FilthyMassage September Reign Gettin 8217 Wet In The Reign
- 2 years ago
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The week rolled on, as weeks usually did. I'd sneakily listened at the door to my sister's bathroom every night, hoping to hear her going at it again, but either she was being a lot more quiet, or—much to my disappointment—she just wasn't playing with herself in the shower anymore.
I wondered what it had been that had gotten her so excited that day. I'd quickly made the connection between her exuberance during her cheer competition and her unbelievably hot masturbating session in the shower at home. From that, I had made a fairly tenuous leap of logic that her wild fingerfucking session had caused her to be hungry enough to eat a third slice of pizza; a feat normally unheard of for my gorgeous sister, who watched her weight and figure like a hawk. I had based that conclusion on my own experience; if I jerked myself off particularly vigorously, I was always starving afterwards. It didn't seem too far-fetched to imagine the same thing held true for my sister.
Since I was still curious to find out why Kelsey had been so happy during her competition, I decided to go see her cheer again so I could investigate further. Fortunately I didn't have to wait long as that Friday night our football team had a home game against a huge rival, and the cheerleaders would of course be present at the game.
I smiled at the size of the crowd as I arrived at our school's excuse for a stadium, the stands on both sides of the field filling up rapidly with people. Most of them were from our school, parents and fellow students, though the visiting team had brought a sizable contingent of supporters along as well.
As I surveyed the stands, I debated where to sit. At most games that I attended I'd sit near our team bench, along with some of my buddies. Several of my friends were on the football team, but one of them was Jeff, and he'd been ignoring me all week.
I was still mad at him for ditching me at the mall, even though I knew that if he hadn't done so I most likely never would have gotten to see my sister cheer, then fingerfuck herself senseless later. The images of her shower masturbating session had been a recurring part of my dreams every night since. A small voice in the back of my mind wondered why Jeff had been avoiding me just as hard as I'd been avoiding him, but I quickly told it to shut up. If Jeff wanted to be an asshole, I wasn't going to waste any time worrying about it. He'd been acting weird to me for almost a month, and I was no closer to figuring out the reason behind that either.
Jeff's behavior—as well as the real reason why I was at the game anyways—settled the issue of where to sit, and I quickly moved over to where the cheerleaders were assembled in front of the stands. I smiled at a few female students who were sitting in the front row, and they all quickly scooted in to make some room as soon as they recognized me. I thanked them with a nod, grinning to myself; there were definitely benefits to being one of the school's most recognizable athletes. Even though the swim team wasn't anywhere near as popular as our baseball and football teams were, I was still considered one of the school's athletic heroes—with all the perks that came with it—because of my utter dominance in high school swimming.
As I sat down, I shifted my attention to the cheerleaders and looked around for my sister. I quickly found her standing beside Amanda amidst a group of girls.
Being fairly late in the fall it'd gotten pretty chilly, and as such the cheerleaders were all wearing their cold weather uniforms: navy-colored Nike sweatpants, white sneakers, and a stylish, burnt-orange sweater over which they had put on a black body warmer. As was their custom at every home game, each cheerleader had two small tiger paw prints drawn on her cheekbones, which I had to admit made them all look very, very cute. Of course, every single one of them also held their ubiquitous pom pons.
It took a few minutes for Kelsey to notice me, but as soon as she did she came running over. "Heya!" she said brightly, giving me a big hug while grinning smugly at the girls who were sitting beside me.
"Hey sis," I said, being deliberately loud so that the girls beside me could hear. I didn't want them to think Kelsey was my girlfriend or anything, since the blonde who was sitting right beside me was actually pretty damn hot. I was single again, after all.
"How come you're not sitting over there with your friends?" my sister asked, pointing over at a spot nearer our team bench.
"No particular reason." I shrugged.
"Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, don't worry. Jeff's been an asshole to me for a few days, so I don't feel like bumping in to him."
Kelsey's face scrunched up in a way that I imagined it would if she saw a bug crawling over her plate. "What did that jerk do this time?"
I grinned at her. Kelsey hadn't liked Jeff for the longest time, even going so far as to pretend to vomit when he had asked her out on a date one time. A request, I remembered, that he had never bothered to clear with me first; I'd been pissed at him about that for weeks. "It's nothing," I said. "I figured I'd come sit over here and make sure you stay out of trouble."
Kelsey giggled charmingly. "Oh, whatever! You're here because you can't resist watching your cute little sister, admit it!"
