Devlin's StoryChapter 58A free porn video

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"Cute outfit," Lisa said as Devlin checked herself in the mirror. "Is that your new party dress?"

"I found it in one of Laurie's catalogues," Devlin said. She smoothed it down over her hips, nodding at the way it looked on her. "I've had to have a few things changed." She turned to check the full open back of the dress. "But, yes, this is my new party dress. For regular parties, that is," she added.

"What did you have altered, the bosom?" Devlin nodded. "I'm glad I'm not any bigger than I am," Lisa said.

Devlin shrugged. "You get used to them." She turned, getting a profile look. The dress was bluish-silver with just a hint of glitter that made it a party dress. It was sleeveless with a modest scoop neck in front that was just low enough that she could wear a necklace. It wasn't as short as she'd thought at first, coming to just about halfway up her thighs, which was fine with her. This was her cocktail party dress, suitable to be seen by the public.

Smiling at the result, she glanced at Lisa. "You look good in that," she said. Lisa was wearing a short little black chemise that positively clung to her, emphasizing every curve.

Lisa inspected her reflection. "It makes me feel more... well, bare, as if I wasn't wearing anything at all." She shook her head. "Kind of funny when you think about it, isn't it? I mean, I'm wearing a dress, or what passes for one, and yet I really feel like I have nothing on."

"That depends upon what you wear with it," Devlin said.

"I can't wear much with this," Lisa said, looking down at the chemise. She held out the hem, studying the fabric. "Anything I wore with this would show."

"So... don't."

"I don't intend to." Lisa gave herself another critical look. She laughed self-consciously. "Hard to believe, isn't it? For all of my talk, something like this really makes me take a look at myself."


"It's just..." Her voice dropped. "It's just I'm not used to thinking in terms of buying a 'fuck me' dress. But this is definitely one, if there ever was one."

Devlin nodded. "I know what you mean. I'm used to presenting a certain image and being seen in a certain way, and changing it is... hard. On one hand... should I? Do I really dare? And on the other, why not?"

"Which one is the true me?" Lisa asked softly. She gave herself another critical look. "What do you think? Those little black sandals I have?"

"The ones with the small heel and the cute little gold clasp?"

Lisa nodded. "I think they'd go well with this."

"I think so, too," Devlin said. "They'd look much better than something with a thicker heel. You want something light, something that goes well with the fluttery nature of that hemline."

"You should wear your white pumps with that outfit," Lisa said. "They'd emphasize your legs."

Devlin turned, examining her legs in the dressing room mirror. "As if I could draw attention away from my bosom."

"It might draw some attention away from your top."

"That's not going to happen," Devlin laughed ruefully. "Yeah, you're right, though. They'd look nice with this. Can't say I didn't try."

"How are things going in here?" Krissi asked from the other side of the curtain.

"Not bad," Lisa said. "Come take a look."

Krissi slipped through the curtained door. "Oh, my, yes," she said after a quick look at both gals. "You both look almost good enough to eat."

"Is that a promise?" Lisa asked, smiling. "Just kidding."

Krissi slipped her arm around Devlin's waist. "Sorry, there's only room for one woman in my life."

"A girl can ask," Lisa said, faking a pout. "So what are you wearing to the party Emma is hosting?"

"It's a secret," Krissi said with a laugh. "You'll know when you see it."

"It's something very naughty and very wicked," Devlin said. "And it looks very good on her."

"You've seen it?" Lisa asked.

"I helped her pick it out."

Lisa sighed. "Seems odd to be going to a party with some of these people and not..." Her voice trailed off as she glanced at the curtained door. There were other shoppers trying on things here, and they could probably hear everything that was being said. "I wasn't sure I liked the idea of a cocktail party."

"I like the idea," Devlin said. "I know it'll seem weird, but Emma does this every year. It's always on the Sunday night before New Years. This is only the second time I've gone."

