My Swinging Parents Part 7
- 2 years ago
- 34
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Look, I know I'm not supposed to pick up hitchers. It's not smart for me, and it's not smart for the hiker. But it was a rainy afternoon, and the guy up the road looked really dejected. He was somewhat small anyway, and his shoulders slumped over as he slogged through the mud. All alone in the half-dark like that, he reminded me of my cat when I had rescued him as a stray from a sudden downpour. The kid had a yellow poncho on and wasn't carrying any bag or even a gas can. I supposed he was just walking some short distance, and I could drop him off and be on my way in five minutes.
I pulled over and lowered the passenger window. "Where you headed?"
The guy leaned down and looked in through the opened window. Except it wasn't a guy. She was maybe twenty or twenty-one, and she was soaked like she wasn't wearing the plastic poncho at all. If there's anything that makes my heart melt more than a kitten in a rainstorm, it's a beautiful young woman in a rainstorm. The look in her eyes told me that she knew it wasn't smart taking rides on the back roads, even if -- or maybe especially if -- the car's a Lincoln. But it also told me she wanted desperately to get out of the rain.
"I'm going west," she said.
Nice and specific. "I'm going cross-country to California on business."
She considered that for a moment. I tried to look non-threatening, without looking like I was trying to look non-threatening, you know? I was concerned about this girl, with nothing but what she was wearing, trying to reach an unknown destination. But if I frightened her off, I wasn't going to do any good. She looked into my face, then back down the road in both directions. Visibly, she came to her decision. "Okay."
I unlocked the passenger doors and told her to put her poncho on the back floorboard. She did and got in, putting her purse between herself and the passenger door.
She stared out the window at the passing countryside and at the patterns the rain and wind made on the glass. She could also probably look at my reflection that way, too. Checking me out. Obviously, she didn't feel like talking. That was fine with me.
For about half an hour we were like that, me trying not to look at her, her trying to hide the fact that she was looking at me. I had the radio turned down in case she wanted to talk, but she didn't want to talk. But you know how it is when two people are in a car, you have to talk or the silence grows oppressive.
"So what's west?" I asked at last.
She finally turned her head to me. "What?"
"I said, 'what's west.'"
"Oh. My parents. They live in Seattle."
"I see," I replied, knowingly, but still in the dark. She looked too old to be a runaway trying to get back home. And she didn't have that tired, wary look I had seen in news documentaries. Maybe she was just down on her luck, trying to get to a support system on her own. I shrugged inwardly and concentrated on driving.
She didn't seem inclined to volunteer more information, so I turned the radio back up. The local public radio station was on, and I heard the last minute or two of something by Bach, I don't know which piece, but he's one of the few composers I can recognize without a program. They thanked the sponsors, and mentioned my company's name. I pointed at the radio and said, "That's me. Or my company, at least. My name's Mark Ferguson."
"I'm Grace," she replied.
"Nice to meet you, Grace."
"No, not 'Grace.' G-R-E-Y. Grey."
"Grey? That's an unusual name," I commented. "At least it is around here."
"Yeah, well. My parents were hippies, you know? The way they told me, they wanted to name me after whatever the sky was when I was born. But they happened to be in Seattle, and I was early. They couldn't really name me 'Overcast' or 'Gloomy, ' so--"
"Grey," I finished, grinning.
"Exactly." She glanced at me and I saw her smile for the first time. Her lips curled momentarily and I caught a glimpse of her white, even teeth. Then she turned back toward the window, and all I saw was her hair and half an ear. Her neck was thin and graceful, the left tendon standing out clear as her head was turned. Her hair was unstyled, hanging straight down her back. It was brunette, I suppose, when dry, with golden brown highlights. What I thought was a man's scrawny body was, instead, a young woman's athletic body. Her blue work shirt was tucked tightly into baggy army fatigues -- the old olive drab kind, not the camouflage that soldiers wear now -- and showed off high, pointed breasts and a stomach without an ounce of fat.
She saw me staring at her, and she turned her head to stare back at me. Her face was... beautiful, but that doesn't begin to describe it. She had a high forehead and intelligent green eyes. Her nose sloped down and out, and flared outward in wide nostrils. Her lips were neither full nor thin, and always seemed to be slightly open. Her face still retained some baby fat, but her high cheekbones were just discernible. It was a face that would age well, going from pretty to beautiful to striking to handsome as the years passed.
I was getting uncomfortable, and looked away. "The airport's coming up in a while," I said. "If you want, we can call your folks. I'm sure they'd be willing to wire you a ticket to Seattle."
Grey stretched out her arms. "Thanks, Mark, but if it's all right, I'll just tag along with you for a while."
"Fine with me, but it's going to take about three weeks for me to get to the coast."
"What do you do, for a living, anyway?"
"Oh, I own a small company that makes machine tools for light manufacturers. I make the machines that make the machines that make the prizes in your cereal, is how I put it." She smiled at that. "We just started writing software for companies that want to network machines from different manufacturers. I'm not sure how that works, and my people tell me that in a few years everything's going to be cross- compatible, anyway. I don't know what that means, either, but it'll get a foot in the door for us."
I looked at her and saw her staring out the windshield, not listening anymore. "Sorry. I talk too much, I know. Just tired of the quiet."
"Oh, yeah." Then, for fifty or sixty miles, she told me about her life. How her parents had finally settled down after she was born, settled down too much, in fact. At fifteen, she just got tired of her life, so she decided to quit. She hit the road, heading south and east. She wasn't a runaway, she said. She just left home a little early. She knew the dangers, so she avoided big cities, where it was hard to live and easy to get into serious trouble. By the time she was seventeen, she was in North Carolina and had just sort of... stopped. At least that was how she phrased it.
