw. It wasn't human. Humans didn't lay eggs. They didn't give birth to monsters either.

She felt so horribly unclean. Would she become like that? It had happened to Felicia, why couldn't it happen to her?

"Oh God," Erin muttered. "She laid eggs?"

"What's the matter? Does this freak you out, freshy?"

Erin backed away from Megan and the room of horrors behind her. She could feel the remnants of her own mutagenic worm stitched into the fabric of her body. It made the horror even more palpable.

"Oh God, I need to go," Erin cried.

And then she ran down the hall, desperately trying to escape the reality hidden in that room. She didn't know where she was going. It didn't really matter. There was no real escape.

Erin stumbled down the brick pathway, reeling from what she had seen.

Eggs. Felicia had laid eggs.

The thought didn't cease to horrify Erin. Even her own inhuman nature seemed normal next to the alien mess in Felicia's room.

A twinge between her legs made the girl cry out, reminding her of the dragon that now lurked inside of her body. It wouldn't be long now before her urges kicked back into high gear. She needed to get away.

Erin stepped hard on a patch of slick brickwork and felt her leg give out, sending her to her knees. Pain flashed like a firework explosion in Erin's knee before fading to a murmur.

Erin sank down, feeling the cold water on the ground seep into her clothing. That's when she heard it.

There was the rhythmic thumping sound of footsteps approaching in the distance. Erin jolted up and looked down the path in the direction she came from but saw nothing.

"Who's there?" She called out.

There was no response.

Was it her imagination? She swore she heard something.

Erin stood up and made her way down the path, moving at a faster pace this time. She suddenly felt watched.

What the hell? I'm the monster, so why do I feel so afraid?

As Erin walked, she heard the footsteps resume, moving faster this time. She whirled around and nearly screamed at what she saw.

Three men in what looked like paramilitary gear stood about forty feet down the path. One of them pulled a radio on their shoulder close and spoke a command. The other two men pointed guns at Erin and opened fire.

Instead the explosive clatter of gunshots, Erin heard two loud pops and followed by a whistling sound. Looking over, she saw a bright red dart planted into the soft earth next to her.

"Close in!" The man with the radio shouted.

Erin turned tail and sprinted down the path, her heart pounding in her chest. Just hours ago, her life had been normal and now she was being hunted like an animal.

There was a bend in the path ahead. If only Erin could get around it fast enough, she might slip out of the men's vision.

Erin hit the bend at a full sprint, her lungs burning. She could hear the men's voices behind her still. She dashed behind a wall and pressed her back against the moist brick. If only she could double back around once they passed her, she might get away.

The men were close now and it wouldn't be long before they came upon her.

Her mind raced as she tried to formulate a plan. She could feel the hot tears burning her eyes and blurring her vision as she pushed her brain to its limit.

"Fan out," the lead man called out.

He couldn't have been more than a few feet away.

Erin's blood ran cold as she realized her time was up.

From deep within her, a voice whispered. It was the same voice that drove her to plunge into debauchery in third floor dorm room of her classmate. The voice of the monster.

"I can save you," it seemed to say.

Erin pushed it away. Nothing good could come out of that voice.

Hearing the men's shouts, Erin's panic took hold of her and she dashed out from the brick wall and began running the way she came.

Immediately, she heard the men cry out, followed by a loud pop. A sharp pain erupted in her shoulder, followed by a spreading warmth.

Erin slumped to the ground and looked to see the men closing in on her. All the energy in her limbs died away and she could feel her consciousness slipping away.

The voice inside spoke again.

"I can help you."


The man with the radio barked out a code and stepped up to Erin.

"Looks like we've got another one, boys."

Another one?

"Get her locked up and secured for transport. Nellie wants samples from several different hosts."

Ice cold terror flooded Erin's veins. These men were going to cart her away like a zoo animal. She could feel the darkness closing in around her. It wouldn't be long now.

"Let me help you! Please!" The voice said.

Erin only had a few seconds left and the lead man was nearly to her. Soon, it would be hopeless.

The man brought a gloved hand down and snatched Erin by her hair.

"This one's even better looking than the last," he said, flashing a lecherous glance at Erin's large breasts.

Something snapped in Erin. She could feel the voice surging through her sluggish brain like lightning.

When she looked up at the man, her eyes were burning with unholy emerald light. The world crystallized and all her drowsiness vanished.

Erin locked her fingers on the man's wrist and squeezed with newfound strength. She saw his terror and relished it.

Screams filled the quiet little corner of the campus only to be silenced suddenly.


Leah stretched out and walked over to the water's edge. Her enlarged breasts ached pleasantly after the coital romp and the cool air tingled against her skin.

Bending down, the girl scooped up water from the river and splashed it on her face and arms, rubbing away the mud and grass that caked her body from the evening's chaos.

Looking at her reflection, Leah noticed that her face and body were unmarked, the nasty bruises and cuts from Jessie's assault wiped away as if by some unknown magic. The throbbing headache from earlier was gone as well, leaving Leah feeling wonderfully energized. The world felt warm and open for the young coed.

Then, in the next moment her body ran cold. In the moonlit reflection of the river, Leah made out another figure looming above her. She felt something cold and sharp press into the small of her back, just barely puncturing the skin.

"You have some explaining to do," a male voice as cold as the knife pressing into Leah's back said.

For several seconds, Leah said nothing. For the first time since her transformation, she was truly afraid. No amount of power could save her from the cold steel at her back.

Then she explained everything to the boy. Whenever he sensed that she was holding out on him, he would push the tip of the pocketknife into her back hard enough to draw just a single drop of blood. By the end, she had several little pin pricks across her back.

When Leah finished, she fully expected for the boy to slash her throat. Why wouldn't he? She would be a monster in his eyes, after all.

Instead, the boy withdrew his knife and stepped backwards, giving Leah space once more.

Now that she was free, Leah realized she was trembling. For the first time since her transformation, she was afraid.

"Wow," the boy said. "That's a lot."

Leah prepped herself to bolt. Now that she had space, escape was possible. In his partially drained state, he would likely be a lot slower. Still, something held her back.

"So, what are you going to do?" She asked.

"Help you," the boy said.

Leah gaped at the boy, utterly flabbergasted. Help her?

"Help you and your - What did you call them? Sisters?"

