The Mentor (reposted As Per Terms) free porn video

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The Mentor

Part 1

The following story is COPYRIGHTED. The author, CRUDEDUDE, reserves all rights to this work. It may be freely distributed online, posted and archived electronically, only in its entirety, including all header material. It may not be changed or altered without the authors permission. It may not be sold in whole or in any part, or as part of an electronic document, printed material, voice recording or any other manner without proper copyright clearances being obtained from the author.

For those not familiar with my previous writings, this is not a loving d/s story. Like my other stories, this one is extreme and there are heavy amounts of cruel and abusive treatment in this one. If that’s not for you, look elsewhere. All are welcome to write me with comments and ideas. Females who enjoyed the story are especially encouraged to write. For those that have written me previously and didn’t get a response or we lost touch, you are welcome to write again.

In hindsight, I should have kept her for myself. Or at least gotten some use out of her before I handed her to him on a silver platter. Ah but hindsight is often 20/20, and I just didn’t see the potential at the time. She was another young newbie after all, and I, an experienced Master, and user of women, had no great interest in another untrained cunt who thought she was submissive. Still, if we hadn’t met on the internet and she hadn’t lived so far from me, I like to think I would have at least had my fun with her first.
She had just broken up with her boyfriend and was upset about losing him. That had been another thing I didn’t want to deal with. Its not that I have an problem taking advantage of a vulnerable girl, I just didn’t feel like dealing with some emotional slut that was still hung up on her ex.
Still she intrigued me somewhat, she claimed she had been submissive all her life. She told me stories about how she was always putting herself out for others, how she tried to be submissive to her boyfriends. And I’ll admit, she was fucking hot. I had been skeptical she had sent fake picks, until the first time she showed me her self on cam. She was 21, petite and slender with small perky breasts. She had long hair down to them middle of her back, and a face that was both cute and fuckable.
She was impressed with my experience as Dominant Man, and asked me if I could please train her. She had never had a real Dom and wanted to learn to be more submissive. I agreed to be her Mentor and she my student.
It turns out she broke up because she caught him cheating on her. She had gotten off work early and came over to surprise him, when she saw the other car in the driveway. She peered in the bedroom window and saw him fucking some other cunt. She left, cause she somehow felt bad to interupt him, but the next day confronted him. He admitted fucking that girl and others, and they got in a fight about it, at which point he yelled her to get out. It had only been a few days and she was very depressed over the breakup. Apparantly he was a real jerk too, cocky, condecending and selfish.
What did you do wrong?, I asked her.
Me? He was the one that-
If you had been pleasing him like a proper girl, would he have needed to fuck another cunt?
But I-
would he?
I guess not. I guess I could have done more. I never thought about it like that.

Exactly, you weren’t thinking. So who’s fault is this?
Right. But you need to really accept blame 100%, not just say it. That’s the first step in repairing this.
So bitch, who’s fault was it he was fucking other cunts?
My fault.
It was entirely your fault wasn’t it?
It wasn’t his fault at all was it?
No Sir.
And what do you when you are at fault?
I don’t know.
You apologize, for starters.
Right, ok so I should go apologize to him? But I don’t know what to say.
Tell him you are sorry. Tell him you are sorry for coming over unannounced, for spying on him, for raising your voice to him, and most importantly for not pleasing him enough. Tell him it was all your fault, and you know he is not to blame. Say that you will do anything to make it up to him. And then beg for his forgiveness. Then accept his answer.
Ok, I can do that.

I finally worked up enough courage to go over and apologize. I was scared cause I know I was wrong and he has a bad temper. Anyway, I went to the door and he was still mad. He called me a stupid bitch, and slapped me a couple times and told me to get my ass out of there. I had been thinking about what you said all day, and it really sunk in. I had tried to be submissive to him, but I should have done more to please him.
Good slut, so what happened.
I dropped to my knees, crying and begged him to forgive me. I told him that I know I was a stupid bitch, and am so sorry for disappointing him and not being good enough for him. I told him, I was willing to do anything to make it up to him and that I know I deserved his punishment too.
And then?
He grabbed my hair and dragged me into his house. It hurt and I sc****d my knees, but I was just happy he let me in. He unzipped his pants and told me to “suck it bitch” and I did.
Did you do a good job?
I tried Sir. I tired to give him the best blow job I’ve ever given. I licked his cock all over and sucked him deep into my throat. And I massaged his balls too. He stood there for a few minutes just holding my hair, then he began to fuck my face. I was choking and gagging, but I couldn’t help it. He was very rough with me. He came in my throat and I started coughing, but I tired not to cough any out, cause I know he wouldn’t like that.
You should never spit out a man’s cum.
Yes Sir, I agree.