She floated around the state for a year or so, mostly living with college students around the Triad and Triangle, working in textile factories and restaurants. Then she met Randy. She was in love, or thought she was, and moved in with him. He had a good job as an electrician, and they were talking about getting married and starting a family. Then the recession hit. People were afraid to build, and Randy's jobs dried up. There were bills to pay, more than Grey could handle. A friend of Randy's got him into selling drugs. It's the kind of thing that just happens. Several of my relatives had been busted for the same thing under the same circumstances. It's really not that big a step from moonshine to marijuana to cocaine.
Randy started using, and to pay for his own habit, he had to sell more. A way to make ends meet became a way to make a living. Grey was getting scared, and when Randy started selling to kids, she got angry. She decided to clear out for good. She took every penny Randy had, called the sheriff and told where he kept the drugs, and left. She left her clothes behind and just walked out. She hadn't even decided to head back to Seattle until I stopped on the road.
Suddenly I thought of something. "Grey, I'm registered at some pretty expensive hotels for the next few days. I'd better stop and cancel those, and we can stay someplace cheaper."
"Don't worry," she smiled, as though at a private joke. "I got enough from Randy to pay for expense-account hotels for a couple of weeks, and to buy some new clothes, too."
"You're sure?"
"I'm sure. Don't worry about me."
We made small talk almost all the way to Knoxville. Grey turned out to be an intelligent, witty young woman. She was widely read as far as I could tell, history and art, the sciences. I never seem to have time to read more than sales and R and D reports. Once she opened up, despite her name, she was very lively.
As for me, she seemed impressed by my CD collection. She thought it was "cool" that "an older guy" like me (she grinned widely when she said that; I'm only forty) would like the Chili Peppers and the Hoodoo Gurus. On the other hand, I was amazed that she was able to sing along with Battlefield Band. I told her about my family, but she was reticent to talk about hers, except to say that it had been so long since she had seen them, that she wanted to work herself up to going back home.
When we got to my hotel, I escorted her to her room. I told her when my meeting was, and that I'd drop her off at a mall so she could shop for whatever she needed while I was busy. She said goodnight, and I went on up to my own room.
The next morning, we had a quiet breakfast in the hotel restaurant (separate checks, she insisted) and left. I dropped her off at a shopping center off the interstate and told her when I'd be back and where to meet me. Then I went to my meeting. I don't like taking "fun" vacations, so every year or two, I make the circuit of the company's bigger out-of-state customers. It's a policy that pays off in repeat customers and a lot of word of mouth business, and I can write off about a third of my vacation. The meeting went well, and I went back to the shopping center, only half-expecting to see Grey there.
But she was waiting for me, bags in hand, wearing a white blouse and knee-length dark red skirt, and medium heels instead of sneakers. She looked much nicer than she did in the work shirt and fatigues and maybe a couple of years older. She stepped off the sidewalk and we put her purchases in the trunk. I complimented her on her new clothes. When she thanked me, she reached up to loosen my tie a bit and said, "If I'm going to be travelling with you, I think I ought to look the part."
Okay, this was probably a perfectly innocent remark. But at the time, I wasn't sure how to take it. On the drive into Tennessee, I had certainly noticed how attractive she was, and had wondered what she would be like as a bed partner. But then, almost every man thinks that about almost every pretty woman he meets. The fact that my long-time lover and I had split up not long before didn't make matters any easier. But this girl was not even quite twenty yet, half my age. So I tried to put her eyes and legs and the perfume she was wearing out of my mind.
The next day was nothing but relaxation. When I vacation, I like to do absolutely nothing. I'm not a work hard/play hard kind of guy. No golf or tennis, just sitting by the hotel pool, reading a book. As I said, these meetings I had scheduled for the next couple of weeks were mostly just to make sure everything was running smoothly, so I didn't have any paperwork to wade through.
At any rate, I was sitting by the pool, trying to finish "The Creators" so I could move on to something lighter, when Grey stepped up beside me. "Are you nearly through with that?" she asked. I looked up to see her standing above me, wearing a soft pink one-piece bathing suit and matching knee-length wrap. A bow held her hair away from her face.
I thumbed through the remainder of the book.
"About a hundred more pages, I think."
"Can I borrow it when you're through? I left my copy at Randy's about half-read."
"Sure. This won't take long."
She dropped the wrap and sat on the lounge chair beside mine. She reclined and tilted her head back, enjoying the warmth of the late spring sun. Her eyes were closed, so I took the opportunity to look closely at her. The suit was cut low front and back, and high along her hips. Her skin was smooth and just barely tanned on all the parts I could see. Her legs were well-toned, not too muscular. Her arms were the same. Her fingers were delicately crossed beneath her breasts and a smile played across her lips. I then noticed that her eyes were cracked open. I think I may have blushed as I turned my attention, but not my concentration, back to my book.
I had gotten through about half a page when Grey spoke again five minutes later. "Do you think it's warm enough for a swim?"
I considered. She was probably quite beautiful when wet but not moping. "I think so."
She stood and and removed the bow, facing me. I looked at her out of the corner of my eye while pretending to read my book. She turned and I saw the rest of her suit, what little of it that there was. It was one of those "thong" suits. I could see faint, almost invisible tan lines across her buttocks where she had worn a more respectable bikini the previous summer. She dove cleanly into the water, feet and legs together, and for a split second, that exquisite posterior was pointing skyward, filling my vision.
I didn't burn with passion for her, I didn't want to possess her body; nothing so cliched. Part of me sexually appreciated the display of her body, but for another part, there was an aesthetic appreciation of the grace of her movements, of the proportions of her form. I found myself to be tantalized more than anything else. She swam possibly a dozen laps, using different strokes. I watched her the entire time, and she saw me watching her, but I didn't turn away, this time.
When she came to the edge of the pool after her final lap, I was waiting for her, towel in hand. I helped her out like a gentleman and handed her the towel. "You swim beautifully," I said, more softly than I meant to.
"Thank you. I--"
"Excuse me, Miss."
