Pax MultiChapter 5 free porn video

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“My husband is extremely physically fit, is he not?” Beatrice said, her antennas twitching as she clapped her hands together. “Admire him!”

“I am,” Amy crooned, watching as the rapier in Lou’s hand clattered and sparked against the rapier held by the combat servitor. “Thank you for convincing him to get his shirt off.” Her voice was a soft croon in Bea’s ear and Bea giggled.

“My deception was most effective. I began by seeding the cloud layers overhead with biological particulates to reduce precipitation, so the suns would shine more brightly. This created a heat wave, which I then capitalized on. Then, I told Louis, that he should not get his shirt messy. And thus...”

Lou sprang backwards with a grunt, the servitor’s blade sweeping through where he had been. Grinning, he thrust at the hovering robot – which danced backwards. As he moved, his skin glistened under the light of two sons as Amy bit her lip. “Holllly shit, he has an eight pack, holy shit...”

“I have an eight pack...” GF muttered under his breath.

“Yeah, he worked for it, though,” Amy whispered. “Holy shit.” She fanned herself. “Hollly shit, Bea, is he taken?”

Bea blinked at her, then made a tiny chirring hiss noise. “Yes! Lou is mine!”

Amy looked back at Lou. “Yo, Lou, you mono?”

Lou didn’t risk glancing away from the servitor. It had been two days since he and his wife had consummated their relationship and he was feeling paranoid. Hence, the practice. His sword flicked out, knocked the enemy’s point away from his midsection, then he pirouetted, leaped, and landed behind the servitor. He turned and thrust and the tip of his blade plunged into the back of the fragile robot. He grunted, hard, as he placed his palm against the hilt, then drove forward, the rapier crackling and sparking as it emerged. Here, it’s advanced tricks became visible: From a distance, it merely looked like a fencing weapon from a more elegant age, before mankind fought wars with drones and antimatter.

When pressure was applied so, the inline UPF emitter pulsed from the hilt to the tip, creating a coruscating shockwave of coherent, quasi-real force that ripped outwards in a cyclone of destructive violence. The servitor flew to pieces and Lou lifted his crackling, smoking blade up, then swept it down, smiling at his onlooking audience.

“What was that!?” Bea exclaimed.

“To answer your questions in order of importance,” Lou said. “Yes. Extremely.” He looked square at Amy, who looked deeply guilty. She looked away, and Lou’s expression softened. He sheathed his rapier on his belt, stretching his arms – not noticing that this movement brought Amy’s head snapping back. Bea gaped as she saw his muscles at play under his skin – then reached up, covering Amy’s eyes with her free arm.

“Hey-” Amy hissed.

“You heard my husband, extremely monogamous,” Bea said. “And so, only I can watch his ... abs...” She shivered, her antennas springing to full extension. “Those ... y-you must stretch more, my husband Lou, you may have tight muscles! And, thus, must ... lift ... arms...”

Lou chuckled, lowering his arms as he grinned at Bea. “So...” He said, his finger scratching under his chin. “My rapier’s loaded with a unified physics field emitter – it’s based off the grand unified theory that gave us agrav and stabdrives and the like.” He looked down at the rapier, sighing. “It’s a shame...”

“What?” Bea asked, blinking her eyes rapidly. “Does it require you to put on a shirt?”

“No, you...” Lou chuckled. “People, before the theory was found, were hoping that it’d make faster than light travel possible – or that antigravity would make space travel cheaper. Both had big drawbacks. Antigravity will kill you faster than being shot without some very specific preparations and faster than light travel seems to involve flying straight into a sun at top speeds, and nothing we have can match it and the Shavanti have asked us to please not.”

Bea nodded. “The Shavanti are aliens that live in the photosphere of stars,” she whispered. “They are the only one of the Six Uncontacted who are within the bubble of explored solar systems. Lou told me, two nights ago, while holding me after our post coital bliss. I had orgasmed very hard. The Shavanti are counted among the Uncontacted because they only proclaim things, they don’t accept any messages from humanity.” She smiled at Amy, who smiled back at her, despite the fact Amy knew all of that.

“Exactly!” Lou said, his cheeks heating. “Um, you don’t ... have to mention the post coital bliss...”

“Yes she does,” Amy said. “It’s the law.”

Bea’s antennas twitched. “Which law? You are an AnCom, you do not have laws.”

“Yes we do!” Amy said, grinning. “And one of those laws is bros before hoes. Listen!” She cut Lou off. “You have a super fucking hot wife, and you’re just the hottest man on the planet, no offense Godfucker.”

“No, I’ve given up even trying to argue with that,” GF said, cheerfully. “I’m accepting my position as beta cuck.”

“So, I may JUST have to watch-” Amy paused as Bea, giggling to herself, covered her eyes again. “ ... I may just have to imagine you naked and thrusting. But by my progenitor, I will not foresake the most sacred of all the sisterly codes: That of telling about boys we’re banging during sleepovers.”

Lou blushed, hard and opened his mouth.

“Ah! No arguments!” Amy said.

Bea bit her lip. “She ... does speak quite forcefully, my husband Lou. I believe that we shall have to hew to this tradition of bros before hoes.”

Lou sighed, slowly. “Very well. I surrender to your traditions, Amy.”

“Eee!” Amy clapped her hands. “Okay, tell me, does he use tongue? If he doesn’t, he dies.”

“He used his tongue for-” Bea’s antennas snapped to full extension.

“Can it NOT be while I’m right here!?” Lou exclaimed.

Bea nodded. “We shall commune later,” she said, quietly. “Now, demonstrate more of your martial puissance, Lou!”

Lou chuckled, slightly. He was rather glad, in a high minded and low minded way, that Beatrice was clearly so very excited to see him show off. The baser part of him was just ... aggressively pleased that he pleased her on such a physical scale. Not merely his arts in the bedroom, but his ... whole of him. He had been put onto puberty blockers when he had first began to transition from Alexandrietta to Louis, and so he had never developed breasts. Testosterone had sculpted him more than estrogen, but he had taken more after his mother despite it. Sleek. Lithe. Not the broad shouldered bullish might of his father. A tiny part of him had worried that ... he wouldn’t quite be seen as manly. That he’d always be seen as the feminine transmasc pseudoqueen of the Neopolitan Star Kingdom.