Before I even finished coughing, he dragged me to the door by the hair again and tossed me on my ass onto the porch. He told me I was too fat, ugly and stupid to be his girlfriend, but that if I was serious in making it up to him, he would consider using me as his slave. He told me to come at the same time tomorrow, if I was going to serve him, and then he spat in my face and slammed the door. I cried all the way home.
Good bitch, sounds like it went well.
Yes, you need to look at the positive here. You accepted blame and apologized, and he gave you another opportunity to service his cock. And he’s going to give you the opportunity to stay in his life and service him further. Doesn’t that make you happy?
Yes Sir, I guess it does.
Good cunt, the first step in repairing your situation is complete. And you will now have the opportunity to be the kind of slave whore, you should have been to him all along.
Yes Sir, I am happy about that, but nervous too. I mean I’m submissive but I don’t know how to be a proper slave.
Relax bitch, I will guide you.
Thank you, Sir, I appreciate all your help in teaching me.
Now in order to be a proper slave for him, you need to have the right attitude and demeanor. You must be completely selfless. Do you understand slut?
That’s like I don’t think about myself at all right?
Exactly, only him. Only his needs, wants and whims matter. You are nothing, you are shit and you don’t matter at all. You exist only to please him. You got that cunt?
Yes Sir, I’m shit, I’m nothing and I don’t matter at all.
Exactly bitch, and you need to remind yourself of that all the time.
Yes Sir
Its extremely important you maintain your place at all times, if you are going to be a proper slave bitch for him. You really need to embrace your inferiority to him.
Yes Sir, I want that very much.

And she did want it, bad. I still probably could have snatched her away at this point for myself, but I didn’t realize her potential yet. After I sufficiently ran her self esteem into the ground, she was ready to be and do anything to please her ex. And the son of a bitch had me to thank. I guess I considered it like charity work, making the world a better place one cunt at a time.

She was crying at the end of my instruction.
Tomorrow when you show up, you will wear a properly whorish outfit, something you know he likes.
Yes Sir.
What will you wear?
Umm, I have this really tight short dress, that he told me looked really slutty before, and my four inch fuck me heels, that I know he likes.
K, bitch and now makeup. You will where very bright red lipstick and deep blue eyeliner. Paint your face like a whore.
Yes Sir.
And be ready to do whatever he wants and expects of you. Remember this is all about him. As his slave your life is now going to revolve around him and his pleasure. Do you understand?
Yes Sir, this is what I want.
Good, you may find serving at times, difficult, degrading and painful.
It doesn’t matter what I want or whether I like it or not.

Exactly bitch, you are learning fast for a dumb cunt.
Thank you Sir.

The next day she was kneeling on his porch, and he had her crawl in. Then proceeded to beat the shit out of her. He kicked her, punched her, slapped her and threw her around, thoroughly abusing her.. By the end she had a black eye, split lip, bruised ribs, and was sore and bruised in several other places. He told her that’s what she had coming for pissing him off and being a stupid whiny bitch. She apologized again profusely. After which he made clear exactly how he felt about her. He didn’t love her or respect her. He told her she was stupid,, not much to look at, and that he fucked much better whores. He would never think any better of her and never treat her kindly at all. He expected complete and absolute obedience to him and she would service him in all ways.
Do you accept to being my slave you fucking whore?
On her knees, slightly spread, her hand behind her back.
Yes Sir, with al my heart.
And that’s how it began.

He ordered her to crawl to his bedroom, and he took off his belt and whipped her all the way there, stroking his cock. By the time she got there he unceremoniously shoved his cock down throat and face fucked her for several minutes. He vice griped her hair, and slapped her several times, telling her not to gag. Each time he would purposely thrust deeper into her throat. She tried her best not too, but it was futile effort. His cock was big and lodged deep down her throat. There was no way around choking. He gave her no air, and he seemed to want her to somehow breath around his cock. She dutifully held her wrists behind her back, never once removing them. His slaps kept her conscious more then anything and finally on the verge of passing out, he pulled out of her throat and threw her face first on the bed.
Open your fucking legs and spread yourself for me.
She spread her legs, and pull and reached her hands behind her pulling her ass and cunt wide for him. He plunged deep into her cunt, with all the gentleness of a stranger, **** fucked her increasingly sore hole for a good 20 minutes.
Through her pain she reminded herself how she was just some holes for him to use, and that she was happy to be here serving him. He told her to keep herself held open, so she kept her hands behind her, spreading her sex the entire time.
He used her back and sometimes her head to place his hands and brace his weight so he could really drive into her, sometimes slowing down to catch his breath and taking slower deep jabbing thrusts, as if to penetrate her cervix, but most of the time, he fucked her like a rabbit on roids.
Being a slut, she was wet the whole time, but still his savage use left her cunt with bruises and small tears. When he was done r****g her cunt, he pulled out and just as quickly slammed into her ass, causing her to scream louder then she had been. After a couple thrusts he was buried to the hilt and circled around a bit before beginning her ass ****.
She concentrated on holding her ass open for him as he pillaged her hole. This is what you want she told herself. This is what your deserve. Make it good for him. No pleasure for you. Please him like a proper slave should.