We turned to find that we had been joined by the manager of the hotel. When he had our attention, he continued. "Some of our patrons have requested that I ask you to change into a less revealing swimsuit, or to not use the pool." I noticed two women, about sixty years old but trying to look forty, sit down and begin talking and looking in our direction. Despite the sun hats and dark glasses, they looked like they had just come from a DAR function. It was obvious that the manager approved of Grey's attire about as much as they did.
For a moment, I thought Grey was going to protest, and I was eager to see it. But she didn't. "All right. I was going to have lunch anyway. Would you join me, Mark?" I said I would join her shortly. I wanted to stay and tell this glorified desk clerk that I would be checking out and not patronizing his hotel ever again. But Grey's actions made me forget what I was going to say.
She had gathered up her wrap and tanning lotion. The wrap and towel were draped over her arm, and she swung the lotion back and forth in the other hand. Her route took her right past the Daughters, but she didn't acknowledge their presence. But then the bottle of lotion flew out of her hand to land directly in front of the women. So Grey bent to pick it up. From the waist. Facing away from the women. She gave her hips a little shake, and the look on their faces as she did that made me laugh out loud. Grey winked at me and continued on inside the hotel with the most arrogant walk I have ever seen a non-feline do.
I went up to my room, half-hoping that Grey would be waiting in the hall for me, wearing that suit. She wasn't, of course. I hopped in the shower to wash off the sunscreen, dried off, dressed, and was out the door in fifteen minutes.
I went down two floors to Grey's room. I could hear a blow dryer running in her room, so I knocked harder on the door than usual. It hadn't been completely shut, so it swung open smoothly. I looked around the open door and saw Grey staring at me in the mirror above the sink outside the bathroom. She was completely naked. All I could see, however, were those eyes, looking out of the mirror at me. The rest was just an impression. I stammered some sort of an apology and stepped back into the hall.
Grey came out not long after. Again, she was dressed conservatively, but her dress highlighted her figure. Neither of us said anything about what I might have seen. I wanted to tell her that she looked beautiful -- and she did, in a belted navy dress and white half-jacket -- but I feared she would take it as a reference to my view of her naked. If I had had more confidence, I would have, but I was looking for a clear, a very clear signal for her. Mainly because I didn't want to look foolish before her.
Lunch was filled with wonderful conversation. I suppose the food was delicious, at least Grey said it was. But all my senses were concentrated on her. Sure, it sounds hackneyed, but it's the truth. I was terribly fascinated by her. It wasn't really love, though the physical and emotional attraction was there. No, I was interested in the totality of Grey. Her laugh and wit, the way she whispered when she thought she might be overheard even though all we were talking about was my intinerary.
I realize I haven't mentioned much about Grey's part of our conversations. That is because I find it impossible to isolate a short fragment for illustration. I could relate her explanation of why she both loved and hated the rain. About taking her general equivalency diploma and taking a semester of college just because people might otherwise think she had quit high school because she couldn't handle it. About her theories on the cyclic nature of history -- I think we argued that one the whole time we were on the road. Which do I pick and which do I ignore? I can't, so all I can do is give an overall impression of Grey, which built up slowly, evolved over the weeks, until I had this complete picture of a woman I was happy to call my friend, and possibly more.
The next week went much like this. Little Rock and New Orleans. Scintillating conversations. More probably- innocent remarks from Grey, and ambiguous feelings on my part. I found myself staring at her more and more. A few times I think I caught her staring at me. One day, out of the blue, she brought up our relationship, if I can call it that. We were watching a pay-per-view movie in my room when she just asked me flat out, "Mark, how come you haven't made a pass at me?"
This was making me uncomfortable for some reason. Maybe I thought my sexuality was being questioned. I tried to joke my way out of it. "Just never got around to it I guess. Would you like me to make one now?"
But Grey was having none of that. "I'm serious. I've been with you for ten days now, and not once have you asked me to spend the night in your room. Hell, you haven't even put your hand on my knee in the car."
If she wanted a serious answer, I would give her a serious answer. Of course, I had been wondering myself why i hadn't tried anything. "Look, Grey, first of all, I'm twice your age."
"That hasn't stopped other men."
"Then there's the fact that, when we first met, I thought I might be taking advantage of your vulnerability."
She was actually indignant for a second. "I am not some helpless puppy who needs your protection."
I held up my hands in a conciliatory gesture. "I know that now. But by the time I figured that out, I thought we were more friends than anything else. I just didn't want to damage that by making some kind of unwanted advance." Yeah. When was the last time you heard a guy say "we can still be friends?"
The conversation just seemed to die after that. The movie ended and Grey went to her own room. Idiot! I yelled at myself inside my head. I couldn't have asked for a clearer signal than that, and I had blown it. I didn't think that Grey was the type of woman who would throw herself at a man after even such a half-hearted rebuff as I had given her. So I resolved to stop thinking of our relationship as anything more than friendship. I had just talked myself out of a potential lover, I thought. Naturally, my ambiguity resolves itself right after I shoot myself in the foot.
Dallas was covered in conventioneers. We were late getting to the hotel and discovered my reserved room had been rented. Naturally there was nothing for Grey. An hour's search found one hotel room (in Dallas!), so I gave them my credit card number and we followed the directions. It was a small motel that the interstates had ignored, but there were double beds and the room was clean. Grey seemed to take the change in accommodations well. I, however, was worried. Here I finally had her in the same room with me for the entire night, and I had as much as told her I wasn't interested. How was I going to act calm? How could I broach the subject? You know, Grey, I've changed my mind: I'd give my left arm to sleep with you. Sure.
So I told her I was going to look up an old friend and would probably be out late and she should just go to bed without waiting up. Of course, I didn't have a friend; I just didn't want to face the next couple of hours with Grey. After cruising around and getting lost, I found myself in the parking lot of one of those big strip clubs that caters to businessmen. Big mistake. The last thing I needed to calm my nerves was to be in the middle of a big room filled with horny convention-goers and twenty to thirty naked women. The shriners or plumbers or whatever the hell they were were crude and obnoxious, but they had lots of cash, so these tanned, bare-breasted beauties kept parading past me.
