ScoutPart 12 free porn video

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“Captain’s on the bridge,” Crystal announced.

“Status report?”

“Twelve minutes to the Navy base. Going to DefCon One as previously ordered. No other ships on scanners. Modifications to Shark are finished and we are ready to launch.”

“Are all crew members aboard?”

“Charlie, Bev, Agatha, Aurora, and Dawn are aboard Rampage to assist with organizing and training the bot troops. Aella’s projected image is aboard Rampage, “ Crystal reported.

“Thank you, Crystal. What changes were made to Shark?”

A hologram of Shark appeared in front of Crystal. “We placed two additional plasma cannons forward and aft,” she said as the hologram shifted to show the additions. “We added two phasers and two lasers fore and aft. We also added two rocket tubes and two .50 caliber machine guns forward for atmospheric engagements. Each tube carries ten missiles.

“We added one plasma cannon port and starboard and Kit figured out how to install one top and one bottom. During the test flight that you approved, Rampage’s AIs verified that our cloaked signature is still invisible. All the new gun and missile mounts can target independently. We added the same configuration to both transports. Both shuttles have forward plasma cannons and phasers, with two rocket tubes and two .50 caliber machine guns.”

“Thank you, Crystal. Please send my thanks to everyone involved. As usual, everyone did an excellent job.”

“For you Captain Master Darling, we could do nothing less,” she smirked. “Navy base in two minutes,” Crystal announced.

“Launch when ready Crystal.”

The klaxons blared inside and out, and the warning lights flashed. One minute we were inside Rampage, the next we were watching her speed away from us until we were alone in space.

“Aella, please contact the base AI and transmit transponder code for Shark and Rampage. Have the AI accept Rampage while Shark remains outside.”

It took almost a minute before Aella replied to me, “Base AI now accepts Rampage. Rampage is entering base.”

“Tell them I said to please hurry. It’s going to be nerve wracking sitting out here, waiting.”

“Aella says they’ll hurry, but it should take about six hours.”

“Thank you, Crystal. Remain at DefCon One. Wake me if there are any contacts. Crystal has the bridge. I’m going to practice ravishing slaves.” My slaves all ran screaming, right into the bedroom, while Shark’s AIs laughed.

Fifteen naked slaves were waiting for me, all kneeling along the sides of the bed.

“My choice?” I asked.

“No master. You are expected to ravish each and every one of us,” Andrea answered grinning.

“I can’t possibly do justice to every one of you,” I protested.

“Then just do each of us. We’ll make sure everyone is satisfied when you’re done,” she answered smugly. It took me several women to notice that they had been arranged alphabetically. I had spent a couple minutes each thrusting into Abbi, Andrea, Anima, Blanid, and Cailyhn before I noticed and commented.

“Master, you must be doing a poor job of ravishing your slaves if you had time to notice that,” Perele giggled. There was a beautiful sound of fifteen women giggling in my room. Twelve of the women had been treated brutally for varying periods of time, and yet they were now happy here, able to giggle.

The rest followed, one by one, until each slave had been ravished--sort of. I still hadn’t cum so I started again. This time they were paired off in a classic 69 position with Verenia joining Molly and Perele. I was back to Carlisa when Molly looked up from Perele’s lap and quipped, “Does this mean our Master is pricking a pack of previously peckered pussies?”

Pandemonium broke loose as the ladies laughed about that one.

Shortly after that, Idylle, Andrea’s honey-blonde, near look-alike was the winner when I came and filled her with my spend. I fell asleep shortly afterwards, a blonde goddess on each side of me, and a firm tit in each hand while the sounds of passion continued in the room, gradually becoming quieter as other sated couples snuggled and fell asleep.


I opened my eyes to the grinning, beautiful image of our new AI Freyda sliding up my body. “Wake up Captain. Our long-range sensors have detected a ship inbound. She’s traveling cloaked at warp six and should be here in fourteen minutes.”

I kissed her, earning a brilliant smile in return, then lightly slapped the butt on each side of me. “Everyone up, we have hostile company coming.”

Who says women can’t get dressed quickly? Six minutes later, they were decked out in their uniforms and battle armor, complete with weapons. I took longer, mainly because I was busy ogling so many gorgeous asses disappearing into tight pants and delectable breasts shaking while they shimmied into those tight pants.

“Captain’s on the bridge,” Freyda announced giving me a shy sideways glance.

“SitRep please, Freyda.”

She beamed even brighter. “We have a cloaked contact inbound at warp six. Arrival at base in six minutes. No other contacts to report. Rampage estimates they will be finished in three to four hours.”

“Crystal, please keep us cloaked and just observe for now. Keep weapons ready and if the intruder targets us, fire at will. Target her engines, air locks, and bridge. Otherwise, I want to wait. There may be more pirate ships heading here and they’ll know it’s an ambush if they find a shot-up hulk. We’ll attack when Rampage is finished so we can leave right afterward.”

“Crystal, squawk for the hidden transponder on the raider ship.”

Seconds later Daisy said, “Hidden transponder response identifies the ship as Nightmare. No indication that it is aware of our presence.”

“Excellent. That makes this even easier since we can shut down most of their offensive and defensive systems. If they target us, transmit the special codes and target the command deck. If any more ships show up, squawk them for hidden transponders as well.

“Crystal, is there any way to temporarily modify our cloaking to keep us hidden while allowing one or more small funnel-shaped openings that would let us fire while we’re otherwise cloaked?”

Crystal gave me one of her incredulous looks again, but then quickly answered, “Nobody has ever been able to figure out how to do it before. With the combined resources of five AIs, maybe we can. We’ll start work on it right away.”

“Abbi, Cara, and Carlisa, please man the navigation, sensor, and weapons stations so our AIs can think. Molly and Anima please take our new crew members to the holodeck and familiarize them with the weapons we use.

“Andrea, my beautiful, blonde, goddess, princess, slave, come over here and keep my lap warm while we wait.”

“Captain, we have another contact inbound. It’s cloaked and moving at warp ten; ETA nine minutes.”