"And she's sure it'll be adult dress only?" Lisa glanced at herself in the mirror, but was clearly thinking of the party. It wasn't being held at Emma's. Emma and Tim had rented a motel on the outskirts of Peru. It had a reception hall that normally rented for parties and weddings, and they'd been happy to rent it for an Adults-Only New Years Party.

"It's safe," Krissi said. "You can be as daring and as exposed as you want to be. This is my fourth one. People can get pretty wild and imaginative. Skin is definitely in." She dropped her voice. "And if things happen, well, there are always a few available rooms. Most people do."

"New Years Eve is when we'll party in the traditional style," Devlin said. She rubbed her arms. "I'm looking forward to that party. I haven't been to one in years."

"That'll be the real cocktail party," Krissi murmured. "The guy's will have the cocks, and we'll have the tails." All three of them giggled at that.

"You know what I mean," Devlin said. "Anyway, there'll be time enough for that later on. Right now we should enjoy the holiday break. We don't have school for two more weeks."

Lisa nodded and began changing. After a moment Devlin followed suit. She'd freeze if she went outside in this dress. Lisa had grabbed her coat and was part way out the door when she stopped at looked back at Devlin.

"You coming?"

"I'm going to talk to Laurie about the lingerie she's carrying," Devlin said with a shake of her head. "I'll join you guys in a bit."

"Business," Lisa said with a slight grimace. "Think you'll be long?"

"I don't know," Devlin confessed.

"All right. We'll be over at..." She glanced at Krissi. "We'll meet you at that steak house around the corner when you're done. Think you'll have enough time for lunch?"

"I should," Devlin said. She waited until Krissi and Lisa had left. She sighed. She'd thought about this, now she just had to go through with it.

"Laurie?" she asked when the woman was through with another customer.

Laurie was a tall woman, thin, her brown hair cut back in a pageboy. She was wearing brown slacks and a red turtleneck. Now she looked up from the credit card receipts she had laid out on the counter.

"Do you need something else?" she asked. "Do you want any changes with that dress?"

"No, it's pretty much all right the way it is." She thought a moment. "Well, maybe a slit a couple of inches long up the sides. Nothing revealing, just fashionable."

Laurie nodded. "Not a problem. I can have that done this afternoon. Can you think of anything else?"

"That should do it," Devlin said. She pocketed her card and the receipt. After wrapping her muffler around her she pulled her coat on over her thick sweater and sweatshirt. Gloves, hat, she zipped the coat up and shrugged a bit to make sure everything was comfortable. She was swaddled in enough layers she felt like a mummy. She imagined that she was now bigger around than she was tall. But at least she was warm, and with this latest storm coming in over the plains staying warm was more important than anything else.

"I'll see you tomorrow," she said. She glanced at her watch. There should still be enough time for lunch before she and Lisa headed over to the sales meeting Lisa had arranged. If she hurried, she could get more than just a bowl of soup.


Devlin made the last adjustment on her dress, and then stepped back to inspect herself in the motel room mirror. Months before she'd bought a very naughty little number to wear tonight, but after seeing this dress in Laurie's catalogue she'd fallen in love with it. It was a translucent sheath done in the sheerest gold lamé. The top left her shoulders bare, but otherwise it covered her, at least in a technical sense, from her ankles to her shoulders. It had a slit up one side to her knees so she could move. The main thing about the dress was that it was mostly transparent. You could see nearly everything, which was the whole idea. In the light she looked like she was encased in gold.

She clipped on her gold earrings with the tiny diamonds, draped the matching pendant around her neck and shook her head to settle her hair. The only thing missing... she picked up her gold sandals and slipped them on. Then she gave herself one final critical inspection. Finally she nodded. Everything was just right.

"About ready?" Krissi asked through the adjoining door.

"In a moment," Devlin said. She put on her cloak, not so much for the warmth as the modesty. Her wrap covered a lot of her, but it didn't cover that much and she didn't feel like parading in front of the motel staff. "Okay, I guess I'm ready. How about you?"