They grow 'em big in Texas, and if they don't grow 'em, they can make 'em big. But there was this one girl. She had straight brunette hair and comparatively small breasts. Other than that, she didn't look much like Grey. But I had her do a lap dance anyway. Great invention, lap dancing. You can't touch her, but she'll touch you, except where you want her to touch you. But that was okay, because I was thinking of Grey. I imagined Grey's hands on my face and chest. I looked at my watch and saw it was midnight. Grey would probably be asleep, so I gave the dancer a generous tip and left. I could at least be in the same room with Grey, watch her sleep, listen to her breathe. I'll bet she's beautiful when she's asleep, I thought. Of course, she's beautiful when she's awake.
She was beautiful. And she was awake.
She was watching something on television, a movie, I think. She was wearing a floor-length dressing gown of pure white, and her hair shone. "Did you see your friend?" she asked me.
"Uh, yeah, I saw him."
She stood to turn the television off. "I can't seem to go to sleep. I'll just go in the bathroom and read, so you can go to bed." For some reason, she was more stunning than ever, standing there in the dim light.
"No need. I can handle a few more hours awake."
"Oh. Okay." She sat back in her chair, and I sat on the bed. We just sat there, saying nothing for the longest time. I thought she might be as tense as I was.
"Mark," she said at last. I sat up, doing my best to look attentive. "I know how you feel about me. But I'm afraid I don't feel the same way. So I think it's best that I go on alone."
Jeez. The only thing worse than having Grey beside me and being afraid to touch her would be not having her beside me at all. "Grey, you don't have to... I mean, I can control my feelings for you."
She stared back at me, dumfounded. "But you said you weren't interested in me. Didn't you?"
She was attracted to me, too.
The weight on my chest disappeared.
"Yes, I did. No, I... I mean, I did, but I didn't mean it. That is, I wasn't sure how I felt, or how you felt about me. So I took the safe way out."
Like in an old melodrama, we were in each other's arms. We just held each other. I was relieved more than anything else, because the self-torture was over. The passion could come later. Right now it was enough just to know that I had her, that my feelings were reciprocated.
But the passion couldn't wait for Grey. Her mouth sought mine, and, finding it, clamped tightly to my lips. The morose young woman I had picked up in the rain, the vivacious young woman who had captivated my imagination, had become the passionate young woman who was crushing me in her arms. How many more Greys were there? I was eager to find out.
I returned her kisses with equal fervor. We nibbled on each other's lips and exploring tongues. I inhaled her perfume. Perfume? I gently pried Grey's delicious body away from mine. I looked at the dressing gown in a new light. With trembling fingers, I untied her belt. The satin robe fell open to reveal Grey, dressed for seduction in a camisole and panties, garters and stockings, all white.
"I wasn't sure if I wanted to seduce you or not," she explained, somewhat bashfully. "I wanted to, but I wasn't sure if it was what you really wanted. You know?"
"I know. I know exactly. When did you get these?" She actually blushed, the first time I'd ever seen her do that, and she was heartbreakingly beautiful. "That first day in Knoxville. I had an idea."
I chuckled and pulled her back to me. I let my hands roam over her. Soft satin and silk, soft skin. I felt warm fingers unbutton my shirt, soft moist lips against my chest. "I suppose the swimsuit was for my benefit also?"
I felt her head nod against my shoulder. "And the open door afterward. But you were a perfect gentleman, damn you." She nipped at my chest with her teeth.
I laughed in surprise. I took her tightly by the waist and threw her on the bed. I landed on top of her, hands and knees on either side of her, my weight just barely pressing down on her. "I suppose you want some kind of barbarian, hmm?" I growled menacingly and ripped at her robe. Of course, all I did was pull it off her shoulders. She just giggled.
Then she gave me the most serious look she had ever given me. "I just want you."
We kissed again, long and deep. Grey pulled my shirt off my back and tossed it away. She ran her hands up and down my arms, touching nothing but the hairs. I never knew my arms could be an erogenous zone, and maybe they're not, except with Grey. She explored every curve of my torso while I kissed her. My shoulder blades and the crook of my neck, every vertebra, even my "love handles" and short ribs. I was uncomfortable but still highly aroused by the whole thing.
She unbuttoned and unzipped my pants, and I kicked off my shoes. Awkwardly, because I didn't want to break our kiss, I slid my trousers and underwear off. Now I wanted to do her. While I find sexy underwear erotically and aesthetically pleasing, it's much more fun to take them off. I sat on the bed and she stood between my legs, her nylon-clad legs just barely brushing against my erect member. Her dressing gown floated to the floor, forming a small cloud around her feet. I untied the fastenings of her camisole from the bottom up, to prolong the delicious waiting before I finally saw her breasts.
Ah. They were everything I imagined them to be. They stood straight out from her chest, two rounded-over cones not large enough to sag even a millimeter. The slopes formed two pink nipples that were extensions of the breasts more than separate features. I placed my mouth over the left one and sucked on it. Her skin tasted like spring, of some soap other than the antiseptic kind in the motel shower. Sweat was just beginning to form along her sternum, and I licked the moisture up on the way to her right breast. I twirled my finger around the areola of the one I had abandoned while I nibbled on the one in my mouth. Grey moved her hands up to my head and rubbed circles through my hair.
Then, taking my hands in hers, she moved them down to her hips. The garters had tiny ruffles on them, something I hadn't noticed in the poor lighting. Her panties were on the outside of her garters, but I wanted to save them for last. I unclipped the garters from each stocking. It took a nice bit of feeling around since my eyes were closed so I could concentrate on the taste of her skin and the sound of her heavy breaths. When the stockings were no longer attached, I worked the clasp on the back of the belt and pulled the garters through the waistband of her panties.
