Pax MultiChapter 2 free porn video

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The shuttle from the orbital station to the meeting place extended sleek, filament wings, snap hardened them with a sweep of smart materials, and then began to drift down into the upper atmosphere of Charon. Heat began to gather on the wings – flames licking around them, sweeping along the edges, crawling like vines. Lou watched them grow and wondered what exactly had gone wrong with his life.


Obviously, the first mistake had been being born...

He glanced over at the only other occupants of the shuttle. There was his father, the priest, his mother, Amy, and...

He blinked.

“God Fucker?”

The gangly AnCom that he had expected to be four light years and subjective years in the past grinned at him. “Hey,” he said, cheerfully, then clambered to his feet, walked over and sat down at the chair beside Lou.

“What ... the ... what are you ... how did...” Lou spluttered.

“Dude,” God Fucker said, shaking his head. “My weight on the lighthugger was, like, a rounding error in its mass capacity. I just polled the AnCom community, didn’t get enough downvotes, and I was on.” He smiled. “They agreed with my reasoning: You, my dude? You need a friend.”

Lou blinked at him.

“ ... a friend.”

“Yeah,” God Fucker said, nodding to him, before reaching into his vest and tugging out a small packet of fruity snacks. He started to pop them into his mouth as the shuttle continued its glacially slow descent into the atmosphere – reducing turbulence by adding time.

“You want to be my friend?” Lou asked, still feeling as if he had just woke up into an incredibly surreal dream from an already surreal dream.

“Yeah,” God Fucker said. “You seem chill – like, way more chill than you’d expect for a real for honest actually fucking solid gold prince.”

Lou found himself smiling, despite everything. “I’m sorry, I’ll try and stick a bigger stick up my rump ... I don’t want to, uh, miss you out of the chance to actually get the full princely experience.”

God Fucker laughed. “That’s the spirit – don’t forget being spoiled. And vain!”

Lou grinned – but a tiny, sneaky, whispery part of his brain that he didn’t like started muttering. It sounded a great deal like his fencing instructor, Marc: We Neopolitans enjoy thinking of the AnComs as a collection of useless layabouts and hedonistic fools – but they’re more than capable of every kind of human interaction that we are. Sneaking, lying, disassembling, spying, espionage. Everything you could imagine from our noble houses, you can expect to see from the AnCom. But they will do so for reasons that will seem alien or confusing, and that is what makes them so ... very ... dangerous.

“Seriously, though, you’re willing to blow ... decades of life back on Earth to just be my friend for, what, the three days before I piss off my new wife and get eaten?” Lou asked.

God Fucker – Lou, unable to think of him like that anymore, started to drop his name to GF – laughed. “Dude, I’m immortal. Ten years? Twenty years? Who cares – my medichines are going to keep me going until the sun burns out, and I’ve got a backup that I update every week. Worst comes to worst, I lose a few days if I croak out here, maybe a few months if things go really really really wrong and the entire human civilization out here gets toasted, I loose a few years. That’s a big chunk of time to loose, but it’s not eternity.” He paused. “Besides ... you ... you got seriously hosed, dude. You’re going to need a friend.”

Lou blinked. He ... suddenly wanted to cry. He looked out the window, at the wing again. More flames were streaking along the edges of the wing – clouds roiled past the windows. “It’s not going to be that bad,” he said – trying the words out and feeling how utterly false they were.

“Dude, you’re getting married to the biggest mass murderer in the entire galaxy, as far as we know,” GF said, shaking his head. “ ... also, like, how the fuck did your dad even convince the Bugs to go along with this? They’re a hive mind, right?”

Lou nodded. “I ... haven’t asked.”

“It all smells like a fucking set up,” GF muttered. “I mean, I know you probably think that’s just some paranoid AnCom bullshit...”

“That’s not paranoid,” Lou said, looking at GF. His voice was more controlled, his eyes weren’t brimming with tears. “Thinking three, six, ten steps ahead is what we in the Neopolitan Star Kingdom do best.” He frowned and mentally kicked himself – hard. He had been taught all the deep games and the complex strategies used by the great houses. He knew this. He just had to apply it to his own father and his own future. Which ... he sighed. He hated it. But he had to do it.


“Okay ... think about it,” Lou said, quietly. “How does the United Human Polities work? It’s a compromise between all the factions, to keep the peace since the Meme War. That means that there are systems that keep even very small polities, like the Star Kingdom, relevant. Like, how we weight votes based on inverse populations. And the way that the biggest faction, the AnComs, allow their members to vote with other polities.” He smirks, slightly. “Like, half of the Federal and Neopolitan power comes purely from manipulating AnCom votes.”

GF nodded. “Yeah, I have a few mutuals and all they do is share feeds about the shit going on in the Federated States. It gets wild in their territory.”

Lou nodded. “And I bet there are just as many who are fascinated by the marriages, the spying, the duels, the secret affairs...” His cheeks heated and his eyes flicked, quite without him meaning too, from GF to his parents, who were speaking quietly. “ ... all that stuff. Right?”

GF nodded again. “I mean, you do know the Duchess of Leone’s sex tape leaked, right?”

“No, it didn’t,” Lou said, blushing. “It was leaked, I guarantee it.”

“Okay, wait, Amy was telling me that you said that you royals had to be all ... you know, chaste and shit.”

Lou shook his head. “We’re also taught about the power of hypocrisy. Hypocracy is one of the most potent human abilities in the galaxy.”

“Holy shit, I thought some AnComs were fucking cynical...”

“The Star Kingdom isn’t about ignoring the parts of the galaxy, about the parts of life, that we don’t like,” Lou said, his voice growing a bit heated. “We don’t pack mortality into a box and pretend it doesn’t exist, we don’t edit our brains to get rid of stuff like guilt or doubt or jealousy. We ... we just try to be.” He blushed, slightly. “We try to use what humans are to our best advantage.” He sighed, then sat up a bit in his seat, his mind whirling. “So. Problem: The Star Kingdom is on the downward spiral. Nobles and commoners alike drift to less demanding factions. Solution: Make sure that we remain relevant once the war is over and you no longer need a bunch of weirdos who spent their entire lives studying every single war humanity ever fought against itself out on the front lines, recreating Cannae and Dara. Nevermind.” He said, before GF could even ask.

