Love Lost To Anger free porn video

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Paul’s life has not been the same since Raven left.

Dark clouds of gloom and despair now cover where once the sun shine rays of hope and love. The warmth of the tropics, with it’s high heat and humidity indexes, Is now a perennial blanket of winter coldness and loneliness. His soul is barren, like the countryside of the Northern states where life seems to stop during the winter mouths as fear as darkness overcomes the senses, and people seek refuge inside their homes awaiting the arrival of spring.

But, for Paul, that spring longing is as distant as the depth of the firmament. He misses her, he needs her, and much to Paul’s regret, realize that the chance to spend the rest of their lives together is now over.

Raven, who once was the center of Paul’s life and the goal of his dreams, is now a beautiful and sad figment of Paul’s imagination. He met Raven 2 years ago at work. Raven worked for a foreign airline at the international airport. Paul was a Deputy Sheriff, on his 2nd tour of duty at the airport. Both of them where always their in the afternoons. The day they met, it was early in the day, in the middle of the week.

That day Paul wasn’t supposed to be their in the area where he was. Instead, Paul was scheduled for packing shoots in the warehouse area. Somehow, something happened, and he ended up in the office. Paul found an elderly guy, an obvious mental patient, who was acting dangerously strange in the waiting area of the departure gate, and decided to investigate his behavior. After determining that he was a passenger on a flight bound for South America. Paul entered the aircraft to speak to the Captain. His partner Brian, remained at the door of the cockpit. Paul explained the situation to the pilot and suggested that he step outside and talk to this guy to decide for himself if he would have him on his fight, or not. It was then a vision of beauty and angelical caught my attention. Standing at the door of the aircraft was a young woman,

beautiful, delicate, and poised, In her airline uniform, with her blonde hair combed into the latest style, Paul couldn’t help but admire her beautiful hazel eyes, and her nice tanned skin. They looked at each other for a few seconds, long enough to make Paul forget his mission for a moment and feel intrigued by this captivating woman whom Paul have never seen before.

‘What a hottie,’ I told my partner.

‘Oh, that’s only Raven,’ Brian replied, telling Paul he know her. ‘Well, the gal is dead sexy,’ Paul told Brian, thinking Brain was referring to Raven as being he’s girlfriend. They finished their assignment andleft the aircraft, and for a moment Paul had a premonition that this encounter, one which neither one of us spoke to one another,

Would have an everlasting effect in his life. Paul just didn’t imagine the magnitude of what those few seconds would become in the years to come. Time passed. Days gave way to weeks, months, and with the passing of time, new experiences, The airport is a very interesting and intense place to work. There were happy and sad days. somedays were stressful and others very relaxing. For those of us, on the verge of retirement, the airport assignments represents not only reward for years of honorable service, but also a chance to increase their friendship and meet new people, Well deserved break from the pressures and dangers of being a lawyer. Paul saw Raven every afternoon, as Brian and Paul would pass by Raven’s counter and they stopped to say hello. Raven a very friendly and outgoing gal, She usually left the area behind the counter to kiss my partner Brian on the cheek. However, Raven would never kiss Paul, not even talk to him except to say hello!!! ‘What’s wrong with me,’ I asked Brian one day. ‘I don’t know, perhaps you are too ugly,’ he joked. They laughed about his comment and went on with our routine but, somehow, in the back of Paul’s mind, the thought of her kissing Brain and ignoring him bothered Paul.

At 25, Paul is a daily jogger and martial arts expert. With short blonde hair and Blue eyes, 5’10, weights 155lbs, and always wearing Wanglers and a T-shirt in an impeccable manner, Paul didn’t consider myself an object of repulsion…… Why?

Paul would ask myself. Why doesn’t she even talk to him?

Paul meets many people at the airport. It is hard, actually impossible, not to meet men and women, working around the clock. Some of the employees hold 2 or 3 jobs to make ends meet. The work force of the airport consists of one entire shift of men and women, working around the clock. Some of the women Paul met became good friends of mine, and invariably, there were a couple of short-lived relationships. But, no matter whom Paul was with, and were ever Paul was, the thought of Raven’s eyes staring at him, and Raven’s friendly smile and welcoming spirit came to mind. It was an instant flash reminder that she was somewhere near him, that Paul should seek Raven.

