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Mentor By Julie O Edited By Robert Arnold Featuring characters from The Julieverse Chapter 1 Richard Greene arrived at his small apartment near the University of Connecticut and opened up his mailbox. He was getting ready to finish up his second year and he was looking forward to the extended break. He pulled out his mail and sorted through it. There was the usual junk mail, and his cable bill. He then saw a letter from Max Prendergast. He had been Richard?s drama teacher back when he had been in high school. Without hesitation, Richard opened up the envelope and read the letter. Dear Richard, I hope you are well and enjoying college. If you put as much effort into your classes as you did in your performances for me then I know that you?ll do fine. As you know, I left The Norton School and am now producing a play off Broadway. I would like you to attend one of the performances during your next break. Please call me and I'll set up the details. Sincerely, Max Prendergast As he read the letter, Richard felt a strange sensation that he hadn't felt since high school, it was as if the letter didn't contain an invitation, rather it was an order, an order than Richard knew he would have to obey. Chapter 2 Once inside his apartment, Richard pulled out his high school yearbook and sat down on the couch. He opened it up to the section that showed photos of the drama club. Richard looked at the photos of the various plays, especially the ones of the school's performance of Romeo and Juliet. The Norton School was an all-boys private school and therefore all female roles were played by males. In his senior year, Richard had been personally selected by Mr. Prendergast to play Juliet. Richard had fully expected to be given a female role in the play, based on his small stature; currently he was barely five-eight and was also thin, he was even skinnier back in high school. Still he was shocked that he had been given the title role. Still he received raves for his performance, especially from Mr. Prendergast. He also had other memories concerning the role. Chapter 3 (2 years earlier) "Hey Rich, I hear they're going to announce the roles for Romeo and Juliet today," said Ken Marcus, Rich's best friend and roommate. The two boys had been roommates at the prestigious Norton School for the last two years. Ken attended because it was a family tradition; all the men on his father's side of the family had attended the school. Rich also had a family tie to the school, his late father had gone to the school and it had been his dying wish that Rich follow in his footsteps. Rich nodded as they headed towards the campus theater. "To be honest, I'm not exactly looking forward to it. I mean, I've got a pretty good idea what sort of role I'm going to get." "Look at the bright side, you won't have to wear a school uniform for the next few weeks," said Ken. Ken was six-one and an athlete, He lettered in both football and volleyball and he knew that the odds were slim that he would be picked for a female role. "That's not true, they came up with a female version of the uniform," stated Rich. All the students at The Norton School wore a uniform consisting of dark blue trousers, a white shirt, tie and blazer. "Oh, I didn't hear about that, any idea of what it looks like?" asked Ken. "From what I heard, it will be similar to what we wear; basically it will be a white blouse, plaid skirt, knee socks, and blazer," answered Rich. Ken shook his head. "I don't understand why, I mean what's the point?" "According to Mr. Prendergast, dressing up and being treated like a girl will allow the guys who are playing female roles a chance to get a real feel for their roles. It's called method acting." "Well, if you get a girl's part I'll respect your privacy when you dress," said Ken with a laugh. "You won't have to worry about that. They'll move me to another room," replied Rich. "They have a separate dorm already set up for those selected to play female roles. I guess they had a lot of problems last year." "Oh, that's right. Well, maybe you'll get lucky and won't get picked." Rich shook his head. "No, I have a really bad feeling about this. I mean look at me. I'm not exactly the most masculine guy on campus." Ken didn't reply. "I noticed that you didn't disagree," said Rich. "What's there to argue...runt!" joked Ken. Rich gave his friend a punch in the arm and Ken faked being hurt. Ken and Rich walked into the theater and took a seat upfront with the rest of the class. Mr. Prendergast walked out onto the stage. He was in his mid forties and had been the drama teacher for the past five years. He was of average size and build. His hair was black, but there were some premature grey streaks on the sides. He also had a very neatly trimmed beard. It gave him a rather distinguished appearance. The other notable thing about him was his dark piercing eyes. He had originally been an actor and had supporting roles in several Broadway plays before turning to writing and producing. He originally took the job at Norton to have a steady paycheck as he worked on his latest play. There were also rumors that he had inherited a large sum of money, but no one knew the truth. "Okay, I have the list of assignments for our production of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Now you all know that everyone who has a female part will be taking on a female persona from now until the end of the production. While they will be treated as females in order to get into character, they are not to be harassed or abused. I don't have to mention the consequences for anyone who violates these rules," explained Mr. Prendergast. "This will also apply to the students assigned as understudies." A boy in the front row named Lawrence Browning raised his hand. "Yes, Larry, do you have a question?" "Um, isn't it true that consensual behavior is okay?" he asked. "Yes, that's correct," replied Mr. Prendergast. "If any of the girls want to go out on a date that's perfectly acceptable." "You still won't get a date, Larry!' exclaimed Bob Nagy. "Even if you get a girl's role," added another boy. There was a lot of laughing until Mr. Prendergast motioned for everyone to be quiet. "Okay, okay. Now, I will read off the names of those students who will be playing female roles. They will immediately head back to the dressing area," announced Mr. Prendergast. "We will start rehearsal tomorrow, so as soon as you get your roles you need to start studying your lines." He then began to read off the names and the roles they would be playing. When he started, Richard opened up his copy of the script and began to countdown as each name was announced. He thought he might be in the clear, but then he heard his name announced to play Juliet. "I know you will do an excellent job, Rich," said Mr. Prendergast. "Now, remember, all of you who have been selected for female roles, I want you to take this very seriously. You can start by thinking of yourself as female in all aspects of your daily life." Rich just nodded. He couldn't ignore the way Mr. Prendergast was staring so intensely at him, it was as if he was peering into Rich's mind. Chapter 4 "Okay, Rich you're next," announced Mrs. Crandall. She was one of the English teachers and also in charge of costumes for the drama department. She also helped the males picked for female roles in their wardrobe and grooming. "Well, I don't think you're going to have any trouble passing as a girl," she stated as she inspected him. She pulled out a tape measure and began to get his measurements. Rich just nodded and did as she requested. "Your hair is long enough that it can be cut and styled...or would you rather wear a wig?" she asked as she examined Rich's hair. "Just so you know Rich, wigs are very uncomfortable." "What do you suggest?" he asked timidly. He had meant to get his hair cut shorter several times, but he kept putting it off. "I'd get it cut and styled. It will make life a bit easier for you. Of course for the play you'll have to wear a wig." Rich shrugged. "Okay, I'll get it cut." She smiled. "Good, the hairdresser should ready by the time we get you dressed. Oh, have you given any thought to what you'd like to be called? Richard isn't very feminine." He shrugged again. "I haven't given much thought." "How about Rachel?" she suggested. "That's always been a favorite of mine," added Mr. Prendergast as he stepped into the room. "It is a very pretty name and it will help you adjust to seeing yourself as female." Richard felt a strange tingling throughout his body. He also felt as if he had to obey Mr. Prendergast. "I want you to think of yourself as female until the play is over...and accepting this name would be a good start," he continued. "Sure, why not. For the next month I'll be Rachel," she replied. "Good girl," he said with a smile. "I know that you'd be wonderful in the role of Juliet, Rachel. I have the highest confidence in your acting abilities." Rachel looked at Mr. Prendergast and again she felt his eyes upon her. For some reason it gave her confidence. "Thank you...I'll try not to let you down." He smiled back. "I know you won't do that." Chapter 5 Several hours later Rachel walked across campus to her new room. The weather was still quite cool and she was chilled by the wind as it blew past her bare legs. She was now dressed in her new school uniform. Mrs. Crandall told her that her new room would have everything else she would need. Her books and other non-male items would be brought over as soon as possible. The good thing was that along with her heavy class work, she would be kept very busy learning her lines and going to rehearsal. She knew that she was one of only a handful of "girls' now on the campus. She also knew that it was perfectly acceptable to be asked out on dates, in fact it was encouraged. Rachel had to admit that she was curious about this, but for the time being she decided to concentrate on her school work. Her new room was very much like her old one, except for the fact that she didn't have a roommate. She took this as one of the fringe benefits of playing a female role. Another benefit was that she had her own bathroom and shower. It was worth it just for that. She found that someone had already unpacked her new female items. Her closet was filled with her new uniforms. There was also nonschool female clothing hanging in the closet. As a senior, she could leave campus even on weeknights. She immediately shook her head at this idea. The last thing she needed was to be hassled out in town. Rachel spent the next hour exploring her new room and her new things. She then looked at herself in the mirror. With her female uniform, makeup and new hairstyle she had to admit that she didn't look half bad. Her hair was styled in a layered cut and it really created a feminine illusion. Mrs. Crandall had taught all the students in the drama class about makeup. She then showed the girls the differences between stage and regular makeup. Rachel was surprised how quickly she had picked it up. In fact, everything seemed so if she had been doing it her whole life. There was a knock at the door, but at first Rachel didn't hear it, she was too enthralled by her new appearance. "Hey, Rich, you in there?" yelled Ken. Rachel snapped out of her daze and walked over to the door and opened it. "I'm sorry, but there's no Rich here. I'm Rachel and I just transferred here," she said as greeted Ken in her best feminine voice. Ken stepped back. "Holy shit! Damn, Rich...I mean Rachel, you look great!" he exclaimed. Rachel laughed. "I see that you didn't get a female role." Ken shook his head as he continued to stare at Rachel. "No, I'm on stage crew. I'd like to think it's because I'm big and strong and not because I'm a terrible actor." Rachel couldn't help but notice the way Ken was looking at her. "So, did you come up here for a reason for are you just going to stare at me?" Ken smiled. "Sorry about that...that's the problem of attending an all- male school, we don't see too many good looking girls on a daily basis," he replied. "Your hair is a different color." "It was Mrs. Crandall's idea," replied Rachel. "She said that having a different color would help me adjust