Another 15 minutes or so later, her dry ass suffered multiple tears, evidenced by the blood on his dick. He finally shot his load buried to the hilt in her ass. With a groan of satisfaction, he pulled out of her.
Clean me cunt.
Immediately she spun around and met his cock with her mouth, gently licking and sucking it clean.

I had not realized she was such a natural submissive, especially during fucking. We discussed how fucking was purely for the Man’s pleasure, and how she should have no expectation for pleasure or relief. She readily agreed, and said she had always felt this way. She always felt that women were meant to serve Men in all ways, but especially sexually. She felt that sex was supposed to be rough and degrading and painful. So she needed little guidance from me there. She did absolutely everything she was told in bed without hesitation or complaint.

But there were other areas where she needed more instruction. He had her on some strict rules. But I didn’t feel they were enough. He had her keep her own place, cause he told her he didn’t want to see her ugly face all the time. So she was only called over to service him at his convenience multiple times a week. She had to keep a pager with her at all times, and was required to be there within a half our of any page. She had to come over to clean his house, top to bottom, twice a week. And she turned over half her gross paycheck to him every month.
She endured his loveless fucking and constant abuse quite well, but I thought her slavery to him should be more complete.

Why do you only turn over only half your paycheck?
Cause Sir, half is barely enough for me to live on. I want to give him more, I would give it all if I could, but he doesn’t want to live with my dumb ass.
Well you cant blame him for that.
Oh no Sir, I completely understand. He only wants me around when he needs me.
Ok, slut, lets look at some way you can bring him more money. He obviously wishes to exploit you financially, so you should be doing your upmost to maximize what you can give him.
Yes Sir, I agree completely.
So lets start with your expenses. What can you cut back on in order to give him more?
Hmm, well Sir, I guess I can cancel my cable.
Well that’s an obvious one.
Yes Sir, and my internet too.
Good bitch, those are luxuries you don’t deserve.
Umm, Im not sure what else to cut.
What about utilities bitch? You don’t really need heat or air conditioning do you?
No, Sir, I guess I don’t.
So cancel them. And lights. You don’t need them either.
My apartment will be dark Sir.
So? What do you need light for? Your life revolves around him, you don’t have a social life or friends. You’ve nothing to do but wait to service him. If you need to buy a few candles, that’s much cheaper then paying for lights.
Yes Sir, that’s a good idea.
In addition, you should purchase all his groceries and cleaning supplies.

Yes Sir, I do much of that now.
And your car, that honda you drive is too good for you.
Its an older car Sir, not very expensive.
Yes but its too good for you. Sell it, find something much cheaper and shittier, befitting you. Sell your car, getting something really cheap and give him the difference.
Yes Sir, he will like that. Sir, I have a confession to make. I have a small savings account, from before I met him. It only has two grand in it. I have kept it for emergencies, but now I’m thinking I don’t deserve to have it and I should maybe give it to him?
Your damn right you dumb slut. You have been holding out on him.
Your right Sir, I feel so stupid now.
You were being selfish and thinking of yourself, you are only supposed to think of him.
Yes Sir, I screwed up again, I’m so worthless.
Drain the entire account and bring it to him. And apologize for holding out on him. Expect him to punish you.
Yes Sir, I deserve it, I was a selfish cunt.

Another issue that came up was his fucking other cunts. It became obvious as he did nothing to hide it. When she cleaned his house, she found other woman’s panties, phone numbers, used hygiene products, etc. She didn’t dare raise the issue with him, as she had learned her lesson there. I made her see that she was a slave now and was owed no fidelity. He was free to fuck all the cunts he wanted, and any jealousy she felt was to not to be shown at all. She should be happy for him to get his rocks off on other sluts, and as a proper slave should help him find other cunts to use.

I’m being selfish again aren’t I Sir? I have to remember my feelings done matter at all.
That’s right skank, As a proper slave you need to start embracing his use of other women. From now on, whenever you see, a girl he might like to fuck, you are to try and get her number to give to him. Or at the least tell him where he can find the slut, if she works somewhere. You should be looking constantly for him. You know your pathetic cunt is not enough to satisfy a real Man like him? You know you are lower and more pathetic then anything else he sticks his dick into?
Yes Sir, I know. I’m lucky he uses me at all.
That’s right, so from now on you should bring him at least 5 phone numbers a week, And if you bring any less you should ask to be punished.
Yes Sir. And Sir I was thinking, I should ask to serve his other cunts as a cheap maid, that, way he can charge then a small fee for me, and make more money off me.
That’s a good idea cunt, I’m sure he will like that.
Yes Sir, and this will really help me remember that I am not important to him
Good bitch.

