Seducing Stephen - Chapter 5 - Stephen Takes Me Bare Back free porn video

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Stephen, Jim and I fell into a nice routine in the week following Rhonda’s visit. Both my men were well satisfied, and we were all enjoying the excitement of our trysts. I was certainly getting adequate attention, and admiration, from both of my lovers. I was a very happy lady.

Stephen believed that he had fallen even more deeply in love with me. He was absolutely smitten with his ‘older woman’. His libido and stamina were of mythical proportions. And, it seemed that anytime he found himself alone with me, he was perpetually erect, much like a satyr that you might read about in Greek mythology.

And, Jim was thoroughly enjoying my torrid affair vicariously. Every night, Jim hung on every word as I described my afternoon with Stephen. I would lie under my husband as I related the afternoon’s activities in graphic detail until he came inside me; which fortunately did not take long when he was stimulated with mental images I created of his naughty wife and her teenage lover.

I was reveling in the increased attention of my two men. While I certainly enjoyed the physical aspects of my situation, it was the emotional fulfillment that left me feeling more desirable, sexier, and more loved, than I can ever remember.

Both men believed me to be the most beautiful, sexiest, most desirable woman on the planet. Who was I to argue? And, I loved being adored by them.

Rhonda was right about one thing; every woman needed a teenage lover!

Everything seemed to be going quite well.

I had not spoken to Rhonda since she left last Saturday afternoon. I knew that my friendship with Rhonda would survive. In fact, I had come to realize that my little jealous fit was childish and unfair to her. After all, I called her and invited her to come back to my house to 'play with Stephen'. I had no right to be irritated or upset with her. And, I knew that I would get over my residual resentment soon.

As I had promised Stephen, I visited my OB-GYN to get a prescription for birth control pills. Stephen’s and my ‘activity’ had become regular enough that it was time to move past depending on a condom as a barrier.

I have to admit, it felt a little awkward asking my doctor for oral contraceptives since I had previously told him of Jim’s vasectomy; but he was quite professional, and neither my OB-GYN nor I mentioned that pesky little fact during my visit.

I was looking forward to Stephen being able to take me without the inconvenience of a latex sheathe. I was determined to match Rhonda’s ability to offer Stephen this intimacy: skin-to-skin contact. And, I wanted the psychological fulfillment of allowing my teenage lover to deposit his semen inside of me. For some reason, carrying his precious ‘nectar’ inside my womb was terribly appealing. I wanted to feel him seeping out of me after we made love. And, I wanted this visual, physical proof to show Jim just how naughty his wife was being with her teenage lover.

Stephen knew that the following Monday was the magic day, seven days after I started on the pill. The week of anticipation seemed to drag on forever for my young, anxious lover; but finally, our ‘special day’ arrived. When he left for school that morning, he confirmed with me that this afternoon he might be allowed to enter me without protection.

I smiled at him coyly and teased, “I guess that all depends on whether or not you are a good boy today. We’ll have to see if I think you deserve a treat this afternoon.”

I could see his cock bulging in the front of his pants as we discussed the possibilities of that afternoon. I honestly do not know which of us was more excited by the prospect of this increased level of intimacy.

I was deeply distracted all day. I felt my vagina leaking into the gusset of my panties and I was extremely ‘aware’ of my pulse in my clitoris as I tried to carry on various duties until Stephen arrived home. I wondered if Stephen was having a similar problem at school. I smiled at the prospect that he would be sporting a partial ‘stiffy’ all day thinking about me.

I finally arrived home late afternoon following a luncheon at the country club. As I came in the front door, I stopped momentarily in front of a floor length mirror in the entry way. I paused to survey my appearance. I confess, I was pleased with what I saw. And, more importantly, I was confident that Stephen would be pleased as well.

I was wearing a blue, halter-type, print dress with a pleated skirt that reached a few inches below my knees. While form fitting, and flattering to my petite figure, the dress was not overly revealing or inappropriate, but it was quite ‘sexy’.

I realized that I had developed a slightly different attitude over the past few weeks; and it was affecting how I felt, and how I dressed. I had been feeling particularly sexy since Stephen entered my life. Today, I wore dress boots that came up above my calf (just below my knee). They had three-inch heels. Jim called these boots my ‘FMBs’, or fuck me boots. He says they draw attention to me ‘bodacious bubble butt’, as he calls it.

Normally, I would not wear boots to a luncheon at the country club, but the high heels just fit with the way I was feeling: sexy and more desirable!

These were not spiked heels, but they did add several inches to my frame. And, they made standing for extended period of time somewhat uncomfortable. But Jim is right, they do make my ass look wonderful.

Since I have very nice, shapely legs. I seldom wear hose. Today was no exception. Under my print blue dress, I wore only a pair of rather sheer, pale blue bikini panties. And despite the fact that my pleated, halter-style dress had a thin, built-in bra of sorts, the gentle sway of my smallish breasts and the outline of my permanently erect nipples were fairly evident.

Yes, objectively speaking, I was not ‘hard on the eyes’.  Not by a long shot. I decided not to change out of my outfit; I looked good, and wanted Stephen to get the benefit of my appearance on this special day.