That took my attention off my lovely princess.

“Captain, it’s the ship that followed us from the Clement system,” Crystal announced.

That ship was twice as big as the one here now. “Crystal, squawk for the hidden transponder.”

Seconds later Crystal answered, “Hidden transponder response identifies the ship as Invincible. Aella identifies Invincible as ES7402, a new navy destroyer that disappeared two years ago on its first deployment. It was top of the line at the time. They never knew what happened to it or its crew. No indication that it is aware of our presence.”

“SHIT! They have a fucking destroyer!” I exclaimed.

The 7000 series denoted Empire destroyers. The 400 meant it was the fourth new version. The 02 meant that it was the Empire’s second ship of that version.

“Crystal, any indication if Nightmare is a former Navy ship?”

“No, Captain, Nightmare is a just a freighter with guns attached.”

“Crystal, how’s the cloaking problem coming?” I asked.

“Almost done Captain, we think we have a way to do it.”

“Have Aella inform Rampage of our current situation. Tell them to hurry, but it’s important that they finish everything before they leave.”

“Aella says Rampage estimates one more hour to completion. All bots are trained and ready. Work on Pike, Barracuda, Gar, and Piranha is finished. Final changes are being completed on Rampage’s cloaking modifications.

“Captain, we have figured out how to fire energy weapons and still stay cloaked. We can even change the shape of the cloak to allow all weapons to fire at the same time.”

“How long will it take you to make the changes?”

“About thirty seconds, Captain.”

“Crystal, take over the weapons console and be ready to send the special codes and fire in case our visitor notices anything. Then have the other ships make the cloaking modifications ASAP. If we have to fight, I’d rather do it one ship at a time.”

Cara stepped aside as Crystal took over. “Cloaking modifications complete, Captain. No sign that Nightmare noticed anything.”

Several minutes later, I watched as Invincible arrived. Invincible and Nightmare situated themselves at right angles to each other and from the exit so they could catch a ship leaving the base in crossfire without hitting each other. They were partially hidden below the horizon of the asteroid, so their main guns were trained right above the exit.

“Captain, radio traffic between Invincible and Nightmare indicates that a silent alarm was triggered when Shark’s transponder code was transmitted to the base. These are the only two ships sent to ambush us. They still expect their special codes to work to disable Shark when it exits. They hope to capture Shark, but have orders to destroy us if they can’t.”

We were at an angle effectively putting us above and in front of them and angled down towards them. They would need to adjust their angle of fire to hit us.

I fidgeted nervously for the next half hour expecting to be discovered at any moment.

“Captain, Rampage is finished,” Athena finally announced.

“Kit and Freyda, take over the weapons and sensor stations. Kit, set firing solutions for both ships to attack them simultaneously. Freyda, how many people are aboard Invincible?”

“Scanners indicate thirty people each aboard Invincible and Nightmare. All are on the bridges of the two ships.”

“Crystal, ask Aella for the best spot to make a hole in the hull of Invincible’s bridge. I want to kill them all while doing as little damage as possible to Invincible.”

Crystal looked deep in thought for several seconds, and then reported back. “Aella has pinpointed two spots in the hull that could be breached with no additional damage to the ship or her systems.”

“Kit, lock onto those two spots with whichever weapons will do the job with the least collateral damage. Lock all other weapons on Nightmare. I don’t care how badly it’s damaged.”

“Weapons locked on, Captain.”

“Kit, fire once Crystal transmits the coded messages to both ships. Crystal, execute!”

Four plasma cannons fired simultaneously. Two holes opened in the bridge of Nightmare, venting the contents into space. Two much smaller holes, almost impossible to see from our position except for the detritus fountaining into space through them, appeared in the hull over the bridge of Invincible.

“Freyda, report.”

“No signs of life on either ship. Shields, engines, and weapon systems are disabled.”

“Crystal, tell Rampage that it’s safe to come out. Then hook Aella up to a portable power supply. I want to add her to Invincible, so we can patch her up and take her with us.”

We pulled in next to Invincible and waited. A few minutes later, Rampage exited the asteroid base. A shuttle left Rampage and docked with us. Our four fembots dogpiled me. “We were so worried, Master,” Bev sobbed.

“Okay, ladies, we have work to do., I assume Aella can manage Invincible?”

“Yes, Captain, she assured us that she could,” Agatha answered.

Twenty minutes later the four fembots, as well as Crystal and me, were suited up and entering Invincible from the hatch. I tied off a sensor array and tossed it into the opening. Freyda reported, “The portable sensor reading is optimal--reading entire interior of ship. No life signs. Atmosphere in every compartment except the bridge. Ship has power.”

We worked our way forward to the command deck. Once on the bridge, I was amazed at how little actual damage there was. All the wiring seemed to be intact. Only two breaches in the hull showed, each less than three feet in diameter. Scorch marks and melted metal marked the location from the inside. Red stains surrounded each hole. I shuddered as I wondered what it had been like to be sucked out through one of the holes.

All blast doors had been closed and the life support was functioning. We’d had to vent the sealed hallway outside the command deck before entering the now airless command deck.

Crystal directed my work as I added Aella to the ship. It took longer since I didn’t want to further damage the ship. Fortunately, the ship hadn’t lost power, so it was easier working in a lighted environment. The girls went off exploring the ship, following directions Aella had given them earlier.

When I plugged in Aella’s AI and power source, there was a pause for a moment before two holograms suddenly appeared. Both were tall slender blondes in a trim navy uniform. Their bodies looked to be identical. Only the faces were different.

“Captain, this is Invincible, the AI of this ship. She is not only willing to work with us, but happy to do so. She has not appreciated having to work with the raiders.”

“Invincible, I have an important question for you. Are you willing to be a fully loyal member of this crew, giving your entire allegiance to Shark and to me?”

Invincible looked at me as she simply said, “Yes, Captain.”

