Seducing Stephen -Chapter 3 - Training Begins free porn video

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Stephen remained quiet on the short drive back from the pharmacy, deep in thought. 

We arrived home and entered through the backdoor leading to the kitchen.  Stephen clutched the bag holding the condoms tightly, and started to scurry past me, attempting to escape into the solitude of his basement fortress.

I knew we needed to clear the air so I decided to 'tee up' the issue. “Stephen, come on back here. Sit down for a second, we need to talk. What is wrong?” I asked motioning for him to join me at the kitchen table.

He sat, placing the bag of condoms on the table between us. “Cindy, I am really sorry about what happened. I knew better, but I lost control. I am sorry. I took what should have been the most beautiful experience of my life, with the most beautiful girl I can imagine, and I screwed it up. I am sorry.” Stephen was looking down, at the floor, not at me, as he spoke.

“Stephen, thank you for saying that. I mean it. I appreciate what you are saying, but we were both foolish and we were both at fault. I should not have placed you in that position in the first place. You are too inexperienced to know exactly how to handle situations like this. I should have never put you in that situation.”

I was nervous and I was repeating myself as I searched for the words to express my many thoughts and emotions. I felt conflicted. I needed to emphasize the seriousness of the situation without chastising him too severely.

“Cindy, I really want to ‘be with you’, but I want to do it the right way.” He paused as he collected his thoughts. “But if after this morning, if you never want to be with me again, I won’t push the issue. I will never again try to enter a woman unless invited. And I will be more responsible about using protection. I promise.”

I felt a rush of affection at that moment that I cannot fully explain. It was a combination of maternal love, sexual attraction, and overwhelming emotion that swept over me.

I can't believe I said this without thinking, but I blurted, “Oh Stephen, I love you. You are such a beautiful young man. You are absolutely gorgeous to me right now. But we went too far, and too fast, this morning; and I think we should ‘cool our jets’ for the time being. When you are older, and when you are ready, if you want, I would be thrilled to take you as my lover, and be your first lover. But only when you are ready and can handle it all, both physically and emotionally. Okay?”

As I sat there, I was a bit shocked regretting that I used the words ‘I love you’ to Stephen. I felt that I should not have said that, but honestly, it was how I felt at that instant, and the words just came out that way. I thought to myself, ‘I need to be more careful with what I say to this young man. If I am careless, I could really damage him.

After an uncomfortable silence, Stephen cleared his throat, and spoke in a tender, vulnerable voice, “Cindy, would you teach me to make love to you now? I want you so badly, but only if you want to me, too.”

He looked at me intently, and I have never felt a more loving glance.

I sat silently for a second, then asked, “Are you sure you are ready for this? There’s no rush.”

He looked at me and nodded. I felt a slight twinge in my pussy as I contemplated what was about to happen. I wanted this too. I was not sure if I had the presence of mind to make a rational decision at that moment, but I knew what I wanted to do. And honesty, even if I wanted to stop at that moment, I felt powerless to resist this temptation.

I stood up, walked to him and sat on his lap. I was wearing a yellow and white floral print, pleated, halter-type sun dress that came slightly below my knees, which I had thrown on quickly as we were preparing to leave for the drug store about an hour ago.

Looking deep into his eyes, I held his face and kissed him. Immediately, I felt his penis throb against my ass as he opened his mouth to accept my tongue. I broke off the kiss long enough to say, “Let’s go really slow this time. I want you to learn all about my body. You have from now until the end of the school year to learn how to please me in every way imaginable. So, there is no rush at all.”

His penis was continuing to pulse against my bottom as I spoke. I loved the way his young penis reacted to me. His penis’s reaction made me feel beautiful, sexy, desirable, and even loved.

I returned to kissing him deeply, and I took his hand and raised it to my breast. He felt me through the built-in bra of the halter sun dress. As he gently teased my nipple through the material, I knew I was going to take him inside me again before the afternoon was over. Only this time it would be slow, thoughtful and very deliberate.

I could feel my pussy growing wet in anticipation. I could feel my pulse in my erect clitoris. And every pulse of his penis against my bottom sent a twinge through my loins directly to my pussy.

I stood up for a moment. Standing in front of him, I reached up and I untied the halter from around my neck. I climbed back on Stephen’s lap; this time I sat astride his legs, my legs around him. As I did so, Stephen adjusted his erection upward, allowing it to rest against his abdomen, forming a large cylindrical lump in his pants.

I stared into his eyes as I lowered the top of my dress, exposing my breasts. My nipples were hard and erect, standing like tiny pebbles. I have small breasts, with very prominent nipples and rather small, light pink areolas, giving my thin figure a youthful, almost adolescent appearance.

Sitting astride him, my bare breasts exposed to his glance and his touch, I took his face in my hands, lifted it up, and resumed kissing him with all the passion I had. I sucked his tongue into my mouth.

Stephen cupped both of my breasts in his hands as our tongues danced together once again. I humped forward, pressing my crotch into his erection, grinding my erect clit into his rigid cock. I could feet my slippery wetness soaking the gusset of my panties. As I ground myself into him, he humped back into me, and gently teased my nipples. This young man had a naturally sensuous touch about him. He simply sensed how to touch and please a woman.

