Bound by Fiction
- 4 years ago
- 57
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The week rolled on, as weeks usually did. I'd sneakily listened at the door to my sister's bathroom every night, hoping to hear her going at it again, but either she was being a lot more quiet, or—much to my disappointment—she just wasn't playing with herself in the shower anymore.
I wondered what it had been that had gotten her so excited that day. I'd quickly made the connection between her exuberance during her cheer competition and her unbelievably hot masturbating session in the shower at home. From that, I had made a fairly tenuous leap of logic that her wild fingerfucking session had caused her to be hungry enough to eat a third slice of pizza; a feat normally unheard of for my gorgeous sister, who watched her weight and figure like a hawk. I had based that conclusion on my own experience; if I jerked myself off particularly vigorously, I was always starving afterwards. It didn't seem too far-fetched to imagine the same thing held true for my sister.
Since I was still curious to find out why Kelsey had been so happy during her competition, I decided to go see her cheer again so I could investigate further. Fortunately I didn't have to wait long as that Friday night our football team had a home game against a huge rival, and the cheerleaders would of course be present at the game.
I smiled at the size of the crowd as I arrived at our school's excuse for a stadium, the stands on both sides of the field filling up rapidly with people. Most of them were from our school, parents and fellow students, though the visiting team had brought a sizable contingent of supporters along as well.
As I surveyed the stands, I debated where to sit. At most games that I attended I'd sit near our team bench, along with some of my buddies. Several of my friends were on the football team, but one of them was Jeff, and he'd been ignoring me all week.
I was still mad at him for ditching me at the mall, even though I knew that if he hadn't done so I most likely never would have gotten to see my sister cheer, then fingerfuck herself senseless later. The images of her shower masturbating session had been a recurring part of my dreams every night since. A small voice in the back of my mind wondered why Jeff had been avoiding me just as hard as I'd been avoiding him, but I quickly told it to shut up. If Jeff wanted to be an asshole, I wasn't going to waste any time worrying about it. He'd been acting weird to me for almost a month, and I was no closer to figuring out the reason behind that either.
Jeff's behavior—as well as the real reason why I was at the game anyways—settled the issue of where to sit, and I quickly moved over to where the cheerleaders were assembled in front of the stands. I smiled at a few female students who were sitting in the front row, and they all quickly scooted in to make some room as soon as they recognized me. I thanked them with a nod, grinning to myself; there were definitely benefits to being one of the school's most recognizable athletes. Even though the swim team wasn't anywhere near as popular as our baseball and football teams were, I was still considered one of the school's athletic heroes—with all the perks that came with it—because of my utter dominance in high school swimming.
As I sat down, I shifted my attention to the cheerleaders and looked around for my sister. I quickly found her standing beside Amanda amidst a group of girls.
Being fairly late in the fall it'd gotten pretty chilly, and as such the cheerleaders were all wearing their cold weather uniforms: navy-colored Nike sweatpants, white sneakers, and a stylish, burnt-orange sweater over which they had put on a black body warmer. As was their custom at every home game, each cheerleader had two small tiger paw prints drawn on her cheekbones, which I had to admit made them all look very, very cute. Of course, every single one of them also held their ubiquitous pom pons.
It took a few minutes for Kelsey to notice me, but as soon as she did she came running over. "Heya!" she said brightly, giving me a big hug while grinning smugly at the girls who were sitting beside me.
"Hey sis," I said, being deliberately loud so that the girls beside me could hear. I didn't want them to think Kelsey was my girlfriend or anything, since the blonde who was sitting right beside me was actually pretty damn hot. I was single again, after all.
"How come you're not sitting over there with your friends?" my sister asked, pointing over at a spot nearer our team bench.
"No particular reason." I shrugged.
"Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, don't worry. Jeff's been an asshole to me for a few days, so I don't feel like bumping in to him."
Kelsey's face scrunched up in a way that I imagined it would if she saw a bug crawling over her plate. "What did that jerk do this time?"
I grinned at her. Kelsey hadn't liked Jeff for the longest time, even going so far as to pretend to vomit when he had asked her out on a date one time. A request, I remembered, that he had never bothered to clear with me first; I'd been pissed at him about that for weeks. "It's nothing," I said. "I figured I'd come sit over here and make sure you stay out of trouble."