It was a few minutes before 4:00. Stephen’s basketball practice typically lasted until 5:15 or so, so I did not expect him home for another hour, at the earliest. I was anxious and nervous, and a bit jittery. I had a burst of nervous energy and decided to straighten up the kitchen to kill some time.

I was at the kitchen sink, rinsing the previous night’s dishes and stacking them in the dishwasher. Over the sink was a large bay window that overlooked the front lawn and the street in front of our home. I saw Stephen walking up the driveway and felt a slight quickening of my pulse knowing my young lover was home. The clock over the stove read 4:11; it was an hour earlier than I was expecting him.

I felt strangely nervous, much like a school girl preparing for a special date as my young lover entered through the backdoor.

“You’re home early,” I said in a questioning tone.

“Coach let me skip practice. I told him I wasn’t feeling well,” he replied, in a sheepish, but playful manner.

“Stephen…we talked about this," I admonished.

“I know, I know…but I couldn’t wait to get home. I’ve been waiting for a week.”

I tried to maintain a stern, disapproving look, but his ‘hang dog demeanor’, and feigned, sad ‘puppy dog eyes’ were just too damned cute. A smirk came over my face as I said, “I guess today is a special day. But only today, right?”

He crossed his heart and said, “only today…scout’s honor.”

With my hands still wet and soapy in the sink, Stephen came up behind me, hugged me and reached around and caressed my breast. My nipple hardened immediately to his touch. I worried that anyone looking in from the street could see this young man feeling me up. But with my hands wet and covered with soap suds, I could not easily push his hand away.

Panicked, I immediately looked out through the large bay window over the sink.

I often enjoyed looking out, watching the people who walked or jogged by as I stood at the kitchen sink. The passers-by often looked in and waved a friendly ‘hello’ as I stood at the window. I enjoyed the view and the people watching. However, I was not prepared to be fondled by my teenage neighbor as people strolled by.

“Stephen, don’t. There are people out on the street who can see in here.”

But Stephen was not deterred.

“No one will see,” he replied defiantly. “It’s okay,” as he continued to tease my nipple despite the fact anyone looking in from the street could witness him fondling me.

There was something in his demeanor that was different, a bit unusual. Stephen had a confident swagger, almost cocky. He was sporting a smirk that had me a bit confused. Yet, I found his new assertiveness strangely appealing.

He slowly spun me around to face him, and kissed me passionately. I could feel his erection growing against my abdomen as I stretched up my arms around his neck to return his kisses. I was still concerned that anyone on the street could see this teenager kissing me, but in some strange way, the danger of being seen was arousing me.

Stephen broke off our kiss and then knelt down directly in front of me. Kneeling in front of me, he began to reach up under my dress. I stopped him, held his hands, and asked, “What are you doing?”

“I just want to see just how wet my one kiss has made you.” Stephen replied. I held his hands, still trapped under my skirt for a moment as I pondered my next move. Stephen stared at me, confident and patient. He seemed to simply know how I would respond.

As I have told you in previous stories, I have always been susceptible to any man to whom I was attracted both physically and mentally, and who assumed an assertive role with me. I just seem to submit to their instruction and wishes. I do not seem to be able to help myself. I do not know how Stephen seemed to sense this, but he was starting to figure this aspect of me out, and he was assuming a more assertive demeanor with me.

Stephen’s increased confidence and assertiveness both aroused and scared me. I feared that as Stephen discovered how vulnerable I truly was to his assertiveness, he would place me in increasingly dangerous and risky situations. I was soon to discover how right I was.

I knew I did not want to start our sexual interlude here in broad daylight, in front of this large kitchen bay window; yet I was responding to his dominant approach.

I surmised that anyone looking in from the street could only see me from the waist up, and could not see Stephen kneeling in front of me. Yet, I wondered what if they could see Stephen’s head and shoulders? And, if they could, what would they think was happening?

Yes, the very thought both scared and excited me.

After a moment’s hesitation, I released his hands and stood there, not quite knowing what else to do. I was scared, yet excited by the danger of letting Stephen touch me here in front of a large window.

Stephen slowly ran his hand up under my dress on the outside of my thighs, hooked his fingers in the waistband of my pale blue panties and gently pulled them to the floor excruciatingly slowly, over my ass, down across my thighs, over the tops of my boots, to my feet. His motions were slow enough that I realized he was teasing me as he removed my underwear. As he brought them past my ankles, I stepped out of them, one foot at a time, allowing him to remove them fully over my boots.

I glanced over my shoulder to see a group three of my neighbors gathered to visit on the sidewalk right in front of my house, only few feet away.

“Stephen, stop. There are people in front of the house,” I pleaded, my voice cracking nervously with excitement.

“It’s okay, they can’t see anything,” he replied, confidently. I closed my eyes, too embarrassed to look out at them as I was being teased. I knew I should stop this nonsense right now, but I really did not have the strength or power to do anything other than comply.

