No Shades Of Grey free porn video

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With her fingers curled, she could just about touch the ropes binding her wrists, even if she couldn’t see them.  The blindfold they’d used was a length of black velvet; soft, thick and, above all, expertly tied.  Jodie didn’t even know if the lamps in the room were still on, although she assumed they were.  After all, they needed to see, even if she didn’t.

How long had it been now?  Fifteen minutes?  Twenty?  Her right arm was going numb, and she desperately needed to urinate; something she already knew wouldn’t be a problem for any of the men in the room with her.

“If you piss yourself, you piss yourself,” Marcel had said, whilst he and Damon had tied her down.  He grinned, testing the ropes around her waist.  “We’ll keep a bucket handy.  Let you fill it, maybe.  Use it to wash you down afterwards.”

He’d been joking, right?  Surely, he’d been joking.  Shit.  With his accent it was hard to tell.

The tall Belgian had been Jodie’s main contact, answering her emails and phone calls, and arranging their meeting earlier that week at the little Starbucks around the corner from his office.  Jodie thought him quite good looking for a man in his early fifties.  Definitely in decent shape, even if his thick dark hair was greying gracefully at the temples.  He’d worn a ripped designer t-shirt and cut-off denim jeans to their rendezvous, and Jodie spent more time admiring his tattoos than reading the small print in the contract she’d signed.

Too late now.

She lay naked; spread-eagle atop a narrow, custom-built wooden bench that was just long enough to provide uncomfortable support between her shoulder blades and her buttocks, which overhung the edge slightly.  This end was roughly waist high to her captors, while the other end – the end where her head had been positioned – sloped two or three inches closer to the ground.  As well as the blindfold, she’d been subjected to a ball-gag firmly inserted into her mouth and strapped tightly around her face.  Her teeth bit into the rubber invader.  It was becoming increasingly difficult to swallow, and the blood rushing to her brain as a consequence of being pinned at an angle made her feel nauseous and dizzy.  Somehow, Jodie knew Marcel would have little sympathy, even if she’d been able to tell him.

Goddamn it, where are they?

Her shoulders ached; sockets protesting against the acute way her arms had been forced behind her back, pinned together at the wrists by thick rope attached to a steel hoop bolted into the floor directly beneath the bench.  Her tits had had been yoked together so tightly the binding almost cut into her skin, slowly strangling the circulation.  Damon had taken particular pleasure in that task, wrapping the rope around her ample bosom until they tuned puce; the skin taut, like ripe fruit ready to burst.  Two wooden posts stood at the bench’s higher end, each post diagonally separated from it by a foot of empty space and like the steel hoop, firmly bolted to the concrete.  Her legs had been pulled apart, tied at the ankles by more lengths of rope that ran across to the pillars before feeding through holes bored into the wood.

The staging of the little tableau was deliberate; the positions chosen less for her comfort, and more for the benefit of the cameras.  The website Marcel ran was subscription-based and special-invite only, with internet viewers paying upwards of forty pounds an hour to watch.  But this session was different.  For one thing, only one invitation had been sent out; its recipient enjoying the show for free.  For another, Jodie wasn’t getting paid for her acting skills.  Tonight was about testing limits and exploring the darker side of her psyche.  That’s why she’d hired Marcel and his crew, their services having been highly recommended by certain online forums, despite the extortionate cost.

Goddamn it, where the fuck are they?

Right on cue, she heard footsteps.

“Ready, bitch?”  Marcel’s voice.  “Ready to be used like the little whore you are?”

Jodie winced as the ball-gag was forcibly ripped from her mouth.  She gasped for air, enjoying a brief moment of respite before a hand gripped her face; strong fingers digging into her jaw, yanking her head upwards as far as it could go.

“I said, are you ready?”

“Y-y-yes!” Jodie stammered, trying to articulate the word around Marcel’s fingers.

The Belgian laughed, shoving her head back down again.  “Do you really think we give a fuck if you’re ready or not?” he asked.  “You’re just a fucking whore.  Understand?”


The hand slapped her, hard.

“Show some fucking respect when you answer me, you fucking cunt.”

The hand moved across her throat, fingers lightly pressing into her windpipe.  It carried on moving down to her chest, where Marcel pinched one of her nipples tightly between his thumb and forefinger.  Jodie gasped – shocked at the sudden burst of pain; even more shocked at the sudden burst of heat between her legs.

Christ!  What the fuck is wrong with me?

“I said, show some respect,” Marcel repeated, his hand switching across to pull at her other nipple.  “Do you understand, cunt?”

“Yes, sir!”

“What did you say?”

“I said yes, sir!” Jodie whimpered, feeling her pussy begin to weep.

“Shut the fuck up, whore!”

Jodie shivered from the wash of air flowing over her naked skin as Marcel moved around to the head of the bench.  She felt his body heat as his fingers worked the knot at the blindfold, before yanking the fabric free.  Light seared into her pupils, blinding her for a few seconds before they readjusted to this new reality and she could look around, reacquainting herself with her surroundings.

The bench was encircled by several industrial lamps that cast harsh, unflattering white light over everything, reducing the area beyond them to menacing, inscrutable pools of blackness.  A large flat-screen television occupied most of the space on a low table set just inside the circle.  Closer to the bench, three professional-quality cameras had been mounted on tripods, each strategically placed to catch the action from multiple angles.

Marcel towered above her, looking over her nude body.  He had stripped from the waist down, and his thick, erect cock was so close to her face she could lick it if she stretched out her tongue.  Jodie stared at his smooth balls, tracing a path along the vein running up the length of his shaft, noticing him grinning down at her before his eyes darted away.  She tilted her head to the left, following his gaze.


Fuck, fuck, fuck!

It was Pig.

She didn’t know his real name.  They hadn’t even been introduced.  He’d kept his distance from her while the crew had set up their equipment, doing most of the heavy lifting without uttering a single word; instead signalling to his colleagues via a combination of grunts and sniffs that they appeared to understand.  He was middle-aged and balding, with sickly pale skin and lank, wheat-coloured hair that was thinning noticeably around his crown and temples.  On the few occasions he had approached, Jodie had been repulsed by his presence.  Unlike Marcel or Damon, the man possessed no sense of personal hygiene, and his grimy grey polo-shirt was covered with food and drink stains.  But it was the enormous belly straining at his shirt that had prompted her to give him the nickname; that, and his dark, porcine eyes sunk deep into the fleshy folds of his face.


The same porcine eyes stared at her now; framed by a full-face, featureless white plastic mask he wore to help conceal his identity in front of the cameras.  Jodie had assumed Pig’s presence in the room – if indeed, he had to be there at all – was purely technical, but the man seemed intent on joining the action.  He stood naked by one of the lamps, the shadow of his grotesquely extended stomach racing towards her.  For some reason, Jodie felt herself getting wetter at the sight of him stroking his cock, which was much fatter than she would have ever imagined.  Disgusted at her reaction, she turned her head away while Marcel laughed softly at her obvious discomfort.

