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(archivist note, this story started in a universe called no more fakes and ended up becoming it's own universe) Djinnenisis by Raven The Halloween party was only 1 day away, and Tony did not yet have a costume. His best friend, Hal, already had his costume planned out. He was going as Tony! Tony was very well known around town, being especially popular with the ladies. Hal was, at best, average. He hung around with Tony in the hopes of getting some of his cast offs. Tony didn't really mind that Hal was going as him because, as they say, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Tony thought, maybe if he's lucky, some babe will think he really is me, and he'll get a piece of a__ for the night! That was really one of Tony's problems. He was really a sexist. He tended to think of women as only objects created for his pleasure. Tony always referred to them with colorful epithets such as: babe, slash, tit, piece of a__, etc., etc. The women that he dated more than one time insisted that he be more sensitive. Bah! he mused to himself. I'll show them who's sensitive and who's not. I'll go to the party as a woman! Tony instinctively knew that he could go to a costume party dressed as a woman, and that no one would ridicule him due to his rakish reputation. No one would dare! Once Tony made his decision, the only thing that remained was what type of woman he would go as. All of the possibilities ran through his mind. A stripper? A playboy bunny? A street hooker? They all seemed a little too obvious, and cliche'. What else can I go as? Tony deliberated. Maybe something more traditional. A nurse? A secretary? A housewife? Nothing seemed to catch his fancy. He had seen that stuff over and over again when guys dressed up as girls at costume parties. No. Tony wanted something a little different, something out of the way. It had to be something that was very feminine, and submissive to show the babes his sensitive side. All of a sudden, an incredible idea "popped" into his head. He could go as a genie like in the "Tales of the Arabian Nights." Actually, he was thinking more like Barbara Eden in "I Dream of Genie." The more Tony thought about it, the more excited he became. In mere seconds, he had a raging hard on, the likes of which would make any of his girlfriends blush. Tony spent the rest of the day shopping for all of the things that he would need to make himself look as feminine as possible. It wasn't going to be easy. At 6'6" and 250 lbs., he wouldn't be exactly petite. He would make the most physically imposing genie around, more like an amazon. During the course of his expedition, he developed a sympathy for crossdressers. Those inclinations never turned him on, and he always thought of them as sissies, avoiding them like the plague. However, he never realized how hard it was to find feminine things in such large sizes. Still, several hours later, Tony surveyed his booty, as it was laid out on his bed. At a costume shop, he was able to find a genie outfit (extra-large) complete with translucent harem pants, pointed slippers, sheer panties, bra, short vest, and a little genie hat, resembling a small fez. The rest he had located on his own. He located a very long blonde wig with hair which looked like it would reach all the way to his a__. He found big gold clip-on hoop earrings, and multiple bangle type bracelets. Tony was even able to find a clip on navel ring to give him the illusion of a pierced navel. He thought that would be a clever touch. To complete the illusion, Tony bought glue on fingernails, which he would paint, along with his toes. The make up, and fake eyelashes he would borrow from his sister. In fact, Tony's sister, Maria, was amused by the whole idea, and agreed to do his make-up. Just as Tony put everything away, the phone rang. It was Hal. "Found a costume yet?" inquired. Hal. Tony couldn't resist. "Not only have I found a costume, I have found the costume. If they have a contest, I'm gonna blow everyone else away," claimed Tony. "What is it?" begged Hal. "It's a secret," pronounced Tony, proudly. "You'll see it at the party just like everybody else. Just suffice it to say you're gonna be blown away!" "I can't wait to see it. This is going to be fun." Hal then proceeded to tell Tony that he wasn't just satisfied to portray Tony, he wanted to use some of Tony's clothes. Hal's own wardrobe was plain compared to Tony's. However, Tony didn't perceive any problem, so he readily agreed to loan him some of his clothes. The only problem was that, at only 5'8" and 175 lbs., Hal would have a hard time filling Tony's clothes. ********** The night of the party rolled around. Normally, Tony and Hal would go to such an event together. However, this time, Tony told Hal that he would meet him there. Tony wanted to have everybody there when he finally made his appearance. Boy, would they all be surprised, he thought to snickered to himself. In order to get ready, Tony had to start literally hours the party. Maria gave him something called a dila-something, instructing him to put it all over his body. He did as instructed. Tony was a bit dismayed, to say the least, when the hair on his chest and legs began to fall out. "Don't worry," chided Maria. "It'll grow back within a few weeks, and you'll be back to the same hairy ape that I grew up with." They both got a brief laugh out of her last statement. Then, Tony made the observation, "it feels so strange to be so hairless--." Maria interrupted his reverie, "--then your going to like this even less!" as she held up one of her own pink, Lady Schick, razors." "What do you want me to do with that?" cried Tony, visibly upset now. "The stuff you put on is not enough. You're going to have to shave down the rest of the way. You're going to have to shave your legs, and underarms." "Why my underarms?" "The costume you chose has a bra, and sleeveless, short vest. Your underarms are going to be exposed. Look Tony, I didn't choose this costume, you did! You asked for my help. You either do it right, or not at all." "Okay. Okay. There's no need to get nasty about it." Tony started to head of back to the bathroom when Maria spoke to him again. "Another thing, you're going to have to trim your pubic hair short, and shave the sides. You're 'panties' are very brief. You don't want that stuff sticking out of the sides." This time, rather than argue, Tony just lowered his head, shuffling into the bathroom. What have I gotten myself into? he asked himself mentally. Two hours later, after dressing, primping, make-up, and various other procedures, Tony sat in front of his sister's vanity mirror inspecting himself. Maria backed away to get the full effect, remarking, "Well? What do you think?" Tony's eye's widened. "I don't look like myself, but I don't really look much like a girl either." She laughed, "Yeah? Well just consider what I had to work with. No one's going to mistake you for a real girl, but you don't look bad if I do say so myself. You look much better than any other guy who's dressed as a girl for a costume party." Tony had to admit to himself that she did have a point there. He arose from where he was sitting, traveling to the full-length mirror to admire her handiwork. When Tony walked, the bells on the pointy Arabian slippers jangled, along with the multiple bangles and other jewelry. The image in the mirror was the Amazon queen of all genies! However, the costume was incredible. In addition to the multitude of bangles around each wrist, he had bangles around each ankle. Maria had even added a chain around Tony's waist. The navel ring and hoop ear- rings looked absolutely real. Tony's now hairless legs, although muscular, and the brief panties could be seen through the sheer harem pants. Maria helped him tuck his penis back between his legs to simulate a feminine mound. She went so far as to get Tony breast forms to but inside the bra. Since he was so big, she had to get extremely large ones. The faux breasts stuck out approximately 6" from his chest. The blonde wig was drawn through the little fez sitting atop his head. The effect was exactly like Barbara Eden's hairdo on "I Dream of Jeannie." To complete the package, Maria had glued on the fake eyelashes and fingernails. The make-up was just perfect. "Wow," was all a breathless Tony could say. "Exactly!" smirked Maria. "I just wish that I could be there to see everybody's face when you walk in." Tony went to kiss Maria on the cheek to thank her for all of her help, but she waved him off, not wanting him to smear his lipstick. "When you win the best costume, just dedicate it to me. Okay?" "You have yourself a deal, sis." Maria held our one more thing to him. It was an old brass lamp." "What's that?" inquired Tony. "What good is a genie without a lamp?" Tony took the lamp, hugging his sister, and praising her, "You're the best...." The drive to the party was very strange. Tony had to avoid looking at himself as much as possible because every time he thought about what he was wearing, he could feel an erection begin to grow. Everyone who drove by him in his car did a double take to make sure they were seeing what they were seeing. That just made Tony smile all of the more. Finally he got to the party. Tony checked the digital clock on the dashboard, noting that he was over an hour late. Every- body would be there by now. A quick scan of the entrance demonstrated how right he was. No one was going in, or out. Tony locked his car door, gathered the lamp, hand headed for the entrance. At the front entrance he paused for the brief- est of seconds in hesitation. A million things ran through his head at the same time. Am I really going to do this? Am I nuts? What will the babes think? Am I gay!?!" It was too late to turn back now. Drawing a deep breath, Tony went through the front door. Everybody turned to see who the new costumed party goer was. You could have heard a pin drop. It looked as if time itself was suspended, with everyone frozen in their tracks. One person did move. Hal. He walked slowly and unsurely up to Tony. "T-tony?" he gasped. "That's me?" boomed Tony loudly so that everybody would know it was him. Everyone at the party, in unison, started clapping in appreciation of Tony's costume. Hal exclaimed over the din of the crowd, "MAN. THAT IS THE BEST COSTUME I'VE EVER SEEN. YOU'LL WIN BEST COSTUME, HANDS DOWN." Even the two party goers that were dressed as wizards stopped to look