He broke off the kiss, and then took one of my nipples into his mouth, sucking on it gently, causing me to moan out loud as I held his head to my breast. I was in absolute ecstasy. I did not ever want him to stop sucking my breasts.

I continued to grind our crotches together, humping both of us into a frenzy of arousal. I felt very, very sexy sitting astride this young stallion. We petted for several minutes, panting into each other’s mouth, exploring each other’s bodies.

“Stephen, grab your bag of supplies there, and let’s go into the bedroom.” I returned for one last tongue probing kiss before rising from his lap.

I took him by the hand and began to lead him to my bedroom. My small perky breasts swayed gently as I walked. As we approached the bedroom door, he stopped me and pulled my hand back. “Cindy, let’s go downstairs to my room instead.”

“Why?” I was puzzled by this request.

“Well, if Jim comes home, we can hear him from downstairs and we can get ourselves put back together without him knowing anything is going on.” Stephen paused. “If we are in your room, and Jim comes home early, I’ll be busted.”

I smiled, “You have a good point, a very good point.”

I resisted the urge to tell him, ‘if Jim came home and found you fucking me, he would probably stand in the corner, watch and jack-off.’ I figured that knowledge might be just a bit too much for to my young lover handle right now.

Stephen led me downstairs to his bed. I sat on the edge of the bed, my bare breasts in view, and the dress hanging down from my waist. I bade Stephen to stand in front of me as I unbuckled his belt, undid his fly. I lowered his pants and boxer shorts, allowing his massively erect penis to spring into view. Stephen tossed the bag of condoms on the mattress next to me.

Stephen stepped out of his pants and boxers, and began removing his shirt. He had a marvelous body, tight but muscular chest and arms; powerful, athletic legs; tight, flat stomach. His long, thick, very rigid erection stood proudly, waving in front of my face. He was my very own ‘young Greek god’.

“Damn you are a very sexy young man.” I said as I ran my hands up his chest, stopping to play with his nipples as I leaned forward and took the head of his penis into my mouth. I stopped just long enough to add, “very sexy indeed.”

His penis arched upward each time I licked the head with my tongue. He moaned loudly the first time I inserted the tip of my tongue into the small slit opening at the tip of his penis, letting me know how much he liked that. And because he liked it so much, I did it again, and again, and again; evoking the same moan from him each time. I could barely detect the trace amount of seminal fluid leaking from his erection; yet I enjoyed the salty, slightly bitter taste that was barely there.

I looked up at him, holding his erection in my fist, pumping it up and down slightly. “Stephen, do you need to cum right now, or can you hold back?”

“I think I can hold back.” He responded, but he looked unsure.

“Stephen, it’s alright. The thing about teenage boys is that they tend to cum pretty quickly at first. It is normal. And it is okay. The really good news is at your age, you can get hard right away again too.” I reassured him.

I leaned forward to suck him again for a moment. He rolled his head back and moaned appreciatively. “Stephen, if you ever need to cum, just tell me and I will take care of you. It will be okay. But if you feel like you can hold back for a little while, I will let you ‘test out one of your new condoms’. Okay?”

“I think I can hold back.” His uncertainty about his control was endearing to me as his teacher. I was pretty sure we were going to have some ‘misfires’ in the beginning, but that was part of the excitement and the fun, right?

I reached over to the bag of condoms, and struggled to open the packaging. The tin foil wrapper was particularly challenging to open. I finally took the edge between my teeth to rip it open. Stephen watched this process intently. I removed the condom and placed it on the tip of his erect penis, holding the shaft steady with my left hand. Then slowly and carefully, I unrolled the beige, somewhat translucent, latex sheath over the length of his tool, leaving the reservoir vacant at the tip.

“See how easy that was, Stephen?”

Stephen simply nodded.

In some strange, almost perverted way, as I stared admiringly at Stephen wearing the condom that I had just put on him, I felt like a mother dressing her son for his first day of school. A very wicked mother indeed. Class was just now beginning for my favorite student.

It dawned on me; Stephen was only a couple of years younger than my oldest son. I wondered for a moment what my boys’ ‘first time’ was like?

I smiled as I thought about it. I hoped that my sons’ first time was with someone loving, considerate and kind. Someone like me. I was determined to give Stephen the first-time experience that I would want some caring and sensual woman to provide for my sons.

I stood up and stepped out of my dress, leaving me only wearing my shear white panties. “Stephen, would you like the honor of removing my panties?” I asked standing in my most provocative pose, my erect nipple pointing slightly upward, and my hands on my hips.

Rather than answer, he simply knelt in front of where I was standing, with his fine ‘latex covered’ erection waving at the ceiling in front of him, and he began to pull my panties down, kissing my breasts as he did so. Looking down at him, his mouth on my tits, his penis standing proudly, erect in front of him, he was one of the most erotic sights I had ever seen.