Leah nodded as she tried to conjure the right words.

"Why?" She finally managed to say.

"Because it's hot. This is a fantasy come true for me."

"So, you're going to help us because you're horny."

The boy nodded.

"And because I don't want to die. I see the writing on the wall. You guys are going to keep spreading and keep sucking guys dry. I want to make sure I'm on your good side."

"I guess that makes sense. But what makes you so special? We've been doing just fine on our own," Leah said.

"For now. That's because you're still an unknown quantity. Soon, however, people will catch on. Public safety, the police, maybe even the government! I don't think you guys are ready to maneuver that."

"And you are?"

"You're looking at the senator for Ward hall and the youngest ever member of the student disciplinary board. I have contacts in SGA, public safety, and the administration. I'm also an avid player of strategy games."

Leah didn't know whether to be amused or embarrassed by this guy. When she had picked him up, she hadn't taken him for a mega-dork. He did, however, have a point.

Jessie knew about her condition and had proven willing to fight her every step of the way. Now she had a companion to add to that number. God only knew how many other people had discovered the sisters' secret across campus. It was only going to get worse as their numbers increased.

"So, what do you propose?" Leah asked.

"You need to infiltrate systems of power on campus. You need to turn SGA members, RAs, administration, professors, public safety. Anyone in power who can use that power to cover for us."

He was awful quick to throw around "us".

"And you can help out with that?"

"Of course! From there, we can expand our reach. We'll eventually have to get off this campus."

Leah smiled.

"All this to get your rocks off?"

"Of course! This is the hottest thing ever. All the stories and comics I've read never even came close to how hot this is."

Leah didn't want to imagine what those comics or stories contained, nor did she want to imagine what the boy did while reading them. Still, he had a point. Having someone with this kind of access, assuming he wasn't bullshitting her, would be very useful.

"You really are a little pervert," Leah said, her eyes blazing like twin emeralds.

For a moment, the boy cowered backwards as Leah advanced on him. Then she stuck out her hand and smiled.

"A pervert with some good points. Do we have a deal?"

The boy relaxed a little.

"Deal," he said.


"I'm close!" Emily cried out.

The buxom redhead lay on top of the scrawny, purple haired RA, their bare pussies rubbing together.

Megan could see the empty look in the RA's eyes, an effect of the Emily's rewiring touch. At that moment, the RA was completely at Emily's mercy: mind, body, and soul. That was boring.

Megan laid a hand on Emily's pale, supple back and bent down to whisper in her ear.

"Not yet!"

Emily shook her head profusely.

"I can't stop, it feels too good!"

Megan sighed. She would have to do this the hard way.

She looped her arm around Emily's neck and yanked her backwards, pulling her off the RA.

"Wait a little bit," Megan demanded. "I want her to be aware of what's happening."

Emily moved to struggle against Megan, but soon came to her senses. Megan could feel her roommate panting like a bitch in heat and relished the sensation.

"Fuh-fine," Emily said.

She bent over the motionless RA and dragged an index finger down the girl's belly. Megan watched as a myriad of green lines and appeared and then disappeared on the girl's skin. Then, almost instantaneously, the girl's pretty eyes widened in shock.

The girl sat up and scanned the room, growing more disturbed with each new detail she drank in.

"Who the fuck are you people?" She said.

Instead of answering, Emily jumped on top of the girl and resumed her assault. She grabbed the RA's wrists and held her down as she lowered her sopping crotch to its target. Emily's belly bulged violently, showing Megan that the moment was fast approaching.

The busty redhead threw her head back and moaned loudly, her luscious breasts jiggling from the motion. Fluids splashed out of her pussy, followed by the fat black head of a worm.

Megan watched with mounting anticipation. She loved this part.

However, two things happened simultaneously that overturned the carnal order of the room.

Megan turned her head in panic as the door swung open and saw two figures gazing at her. One was Leah. The other was a boy.

That couldn't be right.

At the same moment, Emily screeched in pain and fell backwards. She rolled on the ground, clutching the meaty space between her shoulder and her neck. Crimson fluid trickled through her fingers.

"She fucking bit me!"

As Emily writhed in pain, her worm slithered out of her pussy and made its way towards the purple haired RA, who now scrambled backwards, her hands covering her pussy.

"Help!" The RA begged. "Get public safety!"

The pair entered the room and Megan noticed that the boy's eyes were fixed on the scene in front of him. She saw deep hunger and satisfaction in the boy's eyes.

Had Leah somehow turned a boy rather than draining him? That didn't make any sense.

"Leah, why did you bring your meal here?" She asked.

"Not food," The boy said. "I am an ally!"

"Yeah, I didn't ask you," Megan said. "Leah, what's the deal?"

"He just said it. He volunteered to help us, and he made a good argument. Didn't you, pervert?"

Leah winked at the boy, but he didn't seem to notice. His eyes were fixed on the naked RA, struggling in the corner. By then, the worm had made its way to the RA, coiling around her right leg like a snake.

The RA clamped her hands over her pussy to stop the creature, but it would only be a matter of time before she slipped. Megan knew from experience that these parasites were strong and slimy and a lot smarter than anyone gave them credit for.

Then, remarkably, the boy stepped over to the RA, seemingly in a trance.

"Please, help me!" The RA sobbed.

The boy smiled and said:

"Don't worry, I'll help you."

Megan saw the relief on the girl's face. The boy was going to play hero and all Megan's sisters were just going to let it happen.

She took a step, ready to send the boy sprawling when Leah caught her by the shoulder.

"Just watch," she said.

The boy reached the RA and smiled, patting her shoulder.

"It's okay," he said. "I'll help you."

"Thank you! Please grab it!"

Megan couldn't believe her eyes. Was Leah just going to let this bozo help the girl? Not on her watch.

"He's going to save her, Leah. What are we doing?"

"Just watch," Leah repeated.

The boy reached down and gently grasped the girl's hands.

"I've got you," he said.

The wide-eyed girl nodded. Her entire body shook, but she seemed so relieved to have the boy's help.

Then, without warning, the boy locked lips with the girl and kissed her deeply. At the same moment, he wrenched the girl's hands away, clearing a path for the worm impale the girl on its bulk.

The girl let out a muffled scream as the fat, black head of the worm rammed against her slick entrance. Her arousal betrayed her as her pussy easily accommodated the parasite's bulk.

