Caught 0
- 3 years ago
- 54
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I woke up slowly the next morning to the soft whispers between a mother and daughter. It had been a taxing night, both physically and mentally. My head still felt as if it was a sheep turned inside out, so I decided to just lie there with my eyes closed. I drifted in and out of consciousness as the two women in my life shared confidences. I didn't feel as if I was eavesdropping, as they knew I was lying right there between them.
I cracked one eye and peeked out at the cruel, bright world. Sally and Janey were both kneeling at about where my knees were. They were facing each other, holding hands across my legs in an almost romantic gesture. Two blonde goddesses, and nude, except for a skimpy bikini bottom on Janey.
I reached out with my newly discovered mental talent and tried to sense the moods of the two women. I didn't want to be crude or heavy-handed and barge right in. I just tried to get as close to them as I could. It took a great effort to use a soft touch. Heavy-handed is much easier. Shoot first, the Hell with the questions. Gradually, I was able to feel that Sally was very content. I wasn't sure, though, as it was like tasting colors. I was still trying to learn what meant what with this seventh sense. What I thought she felt, though, was contentment.
Janey's picture, or aura, was more turbulent, with brighter, hungrier colors; nothing serious that I could sense, but somewhat unfulfilled. After the unrequited arousal she had gone through last night, I assumed she was just horny. I was surprised she hadn't used her fingers or something phallic on herself, but somehow I knew she hadn't. She continued to talk to her Mom. Sally, I think, had sensed that I was awake by now, although I hadn't touched her mind, or moved. There was so much I had to learn about this stuff. Too, she was an incredibly perceptive woman.
"You're still wearing the collar. Wouldn't he let you take it off?" asked Janey.
"It was the other way around. I wouldn't let him remove it," said her mom.
"Doesn't it bother you? It looks kind of tight."
"No. I don't mind," said Sally. "In fact, I want to wear it all the time now. Last night was, well, last night he became my Master. Janey, I don't know if you will ever understand, but if you could only have one thing in life, my wish for you, with all my heart, is that you find that one special man. That guy you can love as I love my Master. When it all comes down to the bottom line in life, nothing else matters."
"Didn't he beat you last night?" asked Janey, knowing I had.
I could sense Janey was really uncomfortable about what had happened. The last time her mother had gotten involved in this stuff, it had just about destroyed the both of them. She was right to be worried.
"Janey, shame on you!" said Sally. "You know what happened. You heard it and you sensed it. You enjoyed it, too, if I remember right. No?"
"Well, yeah, kind of," the girl admitted. "But those welts look like they would really hurt. Would you let him do it again?"
"No. I would not 'let' him," my Love explained. "I would, no - I will beg him to do it again, though. As often as he desires."
"Why?" she asked, confused.
"Because he is my Master," Sally answered simply. "I am his, to love, to whip, even to sell, if he desires."
"You're not serious. Sell?" Janey wondered.
"Yes, he has that option, though he may not know it yet," said Sally. "But if I know my Master, he would not even consider that. He would die first."
"Did he enjoy punishing you?" pursued Janey. "I mean, did he get a, you know, a, uh..."
"Hard-on? Woody? Stiffy? Erection?" asked Sally helpfully
"Yeah. One of those."
"Janey," explained her mother, "get used to seeing it. Get used to talking about sex, too. It's going to be a big part of our lives, yours included. I don't know what he has planned for you, but I trust him with you, that he will do the right thing. He is so tender and sweet. He was like a little boy last night who thought he had accidentally hurt his new puppy. He cried. He is trying so hard to please me. I kind of made him squirm.
"But the answer to your question is 'No, ' he didn't get excited when he was punishing me. He only got hard when I took him in my mouth. I just about drowned doing it, too." She looked hard at Janey. "By the way, you wouldn't have had anything to do with him being soft, would you? I thought I tasted something strange on him."
"He didn't tell you?" asked Janey innocently.