As Stephen lowered my panties to my ankles, I stepped out of them, standing completely naked before his adoring eyes. I reached my hand out to him and guided him to stand. At six-foot, two-inches tall, Stephan towered over my smaller five-foot, seven-inch frame.

I guided him to lie on his back on the bed, and climbed on top of him, straddling his hips and his erection, pointing the head of his magnificent cock at the opening of my vagina. I rubbed his head back and forth at my opening for several seconds. “Stephen, I am going to put you inside me now, okay? Would you like that?” I teased.

“Oh god, yes.” He arched his hips upward instinctively trying to hurry me along. I pulled back away, leaving him humping at the air, teasing him with the prize he coveted: my warm, very wet, tight little pussy.

“Patience, my good man. Patience,” I teased. And again, holding the head of his erection at my opening momentarily, I slowly lowered myself down on him putting an inch or two inside me. “Oh, you feel good.”

I raised myself up, pulling him nearly out of me, and then lowered myself down again, a bit further this time, taking more of him inside me. I could feel myself opening up slowly with each thrust to accommodate his significant girth as I slowly worked him deeper and deeper inside me.

He was so very hard. In this position, I controlled the movements, allowing my young lover to avoid cumming too quickly at the excitement of entering me.

“Just lie back and relax. And if you feel like you have to cum, just tell me. It’ll be okay.”

Stephan looked up at me, his eyes glazed in youthful lust, and whispered, “I think I’m okay."

I nodded, and lowered myself on to his cock, taking a bit more, ever so slowly. After allowing him to penetrate me with the first four or five inches, or so, the head of his cock was rubbing the front inside wall of my uterus, stimulating my g-spot.

He was sufficiently large to cause me to have to work slowly to open up enough to fully accommodate him without encountering the sudden shock of pain that I endured earlier this morning when he plunged suddenly, and unexpectedly, into me.

As I worked him inside of me, I became convinced that he was larger than my husband; and Jim is a well-endowed man.

Once I had all seven inches of Stephen fully inside me, I leaned backwards, sitting straight up, placing even more pressure on my internal front wall. I knew I could cum fairly quickly in this position as I slowly began to rock back and forth on Stephen’s rigid tool, grinding the head against my g-spot.

“Stephen, just lay back and relax…I am going to enjoy your wonderful erection for a minute or two, okay?”

Stephen moaned an incoherent agreement, as I rocked my hips. I alternated leaning forward to force my erect clitoris against his rigid shaft, and leaning backwards to force the head of his erection against the front wall of my vagina.

As my pace quickened, Stephen began arching his hips, forcing himself deeper inside me with each stroke. Soon, he was banging hard against my cervix with each upward thrust.

I began moaning through my panting breaths. “Oh, baby, you are going to get me there. I am getting so close. Oh god, you are so deep inside me. God, you feel good. You make me feel so very good.”

I leaned further forward and began kissing my young lover, sucking his tongue into my mouth, moaning loudly into his mouth as my hips began bucking wildly.

He held me tightly against his chest, thrusting his hips upward, pounding his large erection into me.

I quickly crossed that magic line that triggered the first of a series of waves crashing through my core. “Oh God, just like that…just like that…oh, fuck me, baby…oh fuck…just like that,” I hissed loudly, unconcerned about anyone hearing me.

I felt my core begin to quiver and quake as my climax overtook me. “Oh god…oh…oh…I am cumming; you are making me cum so hard.”

Stephen continued to thrust his hips up, banging into me with all his youthful might as I started my second series of orgasmic waves. I was in ecstasy riding my young lover.

Then, without warning, Stephen flipped me over on my back without disengaging from me. It was an impressive move that would have made any Olympic wrestler, or any gymnast, proud. Without ever leaving my open vagina, Stephen was on top of me.

In this position, he was punishing my pussy with deep, violent thrusts as I continued to cum. He was literally slapping himself ‘balls deep’ into me with each brutal thrust. I could feel his large scrotum smacking against my upturned ass with each powerful stroke.

We were well past the point of gentle love making; we were fucking like wild animals.

I knew he was preparing to erupt as well. I have never been fucked this violently before. He was driving my shoulders deep into the mattress, and my head into the head board with each punishing stroke. I had to reach up behind me to brace myself against the head board to keep from banging my head with each powerful thrust.

I was literally squealing loud screams of pleasure as each time he pounded into me, it sent an orgasmic wave crashing through my core. I was not sure I could take any more, I feared I might pass out. I wrapped my legs around him, digging my heels into his ass, wanting to accept him as deep as I could.

Stephen’s entire body became rigid with a final deep thrust, and I could feel his penis throbbing deep inside my womb. His hands were on my hips holding me in place to accept his ejaculating penis as it pumped its seed. I knew the condom was catching the semen, nonetheless, I enjoyed the fact he was cumming inside me.

After a minute or so, he collapsed on top of me. We formed a heaving pile of sweat and emotion, coupled together, unable to speak. My legs remained around him, my heels pressing into his muscular ass, holding him in place, not wanting to allow him to escape from my very dilated pussy too quickly. I caressed his head as he lay panting on top of me. We were both completely satisfied, sated beyond belief.