Again, I took her by the hips and laid her on the bed. I pulled the low-heeled slippers off her feet and placed her stockinged right foot on my shoulder. I ran my hands down her leg until I reached her stocking top. I willed myself to go no further. Using my palms, I rolled the stocking up her leg, while weaving long patterns with my fingertips along the wondrously smooth flesh of her leg. When one leg was bare, I repeated the process on the other leg, and it was even harder to stop my hands from moving up beyond her stocking top.
All this time, Grey had been playing with her breasts, cupping them and rubbing her hands along the undersides, tweaking the nipples. Her hands made a few abortive movements down to her pelvis, but she was apparently forcing herself to wait like I was. But I would wait no longer. I took the waistband of her panties in the hooked fingers of each hand and pulled them down her thighs. I kept my eyes on the stark white silk. I wanted no half-glimpses of her sex. I wanted to see all of her at once.
This story has nothing to do with the song of the same name. I just liked the title, so I nicked it. I'm not above stealing song titles for stories, or even the occasional handle. ;) Many thanks to all the kind folks on the TF writers' list who helped me polish this monster. I get the feeling I could have spent the rest of my natural life rewriting it, but I've decided to cut it loose. It contains some pretty explicit sex, so if you don't like to read that kind of thing, you've...
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Pete thought it was a good idea to play big brother while working around his life.To be honest he wasn't doing a good job or it; sitting on the couch watching TV. I myself could careless keeping myself busy with the vibrator in my room. My eyes closed thinking of Nathan which ended up turning me off more and more. So I turned my attention to my brother and steadly things began to change. The more I thought about it, the things I wanted him to do to me and the things I would do in return, the...
Everything was dark and peaceful, at first. Then there came the sounds of a heart beating as a baby came into view, all curled up amidst the darkness. Its tiny arms seemed to float in midair, but then its heart beat gradually faster as it curled a bit tighter. On its back appeared the glowing red outline of a spider-shaped mark. And its heartbeats got faster and faster as the seconds passed. The glow wasn't any brighter, but it burned more intensely on the babe's back. Painful... And he...
FantasyIt was over an hour after Martin left before Lois called me to dinner. When I entered her apartment, I just knew that dinner was going to be wonderful. The place smelled like the best Italian restaurant I was even inside. Since I was the first to arrive, Lois asked, "Would you like a glass of wine while we await Sarah Beth's arrival?" "Sure, I have been known to drink almost anything with alcohol as the main ingredient." I replied After looking around her living room I added, "It...
When we download porn videos, we often do not really know what the fuck we can expect. Sure, we are given some screenshots and the overall categories, but for those who are looking for something very specific, that is not enough. It would be great if porn download websites actually gave us a description of the videos as well, just like you have descriptions on basic porn websites.Well, if you search and browse the adult websites as long as I do, you are bound to find something like that. This...
Interracial Porn SitesBITCH GODDESS OF THE LAUNDRY ROOM ? by: Brian Houlihan Copyright @2002 by Brian Houlihan - All Rights Reserved You know how some things can set off you on a memory? Some little reminder and them Bam! You're right there again? That's what happened to me. I had been vacationing with my sissy faggot husband Maury, whom I called Mary, at Venice Beach, California. We had been there about three days and were getting lots of sun. It was just glorious weather after rainy New York and...
Florane Russell is a phenomenal MILF who has come to Private Specials, Cuckold’s Fantasy horny and eager to fuck stud George Uhl at the request of her husband right there at the office. Florane’s cuckold husband is head of the company and he can’t wait to get a front row seat of this busty MILF spreading her legs on the desk as she offers up her pussy for a taste before getting on her knees for a sloppy blowjob. Then watch the rest of the action on as this big titted cougar...
xmoviesforyouNow to show that I can be a god! When Eve, the weather witch, could stop laughing, she was sitting where I told her. I had distracted her to the point that she stopped pushing more energy into the hurricane she sent toward the island. “Thank you, Eve,” I told her. “Relax. You are done for today. If you piss me off, you will be done forever, destined to look your age as you wait for eternity, unless someone kills you first.” “You arrogant little bastard, David, do you think you are a god or...
Hi naughty boys and girls….I am Neha and I am back with another true and pretty interesting story. For people who don’t know me please read story “My experience as nudist part 1 and part 2”. After a few encounters, this incident happened when I was working in a firm. I was promoted in senior position. After a fresh intake in our company, there were five fresher in my team and my PM wanted me to give them training. One of those five was a hot guy. He has muscular body and rest was girls. As...
Hi All, its been wonderful reading the exciting personal experiences of so many people. I am kind of shy person generally reluctant to share my personal experiences with others. But this is a wonderful platform and I couldn’t control sharing my first and best experience. It was in my 10th class at the age of 15, when I first masturbated. Since then it happened many times. I have a great passion for aunties. Beautiful aunts in saries used to be my dream ‘girls’. But I never dared to take a...
I had a method to my madness, you see. Although it got me hard to think about Kelly Frost, the Ice Queen, made up to look like a two dollar hooker, I also realized that if she did a good job making herself look like a slut, she probably wouldn't be recognized. And although I knew the danger of being recognized turned her on, I also knew it would be a disaster for her career to have some idiot take a cell phone picture of her having sex with me in a public place. It would be career suicide,...
There's a group of about 12 guys who I regularly meet up with. I show up at one of their houses when a hockey game is on and provide some entertainment during the game serving them drinks wearing nothing but a g-string, sucking a few cocks, and drinking some piss so no one has to miss any of the game. I usually provide alot afterwards but that's another story.I show up at these events willingly, but for the duration of my stay I am a sex slave and I must do as I am told or I am punished.As...