The smooth silky material of my dress felt strangely cool on my bare ass as I stood there motionless. Stephen examined my panties for a brief instant; I knew my wetness in the crotch was obvious. He brought them up to his nose to inhale my sexual aroma with obvious pleasure. I found this act itself terribly exciting.

“I love your scent Cindy. I just love it,” he said as he folded my panties and placed them neatly on the counter next to me.

Without my panties, but while still wearing my dress, I felt more exposed than if I were naked.

Stephen, still kneeling in front of me, placed his right hand under my skirt on my inner thigh and looked up at me. I looked down at him, blushing deeply, I understood what he wanted me to do.

I looked out through the window at the small crowd still huddled on the curb. They were visiting among themselves, and were not directly looking at me. I closed my eyes, too embarrassed to look out at them as I was being fondled. I really did not have the strength or power to do anything other than comply. This teenager had my number.

I took a deep breath, and obediently spread my legs slightly, allowing Stephen’s hand to move further up my inner thigh until he reached my swollen vulva.  Fumbling for just a slight second, Stephen carefully separated the moist lips of my labia, exposing my engorged clitoris to his touch.  His first contact of my rigid 'little nubbin' sent shiver through my core.  A slight moan escaped my lips as I quivered slightly at his touch.  I opened my eyes, momentarily to glance over my shoulder through the large window. One of the men standing on the curb looked up, and smiled directly at me. I forced a return smile and nodded my head ever so slightly, acknowledging his gaze.

I was pretty sure he could not see anything that was happening below my waist, but still, his smile and the unusual nature of his stare were a bit unsettling. Could he see Stephen’s head and shoulders as he knelt in front of me?

I could feel my face flush and my cheeks burn bright crimson. My face felt as if it were on fire I was blushing so deeply. I understood that I was being teased, as I stood there spreading my legs for my young lover to access my most private parts as neighbors casually walked by, occasionally glancing in at me.

Several more neighbors passed by, glancing up and saw me standing in front of the window, completely unaware that just out of sight, my young lover was teasing my wet vagina and clitoris. A couple of the passers-by waved at me as Stephen’s fingers slowly separated the outer folds of my labia. I waved back weakly, as I could feel my pussy leaking down my inner thighs from the excitement I was feeling right now.

Stephen had touched me like this before, but somehow this was different, Stephen was instructing me to stand there, as he slowly touched me in front of a large window; it was a demonstration of a unique control that he was rapidly developing over me, and I sensed that I was becoming powerless to resist him.

He ran his fingers up and down my slit, paying particular attention to my now erect and sensitive clitoris. I stood there, biting my lower lip, occasionally glancing out at the walkers and joggers passing by, hoping that they could not detect what was happening to me, and hoping they were not aware of my state of arousal.

At times, I could not bring myself to look out the window to determine whether or not I had an audience. Other times, I just had to take a quick peak.

I would make a slight moan involuntarily every time he his fingers contacted my clitoris. “You are very wet, Cindy.” He started to slide his fingers inside of me.

“Stephen, please, we can’t do this here…let’s go into the bedroom away from this window.” I panted. But rather than push his hands away from me, I squatted down ever so slightly to give him better access to my vagina. I knew then, as I am admitting now, that my physical actions of encouragement again contradicted any words of discouragement I uttered.

Standing with my legs apart, while wearing boots with three-inch heels, and squatting slightly to open myself up for Stephen’s probing fingers was difficult and I started to topple forward a bit. And, while my boots were uncomfortable, wearing them added to my feeling of submission, making me feel slightly restrained, and vulnerable.

This feeling of submission, vulnerability, aroused me.

I reached out and balanced myself by placing each of my hands on Stephen’s shoulders as his fingers found my wet opening and entered me for yet another exploration of my womanhood. He was right; I was wet, very wet. He quickly had one, then two fingers inside me. He again curled his two fingers back towards himself, deep inside me, massaging the front wall of my vagina, deep inside me at my g-spot. I was responding just as he hoped, or knew, I would. The exposure of being fingered in front of the window, coupled with Stephen’s assertive control aroused me deeply.

I found myself squatting deeper and opening my legs wider, all the while begging him to move this action away from the window and into the more private setting of the basement bedroom, “Oh, baby, please, let’s go downstairs…..please don't make me cum while these people are watching me”.

But I did not try to actually stop him. I could not bring myself to attempt to push away or remove his hand. I do not know if it was the pleasure of his touch, the excitement of the neighbors passing by just outside my window, or my need to submit to his instructions that kept me from attempting to stop this assault on my pussy; probably all three. I just know that I did not, or could not, do anything to stop, or even discourage him. I was becoming very aroused. I could feel the orgasm building up inside of me.

“Stephen, you’re going to make me cum, and the neighbors are right there”, I warned. I was rocking my hips in a synchronized motion to the internal massage Stephen was giving my pussy, continuing to steady myself by holding on to his massive shoulders, balancing myself on the three-inch heels of my boots as I squatted deeper and deeper to allow my young lover full access to my very wet, and very open vagina. I remember wishing that I had had the good sense to remove these damn boots when I came home tonight.

