Dominique Ch. 01 free porn video

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In five years I've had four 'dates', and none lasted more than a few hours. They didn't feel right. Nothing 'clicked'. But I haven't been completely out of the picture. On occasions I was called upon for demos, and happily agreed, pleased my skills were appreciated. And I've been involved in a number of scenes with my friends. I wouldn't say I 'dropped out' of the lifestyle, but I certainly wasn't an active participant.

Perhaps I was marking time, unready to return. Or perhaps it was fate. Or maybe I talked myself into believing it was one or the other. In those days, random thoughts swirled through my mind like fire in the hearth. They scorched each other to ash as the flames danced, and I contemplated yet another day of emptiness. I was moribund and morose. Rebecca would not have been pleased.

She would have crowbarred me out the door and into someone's arms just to give me a smile, no matter how long it lasted. She hated seeing me unhappy. But she was gone. I knew that. Though it took me twelve months to make my first visit to her grave, I finally managed it. I go twice a year now, as the dates of her birth and death are almost six months apart.

Three weeks ago, I was returning from the cemetery, negotiating the tight bends down the side of the hill, when on a whim I pulled over to watch the sun setting over the sea. Drawing my jacket around me as the colours played, I pondered the fact that I found beauty in most things, as long as they were pure and simple like the sunset. I want simplicity back in my life. At the time I thought it was somewhat of an epiphany, though I grappled with its meaning.

At face value, one would say my life was simple, maybe even too simple. I worked, and I came home to an empty house. My friends suggested I get involved in something, or give a chance to one of the submissives they knew. Most often I would decline, but sometimes I accepted, usually ruing the fact as my performances rarely crackled.

I wasn't depressed, just numb. And unfortunately, short-tempered.

I didn't have the patience to work through the baggage a long time submissive often carried. I knew that was unfair, especially as I could hardly expect an experienced sub to want to work through my own baggage. I want simplicity back... I didn't want to be alone, but I didn't want to butt heads with someone who thought they knew everything, either. I wasn't in the mood, and I hadn't been for years.

It was about eight P.M. one Friday night, almost five months ago. I remember because I'd been looking forward to a quiet evening at home, sipping cognac in front of the fire. It had taken a few phone calls and a great deal of convincing to get me out of the house in the first place.

I had just arrived at the designated location for our local 'munch' when I saw her hovering outside the front gate of the residence, biting a nail. I didn't recognise her, and the poor girl was so obviously nervous and new that I couldn't help but feel sympathetic. "Can I help you?" I asked, ready to reassure her she'd be safe if she chose to stay.

"Um... No! Sorry. I mean... Oh, it doesn't matter!"

With those few words, I doubted she could have expressed her fear and confusion more succinctly. Hurriedly covering her face like a criminal, she took off into the night without looking back.

During the meeting, I couldn't say I paid much attention. I should have stopped her leaving. I should have told her it was okay to be afraid. She had touched something inside me, and I couldn't get her frightened face out of my mind. Our brief, anonymous encounter lit a candle, and for a few short months it flickered.

I arrived early at each of the next two meetings and waited outside, hoping she might show, but she never did. I have attended meetings since, but I haven't looked for her. In my heart I knew she had given up and would not be returning. The pragmatist in me moved on.

It took me weeks to work up the courage to attend my first 'munch'. I remember spending most of that day trying to stay positive and busy, and to 'not think about it'. When the time finally rolled around, I chose my navy skirt and jacket, hoping that 'power dressing' would make me feel less vulnerable. I was still scared shitless.

No amount of reading had prepared me to cross the threshold into the BDSM lifestyle. I read enough to know a munch wasn't a fearful experience. I knew what to expect. I just didn't know if it was really for me. I thought it was, but I just didn't know. I drove there in a daze and arrived a few minutes early. Climbing out of the car, I hesitated on the sidewalk out front.

No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't bring myself to push through the gate and go in. I was on my second fingernail when a tall figure loomed over me and, in a deep voice, asked me a question. I can't even remember exactly what it was, or how I replied. All I remember was needing to get out of there and finally doing it, hiding my face and hardly believing I had the audacity to make it as far as I did.

After that I made a decision. No more BDSM stories! Sideswiping 'the lifestyle' was completely unnerving and was as close as I'd ever get. I couldn't do it again. I was a wimp, pure and simple. Consigning my desires to the realm of fantasy, I forever pushed them to the back of my mind.

Still, sometimes in the dead of night I would wake in a cold sweat and cry myself to sleep again, wondering what was wrong with me.

About two weeks ago, I actually got away from work on time. In an unusual confluence of events, I also happened to have caught a train that day, rather than driving. I was standing on the city platform, waiting for the train home, when I saw her standing alone in the crowd of commuters. For a moment I thought I was seeing things, but as I made my way closer, I realised I was not mistaken. I had to stop myself from approaching her directly. Instead I took a few breaths and tried to think.

I didn't want to frighten her by coming right out and telling her I saw her at the munch, unless I thought it was absolutely necessary. I didn't want her to think I was stalking her. I was privy to information about what might interest her, yet I was still a stranger to her. Shaking my head, I pondered the fact that I didn't even know her yet, and was already seeing myself with her. God, she looked even better than I remembered.

The train that balmy summer evening was crammed full of commuters, but as it picked up speed, I managed to find myself against her. Her scent clouded my mind and my cock responded against my will. We were pressed together like sardines and I tried to move back an inch or two, but as fate would have it, the train jolted and I caught her as she stumbled. For a delicious moment, I held her with my thick cock pressed against her hip.