at Tony's costume. Over the ensuing hour, Tony proceeded to get very drunk. Every- body bought him a drink in appreciation of his costume. The running joke was for someone to rub his lamp, and make a wish. A couple of those wishes were downright perverse, especially from the women! The genie costume was working like a charm. Suddenly, a fight broke out between the two people dressed as wizards. There was a lot of shouting, a lot of cursing, in languages that no one understood. One of the wizards gestured with his hands, crying out the words, "NO MORE FAKES...." There was a flash of light, as if lightning stuck inside the place. A tingling sensation swept over Tony's entire body. For a second he thought that the lightening struck him. His entire body felt strange, as if it were becoming lighter somehow. Tony heard a loud clank as the lamp he had been carrying hit the floor. How did that happen? he thought. He bent over the phone, and received a decided shock when his hand passed through the metal of the lamp. "What the Hell..............?" Tony cried out lifting his hands to his eyes. Before his unbelieving eye, the flesh of his hand became more and more insubstantial. In scant seconds, he could see completely through his hand. The rest of his body was identical. Whatever was going on, didn't stop there. Tony looked for Hal, who had been standing beside him, for help. There was his second shock. Hal, along with everybody else, was changing. Their bodies were twisting and changing assuming a different shapes. Hal looked like he was changing into Tony himself. Tony felt his body transform completely into a smoky substance. Despite his concentration, he could not hold his form. He couldn't even yell out as his form dissolved totally in a sparkly pink cloud. Almost instantly, Tony felt himself being pulled toward something. He couldn't tell what it was, as he no longer had eyes. He was just being sucked somewhere against his will. In a rush, suddenly, he was in another dark place. There was no sight. There was no sound. There wasn't even time. There was just nothing, except for his own thoughts. Time had no meaning wherever Tony was. He agonized over the thought that he may be lying at the party in a coma. Even worse, he could be dead. All that he knew was that he couldn't feel his body any longer. There were absolutely no bodily sensations whatsoever. Some- how, in a manner yet unknown to him, Tony still retained his consciousness. So this is what it is like to be dead, mused Tony, a little calmer now. The initial panic had passed to make way for an acceptance that he was no longer alive. He just didn't expect it to be so boring! "You are not dead....newling," came a voice from the dark void. Tony tried to speak, but then remembered that he had no mouth. It occurred to him that the voice seemed to answering his thoughts. He tried again. Hello? "Yes? I am here," came the voice again. It was a male voice, and a deep male voice at that. "Where is here....exactly?" Tony requested. "You are in Djinnar, of course, initiate," came the reply. "Where is this Djinnar? Why do you call me newling and initiate, and who the heck are you?" Tony demanded, more forcefully now, on rapid fire succession. "Do not use that tone with me little one. My wrath can be most dire...." While the voice went on, Tony thought to himself, "little one?" What does he mean by that? The voice continued, "....all you need know is that you are now of the Djinnar. It is a place that lies between heaven and earth, known by very few." "Well how did I get hear?" "That I do not know. Many are the ways to find Djinnar. Know that, now that you are of Djinnar, you must learn the ways of the Djinn. Only then, may you pass from this boundary void into Djinnar." Tony mused, to himself, Djinn? Djinn? where have I heard that before? It sounds kinda familiar. "You must serve as the lowest of our kind, as a Djinnee for 1,000 years, before you become a full Djinn and may enter Djinnar. Until then, you serve as the conduit for between the ways of Djinnar and the mortal realm." Djinnee? thought Tony. Then it occurred to him....Genie. He only pronounced it differently. Now Tony was convinced that he was either in a coma, or hallucinating. That made him mentally smile to himself. Tony marveled further, to himself, that this had to be a combination of the way he had dressed, and the alcohol he drank. He decided to see just how elaborate the hallucination was. Tony asked the voice, "How do I serve?" "There is an object on the mortal plane which serves as your gate between this void, your resting place, and the mortal coil. You must do the bidding of whoever possesses that object. If you do not do the bidding of the mortal, it will increase the time that you must serve." This was amusing to Tony now. He must have really gotten a bump on his head. "And just how will I know what to do?" "The ability, the instinct of how to use it, and your nature will come naturally, as if borne to it, once you are called forth. You have 1000 years of service to learn the nuances of your craft. When you have learned your craft well enough, you will be able to find the opening of this void into Djinnar." "Hee hee," Tony laughed mentally aloud. He wanted to soak in every detail of this hallucination so that he could recount it to Hal. "Who are you? My boss?" inquired Tony, seeking more detail. "You need only know that I am your taskmaster. It is I, and I alone who decide how much more time you serve for disobedience. Beware little one. Your mirth tries my patience!" Tony tried to be serious, although the urge to laugh was overwhelming. "What do I call you?" "You need only call Djinn' and I will be here. Be warned that only call in a time of dire need, lest I add more time too your time as djinnee. Do you understand me?" "Yeah. Sure, sure...." Tony responded, unbelieving. The Djinn gave one more instruction. "No longer will you be known as Tony of Earth. Henceforth, you are Scheherazade of Djinnar..." "Hey. Wait a minute," Tony started to protest. "That's a girl's...." He was cut off in mid-sentence. He sensed that he was being drawn out of the void somewhere else. He sensed light again, and sound, as well as the passage of time. Tony felt a growing sense of his body again. Tony decided that someone must be reviving him from whatever state he was in. All he had to do was hang on until he came out of it fully. He couldn't wait to tell Hal about his weird dream! To Tony's surprise, the first thing that he became aware of was the fact that he wasn't lying in a hospital somewhere, but he was in a standing position. Not only that, he was still at the costume party. It was almost as if no time at all passed. He looked down at his hand. It was transparent, just like the last thing he remembered before everything going black. However, this time it, as well as the rest of him, seemed to be solidifying from the mist into flesh. Tony had to do a double take. His forming hand looked different. It was thinner, with fine fingers, and an incredibly slender wrist. The long painted fingernails didn't look so fake anymore! He became aware of weight laying upon his chest, as well as another mass pulling at his scalp and the back of his neck. "Who are you?" came a voice that he recognized. Tony looked up, way up, to see his own face looking down at him. He panicked. He didn't have any idea what was going on! The person who looked like him, and talked like him was wearing the clothes that he lent Hal." Tony tried to say, "I'm Tony," in order to clarify exactly who the real Tony was. Unfortunately, what came out was, "I am she who is Scheherazade, the servant of the lamp. What is your wish master?" "Tony!?!" asked the man wide eyed, with a hysterical tone to his voice. "That is what I said....Master." Tony retorted. "No you didn't. You said your name was Scheherazade. You called me master." Tony thought about what he just said, realizing this man was right. That was exactly what he had said. "Oh God. I did!" cried Tony, now recognizing that his voice was much higher than it had always been. It was extremely feminine in to tone and pitch. The sound of his voice compelled him to look down at the rest of himself. Tony knew instantly why is voice sounded so funny, why there was weight on his chest, and why there was a pulling on his scalp. The sight which met his astonished eyes was that of a small shapely woman. He looked up into the eyes of his twin, imploring for some type of answer, some type of explanation. The only thing that came out of his lips was the one word question, "Hal?" "Yeah. It's me." His voice, and even his method of pronunciation was exactly like Tony's used to be. "What happened to us?" Tony pleaded. They looked around them at the rest of the party-goers. Somehow, some way, they had all been transformed into the exact thing that they had been costumed as. Hal even reiterated as much. "When that guy said No more fakes," we all were transformed into something else. Since I was dressed as you I became you. Since you were dressed as a genie you became a...." Dead silence. Tony quickly realized that the hallucination that he had was no hallucination. This was all too real! "Djinnee..." Tony corrected. "Say what?" quizzed Hal, scrunching Tony's face up inquisitively. It pained Tony to see his face like that, in a way it was never intended to go. Tony hurriedly explained his entire hallucination'. Hal listened with utter fascination. Tony concluded with the question, "...but who has the lamp?" In unison, they both looked at Hal's right hand, which was still holding the lamp, that he had brought to the party. "What happened...." asked Tony. However, before Hal could respond, Tony added, with emphasis, "....Master?" Something was compelling him to call Hal Master'. Hal explained, "You started to turn in to a gas that sparkled. Then I saw you get sucked into the spout of the lamp. I tried everything to get you out, finally ending up rubbing the damned thing. Then out you came. The only thing is you don't look like you anymore. You look like something out of an Arabian fantasy!" Again, there was a stunned silence. After a few seconds, Hal got up the courage to say, "Does that mean you're a real djinnee?" "Yeah. And you are my master........." This time, Tony immediately heard and recognized that he was referring to Hal as Master'." He surmised that it had something to do with the brass lamp that Hal was holding. Perhaps if he could get