Approximately nine months ago, Paul started to become involved with a very nice lady whom he met at the airport.

They went out to dinner, sat at home listening to music, etc.,

It was during these encounters that Raven’s Flash thoughts came to his mind with increasing intensity. Paul decided that there was no use in pursuing any relationship with someone else as long as his mind kept harboring Raven’s presence.

Paul increased the frequency of his visits to the ticket counter and asked his supervisor to assign him, as often as possible, to the area where Raven worked. Paul wanted to be near her to get to know Raven better, to try to understand why this person, whom Paul didn’t even know and whose name Paul had hard time remembering, was becoming so deep rooted in his mind. Paul needed to understand himself, he’s feelings, if there were any for her. Paul just didn’t know what they were. Their days off were different. They worked together only three days out of the weekend, that’s when Paul had first impression that his feelings for Raven were more than a simple curiosity, During the days when they were off, Paul anxiously awaited to see her again.

Funny, Paul didn’t even know her, Raven didn’t even know his name, but there was something in his heart that was telling him to find her, to let her know Paul was there. At work, Paul had a chance to observe Raven actions. Refined, educated, always treating her customers with the highest, ladylike respect. Even in the face of scorn and disrespect, Raven showed her class, and when compassion and understanding were needed, Raven radiated the warmth and comfort to those in need, that only a woman of her highest distinction can provide. Paul began to feel scared about his own feelings. Paul didn’t want to admit it but Paul thought he was falling in love with this woman. It is impossible to know Raven and not fall in love with her. Not only is she a beautiful woman in body and in spirit, but she also maintains an aura of respectability and compassion that Paul had never known before.

Men may be the ‘stronger sex,’ but it’s the so-called ‘weakness’ of a woman that moves and motivates men. Men maybe the heads, but women are the body upon which that head rests and without which, the head could not think and act. If this premise is true, Paul was the head while Raven was becoming the body upon which Paul would depend to understand his fate and forge his future. Raven would be the foundation upon which Paul was going to find the love that life had denied him, and the happiness that would reward his dedication and devotion to that special one who would occupy a place in his heart. One day, Brain and Paul approached the ticket counter, just to say hello as they always do everyday. Raven as usual, came from behind and kissed Brian, and then she walked toward Paul and kissed me on the cheek. His legs felt numb, he’s knees buckled and Paul froze for a few seconds.

Paul thinks that Raven noticed it because she looked at him, and smiled, and returned to work. It was November of last year
, just before thanksgiving, Paul instantly knew what he wanted for the holidays, Paul had already found the best gift! It was a divine apparition, the answer to all his prayers, the light of hope Paul so desperately needed to shine the path his life would take from there on, Paul wanted Raven! Paul was afraid of what he was feeling for Raven love, and the need to be with her and no one else. The greatest miracle of humanity had begun to take place in his life. Paul was scheduled for vacation in December, the whole month, and took advantage of the opportunity to get away from the airport during those four weeks to self examine his feelings and himself. Paul thought that, if they were just an infatuation, then they would go away. Paul prayed that they would go away! Raven, Paul likes her name, is no ordinary woman. Raven’s ‘A Lady,’ a woman for keeps, a woman for a man to have at his side, in the home or in the outside world. Raven was not a toy to play with and, Paul didn’t want to hurt her in any way.

Paul returned to work in January, confused about his feelings, afraid to ever face her again. Paul tried to console himself by thinking Raven was a happily married woman, with kids and a home, and that he was just succumbing to some romantic fantasy. Raven wore a ring on her ring finger, but he couldn’t tell if it was a wedding ban or just jewelry. Paul should have asked, but he was afraid to. Looking back to those days, Paul was sure that he was afraid of finding out the truth. Paul visits to the counter were now more often. A casual stop and go became hours of standing next to the counter. Nobody seemed to mind. Who would mind having a policeman with a black belt in karate standing by? Paul was a very welcomed commodity, a freebie.

In return, this gave him a chance to examine at close range this fascinating woman who had, unknown to her, become the possessor of all his thoughts and aspirations. Paul tried different approaches to let her know that she interested him, that Paul cared.