Seeing Beatrice drool over his abs from the nearby grassy hill had eradicated that thought with a searing purity

The more high minded part of him, though, was just pleased to have an excuse for this practicing. Without neural augmentation and muscular enhancement that AnComs and Federals (to a lesser extent) and Plurals and even the Upkin used, the Neopolitans needed their own edge. And so, they had their craft, in terms of weapon tech and armor and force emitters ... and they had their training...

And they had their souls. Lou didn’t like to articulate it out loud because ... unlike his shaky relationship with the syncretic faith of the Star Kingdom, which he could talk about with some measure of distance, the underlying combat doctrine of the Neopolitans, that of Elan ... spoke to him. It meant something to him.

But it was the idea that ... a human that fought for something could do things that no one thought possible. It was an idea born out by the implausible heroism of a thousand wars across the blood soaked sweep of Earth history. Even in the grime and mud of the Western Front, even when machine gun and barbed wire and bloody minded elites had seen fit to grind the last great era of nobility into the muck, there had been gallantry and bravery and heroism to stir the soul. He could remember the soft words of Marc, holding a sword in his hands.

We don’t forget the Maxim Gun, lad. We don’t take stupid risks. We simply refuse to blink.

And so ... Lou had been practicing.

Because he was growing increasingly convinced that someone was planning to kill him and Beatrice. The clues had come with the second wave of ambassadors. The lighthugger had carried envoys from the Upkin and the Plurality, but both of them had required a delicate extra week of time being decanted. The reason for the Upkin’s delay was simple: There was no way to quickly thaw a sentient blue whale, and there was no way to quickly move said blue whale and its life support and mobility harness from space to Charon. In fact, they had settled on digging out a mini-ocean in the neighboring dome for him.

The Plurality was more complex because each Plural was unique – even more so than the AnComs. AnComs were about doing whatever. Plurals, like the Upkin, like the Neopolitans, like the Federals, were about doing something very specific. They pushed themselves. Not purely biologically or through cybernetics, but mentally. They were the people who had invented cortical stacks, and invented splicing, and taken the parts of the Meme War that hadn’t been labeled as a crime against humanity, and they had experimented from there.

The Plural ambassador was several different minds wedded together in an intricate dance of memory and interrelationships. And if any of them were thawed at the wrong time, in the wrong order, with the wrong neural connections, the entire personality would collapse and ... from what Lou had read ... begin to wildly dissociate.

But while the new additions to the domes had been made, and while his wife had studied human books, Lou had begun to notice something ... wrong. It was something so subtle that he had thought it was nothing but paranoia at first, but the more he had watched the autonomous drones at their work and the decanted serviles from the Federated ship, the more he was certain that there was more construction going on than was happening. More drones, more building material, more nanofabs, all of them working ... without showing as much work as he’d have expected.

He could have chalked it up to inefficiency, to shoddy design. After all, a great deal of the work was Federal in nature, and...


He had his opinions on their methodology.

The inefficiency could be covering anything from extra construction, concealed from his view ... or movement of agents. The serviles had been all checked by AnCom security and his father’s guard, but the Federals were good at concealing their supersoldiers among their servile castes. And right on cue, a servile came walking towards them, dressed in the flint gray uniform, with the golden badge sewn to their chest. They bowed, then said: “There shall be a lunch at the Manor House in thirty minutes, and you are cordially invited, by the order of Admiral Bosch.”

“Do you want to do this one or should I?” GF asked.

“I have been ordered to resist being-” the servile said, but Amy, who had stood up casually, tackled him. Soon, the servile was trussed up and Amy had a large hypo in her hands.

“Don’t worry, you can go once I ... slam this in your ... neck!” Amy said.

“What are you doing!?” Lou exclaimed, stepping forward, his eyes wide. But before he could say anything, Amy plunged the needle into the serviles spine and the pasty skinned, vat grown clone, gasped. His eyes widened and Amy withdrew the needle, beaming at Lou.

“It’s full of medinano, it’ll be growing the parts of the brain the Feds keep underdeveloped – mostly based around introspection and free will,” she said.

“Serviles are part of the UPH treaty!” Lou exclaimed. “They were grandfathered in at the end of the...” He trailed off as the servile started to sit up, blinking slowly. He looked around, then down at his hands, then at Amy.

“W-What ... have you...” he whispered.

“Come on, you’re free. GF here can take you to where we’ve been stashing the others,” Amy said, cheerfully. “Oh! You’ll need to take a name.” She took the servile and led him off, while Lou gaped in horror – and then put his hands over his face. Okay. He had gotten used to the fact that his wife was a hive mind several hundred million years old. But he was still struggling with AnComs and their utterly cavalier attitude towards the foundation of the United Polities. Beatrice walked up to him and took his arm.

“Lou, I remain perplexed,” she said. “About AnComs and Federals and the United Human Polities.”

Lou sighed. “Oh boy.” He took her arm and started to walk with her, pausing only to pick up his shirt. Bea snatched it from his hands and then tore it into two halves.

“I have done this by accident!” she exclaimed. “I am quite clumsy!”

Lou watched as the two halves of his shirt tattered to the ground. He looked at Bea, who’s antennas twitched.

“That was a deception I am sorry!” She put her upper hands over her face while her lower arm remained locked around his. “I like watching you without a shirt on!”

Lou couldn’t help but laugh. He shook his head, slowly. “You are learning bad habits from those two AnComs. Imagine! The queen of the Star Kingdom, being so crass! So uncouth!” He leaned in close, whispering in her ear. “What a scandal.”

“I enjoy the idea of being a scandal...” She murmured. “And- HITLER DID WHAT!?”

The outburst caused Lou to almost stumble. “I ... excuse me?”

“One of my subunits is reading every piece of human media that I have access too, with a focus on generalized histories!” She said, her eyes widening. “It says that Hitler killed eleven million human beings? And ... their uniforms look exactly like Federals? And ... are many references to that eugenics- and ... sterilization at force? More murders? That ... I ... I...” She trembled. “I am ... GOING to give that Colonel Admiral Akin Bosch a piece of ... I ... That...” She hissed, her antennas rubbing together. “That that that that-” She trailed off into more hissing, her body actually ... quivering from her head to her toes.

