Fifty Shades Of Grey Saved My Marriage - True Stor free porn video

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Most weeks I'm away on business, which leaves my wife home by herself quite a lot. I feel bad about this, so about three weeks ago I decided to buy my wife a gift. Something to keep her company while I was away.

I actually asked a colleague of mine, a co-worker, what I should get my wife. He laughed and said, "Fifty Shades of Grey, man," like I should know what he was talking about.

Mind you, I don't watch the news, watch TV or read the news online. I'm a stock broker and a marathon runner on the side. When I'm not on the phone heating clients up about the latest great deal, I'm trying to beat my best time on the track.

My wife, on the other hand, is left watching our six month old while I'm traveling around the world - Sydney, Ontario, Atlanta, St. Louis, Houston and Washington D.C.

In fact, she's alone so much that I was afraid she was cheating on me. I'm afraid to admit this, but I installed a key logger on her computer. This allowed me to see every key she was pressing.

What did I find out? Only that my wife loves porn. I had no idea my wife even watched porn. Not only is she a porn watcher, but it's the type of porn that shocked me.

Lesbian porn, porn with guys with huge dicks and a lot of them featured women tied up, dominated, whipped, abused.

So when my colleague mentioned 'Fifty Shades of Grey', I didn't really know what me meant.

"Chicks like to be dominated," was his answer. I picked the book up at the bookstore that evening and gave it to her wrapped up in fancy paper. I even cooked for her.

That night resulted in a blowjob and some of the best sex we've had. The thing is, just as I was coming that night, drunk from the wine we've had, naked and on the floor, the empty glasses nearby with the empty bottle and her tiny poodle Harley looking on, she bit me on the shoulder just as I came.

I shouted and came and, I have to tell you, it's the best feeling I've ever felt.

After I came, I tried to catch my breath, wondering what it is she did, not wanting to say anything in case she became offended. She hadn't even read the book yet and yet her she is wanting to hurt me, abuse me, and yet when I looked at her, offended, with my hand over my shoulder where she clamped down, she only laughed and said, "You look cute. I just want to eat you up."

In that moment, trying to get my energy back so we could go again, I knew I'd chosen the right gift. The next morning I left for a trip out of country, to Japan. This was a 14 day trip and one that could have meant a promotion if I played my cards right.

I called my wife every night and each night she'd read pages from the book, recounting scenes of domination, of one person giving themselves to another, sexy stories and ones that would make me cum every time. Just listening to her read that book to me made me cum in that dark lonely hotel room harder than I've ever cum before.

The night I got home, she met me at the airport. She stops her car at the airport and she's wearing a black trench coat and dark sunglasses, her hair done up behind her head.

She barely says two words to me as she helps me load my luggage into my trunk and opens the door for me on the other side so I can get in. She shuts the door and starts the car and so far she hasn't even looked at me or acknowledge that I've returned after a week.

I say, "What the hell? Aren't you going to talk to me?" Or I try.

By the time I say, "What the -" She holds up a hand, looking at me through her dark sunglasses, and she says, "Shut the fuck up until I tell you to talk."

My colleague had filled me in on what this Fifty Shades book might be like, so I knew this was part of her game. Weary and a little drunk from the flight in, I sit back and decide not to talk, as she has ordered me not to.

She drives us into the city, down a few side streets, the whole time listening to the local radio, not speaking, her sunglasses firmly affixed to her head so I can't see her eyes.

She's exiting the freeway, pulling up to a red light. It's at this point that she turns her head to me and, very coldly says, "Touch my pussy."

The light turns green and she drives on as I do her bidding. I lean over and dig my hand into her crotch, the warm v between her legs, so hot and she moans, grabbing my wrist.

"Inside," she says.

She grips my two fingers and puts them on the button keeping her jeans fastened. With the car moving, her looking straight ahead, I undo the button and then the zipper of her jeans.

With her jeans open, I can see her white silky panties underneath. I slip my fingers into the band holding them to her waist and my fingers are grazing her pubic hair.