Compliments, fibs such as, ‘The terminal is a dangerous place for a woman to walk around alone, You should hire a bodyguard, May I apply?’ Paul said, and to her words and actions that should have made her aware that Paul felt something special for her. Nothing elicited a response from Raven other than a smile, and a genuine ‘Thank You.’ In the meantime, Paul noticed that he had changed completely. Paul was no longer interested in admiring the beauty of other women, nor did he care to join his coworkers in ‘Bull Ridin’ Practices,’ and outings to the local lounges after work. Nothing or nobody enticed him except Raven. His whole world, his attitude toward the others, his every desires, dreams and hopes, had only one name, Raven.

Then something happened which defined his feelings for Raven once and for all. In the spring, Raven’s son was involved in a serious automobile accident and was rushed to the hospital, unconscious. Paul found out when he went to the counter and casually asked her coworkers where raven was. Then he was told what had happened, he wanted to rush to the hospital to be with her, to put his arms around her and offer her solace and support, to let her know that there was a man there for her, to ley her lean her head on his shoulder, to wipe her tears on his shirt, to hold her in his arms and tell her that she was not alone, that he felt and shared her pain, that no matter the out come of the day, Raven would not face the dark of night alone. That he would be there for her till the end. Paul had to stop himself from thinking any further. Most likely, she wasn’t alone at the hospital. Raven’s husband, he figured, would be there also. Paul had to get a hold of he’s thoughts and think that his place was not there, now anyway. He called the hospital to inquire as to the boy’s condition. Not knowing Raven’s son name or Raven’s last name either, He couldn’t get any information. The only he was able to ascertain was that no teen-age boy had died from an auto accident. That was good news after all.

Later on he found out that Raven was divorced and that there was no ‘Mr.’ in her life. That was the day Paul knew for sure that he had fallen in love with Raven, there was no other way to look at it. He loved this woman to death, more than his own life, and he had to let her know. Fortunately, her boy’s injuries were not serious at all and he was discharged from the hospital the following day. When Paul saw her that morning, she looked tired, upset and worried, and with each second passing Paul had to control his urge to hold her in his arms and reassure her that everything would be all right. It would be! Paul wasn’t going to let it happen any other way. The following Sunday, was Easter Sunday, they were both off.

Paul bought some roses and left them for Raven in her office. Paul wanted to cheer Raven up. Most of all, Paul wanted to tell her that he loved her. The words, however, were not coming out. Just the expression of what he was feeling. From that day on they saw each other more often. With every phone call he could tell that Raven was becoming more interested in him. Was she falling in love with Paul? He asked himself. Paul was afraid of the answer.

He feared not to be able to live to her expectations and needs. Paul wanted to be the best man she ever found, the pinnacle of her dreams, the man who would care for her and her son. In turn, Paul saw in her the woman with whom he would want to grow old, and whose eyes, he hoped, would be the last ones he would see before leaving to meet his maker. Paul wanted them to be the only purposes of living. There relationship developed into one of love, affection, and devotion for one another. They meet for lunch, dinner, at Raven’s home after work for a glass of wine, to cuddle, and unwind after a long day at the office. They’d go to the beach and seat under the stars and to make plans for their future together. The moon over Wikki beach has never been so beautiful as the night Raven and Paul sat in the back of her jeep, sipping a glass of wine in each others arms, as they made planes for a wedding and a life to the year after.

There children, They decided early in the relationship, they would be top priority for both of them. Raven would be the first Lady of his life. Paul, in return, the man of raven dreams, the one who’d right every wrong that life had dealt her in the past. So many plans they formulated, the home they would buy, the trips they would take, the kids’ college education, even adopting a little girl so Raven would have the daughter that she always wanted to have, but couldn’t. For a month their relationship flourished and bloomed. Like an exotic, delicate flower that needs tender attention, Paul cared for Raven to her every needs and desires. Paul wanted to elevate her to a pedestal to venerate and worship her as the goddess of his life, which she was. Paul wanted to place her high above the dangers of the elements so as to insulate her from pain and deceit. Paul wanted only the best for her. Raven is a wonderful, God sent woman. There was not enough love in me to show her what she meant for him.

And then, Paul destroyed all their dreams and hopes in a moment of selfish, stupidity and unfounded jealousy! Paul acted irrationally, immature, and worst of all, He showed an undeserved mistrust of her loyalty for him. Paul said things he shouldn’t have said. He wrote a letter that he shouldn’t have written. The words came across hard, cold, far from everything that his heart and brains in exchange for a moment of ignorance and animal behavior.