"Damn, you got me!" I laughed, taking care to put a mocking tone in my voice; I didn't want her to realize that she was actually right. "Are you girls doing a lot of those fancy stunts tonight?"
"Nah, we don't do that kind of stuff out on the field. It's way too dangerous. Besides, sweatpants may be comfortable and warm to wear, but they were definitely not made to tumble in."
"I'll take your word for it," I said, shrugging.
"Good. You should do that more often!"
I grinned at her impudent smirk, then quickly pinched her side, causing her to squeal with laughter while she desperately tried to return the favor. As I was fending off her little hands, I noticed Stacey running over towards us.
"Hey Kelsey's brother," the gorgeous blonde said teasingly as she watched Kel and I mock fight.
"Hey Kelsey's captain," I grinned, happily playing along.
Stacey gave me a beautiful smile and a small wink, then turned her attention to Kelsey. "Kel, we're gonna line up in two."
"Alright," my sister said, smiling at her friend. She bent over and gave me a big smooch and a hug, then the two of them quickly jogged back to their spots near the twenty yard line. My eyes were glued to Stacey's ass the whole way, though I couldn't help but frequently glance at my sister's amazing ass as well. It looked absolutely fantastic in her fashionable sweats, just a perfectly tight curve. A shiver ran through me, and I felt myself get a little warm.
"Do you know the two of them?" one of the girls beside me asked, interrupting my daydream.
I turned towards her with a smile. "Yeah. The brunette's my sister, Kelsey. The blonde's her friend, Stacey, but I only know her by name."
"Your sister is so beautiful," said one of the other girls, a redhead who couldn't have even been a sophomore.
"Thanks." I smiled appreciatively at her. "I'll tell her you think so."
The girl blushed a pretty red which matched her hair quite nicely, and I turned my attention back to the field. The referee whistled, and with a great kick-off the game got underway, to thunderous cheers from the crowd.
Though the game was supposed to be a good one, matching up two very good teams who were fierce rivals to boot, I only had eyes for the cheerleaders. They did a great job at keeping the crowd entertained with several cheers, dances and yells, every now and then shaking their curvy asses in what I assumed was an effort to drive every teenage boy insane with lust. Even though I was mostly looking at my sister, I wasn't immune to the effect of watching sexy asses being shaken in my face either. I surprised myself by actually groaning as Kelsey shook her butt, and she grinned as she saw me stare at her.
I thought I heard one of the girls beside me sigh with longing as the cheerleaders did their ass-shaking, but I didn't want be too blatant and look over at them to see if I was right. Besides, I was far too busy with ogling my sister's amazing ass myself.
At half-time, the cheerleaders did a few pyramids and simple basket tosses at the center of the field while the school band marched around them, then they led the crowd in the 'Go Tigers' chant. Once the second half was about to start, the girls returned to their spots along the side of the field. Unfortunately, Kelsey wound up quite a ways away from me, much to my chagrin.
Right as I began to ponder if I should just be obvious about it and change seats to go sit closer to my sister, Amanda came to stand practically right in front of me.
"Hi Damon!" the gorgeous blonde said with a beautiful, dimpled smile.
"Hi Amanda!" I replied, giving her a big smile in return.
She and I didn't know each other very well, but she was my sister's best friend, and she was over at our house often enough that she was more than just another pretty face. We had talked to each other from time to time, but usually she and Kelsey were pretty busy, so the opportunities for me to actually chat with her were pretty limited. We hung out in different crowds in school, of course, so we didn't exactly mingle either. Still, what little I did know of her was all wonderful. If possible, she was even more of a sweetheart than my sister.
Since Kelsey was too far away for me to be able to study her, I shifted my focus to Amanda, trying to discover if there was any sign of that same exuberance in her. It quickly became clear that she, like my sister, was just not in as happy and peppy a mood as she had been last Tuesday. She was still cheerful and happy, to be sure, but it lacked that extra spark that it'd seemed to have at Westmore.
So much for my whole brilliant theory that Kelsey got so excited because I was there, I thought sourly. I kept throwing up possible scenarios in my mind in an effort to figure it out, but every single one fizzled without much traction.
It wasn't until a few minutes later that I noticed Amanda was blushing cutely; I suddenly realized that I had been staring at her the whole time. "Sorry!" I mouthed, holding up my hand in apology.
Amanda just gave me an absolutely gorgeous smile, and she inclined her head slightly as if to acknowledge my apology.
