Pax MultiChapter 7 free porn video

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“No, I do not have a knife, my lady,” Lou said, his voice somehow not managing to fall into giggles once more. But it was hard to resist the urge. His wife, Beatrice Benoit, a seven hundred million year old hive mind with her consciousness spread across three solar systems and several trillion bioforms, had managed to get her latest body stuck fast into a few strands of spiderwebbing. This made sense, considering her latest bioform was a spider: Six arms, two legs, eight eyes which fanned out to either side of her delicate nose, cute little fangs, the whole deal.

“Darn...” Bea scowled, her mandibles – which emerged from her lips like a secondary set of jaws – clashing with an irritated click before retracting again. The effect was a bit disconcerting, but not ... entirely unappealing, which said a great deal about her ability to design a body that rode the line between insect and human.

And my tastes, possibly, Lou thought. They might be shifting more towards the insectoid. And that may be worrying, save ... she’s so darn cute. He grinned, then walked forward. “How, exactly, did you manage this?” He swept the beam of his flashlight along her body, down to where her ankles were wrapped in a thick stand of cobwebs.

“I...” she blushed, her mandibles twitching out of her mouth in a little, nervous ‘punching’ gesture, one two, left right. “Promise to not laugh.”

“I swear, by my honor as a gentleman and your husband,” Lou said, solemnly, then placed his hand upon his breast.

Bea sagged in her restraints. She actually had two arms that were freed – her lower left and lower right, but they were both tucked up against her soft, black belly to keep herself from getting them stuck, as she had with her four other arms – two of which were pinned above her head, the other two were stuck to the walls by the spiderwebbing, cruciform style. She looked away, then muttered. “I-I had just hatched this form a-and was getting used to how it moved. Then you! You kissed me! A-And ... well, um, there’s ... certain biological functions that are more closely related than I thought...”

“Your spinnerets?” Lou asked, blinking as he looked down, his brow furrowing.

Bea’s face flushed. “I-It only will happen this one time! I am quite sure of it!”

Lou’s brow furrowed. “But how did ... all this?” His gesture took in the entire array of spiderweb bondage.

“I tripped!” She exclaimed.

“You ... manage the movement of billions of bodies and you tripped? In such a way to ensnare yourself like this?” Lou asked, arching an eyebrow.

Beatrice flushed. “If I had done so intentionally, I would not have done so in a cave! A-And I would have ensured that you were properly dosed with an aphrodisiac, to overcome your instinctive Neopolitan urges towards decorum.” She sighed, slightly. “I would be bound up, and say ‘oh no, I have been accidentally bound up!’ and then you would lose your control and ravage me, as you did a few nights hence.” She sighed, slightly.

Lou grinned, ever so slightly. “You know, there is ... ah ... well, there...” He coughed, his cheeks darkening despite his attempts at bravado. “You know, there are limits to even my restraint and decorum, Beatrice.”

Her eyes blinked in a rippling pattern – starting at her left, then working inwards, then outwards, so that her leftmost eye blinked the last. Then Beatrice squirmed and wriggled, sitting up as much as she could within her webbing. “Am I to be ravaged? This body has brand new enhancements to various parts,” she said, excitedly. “For instance, it has internal wombs this time!”

“That has been something I’ve been meaning to ask,” Lou said. “How does your wasp body ... the ... it...” He carved, in the air, the shape of her waist.

“Oh! I’ll show you once we arrive upon the lighthugger,” Beatrice said, nodding, then started to wriggle again. “I-I mean ... once you have freed me from this restraint. And you have not ravaged me without mercy or restraint, f-for it would be a very undecorous thing to do!” She winked with all four of her left eyes at once.

Lou rubbed his chin, regarding her slowly. His tongue darted along his lips, and he murmured, softly. “You know, you have outdone yourself, pushing the limits of what humans find attractive...” he murmured, softly. His hand slowly reached out and he began to slide his fingers along her belly, finding that her chiten plates were softer than they looked, dimpling like skin. His finger found the edge of one and he teased it, drawing a soft hissing-chittering noise from her. Her eyes drooped and her head hung forward slightly as she wriggled in the webbing that kept her from moving.