At least the alternative view was more attractive.  A steel trolley had been wheeled into position and Damon bent over it, tapping away at a laptop connected to a portable server by multicoloured cables spilling out of their housing and onto the floor.  He was naked, and Jodie ran an appreciative eye over his lean, athletic body.  His cock was impressively long, although slimmer than either Marcel or Pig’s; unlike theirs, he was also circumcised.  Damon was both the tallest man of the trio and, at twenty-one, also the youngest; only three years younger than Jodie herself.  His Ghanaian parents were justly proud that he was the first in his family to attend university, although they had no idea of what their youngest son did to fund his education.

He caught her glancing in his direction and flashed a broad smile at her, running a hand over his shaved scalp as he turned to his employer.

“All set, Marc,” he said.

Marcel grunted, slapping Jodie’s face again, focusing her attention back to him.  “Ready, cunt?” he asked, reaching behind to spread his ass cheeks wide as he lowered himself towards her mouth, pinning her head into place between his thighs.

Even though they’d discussed what was to happen tonight, Jodie had reserved judgement for this segment of filming; but this close up, Marcel’s anus looked tight and tempting.  She tentatively poked at it.  The sweat from his dark crevice tasted sweet and salty, and she could smell the soap he’d used to douche himself before filming.  Pleasantly surprised she used her lips, spitting at it; the saliva acting as extra lubrication, helping her probe deeper.

Why am I doing this? Why the hell am I enjoying it so much?

Jodie pursed her lips against the entrance, creating a little vacuum of pleasure as she sucked at his rectum.  She ran the blade of her tongue slowly around his rosebud, feeling him shiver, his hips rocking in harmony with her movements.  His fingers brushed against her hair as he reached down again, pulling his buttocks wider.  His asshole gaped slightly as he gently pushed out, exposing the dark, velvety redness within.  It was all the invitation Jodie needed.  She curled the tip of her tongue, spearing his opening.  Suddenly he clenched, squeezing his anus around her tongue, drawing it inside him as he moaned with bliss.

“That’s it,” he said, pushing down harder onto her face. “Get your tongue in deeper!  Lick it... Stick it all the way inside my arsehole, you dirty little slut."

Jodie obeyed, working faster as she tried to please the man squatting on top of her, feeling a burst of heat through her cunt as she tasted his crevice.  She was so engrossed in riming Marcel’s ass that at first, she didn’t realise someone had moved between her thighs until she felt the hand on her knee.  Trapped between Marcel’s legs, his balls resting lightly on her nose, Jodie realised she couldn’t see Pig anywhere.  For a moment, she panicked.  Please God, no; please God, no.  And then she felt Damon’s nose ring scratching gently against her clit.

Holy fuck, the boy was good!

Damon wrapped his lips around her labia and hummed.  The gentle vibration sent a wave of heat flooding through her core, her pussy dripping; a combination of her juices and his saliva leaking out over her inner thigh.  If God had answered her prayers at that moment, Jodie would have asked for her hands to be untied long enough for her to grab the back of his head and force his mouth onto her cunt.

Oblivious to her thoughts Damon released her labia, resting his cheek against her inner thigh as he traced his lips along the light swell of her mons.  Long, languid licks that ran along the length of her slit; gossamer-light touches that made her nerves tingle as he strayed down to her asshole, mirroring her performance with Marcel.  He slid two fingers into her pussy, spreading her folds wide to allow his tongue to snake in, slithering along her inner walls to find her g-spot.  Jodie gave a high-pitched squeal of pleasure that was quickly stifled when Marcel shoved his ball-sack into her mouth.

It was all too much.

Jodie felt the gentle waves of pleasure inside her swell into a tsunami.  Her breath quickened; short, sharp gasps of air as she strained helplessly against her restraints, the ropes around her ankles cutting into her as they reached their tether. Her hips bucked violently, slamming against the edge of the bench as she undulated and writhed under Damon’s touch.  His teeth gently nuzzled and nibbled at her labia; his thumb glided over her clit in little circular motions.  Jodie cried out as she came, letting Marcel’s testes slip from her jaw as she flooded Damon’s mouth with her sweet nectar.

Marcel laughed as her tremors subsided and her breathing returned to normal.

“Did you like that, you little whore?” he asked, dismounting from her face and stooping to wipe the pre-cum oozing from the tip of his cock onto her forehead.  “Or should we give you another taste?”

Jodie watched as he wandered over to one of the cameras, removing it from its tripod.  He caught her looking and jerked his head towards the television in the corner.

“It’s a live feed,” he said.  “You can watch yourself behaving like a little slut.”


The sudden sound startled her and Marcel laughed again, watching her eyes widen with fear as she turned her head to the side and saw what was coming next.


Oh, fuck. Oh God. Oh fuck; oh fuck; oh fuck.



Pig.  She had forgotten about him.

He hadn’t moved from where she’d seen him last yet he’d managed to acquire a leather riding crop, swishing it sharply where he stood, waiting for her to notice him before advancing slowly.



The first blow caught Jodie’s inner thigh; the second, the hood of her clitoris.  He grunted softly as she cried out in pain, wriggling to the limits of her restraints as she tried to escape the stinging blows raining down on her most delicate area.

“Please,” she begged.  “Please, make him stop!”

Crack. Crack.

The third and fourth blows swished against her labia: right to left; left to right.

Goddammit!  How was he so fucking accurate?!

“Please!  No more! Make him stop!”

“Are you sure?” Marcel asked from behind the camera, moving to focus on her groin as Pig’s crop flicked it again.  “I think you like it.  The camera thinks so, anyway - and the camera never lies.”

Is he fucking insane?

How could he say she liked it?

Jodie opened her mouth to protest; just as quickly shutting it again as another blow landed against her mons.  The crop hurt like a motherfucker, and yet...

And yet.

With the initial shock wearing off, Jodie was suddenly aware that the burning sensation originating in her cunt had slowly spread through the rest of her body.  She glanced at the action playing out on the television.  To her surprise, she saw that when the blows landed she arched her hips towards them, rather than away.  As Pig paused for breath the camera zoomed in on the end of the crop, bringing it into sharp focus on the screen.  The dark leather tip glistened wetly.

Marcel grinned.  “I think she’s ready to take things to the next level,” he said, holding out his hand.  Pig silently handed him the crop and Marcel forced it into Jodie’s mouth, making her taste herself for the first time; her juices tangy and tart on her tongue as she licked it clean.  Damon moved from the foot of the bench up to the head, absentmindedly stroking Jodie’s hair while he waited for instruction.

Having given up his toy, Pig moved closer to the bench.  Jodie’s eyes widened in fear.  It was one thing to have him spanking her cunt at a distance, but to actually have the man touching her?

No fucking way!

“Keep him away from me!” she yelled, wiggling back as far as the ropes allowed.

Pig paused, mid-way between her legs; dark beady eyes darting this way and that as he glanced between Jodie and Marcel.

The Belgian snorted, switching his grip on the camera to shift some of its weight.  “What did I say about showing respect?” he asked, raising his eyebrow.