"Sorry," I whispered, watching the blush creep up her neck and flow to her cheeks. Damn, I thought. How lovely.

From the corner of my eye I noticed him looking at me on the train platform. He was handsome, tall, dark-haired and greying at the temples. He was immaculately dressed and I tried to stand straighter to keep his attention. Feeling the hairs rising on the back of my neck, on more than one occasion I confirmed his nearness with a sly glance. There was something about his eyes that intrigued me, but I couldn't bring myself to look right at him. Not yet.

The train arrived and in the usual confusion, I thought he was gone. I have to admit, I was a bit disappointed. I was hoping he might have talked to me. In the crush of the carriage, I almost fainted when I realised he was right next to me. Chewing the inside of my cheek, I stared out the window and tried to stay calm, but inside I was awakening. Who was this man who had such an effect on me? The smell of him was intoxicating, and each time I felt his body make contact with mine, I held my breath. This is like a dream, I remember thinking. Suddenly the train shuddered and I thought I might fall. He caught me with his hand around my shoulder, steadying me against his hard body, and our eyes met. Up close, they were incredible. They were jade green and flawless. But there was much more than just the colour. In a split second I felt his pain and his strength, his calm and his intensity. Then I felt his cock against my hip.

'Sorry, ' he said quietly, the look in his eyes disappearing, replaced by one of curiosity, as though daring me to react. I almost swooned. My pussy moistened wickedly and I blushed fiercely.

Sitting at my vanity and recalling all this, I felt the heat again as I stared into the mirror. I was mindlessly plucking my nipples as I reminisced, and hadn't even realised I was doing it. My clit was throbbing softly, trying to get my attention. I'd been like this for hours, waiting for the evening to arrive.

Most of the guys I've been out with stumbled through our dates with inappropriate comments intended to amuse, or turned into octopi as soon as they'd drunk enough. Hell, it was bad enough feeling like I was doing them a favour going out with them in the first place, but that's how some of them made me feel. I certainly couldn't bring myself to indulge arrogant assholes either. I wanted something more complicated. I wanted someone I could please. I wanted someone who appealed to me on different levels and who I could respect as my intellectual equal. I wanted him to have at least ten years more experience in life than me and to be confident in himself. I really wanted to desire him physically too. I hoped my expectations weren't set too high.

In my dreams, I knew I would find him one day. Or he would find me.

I stood and pulled the slinky black silk dress over my naked body and pulled down the hem. I can't believe I am going out in just this, I thought, shaking my head. Reaching behind myself, I felt the material end a few inches below my ass.

My eyes travelled up my body in the mirror. I smiled at the points my nipples were making in the silk. Goose bumps rose on my skin and tingles began in my pussy again. Sitting back down in front of the mirror, I decided 'less was better', and opened my makeup kit.

At least a week of teasing had gone by, and I was at the point of giving him embarrassed smiles when he acknowledged me with a nod of his head. I was starting to wonder if he was gay or married or something. I wasn't laying it on thick, I wasn't capable of that, but I thought I was making it obvious that I was available if he wanted to ask me out. Maybe I wasn't being as obvious as I hoped.

This afternoon I had almost bumped into him, right there on the train platform on the way home from work. Never before in my entire life had I asked a man out, yet before I knew what I was doing, I blurted out an invitation to have a drink with me.

"All right," was all he said. He wrote down a time and place on a business card. He also wrote, 'Black silk dress, red heels. Nothing else.' I couldn't even respond as I read the words. I could hardly believe they were there, right in front of me. As I held the card in my shaking hand, I wondered how he could assume something like that? How did he know I wouldn't slap him? 'Andrew Hodges' it said on the card. I could barely squeak out 'Dominique Harris' before he disappeared into the crowd.

God, I thought. If he's a Dom, I'll just die.

I have plans, I thought for the first time in too long. Dominique was her name. Dominique Harris. And I had a date with her.

I was quite surprised when she asked if I'd like to have a drink with her. I wondered if I had misjudged her personality. But there it was, 'the fear of rejection', right in her eyes. I couldn't bring myself to tease her when I was actually proud of her. Besides, I was waiting for her before the turnstiles, to ask her the same thing when she bumped into me. As a crowd pushed past us, I wrote the name of a local bar and the time to be there on one of my business cards. I added what she should wear before placing it in her hand. I slipped into the crowd and away, wondering whether she would lose her nerve again.

I arrived at Alfredo's ten minutes early and she was right on time, dressed exactly as I had requested. 'Black silk dress and red heels'. I had to assume she was wearing nothing else, however it was quite obvious she was braless. I smiled and told her I was impressed. To be honest I could barely tear my eyes from her.

"Let's get a drink," I said, trying not to pay her too much attention. At this stage of our 'relationship' I had particular ideas about how things should proceed. Of course, she still had no idea I had seen her outside the munch meeting. I had already decided I would see how far she would let me go before I came clean with her. It was going to be fun and I was really looking forward to getting to know her.

Opening the door of the bar and holding it for her, she flashed a smile at me before heading inside. The door swung closed and I gently took her by the elbow, guiding her over to a corner booth some way from the bar itself. I asked Dominique if wine was okay and when she agreed, I motioned to a waitress and ordered for us. She returned with a bottle and glasses and I dismissed her to pour myself.

We introduced ourselves again and engaged in small talk. Dominique was delightful, and she hung on my every word. She flirted with her eyes but kept her distance, like a puppy unsure of its new owner, wanting to please yet afraid of making a mistake.