“Stephen, that was wonderful. You were wonderful. You are a fantastic lover. You made me cum so long and so hard.”

I felt his cock throb as I spoke. I clenched my vagina giving him an intimate hug. With his cock still inside me, he looked deep into my eyes. “I love you, Cindy. I really do.”

I clenched my vagina again, squeezing his erection, and replied, “I love you too, Stephan.”

We lay there coupled together for several minutes, trying to recover out senses and our breath. I did not want to disengage, I wanted to savor this moment as long as I could. I wanted to feel him inside me as we rested.

I love the feeling of a man inside me after I have achieved an orgasm. There is nothing quite so wonderful and feeling his penis continue to pulse deep inside you as you cuddle in post-coital bliss.

After two or three minutes of lying motionless, Stephen surprised me as he began to slowly resume moving in and out of me; slightly at first. He was still hard! My god, he is going to go at it again! Amazing! I thought to myself, ‘every woman needs a 16-year-old lover!'

“Baby, are you going to fuck me again so soon?”

“I think so.”

He started pulling all the way out and slapping his cock suddenly back inside me. It felt great, but I knew I could not cum again so soon. Nonetheless, I used my heels on his ass to ‘spur him on’ and he picked up tempo.

After several minutes, the increased friction from the latex rubber began to make me a bit sore as he pounded me again, and again. Having just cum, his third orgasm of the day, he had more stamina this go around.

After about five minutes, I said, “Stephen, I am getting a little sore. Go ahead and cum if you can.” That seemed to be all it took. Moments later his entire body grew rigid again, and his erection was throbbing inside of me pumping out whatever semen he had left in reserve.

Once he finished cumming, I decide it was time to de-couple. I did not to take the chance that he would remain hard and try to fuck me a third time. My poor little pussy was not up for that!

I gently pushed him off of me and over on his side, and on to his back. His large penis flopped against his stomach, making sloppy sounding exit as it left my sore and dilated pussy. I leaned over and studied his cock as it grew softer, but remained fairly large.

My vaginal cream was coating his latex rubber, and the reservoir tip of the condom was fully charged with his semen. In fact, I could see through the beige, translucent latex where once the reservoir tip stretch full, it forced streaks of his white semen down the shaft of his cock.

I took hold of his semi-flaccid cock and rolled the latex up until, I could remove it. Without thinking, I brought the used condom to below my nose and inhaled the wonderful aroma of his semen which was mixed with the smell of the latex. “You even smell good.” I explained.

Then I got up, and discarded the condom in a tissue in his bathroom wastepaper can. As I returned to the bed to cuddle some more, it occurred to me that if I was planning on keeping these activities from my husband, and if he was the suspicious type, I would have to be more careful where I left used condoms. But I intended to share every sordid detail with Jim this evening. Jim was going to be pleased with my adventure.

We lay together on the bed, naked, gently caressing each other in the glorious afterglow of very satisfying sex. I dozed off for a few minutes with my head on his chest. I was a very contented lady. I woke with a start, hearing the kitchen door slam. Jim was home!

I kissed Stephan quickly, said, “I gotta go”, and jumped up, put my dress on, sans panties, and proceeded to go up to meet Jim.

Halfway up the stairs I realized I left my panties on the floor next to Stephan’s bed. I’d have to remember to get them later.

I heard Jim in the bathroom. He was standing naked, his clothes thrown into a heap on the floor. He was waiting for the water to the shower to warm up when I walked in.

“How was your day?” he asked as he reached into the shower spray to test the water temperature without really even looking up at me.

“I have had a very nice day with Stephen. Very nice.” I smiled at him. I could feel my pussy leaking slightly down my inner thigh as we spoke.

Jim looked up, somewhat puzzled, raising his eyebrows as if to say, ‘and what happened?’

“Let’s just say I feel like I have been riding a sandpaper hobby horse all afternoon. My poor little pussy is pretty sore right now!” I informed my husband as I slowly raised up the hem of my skirt to show him that I had lost my drawers somewhere recently.

“My god, Cindy. Your pussy looks absolutely raw…It’s swollen…What have you been up to?”

I looked down at the puffy, red lips of my vulva and admitted, “It does look a little angry, doesn’t it? Let’s just say that sixteen-year-old boys can be a little insatiable when they get their first taste of a lady’s charms.” I released the hem of my dress, and continued, “Our young border pretty much wore me out this afternoon.”

Jim’s penis stirred noticeably as I spoke. I could see it thicken and pulse. He sat down on the edge of the tub and simply said, “Go on, please, tell me all about it.”

I knew I was going to get fucked again if I shared this story with Jim, but he deserved to hear every single, lurid detail….and if I told him how Stephan had just fucked his naughty little wife, Jim was not going to last long…not long at all…

I figured that my sore little pussy could handle one more quick fuck this afternoon.

I loved being the center of two men’s attention…I absolutely love it.