I learned later that he started having her use his internet to find porn for him, when she cleaned his house, which was increased to 4 times a week. He became more or a perfectionist over time and harder to please. She had to redo many chores, and he began making thing harder for her on purpose. She had to clean the floors on hands and knees with a sponge, dust until there was none at all, and clean his toilet with her toothbrush, though she was required to lick the rim clean.

At some point he branded her ass with the word slave. Not very creative, but it illustrated what she was, and she was proud of her brand. Running her fingers over the indentions of the letters, reminded her of her place and purpose in life.

Between his sexual use of her, her maid duties and her job, I was able to talk with her less and less. But she still kept in contact with me for ideas on how to improve her slavery and how to better her service to him.

I learned that he required her to use his internet to find other bitches for him and also to start whoring herself for him. Apparently he still didn’t feel she was bringing him enough money.
She was successful on both accounts. She regularly began whoring for him. But there were certain rules.

1. No enjoying herself, no touching herself and no cumming. She was there to please and service other Men, and she should concentrate only on that. She hadn’t come since before she met him, and didn’t expect to ever again. He talked about having her clit removed so she wouldn’t be distracted by any pleasure, but as of yet he hadn’t done it. After a long chat with me, she concluded that she didn’t deserve to have her clit anymore, and so began begging him to remove it for her, so she could more properly focus on him. He has promised it will be removed soon and done quite painfully

2. She was only to whore her self to sadists, misogynists, and other cruel and abusive Men. No nice guys, and no one that would appreciate her or be the slightest bit gentle.

3. She was to whore herself only to men she found unattractive. This meant mostly fat or out of shape men, old men, or just ugly men. She had to turn away a few good sadists because of this, but she wasn’t the least bit attracted to anyone she whored herself too.

4. She could only charge a small set amount, and no more for herself, because she wasn’t worth anything let alone what she was paid.

5. Despite the limited pricing of herself, she had to bring him a weekly dollar quota and she was punished severely if she didn’t. He got greedy and kept raising the amount on her, but she learned to meet his quotas.

His sexual use and abuse of her continued to grow as well. He tired her up in numerous ways, stretching her till she learned to spread her legs as wide as he wanted, till she could put her feet behind her head, till she could fit whatever he wanted to shove in her cunt, ass or mouth. His brutality never ceased nor did his debasement of her. She spent countless hours sucking his cock while he watched tv or talked to other sluts on the phone. He sat on her face and she tongued his ass while he mauled her tits and beat her cunt. There wasn’t a day that went by that she didn’t carry bruises welts or cuts on her. And he was never nice to her. He always talked down to her, yelled at her, spat on her, told her how stupid, ugly and worthless she was. And the more he told her, the more she knew he was right.

At my urging she began starving herself to lose weight for him. Not that she needed too, she was already in decent shape, but it was an added degradation and pain for her. Plus he had called her fat so that was reason enough to starve herself for him. She would go days with only his cum and piss in her belly.

Her excessive whoring to meet his financial demands finally caught up with her and she got busted for prostitution. She spent days in jail, until he decided to bond her out and get her an attorney. She of course took the full rap and kept her owner out of it. He in return wanted to be paid back for the attorney fees, and of course she was to go right back to whoring.

Her selflessness had reached a good level, but every once and awhile she needed a kick in the cunt to remind her of her place. This was one of those times. While she was nothing but polite and humble to him, she felt it a little odd for him to ask to be paid back for the attorney, after all the money she had given him from whoring and everything else. The only reason she couldn’t afford one is she gave him nearly everything but rent and gas money,

You’re being selfish again bitch, I told her.
I know I am Sir, and that I shouldn’t even think of myself at all.
The money you earned whoring was his money, you cut into his profits, by getting busted, its your fault, and now you need to pay him back in full.
You are right Sir, as always. But he says I am not allowed to count any of the money I am already giving him towards paying him back. I really want too, but how can I?
Sounds like you will need to get another part time job. Get his permission to get one, then turn over that check in full to him. He likely may have you keep it though even after you pay him back.
Yes Sir, that’s true, but if that’s what he wants I am happy to do it.

After she got her part time job, It became real difficult to stay in contact wit her. She had virtually no free time, not that she should have any, so our talks became infrequent. But she had progressed to the point where she barely needed my guidance anymore.

I heard from her a few more times. She finally had her clit removed, and now had a painful itchy scar where it used to be. Apparently it was badly beaten, pierced with needles then burned and cut off. She was immensely proud of enduring this feat and despite her grueling life, was content in her slavery and happy to serve her Owner.