“So, this marriage shit is ... a ... publicity stunt?”

“Yeah, basically,” Lou said, leaning against the wall. “Shit, it got you to fly across four light years just to get involved. How many social media followers do you think you’re going to gain when you get home?”

“Dude, I’m already fifteen million up and-” GF stopped. “ ... oh.”

“Even if the Bugs and I ... even if none of this works, even if it’s a literal farce, Dad can spin it as hard as he can in any direction he wants. Milk it for tragedy, make the Bugs into monsters, make me popular, whatever.” He sighed, slowly. “And the Star Kingdom keeps getting a bunch of votes from AnComs in UHP politics and ... the kingdom continues.”

“That’s ... fucking cold.”

Lou shrugged one shoulder. “It could be worse.”


Lou paused.

“I have no idea.”

Charon had a nitrogen rich atmosphere and soil that had been fixed with nutrients and minerals over the millennia by the only real life form that had evolved on the planet before the arrival of humanity. Thus far, with about five solar systems really charted and a few dozen with flyby probes shot through them, humanity had determined that life was common and multi-cellular life was common ... but common didn’t mean universal. On Charon, under the warmth of three suns (two, now that Proxima Centauri ... changed), life had never needed to go much further than single celled lifeforms. Due to the lack of large geographic separation points and plate tectonics, the planet’s surface was very stable. Stability meant that sitting around and creating a few kinds of biochemicals and squirting out nitrogen was all that the lifeforms on Charon had needed to do.

That was, until humans had come.

The first colonists had been renegades, separate from the United Human Polities. They had fled after the catastrophic ending of the Meme War, their original ideologies ripped apart in a haze of autophagic basilisk hacks and self replicating data destroying semi-sentient warprograms. They had arrived with a scattered, twisted version of history stored in their slow-boat computers, a taste for human flesh, and a decided lack of long term environmental planning in mind. That was why they had planted in the fresh, fertile soil of Charon ... trees. Redwoods, oaks, yews, birch, a wild array of flora that hadn’t even been intended to live near one another on Earth, let alone in the vast, untamed wilds of Charon.

The colonists had been wiped out by their own scarred culture – it turns out that ritualized cannibalism inculcated by a war criminal’s idea of a practical joke was not the most stable foundation for a planetary religion. The scant few survivors after the initial civil war died off, one by one, in forests that didn’t produce foods they could use. Various indigeinous and first nations peoples from Earth’s past could have survived just fine. But the colonists hadn’t had the foundational knowledge, the techniques, or the time.

And so, with the last human laying as nothing more than slowly desiccating bones, untouched by even the most indiscriminate Charon microbe, the forests had begun to work their own slow, spreading progress across the planet’s surface. There had been deaths, crossbreeding, wild chaos. The cruel pressure of evolution had forced changes – but in the end, when the UHP had come to the world a century later, they had found a rudimentary ecosystem. It had utterly destroyed the entire ecosystem that had been on Charon’s relatively flat super continent (without natural barriers or many oceans to stop it, a century had been more than enough time for the trees to spread and consume.) But among some members of the Polities, there hadn’t been much of an ecosystem to preserve...

Now, as Lou stood on the large, flash-constructed landing pad and looked out at the forests that surrounded the gleaming metal, he felt faintly cheated. Four light years and a dip in a cryogenic tank, and the only thing that made him think he was anywhere but right back in Geneva was the fact he had to wear a breathing mask – and the two suns that he could see overhead, shining down on the planet. The breathing mask was relatively flimsy and wasn’t even connected to a gas tank. All it had to do was filter out the excess nitrogen and increase the oxygen intake by drawing in extra air with every breath, using clever mechanical systems that he barely noticed.

“Nice place,” GF said, cheerfully, while Dad and Mom got off the shuttle. That was when Lou noticed the heavily armed and armored combat QHC – they were housed into heavy, beetle like combat bodies, their weaponry looking like sleek bumps and ripples in their forms. But Marc had taught Lou how to recognize railguns and heavy laser cannons and the missile tubes for seeker weapons. He pursed his lips, then looked around again, trying to spot ... well ... any sign of the bugs.

“Son,” Father said, walking over and nodding to him. Then he frowned, looking at GF. “Who is this?”

“This is ... Godfrey,” Lou said, nodding. “He’s one of the AnComs who, uh, he was at the Geneva meeting and he has come along.”

“Yup, that’s me,” GF said, cheerfully. “I’ve actually done a pretty comprehensive study of the Bug War and what we know about Bug biology.” He nodded. “Your little trick around Wolf 359 was incredible, if you don’t mind me saying.”

“Yes, well...” Father chuckled. “I had a bit of advice from Belisarius.”

Lou nodded. “What ... where is...” he paused.

“Amy has been handling the interpersonal communication with the hive mind,” Father said, nodding. “We’ve been learning a lot more about the actual workings of the hive mind – but teaching it how to speak more than the most rudimentary terms has been difficult.”

“Does it even know what a wedding is?” Lou asked.

“It knows that rituals are important for us,” Father said, nodding. “It knows that we are ... singular. Though, I’m not sure how much of that it understands. That is part of why I organized this, you know.” He leaned against the railing around the spaceport, looking out at the forests. “A single acorn, planted here centuries back, has created all of this. Even the war, even the antimatter, even the Bugs, haven’t erased what that single action has done. You are going to be that acorn, Louis. You will, by example and gentle persuasion, teach the Bugs what it truly means to be human. Not just our guns and our tactics – but our warmth. Our compassion. Our love.” He smiled.

Lou felt like he was two people at once. On the one hand, there was the Lou who wanted, desperately, to be that tiny acorn, planted underneath the soil, growing into some vast tree that would keep mankind safe for the future. But on the other, there was the Lou who knew that this smiling, charming man was as cold blooded as any king in history. All those ideals and speeches were so good. But...