it away from Hal, it would put a halt to this disturbing compulsion. Just as Hal began to comment, "There you go calling me Master' again...." Tony took four strides forward to close the distance between where he was standing, and Hal. He did not lose sight of the fact that in his real body it would have only taken him two strides, maybe one, to cover the same distance. Unfortunately, that wasn't the only thing that disturbed him about his new anatomy. As he stepped forward, the breasts on his chest "jiggled" heavily. It compelled him to lift his hands and grasp them to make them stop. When he did, he new that they weren't fake, they weren't the breast forms that Maria had picked out. They were real...and big too. The rest of the bells, and bangles, jingled and jangled when Tony walked forward. His hips swayed back and forth with the natural sway of a belly dancer. It was all too much for poor Tony to take. However, it wasn't as bad as the realization of how short he now was when he was standing next to Hal. He knew that in Hal's transformed body that he was now as tall as Tony was. Tony' s eyes only came up to the level of his abdomen. Tony couldn't have even been 5' tall. Tony's vertically challenged condition was also noticed by Hal. He gasped, and then said, without thinking, "Damn. You should see yourself. It's incredible! I wish we had a mirror...." That simple sentence caused the strangest reaction in Tony. He felt....power welling up from somewhere deep inside him. The closest sensation that he could equate it to was the feeling of an itch that needed to be scratched. Tony also, inexplicably and instinctively, knew that he had to do some physical gesture in order to relieve this urge. He reached up, tugging his right earlobe. Instantly, a full length mirror "popped" into existence in front of them. Hal and Tony just looked at each other, stunned. "That means that you have magic powers then....right?" inquired Hal, with a tone of hope to his voice. It only took Tony a fraction of a second to realize that his friend was correct. "Try another one...." requested Tony. Without even hesitating, Hal looked down at Tony, with a evil grin on Tony's former face and decreed, "I wish that you had bigger boobs!" Tony stepped back in horror from his friend, crying out, "HAL!" as he did. Again he felt the strange power rise again within him. He fought it as much as he could because he knew what it would mean. However, the urge was too strong. The longer that he resisted, the worse the urge got, actually growing painful. He felt his right hand involuntarily reach up to his right ear, giving it a tug. The feeling of the urge died only to be replaced by an intense tingling in his chest area. His new petite hands flew to his breasts, holding them. He was just in time to feel them swell out even more, almost doubling in size. Tony now sported two huge melon shaped tits proudly jutting out like a shelf from his chest. The skimpy bra top under the short vest could not hide the extremely deep cleavage. "Why did you do that....Master?" cried Tony, clearly upset. There was that damned name compulsion too. "You always liked girls with big boobs. I just thought I'd give you a show when you looked in the mirror, that's all. There's no reason to get pissed off at me." "I don't want to look in the mirror," retorted Tony, with as much sarcasm as his sweet voice could muster. It wasn't much as it seemed to be built for conveying only a submissive compliance. However, Hal was catching on to this wish thing very quickly. "I wish that you would look in the mirror." The urge to do whatever Hal said swelled up again. Again, he tried to resist as best as he could. It was no use. The more Hal wished him to do something the more he wanted to meekly comply. This is insane, thought Tony to himself. In the end, he turned toward the mirror just the same to look at him- self. The image reflected in the mirror took his breath away as if he had been punched in the stomach! He--she--looked as if she had stepped directly from an oversexed man's wet dream. The woman that he now was, was probably only about 4'8" tall, or short as the case may be! She was petite and slender everywhere except for her breasts, which were truly massive. They weren't saggy, however, but firm, as if they were implants. His rear- end was an enticing teardrop shape. Tony felt himself all over, confirming that everything, was, in fact real. To his dismay, it was. His arms were impossibly slender with no real muscle mass. There was only the thin layer of baby fat, that made his entire body soft, smooth, and oh so feminine. He felt his new face, as the reflection did the same. The skin was as soft as the petals of a rose. Tony tugged experimentally on his hair, finding it to be real, thick, and very heavy. Even the piercings in his ears, and navel, were now real. He had to do something, anything, to change this. Tony willed the power that he knew now existed within him to the surface. He felt it rise, although not as strong or as intense as before. Tony tugged on his ear, willing his body to return to it's former male glory. Seconds later, Tony felt his body start to grow, while other parts began to shrink. He saw Hal's stunned face, as he watched Tony morph from his current form into his old form. Inside of a minute, two figures of Tony stood side by side, where before there had been only one. "I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes," exclaimed Hal. "Damn, you really are magic now." Even though Tony was able to change his own shape, his clothes hadn't changed. It looked as of he was wearing the same costume that he started out with. Encouraged by his success, He willed the power to the surface once again. As Tony tugged his ear, he pictured in his mind, his favorite pair of jeans, t-shirt, shoes, and leather jacket. Both Tony and Hal gasped as Tony's costume moved like it was a living thing, changing in shape and texture as it snaked around the new djinnee. In another minute, Tony stood clad in his favorite clothes. "Maybe this isn't so bad after all," proclaimed Tony. "I can't wait to see what else I can do with this power, Master." The change in form did nothing to change this compulsion, unfortunately. "Your next, Hal." Willing his power to the surface one more time, Tony pictured the image of the old Hal, in his own clothes. Hal felt a tingling sensation engulf him. He felt himself shrinking, and changing rapidly. In another minute, The old Hal stood next to his friend Tony. It appeared that everything had returned to normal. "Let's get out of here," ordered Tony in his old voice and demeanor. Out in the parking lot, the two men decided to each take their own vehicles, and meet up back at Tony's place. However, as Tony walked away from Hal, he felt more and more apprehensive. For some reason, which he could not explain, he did not want to be separated from Hal. It took every ounce of willpower that he had to continue to move forward, and not turn around to run back to his friend. His pace forward slowed considerably. Hal watched after his friend to make sure that he was okay. He still held the lamp. He noticed that Tony slowed down as if something was wrong. It appeared like he was actually fighting to move forward. He yelled out, "TONY? IS EVERYTHING ALL RIGHT?" There was no response. Hal could almost swear that Tony was ignoring him. He tried again. "TONY? IS EVERYTHING ALL RIGHT?" Still there was no answer. On Tony's part, he was vaguely aware that someone was yelling. It just didn't register to him that someone was yelling at him. An idea occurred to Hal. He remembered when Tony first came out of the lamp. He hollered, "SCHEHERAZADE? ARE YOU OKAY?" That produced an immediate response. Tony spun on his heels and responded, softly, "No Master. I feel strange." The verbal acknowledgment of the problem forced Tony to run back to Hal. He mumbled, "On second thought, let's take your car. We'll pick mine up later." Tony tried his best to hide what had just happened. However, Hal knew that something was amiss. He pointed out to a sad Tony that he had failed to respond to his own name, but answered to the name "Scheherazade." Tony shivered with the implications of the observation. Although, he felt a lot better, now that he was with Hal, he noticed a growing headache in his skull. "What's wrong now?" Hal inquired, as he drove. Tony massaged his temples. "I think the stress of all of this has given me a headache. I'll be okay once I get home...." As they drove it became apparent that everything would not be okay. The further the drove, the worse Tony's headache became. It became increasingly difficult for him to hold a single thought, let alone concentrate or focus. Without warning, both Tony and Hal felt their bodies and clothes change again. Tony felt himself shrink, as Hal felt himself growing again. In a matter of mere seconds, the figure of the small, over endowed, female djinnee sat in the passenger side of the car, while the figure of Tony was behind the wheel Both of them had reverted to the forms they had before Tony tried to work his independent magic. What was worse for Tony, he still had the massive cleavage that Hal wished upon him. Tony thought to himself, at least my headache is fading. Hal pulled to the side of the road. "I don't understand. What just happened?" Tony already knew the answer. For some reason he "sensed" the answer instinctively. "My magic must be wish based. If the owner of the lamp wishes for something it is permanent until they wish otherwise. If I attempt something on my own, it is only temporary! This is just great! I'm stuck with this body." Tony looked down at his boobs. He suddenly remembered Hal's last wish. He couldn't be trusted with the lamp. Tony thought it might be a good idea to get the lamp away from before he wished for something worse than already had. Tony pondered to himself, maybe if I get the lamp, I can make my self magic permanent. Tony grabbed for the lamp, which lay on the seat. No sooner did he touch it then he felt himself dissolve into smoke once again, only to be sucked into the dark void of the lamp. "You have been rebellious, little one!" came the booming voice of the Djinn through the void. Tony now knew quite well what he meant by the term "little one." Prior to emerging from the lamp, he had assumed that it was a referral to his status as a "newling." Little did he know, at the time, that it was a reference to his new physical