I looked out towards the street, and one man seemed to be particularly interested in me, staring at me with a confused, but interested look. He seemed to know something was up, but I suspected that he did not really understand what was happening. I closed my eyes again, ignoring my one-man audience for the moment.

I wanted to stop, to pull away, and move away from the window, but I simply could not. I was indeed responding to his touch and instructions. Stephen, knew exactly how to touch me for the greatest response, both emotionally and physically. He seemed to sense the erotic effect his mild dominance and humiliation would have on me.

Several times, Stephen would take me to the brink of an orgasm, but he would stop moving his fingers just as I felt my climax was imminent.

In desperation, I pleaded with him, “Oh baby, I’m so close…please let me cum…please baby.”

Each time he left me moaning and panting, trying desperately to hump against his hand in attempt to get my needed release. But each time, I was denied and left aroused and frustrated. He would simply relax his fingers inside of me, as I humped trying to gain my release, and say, “But what if the neighbors saw you?”

“Let them fucking look…I don’t care anymore…please…just let me cum,” I panted.

But Stephen was enjoying manipulating me, torturing me…he was playing with me, like a puppet master plays with a marionette doll. He was pulling all the right strings to make me dance.

He was driving me crazy with frustration. And my frustration was causing me to hump vigorously against his hand to get a release of some sort. I realized that the movements of my hips as I humped Stephen’s hand had to be obvious to anyone watching from the street; but I was beyond caring. I needed to cum, and Stephen was teasing me, refusing to allow me to do so.

Stephen slowly withdrew his fingers from my pussy, stood up and looked into my eyes. I was still rocking my hips, humping the air now, and begging him to make me cum. He took my hand and led me to my bedroom.

All I could do was moan in frustration, ”Oh fuck…you had me so close…damn you.”

His entire demeanor communicated clearly that he was in control of this afternoon’s activities. Despite my frustration, I was glad he decided to move this away from the exposure of the front window into a more private setting. And, I was keenly aware that I found his new assertiveness very appealing.

Rather than lead me downstairs, Stephen directed me to my bedroom, the bedroom I shared with Jim.

“Why are you taking me to my room?” I asked as my voice quivered with frustration and excitement.

“I want to have you in Jim’s room, on Jim’s bed. Is that okay?” he asked rhetorically.

“Uh huh,” I nodded. “I guess so. Shit, I don’t care where you fuck me, you just need to fuck me.”

At that moment, he could have gotten me to agree to anything in order for me to get him to make me cum.

As we entered my bedroom, I stood patiently as he lowered his pants and briefs together, allowing his erection to spring free. Almost involuntarily, I reached down, under my pleated skirt and touched myself as Stephen stripped. I could feel my chest heaving in excitement as he pulled off his shirt, shoes and socks. God, he was a magnificent looking young man. And he was mine.

Stephen approached me, naked. Even with my high heels, Stephen still towered over me; and his erection waved proudly in front of him as he walked towards me. He owned me, heart and mind, at that moment.

He reached out, and took my arms, placing them around his neck, before reaching down and lifting me up, taking a hold of each of my legs, pulling them apart and around him, and causing me to straddle his torso. The skirt of my dress was pushed up around my waist, out of his way and not interfering with his access to the bottom half of my body.

I glanced down to see that Stephen had an unobstructed view of my gaping pussy as he held me in this position straddling him.

The evening winter sunset shone through the bedroom window, creating a halo effect, casting shadows across the room. Stephen stared and my open vulva with a lustful admiration. My only remaining semblances of modesty were the few, neatly trimmed wisps of blonde pubic hair, that were almost translucent in this evening sunlight radiating across the room.

“God, Cindy, you are so beautiful. Your pussy looks like it is actually glowing now.”

I glanced down, and could see the sunlight creating an aura of sorts, the moisture that was seeping out of me was causing an iridescence in the sunlight. Yes, my pussy did look like it was glowing.

“It’s shining for you, my love. You are the one who is making it glow like that.”

With my legs around him, I had the heels of my boots dug into his firm, tight buttocks.

Stephen kissed me deeply and passionately, exploring my mouth with his tongue. “I love you so much, Cindy.”

I loved him as well. I opened my mouth and admitted his exploring tongue.

Slowly, he started to lower me down slightly, and I felt the head of his erect penis searching for my opening. I felt the head of his rigid cock bumping against the back of my thighs and buttocks, searching anxiously. Stephen moved me over slightly and I now felt his penis was pulsing against the outer folds of my vagina, searching for a home.

Bracing myself on his massive shoulders, I was struck by the thought of knowing my lover was going to fuck me “bareback” standing in my bedroom, in my husband’s bedroom. Stephen was arching his pelvis up in an attempt to enter me. His large boner was finding its way into the first folds of my outer lips.

I moved slightly to the side to position myself to accept his erection. As the large bulbous head found its way past my initial opening, he said, “Cindy, I am going to cum in you today. I want to be inside you and feel you without those damn condoms.” And he began to lower me down slowly. I could feel the head of his penis arching up, searching, and finding my opening. My wetness was making entry easy.