He sighed. “I’ll do my best, father.”

“I know you will,” Father said.

“Wow.” GF said, quietly. “That was some heaping bullshit.”

Father slowly turned, looking at GF. He frowned, ever so slightly.

“You want to teach the Bugs, get a team of xenoanthropologists and diplomatic specialists,” GF said, crossing his arms over his chest. “This? This is bad comedy.”

Lou opened his mouth to interject, but before either he or father could respond to GF’s condemnation, a tree crashed down in the distance, with a rattling crackling spray of splinters and distorted rumbling sounds. Lou could see the movement in the woods – branches shift, trees moving. The combat bots all shifted in their stances, turning to face – and then the first of the Bugs emerges from the woods. They were darting, fast, sleeking things that made Lou’s eyes almost want to slide off them. It wasn’t that they weren’t obvious. They were. But each one was colored brilliant white and black colors, cleverly interlocked so that, as they moved together like a swarming blanket of chattering flesh, they created a wild confusion of colors and shapes. It began hard to figure out where one bug began and one bug ended.

The wave of creatures stopped as one, in a single, eerie demonstration of their coordination. Now that they weren’t moving, Lou saw that they were what human infantry called hellgaunts: Sleek, doglike creatures with narrow triangular snouts and four limbs that they used for running and two that they used to grip weaponry to their chest. The weapons were also alive – wriggling, bony masses of flesh that the infantry had named wormguns.


They fired worms.

More accurately, they fired bone tipped worms with complex biochemical reactions in their rectums, allowing them to propel themselves on streams of compressed, caustic chemicals that stung human flesh and eyes. On impact, the worms burrowed straight for the nearest vital organ, then exploded.

“Eesh...” GF whispered. “Does it all have to be so ... glistening?”




The trees rumbled. Shook. And then four of them were shouldered out of the way by an immense, bipedal shape. “Oh fuck,” GF whispered and Father crossed himself, reflexively. It was a Terror Talon, the Bug’s version of a main battle tank. Bipedal, with immensely powerful digitigrade legs and a top land speed that matched most hovertanks, the creature bristled with biological weapons. The two massive hooked blades in the end of arms muscular enough to drive those blades through solid composite armor. The stumpy limbs with wormguns at their ends, aiming in every direction. The back mounted parasitic creature called the rocketvore, which was capable of breeding and launching guided biological munitions that could be anything from acid bombs to mind control pheremone.

The Terror Talon thumped past the swarm, which flowed away from its hoof-like feet moments before they touched the ground. The fact that none of the hellgaunts had to look at where they were moving, and that there was no jostling and no hesitation just made it creepier. Soon, the Terror Talon was standing right at the edge of the spaceport. It’s face, inhuman and terrible, with six blinking insectoid eyes, craned down and a voice came from its abdomen, speaking past the armor plating like a man at the bottom of the well. “WE PRESENT.”

Lou spent the rest of the ceremony in a kind of dissociative state.

The priest spoke of faith, of duty, of differences becoming one, of the better future that could come from this. The Bugs listened and Amy stood beside it and murmured quietly to it – if it had ears, she was speaking into one of them. But Lou wasn’t entirely sure. He wasn’t sure about a lot of things, for instance. Like, if he was going to live for the next few hours.

Then the heard the words.

“You may now kiss the bride, and under the eyes of the Chalice and the Holy Ghost, be married from now until death.”

Everyone was looking at Lou. His mother and his father, seated at their comfortable chairs. The combat robots. The cameras in floating drone bodies. The curious AnComs who had come down to the surface. Even the hellgaunts. To his credit, the Priest was looking as if he was reconsidering what he had just said – as if he had done this kind of service so often, across so many years, that the words had just ... popped out without him even noticing them. He was opening his mouth and closing it, but Lou hardened his own distaste, and instead turned to the massive Terror Talon. He wasn’t precisely sure where to kiss it, and so, he tentatively held out his hand.

The Bug didn’t move.

He touched the edge of one of the massive bladed arms that hung at the sides of the creature, then leaned forward and kissed the flat edge of the blade. It tasted faintly like licking a bone after you chewed off all the meat on it. He stood up again, then nodded.

“I ... pronounce you man and wife,” the priest said, and polite clapping came from the guests.


The massive Terror Talon turned and began to stomp away. Lou felt a moment of relief, knowing that it was fleeting, knowing that this was far from the hardest part. Then he noticed the tentacle looping around his belly. It was slimey. Of course it was slimy. He had enough time to sigh, and try to look composed before he was yanked off his feet and dragged away, swing up and behind the Terror Talon. The last thing he saw of the rest of the wedding guests was GF holding up what looked like a communicator.

“Catch!” He shouted, and threw, and it landed among the hellgaunts. Then there was nothing to see but trees.

Lou found that even terror had its limits.

For about ... ten eternities, he was terrified. For the next bit, he was apprehensive. Then he was bored. The Terror Talon that had a hold of him wasn’t squeezing him hard, nor was it being particularly uncomfortable. Indeed, he was actually pretty comfortable, wrapped up tightly in a tentacle and kept in a kind of gimbled grip that meant that every step of the creature’s legs barely felt like anything more than a gentle swaying. But there was not much to see, beyond trees, then the large flat plains filled with dcrushing their way across a planet. This was because the planet had never been tectonically active enough to even have mountains or hills in the first place.

After what felt like an hour, Lou hit his limit.

“Where are we going?” he asked.

The Terror Talon did not slow in its running. “WE ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE,” it said. “THE SUB-ENTITY KNOWN AS MY HUSBAND IS BEING MOVED TO A ... PLACE...”

Lou’s brow furrowed. “What do you mean we’re not going anywhere?” he asked, craning his head to try and look the creature in the face. “I...” He stopped. “Right. You’re not just this ... bug, you’re ... all...” he paused. “Okay, what should I call you?”