"Who is that?" I heard one of the girls beside me whisper to her friends.
"Amanda O'Sullivan. She's one of the seniors," one of the other girls whispered back.
"God, she's beautiful," the first voice said, quivering with longing. I found it hard to keep a straight face, actually getting quite a bit turned on by the thought that one of the girls beside me might be more interested in other girls than in boys. There was nothing that got me turned on more than watching a couple of hot girls going at it.
Amanda was hot, there was absolutely no doubt in anyone's mind about that. In fact, she transcended hotness and went straight into the realm of the absolutely ridiculously stunning. Many a guy could—and probably did—happily entertain himself by staring at her for hours on end. Her beautiful blonde hair; her perfect, gorgeously cute face; and her amazing, athletic body that was curvy in all the right places, cemented her place as one of, if not the most beautiful girl in school. I imagined that being stared at was par for the course for her.
The second half of the game was pretty boring, our team blowing out the opposition to such an extent that our coach pulled the starters halfway through the third quarter. As it got late, the temperature started falling rapidly, and with the game having been decided a long time ago, the crowd thinned quite a bit. The girls beside me decided they'd had enough of ogling either the cheerleaders or the football players—my money was on the former—and left too, which left me sitting by myself since all other fans near me had already left as well.
Even though they found themselves with fewer people to cheer for, the cheerleaders tried to rally the crowd with some cheers and dances, though eventually the lackluster responses seemed to take the wind out of them. The girls all huddled up around their coach and sponsor, then broke up into little groups. Most of them wandered off, leading me to assume they had been dismissed for the remainder of the game.
After talking to her friends for a few minutes, Kelsey came running up to me and plopped down right beside me on the bench. She immediately cuddled up against me, and I could feel her slender body shivering.
"Are you cold?" I asked with concern.
"Yeah. We weren't really active tonight so it's been kinda hard to stay warm," she admitted.
I shrugged my arm out of my sleeve and draped the left side of my coat across her shoulders.
"Awww, thank you! You didn't have to do that!" she said appreciatively.
"Don't mention it," I said, wrapping my arm around her the small of her back. She felt great sitting against me like that.
"The other girls are gonna say you're spoiling me rotten."
"Did they just figure that out? You've been spoiled for years!" I laughed.
"Who, me?" she grinned smugly, then gave me her patented 'innocent little girl' look.
I chuckled as I shook my head. "That look stopped working on me like three years ago, Kel."
"Oh really?" she retorted, rustling my coat a little as she snuggled in its warmth. "I'd say it's still working pretty well!"
I laughed and squeezed her against me while tickling her side. She squirmed with peels of laughter and returned the favor; both of us squealed as we behaved like little kids.
"What happened to those three freshmen sitting next to you?" Kelsey asked after we'd finally stopped acting like goofballs.
"I guess they got too cold; they left a little bit ago," I said, shrugging slightly.
"Awww, poor brother! Left alone by the cute girls. Did you at least get some phone numbers?"
"They were like fifteen years old, if that!" I protested, giving her a disbelieving look.
Kelsey grinned at me with a satisfied little smile. "So you prefer your girls a little older, huh?"
I nodded. "Yeah, eighteen or over, please."
"I'm eighteen!" Kelsey giggled.
"You're also my sister," I said wryly. "In case you had forgotten."
"I'll never forget that," Kelsey said happily, even as she rested her head against my chest. "I love being your sister."
I felt a surge of warmth flush through me, and I bent down to give her a soft kiss on the top of her head. "I love that you're my sister too, Kel," I whispered. I swore I could hear her purring.
We sat like that for a little while until my sister waved at a few of her friends who were still standing near the field. Amanda smiled, and I couldn't help but gawk at how unbelievably ravishing she was as she quickly walked over. If cheerleaders at every school are as hot as Kelsey and Amanda, I thought to myself, it's no wonder they're so popular!
"Hey hon," my sister greeted her friend as soon as she approached us.
"Hi Amanda," I said warmly.
"Hey guys," the blonde cheerleader said, another dimpled smile brightening up her face. She was eyeing my coat a little enviously. "It sure got cold, huh?"
"Yeah. You want to sit with us?" Kelsey asked.
Amanda gave me a questioning look. "Is that okay with you, Damon?"
Before I could reply, Kelsey snorted. "Oh please, like he's going to say no to a knockout like you sitting with him! Come on, his coat is nice and warm."
