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Karen was reading the magazine a little too intently as she waited outside his office. She was not alone in the waiting area, sharing it as she was with an older lady who looked like she was about to cry at any moment and a teenage boy who kept up a constant rambling conversation with himself.

If it was simply their presence that made her nervous she would not have felt so churned up inside but, truth be told, she was far more concerned that things had gotten to this stage at all. She’d always been a little prone to black moods, her mother had called it ‘artistic temperament’ even though she had never created anything in her life, but in the last year they had become more regular and distressing. This therapist was not cheap but he’d been recommended by her doctor as being highly regarded, albeit that he was new in Lexington and therefore was actively searching for clients. One short phone call to his very pleasant receptionist was all it had taken to arrange this appointment and Karen hoped that it would be one of the very few she’d need.

A few minutes passed before the receptionist approached her with her trade mark smile.

‘Mrs Edwards? Doctor Grey will see you now. Through that door please.’

Karen entered the room and was greeted by the sight of a very distinguished, if surprisingly young, man writing notes at his desk. As she approached him he looked up, smiled and indicated that she should take a seat in a very lavish chair that would have graced any dentist’s surgery.

‘It’s nice to see you Mrs Edwards. Your doctor has sent me some preliminary paperwork but I’d like to start, if I may, by getting you to tell me what you think your problem is. We can chat around things as they arise, I’ll feedback where appropriate and generally we can get a good grasp of the situation by the end of the session. I’ll make recommendations at the end for a plan of action we can follow, which again will be amended as the sessions progress. Sound fair?’

Karen was disarmed by his friendly, confident and straightforward manner and she smiled with relief. She had only just met him, of course, but she really felt this man could get to the root of the problem without too much trouble. She settled into the incredibly comfortable chair and began to tell him her life-story.

Doctor Grey began to make notes as she talked, maintaining every air of the polished professional even as his eyes began to subtly wander over his patient. She was 40, married to her childhood sweetheart and with two daughters aged 18 and 20. The scenario did not sound promising to him because it should have presented him with a middle-aged, frumpy housewife who would have been of no interest to him at all. As his eyes continued to subtly evaluate her, however, it was clear that this was a very beautiful lady who had the figure of a sweet teenager. A gym regime and a healthy independent spirit had made the years wash over her with very little erosion to show for it. She would be a highly rewarding challenge.

Doctor Grey diagnosed her within the first 15 minutes. She was basically sound but, like a lot of intelligent people, tended to over-think life and spiral into depressions as a result. His main challenge was to try to keep her interested in a return session, for she had no need for one and unless he was subtle he knew she’d reach that conclusion fairly quickly herself.

‘I’m happy with your account so far Karen.’

The use of her first name made her jolt for a second but then she realised he was simply trying to make the situation more friendly.

‘I think we might benefit from going over a few points now in more depth. I have often found that aroma-therapy can help in relaxing patients as we go into more painful areas of their experience and, with your permission, I’d like to ask you to lie back in the chair whilst I fetch some oils we can use.’

It seemed like a perfectly fair request and Karen looked around the chair for the recline button. Once located, it allowed her to recline the chair all the way back into a couch and she settled in as she listened to Dr Grey moving around.

Grey was over at an ornate storage locker as he spoke. With a practised hand he quickly mixed some aroma oils with a special concoction he had developed. With the oils masking the ingredient it was undetectable to any patient and the effects had never failed him yet.

‘I’m going to give you a handkerchief with some of this oil on it, Karen, and from time to time I would like you place it over your nose and take 5 breaths, inhaling deeply and slowly each time. It will help you to relax more if you also close your eyes as we talk.’

The doctor had moved over to the couch by the time he had finished speaking and he handed Karen a white, silken handkerchief, which she cradled in her hands. She was beginning to regret wearing a skirt today because it was hard to keep her legs together whilst on the couch but, with the skill that every woman learns from puberty, she was able to become comfortable without any fear of accidental exposure. She closed her eyes and inhaled from the handkerchief, instantly feeling a very mild calming sensation enter her body that made her pleased she had not objected.