Lou put his hands on her shoulders. “My wife, please. Focus. Calm down. There is a happy ending – Hitler gets defeated and then he shoots himself in the head and spend the next five centuries being the worst villain the human race has ever known.” He smiled. “If you want, later, we can get a video game and you can kill him yourself.” He sighed, a bit annoyed at the fact he knew that. GF and Amy had both gone on extended, lengthy rants about the artistic quality of many such ... video games. It had all seemed very crass. But ... he’d sit through anything if it’d make Bea feel better.

“I shall! What is a video game?” Beatrice asked. “Is it like a movie?”

“Yes, kind of,” Lou said, chuckling. “So.” he sighed. “To understand the UHP, you have to understand the Meme War...”

Bea nodded and they began to walk. They stepped under swaying trees. The dappled double shadows of leaves cast by twin suns slipped along his skin like cool fingers – and Lou kept his senses peeled. The further they were from the construction work, though, the safer they would be if there were house assassins worked in among the crowd.

“The Meme War was an outgrowth of an invention. Human psychology works with certain underlying patterns that spread across a spectrum of possibilities and within those possibilities, there are visual, audio, and textual stimulus that can make anyone believe anything. Now, for most of human history, our understanding and application of that stimuli was ... well, rudimentary. We could try to convince one another using rhetoric and evidence, but it often didn’t work, or it backfired. That changed with the invention of the first memetic weapons. By combining cutting edge understanding and the first artificial intelligence, humans were able to make ideas so effective that they were literally infectious.” He snapped his finger. “Look at one of them and they’d change how you think, what you think, even what you are.”

Bea frowned, slightly. “That ... sounds ... bad.”

“It was!” Lou said, seriously. “The first were used as a kind of super-powered advertising copy. Companies were struggling to keep old style capitalism working in a world with nanofabrication – so now, they were able to make products that sold themselves by being literally visually addictive. People fought back. Governments used them to instill loyalty. Ecofascists pulled out the big guns first: Memes that ... killed people. The worst was the Doomwave – a ... song...” He shook his head. “It would instill an unshakable idea in everyone who heard it that humanity was going to destroy the Earth and...” He sighed. “Well. It wasn’t pretty.”

Bea drew closer to him, then pressed her nose against his neck. “I almost wish you to stop, I do not want to hear more. But ... go on. Tell me more. But ... hold me while you do it. Pl-” She didn’t even finish the please before Lou drew her into his arms, her light body feeling delicate and soft, even as she trembled in his grip, her wings buzzing.

“It got worse before it got better. Memes were weaponized across the solar system. Some drove people to kill. Some, to terrorism. Some...” He shook his head, not wanting to mention the autophagia, the aresolized murderous psychopathy and worse. He skipped forward. “Only three polities were immune. The AnComs, the Federated States and the Star Kingdom. The Star Kingdom because we...” he chuckled. “We actually had an order of blind, deaf and dyslexic knights, the Paladin Memorium. They would work in teams of three, and if any saw a meme that was being introduced to a Star Kingdom settlement, it was impossible that all three would be overcome, since a meme has to use a specific vector...” He shook his head. “They gave their lives and sanity to keep us safe, and they’re why we had a huge upswing in popularity. People fled to Venus for security. The Feds and the AnComs had their own ways to be safe: AnComs because they were off the grid, and the Feds because they shot anyone who got close to the Red Wall of Mars.”

Bea nuzzled him gently. “Who won?”

“We did,” Lou said. “The Neopolitans, under Queen Marie Benoit II, allied with the AnCom Union, started to take down everyone who was using memetics. It was bloody and it was horrible. In the end, the solar system was safe for free thought again.” He sighed. “And then it was agreed that nothing like that would ever happen again.”

“Wait, it was an alliance between the AnComs and the Star Kingdom? How did the Federated States get involved?”

“To be honest? By the time the dust had settled and the solar system was being rebuilt ... I...” He sighed. “I want you to understand: Millions if not billions of people at the time had been traumatized on a level that’s hard for us modern people to even understand. They’re called the Empty Generation, because they were ... hollow. Millions had lost their memories, millions more had had them altered to fit new things, millions had been displaced, had to flee, millions were dead, or had to live with the things they’d done while being ... hit...” He shook his head. “So ... we should have ripped the Feds out then and there. But they’d secured Mars and Mercury. With Mercury, the closest planet to the sun, they had access to enough solar energy to mass produce antimatter. Within ten years, they had the most fortified state in the SOL system and ... no one wanted to deal with it.”

Bea blushed. “It is hard to even imagine...” She shook her head. “So, the Federated States were given a seat in the UHP?”

“The founding took decades,” Lou said, nodding. “And it, uh, nearly fell apart. Then...” He paused. “Well, uh...” He blushed, then smiled. “You may not believe it. But you’re why there’s a UHP at all. The first images of ... you ... arrived during a conference. There’s actual footage of the Federal Ambassador and an AnCom political scientist named Chomsky Sucks...” He trailed off, not wanting to bring out the woman’s full name of Chomsky Sucks Dicks In Hell For Failing To Destroy Neo-liberalism Before It was Too Late. He rallied. “See, they were literally seconds away from punching each other. Then the footage was piped to the screen of your attack on Alpha Centauri. They signed the charter within seconds.”

Bea looked down, her antennas twitching. “I have mixed and complicated feelings about this!”

Lou smiled, then kissed her forehead. “So, the Feds joining involved a lot of shitty compromises that have kept bad things around. And ... maybe now that the war is over, we can try to fix it.” He nodded.

“Yes...” Bea said. “Wait, what about the Plurality? And the Upkin of which you have mentioned?”

“They’re a...” Lou lifted his head. He pushed Bea behind himself, swinging her around as he stood up, drawing his rapier with his other hand.

“Lou?” Bea asked.

But Lou was sure. He glared into the shadows of the trees around them. “Bea, stay behind me,” he said, flatly.

“E-x-c-e-l-l-e-n-t-l-y d-o-n-e...”

The warbling, tortured, electronic voice that came from the shadows all around him sent a thrill of fear ... and recognition down Lou’s spine. His eyes widened and he realized that he had completely mistaken things. The Federals hadn’t been doing anything sneaky. They weren’t building anything secret.

“Epoch,” he whispered.