For Raven, who gave her whole heart to him, unselfishly, with the candor and softness that only a woman like her can give, Paul’s actions were an unforgiving transgression. Her female and human prides were, crumbled to the ground with the domino effect intensity of an annihilate earthquake. Raven’s departure from his life left him crushed, worthless, feeling shity and useless. The pain is unbearable, the feeling of dejection and loneliness paralyses, and Paul have
no desire to see the future a head of him. Paul wish he could turn back the clock of time a few days, when a minute of ego and macho obfuscation turned his life to a living hell. He misses the look in her eyes staring into his as if saying, ‘I’m yours, forever.’ He longs for her company, her devotion, and all the things that went on between them. He now look at the night sky with the full moon over Hawai’i and feel her presence next to him, in his arms, as they did that last night then went out by the ocean. the sounds of the waves striking the shore remind him of her voice telling him that she would always wait for him, That she was his and nobody else’s. Perhaps if she would let him talk to her.

Perhaps if she would forgive me. Perhaps if she would see his pain.

Perhaps if Paul had seen the pain he would bring into her life with his jealousy prior to doing what he did and said.

Perhaps if he had though before he acted.

Perhaps if he had deserved and appreciate her and all the love she had to give. But Paul didn’t..

He should have known she was too good for him, that he didn’t merit such a relationship, or woman. Now, Paul has to pay the price of he human errors. He wander alone, lonely, and hopelessly feeling the pain of the disappointment he caused not only to her, but himself as well. He’ll never love again as he loved her. He’ll never look for or find another Raven.

Women of her essence only appear once in a man’s lifetime. He had blew it. Raven, the love of his life, is now gone forever. He hopes that she finds the happiness she is entitled to and that he so badly wanted to give her. He hopes that she remembers that, the way that he loved her, nobody has or will, even with his mistakes. And, if she ever finds it in her heart to forgive him and give him another chance, He’d be waiting on his knees to beg for her forgiveness……

Paul wants to learn. He need to learn about life and living. Paul wants to learn it from, and be with her.

In the midst of so much despair, he thanks God for having given him the opportunity to experience life and love in the from of Raven. He has never received such an immaculate and pure example of love as he did from this woman, a deity who came into his life and left such a mark in his heart.

Paul’s love will be hers, now & forever.

Till death do these heart part…

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Hi indian sex stories dot net doston, mera nam rajiv he. Age 23 height 6ft dick 6.3” .   Email id: any sex starving females contact me and I’ll show you what is heaven. Without wasting time let’s start the story.   Ye story 3 weeks pehle ki he. Aur is 3 weeks ke period ne muze mumbai ka giglo bna diya. Muze mumbai aa kar 2 months ho gaye the me mere mausi ke ghr rehta hu. Waise to meri sexlife acchese chal rahi thi meri girlfriend bomb he aur usko mene tarah tarah se chodke khush rkha he....

3 years ago
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UnLost in Space

[Excessive praise and kind criticism, as always, is very welcome.] Eric felt an inspiration to delve into the fate of the Robinsons after the end of my story and invited me to add my input into it. Thus, we present... UnLost in Space Written By Eric, and rewritten by Caleb Jones StarDate: 7/7/00 Three months after 'Misplaced in Space', a story by Caleb Jones. The rest of the crew of the space ship Jupiter 2 began to notice with some surprise John Robinson seemed less...

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LostGirlChapter 2

The gist of LostGirl's story began with her father, Sergei, an ethnic Russian engineer transferred to Estonia during the Soviet era. Sergei, like most Russians who transferred or otherwise immigrated to Estonia was not welcomed by the Estonians, who resisted what they considered the 'Russification' of their society. Sergei understood this and worked hard to fit in, finally wedding a beautiful young Estonian woman named Kaisa. Rather than help Sergei, this marriage alienated Kaisa from most...

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LostGirlChapter 3

The flight to Estonia was long and mercifully uneventful. Normally Bill slept like a baby on even short flights but this time he was too keyed up thinking about what awaited him in Estonia. He was almost exhausted by the time of the final leg of the flight, the one from Amsterdam to Tallinn. He had to make a connection at Amsterdam and was not amused that his arriving flight deplaned at the very last station on one long concourse and that his departing flight was departing from another end...