Doctor Grey began talking over her youth again as he slowly paced the office. Another few minutes passed as the professional exchange continued, with Grey making a mental note of how many times Karen had inhaled from the handkerchief. His ingredient had two main effects that he was watching for. It worked primarily on seratonin, producing enhanced levels, which created sensations very similar to afterglow if inhaled for enough time. The second effect was on the thrill-seeking part of the brain, making it as instantly addictive as crack-cocaine.

Grey watched with satisfaction as Karen began to inhale more and more often as the conversation continued. He watched her complexion redden and knew that she was as relaxed as if she’d just slept with her favourite film star.

Karen was completely alert to her surroundings but was feeling more relaxed than she could ever remember. Every time she felt the sensation begin to wear off she knew she simply needed to inhale again and a new wave of calm would descend. Grey’s voice was soothing, the chair was more comfortable than her bed and she just wanted this session to go on forever.

Doctor Grey kept talking as he quietly moved towards a hidden MP3 player. He brought the conversation to a place where the MP3 could take over and then hit play, seamlessly substituting his pre-recorded speaking with his own. To Karen, in a half-world of daze, it seemed that he had simply moved to the back of the office behind her.

The pre-recorded speaking began.

‘I want you to listen for a while now as I’ve come to some preliminary conclusions that I want to tell you about. Please hold any questions until I am finished and then I’ll be happy to answer them.’

Karen was more than happy to just sit, inhale from time to time and listen to that oh-so soothing voice. It talked at great length about many things but always arrived back to the same points, that she needed a few more therapy sessions and that she needed to trust Doctor Grey implicitly if the therapy was to work.

Doctor Grey moved silently towards the couch and stood, admiring his patient as his voice convinced her that he was a good distance away. She was a beauty all right and definitely someone who would attract many envious looks from other women. He thrilled at the danger of being caught whilst knowing that she was never going to open her eyes, for she was too caught up in her need to listen to him.

Now he had time to stare and he enjoyed the view. Her white blouse did not conceal her firm breasts well as she lay reclined on the chair and Grey moved his head around to facilitate a better view in between her buttons. She was wearing a lacy white bra from what he could see but it did little to hide the flesh ben
eath, heaving slowly as Karen took yet another inhale from the handkerchief.

The MP3 lasted exactly 14 minutes and 12 seconds, giving him plenty of time to enjoy himself here without having to hurry unduly. As he had hoped, she had relaxed well, a combination of the inhaling and the fact that she thought he was well behind her. Her shoulders had opened but more importantly to Grey was that her legs had loosened a little. She was too practised to allow the habit to leave her, even in this state, but her attempts at keeping her legs tightly together were being hampered by the drug and the thought that no-one was in front of her anyway.

Grey couldn’t touch her, this session anyway, for fear of dispelling his carefully woven illusion. He simply knelt in front of the couch and attempted to peer up Karen’s skirt, using the garment as a shield for the light he shone onto her legs with a pen-torch. He was rewarded with a view of pure eroticism, the most perfect of pussies shaping a thin pair of lacy panties. Grey felt himself become instantly aroused and his penis began to strain at the inside his trousers.

He was going to go all the way with this one, he swiftly concluded, for he must possess her mind, body and spirit if he was to find the true definition of spiritual intimacy. Patience was not only a virtue, however, but as much a tool of the trade as the clipboard or the blind trust he needed in order to win.

Grey stood up and checked his watch. He only had 6 minutes left and needed to work quickly now. From his jacket he produced a digital camcorder which was no bigger than the size of a cigarette packet. Placing the camera next to the light he set it recording up Karen’s skirt whilst he stood and revelled in the power he was beginning to have over her. He softly unzipped himself and allowed his aching cock to escape before taking it into his right hand and moving it to within 2 feet of Karen’s face. Any closer and he may trigger a sixth-sense reaction that could ruin everything, but it was close enough to allow him to fantasise about those soft, luscious lips suckling on him.

As Grey was building he was thinking to himself. ‘Come on Bitch, I’m giving you a chance here. Open your eyes and defend your honour. Come on…open them before I am finished or everything you ever had will be mine forever. Come on, or has that seratonin made you fantasise about someone?’ He enjoyed the irony of that last thought almost as much as the knowledge that she would one day beg to tell him.