Amanda bit her lower lip as she blushed fiercely, but she still looked at me with questioning eyes.
"Yeah, of course, Amanda," I said quickly as I felt my sister elbow me in the ribs.
"Thank you!" Amanda said gratefully as she took a step towards the spot next to my sister.
Kelsey shook her head and nodded towards the bench to my right. Amanda froze for a second, then quickly sat down beside me. Before my sister could even suggest it, I was already getting my arm out of my right sleeve, then tried to drape my coat around the beautiful blonde's shoulders.
"Hey!" Kelsey squeaked as the coat was pulled away from her.
"Sorry, but that coat's only big enough to cover one of you at a time!" I smirked at her.
"Oh great! And of course you pick the gorgeous blonde over your own sister!"
"Stop it!" Amanda complained with a smile, her cheeks turning red again.
Kelsey gave her friend an innocent look that wouldn't have fooled anybody. "Stop what?"
"You're embarrassing me!" Amanda giggled.
"Well, what do you want me to do? Lie? It's not my fault you're so ridiculously hot," Kelsey grinned cheekily.
"Kelsey!" Amanda whined plaintively.
"What do you think, Damon?" Kelsey hammered on, mercilessly.
"I eh ... think I, eh..." I said, quite eloquently.
"Judging by the way you were ogling her a little while ago, I assume you completely agree!" my sister said, flashing me a teasing grin.
Amanda and I glanced at each other simultaneously, staring into each other's eyes. As if on cue, we both began to blush, and Amanda shyly diverted her gaze. I tried to say something to ease her mind but completely choked on the words. I wondered what the hell was happening to me; I was far from the smoothest guy around the ladies, as was evident by the fact that, at age eighteen, I'd had exactly one girlfriend, but I'd never frozen up like that before either. I took a deep breath in an effort to gather my wits about me.
"I'm sorry for staring at you like that, Amanda. I wasn't trying to embarrass you or anything, but I guess I just couldn't help it," I said after a few moments of summoning up every ounce of courage I possessed.
"It's okay," Amanda said with a sweet smile.
"Why couldn't you help stare at her?" Kelsey prodded me, and I flashed her an irritated look. All she did in reply was smile impishly.
I turned my gaze back towards Amanda to see her staring at me expectantly, with her bottom lip caught between her teeth. When she saw that I wasn't about to answer Kelsey's question, she whispered, "You don't have to tell if you don't want to, but I'd kind of like to know?"
I swallowed the massive lump that had formed in my throat and looked deep into her alluring eyes, which seemed to shimmer between green and blue if you watched them long enough. Amanda blinked several times as her smile grew bigger; her thick eyelashes completely mesmerized me.
Kelsey elbowed me in my side again, and I finally blurted out, "Because you're so beautiful."
Amanda's smile was like the flash of an atomic bomb, and it warmed every single neuron in my mind. She put her hand on my arm and whispered, "Thank you."
As I was trying to come up with something to say, Amanda glanced past me, and I saw her eyes flicker even as a small grin appeared on her face. I quickly turned towards Kelsey to see what the two of them were grinning at, but my sister just gave me a curious look.
"What?" she asked, her voice dripping honey.
"Eh, nothing, I—" I said when my phone rang in my pocket. I got up, shrugging out of my coat while muttering something about poor timing, though secretly I was relieved to get a break from being embarrassed.
As soon as I vacated my spot, Kelsey scooted over, pulling my coat snugly across her shoulders and cuddling up close with her best friend. I smiled at her, and she gave me a satisfied little grin. Bringing the phone up, I glanced at the screen and saw that it was Mom calling.
"Hey Mom," I said, putting the phone against my ear as I walked a few steps away from the girls.
"Hi honey. I'm sorry, but I won't be able to come get you two until around ten, or maybe even a little later. We have an emergency surgery on a little kitty, and it's taking a lot longer than we thought it would."
"No problem, we'll just be here on the field," I said reassuringly. "Give me a call when you get here."
"I will. You make sure to watch your sister, okay?"
"Don't I always?" I grinned.
"Yes you do, and you're sweet. Thank you, honey. I'll see you in awhile."
"Alright Mom. Drive safe," I said, then she disconnected the call.
I got an idea before closing my phone so I kept talking, pretending to still be on the phone with Mom. I paced here and there, trying to keep my fake conversation going logically while slowly making my way back over towards Amanda and my sister.