2 years ago
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LostGirlChapter 4

Bill awoke refreshed and smiling as if from some forgotten erotic dream. He used to think it strange that he could vaguely remember dreams but could not recall them once he awoke, but after research found that it was not an unusual phenomenon. Bill then remembered Kristel snuggling next to him in the night, but couldn't find her next to him. He then rolled over and discovered that he was alone in his bed. At that moment he heard the toilet flush down the hall and voices in the hallway. As...

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Welcome to the Granger

Jack woke up, groaning in annoyance as he rubbed his face. Then he felt the grass underneath his back, and sat up. He wasn't in his room anymore. He was in a forest, in the middle of the night. The full moon shone above him, illuminating his surroundings. He didn't know where he was, and as he stood up, he looked around, confused and startled. "Hello, big boy," a sultry voice said from behind him. Jack turned around and gasped in shock. Before him was a naked, voluptuous woman, with skin a...

3 years ago
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Preggo banger

Preggo banger vol1 Celeb kate Hudson My name is mike, im. 24 year old male escort and I cater to a special type of client. I fuck pregnant celebs for a very good rate and im discreet. It was a Tuesday afternoon when I get a call for my services to a house in Hollywood, turns out it is Kate Hudson’s place. I walk into her house and she greets me in a yellow bikini while her nearly full term belly is hanging out of her robe. She says thanks for coming and says to me “ I hope for what I am paying...

3 years ago
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SRU The Gang Bangers

SRU and The Gang Bangers by Carol Collins Marvin Smith, known as Blade to his fellow gang members, pushed his tousled dreadlocks back out of his eyes as he and his fellow gang member, Alfonso Green, known as Sticks, wandered the big shopping mall in search of more young female prey. Blade felt a stirring in his silk boxers as he remembered the last teen girl that they had enticed into accompanying them back to their clubhouse. Suzy Colbert had been a fourteen...

1 year ago
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Angry Bangers

AngryBangers! What do you get when you combine gangsters, gun fights, bank robberies, and naked chicks? It sounds like some summer blockbuster shit you’d pay twenty bucks to watch in the theater, but nah, Angry Bangers is more interactive than that and a lot took off in November of 2019. I mean really took the fuck off; by February, they were already getting over 10 million visits a month. It’s web-based and free, so I was eager to give it a shot myself.Bang Angry, Bang...

Best Porn Games
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Love Gained And Lost 8211 Part 1

This happened to me a couple of weeks back and I am still flushed from the experience. I am 41 not a hunk but I make friends easily. This story is about this amazing woman chitra who I had the most romantic time with. The story starts in a coffee shop where I normally go to chill out / work out of in my office complex. I used to talk to a lot of regulars who used to come there. I am not of the shy type so I very easily can walk up and talk to any one male or female. In October a very...

2 years ago
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Sex with a stanger

"Nowhere really, just getting to know the neighborhood" I lied. Alot of thoughts were running through my mind is he a cop? Is he a pimp? is he a trick? "I Have to...." i started to say before he cut me off. "Get in." He said not asking me but telling me. I was going to decline but he had this air about him i couldnt ignore on top of this mafioso vibe he was giving off that was making me hornier by the second. I reached for the handle and got in. Despite my want for him i was still a bit...

2 years ago
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Wars Can Be Dangerious

It was a Long time since this German Squad had Found anything Besides Burned out Villages and Dead Soilders or Tanks in this Barren Stretch of the Italian Front..There up ahead was a small home still intact, Coming up to the door they pushed it open Quietly incase there was any American Soilders holding up n here, coming into the Kitchen they saw an Italian Women in her Early 20s sitting at the table...not looking too suprised to see them...and an old women huddled in the Corner of the...

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The Arranger

I placed the ad in an “affairs website”, feeling bored, uneasy, and unsatisfied at home. My husband tried his earnest best to satisfy me, and it was not unusual for me to come twice, three times, even more when he went down on me. He was a considerate lover, but I felt there was something missing. Looking back, it was a sense of adventure, even danger. I wanted something other than the safety, and the predictability of our marital bed. So I placed the ad. And I got the usual responses. Cock...

