Pax MultiChapter 8 free porn video

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Five days into the voyage, with the foundations for the cabin finished and the roof going up today, and Lou was beginning to feel a mite guilty about the fact that he had never told his wife what being transgender actually meant. It was one of the things about being married to an alien – especially an alien so ... well, alien from the human norms. Beatrice had absorbed a huge amount of information about the human race, and was learning more every day as the lighthugger slowly accelerated out of the Alpha Centauri system. She had studied the history of the War of the Roses, learned about Shakespeare, read the poetry of Qu Yuan and Cervantes and Shelley, and even begun to watch the earliest cinematic works that abutted the edge of what Neopolitans usually studied – the early works of Cocteau and Lang.

But she still didn’t know what a spatula was or what it was for.

This much was apparent by the way that her spider body’s eight eyes were all locked on the metal tool as Lou flipped some steaks on the grill that he had managed to, through painstaking following of ancient instructions, put together using the nanofabricator as little as possible. The other Beatrice bodies were off reading or exploring the inner workings of the lighthugger, leaving only her spider-body with Lou. He wondered if he hadn’t had the time to get used to oddness of being in love with girl that was part moth, he might have had more trouble with a girl who had six arms and eight eyes and fangs.

Then again...

If that girl was Beatrice, it was entirely possible that he’d have adjusted just as quickly?

“What is that?” she cooed.

“This is a spatula. It’s a tool for the manipulation of meat while cooking. And eggs and bread. And ... lots of things.” Lou nodded, then used his palms to roll the spatula between his hands.

“Why not use a fork?” she asked.

“Well, there are some situations where a spatula is more effective and easier,” Lou said, nodding. “There’s also tongs and whisks and graters and peelers...”

Beatrice giggled.

“What?” Lou asked.

“I just ... humans ... make so many bits and bobs to put in their hands!” she said, her red eyes sparkling with delight. Her outermost eyes closed – what he was beginning to recognize being the same way that a human’s eyes might crinkle with a smile. “Most species would stop at rocks. I stopped at rocks. I never need anything more than a rock, and once I figured out that I could make bioforms that had bladey hands or scooper hands or pokey hands...” She grinned. “All scientific names, I’m sure you know.” She paused. “The last would be proboscis, I know the word, I’m just being silly!”

Lou chuckled.

“Anyway, I never needed to use rocks ever again. But now you have flippy rocks, cutty rocks, wire frame rocks that ... that ... what do whisks even DO!?” She scrambled on her belly to lay closer to where his tools were laid out, then snatched a whisk up. She held it before her eyes. “Humans!”

Lou snorted. “It’s for mixing things. And breaking down the protein barriers in eggs.”

“Ah, a weapon...” Beatrice said, her voice solemn. “When will mankind learn, protein barriers need not be broken. You could simply leave the eggs in peace!”

“You are being silly,” Lou said, sticking a thermometer in the deer steaks.

“You do know that I can digest them raw, right?” she asked. “And I think you can too.”

“Yes, but the cooking makes them taste better. And they’re healthier. And more efficient.”

“Hurmph!” Bea scoffed. “It sounds as if it is merely an excuse for gastrointestinal laziness.”

Lou saw that the steaks would take a few more minutes to cook. He could begin to plan for setting up the roof of the half finished cottage. He could ask Beatrice about what she was reading about today. He could even ask her about how the life support systems on the lighthugger were handling her additions – her growing sub-hive of organisms that made this lighthugger a small colony of herself in the interstellar void. He could even bring up the whole issue of children and how to manage the logistical problem that Beatrice had cheerfully dropped into his lap with her prediction that any synthesis of human and hive mind would require him to ... ah ... handle his husbandly duty hundreds of times.

Thousands, actually, if there was a failure in ... ah...


But none of that involved talking to Beatrice about what she had asked him about then promptly ... not quite forgotten about. Beatrice didn’t forget things. She just sometimes let them slip into the back of her awareness, then brought them back into the focus of her attention again when she was ready to handle them. Which, honestly, considering the vast stretches of time that she had been alive and needed to juggle multitudinous tasks and subjects, made a lot of sense. She had needed to think of a lot of things even when she had thought she had been the only species in the entire galaxy, the entire universe even.

So, there was no ... cowardice in not talking about his transness.

But it was also such a nonissue. Beatrice would respond by blinking at him, proclaiming it yet another fascinating facet of humanity, then go on back to whatever else she was doing. And yet ... Lou’s tongue stilled as he looked down at the steaks. He looked back at Beatrice, and breathed in, then out again. He felt like a rank hypocrite – and then felt a flare of raw, fierce anger in his breast at that thought. Right, it feels like literally anything I do is nothing next to my parents, so, why should I even care?