"Tell me what?" asked her mother, suspiciously. "Did he fuck you? It didn't quite taste like that."
"If he didn't tell you, maybe he doesn't want you to know."
"Janey, I'm your mother. Besides, we don't talk about you all the time, you know. Now tell me what happened."
"Well, when you were downstairs, I came in and, well, did him."
"Did him how?" asked Sally.
"With my mouth. Well, my mouth and a lot of my throat."
"Oh?" Sally said, disbelieving.
"Yeah," Janey giggled. "Those doctors put one of those gizmos down there too, did you know that? It took me by surprise, but I really didn't mind. In fact, I kept that fat part (the head?) down there almost the whole time, after that. Could you really tell just from the taste?"
"You bet I could tell," said her mom. "He's my man remember. Don't you ever forget that. Mine! You can borrow him from time to time, but he is mine. And yes, I found out about that one last night, too. My Master has a real soft streak in him. Soft, but twisted! Do you know he had the doctors put them in my tits, too? I came so hard last night when he hit me there that I passed out. I know they are around my asshole. He probably had them put them all over the place. I'm beginning to wonder if there is any place he can touch us, fuck us or hit us where we won't enjoy it." Sally paused. "So did you like taking him in your mouth, other than that?"
"Uh-huh. I even swallowed his, uh, stuff," Janey smiled, remembering. "And I kissed him after and shared it with him, too. I don't think he was sure about doing that, letting his own stuff into his mouth, but he did it. It made me feel special when he did that, you know? That he would do something I asked him to do even though he didn't want to."
Sally laughed quietly. "Oh, now it makes sense. He did the same thing with me, later. He kissed me while I still had some of his cum in my mouth. He really sucked hard and I couldn't keep it from him. I couldn't figure out why he did that. He'd never done that before. Now I know. He must have sensed how special it made you feel and wanted me to feel the same way."
They sat there quietly for a while. Then Janey got down to the real question.
"Mom, what does it feel like, really? I mean, I could tell when you had an orgasm, and when you were afraid, just at the beginning, and stuff. But, what did it do to you? All that pain! And right there, too. I, uh, I tried it a little myself last night, I hit myself with my school ruler, and all it did was hurt. What did I do wrong? Does he do something special? But, really, Mom, how could you stand it?"
Sally nodded. "I noticed those stripes and meant to ask you about them. I was almost wondering if Larry did that, but I couldn't believe he would. Don't do that again, OK? Not by yourself or until you're sure that's what you want. It- it isn't the same, doing it to yourself. I know because I tried to do myself too after I kicked Gary out. I don't know if I can tell you what it feels like. You almost have to go through it yourself to know. But I'll try, OK?
"First, my Master is becoming a very powerful Master. He can 'see' things. He can sense or see things in me better than when you and I link up, too. I can sense him a little, but he seems to be able to reach out and take me over completely. I don't think he really knows yet what's going on. It kind of scares him, this new power, so he is very careful not to hurt me with it. I think it surprised him a little last night. It may have been the first time he intentionally experienced it. But whatever happened, it was like he was hooked up to my brain when he touched the end of the crop to me.
"I don't think he knows it, but after the first couple of lame attempts to strike me, he rested just the tip of the riding crop against my stomach. Then he just stood there for what seemed like about 30 minutes. I was beginning to be concerned for him, that he was having a fit or something and suddenly I felt him in me, inside me, in my head. It was like he was getting to know me, what he could do to me, just how far to push, how hard to hit. He was very careful to make me feel safe. I miss him being in there now.
"Second, I had displeased my Master. He made an error in letting me choose my punishment, but he made it right later. I don't know what the actual whipping did to me. I remember the pain. I also remember being turned on even more. I was incredibly, powerfully aroused. I made him fuck my tits in the bathtub afterwards. I think that hurt him more than it did me and I just about passed out from the pain. But I was so turned on. I still am. I wish he would open his eyes so we could fuck some more."