“What is going-” Bea hissed.

Humanoid figures – moving like jerky marionettes mastered by a lunatic – started to step out. They were serviles, but they had been cored out, their eyes empty sockets filled with glittering latticeworks of machines. Crablike metallic fixtures were attached to the backs of their heads, but the machinery at work inside of them had already began to transfigure their hands into curved, bladed claws. Glittering metal, dripping with their blood, pushed from between knuckles, and emerging from palms.

“Lou, what are they?”

“Tell herrrr my sweet prince...” One of the serviles spoke, drooling from around lips, teeth already glittering with metal. Lou forced his revulsion back – it was an intimidation tactic.

“It’s Epoch ... an assassin from the Plurality,” Lou said, frowning. “And I’ve fought it before.”

He spun and dragged Bea down as Epoch itself uncoiled from behind him, leaping past the tree that they had been standing beside. Splinters filled the air as writhing tentacles of segmented metal crashed into bark, while whirring buzz-saw blades slashed at his head. But Lou and Bea were already diving away, Lou knew better than staying close to Epoch’s main body. He came to his feet, one hand gripping Bea’s hand, his other holding his rapier up, the point sparking and cracking and deadly. Epoch landed in the grass, digging in whirring tentacles. The center of its body was a single, small egg shape, just barely big enough to hold a brain and some requisite organs. Everything else was segmented tentacles, each articulated and flexible enough to tie themselves in knot, with a strength to splinter steel.

“You remembered!” Epoch spoke from its main body and each of the spliced serviles. “E-x-c-e-l-l-e-n-t.”

“You are aware of this being?” Bea asked.

“Yes, I’ll explain in-”


Epoch lashed out with one of his tentacles and there was no time for anything but the honed reflexes of a lifetime of training. With his left hand occupied in holding Beatrice behind him, Lou focused entirely upon his form and the darting thrust of his rapier. The tip sparked and flashed, each impact point between blade and tentacle bursting with a hiss of fundamental particles – pulsed through his blade with tiny flexes of his fingers against the hilt. There was a million subtle variations in grip and stance that altered how the unified field emitter in his sword created and manipulated energy fields. There was a limit to how much the small UFE could pump out, and there was no way that he could get close enough to discharge all of it into Epoch at once.

And so, he knocked the tentacles backwards again and again, his brow furrowed and his jaw clenched. Epoch hissed and sprang backwards, several of his tentacles smoking, his buzz-saw blades growling and grinding. Lou stepped backwards as he saw one of the spliced puppets that Epoch had created shambling towards him.

He brought his rapier up, about to transfix the walking puppet of meat – and then stayed his hand.

The servile, eyeless and vacant, reached out with a clawed fingered hand towards him – and Lou could only see the bright eyed, newly restored person that GF and Amy had created when they had kidnapped the servile. The treaty between the Federated States and the UHP as a whole stipulated that serviles were an allowed semi-slave caste, vat grown workers for the Federals to use as they pleased. It was the same clause that disallowed the Neopolitans to prevent the Plurality from experimenting with radical new forms of ego-sculpting, or the AnCom union to interfere in the autocratic kingship of the Neopolitans.

And yet...

Lou stepped back again, pushing Bea backwards with ease. She was so very light, it was easy to move her about. He still nearly felt the sweep of the servile’s claws as Epoch chattered with mechanical laughter.

“Lou! Left!”

Lou flicked his gaze away. Two more serviles, lurching towards him and Bea from the left. He leaped backwards, putting the tree between them and the serviles, but that only bought him a fraction of a second. And so, Lou thrust his blade into the tree and shouted. “DUCK!”

Beatrice ducked low and Lou turned aside, then tightened his grip on the hilt.

The UFE emitter in the hilt discharged its entire battery into the tree.

The tree exploded.

Most of the fragments flew away, shotgunning towards Epoch and his servile puppets – but a few, by sheer chaotic chance, peppered Lou’s body. Several stuck into his arm and shoulder, trembling as they sprouted from his skin like porcupine quills, blood welling and dripping down his arm. He marshaled the agony and looked past the smoking tree, to see that the shockwave had knocked the serviles over. They were trying to stand, but most looked entirely incapacitated – their motor functions were too degraded by Epoch’s puppetry.

Epoch, being a mass of metal and synthetic materials, all tentacles and buzz-saws and cameras, wasn’t even smoking.

“Ha ha ha. How chivalric...” Epoch began to walk forward as Lou stood before Bea, trying to ignore the stinging pain from the splinters peppering his arm. “Your blade’s charge rate leaves you defenseless. My prior taught you better t-h-a-n t-h-a-a-a-a-a-”

Epoch’s blades whirred as he reared upwards. Lou lifted his blade upwards – but then Epoch froze.

“My ... husband...” Bea whispered, her voice trembling. “You have made him release his circulatory fluid.” Her wings buzzed. Her antennas twitched. And Lou could hear the rumbling sound. The shaking of the forest floor. The crashing of the trees.

And quite suddenly, he felt extremely foolish.

Epoch turned – just in time for the Terror Talon to sprint into him at nearly sixty KPH. Trees splintered in the immense biomechanical warmachine’s wake, and Epoch smashed into the ground and dragged as the Talon mashed against it – Lou saw it wasn’t even using its weapon systems. It had a rocketvore that was designed to take out tanks, but the vore simply spat and slathered slime in a kind of impotent rage. The Talon didn’t even swing its massive bladed arms – it simply smashed against Epoch again and again and again with a blind fury as, behind Lou, Bea trembled from her head to her antennas.

Epoch’s tentacles swung around and then the buzz-saws cut into the Talon, which let out a bellowing screech. Blood spurted in every direction – blood and powdered chitin. Lou winced, and heard Bea keen out in shock, her eyes widening as she fell to her side, trembling. The Talon stumbled backwards, looking confused – and then Epoch slithered up its sides, swung around onto it’s back like an acrobatic squid, and then slammed three tentacles into the stumpy neck of the immense biomech. The blades screamed – and Bea screamed, at almost the same pitch.

“NO!” Lou shouted, not sure why Beatrice was reacting this way. The Bug War had killed literally billions of her subunits, and she had never mentioned feeling pain before. But he knew he had to do something, even if his hilt was half charged.