Save, of course, for her lower arms.

Her hands gripped his wrist, and she tried to drag his arm down to the joining between her legs. Lou laughed, then jerked his hand free, turned, and grabbed her hands with his, before pinning them back against the webbing. As they stuck, he worked his fingers free with a little smile. “Naughty, naughty...” His tongue slid along his lips again and Bea let out a frustrated whine. Her thighs trembled as she tried to squirm – but the signs of her arousal were so very apparent. Her sex glistened and her juices dripped along her thighs, while his fingers slipped against her belly, finding another seam of chitin plates. He crooked his finger, teasing her more, and Bea squirmed even more, straining against the webbing.

“Touch me...” she whispered.

“I am,” Lou crooned, his fingers sliding down to touch the inner side of her thighs, caressing slowly, slowly. He almost reached her knee before she clacked her mandibles together and tossed her head to the side.

“Not there!”

“Oh, here, then?” Lou knelt. His lips kissed the front of her shins. He licked up, moving to the seam between shin and knee. His tongue teased there and his eyes closed as he breathed in her almost imperceptible scent.

“Upon sex!” she gasped. “I put nerve endings there, use them, foolish husband!” Her mandibles twitched and she closed all eight of her eyes at once, her arms straining against her webbing. Lou chuckled, then kissed the broad flat sweep of her thigh, then nuzzled against her hip, his other hand gently sliding along the side of her leg, making her tremble and twitch delightfully. His palm glided along her belly and Beatrice whined out: “Pleeeeease!”

“You say you put the nerve clusters there, my delightful wife,” Lou whispered, kissing along her belly, nuzzling near the tiny divot that served as her belly button – a delightful addition, despite the utter lack of any reason for a spider-humanoid hybrid bred in a biotech cloning facility to have a belly button. His tongue traced it with slow, deliberate maliciousness, and watched as her face tightened up more and more. The tiny squirms that she could manage despite being webbed to the wall were just ... utterly delicious. Subtle, but so very enticing. “And yet, it seems like every time I kiss you, your entire body feels it. Are you sure you did not place a nerve cluster ... here?” He kissed the side of her belly and Beatrice trembled, her eyes fluttering.

“I-I, uh, am reminded of when I first orgasmed. When you played with my antenna.” She gulped. “T-This ... I ... am ... is this what love does?” She moaned as he kissed the underside of her breast. “I ... oh Lou!” Because while Lou was enjoying torturing her, there was a limit to what he could do to himself. And her nipples were right there, hard and eager and just waiting for him to fasten his lips around them and suck. His eyes closed and he sucked upon her and Beatrice tried to arch her back against him, her hands tightening as she panted softly and moaned his name out like a prayer. “Oh Lou! Oh Lou, oh yes!”

Lou’s fingers found her sex and he plunged his fingers in, crooking them up – and then jerked his mouth away from her breast in shock. Her sex had tightened around his fingers and he felt something else gripping them right back – a muscle tightening around him like a circular vice. His mouth opened, then closed as he looked down. The tightening feeling changed and he felt the ‘touch’ slip from his knuckles to his fingertips, back down again as Beatrice, panting, whispered. “I ... told you I ... improved my ... cunt.” She grinned, eagerly.

“Oh my...” Lou murmured, his fingers remaining still within her. Then, slowly, he smiled. “They must take a great deal of focus, do they not?” He licked his lips as Beatrice, looking as smug as a spider could be, nodded. Well. She tried to not, considering how she was still webbed to the wall. “I am quite impressed, my wife ... I wonder how you will keep up with this, though.” He crooked his hand and his thumb pressed right against her clit. He began to rub her as he added a third finger to her sex, plunging into her and fingerfucking her with the casual confidence he had learned across two of her bodies. Her eyes went wide, then drooped to a jagged, irregular pattern of half lids. Not every eye drooped the same amount, giving her a punch-drunk expression that only accentuated the way her mandibles hung limply out of the side of her mouths and her tongue lolled against her chin. Her cunt-muscles spasmed around his fingers, trying to grip him, to tease him the same way she had ... instead, it felt more like the frantic grasp of her hands during the hottest moments of their lovemaking.