quicker. Mr. Prendergast suggested that I go blonde, what do you think?" "You look great," replied Ken. "Anyway, I wanted to see if you wanted to go to dinner. If you don't feel like going to the dining room I could bring you something." Rachel thought about it. "No, I need to get used to being out and about. That's the whole purpose of this isn't it?" Ken nodded. "Just so you know, I saw a few of the others; you are by far the best looking." "Gee thanks. Just don't get any ideas, okay?" said Rachel as she put on her coat. Chapter 6 To her surprise, Rachel found that she had very little trouble adjusting to her new life. It helped that she was one of the more popular students in her class and her friends were quick to protect her. Yes, there was good-natured kidding, but she found that most of her friends were pretty cool. The strange thing was that several of them asked her out on dates, all of which she turned down. The hardest thing she had to deal with was learning the lines for her character. Mr. Prendergast was a perfectionist when it came to his performances. He didn't yell when someone messed up but it was easy to tell when he wasn't pleased with someone just by the way he looked at them. Rachel threw herself into the study of her role and spent most of her free time memorizing her lines. She also found that she was enjoying her time as a female and she took special pride in her appearance. There was a feeling in the back of her mind that being a girl all the time might not be so bad. Part of her began to wish that she wouldn't have to change back after the play. Rachel also found herself wondering more and more what it would be like to date a guy. It had started a few days after she became Rachel and the feeling grew stronger every day. A week before the show, she was in the theater on a Friday evening practicing her lines. She wanted to go through the whole play in order to test herself. Ken was serving as all the other characters. He also kept track of the number of mistakes she made. "Well?" she asked as they finished the play. "How many screw-ups this time?" "Not bad, Rach, you only messed up three lines this time and I doubt anyone would have noticed unless they were reading along like I was doing," said Ken. "What lines were they?" asked Rachel as she tried to remember what lines they were. "It's not that important, Rach, you need to relax a little, why don't we go into town and catch a movie?" he asked. Rachel shook her head. "It is important. Remember, this is Shakespeare and some people in the audience will have the play memorized. The show starts next Friday and the last thing I want is to screw up then!" There was the sound of one person clapping. Rachel and Ken turned to see Mr. Prendergast step out from behind the curtains. "Sorry to be eavesdropping, but I was back in my office when I heard you practicing. I'm very impressed with your performance Rachel," he said. "You're becoming quite an accomplished actress." "Thank you," she replied. "It wasn't perfect." "It rarely is," he said. "I still want to do was well as I've drummed that into us, right?" she replied. He nodded. "That's true, however, But, Ken is also right. You need to get out and relax a little. I think it would be a great idea for you two to go out to town." Even though he was smiling, Rachel could feel the intensity of his stare. "Um, okay," she replied as she looked over at Ken. "So does that mean yes?' asked Ken hopefully. Rachel looked at Mr. Prendergast who nodded very slightly. "Go out and have some fun tonight," said Mr. Prendergast. "Yes, why not?" she replied. "Cool," he replied. Chapter 7 Rachel went back to her room to change out of her school uniform. She debated what to wear. At first she was going to wear jeans and a sweater, but then she changed her mind and picked out a skirt and blouse. It was strange, she knew it wasn't really a date, but she suddenly wanted to look pretty for Ken. In addition to her outfit, she took the time to redo her makeup and hair. Ken picked her up a short time later. "Wow, you look great," he commented. "I think this is the first time that I haven't seen you in your uniform." "Do I really look okay?" she asked as she posed in front of him. "You look fantastic," he replied as he stared at her. "Do you think that anyone will suspect that I'm not really a girl?" she asked cautiously. Ken shook his head. "Rach, you look perfect. Now, come on, if you want to eat before the movie we need to leave now." As they walked out of the dorm building, Ken led her towards the student parking lot. "Dave loaned me his car tonight," said Ken. "Really? That's nice, I really didn't want to take the bus," she replied. When they reached the car, Ken opened the door for Rachel. "That isn't necessary," she said. "But thank you." Inside she was pleased that Ken was treating her as if she really was a girl. "My pleasure," he replied with a smile. "So where are we going?" she asked. "I figured that you might be a bit nervous going right into town, so why don't we go the mall?" he asked. The nearby town was usually filled with students from the school on the weekends. The nearest mall was ten miles away. It was less likely that they would run into a lot of other students from the school. "That's fine," she said. "Thank you for being so thoughtful." They ate dinner at a mid-range chain restaurant near the multiplex. Rachel was relived to see that no one paid any undue attention as they walked in and sat down. As they ate, Rachel was amazed by how normal everything felt. She glanced around and realized that she and Ken didn't look all that different than the dozens of other teens out on dates. She laughed to herself that she really wasn't out on a date. She was just having dinner with a friend. But then when the bill arrived, Ken paid it in full. "Thank you for dinner, but you didn't have to do that," she said as they stood up to leave. Ken smiled back. "I always pay for my dates." Before she could say a word, he slipped his arm around her waist and they walked out together. She didn't want to make a scene, and was going to pull away as soon as they stepped out of the restaurant, but then she remembered Mr. Prendergast's words about immersing fully into her role. "So you see this as a date?" asked as she looked up at Ken as they walked towards the multiplex. "Sure, why not?" he asked. "Any objections?" To her surprise, she shook her head. Ken smiled back. "I'm happy to hear that, Rach," he replied as he pulled her closer. Chapter 8 Instead of the usual mindless action movie that Ken always wanted to see, he picked out a romantic comedy. "You're really taking me to a chick-flick?" she asked as they stood in line to get some popcorn. "Hey, I figure that it's the least I can do. It'll help you stay in character," he replied softly. That doesn't seem to be the problem, she thought. The movie wasn't bad and afterwards they walked back to the car. This time, Rachel didn't mind that Ken had his arm around her. In fact, part of her was hoping that he would take it further. She began to wonder what it would be like to be kissed by him. On the way back to the school, her mind was awash with conflicting thoughts. She knew she was just playing a role, but part of her wanted to see how far this could go. What was the harm in seeing things from a woman's point of view? After all she was playing a woman in a play about love. "I had a great time tonight," she said as they sat in the car in the parking lot. "Thank you." Ken turned and looked at her. "I had a great time too." They looked at each other in awkward silence. "Um, Rach do you want me to walk you back to your room...or do you want to stay out longer?" he asked. "What do you have in mind?" she asked softly. Ken leaned over and began to kiss her gently on the lips. "How does that feel?" he asked. "Nice," replied Rachel. She could feel her heart beating madly in her chest. It really did feel nice and she hoped that he would kiss her again. "I've wanted to do that for a while," he continued. "You can do it again...if you'd like," she said softly. Ken smiled and kissed her again. This time his tongue slipped into her mouth; Rachel offered no resistance and kissed him back. "Want to sneak into the theater?" he asked hopefully. "That way we can be alone...if that's okay with you." Rachel thought about it for a moment. There were many excellent reasons to say no, but they didn't seem to matter right now. "I'd like that a lot, Ken," she replied. Chapter 9 As they walked together to the back of the theater, Ken had his arm around her waist. Rachel cuddled close to him. Ken pulled out a key and unlocked the door. "They gave me a key so I could work on props afterhours." "How fortunate," she giggled as he led her inside. There was a couch in the student lounge area and they sat down next to each other on it. "Are you sure you want to do this, Rach?" he asked. She nodded. "Yes, this isn't the time to be logical. Please kiss me again, Ken." Ken smiled and then they began to kiss. Rachel couldn't believe how good it felt to be kissed by a boy. She had never felt anything for Ken when she had roomed with him, but that was when she was Rich. Now she was Rachel and she was his girl this night. Ken was thinking similar thoughts. He didn't see the beautiful girl he was kissing as a guy named Rich. No, this girl was so different than Rich in so many ways. He felt his hardening cock pressing against his jeans. Without thinking, he moved one of Rachel's hands down so she could rub it. If she was shocked by this action, she didn't show it. She slowly massaged his cock as they kissed. "You want to touch it?' whispered Ken. Rachel mumbled something that sounded like a yes. Ken reached down and unzipped his pants. Without waiting to be prompted, Rachel slipped her hand into his pants and began to stroke his cock. "That feels so good, babe," he moaned. When he called her babe, she felt tingles up her spine. Something strange was happening to her, but this wasn't the time or place to make logical decisions. A strange sensation swept through her mind and without hesitation she slipped down and began to kiss and lick Ken's cock. It felt so normal as she began to take his cock into her mouth. Mr. Prendergast listened from just outside the lounge and smiled. Everything was progressing as he had planned. Chapter 10 As Ken escorted her back to her dorm room they talked. He had his arm around her shoulders. "I had a great time tonight, Ken," she said. "Thank you for everything." "So did I," he replied. She could sense his mixed emotions. You okay about this?" she asked. "I just don't want you to think that I made you do this," he said. "Look, you didn't force me to do a thing," she said. "I wanted to be with you." He nodded. "Did it feel like we were being guided by some sort of outside force?" She shrugged. "Maybe, but it was fun wasn't it?" "Yes," he replied. "I don't think that we should try and analyze what happened tonight too much. We both had fun and no one was hurt," she explained. "Can I ask you something...personal, Rach?" She nodded. "Have you ever been with a guy before?" She shook her head. "No, you're my first. I never had any feelings for you or any guy before I became Rachel." "Not even slightly curious?" he asked. She shook her head again. "Nope. But now, it feels...perfect. I guess I really am in character now." Ken nodded. "So as long as you're Rachel you would go out with me again?" She smiled at him. "Of course. For the rest of this week I'll be your girlfriend." Ken smiled and kissed her good night. Chapter 11 Back in her room Rachel thought about what had happened that night. It had been a wonderful night, she thought. There was no sense of guilt at all. There was something strange happening, but she couldn't put her finger on it. She also had great new insight to her character of Juliet. She could understand the idea of forbidden love and how it felt to give into previously prohibited behaviors. She looked at herself in the mirror and did a double take. For a moment she thought she had seen her reflection wink at her! Chapter 12 (Present day) Richard closed his yearbook. It was strange, but he hadn't thought about those weeks he had spent as Rachel since they