The last I heard from her she was saving up to get giant porno tits for him. I had no doubt she would get them. One day I got a letter with some pictures of her. The pictures showed, a starving waif thin bitch, pale skinned whore, covered with marks and bruises. Her tits were huge and were no doubt causing her back pain. She was naked except for a corset and high stiletto heels that I could tell by looking at were not comfortable. The ridiculously tight corset cinched around her waist, was to hold up her up straight, and to help along her starvation. It also pinched her waist so much it made her tits look even bigger, if that were possible.

The letter thanked me for mentoring her and for helping her become the worthless slave cunt she is today. She thanked me profusely and told me that although she had no comforts or pleasure in her life now, and that she was in constantly fatigued and in discomfort and pain, she was eternally grateful for teaching her how to be a proper slave bitch and for helping reunite her with her ex.

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Introduction: This is a repost, complete in its entirety My name is Charlie. Im a 65 year old widower, living in an assisted care facility. I have lived here ever since I suffered a stroke, and now have only three months or so to live. They found I had lung cancer about a month ago. I had let it go for so long that, by the time they discovered it, it has spread throughout my body, causing my stroke, and leaving me an invalid in this house. So they said to make any arrangements I needed to make...

4 years ago
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SaMs Place Chapter 15 of 15 Final Judgement Reposted to correct problems

If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...

3 years ago
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SaMs Place Chapter 14 of 15 Psycho Bitch Reposted to correct problems

If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...

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SaMs Place Chapter 13 of 15 Spring Break Reposted to correct problems

If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...

2 years ago
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Accolades to Jerry Sandusky Reposted

Introduction: The title is a joke the man is a Monster Im reposting, I missed the major theme. Sorry, first story, Ill get better…I promise. Good evening young ladies, I greeted the two of them as I came in the front door. My twelve-year-old daughter Martha and her best buddy Jamie James. Jamie was staying the night, her mother had a date and expected to be coming in late. That was fine with me, I liked Jamie, she and Marti had been friends since first grade, she was a good kid. Hi Daddy,...

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Horny Hermione Greybacks Bitch Reposted

Introduction: Revised version. Hermione is caught by Greyback during a full moon. DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters. These stories are strictly for entertainment purposes. Dont sue me, I have no money. WARNING: These stories are just fantasies but well be dealing with mind-control, non-consent, public sex, and whatever else I want to right. Heed any warnings I put up. Ill try to make each story in the series a stand-alone so if you dont like something happening in it,...

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Slaves of the Amethyst part fn reposted

This is a repost of an earlier piece since in the original post all the apostrophes and speech marks have been converted by the site into question marks for some reason. Thursday morning dawned grey and overcast and there had been rain overnight. From the windows of Waterstone House the view was unappealing. The outside was dark and damp and a light drizzle streaked the windowpanes. It didn’t seem likely to be a day that would inspire adventures out of doors. Debra was disappointed at that for...

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The Mentor

It all started very innocently, I was asked by one of the tutors, if I would act as a mentor to one of the final year students on the Business Studies degree course. Having ascertained that it would only mean one or two meetings I agreed to have my name put forward. I didn’t hear anything for ages and had forgotten all about it when Liz rang from the University to say they had a student who wanted to take up my offer of help. She told me that the student was in some difficulties with her...

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The Mentor

It all started very innocently, I was asked by one of the tutors, if I would act as a mentor to one of the final year students on the Business Studies degree course. Having ascertained that it would only mean one or two meetings I agreed to have my name put forward.I didn't hear anything for ages and had forgotten all about it when Liz rang from the University to say they had a student who wanted to take up my offer of help. She told me that the student was in some difficulties with her...

4 years ago
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The Mentor Part 2

The Mentor Part 2 By Cheryl Lynn Based on comments, here is the final part of the story and not one for the sweet sentimental reader. This is a work of fiction and all the usual disclaimers apply. May be downloaded for personal use only, any other use must have author's permission. Comments may be sent to [email protected]. The Mentor Part 2 I watched as my mother took her bagged items, gave me a quick stare and left the mini mart. I don't think I took a single...

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The Mentor

Lynn Basset sat in the leather chair in the board room of Basset, Wilkins and Berry the most prestigious law firm in the entire city. Lynn was the daughter of the founding partner of the law firm although she had never wanted to be a lawyer herself. Oh she had gone to law school mostly to please her father then had taken a position with the city police force eventually rising to the number two position in the department before retiring three months ago with the rank of Major. She had planned on...