“Hnnnn!” Beatrice whined out a thoughtless, animal noise – intense and eager and needy – and her back arched as her sex spurted along his palm and his wrist, soaking him with her pleasure as Lou leaned down, drinking from his palm and her sex with a worshipful moan. His nose flared, breathing in the smell of her arousal as he drank and he licked and she trembled and whimpered.

“Hows that?” Lou slid his hand away, licking his fingers slowly clean.

“My husband is the best of all husbands in the entire galaxy, yes...” Beatrice mumbled, her eyes closing as she lolled her head to the side. “He will now impregnate this body.”

“Will he now?” Lou asked, starting to stand up. His member was achingly eager. The taste of her, the feel of her, the webbed up submission of her, all of it was driving him utterly wild. His hands reached down and he pushed his leggings down just enough to free his cock – and once again, he felt a kind of ... visceral thrill of raw, intense masculinity at his size, at his girth, at the way that Beatrice started to hyperventilate at the sight of him, all eight of her eyes locked upon him. But ... Lou chuckled and shook his head. “I’m quite absurd, aren’t I?” He murmured, his hand caressing his member slowly, lifting himself up. “Proud over this, instead of these...” His other hand caressed her cheek.

“Your cock is extremely the most!” Bea said, her voice stumbling over itself as she spoke, nodding eagerly – but then she closed half her eyes, shook her head. “I ... that is, I find your masculinity to be extremely pleasing. W-While I am not human, and all that I have learned is from what I have read and what I have seen ... y-you have ... an extremely...” She blushed, hard, her dark black cheeks turning a reddish color. “Your masculinity is gentle and kind and warm and it fills me with great joy, and it is deeply related to ... your body and your mind and how they work together, and ... and ... I like seeing you happy about how you are. Your euphoria makes me pleased.” She paused, her tongue flicking along her left mandible. “It is my euphoria. And so, exalt in the immense size of your member! And then thrust it into my eagerness and fill me with your seed!”

Lou blinked, feeling as if he had almost gotten the bends from the swerves between heartfelt honesty and lewdness. Then he chuckled, softly. “So, you like big cocks?”

“Extremely!” Bea said, her mandibles clacking. “But I mostly like your big cock, my husband.”

Lou nodded. “Okay...” he said, rubbing his finger along his chin, looking down. “How to best ... deal with this...” Since, well, her back was webbed to the wall, and her sex was angled downward. Sliding into her would be ... tricky ... he shook his head. “I wish I did have a knife, so that I could cut you free. Lifting your legs up would be easy, then-”

Beatrice tugged her legs free, then arched her back and lifted her legs upwards, so that they were pressed against her shoulders in an impressive display of belly muscles and flexibility both. Her toes pressed to the webbing behind her shoulders, sticking there with a soft squish sound. Lou gaped at her.

“You could free yourself the whole time!?” he asked.

“Yes!” Beatrice said, then beamed. “Hah! The deception was successful!” She grinned. “It would be extremely silly of me to create a body that could emit webbing and not escape from it. You see, there are gripping hairs, similar to those hypothesized in the transhumanist ficiton that Godfucker ensured I saw, the Spiderman, and it’s spin-offs, Spiderliv, and Spidergwen and-”

Lou grabbed her chin, leaned in, and shut her up with a playful snarl, his tongue thrusting into her mouth as her mandibles pressed against his jaw, caressing him as her tongue and his played together and his cock, drawn almost by magnetism, plunged into her tight, hot, wet spider-cunt. The exotic taste of her mouth and the feel of her mandibles and the warmth of her breath – spicy and hot as he drew his mouth back, drove him into a wild frenzy. Lou didn’t bother with gentleness. He simply fucked her against the wall, hard enough that the webbing made a soft squelching sound that was nearly as loud as his dick plunging into her again and again and again as he slapped his balls against her ass-chitin.

“Yes! Yes! Yes! Fuck me, my husband! Fuck me! Fuck me!” her eyes blinked in a flickering pattern – from left to right, then from right to left as she trembled around him – her sex muscles stroking his cock like he was being given a handjob while fucking her, at the same time. Even if she hadn’t been working to show off, Lou wouldn’t have lasted long.