Krissi came through the door between their motel rooms wearing her new dress. It was a floor-length powder blue dress that appeared to be made out of the sheerest nylon. But there were enough layers Krissi could claim to be covered, but only if you stretched the word. The color perfectly matched Krissi's eyes, and blended perfectly with her skin tones.

"Gorgeous," Devlin said, enviously. "Heart-stopping, actually."

"You really think so?" Krissi pirouetted in the middle of the floor, her dress floating around her legs like a wisp of nothing. "Let me get my purse."

Steve joined them in the hall, looking handsome in his tuxedo. "Doesn't look any different than normal," Devlin kidded.

"Oh, no?" Krissi smiled. "Tight pants." She licked her lips and patted his bottom. "Very tight pants. And that shirt is a false-front."

They swept down the hall, only pausing at one of the outside doors to look at the inner courtyard. Snow was piled over the bushes of the garden. The pool was empty and its cover firmly in place. A faint puff of cold wind came under the bottom of the door and Devlin felt it blow up her legs like a giant shiver. No need for rouge, she thought as she shivered. I'll have that rosy-cheeked look without any make-up.

"You're shivering like you don't have anything on under that dress," Steve said in a joking tone as they resumed walking.

"I don't," Devlin said. "This is a far cry from last night."

"Tell me about it," Krissi said. "It's downright freezing out there."

The night before she had gone over to her mother's. Tom had had to work, but after he got home they went to a party at her mother's company. It was supposed to be semi-formal, and Devlin decided to wear her new silver party dress.

Her mother had opened the door happily as she'd knocked. She was wearing festive red top and black slacks, with a pin formed as a green tree on her breast.

"Merry Christmas," she said, hugging Devlin.

"Merry Christmas, mother," Devlin replied after dropping the sacks she was carrying. She quickly shed her coat and muffler.

"Let me look at you." She held Devlin at arm's length for a brief inspection. "Nice dress. New?"

"Brand new," Devlin said. "I just got it the other day. You're looking good." She opened one of the bags she'd brought and began pulling things out. "I brought some things for the baby. I found this sleeper, mittens and a really cute little wool cap."

They spent a while looking at the things she had found, folding them and putting them away. Devlin had brought the receipts so her mother could find other things at the same places if she wanted to. That led to an examination of some of the other things her sister already had. When Tom got home from work, Devlin pulled out her gifts.

"This is for you, Tom," she said. Tom looked at it curiously, then began unwrapping it as Devlin sat back and watched.

"It's a clock," he said. It was a battery operated clock set in a dark oak frame.

"Mom said you didn't have a clock on your desk," she said. "She also said that it was made of dark oak. And when I saw this..."

"It's perfect," her mother said.

"This is really nice," Tom added. "Thank you."

"And this is for you, mother," Devlin said. She handed over the slim package. "I found it in Key West when I was there for Thanksgiving." She'd had to move a little money around, but after she'd gotten back she'd ordered it.

The look on her mother's face when she opened it was priceless. "Pearls," she said. "A strand of pearls."

"Well, pearls grown from seeds," Devlin said. "I thought they'd match those pearl stud earrings you have."

"I think they will," her mother said. She gathered Devlin in a hug. "Oh these are just perfect." She got up and headed into the bedroom, emerging a few seconds later clipping the pearl earrings in place. Tom helped her with the necklace. She touched it a couple of times as if assuring herself they were real.

"Open yours," Tom urged, handing Devlin a small package. Inside was a pair of jade earrings. "I found those on my last business trip," he explained. "I was in Phoenix, and those practically leaped out at me."

"They're terrific," Devlin said. She walked over to a mirror on the wall and held them up to her ears, turning to see how they would look. "I have all sorts of things I can wear with these." She gave herself another look. "They look like they go with this dress, too," she concluded.

"Pretty well," her mother agreed, coming up behind her.

"It's worth a try," Devlin said. She slipped off the earrings she was wearing and tried on her new ones. They did go with the dress. It almost seemed as if the earrings brought out a previously unseen blue in her dress.