Megan watched in utter shock as the newcomer sealed the RA's fate. The worm pushed itself into the girl, inch-by-inch. The girl involuntarily thrust her hips as the intrusion continued. The entire moment was burned into Megan's memory as she watched. These were the moments she lived for as a member of this strange sisterhood.

All the while, the boy pinned the RA's hands against the back wall, preventing any disruption in the girl's conversion. The RA fought, but not well. The invasion clearly strained her too much to allow for clear thinking and the boy was much stronger than her.

After less than a minute, the tail of the worm disappeared between the RA's nether lips. The girl's fate was now in the hands of the parasite worming its way deeper and deeper into her flesh.

The boy pulled away quickly and stepped back over to Leah's side, his eyes never leaving his victim. There was a look of pure hatred and betrayal marked on the RA's face that even gave Megan chills.

Megan filed this tidbit away for later - you never knew what might prove useful.

Then, as the worm reached its target, the RA screamed in agony and fell to the floor unconscious. Besides a few twitches, she was entirely motionless.

"Jon, get her onto the bed," Leah said to the boy.

So that's what his name was.

The boy nodded and picked up the RA. She looked so small and helpless in his arms. The boy gazed down at her with mingled curiosity and arousal.

Emily stumbled over to Megan and whispered in her ear.

"She was mine. He stole her!"

Megan turned her attention to her dear roommate and smiled. Em was jealous! That too would be useful later down the road.

Megan took Emily in her arms and pulled her in for a light kiss before whispering in the girl's ear.

"Ease up. We'll talk later."

Emily cocked her head to the side and shot Megan a confused look but nodded and let the subject go.

Jon rested the RA on the bed with almost loving affection before turning back to face the girls.

"I guess I should introduce myself," he said.

Megan saw the opening and took it. The longer she let Leah sink her claws into this guy, the less power anyone else would have. While Megan didn't know how to feel about this Jon character, he had made his bed with the sisters. There was no going back for him now.

That impressed Megan. Whoever this guy was, he clearly had some use. Megan was quickly getting the hang of collecting useful things.

Bounding across the room, Megan grabbed Jon and pulled him into a tight hug. She gazed up at him with big, watery brown eyes, making sure to squeeze her boobs against his chest so bulged obscenely at him.

"Wow! That was so impressive, um, Jon is it?"

Jon nodded, struggling to maintain eye contact.

"It is so cool that you've decided to help us, Jon!" She continued. "You're like, my hero!"

Megan then kissed Jon several times on the cheek.

"Enough," Leah said. "You're acting like a bimbo."

"Fine," Megan responded.

She stepped away from Jon, doing her best to show him every inch of her curves as she did so. Drink it in, lover boy.

There was a knock at the door. Leah walked up and peered into the peephole before opening the door. In walked Lindsay followed by a gorgeous girl with disheveled brown hair that formed a tangled halo around her head. Megan barely recognized the girl as the one from the hallway.

Before, the girl had been as plain as plain could be. Thick glasses, a thin and colorless face, and little in the way of curves. Boy had that changed. Susie looked like she was about to rip through what remained of her clothes.

Lindsay drank in the scene of the room and grew increasingly confused. She pointed at Jon.

"What's the deal?"

"He's an ally!" Megan chimed.


Leah closed the door behind.

"He wanted to help us, and he has some good ideas. We'll explain everything soon enough. Who's she?"

Leah pointed at the voluptuous brunette next to Lindsay.

The girl looked like she had been drugged. She gazed out at the world with dull, unfocused eyes and a sleepy smile. Had the worm fried the girl's brain?

"You really have been gone awhile," Lindsay said. "She's just my little consolation prize."

"Lindsay wanted this angry little redhead. She's been going on about her for the past day!"

"Shut it," Lindsay said. "That's the other thing. A bunch more people know about us. We haven't exactly been subtle."

"Well that's why he's here," Leah said, pointing to Jon.

"Interesting," Lindsay said.

Susie wandered around the room before planting herself on the bed opposite to the unconscious RA. Her eyes were now fixed on Jon.

The baby bird is hungry, Megan thought.

Leah began explaining the plan to the other girls while Jon, filled in the little details.

The plan wasn't half bad. Hell, the idea of turning a professor made Megan very wet. Still, she found herself distracted by Susie's luscious body numerous times during Leah's little speech. Every inch of the girl looked yummy and ready to be licked and touched.

Megan tried to listen idly. She followed the logic well enough. One of these days, the cops would start sniffing around looking for why kids kept dying on campus. Being careful was a sensible enough decision.

What itched in Megan's crawl, however, was the way Leah presented it. An order. She was their leader and they were her followers. All the while, the girl's brand-new right-hand man stood behind her.

Who died and made the bitch queen? She was the first, so what? It had been Megan who had done all the planning and work in the last few days.

Megan didn't like this turn at all. She had earned her dominance and now it was being snatched away from her.

Looking over to Emily, Megan smiled.

The buxom redhead rested like a kitty cat on the bed with the passed-out RA. Every few seconds, Emily glanced over at the purple haired girl and licked her lips.

Kitty wanted to play with her new toy.

Jon had taken away Emily's first opportunity to turn a girl. Megan was impressed with how ballsy the guy was, but she also knew it filled Emily with rage. She could sense it wafting off the girl.

Good. That would be useful too.

Leah finished her speech with an "are we understood?"

Pompous bitch.

"I am on board one thousand percent," Megan said.

She stepped up to Jon, pressing her swelling bosom against his chest and running her index finger down his cheek.

"You're full of so many good ideas, aren't you, big boy?" She said, flashing him a predatory smile.

Leah pushed Megan away from him.

"Easy there, Meg."

"What? I just want to praise our newest volunteer. He's quite incredible! Muscular too!"

Megan pinched Jon's bicep and blew him a kiss. She could see by the look in his eyes that he was entranced. Like a kid in a candy store, Jon seemed to be feasting on all the womanly curves on display in the room - Megan's especially.

This was also good.

Lindsay hopped off the opposite bed and regarded Jon and Leah carefully before nodding her head.

"I'm with you guys. We've been sloppy so far. I like turning girls, but I'm not becoming some kind of government experiment or prisoner for it."