In a quiet moment I touched the back of her hand and she withdrew it into her lap, blushing prettily. I softly chastised her. Leaning into her, our shoulders touched and I told her to sit with her ass directly on the leather seat. "If I want to touch you, and you withdraw, you must be punished," I whispered, wondering what she might do.

"I... I can't do that," she protested weakly.

Staring into her wide eyes, I said, "You can and you will."

With no further hesitation, she lifted herself slightly off the plush leather corner seat and slid her dress up the backs of her thighs. I imagined she was feeling very wicked.

I felt so naughty. Firstly, I didn't go out without undies on. I just never did it. I wasn't that kind of a girl. Well, in my fantasies maybe, but not in my actual life. I was so excited by the possibilities that were opening before me that the beginning of the evening was just one big blur. The way he talked to me... it was like he already knew me. I couldn't stop myself from doing what he asked me to do. Not even when he told me to sit with my ass against the leather seat. I trembled when he had placed his hand on my bare thigh and took my glass from me, gazing into my eyes.

"I have a confession to make," he said softly.

I remember thinking, Oh God, this is where he tells me he's married. But what he said shocked and aroused me more than anything anyone has ever said to me before. His voice was quiet, but deep and strong.

"I know you," he said, staring right into my soul. "Do you understand? I... know... you."

"Y... Yes. But wait, how?" I was suddenly terrified. What if he was some crazy who had hacked into my computer?

"Don't be afraid," he said softly. "We are in public and you are safe. I saw you outside the munch about six months ago. I hoped to find you, I will admit. But until a couple of weeks ago, I had given up."

"I... I don't believe it."

"You know it's true. No one else could possibly know."

"You tried to help me..."

"I asked if I could, yes."

"I... I'm sorry I ran away. I lost my nerve..."

"And what about now?"

"I can't believe it."

"Listen to my voice, and believe. I am going to teach you things that will change your life forever..." he said, touching me under my chin with a fingertip, "... if you will let me." My heart was hammering in my chest as he watched my face intently.

"Oh, my God," I whispered.

"I want you to please me. And I want you to find pleasure in pleasing me. Do you understand?" he asked, taking my hand in his.

"Y... Yes," I breathed, trembling.

"I want you to tell me your secrets, as I impart mine to you. There will be no walls between us. I must know the truth always. And you must know that displeasing me will draw a punishment."


"I want to teach you, and nurture you, and help you to grow into the person you want to be. Who do you want to be, Dominique?" he asked.

"I... I don't know... I don't know if I can do this..."

"You can stop me at any time."

"Oh, my God."

"Tell me you want to learn."

"I do..."

"Tell me you hate me."

"Nooo... I couldn't!"

He touched his finger to my lips and held it there. "Good girl."

God, I blushed. Good girl. It had been years since I had been called a good girl. Why did hearing it from his lips make my entire body flush with heat? I rolled my hips a little and could feel how wet I was. This can't be happening to me! I squirmed where I sat and wondered what his reaction might be if I kissed his finger. What would he do if I kissed it and drew in into my mouth with my tongue? If I sucked on it gently? All of a sudden I was feeling incredibly horny and I shuddered as his next words rang in my head.

"Agree to let me teach you."


He shook his head slowly. "Not yet, Dominique. I would like a considered response, not a rushed one."

"O... Okay."

"Is your cunt wet?" he asked quietly. My jaw dropped. In my fantasies I used that word, and others too. I blushed crimson and stared at my hands in my lap. "Well?" he asked. "I am waiting, and you shouldn't keep me waiting."

I opened my mouth, wondering what would come out. "Y... Yes," I gasped.

"Good," he said, smiling and handing me my glass.

In a dumbfounded stupor, I sat there listening to the melody of his voice, nodding where it seemed appropriate and sipping my wine, tying to get a hold of myself. Thoughts and fantasies were zinging through my mind and across our conversation. Some of them were so distracting I had to concentrate to keep from asking him to repeat himself.

And his eyes. Dancing. Animated and alive. He seemed genuinely happy with me. Surely this wasn't real. What was I getting myself into? Suddenly I was speaking. "I don't know if I can do this!"

He stopped mid-sentence and looked at me. "You can do whatever you put your mind to, and I would like you to listen to me for a moment."

"I'm sorry."

"It's all right. I can see the concern in your eyes. I want you to know I am a gentle dominant. I am not interested in causing you a great deal of pain. I am not a sadist in that sense. I am a patient teacher. Don't get me wrong, I will punish you with vigour should you require it, but I imagine it will be rare."

I nodded, relieved but unable to respond. He continued.

"Dominique, I won't do anything to scare you away. But I will be pushing you to learn about yourself and what you are capable of doing to please me. You can stop me, or leave, at any time."

"No!" I gasped, getting confused. I didn't want to think about him not being there.

"You want to feel more, don't you?"

"I... Yes..." I managed, more softly this time.

"Come with me." He rose to his feet and took my hand in his. I had to walk briskly to keep up. We were outside and he was unlocking a car door for me. "Hop in," he said, opening the door and holding it for me. I felt afraid again and hesitated. "Always do exactly as I ask Dominique. You can trust me. Don't worry, we are not going anywhere."

Somewhat reassured, I slid into the passenger side seat. He walked around to his side, smiling at me through the windscreen. I was a jumble of nerves and ridiculously turned on. I wished I had panties on and hoped I wasn't staining my new dress. Or his car! He climbed in his side and closed the door behind him. The interior light went out and it was almost dark. As my eyes adjusted to the light filtering in from the street lamps, he turned his body and looked me in the eyes unwaveringly. "Lift up your skirt."