2 years ago
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The Mentor

I was really excited. I had just received a couple of copies of my first book to give out. While not the typical publication that most people would be proud of, I was. It was my first erotica book. And I enjoyed the type of subject I wrote about. I had given a couple of out but there was one copy that I knew where I wanted to go for sure. I headed back to my old high school. It had been about 8 years since I had been there, but I had kept in touch with Edward Willis since graduation. Mr. Willis...

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Mentor By Julie O Edited By Robert Arnold Featuring characters from The Julieverse Chapter 1 Richard Greene arrived at his small apartment near the University of Connecticut and opened up his mailbox. He was getting ready to finish up his second year and he was looking forward to the...

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Perfectly Timed Visit Reposted

Note: This story, written by me last month under a different name, is being transferred to my new identity due to technical problems with the old identity and to keep all my stories together... It was my sister's thirty-ninth birthday and though she and her husband lived over two hours away and decided I would go and visit her on her birthday. This was an unusual for it was the first time I had gone to see Jacquee without my wife Becky; her father was ill and was staying with him for a few days...

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The Perils of Dating Supergirl

Hi my name is Robert Shephard...yeah I see you scratching your head. Don't worry I get that a lot. Needless to say I'm a nobody, however you've probably heard about my Girlfriend people call her Supergirl. Wait don't go, I'm serious. You see six months ago I met an amazing girl named Linda Lang. She was Smart, Funny and very very passionate about....things. We started going out almost every night but every once in a while she'd leave for one reason or another. It got to the point where I was...

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Mentoring By Beverley Anne Miles I couldn't believe my ears! "Sorry. What was that again?" I asked the pretty girl sitting next to me. "I said 'I absolutely love sucking cock'!" said Krystal. What can you say when you finally get to be alone with the girl you've lusted after for years, and the first thing she says to you is that she's a cocksucker? I tried to be nonchalant about it; it seemed like pretty good news to me. "Any particular reason why?" I prompted. "Let me...

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Parte 3Después del sacrificio y la toma de posesión por mi Dueño, quedé en el suelo tirada y llena de fluidos y meos de mi Dueño y su gorda esclava. Esta, me limpió y secó con una toalla de baño y toallitas húmedas. Se entretuvo en untarme el coño, por dentro y fuera con una pomada que me daba frio. “Esto reducirá el escozor del coño” me decía, mientras rodaba su dedo dentro de mí. Al terminar, se fue y volvió al poco, llevando un bowl en cada mano. Los dejo en el suelo, ante mí. Uno tenía agua...

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The Mentor

     The Mentor, Chapter 1            I first spotted her right after I checked into the hotel, as I turned to walk toward the elevators.  The conference was being held in one of those modernistic hotels built in the 1960s or 70s with a large atrium and a bank of glass-walled elevators.  Susan ? not Sue, or Susie, or any of those diminutive forms which would never have suited her personality ? could be seen through the glass of one of the elevators that was just leaving the lobby.  She was...

2 years ago
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The Mentor

The following story is COPYRIGHTED. The author, CRUDEDUDE, reserves all rights to this work. It may be freely distributed online, posted and archived electronically, only in its entirety, including all header material. It may not be changed or altered without the authors permission. It may not be sold in whole or in any part, or as part of an electronic document, printed material, voice recording or any other manner without proper copyright clearances being obtained from the author.For those...

1 year ago
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School boy mentoring

Ben Tramer attended North Castle field high schoolBen Tramerattended North Castle field high school. The boy wasfifteen years of age and already was a high achiever both academically andphysically. He was one of your common all American Jock boys, a very confidentcharacter and could certainly pick and choose the sexiest of girls at his whim.Strongly built physic, blue eyes, blonde hair, the boy was a bombshell, and thegirls just loved him. Though itwasn?t the girls which had caught his eyes in...

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The Story of Carol and CharlieReposted

I know I should’ve quit smoking years ago. I tried, but to no avail. After my wife of 40 years passed away four years ago, I guess I just let myself go and really didn’t give a shit any longer. Well, I guess, now I have to pay for it. As my Pastor says, “Charlie, you’ll quit some day, even if it’s after you die, you’ll quit.” Needless to say, I’ve done a lot of soul searching this past month. Hell, I can’t do much else. I sit here at this computer, typing slowly with one good hand....

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The 3 Megans Reposted and updated

My first story begins with Val, the story of how he lost his virginity. Believe it or not, but this is what he said... There were three Megans: Megan M., Megan H., and Megan W., Each a different personality, clique and look. Megan M. was a tall, slender, attractive girl; she had a light brown hair that went to just below her shoulders and light brown eyes. She was very athletic, Varsity Soccer and Volleyball. She was a shy girl who had the kindest of voices. She was the kind of girl...