I try to dig my fingers deeper as I hunt for wetness, but her jeans are too tight. I grip the jean fabric on either side of her waist and try to yank it down. With cars on either side of us, she lifts her ass up off the seat and I slide them halfway down her thighs.

Her pubic hair is dark, black almost, especially compared to the blonde hair on her head, and my fingers find her pussy, so wet and hot.

My index finger slides in easily.

She opens her mouth and moans softly and grips my wrist, pulling my hand free and forcing it into my lap. Even though I could easily overpower her, I let her force my wrist into my lap. She's forcing her jeans back up around her waist and securing them, expertly, with one hand. First the zipper and then the button. She turns to me, dark glasses so I can't see her eyes and says, "You have to wait until I tell you you can fuck me, faggot."

My wife has never called me a faggot before, but I have to admit it turned me on. I could only say, "Yes, Angie."

I had been so caught up in my wife's pussy, her rude mouth, so sexy, that I didn't notice her pulling up to a brick building. She turns off the ignition and tells me, "Grab the bag in the back."

I look behind my seat and see a black gym bag. I point.

"Did I stutter?" she asks.

I grab the bag and we get out of her car. We walk around the side of the building and I notice that we're at some downtown hotel, one of those ratty places you might take a prostitute or do a d**g deal.

There are people hanging out on the balcony above us and even more further down on the balcony above that. I'm not racist, but they didn't seem like anyone I'd want to hang out with.

My wife, she produces a key card and lets us inside. The room is old, the carpet orange and ratty, it smells of smoke and the bedspread looks like something that died in the seventies.

"Lay down," she orders me once the door closes. She turns on the A/C and cold air starts to blow in the room. I set the bag down at the foot of the bed and sit on the edge.

My wife, still in her dark sunglasses, still wearing the black trench coat, steps forward and shoves me hard with both hands on my chest, throwing me back onto the old bedspread and the springy mattress.

She lands on top of me, kisses me deep, licking my bottom lip before I can even act and she sits up, straddling me. She opens the trench coat, revealing her naked breasts, her toned stomach, her closely trimmed pussy.

"Lay back and close your eyes," She tells me, her coat still open. I do as she says. I can feel her moving, taking off the coat. With my eyes shut, I hear her toss the coat into the corner.

She leans in and whispers, her hot breath on my earlobe, sending shivers down my spine, she says, "Don't move, you fucking pussy."

I don't move.

She slides off me and onto the floor and I can hear her opening the bag I brought. A loud ziiiip as she opens the bag and now she's clinking glass together, maybe plastic and she's making a positive moaning sound. "You're going to love this," She purrs.

I start to open my eyes and she slaps me. I don't expect it and I hate to be slapped, so I cry out. She clamps her hands, both hands, over my mouth and whispers. Hold it in, baby. It feels amazing.

With my cheeks stinging, I hold it in like she asks and in the back of my mind I'm wondering how she knows it feel so amazing. From the book? Is she cheating on me?

She orders me onto my back. I decide to follow and she's straddling me, her knees on either side of my hips. She starts taking off my jacket, undoing my shirt and taking it off me. Now she's got my belt off, my zipper, my pants around my thighs, my knees and now I'm naked except for my shoes and socks.

She's off the bed now and now my shoes, then socks are pulled off me. I'm completely naked.

WHAP! She whips my ass with something solid and flat and before I can yell out, which is exactly what I do, she pushes my head into the bedspread.

I actually yelled out, "What the fuck are you doing?" and the words became completely muffled in the orange seventies style bedspread. She's now straddling me and with her front pressed to my back, I can feel her soft tits, her firm body against me.

She whispers in my ear, "Turn over, slave."

I do as she asks and she's got her hands over my eyes. I keep them closed, as I know that's what she wants me to do and she's now beside me on the bed. I can feel her knees pressing against me. She's sitting on the bed and it sounds like she's squeezing some kind of gel out of a bottle.

She grabs my penis and it's cold. I jerk, part from surprise and part from the chill and she pushes my face down so that the back of my head pushes down into the mattress and then she straddles my face.

I can smell her pussy through her panties and I can feel my inner thighs tingle, my cock start to stir.