As it was?

“Beatrice!” He trembled and his balls clenched as he gushed into her, his cock throbbing as his cum painted the inside of her womb, again and again and again as his hips rocked, slamming against her, fucking her so messily that her thighs and his were both soaked by his glowing purple cum. His eyes half lidded and he watched the delicious tiny jiggles of excitement that caused her mandibles to twitch and flex at the air, her mouth hanging open as she panted.

“Ah ... now I see the pleasure of having an internal womb...” She mumbled, nodding. “This is much better. Oh wow. Wow. Wow.” She giggled, sounding half drunk. “I ... can feel your seed finding my eggs. Fertilizing them. Wriggling into me.” She squirmed and wriggled, her eyes closing. “Mmm, my husband has bred me. Filled my womb up and now I have his child, yess...”

Lou, who had been wrung out and nearly completely spent when it came to energy and lust ... felt his cock suddenly steel hard again.

“L-Lou?” Beatrice asked.

Lou growled...

And started to thrust again.

“What took you so long?” Godfucker asked, curiously as Lou swung off the skimmer bike. “Also, where’s the ... oh!” He blinked as he watched Lou stand and realized that the large black cape that Lou had was, in fact, his limp, twitching wife. Her body was dressed in a loose black sheet that wrapped around her body, while her eight limbs were wrapped around Lou, evenly dispersing her weight across his form. Not that she weighed much – even this form, which wasn’t built with flying in mind, tended towards the light and fragile.

“My wife’s most recent bioform had some teething issues,” Lou said, casually. “I had to help her out of her own webbing.”

“Heh,” GF said.

Beatrice mumbled under her breath. “Something something fucky fuck...” She bit at Lou’s neck. “Nom nom nom.”

“Did she say something something-” GF started.

“Ahem!” Lou put his most serious, most focused Neopolitan Space Prince face on as he stood a bit taller. “Where’s the last recycler?”

“Right there,” GF nodded with a grin. Lou took one last glance back at what had been humanity’s first diplomatic meeting place with the Bugs. After two centuries of warfare, it felt strange that the only thing to mark this place was a faint discoloration in the grass and the meadows, and that once the last recycler recycled itself ... there’d be nothing left within a fortnight. He shook his head, then put his foot on the back of the skimmer bike and shoved it towards the cycler with a grunt. Suspended in its ground effect field, the skimmer skidded along the air as if it was ice and ran, nose first, into the recycler’s maw. The nanites worked, blurring the air and turning the bike into so much simple, bio-degradable molecules.

“Come on, Beatrice. Are you ready to see how humans travel the stars?”

“Yesssss...” She mumbled, then bit his neck again. “Nom!”

The shuttle that ascended into the upper atmosphere and then into orbit was the same that had taken him down – but rather than gliding down on wings of shimmering flames, this one ascended with a jet of high energy exhaust, expelled from the fusion rocket mounted on the back. It used the wings to add lift, reducing the Delta-V required to hit orbit, and the entire ride, Beatrice in all three of her bodies trembled and cuddled with Lou. He felt rather smothered by having a large breasted wasp woman on his left, a slender moth girl on his right, and a spider woman attached to the ceiling so that she might hug him from above. But he’d have traded it for nothing – and then he got to delight in the way that all three bodies pressed their eyes against the windows, gasping in unison.

“We’ve never had a view like this before!” Beatrice said, her voice reaching his ear in an echoing, not quite perfect cadence – a cadence that became eerily less and less present as the bodies altered their speaking speeds minutely, so that each sound reached his ears at the precisely same moment. “Normally, when we launch bioforms, it’s considerably more energetic and involves the detonation of chemicals that we produce in other bioforms, and the bioforms themselves have to be very durable to survive entering into orbit, and there is an armored shell around the exterior. It’s actually easier for us to breed and maintain space born bioforms than it is to breed bioforms on planetary surfaces that can launch into orbit. It’s almost like I’ve split into two different branches. But ... like, even my space born bioforms don’t have binocular vision like this, they see things mostly in the high energy patterns that are useful in space and ... just ... WOW!” She squealed and her wasp body pressed up against his back.