"Geeze, Mom! Didn't you get enough last night? When are you two going to act your age? I couldn't get to sleep with all that racket, not to mention having to feel your orgasms, too. What were there, ten, twenty?"
As Sally had talked about how horny she still was, I 'knocked' on the door of her mind, letting her know I was awake. She moved down and laid beside me on her side her breasts nestled into my side. She pulled the sheet up over her. I could feel her waiting, quivering in anticipation of my command.
In response to Janey's last question, all I heard from Sally was a purring, like a contented kitten. That low pitched sound struck a nerve, an erotic one to boot. I didn't think I had another erection in me, Dr. Wang's operation or no. The contented purring continued, however, and I was at full mast, tenting the silk top sheet.
"Uh, Mom? Uh, I think Daddy's, uh, 'up'," giggled Janey.
"Oh, goody!" purred Sally in my ear.
With that, we erupted in giggles and guffaws, until another hot body wiggled under the sheets and I felt a warm moist mouth slide over the top and down the shaft of my penis.
"Hey, go find your own. This one's mine!" said Sally.
Janey raised herself up off my cock. "But I need the practice. Besides, you had enough last night. You won't admit it, but he outlasted you, not the other way around." An impish grin showed itself from under the sheet. "How's it feel, huh, Mom? Must be the first time you got everything you needed, huh?"
With that, she dove back down on my prick, now slippery with her saliva. Then, "Mmmmm, good! You guys taste kind of good together."
I turned my head and opened my eyes to look at my love. She was breathtakingly beautiful.
She smiled up at me, a serious look in her eyes.
"Good morning, Master. I hope we didn't wake you too soon."
Her lustrous eyes looked up at me. I had never seen her so content. She was fingering her collar absently with one hand, the other was lightly tracing the welts across her chest. They still looked angry.
"Good morning, my Love."
I bent my head to her and kissed her softly. She gasped as if an electric shock went through her.
"Did Janey see what I, uh, what we did last night?"
Sally nodded.
"Is she OK with it?"
Sally's face clouded over, and she turned her head away from me as she answered.
"What was that, my love? I didn't hear you."
She turned back to face me, her face torn, a puzzle of conflicting emotions. When she spoke she whispered so that the two little ears on the head busy at my cock couldn't hear.
"She didn't say it out loud, and she may not know it herself, but I can somehow sense, I know somehow that she wants you to do the same thing to her, too. In fact, she ... she ... Oh, God! Master? I don't know what to do! She is so much like me that I'm frightened for her almost more now than after she was attacked."
My normally competent, rock-solid Sally dissolved into a puddle of tears. It was obvious I wasn't going to get anything more from her, so I went to the source.
"Janey, put the toy away. Daddy wants to speak with you." I said with mock seriousness.
"Awww. Do I have to?" she teased.
Then she wiggled her firm flesh up my torso so that her head was just out of the sheet. This action placed the head of my cock right at the entrance of her cunt. She teasingly wiggled her butt as if to slide down on it. The flimsy material of her panties had bunched up to one side. I wondered if this was by intent or accident, but I had a hunch she knew exactly what she was doing.
"Janey. Do NOT move another inch! Not one wiggle."
My tone left no room for playfulness. She got the hint and rolled to her side, still pressing her luscious tits into my bare chest.
"Yes, Daddy? You wanted to talk to me?" she asked innocently.
I would have to remember how good an actress she was. I had just pulled her off my cock, and I still almost believed she was an innocent little girl. God help me!
"Uh, do you have any idea what made your Mom so upset?"
"Nooo!" was her wide-eyed innocent response. "I just came in to talk with her this morning. She had a great time last night, Dad. She came so hard. I came, too, just from our connection. And then she didn't stop, but just kept on cumming and cumming and cumming."
She raised herself up on her hands as she was speaking. As I saw those rubbery mounds exposed to the afternoon light, I saw what had unsettled Sally.