The Terror Talon came to the edge of a forest, stepped through, and entered into something wonderous. Lou took a moment, simply gaping – at the colors, at the vibrancy, at the complexity that swept out before him. The main structure that caught his eyes were several immense crystalline latticeworks that looked as if they had been extruded straight out of the ground by vast biological engines, which rippled with bioluminescent colors. The engines themselves were rooted into the ground – and looked a bit like fingers, making the crystalline lattices look like the vast, intricate fingernails of a reclining goddess. Surrounding those crystals, filling the plain in every direction, were interlocking fields of luminous plants – vast flowers, curved mushrooms, rows of waving stalks that looked like soft, downy fuzz. They were intermixed in a pattern that defied easy understanding – and between them moved dozens of different kinds of bug worker that each lacked a name or term that Lou could think of. There were antlike creatures, and there were beetles, and there were spiders, and they were all working with one another in a harmony that almost hurt his brain to see.

It wasn’t chaotic or wild or random. It was purposeful and directed.

“W ... What is this?” Lou asked, his voice soft.


“What is this?” Lou shouted, louder – and laughed, despite himself. This ... the Terror Talon, the horror that his people had been fighting for centuries, the big bad boss of every action video game made in the past ten decades was hard of hearing. That was just hilarious to him.


“Technology?” Lou suggested. “Knowledge? Understanding?”


Lou chuckled. “It’s half French, half English, half Cantonese. It’s going to have that problem.”

The Terror Talon began to stomp forward – moving through the fragile constructions of this place without disturbing a single thing. “WHAT IS FRENCH?”

“Ah...” Lou sighed. “Now that’s a long story.”


Lou bit his lip, thinking. “Do you know how events are preceded by cause?” he asked. “A rock doesn’t fall unless you push it over?”


“A story is how humans understand events and causes – we organize them...” he gulped, hoping that he was making sense. “Then we tell them to one another and to ourselves, so that we know what happened and why.”

The Terror Talon come to the massive crystalline structures. The tentacle reached out, pushing Lou past the huge pillars, and then setting him down in the center. There, he found himself standing in a hexagonal room that like an oversized beehive. There was a very crude approximation of what might have either been a bed, a bath, or a crate of pollen, sitting off by one of the walls. There was a single doorway, which looked like it was actually living tissue, held together by the door.

Lou gulped, then walked over to the bed and sat down upon it, biting his lip. “Okay. This is my life now.” He nodded to himself. On the whole, it was ... less terrible than he thought. Yes, the bugs were ... weird. And he wasn’t sure how long this was going to last. But ... the hive mind, the Bug, whatever it was that he wanted to call his ... spouse? His wife? His ... farcical excuse for a life? Whatever they were, they seemed like they wanted to actually understand humans. He drew his legs up and sat back in the bed – then jerked his head over as he saw the door beginning to open. One of the beetle creatures came in, bearing a tray, with a large green globe that looked a bit like a soap-bubble, and a wriggling grub with a transparent skin and a body filled with a pale blue liquid. The beetle crouched down before the bed.

Lou looked down at it.


The silence kept stretching.

“Are...” Lou paused. “Are you ... my ... wife?”


The voice that came from the beetle was hissing and sibilant, and it seemed to come from the antennas that thrust from its squat head. They shivered and shook again.

“We are all. This unit has brought you water and nutrients that, according to the sub-units we consumed, are enough to sustain bodily functions for twenty four hours.”

Lou gulped. “Right.” He paused. “ ... consumed?”

“Over the past nine microcycles, we have consumed three hundred and twenty eight thousand of your sub-units,” the Bug said.


“A cycle is we chosen unit of time. We chose it based off observations of the sky during we’s history.” The antennas wriggled. “It remains consistent, even if we are in many different places. It is based on the rotation of rapidly rotating objects in the sky of incredible density, which circle around the...” The Bug paused. “the many places that we share.”

Lou bit his lip. “I have no idea what you’re...” He blinked. “Wait. Wait, is a place like this planet? Is that what you mean?”


The Bug was silent after that single deceleration. Lou frowned. Okay. He’d have to keep trying, then. He nodded. “Is a place ... a solar system? The planet and its suns and the asteroids and everything?”

“The speckdirtlifegiving does not have a sun,” The Bug sounded, and Lou was certain that they were confused. There was a quizzical tone to their hissing voice and, again, he found himself almost laughing. “The sun instead is circled by speckdirtlifegiving – this is a Place.”

Lou nodded. “So, a place is what we call a solar system. And ... you...” he paused. “Wait, these, uh, these spinning, dense objects in the sky, are they pulsars? Like, neutron stars that are rotating rapidly?” He coughed. “A neutron star is a star core that has collapsed into the most dense kind of matter that exists naturally in the universe without the application of ... understanding.” He gulped, slightly, shifting on the bed. “That’s what you’re talking about?”

“Yes.” The Bug, at least, didn’t hesitate.

“Okay, are ... are you telling me that you measure things in how long it takes the galaxy to rotate?” Lou asked. “The galaxy, the collection of stars that we live in?”

“Yes.” The Bug said.

“How ... how ... how many cycles ... have ... you...” He paused. “How many cycles have there ... been? For you?”

“Three,” the Bug said.

“ ... ah...” Lou’s fingers clenched behind him, gripping onto the rubbey surface of whatever the bed was made of. He was married to a hive mind that was seven hundred and fifty million years old. If he remembered his geohistory right, then his wife was older than the concept of sexual fucking reproduction. “Holy Christ on his Cross.”

] “What is Christ on his Cross? What is his?”

Lou rubbed his neck. “Oh boy.”

“What is oh boy?”

Lou sighed again.

Lou’s stomach growled as he laid upon his back, looking up at the brilliant night sky. He rubbed at his breathing mask and wondered how safe it was to be here, without anything but the Bug around him. He heard the faint sound of buzzing wings. Some glittering, luminescent shapes shot by overhead. He sighed again. His night adapted eyes could see the room as nothing but vauge shapes – the tiny wriggling grub he hadn’t been brave enough to eat, and the tiny green sphere that he had also been too scared to touch.