Glancing around the car, I noticed there were not many people on the street at this hour. I was unlikely to be seen. "I..."

"Look in my eyes. Do as I ask, lift up your skirt." I blushed and did it, gazing into his green eyes. He never even tried to peek at me. "Move your knees apart." I swallowed, staring at him, and did it. It was surreal.

"Don't hesitate."

"I... I won't, S... Sir." It just came out. It felt right. I don't know why. I knew his name was Andrew. It would be a long time before I felt confident enough to use his name.

"Turn toward me." I did. "Slide your finger into your pussy then take it out and show me." I did and I was so wet! "Good girl."

"Th... Thank you, Sir," I said breathlessly.

"Again," he said, waiting and watching. "Over and over." I slid my single finger in and out of myself, the feelings rushing down my spine. It was only going to be moments! My hips rose off the leather seat to meet my thrusting finger. I pumped it faster and faster. My other fingers were curled and bumping against my clit. In a matter of seconds I became oblivious to everything around me. I couldn't believe I was doing this on a city street, even though I knew I was safe. I could feel myself clamp around my finger as a moan built in my chest. "Cum," he commanded.

Oh, God! Did I ever! I unleashed the moan and felt myself turn inside out. I trembled and shook, right there in the passenger seat of his car. I could feel his hands on my knees keeping my legs open. His touch was like fire, and I came and came. He was gently stroking my thigh and telling me how pleased he was as I came around.

He caressed my cheek and asked, "How can you not want this?"

"I... I want this..."

"I'm pleased," he said.

We didn't stay. Considering her excited state, I offered to take her home and she accepted gratefully. Sitting in the car outside her apartment building, I took down her address and phone number. "I want to see you tomorrow," I said simply.

"Y... Yes, Sir. I... I want to see you too."

"You had a good time tonight, didn't you?"

"It was incredible. I've never done anything like that before. I hope no one saw."

"I saw." She swallowed and blushed, nodding and looked down in her lap. "Look at me." She did. "Dominique, you are beautiful, and the pleasure you gave yourself pleased me more than words can express."

"Thank you, Sir."

"You are welcome. I will pick you up from here tomorrow at two P.M. Unless you work on Saturdays?"

"I'll be here early."

"Good, then I might arrive early," I said, smiling.

We spent most of the next day together, getting to know each other and discussing generalities. She was a genuinely soft and gentle person, with a deferring manner that I was quick to adore. There was little to dislike about her. Twenty-seven years of age. University educated. Five years experience in the marketing field. A realistic view of relationships and marriage. Our needs and wants appeared to dovetail. We fit. After several hours talking over coffee and watching the day go by through a plate glass window, we strolled around a nearby park, working off the caffeine.

"If we play tennis, do I have to let you win?" she asked, biting her lip as we walked side-by-side, not quite touching.

"You only have to let me win... when I choose the game."

"New rules for me, Sir."

"As I said, I'll be patient, up to a point. They are easy to follow. You will learn that there is more freedom within clearly defined boundaries than when there are none. Having limitless expectations placed upon you can be stifling."

She nodded as if in deep thought then paused on the path winding through the wooded park. Two children rode by on bicycles, ringing the bells. I picked a flower for her and turned her toward me. Placing it in her hair as she gazed up at me, I quietly asked her what she was thinking.

"I think I'm dreaming."

"I'm pleased it's not a nightmare."

"Oh, it's not, Sir," she insisted. "It's just... daunting. But with your help, I think I can do this."

"I have a feeling you are right."

I kissed her. I could resist no longer. She melted into my arms and our mouths fused, eyes closing in the delicious sensations. Another bicycle bell rang and we stepped off the path laughing.

"Kissing is hazardous here," she said, a blush rising in her cheeks.

"Come home with me." She looked at me, shielding her eyes from the afternoon sun, as the meaning of my words dawned. "You can call it a trial, but I would expect you to move in with me permanently in the future."

"This is very sudden."

"You would make me wait?" I asked, arching a brow and grinning.

"Wow. Um, no. I wouldn't want to do that."

"If you feel that you are not up to it, if it's beyond you, if you have no attraction to me, if you don't feel something happening here... if you can't see yourself with me... then I should step back now." And I did. I took a step back from her.

Things happen for a reason. Perhaps I was crying out for some excitement in my life. My mother would be mortified to think I was even contemplating it. But I wasn't mortified. I was in awe. Somehow this man seemed like everything I could have hoped for in my dreams and fantasies. I had no idea what he might expect of me specifically, but whenever he spoke, his words sliced through me unquestioningly. I knew I could trust him to take care of me. I knew it in my bones.

I will never forget the look in his eyes as he stepped back from me, daring me, challenging me, pleading with me. It was a moment of choice and I knew it. Recalling what I'd read, I understood what was happening. I was being asked to accept him as my mentor, as my Sir.

The hand covering my eyes fell to my side, and I stepped forward. Just a small step. My chest was rising and falling rapidly. I stepped forward again and stopped. I was right in front of him. My eyes were centred in his chest and my hand came up slowly, covering his heart. "I will go wherever you wish to take me," I whispered.

We walked up the steps to my front door and I put down her suitcase on the landing, withdrawing my key and sliding it into the lock. I paused, gazing at her seriously. I had to give her one more chance. Even now, this close, I would have given her up if her heart wasn't in it. "Dominique, I want you to know that by entering my home you are passing over a threshold. You won't get to dictate how things happen any more. By entering my home, you are entrusting yourself to me. You can always leave, but you should know that if you do, you will never return. Are you sure this is what you want?"