happened. It was almost as if they had been a dream and that Mr. Prendergast's letter had awakened his memory of the events. Now the repressed memories flooded out. It was so strange that he had forgotten all the times he had wished he had been a girl. Now those familiar old feelings were back with a vengeance. He thought about how good it had felt being Rachel and being in Ken's arms. And he suddenly wished that he was still Rachel. He now remembered how he had gone out on several more dates with Ken and that they had made out every time. On the last night of the play, he remembered how Ken had made love to him. He became aroused as he thought about how good Ken's cock had felt. As for the play, it had been a major success and he had received rave reviews for his performance as Juliet. Looking back, Richard realized that the time he had spent as Rachel had a huge impact on his performance. After the last performance he returned to his life as Richard Greene. What was even stranger was that Ken acted as if nothing happened. It was as if some outside power had stepped in and blocked their memories. Richard stared at the letter. He knew that he had to accept Mr. Prendergast's invitation, if only to ask him about what had happened back at school. He dialed the number that had been provided in the letter. After three rings, the call was answered. "Hello, Mr. Prendergast, this is Richard Greene," he said. "Richard! How good to hear from you and please call me Max, you're no longer in that retched prison of a school," he said. Richard laughed. "Okay...Max. I just wanted to let you know that I would love to see your new play." "Excellent. Now, I checked your college's schedule, you finish with the semester in two weeks, right?" "That's right," replied Richard. "So, when do you think you can be down here?" asked Max. "I was planning on spending the summer bumming around and so I'll be moving my stuff into storage after finals. I can be down there on the first, if that's okay,' said Richard. "That will be perfect. Now, I insist that you stay with me. I have a guest room so your staying here isn't a problem. Trust me, it will be a lot nicer and much cheaper than a hotel room," said Max. "That's very thoughtful," said Richard. He felt the sensation again as if he had no choice but to say yes. "Excellent, I will send you the necessary information. I'm very pleased that you're coming." "I'm looking forward to it too, Max," said Richard. Chapter 13 It was a warm summer afternoon when Richard arrived in New York City by train. He then took a cab to Max Prendergast's home, which was a large townhouse located a few blocks away from the theater. The strange thing was that he could barely remember how he got there. It was if he was in a mental fog. All he could think about was seeing Mr. Prendergast. Max greeted Richard at the front door and escorted him inside. "How was your trip Richard?" he asked as they shook hands. "No problems," answered Richard automatically, even though the whole trip was in reality a blur. "Thank you for the invitation; I'm very excited about seeing the play." "I'm pleased that you accepted," replied Max cheerfully. "I'll take your bag and show you to your room." They walked upstairs and then Max opened the door to the guest bedroom. He motioned for Richard to walk in first Richard stepped inside and saw a beautifully furnished room. It immediately struck him that it was very feminine. He then saw was there was a complete woman's outfit laid out on the bed. "I think you'll find everything you need, Rachel, so you won't need the things in this bag," said Mr. Prendergast as he set it down in the hallway. Richard froze in his place and stared at the clothes. "What's the matter sweet Rachel, don't you like what I picked out for you?" asked Max softly as he placed his hands on her shoulders. He leaned close and spoke directly into her right ear. "I picked this outfit out especially for your first day with me." "What's...what's going on?" asked Richard. He couldn't take his eyes off the clothes. "Why are you calling me Rachel?" "It's your name isn't it?" asked Mr. Prendergast. "Please, I doubt you're so surprised, Rachel. Now, I have to run down to the theater for couple of hours. That should give you plenty of time to get ready. Your cosmetics and toiletries are in the bathroom, I think you'll find everything that you'll need, Rachel. I left you a note in there on how I would like your makeup to look. I know you won't disappoint me. When I get back we'll have a long talk and I'll explain everything. Don't fight aren't strong enough and you know it. Let it are now Rachel." "What's happening...I feel so strange," said Richard weakly. He felt as if his legs were about to go out on him. Mr. Prendergast steadied Rachel with his hands. "Let go of the are no longer Richard Greene...your name is now Rachel and you are my girl, a sweet, weak, obedient young woman," continued Max in a soft comforting tone. He was leaning closer and was whispering in her ear. "Rachel?" "Yes, isn't that the name you had back in school, remember how happy you were back longer fighting who you really are," continued Max. "Strip out of those ugly clothes...those belong to a male and you my dear Rachel are a lovely young lady. Place all those ugly male clothes out in the hall and I will take care of them. Everything you need to dress is inside this room." Rachel began to undress; she was still looking at the female wardrobe laid out for her. Max sensed that he had gained full control. "Very good, you know this is the right path for you, don't you? Now, tell me your name my darling." "My name is...Rachel," she replied. "And what are you?" "I...I'm a...I'm a girl," she replied softly. Max smiled at the way her voice changed, she was now talking softer...very much like she had when she had played Juliet. "That's a good girl," said Max as he ran his hands through her hair. "I'm so pleased that you have such nice long hair. You followed my directions and kept it long all these years. The ponytail is nice for now, but I have another look in mind for you and that can wait until later. I also see that you've grown your nails out too, just as I requested. I am very pleased with you." Rachel looked down and was shocked to see that her nails were much longer than normal. She wondered why she hadn't noticed this before. She had the sudden urge to file them down to shape them with a nail file to make them look sexy and feminine. "I'm also pleased that you thinned and shaped your eyebrows too. You are very obedient, I like that in my women," he continued. Rachel looked in the mirror and saw what he was talking about. Her eyebrows were thin and arched as if they had been recently plucked. She also realized how feminine she looked even though she was wearing men's clothing. "How is this possible?" she asked as she turned and looked at Max. "I will tell you everything later. Now you have a lot to do to get ready. Don't fight the feelings, Rachel, you aren't strong enough," continued Max. "You must obey me, just like you did back in school." Max then kissed her slowly, his tongue slipping into her mouth. She offered no resistance. As they kissed he ran his hands over her body. "I will be back soon, don't disappoint me my dear girl," he said as he left. Chapter 14 Rachel sat down on the edge of the queen sized bed and slowly examined the outfit that Max had picked for her. Everything was black. There were lace panties with matching bra, garter belt, and stockings. She then touched the silk top and the short leather skirt. There was a pair of very large silicon breast pads next to the bra. They were obviously top-notch as they even had realistic nipples molded into them. She looked on the floor next to bed and saw a pair of knee high black high heel boots. Rachel could close her eyes and picture how the outfit would look on her. She then realized that, just like back in school, she was seeing herself in female terms. She also realized that Max was right that she wasn't strong enough to disobey him. She looked at the framed theater program that hung on the wall near the makeup table. It was from The Phantom of the Opera. She stared at it for several moments as she realized that in many ways it symbolized what was happening to her. She was now trapped and controlled by her mentor and teacher. Rachel got up and headed into the bathroom. A list of instructions was posted on the wall next to the mirror. She read the directions and picked up the tube of hair removal cream. Without pause she striped off her clothes and began to apply the cream. The good thing was that she didn't have a lot of body hair, but still she followed Max's orders and covered her body from the neck down with the cream. There was a second tube of cream that she used on her beard area. After waiting the required amount of time she stepped into the shower to wash off the cream. She immediately noticed how soft and smooth her body now was and it pleased her. After drying off and applying moisturizer, she began to apply her makeup. Even though she hadn't used makeup since the time of the play, she found that she knew exactly what to do, as if she had been doing it her whole life. Max's written orders were very precise and she made sure that she followed them as best she could. The eyeliner was the hardest part and it took her several attempts to get it right. When she finished she examined herself in the mirror. The look was very dramatic and rather sexy. Rachel was back and this time it looked like she wouldn't be leaving. She applied the nail polish that was left out for her, it was dark red in color, but it seemed to match the look that Max wanted. After she finished dressing, she added the jewelry that was laid out for her. There were large silver hoop earrings and several matching bracelets. She was a little surprised that there was no necklace. She studied her appearance in the mirror. The thing that struck her was that even though she was dressed entirely in black, she looked weak and powerless. Chapter 15 There was a knock on the door and then Max stepped inside. He could see that Rachel was completed dressed. "Exquisite," he exclaimed as he studied her appearance. "You have exceeded my wildest dreams, Rachel." "Thank you, Max," she replied softly. She actually felt pleasure in knowing that she had made him happy. "Please sit down on the bed. I want to braid your hair," he ordered. Rachel sat down with her back towards Max. He noticed how she was careful to keep her legs together as she sat down. "I know you have many questions, my dear," he said as he worked on her hair. He was putting her long hair into a French braid. "I do, Max," she replied softly. "All in due time, my sweet," he said. He finished braiding her hair and then used a black ribbon to tie the end. The bow really completed the look. "I love how naturally submissive you are Rachel," he continued. "However, you are not my slave and you don't have to call me Master or any sort of nonsense like that; we both know that I am in charge and that you belong to me." Rachel nodded. "Yes Max, I belong to you." "Now, my pet, I suppose it is time I explained what has just happened to you...and what the future holds for you," he continued. Chapter 16 They moved to the living room and he ordered her to sit down on the couch while he poured her a glass of wine. "I suspect that you have many questions," he said as he sat down next to her. He handed her the wine. "Cheers." She accepted the wine and took a sip. It was very good. "Now, I want you to be very honest with any question I ask you, is that clear?" he asked. "Yes, Max, I will be honest." "Good girl." "I do have many questions," she replied. "First, I have a few for you," he said. "Do you remember when you called me after you got my letter?" Rachel nodded. "Of course." "And do you remember the calls that I made back to you?" he asked. She looked at him with a confused look on her face. "No, I have no idea what you're talking about." "And that means you don't remember my visiting you at your apartment, correct?" She just gasped and slowly shook her head in disbelief. He just smiled at her. "I was just checking. I visited you several times and that's how