Grey was careful to come silently and to collect his semen with his other hand. He wiped his hands on the inside of his jacket pockets before collecting the camera and the light. He quickly filmed Karen’s breasts through her blouse before returning to the MP3 player. He made it with 13 seconds to spare and cursed himself for almost getting over-confident.

Settling his voice down he timed the ending of the MP3 with an enquiry

‘So now, Karen, any thoughts on what I have just been saying?’

Karen began to feedback as he returned to his professional mannerisms.

‘By the way Karen, would you like a coffee?’

She gratefully accepted the invitation and Grey contacted his receptionist, who duly returned with two coffees which Grey placed on his cabinet. As Karen resumed talking Grey used the pretext of adding sweetener to retrieve some of his semen from his jacket. With his back turned to Karen he coated his finger with his cum and then stirred it into the coffee, before adding sweetener to both and handing her the drink.

‘Best sit up for this,’ he said with a smile.

Karen rearranged the chair into the sitting position once more, a real sense of calm and achievement making her grateful that she’d chosen to talk to this wonderful man. They exchanged general banter as they drank before Grey produced the camera and plugged it into his desktop computer.

‘You don’t mind if I upload some footage for my parents do you? I’m new to town and they insisted I showed them some of what Lexington has to offer.’

‘Not at all.’

He ensured the screen was facing only him as he uploaded the footage from earlier. He settled down to enjoy the movie as he continued to talk to Karen, thrilling in the knowledge that he was looking at her almost naked pussy whilst seeing her drink down his cum, all the while looking at him with a respectful innocence and paying him a fortune.

‘OK Karen, I’ve completed my first session here now. I’ve got a good idea of how we can proceed and I will have the receptionist type you up a plan of action before you leave today. I’d suggest that you keep the handkerchief and use it in case you feel that you are becoming stressed. The oils will wear off after 48 hours and so I would like to make a new appointment to see you in two days. Is that convenient?’

It wasn’t but then this HAD been an excellent session and, she thought, he had been right earlier. She did need a good therapist and this man seemed to know his stuff.

‘OK Doctor Grey, I’ll arrange time off from work and will make the new appointment when I collect my action plan.’

The session ended with Grey checking out her arse as she left the office. He made plans for the next session before calling for another patient. The old lady walked in and he smiled to himself for this one was safe as houses…

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100% fiction! It had been several days since our first time together. We had talked and laughed about the incident but it had not gone any further. I began to think that it was a onetime deal and it was not going to happen again. I had been at a friend’s house most of the day and decided to come home before mom got home and shower and get out of the house for a while. When I pulled into the driveway my mind was reeling with thoughts about our time together. All I could do is smile and shake my...

2 years ago
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Accustomed to Her Face Ch 35

Winter Carnival It hadn’t come last year, but you had heard about it – the Winter Carnival that pitched its tents in the valley just the other side of the river that ran below the University. You had heard about it from the kids. It seemed strange. In the middle of winter, a carnival. But one morning as you walked from the big old Victorian house on one hill to school on the other, you heard banging and a clamor and you turned and there it was – the snow had been plowed off the large field...

3 years ago
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The ForcePart 4B

I put my arms around her and pulled her up toward my head so I could kiss her; she welcomed it, opening her mouth so our tongues could take turns dancing in each other's mouths. When they did, I could feel the hard nubbins of her nipples pressing into my chest; as the kiss continued, Diane started hunching her pelvis against me. As our kisses continued, I let my hands start roaming across her body. Shoulders to sides to waist, neck to hips, the swells of her breasts, her thighs - all were...

1 year ago
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Interracial slut

It was Saturday afternoon and I was still recovering from the pounding I took from Milt’s huge cock at his hotel room the night before. Milt is my ex-boss, and I remain his slut-slave whenever he calls. I am just so addicted to his huge dick and the way he uses it on me. So much so that I do him the occasional favor, that is, if he has a colleague that needs servicing I’m Milt’s Girl Friday.After taking it royally from Milt I was still aching for more cock. It’s funny how that works, but it...