“You deserve a new name. With us, you will be ‘Phillipis’. She was an Amazon warrior.” She thanked me for her new name. Her form shifted and her clothes disappeared. Yup, the body was a clone of Aella. “I want to change the name of the ship to Orca. Please update the ship’s records and let Rampage and Shark know.”

I added the two extra AI’s from the shuttle so Invincible would have four AIs. “Aella, your first priority is to repair the ship. Have Rampage send over whatever crew and equipment you need while Phillipis does a damage control check. After that, top priority is to clean out the bad code in Orca, starting with the hidden transponder. Hopefully one of the captives who had Navy experience was an officer.”

“Yes, Captain. One of the women was XO on a Frigate.” Aella reported.

“Excellent! She has just been promoted to Captain,” I replied.

“Phillipis, is there anything important I should know?”

“Only that I just came from the main raider base and was headed to Enigma’s homeworld. They had a signal set up to let them know if you came to this base.”

“What cargo do you carry?”

“I have forty armored tanks, fifty armored personnel carriers, twenty pieces of heavy artillery, and two hundred fifty military bots. We were supposed to stop at Enigma’s homeworld and pick up another two hundred fifty bots for training.”

“HOLY FUCK! That’s more of their invasion force,” I exclaimed.

“Aella, contact Rampage and Shark and let them know what our cargo is. I’m sure Katrina and Charlie will want to take a look. Have Bev and the girls disarm one of the stored bots and try to convert it to our side. If they can, have them start on the rest. Is there any exterior damage besides the two holes here?”

“No, Captain. Those two holes are the only damage, internal or external. Even the wiring is intact. Those were outstanding shots.”

“Are any of the bots trained to operate the tanks and artillery?”

“Yes, captain. There is a full complement trained to operate the weapons, vehicles, and artillery, including bot officers.

“HOT DAMN! Now we have a force to kick some raider ass on the ground as well as in space,” I hollered exuberantly.

“Okay, I’m going outside to patch the two holes. I’ll head to Nightmare and then back to Shark when I’m done. Are there any shuttles on board?”

“Yes, Captain. We have six shuttles and twelve armored and armed transports on board. One of the cargo holds was built especially to be used as a hangar to allow them to land in there. Each transport will carry ten tanks, ten APCs loaded with troops, or ten pieces of artillery.”

“Father is going to shit when he hears about this,” I laughed.

I loaded everything aboard Gar that I needed to make the repairs. The bot pilot flew me directly over the holes. I exited through the air lock, carrying my plasma cutter and the sheet of hull metal I’d had Rampage bring from the navy base for just this type of circumstance. I quickly cut a piece to fit over the hole and then tacked it into place with a powerful magnet. Then I cut the second piece and tacked it in place. Once my plasma torch and the extra metal were back aboard Gar, I pulled my stinger out and used T-welds to seal the plate seams.

“Phillipis see if you can hold atmosphere on the bridge,” I said through the radio in my suit.

Three minutes later, she answered, “Atmosphere holding. We’re as good as new.” I watched from outside as the transport Pike entered the cargo hold/hangar.

I climbed back inside Gar and headed for Nightmare. I tied off a sensor array and tossed it into the large crack in the hold. Freyda reported, “The portable sensor reading is optimal--reading entire interior of ship. No life signs, no atmosphere in any compartment. Ship has fifty-six percent power.”

I quickly retrieved a combination beacon and salvage transponder from an exterior pocket on my suit. I spot-welded the transponder housing to the raider hull just above my entry point, waiting for a more opportune time to toggle it on.

Once inside I hooked up the portable power unit and disconnected all other power to the AI. I removed the AI and headed back to Shark. I radioed Rampage and asked Nina to send a bot in a full spacesuit that could control Nightmare for a couple of hours. I wanted the ship to immediately head out of the wastes, and especially away from the secret navy base, before the salvage transponder was toggled on.

I was grabbed and mobbed by an ecstatic crew when I exited the air lock of Shark. I had Gar stand by just in case. Crystal began the process of transferring Nightmare’s AI to replace Aella. Molly and Perele goaded me until I was naked and in the shower where they made sure I was thoroughly clean--and that Molly was thoroughly fucked.

“Captain on the bridge,” Freyda announced. I was greeted by a tall, slender female form with the same exaggerated breasts Daisy had. I guess the raiders liked big boobs just as much as my Demarest relatives did.

“Captain, this is Carmen, the AI of the ship Nightmare.”

“Carmen, I have an important question for you. Are you willing to be a fully loyal member of this crew, giving your entire allegiance to Shark and to me?”

Carmen looked me in the eye as she answered, “Yes, Captain.”

“Carmen is there anything important I should know?”

“We were headed to our supply planet to pick up food and arms when we were re-directed here to capture this ship.”

“Thank you, Carmen. Crystal, please integrate her into Shark and add her data and the data from Orca to what we know about the raiders.”

I looked around the bridge and saw that all the crew who were on board were there. “Crystal, please put me through to Katrina.” Katrina’s image appeared in the middle of the cabin.

“Anything to report from Orca?” I asked.

“Report?” she squealed. “Shit, Captain. This place is a fucking wet dream. The bots are being re-programmed. They were already formed into a company complete with officers. They were assigned to either the tanks, the armored personnel carriers, or the artillery and are fully trained in the use of all three.

“The transports are designed to carry everything. If the transports land cloaked, we can have everything on the ground and ready to attack in three minutes from the time the transport hatches open.”

“Thank you for the report General. Please keep me informed if you find any more surprises.”

Katrina’s excited image disappeared. I knew how she felt, having just gotten Shark not quite three months ago, and now I had my own fucking navy--and obviously, ground forces, too.

“Crystal, what is the time on Westphalia at Castle Demarest?” I asked.

“0830 hours standard,” she replied.

That meant Charles should be in his office.

“Crystal, please open an encrypted channel. Use his priority code.”

The main view screen came on with Charles’ surprised face in the center. “Greetings, Father. All is well here,” I greeted him.

“Hello, Junior Son Edward. To what do I owe the honor this time?” he asked, quickly regaining his composure.