The gel feels good now as she's smoothing it around my head, my shaft, trying to smooth all the areas, using both hands and stroking at every interval.

My cock is getting harder. Her pussy feels most even though the panties, her musk is filling my nose and my is growing rock hard with her stroking it, revolving her hand around the head and stimulating me in ways I've never been stimulated before.

Where did she learn all of this?

Her pussy pulls away from my face just as I feel like I can't breathe and she spins around so that she's mounting me with her face in mine. She says, "You're going to do as I say or else you're never getting any of this pussy. Do you hear me?"

I nod, nearly out of breath. Two weeks on the road and with my dick hard, my wife's pussy juice still in my nostrils, I want nothing more than to fuck her right there and then.

"I've been practicing," She says and holds up two silver balls, revolving around in the palm of her hand. They jingle with each revolution.

"Benwa balls," she says. "They make me extra tight."

Just then, as if she's planned and practiced this for weeks, she finds and slides her pussy onto my cock. I suck in my breath, her warm pussy is so wet, so tight and she smiles and kisses me briefly on the lips.

"Are you ready?" she asks me.

Holding my breath, trying not to cum, I nod quickly, hoping she'll change positions so I don't blow my load.

She squeezes down and I swear to god it's like someone put their hand down there and squeezed it. It was so strong, so tight.

She smiles, apparently at the shock on my face, and begins to slide up and down on my cock, kissing me, only giving me the tip of tongue and pulling away when I try to get more.

She's sliding up and down on my cock and I've never felt her so tight. That's when I feel the pressure, the feeling that I'm gonna cum. I warn her. I can feel my eyebrows go up, my mouth open and I yell, "I'm gonna cum!" and I know it's going to be one of the most intense orgasms of my life.

My wife, she smiles and says, "No you're not," and squeezes down on my cock. I feel her clamp down, like a vice, and suddenly the feeling subsides. I'm panting, kind of sore, my body shocked that I didn't actually spurt my load and she pulls off of me.

I put my hands on her hips, trying to push her down so I can fuck her, so I can finish, so I can cum inside her like I'm dying to do and she's got something in her hands, forcing something onto one of my wrists.

It's a handcuff. She's got one around my wrist, secured. Out of breath, wanting to cum, I decide it's easier to let her half her way so I give her my other wrist when she asks for it without so much as a movement of her hand.

With both of my wrists secured to the headboard with these handcuffs - my first time, by the way - she smiles, trails her hands down my chest and keeps my gaze as she licks the head of my cock.

Her eyes close, seemingly in Ecstasy, as she takes my cock in her mouth, licking me with me still in her mouth somehow on the way up.

She's working my shaft, sucking me, trying to make me cum and I can only lay back with my arms over my head, my wrists hurting from these handcuffs, my toes curling from the moistness, the warmth, her hand is on my balls. I'm about to cum.

I tell her so, "I'm cumming," I say and she holds my cock hard with both hands, around the shaft. I hurts and I tell her as much, but she only laughs.

"Now you know how I feel," she says. "I cum first."

My penis jerks once, twice, but no cum comes out. She's effectively stifled two of my orgasms. Now she's straddling my chest and she has something in her hand. She shifts it on and it's then that I realize it's a vibrator.

She's got her legs around both of my arms so I can't move, her pussy in my face and her vibrator working her clit. Her head is rocked back, her hair pulled behind her head and she tells me to tell her she's the master.

"You're the master," I say.

The vibrator buzzing between her fingers, against her clit, her naked body sitting on top of me, her naked breasts heaving, her head rocked back, eyes closed, she says, "Louder, faggot."

"You're the master," I say louder and she moans and ajusts the vibrator so it sits better on her clit.

I try to move my right arm to work her pussy, to help her and she clamps her knees on either sides of my arms. "Did I tell you you could move, motherfucker?"

"No, master," I say.

"Attaboy," she says and the vibrator is once more working her clit, her head rocked back, moaning.

The vibrator buzzing, she reaches back and grabs the head of my cock. She grips the shaft and starts rocking back and forth, stroking my cock in tandem.