1 year ago
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The Morning After REPOSTED

* * * * * * * * * * When I woke up, I was confused at first. I wondered who had fixed the crack in the ceiling over my bed. Then I looked for the ceiling fan. It wasn’t there. I looked to my left, which was a big mistake, since there was a window where one wasn’t supposed to be. The morning sun caught me squarely in my bloodshot eyes. It was then that I realized that I had one hell of a hangover. Being the genius that I am, I finally figured out that I was not in my own bed. The...

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The Stranger Reposted

Comments are welcome but be nice if they were constructive!!!! Samantha is 21, a University student. 5' 6", slim build, brunette, C cup breasts. She had met this guy online...they?d chatted a lot, seemed to get on, had similar interests and tastes...and seemed to be mutually compatible when it came to sex....but they?d never actually met. Then, one day he said that he wanted to meet take her to a party. He said that he was going to send her something she would...

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The Slaver Gets His Wish Chapter 5 Reposted

Chapter 5 The Outing Part 1 I was munching on a tuna salad sandwich as I planned our evening, making reservations at our various stops for the evening. Loreena had banshee upstairs, getting ready. It was almost two in the afternoon; the Limousine would be pulling up in one half of an hour. Julia kissed me on the cheek as I handed her three hundred dollars for the housekeeping service. “Have fun, tonight.” “I’m sure we will,” I said as I watched her get dressed in the foyer. It was a...

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The Desire for Another Kiss Reposted

It was now Christmas break for the two of them and although they had many times alone to repeat their adventure, they managed to stay pretty much at arms length throughout the two weeks. The family went up to the mountains like they had for the four years since they had gotten together and Chuck and Joanie seemed to get along just like always, but they each could tell that there was something in the air that kept their conversations to a jesting sort of tone. Joanie had, in addition to...

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Introduction: SOrry bout the last post. Editor program was faulty. Take notice that the names in this story are changed and this is written from my childhood stand point of age 14. The Hotel It was a sad thing that brought my family together. The passing away of my beloved grandfather. He truly was a great man. When it came to inviting people we invited all the family that we could, as most families do. But what really got my attention was my two cousins, Sam and Rhea. They were the same age...

4 years ago
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The Hotel It was a sad thing that brought my family together. The passing away of my beloved grandfather. He truly was a great man. When it came to inviting people we invited all the family that we could, as most families do. But what really got my attention was my two cousins, Sam and Rhea. They were the same age as me and my brother and therefore we were very similar. Or so it would seem…..Later we had dinner and sang and celebrated my grandpa’s life and death when we decided that some of...

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The Slaver Gets His Wish 4 Reposted so that it can be read

Just a note to readers; if you’re going to give me a negative vote; how about leaving me a little criticism about how to improve my stories? Thanks! I used the butcher’s shower in the dungeon to clean up, and then headed upstairs. I was tired, emotionally, physically, and my back hurt terribly from the lashing Loreena had given me. To tell the truth, I was glad she had come to help me train banshee. I was just too enamored with her to stick with the regimen. Julia was coming in the...

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Teaching the Girls Reposted

I love my job. Everyday has its normal routine, yet you never know what is going to happen. I’m a teacher and coach at a private school in southern Iowa. I know it is a pretty conservative area, yet the parents of most of my students are liberal in their thinking. Certainly, not the bible belt types I have known in other areas. Back to what I said earlier about not knowing what is going to happen at any given time, I was talking with some of my younger girls on the volleyball team. One of my...

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My Life Behind Pauls Back PrologueReposted

INTRODUCTION: 1. My Dad 2. My Mom 3. My Husband, Paul & I I want to introduce my adventures and will start with dad. I want to begin with dad because through dad I met Paul. 1. My dad always kept himself in good shape by working out in the gym. He was always busy with the church and always available for his congregation but always found time to work out in the gym. He had a free pass because the owner of the local gym was one of dad’s, congregation. Even now at age...

2 years ago
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High School Days RepostedMy Big 10

In math class the teacher is a fat guy we call Porky, he was a mean prick. I sat next to Debbie Mann, who was one of the most popular girls in our class. She was real pretty with auburn hair, nice body, great personality. In the middle of class she leans over to me and ask, “why do they call you Wiener all the time?” Boy did my face get red, and I just mumble, “that I did not no why.” But she was persistent and kept asking. All of a sudden Porky is by us and hollers, “Miss Mann,...

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Fucked by the Lake Reposted

One day she was driving home from her boyfriend's house and her car started to over heat, she pulled over, and of course being in the middle of no where, she had no reception on her cell phone. Wearing only a pink short skirt and a black tube top, in the middle of Fall, she stood on the of the road trying to wave down cars to get help. Finally a man in a black truck slowed down and pulled over, she ran up to the truck and opened the door and got in, "Thank you so much for stopping! My...