stature. Tony didn't like the tone of the Djinn's thought voice. He remembered the warning about additional service time for disobedience to one's master. He tried to make an objection with his thought voice, "No. don't understand." Even his thought voice was now the feminine tone of his physical body. That disturbed him even more. "SILENCE!" demanded the Djinn, with a thought voice so loud that it almost hurt. "YOU WILL BE SILENT!" Tony obeyed without question this time. "Your insolence is most disturbing Scheherazade. You have been warned, and yet you resist embracing your destiny. Therefore, you must be punished! However, I am not an unmerciful taskmaster. I understand that you are new to all of this, and only will require you to serve an additional 500 years. Tony's heart sunk. However, he now knew better than to argue, lest he get even more time. He was in a no win situation, and he knew it. He decided, rather than bring up anything that happened, he would ask the Djinn for advice on something that might help him. After all, he currently had the Djinn's ear. He didn't have to risk additional punishment time by summoning him. Tony asked in his meekest, most subservient voice, "Oh mighty Djinn, tell me what I did wrong?" "Wrong, little one?" "I could not hold the form that I transformed into for very long. It was only for a few minutes. How may I do better?" "I see. I will guide thee, for in truth I have become rather fond of thee...." While the Djinn was speaking in his thought voice, Tony thought to himself, Great! That's all I need! Some big Djinn now has the "hots" for this Djinnee body. "....That is what the void that you see around you is for. It is nothing, but it has substance, just as do you. It waits to be formed. You must use this void to practice your power, to increase your focus. Only then will you be able hold the magic that you do for yourself for any length of time. Know that it is still only temporary. Only the wish of a master can make your magic permanent!" "Is there no exception?" "Only one. If the wish of the master frees the Djinnee from its service, then the magic will become permanent of the Djinnee's own volition. However, why would you ask such a thing? A freed Djinnee cannot enter the glory of Djinnar. A freed Djinnee must stay upon the mortal plane for ever." "Uh....just asking. That's all," Tony attempted to cover up. "It pleases me to see thee take an interest in thy destiny. Shall I assume there will be no further insolence, little one?" "Oh yes, great Djinn," Tony cooed "Excellent, Scheherazade!" the Djinn said gleefully. "Now you must begin trying to shape the void around thee. It will not be easy. First you must try to make light. Then you must hold the light for as long as possible. After you have accomplished this task, you must then try to make yourself material." "I can make this space into what ever I desire?" "Yes. That is so. In this void, you are the God!" "May I assume whatever shape that I want." "Of course. It is encouraged so that you will get accustomed to changing your form at will. However, what you have now will always be your true form." Not if I can help it, mused Tony to himself. I not about to get screwed by a Djinn, or anyone else. "I will leave thee to thy task..." proclaimed the Djinn, and was off. Tony could no longer feel his presence. The new information gave Tony renewed hope. It was his goal to hone his skills to such a degree that he could hold his old male form for as long as possible, thus assuring that he was in the cartoon of a female body for as short as possible. At least that would make this whole thing bearable! Tony set himself upon his task with an enthusiastic vigor. He was able to make light. With practice, he was able to hold it for an extended period of time. Tony alternated light and dark to simulate day and night. He was even able to maintain a low level light approximating moon light, without a great mental effort. Although he couldn't exactly see, by human standards, he could sense what was all around him. The next thing that he tried was to make physical or material things around him. He succeeded, by visualizing a pastoral setting, complete with trees, plants, and even a running stream. Shortly thereafter, he was able to add small animals. He was starting to became very adept at this self-magic. Tony spent all of his time practicing this magic. In his current, immaterial form he did not need sleep, food, or drink. All he needed was rest after exerting himself too much. However, like an athlete, he figured training only increases his ability. Finally, the time came for his own material form. He visualized his old male form, placing himself therein. In that too, he was successful. Now, in this realm Tony either spent time in his male form, or im- material. So intent was he on his training, that he almost forgot about his current true form, or his former existence outside the lamp. Then one day' the Djinn came back to check on his charge. He was very pleased to see that Tony had progressed so far, and was able to make such a detailed material surrounding in such a short a period of time. Usually it took initiates 1000 years to achieve this level of expertise. Tony had done it in little under 2 months in Earth time! He came up behind Tony, who did not even detect the Djinn's presence. "Scheherezade. You have progressed far. I am greatly pleased...." Tony jumped, as he was startled by the Djinn's sudden appearance. "....that you have accepted your station with such energy. You have come far. You have even mastered form change quite capably. However, in my presence you will assume your true form. Tony started to object, then remembered that the form that he now wore was not considered to be his "true" form. Rather than argue, incurring the wrath of the Djinn, he released his concentration just a bit. Instantly, his body shrunk here, grew there, morphing into the hated form of the female Djinnee. "Ah. That is much better. Your true form is infinitely more pleasing to the eye, then that bland human male." Tony wanted to tell the Djinn that the "bland" human male form was his true form, not this loathsome figure he now wore. After a long period of time in either the male form, or immaterial, the female body felt very odd. He was constantly aware of his smallness, as well as the enormous breasts he had to carry around. "You will make a fine addition to my harem when you join me in Djinnar. You are truly a beauty, the likes of which I have not seen in nearly 10,000 years. Truly all of the other Djinn will be jealous of my good fortune!!" This was the first time, since his happened that Tony got a real picture of what his fate was to be in Djinnar. Needless to say, it did not please him. He did not intend to be the harem girl of this Djinn, nor the plaything of any male as far as he was concerned. The proclamation of the Djinn only increased his internal resolve to find a way out of this mess. The Djinn approached closer now, prompting Tony to turn his back to the taskmaster. The Djinn was truly huge, standing almost 8' tall with bulging muscles. His head was clean from hair, except for a van dyke style beard and mustache. Multiple hooped earrings adorned his lobes. Truly, the Djinn was most handsomeof face, although that did not matter to Tony. What concerned Tony was the massive bulge in the Djinn's pants. At his sizethere was no telling how big it was. It wasn't something that Tony could deal with. He sensed the Djinn near behind him. Then, without warning, he felt two large arms slip under his slender ones, and fondle his gigantic breasts. His physical reaction made Tony panic. He felt the nipples on his breasts enlarge considerably as they hardened. It was like there was a direct connection to his pubic mound. He felt a warmth and wetness begin to grow there as well. Tony knew what was happening. After all, he had caused that reaction in women often enough when he was Tony. It was the chemical reaction of extreme arousal of sexual lust. He couldn't comprehend the amount of phermones the Djinn was pumping out. He didn't want to know. All that he did know was that he had to get away before he did something that he would really regret. It took all of his will power to move his body away from the Djinn's suddenly irresistible form. Tony was horrified of the images flashing through his head of what he wanted to do to that body. He literally shook in panic over the conflict between his body and soul. When he moved away, the Djinn inquired, "Scheherazade? What is the problem? I thought that I would show you my favor, my beauty, to reward you for your hard work...." Tony had to think of something to get out of this. He said, as softly as possible, "I appreciate your attention my lord, buy I am not ready. I am not yet worthy of your affection. Soon. I pray thee for a bit more time to really hone my skill." The Djinn seemed to buy that explanation. "Very well, little one. A bit more time. But soon. I become impatient to taste the juice of my future bride." With that he disappeared. Tony shuddered at the implications. As soon as his breathing returned to normal he resumed his male form. He was very troubled over what had just happened, particularly the reaction of his female Djinnee form to the Djinn. He couldn't put him off forever! Fortunately, in the time Tony had been in the pocket realm of the lamp, he had formulated a plan. He remembered that, in all of the stories that he ever read about genies, they had the freedom to interpret a wish in any way they wanted. Often, the actual results of a wish varied wildly from the actual intent of the wisher, due to poor wording. Tony figured that, like the legends, he had the leeway to do the same. All he had to do was wait until summoned by Hal once more, and either trick him into switching places with him, or convincing him to set him free. Once freed, he could assume any form he desired permanently. Tony would not be pursued by the Djinn. Plus, on top of it all, he would have massive powers at his disposal. Tony didn't have too wait very long. Shortly after the Djinn left, he felt himself being pulled elsewhere, summoned. His body changed, just as it did before, to smoke exiting the lamp. He materialized in his female Djinnee form, in his former apartment. There, holding the lamp, was Hal, still in Tony's body. From the looks of things it appeared as if Hal had taken over Tony's very existence. There was another person