Damon laughed and tightened his grip, winding Jodie’s blonde hair around his fingers for extra purchase as he yanked her head back.

“Are we going to have to discipline you?” he growled, shaking her head for her.

Jodie glanced up at him.  The area around his mouth was still slick and shiny from where she’d cum with his tongue inside her.  Why was she so scared of Pig touching her?  It was what she’d paid for, after all – to have her boundaries pushed; to test the dark side of her limits.

She made up her mind.

“No, sir,” she replied quietly.

“What’s that?” Damon said, a big shit-eating grin spreading across his face.  “You want me to stick my cock in your mouth?”  This time he forced her head to nod.  “You’re a dirty little slut!  Open wide, bitch.”

Jodie obeyed, letting Damon push his cock between her lips.  She loved giving head; it was one of her favourite things to do, ever since the very first blowjob she’d given, back in college.

“No gag reflex,” she’d told Marcel proudly, when they’d met in the little Starbucks, and she’d meant it; but even so, the sheer length of Damon’s cock was still problematic.

Jodie felt the head enter her throat, nudging against her oesophagus, only starting to panic when she realised that he still had two or three more inches left.  Damon noticed her discomfort and grinned, holding his cock in place for a few more seconds before easing out slowly.

“I’m gonna ask you one more time,” he said, hands still wrapped tightly in her hair.  “Are you going to be a good girl?”

He removed his cock completely from her mouth, rubbing his glans on her lips.

“Yes....” Jodie whispered, stretching her tongue out to lick his shaft.

“What was that?”

“Yes, I’ll be a good girl.”

“We know you will,” Marcel said, nodding at Pig, still patiently waiting between her thighs, giving him permission to proceed.

Jodie she felt him place one of his ham-sized hands on her pussy, rubbing her labia with the flat of his palm, coating his fingers with her juices.  Damon forcibly turned her head, facing her towards the television to watch as Pig eased one and then two fingers inside.  The pain of her cunt stretching was fleeting; her body betraying her lust as it adjusted to these new sensations, flinching and juddering around his digits as if it had a mind of its own.  Fingers one and two were soon joined by fingers three and four; Pig shaping his hand into a cone for easy access, tucking his thumb into his palm as he slid in.

Her pussy felt so full - yet at the same time, so empty.  It was an absurd paradox.  Ordinarily, she might have laughed; but instead, Jodie found her hips bucking against him, desperately seeking more of his body inside hers.  Pig’s thick hand stretched her wider than she could have believed; his fingers splayed as he withdrew them, her soft, wet folds bulged obscenely as her cunt fought to keep him inside for as long as possible.  She could smell her arousal, sweet and piquant in the air.  When he finally succeeded in pulling free, his fingers and wrist were wet and sticky, and glistened in the light.

As Pig continued to work his fingers in and out of her cunt with surprising gentleness, Damon yanked her hair again, shoving his cock firmly into her mouth as she cried out.  She felt the smooth firmness of his head resting against her tongue, instinctively swirling it around his tip, dipping into his urethral opening, making him gasp with surprise and pleasure.

Her reaction spurred him into action.  Gone was the polite student who had chatted with her earlier, bringing refreshments whilst she got ready.  Instead, lust took over.  He yanked her hair again, pulling her neck straight for easier access, forcing most of his long cock into her throat.  Jodie tried to pull away but Damon held her firmly in place, only releasing her as her face began to turn crimson.  She coughed out thick rivulets of saliva as he pulled his cock free.

“I don’t care if you choke, bitch,” he said, sneering at her.  “I don’t care if it makes you uncomfortable, I’m going to stick this cock in your throat until I cum!”

“Damon,” Marcel said warningly.  The younger man snorted but held back as his employer pulled Pig out from between Jodie’s legs, handing his obese colleague the camera before taking his place.

Damon twisted her head back to the television and she watched, fascinated as her pussy filled the screen.  Her labia were red and puffy, matted with her juices from Pig’s fisting.  Even before Marcel’s cock loomed into view she felt it as he rubbed his glans against her clit, and his hard length along her sopping slit.

It was too much to bear.

Jodie stretched as far as her restraints allowed, pushing forwards to meet him; both of them gasping as the head of his cock slipped with consummate ease into her body, her slick folds slowly closing around him like one of those rare carnivorous plants trapping its prey.  Marcel edged forwards, filling her inch by inch; neither of them entirely sure whether the Belgian was pushing himself into her, or if it was Jodie’s vagina sucking him in deeper, like some impossible black hole, until his hips finally met hers and he had no more cock left outside of her body.

Marcel paused for a moment savouring the pressure of Jodie’s cunt, before slowly withdrawing, the camera lingering lasciviously on the scene.  His cock glistened from a mixture of their combined perspiration and her juices.  He withdrew almost to the tip, her cunt holding him fast as it fought to retain him, before he slammed back inside her with a grunt of satisfaction; repeating the action again and again.

Each thrust inwards was exquisite; each pull outwards, exquisite torture.  Marcel’s cock seemed to know her pussy, as if they were old friends, and she ached for its loss whenever he withdrew.  His length allowed for stimulation her previous lovers had neglected, and the head of his cock rubbed against her g-spot both on entry and exit.  Every nerve felt warm and fuzzy and she closed her eyes, her breath increasingly rushed between gritted teeth.

Her ass scrambled for purchase on the end on the bench and her back, slick with sweat, slid across the wooden surface.  Jodie felt the waves building inside her again, the pleasure nibbling around her core.  But this was only the entree.  The main course – the event she was waiting for with equal parts dread and excitement – was yet to come.

She didn’t have to wait long.

Marcel allowed himself to pull free, placing his hands under her buttocks; gripping the supple flesh tightly as he spread the cheeks wide, exposing her puckered asshole.

“You’d better be ready,” he said, glancing up at her.

In response, she pushed forwards, letting the thick head of his cock nudge aside the last remnants of her virginity, the Belgian entering territory no man had entered before.

She winced as Marcel began to push in, the head of his cock slowly pushing its way into her puckered rim.  Enough of Jodie’s juices had seeped down between her buttocks that further lubrication wasn’t required; but even so, it was a tight fit.  To judge from Marcel’s look of intense concentration and gritted teeth, it was clear that the Belgian was having his own battle trying to squeeze his thick cock inside.  His hand gripped her thigh for extra support but his palm was slick with sweat and his arm slipped.  He swore, regaining his balance as he tried again.

Finally, he succeeded pushing past the tight ring of muscle.  The pain was sharp, but brief; and even as she felt her tightness giving way, it was already subsiding to be replaced by something much more pleasurable.

Why... why am I enjoying this so much?

Partly it was the thrill of engaging in an act still frowned upon by polite society.  Sodomy; buggery; even the names were vulgar.  But mostly, it was because the nerves in her anal passage were so sensitive, she could feel every inch as Marcel’s cock burrowed deeper and deeper until finally, with a grunt of triumph, Jodie felt his balls slap against her bare ass.

She groaned; instinctively squeezing her arse, rewarded by a growl from the Belgian as he struggled to retain his composure.