Kelsey giggled charmingly. "Oh, whatever! You're here because you can't resist watching your cute little sister, admit it!"
"Damn, you got me!" I laughed, taking care to put a mocking tone in my voice; I didn't want her to realize that she was actually right. "Are you girls doing a lot of those fancy stunts tonight?"
"Nah, we don't do that kind of stuff out on the field. It's way too dangerous. Besides, sweatpants may be comfortable and warm to wear, but they were definitely not made to tumble in."
"I'll take your word for it," I said, shrugging.
"Good. You should do that more often!"
I grinned at her impudent smirk, then quickly pinched her side, causing her to squeal with laughter while she desperately tried to return the favor. As I was fending off her little hands, I noticed Stacey running over towards us.
"Hey Kelsey's brother," the gorgeous blonde said teasingly as she watched Kel and I mock fight.
"Hey Kelsey's captain," I grinned, happily playing along.
Stacey gave me a beautiful smile and a small wink, then turned her attention to Kelsey. "Kel, we're gonna line up in two."
"Alright," my sister said, smiling at her friend. She bent over and gave me a big smooch and a hug, then the two of them quickly jogged back to their spots near the twenty yard line. My eyes were glued to Stacey's ass the whole way, though I couldn't help but frequently glance at my sister's amazing ass as well. It looked absolutely fantastic in her fashionable sweats, just a perfectly tight curve. A shiver ran through me, and I felt myself get a little warm.
"Do you know the two of them?" one of the girls beside me asked, interrupting my daydream.
I turned towards her with a smile. "Yeah. The brunette's my sister, Kelsey. The blonde's her friend, Stacey, but I only know her by name."
"Your sister is so beautiful," said one of the other girls, a redhead who couldn't have even been a sophomore.
"Thanks." I smiled appreciatively at her. "I'll tell her you think so."
The girl blushed a pretty red which matched her hair quite nicely, and I turned my attention back to the field. The referee whistled, and with a great kick-off the game got underway, to thunderous cheers from the crowd.
Though the game was supposed to be a good one, matching up two very good teams who were fierce rivals to boot, I only had eyes for the cheerleaders. They did a great job at keeping the crowd entertained with several cheers, dances and yells, every now and then shaking their curvy asses in what I assumed was an effort to drive every teenage boy insane with lust. Even though I was mostly looking at my sister, I wasn't immune to the effect of watching sexy asses being shaken in my face either. I surprised myself by actually groaning as Kelsey shook her butt, and she grinned as she saw me stare at her.
I thought I heard one of the girls beside me sigh with longing as the cheerleaders did their ass-shaking, but I didn't want be too blatant and look over at them to see if I was right. Besides, I was far too busy with ogling my sister's amazing ass myself.
At half-time, the cheerleaders did a few pyramids and simple basket tosses at the center of the field while the school band marched around them, then they led the crowd in the 'Go Tigers' chant. Once the second half was about to start, the girls returned to their spots along the side of the field. Unfortunately, Kelsey wound up quite a ways away from me, much to my chagrin.
Right as I began to ponder if I should just be obvious about it and change seats to go sit closer to my sister, Amanda came to stand practically right in front of me.
"Hi Damon!" the gorgeous blonde said with a beautiful, dimpled smile.
"Hi Amanda!" I replied, giving her a big smile in return.
She and I didn't know each other very well, but she was my sister's best friend, and she was over at our house often enough that she was more than just another pretty face. We had talked to each other from time to time, but usually she and Kelsey were pretty busy, so the opportunities for me to actually chat with her were pretty limited. We hung out in different crowds in school, of course, so we didn't exactly mingle either. Still, what little I did know of her was all wonderful. If possible, she was even more of a sweetheart than my sister.
Since Kelsey was too far away for me to be able to study her, I shifted my focus to Amanda, trying to discover if there was any sign of that same exuberance in her. It quickly became clear that she, like my sister, was just not in as happy and peppy a mood as she had been last Tuesday. She was still cheerful and happy, to be sure, but it lacked that extra spark that it'd seemed to have at Westmore.
So much for my whole brilliant theory that Kelsey got so excited because I was there, I thought sourly. I kept throwing up possible scenarios in my mind in an effort to figure it out, but every single one fizzled without much traction.