in the room whom Tony did not recognize. Both of the men were very clearly drunk. "See? I told you!" exclaimed the drunken form of Tony to the other man." "Unbelievable!" said the other man in amazement. Hal looked at Tony, demanding, "Don't you even greet me anymore Scheherazade?" Tony was compelled to say, as much as he loathed it, "I am sorry. What is your wish Master?" "That is much better," he smiled. Tony started to change his form to that of his former body. However, Hal recognized what he was doing from their last experience, and "headed him off at the pass." "I wish you would stay in that form, Scheherazade," he ordered. Tony had no choice, as he felt himself returning to his current voluptuous body. Still, he needed to tell Hal, "Please do not call me by that name. You know my real name is T...." He was stopped in mid-sentence by Hal. "I wish that you wouldn't speak of that time." Suddenly, Tony was unable to communicate in any way verbally his previous existence as Tony. Clearly, as Tony had been practicing his magic, Hal had been practicing his wishing. He must have read all of the same stories as Tony, and was aware of the danger of imprecise requests. This was going to be a true battle of wits! Tony stood silent, waiting for the next command. All he needed was an opening to twist the wish to his favor. He had to control his excitement at being so close to getting out of this mess. Hal spoke. "Sheherazade?" "Yes....Master?" "I wish for you to change the physical form of my friend here into that of Hal Green, your former friend." The wish was clearly worded. There was no room for a misinterpretation to his advantage. True, no age was specified, but that would only irritate the real Hal. It was best to put him at ease by making him think no ulterior motive was afoot. Tony felt the strong power rise within him. It had been awhile since he had felt it this strong, since his practice only invoked the relatively low level power of his self magic. The sensation was almost overpowering. Again it was quickly followed by the urge to discharge it before it became painful. Tony reached for his right earlobe, giving it a tug. The figure of the stranger was engulfed in magical energies as it began to shift and flow, as if made of putty. The figure of the stranger flowed into a new form, that of Hal Green, Tony's friend. The stranger looked just as Hal did the night before the fateful party. Once the figure of Hal stabilized, the real Hal, in Tony's body addressed him. "Jim? Are you positive that you want to do this?" "Yes," he spoke in Hal's old voice. "My life was over. At least this way I'll be making the parents of your friend happy by bringing their son back. I didn't know that your Genie knew him. Why didn't you just get her to save him?" "It's a long story. Are you ready?" "Yeah. Go ahead." Clearly they had a course of action before even summoning Tony. Hal, the real Hal, spoke again. "Djinee. I wish for you to erase completely the memory of the figure of Hal Green." There was no room for interpretation there. The words made the power rise within Tony anew. As they reached their peak, he discharged them in the manner to which he became accustomed. The figure of Hal was enveloped in mystical energy once again. When it dissipated, he sat there like a blank slate, as if he were in a coma or something. Now that the stranger was not, for the most part, an eavesdropper upon their conversation, Tony addressed the real Hal. "What are you doing H....Master?" He still could not refer to him in any other way than that accursed title." "You'll see. I wish for you to copy all of my memories, up to the night of the costume party, and implant them into the figure of Hal Green." Again, there was no room for interpretation. Tony did as he was ordered. Unfortunately, he could see where this was going. That was confirmed when Hal made his next wish." "I wish for you to transport the figure of Hal Green back to the door step of my parent's house." It was infuriating. The wishes were precise....planned. Tony had no choice but to do as he was told. All of the while he knew the new Hal would show up at his parent's house with no memories of what happened after the party. The would be a brief tumult, maybe even an investigation, but that would soon fade. Everything would be like it was before, with one notable exception. Tony would still be the Djinnee! Hal's intent was obvious. He intended to keep Tony's life. Tony was close to tears. After the new Hal faded away to appear else- where, Tony whimpered, "W-why?" Hal knew exactly what Tony meant. He started out with an apology because, despite what had happened, he wasn't without a heart. He of all people knew, since he was living Tony's old life, exactly what he had lost. "I'm sorry Sc....Tony. I really am. This is so hard. I like being you. I love your life, and want to keep it forever. I know how that must sound, and I truly feel guilty about it. I just never knew what I was missing as Hal. I really feel this is the way it was supposed to be. I've even started to date Shelly Harris." "Shelly Harris?" cried Tony. Shelly was the most eligible woman in town. She had refused many times to see Tony. "What can I say. Your body, coupled with my brains and person- ality made it a package that was hard to resist. She is really into my sensitive side. I think I am going to ask her to marry me...." Tony's poor little heart sank. This was not going as he had planned! ".... Anyway, I am really happy. The only thing that bothered me was seeing my own folks in pain because of my' disappearance. I just knew I had to do something to set everything right." "But it's not all right!" Tony cried. "Look at me. Do you call this fair? Since you are being so generous and sensitive, you can do something for me." "What would that be?" asked Hal. "Wish for me to be a free Djinnee. That way, my magic will be of my own free will. I can make it permanent." Hal thought for a moment, then replied, "I'm afraid I can't do that. If I do, then I won't have a Djinnee. You have no idea how great it is to walk around with the knowledge that you have your own personal Djinnee at your beck and call. That isn't something that is very easy to give up." Tony was losing this battle. Trying to use their old friendship wasn't working. He soon would have to resort to tricks. Still, he gave it one more shot. "Listen. If you set me free, I'll promise to use my powers for both of our benefit. We can both make out on this deal." This time Hal didn't hesitate. "I wish that I could believe you old buddy. However, that night in the car, when you tried to grab the lamp, you showed me how much you could be trusted. You had no faith in me. It's taken me this long just to summon you out again. I'm really and truly sorry." Tony knew that he was trapped. Hal was right, he had given him no reason to trust him. He would try to reclaim his old life. "Wh- what are you go-going to do?" he stammered. It almost sounded like an aside, as if it wasn't meant to mean what it clearly did. Hal said softly, in almost a whisper, "I just wish you would accept your new life, and love your new body just as I have learned to love mine." As the feeling of power rose within Tony's belly, he knew in his heart of hearts there was no way to twist Hal's words. They were plain, unequivocal. He fought the power, knowing what it would mean, but the pain was too great. His shaking hand tugged his right earlobe. The arcane energies encased Tony. She felt her mind clear. Everything was so simple now. She was a Djinnee, and that was all there was to it. Her body no longer felt strange, but natural....even good. This is what she wanted, what made her happy. Scheherazade couldn't ever imagine wanting to be male ever again. She smiled, "Thank-you Master. You are very kind." "Call me Tony. You know, I've done nothing but fantasize about you in my arms ever since I saw you. I wish you would make love to me." This didn't even require any power. She moved next to the man and purred, "Your wish is my command....Ma....Tony!" ************* Hours later, Scheherazade returned exhausted, and sweaty from her encounter' with her Master, Tony. She couldn't imagine why she had rebelled against him for so long. From now on she would be only to happy to serve any of his needs. She reformed into the pocket dimension of her lamp. The idyllic landscape formed around her to reflect her mental image. Now that she accepted who and what she truly was, her magic seemed to come easier. Soon after the landscape of the dimension formed, the image of the Djinn appeared in a clearing. He smiled at her. "It seems that you have truly mastered your craft, little one." That name used to bother Scheherazade, but she found it to be exciting now. She liked being so small, and feminine, in the presence of such a magnificent male. She said ever so softly and sweetly, "Yes my lord." They smiled each other again, knowingly. Scheherazade ran to him, into his arms. She placed his hands upon her massive heaving breasts, cooing, "I believe that you wanted to taste my fruits, you wanted to taste my juice, my lord. It is here before you to be laid out like a banquet..." He was huge compared to her, close to twice her height, and three times her weight. Still it didn't matter to her anymore. Her body reacted in the only way that it could when she thought about what lie between the Djinn's legs. With her free hand she caressed his tremendous organ, making it larger. Now that she accepted who and what she was, she not only wanted to be a girl, she wanted to be a bad girl. And that is what she was! When Scheherazade was not receiving visits from her taskmaster, she spent her time, when summoned, servicing the needs of her master. It was through these times that Scheherazade resolved a new purpose to occupy her 1500 years of servitude, before she could join the harem of the Djinn in Djinnar. She would give to others the joy she had been given. When the opportunity presented itself, through the poorly worded wish of a Master, she would give him the gift of a body and nature like hers. Two years later, the lamp was stolen from Tony in a break-in burglary. The thief didn't know exactly why he took the old brass lamp. He just felt....a need to take it. He shouldn't have been surprised because it is the nature of such a lamp to forever, and easily slip through the fingers of it's owner, to a new owner. And the never ending story continues.... * * *