Coming soon: Chapter 4 – the law of unintended consequences…




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I became Stephens sissy on that hot summer night a long time ago you see Stephen was my best friend since grammar school we hung out and played together since I could remember he was my best friend and I his we were inseparable until we got to be teenagers and met girls then we only hung out once in a while we were too busy trying to get some pussy you know those hormones were raging and we responded to the call anyway we both wound up marrying and then losing two girls his was a slut from day...

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Stephen and I

Introduction: My first story, hope you enjoy! Just for reference Stephen and I are both going into 9th grade at the time of this story. Hey man are you ready?! Hell yeah dude! Two weeks at camp away from parents and responsibilities! Perfect way to start summer! Haha I cant wait! All I could think of on the two hour drive was how much fun I was going to have for these two weeks. And better yet, it was going to be with my dream guy. Hes just perfect. *** Finally here. I said to Stephen as...

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Stephen vs Stephanie A Story of Morph Wars

Stephen prepared for his change. Every solstice it was the same: get ready for his six month sleep. He didn't remember when this all started, but the centuries seemed to blur after awhile. All he knew about her on the other side was kept in the journals they wrote back and forth to each other. Once a year he would go to sleep after leaving her a written message, then he would wake up six months later with no memory of half a year. She would leave him a message, too, usually...

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Stephen and I

"Hell yeah dude! Two weeks at camp away from parents and responsibilities! Perfect way to start summer!" "Haha I can't wait!" All I could think of on the two hour drive was how much fun I was going to have for these two weeks. And better yet, it was going to be with my dream guy. He's just perfect. *** "Finally here." I said to Stephen as I was unpacking "I know. I've been looking...

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Stephen and Stephanie

As neighbors, Carol, Karen and I regularly met up on weekends during school term and more often during the holidays. We played many games together, and I happily joined in, despite their girly nature; I even played with dolls. Of course, the kids at school found out about this, and I was bullied mercilessly for being a sissy. I tried to explain that no boys were living nearby to play with, but in truth, I didn’t relate to macho boys while I was happy and comfortable with Carol and Karen. Our...

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Stephen and Stephanie

Stephen and Stephanie Now the idea of crossdressing had appealed to Steve for a few years, he wouldn't deny it, but actually doing it for real, no he hadn't got the nerve. A surreptitious wearing of bra and panties, yes once or twice, but for nothing more than a different masturbation thrill. The full works, no he wouldn't know where to start. It wasn't even like he was gay or even bi, it was just a thing that fascinated him. He'd thought about asking one of his Mistress...

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Teaching the Sissy Maid Workshop at the MVP Chapter Two Jaimes Training as a Sissy Maid Begins

Teaching the Sissy Maid Workshop at the MVP, Chapter Two Jaime Learns About Life as a Sissy Maid I led Jaime from the garage to my master bedroom in the back of the house and told him to get in the Waiting Position as he had done before and to remain silent until he was told he could talk. I smiled when he nodded his head up and down for yes since he had just been denied the right of speech. Perhaps he may just become as valuable as he appears on first glance, but that was rarely...

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Stephen King Drives a Brown Jeep

She fought the sun that threatened to invade her sleep-deprived eyes with an exaggerated blink that crumpled half of her face. The alarm clock hadn’t even gone off yet, she learned as she turned towards its’ nuclear green numerals which also tried to coerce her into awakening. She had so much to do today. She had to stop by the Post Office and mail out some overdue bills. Not all of them though, she wasn’t that caught up yet. She had to make it to the office sometime between ten and two so she...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 3 JessicaChapter 56 Albert Stephen Adams

July 5, 1989, Chicago, Illinois “Steve, Gwen Meyer is on the phone,” Keri said over the intercom late on Wednesday morning. “Put her through, please.” A moment later I greeted Gwen. “It’s over. The judge signed the final order declaring non-parenthood five minutes ago. I’m sorry it took so long, but her attorney filed several last-minute motions which turned out to be frivolous. The judge dismissed all them.” “Thank God,” I sighed. “Do you think they’ll appeal?” “They really don’t have...

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Stephens Cum Cuckold Hotwife First Time

I wrote this story a long time ago, while not entirely true, it's based on some very true events in our marriage...Lover,I am writing this letter to you because I don't think I could ever tell you to your face. Don't worry, I still love you with all my heart, and if you will have me, I will love you until I die. I am so scared you will leave me, but I also know that you and I have shared the same fantasies over and over again. Maybe it's your fault, maybe it's mine, but I'm writing this to tell...

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Pyx 2 Training DaysChapter 15 Trainings End

About a week after Vanessa left, Vonda talked to Pyx in the walk-in closet. I was in my office, downstairs at the time. The closet was one of the places in the apartment that didn't have a camera. Knowing this, soon after Pyx joined us, I secretly installed a microphone, that was only accessible by my office computer. Usually, they used the closet to talk about female problems. Vonda sometimes gave Pyx advise on how to "handle" me. It was all very informative. But she was usually dead...