It wasn't until a few minutes later that I noticed Amanda was blushing cutely; I suddenly realized that I had been staring at her the whole time. "Sorry!" I mouthed, holding up my hand in apology.
Amanda just gave me an absolutely gorgeous smile, and she inclined her head slightly as if to acknowledge my apology.
"Who is that?" I heard one of the girls beside me whisper to her friends.
"Amanda O'Sullivan. She's one of the seniors," one of the other girls whispered back.
"God, she's beautiful," the first voice said, quivering with longing. I found it hard to keep a straight face, actually getting quite a bit turned on by the thought that one of the girls beside me might be more interested in other girls than in boys. There was nothing that got me turned on more than watching a couple of hot girls going at it.
Amanda was hot, there was absolutely no doubt in anyone's mind about that. In fact, she transcended hotness and went straight into the realm of the absolutely ridiculously stunning. Many a guy could—and probably did—happily entertain himself by staring at her for hours on end. Her beautiful blonde hair; her perfect, gorgeously cute face; and her amazing, athletic body that was curvy in all the right places, cemented her place as one of, if not the most beautiful girl in school. I imagined that being stared at was par for the course for her.
The second half of the game was pretty boring, our team blowing out the opposition to such an extent that our coach pulled the starters halfway through the third quarter. As it got late, the temperature started falling rapidly, and with the game having been decided a long time ago, the crowd thinned quite a bit. The girls beside me decided they'd had enough of ogling either the cheerleaders or the football players—my money was on the former—and left too, which left me sitting by myself since all other fans near me had already left as well.
Even though they found themselves with fewer people to cheer for, the cheerleaders tried to rally the crowd with some cheers and dances, though eventually the lackluster responses seemed to take the wind out of them. The girls all huddled up around their coach and sponsor, then broke up into little groups. Most of them wandered off, leading me to assume they had been dismissed for the remainder of the game.
After talking to her friends for a few minutes, Kelsey came running up to me and plopped down right beside me on the bench. She immediately cuddled up against me, and I could feel her slender body shivering.
"Are you cold?" I asked with concern.
"Yeah. We weren't really active tonight so it's been kinda hard to stay warm," she admitted.
I shrugged my arm out of my sleeve and draped the left side of my coat across her shoulders.
"Awww, thank you! You didn't have to do that!" she said appreciatively.
"Don't mention it," I said, wrapping my arm around her the small of her back. She felt great sitting against me like that.
"The other girls are gonna say you're spoiling me rotten."
"Did they just figure that out? You've been spoiled for years!" I laughed.
"Who, me?" she grinned smugly, then gave me her patented 'innocent little girl' look.
I chuckled as I shook my head. "That look stopped working on me like three years ago, Kel."
"Oh really?" she retorted, rustling my coat a little as she snuggled in its warmth. "I'd say it's still working pretty well!"
I laughed and squeezed her against me while tickling her side. She squirmed with peels of laughter and returned the favor; both of us squealed as we behaved like little kids.
"What happened to those three freshmen sitting next to you?" Kelsey asked after we'd finally stopped acting like goofballs.
"I guess they got too cold; they left a little bit ago," I said, shrugging slightly.
"Awww, poor brother! Left alone by the cute girls. Did you at least get some phone numbers?"
"They were like fifteen years old, if that!" I protested, giving her a disbelieving look.
Kelsey grinned at me with a satisfied little smile. "So you prefer your girls a little older, huh?"
I nodded. "Yeah, eighteen or over, please."
"I'm eighteen!" Kelsey giggled.
"You're also my sister," I said wryly. "In case you had forgotten."
"I'll never forget that," Kelsey said happily, even as she rested her head against my chest. "I love being your sister."
I felt a surge of warmth flush through me, and I bent down to give her a soft kiss on the top of her head. "I love that you're my sister too, Kel," I whispered. I swore I could hear her purring.
We sat like that for a little while until my sister waved at a few of her friends who were still standing near the field. Amanda smiled, and I couldn't help but gawk at how unbelievably ravishing she was as she quickly walked over. If cheerleaders at every school are as hot as Kelsey and Amanda, I thought to myself, it's no wonder they're so popular!
"Hey hon," my sister greeted her friend as soon as she approached us.