"Don't worry," Jon said hastily. "There will be plenty of opportunities to turn other girls. More, if anything."


Susie let out a loud groan and stretched her arms into the air. Her mousy brown hair was in a tangled mess that billowed around her head, giving her a lazy, casual beauty.

Megan drank in the girl's curves and felt weak in the knees.

Although not quite as busty as Emily, Susie's breasts looked larger on her narrow frame. They were perfectly round and seemed to take up the girl's entire chest. Her formerly unremarkable face had taken on a startling beauty with plump, cherry red lips and bright eyes that glowed with a faint green light - the clearest indication that she was now one of them.

"Wha-what are we talking about? Who are you people again?"

Megan bounded over and kissed the girl deeply on her lips, cupping her large breasts as she did so. The girl let out a loud, husky groan as Megan fondled her.

It was important to properly imprint the babies, Megan figured.

"We're your new sisters," she said.

"Uh, sisters? I feel weird."

Susie looked down and her eyes widened comically. She took her breasts in her hands and gasped.

"And where did these come from?"

Megan couldn't help but giggle. The reaction was perfectly understandable. Only an hour earlier, the girl had been barely capable of filling an a-cup. Her old bra was scattered on the floor and splattered with slime, forever useless now.

"Don't worry about a thing, Love," Megan said, going in to kiss the girl once more. "We'll explain everything."

Megan turned back towards Leah, satisfied that the new convert would be pliable enough in her hands.

"Are you done?" Leah asked.

"Not at all," Megan said. "But the only thing that matter is that I'm on board."

Megan didn't like Leah's arrogance one bit, but she would bear with it. Even now, there were so many opportunities blossoming around her.

"So, who's our first target?" Lindsay asked.

"Administration," Jon said. "They have several secretaries that'll be to your guys' liking. Turning them will give us access to a bunch of things regarding funding, student accounts, and so on."

"Sounds fun!" Megan said. "When do we start?"

Jon and Leah looked at each other and smiled. Megan didn't like how easily they worked together. She could arouse Jon all day long, but he trusted Leah.

"We move in first thing in the morning tomorrow," Leah said.


Eliza, paced about the room, steadily losing her mind. Meanwhile, Haley and Penny sat with their phones glued to their ears. Jessie watched it all as if it were happening on a television screen. It was all distant from her.

"Why are they taking so long? She was just going to the bathroom," Eliza said.

Jessie waited for the others to speak, but they were both wrapped up in their respective phone calls. After several awkward, disjointed seconds, Jessie realized the redhead was waiting for her to answer.

"I don't know, the Asian chick seemed pretty messed up. She did attack us after all."

"Her name is Melissa," Eliza snapped in response.

Jessie sank down on the bed and turned away from Eliza.

"Cool," She said.

Jessie could feel the girl stewing with rage, just out of sight. It made her feel giddy in her sleep deprivation.

Haley got off the phone first.

"Police were a bust," she said.

"Well you didn't exactly give them much detail," Jessie said.

"What am I supposed to say? Hello 911, what is my emergency? Oh, you know, alien worms are possessing girls through their wawahas."

This sent Jessie into a fit of laughter. Her whole body shook as she giggled and rolled around on the bed.

Eliza wasn't so pleased.

"You basically didn't tell them anything. You just said there was an outbreak on campus and that you had information. They probably thought you were playing a prank."

"Then you try!"

Penny held up her finger to shush them and then spoke into her phone.

"Yes, hi, my name is Penelope Atw—oh sorry. Oh wait, no. I have a very important message about Bailey College and—hepatitis? No that's not—oh, you hung up on me."

She turned to the other girls and shrugged.

"Apparently the CDC thinks there's a hepatitis outbreak on our campus."

"What?" Haley asked.

"Yeah, that's what they told me. They hung up right afterwards."

"They're lying to us," Eliza said.

"You never know," Jessie said. "At the rate kids fuck on this campus, they might be telling the truth."

"Shut up. I'm going to find Bethany and Melissa. They've been gone too long."

Eliza ripped open the door and stepped into the hallway. Haley chased after her, but before she could catch up, Eliza had slammed the door in her face.

"What are we supposed to do now?" Haley asked, turning to the other two.

She was met with silence.


Melissa sat on the toilet, one hand wiping away her tears while the other was shoved between her legs. Her whole body burned and even the slightest breeze or jostle sent waves of tingling pleasure radiating across her skin.

The image of Erin Stevens was burned into Melissa's brain as she sat and collected self-pity like drops of rain. The image of her staring daggers into Melissa as they stood in that hallway.

It was her fault. Erin was one of them now. A freak. All because of her.

The girl gasped as the muscles of her vagina contracted, sending her into a potent orgasm.

There was something wrong. Every time Melissa thought of Erin's fate and that sickly creature that brought it, she trembled with lust.

How easy would it be for the same type of creature to find Melissa? She could almost feel it sliding between her folds and taking her as quivered on the toilet sweet.

"Why do I want that?" She whimpered. "It's so wrong."

There was a commotion outside the bathroom, followed by a loud knock on the door.

"Melissa, come on. It's been twenty minutes already," Eliza boomed.

Melissa panicked and bolted upright, feeling a sickly trickle of her own fluids run down the inside of her thigh. There was a dirtiness to her that seemed to cover every inch of her body. How could she face her friends like this?

She pulled up her pants and opened the stall door. She made to the door and felt her courage falter. Bethany with her sweet and caring face was one thing. Eliza in full fury was another.

"Come on, Mel!" Eliza cried out.

"Give her some space, why don't you?" Bethany responded.

Melissa's hand trembled on the door handle. They were arguing over her. All she could do was cause more trouble.

"Melissa, your friends are worried about you!" Eliza bellowed, ignoring Bethany completely.

Without thinking, Melissa opened the door and stared at her friends. That's when she broke.

Melissa knew it was Bethany and Eliza standing in front of her, but all she saw was Erin's face superimposed over both. The pleading, horrified eyes as those freaks violated her. The complete powerless Melissa felt.

"I can't do this," she said simply.

Then she was running down the hall. She could hear the clatter of footsteps behind her and knew she couldn't run for long, but she had to get away. She was just going to bring them misery.


Eliza burst into the room and grabbed Haley by the wrist.

"It's Melissa, we need your help!"