“This isn’t so bad...” he whispered. “I’m alone, on my wedding night. Married to a hive mind.” He gulped. “A seven hundred fifty million year old hive mind that killed so many people and it doesn’t even know that it did something wrong.”

The entire evening had been him defining terms – carefully and cautiously, trying to not confuse or anger the Bug. He had covered a wide ranging and scattered series of topics from pronouns to rocks, but the Bug still clearly hadn’t quite ... grasped what the idea of being a singular person was. By then, though, the sun was dipping and the Bug had announced, without warning: It is time for you to rest. I have been educated on the biological needs of your subunit.

And then it had left.

Lou closed his eyes. He wished he had his communication unit. He wondered if the rest of the delegation was panicking over his abduction.

Except, it wasn’t an abduction, was it? This was what everyone had expected – hell, they were probably talking to the Bug at the same time he was, since it was able to coordinate its bodies across light years, let alone across a few hundred kilometers. He tossed, then turned, and then laid on his back, trying to close his eyes and just force himself to sleep. Instead, he felt his skin crawling – aware that there were so many bugs out there...

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“I won’t leave again for extended periods of time”. Zax resigned to his mother. Besides, back then two years were chosen because he did not have the strength to go and come whenever. Now he did and the next goal to accomplish is to have the capital to do so right in front the five powers! “I will, now and then take trips, but they won’t be over three months. Is that acceptable?” Laylen deliberated. She wanted to say “of course not”, but there were subjects to argue and subjects to...

2 years ago
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The Email

Ray Parker had just arrived at work. The morning had been hectic, the usual chaotic schedule to get the kids off to school, his wife left very early to her nursing job so it was always his job to get the kids dropped off. Having to hit three schools to drop off four kids always seemed to take longer than he allowed for. The company that Ray owned and slaved at every day was both his blessing and curse, when he had started it five years back it had all been a dream, build it up, make a ton of...

3 years ago
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A New Beginning and Beyond Book 1 In the BeginningChapter 59

The first week in February went by before I could really think about it. We had started one of the two projects I’d need to complete in Home EC before I could graduate legally. We were making throw pillows and I had to get the fabric and stuffing material. Choosing fabric wasn’t really something that I wanted to do, so I chose the first pattern that appealed to me. It looked like the white cousins with the brown splotches, it was 100% heavy duty cotton. I got twice the amount of pillow...

1 year ago
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Masters slave

**My first story!!!**Chapter One I looked my Master in the eyes, but quickly returned my gaze downcast when He met my eyes with His. Even a quick glance from those piercing hazel eyes threatened to send me to subspace. Since our first meeting at that quiet, newly renovated coffee shop, I had yet to look Him in the eyes for more then a few seconds. The aura He gave off was unmistakable, and astounding, and was the first thing that had attracted me to Him. His caring, sense of humor and...

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The Romance of Lust A classic Victorian erotic n

The Romance of Lust - A classic Victorian erotic novelAuthor: AnonymousVol 3 The castle, although in a valley between the hills, stood on a high perpendicular isolated rock some hundred-and fifty feet above its base; it was crowned with a very high building to make up for want of space at the foundation, and had besides a very lofty and bold round tower, rising high enough above the sides of the valley to serve as a lookout beyond them. The habitable part was reached from the main gate by a...

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Whos That Girl Side A

Who's That Girl - Side A by Kelly Newman It was September 1986 and Martin Taylor's life was an empty shell. At 21 years old all he had in life was a university degree, a boring bank job that he had started just after graduating in the summer that year and a flat he rented in a non-descript part of London. Martin had acquaintances rather than friends - and these were all work colleagues - and certainly no girlfriend. At school in Liverpool he had been something of a loner, especially...

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Husbands job changes everything

Kim and Ray had been married for a year. Ray couldn't believe his good fortune to have found a woman as gorgeous as Kim. He didn't consider himself very appealing to women and as a result lacked confidence when he was around them. He wasn't a particularly good looking man, and by the time he reached 25 he still hadn't dated much. He stood 5' 8" tall, was slim, and not too well endowed. As a result, he all but worshipped Kim and tried his best to give her everything she asked for. Often, he...

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Me and my boss8217s wife

Hello this is Pabby with one of my oldest exprinces I am working as a personal assistant to a very rich man. I am more to look on the domestic problem then working in the office. At that time I was 21-year-old medium build having 5ft 11 inches height. My mistress is very beautiful woman in this world. Anybody see her he will definitely keep on staring her beautiful curves. I was fortunate to have sex with such a lady. It all happened at the time of holi, our boss has gone to America for the...

2 years ago
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Surprised encounter

Now talk about some fun times I love to fulfill my fantasies. It has always been my desire to see just how far my wife of 35 years would go in the sexual situation so one night I got my chance. You see my demure wife is a great looking lady despite our middle ages, of course age takes it toil but she holds her age wonderful and the guys still look her way when she walks by. We have been going to a local nightclub/pub for a few months for dancing and drinking. The people seem to know us and we...

1 year ago
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A Lesson in Lust

I knocked softly, waited a respectful fifteen seconds before entering. The name plate said baldly: R B James, Head Teacher. The letters MSc to which R B James was entitled were absent. The term Head Teacher rather than Principal - the correct form for the appointment - was a small token of defiance. Behind the desk R B James completed filling in a form and transferred it to a mounting pile in the out tray before looking up. She removed her glasses and gave me a weary smile. ...

Straight Sex
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Caesii And Yu Ch 01

Caesii stood on stage and watched Luminor recording her performance of Cinema Bizarre’s ‘Escape To The Stars’. When the set came to its end, she went back to the DJ table, and put on a slow song for everyone to dance to. When it had started, Luminor came over to her, and shook her hand. ‘That was pretty…’ he began, stepping behind the table with her. ‘Fantastic? Perfect? Amazing? I don’t think these words describe it.’ ‘Wow! Thanks!’ Caesii said, moving over to make room for him, and then...