And yet, he needed to tell her.

“Lou, you seem disturbed. Are you okay?” Beatrice asked.

“What?” Lou chuckled. “Oh dear, am I becoming so transparent?”

“Your opacity and cunning are both unchanged and I’m certain that if a dastardly scoundrel was around and spying upon you, he or she would be utterly taken in by your external grace and think you are as stoic and focused as any other Neapolitan star prince. And yet, said dastardly scoundrel would not be your wife. Unless I was planning something sneaky.” She grinned, showing off her fangs. “Which I am not! Oh! But now, you must wonder: Is Beatrice planning something lewd and mortifying? Is that why she claims innocence.” She chuckled. “I have caught you in a linguistic trap, unsure of my motives or meanings...”

“ ... have you been reading Machiavelli? You do know that was a satire, right?”

“Drat...” Beatrice sighed. Then she looked back up at him. “Also, you have evaded my question! Maybe it is you who is the dastardly scoundrel!”

Lou flushed, looking back at the steaks. He picked them up with some tongs then laid them onto a ceramic plate to cool. He pursed his lips, slightly, then put his hands on his hips and forced himself to examine his feelings and came to the slightly embarrassing conclusion that the real thing that was making him loathe to talk about being trans to Beatrice was ... dirt simple. It was so simple, so direct, and so base.

He liked her thinking of him as a man. Simple, direct, and it felt like a slap in the face to every historic transgendered individual who had fought for the simple right to be who they were without censure. They didn’t struggle to become invisible – they struggled to be themselves. He tried to marshal a way to begin talking about this when he felt his wife’s teeth nip at his ankle with a soft ‘nom.’ He looked down and saw that she was biting at him with a fearsome expression on her face – ruined only by her then enunciating each play bite with a soft ‘nom’ sound. He sighed.

“Fine,” he said. “When you asked where my Y chromosome is ... well ... I was born with two X chromosomes. This meant that my outward appearance, to my mother and my father and the midwife, was that of a woman. They named me Alexandriatta. However, from ... a very young age, I knew that it was ... wrong.” He sat down beside his wife, petting her white hair slowly. “I felt ... male. It was like a splinter in my mind – one that I could not remove. My parents, upon hearing of my confusion, explained that I was ... that I am ... transgendered. And so, they used drugs and surgeries to alter me until I was as outwardly male as I felt inwardly.”

“Oh,” Beatrice said, then nodded. “Those surgeries and drugs were highly effective.” She laid her head upon his lap, nuzzling against his thigh. “When can we eat the steaks? That’s S T E A K S, I don’t want to eat the S T A K E S...” She nodded over to the row of carpentry tools that was set up near the half finished cabin.

Lou laughed – and felt the nervous tension in his belly unwind. In the end, it always had been a worry made of smoke. But knowing that he had been feeling silly hadn’t actually made the feeling go away. The only thing that could, the only thing that ever would, would be Beatrice, really. And hearing her laugh, feeling the smoothness of her cheek against him, the soft kiss, then bite of her lips as she nuzzled and nipped at every bit of exposed skin that she could find while she cuddled against him ... it was like a balm. He ruffled her hair.

“Five minutes,” he said.

“Five eternities...” She whispered. “This bioform shall waste away into nothingness. Why? Why must we wait?”

“The meat needs to rest.”

“Ah! AH!” She sat up. “That is precisely what you said when my wasp body had only orgasmed three times and my moth body had orgasmed four times and I demanded you balance things out!”

Lou kept waiting for the moment.

It didn’t come during the four weeks that it took for him to build the first half of his log cabin. During that time, Beatrice and he took their time enjoying the labor. The internal space that they lived in had no real dangers and no real risk of exposure – if he ever got chilly, Lou could simply cuddle against all three of his wife’s bodies and enjoy their warmth, which got even more effective once Beatrice excitedly brought her wasp body out and demonstrated a neat trick she had learned. She was able to run the ‘engines’ of her wings inside her body (the same way that bees buzzed) to create waste heat, which suffused her body over time. It turned out if she buzzed for long enough, she went from being slightly chill to as warm as an electric blanket.

“And thus!” she had proclaimed. “The extremely large breasts will serve as your pillows!”

“They already did, though,” Lou had pointed out.

“ ... well ... more so, then...”

The moment didn’t come after Beatrice’s three bodies helped him put the finishing touches on the roof – her moth body flying from the ground to the roof with supplies and tools, while her spider body demonstrated that her spinnerets could be useful for more than just impromptu bondage, and her wasp body ... mostly provided some support on the ladder while jiggling distractedly. Which did eventually lead to Lou saying: “Listen, honey, I appreciate your ... ah ... assets...”