She swallowed before responding. "I... I know this is a big step, Sir. But 'yes'. It's exactly what I want... it's exactly what I need."

"Good. Then we have work to do," I said, turning the key in the lock.

"Y... Yes, Sir."

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Wife Makes me a Cuckold Porn Star

When I was 25, I married Lana a 19 year old geeky beauty who had just inherited a large amount of money. She had very limited sexual experience before me so the fact that I could only last 4-5 minutes didn't faze her.I have always cum fairly quickly, even if I thought about other things. Early in our relationship, I could last 4-5 minutes most of the time and occasionally longer. Unfortunately, as I have aged the amount of time I can last has decreased. By the time I was 32 I could only last...

4 years ago
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Use Found For Dumb Office Girl

I had employed Carly about 6 months before based on the fact that she had good experience and from her qualifications appeared that she could do the job expected of her. Carly was very conscientious and always began work before time and often stayed late when I required her to do this. As the months passed by and the work given to Carly became more complex to the level expected of the role it became clear that without significant help to do the job, Carly was just not capable of doing the...

3 years ago
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Sweet Rose Lake

1923, Bright sunlight soared down onto the ground running of a patch of red and white roses in Mrs. Duntae’s garden, as usual she was working on her roses even for a young lassie no man had ever taken a notice to her at all, their fore she stayed in her garden of roses and other flowers, Mrs. Duntae, whose name is actually, Rosa Louise Duntae. She was only 24 years old and with no husband or life, her virginity was still intact… too strongly. Late that evening when Rosa had gone into the...

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Jias Awakening Ch 4

Chapter 4 - Fun and play continues in the shower The three of us had just finished having a fun threesome, where I got to give Jia her first fucking by a real cock. She had enjoyed fingers and toys with girls before, but she had never had nerve before to let a real cock into her. Her girlfriend Erica had convinced her that I would be perfect for the job, and I wasn't complaining! Having now two 15 year old girls naked with me was like a dream come true for a horny guy. We were...

1 year ago
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College Ponygirl

College PonygirlBy SarahChapter 1: Arrival        Sarah sat in the back of her parents’ car as they drove down the rural highway towards a college that had accepted her, and given her a full ride scholarship.  She thought back on the letter she had gotten from a college up the road they were now driving on.  She hadn’t applied for it, but the school had heard of her, and sent her an acceptance letter.  In it, she had been offered a full scholarship, and a guaranteed job following her...

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My Daddy Spanked Me My GF I screwed up agai

Though I am now turning into a crossdressing femboy and fantasize about being a guy's token housewife, I am bisexual and still like girls, too. I wrote this fantasy article years ago before I started crossdressing.In my last fantasy article I explained how my Sugar Daddy allows me to date girls since I am am bisexual and attracted to them too, but they, and in fact anyone, are not allowed to touch me intimately without explicit permission from my Daddy. Anytime a girl wants to touch me: kiss,...

3 years ago
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Quick and Messy

straight sex office An office quicky gets gets a little messyI was staring at my coworker, Catherine, again. She had another one ofher low-cut tops on that showed off her magnificent tits, being in thesame office I got an eye full every time I passed her desk. She and Ihad been enjoying the occasional office quickie and even moreoccasional, after hours sex, for some months now and she was used to myhorny nature by now.Catherine knew what was going on since I kept finding an excuse to walkto her...

4 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 07Chapter 19

[Janice writes] "It's late. We'll read more tomorrow." They realized I was right and we went to our sleeping places. I was with Bennie tonight and we made love to each other slowly and gently. The night was quiet and we slept until dawn. When he and I woke, we started out silently but Pam and Robby joined us. Bobbi would have but Melissa stopped her. She was explaining that she wasn't dressed appropriately nor was she armed. They were whispering to each other. I caught that she...

2 years ago
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Bringing Hunters Fantasy to Life

We’d had the discussion before. Hunter considered himself bi-sexual. He’d had plenty of fantasies about other men, but he always said he liked women more. He’d had experience with other men years ago, but it never went as far as penetration. We’d talked about masturbation a lot, and even shared some experiences together. I knew about his favorite “toys” and how they made him feel so completely filled. But even though he liked the toys, he always said he didn’t think he could take a real cock....

Group Sex
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A Potters TaleChapter 1

'Come on Kate, you can do better than that, ' I shouted loudly at my daughter. A minute later I was shouting at another girl, then a third as the football match progressed. Kate had played since she was old enough to kick a ball and had been a lot more involved in the game since she moved up to her new school. I had been a reasonable player reaching the lower levels of the pyramid {} before my wife's death had made me re-evaluate my priorities. Once my lovely...

3 years ago
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Sex with my maid

Hi, I’m max. 6 ft tall and well built. This is the story of my maid Sita. This happened many years ago when I was working as a manager on a large farm. We, the senior staff, had bungalows and were given one of the lady workers to do all the housework. About 2 years after I joined, a new maid Sita came to work for me. Sita was about 32, pretty, with a figure of 32B-24-34. She was a mother and had a drunkard husband. One day she didn’t come to work. I sent for her and she came with her husband....

2 years ago
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Mumbai8217s hottest college girl 2

Hello everybody! Hope you enjoyed part 1 of my story. I’m back again with part 2! As you all know, I’m a college going girl living in Mumbai. I’m a petite girl with a big sexual appetite. In my first year of college I had gained the reputation of the hottest sexbomb of the college. I was desired by all the boys in the college. My innocent face, along with my sexy figure was the center of attract in every corner of the campus. I didn’t even escape the eyes of the professors who displayed their...