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I Couldnt Get It Up

It had been more than three months since my wife and I had sex. My wife is still a very sexy woman for being in her upper forties. She still loves sex as much today as she did when she was in her twenties. We always had a great sex life, but now there was just one problem. The doctor had put me on medication that caused me to be impotent. I hadn’t been able to keep an erection since going on the medicine. I felt sorry for my wife as our great sex life had come to complete stop. She was very...

2 years ago
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Wife Discovers Erotic Photography Chapter 1

Background: The story takes place before digital photography, the Internet, cell phones, etc. ********************** Chris was in his family room going through photographs of his twenty-six year old wife, Stephanie, taken before they were married. He took in his wife's sensual beauty. Stephanie was five-seven and kept herself in shape through exercising and yoga classes. She had a sultry look and blonde wavy hair to her shoulders. Her head was leaning slightly down as she looked directly into...

1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 869

Mensa & the salt & pepper shakers... Some years ago, there was a Mensa convention in San Francisco. Mensa, as you know, is a national organization for people who have an IQ of 140 or higher. Several of the Mensa members went out for lunch at a local cafe. When they sat down, one of them discovered that their salt shaker contained pepper, and their pepper shaker was full of salt. How could they swap the contents of the two bottles without spilling any, and using only the...

3 years ago
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Virgin Chennai Bitch FIRST BLOOD

Friends this is my first sex story which I am gonna narrate my real life incident took place in 2015 AUNTY IN OPP BUILDING Regularly me and my friend used to meet and chit chat in his terrace daily that was the time me and my GF broke up so regularly I meet my friend and tried to come out of that one day opposite to his home there is a big flat I guess more that 100 homes from his home we saw a movement of a lady walking so we were checking what she was doing our good time, she was changing her...

3 years ago
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Sodomy in September

Chapter 1: Master Librarians Once More "Are you ready, Jack?" Annie asked, waving her Master Librarian card at him. After their last mission, she had found it in the bottom of her old jewelry box and now kept it in her wallet. She was dressed for a casual outing in jeans and a light blue t-shirt, but Jack wore his usual cargo pants and a collared shirt. He had grown used to the more professional look while in college, a common mode of dress among archeology students. Jack examined his own...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Renata Fox First Double Vaginal

Renata Fox is super horny. The brunette teen from Russia masturbates in the bedroom while Choky Ice and David Perry have fun playing computer games in the living room. Soon, she joins them but not to play video games, but to get them to bang her pussy hard. At first, both seem not interested, but when David Perry gets some coffee from the kitchen, Renata Fox starts making out and Hardcore fucking with Choky Ice. Once David Perry returns, he joins them for an unforgettable threesome, loaded with...

2 years ago
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Flashing And Fucking At NASCAR With Kelly

It was June of 1994. Kelly and I had been talking about making a trip to a NASCAR race and we made it happen. We invited our good friend Patrick to join us for the weekend. Patrick and Yvonne had been a couple we started having sex with while still in high school. Patrick and Yvonne had split up a while ago but we were still close friends and he happily maintained his friend-with-benefits status with Kelly. Kelly and I were thirty-four. Patrick was a year younger than us.We arrived Friday...

1 year ago
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More Than Friends part 2

For some unknown reason I still wasn’t going out with Jamie after that night when we first gave in to our feelings. My cousin was coming to stay for a week whilst her parents went to a friend’s funeral in Germany. The last time I had seen her was when she was 12, which was 4 years ago. Although we hadn’t seen each other for a few years we still kept in touch, generally with emails and msn. Lindsey was due to get here at about 1 a.m so I had a day to kill, It was hot and sunny out side...

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Ultimate preppy boy

Daniel and Jennifer had been best friends since their freshman year in high school. Although their relationship started off rocky, they learned to respect each other’s differences and eventually love each other like best friends tend to do. Jennifer had always thought of Daniel as cute and a total sweetheart, he played tennis and was quite good at it; he was the ultimate preppy boy at school. Blonde hair blue eyes, charming personality and the only child, so he usually got everything he wanted....

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My favorite Sex Toy

I was out for a drive and decided to see him. His only purpose in my life was to serve one role and one role only. He did that so well I was beginning to feel more for him than the slippery lust he produces in me at the thought of his big cock fucking me. I told him when I first saw his profile on lushstories. ‘I don’t believe that is you. But I like the pics. They make me hot.’ After a while we went from online messaging to texting. Or better, sexting. Using pics and messages. Sometimes...

2 years ago
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Princess Evelyn

You stared at the wall, tears falling from your face as the words that your father had said to you rung painfully in your mind. He had told you that if you did not find a good, rich and handsome suitor within two weeks, he would marry you off to either your brothers, your cousins, some fat old loaf from another Kingdom, or... himself. After your mother had died, he had created a Harem of beautiful women that fucked and served him like no woman ever had done before. You swallowed, hoping to the...

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5 Cheerleader Sex Slaves Chapter 18

This is the story of 5 high school cheerleaders who get lost and have their car breakdown, only to have a friendly garage owner "help" them out and turn them into slaves. Thanks for reading...Chapter Eighteen “So boys, do we have a deal?” Mack stared at Tara’s body intently, her breasts shuddered enticingly in front of him, mere inches from his face. “I won’t ask you to sell me the bitch now, but take the other...

4 years ago
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The Rush pt 4

When Melanie got back to her house, she walked in to find her mom, Janice, waiting for her. Her mom looked up at her and narrowed her eyes, glaring daggers at Melanie, causing Melanie to flush. A few months before, Melanie had walked in on her mom while she was masturbating, and Janice had fucked Melanie to keep Melanie quiet about it. Melanie had told her mom then, about her relationship with Kayla, and her mom had been touchy towards her ever since. “You have some explaining to do, kid.”...