Lou delighted in his wife’s happiness ... but a thin, niggling thorn in his thoughts drew his eye to his father and his mother. They were seated beside one another, their hands clasped in a polite display – and just looking at it made Lou’s stomach turn. He bit his lip, slightly, then looked away.

But was it because he was mad at them for lying to him? And to their entire kingdom?

It was a lie that he was now examining in his memory – but he found it hard to fault himself for not noticing. It wasn’t as if he and his parents had been close. Most of his adult life had seen his father fighting the Bug War, and his mother could easily have had months or even years of time apart from him thanks to the staggered stays in the cryocrypts. She had every lesson he had in discretion and subtly. This led to an uncomfortable realization. The nonplussed, almost shocked expression on his parents faces.


They had thought he was just like them.

And ... how could they know otherwise?

The only one who had known that he believed in anything was himself. He alone could weigh his own soul. He felt his anger heating up again. His parents had watched him train, watched him study, and had thought he was just like them.

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August 20, 2010 the Perseid meteor shower began its annual display in the night sky. Included in with the thousands of small meteors were hundreds of small probes which quickly covered the Earth sampling the air, water, population and Internet. No one on the planet was aware of their presence, nor heard the information transmitted back into space. A flagship of a fleet of several hundred ships hiding behind Jupiter received the transmission, and many hours were spent reading and interpreting...

1 year ago
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RuthieChapter 4

Peter called one evening. "Umm Ralph, you said you were thinking about getting a dog to protect Ruthie when you were unable to be with her. I think I have the perfect solution. It was kind of dropped into my lap and the more I have thought about it, I think June and I will be up this weekend with the answer to your problem." "Good, for once the house is empty of company so we can enjoy ourselves. Ruthie is just starting to show her pregnancy and is getting excited more and more about our...

2 years ago
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Kyunki saas bhi kabhi bahu thi 2

Hello ISS Readers! This is episode.002. Please mail your comments to me at Thanks. Recap: Mihir, son of Mansukh and Savita tries seducing Amba, his grandmother on her birthday but in vain. Savita helps him relieve his tension by giving him a wonderful blowjob. In the evening all the three sons and daughter-in-laws of the Viranis go out to some undisclosed places leaving Pragna, their sister at home. After Govardhan and Amba go to sleep, Mihir takes his Aunt Pragna to his bedroom and seduces...

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For The Girl

“I think this is the main entrance,” said a pale young man standing out on the concrete sidewalk of a large, newly constructed gym. The young man was slender, with short blond hair, and not a hint of body hair on him. He was wearing brown shorts with a black polo shirt and pair of flip flops. The young man tapped on the door with his finger.“No shit Benny,” snapped an equally young girl. The girl was short with dark curly hair and long pink fingernails. She was wearing a white tank top which...

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Spank Bang (often misspelled as Spankbank, Spangbang or Sparkbang by idiots)! We all need a great source of porn to leech from and you can bet your ass that you’ve found one here. And yeah that pun was intentional. But seeing as how this is a free site, I’m going to have to dive in deeper and see what the murky depths hold. These ass metaphors are getting out of hand, so we have to get to the BOTTOM of this. Okay, I’ll stop.Endless functionality, limitless featuresWhen you first open up...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Yacht Crew

Karen was searching an internet dating site and she met this guy he was a rugged good looking. They started chatting and flirting and one night while I was away working. Karen was bored and horny and Dave suggested he show Karen what she could have when they met. Karen described his cock as thick and long and she gets very turned on watching guys play with themselves thinking about her. She was getting more turned on when he told her he would have a crew of two or three guys with him, and would...

1 year ago
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Christmas Wish

Christmas Wish By Trish Shaw December 2000 Thank God for the end of term I exulted as I packed my briefcase in the quiet of the now empty staff room. "Going anywhere for the holidays John?" Mary Nags grinned at me as she walked in with her arms full of her class work. "Nope, nothing planned Mary." I said still feeling a little self-conscious around her even though I had 'owned' a classroom of my own for the last school year. It had definitely been a shock when I found out...