I got your sizes and also why your nails are so long now. I am a master of mind control and I found that you are very accommodating. I implanted many subliminal thoughts and orders in your head." Rachel nodded. It made sense as there was no other reason why she had grown out her nails and it also explained her eyebrows. "Now, who knows that you are here?" he asked. Rachel thought about it for a moment. "No one does." He smiled and sipped his wine. "So tell me again how you came here." "What do you mean?" she asked. "Tell me in detail how you travelled." She nodded and took another sip of her wine, "I went to the train station in New London and went to Boston first. I bought my ticket with cash. I then caught a train down here. When I got here in New York, I caught a cab...I mean I caught several cabs. I drove around to several places first. I walked a few blocks then used a different cab each time before coming here," she reported. A memory then came back and she spoke again. "Just like you told me to do." "Very good, so it's unlikely that anyone would be able to trace you here," he said. "I don't want us to be interrupted." Rachel realized now that no one would be coming to help her. "Don't worry; I am not permanently enslaving you. I just want us to send a few weeks together. When that time is over and you want to leave, I will not stop you," he said. "What do you want?" she asked. "I want you as my lover," he said. "I have always been drawn to submissive T-girls like you. It is a matter of taste I suppose, but I like girls who are different." "How is this possible?" asked Rachel. "I mean, the things I did and didn't remember being told until now, how could you do this?" Max shrugged his shoulders as he got up to refill their glasses. "I guess I was born this way. I found that even at an early age I could control some people. I didn't realize its real power until I began to search for a perfect sexual partner." "So, does that make me a weak-minded person?" asked Rachel. "I wouldn't put it that way, my dear. I've found that my mental powers seem to work stronger on those with higher IQs. I don't care for dull or stupid people; they are so boring and tedious on the soul. No I picked you because you are intelligent." "So even back at school you could control me?" she asked. "Yes," he replied. "I also discovered your feminine side and repressed it...other than when you were getting ready for the play. When I saw how feminine the real you was, I knew that I had to have you." He refilled her glass and she thanked him. "So, you picked me out back at Norton, but why did wait until now?" asked Rachel. "How old were you then? Seventeen? Besides, even if you were older at the time, image the outrage if I got caught with a student, it would have ruined both of us," he explained. "I turned eighteen just before Ken and I..." Memories of what she and Ken had done came flooding back. "You let me have a woman," she said. He nodded. "I wanted to see how you handled it. It was better for you to explore your feminine side with a guy close to your own age. Did you enjoy losing your virginity to Ken?" "Yes, I did," she replied honestly. "It was... quite wonderful." She was shocked that she answered his question so freely. However, she wasn't lying; her time with Ken was very special. "I'm pleased to hear that. When a girl loses her virginity it should be with a boy that means a lot to her." "Are you the reason why Ken and I started dating?" she asked. "Not exactly, he definitely was attracted to you; I just gave him a mental nudge so he would ask you out. As I said, you already had be both feminine and to be with a man. Everything that happened between you two was real." "I'm glad to hear that," she said. "So, why did you block our memories of what happened?" "Like I said, I wanted you for myself," he explained. "After all that time and effort I put into you, the last thing I wanted was someone else to benefit and take you away." "Why did you wait so long to bring me here?" she asked. "The play has taken up much of my time and now that it is a success I am ready for a well earned break...and I plan on spending it with you and if things work out you will be mine from now on." She just stared back. As farfetched as it all sounded, deep down she knew it was true. "Rachel, do you find me attractive?" he asked. "Yes," she replied honestly. "I want you to think about this next question before answering. Are you sexually attracted to me?" he asked. She looked at Max. Even though he was much older than her, she had to admit that he was very handsome, and the more she thought about him, the more she became aroused. She could picture herself having sex with him. "I find you very attractive," she replied. "And do you want to have sex with me? Remember, you must be honest," he stated. "Let the woman in you out...let her answer." He had implanted a very strong sex drive into Rachel and now he planned to use it. "Yes, I want to be with you, Max," she replied softly. She then licked her lips without realizing it. "Very good, your female side is taking over. This is the same part of you that made love to Ken. This is the same female side that allowed you to play Juliet with such passion," he explained. " this the way I will be from now on?" she asked. "As I said, you've always been this way, I didn't make you transgendered. I can hide the feeling again if you desire, but that isn't healthy," he replied. "Does this mean that I have a choice in all this?" she asked. "Of course, my dear Rachel. If you decide that you would rather live out your life as a male then I will comply with your wishes. However, if you decide to stay as Rachel, then I will feminize the body to match the mind. I have discovered a marvelous hormone solution that will quickly transform your body. You would have real breasts and curves, but you would still be able to get hard. I will also have you get some facial surgery. You are quite beautiful, but even beauty can be improved." She nodded. "You will be reborn, Rachel," he continued softly. "There will be times when you will be a lady... and other times you will be my will all depends on what sort of mood I am in. Do you like that? Does that arouse you?" It was very appealing she thought. While she was still uneasy about the way it was happening, she knew that her gender issues were real...unless they were planted in her mind. She looked Max straight into his eyes. "I have one's obvious that you can control me and can place ideas in my head. How can I make a real honest decision? I mean, it would be very possible for you to make me want to stay," she stated. "I told you I don't want a slave. Yes, I could easily make you my totally obedient property, but what is pleasure in that? Don't get me wrong, I want...I crave your submissive and devotion to me, but I want it to be given willingly. I hope by the end of the two weeks, you will see that this is the life for you. But if you decide to leave, I will not stop you," he explained. "You must trust me." "And should I leave and still want to be female, would you stop me?" she asked. He smiled. "No, of course not. Personally, I think you're better off as a woman." She nodded. "I...I know that these feeling to be female are all ways." "Tell me about these feelings?" "I...I want to feel your arms around me...I want you to make love to me," she replied. "Keep going," he ordered. "Tell me about everything that's going through your mind. Do you want to be controlled?" She nodded. "I want to be your woman...I want to feel your cock inside me...I want to serve you." "So you realize that you are submissive?" "Yes, I know that those are also true feelings. I loved how it felt when Ken took me in his arms and kissed me...I also loved the way his cock felt in my body," she continued. "Did you like sucking his cock?" he asked. "Do you like pleasuring a man with your mouth?" Rachel nodded. "Were you good at it?" "He seemed to think so," she replied. Max smiled. He could see that her female side was totally in control. "Show me, my sweet Rachel, show me what a good cocksucker you are." Rachel slipped off the couch and positioned herself in front of Max. She watched with anticipation as he unzipped his trousers and pulled out his semi-erect cock. It was much larger than Ken's she thought, but this didn't stop her from leaning closer. Her tongue began to lick it slowly. Max looked down as the young girl submitted to him. It was even better than he had hoped. If she was this willing so quickly then he would have no trouble breaking her will completely. He moaned as she took his cock into her mouth. Oh, Rachel, he thought, if you only knew the plans that I have for you, he thought. He might even be able to start some of the physical changes that he had planned if she stayed this willing. Rachel was lost in the act of giving Max oral sex. What thoughts came to her head were those focused on pleasing her man. She could also feel herself giving in...and there was nothing she could do about it, and even worse, she didn't want to fight it. Chapter 17 "That was fantastic, Rachel," complimented Max. "No wonder Ken loved being with you so much. You are every man's dream." "Thank you, Max," she replied as she sipped her wine. She found that she truly enjoyed pleasuring him. "I truly believe that T-girls give the best oral sex. I guess it's because you know what makes a cock feel good," he stated as he looked at his watch. "I will have to leave shortly for the theater. I suspect that you will want to take a nap and rest. When I get back we will have a late dinner and talk. Is that okay with you, my sweet?" "Yes, Max," she replied. "There is some lingerie in your room, it would please me to see you dressed in something sexy when I get home," he continued. She nodded. Max leaned over and kissed her. As he did, he got aroused as he thought how good it would it would feel after he had her tongue pierced. "I have a few things that I would like to tell you," he said. "I don't like to consider them orders, but you must do these things, they are for your own safety and development." "What are they Max?" she asked. "Now, you are to stay in the house and you are not allowed to use the phone or any other communication device; you are not to answer the door either," he said. "I will obey," she replied. "You have full run of the house, with the exception of my office. It is on the third floor and the door is locked," he continued. "I will obey your rules, Max," she replied. "Very good," he stated as he kissed her again. "You can trust me, Rachel." She nodded, but at the same time she wondered if she could. Chapter 18 Rachel was waiting for Max when he came home from the theater. She was dressed in a white lace bustier, matching panties, white silk stockings, and high heels. "Almost perfect," he replied as he took her by the hand and pulled her closer. "I did everything you requested," she replied meekly. "What did I do wrong?" "It's not that, my dear. You did everything that was asked of you," he answered. He ran his fingers across her flat chest. "Oh, I see what you mean," she replied. "The breast pads didn't look right in it." "Even with breast pads, it wouldn't look right," he stated. "What do you mean?" she asked. "Would you like to have your own breasts?" he asked as he walked her into the living room. "Oh. I understand now, but I can't do anything about that," she explained. "Please sit down, my dear," he said as he motioned to the couch. "Actually you can do something about it. I can start you on hormones." After she sat down, she gracefully crossed her legs. "I thought you said that you wanted to wait...until after the two weeks," she stated. . "I'm impatient my dear. The idea of seeing you with your own breasts is so exciting," he replied. "Does that mean that you think that I'm going to stay female?" she asked. He poured them each a glass of wine. "Yes...yes I do." She nodded slowly. "Now that your memories have been unlocked, I imagine that you also want to stay that you have the opportunity to do so," he continued. "Isn't that true?" "I do feel more comfortable like this. I can remember what it was like growing up and hiding these feelings. I had forgotten how conflicting it all