2 years ago
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My wife her brother and his friends

Many of you have been enjoying looking at the photos we have uploaded of my sexy wife Carole, and also like reading the couple of stories I wrote about her, regarding her sex life before I knew her; in fact, as some of you have asked for more information about her, I am going to tell you all about what she told me regarding her very early days, when she was still at school, and how her interest in boys was aroused and developed. When she was about f******n years old, her brother David would be...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Amber Chase Jessie Lee Bomb Threesome

The two bombshells Jessie Lee and Amber chase join with Nathan Bronson make up this bomb threesome, first, the tattooed Jessie has a sensual encounter with a blonde Amber showing up their luscious bodies touching and licking each other, suddenly appears in the scene Nathan and this trio does everything imaginable in a sexual vortex, blowjobs, licking pussy, cowgirl, doggy style, missionary, and all imaginable positions, Nathan has to do a very hard work with these horny whores, in the end, they...

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Market Forces

Preamble : Removal Men Preamble : Removal Men Rebecca Hales was tired. It had been a long flight. She dragged her trolley bag through the front door of the flat she shared with her boyfriend. ?Larry?? she called, not really expecting him to be there. No reply. Then she saw the note on the hall table. ?Hi Hun, welcome back,? it said. ?I?m up in town tonight. Call me tomorrow when you get back, we?ll do lunch if you?re not too tired.? She looked at her watch. Half past nine. Time enough...

4 years ago
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Sexual Fantasies Sorry Honey

DISCLAIMER: This particular series of stories will be one-off adventures. Some long, some short. Some straight, some lesbian, some bi, some sissy, some gay. But hopefully you’ll find them arousing!Sexual FantasiesSorry HoneyJohn walked into the house after a long day at work. He was ready to finally start college in the coming months and the job money would help. As he entered, he heard his mother calling him into the kitchen. Julia, a beautiful woman in her mid 40’s, was seated at the kitchen...

2 years ago
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Alice in Wondeland Takes a Turn

Alice, clad in a pink bra and matching pink panties, sat on the lawn interweaving her silken combed locks into a thick long plait. No sooner had she finished braiding her hair, then a high-pitched voice from nearby started her. ‘Drat! Damn! Fuck a duck! She’ll kill me if I’m late!!’ the voice was saying in a very excited tone. Alice jumped up and looked over the hedge to see the speaker. To her astonishment, it belonged to a rather large, white rabbit. Not an ordinary rabbit by any means....

4 years ago
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Best friend watching us while fucking

My girlfriend (27) is very pretty and sexy. She has beautiful, well-shaped tits (cörb size C) and a really horny ass. She's dark-skinned, but doesn't have this mega ass like many other black women, but bigger than an average white women's ass. Ideal for me! I love to take her doggy, clap her ass and inject my juice into her mouth and face or on her ass. She likes to lick my cock clean and make me horny again for the next fuck. Our sex life is varied and fun.Her best friend Amanda lives in the...

3 years ago
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Bell Whistles SecretsChapter 7 Whats Next

As we gathered things together, we found that we had almost forty-four pounds of gold. The gold cross alone weighed close to six pounds. In addition we had twenty-three uncut emeralds of various sizes, most of which were larger than the tip of my small finger and almost a pound of gold jewelry plus the signet ring. Truly this was a pirate's treasure worthy of the name. After the emptying of the chest we were quiet and introspective. The only activity occurred when Elise snapped another...

2 years ago
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Cuckqueened By The Maid Chapter 3

Naked and tied to a chair, I was forced to watch as my husband of twelve years fucked our housekeeper, a woman six years younger than me. Maria climbed on top of him and straddled him, holding his hard fat cock in one hand. She purposely looked at me and, as I sat there helplessly, she lowered herself slowly onto his cock, the cock I should be getting!“Oh fuck, baby, your cock is so big and so fat! Oh, it feels so good!” she moaned as she slowly slid down his shaft. I could almost feel it...

4 years ago
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Rapes ProgressChapter 12

Hope joined her little sister, Charity, about a week after her sibling had become my live-in sex-slave. Hope was in a bad way. She had been interrogated for several days by Zac and his henchman Cyril. These two were determined that Amazon Pot Com - an all-women marijuana-growing and marketing company recently formed by Hope - would not threaten their local monopoly. To reinforce their claim to the monopoly of illicit cultivation of Indian hemp in the nearby National Forest Zac and Cyril were...

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Kutte ki chudai dekhkar

Hello to all readers of Indian sex stories I very rare come to read these pages but whenever I read any new stories I really enjoy it. Before there was nothing with me to write any story to submit here but it really happened to me recently what a surprise it was. The incident happened like this. I am a man 43 years married and enjoy very peaceful and happy life live in Hyderabad. Between my house and my neighbors house there a narrow lane and in that narrow lane my neighbor’s door open there is...

3 years ago
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Being Rowan

My name is, well, was, John. I always thought of myself as just one of Rowan Morrison's many fans and nothing more then that. Not a stalker- certainly not a stalker, although I'm sure many would have thought of me as obsessive. I had all her CD's at home; every possible magazine article about her, and my bedroom was covered in her pictures. I even wrote fan fiction about her - nice ones, not horrible rape and torture type fics. I often compared her life to mine and wished that I...

3 years ago
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Yet Another Harem Isekai

At the Age of 84, while walking a trail he'd loved in his youth, Reader collapsed of heart failure. A member of his hiking club, a woman 20 years his junior who would never know that her crush on him was reciprocated, gave him CPR until paramedics arrived. He was pronounced Dead On Arrival, but by then his attention was already elsewhere. The world's grip on him had been tenuous these last few years. Beyond the tunnel and the light, Reader came to an unadorned room. He found himself in a chair...

4 years ago
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The New Robin

You let out a heavy breath, leaning against the training dummy. You've been in the Cave all day, training so Bruce will be able to trust you have his back. He took you in when no one else would, and after finding out about his crusade, you want nothing more than to help. Pushing your self back, you grit your teeth before sending more punches towards the dummy. "You been down here all day?" A voice catches your ears. You turn your head, finding the perfect figure of Batgirl, smiling at you as...