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A Game of Nine Ball Reposted

The Martin’s lived out on Farmers Road in a new subdivision with their family Wes and Peggy, both in high school. They belonged to the Country Club and played golf on the weekend and Bridge on Friday nights, every Friday night. Wes was a baseball player on the varsity team and Peggy was a mid distance runner on the track team. Both were very good at their chosen endeavors and for a junior and sophomore, excelled to a legendary status, with Wes, the elder of the two, being placed on the...

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18 Year Old Foster Chapter 1 reposted

Preface: My intention was to write more of my first story and ideas for that are still rattling around in my head. However a new friend on XNXX inspired me to start this story. Thanks Crystal. I hope you and others enjoy it. Chapter I Crystal isn't the first foster we have opened our home to, but she is the first to stay after turning 18. Being in her final year of high school it seemed logical to let her stay until she finished. Yes I admit she is a good looking girl, but I can...

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Dating Daniellereposted fix

DATING DANIELLE (The making of a slut) Danielle was the daughter of my employee at the convenience store I managed. At 11 she was cute as a bug and just starting to develop as a woman. Her small breasts were mere bumps at this point on her otherwise flat chest. Her mother had confided that she had just started her period. Her mother treated her badly, so my plan I felt would work well. The day came when I could proffer my plan. Danni as I called her was at the store one day with her...

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Accolades to Jerry Sandusky Reposted

“Good evening young ladies,” I greeted the two of them as I came in the front door. My twelve-year-old daughter Martha and her best buddy Jamie James. Jamie was staying the night; her mother had a date and expected to be coming in late. That was fine with me, I liked Jamie, she and Marti had been friends since first grade; she was a good kid. “Hi Daddy,” from Marti. “Hello Hank,” from Jamie. Yes the adults, the kids, the garbage men, heck everybody called me Hank. “Hey have you...

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Light Control reposted

By Stargatefan Disclaimer: I own no rights to the actresses used in this story. This is the story of all my dreams coming true. I was a 21 year old college student in the fields of math, physics, and engineering. I am a male and like most young males tend to be a sick perverted bastard. I was in the physics lab working with a partner on a project. The project involved playing around with a light generator that channeled the light in a series of pulses that wouldn’t really have any...

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Girls night out gone wrong reposted

I watched her moving her body on the dance floor. It was flawless! She was about 30 yrs old, 5’10”, 135 lbs, with long shapely legs that curved their way up to a beautiful perfect shaped ass. Her breasts looked store bought and I guessed they were 34Ds. Her body was in great shape with perfectly sculpted arms, legs, and abs. She obviously spent several hours a day in the gym. She was brunette with long hair that flowed down her back. She had big beautiful blue eyes and full red lips. Little did...

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Again reposted from PC

from left to right with each step she took. Her feet were forced into an arch and encased with shadows; her beautiful, youthful legs encased by a paper-thin layer of cream, crowned by satin bows of a silkier shade. A ruffling shadow held her hips and only concealed her thighs, the shadow meeting the silky cream at the perfect interval. Her eyes were drawn as magnets to the former place of her employment, the coffee shop on the corner, as her mind danced around the thought of...

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She sleeps she sleeps reposted from PC

He stands over her, holding his hand on her shoulder. Breathing softly, he wills and whispers for her to wake, “Wake up for me now my lovely whore” She opens her eyes and smiles at the sight of her Lord and Master. He was grinning evilly and knocked her off the bed and onto the floor, holding his booted foot on her paper-thin silk blue blouse, just under her bust line. He pressed down slightly, “Rise and Shine whore” he said in a cruel, borderline evil tone, she loved his ...

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Without Love edited reposted

Part one First time With her knees clasped together; a finger touching her hard little nub through the fabric of her night dress while her hips gently rocked, Michelle discovered the satisfaction of masturbation, enjoyed the warmth of the glow it gave her after just a short while and the sleep it induced when she stopped; the sheets dampened and a light perfume of her sex. It had been an accidental discovery, bathing her body, making sure her sex was clean. A touch of the soap...

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Threesome reposted

The three of them had just come back from walking though the town. They didnt get together often so this was a special weekend for them. More special than they realized. Steve hadnt seen his sister Hayley for the last 6 months. They were extremely close and talked every week on the phone. Hayley and Akiko his little asian girlfriend had become good friends as well, they both loved her brother immensely and had discovered that they had many things in common over the years – especially their love...

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My Life Behind Pauls Back PrologueReposted

Introduction: The beginning adventures of Barbie My Life Behind Pauls Back Chapter Zero – Prologue INTRODUCTION: 1. My Dad 2. My Mom 3. My Husband, Paul & I I want to introduce my adventures and will start with dad. I want to begin with dad because through dad I met Paul. 1. My dad always kept himself in good shape by working out in the gym. He was always busy with the church and always available for his congregation but always found time to work out in the gym. He had a free pass because...

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