was." "Like I said, I picked you because of your feminine side...I didn't make you this way," he said as he handed her a glass of wine. "Thank you," she replied as she took a sip. "I want to unleash the woman in you, Rachel. Your path will be easier if your body starts to match your mind. Picture yourself with breasts...with feminine curves...doesn't that excite you?" She nodded. "Let me help you Rachel," he said softly. "I...I'd like that," she replied. "Do you want me to make love to you?" Rachel nodded. Max licked his lips. "Good, let's go upstairs and into my bedroom." Chapter 19 Rachel cuddled next to Max...her lover. She was still glowing from the sensation of having his cock in her body. "Please tell me more about the hormones, Max." Like I said they are very strong...and will work very quickly. You will see physical changes within a week, within a month you will have noticeable breasts and with each passing day you will have the body that matches your mind." "I thought that hormones took longer to work," she remarked. "Most do, but I have seen the results of these. The changes are quite remarkable," he said. "They are designed for people like you...those who are born with a male body and a female mind; they act differently than regular hormones. Search your soul know you want this." "When can I start on them?" she asked. He acted mildly surprised, even though he knew she would be asking him this. "I can give you the first dose right now if you wish," he replied. "I'd like that," she said. Chapter 20 Rachel was a little surprised that the hormones had to be injected into her body, but Max explained that it was necessary. It was the first time that she had ever had a shot in her butt, but it didn't hurt that bad. "I will give you a dose every day for the first week, and then you can shift to the liquid form of the solution," he explained. "What happens if I change my mind?" she asked. "You can quit at anytime...your body will slowly change back," he lied. The hormones he was using were very strong and the changes that they would cause were irreversible. In fact, the hormones would eventually alter her body chemistry permanently. Her tesicles would shrink and for all practical purposes she would be sterile. There was an additional side effect that would increase her submissive nature. Combined with the mental domination he planned for her, she would soon be totally under his command. He had been patient long enough and now that he had Rachel in his hands, he had no intention of letting her go. "You may feel a little sleepy," he explained. She stifled a yawn. "I am rather tired." "Why don't you go to sleep?" Rachel nodded. "What about dinner?" "We'll have breakfast when you get up," he said as he kissed her good night. Chapter 21 Rachel woke the next morning, feeling fatigued, however, she sloughed this off as a side effect of the hormone shot. To her surprise, an outfit had been laid out for her. There was a note from Max asking her to wear it. The outfit was very similar to the school girl uniform that she had worn back at Norton. As she dressed she realized that the skirt was much shorter and the blouse was tighter. She followed the instructions from Max for her makeup. Like the previous night, her makeup was heavy and sexy. Rachel realized that she now looked like a rather slutty school girl...the type that most men dream about. Max was very pleased with her appearance and he praised her for it. "You look absolutely delicious, Rachel," he remarked. "Thank you, Max," she replied. "After we eat, I will give you another dose of hormones," he stated. "There's no point in postponing the inevitable." Rachel found that all she could do was nod in agreement. She felt like she was in a mental fog; she found that all she could do was respond to Max...and to obey him. "And after that?" she asked. "Then my dear Rachel... I will fuck you," he replied. Chapter 22 "How is she responding?" asked the woman sitting across from Max. She was in her mid-thirties, thin, with short spiky red hair. He looked around the crowded coffeehouse as if to see if anyone was listening to their conversation. "She's become very docile," he replied. "I'm amazed how quickly she's changing; I mean it's only been a few days." The woman nodded. "That's to be expected. She'll be become even more submissive as the drugs take hold. Your mental ability to control her should accelerate the process. I doubt she realizes how she is being changed and controlled so completely by you," she continued. She then took a sip of her coffee. "Each additional step you take to feminize her appearance will help to enforce her new status...especially those changes that are drastically different or even permanent." "What do you recommend?" asked Max. "I would definitely style her hair...and change the color. Maybe give her a pageboy cut, dye her hair jet black... with some streaks of purple or magenta. I would also give her ears additional piercings," suggested the woman. "Permanent makeup would also be a nice touch." Max smiled as he pictured Rachel's new look. "I would be happy to style her hair," offered the woman. "And the other things too." "That's very thoughtful," said Max. She licked her lips. "You know me Maxie, I love seeing a feminine sissy demure...obedient...eager to please." Max nodded. "How many doses have you given her?" asked the woman. "She's been on them for five days," said Max. "However, she's been taking the male hormone repressing vitamins for several months now so I'm hoping to see results soon." "And she has no idea that you visited her three months ago?" Max grinned. "Nope. I'm amazed how easy I have been able to control her." The woman took another sip of her coffee. "You have a wonderful gift. I know several people that would pay you a great deal of money for your services." "I have found that it works best on those who have a submissive streak...and having a strong feminine side also helps," he remarked. The woman smiled. "Those are exactly the subjects that my clients are seeking." "I will think about your offer," said Max. The woman nodded. "Good. I would like to go into business with you. Together we could become very wealthy." "Money isn't everything," he replied. The woman nodded. "That may be true, but it does allow you to have a better life. It would allow you to spend more time with your girl." Max nodded. "That's true. So when do you want to come by and style her hair?" The woman pulled out her PDA. "How about tomorrow morning? I need to pick up a few things to do it right." "Tomorrow is fine. Should I tell her about it?" The woman shook her head. "Let's make it a surprise." Max nodded. "Tomorrow it is." "Do you think she suspects the truth...that you have no intention of letting her leave?" "Maybe," he replied. "But soon it will not matter." Chapter 23 Rachel stared at her reflection in the mirror in wonder. She couldn't believe how different she looked. Her hair was now cut short and styled in what the woman called a wedge cut. She was also stunned by the new color. Her hair was now jet black...except for the dark red stripes that ran through it. Her eyebrows were also dyed black and had been shaped so that they were now very thin and highly arched. The overall look was very dramatic and made her look very feminine and sexy. "I think that you should consider getting her permanent makeup," stated the woman. "What do you have in mind?" asked Max faking surprise with the woman's suggestion. "Eyeliner and lips would be a nice start; she wouldn't have to worry about applying makeup first thing in the morning. I would also recommend collagen injections into the lips, the effect can be quite dramatic," she replied. "I'm certified to do all of these fact I can do them today." Max looked at Rachel as it to picture how she would look after the actions suggested. "She would be quite stunning by the time I'm done with her," continued the woman. "Very sexy and seductive...the type of look that would make her man very happy." Max nodded. "Do you want to be beautiful for me, Rachel?" "Yes, I do," replied Rachel softly. "Very well, I can't stand in her way. You can start when you're ready," he said to the woman. "Very good," replied the woman. She then turned to Rachel. "Don't worry dear, I won't hurt you. I also want you to look as beautiful as possible." While she was excited by the chance to further feminize Rachel, she was more excited about the control that Max had. While his control over Rachel was obviously complete, she was impressed by how little effort was needed to maintain dominance. Chapter 24 A few days later, Rachel was looking at herself in the mirror and she no longer recognized the person looking back at her. Thanks to the mystery woman, Rachel's appearance was very different. She now had permanent eyeliner around her eyes. Her lips were now thicker, pouty and dyed a permanent light shade of pink. The effect was stunning as she now looked feminine even without makeup. She then ran her fingers over her ears and touched the additional studs that were now in her ears. Next she examined the gold ring that was now in her left nostril. She remembered vaguely Max saying how he would like to attach a chain from the ring and run it to her earlobe. Next she stuck out her tongue and examined the stud that was now part of her body. The woman told Max that once it healed, it would provide him great pleasure when Rachel gave him oral. Not that it mattered, but she now knew that Max had lied to her about just keeping her for two weeks. With each passing day, her body was further modified and feminized. She looked at her breasts. Her nipples showed the most change, they were larger, more sensitive and even darker in color. Her breasts were still small, but there was obvious swelling. If the changes continued at the same rate, she would have sizable breasts in no time at all. Max's control over her was now firmly established and she knew that no matter what he told her, he had no intention of letting her go. She knew that there was nothing she could do about this either. It was impossible to disobey fact; she got genuine joy when she pleased him. Deep down she knew that he had also implanted this in her mind. She also knew that no one would come looking for her. She had told no one where she was going...for all practical purposes Richard Greene had disappeared off the face of the earth, and now she was just Rachel...the property of Max Prendergast. He controlled all aspects of her life. It wasn't mean spirited or anything like that, it was just that she did everything he told her to do. He picked out her outfits and sometimes he even watched her dress. Today she was dressed all in white. She was wearing a corset, stockings, panties, high heels. He decided that was enough as he said that he wanted to enjoy looking at her body. All her life she had dreamed she could be a woman...what she hadn't counted on was that her dream would become a nightmare. Chapter 25 "Ken, I'm sorry to bother you, but have you heard from Richard?" asked the woman on the phone. "No, Mrs. Greene, why?" asked Ken as he sat up in his chair. He could tell from the tone of her voice that she was very worried. "I haven't talked to him in over three weeks," she replied nervously. "I've tried his cell phone and now it's disconnected." "That doesn't sound like him. Have you called the college?" "Yes, he finished his finals and moved out of his apartment," she replied. "I figured he wanted some time off after classes ended, but I thought he would have called me by now." "Um... have you called the police?" "Yes, I filed a missing persons report; I think the police feel I'm overreacting. I've just been calling all his friends and seeing if they have heard from him." Ken sensed that something must be very wrong as Rich wasn't the type to just take off and not let anyone know about it. "Look, I can take a drive down to where he had been living and see if I can find out anything," offered Ken. "Thank you, that's very kind of you. The police said they would look around for him...but I think they just feel that he's off enjoying summer break somewhere, I know he's in trouble, Ken, I can feel it in my bones." "Okay, I'll call you if I find anything out