4 years ago
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Cuckold Wifes Say the Hottest Things

Our sex life has taken a dramatic turn with the advent of blue tooth. My wife likes to entertain young men while I work. We will usually coordinate a time when I am in boring meeting or alone so I can do a little something about it:Here are some of the things She says that I get to listen too when she's entertailing. They are in no particular order:"Don't get undressed baby, let me do it...I love the smell of a man when he's excited and I pull down hi underpants""Wow! For a teenager you are a...

3 years ago
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The Plan We Didnt Need

{My second attempt at a story. I took into consideration that the last one was paced too quickly. I guess I just assumed it you were going to masturbate you want to get to the good stuff. I was mistaken and I apologize. However, it seems some like the short, sweet stories, so I might do a mix of them.} A strong wind jostled my raven hair around my face as I drove to the lake with my best friend. Ice Ice Baby was blaring from the stereo. Celia just shook her head at me. I cant believe you...

3 years ago
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First time massage from my Dads contacts

I found my dad’s porn stash by accident one day. He had gone away on business and I was in the loft when I found the bag. There was the usual wank mags, videos and I thought that was all. So I pulled out my cock and started to wank. He had some good, hard core, heterosexual stuff. As I pulled my s*******n old cock, I was really enjoying this stash when I found a little black book. Inside was his contact list with whores, escorts, cinemas and other acquaintances. Mostly there were places a long...

2 years ago
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The Big Bad Bullies and the Submissive Sissy Slut

The Big Bad Bullies and the Submissive Sissy Slut I was always a target for older and stronger boys. I guess in playground hierarchy a boy that liked to daydream about silly things would have to assume there would be some teasing. After all I wasn't as rough and tumble with other boys my age. I was something of a sissy you might say and a weakling as well. I often suffered terribly at the hands of bullies. I liked to play alone mostly, with my sister's dolls. I also coveted her pretty...

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Mum 5 Blackmail

Arthur was the first to speak as the rest of us had our mouths occupied. “I need to piss,” he said. Mum lifted her mouth from his cock. “Why don’t we all freshen up,” she said. She took Arthur into the downstairs shower room, Dad and l went up to the bathroom. “This is crazy Dad,” l said as we washed each other in the shower, “but it’s brilliant, l can’t wait to see Mum doing the things Arthur was talking about.” I was fondling his cock as he did the same to me. “You know that woman he...

3 years ago
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Medusa Fates GameChapter 12

~~Chimera~~ “The sun will be rising very soon,” he said. “Fuck. Fuck fuck. We can’t sneak into the city come sunrise. Fuck.” The little queen stomped around, and punched him in the leg. She was only a little thing, and her punches were powerful enough to send her back a foot or two across the grass from its own force. Fate’s Children punched hard, and he winced as her knuckles hit muscle. “Your fault.” “I am sorry.” The adorable bundle of fury rolled her eyes, and looked around at the...

2 years ago
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My last thoughts

My last thought was, ?well, that isn’t what I expected.? The night had been awful for me up to that point.  My master, a kind and exciting man, whose quick to flare angry; had been putting on what are called ?Catfights? for the entertainment of some his friends.  They too had slaves in which they would pit one against the other.  And because most of the other slaves brought were little more than waifs, my master had thought that he would use one of his own slaves, me, for some of the fights. ...

4 years ago
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Me And Namita 8211 Lesbian Relationship

It was not a regular mess but six of us share a three bed room residential house..Two girls in each room.. Spacious.. Three toilets..Comfortable to live in.Myself Nitu and Namita in one room..Amina and Amrita & Babita and Basanti share other two rooms.We made a rule that each room will have the responsibility of food for one month.Since we are all young girls .. Within age group of twenty.. It was usual for us to live with grand masti and optimum freeness..Freedom in...

1 year ago
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MyFriendsHotMom Nina Elle 24671

You can’t hack a Polaroid – that’s what Nina Elle knows. The sexy MILF has been taking some sexy pics and selling them to help her pay her rent ever since her son moved out for school, and she’s been thoroughly enjoying her work while it’s helped her with bills. And the cat comes out of the bag when her son’s friend Isiah stops by to pick up his laptop and discovers the dirty photos in a box. Only the big tits mom discovers her son’s friend discovering her newfound hobby and work…leading her to...