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Finding Masturbation

I believe that I was only 12 when I first discovered masturbation, hares how…. I was the average 12-year-old boy I swam on the school team and was in decent shape not in shape because I never lifted weights just swam and rode my bike everywhere. So I was thin with a sleight build. I would always read before I went to bed, which would occur late at night when everyone was asleep. Well one night I was bout to go to bed and I had a hard on. Now usually when I got hard I just let it...

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Gharelu Aunty Ko Pata Kar Chodha

Hello everyone. this is my first story here. my name is gaurav and am currently residing in jharkhand. this story is about one of my aunts who is a housewife and how i seduced her. girls or married women are free to contact me. my e-mail id is: This happened last month. My gf had broken up with me so i was kind of desperate for sex. i thought about my aunt. she is about 40 years old with figure stats of about 38-32-36. she has got huge boobs and ass. i instantly used to get a hard-on looking...

4 years ago
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Immaculate Conception

    Immaculate Conception   This is a true story, as seen and experienced by self at the age when I was stepping out of childhood. My first vision of man and woman in intimate relations. Though this may be termed by some as adultery or extra marital relations I personally do not judge it or consider that perspective, though this is directly connected to my family- my uncle, his wife and her physical lover.   The year: 1964. Age: Just out of childhood. ...

3 years ago
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Black Boss Blonde Daughter

A chill ran up Peter Esche's spine and he quickly rose from his desk as his stern boss walked into his office. "Ah, Mr. Dexler, I don't recall you ever coming to visit me before..." "It's only been a couple of months since I've been transferred up to this shithole office," Rodney Dexler spat in reply, nostrils flared as he put his hands on his hips and looked around the office and snorted dersively. "You gonna be able to make that sale downtown you've been telling me about?" "Well, it's...

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The Two New Teachers

She had always loved her friend as far back as she can remember. They did everything together as thus had become very close to each other. However, as time progressed for these two young ladies, she’d met a guy she soon fell in love with, and they started going out a lot. In truth she’d gone out on her fourth date with him and to Chloe he was like magic to her in that he was the nicest and sweetest and friendliest guy she had ever met. Smiling from ear to ear, every time she saw her close...