4 years ago
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The True Story Of How I Took My Friends Virginity

Jewel and I have been friends since high school. We met in math class and quickly became friends because of our love of anime, manga, and the Japanese culture. We could always talk to each other about anything; from classwork to relationships. One day as we were chatting on yahoo messenger, she started talking about her boyfriend.Jewel: I really really love himTerry: thats wonderful. im glad u have someone. being single sucksJewel: sorryTerry: no dont be. I mean it gets hard sometimes,...

Straight Sex
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Total Woman Excursions 12

The Total Woman Excursions beachside was pure white sand, lapped by leisurely waves of the clear blue sea. The scarab speed boat was anchored offshore. Somer was accompanied by his three host guides of the resort: Julie, Agnes and Stephanie. The topless snorkelers plunged the coral depths in search of aquatic flora and fauna. There were many to behold. The reef glimmered with neon colors and exotic shapes. Large and small fish circled, crisscrossed and skittered around them. Somer floated...

4 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 384

The man who approached me in the general aviation waiting area looked even less like a pilot, than the others from pig shit air, who had previously flown me around. The one that afternoon looked like a funeral director, I thought. Not a good look for a pilot, I decided. "Ms. Stone?" he asked in a dead pan voice. "Yes, I'm Maxine Stone," I replied. "If you are ready, we can leave now?" he said still showing no emotion at all. Not even a smile of any kind. "Sure, I have very little...

4 years ago
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My First Orgy

My name is Amanda, and I'm twenty-six. Last year I moved in with my boyfriend, Alan. When I did, he already had a female roommate, named Christi. She is one sexy woman, and I always noticed that she had different guys over. Quite a few times, she had more than one. She made some noise, but nothing major, so I didn't mind. It was still really obvious what she doing in there. We did hear some moaning, and we heard the bed hit the wall too.Anyway, she at least always kept the sex in her bedroom....

2 years ago
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Meagans Journey Into Business The Interview

Meagan was a brand-new graduate from business school. She struck out to find a job to put her new degree to work in the real world. She went to job interview after interview and was always offered jobs that weren’t too far from being a glorified secretary. She always said, “Thank you”, but in the end firmly said, “No thank you!” She was living on the last of her savings during the job hunt and was quickly reaching the end of her funds. She knew she might eventually have to take one of those...

2 years ago
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Tennis Aunty Liked My Fucking

Hello to all the Indian Sex Stories readers and editors and of course to the authors who are going to read my story. If there are any mistakes committed by me in writing this story please forgive me. About myself, I’m Vikram Sploosh Machine, from Andhra Pradesh, Tirupati. Coming to the story. This story happened last year when I went to Hyderabad for coaching. As I am a bachelor, I had to find rooms. I got one rented room near Masab tank. And there is a tennis a court near my place. I used to...

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Subway Girl Ch 06

I watched Alicia get off the subway and almost didn’t recognize her at first. I was expecting to see her in her professional clothing, but she had on dark jeans, brown boots that stopped just below the knee, and an orange top that was shaped like a triangle and hung off one shoulder. ‘Damn, girl. You look hot!’ I whispered, as I hugged her and gave her a quick kiss. Then I pushed her back to arm’s length to get another look at her. She smiled and said, ‘I changed clothes after work.’ ‘I would...

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Me My Wife And Her Dear Friend

It had been raining since morning weather was quiet chilling unlike other summer days I was unable to control my excitement even while driving which was obvious as it was not one of those regular days today was the day Deepti and me had finalized the threesome it had been long we had been discussing such adventures but today was “the” day everything was planned except the fucking durations and timings which made it much more exciting in my absence Ajeet had been dating Deepti quite long but...

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Britney stood up and looked at Karen and said she thought she was asleep and apologised for waking her up while I was trying to get my still fairly hard cock back in my trousers. “Well don’t I get some now you’ve woken me?” she asked. “Don’t be such a slut Karen, he’s much older than you, stop trying to steal my men”. I was gobsmacked to hear these 2 talking like this, almost as if I wasn’t there and had no say in the matter. “Anyway, he won’t be able to do it again now, that’s his second one...

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Fucking the two hottest Indian TV stars pt2 Kav

This happened after a month of the first story when shooting had started for my show featuring Shweta Tiwari and Ragini Khanna. They were both rolling their eyes at me after that wonderful fuck fest a month ago. After that I had been busy and had not been able to meet them. On the set on a Saturday, they both came to me and said," Sid we are having a party at Shweta's place to celebrate our new show. You are invited too". I accepted the invitation and at night I went to Shweta's house and was...

4 years ago
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Virgin Queen Part 2

It didn't take Amelia long after stepping out of her cage to feel the effect of having sex with a Succubus. She felt drained like she hasn't slept any from the night before, and her limbs felt heavy. Amelia focused all of her attention on the cold hard cobblestone floor below her feet to keep from thinking about Mary's ass. The way it swayed from side to side as she walked made her want to do forbidden things to it.When her mind became one with that creature, it knew everything about her,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Anita gangbanged at the beach

Ana had taken some reservations at a nice resort in Jamaica. Her girlfriend Helena had recommended it; so I knew that this place would be perfect to get some huge black cocks for my sexy wife.We arrived on a Monday afternoon and checked into our hotel…I noticed immediately that most of the men there were black and well built. Mostly of them were close to white women.After checking into the resort, we went out to the beach. It was hot and Ana wore a very tiny two piece swim suit. We spent a...