"Yes," I say.

"Shut the fuck up," she screams in my face. It's so loud, I wonder if the neighbors can hear.

She moans loudly and tells me she's about to cum. "Tell me you want to fuck me," she says.

"I want to fuck you," I tell her.

She clamps her knees around my arms harder and grips my penis with the hand that's not working the vibrator. "You call me mistress, you faggot."

"Yes, mistress," I answer.

The gel she put on my cock tingles and her mere hand movements has me close. With the buzzing vibrator in my face, my orgasm imminent, she says, "Tell me you're my faggot."

"I'm your faggot," I say and I can't help it. I cum and, beyond the buzzing, she screams out, jerking on top of me.

I can feel my hot cum dripping on my stomach, I suppose from somewhere on her back, and she collapses on top of me.

She kisses me deep, slides her pussy onto my cock and starts riding me, even though I've already cum and my cock has already started to deflate.

"Now you sit there like a good boy and get ready. I'm not done with you."

She gets off me and does a little dance as she steps to the mirror in front of that sink they always have in hotels and then she retreats into the shower.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is when I fell in love with my wife all over again.

She bought this, by the way

This really happened. This is not fiction. I have more stories to cum.

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Alex and Emma Watson and some shades of Grey

“In here. Immediately!”Alex's voice was demanding, determined, loud. Emma was standing in the lobby of her house, still with the handbag over her shoulder. She had returned from a photo-shooting in the city and was surprised about her brother’s wellcome. But without delay she put her bag down and went into the kitchen. Alex closed the door.“Stay here. And not a word!”He loved it to see his older sister usure about what was happening. Because Emma didn’t move, he pushed her to the big...

2 years ago
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Dr Grey Ch 04

At 9 am the following morning Karen was again in the waiting area. The shot that Grey had given her the night before had helped a great deal but she had again woken this morning with withdrawal, convincing her further that she had indeed become obsessed with, and therefore lost without, Doctor Grey. Inside the office Grey worked at his computer, composing himself whilst remembering the fantastic sex Karen had given him the previous night. If sex were his prime motivator, however, Grey would...

1 year ago
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Dr Grey Ch 03

The call came as Grey was at home. It was half-past nine, which meant that she was clearly more addicted to the oils than he could have possibly hoped for. Karen was in a call box outside her home, in floods of tears. She told him that the oil had faded quickly and that she needed, really needed, to see him tonight to get some more. “My skin is crawling, Doctor Grey, and I am really scared. Simon is beside himself with worry and the kids are terrified!” “It’s ok Karen, I’ve got your address...

2 years ago
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Dr Grey Ch 02

Karen was an hour early for her next appointment and in quite an emotional state, although she hid it well from the others in the waiting area. Her body was softly shaking and it was all she could do to prevent herself from storming into Grey’s office and demanding help. The oils on the handkerchief had faded around midnight the previous evening and she had awoken at 5 am in a cold sweat. She had been using those oils more and more since Doctor Grey had seen her last, as he knew she would, and...

4 years ago
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Look, I know I'm not supposed to pick up hitchers. It's not smart for me, and it's not smart for the hiker. But it was a rainy afternoon, and the guy up the road looked really dejected. He was somewhat small anyway, and his shoulders slumped over as he slogged through the mud. All alone in the half-dark like that, he reminded me of my cat when I had rescued him as a stray from a sudden downpour. The kid had a yellow poncho on and wasn't carrying any bag or even a gas can. I supposed he was...

3 years ago
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Mrs Grey a trip to the store

Last weekend Mrs Grey wanted to make a trip to the store to buy some new clothes. I agreed to go with her of course. When she came out of our room, she was dressed nice, hair done, make up on, with a tight fitting blue dress that was a little revealing in the top but very sexy. I could slightly see nipples thru the dress. I dont think she was wearing a bra!During the car ride, I noticed she kept squirming in her seat. I asked her what was wrong, she said nothing. But then a few minutes...