"What's wrong?" Haley asked.

"No time!"

Eliza dashed back down the hall and Haley followed. Jessie and Penny were left in awkward silence.

"Should we help?" Penny asked.

Jessie stood up and grabbed her practice sword, feeling a chill run through her.


They bustled down the hall, hearing cries and commotion in the distance. As she went, Jessie could feel her body tightening like a spring wound to its limit. Already uneasy from being surrounded by strangers and worn down by days without sleep, she didn't know how much more she could take.

Following the noise, Jessie stepped into a stairwell and found Bethany, Haley, and Eliza all struggling to pin their friend on the ground.

"Get off of me!" Melissa screamed. "Get off. It's my fault. Get away from me!"

"Jesus," Jessie muttered.

"What's the matter with her?" Penny asked.

"How the hell should I know?"

Bethany looked up at the pair first and pointed to Melissa's legs.

"Grab them!"

This was no easy task as Melissa kicked this way and that. Jessie took one solid blow directly to her cheek before managing to get her hands around the girl's ankle. Even then, keeping a hold on her was like wrestling a snake.

Penny wasn't faring any better. She had several red marks on her face from Melissa's kicks.

"Melissa, stop it!" Bethany shouted.

"Keep it down," Haley said. "We don't need an RA coming by."

"Well what the hell am I supposed to do?"

Haley didn't have an answer.

It was Eliza that finally brought things to a head. Out of nowhere, she let go of Melissa's right arm and slapped the girl on the face as hard as she could. The sound echoed through the stairwell.

"What is wrong with you? Why are you fighting us? You're putting all of us in danger!"

Melissa went stiff. Her eyes filled with tears and a mewling sound escaped her quivering lips.

"It's my fault," she said softly.

"What is your fault?" Eliza demanded.

"I got her turned. It was my fault she got turned."


"My friend. She tried to save me and they-they-oh god."

Melissa began to bawl. She sank into a puddle between the girls, all the fight gone from her body.

Jessie watched the girl tremble on the ground and felt something ignite within her. She thought of the night Leah went missing.

Something had happened to Leah in the darkness and Jessie hadn't been by her side.

Now Jessie's best friend was a monster and here she was, useless.

She moved forward and rested her hand on Melissa's shoulder.

"Hey," She said.

The girl looked up at her, tears and snot streaming down her nose. Jessie saw panic and horror and something else she couldn't quite trace marked in the girl's features.

"Don't look at me," Melissa said. "I'm just going to do the same thing to all of you."

"I know the feeling," Jessie said.

"No, you don't. I failed. I couldn't protect— "

"I failed too. Multiple times. Running away didn't solve anything."

Melissa looked at Jessie carefully. Her tears were still gushing, but she seemed calmer.

"Trust me," Jessie continued. "We're not better off with you out there. We need you. We need as many people as we can get."

Uncertainty flickered in Melissa's eyes mingled with something Jessie couldn't quite nail down. It was a strange look that passed over the girl's eyes and she drank Jessie in. Almost a hunger. It made Jessie's skin crawl, but she tried to dismiss it. The look faded quickly, and Melissa seemed to brighten.

"Maybe you're right," she said.

Jessie smirked.

"Of course, I'm right!"

Melissa let out a small, choked laugh and nodded her head.

"You aren't going to try and run this time?" Haley asked.

Melissa shook her head.

"No. No, I'll stay."

"Good," Jessie said. "Now let's go back and figure out how to deal with this shit."


They all sat in the room in silence, staring at each other. Melissa's tears were dry, but she still trembled a little.

Jessie could feel the mounting weight on her. She knew she was supposed to say something, but nothing came to mind.

"Maybe we can just leave?" She said finally. "It seems like the best idea."

"That's it? That's the best thing you can come up with?" Eliza asked.


"Where would we go?"

"I don't know, home? Don't you have parents?"

"Yeah well my parents aren't letting me come home unless this school is wiped off the map."

"Lucky you," Jessie said.

Bethany interjected.

"Let's say leaving is an option. That still leaves so many people on campus vulnerable. We have to do something, right?"

"Do we?" Jessie asked. "I tried to fight these things and I barely escaped. This is way beyond us. Let the government handle it."

"But we tried calling the police," Haley said. "And the friggin CDC!"

"Eventually they'll catch on. If we stay, we're just putting our own lives in danger."

Melissa shook her head rapidly. Her hair covered her entire face, making her look like a little, hyperactive puppy.

"They're getting better at turning others. They're strategizing. Pretty soon they're going to be off campus."

"That just means we should get as far away as possible," Jessie said.

"I think we should at least try something to help," Bethany said.

Haley and Eliza shook their heads in agreement.

"We're digging our own graves," Jessie said. "It's not like we have that many options to stop these freaks anyways."

Melissa looked up and into Jessie's eyes. For a moment, Jessie saw the same hunger she had watched flicker through the girl's consciousness earlier. Again, she shivered.

"There's one option," Melissa said. "When my friend, the one that was turned, and I went back with our bio TA, we found something."

Melissa recounted the story about the eggs. All the while, horror rose like vomit in Jessie's throat.

In a flash, she could see the memory as clear as day. The fat, diseased looking mass of flesh crawling inside of Felicia. Her pleading, desperate eyes as Jessie watched on helplessly.

Jessie knew nothing good came out of that night, but to think that Felicia had turned into something so inhuman curdled her blood. That was her fault.

Melissa finished up her story.

"Finally," She said. "Molly, my bio TA, took the eggs to Professor Pierce. I don't know if they've hatched or not. I don't really know what'll come out of them either, but it's a lead."

"So, what do we do?" Haley asked. "It's sounds like Pierce already has the eggs."

"She has the eggs, but nothing else. She doesn't know about the girls as far as I know."

"So, we go and tell her. That way she has all the resources she needs to figure this thing out," Haley said.

"Yeah," Melissa said.

The memory of Felicia pushed Jessie over the edge.

"Fine," She said. "But I still think we should get the fuck outta Dodge after we tell her."

"Well you're free to leave at any time," Eliza sneered.

"Yeah, I know bitch," Jessie muttered.

Bethany frowned and stood up, intentionally placing herself in between the bickering pair.

"So, do we have a plan?"

"Yeah," Jessie said. "I'll stay for one more day."