With the head of his penis at the very opening of my vagina, actually just inside me a bit, Stephen paused for a few seconds that seemed an eternity as I hovered over his erection. He was teasing me with his erection, and it was driving me crazy. The constant pulsing of the head of his cock barely inside me was distinct. I wondered if he was already leaking any seminal fluid in me while teasing me. God, he made me hot.

We were drunk with passion from our foreplay. He kissed me deeply again as he lowered me a bit further on his rigid shaft. He was inside me about three inches deep at this point. I contracted my vagina to ‘hug’ him, which caused his penis to throb upwards and evoked a moan from him. Our tongues danced together, chasing each other from my mouth to his, and back again.

I glance over and caught our image in the mirror. I was struck by what a sexy looking couple we were. My dress was pulled up around my waist, I was naked from the waist down except for the boots I wore. Stephen, who was also naked, was holding me with his large, erect penis standing rigid and thick, straight up seven inches, slightly inside me; his muscles rippled as he held me effortlessly. Yes, the mirror held the sexiest image I had ever seen.

I leaned forward and kissed him deeply, probing my tongue into his mouth. I was hot, I was as aroused as I could ever remember. And my passion was clearly present as I sucked his tongue into my mouth in this deep soul-searching kiss, the head of his hard cock throbbing anxiously inside me a couple of inches. I knew I was going to cum quickly, it was building already.

Stephen broke off the kiss and leaned me backwards, separating the distance between our chest and shoulders, while holding my hips to keep his penis just inside me. As he leaned me backwards, my body formed an angle with his torso. He was holding me back almost horizontal now, the head of his penis inside me several of inches.

In this position, the rigid head was pressing up firmly into the front wall of my opening, pressing on my very sensitive g-spot. Yes, I was going to have an orgasm this afternoon, and I knew that I would not hold out long. Stephen’s cock was so rigid that it felt like his dick could support my entire 122-pound frame if he released me from his grip.

He moved his hands from under my legs to my hips. Then he pulled me, suddenly and violently, towards him, fully impaling me on his erection. The suddenness of his large penis piercing my vagina was unexpected and, surprisingly painful, and extremely stimulating. I was not ready to accommodate his full length and girth. I felt a searing shot of hot pain like he had ripped me open to accommodate his large, thick tool.

The sudden shock of pain and pleasure as he impaled me evoked a scream-like sound from deep in my core. It was a sound I had never before heard, and certainly never before made.

I do not even know how to imitate the guttural sounds I made at that moment. Of course, the sudden penetration was nothing I had ever experienced or felt before either. But the shot of pain subsided quickly and rapidly became waves of pleasure as my vagina was forced open to accommodate Stephen’s erection.

Despite the initial shot of pain, this massive penetration initiated my orgasm. My hands were now clasped, fingers interlocked behind Stephen’s neck as I held on for dear life, his hands on my hips pulling me into him violently to meet the rapid thrust of his hip as he pulled in and out of me. His thrusts slapped up against my ass and thighs, bouncing me up into the air, and his strong hands were catching me and positioning me for his next thrust.

The rigidity of his penis, and his ‘angle of attack’ rubbed the front wall of my vagina with such force that it initiated a very powerful orgasm that had me responding uncontrollably to the rapid and violent pounding my stretched little pussy was being subjected to. I was being bounced up with each thrust only to be driven back down to meet the next one.

I was crying out. I was afraid I would pass out. I alternated between begging Stephen to stop for a second and let me gather my senses, to begging him to never stop fucking me like this. I was incoherent. And I was cumming over and over again.

I just had a long powerful orgasm, and felt another building behind it. Stephen’s massive strength and size allowed him to move my small, light body around at will. I was little more than a light doll to be tossed and turned on top of his rod. I came a second time as he pounded my tight little pussy from underneath me.

I wanted him to spill his seed into my womb. “Oh baby, you are making me cum so hard.” I cried out between his thrusts. I was using my grip on his neck to allow me to meet every violent thrust inside me with as much force as I could muster. I was going to cum a third time on his penis, which, in this particular position was finding places deep inside me where ‘no man, or device, had gone before’.

Stephen was arching his back to get the deepest penetration possible when I felt him shudder, arch forward and remain rigid, pushing forward inside me. I could feel his large penis pulsing violently in my womb as the sudden thrusting stopped for a moment. I knew at that point, he was unloading his seed inside me. I just leaned backwards and accepted it all, contracting my vagina, both intentionally and involuntarily, in an attempted milking motion to drain every bit of semen, every last sperm from Stephen’s loins. I wanted to capture every spurt; every drop; and every warm, white rope of the viscous semen I could drain from his youthful loins. I wanted it all.

We were both soaked with sweat, our chests heaving heavily trying to regain our breath. We collapsed on the bed in a sweating, panting heap of flesh still coupled together. I lay on my back. Stephen lay on top of me, facing me, still deep inside of me. He placed my legs over his shoulders and pushed deep inside me one more time. Our heavy breathing made any discussion impossible at that moment.