She sighed happily. "Well, I suppose we should be going."

"Let me get the baby ready," her mother said. She disappeared into the baby's room. She emerged a few minutes later with the baby already packed in the car seat.

"I didn't know if you wanted to come to this," her mother said. "You know a few people, but not very many, and you're older than the kids who'll be there."

"I've been to other parties," Devlin replied as they got in the car. "And it gets mighty lonesome in the dorms."

"I thought you had a social life," her mother said.

"I do. For instance, I'm going to a New Years party on Sunday night. But with most everyone home for the holidays, and Evan off in Puerto Rico, there isn't much for me to do." She shrugged, though she knew they couldn't see her in the darkness. "I study a bit, I sleep a lot, I read a lot, and I watch some television."

"When's Evan due back?" Tom asked.

"In a few days. His last game is the day after tomorrow. I'm not sure if he's flying back right away, or if he's coming back after the first of the year. Originally he was going to fly back to Key West for a few days, and then come up here. But after we talked, I got the impression he may have changed his plans."

"I'd think he'd be coming back early, what with all the yearend travel going on," Tom said.

"He didn't say," Devlin said.

The party was boring, at least from her point of view. Too many people stood around telling stories that didn't make any sense. She pretended a polite interest in some of the things she heard, then finally retreated a bit and spent time looking at the women and trying to determine which ones needed new bras. It was really hard to tell. Normally 3 out of 5 women were wearing the wrong-sized bra, but not tonight. Most of the women were wearing cocktail dresses, and at least half of those were not wearing bras at all. She watched a pair of gals walk by. Their dresses were very thin and fit as if they were molded on. She suspected a higher percentage of women at Emma's parties wore underthings. The whole idea was almost too funny.

Krissi laughed when Devlin told her about what she had seen the night before. "I bet there won't be much worn under any dress tonight, though," Krissi remarked. "The gals we'll see tonight will be just like the gals you saw last night, only more open about it."

"Wearing underwear would only get in the way," Devlin said with a smile.

There was a table across part of the hall, blocking any entrance to the hall. There were two couples sitting there, both conservatively dressed. Looking at them you could never tell what was going on only a few feet away.

"Invitation please," one of the women said. Devlin recognized her as one of Emma's neighbors. The woman and her husband were regulars at Emma's parties.

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Hi this is Pushkar from Bangalore and I am persuading my B.E. from one of the reported college in Bangalore and stay with one of my friend bibin in a flat near my college. Any girl, bhabhi or aunty want to enjoy some spare time with me can contact me at pu Now coming to story; five days before Bibin told her that he planning for a surprise party for her gf on her b’day and he spent some alone time with her so we planned just invite my gf on that occasion. I called my gf on b’day date but she...

2 years ago
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Married AffairPart 2

" yes I remember,you stood above me, your cock hard in my mouth, I licked it, sucked on it, you got harder and harder and then asked me "where do you want it babe?" I took you from my mouth, it was hard yet the skin was like wet silk, the knob red and swollen."Over my tits""Oh baby, yes let me cover your tits with my love juice"I pushed my top down, exposing my tits, I released them from my bra, holding each on in my hands, lifting them, finger and thumb pulling on my erect nipples."...

3 years ago
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My love affair with Caroline

She was all I could think about. After our first experience together, all I wanted to do was be with her and to make love to her. The fact that she was born a boy and was now a beautiful girl with a cock didn't matter to me at all. In fact, if I am honest, it made her even hotter and sexier. I got Caroline's phone number before I left her apartment that first time. Even though I was totally infatuated with her, I tried to play it cool and wait a day before I called her. The one day seemed like...

3 years ago
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Fucked My Sexy Classmate

Hey, my name is Kanu and I am a very big fan of ISS, and I have reading the stories for the last 5 years. And today finally I have decided to share my experience that how I fucked my classmate. It all happened when I was class 12 and my age was 18 at that time, I have a good physic and good in sports too. I meet her when I changed my optional subject. I entered my fist class where I saw her. Her name was Vandhana (name changed). She was the sexiest girl I have ever seen. Perfect shaped body may...