He sprinted forward, pain forgotten, and ducked beneath a thrashing bladed arm. He skidded on his knees, came up underneath the Talon, and then sprang up. His rapier flashed and the rocketvore split open along its guts. “Sorry!” He exclaimed – but he had no time to be gentle. The symbiotic creatures that lived within the rocketvore tumbled out like the loops of a pig’s intestines, connected to one another by a ribinous mass of cartilage that almost reminded Lou of the feed strip of an solid slug machine gun.

He snatched an entire belt free, hissing as he felt sizzling droplets of acid burn along his hand.

And then, in the madness and the terror, something so strange happened that it caused him to stop. For ... one of the ammo-beasts contained in the cartilage was bumping its bladed nose against his thumb. Gently. It rubbed against him, and he swore that the tiny, beady eye it used to track targets while in flight was looking up at him with ... love.

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July, 1985, Chicago, Illinois On the way into the house, I got the mail from the mailbox and found a letter from Jessica. I opened it and read it right away. Like the previous one, it was short and to the point, telling me about the long days, the desperate conditions, and the abject poverty of the people. She was spending most of her time changing dressings, sweeping floors, and washing instruments. I put the letter on my desk to answer on Sunday morning. Despite the late hour, I told the...

1 year ago
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The Threesome Next DoorChapter 4 Next Door Sex

Ginger and I both awoke on the early side. I think adrenalin still raced through both our bodies from the sex we’d had with our neighbors the night before. Ginger took my face in both of her hands and kissed me. “I love you. I will always love you. Last night was fabulous, but being married to you and your attitude about what happened was and is spectacular. Thank you.” I grinned, “I wasn’t exactly a passive spectator, you know. And I love you, too. I think we both had fun, and even got a...

4 years ago
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In Our Private Pool

© 2003 The pool water in the shallow end came slightly above my stomach, just below my breasts. My hands were tied tight behind my back and ankles cuffed to a bar that has been weighted down, spreading my legs about half a metre apart. Master dressed me in a dark blue corset that gave a nice shape to my breasts, pushing them up and squeezing them together. My waist was cinched in the corset, making my upper body look like the upper half of a full hourglass. The necklace and pendant-symbol...

1 year ago
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HussiePass Sawyer Cassidy Girl In The Very Unique TShirt

Lovely Latina newbie Sawyer Cassidy ❤ makes her Hussie?Pass debut today, and we paired her up with 19-year-old big dick phenom Damion Dayski ? for this interracial update. After our director, Johnny ?? Robins, interviews the girl in the very unique t-shirt ??? Sawyer strips naked & warms up her meaty vag ? 1st with her fingers ?? & then with a purple vibrator ? Damion makes his way into the scene with some lube ? for Sawyer’s nipply ✏️ big naturals ?? & lovely backside ? which...

1 year ago
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BangBrosClips Dani Blu Camila Cortez Anniversary Surprise

Dani Blu and her girlfriend Camila Cortez were celebrating their anniversary. However, Dani’s step brother, Johnny, decided to ruin it all by walking into the room being obnoxiously loud on the phone. Dani confronted him about it and he sat by the kitchen quietly. Camila had her eyes on him the moment she saw him. As her and Dani were on the couch, Camila kept staring at Johnny. Eventually once her girlfriend left the room, Camila went up to Johnny and started sucking his cock right away. They...

2 years ago
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Secret Diary Part Four

The two hour trip with Brian turned into a disaster. We left after breakfast and it was just the two of us. We traded small talk for the first about fifteen minutes and then he asked if I loved his son. I told him that I did and he started his barrage of questions. He asked everything from what Simon and I had done together to what I liked to best. It was so embarrassing, but I had been taught that when asked a question you answered the truth. I told him everything. I was so embarrassed and...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Megan 2

Introduction: Megans ordeal truely starts as Dominatus decides to introduce Megan to her neighbour Mr Johnson Megan: Ok Sir, what do I have to do? Her heart started beating fast trying to work out how she had gotten herself into this situation, it had all started innocently enough, she was just chatting to random boys on the internet when this guy, Dominatus, had started chatting to her. He was very strong minded and dominant and she had decided to play along, but what she hadnt realised was...

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416 Part 4

Thursday evening David and Shelly walked through the massive 416 door precisely on time. David was greeted by the doorman, who ushered them into the bar. They hadn’t been inside for thirty seconds before Donna called out, “Good evening, Mr. Kingsly. It’s nice to see you again. Will you be having a drink in the bar before dinner?”“No thanks, Donna. We’ll just go straight to our table.”“That’ll be great,” the bubbly little Donna said. “Shannon will seat you in just a minute.”David turned to see...

3 years ago
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Mom doing anything for kids has a new meaning 3

I had always wanted more children but it never worked out with my husband after our youngest daughter was born. We never discussed it but I always had the feeling he preferred not to have any more. In fact in the nine years since her birth I bet I could remember ever time he actually fucked me and filled me with his seed. It was less times than my son Brian had fucked me and filled me in the last two days. Of course I was getting ahead of myself. My cycle is quite irregular and I am not...

3 years ago
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My wife touched his cock

My wife and I had been married for eighteen years when this incident took place, We had a typical marriage two k**s boy and a girl. After so many years of marriage we had sex maybe three or four times a month and only the missionaryposition nothing spectacular but we were satisfied, we had never tried anything out of the ordinary other than oral sexwhich was only done rarely when we were both feeling a little hornier than usual.My wife was a dish water blond and stood five feet four inches tall...

1 year ago
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Act of Contrition

ACT OF CONTRITION O My Absolute Master, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee In thoughts, words, works and omissions. I haven't been a good servant, Deserving of Your Divine Grace And the fortune You have bestowed upon me By accepting my servitude. I detest all my sins because of Thy just punishments, but most of all because they offend Thee, my Lord, Who art all-good and deserving of all my love and submission. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to sin no...

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Holodecked Out

Holodecked Out by Pamela [email protected] This story, which is written in the form of a one act play, borrows characters and some pseudo-technology from the Star Trek Voyager television show. Of course the main reason to view this show is the character "7 of 9" and the wonderful way she fills out her "catsuit", meow. Besides 7 of 9, there is the fascinating holodeck which is a computer generated fantasy...