Deep down, however, Jessie felt a sinking sensation right in her gut. Something told her she wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.


When she came to, Erin noticed two things.

The first was the sound of commanding voices in the distance. The second was the furious twitch in her belly.

Sitting up, Erin noticed the shriveled corpses of the men around her and stifled a scream with the palm of her hand.

She had killed all three of them. No, not just killed. She had decimated them. All that remained were a trio of withered remains sapped of all life and vigor.

"We did that," the voice within murmured.

The radio on the nearest corpse crackled to life suddenly.

"Geo Team 2, we're closing in on your presence. Please confirm."

The voices in the distance were getting louder.

"Why did you kill them?" Erin asked out loud.

"We killed them," The voice answered.

"Geo Team 2, confirm!" The female voice in the radio barked.

Erin stumbled to her feet and began to run. There would be time later for shame. Now was the time for fear. Behind her, the team closed in.


"Remember," Bethany said. "We all stay together as a group. We all confirm the details about the girls to Professor Pierce. After that, everyone can go their separate ways or not."

The rest of the gang nodded in agreement.

It was seven in the morning and the light shone brightly across campus without a single cloud in the sky. It was a lovely break from the constant rain.

A cool breeze blew through the air, making Jessie feel calm and invigorated. For the first time in days, she slept well the night before. She still felt apprehensive knowing what lurked on campus, but overall, she felt optimistic.

"This should be pretty easy," Eliza said. "Fingers crossed."

They began walking in the direction the natural sciences building and had made it a few feet when Penny stopped in her tracks, turning as white as a sheet.

"Oh no," she said.

"What?" Eliza responded. "What is it?"

"Oh God, oh God, oh God."

Eliza stepped up to the girl and shook her by the shoulder.

"Out with it!"

"Sweet Wormengarde!" Penny cried.

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

Bethany walked over to the pair and rubbed Penny's arm gently.

"Is everything okay?" She asked.

Penny had turned bright red, making her look like a round, overripe cherry. She was rapidly working herself into a panic attack.

"We can't go to Pierce. Sweet Wormengarde, Eliza. Cece! She's got one of those things in her aquarium!"

Eliza turned pale as the memory dawned on her.

"Oh fuck, you're right."

Jessie joined the group, feeling her momentary peace rapidly vanishing. The same hopelessness as the night prior crept over the horizon like storm clouds.

"Who is Sweet Wormengarde?" She asked.

"It's a worm. It was in my room. It attacked me but we captured it. My hallmate, she has it in her aquarium."

"If it hasn't turned her already," Eliza added.

"We need to warn Cece!" Penny said.

"Okay, fine," Bethany said. "We can just stop there first."

It was Melissa who stepped up this time.

"I don't think we have time," she said. "The more I think about it, the more worried I get. Those eggs must be hatched by now. What if they've gotten loose? That's three possible girls turned."

"So much for staying together," Haley said.

The thought of splitting up made Jessie's heart sink, but she couldn't see any other option. It would be so much easier to run, but every time she thought about doing so, Felicia's pleading eyes stared daggers into her from her imagination. Who was she kidding?

"I'll go with them to the dorm room. I'm used to dealing with this shit in close quarters," Jessie said, holding up her practice sword.

"We really shouldn't split up," Bethany said. "I don't like it one bit."

"Same, but we don't have any time. Just keep in touch and we'll try to meet up around lunch time."

"Fine," Bethany said. "For the love of God, try to stay human."

"We'll try," Jessie said with a snort.

"There is no try, only do or do not," Penny muttered.

Eliza punched her in the arm.

"A Star Wars quote? Jesus."

Haley looked at Jessie with a grave expression.

"I hope we aren't making a huge mistake."

Jessie smiled.

"We probably are, but hey, you've gotta make the best with what you've got. Remember, stay in contact, stay together, meet at the dining hall around eleven. Sound good?"

"Sounds good," Haley said, trying her best to force a smile.

With that, the group split up. A sense of doom hovered over them all.


The sound was dull and constant. It crept over Cece's consciousness as she slowly awoke.

The room was dark, but Cece could see sunlight peeking out from around her blackout curtains. Looking down at her phone, she noticed that it was five past seven. Her first class was at seven thirty.

"Ugh, overslept," She said.

Then she noticed it again.

The sound.

It was a dull tapping sound. Looking in its direction, Cece saw her aquarium and remembered the odd new pet she had adopted the night earlier.

There she was - Sweet Wormengarde.

The creature was knocking its bulbous head hard against the glass of the aquarium.

"Hey! Stop that, wormy!"

The girl jumped out of bed and stepped closer to the aquarium to get a better look. She was shocked as she noticed that the worm had seemingly grown several inches in length and width overnight. It was now nearly eighteen inches in length and almost as thick as her fist at its thickest point.

"Jeez, girl. How did you pack on that much muscle in one night?"

Remembering the fish food from the night earlier, Cece grabbed the bottle and overturned it through a hole in the aquarium cover.

"That's all I've got. Let's see how much bigger you get from that!" she said.

Then Cece threw on some clothes, grabbed her backpack, and dashed out the door. Back in the room, the worm ate piece after piece of the fish food, its appetite only growing with every new chunk of nutrients. Minute by minute, its bulk began to grow.


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Pay To Play Chapter 2

I wait at the corner, admittedly looking for Grant’s car in particular. I get a couple of bids for some hotel action, but I hold off for tonight. Tonight, I hope Grant and his big, fat, thick wallet returns.Finally, I spot the car I’m looking for pulling up to the curb. I straighten my clothes and start walking towards it when the passenger door swings open.“Get in,” Grant says, his voice tight.It was nice while it lasted, I think as I slide in and shut the door. He’d probably realized I’d...

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Daughters Little FriendChapter 3

The four of them went down a broad flight of stairs to a lavishly decorated play room, done in red velvet and knotty pine paneling, with a luxurious deep-pile carpet on the floor. Joe, who was carrying the pitcher of rum punch and Vicki were both barefoot; Tom and Sandy kicked off their shoes and sat down on one of the long low couches that were on either side of the 8mm motion picture projector, and which faced a large, square silver screen. She had to crawl over the seat to Tom, the couch...