As we lay there on my bed, I could feel him pulse inside me, and to each throb of his penis, I would return of a loving squeeze by contracting my vagina on his penis, milking every last drop of his seed.

Now some women claim they can feel the semen itself hitting their vagina walls; I could not. But Stephen’s constant pushing as deep as he could and the definite throbbing of his cock inside me left no doubt that he was filling me with ropes and ropes of his cum. I lay there, my feet and my ass high in the air accepting every bit of my young lover’s warm seed. Neither of us said anything as we remained coupled together, panting, trying to recover our composure and breath.

"Stephen, would you take my boots off for me? They are a bit uncomfortable."

He smiled and took hold of one leg, raised it straight up over his shoulders, and unzipped the boot, slowly pulling it from my leg. While Stephen removed my first boot, we remained coupled with Stephen deep inside of me. I felt his cock actually throb and thicken as he performed this task. He then repeated the exercise on my other leg, tossing the boots on the floor.

I do not know why, but to me, this act was one of the sexiest moments I have ever experienced in my life. It is hard to explain, I am not sure I fully understand it myself. But having my young lover removing my boots, one at a time, while we laid coupled together, my legs over his shoulders, my ass high in the air while his large firm penis continuing to pulse deep inside of me, continuing to drain the last drops of his seed into me, is an intimacy, a closeness, and a tenderness between Stephen and me that I will always cherish. I have never been more content, more fulfilled or happier than I was lying there, coupled with my young lover as he removed my boots after giving me one of the greatest orgasms of my life!

Stephen leaned forward and kissed me; it was more gentle, and loving, than passionate. A few minutes later he slowly withdrew from me. I could feel my vagina spasm as he did, trying to adjust to the absence of his penis that was stretching it so fully only moments before. My pussy seemed strangely empty, and started a series of contractions that felt to me that it was looking for something to hold on to. I could feel Stephen’s semen slowly leaking out of me.

I loved the warmth of his seed, mixed with my own lubrication, draining out of my dilated pussy as my vagina was overcome with a series of spasms in its slow and gradual attempt to return to its normal size and shape. I knew the wetness that was slowly trickling down the crack of my ass would leave a noticeable ‘wet spot’ on my light beige comforter.

This would be another visual sign, further proof, for Jim to examine later which demonstrated what a wickedly naughty wife he had. I was certain that Jim would enjoy thoroughly examining this wet spot.

Stephen rolled on his back next to me, and then pulled me close, and we cuddled silently, my head resting on his chest, listening to his heart for several luxurious minutes. I wanted to drift off to sleep in my lover’s arms, but I began to fear Jim could come home.

“Baby, I wish I could lie here with you cuddling all night, but Jim will be coming home soon. We need to get up and pull ourselves together”.

Stephen hopped up, his penis still semi-hard and bouncing wildly in front of him as he gathered up his clothing from my bedroom floor. I grabbed a clean party of panties and donned them.

As I stood up, I felt a sudden surge of moisture leak from me. “Goodness Stephen, I feel you leaking out of me already. You certainly filled this little girl’s twat with your seed. Look at what your sperm is doing to my crotch. Can you see this?”

I stood there for just a moment as Stephen and I watched intently as the gusset of my light blue panties turned dark from wetness as the large volume of sperm leaked from my pussy. The circle of wetness grew as we watched.

“Is that me?” Stephen asked, amazed at the volume of sperm leaking from me himself.

“Yes, baby, that is you leaking from my swollen pussy as my womb and uterus try to close back up after the pounding you gave them. They are trying to go back to their normal size and shape. You really stretched me out of shape tonight. As my pussy tries to return to normal, it is forcing some of the sperm you pumped into me out.”

The dark, wet circle in the gusset was now about 1 1/2 inches in diameter, and was clearly visible on the outside of my panties. I pulled the panties away from my leaking vagina for just a moment to see the tiny puddle of white semen that was forming inside my panties.

“I will be literally swimming in ‘Stephen's semen’ all night through dinner. I will be thinking about your little present you left inside me all evening, baby.” I could see that Stephen liked that thought. “Now, you better scat before Jim catches us.” I added, realizing that time was running short.

Stephen left, and I threw my dress over my head, minutes before I heard the door slam announcing Jim’s arrival.

I was still ‘freshening up’ a bit when Jim came in the bedroom carrying the panties that Stephen had removed from me earlier in the kitchen and carelessly left on the counter. “Did you lose these?” Jim asked with an ‘I gotcha' tone.”

I held my finger up to my lips indicating to Jim that I would explain everything later, but I did not want Stephen to know that Jim was fully complicit in our trysts. I whispered to Jim, “If you think that is interesting, look at this.”, as I raised my skirt up, exposing my fresh panties for Jim’s viewing.

“Baby. What’s with that wet spot? What have you been up to?” He was obviously intrigued and a bit excited.

“Shhh! that’s a present Stephen just gave me…it’s all of his little spermies leaking out of your naughty little wife. That young man made a terrible mess inside me right before you got home.” I could see the outline of Jim’s cock throb visibly as I relayed my situation to him. “Baby, you are going to have sloppy seconds tonight. If you are a really good boy, I’ll let you add your semen to the cocktail of sperm already swimming inside me."