I shivered slightly as it was getting downright cold. Glancing back at the girls, I saw they were cuddling close together, almost buried up to their noses in the big, warm coat. My big, warm coat, I corrected myself, wishing I was sitting right there between them. I took another two steps towards them while fake discussing my swim training I'd had yesterday. When I was less than a foot away, I strained to hear what the girls were saying.
"He likes you," Kelsey said, so quiet that I'd never have been able to hear if I actually had someone on the phone.
"How do you know?" Amanda asked, just as quietly, though I could detect the hint of curiosity in her voice.
"I don't know, I just do. I've always known when he really likes a girl, all the way back to Rebecca Micnitz in eight grade."
"Who's Rebecca Micnitz?" Amanda giggled. "Competition?"
Kelsey snorted softly. "No way. She moved away several years ago with her parents. Besides, she was a little geek with braces and big librarian glasses, she'd never compare to you."
"Will you stop that already?" Amanda pouted. "You know you're just as beautiful as I am, if not more so!"
"Whatever, Miss Teen USA!" Kelsey giggled. "Besides, you're the one that has to impress him, not me."
"Yeah, and how do you help? You go and embarrass me right in front of him!"
"I didn't embarrass you, you loved it."
"I did not!"
"You were smiling that cute little smile of yours at him the whole time! You love compliments and you know it."
"Oh, I am so going to get you for this!" Amanda whispered fiercely.
"Yeah? Promise?" Kelsey grinned sultrily, a devious little smile on her face.
Amanda nodded, trying to pull off an angry scowl but bursting into giggles halfway through.
"Mmmm, I can't wait," my sister purred, then I heard something that very much sounded like a kiss.
"Yeah, okay Mom, we'll see you in a little while," I said, closing my phone and turning around quickly, hoping to see any evidence of kissing. Both girls just looked up at me with big smiles.
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Ray, what do you need from me?"" Baby, I'm not fuckin' dead yet............ I want your face between my legs, is what I want, some boy's dick in me wouldn't be so bad either................I'm thinking about the CD with Jay I have to finish before I get any sicker............all the sex I want before my libido goes down the toilet .....................maybe I'll hold up a bank too, max out all my credit cards, buy a Lamborghini., leave a bunch of bills..............what do you you...
Book One: Rogue's Sultry Women Part Three: Jealous Sister By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Chapter Seven: Jealous Sister Kora Falk – Despeir Foothills, Kivoneth Princedom, Strifelands of Zeutch I traced the vine tattoos that covered my body as I waited for my brother to finish talking with Princess Ava inside the tent, my heart still racing. She'd almost caught me in bed with him. Making love to my brother was glorious. I reveled in the...
Me and my cousin are seven years apart and we are related cause my dad and my uncle are brothers. Well my cousin was dating my husband when I was 12, she was 19 at the moment. My husband was 23 at the moment they were dating but, I never met him at the time. So they dated for like 2 years and of course they fuck each other. So my cousin had to move due to her parent move to another city but kept communicating each other but then they just stopped. Well seven more years passed i turned 19. I met...
Dear Terrance; Well now you asked me to write you a letter explaining how you me the first and second time we fucked. And you also wanted me to include into this letter any fantasy I may have had while it was happening. Well first we went downtown to my apartment on Palmer Rd and went into my room. At first we were talking about your job as a councilor for the Jerry’s Housing Projects kids. Then I questioned your role in that private organization you belonged to. Getting hornier and hornier by...
Erotic‘You must be joking,’ I said. ‘You want me to drive all the way to San Francisco just for a dance? You do realize, Kenny, that that’s close to an hour and half drive from here?’ ‘Come on, Mike,’ Kenny responded. ‘Live a little. There will be lots of women there. You need to stop living in your cocoon and get out. How many times are you going to spend the weekend watching sports? You must have 50 tapes full of old college football games. That’s like not normal, man.’ ‘I like my life the way it...
Summary: Katherine has seen her share of trouble in life. Now, she's on the mend. Or so she thinks. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Garden of Eden Therapy Center: "And remember, it works if you work it. Say it with me, everyone. It works if you work it. It works if you work it. It works if you work it...." As the chanting grew in decibel level,...
The squadron sailed past Cadiz out of sight sight from the coast. Sir Charles left three frigates and some sloops to maintain the illusion of a blockade for the few days they would need in Gibraltar. The rest sailed on for The Rock. It was hard work, beating up against the eastern wind, and it took them three days to reach their destination. Another ship of the line was lying at anchor, and the Asians stared at her. She was almost an exact copy of Asia. HMS Malta had been the French...