1 year ago
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Fifty Shades of Cum

“Anistagia Steel” I said as I shake the hand of my future sex master Christian Gay. “Nice to meet you ms. Steel, I’m Christian Gay” he said. He then walked over to the door to his office and locked it and then he called his secretary and told her to cancel his appointments for the rest of the day. “Take off you clothes ” he said. “Um excuse me” I said surprised. I stripped down to my underwear and he started to take his own clothes. “Underwear too” he said now full nude “I want to see how well...

3 years ago
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Fifty shades of Stolkholm syndrome chapter 2 Th

Helen got home and ran up the drive way excited, to see her parents. Her father sat in his chair pipe in hand and cloth cap looking grimly at her with a large black pudding in his hands, “Eee by Gum a what news have you today?” he said in the least convincing Lancashire accent since Wallace and Gromit got lost there and tried not to stand out.“Oh dad stop trying to be Northern” Helen said “What but our roots are ‘up north we have worked for generations as …”“As chartered accountants, face it we...

3 years ago
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Fifty Shades Of Leena

Hello Everyone, I am Anup and this is my first story on ISS. I hope you all enjoy it. I am 28 and still single and based in Pune. This story is about an aunty staying in my colony. Her name is Leena. She is the best looking and also has the best shape as known by me. She is 38 but still can give a tough fight in looks and shape to a 20 year girl. She is fair, sexy and curvy in shape. Her ass is the best what I like in her body. Her eyes are always full of lust. Her height is approx 5 feet 7...

3 years ago
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Fifty Shades Of Gray In Cornwall

He was a professor at one of the most prestigious universities in London. Distinguished and sublimely intelligent, he was very much the complete and well-accomplished gentleman that I’ve long admired. Tall, handsome and extremely fit for his age he was the type of man who walked around as if he’d already discovered the secret of life.Such was his developed mind and supreme confidence, that it made others sit up and pay attention, hoping that they, in turn, could learn and take on some of his...

2 years ago
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Fifty Shades Silver BulletChapter 2

Ana’s Panty Journey: Here we have a new twist in this tale. It may not seem sensible, but in a fashion unknown to Christian, Ana has defied her master’s wishes while he was away on a trip to Manhattan, Gotham, yes New York City. So, against his personal, direct directive/ wishes and broken her promise not to see Kate! Upon Christian’s hastened return shared with Ana his deep disappointment that she had disobeyed his wishes and seen Kate during his journey to New York City. Tonight she would...

1 year ago
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Fifty Shades Silver BulletChapter 3

As Ana awaited her fate for her disobedience was going through the attic collecting items for Goodwill she ran across a cane. Having first-hand experience with the cane being struck against her hiney, As she recalled, she was not a fan! She remembered the clever ruse her older sister had set up. It was her second spanking from Christian. She had been home from college and her parents were away on a cruise. Kate had cajoled their account to making sure Ana got her due. I guess ugly bride’s...

2 years ago
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How Cuckolding Saved My Marriage

My name is Francine and my husband is Mark. Both of us recently turned thirty. Shortly after Mark and I graduated from college we went to work in sales for different companies in Tampa, Florida. A mutual friend introduced us and we hit it off immediately, two years from our first date we married. Mark was different than most of the guys I met in college. He was kind, respectful and he always had manners. Mark also did not try and sleep with me right away. Most of the jerks in college did,...

2 years ago
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How Cuckolding Saved My Marriage

My name is Francine and my husband is Mark. Both of us recently turned thirty. Shortly after Mark and I graduated from college we went to work in sales for different companies in Tampa, Florida. A mutual friend introduced us and we hit it off immediately, two years from our first date we married. Mark was different than most of the guys I met in college. He was kind, respectful and he always had manners. Mark also did not try and sleep with me right away. Most of the jerks in college did,...

3 years ago
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Elisabeth Grey Parts 23 24

Elizabeth Grey By Carmenica Diaz Part 23: Darling of Britain. I spent the rest of the day on the telephone. The press had hounded Mum but I felt relieved when she told me that a security woman arrived, saying she was from Fiona Woolf and would keep the media away. 'She's a little thing, Liz,' Mum said 'but she doesn't take no for an answer. She scared them off quick smart.' When I was on the phone to Mum, Dean came up behind me,...