2 years ago
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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 69 Seduction and Plans

Mark I never thought that Stacy was a sure thing, nor did I think of her as a chick I wanted to screw and then forget. The more I interacted with her the more I liked her. I felt drawn to her tattoos and her eccentric and Goth look. I’d had a similar reaction to Alice who went far in the opposite direction with chic stylish looks, and we’ve ended up in a beautiful relationship that comes and goes as we’re busy or have occasion to see each other. I like the extremes and everything in...

3 years ago
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You Cant Judge a Book By Its Cover

I was running late for a meeting when a colleague helped me out of a bad situation. I was already late for a meeting when Jennifer popped into my office wanting just a second of my time. Jennifer is a tall leggy blond who is always the utmost professional. If only she knew how I really felt about her. “I would love to help but I am late for the quarterly meeting,” I said apologetically. “Another time perhaps?” I went on, as I gathered all of my files, my laptop and my coffee. “How about after...

2 years ago
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The Boardroom

‘God, it is so damn hot in here!’ Cynthia complained to herself as she unbuttoned her blouse further. The air conditioner had still not been fixed, and despite the fact the sun had already set, the heat that accumulated in the building over the day was still stifling. ‘How am I going to get this work done when I’m sweating all over the pages?’ She thought. The deadline was two days away and she still had about a weeks worth of work do be done. Ron wasn’t much help at home. Sure she told him...

2 years ago
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Our Life Story

Introduction: I think we turned out ok…… Back a few years ago I authored the story of Mallory and myself. We got 1000s of replies and emails. Most however did not believe our story, although they liked it. That is okay because if I hadnt lived it I would have not believed myself. But sometimes the extrodinary does happen. A series on events one as unlikely as the other that makes something truely a miracle.But no-matter if you believe it of not, we hope that you enjoy the re-release of our...

3 years ago
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Night and DayChapter 2

“You sleeping any better?” Rob asked. “Sure am,” Jackie said, shooting him a grin. He raised one eyebrow, and she realized that it must have come across as more flirtatious than she’d intended. “So the pills are working?” Jackie hesitated. She had been using his pills, but admitting that to him felt like a bad idea. A few nights ago, she wouldn’t have had the mental energy to come up with a lie, but the new, well-rested Jackie had an answer in no time. “Nope!” she said brightly. “Thanks...

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Elegance Ch1 The Selection

Sara pulled into the twenty four hour garage in her red Jaguar XF and let the attendant take the keys and hand her a claim check. She reached in the back for her travel bag and walked down the street to the four story brownstone tucked away on East 24th . There was a small gold plate on the side of the entrance “Elegance.” She was at the right place. She knocked on the wood paneled double door and then hit the ringer. “Welcome to Elegance. May I have your pass phrase?” She checked her cell...

3 years ago
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Kadwahat ki mithaas

First of all i would like to say hello to u all readers. Main jo story aap sab ke samne likh rahi hu ise story kahna mujhe jara ajeeb sa lag raha hai kyonki ye mere liye ek bahut badi sachhai hai jise main apne se chaah ke bhi alag nahin kar sakti. Main engineering ke liye select ho gayee thi aur mujhe jis college me admission mila tha wo dusre shahar me tha. Mere Papa ke ek bahut khaas dost the jo usi shahar me rahte the. Mere parents ne unhe mera local gurdian appoing kiya aur main unke ghar...

2 years ago
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Sexy Muslim Colleague

Feedback contact me: I live in Bangalore alone in a flat and I’m working for a top company. I had a colleague who joined with me and she is a Muslim, but she is open minded and free to discuss any topics. We were working together for almost 3 years now and she recently married a guy from her community. He was a good person and I knew him for a long time. Coming to the story, it happened in March. She came to office and was very dull, noticing it I’ve asked her what happened and then I came to...

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Busted by a bud

It’s a hot summer day in 1994. Nowhere is a small, fairly poor, rural Illinois town, the kind of town where nobody locks their doors. Summer seems to be an average 19 year old. He goes to a small community college and works on the weekend’s. He’s kind of quiet and doesn’t like to be around his parents. Both parents have jobs where they have to work the night shift. Summer’s mom works for the hospital and his dad has a factory job that he’s had since he got out of high school. They married...

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