“It would appear that I have just added another ship to my armada. We captured a ship from the raiders that used to be the Empire’s destroyer Invincible. Evidently, it was captured two years ago by the raiders, using a malicious set of codes in the navy ship’s programming. The code will squawk a hidden transponder giving away their position even if they’re cloaked. Transmitting special codes will shut down the engines, shields, weapons, communications, and sensors. I’m pretty sure it’s in every ship in the navy, or at least the ones built, upgraded, or repaired in the last two or three years.

“I’m sending you a copy to provide to the navy. I suggest letting Grandfather Louis handle that project to make sure it actually is delivered to the people who need to know about it. I think it’s time to let the Emperor know about the malicious codes, too.

“I think the raider attack is imminent. Invincible had forty tanks, fifty armored personnel carriers, and twenty pieces of heavy artillery on board as well as enough transports to land everything simultaneously. There were also another two hundred fifty military bots aboard, all trained to use the equipment.”

“FUCKING A!” he hollered excitedly.

I continued. “I now have seven hundred fifty fully trained and fully armed bots in my ground forces, along with the troops Brother Ben brought me.”

“Shit, son, that’s enough to start a war with,” he exclaimed.

“Or to finish one. Is there any chance that you have access to a repair bay in St. Louis where nobody will notice us? I’d like to make a few modifications to Orca when we stop by there. Then I intend to take the fight to the raiders again and hit them where it hurts.”

“Orca?” he asked.

“I renamed Invincible. It’s been captured twice now, and I don’t feel the old name is entirely appropriate.”

“Son,” he said quietly, “I can’t begin to tell you how proud I am of you right now. You have brought great honor to Houses Demarest and Carteris as well as warning us about the possible raider attack. I must warn you that the Emperor will soon insist upon meeting you in person.”

“I was afraid of that. Try to stall him as long as possible. Explain that it’s important that the raiders not know where I am right now, so they have no idea where and when I may strike next. When this is over, I’ll do whatever I need to in order to avoid embarrassment to either house.”

“Thank you, Edward. I appreciate that and fully understand the need to keep your whereabouts secret. I just transmitted the location of a section of dry docks that has been closed for over a year. Nobody is there so nobody will know that you’ve docked. Is there anything else I can do?”

“I could use half a dozen or more of the best bots available and I’m going to need lots and lots of the nanite treated leather to make proper uniforms for everyone,” I said laughing. “I could also use a couple dozen portable power supplies for the AIs when we transfer them.”

Father joined me in the laughter. “I’ll forward this update to your brother, along with your requests, so he knows what to expect. I understand he’ll be joining you soon. I guess I’ll have to wait for your interview to find out what’s going on,” he laughed.

“Don’t believe everything you hear in that interview,” I warned him.

I thanked him for everything he’d done for me--for us.

He looked at me fondly as he said, “It is I who should thank you. Keep safe, young Ed.”

“You as well, Father,” I replied. Once again, a severely distracted Charles was yelling for his assistants before he broke our connection.

“Crystal, please raise Orca.”

I immediately recognized the woman, both from her beautiful face and from the livid bruise on that face. She’d been in the second room of the saloon and had been the one who castrated her already dead captor.

Greetings, Captain. I’m, uuuhhh, I think I’m Captain Jenae Patchett?” she said, more as a question than a statement.

“Captain Patchett. Congratulations on your promotion. Is there anything you need?”

“Thank you, sir. I think we have just about everything under control here.”

“How long until the malicious code is cleared out of your systems?”

“Phillipis estimates about three more hours. They have the transponder disabled and the code for the shields, engines, and sensors has been cleaned. Once the code for the weapons systems is cleared, they will begin reviewing everything else aboard the ship to make sure it’s not hidden somewhere else.

“I can’t believe that you’ve put more than one AI in a ship. It’s amazing what they can do. Aella said they are even able to alter the cloaking of the ship so we can fire while cloaked. I’m honored to serve under you, sir. Oh, and I’m sorry that I still have my uniform on. We came over fully armed and I haven’t had time to change yet.”

I laughed. “Don’t worry about it, Jenae. I’m more concerned about results than appearances. When everything is done, I’ll make time to personally remove your uniform if you want.”

“I’ll look forward to that,” she answered with a gleam in her eye.

“How fast can Orca travel fully cloaked?” I asked.

Jenae looked to her right and then back at me. “A little over warp seventeen Sir.”

“How soon can you move out without finishing cleaning the malicious code?”

Again, she looked off to her side. “About ten minutes, Sir.”

“Let us know when you’re ready to move out. I want to leave here ASAP in case someone else shows up. I also have a date to keep with a pretty lady in a few hours.”

Jenae raised her eyebrows at that. “Very well, sir. I’ll let you know as soon as we can get underway.”

“Carry on, Captain,” I said as the image blinked out.

“Crystal, please plot a course out of here without using any of the usual trails. As soon as we are clear of the wastes, pick up the bot aboard Nightmare and have the transponder toggled on. Then I want a cloaked, warp seventeen run towards Caddis for three hours, again avoiding any ‘ruts’. Then change course and head for St. Louis. I want Orca docked in the bays Father just transmitted us the coordinates for so she can be properly repaired and upgraded.

“I want her hull cleaned and repainted black with Shark logos and I want her shielding adjusted to make her completely invisible like Shark and Rampage. Add the extra antennas, sensor arrays, and console to increase her sensor sensitivity. Let Rampage know to be ready to leave in ten minutes and what we’ll be doing, and then transmit the course to both ships.”

Crystal had a distant look on her face for several seconds. “Done, Captain.”

“Kit, please send Gar back to Rampage for now.”

Several seconds later, I felt a tiny shudder as Gar disengaged from us and left.

Anima climbed into my lap and snuggled against me while Andrea pressed against my side. “I could get used to this, ladies,” I sighed as I ran my hand across Andrea’s taut ass.

“You’d better get used to it,” Andrea growled in a mock threatening voice before she leaned over and kissed me ferociously.

“Captain, Orca indicates that they are ready to leave,” Crystal announced.