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Part 9

My Husbands overseas business trip.It was a Thursday morning before my husbands would be returning back from his overseas trip on Saturday. Knowing I would started my period on Friday evening or early Saturday morning I was suddenly in debate if I wanted to be pleasured one more time by my lover Nick before my hubby gets back. Being rather horny and knowing it would be almost two weeks from the last time I got any vaginal penatration and pleasure, I decided to message Nick to see if he could...

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EvilAngel Vicki Chase DP And Double BJ 3Way

Latina diva Vicki Chase is petite, gorgeous and sexually sophisticated. The stunning porn babe, a talented cocksucker, teases in fabulous lingerie and then kneels to service Rob Piper and Jax Slayher with a slobbering double blowjob. Vicki fingers her wet twat through a hard anal reaming. The decadent threesome graduates to intense double penetration drilling — Jax and Rob simultaneously pork her pussy and bunghole! Vicki gives ass-to-mouth fellatio, and her sphincter gapes. She opens her...

3 years ago
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PlushChapter 9

The club only two blocks away, I walked my ladies to a side entrance, a massive black door on which I knocked the code loudly. Percy, the youngest and scariest of the bouncers opened the door. Dark hair just past his ears framed a strong, handsome face with intense eyes but a broad smile lit them up. His torso covered tightly by the black t-shirt with the Garage logo and Staff on the sleeve looked impenetrably fit. Tattoos, including Hell's Angels iconography, covered his arms. He...

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Tit for Clit

Carmen told Claire that she had a date with Ryan on Friday night. Claire had no problem with her pet dating. Carmen knew from experience that Claire could bring her so much pleasure and contentment, so it was decided that all dates and any sexual activity needed to be directed by Claire. “The last time you went out, he sucked your titties?” asked Claire Carmen nodded. “Has he played with your pussy?” Carmen head shook no. “Have you played with his cock? Carmen's face remained blushed, and her...

3 years ago
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Charlotte and the Chocolate FactoryChapter 5 Small Problem

"Wilco, can we sit down for a moment?" Mrs. Veetee asked. "This pace is killing me." "Not to worry, ma'am," Wilco stated as we turned a corner. "Transportation has been arranged." A large, oddly-shaped vehicle with various tubes winding throughout it stood in front of us. I saw those small women from before pouring liquid into it. "What is it?" Matt asked. "The Wilcomobile!" Wilco said enthusiastically. "It's powered completely by carbonated beverages. Now take your places,...

2 years ago
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Bored at work here is a story of my time at Alton

So, I was 19. At Alton Towers (a Theme Park) with my friends and, then, Boyfriend. We were having a nice day, walking around the place, eating food, chatting, playful petting. When my fella starts to make comments to his friends about the size of my boobs and they about the size of their girlfriends, I didn't mind, I like my boobs and think they are great. So we, my friends and I , start playfully talking about the size of our Boyfriends cocks. All the guys give a chuckle and grab their...

1 year ago
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The girlfriend saga The tease

me an katie burst through my bedroom door after just arriving home from a party. undressing each other as fast as we can. i lift her up an throw her on the bed. i jump on her and force my dick into her tight wet pussy, she lets out a loud moan of intense pleasure. i start pumping in and out of her as she grabs me an scratches down my back "oh yes baby, faster" she moans out. i continue to go faster, then i stop, flip her over, and continue fucking her from the back. pounding up...

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How I Met My Loyal Sub Priya 8211 Part 6

Hello everyone, Alex here again with the continuation of the story. Please read the previous updates before reading this story. It is a series of events happening during a holiday trip. I met Priya and how she was seduced to be my sub. Katherine my fuck buddy, the nudist photographer, made a deal with Priya. If she agreed to do a nude photo-shoot then she will allow Priya to enjoy for the rest of the trip. This is a final part of this BDSM series. So it is going to be a lengthy one. It will be...

2 years ago
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Mommys New Girl

Mommy's New Girl By Jasmine Lee It's true that I had become accustomed to drama in my family. My father was loud and mean, especially when he was drunk, which was most evenings and every weekend. He would back my poor mother into a corner of the kitchen and berate her, towering over her in that threatening way that I knew so well, telling her she was fat and ugly and stupid and spending too much money on me. He would get louder and louder until she finally began to tremble and sob -...