“Take me,” Jodie said, grinning mischievously at him.  “Own me.  Make me yours!”

“Jesus, that’s tight,” he said, wiping his brow.   “This is going to be fun!”

Damon released Jodie’s head and she stared at Marcel, expecting him to begin fucking her immediately.  Instead, he waited; allowing her sphincter to adjust, accommodating his girth.  When he finally began working his way in and out of her back passage, it took her by surprise and she gasped; her anus enveloping his cock completely, reluctant to let him go.

It was easier now.  The muscles that had fought so very hard against his entrance were now more forgiving.  After only a few strokes his forays into her back passage became more fluid as he found his rhythm, and Jodie pushed her hips and ass to meet his, contributing to the pleasure.  She heard his breathing change, becoming more laborious and matching her own gasps, struggling to keep pace even as his hand came to rest on her stomach.

“Oh God!” she growled, as her bladder protested.  “I need to pee, Marcel!”

“So piss!” Marcel replied, showing no signs of releasing her just yet.  He grinned evilly, pushing down harder.

“No!” Jodie wailed, the pressure of his hands adding to her discomfort even as she clenched her ass around his cock.

“I said, piss!”  The Belgian pushed down again, and this time Jodie felt her bladder give in.

If that’s what you want, you bastard!

She relaxed, letting the muscle contract as the dam finally broke and hours of stored urine burst free.  Marcel didn’t even flinch.  Instead his strokes became deeper, harder, and faster, even as Jodie relieved herself with enough force for the liquid to ricochet off his flat stomach and back onto her own; the scent of it pungent in the air.  It ran along her thighs, warm and wet; seeping into her bonds and dripping onto the floor below, as Pig captured it all frame by frame for their unseen audience.

It was if a boundary had been crossed; and with it, a sense of complete and utter release.  Freed from any lingering inhibitions, Jodie shuddered violently as Marcel bored into her, her breath coming in brief, contorted gasps as she fought for air.  Her arms pulled against the restraints holding her in place, frustrated that they allowed no leeway for her to satisfy herself.

And so she cried out, begging them to keep fucking her; begging them to use her.

“Oh God, please fuck my ass!  Please!  Please fuck my ass!”

She cursed at them – calling them motherfuckers; cunts; bastards.  She looked directly into the camera, Pig moving around their sweaty bodies as he filmed.

She made threats.

“Don’t you dare stop, you motherfucker!  Stick that fucking fat cock in my ass!”

Jodie screamed orders, framing commands around gritted teeth.  She turned her head and without any prompting from Damon, took his cock as far into her mouth as possible; her tongue snaking around his long shaft; her lips pursed around his tip, squeezing it as he gasped and tried to fuck her face harder.  She ground her hips against Marcel’s, and squeezed her anal muscles tightly around the thick meat pushing its way inside her, greedy for their pleasure as well as her own.

“Fuck me harder, you bastard!  That’s it – harder! Harder! Faster!”

Everything else was forgotten.  She no longer cared why she was here in this room with these men, or who was watching, and why.

Right here – right now – she was Jodie, their whore.

Right here – right now – that was all that mattered.

The orgasm was unlike anything she’d ever experienced before.  Normal sex was good; rough sex was better.  But those orgasms had been like tidal storms, gradually building their way up from gentle waves into pounding tsunamis that swept through her with a measured beat of their own.  This... This was primal, and frightening.  It was a wildfire; something that ignited without warning and now danced away inside her, intent on gobbling up everything in its path until it left nothing but an empty shell.

And Goddammit, it feels so good!

Her anus seemed hyper-sensitive in a way that her cunt had never even come close to matching.  Every time the big Belgian pushed his way into her, she could feel him filling her, stretching her.  Every withdrawal felt like abandonment, leaving her void and empty; Jodie almost mewling for its return, no matter how brief the loss.  And right now, it was very brief indeed.  Marcel’s hands clawed into her hips, his thrusts more rapid now; noticeably shorter stabs as he fucked her, close to orgasm himself.  It didn’t take long.  Jodie counted three, four more thrusts before he finally pulled free from her aching anus.

“I need to cum,” he announced, fingers wrapped tightly around his thick shaft.  Jodie watched, fascinated, as he rapidly jerked his cock, pulling his foreskin back and forth over the bulbous glans.  “I need to cum now!”

Jodie looked up at him; looked around and smiled at them all, Pig and Damon.  “Cum on me,” she said sweetly, wiggling her tongue at them.  “Cum all over my pretty face and make me your cum covered whore.”

Marcel was first.  Jodie heard him grunt, his knee banging into her shoulder as he moved closer.  The first spurt landed diagonally across her chin; warmer than she could have imagined and thicker too, with a weight that belied its size.  The first shot was closely followed by two more onto her cheek and another that landed on her nose, droplets of cum splashing inside her nostril.  With the Belgian sated, Jodie watched Damon and Pig stepping up to take his place; the latter handing him the camera, letting him film the high-definition climax to the show.

She saw them grimace; heard their desperate little gasps as their bodies finally gave in; the final few jerks on their cocks tipping them over the edge.  Closing her eyes again, she tilted her head giving the two men a better target.

One spurt; two spurts; more.  Jets of semen haphazardly landing on her helpless face and body; landing on her cheeks, on her chin, on her forehead.  One splashed a thin line across her closed eyelid; others landed on her neck and breasts.  Jodie lapped at the few sprays that crossed her lips, enjoying the salty, clean taste as she waited for them to finish marking her as theirs.

“Fuck, you’re one filthy bitch, you know that?”  Marcel’s voice. “Look at you, all covered in cum!”

“She needs cleaning up.”  Pig’s voice was surprising falsetto for a man of his size, and Jodie looked up just in time to see the big man taking aim with his cock.

She was curious; at least that’s what she told herself later.  That was the only excuse for why she did what she did.

But at the time...

At the time, she operated on pure instinct.

Pig’s piss was sweeter than she’d expected and as he hosed thick globs of semen from her skin, she found herself parting her lips, giving him a makeshift bowl to aim for.  The sound of his warm urine splashing inside her mouth echoed around the suddenly hushed room.  Jodie savoured every drop, swilling it around her tongue and gargling as Damon hovered close by with the camera, taking in every detail.  Only when Pig had finally finished relieving himself did Jodie swallow, opening her mouth wide and sticking her tongue out to prove it was all gone.

“You really are one filthy bitch,” Marcel repeated.  He shook his head, smiling.  “Fuck!  If you ever decide you want to do this sort of thing for a living, you let me know.  You could make a lot of money, you dirty little whore!”

Jodie laughed, licking the last drops of Pig’s urine from her lips.  “Thanks, but I’ve already got something planned.  Speaking of which?”

She glanced over at Damon, hunched over the laptop.  He looked back at her.  “The connection was terminated,” he said.

Marcel frowned.  “When?” he asked, helping Pig undo the ropes binding Jodie into place.

Damon shrugged.  “Not sure,” he replied.  “Could be ten minutes ago, or ten seconds.  All I know is, he’s gone.”