2 years ago
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The Greatest Lie Part 5

This story is purely fictional and meant for adult audiences only! All resemblance to actual persons is coincidental. It contains graphic sex described in first person narration by its transgendered, teenage protagonist. If you are not an adult, or if you find this type of material offensive, please stop reading and dispose of this file. You have been warned of the content. If you proceed neither the author nor the site host will be held responsible! A previous version of...

2 years ago
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My Girlfriend Tricks Me Into Being Filmed in an Awkward Position

I had wanted to film my girlfriend and I having sex for months now, and she had been very resistant to the idea because she was worried that I would put the video out on the internet if we broke up. She was worried about protecting herself and her career and didn't want to get screwed over, so we came up with the idea of a ransom video. It was basically a video that would be humiliating for me if it was released, and that wouldn't contain any shots of her at all.Her first suggestion was me have...

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LISA 2 Les Love1

LISA LOVE is the love of my life: most dear, pretty, tasty, sexy, sweet and completely dedicatedLisa Love is a blonde beautiful baby - she looks like my dream of life come true, I am intoxicatedI feel twenty years younger with this best intoxication which ever happened to me in so many yearsI feel often like she is already living with me now, as talking every night makes us feel so closeI will also host my best girlfriend from here at my home, finally she is not afraid anymore to meet meI will...

3 years ago
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The Journey Episode 7 Wasteland

Notes: 1- Continuing my futurology experiment, I describe what is going to happen to the fertile fields of central Brazil (the so called " cerrado") after people disappears. 2- The storm belt is no invention of mine. Currently, from time to time, a continuous band of clouds form carrying water vapor from the amazon lowlands towards southeast Brazil, these are called "convergence zones", you probably are aware of the sad happenings in the mountains near the city of Rio the Janeiro, who...

4 years ago
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Keep On Trucking

It was late, it was cold, and Ron was behind schedule as he came down I-69 into Flint with his load of car parts. The only thing on his mind was unloading, dinner, shower and a bed. He didn’t even want a woman in it, that’s how beat he was tonight. Ahead and on the side of the road he spotted a Chevy Suburban obviously disabled with its radiator overheating and steam pouring into the frigid air. He slowed down as a protective measure in case he needed to take any kind of action. Motorist could...

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Swinging and sharing

A story about swinger type lifestyle.Including hotwife and sharing. Can you deal with jealousy and can watch your wife fucked by others?Some pathetic than you and some more better than you? Will you break or go along with flow? Do you have confidence that your wife wont get corrupted? Mostly of anime worlds and the people inside it. Its divided into two types. Short - One time special swinging meetings.Meaning one time or multiple time meetups with respective couples but for a limited time(Fast...

1 year ago
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Cousin trys out my cock

Note : This story is completely fictional! My cousin and i were always close so,i wasnt surprised when she showed up to hang out. She was upset when her man left her for another woman. she had come over to talk since we are close. But,I had no clue as to what she truely wanted... She wanted to swim so,i figured i would watch and talk while she swam.she walked out in her bikini. she has fair skin,red hair, dd tits,a huge ass and some freckles. her tits spilled out of her top and her ass was...

1 year ago
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Ciarra the ColdChapter 9 The Tailor

Surrounded by a solid block wall, Gravestead was reasonably well protected. I reminded myself to avoid attracting the wrong kind of attention, at least until my pets and I could safely fight other champions in a dungeon. I approached the two guardsmen stationed at the city gate. Vixen’s over-sized clothing amused them, and they didn’t try to hide it. Grinning, they asked a few questions about where we came from and what we planed to do in the city. My pet had expected their questions, and...

4 years ago
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Harry Potter as A Girl

Harry Potter hunch over his wooden desk in his aunt and uncle's house. He sat in the smallest bedroom of the Dursleys home, adding the last ingredients to his silver cauldron. Harry's little monster inside been wanting to see his best friend, Ron, little sister naked for a long time. He held a few small locks of Ginny red hair in his hand. Ready to drop it down inside of his bubbling cauldron. Harry didn't want to act on his impulse of asking Ginny out. But he did want to see her hot tight body...

4 years ago
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Georgie GirlChapter 14 Making it Happen

Devon had drawn up the papers of incorporation for our little company, registering us as Smithton PWTS, Inc. I was the nominal CEO, while Thomas was CFO and Georgette was Director of Market Research with Kevin being Director of Manufacturing. All the other investors were listed as Directors at large. Georgette's primary responsibility was to make sure we were filling the right need(s) with our designs and she took her job very seriously. I expected nothing less, of course. That was her...

3 years ago
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Docs Complex 10 Whos Who

Doc's Complex 10 - Who's Who by Lee Most Copyright 2012 by Lee Most -------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis: Chapter 10 of the FMNaNoWriMo challenge novel "Doc's Complex," in which our group of now-buxom explorers figure out each other's names and how to tell each other apart now that they all are or look like buxom women and most have shoulder-length blond hair. Categories and key words describe only this chapter. I'm concentrating on writing now, so...

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Conflicted Jess

Today was Ana's birthday, one of Jessica's best friends birthday. To celebrate, Ana's boyfriend rented the biggest VIP room Club XXX had. There were a lot of people that Jessica didn't know, but the only thing that matters was that she's enjoying today with her friends. "Jess, wanna go to the bathroom with me?" Jessica happily obeyed following her friend Ana to the lady's room. "So I've made up my mind." Ana says smirking at her own reflection. "Tonight's the night Jess. Jake's going...

3 years ago
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Drive For ExcellenceChapter 13

Monday after school we started practicing for Cornwall. We had a score to settle with them. They beat us last year, beat us to a pulp. We lost that game 38-24. It wasn't really as close as the score indicated either. Cornwall was also 2-0. They won their first game with Eastern 24-13. They won their second game with LS 17-9. They played tough physical football. That was OK this year. We were ready for smash mouth football now with our big offensive and defensive lines. Coach Baer had Andy...

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