"Hi Amanda," I said warmly.
"Hey guys," the blonde cheerleader said, another dimpled smile brightening up her face. She was eyeing my coat a little enviously. "It sure got cold, huh?"
"Yeah. You want to sit with us?" Kelsey asked.
Amanda gave me a questioning look. "Is that okay with you, Damon?"
Before I could reply, Kelsey snorted. "Oh please, like he's going to say no to a knockout like you sitting with him! Come on, his coat is nice and warm."
Amanda bit her lower lip as she blushed fiercely, but she still looked at me with questioning eyes.
"Yeah, of course, Amanda," I said quickly as I felt my sister elbow me in the ribs.
"Thank you!" Amanda said gratefully as she took a step towards the spot next to my sister.
Kelsey shook her head and nodded towards the bench to my right. Amanda froze for a second, then quickly sat down beside me. Before my sister could even suggest it, I was already getting my arm out of my right sleeve, then tried to drape my coat around the beautiful blonde's shoulders.
"Hey!" Kelsey squeaked as the coat was pulled away from her.
"Sorry, but that coat's only big enough to cover one of you at a time!" I smirked at her.
"Oh great! And of course you pick the gorgeous blonde over your own sister!"
"Stop it!" Amanda complained with a smile, her cheeks turning red again.
Kelsey gave her friend an innocent look that wouldn't have fooled anybody. "Stop what?"
"You're embarrassing me!" Amanda giggled.
"Well, what do you want me to do? Lie? It's not my fault you're so ridiculously hot," Kelsey grinned cheekily.
"Kelsey!" Amanda whined plaintively.
"What do you think, Damon?" Kelsey hammered on, mercilessly.
"I eh ... think I, eh..." I said, quite eloquently.
"Judging by the way you were ogling her a little while ago, I assume you completely agree!" my sister said, flashing me a teasing grin.
Amanda and I glanced at each other simultaneously, staring into each other's eyes. As if on cue, we both began to blush, and Amanda shyly diverted her gaze. I tried to say something to ease her mind but completely choked on the words. I wondered what the hell was happening to me; I was far from the smoothest guy around the ladies, as was evident by the fact that, at age eighteen, I'd had exactly one girlfriend, but I'd never frozen up like that before either. I took a deep breath in an effort to gather my wits about me.
"I'm sorry for staring at you like that, Amanda. I wasn't trying to embarrass you or anything, but I guess I just couldn't help it," I said after a few moments of summoning up every ounce of courage I possessed.
"It's okay," Amanda said with a sweet smile.
"Why couldn't you help stare at her?" Kelsey prodded me, and I flashed her an irritated look. All she did in reply was smile impishly.
I turned my gaze back towards Amanda to see her staring at me expectantly, with her bottom lip caught between her teeth. When she saw that I wasn't about to answer Kelsey's question, she whispered, "You don't have to tell if you don't want to, but I'd kind of like to know?"
I swallowed the massive lump that had formed in my throat and looked deep into her alluring eyes, which seemed to shimmer between green and blue if you watched them long enough. Amanda blinked several times as her smile grew bigger; her thick eyelashes completely mesmerized me.
Kelsey elbowed me in my side again, and I finally blurted out, "Because you're so beautiful."
Amanda's smile was like the flash of an atomic bomb, and it warmed every single neuron in my mind. She put her hand on my arm and whispered, "Thank you."
As I was trying to come up with something to say, Amanda glanced past me, and I saw her eyes flicker even as a small grin appeared on her face. I quickly turned towards Kelsey to see what the two of them were grinning at, but my sister just gave me a curious look.
"What?" she asked, her voice dripping honey.
"Eh, nothing, I—" I said when my phone rang in my pocket. I got up, shrugging out of my coat while muttering something about poor timing, though secretly I was relieved to get a break from being embarrassed.
As soon as I vacated my spot, Kelsey scooted over, pulling my coat snugly across her shoulders and cuddling up close with her best friend. I smiled at her, and she gave me a satisfied little grin. Bringing the phone up, I glanced at the screen and saw that it was Mom calling.
"Hey Mom," I said, putting the phone against my ear as I walked a few steps away from the girls.