2 years ago
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Caught But With Rewards

After a long chearleading practice, Amy was exhausted. She headed straight for the showers. Usually on Saturday night practices, the other girls didn't take showers in the locker room because they could just go home instead. Amy didn't care. Amy slipped out of her practice clothes and turned on the warm water. She slowly stepped into the shower and let out a sigh. The water was so soothing, flowing against her sore body. She picked up a bar of soap and gently ran it down her neck, her chest,...

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Man Maid 3 Todd Speaks

I have been roommates with Ken for several years. We had been friends since high school and now, at the age of thirty-five, I thought I knew him pretty well. But he was making me a little nervous. Although I left for work this morning one hundred percent positive that tonight would be the conclusion to a well played out practical joke on me, my phone call home at five thirty left me less sure than before I called. Let me explain. About a week ago I made a comment that I would pay...

1 year ago
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The Bar

I decided to go out this Saturday night to change my mind and not stay home alone.I had been to this neighborhood, which has a good affluence on weekends, offering different pubs and clubs.I was a little disappointed because until now I had not found what I was looking for: either too crowded, too noisy, or almost desert ...It was getting boring when I found this club a little out of the way and that seemed to me nice.I went in and the decor got me right away, with good background music, not...

3 years ago
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An ClochnChapter 61

Sarah smiled as she began to wake up to find herself lying near the middle of her sleeping spouses. Although she wasn’t physically in contact with all of them, she could sense their nearby presence. Again, as she did every morning, she gave a prayer of thanks for the many blessings they had received. “Yes,” said Maeve. “We have been blessed in many ways.” “I hope I didn’t wake you.” “Don’t think so. Although I’ve never tried to prove it I’ve often wondered whether we all go to sleep at the...

2 years ago
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The Invisible Neighbor

“I’m going to bake her a banana cake, that’s what I’m going to do! You have to open your door when a neighbor brings a cake!” Greg put down his coffee cup and looked wearily at his wife, the adorable and sexy love of his life. Madelyn had seen the couple next door the day they moved in, but since then she’d only seen the husband leave and return. She hadn’t seen the man’s wife a single time in two weeks, not even to go out and get the mail, and she was utterly obsessed by it. Greg, on the...

3 years ago
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A first meeting

I lay there watching you sleep. Things are racing in my mind with all of what just happened between us. One thing I know I loved every minute of it. Staring at you while you sleep and smiling from ear to ear. Over the year of chatting I know now what it felt like to be fucked in the way I have wanted to be. I fall asleep in your arms. The next morning the sun wakes us both up as it comes through the d****s on the window. I get up and wrap up in a blanket and walk out onto the balcony. I am...

2 years ago
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The Little Witch Comes To Town Part Five

Saturday EveningSupper had been consumed and everybody was sitting back, replete, enjoying a postprandial liqueur.The little witch's three-way had gone very well. We started off with her on her knees, mounted on Pete in the cowgirl position, with me up her ass and Jake in her mouth, but we rotated slots every few minutes because we all wanted a turn in every available orifice. My favourite view was when I was in the ass position. From there I could watch Pete's cock driving up into Tina's...

Group Sex
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The Life GuardChapter 5

Matt didn't see Kristin at the pool until Wednesday, but when she arrived, she came directly to his platform. "Hi. Remember that puzzle that we had?" "Yeaaaah," he said slowly, not really able to pinpoint anything they designated as a puzzle. "Well, I got 'em, but they take a month to work." "Oh, that puzzle!! Yes. Very good! Wow! That didn't take long. It must not have been as hard as you thought." "Well, it was plenty hard until I talked to my aunt. She told me what to do....