Thin, red lines tracked across her ivory skin. Criss-crossing the succulent orbs. Lots of them. More than I had imagined during their whispered talk. Sally had kept her poise rather well, I thought. I raised a finger to track the lines.
"Oh, Janey! Did you do this?" I asked her.
I already knew, but I wanted her to tell me.
"Uh-huh. When I heard you do it to her, I hated you at first. She felt so afraid. And then, WHAM!"
She clapped her hands together for effect. I enjoyed watching the jiggling repercussions.
"She went from being afraid to out of this world in love with you. And then you hit her. And she just went out..." She made an exploding motion with her hands. "Poof!"
"But, why did you do that to yourself. Didn't it hurt?" I asked gently.
She hung her head. "Uh-huh."
"Then why didn't you stop?"
I already knew the answer to that, too. She didn't know how to fail. She just kept trying, and trying, and trying. God, how that must have hurt her.
"I just wanted to feel just a little bit of what Mom felt. But all it did was hurt," she pouted.
"Are you going to be alright?" I asked her.
She shook her head 'yes'. "I think so. Mom said she had some stuff to put on them."
I must have been asleep for that part. Probably just as well. I don't think I could have just lain there, knowing she was in pain.
"Daddy?" I knew what was coming, but I couldn't hide. "Would you, could we, well, I want to try that, you know, what you did to Mom. I think."
I looked at Sally for help. She gave none. She was watching me for my decision. Her calm demeanor rattled me. If I made the wrong choice, Oh shit. But was there even a right choice?
I copped out. I did what any red-blooded male would do when given the option. I decided to see just how much she wanted it. I was going to test her AND make her wait. If that didn't dissuade her, well then, God help us all.
I hadn't thought of taking this whole submission thing all that seriously before, but now I was thanking my foresight to prepare. I had made several purchases, thinking the girls might want to role-play a bit as slave and Master. But now, with Sally reluctant to give up any of her hard fought territory and Janey wanting to take a serious look at being a submissive, I decided that now was as good of a time as any for the next step. Or was it a leap off a precipice?
I turned back to Janey. "Well, young lady. If you'll move those fabulous tits and let me up for a moment, I have some more presents for you."
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After some early misgivings Mimi had finally agreed to us renting or buying a property in the Grantham area and enrolling Jean–Woodrow at The King’s School. As yet we had not travelled to England as Mimi was adamant that until our twin girls were fully weaned they would not be exposed to coach or sea travel. Thus, it was not until May of 1826 that the family set out for England. During the preceding two years I had kept in touch with my sister and the Slades, and Zinnia was searching the area...
This is a fictional story about a threesome relationship. It is based on my fantasies about a show I watch in my language. All the characters are fictional and strictly above 19. I prefer stories with a plot that gets us involved in the story and leads to sex rather than stories with just wild sex. My stories are a bit lengthy and usually have everything like gay sex, lesbianism, threesomes, group sex, and mainly incest. Enjoy the story. You can give me feedback at . If you haven’t read the...
During the third week of January 1976, the Turners returned to Hawaii for vacation. This time they flew directly to Hilo International Airport. Once again, Kepa Kekoa met them at the airport, this time as a friend and business partner. Kepa helped them gather their baggage and led them out to a sparking clean white passenger van. ‘Hokulii Inn - The Lovers Paradise’ was painted on the side of the van, as was an artistic rendering of Kilauea Volcano. Kepa and Jake yakked as Kepa drove the...
Rose Gallagher gathered the bibles and stacked them neatly on a bookstand. She had finished another long day at the church helping her Uncle, Daniel, who was a priest. Rose had just turned 18 at the time and had volunteered to help her uncle at the church. It was past eight at night and the sky was dark. The night was chilly forcing Rose to put on a soft cotton pink sweater. ‘Uncle Dan, I already finished picking up the bibles and song books,’ Rose said poking her head in her uncle’s office. ...