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Falling Clouds

“Scccrreeeeeeaaaaa!” A dinosaur known as a pterosaur flies above the atmosphere screaming. After screaming it bellows out a massive stream of fire at the airship. Men had built only to see it charred and falling down below the clouds. Once it lands with a massive thud breaking up into ashes another dinosaur comes in rushing out of the forest named an Allosaurus. Opening its jaws and tearing apart segments of the ship discover dead carcasses of men to devour. This the land of fantasy where men...

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The Roman Whore Part 1

Charlotte was visiting Rome city alone for the weekend she had everything planned and had prepared for months so she could see all the tourist spots. The Treviea Fountain was one of the most fascinating sites that Charlotte had researched. There was a legend that if you stood in front of the fountain and threw a coin over your shoulder that you would return to the fountain. Charlotte didn't believe in the legend at all I fact she thought it was childish yet she went to visit the fountain...

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No Resolutions Just Fun

My boys always spend Christmas with me, and New Year's Eve and day with my former husband. Every New Year's Eve, my friend Debbie throws this huge party at her house. Debbie married money, so when her divorce became final, she received this beautiful fourteen room house. The house actually has five bedrooms and four bathrooms. It has two fireplaces, a three car garage and a swimming pool in the back yard. It's on a large lot at the end of a quiet, little street. There are woods behind it, and...

Straight Sex
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DaftSex Teen

I don’t know about you horn dogs, but it’s hard to beat a fucking woman that knows how to satisfy a man. I fucked a mom last week that didn’t say a goddamn word: she blew me exactly how I wanted, swallowed, then left. Some women have a sixth sense and know the best way to satisfy a man.A lot of times, these women are aged like a fine wine. Other times, they're teens that look like they shouldn't know how to suck a cock - never mind how to ride a dick that gives you a mind-bending orgasm before...

Teen Porn Sites
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Sex Studio Secrets 5 Regina1

Regina pops up at my studio shortly after landing in Amsterdam for her first ever intimate interviewRegina is a bit shy, but trusts me after our long talks in the net, so she agrees to appear in viewGina and I have shared some very special erotic experiences which were sexy subject of my storiesGina and I have a very special bond since she came so hard one time while reading my many messagesRegina is my Queen of America and one of my longest time and most dear friends for many years hereRegina...

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Jill the MirrorChapter 6 Leadership

Lucy and I were making time, almost every day, to spend some time in serious discussion. That didn’t exclude lusty looks, fond fondling, and, occasionally, hard-core play. It was a fine time to do this, while Tony and Dove were having fun. I looked forward, literally, to seeing her. Lucy savored her presentation as a devastatingly sexy MILF, or perhaps GILF. I never knew if she’d be the lawyer about to seduce the judge, the star of the tennis club who would leave the young instructor...

4 years ago
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A Night At The Club

This is a true story from one of my many visits to Tampa’s Rainbow. A few years ago, I went to the club on a weeknight. I can’t remember if it was a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. All I remember is that the next day was a regular workday. It was about 8 p.m.I was sitting naked on a couch in theater section for about 15 minutes watching the gay porn movie when a cross-dressed gurl walked in. The only light came from the movie screen. Still I could barely see her face but she clearly had...

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The Bed Frame

The Bed frameMy wife Christie and I used to own an old pull-out couch from when I was single.  It was a horrid blue, and not very comfortable, and Christie really hated it.  The one redeeming feature was that when you pulled it out to make a bed, but took off the thin mattress pad, it left a wire frame with square holes about 10 inches across.  Christie and I discovered that if I lay on the frame, my penis would fit through the openings and hang down, where she could quite easily suck on it if...

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A Rape In 3 parts

The Man broke into Sherry’s home as soon as he saw her husband leave for work. Dumb ass had left the back door open and he slipped in and took a deep breath. Sherry was a 41 year old sexy long legged blonde. He had seen her in the neighborhood and the desire for her hit him so hard that he ached. Today was the day he was going to use her properly. He moved slowly through the house until he found her bedroom. He stepped in and saw her on top of the covers wearing a long t-shirt that had...

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i have a lot of fantasies,i am a man that allways think dirty.i love going to the common gsrden and take off the nieburs sexy panties and what a smell.