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Rape in the garage

“Finally,” Brenda sighed. Another late night at the office was behind her. And the project was finished. She was relieved, and happy to go home. She’d sleep in a little tomorrow, to celebrate. She glanced at the clock. 12:30 AM. How did it get so late? She picked up the phone and called her husband. “Hi, babe,” came his sleepy response. “I’m done. On my way home.” “Oh, good. Wow, look at the time. Be careful, I worry about you out by...

3 years ago
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Jiju ne muze choda 1

Hi, Iss ke rasik dosto, kaise hein aap ? Mera naam hai Suman. Mein Neelam ki mausi di ladaki hun. Aaj mein aap ko meri kahani sunane ja rahi hun ki kaise muze mera jivan saathi mila aur kaise us ne muze pahali bar choda. Ye ghatana ghati tab mein 23 saal ki thi. Shadi nahin hui thi lekin kanvari bhi nahin thi. Jab mein 18 saal ki thi tab mere ek cousin ne muze pahali bar choda tha. Ham dono chudai se anjaan the. Dono men se ek ko pata nahin tha ki lund kahan jata hai aur kaise choda jata hai....

2 years ago
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Seduced by Step sis Ch 3

“I’m in love with Vanessa.” I could not believe that I had just said those words. I looked at Bill and saw confusion and possibly anger in his eyes. I had just told my step-father that I was in love with his daughter. I heard my mother let out a gasp. I turned to face her as Bill walked away. “What did you say?” My mother said with a stutter.“I’m in love with Vanessa. We wanted to tell you sooner, but we didn’t know how to go about it.” I said. “You wait until she is in the hospital, fighting...

3 years ago
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Lilith a Devil Unbound

The portal errupted into flame, starting to close as a delicate red hand with long black femine fingernails. A women with a vipercated tale rose from the flame, she had two horns on her forehead and soot black hair down to her neck that shined in the light of the flame. She had long shaply legs. Her tail was wrapped around her leg and came between her large ample breasts with nice round nipples. She had piercing black eyes that shined like obsidien. She had a hard sixpack and hips the swung...

4 years ago
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Team Spirit The Second Half Ch 4548

TEAM SPIRIT: THE SECOND HALF BY Meps98 CHAPTER FORTY FIVE I would have bet anything that Hanson was dead before she smacked the wall. Hell, before he hit her that third time. The first punch was a right to her jaw, snapping her head around. It would still be twisting if he hadn't followed the right immediately with an equally vicious left. Doc's body was dropping straight down when her chin ran into the uppercut. It was just like a cartoon. She completely left the ground,...

1 year ago
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The Landlords ProtgChapter 3

It was clear to Victor that he had hired a gem in Susan. George had given her training in the surveillance equipment, and the office work required. Within the week the place sparkled, the carpets looked brighter for being shampooed, the lift was spotless, and smelled sweet, and the windows had been cleaned. She had hired a company to do the job after asking round for someone reliable, rather than getting in tenders. Next, plants arrived on the landings. Even the light fittings had received a...

2 years ago
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Wife owns me

My wife could not be more different than her sister she is only five foot one a size eighteen big saggy tits and a gorgeous sexy hanging belly and a mountain of dark brown and grey pubes she turns me on immensely.She does get dirtier the older we get she is forty three she will suck me off the odd time and if she is extremely horny she likes me to finger and fuck her arse.But what happened last week really blew my mind I came home from work and went upstairs and she was stood there applying her...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 697

This group is compliments of John A. “Jesus loves you” A nice thing to hear in church’ Not so nice, to hear, in a Mexican Prison. Southern Cops have a way with words... !!! These are actual comments made by South Carolina Troopers that were taken off their car videos: 1. “You know, stop lights don’t come any redder than the one you just went through...” 2. “Relax, the handcuffs are tight, because they’re new ... They’ll stretch after you wear them a while...” 3. “If you take your hands...

2 years ago
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Beautiful Anna

It was a Thursday night, my 18th birthday and I was out clubbing with some friends. After flirting with so many girls and women of all ages and drinking quite a lot I became very tipsy and each female blurred into the next.  Then I saw her, standing near the dance floor a goddess a sculpture of perfection what sort of chance would a boy like me have? I’ll tell you non, zero, zilch not a fecking hope. I am 5’10, weigh around 168lbs, no muscle definition (Though i have muscles and i am no...