4 years ago
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He stood hugging himself tightly, not that it helped keep him warm anymore. The cold had long since seeped so far into him the only thing that kept him from running to find somewhere warm was the fear that, should he leave his spot, he’d return to find it taken and his chance of seeing her, Athena, gone forever. The singer Athena had caught the world by storm, nobody a year ago, the young woman had taken to the celebrity lifestyle like a duck to water and was now breaking records with her...

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Daddy Watches Me Part 5 Blowing Daddy in My Bed

I lied awake in my bed, surrounded by the darkness of the room, knowing that the love I had for daddy was more of a sexual one. Of course, I loved daddy in my heart, but our relationship was more of lust. I gave him something he wanted. Daddy gave me something I wanted. We were in a win-win situation. Everything had happened so quickly between me and daddy. Was it wrong? I did not think so. I was eighteen and very sexual. If daddy had not caught me on the couch that day with my legs spread, my...

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First Time With KathyChapter 3

I slept intermittently, both because my mind was a whirl, and my johnston rising in anticipation of happy fun times to come. It did seem as if only an hour or two had passed, when my alarm interrupted another dream ravishment of my willing companion. Driving over to Kathy’s house, I considered how we might spend our day. Parking in front of her house, I knew what alternatives I’d offer her. Marie answered promptly to the ringing of the doorbell, inviting me inside. Kathy trilled a greeting,...

1 year ago
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BangBus Alexis Fawx Squirting And Riding Again

Today we got the great Alexis Fawx back in the bus! After a long time she brings her great personality and big tits to find some guys. We got distracted by driving by an AssParade shoot but we went back to the hunt shorty after. She found a guy that was scared and another that didn’t really satisfied her needs. After the two I simply asked if she had enough or wanted me to hook her up with the Miami dick that she craved. Derrick came through for us to give her a hard pounding. She cums and...

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Die Ferienhuumltte

Sie freuten sich schon seit einem Monat auf ihren Urlaub, schon seit dem Tag, an dem sie die kleine Hütte gebucht hatten, abgeschieden, an einem klaren Bergsee, nur umgeben von Wäldern und Bergen.Als der letzte Arbeitstag vorbei war, schwangen sie sich gut gelaunt ins Auto und fuhren zu der Berghütte. „Was ist denn da los?“ fragte Fred, als sie vor der Hütte ankamen. „Weiß nicht, vielleicht die Putzfrau … ?“ „Hallo, habt Ihr Euch verfahren?“ „Nein, wir sind schon richtig hier. Wir haben diese...

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Office Takeover extended

Office Takeover (Extended) By Susannah Donim, based on a story by Margaret Jeanette Jim and his secretary change places, with far-reaching consequences. The Christmas party "Come on - you're the CEO. You have to push the boat out a bit!" My wife, Marilyn, was trying to persuade me to splash out on our costumes for the company's Christmas fancy dress party. "CEO, hah! There's only ten of us in the company. I'm more like a Team Leader." "But you set up the company. We...

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Horny Garndma

It was just the start of the school holidays, and I was off as usual to my Grandma’s place by the sea, I always looked forward to 6 weeks of total fun and was looking forward to seeing my friends, arriving at the house I was greeted as usual my Grandparents Nan giving me a huge sloppy kiss, that was so embarrassing if my mates saw it I would die, going to my room I changed and had something to eat, I called at my friends and we all piled off to the beach, sitting and chatting until late evening...

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Marline Becomes A SlutChapter 4

We lay there again, catching our breath. I finally asked, "Now what time is it?" Pam said, "It's a little after 9." I said, "We better get up and get this place straight. We sure don't want Jim to come home and find us like this." Pam agreed. We got up, cleaned up my toys and straightened the bed. I put on another one of my long dresses and Pam put her pants back on. We went downstairs and I put on some tea. I started to feel a little different -- I mean, it was slowly hitting me....

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Gaun kaa maja

Hello dosto namskar ab mai ek nai kahani lekar aapke samne aaya hu mujhe umid hai kee aap logo ko bahut pasand kahani gaun ki hai jaha logo ke pass bathroom paikhana room kuchh nahi hota sab aurat aur mard bahar talab me nahate hai aur wanhi khet me ya kisi jhari me chhup kar paikhana karte hai.ek din dopahar me mai paikhana karne ke liye ek arahar ke khet me ghus gaya.khet ke bahar se uske ander kuchh nahi dikhta tha.mai ander jaker paikhana karne laga mai paikaha kar hi raha tha ki...

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The Boys Story Chapter 11

...and I feel my arse start to close back to normal. "Please massage my hole" I ask and my Master puts 1 or 2 fingers inside me and gently massages my arse to give me some comfort. I roll over on my back and my Master lays in my arms and we kiss tenderly as I know I have pleased my Master and we share a special love. Chapter 11. We lay together for about 20 minutes just holding each other and occassionally kissing tenderly. My Master looked at me and said "Your arsehole stretched quite big". "I...

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Public Display of Affection

Public Display of Affectionby NinjaI had just broken up with Lisa the day before. My choice. I sat through the tears and the pleading and all that - and now I was done and out again. There wasn't anything in particular that caused me to break up with her - it was just that I was bored with the relationship.So who else is at the party? Lisa. This sucks. Ok, hopefully we can just ignore each other. Lots of cute girls here so I don't want to leave. But of course she comes over. She is starting to...

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Chapter 1 Ray woke up next to Katrina. She was abeautiful blue eyed blond that had a body that nearly made him come everytime he saw her. Both of them were still naked from their evening of lovemaking. Ray didn't remember falling off to sleep, utterly exhausted fromhours of lovemaking, bondage, and spanking. As the early dawn sun lightstarted to creep into the room, he could see the shape of her naked hourglass figure as a silhouette in the dark. Ray could never figure out howhe was so...

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Full House Motherly AdviceChapter 8

When the two young woman finally broke away from each other, they realized that they had been loving each other for well over two hours already. They both collapsed exhausted and laughing on Becky's bed, gazing into each others eyes. Admiring the curvature of each others young bodies. "Wow, Aunt Becky," DJ whispered. "Tha... that was great. Why didn't you ever teach me about that before?" "I honestly didn't know if you were ready sweetheart," Becky admitted. DJ just smiled back at...