1 year ago
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I met him in an online chat room and within twenty minutes we were telling each other our deepest secrets and which way we preferred to get or give sex. I think it was my suggestion to go over to his place, but he was not against the idea and before you knew it I was scribbling his address and door code on the pad next to the computer. It took me all of ten minutes to drive over and another three to get into the building and up to his condo. Within those short minutes in the elevator I had...

3 years ago
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Sex with a stanger

Introduction: This is the female point of view on a sexy incounter with a stranger there is some build up but i think it helps paint the picture.. i will post the male version if this one is liked.. this is my first story so please leave comments (please ignor any misspelling) I had been in NYC for 2 weeks and had managed to escape the hands of 4 pimds so far (thank God for my period and my wits!) and was thinking of how to get away from my current one. The whole night i couldnt sleep. i was...

2 years ago
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When Jon woke up, he could feel rain hitting his skin. Slowly he sat up and looked around, shaking his head. He quickly realized that he was naked and that he sat in the middle of a forest. Slowly he looked around, noticing the smoking pieces laying around. Slowly a bit of his memory came back. He had been on the way home from a business meeting in a neighbor city and had taken the, slightly longer, route over the mountain pass to enjoy a bit the storm raging over the mountainside. Then, on the...

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In all your life you could only feel one way about yourself. You were a loser. Everything about you could be described as "below average" everything from your eyesight to the size of your penis. You were socially inept. You frequented the library, you would spend your time reading romances and erotica, wishing that you could have something like the characters in the stories. Despite everything you told yourself, despite all of your efforts, your attempts at improving any aspect of yourself...

4 years ago
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Schwester Schwanger

“Alex?” “Hier oben”, rufe ich durch das Haus. Kurz danach kommt meine Schwester mit ihrem Bauch um die Ecke gewatschelt und betritt das Kinderzimmer, in welchem ich an einem Wandgemälde arbeite. “Oh, es ist wunderschön!”, sagt sie angetan. “Aber du weißt, dass Sponge Bob unter Umständen nicht mehr In ist, wenn sie alt genug dafür ist”. “Ach, den wird es immer noch geben. Sponge Bob ist wie Kopfschmerzen. Wenn man denkt, dass er weg ist, kommt er wieder.” “Warum malst du ihn dann, wenn du ihn...

3 years ago
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Am Pranger

Dumpfe Schritte hallten durch das steinerne Gemäuer und verloren sich dann in dem von sakraler Dunkelheit geformten, weitläufigen Raum der Kirche. Dunkle Wolken hatten den Himmel verhangen und so erreichte kein Sonnenstrahl durch die kleinen Fenster des Gotteshauses. Nur wenige Kerzen schenkten drinnen ihr diffuses Licht, in dem sich eine junge Frau zum Beichtstuhl bewegte. Es war Sonntagnachmittag und selbst eine Magd hatte an diesem Tag des Herrn ein karges Stück Freizeit. Das Mädchen trug...

4 years ago
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The Arranger

I placed the ad in an “affairs website”, feeling bored, uneasy, and unsatisfied at home. My husband tried his earnest best to satisfy me, and it was not unusual for me to come twice, three times, even more when he went down on me. He was a considerate lover, but I felt there was something missing. Looking back, it was a sense of adventure, even danger. I wanted something other than the safety, and the predictability of our marital bed. So I placed the ad. And I got the usual responses. Cock...

Group Sex
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I met him in an online chat room and within twenty minutes we were telling each other our deepest secrets and which way we preferred to get or give sex. I think it was my suggestion to go over to his place, but he was not against the idea and before you knew it I was scribbling his address and door code on the pad next to the computer. It took me all of ten minutes to drive over and another three to get into the building and up to his condo. Within those short minutes in the elevator I had...

Oral Sex
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Pounding by Daddy in the Changerooms

I was single, bored and masturbating way to often. I was young, innocent, and i was in my last year of high school. I had done everything with a previous girlfriend, from kissing to sex and I was straight of course, but had a pure obsession with older men. I spent a lot of my time, stripping, rubbing my hard cock, fingering myself at the sight of and older man fucking a younger boy. I went on websites, playing with them over webcam and still do to this day. But I was still a virgin, wanting...