3 years ago
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Dr Grey

Karen was reading the magazine a little too intently as she waited outside his office. She was not alone in the waiting area, sharing it as she was with an older lady who looked like she was about to cry at any moment and a teenage boy who kept up a constant rambling conversation with himself. If it was simply their presence that made her nervous she would not have felt so churned up inside but, truth be told, she was far more concerned that things had gotten to this stage at all. She’d always...

3 years ago
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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 8 Losing it

Jan 1809 Thomas was resting on his bed in The George and Serpent Inn. The inn was located at a convenient distance from the Admiralty where he would report in the morning. Mr. Egerton had indeed given him transport to London, but had not extended an invitation to stay at his house. One reason might have been the interest that Mrs. Egerton had shown in Thomas on that long coach ride. It was quite clear that Mr. Egerton did not trust any man in the presence of his cherished young wife. Thomas...

1 year ago
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Elizabeth Grey Parts 7 and 8 So Far Away and Singing Dogs or Something

Elizabeth Grey - Part 07: So Far Away By Carmenica Diaz The black dress still fitted me well when I slipped it on. I had a small anxiety attack, suddenly worrying it wouldn't, that it had all been a dream but it did. For the second time that day, I stood in front of a mirror and stared at myself, astounded. I followed the make up instructions and it was amazing how dramatically different I looked. Of course, I thought, the fact I don't have glasses anymore...

4 years ago
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Old grey

Im matt 35 year old business man, i work in the city (ill keep my location private) and travelled there daily on our wonderful public transport system. I would catch the same train there and the same train back everyday, monday to friday, without fail. Now those of you who catch a train will know that its often difficult to find a seat or even enough space to stand so the occasional brush of my cock by some female stranger is a guarantee so ill stomach the horrific public transport this...

3 years ago
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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 2 Midshipman Feb 1806

HMS Wolverine was holding her position to windward of a small convoy of eight sail headed from Kingston to London. On her quarter deck, a very nervous watch officer was constantly checking her course, the wind, the trim of the sails and the horizon beyond the convoy. Mr. Midshipman Thomas Grey was entrusted with the watch for the first time, and a more conscientious watch officer would not be found in the entire Royal Navy. On the outward journey to Kingston, Wolverine had escorted four Navy...

3 years ago
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Hairy University Ch 2 Gladys The Grey

I was still in a bit of a daze as I followed Diana out of Becky The Brown's office and through the University halls to visit Gladys The Grey. "So what exactly is it that you all do here?" I asked the elusive Diana."You mean Ms. Becky didn't even tell you?" Diana sighed. "Typical. She was in such a hurry to smother you in soggy snatch sauce that she didn't even get to the job description. It's not my place to tell you about things, but I can say that it's important work. You should join with us,...

3 years ago
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Elizabeth Grey Parts 9 and 10 Slump Girl Slump

Elizabeth Grey - Part 09: Slump girl, slump! By Carmenica Diaz My mind was going around and around - should I remain as Liz or should I return to Allan? I'm not a brave person and I don't like hurting people - maybe it was best if Liz quietly disappeared and I stopped being selfish. I didn't know whether it was the plane flight or something else, but one moment I was raging hot and then cool again with goose bumps. I hope, I thought, I'm not getting the...

1 year ago
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Karlee Grey 3100 631000

Because I've been on such a Twitter fapping kick lately, I've been able to jerk off to all of my favorite porn stars on Twitter. I didn't understand all the hype around Twitter porn back then, but I started checking it out myself. I get it; these chicks are nasty as fuck! Fortunately, Twitter doesn't give a fuck about what others post, and the people that post don't give a fuck either. Take Karlee Grey, for example; she's a pornstar that you've probably seen fuck some dude's dad on the hub....

Twitter Porn Accounts
3 years ago
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Grey Made Everything Bright

My body tingled at the thought of him. The thought of him caressing my body, kissing me gently, and holding me against him. Imagining him kissing my breasts, biting them lightly. I continuously thought about him taking, what was his. I couldn’t stop thinking about later; I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it all day. He filled my thoughts, completely covered them. Distracting myself was close to impossible. I had managed to get ready though; that was tough enough in itself. When I...