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A Man and His PetsChapter 5 Pet Training Begins

By early-morning, Jim was landing his plane on his private landing strip. He taxied up to the rear of his home and shut his plane down. The flight had been uneventful, but he had to hurry now. Jim figured he had about an hour before the drugs began wearing off and his new acquisitions would awaken. Using a hand dolly, Sandra was the first to be taken to Jim's dungeon. There, she was stripped and secured her to a medical exam table Jim had modified. A three-inch leather strap was tightened...

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A Man and His PetsChapter 14 The New Pets Training Begins

Jim and his pets then returned to the new pets in the dungeon. Both were wide awake by then and had been crying. Courtney began yelling at Jim as soon as she saw him. "Let me go, damn it! My father is rich and will pay you any ransom you may want. You can't hold me here. Cindy! What kind of a bitch are you to do this to me?" Cindy slapped Courtney and said. "The kind of bitch that had you captured and will see to your training. Now, shut the fuck up, cunt." Jim ignored Courtney. He...

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Seducing Cindy Chapter 2 from Cindys perspective

Introduction:After spending the week in Palo Alto with my stepson and his fiancé, I arrived back in New York City, deeply conflicted and confused. The wheels of United flight 1254 touched down at La Guardia airport shortly before six o'clock in the evening. I had been traveling for over eight hours, and in addition to being conflicted and confused, I was exhausted. I took the nearly forty minute taxi ride to my Manhattan flat deep in thought. So much had happened. It would take some time to...

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Bus Ride Part 3 Training Begins

This is a continuation of Bus Ride – Parts 1 and 2. I welcome all comments, both positive and negative, on my stories or please feel free to email me on [email protected]. Bus Ride – Part 3 – Training Begins “Hello?” “I said Hello!” Gaby felt a hand on her shoulder and she awoke with a start and peered up at a girl in her twenties with dirty blonde hair. “I’m Mary!” She smiled down at Gaby. “I brought you some breakfast and then I’ll prepare you for...

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Anal training begins

As I opened the passenger door to Clark's vehicle I noticed a towel on the seat. He was prepared for my ass being full of cum. I sat down and I could feel cum running out of my ass.As he started driving he asked, "So how did you like your first tip to the gloryhole?"I answered, "It was amazing! I had no idea a place like that existed."Clark said, "I'm glad you enjoyed it, I'll be bringing you back to this one and some others a few times a week."When he said that I got excited. I couldn't wait...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 5 The Training Continues with Janets Surprise

Characters Introduced: Janie, 20 5'2 Blond hair blue eyes 34C Alex, 15 5'4 Blond hair blue eyes 36C Carly, 13 5'0 Blond hair blue eyes 32C Carol, 31 5'8 Brown hair hazel eyes 38D Ken, 36 6'5, Carol's husband Black Male 14” 4” wide Elfie, 13 5'0 Black hair and eyes 32B, classmate of Carly's and daughter of manager of Italian Restaurant that Ben and Becky frequent Antonio, 43 6'0 8” long cock average width Elfie's father. The training continues: From chapter...

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Chapter 21 The new training class and Chapter 22 Training New Slaves

The new class of training will have 12 weeks of training because it’s a large class 40 girl and 10 boys. The training will be starting in two weeks right now they are being seen by the doctor I will be observing looking for some new dom’s or dommes. I have one of the subs bring two of the girls in, so I can talk to them. The first one in her name is Julia 18 she is a manly looking girl, so I know she is gay the other girl looks shell shocked Beth 16 is her name I think. I begin by asking them...

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Seducing my teacher

He spent about 2 hours playing fortnight with his homies named Chris and Tom. When 12 came his mother ordered him to get off the game and go to bed. She didn't want him up any longer because he has a big day tomorrow. So he needs to get up early so he can be ready for the bus. Hours flew by and Kyle was waiting at the bus stop. He waited for at least 30 minutes or so until the bus arrived. 30 minutes later the bus arrives at school and the students went inside the school. They were putting...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 10 Martys family training and a surprise

Introduction: THIS IS A ROMANCE STORY, NOT JUST HUMPING AND FUCKING ALL THE TIME. Chapter 10 Martys family training, and a surprise Characters Introduced: Sheila, 26 58, white Bens tattoo artist, 36C breasts The story picks up the next day after Ben has fucked his two willing virgin slaves in the ass. Martha comes over to her Master, You really fucked Cam and Calla good last night. They seemed to enjoy it from what I could hear!. In comes Cam and Calla rubbing their asses and kiss Master...

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Seducing My Friend

Hi Readers, how are you….hope you all are enjoying this site…Reading plenty of stories in this site really made me to make an attempt ….to try someone to seduce them and bring them to bed. I read a story from this site and wanted to try the same seducing attempt. I was totally confused with whom should I try with, whether my aunt or the girl next door or my any of my close friend. This seducing attempt can be tried by both guys/gals by changing the character. Let me tell about myself I am...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 13 Training of Nadine Hawaiian girls and Sophia Spring Break Cruise Trip to the Cayman Islands and Furniture Shopp

Introduction: Fictional Story. Romance about an unusual family My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 13 Training of Nadine, Hawaiian girls and Sophia, Spring Break Cruise and a Trip to the Cayman Islands. Character Introduced: Josie, 14, daughter of Fred and sister of Jolene, white, 51 Red Hair Green Eyes 34C breasts Janice, 14, daughter of Fred Josies identical twin, white, 51 Red Hair Green Eyes 34C breasts Claire, 12, sister of Jolene twin of Clairice, white, 411 Brown Hair Blue Eyes 32D breasts...