3 years ago
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Day TripChapter 30

OH ... MY ... GOD!!! Santa Clause has visited us again! Cindy and Hank were making a routine aerial sweep over LS3 when they found it. Cindy landed while Hank flew cover, and she was so astounded that she almost fainted. Another of the cargo trimarans had landed in our laps. This was not quite as big a load as the first trimaran, but it was certainly welcome. There were 200 shipping containers that turned out to contain everything necessary to stock a full size shopping mall. She had Hank...

1 year ago
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For Blood or MoneyChapter 3 Irsquove Got a Secret

SIX O’CLOCK GETS EARLIER every morning. If it weren’t for the wet nose stuck in my face and the demands of having a pet that needs to be walked, I’d have rolled over and stayed warm and comfy in my bed. But Maizie was insistent. I hauled myself out of the sack and headed for the john. Aging sucks. A back injury from when I was in the Navy keeps acting up on me, especially when the weather changes from dry to wet like it did this morning. I count it a good day if I can stand up straight by...

3 years ago
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Lydias DreamChapter 7

I was the first to wake. After bathroom duties and starting the coffee pot, I returned to bed and crawled under the warm covers to lie next to her. She was sleeping soundly as I studied her face and wondered what the future held for us. In less than a week, I had gone from not even knowing her to being crazy about her. In that same week, I'd been able to set aside the consuming grief of losing Lydia and begin focusing on the future. Lydia had not appeared in my dreams since last Saturday...

2 years ago
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Cabin 2

My daughter lived in a log cabin in the mountains of upstate New York. It was her writer's retreat, having made a small fortune in her novels and preferring the solitary peace of our ancestral lands to draw her creative energies from. She invited me one winter for a weekend visit and I obliged to clear my calendar and get in some long-awaited reading, fishing, relaxing, and just visiting with my only offspring. As luck would have it, the drive was beautiful, until I hit her two-mile long...

4 years ago
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Late At Night

It was very late at night, around 1 AM, when you got out of bed to get a drink. You just couldn't sleep after the day you had - earlier that night, your girlfriend let you finger her for the first time! It wasn't quite sex, but it was close enough. Your girlfriend, Sarah, was a very pretty girl - tan and toned body, long red hair, and a beautiful face, you've been pinning after her for a few years before you actually asked her out. And now, all you could think about was having sex with...

2 years ago
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She Had an Extra Long Black after Dinner

Em was in Amsterdam, where because of the season it was chilly. She preferred warm places. Apart from anything else, you could wear less. It was a business trip as always, this time a little further afield than usual and of longer duration. She had already been to Milan and Munich and this was third week of the trip. It was also the Saturday of a free weekend, giving her a carefully contrived two days of R&R before the work schedule recommenced on Monday. She had arrived the evening before...

3 years ago
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Group Encounter I Will Never Forget

I had just had the very best sexual experience of my life. I have had several great ones...but this was the best. If you read my account of it, it was named "Ebony Goddess" with good reason. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever even talked to let alone have sex with...and she did everything she could to please me. It started when I helped a nice looking black man - his name was Syd - when he was having trouble with his car. I gave him a ride and he paid me back a thousand times over....

2 years ago
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Seductive Scheming Step Mom

When my dad arrived my mom and him said the usual hellos and caught up on a few things then I put my stuff in the back of his truck and off we went for another three and a half hour trip. We finally pulled into his driveway, I got my things out and took them inside giving my step mom and hug and a kiss on the cheek on the way in. while I was hugging her I couldn’t help notice that she was rubbing me a lot and squeezing me a little weird, I just shrugged it off as if it were just she had...

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Mistis Adventures Part 8

The next morning, Misti heard a knock at her back door. She turned off the exercise video, and, naked, as usual went to see who it might be. She looked out the patio door, and saw Carol standing there. She opened the door and Carol told her, "Sharon and I are going to go do some shopping. She has gone next door to ask Mary, and I came to get you. We wanted to go out for a little hen party, and wanted you to go with us. We are going to do our shopping, eat brunch, and maybe get something to...

4 years ago
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Sis Dont touch my hair you will mess it up

Sis: Don't touch my hair, you will mess it up! By Princess Panty boy "Sis leave me alone I'm just listening to music. I'm not bothering you." I turn and feel sis grabs my long hair with both of her hands and messes up my hair. I smack sis' hands and I see a really pissed look on her face. "Chill out little brother, I was just messing your hair up. You don't need to get so excited." "That's easy for you to say sis, mom and dad are always bugging me about my hair being too long...

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Blond Shemale Complete Story1

During our dance she allowed me to fondle her breast and touch her ass but never allowed me to pull her against me. By just having her so close to me and in my arms I was really getting turned on and was sporting a hardon in no time. We went back to our chairs and sat next to each other. Through out the entire night she played with my cock under the table through my trousers but refused all my attempts to play with her pussy, she didn't have any problem with me fondling her boobs, even in...

1 year ago
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Melodic RedemptionChapter 20

Stoney: She loves me. She REALLY loves me. We're married. I killed a guy. I'm supposed to feel remorse. I'm supposed to receive counseling by caring professionals who will help me grieve or some such crap. Therapy? I'll tell you what therapy is. It's having the woman you just protected put her arms around you and tell you that she loves you. And when the thought crossed my mind that this scum wanted to touch my Johanna, I tensed up. "Stoney?" a little voice said. "Yes,...

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Bangladese Moja

Aaj ami apnader ekta sotti ghotona bolchhi, 1996 Amaar boyesh thokon 26, thaki ami India te bereta geyachilam Bangladesh e amaar ek Didir kache, Gorom Kaal chhilo, ta ami thik kore jai je ami 3 din okhane thakbo, Didir barite didi chhara aar keu thake na. ta prothom din bhaloi kaatlo, 2nd din bikele khub jhor bristi hoyate Light chole giyechhilo, amaar abaar Fan na cholle ghum ashe na. Ta ki kori Didi dar barite to aar Generator connection nei. Ta pasher barir ek Boudi didi ke bollo je thkurpo...