“Oh fuck, baby, I don’t think I can wait. How about a quickie now?”

“Now baby, you’ll have to wait your turn. And try not to think about all of Stephen’s sperm swimming around inside your naughty wife while we are at the dinner table. I don’t want my two men walking around the dining room looking like they are ‘pitching a tent in the front of their pants!”

As I said earlier, I just love having two lovers…just love it.


Coming soon – Jim wants to watch

Same as Seducing Stephen - Chapter 5 - Stephen takes me bare back Videos

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Seducing Stephen Chapter 3 Training begins

Stephen remained quiet on the short drive back from the pharmacy, deep in thought. We arrived home and entered through the backdoor leading to the kitchen.  Stephen clutched the bag holding the condoms tightly, and started to scurry past me, attempting to escape into the solitude of his basement fortress.I knew we needed to clear the air so I decided to 'tee up' the issue. “Stephen, come on back here. Sit down for a second, we need to talk. What is wrong?” I asked motioning for him to join me...

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Seducing My Friend

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Hi I am karthick from Chennai. I am a great fan of this site, I get tempted on reading stories from this siteand always wanted to have such experiences, now I am going to post my own real sex experience. I live in Chennai doing 2nd year engineering and always had an intense sexual desire foraunties. I am 20 years old,5.9ft tall, with 9inch hard and strong dick, well built body ,decent looking, well read and a friendly jovial person. Well, this story is about me and hot and sexy rich aunty. Her...

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Seducing Our Teens Chapter 01 Dirty Incest Roleplay

I raised my arms as high as I could and tried to pull the knot out of my lower back. My eyes went back down to the desk and settled on the photo of my family, which I look at often. My son, Owen, was nineteen and was studying computer science in university, and my daughter, Paige, was studying to be a graphics designer. I couldn’t help but smile as I thought of them. Paige in particular. Don’t get me wrong, I’m proud of my son. He was a little withdrawn, which concerned me as a father. At...

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Seducing Best Friend On Camera

Hello beloved readers, I’m back with my second encounter after the saint. I got a lot of mails asking for my second story as I promised, here I go! First let me introduce myself again for your ease to imagination. I’m 20, handsome 34 waist, bi-curious, huge ass, 6 inched fat penis, 5″10′. While let’s say Yash is 5″11′ average penis, skinny, 21. He gained penis size later years though. I mention real story so I rather focus on play than to eroticism. After I got my virginity broken, it was hard...

Gay Male
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Seducing an innocent pakistani housewife

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My Fetish for Barebacking

If any of you have read about my other sexpereinces by now you know I like fucking strangers bareback. I developed this "fetish," if you will, from reading stories about it on some of the adult sites I frequented and in various online groups and bulletin boards. I figured most of it was fantasy. But it was a fantasy that I could not get out of my head. Anyway, I started going on adult dating sites and perusing CL to see if I could actually find women that wanted to do this with me ...When I...

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Pregnancy risk sex goes beyond simple barebacking

Reciprocal NeedsPregnancy risk sex goes beyond simple barebacking.Barebacking is basically a selfish, lazy thing -- don't want to wear a condom, and just want to appeal to one's own pleasure. One can bareback with birth control, and not risk pregnancy (or at least, lower the risk).Pregnancy risk sex requires stalking the woman and getting familiar with her menstrual cycle, and watching carefully for signs of ovulation. It also requires arguing against birth control, so you know she's fertile....

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Seducing Her Father

Goddammit! She was going to be late for school again! One would think she could set an alarm and get the hell out of bed when it went off but Willow would slap it off and roll over for a few more minutes sleep. He hurried down the hall to her bedroom and threw open the door then slammed to a halt, the shout of “Get up!” stuck in his throat. His daughter was lying on her back uncovered by blankets, as nude as the day she came into this world. Her eyes were closed in sleep so she didn't see her...

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Seducing Chennai Bhabhi 8211 Part 2

Hi, this is Walter again with the second part of my story Read the first part ‘Seducing Chennai Bhabhi – part 1’ before reading this. For those who have read here is the continuation. As now my bhabhi knows that I am seducing her for sex it was now more fun and interesting for me to seduce her. I know there is a very little devil inside her heart that wants to spread her legs for me but all I want to do is to trigger it. As final exams approached I didn’t go to her place much and I missed...

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Seducing My Daughter in Law

Seducing my daughter in law, my story:My step son, a party guy, married his high school sweetheart against our advice at the young age of 21. His wife, my daughter in law, was a good looking young blonde bombshell with big tits, long legs, a narrow waist and a heart-shaped ass. Seems the hotter they are, the more they are attracted to the “bad boys” like my step-son. They lived with us in our house, in our spare room. Being in their early 20s, and him being a Mr. Party dude, it was only natural...