Hello, my dear readers, what’s up? It’s Rahul back again with the continuation part. I thank you all for giving me feedback. My email id is Ok, let’s come to the story then. I am a 26 years old guy from Vizag who was a fashion model before in Mumbai. I have taken a break from modeling for 2 months. After 2 months I will be joining fashion modeling again. So, Sujatha aunty and I were damn tired, because the kind of sex we had was incredible. It was too hot and passionate. I just loved each and...
"Trip to Adult Bookstore" This is the third letter I have gotten from my new master who explains what MAY happen the first time we meet after months of talking on-line. My slut Laura, There is an adult bookstore near me that I would like to take you to. They have video booths, but these booths do not have doors on them, but are cubby holes that allow some privacy by not having the video screen and seating area visible unless you look into the recessed door. I would direct you to...
“Another?” The waiter smiled as he bent over to clear the empty glasses from the table. He was young, fit, tanned, and in possession of a job that most guys his age would kill for. What a life, Dave thought, as he caught a glimpse of his wife eyeing the young man’s physique beneath his tropical print shirt. When he’s not serving overpriced drinks down here, he’s probably up in the hotel giving some young chick a wild story to take back home along with her vacation photos. Dave smirked at Lydia,...
EroticIt was late August 1955; I was in a new school district having left my friends at my old school and not knowing anyone in my new one. Mom cheerily told me as I was walking out the door, “You’ll meet a new friend today.” I walked down to the corner and waited for the big yellow school bus to my first day of class in the third grade. The bus stopped at the corner and I got on. The bus was almost full, so I walked toward the back, looking for an empty seat. About the fifth row, a girl my age was...
An empty beer bottle arced through the air then broke the smooth surface of the water with an unimpressive splash. Mike watched the ripples spread out across the pond until they lapped against the shore at his feet. He reached into the cooler, the cold felt good to his hand, and pulled out another bottle and twisted the cap off. The ice-cold liquid gurgled down his throat. He heard a car coming down the dirt and gravel the road behind him. It stopped, and a door opened and closed. The breeze...
The next few months slowly rolled on for Sam and she became used to her situation. not that things became any easier for her. Tina and the others still kept her caged like some prized hog being fattened up and prepared for a show. Sam slowly fell into a routine of feeding and performing her weekly "catwalk" shows for the other women. Sam was amazed just how much they seemed to enjoy the shows. she could not believe how badly she must have treated for them to want to torture her so...
Author's note: Message me if you have any recommendations, if you have anything you'd like to see in the story, or if you want to remind me to finish it! Don't forget to follow me if you want to know when I update my stories. In this story, you control a female scout who's lost in a forest. In order to escape, you'll have to make various decisions. If you choose wrong, the story ends with the scout getting captured or worse. Scout: Rina (You can customize her name in the 'customize' tab)
FantasyBradley loved that Mary was an exhibitionist, but he didn't like the idea of guys they knew seeing her... it would make him jealous and feel uneasy, and he worried they would try to fuck her. Mary just got aroused at the idea of anyone being turned on seeing her, usually acting unaware she is on display... but they agreed that they should save that kind of play for when they were out of town... on one of their naughty trips. They hadn't had a lot of experiences yet though, but they enjoyed...
Candy From A Baby Nancy Porter rang the doorbell and waited. She had driven up the long drive after pointing her identity card at the entrance gate camera. The gate had soundlessly opened without a word from the attached speaker. She knew Chauncey had to have pushed the button. Who else could it be? Th house was empty, she knew, so she felt mildly irritated not to be greeted. The Agency had instructed her to park in the rear and use the service entry, according apparently to...
Moms Secret Lust By Blueheatt ___ I started to look at my mom differently now that girls was all I thought about. Me and my little buddies learned to jack off at about 7 or 8, when an older boy showed us how to feel good We would go into the woods and jack off, in our bathroom together, and any place we could sneak a jack off. Alone or maybe one or two others we trusted not to tell about our naughty thing we did. One day the older boy said lets find a secret spot in the woods and go jack...
Their meal was enjoyed and paid for, Dan escorted her to the Shelby and then paused. “Do you mind if I am a stupid egotistical man for a few minutes and walk you around the Convention Center?” “I don’t understand?” “It would make me feel good to be escorting such a beautiful and sensual looking woman that is crazy enough to love me.” “Oh Dan, yes, yes, I love you! I’m yours and you can show me off all you like!” She took his hand and as they strolled through the Center’s hallways, she...
Hi indian sex stories dot net readers This is a real story, in fact, chain of experiences that I had in the last 1 month. Before proceeding let me give a brief introduction about myself. I am a 27 years old, 5’10” guy with good looks and decent body who has many different fantasies. This story began with one such fantasy. Last month I was working late one Friday night and I was expecting to leave for home by 1230. I work in South Bangalore and my home was somewhere near central Bangalore and on...
Agle din mere jaane ke baad mummy ne Karan ko phone kiya shayad mere hi phone se number nikala hoga. Mummy : Hello Karan beta main Vivek ki ma bol rhi hu, kuch baat karni hai tumse!!! Karan : Hanji aunty kahiye? Mummy : Main tumhari baat manne ke liye tayyar hu par meri ek shart hai, mujhe roz ke 500 nahi chaiye, mujhe Vivek ki padhai aur mere ghar chalane ka kharcha chaiye pura jab tak uski achhi naukari nahi lag jati!!!! Karan : Ohh achha aunty ye main kar to sakta hu lekin ye to kuch jada...
Allo dosto kaise hai aap sab aapke bahut saare fanmail mile sukriya jo aap sabko meri kahaani pasnd aayi main is baar apni ek kahaani aur likh raha hoon aur ummeed karta hoon ki pasand aayegi baat un dino ki hai jab main apne gaanw gaya hua tha apni bua ke paas jo ki mere papa se 8 saal badi thi aur unki age 45 saal thi aur anki 2 ladkiyaan bhi thi jo 17….aur a19 ki thi dono saadi laayak thi par abhi saadi nahi hui thi aur 2no hi bahut khoobsurat thi un dono ker laal…..laal gaal uthe hue boobs...