On the steel trolley, a mobile phone beeped as a text message came through.  The three men looked over at Jodie, before Damon picked it up so she could read the screen, her body trembling; hands unable to grip the device properly.


Breathe.  Just breathe.

She dialled.

One Mississippi... Two Mississippi...

Pick up!  Pick up!

Five Mississippi ... Six Mississippi...

You asked me to call you, asshole; so pick—

“Miss Winters.”  The man’s voice was smooth and deep; familiar from over a dozen award speeches at film festivals the world over.  “That was a most impressive audition tape.  My congratulations to your colleagues as well.  True auteurs, all of them.”

“Thank you.”  Jodie’s voice was shaky, and she took a deep breath to calm her nerves.

“You seem aware I permit no shades of grey in my films, Miss Winters,” the man said.  “I deal in black or white.  I expect absolute honesty in my actor’s performances.”

“I understand.  I’m committed to your art; committed to your vision.  I wanted to show you that I can push the boundaries and explore the dark side of the character’s psyche.  I’m perfect for this role.”

“I believe so too.  You can tell your agent to expect my call in the morning.”  The voice went silent, and for a moment Jodie thought he’d hung up on her.  Then: “I am curious.  Why did you go to such lengths to secure my attention?”

“How could I do anything less?” Jodie said, laughing softly.  “It’s the role of a lifetime.”

Same as No Shades of Grey Videos

3 years ago
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Hairy University Ch 2 Gladys The Grey

I was still in a bit of a daze as I followed Diana out of Becky The Brown's office and through the University halls to visit Gladys The Grey. "So what exactly is it that you all do here?" I asked the elusive Diana."You mean Ms. Becky didn't even tell you?" Diana sighed. "Typical. She was in such a hurry to smother you in soggy snatch sauce that she didn't even get to the job description. It's not my place to tell you about things, but I can say that it's important work. You should join with us,...

4 years ago
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ExMen Banshee and Jean Grey

Some comic characters mentioned in my stories could be the property of these respective comic book publishers, Marvel, DC, or Image. If they are being used, this a work of fictional parody. My friend Rafael in Brazil suggested I try doing some stories set in the Marvel Comic Universe instead of just DC. Here is the first effort. Usual requests, please enjoy, and please let me know what you think. Thanks Steve Using the X-Men Comic Title Literally - Ex-Men Banshee and Jean Grey by...

1 year ago
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Defeating Greyness

I switched off the news. I’d seen enough; it was time to go. I might have waited too long. The thing was, I loved the life I was leading and I didn’t want to leave everything behind. I looked around my luxury condo, taking everything in for the last time. This whole world was about to end and I already knew how much I was going to miss it. I had painstakingly selected every piece of furniture. Every decorative item was perfectly placed. Buying the kitchen alone had taken more than a month and...

2 years ago
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Into the Grey

David Jones stood atop Cefn Bryn, one of the higher points on the Gower Peninsula. It was early spring, or late winter, depending on how you wanted to look at it, and the air was unusually clear for the season. The twenty-or-so houses and pastures that made up Nicholaston spread out at the bottom of the hill, about a hundred feet down, and pressed up against the small cliffs overlooking the bay. Out beyond the bay, ghosting over the dark green Atlantic waters, he could make out a bit of...

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Shades of a Goddess

To everyone else, the bet where Harley would dress in a costume of their choosing, was a fun bonus to what already promised to be an unforgettable night for the local chapter of the Young Citizens Club. To Harley Smith, the bet and the teasing that accompanied it was a constant reminder that the changes to his body, changes that no doctor could explain, would soon be made public. Little did he know that the contest would be the least of his troubles. Supernatural forces have been...

3 years ago
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Shades of She

Sometimes I wish She would not surface. I long to control Her, to be able to keep the cork firmly in its bottle despite the dark pressure, and only release my dirty genie when, and if, it suits me. Just once, it would give me immense satisfaction to have the strength to make Her stay inside when it mattered. No intrusion. No rabid hunger. To enjoy moments of intense highs at my own pace. Moments like this one, my back shoved unceremoniously against the wall, eyes to the heavens while...

3 years ago
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Shades of She

Sometimes I wish She would not surface. I long to control Her, to be able to keep the cork firmly in its bottle despite the dark pressure, and only release my dirty genie when, and if, it suits me. Just once, it would give me immense satisfaction to have the strength to make Her stay inside when it mattered. No intrusion. No rabid hunger. To enjoy moments of intense highs at my own pace. Moments like this one, my back shoved unceremoniously against the wall, eyes to the heavens while...

Quickie Sex
1 year ago
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Shades of Death Road

I stepped out of Maureen's car as she handed me my sleeping bag. She asked, "Are you sure about this? You do know what happened out here?""Maur, if I don't do this, then Layla and the rest will think I'm just a coward and never allow me to live it down. Besides, I don't believe in all those stories. There isn't anything out here except a road with a name that scares people.""I don't think so, Rach. I've heard all the stories since I was just a kid. I was always warned about being out here after...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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Contract Meeting with Mr Grey

I stood waiting outside the cafe listening to music, watching the hustle and bustle of passers by, thinking about the man I had only been chatting to a few days and now I was stood here waiting to sign a contract that would take us a journey of discovery. I watched, looking out for him and playing in my ear was Kings Of Leon - Sex On Fire. I was dressed in tight dark blue jeans, a soft pink sweater and brown boats, with a black trench coat over the top. I had thought about how to do my hair and...

1 year ago
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Contract Meeting with Mr Grey

I stood waiting outside the cafe listening to music, watching the hustle and bustle of passers by, thinking about the man I had only been chatting to a few days and now I was stood here waiting to sign a contract that would take us a journey of discovery. I watched, looking out for him and playing in my ear was Kings Of Leon - Sex On Fire. I was dressed in tight dark blue jeans, a soft pink sweater and brown boats, with a black trench coat over the top. I had thought about how to do my hair and...

3 years ago
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An Ordinary College Sex Life 3Chapter 22 Serena Grey

-- SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 2006, SENIOR YEAR -- "Elyse Laughton is dead." I blinked twice before arching both eyebrows, hearing her words and yet absolutely certain of the identity of the young woman standing on the porch in front of me. "Dead? Uh ... You're going to have to explain that one." She sighed, "It's a long story." "I'm willing to hear it." "Oh, for God's sake, Ben," Sasha grumped as she pushed past me and stepped out onto the porch. "Let the girl inside!" With a...

3 years ago
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TalentChapter the Twentythird Grey

The weather is being pretty naughty today. There's nothing more than a little grey drizzle and the faintest gleam of a cold sun behind the clouds. All the trees are just hanging their heads in the relentless soaking and all the gutters are flowing with rivers of black muddy water. I kneel on the sofa and stare out the window. I can see the street lamps are still on even though it must be approaching noon. All there is on the radio is more of that awful hissing and yesterday (or was it...