"Hi honey. I'm sorry, but I won't be able to come get you two until around ten, or maybe even a little later. We have an emergency surgery on a little kitty, and it's taking a lot longer than we thought it would."
"No problem, we'll just be here on the field," I said reassuringly. "Give me a call when you get here."
"I will. You make sure to watch your sister, okay?"
"Don't I always?" I grinned.
"Yes you do, and you're sweet. Thank you, honey. I'll see you in awhile."
"Alright Mom. Drive safe," I said, then she disconnected the call.
I got an idea before closing my phone so I kept talking, pretending to still be on the phone with Mom. I paced here and there, trying to keep my fake conversation going logically while slowly making my way back over towards Amanda and my sister.
I shivered slightly as it was getting downright cold. Glancing back at the girls, I saw they were cuddling close together, almost buried up to their noses in the big, warm coat. My big, warm coat, I corrected myself, wishing I was sitting right there between them. I took another two steps towards them while fake discussing my swim training I'd had yesterday. When I was less than a foot away, I strained to hear what the girls were saying.
"He likes you," Kelsey said, so quiet that I'd never have been able to hear if I actually had someone on the phone.
"How do you know?" Amanda asked, just as quietly, though I could detect the hint of curiosity in her voice.
"I don't know, I just do. I've always known when he really likes a girl, all the way back to Rebecca Micnitz in eight grade."
"Who's Rebecca Micnitz?" Amanda giggled. "Competition?"
Kelsey snorted softly. "No way. She moved away several years ago with her parents. Besides, she was a little geek with braces and big librarian glasses, she'd never compare to you."
"Will you stop that already?" Amanda pouted. "You know you're just as beautiful as I am, if not more so!"
"Whatever, Miss Teen USA!" Kelsey giggled. "Besides, you're the one that has to impress him, not me."
"Yeah, and how do you help? You go and embarrass me right in front of him!"
"I didn't embarrass you, you loved it."
"I did not!"
"You were smiling that cute little smile of yours at him the whole time! You love compliments and you know it."
"Oh, I am so going to get you for this!" Amanda whispered fiercely.
"Yeah? Promise?" Kelsey grinned sultrily, a devious little smile on her face.
Amanda nodded, trying to pull off an angry scowl but bursting into giggles halfway through.
"Mmmm, I can't wait," my sister purred, then I heard something that very much sounded like a kiss.
"Yeah, okay Mom, we'll see you in a little while," I said, closing my phone and turning around quickly, hoping to see any evidence of kissing. Both girls just looked up at me with big smiles.
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“Not quite yet, mom,” I eventually had to sigh. I felt the warm lips moving for a while longer until mom knew she had to give up for now. My mother was naked and on her knees in front of the bed between my legs. Mom had short black hair and her breasts were small and flat, although the nipples were prominent, and around her neck she was wearing a silvery pendant which my sister had given her on Christmas. I tried to avoid looking at the dark bush between her legs, but often I found my eyes...
October 27, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio “How did your clandestine tryst go?” Mom asked with a smile when she arrived home. “OK. Maggie is suffering under pretty harsh restrictions; in a way, they’re even worse than the ones you imposed on Liz, and Maggie didn’t really do anything other than go to church with me, read some Orthodox books, and say some Orthodox prayers. I mean, I could at least understand somewhat if she and I had fooled around, but we didn’t.” “And you think her dad knows that?...
“Yeah, she’s really made a name for herself in the last couple of years,” Frank mused. “Being a Snuff Girl must really pay well.” It did. It paid very well. Snuff Girls were stunt girls who would do stunts that the regular talent wouldn’t touch – usually because of a healthy respect for their own lives. Tri-d had replaced flatscreen technology years ago. But now that a typical viewer could watch a scene from any angle they chose, fake special effects really sucked, especially back when...
I woke the next morning to a feeling that something was going to happen today. The feeling was so strong I couldn't shake it and couldn't go back to sleep. I leaned over and kissed the sleeping Kat, and headed for the bathroom to grab a shower and shave. When I was finished, I went downstairs. I hoped that there might be some coffee left over that I could heat up, since I doubted anyone was up and stirring. Boy did I get a surprise when I finally found the kitchen. The cooks were already...
by Dunchad© My evening paper round, as you probably remember was getting very interesting, and I still had it after a year of my encounter with the ladies living down the adjacent road. To my disappointment my lovely pair had gone away for the Christmas break, so as you could imagine I was Very horny from my lack of sexual activity. And I needed some relief quickly. It was the Christmas break so I was off, and it had been suggested to me that I do some tipping along my round to...