“By which he means your honking huge titties!” Beatrice’s moth body said, causing her wasp body to giggle – an interaction that caused Lou to stand up straight and gape at the two of them.

“I ... are ... are ... you...”

“I am practicing something!” Bea’s moth body landed beside him on the roof, her antennas flicking cheerfully. “It is called ... trying to be less creepy and off putting to humans who are not predisposed to overlook my oddities because they love me ... itus!” She said, her arms spreading out wide as she spoke the words.

“ ... itus?”

“Like tinnitus!” Beatrice said, giggling.

Lou chuckled. “You think having mock conversations with yourself is going to make humans less unnerved by you?”

“Well, what would you prefer?” she asked – and then each of her bodies spoke in unison. “That I speak like this again?”

“You know, you have a good point,” Lou said, kissing her cheek. Then he grinned and spanked her rump, causing each body to squeak in unison. “Can you get me something to drink? It’s thirsty work up here.” At the excited expression on her face, Lou hurriedly added. “Actual drink, not-” He blushed, remembering the time he had asked for a drink and Beatrice had winked at him, then leaped onto him, locking her thighs around his head.

The moment still had not come at the end of the second month, while Lou lay under simulated stars and gently made love to his wife’s wasp body. Her back arched and her breasts heaved as she gasped and moaned, her black fingers sliding along her cheeks. She caught one of her fingers in her mouth, sucking upon it and moaning as her other hand slid down to cup her breast, squeezing herself – more for his pleasure and delight than her own. Though, he could tell that she was delighting in the tactile pleasure of touching her own body. Her fingers gently rolled her nipple and she moaned softly, putting as much emphasis into her words as she could. “How does my pussy feel, Lou? Does it feel hot? Does it feel wet?” She groaned and bounced her hips on him while Lou laid back, his hands gripping her hips.

“God yes...” he whispered, his eyes half closed. Beatrice was getting good at human dirty talk. He had thought he might miss her more idiosyncratic way of speaking – but Lou by now had learned that there was always a way to bring the old Beatrice jumble out of her mouth. But at the moment, all he wanted in this moment was to watch the delightful, ancient poetry that was his wife in movement atop him, her body trembling as she slapped her ass down against him again and again and again, her breath catching, her antennas quivering as he cupped the back of her head and drew her down and kissed her – muffling her orgasmic moan as her cunt tightened on him and he let himself empty himself into her.

Afterwards, as their sweat cooled on their bodies – well, mostly his sweat, as she didn’t have any – Lou chuckled as Beatrice slid her finger along his chest, her eyes narrowing to slits. “I do not have the ocular acuity to see the surgical scars...” she murmured, softly.


“Well, if you were assigned female at birth, then I presume you would be as exceptionally feminine as you are masculine now,” Beatrice said, as if that was the most logical thing in the universe. “Ergo, you would have had ... amazing titties.”

“You really do love using the most uncouth words,” Lou murmured, his eyes closing.

“I do!” Beatrice grinned, then buzzed her wings and her body against him, cuddling close, her sigh happy. “So, were they as large as this body’s? Larger?”

“I began to transition before I grew breasts,” Lou said, chuckling.

“But according to the textbooks, this occurs a mere twelve to fourteen years after birth, dependent upon various factors such as diet, environment, and genetics!” Beatrice pushed herself up a bit, blinking. “You said that you were aware of this when you were very young, but not that very young!”

“I didn’t think you’d recognize the difference between three years old and eighteen years old, considering you’re older than ... well, our very favorite pastime,” Lou said, chuckling.

“I’m far older than puns!” Beatrice scoffed.

Lou blinked. “I ... our favorite pastime isn’t puns, it’s...” He blushed.

“Fucking?” Beatrice chuckled, softly. “No, my dear husband, it is puns, for after all, every time you think how much you love me...” She wriggled, then squirmed, then sat backwards, so that she could gesture to her curvaceous, black and yellow body. “You are thinking: Oh my goodness, how much I do love...” She paused. “Bee-atrice. Ergo, a pun.” She grinned. “And fucking, our second favorite pastime, is not a pastime at all. It is important labor, your husbandly duty, to breed me.”

Lou flushed and tried to not immediately get a hard on again. But, once again, his relative youth and the intensely arousing matter of factness that Beatrice used about breeding reached into the part of his brain that was all grunting, swaggering machoness and just ... hooked onto it and dragged it to the forefront. Bea grinned, then thrust her fingers into her mouth, whistling – and that signal brought out her spider body.

“I am ready to be sired!” she said.

“Again?” Lou asked. “B-But ... I thought...”