2 years ago
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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 29 Lady Grey

One day later, Thomas received the special marriage licence from his Excellency, General Campbell. The aide-de-camp granted them the use of the Convent Garden for the reception, and the wedding was planned for three days later. The list of guests invited from Thomas’s side was short and included the officers of Unicorn and Dido, the port admiral and the helpful aide-de-camp. Mirabel invited a few gentlemen and ladies of her acquaintance, and of course Angela and Florence. In total, no more...

4 years ago
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Ricky Goes Grey

After my pre Christmas exploits, not much happened sexually for a good 6 months. I’d made the peace with Sharon, however it was just a matter of time before things fell apart. I hadn’t been able to get the holiday from work, so we had agreed that she would spend a week with her parents in their caravan, and then fly home for our anniversary. The sex had returned to a fairly mundane pattern, with any attempt by me to liven things up being met with resistance. At work, Sam was transferred to...

1 year ago
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Ricky Goes Grey

After my pre Christmas exploits, not much happened sexually for a good 6 months. I’d made the peace with Sharon, however it was just a matter of time before things fell apart. I hadn’t been able to get the holiday from work, so we had agreed that she would spend a week with her parents in their caravan, and then fly home for our anniversary. The sex had returned to a fairly mundane pattern, with any attempt by me to liven things up being met with resistance. At work, Sam was transferred to...

2 years ago
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Adjustments Part 2 The Beauty of Grey

This is part two of the Adjustments saga. It's as if the whole thing were one whole book. Enjoy! Adjustments Part 2: The Beauty of Grey By Starson Daly THE STORY SO FAR: Devin, a college student is involved in a lab accident and becomes a Nia. In the first part, we learned of his struggle to adjust to being a woman. Now... Chapter 7 - Stardom If you had told me a year ago that I would be the new star actress in my college's theatre troupe, I would have told you that you...

4 years ago
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Adjustments Part 2 The Beauty of Grey

Adjustments Part 2: The Beauty of Grey By Starson Daly ***This is part two of the Adjustments saga. It's as if the whole thing were one whole book. Enjoy!**** [email protected] ****THE STORY SO FAR: Devin, a college student is involved in a lab accident and becomes Nia. In the first part, we learned of his struggle to adjust to being a woman. Now. . . .***** Chapter 7 - Stardom If you had told me a year ago that I would be the new star actress in my college's...

1 year ago
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Anal with my 18year old stepdaughter on a greyho

I had been dated your mother for several months by now. And it was a fast and furious courting. So much so that on are very first date after dinner instead of going to the movie your mommy asked me somewhat sheepishly if I'd prefer to take her back to my place to fuck her in the ass. I accepted her offer. When I dropped your mommy off filled to the brim with my cum, especially in her ass, that's when I first met you. When I first locked eyes on you I knew that I had locked eyes on THE MOST...

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Amas Paranormal Quickies 2 Greyback

Ama after her experience in her new house. Became a junkie. Addicted to paranormal sex. It took her a few weeks of digging but she believed she found another haunted location that would suit her... needs. She found an abandoned road where many women have claimed they were raped by a confederate ghost. She did research and found out a confederate unit was attacked by general Sherman located by the Mississippi. And one of many skirmish’s. She studied the geography and found the road was...

2 years ago
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Waiting for the Greyhound

Subject: Waiting for the Greyhound By Mushroom7When I was a brand new sailor fresh out of boot camp I used to go home every weekend from San Diego to a small town in California. By the time I had made the trip five or six times I had managed to set up steady dick on both ends of the bus ride. I was only eighteen years old but I already knew what I liked in addition to pussy. Dick was hot and free, and I couldn't afford much more than dick at that age. Most of my money was going home to mama....

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Shades of Dorian Gray

‘Henry! Henry, over here!’ I’m normally a quiet and patient man, but the welcome sight of my good friend Henry entering the hotel rendered me incapable of containing my excitement. I gazed over the heads in the crowded lobby and held up my hand so he could find me. It seemed an eternity before our arms met in a strong handshake and bumping of chests. In my excitement, I nearly crushed my dear friend. ‘I’m sorry, Henry, but it’s so good to see you! Are you all right?’ It takes more than an...

2 years ago
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Shades of Darkness

Rain tapped a steady beat on the tin roof of the old house. Various vessels were placed to catch the water as it leaked through the ceiling. Chloe was in the tiny dinning room looking out one of the windows watching the rain that had steadily fell for the past five days. She cursed herself for not having the roof inspected before she moved in to her grandmother’s old house. She was so touched that the woman had loved her enough to leave her the house. It had been the place where many of her...

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Shades of Beech MountainChap 19

Introduction: Getting the Dungeon ready For Business Chapter 19 We landed at Banner Elk just at dusk. Sandra had called ahead and Donna drove the Hummer to pick us up. Hugs and squeals were passed between Donna and Connie, as if they were long lost sisters. Im soo happy to finally get to meet you all. Dano has spoken highly of all of you and the plans he has — I can hardly wait to begin! Connie was very tall and had a half head of height advantage over Donna, who was just an inch or so...

1 year ago
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shades of grey part two

When Alexa suggested I come to a private club with her, I was a little unsure after what had happened before. But I am inquisitive and said yes I would.It was a club in South Kensington in London, called the Toucan. Alex suggested I wear something sexy for the evening as there would be lots guys there, and who knows, I might might get lucky....she said. I arrived at her house wearing a shortish skirt and a silk blouse. Alexa laughed and said I should try some of her clothes. She gave me a dress...

2 years ago
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Shades of Red

Coming home by LailaMia smiled to herself in the mirror, girlishly excited, carefully towelling off her long reddish curls. It felt to her, as though her whole body was tingling with pent-up longing and the promise of imminent gratification. She had arrived the evening before, they had spent some hours into the night catching up, drinking wine, reacquainting themselves with the sight of each other, the smell, the small touches, the company. She had forgotten how the mere proximity of him made...

1 year ago
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Shades of Rachna bhabi

"She needed to pee which she had held from a long time. I followed her to the washroom since I needed to wash my hand. I saw her going into a squat position since her secondary washroom was Indian type. She closed her eyes with mouth wide open, and a flow of yellowish liquid comes out from there. She left a moan while releasing the pee in a rapid speed. Her face looked like she was getting a pleasure probably because it feels good to release the pee after holding so long. I see that and went...

1 year ago
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Southboud Greyhound

Liberty. Two weeks of freedom after Naval Boot Camp. I had gone home to visit my parents and see friends. Now I was headed south to San Diego on a Greyhound bus. We were somewhere in northern California when some folks departed and a few more boarded. I was pleased that the bus was sparsely occupied leaving me plenty of room to stretch out and relax. Unless you've ridden on a bus for more than just across town you don't know how cramped you can get. This was the beginning of the second day...

2 years ago
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On an Eastbound Greyhound

It had been a long haul -- eight weeks of Basic Training followed by twelve weeks of Advanced Training as a radio operator. There had been a couple of weekend passes thrown in, and one three-day pass to Houston right after Basic. But there'd never been enough time to go all the way back home to Georgia, until now. It was January, 1957, and Tom had two weeks' leave before reporting for his permanent duty assignment at Ft. Dix, New Jersey. He was very pleased. He had an assignment close to New...