Operation Rescue: The New Co-Ed Chapter 5 - Discoveries and Revelations A young man gets in trouble and loses his scholarship. It looks like his dream of college to escape a poor future is doomed - until he sees an ad recruiting 'surrogates'. Tommi is starting to see things differently - and not always pleasantly. [email protected] ********************************************************************** When Suzie didn't look up from her computer, Tommi Sue cleared her throat...
“Admit it, Aunt Gloria. You’re having the time of your life,” Teresa leaned in and whispered as a couple of young snowboarders did a double-take while passing them.“Maybe a little,” Gloria whispered back, and then let out a quiet laugh. She had been quite apprehensive when her niece had talked her into going shopping for a hot little ski outfit. She had been nervous enough to feel ill when they made their way to the slopes the first time.It didn’t help that they were on a Christmas holiday, and...
MILFElliott had whacked off two loads while looking at the pictures of his mother he had on his computer. The panties he’d pilfered from her laundry hamper were soaked where he’d been sucking on them. He’d pumped a creamy mess into each cup of the bra that he’d stolen, the pearly fluid looking obscene as it sat in the big curved cup, the clumpy gobs of boy-juice slowly soaking into the fabric. His lube-coated hand had been busy, the second load coming surprisingly quickly after the first one as...
Poké Balls: truly, a revolutionary invention. If you were to ask any one person what they think the most significant piece of technology they use in everyday life is, there is a good chance they'd name the Poké Ball. It has allowed for incalculably huge advances in infrastructure, and has become commonplace to the extent that "Pokémon," or "Pocket Monsters" (in reference to the Poké Ball's miniaturizing capabilities), has become the preferred term for the vast majority of organisms which...
One of my regulars called and wanted to know if I would sit for her.She has two girls,13 and 11.She pays good,so I told her "Yes".I wnt over and she asked if I could spend the weekend.The extra moneywould come in handy,so I agrred.She left money for piza soI oredred for us.Jan,the 13 yr old came down in only panties and bra.Her little tits,about the size of oranges.Her nipples were poking out stiff.Her little pussy mound was full,pushing out the front of her panties.'Why are u only in ur...
I have a date with Granny. This is not bad ... this is good. Grannie is a babe. Grannie is easily in her seventies. She is four foot nine and slender with a bubble butt and excellent construction. Only thing is ... she's taking me to the library ... best thing about that is I have an ADULT library card... Last time through I had a State Library Card ... for the juvenile branch ... although ... not exactly. The last life the State Library burned ... kinda. There was more damage done by the...
When I was nineteen I had a crush on a girl named Ruth. We were both introverted, but Ruth had a tendency to flirt unrepentantly with other guys and since we'd never formalized our own relationship, I was out of luck when it came to complaining about it. Ruth seemed to take a perverse pleasure in torturing me in this way. Though we had gone on dates, and I had professed love for her, she couldn't commit. Our relationship had grown into an intense, often scary, friendship based on mutual...
Pete noticed a subtle change in the girls' demeanor after their last discipline session. He saw them come and go as they always had, but when they saw him, they all three seemed much more shy then they had been before. He attributed this to the fact that he had bared Lana and Laura's bottoms and paddled them with his hairbrush until they were crying. But Linda had not been spanked, and yet she too seemed to avert her eyes when she saw him. He was working in the front yard, weeding the flowerbed...
Spanking"Well, don't just stand there," Samantha was telling her. "Come on in." "Thanks," said Heidi. "You're sure I'm not interrupting anything today?" "I'm sure. I'm glad you decided to come over for a while. It gets lonely around here and James is off tending to the final papers for the sale and I've got to be at the banker's around 4 this evening to give him my signature. Once that's done the sale will be final and I can get back to a 'normal' life again. But then again,...