“No reason to not play it safe,” Beatrice said, sliding off – her hand closing around his cock. She started to work him – keeping his cock hard as her spider body walked over, then dropped herself down, impaling herself on his shaft with a happy groan.

It was as the first month ticked into the second, then the second smoothly blurred into the third, that Lou realized something. He was as perfectly content as it was possible to be with Beatrice as his partner and companion. It wasn’t that he didn’t sometimes need times alone – and in the large space designed for the pair of them, there was more than enough space for quiet contemplation and being alone with his thoughts. But simply being with Beatrice – even if they didn’t speak a single word to one another – was more than enough companionship for him.

It didn’t hurt that the sex remained amazing.

Lazy sex.

Energetic sex.

Sudden, unexpected sex – the kind of sex that creeps up on you while you’re helping your wife pick a fruit she’s interested in, and before you know it, the two of you are tumbling around on the ground.

Languid sex.

And once, even, angry sex.

That had been particularly odd, as Beatrice had entered into the cabin and said: “I want to try having an argument!”

“ ... why?” Lou asked, frowning.

“Because I have been reading every romance novel written, starting with the most earliest listed in the historical database, and I believe that we have not ever had an argument. They seem to be extremely important parts of human relationships in all of the books that I’ve read. And so, we should have an argument.”

“Absolutely not. Those books are drama, they exist to produce a kind of ... unreal, exciting version of what people have for vicarious enjoyment. Real relationships can be perfectly healthy without a single argument – and even if they crop up, they’re best handled by being adults, not by shouting at one another.”

“Oh.” Beatrice blinked, nodded, half turned to go, then stopped, then turned back. “That is exactly what you’d say!” She said, hesitantly, then with more confidence. “You always think you know the most reasonable way to explain things! Well, I shall tell you, you do, in fact, not!” She beamed at him. “How was that?”

“Are you trying to ... have an argument about having an argument?” Lou asked.

Beatrice gasped, her antennas frilling out, her wings buzzing. “I am insulted by this very insinuation! To think! My husband thinks so little of me!”

A part of Lou’s mind had actually been fairly impressed with how the conversation had wound around in increasingly convulsed knots as Beatrice tried to find the best way to continue the “argument” – and Lou kept trying to keep from ruining for her by bursting out laughing. Then he ended up ruining the argument anyway by stepping close and prodding her in the chest for emphasis while elucidating that, no, in fact, human beings did not have the most ludicrously designed ocular nerve layout in the biological kingdom. That prod, that closeness, led almost immediately to Bea getting into his face, then him getting into Bea.

Then she was against the wall, her thighs scissored around his hips, his cock buried to the hilt in her cool, wet, tight cunt as she gasped and grunted and moaned in inarticulate pleasure as Lou slammed her so hard and so fast that he was half worried that he was going to break her. But the only thing that broke was the dam inside of him – when he shuddered and clenched her thighs tightly, his teeth sinking into her blue neck as her legs tightened and all four of her arms hung around his back, her fingernails digging into his shoulder blades as she gasped out a throaty, eager: “Lou! Lou! Lou!” between the thick gushes of his hot, thick, purple cum, which oozed out from around his cock and dripped onto the smooth wooden floor of the cottage.

After the two of them had stumbled back to the bed – well, it was mostly Lou doing the stumbling, carrying all of her weight – Beatrice panted and said: “Arguments are most satisfying.”

Lou laughed.

It was during the fourth month that Lou realized he had quietly shifted from hunting to fabricating meat more and more often – and he had barely noticed that he had done it. It wasn’t because he didn’t like the hunting. There was a delightful pleasure in stalking prey and loosing an arrow into it, aiming to ensure the animal in question would drop dead instantly, no matter what Amy said about their cyberbrains. But ... Lou found that he preferred, vastly, to spend time with Beatrice and relaxing around the cottage.

“This must be what AnComs live like. The ones that don’t get all the social following, I mean.”


Beatrice was cuddling up against his back while the wasp Beatrice was reading a printed out replica of a magazine from the middle of the 20th century. Spider Beatrice was currently out and about for reasons that Lou hadn’t asked upon and wasn’t curious about. Beatrice’s fingers brushed through his hair as he looked out the window of the cottage at the small bubble of habitable space carved out of the cargo space of their star ship.