"Yes, Ashley?" "I've been thinking. You know I have a boyfriend, and you might be the only one that might listen to me on this topic... since you look at it every day. This is kind of a confession." "What is it?" Now, let's pause right here. A myriad of thoughts were running through my head at this point in time. For example: "Why me? Ashley doesn't even talk to me much. What could the confession be?" I got the answer quickly. "Chad... Becky told me you packing a little,...
The shoujo magazine's office was a world removed from the cramped bedrooms and convention halls that Terry associated with comic production. It was on the eighteenth floor of a towering dark green office building, and staffed by the same army of cubicle-dwelling salarymen as all of the other businesses. As he passed by their workstations he noticed that every one seemed identical: computer and phone in exactly the same spot, pictures of families that all looked the same all facing at the...
Dancing In The Daylight By Julie "How long are you going to be out of town?" Larry asked Ginny as she packed her suitcase. The two of them had been best friends since junior high. That hadn't changed when they married after they had graduated high school. If anything, love made the friendship even stronger. "I have to install the new computer system in our New Jersey branch over the weekend and then help iron out the bugs over the following day or two. If the training...
Molly Little and Mia Kay are having a blast decorating for Halloween. When Nathan Bronson, Molly’s stepbrother, comes in and compliments them, the girls are all smiles. Molly even gets up nice and close to a skeleton and pretends to fuck it and suck it while Mia urges her on. Grabbing a cob of corn, Mia puts it up next to Nathan’s crotch and pantomimes a handie. Molly is curious whether Nathan’s dick is really that big, and he invites her to find out. Molly can’t; Nathan...
xmoviesforyouI'd woken up with a headache and in a bit of a fog after a night of drinking, with family staying over. I couldn't handle putting on a bra so I just threw on one of my husbands extra-large sweatshirts to cover my very large tits. I wondered into the kitchen where I found my niece sitting at the kitchen table in the same condition. We'd always done the giggling girls thing and were very comfortable in close contact with each other. I'm in my late thirties and still have a good sex life with my...
Hi to all. I am a software engineer working in a MNC in Chennai. Here I am going to narrate a fantasy of mine. Hope you enjoy this story.Characters in the story:Geeta - She is decent looking girl of 5 4" with curly hair and her stats may be 32 26 34.Swathi - slim and sexy with height of 5 5" with stats of 32 24 34. Her ass looks very soft.Madhavi - She has very big and round ass as well as big breasts, very curvy with stats 38 32 42.Vidya - whitish bubbly girl with seductive smile and with...
October 1, 1986 General Wynn, as was his habit, slowly walked along the walkway of the great wall inspecting the academy grounds. Every morning he would leave his townhouse and walk to the wall, climb the stairway to the top, and look out over the grounds. Then he would slowly make his way to the front gate, pausing occasionally to observe the students in their training. From the front gate, he would either continue his walk to the far side of the street upon which his townhouse was located...
Hello everyone…This is ricky..And today I will tell you about my first oral sex and how I blackmailed my hot & sexy mami and fucked her…..Toh aap logo ko zyada bore na krte hue mai apni story per aata hu..Mai aap sabhi ko bata du ki yeh story bhot lambi hai kyuki maine is story ko detail mei likha hai. Meri ek hi mami hai jinka naam hai shalini gupta….Age 32 aur unka rang bhot gora hai…..Unke measurements 36-34-37..Aur vo kuchh kuchh shruti hassan ki tarah dikhti hai….Is story ki main...
Introduction: please give me any positive and negative comments on this story, and i havent been writing in awhile, and i will accept amy comments. I will make a squal if more negatives than positives, but i do hope you enjoy. Now know right now, this is just the start of the story, and there is no sex in this one. Juliane sat on her couch and flipped through the magazine for home living, searching for new homes , open for bidding, and land plots, scattered through the forests. She twirled her...
This is GK again with another story about how i fucked latha aunty. Latha aunty was my moms best friend. She use to live in our neighborhood. Her husband works in a private school as pune and a son who is in 6th std. She use to come to our house for chatting with my mom. I always watched her and dreamed about fucking her. She is slim, fair and little taller. She is having 32 size boobs which looks busty for her slim body. She always wears her saree below her deep navel. I use to go her house to...