1 year ago
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Stephs threesome wish comes true

This continues the story of Steph. See my posts, 'My first time on cam' and 'Friend with benefits'.Having had a couple of months fun with this newly divorced and sexually liberated lady, I thought it was time to make one of her fantasies come true... A three-way with two bisexual men.This is the way it all worked out in the end.It was Christmas eve and I met Steph in the field, as I did many mornings, while walking my dog. We chatted while our dogs played and soon I spotted a guy walking...

2 years ago
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Sophie Chap 2

Introduction: Beckys dilemma Mom, Im done, can I be excused? Sophie didnt wait for an answer before grabbing Becky upstairs. I dont want to do this anymore, Soph. Becky said unconvincingly as they sat on Sophie bed. If it feels good, why not? Sophie argued. She wanted to pick up where they left off before her man-child cousin interrupted. She reached up and rubbed her own nipples again. She shivered again. Sophie stepped closed and reached out but Becky took a step back, held there for a...

1 year ago
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Neighbor Uncle 8211 My First Man

Hello dear friends, this is karthik here a from hyderabad 25 years old good athletic body ,fair and a good dick size which can satisfy any lady, women, housewives and all aunties. I m a regular reader of this site and after reading so many stories I wanted to put my real story which happened 3 years ago . So so this is my first story if any mistakes then please forgive me Any unsatisfied housewife aunties girls in hyderabad can contact me for I will give you full pleasure and I am sure you will...

Gay Male
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Fun at the beach pt18

"Hey baby. Tasha. Wake up sweety. We gotta get out of here. Come on baby, let me help you."Emi helped the girl sit up and then to her feet. She grabbed a robe and threw it around Tasha before she led her back to the wardrobe area where they could shower and dress. They took their sweet time and Emi doted on the asian girl, making sure she was okay. Finally, they were dressed and ready to go. When they went out, they were surprised that Mrs. Whitman was nowhere to be found. Emi realized that...

4 years ago
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Mayhem in a PillChapter 45 Proper Motivation

Rodney Valentine’s throat was sore from his screaming. His knuckles were scratched and bruised from pounding on that poor, unsuspecting asshole who didn’t know any better. Rodney was especially pissed because no one could figure out why he was so pissed off in the first place. Valentine and his posse of teammates arrived at the house party a little bit later than everyone else, as usual. It was an unwritten rule that the host of the party would have the game highlights from that weekend’s...

2 years ago
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Kyles Porch Ch 06

These are not ‘Stand alone’ Chapters. I suggest reading from the beginning. Part six of eight: No birds this time This story is the product of a diseased and febrile mind. As such, it is fiction. Having said that, All my stories are true, even the ones I make up. Copyright 2007 L_D_Darrow I wish to thank Wolv_Project for taking the time to edit my offering. All mistakes are mine solely, whether planed or not. * Two years have gone by. Every month or more Olive and Candy write to me. The...

1 year ago
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Not Quite a White Knight Book 2Chapter 33 Preaching To A Visitor

8:16 Friday Morning About 15 minutes after the explosion there was a building-wide announcement (intercom and a scroll on the computer) that the police had arrived; they were asking us to make ourselves available to them. That was code, all the lawyers and their PA’s knew to conceal confidential data while the snoopy cops were around; “in plain sight” you know. However, I wondered about the service girls, so I shot a text to Barnes. He texted back “good catch, in the excitement I forgot...

3 years ago
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Path To GloryChapter 35

Amelie planned to serve as my honorary caddy during the pro-am. She rode in a cart beside us. Jill volunteered to caddy for Catalina for the week to help the girl save some money, which I thought was pretty nice. Bailey had told me the sisters were having a difficult time financially on the tour. "If one of them doesn't get a decent payday soon, they'll be in trouble," she told me. "Sophie won a little bit last year, but with her sister on tour, too, it's going to be rough. Jenny and...

2 years ago
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She Is Real Fun

“Leita.” I turn and smile at her, I love the sound of her voice, it makes me feel like the sun is shining brighter, like all the warmth is meant just for me, like I was meant to always be smiling, like I could always be happy so long as she keeps on calling my name. “Hey you.” I stand and give her a quick hug then pull her to sit down on the grass beside me. I'm starting to wonder if she actually can suspect how much I like her, I think lately it has become almost impossible for me to be around...

3 years ago
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An Affair to Remember Pt 01

I knew for a while that things with my wife were going nowhere. The sex was non-existent and I needed something, ANYTHING, to bring back the spark in my life. So I posted a simple ad looking for an ongoing ‘friends with benefits’ situation. I wasn’t sure what would happen but what I got was more than anything I could have ever asked for. It started innocently enough, a couple emails and we were texting each other, flirting and joking around. Her name was Ella, a beautiful name to be sure, and...

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Son Brutally Humiliated By The Busty Mom Jam

Matt sat on the beach, taking in the amazing view and soaking up the warm Jamaican sun, next to him lay his mother Sarah, enjoying getting a tan. Matt was a twenty five year old, happily married man. He worked a boring job that paid OK and had lived a relatively uneventful life, until last week when he had won an all-inclusive trip for two to Jamaica.Matt's wife Charlotte was unfortunately tied up with work and so couldn't come. Matt, rather disappointedly, instead decided to invite his mom...

1 year ago
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Tampa Bukkake

TampaBukkake! Bukkake is an interesting thing. First of all, I'm surprised it came from Japan. It sounds like some shit that would come from Florida. Second, I'm surprised it has a name. It could have gone unnamed and just been how gang bangs end.Instead, bukkake has gained a life of its own. It became its own entity with its own fanbase. If it didn't already exist, I would assume that not very many men want to stand inches away from a dozen guys all cumming, but I would have been wrong. It...

Premium Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
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Meeting my online lover

I'd joined a gay chat room. I had been fantasizing about being with a man for a while and this was a harmless, anonymous way to explore my interest. To begin with, I was very shy and didn't know how to respond to the occasional message that came my way. Then I got into a conversation with a guy who made all the running. I only had to go along with his messages. I've discovered that the best cybersex is to be had by going along with the person you are playing with. Unless it takes you...

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A Naughty Schoolgirl

My name is Ethan James. I am by no means a ladies’ man, but every once in a while, I get a bit of luck, but no more. Now I am a one girl kind of guy.  I am a twenty-five year old and have been going to bars and clubs from the day it became legal for me. (And even a little before I was legal too. Don’t tell the cops.)I have short brown hair and light brown eyes. I keep my beard trimmed close to my chin. A bit like a stubble effect, but I keep it like that. I go to my favourite club every...

Love Stories
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First Night Of Pleasure With An Older Woman

Hello guys and girls. This is the true story of how me, a twenty three year old simple guy from Delhi, raised in a traditional conservative household back in the day, got introduced to the world of sex, and how I lost my virginity to a gorgeous thirty year old girl. Her name was Neha. We had met because of our similar work lines. She had found my information from one of the websites where I had registered and had come over to talk business with me. I saw her enter and noticed her with the...

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My wifes first erotic adventure at the beach

When my wife and I were still a young, unmarried couple she showed subtle exhibitionist traits which I must admit I enjoyed very much.Seeing her being admired by others turned me on very much and seeing how she reacted to it made it all the more exciting. She would in fact allow other men to enjoy her beautiful curves (pic in profile), whilst however showing them I was her man. However both of us were willing to allow others to see her assets, after all sharing is a nice gesture.One day in...

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Secret Lives Part 1

Author's forward: This is a work of fiction so any resemblance to persons living or dead, in whole or in part, is purely coincidental. All of the usual copyright rules apply, but this story may be posted freely on any site that does not require a fee for accessing it. Also, the usual rules about legal restrictions on accessing stories like this apply according to where you hail from. I hope you enjoy, Joanne Secret Lives By Joanne Foxcourt, 2004 Chapter 1: Secret Agent...

2 years ago
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The Summer Ill Never Forget 45 The Auction Fin

The music started and Matt opened up his leather vest to show his bare chest. Steph didn’t realize that Matt wasn’t wearing a shirt under his leather vest. She thought she would recognize that little tidbit but with the alcohol was really beginning to kick her ass and her continuing raising pressure hiding under her panties demanding a cock inside of it now she could understand missing the little tidbit of not realizing Matt wasn’t wearing a shirt. As soon as he threw his vest off stage into...

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Pollyanna part 1

8:45 PM, the dressing room is buzzing, everyone is putting the finishing touches on their make-up. Most of the girls are already in costume, G-strings, pasties, and high heels or boots are standard for all the girls. They individualize their outfits from there, the usual stuff you see at a gentlemen’s club, cowgirl hats and vests, French Maid outfits, leather dominatrix corsets with matching thigh high boots, and schoolgirl tops and skirts. Michelle decided to go with the schoolgirl look. Since...

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My hungry relative

Hi this is Ashok again with a true experience with my wife’s sister in Law. I am new to this site and have liked it so I am sharing my true sexual experiences. I am not writing anything as fiction. I have great sex drive and an abnormally big dick. My size was big since my childhood and my first sexual experience was with my neighbor aunty and she exploited me sexually for 4 years and that’s the reason I developed a strong sex drive and have had many sexual encounters. Now am married and live...