By now, the space beyond that invisible (to his eyes at least) wall had gone from the relatively cluttered Alpha Centauri system to the utter and complete void of interstellar vacuum. Though, even that wasn’t that clear as far as vacuums went. There was enough hydrogen for the ram scoops on the lighthugger to draw it into the stabdrive and accelerate it out of the back of the ship, producing the constant single gravity of thrust that made the cargo section feel so very Earth-like. There was nothing to see out there save for the slowly increasingly distorted stars. Ahead of them, light was being shifted to higher and higher wavelengths as the ship rushed towards the light, like the doper scream of an oncoming train. Reds became oranges, orange green, and blue became ultraviolet and worse. And behind them, the stars were shifting the other way, seeking to catch up with a ship that was becoming more and more stretched and distorted by the relativistic effects of its long voyage. Red became infrared and microwaves.

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Derrick wasn't happy, not happy at all, he needed to get out of here and get things done. All this pomp and crap was starting to wear really thin on his patience. He'd just released part of the shield around the palace but wasn't ready to completely yet. He felt that there were still far too many threats out there to let his guard down yet. Mary on the other hand was thrilled to no ends to have human bodies within the confines of the palace again, after over 200 years. Hartwell and many of...

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Manga Porn

Aren’t you lucky bastards? You don’t have to go through imaginary turmoil I have gone through while trying so fucking hard to imagine the cartoon characters in my childhood kiss, let alone fucking hard. Why were the tech guys so dumb? They couldn’t they embrace my childhood by making the likes of Ben 10 spew hot jeez, have the black widow get her pussy stretched hard, Spiderman drill some wet cunt, Simpsons fuck like crazy and so many others. I’m weeping man, I couldn’t get such privileges....

Hentai Porn Sites
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Ghost story for halloween

I_'_m _ n_o_t _ a _ v_i_r_u_s_. _ I_'_m _ a _ g_h_o_s_t_. L_o_o_k _ a_t _ t_h_e _ k_e_y_b_o_a_r_d_. _ _ T_h_e _ k_e_y_s _ a_r_e _ m_o_v_i_n_g_. C_o_u_l_d _ a _ c_o_m_p_u_t_e_r _ v_i_r_u_s _ m_o_v_e _ t_h_e _ k_e_y_s _ o_n _ y_o_u_r _ k_e_y_b_o_a_r_d_?_" Good, you believe me. That makes things a lot easier. And, no, you don't have to type, I can hear your thoughts. That would be a dog. As I said, I am a ghost. I know that, for the past several weeks, you have been trying to...

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A Horrible ChoiceChapter 16

"Hi Cricket. Sorry I've been neglecting you lately, Baby." Sheryl's voice was not entirely unexpected. Cricket figured she'd be calling him before too long, but he was going to play it cool and not let on that he knew that. "Yeah! Where you been girl? I've been missin' ya!" I know, Baby. I'm sorry I hadn't been around for you." Even though she knew he was only playing, she hated to hear that hurt sound in his voice. 'At least he was only playing! Shawn would have been...

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FamilyStrokes Melissa Lynn Eggs And Bacon Boning

MILF Melissa Lynn is tired of her husband never listening to her. The annoying guy always seems to be on his phone when she wants to vent! To get the attention she needs, she turns to her pervy stepson, who cannot keep his eyes off the busty, seductive MILF. The horny kid rips Melissas jeans open right there in the kitchen, but his dopey old man is too occupied with his phone to notice! He fucks her from behind while she serves her husband eggs. Then, they she and her stepson head to the...

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My Spanish girl friend wrote this story

She fucked many guys before, but never a guy with a insane cock like this! She does her best to take it as deep as possible and gets a cum shower!Hello, everybody: first thing first, I wish to congratulate and praise these site administrators for the wonderful work here.  I like to keep  in touch with young people in the web, and today, I’m telling you how I began to get better within this environment, as well as having fantasy, castles in the sky, with these young people, until the whole thing...

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Fifteen Forever Girls from Outer SpaceChapter 22 Water

Grace could only shake her head mutely. How was she supposed to know where she was? Somewhere in Cuba, for some reason. “You’re in Penny Lane,” sneered Boris. He didn’t seem to mind losing his sleep. Grace stared at the box. She had no idea where Penny Lane was, though obviously this wasn’t a lane. “First of all there was Strawberry Fields,” he smirked, “because it was Forever. Forever as in: you never leave. Now there’s Penny Lane, which is kinda down a lane, and luxury believe me, by...

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A crossdressers first time fantasy

Im not an author in any way but I would like to tell you about my latest crossdressing adventures. I have been crossdressing for many years but maybe only twice in a year when the mood took my fancy and only ever indoors, the feel off nylon on my legs would get me very aroused and looking at my self in the mirror wearing high heels and a very short skirt had my cock pumping and I always had an intense orgasm, but over the last few years it has became more frequent and not confined to indoors...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 27

Johanna's turn: Almost magical, waking up in the morning on the boat. Not sure exactly what time it is, reminding myself that it really doesn't matter, feeling the form of this MAN touching me, rolling to face him, snuggling in against him. The boat is rocking gently and there's the wind and the waves and the sound of our breathing. I know my guy is drifting along because he hugs me closer and resumes his even breathing. I know several things that would be very pleasant for both of us,...