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Seducing My Sexy MotherInLaw

HI, I am Raj, 6 ft with good looks and i am from Hyderabad and work in a software company. This is a story where I describe how I seduced my MIL and how the fun started. These are the true incidents happened between me and my MIL My parents stated looking for matches for me and we selected on good looking girl. As my father in law died long back My family and my MIL arranged our marriage and it was done with lots of celebrations. It is a custom in our area that after marriage for 1st night,...

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Seducing A Married Friend Samruddhi In Mumbai

Hello friends, this is the real story of how I tried to seduce a married friend of mine (again). I am Piyush, 26, from Mumbai, 5’9 and with an average body and 6-inch cock. Back when I was studying, I had a friend with benefits. Her name was Samruddhi and I used to call her ‘Sami’. We fucked a lot in our college days despite both having a gf and a bf. That was because we understood each, knew each other’s dirty kinks and accepted as we were. She once confessed to me, while being drunk, that she...

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Seducing Friend8217s Mother And Made Her My Wife Part 8211 1

Hii this is my first story on this site in which I am telling you the experience how I made my friends mother my gf and then my sex partner. First of all introduction, My name is Samar my age is 23 I have an average built-up body with 6.9-inch tool. And my friend’s mother, Sangeeta, her age is 42. She has dark skin, and a little fat with a fig of 32-34-34(which I came to know later) and mother of 2 children, but then also the main attraction was her ass for which I was dying from the day I...

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Seducing And Finishing Banu 8211 Part III 8211 The Finale

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Seducing And Finishing Banu 8211 Part II

Part I – “How can you.. you cheap ..” Her voice rang out clearly.. The Shock hit my system.. i had got carried away and touched Banu without her permission.. She had slapped me.. I was slowly understanding the grave error.. “How could you.. How could you” the voice echoed in my head . She quickly covered herself and pushed me away giving me a very cold stare. The fear gripped my system.. I tried to go behind her “Sorry...

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Seducing Stefan

Stefan was a first-year violin student referred to me by my professor. A rather average posh kid of limited talent, he was only admitted into the conservatory because his father had called in a favour from a brother in-law who happened to be on friendly terms with the head of one of the departments. That aside, he was actually an altogether agreeable young man and, as different as we were, I sympathised with him. He couldn’t help the fact that he was being forced into a career he had no passion...

Gay Male
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Seducing 2 married sister8217s

Yudi from Agra; I am 18 year’s old. I have two elder sister’s; Swati didi is about 24 year’s old; she married just three month’s ago; now day’s she lived in Faridabad and Shilpa didi is about 29 year’s old; she married five year’s ago; now day’s she lived in Agra just two kilometer away from our house; didi had a girl of 6 month. Swati didi’s body is very attractive but her face is not good looking; she is 5 feet 6 inch tall; she look’s very sexy with her boobs which are 36 in size and buttocks...

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WPC Stephens Bad Day

WPC Stephens’ Bad DayA tale of a tricked policewoman’s woes by Asmodeus_seed.WPC Jane Stephens looked at Earl’s phone with growing unease as the video clip he was showing her became obviously something she hadn’t expected or wanted. She glanced at his grinning face, his white teeth were exposed in a smile that went from ear to ear and his eyes bored into her as her fear became obvious. She glanced at his two companions, Jimmy and Ali who had grins to match Earl’s. The three boys were standing...

1 year ago
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Seducing a telephone repairman

I’ve had fantasies about the cable guy that I had once seduced. Jimmy and I unfortunately didn’t have video of it but he was able to take pictures of me taking his big black cock. I’ve recently had to go back to that picture set and loudly reminisce about it as Jimmy fucked me in bed one night. Ironically, a day came when we had trouble with our phone line and finally Jimmy placed a repair request order to fix the problem. When we were finally told what day the telephone repairman was coming to...

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Seducing My Virgin Sister

Introduction: When my wife learned that my sister aroused me she agreed to help me seduce her. When I saw my seventeen year old sister after being away for five years I was astonished by her loveliness. I was sixteen years old when she was born. Two years later I left for college. At the university I received an undergraduate degree, a masters degree, a PhD, and eventually a teaching position. Somehow I had continued to think of my sister as a little girl. She was not little anymore. The...

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Seducing My Son Part 2

Hi, Indian sex stories dot net readers, I am Viji. I back with the continuation of my experience while seducing my own son. First of all, I want to thank all the readers for all the love, messages and emails. Keep them coming. Enjoy this experience and share your valuable feedback as well. I also want to reiterate that I cannot have an affair with anyone, anytime. I also can’t share my pictures and phone number. Also please don’t ask me for Facebook or WhatsApp contacts. But I can chat in...

2 years ago
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Futa Naked In School 01 Futas Naked Temptation Chapter 1 Ginny Bares It All

Chapter One: Ginny Bares All By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Ginny Reynolds's Week, Monday “They have to be announcing the start of the Program,” my futa-girlfriend, Samantha, said, her arm around my shoulder. “Try not to sound so excited,” I muttered, my stomach churning as the students of Joanna Rogers College flowed across the open grounds towards the gymnasium. “I bet you want to see one of those busty girls like Claire Nowell or Janice Simms I saw you drooling over.” “Ginny,...

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