Ethan walks over to me and I roll my hips again while looking ahead to the pillows. I notice a stray hair of mine on the pillow and smile. That must be from our rougher antics the other night, which I would quite like a repeat of that later on. A slap on my buttock jolts me back to the present as my cheek stings from his strike. My pussy instantly clenches and I give a light moan as Ethan clasps my hips in his large, strong hands. His fingers hook onto my hipbones and he presses his denim clad...
I started my grand tour of the world, flying from California to Iceland. I stayed in Iceland for about a month and explored the country, staying in hostels. I made friends everywhere I went and did activities like hiking, camping, and excursions. I enjoyed Iceland, from the lush greenery to the hot springs, glaciers, and seeing the Northern Lights. After Iceland, I made my way over to Spain and traveled across the country. I stayed in Seville, Madrid, and Barcelona. I had the time of my...
Thanksgiving, Christmas and spring break holidays were very special to us. It is one thing to network with family and friends. It is another thing to go over and HUG someone you love. One nice thing was that the southern hemisphere had a great growing season. Fresh fruit and vegetables, though costly, were available again. Maria, Nancy, and Jean had finally turned Teddy's back into the restaurant they originally created. It was very successful. The Savages had a great Thanksgiving reunion....
Better-Tasting Cum Why Swallow?Cum Swallowing TipsHow to Practice SwallowingIs Swallowing Cum Safe?Better Tasting CumCum Nutritional FactsReader TipsThe Joy of Swallowing100 Swallowing TipsThe Joy of Deep Throating Semen is, at best, an acquired taste. While some people profess to enjoy the flavor of spunk, most report it to be saline, bitter, or acrid, likening it to salty bleach. Because the taste is a big obstacle to having their partner swallow, many men wonder what they can do to...
Three days later, Lauren gladly succumbed to Felix's daily phone calls and agreed to cook dinner for him at the house. She was still unsure what he did for a living although he was knowledgeable in commodities and sugar in particular. But he always seemed to have time for her, a flattering feeling that was uplifting and caused her to grin to herself during her little daydreams. His company did much in her mind as well to balance the wrong she felt when she thought of her experiences with...
By Missi Jackson 1. The Weekend Continues As I heard Miss Emily's car pull out of the garage and the door close, I looked around the kitchen. 'Well,' I thought, 'at least this room is clean.' I decided to start with the master bedroom before I attended to the laundry. Entering the bedroom. I saw the alarm clock read noon. I had three hours to get all the chores done! I stripped the linens off the bed, and for good measure added Miss Emily's pajamas to the pile. For some reason, I...
"A re-enactment? Are you fucking crazy!" Michele Bouvier hissed into her phone. "Look, I know it's a big ask; but we have nothing to go on. Forensics is not giving us anything but maybe we can use a re-enactment to establish this guy's MO. What we record during the re-enactment may help convict this guy when we finally arrest him; a pattern of behaviour will add greatly to any circumstantial evidence we might gather," Mike pleaded. "But it won't be shown on TV, not on Crime Stoppers...
The sibilance in her voice echoes around the underground office car park as she furtively glances over the row of vehicles either side of her black Lexus. "Seriously? Here? Now?"I reach out and tuck a stray tawny lock behind her ear. Lean in close enough to brush the swell of her chest from the low-cut, two-tone dress, and growl, "Panties. I won't ask again.""But I'm… It's nearly five…""You should hurry then. I need you to see what your scent does to me."She exhales. Focuses on the currently...
Office SexIt had only been three days since Aunt Patty had left for her vacation, and Harry could stand jerk off just wasn't enough he wanted pussy. As he passed Samantha's room, he suddenly had the urge to look in on her. He was so happy he did. Samantha had slept the night in the nude. She kept the curtains drawn, so her naked body laying on herbed was bathed in a hazy light. Tip toeing over to her bed, he saw that she was laying still on her back, with her hair over her face. As Harry...
100% fiction! I was doing my masters in CA, USA. We used to stay a bunch of guys in a apartment, and I had a friend of my mine Radhi who stayed a couple of blocks away from my place. She was a really good friend and I used to frequent the place a lot. I was goodf friends with her room mates even She stayed with a bunch of girls, just as I stayed with a bunch of guys. So there was this girl at Radhi's place named Priyanka. She some how I didnt know how but seemed familiar to me from the first...
IncestIf i Could Be Anywhere Now…A Loving Embrace. If i could be anywhere now, i’d be with you. Holding you gently and treasuring the feel of the skin on your bare arms as we slowly danced before the crackling warmth of a chalet hearth. My eyes search yours. Silently mining the depths of your soul for the secrets which lie hidden there. Our left hands clasp together, fingers tightly interwoven. My other arm wraps you in a warm embrace, my open hand resting on the small of your back…holding you...
Namaskar meri pyari auntio aur friends main hu lucky . Ye meri pehli sex story hai ISS par . Umeed karta hu ki aapko pasand ayegi . Jharkahand ki aspas wali auntiya aur girls mujhse chudwana chahti ho ya phonesex karna chahti ho to mail kare . Mail karne par mobile no. di jayegi . Mail id hai aur story kaisi lagi wo bhi mail kar dijiyega meri pyari auntio aur girls and friends. Main ek teis saal ka ladka hu . Main 5ft.11inch lamba hu aur handsome hu . Mera lund 8 inch lambi hai. Main M.Tech ki...
I stared at the splash headline on the front page of the Bistonbury Chronicle and then at the photo of father in his pulpit and the two photos showing me naked front and back. The photos were taken the previous evening and I now guessed that Rocky had a hand in it. As I stood under the dryer after my shower, a man burst into the room and took several pictures before I turned my back on him. The flash went off a number of times until Rocky ushered him out of the room. "Must have left the...