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Modern Relations part 08 Its Complicated

Wendy: 4:40 PM “Okay, Okay, hold your damned horses,” Wendy yelled at the door. After ringing constantly for half a minute the door buzzer finally relented. Fresh out of the shower and dripping water all over her apartment, Wendy checked the time as she ran for the door. Andy was twenty minutes early. Wendy jabbed the intercom button, “that better not be you, Andy.” Jerking her finger off the button, she added, “because I’m getting tired of your fuck ups.” “It’s me, can I come up?” “Alex?”...

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My First Bi Experience

Last night I had my first experience with a guy and thought I'd share it with you here.I was out with a few friends for a mates birthday and I'd had quite a lot to drink. I was walking home by myself and decided to log onto a well known swingers site to see who was online. I got a message from a guy (I'll call him K) who I had been speaking to for a while saying he was horny and was needing some fun :P I told K where I was and he said he lived very nearby! We exchanged a few more messages and I...

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A Deceitful DaughterChapter 6

Jessica: With the death of my father, mother gave in to my longing for a dog. I was so thrilled I felt it was almost worth my father dying for! At the dog kennels on the outskirts of town, mother was charmed with some cute and cuddly pedigree pooches but I was unmoved by them. I was attracted to a handsome two-year-old brown mongrel and as soon as I stroked him, he was wagging his tail and trying to lick my snatch! I looked into his eyes and was captivated. “Oh Mom look! Isn’t he simply...

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Aratego A Cuckolds Paradise Part 1

Tim nodded his head as he looked over at his wife, Rosa. Finally, he thought. I’ve pictured this moment over and over again. Hands wrapped around my cock, looking into the computer. Twenty more minutes and we’ll be pulling up at the Oceanaire. This guy’ll be standing out front, dressed in white with jewelry on, or at least that’s what she said.Tim smiled, having recalled what Rosa told him before they’d left their Creampie Ridge apartment. As hard as it was to pull his eyes away from his wife...

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Cash for College

You wake up on sunday morning, you feel dry and a touch hungover after a long night out. In your first moment of clairity since you realize youve finally done it, its real. You graduated on friday and after partying all weekend with your highschool friends who you may never see after this summer your filled with a sense of pride. You climb out of your bed, looking in the mirror you see your pretty face. Your small nose and plump pink lips are highlighted by your slightly disheveled long brown...

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The smoldering rays of sunshine seeped through the beige satin curtains of the bedroom, glistening like pure crystals against the sheets and two nestle-chocolate bodies, one in a deep slumber while the other watched in adoration at the steady beat of his rising chest. The aroma smelt of sweet caramel, fresh strawberries and other islandy fruits, sugary cane and mouth-watering brown cinnamon lingered in their bedroom, it portrayed a sweet scent fragrance shop in every way. The sun rays of...

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BBs Nursery and Daycare Chapter 2

BB's Nursery and Day Care Chapter 2 Sunday morning came with the sun shining and the birds chirping. Edna was already up. She had a lot to do to this morning. She was fully dressed in a typical navy blue business jacket, matching skirt, white silk blouse and low heeled shoes. She always felt high heels were for the young and the vain, and she was no longer either having celebrated a 55th birthday a few months ago. This was what she usually wore back when she was working every day at...

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CHAPTER 4: NORMALCY … NOTThe days and weeks that turned into a few months provided a consistency and expectedness that caused me to consider if it was my new normalcy. Was this going to be what my life was going to be like? The routine calls from Mr. or Mrs. Baldwin to go out to dinner and then their house, or just to go to their house for an afternoon or evening, or to go to their house for the weekend? Knowing that each call would involve sexual acts with one or both of them at their whim?...

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PetiteHDPorn Kiara Cole September 2020 Flavor Of The Month Kiara Cole

Kiara Cole is super into her new swim instructor, Damon Dice. She bides her time, playing the demure client until Damon’s lesson coincides with a weekend that her parents will be out of town. Instead of her one-piece swimsuit, Kiara decks herself out in a slutty bikini. She goes in for the kill when Damon arrives. They get into the pool together, with Kiara knowing full well that Damon is checking her out. When she catches one of his glances, Kiara presses close and lets Damon know that...

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Halloween Whore

Halloween Whore Melissa looked at herself in the mirror and put on even more lipstick and eye shadow than she already had on. The heavy makeup was part of her costume that she was wearing for the Halloween party that she and herhusband, David, were going to. Her costume was that of a street walker. Her black skirt was short and came to just below her panties. She also had on a garter belt that held up her black fish net hose. She had debated on whether or not to wear the crotch less panties she...