: Chapter Three : Danny stood at attention as Cal yelled at him, the urge to hit Cal was intense and Danny had to remind himself of the consequences of striking a superior. ‘What do you have to say for yourself Storm?’ Cal asked finally. Danny took a deep breath. ‘I know I disobeyed a direct order but under the circumstances, I’d say it was forgivable sir,’ Danny said. Cal looked at Danny in surprise. ‘How so?’ he asked. Danny looked Cal in the eyes. ‘Cal, you know how hard it was for me...
I had just folded laundry and was fixing to put my husbands socks away. I opened his dresser drawer to find my sex toys were in a disarray. Items were unscrewed, missing batteries and the purple wireless remote control vibrating egg was missing. I thought we just used purple egg a few days ago. I have asked him a number of time if he likes toys,but he's not the type to open up about sex. I really wish he would as our intimate times could only get juicier. I started to think maybe he is secretly...
Me and hubby decided to make a trip to Kerala like last year, so we call Jeena my friend in Kerala. Actually last year we stayed at her house and we became friends and we were like sisters. I was in Kerala for some months lastyear without my hubby. (Now I'm writing this from her house)We are staying upstairs and Jeena with c***dren down, her husband is a military doctor and not at home.After we decided a trip to Kerala, we book air tickets and so on. As usual i didn't wear anything under my...
Several months had passed since Mark bought the two dildos. He used them almost every chance he could when he had the house to himself, which was only once or twice a month. Once, on a day he was really horny, he left work early so he could play with them for a couple of hours. Being able to pleasure himself with the two black dildos didn't end up relieving his curiosity of having a black cock, if anything it was intensifying it.From time to time he would picture a sexy black man that he saw on...
Fallon and I both broke into laughter. All jokes aside, I needed to have some questions answered. And I only hoped I didn’t turn up dead, or unable to be located somewhere. “So, I certainly don’t want to question a good thing. But, what’s with this stuff Dawn mentioned about being bound, being my servant, and me as her master?” Fallon’s eyes narrowed. “Remember our discussion of power?” “Yeah, I remember.” “Come with me,” she said. “You’re a hard worker and you have begun to prove yourself. So...
SupernaturalTheir son's lust first turns dad on, then mom, and turns into a complex menage of obsession. by Oediplex 8==3~ Part 1: Secrets are revealed and lusts surface Mandy Kincaid was pleased with how her husband Harry was fucking her. It was hot and heavy, hard and sweaty and she had cum twice already. Harry was verging on his eruption, and was going to take her with him, into a glorious third time. His pounding prick drove her into her, as he hadn't done in years. It was wonderful....
Twenty Seven Years Later. It was called "The French Cafe," which would normally be the kind of place I would avoid, but one of my co workers got me hooked on the french vanilla mocha latte. I now went there every Sunday like clockwork, placing my order before sitting at my favorite table near the back. I would read my Sunday paper and watch the happenings in the small town I called my home. I didn't interact much with the people, that was my wife's job throughout our marriage as she never met a...
MatureThe look of surprise on Denny’s face as I pushed my front door open for Tahlia to enter was priceless. She obviously didn’t care about me coming home and seeing her on my couch fondling my daughter, half naked, hands down each other’s pants making out passionately. In fact that was precisely what she wanted me to see. After all I was expected to answer to her again now that my break was over. Thankfully David had already left for his date with Shandi so when we got back from the mall Denny...
Chapter 11 ‘Tell me what happened to your brother,’ Ben said quietly as he and Elle sat opposite to each other over cups of coffee. Elle licked her lips once and took a deep breath. ‘My dad used to be a cop,’ she started. ‘On the summer Evan graduated from high school, he and my dad went for a fishing trip like they usually did every year. They were at the convenience store buying some essentials for their trip when a gunman came in and fired straight at them both. My brother died on the spot...
Anne Marie stood by the bedroom window, looking out at the grey winter weather. It matched her mood. As she clutched her thin robe tightly round her body, as if in doing so, she could keep out the driving rain that lashed against the window panes. It was one of those days when the wind and rain whistled round the eaves, creating a cacophony of strange sounds. The window panes shook and rattled, as they were intermittently being lashed with rain and wind. It was the type of day she would have...
I know that I have a very deviant side to me that lacks a moral compass. Maybe someday I will have to see someone about that. Being that it's summer and boating season is upon us, I am a much happier camper. Even better when days at work become slow and I can sneak away from work to do a little lunchtime sailing. It happened to be one of those days that contributed to this situation. I am still not sure how I get myself in to certain situations. I know that I have a very deviant side...