“Please let everyone know and have Orca lead the way. That way she won’t be left behind if something happens. Crystal, I’d like you to make your main job coordinating everything between any ships we have. With three ships, fourteen transports, and eight shuttles, we might soon need our own ATC.

Same as Scout
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Lee Returns

Introduction: A dear friend returns. LEE RETURNS Its been a long time since weve seen Lee. He moved away a few years ago and until today has not been able to return. In that he has come to town for a conference, he has arranged to stay with us. He and his gigantic rock hard cock will be very welcome. Lee arrives, rings our door bell and we invite Lee in. As you may remember, Lee is a very tall, very handsome black man. He and his wife have been our friends for a very long time. Unfortunately,...

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Shirley My Lovely Sister 8211 Part 5

Hello readers, this is steve. I know that you have been eagerly waiting for my 5th part of the story series ”shirley-my lovely sister”…first of all i would like to thank all my readers for their comments and suggestions on my story.. For the new readers starting with this part, i m providing the below links to read them to get full idea of the plot although each story in itself ll make you orgasm.. Any ladies/ divorced/widowed women who would like to have secret sex chat/ fantasy sex/ wild sex/...

3 years ago
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Life 5

WENDYS PHOTOS After seeing the Wyonges out I return to Wendy and let her down off the Wheel. Then with the harness still in place I took her to the spare room to sleep. Tomorrow was going to be her day. We were going to her work place to take the photos for the family album. I had no idea who else she had invited. Saturday morning we arrived at Wendys office. Outside a middle-aged man was waiting for us. Wendy greeted him with a kiss and led us both up to her private office. I know she was a...

2 years ago
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എന്റെ പേര് അഞ്ജലി . വയസ്സ് 25 – എറണാകുളത്തു ഒരു ഓഫീസി അട്മിനിസ്ട്രടര്‍ ആയിട്ട് വര്‍ക്ക്‌ ചെയ്യുന്നു . എന്റെ പ്രിയപ്പെട്ട കൂട്ടുകാരി ആണ് സൌമ്യ അവള്‍ ഇപ്പോള്‍ കല്യാണം കഴിഞ്ഞു ഒരു കുട്ടി ആയിട്ട് ജീവിക്കുന്നു . ഭര്‍ത്താവ് ദുബായിയില്‍ ആണ് വര്‍ക്ക്‌ ചെയ്യുന്നത് . ഞാന്‍ ഇവിടെ പറയുന്നത് എന്റെ സ്വന്തം ജീവിതത്തില്‍ നടന്ന എന്റെ ജീവിതം തന്നെ മാറ്റി മറിച്ച ഒരു സംഭവത്തെ പറ്റി ആണ് . ഇണ പിരിയാത്ത കൂട്ടുകാരായി ഞാനും സൌമ്യയും ഇപ്പോഴും കഴിയുന്നു ഓരോ ദിവസവും രണ്ടു നേരം എങ്കിലും അവളുടെ ശബ്ദം കേള്‍ക്കാതെ ജീവിക്കാന്‍...

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GuardianChapter 7

As soon as it was dark enough, they started to walk toward the possible site of the Russian invaders. They had walked about two miles when they saw a few lights here and there. A light was never visible for very long, but the wind had picked up to a pretty stiff breeze. Jim guessed that the canvas covers over the lights and such were blowing in the wind and letting the lights be seen occasionally. Fortunately, the moon was shinning very brightly, so brightly, in fact, that they did not need...

2 years ago
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Pink Undies Chloe at Thanksgiving

Sunday afternoon, early October "Yes yes yes yes, oh god oh god don't stop don't stop!" I didn't. No way I was stopping. "Yeah yeah yeah!" In the next moment, though, I had Kathleen's legs back against her shoulders as I throbbed and spurted as deep inside her as I could get, and I had to stop then. "Oh, god." "You can say that again." She smiled up at me, her lips soft and a little puffy, her eyes dreamy. "Oh, god." "Hah hah hah." I softened and slipped out and moved...

3 years ago
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Wolf 2 Dyson SphereChapter 5

AI worked his magic to control just a small section of the gravity zone. First, he ran the gravity up to 200 g to crush everything to dust, then he reversed the gravity to 0.01 g and raised the adjacent area to 3 g to cause a strong wind to blow the dust away. Presto! There was a cleared area in front of the tunnel entrance. AI then reset the gravity to the 1 g that we were comfortable with. We approached the tunnel mouth and halted. AI said, "I checked, and the tunnel is clear for its full...

3 years ago
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My Best Halloween

I just love Halloween. To me it’s the time of year where grown-ups can play dress up, with masks. I love the idea of hiding my identity behind a mask, because my inhibitions seem to disappear and my whole body quivers with lust. I remember one Halloween where my husband and I were invited to a swingers costume party. This couple was close friends of ours, and even though the event was a month away, I could hardly wait. Nothing says Halloween like a costume with near nudity. So we went online...

3 years ago
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Damsel in Need Lisa

Jake was an 18 year old college student who worked a few part-time jobs to give him pocket money to enjoy his weekends. One of those jobs was a delivery drive for the local pharmacy. He was almost finished on a Thursday night when his boss gave him an urgent delivery for a Mrs Ross who lived not far from his home. “She needs this urgently” the boss told him handling him a box which was labeled Breast Pump. Jake headed off quickly, knowing that the lady was probably in some pain and needed...

1 year ago
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LovingChapter 10 The Wedding and the Move

The day of the wedding rehearsal came about and everyone was in great spirits. Carol had recovered fully from the 'party' and all was well. I wasn't involved in the stuff that transpired that morning but Carol related it all to me: As Patty and Carol waited at one end of Paul and Gloria's back yard for the facilitator to tell them what to do, Patty leaned over into Carol and said, "Who is that darling young man over there?" Carol looked where she was pointing and saw a cute young boy...