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Not Very Nice People Chapter 611 In Another Land

NOT VERY NICE PEOPLE by Crazy Baron Chapter 6: In Another Land Synopsis: A certain welcoming small town on the sunny West Coast is under (yet another) threat that most of its inhabitants are blissfully unaware of. Lesser evil lurks in the shadows, seeking to bring about a greater one. Can it be stopped in time? ***** I was still seeing the road and the dashboard of my car as an afterimage against a new backdrop of a dark sky and a suburban street with many glowing and...

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NaughtyOffice Ariana Marie 24547

This prick again! Johnny’s lingering in the office after hours, looking for reasons to tell his wife he’s going to be late when one trickles in, wearing a tight black skirt, stockings, heels and a red, silk shirt. Carrying her box of things, Ariana Marie tells him she was just promoted to be working under Mr. Nixon, and she’s looking for her office to get a head start next week. The office horndog leads the sexy brunette to her new digs, all the while learning that his reputation precedes him....

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Solomon And Jadzia Part 1

“Hey, dad. Just hanging out?” Jadzia Zahn asked her father as she walked out of the house to the pool.  She was a twenty-two-year-old beauty.  She’d finished college last year, and was working, though not in her career.  She still lived at home, much to her father’s delight.“Hey, sweetheart! Yeah, I’m just chilling. It’s the start of a four-day weekend. What better way to start than relaxing in the pool,” answered her father, Solomon Zahn.  He was a lawyer, specializing in corporate law, taking...

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Aunty Tanya

Hi….so after my 1st and only encounter with my Aunty Tanya some time ago I had longed for another encounter like that. I was constantly masturbating over her. The 1st family get together after our encounter was bit weird and I was nervous as fuck but Tanya acted like nothing which was awesome, I felt relaxed. So a few weeks had pasted and I got a package in the mail. I thought weird cause I haven’t ordered anything online recently. I took it into my room closed the door and opened it. Inside...

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Sister Brother At Hotel 8211 Part III

I call up my dad, we are reaching Dimapur by tomorrow, my dad asked me to take care of my sister, as I’m taking care of her from last evening now we both get fresh and went out to have dinner and after having dinner we returned to our hotel room and have one more round of our fucking session.. when we enter the room she just started removing her dress from the door, I closed the door and I also become nude by seeing her becoming naked, she was laying naked on the bed and she was biting her...

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Reborn to be Better Ch 20

Instead she was lying down and attempting to recover from the days…activities. Jason knew she was exhausted, probably more tired in this moment than she had ever been in her entire life. Despite her attempt at sleep, Jason knew he could use this new state she was in. He watched her naked form, breathing deeply, desperately clawing at the idea of sleep, while the headphones attached to her ears blocked off all noise. All noise except for some soothing ocean noise, with his name being...

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How I Lost My Virginity

Hi friends, I’m Ted. I am living in Kerala. I came to know about ISS a few weeks back and since have become a huge fan of ISS. This is my first story so please forgive for any mistakes. Do send Feedbacks on All types of feedbacks are welcomed. You might feel it a long story but you surely will enjoy. So, let’s get started HOW I LOST MY VIRGINITY – PART I First let me tell you about myself. I’m a 23 year old engineer, good looking and a slim person. I’m 5’9″and my cock size is 7 inches...

1 year ago
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The First Time I Questioned My Sexuality

Now this story is entirely true. I've changed two very small details just so it doesn't get deleted by the mods :).When I was younger I used to spend a lot of time at my cousin's house. He and I were very close in age and he almost always had a friend named Will from his school over. When I was younger I was relatively shy and introverted so I didn't spend much time in a sexual situation with either sex and I never really put much emphasis on it. While I was staying at his house one summer his...

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Loosening Up Book 9 Fantasies Among the WeedsChapter 25 Graduation Party Trouble Drops By

There had been some marvelous ideas to decorate for the graduation party. Again, the Cessna 150 had been hoisted up onto the roof of the core living room. A sexy mannequin borrowed from a department store at the mall was dressed in a graduation gown was getting out of the plane and stiffly waving to the crowd. The gown was open in the front revealing its nudity and a prolific crop of pubic hair. It was quite funny. Other banners and streamers were draped throughout the patio, living room,...

4 years ago
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What Happens In Vegas copy I wish i was able to

Hi there! I'm Ann. I would like to share a true lifestyle story with you that has been permanently embedded in my memory and makes me cum every time I think of it! Let me begin by giving you a bit of background about my husband, (Tony), and my swinging history. Tony and I are a happily married couple living in Las Vegas and have been in the lifestyle for over 15 years now. We have certainly enjoyed our adventures over the years and have brought every fantasy we have had to reality. Living in...