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Loosening Up Book 7 Younger CrowdChapter 25 Professor Stephen Reagan

Steve Reagan stood tall and Dave guessed there might be some military background in his earlier life. He was a solid man, maybe even the kind who played football when he was younger, but as a quarterback or running back, and not a hefty lineman. The man was in his mid-forties, had salt-and-pepper wavy hair, a very pleasant disposition, and a winsome smile. He apparently liked some kind of outdoor activity because his skin had a significant tan, but in Florida that was often hard to gage. The...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 12 Training Continues Nadias wish for her friend

Introduction: THIS IS A ROMANCE STORY, NOT JUST HUMPING AND FUCKING ALL THE TIME. Constructive critism always welcomed My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 12 Training Continues, Nadias wish for her friend Characters Introduced: Abigail, 27, Pharmacist, white, 54 Blond Deep blue eyes 36DD, swan like neck Mandy, 18, Abigails sister, white, 52 Blond Blue eyes, 36D breasts, swan like neck Fred, 55, Ford Dealer, white, 7 cock Jolene, 16, 54 Blond Blue eyes, 36D breasts daughter of Fred Dr. Emily Johns...

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seducing game with a lonely rich housewife

Hi I am karthick from Chennai. I am a great fan of this site, I get tempted on reading stories from this siteand always wanted to have such experiences, now I am going to post my own real sex experience. I live in Chennai doing 2nd year engineering and always had an intense sexual desire foraunties. I am 20 years old,5.9ft tall, with 9inch hard and strong dick, well built body ,decent looking, well read and a friendly jovial person. Well, this story is about me and hot and sexy rich aunty. Her...

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The House A Slave Training and Auction Chapter 9 10

Jessie and Penny and Master T Jessie- Master wants to talk to me. I hope I am not going to be punished I didn’t do anything I don’t think. Master why were you homeless? Jessie- I was kicked out for being gay. I worked odd jobs and sleep on friend’s couches or in the park where that guy got me. I sometimes went home with guys for money but I couldn’t do that because a pimp wanted me to work for him. I met some of the guys that worked for him and they told me that he beat them and got them...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 10 Martys family training and a surprise

Characters Introduced: Sheila, 26 5'8, white Ben's tattoo artist, 36C breasts The story picks up the next day after Ben has fucked his two willing virgin slaves in the ass. Martha comes over to her Master, “You really fucked Cam and Calla good last night. They seemed to enjoy it from what I could hear!”. In comes Cam and Calla rubbing their asses and kiss Master and then Martha. “That was fun, Master, I think our asses are getting use to having BIG FELLA in them” Cam says and...

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Alexa Chapter 11 The Change Begins

Alexa Chapter 11: The Change Begins "Merry Christmas babe" I was unable to speak as I laid there and stared at the beautiful blonde woman before me. Even though it looked like she had been though a war she was still the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I felt tears begin to form in my eyes as I tried to convince myself it was all real. A second later I realized it was all true as Jenny left the chair and wrapped her arms around me and placed a huge kiss on my lips. ...

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The House A Slave Training and Auction Chapter 1 22

A Slave Training and Auction Welcome to The House most of you have been brought here to be trained and sold as pleasure slaves. For some of you it will be painful others it will be pleasurable. I am your Mistress you will not speak unless you are asked to and you will answer with yes Mistress or No Mistress. My team and I will train you to enjoy, want, and even crave the things that will be done to you. Chapter One New Arrivals: Molly- White 17 Blonde hair blue eyes breast 36 D no longer...

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Sissy Julian Chapter IX Girlie Training

Sissy Julian - Chapter IX, Girlie Training by: sissystevie Calm before the storm as Julia learns womanly skills. But for whom? And as what? This is a transitional chapter that uncovers some of the mystery behind The Order and Miss Jane's recent activities. I included the section on The Order simply because it has been so long since it and many of the related characters were first presented in 'Dani's Story.' As always, this is a purely fanciful, fantasy fictional work....

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 13 Training of Nadine Hawaiian girls and Sophia Spring Break Cruise Trip to the Cayman Islands and Furniture S

Character Introduced: Josie, 14, daughter of Fred and sister of Jolene, white, 5'1 Red Hair Green Eyes 34C breasts Janice, 14, daughter of Fred Josie's identical twin, white, 5'1 Red Hair Green Eyes 34C breasts Claire, 12, sister of Jolene twin of Clairice, white, 4'11 Brown Hair Blue Eyes 32D breasts Clairice, 12 sister of Jolene twin of Claire, white, 4'11 Brown Hair Blue Eyes 32D breasts Ray, 40, white 5'11, 5” cock Madison, 36, wife of Ray, white, 5'7 Red Hair Blue Eyes 38D...