First Time
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Elizabeth Grey Part 14 Friends

Elizabeth Grey - Part 14: Friends. By Carmenica Diaz Thinking the best time to telephone Cleo, Mandy and Mel was mid-morning, I waited until the next day before I placed Toby's piece of paper firmly on the table and picked up the telephone. The telephone rang a few times before a sleepy voice grunted, 'hello!' 'I was looking for Cleo Rosser...' 'Who wants to know...' 'Liz Grey.' Suddenly, she was wide-awake. 'Liz? Liz Grey? Is that...

3 years ago
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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 10 Tempest

Autumn, 1809 Over the next week, Sultan stayed at anchor waiting for orders to proceed further upstream for the planned attack on Antwerp. There were rumours that the commander in chief of the land forces, the Earl of Chatham, was delaying the decision whilst Sir Richard Strachan wanted to press the attack. Both nullified the other’s authority, and the result was that no action was taken. By late August, after the French had had time enough to shore up their defences of Antwerp, Chatham...

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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 24 The Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus

Not a half hour after the squadron cast anchor in the harbour of Cagliari, the church bells across the town began to toll. A number of royal officials assembled on the quay, soon reenforced by Commodore Hastings in his splendid admiral’s uniform and by the captains of the two Sardinian sloops also dressed up in their finest. Then the first boats began to disembark the freed slaves. A crowd assembled on the quay to watch and cheer both rescued and rescuers, and then a military band appeared on...

3 years ago
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100 shades of red

100 shades of red by Spiel_maschinerieI was horny. I was terribly horny. My panties were all wet, I was afraid that wetness will start running down my thighs. I was in need. My need was red. I needed Him. My Master. I felt the need. The unstoppable urge to feel him. For him to be in me. For him to use me. In any way He wants. I needed pain. I needed fulfillment.I needed Him.He ordered me to get dressed like a slut, because He adores to see me like that. Of course, there are also black boots, a...

4 years ago
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50 Shades Of Me In Pune

Hey friends. This is Ethan back again. I am 6 feet tall gym hitting guy. Here on I would be referred as the BULL. So I have already posted my 2 real life sex stories and this one is the third. I am Pune guy and my email is After a long dry spell I was looking for someone who could empty my balls with love. It was 20th August and I was waiting for my girlfriend in the Starbucks Cafe of Amanora Mall. As usual my babe was late and I was busy watching the birds. Suddenly my eyes found a gorgeous...

1 year ago
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50 Shades Of Tamanna

Hi this is Rave from Mumbai! No introduction and shit! Email me to know that Diaclaimer: The story is bit brief and if you wanna get sexcited to the fullest only then you should start. Story goes as – My parents went out for a wedding in the month of November for like 2 days. I told them that I have office and I can’t make it so y’all can go I’ll stay back. But in fact my plan was to watch 50 Shades of Gray with Tamanna. Tamanna is a very fair girl with figure to die for! And she is naughty...

1 year ago
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50 Shades on Jenny

50 Shades of Jenny How much impact can a terrible movie have on your life? The acting was wooden. The plot could have been written by a six-year- old. The dialogue was not believable. The lightning was bad. The music was out of an old tin can. The plot was a rip-off. And my wife, Darla, was transfixed. She watched the images on television as if was the first movie she had ever seen. She did not go to the bathroom. She did not go the refrigerator. She watched, as if she were...

2 years ago
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Elizabeth Grey Parts 21 22

Elizabeth Grey - Part 21: Everything is fine. By Carmenica Diaz The buzzer sounded and Jeremy finished my hair at the same time. We heard Dean open the door and low voices. 'Do I look all right?' I asked nervously. 'Are you joking?' Jeremy laughed. 'You'll knock his socks off.' Sean was waiting with Dean and when he turned to see me coming down the stairs his jaw dropped. 'Wow,' he said and then laughed self-consciously. 'How bloody sophisticated of me. You...

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