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Freaky February Part Two

When the alarm went off it scared me. I didn't have an alarm in my room, but this was not my room. I looked up and saw my father walking naked to the bathroom. I had to admire his nice ass. I had never seen it bare like this before. All girls have a thing for their father, but while I now appeared to be in the body of my mother, I knew the fuck last night wasn't a dream. I slid a finger inside my pussy. This was when I discovered that Mother shaved her cunt. I liked the feel of it....

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Meeting an Xhamster Dominatrix part 1

The following is … right now!!! I’d love for some dominatrix to read this and to play out the following scene with one of her clients/slaves. This fantasy of mine has been so vivid to me for so many years that the details are very specific. So specific, it will be a two part story; each long, each hot!!Please comment!!!! I love to hear if I have hit the nail on the head. There is Lesbianism in this, anal play, BDSM and just about EVERY fetish I have ever had!! So read it, enjoy it,...

1 year ago
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Bhabi se fuck

Hello dosto mera naam Play hai mai Surat se hu. Maine ISS per bahut se story padi isleeye mai bhi apni ek story likhe jaa raha hu jo ki sachi hai mai nahi janata ki yeh sab story jo maine badi hai sachi hai ya nahi per mai apni sachi story likhe jaa raha hu. Baat undeeno ki hai jab mai 12th ke exam deye the mere bhai bhabi Mumbai mai rahte hai maine result nikle tak Mumbai chala gaya mai Surat se kabhi bahar nahi gaya tha ye mera pahala chance tha per mujhe kabhi ummed nahi tha ki pahala chance...

3 years ago
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The Cuckolds Reward Simons Story

His hands shook slightly as he ran the white bath towel down her back, mopping up the droplets of water from her shower. Simon was naked too and his erection was prominent. “Careful,” Terry told him as his cock touched her body, “I don’t want to be covered with your semen do I?” She said with a smile as she turned and touched him. Simon was not only hard but also very wet from leaking cum. “Sorry,” he apologised. Terry reached for a wipe from her dressing table and began to clean the...

2 years ago
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Pegged and Dicked

For years my wife and I have enjoyed imaginative role-play. Usually I was her Master, ‘forcing’ her to submissively please me in many ways. I guess I went a bit too far when I suggested another woman, our neighbor Karen, join us. Oh, not for real. We just pretended she was there and my wife had to play the passive role, describing how good her tits felt, and begging to eat her pussy. It was pretty hot for me to listen to my normally shy, demure wife get into the lesbian thing, and I thought she...

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BrattySis Athena Faris Whitney Wright Mormon Boys

Codey Steele is preparing for his mission with his friend Sean Kays. Codey’s stepsister Ms Faris and her friend Whitney Wright watch from the bathroom door, flaunting their bodies. They tease him, then pull Codey’s shorts down to ogle his dick. When Ms Faris whips her tits out to tease her stepbrother, he declares that if they wish to act like sluts he’ll treat them like sluts. He tells them to get up and pull their pants down, which makes it easy for him to slide Ms...

3 years ago
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Once a Year

I first met Shelby three years ago at a nightclub. She was with a girlfriend that I knew from high school and they had been club hopping. I got an introduction courtesy of my high school acquaintance and fell head over heals for her the moment she opened her mouth to speak. I don't know if you have ever experienced this, but I knew that I loved her the moment we met. I also knew that she was way out of my league. She was like a goddess walking the earth. Shelby has a body that is perfect in...

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Mere beta ne mujhe maa banaya

Hi friends,i’ll back with another episode of me & my horny son. After that 15 sex encounters i was edict for my son’s day morning unke papa went out for job i went to his room for wakeup him he sleep nakedly now i abserve his cock really it’s 9 inch long & nearly 2 & half inch thick & still it’s stand stiff over 90 degree’s my pussy were wet & my tit’s are tightened & it’s nipple’s are stay stiff i rubbing my clitoris above saree & than i out of control so remove my blouse, my saree,...

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Cheerleader fuck Fiction

I'm a part time student in collage. I love going to the basketball games, not only to watch the games but also the cheerleaders. They are so sexy in there short skirts and sexy legs. When they are held up in the air my the male cheerleaders and raise there leg up, I get so turned on looking at there crotch, know it that just under those tights is a warm sweet pussy. Having said that, this is my fantasy:After he game I hung out near the lockroom giving high five to the payers along with a small...

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SugarDaddyPORN Natalia Cross Natalia Cross was totally set on pleasing my every need Appreciate that darling

What a lucky guy I am to get to experience Natalie Cross. First off, I’ve never been with a woman 18 years old. I was majorly excited about this if I do say so myself. The reason I selected her was that beautiful body of her. Absolutely dig it and wanted to have it all day. I would say my favorite part of everything was Natalia’s blowjob. She got nasty with it and drooled all over my cock. She swallowed several nuts of mine and was begging for more. I was pretty tired by the evening...

4 years ago
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His Friends MotherChapter 3

Everything was back to normal and Jimmy was once again at the Hudson's house. He and Bobby were taking turns doing cannonballs to see who could make the biggest splash. Gail was the judge and wasn't being totally fair. She made sure both were rewarded with their efforts even though the much larger Jimmy always made the bigger splash. When she told them to come out of the pool and rest, they complained momentarily but finally sat in their chairs. Gail made Bobby move his further away to...

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Danny’s friends always paid me a lot of attention during these poker nights at our house. And why not? I’m a pretty brunette with a constant smile and great figure – about 5’5”, with a slim waist and 36D rack that seemed to get a lot of looks, and - frankly - I loved showing it off. I enjoyed all the attention I got from Danny and his friends, and even started dressing a little more risqué for these game nights….usually a mini-skirt or short shorts, with a tank top or thin cotton shirt....

3 years ago
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owned life p3

I didnt wanted to have one but didnt have a say , he got me in the tatoo shop and watch me get the qos tatoo over my lil caged cockcindy love bbc written under it ''she is very obediant , shes gonna be so cute at the beach showing off her cute tatoo ''''yes and she loves to please black daddies cock''looking at them from the tatoo chair my tatoo getting donemy body branded by daddy forever ''you gonna suck my cock girl?''''of course she will''in tight little panty my new tatoo done looking at...

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laura gets her wish

steve and laura were a happy couple they had been together for five years and were always happy together, thier sex life had been a typical one, they both enjoyed sex and trying things most coupples try, sex outdoors, tying up, videoing themselves ect. they had never gone to any extremes eventhough they had both thought of things they had never had the nerve to ask he other out of fear of being judged. one thing laura liked to do was watch lesbian porn while her and steve had sex, steve would...

4 years ago
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Pooja Maid Made For Prakash

Oh my God, readers of ISS are worth praising. They perfectly understand, what stories are good for their heart and mind. All the fans, praising my stories say one thing in common. Everybody say that love making is really great in my stories. Some praise the development of story. Some praise the narrations. But in all everybody say that your stories are culturally very good. Any ways my last story ” Husband’s Cousin Prakash “, Link : ” ” is admired by many. After these many...

2 years ago
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CommunityChapter 60

Cindy's turn: I was in the office. MY office, which was actually a corner of, you guessed it, Dan's office. I heard the front door open, footsteps, and then Maddie. "May I help you?" Maddie asked. And the unmistakable voice. "I'm Donna Smith. I'm looking for my daughter Cindy." Feelings going up and down in me. I knew Mom was a spectrum. I knew her in her slutty mode, on the prowl. And I knew that she could comport herself decently as well. I rounded the corner hoping against...

3 years ago
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On the Night Watch

I knelt at my master's feet. He had just finished listening to the first part of my story which I'd called To Go, Softly, As a Mouse. "This is wonderful," he said as he caressed my cheek. I gushed. That is the only way to describe it. It wasn't quite an orgasm but I was as wet and lubricated as I'd ever been. "How does this make you feel?" he asked as he indicated the print version of the story that was displayed on the wall. "Empty," I said simply. "Can you explain why that is,...

2 years ago
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Satans BrideChapter 30

Mioki knew there was every possibility she would not survive. Darius had told her the woman at the night club had bled to death. The horse her masters had chosen was not one of the largest breeds, but its shaft was still twice as large as even Darius's. "Mistress, may the lowly cunt speak?" "What is it?" asked Tanya. "Is Darius willing to buy back the lowly cunt?" "Perhaps, but all that matters nought if you don't take that cock," answered Tanya. But the "perhaps" was all...

1 year ago
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Moms Secret The Vacation

My parents and I sat in the living room watching television. Dad happily sat there without a care in the world. Mom was on the other side of the sofa. From an outsider’s perspective we appeared to be your regular, run-of-the-mill family. The secret I felt obliged to keep was tearing me up on the inside.Mom looked at my dad, scooted over to him and placed her hand on his. This was it. I knew what was about to happen.“Barry, we need to talk,” mom said.My heart was beating fast. Mom looked over at...


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