1 year ago
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Booty Farm

BootyFarm! Ever dream of fucking a bodacious blonde farmhand? Do you like simple, time passing games with a touch of porn in them? If you fit that bill, then you just might enjoy the game I have for you. Porn games come in all different varieties. You’ve got the more elite category of good shit like VR porn games, interactive adventures, and full-fledged fuck fests. Then there’s the middle of the road stuff in my opinion. Text-based games with tons of erotic storytelling, visual novels,...

Best Porn Games
1 year ago
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Gender bent Somebodys Bitch

Gender bent – somebody’s bitchI woke up to the humming from Kandi as I popped open one eye and canvased the room. I let out a load “Ughhh” and turned over. I noticed my butt hurt while Kandi came over to me wearing a lace bra and panties and smiled “Looks like the sluts awake” she then giggled as her cock was out just standing in the wind. “What happened last night?” as I removed the bobby pins that kept my wig in place. “Well we got really, really, and I mean Really wild last night with me and...

4 years ago
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The MILFs and the Younger Colleague

Introduction: It is boring doing the late shift in the quiet home, so when the teasing and flirting between a MILF and a younger colleague reaches its peak, both cross the professional working boundary with no hope of ever turning back The MILFs and the younger colleague Jane and her younger colleague were sitting at the kitchen table in the residential house they both worked at. This particular house housed 4 elderly people over the age of 85 who were physically inactive and very much bed...

2 years ago
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Mistaken Identity Number 2

I was a little anxious this was the last day of my training with the company, it was the very first call that I was doing on my own. If I passed I would get the uniform, and the company van. I had been given an identity pass just in case I had any problems. My Supervisor stayed in the car talking to his wife on his mobile. I knocked on the door o number 22, and a very attractive blonde young lady answered the door. "Hello ... I am here..." "Yes honey I know why you are here!" She said...

2 years ago
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True Love Never Goes Away Ch 1415

:: Chapter Fourteen :: ‘Mommy!’ Marine screamed from her bedroom. Melanie groaned, sat up, rubbed the sleep from her eyes and glanced at the clock as Marine came running into the bedroom. ‘Mari, it’s three thirty in the morning,’ Melanie said wearily. ‘There’s someone outside my window,’ Marine sniffled. Melanie sighed again. ‘Mari, there can’t be anyone outside your window,’ Melanie said softly. Marine shook her head. ‘There was someone there,’ Marine argued. Melanie sighed and patted...

3 years ago
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Foreign Exchange Chapter 2

 Saturday was Kevin and Max’s racquetball match with lunch afterward.“So, I hear you and Shelia had a date last night. Did it go well?” Kevin’s inquisitive voice and eyes on his best friend.“Well, well, look who’s now an FBI detective. Yes, it went very well. Shelia is a very nice lady. Smart, attractive and sexy. I like her and she asked me to be her date next Saturday at their formal,” Max said with a smile. Then he said, "Thanks for letting Ari know it was okay to introduce us.”“That’s...

College Sex
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The Howl of the BeastChapter 2

It was four months now since Rick had left the old town, there were a couple of reasons but the main one was because the lodging where he boarded and shared his bed with the daughter Marion had to be sold. The mother had finally been admitted to an 'aged care home' and to pay for that the house had to be put on the market. It was a pity to say goodbye to Marion for she had given him enormous pleasure even more than his old girl friend Pam had once done. Fucking Marion was a pleasure that he...

3 years ago
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A Dream Come True

I was on vacation (in the Canary Islands, since you ask) when sitting at a beach-side bar I got into conversation with an agreeable guy who, like me, was content to get out of the hot sunshine and just enjoy looking at the sea, sand and the lovely people lazing about whilst we viewed them over the rim of a glass of cold beer. He noted I had my journal with me and soon extracted the information that I was a writer who loved to listen to accounts from strangers and turn them into stories. He took...

2 years ago
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Wifes first gangband and Impregnation

When my wife was 19, we decided to have a new yrs party at our duplex and invite a few close friends. my wife(girlfriend at the time) had heard her first boyfriend from highschool was in town and she thought it would be nice to see him again. she also invited 2 other guys who she had dated for a little while in highschool befroe she met me. she had 2 girlfriends invited but one was sick and declined to come over. Her other friend was in town staying with us over the holidays, and was more...

3 years ago
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Editing Reality Book Three Naughty Fantasies UnleashedChapter 12 Wifersquos Naughty Edits

Becky Davies “Oh, I can’t wait to have sex with Marissa,” moaned Sam. My younger sister squirmed on my bed. She’d just slipped in with me. She was spending the night in my room. She had a lot of options. We couldn’t stay with our parents tonight. For one, they were at the airport waiting for Marissa’s plane to land. For another, they wanted to enjoy Mom’s special lover together. We were about to gain another mother. Marissa was marrying Mom and Dad. It was such an interesting thing. For...

2 years ago
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My Hot Sisterinlaw

Let me tell you a little about me, I just turned forty, married for sixteen years, and no kids. My wife in her day was a very attractive woman but lets just say she's far from what she used to be physically. To top it off she has little to no interest in sex. I may be forty but my sex drive is as strong as when I was half my age. I confess to a couple of affairs but they were few and far between.My wife was part of a big family with six brothers and sisters. The youngest sister who I assume was...

2 years ago
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John And His Daily Routine

This story is a pigment of my imagination and does not resemble anyone. This sex story involves intimacy, Blowjobs, Handjobs, Spanks, Love, Masturbation, Rough, Deepthroat, BDSM, Slavery For feedback and queries contact me at This is a story of a rich man, John. He has one of the fittest body. He measures nearly a good 9 inches long and also, is real think. Let me introduce you to the three main characters. Three “maids” a.k.a Sex slaves namely Neha, Pooja and Ramya. They all have signed a...

4 years ago
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Mere Parivaar Ki Chudai

Mera naam Rohit hai main aaj jo ghatna aap ko batane ja raha hun wo mere samne mere parivaar ke saath biti hai.sabse pehle mein is stories ke character ke bare me bata dun meri bua sita devi jo 58 saal ki thodi moti Mahila hai unka figure 36 34 38 hai yani mast bade boobs aur gadrai hui gaand jise dekhkar acche acche ka lund khada ho jaye dusri character hai meri cousin badi didi kaushal jinki umar 48 saal hai inka figure 38 40 42 Hai papite jitne bade boobs aur kaddu jaise badi gaand jab chale...

2 years ago
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Young Farmers Club

Sunny Saturday. It was a Hot June Saturday. After a heavy Friday evening at the pub, I didn’t wake until lunchtime when I was woken up by the sounds of the cockerels in a nearby smallholding crowing as usual. Thankfully I didn’t have a hangover. Cocks are reputed to crow at sunrise. Why do they start well over two hours earlier just when I’m trying to get to sleep and continue frequently throughout the day? I suppose it’s one of the things that you have to put up with in the countryside. I...

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A Hot Summers Night With Mum

My name is Mark,. My father left us 10 years ago. Mum ended up renting a small two bedroom cottage for us. You see dad was the main bread winner in our family but mum also worked at a part time job so we could go on nice holidays and put some money aside for my. Well that fund disappeared quickly enough so here I am at 14, living with just my mum. I go to high school and work a part time jobs after school and weekends.Since money is tight she has us counting every penny. I love my mum to death,...

2 years ago
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Outward Bound Book 2 of the Tufts Family SagaChapter 5 All Aboard

"All right guys, it's time." Rob called the assembled family to attention. "Val, is everyone here?" Val, of course, was acting as Tonto's voice when she accurately reported everyone was in place and all supplies either in hand or properly stored throughout the hospital and the rest of the Naval Air Station. Rob continued, using a megaphone to assure that everyone could hear, "This set up is a little different than any you may have witnessed if you've seen extractions before. We are...