Last Monday I've had one of my most interesting sexual experience to date.My wife called me in the morning and asked me if I can go to her sister's and her housband's house (my brother-in-law owns the house) to take the drilling machine for some later use at the house of my mother-in-law.As I've finished retouching some pictures for the magazine I work, I decided that I have enough time to go by my brother-in-law house to get the drill and come back to finish my work at the office.I've jumped...
You know all the usual stuff, don’t read if it’s illegal or you don’t like sex or sex between two males offends you. All characters are purely fictional, and any likeness is coincidence. Joshua Glynn reserves all rights to this story, the characters, and the world they live in. This story is about an 18/yo boy struggling with the gifts that he possesses, and trying to find out where he fits in a modern day society. Joshua moved to Goose Creek, South Carolina, just outside of Charleston, due...
Lost, Part 6. The Club Archibald Young Note the word "boy" throughout this part is shorthand for young men over the age of consent. Knocking on the door of his room woke Paul in his silky, warm bath. "It's Erica," boomed the old transvestite, "can I come in?" "Yes!" shouted Paul. And then Erica was fussing over him, tut-tutting over the state of the sable, and setting off again the pleasurable cycle of preparation for yet more sex with a man, this time with Victor that...
Let me introduce my self first. I am AbbY (name changed), single, and living in Mumbai. I have a professional degree and I have my own business set up. Since teenage, I have always been a horny person. I am more into married or matured women and so I always used to have an eye for my neighborhood aunties and would always steel glances without them knowing. Coming to , this story happened a few days back and it is about my maid. We recently shifted to a bigger house in Mumbai and as always, we...
I woke up in dimly lit room, with a small window on one side next to an elegant bed that I was now laying in, across from the bed was a big mirror, three doors inside the room one leading to a closet another a bathroom and the last to the outside, it had been exactly one year since I was brought to the werewolf manor, the were wolves were great, they didn’t use me to their advantage, I didn’t have to do anything for them, they respected me and I in turn respected them, they knew what I could do...
it was a Friday night and the the wife's sister was visiting us as she was going through a rough patch with her husband, we were sat having a drink and the door bell went, Susan asked my wife Jane who could that be? Jane looked at me and i looked puzzled then i remembered i had rang Ged to come over and have some fun with the wife and i, it totally slipped my mind. i looked at Jane and said it was Ged he was popping in for a drink with me! i answered the door and i shut it behind me and told...
This all started one Friday night during my sophomore year in college. I was talking to my friends in my dorm room. We were having normal guy talk when someone mentioned their sex life. This got me really turned on. That year I was getting laid all the time. Unfortunately, my friends didn't get to have sex as often. Apparently I was the only one who had sex with in the last two weeks. Now, before I go on, you must know none of the other guys except for one, had a gay experience before or even...
Group SexMy pager went off at six thirty Saturday morning. Voice mail. I crawled to the phone and answered the page.The soft voice of my girlfriend Anne met my ears, "Hello, my slut. I want you to check into the Holiday Inn on Madison Ave and I-80 by eight a.m. I will meet you there. Bye."I hung up, a smile playing at the corner of my mouth. I quickly jumped into the shower and washed my hair and body. I dressed in blue jeans and a green pullover shirt, white socks and my tennis shoes. I left the house...
Part 1 – Red 1 Yes. A sunny balcony would be nice, I thought, circling another listing in crimson ink. Or maybe a roof garden. I could plant rosemary, and violets. I could paint. I bit the top of my pen and skimmed down the column to a number that didn’t threaten to ruin me. ‘Sur la rue Villeray. 3 1/2 chauffé. 1 chambre, style ouvert. Plancher bois franc. Entrées laveuse/sécheuse. Disponible immédiatement. 500 $’ It was more than a little humiliating that, after two years in a francophone...
My wife Donna and I have been married for quite a few years and we are as physically fit as we were in high school and she is a petite lady that can still get into a size two, Donna has butt length auburn hair and the cat green eyes to go along with that red hair, her breasts are high and firm and we both love to indulge in all forms of physical intimacy with each other. Now then, with all of that said, please allow me to share a true story with you that started out as a ‘well,...