2 years ago
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Campus Capers ENGL 369 Creative WritingChapter 14

Ally's eyes were red and puffy from crying when Kaija returned. All the while, she had been debating how best to tell Kaija what had happened. There was no getting out of it, yet she didn't want to get Barclay into any more trouble. She hid her tired and bloodshot eyes behind the laptop's display as she hunted and pecked her way through the story. "Hey, roomie," Kaija greeted, her voice noticeably brighter. "Anything exciting happen while I was out?" If she only knew, Ally groaned to...

2 years ago
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The Long Weekend

When Mike's wife, Sue, wins a weekend break for one in Scotland, it suited both of them that Mike should go instead. The problem was that the organisers wouldn't let her change the name on the ticket. Fortunately, Sue had a ready solution: Mike could simply pretend to be her. Things may have been less eventful if Sue hadn't purchased such a large pair of false breasts for him. As it was, the new Mrs Susan Martin found she had a number of admirers, to whom she had great difficulty in...

2 years ago
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1 Stormy MondayChapter 13

Samantha Ramirez was dreaming. She was looking through windows in the entry doors of a church sanctuary, which was overflowing with people. She was wearing a beautiful wedding dress, with a long lace fringed train flowing behind her. Down the aisle walked a young girl with a basket of flowers, from which she was tossing lilies, as the wedding guests smiled at her. As the flower girl drew near the front of the church, she realized her mother was standing beside her. She was overjoyed, and...

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A Night With Knight

A night with Knight by Ronde To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Our chat last night I enjoyed our chat last night. Think the other guys did too, if their comments were any basis to judge by. Bet you got a lot of offers after I left the room, but hope I’m the only one who got your email address. Sorry that your husband doesn’t have much time for you anymore. You sound like a beautiful lady, and beautiful ladies should never be ignored. Wish I could do something to make you...

3 years ago
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Sex with aunt and her virgin daughetr

MY sweet sexy aunty and her daughter who is 18 still virgin before I fucked her with her mother hi i am here with a new story, this time my aunt, uncle’s wife. it happened at city hyderabad, if you want contact me After having sex with sofia I didn’t have sex for many days until my Uncle went to US. She used to be very free and I used to chat with her, she invited me stay at her house because she is alone with her daughter I used to fantasy her and her daughter, she asked me to sleep in her...

2 years ago
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My Philippines Adventure Chapter 18

My sleep only lasted for a few hours as I could here my door card lock unlock. It was the Room Service Manager checking up on me. I had taken sometime to pick up the mess so the room looked pretty normal. She went over to the shades and flung the curtains open. I was still tired but the sight of her and that luscious body got me going. I asked her what she was doing and she smiled and said I am going to fuck you but first you need a shower. I laughed and said that I needed food after a shower....

2 years ago
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First Time With Mike

(Names have been changed to protect the identity of some people involved.) Mike is a bartender at the casino where I work. He is one of the sexiest bastards I have ever seen. He’s 24 years old, 5’5” tall, stocky and muscular, with really short dark hair. One night, I went on break and happened to run into Mike in the bathroom/locker-room. He was changing clothes in a changing stall, and he greeted me. “Hey Bill.” he said, and I returned his greeting. He was wearing black work pants and a white...

3 years ago
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A Nocturnal Discovery

to be true it wasn't the first time Michcs teenage hormones had gotten the better of his prudence when it came to spying on his cousins, but this time it was different. For starters, she wasn't alone like previous times. She had a man with him who, with his back turned towards him, seemed to be about his age, and was evidently on quite intimate terms with her. She even seemed to be seducing him with her stare and the gentle curves she drew on his broad back with her long nails. Yes, he was...

2 years ago
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Why Now

WHY NOW When I woke up, my head was pounding and I couldn't remember anything. I triedto move but, it was like I was in some kind of restrains. I was blind foldedand gaged. I could hear someone in the room with me. ?I'm going to take yourgag out but, you are not to say a word unless I tell you to. Do you understandme?? I shook my head yes. He gave me some pills he said it would help withmy headache. He asked me if I was hungry or needed to use the bathroom. Afterhe feeds me and I used the...