4 years ago
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New Discoveries

When I was growing up my mother raised me by herself. She had always wanted a daughter so we did a lot of things together. She taught me how to do makeup and style my longer hair. A lot of people frequently commented that I looked a lot like her. It probably didn't help that I had blown out hair and some foundation on during my adolescent years. I was called gay and fag a lot but I never let it bother me. I knew that I liked women and I was getting plenty of attention from girls my age anyways...

1 year ago
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Two black guys keep using me

I had got at least five or six brutal orgasms just feeling their tongues and fingers. Now Darnell was starting really to fuck me with his giant black cock head.He had promised me to put just the tip of his monster cock touching my pussy lips; but the bastard was pushing even deeper… I felt my own pussy was hot and very wet. I looked over my shoulder at him, with a real look of awe written on my face. I could feel my own pussy muscles squeezing his big dick and he grunted in pleasure as he was...

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The Cleaner Chapter 3

The sun was shining in all it’s glory. The calming sound of the waves hitting the shore was in rhythm with that of the wind blowing through the palm trees. All this natural orchestral music was stopped abruptly by the sound of a V12. Following that came the sound of tyres stopping in asphalt, and then silence. It was as if nature had frozen for a minute to admire the couple that just got out of the car. “We’re here, darling. Our new house. Or better, our new home.” Said Atlas as he helped...

3 years ago
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School Teacher Merlin 8211 Part 13

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil Merlin teacherai threesome sex seitha thodarchiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Nanban iru kaalgalai thuki thol meethu vaithu oothathil Merlin periya mulai thala thalavendru aadiyathu. Ithu pondru aadaiyathai paarkum pozhuthu enaku kama padangalil nadigaigalin mulai aaduvathu pola irunthathu. Merlin mulaiyai sappikonde en sunniyai vaaiyil vitu oomba vitu kondu irunthen, pinbu nanban avan sunniyai Merlin vaaikul vitan nan Merlin kuthiyai lesaga naki athil poolai vitu ooka...

2 years ago
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An Unexpected Pleasure

My name is Jan, and I am in my late 40s, and like to keep fit. I would like to relate to you what happened to me last week.You see a young couple from down the end of our street who were in their late teens I would say and that I had got to know quite well over the years, asked me if I would be kind enough to take some photo's of them both together. Only too happy to oblige, an evening was arranged for me to visit. Once I had arrived this is what happened......They sat me down and asked me to...

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The Woman Formula

The Woman Formula (transcript from chat short story) By: themalcontentedgentleman I walk into the room and set up a small wooden stool. Across from it I set up a small video camera on a tripod. I flip it on and then sit on the stool facing the lens of the camera. My 6'2 frame filling up the frame as I nervously rub a large hand over my shaved head. Blue eyes looking right into the lens as I settle down on the chair as uncomfortable as it is. Nervously putting my hands in my lap of...

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sex with aunty

Hello readers, I’m sure that you people would have read my previous postings and found it interesting and good. Well my sexcapades is growing by the day and recently I’m entangled with a elderly woman living across my locality. I thought I shall pen this down so that you people cud enjoy reading it too. I live in a good locality of bangalore in hrbr layout. I stay alone in a apartment and there are many big independent houses in the same area. There is a independent house next to my apartment...

2 years ago
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during the story disrupts the flow me: jason b im 22 years old, 6 ft tall, muddy brown hair, average build not too skinny or fat. i would describe my looks as average and i dress in jeans and a bright coloured polo shirt marie h she is 20 years old, i would guess she is 5'8, she has hazel colour eyes and dusty blonde shoulder length hair and she has the most inoscent face, you look at here and you would bet your right arm that she has done nothing wrong ever. now to the...

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The Master

THE MASTER Lisa and I enjoy role-play and occasionally have had the opportunity to indulge ourselves, to turn fantasy into reality. Both of us enjoy bondage and discipline, and can take an active or passive role, individually or together. In addition we also had, for many years, the fantasy of getting it together with certain nationalities of dark skinned people. We were lucky when one of those rare events occurred where we were able to combine a number of fantasies into the one reality. At a...

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John boys first time

She had been driving the Stuts Bearcat she inherited from her father through the Virginia country side for hours, looking for the parcel of ground mentioned in his will. The weather hadn’t turned hot yet but she was uncomfortably aware of the dust building up on her face and working its way into the long motoring dress and crinolines beneath it. She felt herself longing for a dip in some cool rushing stream just to wash it all off. As she turned down yet another dirt road she spied the farm boy...

2 years ago
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House Of Whores

Belinda was feeling so blissful she almost purred in contentment as she sipped tea and looked out the kitchen window. Outside of their country house the fields and woods were bathed the rich sunlight of an autumn afternoon."Wow, I've forgotten how beautiful it is out here," she said. Belinda had quit her secretarial job and moved back home from the city after breaking up with Carl. She was tall and blonde, but her glasses and sweater couldn't completely hide the knock-out body underneath, slim...

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Aunty Ko Massage Diya

Hi doston mera name hai Nimku aur mera Lund ka size 7inch hai jo koi aunty ya girl free mein satisfy hona chahti ho toh mail karen par Toh story pe aate hai iss story ki heroine mere flat ki aunty hai jinka name hai Mintu aur dekhne mein bilkul Jacqueline Fernandez jaisi. Unki figue 36-28-36 hai. Unki legs bilkul waxed aur toned hai puri milky white Jacqueline toh bhi complex de sakti hai aise hai Aunty mere flat ki. Ek din Dusheera ke time pe aunty kuch kaam karte waqt gir gayi thi jisse unke...

1 year ago
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Our new baby sitters mum 1

Introduction: We get to know our new neighbours When our first daughter, Phillipa, was just two she realised that my husband, John, and I always sleep naked. From that day she refused to wear pyjamas in bed. When Phillipas baby sister, Mary, came along, she was, of course, wearing a nappy (=US diaper) to bed until she was nearly two, but thereafter we put her to bed naked too. The girls evening routine was bath, tea, story time, bed. Since they were naked for their bath and for bed they...

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“I think you should start dating,” my wife said simply. “What?” “You heard me. You should go out on a date. With a woman, even one of our manless friends, so you can find another wife, a new one.” “Why the fuck would I want another wife? It’s hard enough living with one woman. Having two to gang up on me would be too much.” I asked, dumfounded. Hell, I’d had three before this one and Ginny now. But I knew why she had suggested a ‘new’ wife. I had been disabled due to a bad back the first...

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Aggy Book 1Chapter 76

"I lied" McCock said bluntly to Commodore Tremaine and Captain jg Sir Victor Carlton as they stood in the Command Centre of HMS "Infamous". Sir Victor said "Aggy, I got that horrible sinking feeling when I read our orders. You wrote them didn't you? They were so vague – couldn't have written them better myself. Of course, this fine upstanding example of an RMN officer couldn't envisage anyone being so sneaky. Now the full story Sir." McCock looked at his COHAC with a slight smile;...

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A Business Trip

A Business Trip By SONIA E-mail [email protected] (Please send comments, favourite pictures etc.!!!) Chapter 1 - The Meeting I have been dressing up as a woman or just enjoying wearing panties for quite a while and this has made my sex life with my wife, Sally Anne, almost too amazing to believe. I did not dress up very often, normally about once or twice a month but when I did I loved it! I had to attend a meeting on a Friday that was to start at lunch time...

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