=============================================================== Mr D'arsy How delightful!” Mrs Bennet simpered as her new neighbour arrived on horseback quite unannounced one spring morning. “Indeed Madam the pleasure is all mine!” Mr D’arcy replied airily, “Tis a pleasant enough little place you have here, quite like my lodging at Manderly but somewhat smaller I fear.” “Oh Mr D’arcy you are too kind,” Mrs Bennet smiled through gritted teeth, “Come you must meet my girls,” she added,...
ONE AFTERNOON AT HOME by Throne "Let's have a look at you," my wife Arianna said from the other side of the bedroom door. In a tizzy of nervous anticipation I checked myself in the full-length mirror. It was such fun dressing up for her. She had discovered my secret passion for wearing women's clothes six months before and, to my great relief, wasn't upset. In fact, she was amused and said it fit in well with my generally meek and unmanly manner. Then she began giving me tips on...
As I catch my breath, I hear voices from the breezeway above and silently pray that they don't look down. One of them suddenly calls out, "Guys! Check out this view!" A slight pause and then several other voices chime in with a few whistles and crude comments about my fat ass and what they might like to do with it. My cheeks turn red in embarrassment, especially when I feel a drop of my pussy juice run down the inside of my thigh and I know it is because part of me really wants these...
My name’s Angela. I’m a slut and a swinger and I make no apologies for it. I’ve read many stories on the ‘net about Cap d’Agde Naturiste Village and have enjoyed them. Not because they were funny or outrageous but because they were so very similar to my first trip. A strong feeling of deja vu! As I said at the top – I’m a slut and a swinger. It’s a situation that suits both my husband and myself. Not that he’s a swinger, as far as I know....
"I'm really proud of Danny, and I think you should take back some of the bitchy things you've said about him." "Like what?" I asked, sipping a cup of coffee, surprisingly well-brewed for once, in my sister Sandy's kitchen. Danny is her low-life husband. "Like that he's a loser just because he works on and off at the tire factory. Like that he mooches off me half the time." None of that was untrue, but I kept my counsel for once. "I don't see that this new business thing of his really changes...
EroticI punched in my security access code at the door to the new company gym and pulled the handle as the buzzer signaled the OK to enter.The new gym had been open for a year now, and I joined about six months ago to try and reduce the stress levels induced by a fast paced Information Systems career. I had made it a priority to get down there three days a week, summer included, and I was really feeling the benefits of a good hard workout at the end of a long (and usually hectic) day.It was about...
By Emerald Green Warning: The following history contains adult material. If you are not an adult or if adult themes offed you, you should read no further. One: • The Day Home Otto walked the road toward home at Baden on a cold winter day in 1758. He had walked the same road two years earlier with his father to be apprenticed not because he did not know the trade of his father but because it was believed that a father was not capable of teaching discipline to their own son. Otto...
This story involves slut training.... male domination and a female sub. Helen and I both enjoy the fantasy and the situation.THE TRAINING OF JENNIFERGraham moved to answer the door even before the faint knocking . He swung the penthouse door fully open, turned his back on the guest and continued speaking on the telephone. He paced as he spoke. "Yes she is here. No, I'm not sure. I have yet to even look at her. Just remain in the lobby this might be all over very quickly ..... Well, me too ........
It was a golfing vacation. I was doing the golfing and my wife was along for the shopping. I love golfing and I don't know why I'm not better at it. Ever since I retired last spring I played almost every day yet I still stink. Judy, my wife, is a professional shopper. Apparently a natural talent because she doesn't practice all that much. She is the only woman I know who can spend all day shopping and buy nothing. My name is James Kilgore. Jim or Jimmy to my friends. Butch to my wife of...
WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...
He answered my ad on a popular dating website about a month ago, hillbilly something was his screen name I had to giggle. In his pictures he looked cute, he was tall, buzzed brown hair, sweet eyes, and a goatee and the picture of him with a sleeveless shirt showing big tattooed arms didn't hurt either. We wrote back and forth about small things and decided to exchange numbers. We started texting early in the week and in getting to know each other our conversations found that we had a mutual...
The effort is minimal this time. Cassie sees the door before her, opens it, and she is there. And now she can see more "there" than last time. The little room that Gina created now has a window overlooking a scene of idyllic winter beauty. The pure white snow gleams, as if possessing an inner glow of its own. The road is majestic, wide and pristine, stretching forth into a distant horizon of radiance. Yet it is a window only. No door exists to this wondrous wintry world. And now the door...