2 years ago
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Dun and Dusted Part I Book 7 of Poachers Progress Chapter 9 The Silver Greyhound

September 10th, 1832 We had decided to make the return crossing of the English Channel from the port of Dieppe. Although Calais would remain our chosen entre port to France when travelling to Château Blanchard the journey between Calais and Paris had been long and uncomfortable, and one Mimi and I decided not to repeat. Dieppe was the nearest channel port to Paris, and it was there we were now bound As the diligence headed towards Dieppe I thought back on our time in Paris. Jean-Woodward...

3 years ago
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Shifty Fades of Grey

Dear readers, this is the bare arsed plot. To save you wading through pages of tedious exposition till you get to the smut, you get a brief set up below then it’s straight into the BDSM…The Set UpConan Steel is the cruel but brilliant twenty something millionaire CEO of a soft furnishings company in Rochdale. He acquires a young intern, the beautiful and headstrong Alexandra Rasputin, the daughter of Russian émigrés. Steel is intrigued by her ethereal nature and confession that she is a virgin....

4 years ago
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Alex and Emma Watson and some shades of Grey

“In here. Immediately!”Alex's voice was demanding, determined, loud. Emma was standing in the lobby of her house, still with the handbag over her shoulder. She had returned from a photo-shooting in the city and was surprised about her brother’s wellcome. But without delay she put her bag down and went into the kitchen. Alex closed the door.“Stay here. And not a word!”He loved it to see his older sister usure about what was happening. Because Emma didn’t move, he pushed her to the big...

3 years ago
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When It Blows All Cats Are Grey

When It Blows, All Cats Are Gray By Brandy Dewinter Chris Stevenson looked up from the analysis he was working on to let his eyes rest on his roommate. She was certainly, as always, a sight for sore eyes. Karen Ashley was just about the prettiest girl on the Smithfield College campus, slender and graceful, with flowing golden blonde hair. For about the ten millionth time, Chris thought about how lucky he was, not only to share a house with this co-ed goddess, but even a...

4 years ago
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Shade renamon and Takato

ok Takato was walking through the wood taking a short cut home from school. He had been walking maybe fifteen minuts when he came apon a wounded animal. AT least he thought it was an animal. It had golden like fir and it's face resembed that of a cats or maybe a dogs he couldn't tell. What struck him most however was that it seemed to have arms and legs like a human. "Hello." He said causley aprouching the animal. Shade Renamon December 19 at 2:29pm Report *I look over my shoulder my...

3 years ago
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Kim Possible/Victorious: Shade Shego was tired of her life the whole world domination thing. She had saved up a lot of money and moved out of Drakken's lair and moved to Hollywood. She didn't have any friends or anyone to help her. She hated being alone and when your different it is what happens. Shego decided that this time around it wouldn't be that way.She looked through the local papers and found an 'I hate' group hosted by Jade West. All they do is sit around and talk about what they hate....

3 years ago
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Shaded Mirror

Shaded Mirror By Radioactive Loner Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999 My eyes fluttered open. I yawned, stretched out in the bed, and then realized instantly something was wrong. First, I was wearing a T-shirt and sweatpants, not the nightgown I had gone to sleep in... and this T-shirt was one I had never seen before. Secondly, my whole room had changed around me! It looked completely different. I got up in shock, first walking over to the wall and seeing...

2 years ago
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Shade Of Purple

Nerdy was the word that sprang to mind whenever people saw Lenny, head always buried in books and achieving best grades at college. This was in total contrast to his brother and sister who were exciting and fun to be with. Lenny just got on with life. He got along with everyone since he would do the chores for the family. Dad was away on business trips most of the time. Mum used part of the large house as an office for her therapy counselling. Mum could be best described as a hippy with her...

1 year ago
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Good Girls First Double Date

Good Girl's First Real Date Now that my wife had discovered my bisexual side, including finding pictures of me wearing women's panties while servicing other men, she had taken charge of our sex life. With the threat of disclosure of my activities, she had made me her bitch. She called me Marla, arranging for me to dress like a woman and fuck and suck another man in front of her on our trip to Vegas. She had become more self assured, and wanted to explore her own fantasies. When I...

2 years ago
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Welcome Home6

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- She sighs sitting back in his lazy boy, flipping through the channels finding nothing on, glancing around seeing the place spotless, inhaling.. smelling the dinner she was cooking, wafting through the air. He said on the phone that he was going to bed home in a few hours, she just wished he would hurry up. She has missed him these past weeks....

3 years ago
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Mother Knows Best

Seventeen-year-old Lori Norwood stepped off the bus that the kindly driver had stopped at the apron of her driveway thus saving her the half a block walk from the bus stop. She fished a key out of a hidden recess in her purse, opened the door, and stepped inside. She was about to call out to announce that she was home when an unknown sound reached her ears.Lori held her greetings as she removed her shoes and padded quietly across the kitchen and into the living room. She stopped at the bottom...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Night on the town

My husband, as he often does had to goes away on business and this week won’t be any different. As usual I sit alone and play the waiting game and I am getting very bored. I got a call from my best friend and she wanted me to go out with her for a night to celebrate her birthday but I didn’t know what to tell her so I just told her the truth. I said I didn’t drink and just felt that I wouldn’t be fun to be with but she wouldn’t take no for an answer so I jumped in the bath and got ready. She...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Beautiful First Night

Hello readers.. I am a regular reader of Indian sex stories and this is my first story I am writing for you guys. While I am going through the stories in ISS I felt that most of them are really rushing and missing the erotic feeling of sex. I would like those stories in which we can feel the minute experiences while have sexual intercourse. Let’s not waste any more time and get into the story.. It is my wedding night.. Oh My God!! I waited for this day for a long time. My wife, the love of my...

1 year ago
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WebYoung Chloe Cherry Jane Wilde Untouched

Jane Wilde is in her room reading when she hears a knock at the door. Chloe Cherry walks in and introduces herself as the new roommate. Jayne jumps to her feet and hugs her and they sit back on the bed and talk about school. When Chloe confesses to being overwhelmed at being an only child and not being used to being around so many people, Jayne reassures her that she’ll grow to love it; after all, it is college! When Chloe leaves Jayne’s room to continue unpacking, Jayne feels like...

2 years ago
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Den of Iniquity Ch 04

While Claudio was speaking to the waiter, Chantelle and I finished our ports and a busboy cleared our table. The dull orange glow of the sun was no match for the lights of the city, and would soon give way to the night. I was wondering if I was becoming a nuisance. I looked at Chantelle, who was organising her handbag. "Chantelle, are you sure it's okay if I tag along again tonight? I don't want to overstay my welcome... or cramp your style." "Nonsense Roger, of course it's okay. You must learn...