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Seducing Our Teens Chapter 01 Dirty Incest Roleplay

I raised my arms as high as I could and tried to pull the knot out of my lower back. My eyes went back down to the desk and settled on the photo of my family, which I look at often. My son, Owen, was nineteen and was studying computer science in university, and my daughter, Paige, was studying to be a graphics designer. I couldn’t help but smile as I thought of them. Paige in particular. Don’t get me wrong, I’m proud of my son. He was a little withdrawn, which concerned me as a father. At...

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Seducing Best Friend On Camera

Hello beloved readers, I’m back with my second encounter after the saint. I got a lot of mails asking for my second story as I promised, here I go! First let me introduce myself again for your ease to imagination. I’m 20, handsome 34 waist, bi-curious, huge ass, 6 inched fat penis, 5″10′. While let’s say Yash is 5″11′ average penis, skinny, 21. He gained penis size later years though. I mention real story so I rather focus on play than to eroticism. After I got my virginity broken, it was hard...

Gay Male
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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 3 Basic Training

I was still as tired as a Tyranno during Longnight when the lights came on and a voice barked via the PA system: “0400 hours Cadets rise and shine. 0430 is Breakfast. At 0500 you will receive your first class in the Elbhard Auditorium.” And we found ourselves in said Auditorium at that time an hour later. Clean, fed and still tired. Again I tried to find a place in the back, so I could perhaps close my eyes for few moments. The Pan Saran Officer was already there. “Good Morning Class.” We...

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Teaching the Sissy Maid Workshop at the MVP Chapter Four Daisy Training Prepares Her for the Workshop

Teaching the Sissy Maid Workshop at the MVP, Chapter Four: Daisy Training Prepares Her for the Workshop Synopsis: Flashing between Daisy's training before the seminar and the seminar's beginning, more is learned about how Daisy trained to be ready as Ms. Rebecca's sissy maid example and how the Sissy Maid Workshop is run to insure the transformation of the submissive male candidates into the sissy maids and cuckolds wanted by their owners. I loved the look on Daisy's face as...

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Seducing a Straight guy on a Train

Seducing straight guys is one of my favourite fantasies – I’ve never done it for real – though I’ve met plenty of married guys at the sauna who say they’re Straight. One I’ve had for a long time is about a guy who was often in the same carriage when I had to travel at peak hour - always packed - I've stood right next to him a couple of times - handsome businessman - tall - smart suit - looks ultra straight. I thought of this a while back - when there was a problem with the metro train...

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Training Days Prologue and Chapters One through Three

To my Readers: You will find that this is an extensively edited, revised, and expanded version of the three postings I submitted earlier. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did in writing it. As always, thank you so much for your critical reviews and comments. Please keep it up! It helps me a lot. If you wish, send me an email: [email protected] - Marie Training Days, Prologue From my earliest memories I wished I was born a girl. I loved the feel of the satin edging of my...

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The House A Slave Training and Auction Chapter 13 14

Andre it’s been 3 weeks since I began my training and I have learned a lot. Today is the day that I must learn to submit I already know that it not for me. I have learned how to weld a whip turns out I am good even D has said so. I have also have learned to fuck with without cumming fast and how to fuck an ass as well as a pussy so now it’s my turn to submit. I have packed on some muscle and I look good I am healthy for the first time in my life. I go to the dungeon that D told me to meet...

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Seducing an innocent pakistani housewife

Seducing Zara the Muslim lady This happened about 3 years ago. My name is Saleem khan.Im am a Pakistani muslim guy in bradford. Quite religious generally.I have a loving relationship with my wife and we both go yo work every day and as you can imagine we miss each other and text each other . Some new neighbours moved in about a year ago and it seemed like quite a religious family. The lady was called Zara and i didnt see much of her. She wore a headscarfs and had a nice figure but spent a lot...

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The House Slave Training Auction Chapter 17 and 18

The Training is over Master-T I look over at the boy and the girl as I say, today is our last day together and that tomorrow is the auction and they may be going to new homes it may be good or bad and that if they want to survive they need to be smart and obey. Jessie- I can’t believe I have been here for a month. I wish I could stay here with Master or at least get someone who is nice although Master can be mean sometimes like the first time he forced his dick into my mouth I was choking but...

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Seducing Her Father

Goddammit! She was going to be late for school again! One would think she could set an alarm and get the hell out of bed when it went off but Willow would slap it off and roll over for a few more minutes sleep. He hurried down the hall to her bedroom and threw open the door then slammed to a halt, the shout of “Get up!” stuck in his throat. His daughter was lying on her back uncovered by blankets, as nude as the day she came into this world. Her eyes were closed in sleep so she didn't see her...

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The Son of Lust Chapter 19 Sisters Naughty Training Incentive

Chapter Nineteen: Sister's Naughty Training Incentive By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn't write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith I had two weeks to get good for...

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