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Wild Sex In The Pool8217s Changeroom

Hi, everybody! This is my third story here and the reactions and steamy emails I have received for my previous story have been overwhelming. I particularly have a thing for women older than me and I have been to their service of all those who have contacted me. I welcome all suggestions and emails especially from women and girls in Bangalore. I’m 26 years old now and this story is about a year old with my then girlfriends who was of my age. I’m 5.10 with an athletic physique with a well-endowed...

2 years ago
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The Role Exchanger

Just a heads up, this story is a bit odd and the TG elements in it are fairly light, but I do hope you enjoy it. And I wrote this story for my own amusement while playing around, so if you don't like it... too bad. The Role Exchanger By Morpheus The college courtyard provided a scene much like every other morning, being filled with a throng of students. Several dozen young men and women were scattered about, going about their normal routines as they awaited the start of...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Widow Lady In Davangere

Hi myself abhi I am from davangere, this is where I met a beautiful young lady named monika who was a self employed, her age is 32 she s fair her stats, big tight muscled boobies its 40d her waist 38 and the ass was 36. She was a regular customer to me and I was taking all of her financial transactions, and she was a young widow who lost her husband last year. But she was a very conservative stubborn strong lady who was not in touch with any other males and every time I failed in seducing her...

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Tribute to DRStranger333

This xhamster "friend" has inspired an email or two. I'd post his but that's something he has to do himself. Each, anyone would enjoy. Hopefully he will. Anyway, in answer to his last email, I'll share the following. Keep in mind, this is what happens, when I am inspired. He inspires my mind: i have learned about myself that i require a long artful prelude to anal. there's something incredibly exciting about allowing only that part of my body befocused on for so long that fingers enter,...

3 years ago
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Groped by a stanger

It was a hot summer day and the city had organized a free concert for the afternoon. The band playing was very popular so the park was full of people. I was quite far from the stage but there were still a lot of people around me.Suddenly I felt something touching my ass but didn't think much of it. It was probably just someone accidentally pressing against me as the crowd kept pushing closer to the stage.A moment later I felt it again, and this time I could tell that it was a fairly big hand,...

2 years ago
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Copyright© 2004 by Kien Reti He pressed the blinking red button on the cube. A luminous three-dimensional display popped up in mid-air. There were blocks of text in easy-to-read glowing green letters, and what looked like a side panel of multi-colored push-buttons. This had to be some kind of fancy hologram. Mark XXIV GenderChanger® Choose an Option: [1] PARTIAL CHANGE (genitalia only, secondary sex characteristics unaffected) [2] COMPLETE CHANGE (down to the...

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Reality Changers

The strip club's base beat in time with the feelings of guilt and fear that pulsed through Max's heart. His wife, Amber, as going to kill him. Todd Farnsworth he cursed in his mind. Todd always thought a strip club was the perfect place to seal a business deal. "They create a bond among the players," he'd said when Max had complained about it. Max looked up at the female associate on the other side. Janice looked at her watch then at the exit. Max agreed with her. The sooner they were out...

3 years ago
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Louis the Gangbanger

It all started when I attended an off campus party of a friend of mine. She had one of those huge house parties where people from all over the spectrum were invited. Coming from a small town in Iowa I'd never really met anybody from outside my social circle before. When I was growing up I lived a rather privileged life. My dad was a very successful real-estate agent and my mom was a Mrs. Cleaver type so I was pampered and protected from the seamier side of life. But when I went away to...

1 year ago
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Today, we're beating the meat at Jav Bangers aka JavWhores aka Jav Tasty! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the Japanese know how to make really fucking good porn. It’s weird, it’s hot, and nobody does it like them. But then again, how could you make bad porn when your entire country is filled with smoking hot dime pieces? Seriously, it’s not even just their pornstars. These babes are everywhere and are skinny, have perfectly nice small tits, and are pretty much guaranteed to have the...

Asian Porn Sites
1 year ago
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VR Bangers! The next generation of virtual reality is some pretty exciting shit, huh? Drop a few bills, slap on a helmet and you can fight monsters, fly spaceships, climb mountains, or go on educational adventures around the world. Of course, you see everyone swinging their controllers, blindfolded to reality, and you have a completely different thought: I wonder what it’s like to masturbate in that thing. VRBangers aims to give you just that opportunity.Premium Porn Delivered Straight to Your...

VR Porn Sites

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