It took her a few tries to find the right key to the door. Letting herself in, she closed and locked the door behind her. She went through the inner door, into the stockroom. Consulting the list, she helped herself to the appropriate clothes. She also grabbed a washcloth and towel for herself. Moving to the counter, she found a clipboard with a log sheet on it. She filled it in for the things she took, then left. She made sure the door was locked, then returned to her room. On the way, she...
I try to keep a close relationship with my students, portraying myself more that just an adult role model, but as an adult friend. In being a young teacher, students sometimes find it easier when someone of authority is close to their age and will listens to them, especially with all their relationship problems. Take Tiffany for example, she’s blonde, beautiful, and the goal of many of these high school boys is to get into her cotton white panty she flashes while cheer leading. But she’s...
She stood glistening under the neon lights, beads of sweat trickling from her matted hair, the criss cross wheals across her back bearing testimony to my accuracy with the whip. She turned towards me pivoting on the spot directly below the hook from which she was partially suspended by her bound wrists and tried to speak, her brown eyes almost pleading. I laid the whip down, and loosened her gag. "I'm truly sorry, John, you must believe that, please." "Is that it, you don't want food or a...
I am rajveer, working for an MNC as a regional head, 5’9″ height, fair complexion with average built body, I like meeting and having safe sex or relationship with mature, committed, married, divorced, widows or single women (any female who wants to have a good time in any way, even in bed or outside), This incident is about how, I accidentally seduced two of my newly moved neighbouring house wives “Zainab and Aamina”, it was purely accidental and unintentional. You can mail me or send me your...
Jimmy was your typical highschooler he tried to lay low from all the popular jocks who tried to mess with him. He was not the best looking guy he was about 5’10 and slightly overweight with some acne. But he did have his tight knit group of friends. His grades were not terrible but he needed to pass geometry and chemistry to not go to summer school or fail sophomore year. One day during his study hall his dean Mr. Vantage called him down to his office to discuss his failing grades. While he was...
Thursday, April 7, 2005 Before I headed through to breakfast, I had the idea of slipping Dad my 8-ball winnings for him to buy me some more rubbers, but I remembered that I hadn't used any of the rubbers that he'd given me for my first date. I collected them all to give to Julia at school. I might as well keep them all at her place as I wasn't going to need them anywhere else, especially after the scare Mom and Dad gave me last night about reporters and lawyers. I was gathering my...
Björk Gudmundsdóttir fan gift day: faked IQ After shared reflexion, Björk came to the conclusionthat her new "fan gift day" could be about something else than sex. Sex remindthe best thing, the one thing that drive her nuts and make her think, but there'smore to life than this. "Who knows, maybe some people care about my thoughts...",suggest to herself a deliriously naive Björk. Inquiries from fans for the first edition of the "fan giftday" are rapidly flying in the Office of Elektra...
Sweet transvestites from transexual transilvania.......sweet transvestites..... I don't know about you but I love Rocky horror picture show and in particular I really love that song, why you ask? well for starters it has to do with the fact that I myself am a transvestite a crossdresser if you will and yes I am still one even though I have not dressed in a couple of years, see the thing about being a TV/CD is that you will always be a TV/CD. No matter how straight you try to act, how many times...
"Who started this" shouted a purple faced warder. Unfortunately, Lisa's father had not had anything to say about prison codes of honour, so when it came to answering this question, Lisa was on her own, without parental wisdom to guide her. And the silly girl spoke the truth, which is a commodity always best doled out in small measures! "She did, Ma'am. She kept pushing me and then she punched me!" "Well! You sure got the worst of it. But you'll be Ok. Go and get cleaned up! No need...
Even before we got married, Candy ran my life. She controlled my money, made my decisions, and trained me to obey in the bedroom. By the time we were wed I was -- as she once said -- her "foot kissing, pussy licking, ass worshiping little wimp". All that was true, especially the part about me being little. I'm slender, and shorter than her by several inches. She's full figured, with a jumbo bust, massive ass, heavy thighs and thick muscular calves. Next to her I look like an immature...
I was shaking as I stood looking out the kitchen window, a freshly poured glass of wine in my hand as I heard the soft footsteps behind me.“Did you enjoy the show, Mrs T?” the quiet voice said as she entered the room.“Wh… what?” I stuttered as I turned to see Julia, my son’s girlfriend, enter the room dressed in one of his rugby shirts. On her diminutive frame it was almost a dress.“The show… what was it you went to see again?” she asked as she stepped up to the cabinet beside the sink and...
TabooI had dropped Lyndia off at the biker clubhouse, still blindfolded, and driven away with my heart pounding in my throat and my cock leaking all over the inside of my pants. She hadn't known I was even in the car with her!! Watching her being led across the gravel driveway, her dress unbuttoned all the way down the front and the scarf tied over her eyes almost made my heart break. It was all I could do not to jump out of the car, take her in my arms, and drive her home. When the door slammed...
She then hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her panties and slowly began pulling them down. In unison I did the same with my boxers. We both stepped out of our undies and tossed them out of the way. We got back from the show around 10ish. Much as I enjoyed it, I could not wait until we got home. She was looking incredibly awesome that evening; wearing a semi-sheer white blouse and a sexy leather-like mini-skirt. We got home and I poured us each a strong drink. We kicked off our shoes and...
StraightI was in my room when my folks called out "...David you've got company..." wondering who it was, I walked down the hall way and was startled to see Charlie standing in our living room talking to my folks. Not knowing what to do I just stood there as Charlie looked over and said "...hey man, thought you were coming over to watch the match last night..." Baffled I stood there like a deer in head lights as Charlie continued " didn't miss much it was a dull game anyway..." My Pops said...
You begin the morning as you always do, by waking up, and eating and showering, however when you get back to your room to get dressed while only having a towl tied onto your waist, you are then alerted to the first difference of the day.