2 years ago
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The Mist of Time Ch 1112

CHAPTER ELEVEN There was a deal of difference when I pulled up outside the Dower House. First all the brambles and gorse had gone, secondly Aleksy had somehow got hold of a load of gravel which was spread over the approaches to the house, thirdly the balustrade along the veranda had been repaired and primed for painting and last I noticed a huge pile of granite setts. Even as I stood there one of his crew drew up in a thirty-hundredweight truck with another load of setts, recovered from the...

4 years ago
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The Junior Deputy US Marshals 7 in STOPWATCHChapter 7

'GULP, ' thought Bill. 'Married? Well ... Maybe ... she's nice ... it's been nearly 4 years ... she's still a virgin ... I think. It would be nice to fulfill my Will ... heirs of my body ... the trust ... the lottery ... but, she's going with me.' Out loud he said, "Staggerwing?" "Yes, something we can fly around the country in the past. How about we go to Wichita on the train and Time it to 1933 and buy a new Staggerwing ... got any gold?" "Well ... some ... but I have a few...

2 years ago
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Becoming A Whore Before Marriage Part5

This is the final story of this series and happens on the marriage day of mine. I was already got fucked by Hari and his friends twice in the last two days. In the last gangbang, I ran by locking them in the lab and now I was fearing the consequences. My virgin vagina now looked like a much-used cunt and still paining a little. Asshole was also hurting along with my nipples and boobs. But the pain was manageable. I was engaged in many ceremonies that evening but still had the dicks of them on...

3 years ago
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My job allows me to work from the house from time to time. It was one of those days and it was almost over. I was getting pretty bored so I had opened my favorite tranny sex site and was watching a hot video and getting turned on. Just then there is a knock at the front door. I wasn't expecting anyone, so I was a little surprised. I hurriedly shut the web site and walked to the front door. I hope whoever was there wouldn’t notice my hard cock bulging in my pants.I looked thru the window...

1 year ago
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Hard Cyberchat

This story is about me and a married male who called me to his home after a cyber chat .He poped in my screen when i was in a chatroom for gays and he request for a pic of mine pics and we traded pics of each other and our mobile numbers and nothing much. And one day we chated and exchanged info about each other all baout our sexual likes and many things like body types likes in sex etc. Suddenly we made video chat and he liked me lot and wee were from same place he was very near to my place...

2 years ago
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RavenJeff and Spike were surprised when ole man Hammond drove up, he waved then went into Raven's office. They scurried to peep and listen through an exhaust vent. The ceiling fan hid most of their conversation but they knew it was important watching Raven's face. Twenty minutes passed as they waited knowing he would fuck her before he left. Hammond was in his 60's and had hired them right out of high school a year ago as warehouse help. Raven's long black hair hung down her back as she knelled...

4 years ago
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Natural Chastity 4

Chapter 4 A Rough Time. Steve saw, to his horror, a steel framed bed, but with metal railing design sides and ends. It also seemed to have a top. Thats effectively a cage he thought to himself. Next to it was a medium height dresser with a plastic covered matress on top of it. Steve was helped on to the mattress on the dresser and laid on his back. The cold from the plastic, made Steve shiver and Sissy Sue opened a drawer and produced a pink disposable nappy, she then eased up...

3 years ago
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Bed Breakfast and Sex Ch 09

It was later that same night, about ten o’clock and Steve was just arriving back home from the library. He was a little tired, but he felt good, all the same. He had just completed some research crucial to a major paper he was working on. He closed and locked the front door of the house behind him. The downstairs was pretty much dark. Everyone must be studying or gone to bed, he thought, climbing the stairs up to the second floor. Steve’s bedroom was the first on the right as he arrived on the...

1 year ago
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Marwadi Aunty

Hi Dosto Ye meri pehli kahani hai mera nam Vishal hai meri age 26 height 6 feet body achi hasi mera transport business hai ye kahani do mahine pehle ki hai mere dad ke oswal nam ke marwadi dost hai unki biwi jinka nam sucheta age 38 hai jise mai aage sirf suchi kehne wala hu suchi ki figar 36 29 40 hai uske boobs or matkti gand ko dhekh le to kisika bhi lund khada ho jaye ga mera suchi ke ghar kam se ana jana rehta tha mai har bar uski gand or boobs dekha tha suchi ek ladki hai wo mumbai me...

1 year ago
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Totally Slutted Out Last Weekend

I was a total slut Saturday from about 3PM onward; I told my BF to come over and bring a friend for a BBQ. His buddy was an Italian guy I'd met before but never tried out. Grilled ribs then Corona lights with lime then three very good bottles of Cabernet we were all ready for some serious sex. This time though I kept my memory and what a fun time we had! I put on a blindfold then told them to use me hard and they didn't disappoint; they spit roasted me which is so hot being screwed hard and...

1 year ago
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Futa Naked In School 01 Futas Naked Temptation Chapter 3 Ginnys Naughty Futa Revelation

Chapter Three: Ginny's Naughty Futa Revelation By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Ginny Reynolds's Week, Wednesday I huddled in my house's upstairs bathroom as the shower's spray grew colder and colder. Despite washing off all the futas' cum that had splattered my body from the gangbang, I still felt so dirty. Candice's blue eyes, peering behind her glasses, haunted me. My friend had witnessed me enjoying being fucked by all those futas. In my college's bathroom, I was taken again...

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A Wild Night 2

Introduction: Marikos continuing sexual journey with Patrick and Peter, and now Linda ** Thank you to everyone who takes the time to read and comment on my writing. I do appreciate it and it does actually mean something to me. I respond to all my PMs here on XNXX. I did not intend to turn A Wild Night into a series, but lets say I decided to give people what they said they wanted. Thats right, I collapsed in the face of peer pressure. Does that make me weak? Lol. Actually the decision was...

2 years ago
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Life Affirming

Wearing a black cashmere top, the hot pants Xander liked to say I only wore for ‘legal reasons’, and a pair of strappy high heeled sandals, I sneaked down to the root cellar as quietly as I possibly could. I didn’t want him to hear, didn’t want him to know. he was up in the main house, and I knew he hoped to high hell I’d forgotten what today was. I was nearly to the bottom of the stairs when I heard Xander say, ‘Woman, you come down here in what you think is a hush but I hear you clompin’ in...

3 years ago
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Sissy the Redhead Mammas Price Pt VI

My kids had been on their “walk” for a couple of hours now. Of course I knew better. I was sure they were across the street involved in some sort of hot, sticky, depraved and illegal sex act with either one or both of my “classy” neighbors. I didn’t mind. They were my kids, after all, and were bound to be at least as horny as I was. The only problem was, I was feeling left out. Fucking my sixteen year old son, Luke, was a pleasure I had only enjoyed once, yesterday. And I...

2 years ago
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Discharge of the Light Brigade

Prologue Dr. Gabriel Wilson paced back and forth in front of the dry erase board in his laboratory, examining the equations and formulas that he had written there, staring at the noticeable blank space into which he hoped to put the final piece of this puzzle. ‘I need something that facilitates oxidization. I need something renewable. I need… I…’ Tiffany, his student assistant, perked her head up. ‘Did you figure it out?’ ‘I.. I think so!’ He ran back to his computer and typed in a few...

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