Omega lounged at the bar, though his eyes roamed, checking out the ladies there. It was a bustling night but, as long as he was seated, the tall wolf could fly under the radar, though it was difficult for him to do in pure black fur at ten feet tall otherwise. To say that he was a big lad would have been an understatement, yet he would have preferred to attract attention for the right reasons, the red streak over one eye catching more curious eyes. Those were the kind of questions that he liked...
CheatingOne Saturday evening, I was babysitting at one of my client’s house while all I could think about was how to make it to the weekend party that I couldn’t exactly afford at the moment. I knew that Mr. Jones is well-off, so I figured maybe he has some cash hidden somewhere in the house that I can borrow for a hot minute… just borrow. Sure enough, I found a decent pile of cash in the dresser! Unfortunately, he came home earlier than expected and caught me red handed! It was sooo...
xmoviesforyouI was in the army stationed at Fort Bliss Texas after completeing basic training jusy getting settled into army life. I was attending an advanced training course and making the trips to Mexico every chance I got! So I didn't really pay to much attention to things around the barricks at all till I began to notice the things that one perticular sargent seemed to be interested in. No matter what they say gay sex happens in the military, this guy seemed to have a thing for young white boys, he was...
I am going to describe a story of how my step mother taught me to masturbate .A little dis description of the situation.....well I am the only c***d of my parents and my motherdied at very young age I live with my step mother she don’t have and is very nice to me . My father isusually on business trip so mostly me and my step mother are at home. Well she is 5.9 ft tall healthyand very pretty well about me I am 9.7 ft fairly is good shape...Well it was chilling Sunday night and I was awake I...
My introduction to the joys of a strap-on dildo came in a roundabout way. My wife and I were attending an outdoor party at our health club in northern California. It was a nice warm evening and a great band was playing.We were drinking wine and enjoying the music. My wife seemed to be particularly intrigued with the lead singer, a sultry brunette with long curly hair and a husky sensual voice. I had my arms wrapped around her and she was leaning back into me. I casually asked if she was...
Part 3I lay on the makeshift bed, sprawled out wearing my sexy lingerie, with my right hand between my wide open stockinged legs, gently stoking my shaved pussy. I’d Just swallowed Neil’s, his brother Tom’s and my husbands orgasmic fruits. Neil and Tom were setting up lights and cameras over the other side of the studio as my husband looked lovingly toward me, still stroking his semi erect cock.In less than one day my husband had gone from normal husband with a sane level of jealousy to an out...
Quando quella sera Achref venne a casa mia per fare l'amore, e io a un certo punto gli dissi che era mia intenzione cominciare a vivere come una donna, la donna che ero sempre stata, la sua reazione alla mia notizia fu una faccia a met? tra lo sbigottito e il sorpreso, quasi come a voler dire: "Ah. Beh, per? in fondo me lo immaginavo." Nei cinque anni precedenti, Achref aveva sempre sospettato che il suo pelosissimo orso gay passivo che lui inculava a piacimento potesse essere in realt? una donna...
A weekend BBQ.....Sandy and I had more or less fallen into a routine now. We'd see that the k**s got to school, then we'd have a good sweaty sex session, sometimes a quickie, sometimes a long drawn out session that left us both exhausted. It had been and amazing couple of weeks. In truth, I found it hard to be around her now without starting to feel horny and it seemed that she felt the same way. It wasn't love, it was more an awareness of each other's sexuality.This weekend, our two families...
Nach ihrem Karriereende als Sängerin hatte Jasmin Wagner nur Pech gehabt. Sie hatte auf ihr Management gehört und ihre sauer erarbeiteten Gagen und Tantiemen in Aktien ihrer Plattenfirma Edel gesteckt und nach dem Börsencrash waren die Millionen auf ein lächerliches Sümmchen zusammengeschrumpft mit dem sie ihren Lebensstil auf keinen Fall halten konnte. Anders gesagt, sie war pleite ! Das hatte auch wohl Kurt, ein wohlhabender Mensch in den 40ern aus ihrem Umfeld, mitbekommen und dieser machte...