4 years ago
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romantic time 2

I meet you, I look at you,my eyes undress you, take care,there is no escape,there will not regret it visible ...I am the moon eternalyou are my sunshine carnalI offer my body in full intoxicationyou reply by the infinite love ...You caress me up excitement,my body is in exaltation,I feel my heart beating at full impulse.I do life for youcome up to me, I need you ...I plunge into temptation,my mind goes wild,I'm excited ...I kiss you tenderlyI'm effusion,my mouth devours hard ...Rocked our world...

1 year ago
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Mind controlled Janice part 8 humiliated by Ginger part 5

What caught my eye was the very short yellow dress she was wearing. The dress buttoned down the front, she had it unbuttoned right down to her waist. She walked down the road the top of her dress gaping I could see she had no bra on. I decided to follow her, secretly I was hoping to get a photo of her on my phone. Earlier that morning Janice had heard a knock at her front door, she opened the door to a tall broad man. “Janice,” He spoke her name in a low tone. She froze on the spot,...

3 years ago
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The Best Night of My Life

The Best Night of My Life I suspect that my Mom must have dreamed of being a movie actor when she was a young girl, and was disappointed that she never made it beyond appearing in a couple of plays at her high school, and that's why she worked so hard to get me into modeling and acting. I don't really remember them but she must have entered me in a number of "Beautiful Baby" contests as she has several framed certificates showing that I placed Second, or Third or received an Honorable...

4 years ago
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A brother sister 3

But by the afternoon, she found herself flat on her back on her bed, the skirt she was wearing pulled up around her waist, her panties discarded and her sleek silver vibrator buried in her bald pussy. She slid it in and out of her wet hole, moaning. Images of massive cocks passed through her mind as she pleasured herself. She kept building her pleasure, allowing the vibrating toy to graze against her clit before sliding it deep inside her, working it around, wondering what it would be like to...

1 year ago
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Happy Anniversary

Violet and Bruce planned their anniversary weekend with great excitement. It was their 10th. Six of those years he had been her sissy cuckold. He couldn’t be happier. He expressed his feminine, submissive feelings and she fucked the men that made her feel like a woman. They were going to leave on Friday afternoon when Violet got home from work. Bruce was going to stay home that day to prepare. A man takes a lot of work to look and feel feminine. Friday night was going to be their date night....

1 year ago
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The Merchant of ChaosChapter 27

Amanda squirmed as she slowly rose to wakefulness. Her eyes fluttered open, and she let out a husky sigh. For a moment she thought she was still asleep and had slipped into an erotic dream. Why else would her sex feel so warm and achy? Her eyes finally focused and saw Sirinna smiling down at her. "About time you woke up," she whispered softly. "Huh? Sirinna, did you ... oh!..." A hand had slid sensuously over the inside of her thigh. Amanda shivered and moaned. "I missed doing this...

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Sister is my flatmate and porn addict

My place may have been a mess but l’d rather put up with that then listen to my sister and Rik arguing, finally the builders finished. One evening l was watching a box set with a few Vodka’s when there was a knock at the door and who was standing there, but my sister Theresa with 2 suitcases, she calmly informed me that her and Rik had split, so l invited her in and showed Theresa to my spare room. When she came into the lounge l poured us both a vodka, Theresa joined me on the sofa and...

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The Policemans Balls

The Policemen's Balls By: Friskee_cpl ([email protected])The Policemen's BallsDear reader. It takes hours to write a story like this so please send a comment to [email protected]. Thanks.I live in a small town one and a half hours drive from Orange in Central West New South Wales. I work in Orange once a week at a local educational centre teaching adults about video and digital photography. The pay is good but unfortunately I have spent quite a bit on speeding fines on the way...

1 year ago
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Jane The Sequel

“Well, I don’t know about you, but after that fantastic experience, I’m ready to go all the way, lover. I ache to feel you inside me, and I’m not talking just about your fingers and tongue.” With that she kind of pulled us both over so that instead of lying across the bed, our legs dangling over the edge, we were more in the centre of the bed, lying up and down. She stayed on top and when we were comfortable, she started to kiss me again, a long sexy kiss, the tips of our tongues...

2 years ago
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My Daughters Chubby Friend

I have raised my daughter Sara by myself since her mom left when she was ten years old. Sara is eighteen now and is doing well concidering what all she has been threw. She has many friends at school and as much as it makes me nervous as it pertains to guys Sara has always asked me to trust her and she hasn't let me down. I know whenever she goes out with friends she is safe but latley she has been bringing her girlfriends to our apartment which is nice that I can keep an eye on her. Since my...

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My story happened about a year before. My name is Shashi. I am 36 now & even now, I'm considered to be attractive and have always taken good care of myself. I'm proud to say most men find my pretty face attractive, but my large breasts (38d), bit fatty stomach, and especially my firm bottom and muscular thighs get the most attention, although I have to admit I've never really dressed to show them off. I'm not really old fashioned but I normally used to be in the traditional South Indian...

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Jake and I have an amazing first time

Hi I'm Megan, this is the story of my first time. I will be writing the story in the present tense even though at the time I was 16 and I am now 19. I hope you enjoy! I should give you a little back ground info. I am 5'5 with longish brown hair with light sun highlights. I have chocolate brown eyes and slight freckles. I have a very petite body with nice full hips and a set of 32 B's to match. I have a flat stomach. My boyfriend's name is Jake. He is 17 and is 5'10 and has the "flipped" blond...

First Time
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Date Night Movies at Home

Date Night – Movies at Home My wife and I have been married now for over 15 years, and dated for 2 years before that. So, keeping our sex life lively and exciting can sometimes take a back seat to raising our k**s. My wife, with the best intentions in the world, tends to focus more on the family responsibilities, so I have to take the lead on our sex life, although I must say that when I can get her attention, she is a very talented lover.On this particular Saturday night, I had made...

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A Black Gay Couples Family

The name is Henry Jean-Pierre. A big and tall black man living in the city of Brockton, Massachusetts. Life is tough for the average American these days but you should know that even the strong struggle. I’m the Deputy Sheriff in my county and life hasn’t been a bed of roses lately. Ordinary American men and women have been pushed to the limit by the Recession. It’s turning normal people into criminals. You won’t believe the men and women I’ve had to arrest simply because they broke the law...