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WHY I LOVE PUSSYI have known from an early age that I am a pussy lover. My sexually has never been in question, I love men. I love being around them, and most of all I love fucking them. However when I say that I love pussy it means that when ever I see another woman’s pussy I get so turned on that the thought of fucking a woman is all I think about. I was in my mid to late teens when I got into adult entertainment, I loved sneaking into my older brother’s room and finding his well hidden stash...

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BrownBunnies Cecilia Lion Naughty Cecilia Gets The Perfect Treat

Cecilia Lion goes trick or treating in a sexy witch costume. She just happened to knock at the perfect house this time. JMac ran out of candy early but ask for her to give a treat so he can give her a treat. Naughty Cecilia flashes her tits so he gets his drill to give her his treat. She hears the loud noise and gets close to the door and freaks out when she sees the hole through the door. Mac slide his dick through the whole and she’s in shocked but likes it. We get to see her playing with his...

3 years ago
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Pumping Water And Humping Kajal 8211 Part 2

The mind-blowing, ridiculous heat and passion were binding Kajal and me unlike anything else I had ever experienced before. Her body shook like she had a wild thrill never known; joy, fear, madness, and excitement all together. She surrendered to my arms. She said, “This is not enough, I need the real one.” She pushed my hands gently and firmed her hold on my dick. Oh, it was maddening, just uncontrollable. She gently pushed me back and said, “Have patience.” She looked at me with a wicked...

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A Nightmare in Silk and Lace 5

A Nightmare in Silk and Lace pt 5 by Cordellian (Dedicated to the lovely Annabel Barnes who has never failed to remind me to complete this story each and every time we've met at some dinner party or other...) 'Taking good care of our sissy' is the way Marina and Claire liked to describe it. They smiled at one another as Dean screamed, which he always did when the hard jet of cold water hit his skin. Coming so soon after the hot water from the shower, the shock was extreme to say...

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Fun and Games

In 2003 I was facing the summer between my sophomore and junior year at college. It was an exciting time for me, made more so by my incredible girlfriend Gwen. She had it all: five foot six with golden tresses that had just a hint of a natural curl about them, a light tan that showed she laid out in a thong (thank god for backyard pools) and a faultlessly sculpted ass - I loved the way her cheeks swelled into a perfect upside-down heart. Then top it off with deep brown eyes, a wicked sense of...

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My Mothers Hot Friend

They’d been at the races all day (My Mum & Her Friend), I’d been sat in the front room flicking between the mildly pornographic channels with women on phones talking to men all night, you wonder why they’re paying to phone someone and ask them to show a nipple, when there’s a whole queue of callers waiting to say the same thing. I just sat there watching them do everything but show that illustrious nipple!I hadn’t seen my Mother or her Friend Karen leave this morning although they did have to...

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A teasing blindfolded fantasy come true

My husband and I regularly talk about our fantasies and ideas to spice up our sex life. During one of these conversations he mentioned something new that he would like to try: ‘I would like to tie you up on the bed, blindfold you and then wank my cock. You will be able to feel and hear it but not do anything about it. I will tease the pussy at the same time and get you hot and horny and you will get really frustrated as I pleasure myself.’ I liked the sound of this suggestion. I love watching...

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In My Mother8217s Breasts

Hello, friends, my name is Raj Singh and I am 19 years old and I am from Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh.Today I will be narrating the story of how I and my mother got involved in sexual activities with one another. My mother’s name is Aarti, she is 39 years of old with a figure like a sexual goddess.She has big breast which makes you wanna play with them all night.They are a little saggy but soft and warm enough to make you cum just by looking.Her ass is also big and round.Overall she is a little...

4 years ago
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Tripps ClubChapter 4

It was not possible for me to sleep. Too many thoughts were running through my mind. It didn't matter anyway, soon after I had laid down, the lights in my room brightened. I wasn't sure what to do, so I waited. A few announcements came over the P.A. system from a speaker in my room, requesting that various girls report to the shuttle area. Then the red headed girl entered my room. Today she was wearing a white jacket. Maybe she had been promoted? "Good morning Rachael. Please take shower...

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