2 years ago
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Twist In The Tale Leads To Sex With Team Leader Part 8211 1

Hi, it’s my sex experience that I am sharing with you guys, because I feel that I am one in Indian sex stories family :)first of all, everyone please bear with me if there is any spelling mistakes or any grammatical mistakes.I am a huge fan of iss I’ve been reading story from my past 3 years and finally, I got a chance to write my story. I am Mahesh and I am 22 years I just finished my btech in one of the reputed university in Chennai, and my native is Hyderabad. As I completed my studies I got...

2 years ago
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Watching Mallu Mom Having Sex With Cousin

Hello readers. This is my first story and it is also a real incident. I am Alan from Kerala and I am 21 years old. This is about my mom who is 45 years old. She is slim but has an amazing ass and perfect boobs. She is fair and very beautiful. This incident happened 8 months ago during the last Christmas vacation. I always had a sexual feeling towards my mother but I was afraid to take the first step. She is an orthodox lady and was not so modern. But all these changed during the last Christmas...

3 years ago
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An Adults Night In

I was stirring the curry I had on the stove when my boyfriend came up behind me. Greg started to kiss my neck and his hand wandered down to my ass. I could feel his hard cock pressing into my bum. “Not now, everyone will be over in a minute”. “Come on Mel, don't we have time for just a quick one?”. Our friend Ava and her husband Rick were coming over for dinner. “Nope, but don't worry I will make the wait worth while. I promise.” I turned around and started kissing Greg on the...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Ceremony of The Sun

This a copyrighted original work and the exclusive property of the author. You may use this work for your personal use only. If you wish to use it, or a portion of it for any other reason, please contact the author for permission. This is a work of fiction written for mature audiences only and if you are not 18 years of age please do not go any further. The author hopes you enjoy it and if you have, or have a particular plot you would like to see developed let him know at...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Educating a Coed

Educating a Coed Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I had been dressing as a girl for years, but it was only when I went to college that I was able to improve myself by going out more often. Within the first year I had mastered many of the problems I had, like makeup and hair, and was able to expand my wardrobe quite a bit. In my second year I even dated a few times, but never let things get too far, and although I was getting better, it wasn't until I found some sites on...

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Apni Chachi Ki Gaand Mari

Hi ISS readers meri age 24 years ha, our ma peshawar ma rehrta hoon. Meri poori life sex adventures se bhari hoi ha. Jb ma ne ISS site dekhi to socha k apni stories ap sab friends k saath share karoon. Ye story meri chachi or meri mutaliq ha meri chachi ka naam saima ha name changed age 33, unka rang bilkul gora ha height 5.3 hogi mote mote hont, ghanne baal, mast chaal, lekin sb se zabardast unke figures han. Unke boobs or chooter buttocks bhht bare bare han. Unke 3 bache han or husband...

4 years ago
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Our new friend Bisexual threesome story

One The night I met Steve I knew there was something special about him I liked. "I just about always get what I'm after," he'd said with a smile. "Sometimes I have to work hard for it, but I get it." I don't remember how I happened to stop into the bar after work, unless it was that Lil and I hadn't been hitting it off too well. After a year of marriage I guess the honeymoon was wearing off a little. Not that Lil wasn't damn good in bed; and she loved my big dick. A few times lately I'd gotten...

3 years ago
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Out of Focus Pt 01

—————- This story has a very slow start. But, I believe that, once you make it to Parts 2, 3, and 4, you will find that it begins to gain sufficient speed. So, please hang in there … Flavian —————- Chapter 1 Well, I had finally seen it. My grandfather’s headstone was no different from any of the others–marble, simple, neatly aligned with others in its row, and even aligned with others in almost any direction I looked throughout the Fort Snelling National Cemetery, just outside of the...

2 years ago
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A Dream Come True 3

My hastily inserted pad was soon soaked from Bobby's latest load of sperm. It felt odd between my legs as I walked dreamily down the hallway toward third period, my books clasped to my breasts and my purse draped over one arm. The feelings my Bobby had given me in the locker room hadn't felt odd at all, and my little pussy was still steaming from the orgasms. Knowing that my time as a woman was limited still drifted around in the back of my mind, but I found myself more and more at...

1 year ago
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My first gay experience

Hi :) . My story is 100% true, it hapened last year in August. Well, lets start that I am not gay, maybe bisex. I have a girlfriend and I do like girls basically, but there was always something about gay porn that turns me on. so from time to time i do watch it and masturbate to it. So that was a very hot summer, it was the begining of August 2012. I had a bad hangover after the weekend, it was monday, so early in the morning my girlfriend left for work and I took my laptop and started to surf...

3 years ago
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Ah Wanter Be Preggers

“Oh SHIT!” spluttered Melba May, “Dam monthly came agin! After Ah tried sew much to git knocked up tew.” She sat down and wept. The determined eighteen-year-old had been screwing her brains out for two months with the goal of planting a fetus in her womb. Well, her brains ain’t been where most of the action happened, but that is how the saying goes. She didn’t understand where this irresistible urge come from but a quick family history showed that for many generations out there in those...

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Sharons Journey Part 9 Con te Partiro

Sharon's Journey Part IX - Con Te Partiro As Sharon sat in Julie's kitchen, gazing out the window, her attention was not on the park below but on the sky, a panorama of bright blue mostly shunted into the background by huge patches of thick clouds, the sides facing the sun fluffy and white while the mass away from it a brooding dark grey. Though November was not quite a week old, New York's November sky was apparent, bringing with it a brisk wind. "Wishing on a star?" Julie asked...

3 years ago
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Lord of the Realm

She was a simple peasant girl. She had a pleasant bosom. Not too small to resemble a buy nor too large to be udders on a cow. They were average, but just right on her frame. Nothing on her looked out of place. Her eyes were a bright blue, her hair a gentle brown, not too light or dark, often teased into a single braid that would hang over her shoulder. She tended to wear blue dresses and brown blouses that accentuated the pale flesh of her slightly revealed bosom. When I had passed through her...

2 years ago
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She likes women pt2

As her laughter quieted, I kissed her deeply and slowly, a kiss she returned with fervor. Then I reached around her and turned off the water. ‘Now?’ she asked, almost sounding surprised. ‘Mmmmmm,’ I answered, kissing her pert nipples, ‘as soon as I get you dried off. Can’t have you catching cold, you know!’ I opened the curtains and grabbed a towel and patted her body dry, while she dried her hair in another towel. Then she rubbed the same towel over me while I dried my hair. No word was said...