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CHAPTER 15E: EUROPE: BELGIUM FRIENDS (CONTINUED)Tim and I later recounted each other’s experiences that night. This was his:After closing the door to the room he walked up to a waiting Anja. Expecting some command or direction from him she was surprised when he sat her on the bed, stepped back and stripped out of his clothes. Once naked he walked up to within a step of her sitting on the edge of the bed. Her eyes were on his cock which was slowly getting harder with his anticipation. Of all the...

1 year ago
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A Night In Gail

Nights in Gail Older and Younger, Up Skirt Flashing, Cream Pies, Multiple partners, Gang Sex, Taboo, Voyeur and Extreme It was 12:30 am when Gail heard him unlocking her door. Tuesday and Thursday, he was always there and she rolled on her side, scooted her ass back waiting. No words were exchanged, no preliminaries performed, she knew he would thrust into her for 5 minutes, then groan while holding her hips. Resting inside her, then patting her hip, he would pull free of her, cover her again...

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Castaway Vons HavenChapter 9

The morning song of seagulls and the splash of a fish jumping added to the shouts of men working on the dock. The sun's glow filled the cabin, the tiny oil lamp exhausted. Swarta was gone, my side cold where her warmth had been last night. I took in the room and realized dawn had long passed and the sun fully filled the small room. After using the slosh bucket to release my water, I lazily dressed in my black station clothes, ignoring my armor and escape pod gear. The natural hunger of an...

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Homesick and lonely

From 2002-2004, I was stationed at the US Naval base in Yokosuka, Japan. It was then, and still is, the Headquarters of the US Pacific Fleet. When I was stationed there, it was a very busy place. The war in Iraq was in full swing, and a lot of our ships were deployed. My rate was IS, which designates Intelligence Specialist. Because my rank at the time was E-6, which is Petty Officer First Class, I was in charge of a small group of sailors. I remember the day that she arrived,a young female...

Straight Sex
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My name's Candy, I'm, sixteen years old and I've just divorced my parents to prevent either one of them getting their hands on my money. Let me explain, from the age of eight, I won a whole series of beauty competitions and therefore a whole lot of money, things were fine at the start but when I reached my teenage years, I began to ask questions about where all the prize money was going to, I never got any satisfactory answers and my parents began fighting with each other over it so I began...

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Janey came home from school and stomped upstairs. The 16-year-old was still angry that her mother had secretly married and moved them to the other end of the country away from her friends and to a new school she hated. She has made few friends and was struggling in classes as the school taught different subjects to the ones she had done before.She also really disliked her stepdad. She saw how he looked at her. Undress=ng her with his eyes. He never missed a chance to hug her or squeeze by. She...

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Reginalds FutureChapter 8

Mr Robson sniggered, “Wives are pretty adept at telling their husbands what to do, I agree.” Mrs Robson appeared at the door. “If you two boys are done blathering, you can help lay the eats on the table. Us girls have more important things to deal with. These two are wonderful now, Reg. Congratulations.” “As I told your husband, it was my household that did the job, not me.” “Whatever. The job was done, and done well; that is what matters,” she insisted. Reg nodded, as no reply was...

4 years ago
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The cock milker pt 4

Shaila and Radha exchanged pleasantries. Shaila sat down on the couch.Radha got a drink and offered it to both Shaila and I. They started with a pretty normal conversation. Radha asked her what she did for a living and stuff? soon they exchanged the names of their favorite stores and restaurants. I was just sitting there and for a moment I thought I was almost invisible to them. Radha decided it was time for dinner and the three of us sat at thetable. We spoke and joked about stuff during...

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How to Train Your Daughter Ch 7

* * * * * * * Exhausted and ecstatic, I collapsed into my couch with a glass of whiskey in our den and switched on the TV. I'd put the three girls to bed, and my wife had turned in as well, and now, after an exhilarating night, the house had fallen silent and I was ready to watch the DVR of Festival that we had just returned home from a few hours ago. All our work over the past few years with Jennifer had come to a culmination this evening, and I couldn't be happier. Such an extraordinary...

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Slut mom bangs her sons coach

Introduction: Jane was a football mom who just wanted her son to get extra plaing time…and earned it Slut Mom Fucks Young Coach Prt 1 It was hot summer day in july and I was going over Mikey,s house. He was one of my players and I thought I would help him out with his football game. He was relitivley new so I figuerd I could give him a few pointers. I knocked on the door and when Jane opened it I thought my eyes were going to fall outa my head. There she stood, the beautiful 54 latina goddess...

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Angels Peril a Whateley tale Chapter 1

Hi there and thank you for reading this little introduction. My handle is Branek, and what you are going to read is a joint venture of a group of Authors. Together Nuuan , Shadowsblade and myself are writing a Fan Fiction set in the Whateley universe. This tale will be readable from multiple characters and each of the main protagonist's is getting his or her own story. To have an idea about the main protagonist this story's will develop around here is a short introduction. Angels...

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Marys story Part 25

Without saying a word Mitsumi turned her back, reached up to the neck of her dressing gown and slowly pulled the zip all the way down to the floor. Straightening, she let the gown fall off her shoulders. Mary was really not prepared for what she saw. Mitsumi was totally tattooed from her neck down to her wrists and ankles. Shocked, Mary could not speak immediately. Mitsumi turned to her, and said, “Well, don’t you have anything to say?” As she turned, Mary could see that the tattoo covered...