It was a gorgeous sunny day. My boyfriend and I were both off and decided that we would go and meet up with some friends for an afternoon session in the pub.We got ready and went on out to meet them. I was wearing a pair of purple hot pants, a cream see through sheer fabric top, a purple bra and matching thong, and to hide my modesty, at least for now, a short button up top as well.I felt pretty sexy with my long legs and toned stomach on show and as the drinks flowed and the sun shone down I...
ExhibitionismHi friends this is Raj once again.. This story is narrated by Priya our Nun who is also the participant in the event.. This story took place a couple weeks ago, on Halloween actually. I was hosting a party for some friends and by the end of the night, we all had a treat that was better than any candy you could buy! The theme of the party was Sweet and Sexy, meaning everyone’s costumes were supposed to be sexy, but still “good girl/boy” costumes. I was dressed as a nun, my outfit more naughty...
He walked by again and I catch my breath quietly. He is so handsome, not the tallest boy on the block, but dark skinned and a smile that would make any female melt before him. He was…my boss’s son, Fouad. I began working with him around 3 months ago when his parents saw my exceptional work ethic which molded perfectly with their son’s. “I wish we molded together” I am 19 and he is 24. We both love sports and work hard to keep lean athletic bodies. I never threw myself at him, or fought for a...
Chapter 1 By Milik the Red Four years later... Kelly sighed as the warm spray splashed over her soft breasts. The soapy water felt wonderful as it flowed down her flat belly and over her smoothly shaven mound. Slowly running her hand over her moistening sex, she moaned softly as her finger dipped into her wetness. Her nipples became enlarged, and her heartbeat quickened as her body responded eagerly to the invading digit. Kelly was always easily aroused. She loved the intimacy of sexual...
Straight SexMera naam uday hain, main apni kahani aap sabko batana chahta hu…mere jija jaipur main rehte hain.Meri sister ki shaadi ko 5 saal hue hain.Main study ke liye jaipur 1 saal pehle unke yaha rehta tha…meri sister ki choochiya choti or gaand badi hain.Mere jija saaand ki tarah tagde hain. Ek din ki baat hain jija ji roj ki tarah didi ki gaand maar rhe the…main pani pine gya unke room ke paas.Mujhe oww aahh ki aawaj aayi toh mere man main bhi jija or didi ko dekhne ki aag dhod gayi or maine apna...
“So, you really want me to set this thing up?” asked Peter, a curious tone to his voice. It was Thursday afternoon, and he was calling Lauren at her office. “What? Oh, the camera!” she answered in surprise, then lowered her voice and looked around the empty lobby with a guilty look. “Yes, it might be fun! Will it take long?” “I have no idea,” he replied. “It all depends on how long it takes to run the cable. Why?” “Mmmm, I’d sort of like to surprise Heather with this, you know. She’ll be...
Perhaps the spectre of her had always been lodged deep in my brain, waiting, knowing. Maybe that image, misread by me, had lured me into triple pointless love affairs, and two failed marriages. Failed, because of my uncertainty, my inability to give everything. When Carol left six months earlier, her words had hurt but I could not fathom the truth in them, “Even when you're inside me, I feel you’re somewhere else. Fucking somebody else.”Not true. Hell, I’m as lusty as they come, full of...
Love StoriesThe Hair Restorer by Jimbo It was a real trying day at the office. All the girls were giving me a hard time about how old I looked. I did look a little older than I am. You se I am going bald real fast. But the weird thing is I am growing hair on the rest of my body like I was just coming out of puberty. My name is Max Parker and I am a slim man of about 22 years of age. I am almost completely bald already and no cure in sight for me. The baldness comes with the family. I...