3 years ago
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Damsels in Need Olivia

Olivia Kane was a 25 year old drama teacher at the local high school. She was also my 15 year old daughter Megan’s favourite teacher. My name is Ross, and I am a divorced 35 year old IT professional with an interest in sound production. When Olivia decided to stage a drama production for the school, my daughter volunteered my services. This was how I came to know the beautiful Ms Kane. “Thank you ... thank you ... you have saved our production ... how can I ever repay you?” Olivia cried...

4 years ago
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Saint and a SinnerChapter 7

Time held no meaning for her any longer. The few moments that she had in the light were shadowed by him. The rest of the time, she was alone in the dark with the voices. She didn't know if it were night or day. She didn't know how long she had been held here. And she held no hope that she would ever leave. The lack of hope was what was the hardest. At least, when she hoped, she could imagine something better, her parents meeting her at the airport with open arms and forgiving smiles. Her...

2 years ago
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Glory Girl Part One

Madison and I met as freshmen while at the University of Scranton but that was three years ago. We said 'Hello' whenever seeing each other on campus or in class but we never dated. Madison was exceptionally attractive so it was easy to understand why she was never without a boyfriend. She was a blond with the face of an angel and properly proportioned curves. There was something about her blue eyes and innocent look that turned me on. It just didn't seem possible for me to be among the chosen...

College Sex
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98 A PUNISHMENT IN CENTRAL PARK “So, Avis, Jon your husband has sent you to us for some much needed correction!” She stood erect, defiant even; well dressed, I am not good at sizes but 5ft 6 or so not a young woman it is true but tidy, Her shape was still feminine for her age which I suspect was very late 40s early 50`s, fairly good looking, though her features said that she had seen life and not always from the best side, she had something about her. breasts well defined, though I had as...

3 years ago
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It was spring turning summer, the air was breathing warm with small brushes of cool intimately licking her skin, slipping up her thighs underneath her sundress as she lay in the tall grass laced with daisies. Propped up on her elbows, she smiled, giddy, glazed over eyes gleaming in the vast country starlight as she drew shortly from the joint in her hand. Near opaque white smoke whirled up and away, softly twisting in the wind as she swigged from the champagne bottle in her manicured...

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Horny milf 2

Horny milf 2It was 11:30 pm Saturday night, I was almost asleep when the message came in on my mobile.It was short and simple. meet me in 10 minutes at and a google map with a pointer on it.It was a map of a communal parking between houses not far from me.I was out of bed and dressed still wondering who it was, maybe it was the just the fact that I was still half asleep.It only took 5 minutes at that time of night to find the car park behind the houses.I was still reversing into a space when...

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Snap Shot

It was wrong, she knew it was even while she planned it. Married for over seven years Ritty had never been completely satisfied. It didn’t help that Jake stayed out of town most of those years. His job made him travel constantly, leaving her home all alone night after night, week after week. She thought back to when she had started her new job. When she became good friends with her boss it helped take her mind off the long nights by herself. What had started out as two lonely friends hanging...

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Molly and Me

There I was, wandering around the hotel's public rooms, somewhat furtively asking people I vaguely remembered meeting in the previous few days if they'd seen my wife Molly, and at the same time trying not to make it too obvious that I'd completely lost track of her. I'll be honest with you, I was getting more than a little worried; I'd last seen Molly about three hours previously and she'd been in conversation with the very disreputable Gordon Hamster. Hamster wasn't exactly a...

3 years ago
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Wedding Bondage Wedding Dresses are a threat

Wedding Bondage (Complete)************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan December 2009/April 2012The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************It started at Brian and Chloe’s wedding. Jane and I knew...

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My life at a glance part 2

Introduction: A rigid post The ambulance finally arrived at the farm, they had to medicate me three times, but I did not sleep, the pain was to great, my daughter rode in the ambulance with me, I should have realised there was a problem when she kept looking at the tent pole that rose up under the sheet, but I had my own problems, they got me into my bedroom (the front room thank God) I could not have handled any more and I slept the moment to pain eased off. I awoke to find my wife having a...

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