1 year ago
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RebootChapter 6

Life upon the Inca Trail was boring and Jeremy couldn't be happier. The two men he interacted with most were his bunkmate and the cook. Ng, his bunkmate, was a man of few words and many grunts. He claimed to be pure Vietnamese but he was big and broad, not slight like the Southeast Asians Jeremy had seen in his digital studies. Abasi would give Jeremy an order and then leave him alone until the next order. Haul, wash, slice, and scrub. The job was straightforward. When he wasn't working...

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The Mars Company AnthologyChapter 10

Beta Mensae System GNS John Young 01/21/42 NR 1730 Hours Admiral Aaron Peters, Geneva Naval Service, stood at the boat bay airlock and waited for the Lovell to dock. His official duty station was aboard his flagship, but he was still aboard the fleet repair ship Young until he was well enough to resume his duties. Not that there was anything resembling a navy for him to command, he thought morosely. Three frigates were left from the catastrophic battle in the 10 Ceti System, and only two of...

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FapHouse ASMR

**If you read this in a whispering voice, it will make this even more fun**Starting in 2009, audio sensory meridian response became increasingly popular, and for a good reason. It was novel, relaxing, and apparently has a positive impact on mental health. Of course, human beings being what they are, this form of therapy and entertainment soon became pornographic, and I have to say some perverts have done a fine job producing this sort of smut, too. But the problem remains as to where you can...

Premium ASMR Porn Sites
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Unthinkable Love

It was 2:30 in the afternoon, I was laying in my bed trying to take a nap when my cell went off. Marvin's Room started to play, I knew it was Derick.Derick and I lived in the same small town but never met, we connected on a popular social networking site last month. We soon exchanged numbers and started texting all day. After about three days we decided to meet up and hang out, that is where it all began.The first time I saw him my heart stopped and the only word that came out of my mouth when...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Karlee Grey Brotherly Lay

When stepbrother Tony Martinez drops by the NURU spa, his hot masseuse stepsister Karlee Grey is filling the tub with her back to the door. He announced himself by grabbing her crotch and gives her an ultimatum. Either she gives him a treatment or he tells his dad about her sordid job. Karlee doesn’t appreciate being in this position. Her stepbrother is the last person she wants to fuck. But, she agrees to appease him and gets undressed. They sit in the bath awkwardly before taking an...

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Attacking jojo part 2 A Sinz Production

She’d pleaded with her friends to set her up a date, one friend, she’d been going out with this guy for months; always telling her of the size of his manhood and as to his performance, she’d never been left dry? O hi chrizzie her friends face hade acured in the mirror She was a d-list celebrity who had the perfect body. She was 5'9'' with nice long legs, long blonde hair, round d-cup breasts, flat stomach, and a nice tight and big ass, a man's dream. Also she was a major christian and...

3 years ago
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My 18 year old mistress Part one

Seven years ago, when I was just a pup at 36, I began to notice the attention of a young lady at work. This certain young female was a bit more forward than the others in her casual flirtation that was quite common in my workplace. At first I merely stuck to casual flirting and kept myself in check. With the most innocent of advances she responded as if I had tickled her ass with a feather. So, I became more bold with my flirtations. I would linger a bit longer when we were next to each...

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The Burning BoatChapter 3

Laurie pulled on a pair of her new shorts and a white blouse that tied just below her breasts. She drove the Cadillac carefully down the driveway and along the uneven dirt road. When she got to the cove she saw that the smaller boats were now sitting on trailers and John and George were working with ropes on the big boat. John was sweating as the muscles in his arms rippled while he pulled a rope taught. She sat in the air-conditioning watching John work duplicating ropes on the boat securing...

1 year ago
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What follows is actual and self-explanatory, written by the author about his own anticipated end shortly before it occurred. Subject: Valedictory If you're reading this, I'm dead. (I guess that's what they mean by "cutting to the chase.") I am by no means the first person to observe that death, & the prospect of dying, is the pornography of our time. You can discuss the most kinky & depraved sexual activity in polite company these days, & nobody bats an...

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Mom and MeChapter 16

Somehow, it was morning. It was a fragrant and rosy morning, and Betty wiggled luxuriously in her bed as she awoke to it. The events of the night filed past in her mind, touched with moonlight and lace, spiced with all the sultry perfumes of the Orient. Indeed, she felt like an empress, or rather a favored houri, and would not be surprised to find a ruby set in her navel, nor sandalwood upon her nipples. She was alone in bed, and rose in languor to put on a filmy robe and go to the...

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sissy slut chat

me: just got out of the tub where I pissed into my mouth and drank it and pissed all over my face and body, now I dripping and tasting my pee and love it Sent at 10:15 AM on Sunday Candy: U are a lucky slut me: i was thirsty Candy: I am thirsty too... me: do what i didi love itmy other fave is peeing into the baby bottle and drinking it from nipple Sent at 10:19 AM on Sunday Candy: I m going to toilet for licking piss like a dog ..u want pics?? Sent at 10:21 AM on Sunday me: yeswe both...

4 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 35

I sat, alone, in the coffee bar in the entrance to the hospital, waiting for whoever was coming to pick me up. I had a coffee and a piece of cake in front of me, both untouched, and my head in my hands, supported by my elbows on the table. I’d been sat like that for about ten minutes when I felt, rather than saw, another person sit down opposite me. “David,” Aunt Mary said, softly, “I’m sorry. It looks like she has absolutely no memory of what happened in Germany. She seems to think that...

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