"All rise! The court of Ropeville town is now in session, Judge Marshall presiding." The Usher bowed to the judge's bench as the Judge sat down, she banged her gavel. "Usher; please read out the first case." She said. The Usher stood and picked up a piece of paper. "Case number 55434; The State versus Victor Jones, 5 counts of murder in the first degree, accessory to kidnapping, malicious use of computer equipment to subvert national computer systems." The judge looked up, "Is the...
I was a typical housewife, boring life, housework, shopping, cooking, taking her son to school, looking after everything and trying to please everybody, she was everybody’s friend, if they had any problems it normally ended with “I know lets go and talk to Mandy she’ll understand” I was sort of an un-paid agony aunt. Not that I minded, but sometimes, just sometimes I would love for someone to listen to me and understand what I wanted. I was craving attention, and I had nobody to give me the...
My twenty four year old sister Jenny one month into her marriage to husband Bob but no one including myself could understand why they married and I’m only fifteen.Jenny had always been special I was upset when she went to University but totally devastated when she got married I had lost my one true friend I found it hard to think of the two together.What really upset me was thinking of him lying in bed holding Jenny.Jenny was talking to Mom when I came in from school I heard Mom say it would be...
November – Year 2 The next morning we woke together at the same time. We looked at each other and silently moved to the bathroom. After we took our turns relieving ourselves and came back to bed. I took my favorite spot between my wives and snuggled for a very long time. Finally, I had to ask the question. “Did the kids have anything to say?” “Not to me.” Erin said. “Me either.” Lynn sadly spoke. We each seemed to suddenly feel helpless. My response was to wrap my arms around my two...
Wildly hot, insanely experimental, NURUsexual, Coconut oiling, dildo inserting slimy sex party! Kat starts by spreading oil all over Sasha. They are so horny, licking each other’s asses and pussies, using dildos, and plugging each other’s fingers in all of their holes. Oil is already everywhere. Zoey and AJ appear as if from out of nowhere and are looking just as horny. They both jerk their pussies and pull the monokinis aside to simultaneously squirt into their faces. Sasha is...
xmoviesforyou(Men surround Tsubame at the entrance to Rakuninmura.) Men: I told you to go home! You deaf, little girl? This is no place for outsiders. Tsubame (thinking): I'm so scared. (aloud, barely managing to get the words out) Ken... shin... Men: Ken... You mean the new guy? You wasted a trip. There's nothing left of him. He's hollow-- Tsubame (finding her tongue): That's not true! The Kenshin I know is a kind, strong person! (running forward) Kenshin! Man: Hey, watch it! (He puts out a...
Stephen’s life was this moment. If Alison wasn’t aware of the secret, his eyes tasting every inch of her should have been as effective as a tell-all book. Stephen had been reading her since they first met. For twenty years it’s been his curse, his dream, and now alone together in her bedroom, he took turns between sizing her up and thanking God that Alison became his reality. ‘That’s a little hard to believe, if not frightening.’ Alison took a step back as she spoke. It’s not every day a...
Fucking My BossI just fucked my boss for the first time today at work and it was amazing.I work for a small company and everyone knows everyone and their business. Last week I over heard my boss talking to one of my co-workers about her date and how awful it ended. Let me describe my boss, she is Mexican and Black, she is 5'3" with a very tight frame with long black hair Her tits are a 36DD,and she has nice leges that are very tone. Not to mention she 43 and has a accent that is very inticing....
Thanks to the Prince of Editors Steve Zink for a great edit as usual. The Spell By Eric Larry Gedge was 18 and worked as the general 'Hey, you do this' at the Worthington Estate. His Mom was the cook and had been for 12 years. Mr. J. Wellington Worthington (please don't call him Jimmy. He hated it because his mother had always said 'Now Jimmy,' just before punishing him) was 42 and was the owner. His wife Lindsay was 33 and very social. Both were from very old money. Larry...
Mia Martinez did an online fuck a fan contest and now one lucky S.O.B. is getting a chance to fuck her. And us at BangBros get to film it for all the other fans out there. We first had to go scoop up this fan at a bus station. Once we got him, Mia couldn’t contain herself and started blowing him in the car on the ride back to the crib. The moment we walked inside, she quickly had him eating her pussy. She twerked on his face until she had enough. Then she demanded to get her pussy properly...