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nephews spycam in the spa

My wife's nephew Todd was just going into the 11th grade. His mom and dad had a convention to attend and they asked us to sit for him at their house.Todd was very absorbed in computers and I thought he was into porn as well. He came home from school the first day and my wife was in the spa. He didn't know i was home, and I walked from our room down the hall and saw his door open. he was sitting at the computer and watching some porn on the computer. I looked in and saw he was jacking off and...

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Interesting old and young

Many years ago I was the 'boss' well the 'floor walker' i.e. n charge of three departments in a very large store.After a period of time I found myself ( single at the time) giving one of our sales staff the 'eye'.She was a lovely "italian" girl of 18.Now she had wonderful long well kept hair, lovely eyes, straight back, extremely prominate breasts and long legs.Her breasts were more prominate because she had an extremely small waist and lovely 'c***d bearing' hips.Her walk was always very...

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George Isolde etc Chapter VIII

 Chapter VIIISunday morning, after they had all had coffee, Terry and George took the canoe out to go fishing, and Isolde wandered around inside the house, exploring. She found the pull down attic stairway in the upstairs second bedroom, and went up in the attic, just to see what was there. She found several rolled up rugs, and assumed they were in storage until winter. There was an old Electrolux tank vacuum cleaner, and she hauled it, and it’s attachments down into the main house. Maybe I’ll...

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EvilAngel Kenzie Taylor Curvy MILF Kenzie8217s Rectal Workout

Curvaceous, MILFy blonde Kenzie Taylor craves huge cock inside her big ass! The glamorous bombshell shows director Mike Adriano her plush booty, spreading its massive cheeks to wink her talented butthole. Kenzie gags and drools on the director’s raging dick, making slurpy sounds in a wet, nasty, deep-throat blow job; she licks his balls and bunghole and squeezes his thick shaft between her gigantic, spit-slathered knockers. Mike plunges his cock into Kenzie’s oiled buns and reams...

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The First of Many

It began innocently, of course. Long hugs and maybe the occasional smack on the ass. Eventually it grew into more. One night, Jill and I were watching a movie with her dad. It was a cold night, and Jill and I were snuggled up on the couch with a blanket. Jill fell asleep quickly, and soon it was just Steve, Jill’s father, and myself watching the movie. I couldn’t fall asleep, and Jill had stolen most of the blanket from me. Luckily, her father saw that I was shivering on the couch and offered...

First Time
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Fucking in a limo in a parking lottrue story

Back to the parking lot, (True story) Rick and I had been talking of our first parking lot experience. It was great and we talked about every aspect of what was done to me. When we talked about it we got turned on and wound up in bed where we continued to describe what we did. We reached for each other, I spread my legs and Rick went down and ate me then moved up to stick his cock into my cunt. We fucked until I climaxed and he shot a load. I asked Rick, “Do you think of me as a slut?”

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Surprise Melody Flintkote Part TwoChapter 26

Not fifteen minutes after Krys had taken the watch from our favorite spy, Cassie, she stomped on the deck. The Flint is pretty big... 90 feet LOD (Length on Deck) but she’s not huge. With dual wheels and a wide salon, the helms person is standing over one or another of the master suites. It so happened that it was my turn in the barrel. I thumped the overhead to let her know I was awake and slipped on a tee and shorts and headed up and out. “What?” “What is that?” She pointed over the port...

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Finally I Could Enjoy Revathi8217s Beauty

I told you already, I have many romantic stories which are really real. This time I am going to narrate you about my sex adventure with Revathi a beautiful dancer. In one function when I was taking photographs I saw one beautiful girl , unmarried about 18 years of age , 5.4 height, 34d boobs, stiff body with nice cuts. She was wearing tight chudidar exposing her sexy body. In that function, somebody proposed to have a cultural programmed. So all gathered and started antakshari first. After...

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Spying on Hubby

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you...

2 years ago
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A Flowers Bloom

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. A Flower's Bloom Foreword (Skip if you want, but I'd appreciate if you read it :) I started writing this story a couple of years ago. It was originally supposed to be a short story that I could use to help my mom understand how I feel, but it continued to grow and grow. While I still plan to use it in that capacity, it took so long to write that...

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Finding Karen

Nebraska — Winter, Late 1800s The wind cut across the prairie, every snowflake like a tiny razor cutting into her skin. She stumbled forward, not knowing what else to do, unable to remember how she had come to be out in this storm. Her mind was nearly as blank and impenetrable as the blinding gales of snow that kept her from seeing more than a few feet in front of her, as she slogged through the calf-deep drifts. Is that a light? Is that a house? She stared with eyes that refused to focus...

1 year ago
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The Risk of Getting Caught

Seth and I hit our sixth month anniversary together right as summer was starting and the reality was setting in that we wouldn't see each other every day. He had a summer job lined up mowing yards and I had a couple of trips lined up with my dad, who travels a lot for work. It was bittersweet for both of us, as we were always trying to find time to fuck. My parents had no clue I was no longer a virgin at sixteen, although Seth's parents knew and had no problem with it. When we were at Seth's...

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A Bride chapter eight

She marvelled at how I'd found the little spot after I'd parked the car in a lay by and walked for about a mile through thick undergrowth, jumping in fright as startled pheasants took off from practically under our feet!She squealed with pleasure as we watched rabbits scurrying away from us, the invaders and she fawned over the mother who lead her six little ducklings across our path, squawking in protest at our intrusion.Those same ducks were floating on the still water of the pond when we...

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An Amazon Anaconda Attack

My boyfriend and I thought the summers in southern California was hot, but find that the Amazon is a whole other level of hot beyond what we knew back home.  We're told that we should either cover up completely or wear plenty of bug spray.  We decide to go with the bug spray and stay naked until the time of the tour. The two of us decide to play a game of Frisbee.  We toss it back and forth a few times, until I run straight into the fence trying to catch it. "Ah!" "Are you...

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Church Ladies

Each of them worked at the church. So did I but I didn’t know either of them originally. It took me a while to get to know either of them seeing as like any of the others they were quiet, conservative, and reserved as ever. I wish I’d know that seeing as unlike all the others I’m an outgoing guy more or less. “Nice to meet you Sarah,” I said. And then I added “That’s right isn’t it?” I’m like the last person they thought they’d ever want to meet. I smiled. “Welcome to the church.” She smiled...


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