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A Perfect Gift

Tiny clouds appeared behind them, snow dust scraped from the hard-frozen ground by their boots as Matthew and Jennifer walked along the deserted beach. Matthew, although he found the cold night air exhilarating, was walking quickly to keep up with Jennifer, who had finally become too cold to stay outside. It was only a short walk along the shore to Matthew’s cottage, and soon they were inside. Jennifer sat in front of the fire, watching Matthew expertly coax a flame from the logs he placed on...

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The Cleaning Lady in the CabinChapter 2

The rest of the day seemed like a blur. Between normal school stuff and his sexual encounter; Josh found himself exhausted. He had no idea who she was other than a custodian. Not knowing if he should tell anyone about the encounter, or about her stealing school supplies. The more he thought about it, he knew that telling on her would only cause more grief and questions. Josh also knew that he had just received one of the best blowjobs of his life. Walking down the hall way, Josh stopped by...

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What He Made Me Do on the School Trip

He kissed me once while we were at the basketball courts in the park when no one was around, and I must admit he was a great kisser! It made my little pussy all wet and my nipples poked out the front of my blouse, and I knew when we stopped he had to fumble in his pants and rearrange his cock . . . or at least I thought that's what he was doing. And that's about all the experience I had . . . before the school trip. The whole middle school went to camp in...

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A Hot Evening Pt2

My cock was now in a painful state of hardness. The whole shaft of skin was taught as I felt more and more notches of erectness swell me. My circumcised helmet was so fat and tight that the flesh itself shone in the light from the lampshades. My balls had tightened in my sac to a solid dense mass, slick with my sweat. Once again I felt juice ooze from my cock slit and slither down my shaft as it twitched and pulsed. The meat of it was an angry dark colour as it strained within its fleshy case....

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Chanel and Eugene 14

Eugene? I send a text to the number Eugene called me from before. We agreed on Saturday for our date, but with my aching insides, I’m not so sure I want to wait to see him. I set my phone on my chest and close my eyes. When my phone quietly beeps, it’s up to my face in a flash. Chanel? he replies, and I grin. Did I wake you? No, just lying down. Everything ok? Yeah. I can’t sleep. Me either he replies, and I bite my lip. Why? I ask. Had a good day, a lot to think about. he replies, and...

Straight Sex
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The Great DepressionChapter 11

Roland and his sister arrived at Jimmy's home at a quarter to eleven the following day, which was a Saturday. Elizabeth had cooked a ' shepherd pie ', which she served with vegetables from the garden. For desert she had baked a couple of raspberries pies - she had picked the raspberries herself the previous afternoon - topped with whipped cream. As soon as everyone was finished with the dinner, she insisted that they all went fishing for the rest of the day saying that she was going to...

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PrincessCum Daphne Dare My Nympho Niece

Daphne Dare hasn’t seen her uncle by marriage, Will Pounder, in a long time. Once Daphne’s brother Jake Johnson brings Uncle P home, Daphne knows she’s going to go for it. Jake tries to warn Uncle P off of his sister, saying that Daphne has gotten really slutty as she has gotten older and that she’s going to try to fuck Will. Uncle P scoffs at Jake’s warning. He goes to take a quick shower, where Daphne spies his junk. She likes what she sees, so later she puts on...

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ValerieChapter 23

I wasn't given much time for thought as I heard the front door and I quickly replaced all the articles in Jan's bag. I was greeted with enthusiasm (and vice versa) by Jan and Vonnie who had had a good day house hunting and had clearly made a decision. "I know the one I want," enthused Vonnie. "It's the one I'd choose if we weren't settled here," bubbled Jan. "I know, it's perfect, even within walking distance of here, if you like a little exercise," Vonnie responded whilst...

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Brutal Brothers 8211 Part 2

This is the continued part of my earlier story. Those who haven’t read my earlier story please read Brutal Brothers Part-1 (link on top) Suddenly the door opens and there was Sameer Rohan and Dinesh my all brother standing there. They were taken aback when they saw me naked and sucking my own brothers cock i was terrified by seen them my body started shivering and i stood up and covered my boobs with my hands and ran upstairs into my room and Raj did the same thing. I was so fucking terrified...

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Valentines Day

The perfect Valentine’s Day present… Every year, throughout the Western World, men wrack their brains for the perfect gift. Who wants to grab something off the supermarket shelf? The umpteenth box of chocolates, the corset from Victoria’s Secret that your sweetheart might simply laugh at, the same roses as last year and the year before? Then what? Something that will show your caring love, your thoughtfulness in collecting and remembering the smallest hints, your patience in seeking–or better,...

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AdultTimePilots Gianna Dior Gianna8217s Abroad Attraction

Gianna Dior and Robby Echo are showing a room in their apartment to a potential renter, Jason Moody. As Jason inspects the room, it becomes clear by his accent that he is from abroad. After a few moments, he casually says that he’ll take the room, but Robby seems a bit hesitant. He takes Gianna aside to have a private discussion before they make a final decision. Robby admits to Gianna that there’s something about the way that Jason looks at her that rubs him the wrong way. Gianna...

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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 59

Finally the time to visit Idaho was here. I had gone over Blue Whale carefully, getting a complete oil change and tune-up before loading up. Everything was fixed up and ready, I had made 6 cassette tapes to listen to for the drive (I knew first hand there were many areas with no radio stations on the trip), and Linda stayed with me the night before we left.It was about 16 hours to our destination, and to see the most on the trip I decided on 2 different routes. On the way there we would take...

2 years ago
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Growing Up A MasterChapter 22 The Aftermath

As I awoke on Sunday morning, I realized that Karen was not as talented as Cheri in the blowjob department, but she was trying hard. She must have heard that the way to give a good blowjob is to get as much into your throat as possible, and she kept trying to get it all in. It was her gagging that woke me up. "The secret isn't in how much you can get in," I explained to her. "It's how good it can make me feel." "Don't you like deep throat?" she asked after removing my cock from her...