1 year ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 2 Magics ClashChapter 2 The Elfs Choice

Knight-Errant Angela – Northern Deorc Forest, The Federation of Deoraciynae "I can't believe you want to go another round," I gasped as Sophia nibbled on my pink nipple. Sophia flashed me a mischievous grin, her green eyes twinkling in the moonlight drifting through the thick canopy of Deorc Forest. Her tongue licked my nipple, a slow circle that sent fluttering delight shooting down to my aching pussy. "You've already made me cum twice," I groaned. "And poor Xera's already...

3 years ago
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Fucking my Bosses Chubby Daughter

True story, though doesn't every one start that way... When I was twenty I worked at a resort in the hills of Northern California. I was cooking for a seasonal resort hotel-restaurant. The place was, or still is, in a part of the redwood forest on a secluded stretch of Highway 101, a short walk from the dramatic cliffs and winding trails down to lagoons of the California coast. The job was lousy, but the pay was incredible and the scenery was unbeatable. The main advantage of the place was...

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RUNAWAY Chapter 19 Toke and Relax

"I see you are awake Sleeping beauty. Time for a stop, smoke and a couple hours of sleep don't you think Senorita" he asked? "Sure" she agreed with a yawn. They both got out of the truck and she headed to the ladies room for a potty break. When she got back he had the two chairs out and he was seated smoking a joint and also had a cooler out and a beer in his hand, "Would you like Cerveza" he asked holding up a green can with two large green letter X? Sammi wasn't sure what it...

4 years ago
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Learning to Spell Chapter 3 All Things Being Equal and Girly

Learning to Spell Chapter 3 - All Things Being Equal (and Girly) By GirlyCheerBoy[at] The sun was shining through a break in the curtains and was starting to warm her face. Slowly she lifted her hand to her face to brush aside some loose hair hanging across her cheek. The sun hit fully now, lightening her eyes with an intense glow that almost hurt. She had been asleep for a while apparently. Her eyes needed a moment to adjust. She slowly began to blink them open, fighting...

2 years ago
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The Art Class

Art was a class of nine students, seven boys and two girls with a great teacher who gave us the opportunity to do basically what we liked in practical (painting and sculptor) but pushed us hard in theory. The art room was a double standard size with sinks, potters table and kiln at one end with the students art folders kept at the opposite end with its own lock up section. Each student’s folder where kept in their own section. My folder was at the back of the storeroom on the bottom shelf....

2 years ago
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Hot punjabi choot ka chaska

Hello friends, this is my real sex experience with one punjabi female, yeh meri new series ki dusri story hai main eek punjabhi ladki, who is wife of my brother’s friend ko kaise chooda mai aap ko btauga, maine aapko pehle bhi kaha hai na ke mujhe wo ladkian bohot pasand hain jinki choot mai zaada hi khujli ho aisi hi ek aur jaanemann ki story leker mai aap ke samne hazir hu. Yeh story padne ke baad ager aapki choot mai bhi khujli ho toh mujhe direct cal kare aaj kal mai free hu bass kal ek...

3 years ago
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Poker Night

"Call," Greg said, tossing his chips into the middle of the beat-up, hand-me-down table.Sophie frowned. Her boyfriend was a terrible bluffer, but she believed he was holding a decent hand. He just kept getting lucky tonight."Raise," Emily smiled, cheerfully tossing in another ten buck chip. She was a bubbly little blonde, all smiles and pearly whites. Sophie had known her since middle school—before her tits had popped out of nowhere one summer and packs of drooling boys had started worshipping...

College Sex
3 years ago
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Recollections From A DiaryChapter 21 The Three of us

Dear Diary Last night I had the craziest dream. I was back at the "The Panting Duchess," the club Bob took me to, and the women from the place attacked me. It seemed so friggin' real to me then and now. I was feeling naughty, well, really sluttish, ya know and had dressed the part. A lacy white push-up Patricia demi-bra with low plunging front from Victoria's Secret showed off most of my tits and made me look and feel like a tramp. I never dress THAT way! I remember there was the...

1 year ago
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12th GradeChapter 37

We spent over an hour looking at cars over at the Chevy dealership. They had two Corvettes, one black, and the other one canary yellow. Brenda didn't care for either one of them. Joyce suggested we go see the man who helped her with the lease on her Lincoln, so we all drove over to his office, and spoke to him about what Brenda wanted. There was a new Buick Regal Grand National, with a custom red paint job, that he had sitting there in stock, due to a customer failing to get his credit...

3 years ago
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Manipulating the NeighborsChapter 3

The next morning came too early. I made sure Darla continued sleeping as I went back to my house. I uploaded all the pictures that I had to my computer. I then purchased a domain name and set up a website, putting several hundred of the pictures on the site, as well as all the videos I had made. Then, I set up the cameras I had installed at the Grant house to be a constant live online feed. I encrypted the site, requiring three different encrypted passwords and took several other measures to...

3 years ago
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Marriage Proposal

A cent percent true story Recently I came to know that there is a website called ISS, wherein the subscribers post their sex experiences. Thus I take an opportunity to narrate my first sex experience with a housewife some years back. Since this is a true story I put less stress to narrate on sexual acts. Although I am scared to post this story, I feel everyone must focus on the bond between a man and a woman that need to be nourished with due respect. That time I was an eligible bachelor but...

2 years ago
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MEATing a chat friend

I am pretty new at writing tales of erotic adventures, So, I ask that you please leave a comment, if you can, or at least a vote.  this will help me to know how to better write a story that YOU, the reader will enjoy.  Thank You, in advance for your help. You have to love the internet, one can find anything, actually everythingyou could ever imagine, and even some not thought of, yet, anyway. I had signed up for a web site to find some models for a new portfolio I had planned, and not had a...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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The Good Guy all the Bad Girls Want part 3

Part 3. Ruth and Ben.The four of us sat around Sharon's kitchen table working out our new routine for the coming week. A couple of days had passed since the first session and yesterday had me flat out on my sofa recovering from our little adventure.Angie, as usual, was in charge and taking notes."Alright," she said, calling us to order, "Here's what I'm thinking. Six days. Monday till Saturday. That means a potential two appointments per week for the three of us to have sex with Ben on our own....


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