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Discovering Clara Pt 02

‘So, you’re really meaning to tell me that you haven’t been staring at me all night?’ I pressed as we walked through Goodnight’s extensive gardens. Pierce moved slowly, I noticed, taking long strides as if he expected the rest of the world to kiss the ground he walked on. The entitlement is strong in this one, I thought. ‘Pierce!’ I insisted when he didn’t answer. Suddenly he swiveled toward me, his face just centimeters from mine. ‘I prefer it when you call me sir, Clara,’ he whispered,...

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Seduced By Moms Best Friens

I was 20 and just arrived home for the summer after finishing a grueling semester at college where I was majoring in Biochemistry. I was taking it easy in the week between school and the beginning of my internship working for a d**g company, doing research on stem cell technology. I had slept in, enjoying my free time with no appointments, responsibilities or deadlines. Leisurely, I rolled out of bed, worked out to my P90X routine that had firmed and toned my body, giving me six pack abs and...

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Hot Savita Bhabhi Comic Videos Watch For Free Here

Ever wondered how India’s most beautiful and hottest bhabhi’s voice be like? Yes, that’s right – we are talking about none other than, the one and only SAVITA BHABHI! Through her sex-packed porn comics, the seductress bhabhi has been conquering our hearts since 2009. Her irresistible charms, perfect curves for seduction, those wild and erotic expressions during sex, and her techniques in bed to get any guy jizz like crazy, are only a few among the many reasons why we are in love with her for...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 32

"That is true, Governor, but we are able to extend its supervisory capability, from our position in orbit. We will put other satellites in permanent orbit to provide visual intelligence data, and we will supply a set of mechanoids to offer assistance where and when required by the human colonists. Thus, should we have to leave the planet without any Personalia, the observation capability will remain and the city mind will be able to operate our mechanoids in our stead." "Fine. I just...

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Victorious part 5

“On Friday, time to think over the weekend was requested. Your time is up.” Meredith asked as they met in her office for the morning. Victor stayed still for a moment soaking in her gaze. He felt strangely calm but stiflingly hot nonetheless. “Have you bought me a ring?” He started. Meredith didn’t even blink. “Your answer?” Victor continued undeterred. “Maybe someone should be here to annotate our agreement? I would like this on paper.” Meredith paused, then reached over...

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Mystery Motel 25

Donald, Elizabeth, Regina, and Jason got up early and they had eaten breakfast and were quickly cleaning up. Regina said, "We need to get going. What is wrong with me? I am ordering around like you are my butler or something." Donald kissed her and he said, "You are worried about the latest people who stayed at that motel." Donald said, "Let's get going." Donald held out his arm and she took it and they walked out with Jason and Elizabeth followed behind when they got to the car...

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He Learned

And so he learned, as did all members of his race, how to destroy. He was taught first how to destroy on the basic levels. He was taught how to destroy thought. He repressed what he chose, ignoring his emotions, thoughts and memories. Those that he deemed dangerous were gone. He learned to destroy without thinking about the consequences. He was adept at learning. Soon he knew how to destroy without the realization that he was destroying. He could break down all facets of his being. first level...

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The Man with 2 Monogamous Wives

Moans filled the air as Vanessa grinded on Nick’s cock. Her black hair bounced with the lengthy strokes of her fat black ass. Nick gritted his teeth as he tried his best to hold back his voice, as Vanessa’s grind increased in pace, before breaking into bed shaking bounces. Nick watched her backside move methodically on his cock with such vigor, before they were interrupted. “Hey honey, I’m home!” Isabelle announced as she opened the door, only to stop at the door frame. “I see someone is...

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Getting Off The Seesaw Book 2 Chapter 4

On Friday night Diane’s act went even better than before. There was a bigger crowd, they were more raucous, and they paid more money. The bodyguards were two women. Diane knew that some girls were happy to make money by showing their bodies to men, but saw life differently outside work. Were these two girls a couple, or were they along for the ride out of curiosity?The second act auction got close to a thousand. Diane felt for the guy that won. If he’d come a few days earlier he would have paid...

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Sebastians Slut

Introduction: My Introduction to Sex When I first met Sebastian, I knew he would be mine. I was seven years old, and his father had just started dating my mother. Of course, Sebastian did not know this, and being a 12 year old, started dating my 12 year old sister. They broke up after two weeks, but instead of turning to me, he started dating my 10 year old sister. Now when I say dating, I mean little kid dating, where you are going out and dont actually go anywhere or do anything. Basically...

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