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The TempleChapter 11

Zophia did not return after a week. "She'll need to stay a second week," said Anna to her father as she did the dishes. Liz had cooked dinner, so that meant Anna had dish duty. Thompson would have risen to help his daughter with the dishes, but by now he'd learned that neither Anna nor Liz would permit him to perform even the smallest household tasks. Since their induction into the temple, he had not been permitted to so much as make himself a cup of tea. In Zophia's absence, his...

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Becoming His

Draven opened the bathroom door and I could hear the shower.“Kali, come join me for a shower.” He said.“OK” Kali replied.She walked to the bathroom and they got in the shower.“Wash me.” He commanded.Kali grabbed her luffa, put some soap on it started washing his body.“Pay special attention to my cock and balls slut.” He said.Kali began washing his back, down to his ass, she got on her knees to pay attention to washing him. She washed him inside and out then kissed his ass and pulled his...

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Emma the final chapter part 2

Linda and Becky both looked spent they had experienced multiple orgasms they sat resting on the bank legs wide open I could see both vagina's and the leaking sperm. There was one more act Emma took my hand leading me down to the water taking my limp penis into her mouth sucked and caressed my testicles I grew hard Emma took hold sitting astride me guided my erect penis into her moist vagina her hands flat on my chest I stroked her erect nipples and beautiful formed breasts rode me to an intense...

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My Little VentrueChapter 31

~~Jack~~ The meeting with the Invictus triumvirate went better than he expected. He told Julias first, about the werewolves, and then Julias insisted he tell the triumvirate as a whole; the problem was bigger than just him. So Jack scheduled a meeting to stand before the council, and like filing a report, detailed the issue with the werewolves. Conveniently, he told no one he felt the werewolves might have been hunting Fiona. It’d have been an assumption, not enough evidence. And Fiona...

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Becoming a bimbo slut

You live in the same building as a magical person, hypnotist, fetishist or something else. And you slowly change into a horny bimbo slut. Now who are you? (Authors note: if you enjoy these stories please don’t forget to like. It really motivates us to keep doing what we are doing.) (Authors note 2 onto the adding encouraged I have made a thread to help out writers a little go check that out if you want to.)

4 years ago
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Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 2

I slept alone and not well. I was trying hard to get comfortable in the hard bed I had used for almost a year before the 9mm wake up call. It was quite the shock to find that my bed, and none of the chairs I owned were at all comfortable. That isn’t quite true the second hand, office type chair wasn’t too bad. Also I guess the short time I spent in my one dining room type chair was fine. It was the sofa, the stuffed chair, and the bed that were the problems. I was too cheap to replace all...

4 years ago
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A Novice SorceressChapter 3

The Laws of Similarity 'Law of Similarity: Basically, this means the map is the territory. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it is a duck. This law is used in making voodoo dolls, though a picture of a person can be used also... ' A couple of days later Katy stood before the mirror on her closet door looking at her nude body. She looked from the top down. If only she was taller. Sure, she had no breasts, but there were plenty of girls her ages that...

3 years ago
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My sister and I fucked

I took hold of the bottle and spun it. It seemed to spin at such a rate at first but then as it slowed it seemed to slow down time. I watched as it passed Jordynn, then again, then as it slowed it was turning towards her. My palms were sweaty and my heart was racing, I held my breath as the bottle came to a stop. “Oh Jamie you got Jordynn” Demi announced. My cock stirred in my pants as I involuntary licked my lips. Jordynn smiled briefly as she leaned forward onto her hands and knees. I...

1 year ago
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Mom and Me First Time1986

After my father passed away it was just me and my mom. All of my sisters were already married and out of the house. We were both depressed and it was a sad place to live. I tried to make her laugh as often as possible and I tried to be good and stay out of troubleI come from an affectionate family. We hug and kiss eachother on the cheeks and always say we love you to one another. After daddy died mom and I would comfort each other as best we could. We cuddled on the couch when we watched tv at...

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Stella Maris SM tests 4 Intimate Inspction 1

Stella Maris comes back to brilliant sexy shape, as soon as she wakes up by the hot Spanish sunshine.Stella Maris comes back to organize all in her hot house, while we shower & shop for lots of white wine.Stella Maris serves us a lovely lunch in the shadowy part of the terrace. We enjoy her fishes with wines.Stella Maris serves me with a silence & all attention during the closure with strong coffee & some liquor.See all eyes & ears wide open in attention. I present proudly my...

2 years ago
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Whipmaster Slaves Of Rockstars

As said, it had been quite a long day in the office. He was organising the band’s upcoming world tour, a major event in promotion of their soon-to-be-released fifth album "13 Uses Of Woman", so there was a lot of organising to do. Whipmaster, who like many commercial acts were major lyrical proponents of the fun of the proper oppression and use of the female sex, most notably in the band’s music for pain, were renowned for their elaborate big-budget stage shows, featuring the prominent use...

1 year ago
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The Shiny LadiesChapter 29 Going Hollywood Beyond

When the large private jet landed at the San Antonio airport at five am, Friday morning, Kay and her entourage was waiting on the tarmac. Both groups had made interesting choices on who to be part of the trip. Included in the incoming team, accompanying Alice, was her friends Stacey and Kumiko, her sister, Tonia, the former goth girl, Valerie, and the former priestess Carla. Among the priests were Frank, Leslie, the high priestess Rita, and Alice's friend Tiffany. Waiting to get on the...

3 years ago
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Lifes Strange Turns Part 3

Introduction: Best read the stories in sequence! Lifes Strange Turns, Part 3 Monday and Tuesday came and went, with nothing exciting happening, except that Sandy called to say that she had gotten a nice offer on the house from a couple about 30. Her kids were back from their Dads, so she couldnt come over, but wanted to. Id gone to the gym after work Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and chatted with a pretty woman in the my age bracket that was interesting and had no rings or other evidence of...

Porn Trends