Ήμουν στή αγορά όταν έλαβα ένα μήνυμα στο κινητό μου: «Δεν θα έρθω σπίτι, εσύ όμως θα πας να ντυθείς σαν πουτάνα και θα έρθεις στο σκάφος στις οκτώ το βράδυ». ήταν από τον 60´άρη πού τραβιέμαι. τον έxω μάθει τωρα και μονολόγισα. τι έκπληξη με περιμένει? σύγουρα πολλά καυλιά!να Με ξεφτιλίζουν...Ανυπομονούσα να έρθει η ώρα να πάω στο σκάφος. Πήγα σπίτι, φόρεσα δικτυωτές κάλτσες, ένα φόρεμα το οποίο ήταν κοντό, στράπλες που έπιανε κάτω από το στήθος μου και άφηνε τα βυζιά μου έξω, εκτεθειμένα,...
Tamera was sixteen, when she first knew she was different. She had a way about her the teachers and students knew it too. She would simply think of something and it would appear. She started off simple. She wanted a glass of water in class. Tamera would concentrate on the water, and it would appear on her desk in class. Soon, Tamera was changing her grades and getting the boys to fall for her only. It was fun for awhile but she always wondered why she was so different. Ten years have passed...
That fateful wrong number John dialed. That horrible night with Peter. John’s caring and love when I needed it most. The phone sex. All culminating in last night’s mutual masturbation. A night I will never forget, and no matter how hard I tried, I could not bring myself to find fault. It was 9:00 pm when I took his hand, and we walked up the stairs. When we got to the top of the stairs, I stopped, put my hand on his cheek, and kissed him. “Give me ten minutes, Honey. Then call me.” John...
Claire's journey into submission and tormentClaire was a simple girl, attractive and ambitious. Little could she guess on that first day at work that it would lead to pain and suffering beyond her wildest imaginings.Part one - first dayThis was it - this was the day! Finally she was going to be her own boss - a real job, her own flat and freedom at last. When Jarvis and Co had offered Claire the job she could hardly beleive it, but now here she was, getting ready for her first day. OK the...
Jennifer was in the midst of a very big government fraud trial, so our time together was limited over the next few months. We did get together once or twice a week for dinner or a movie. Jen was so easy to get along with and though despite our age differences she made me feel like a young man. We both kept ourselves busy with our respective jobs, making time for each other when we could. On one of my normal Sunday dinners to my in-laws, Jen’s parents were once again present, along with...
Pucker Up By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter 8 "Oh yeah, Paula Anne," yelled Danielle, jumping on him with Roberto. "Hurry doll," said Roberto, taking his hand. "Twenty two minutes until the final, and we all feel so good about your chances." "That was amazing," yelled Paul as they got back in the dressing room. "That was the rush of all rushes." "Maybe, but I'd say you're about to top that if you're one of the finalists," said Lillian, opening his silk robe and...
We spent the balance of the day waiting out the storm. At one point the generator quit and I had to get a gas lantern going for light. Once there was a lull in the wind, I went out and got the generator refueled and restarted then returned to the cabin. We talked about her – she’d be 15 in a month and her last name was Harrison - her family and what they’d been doing up here – they were on a round the world trip – and what she wanted to do for a career – be a biologist. I told her briefly...
To my friend imornery81. . . . your writings have inspired me to be creative and post some more stories myself . . .And to toptramp for encouraging me to write again=================Sandra and Angie have been friends for a few years now. They met through their husband’s mutual friends and seemed to hit it off from the beginning. The two couples got together often and the girls seemed to sense that they were attracted to one another but they didn’t take the next step to see if there was...
Nach dem 60 Minuten Krieg war alles vernichtet. Der moderne Mensch hat die Welt, so wie wir sie kennen zum Untergang gebracht, mit seiner hoch entwickelten Waffentechnologie. Aber Einige haben Überlebt. Sie bauten Ihre Städte wieder auf. Um in dieser zerstörten Welt leben zu können mussten die Städte mobil sein. Es waren riesige Gebilde, die auf Rädern und Raupenketten durch die karge Einöde rollten und an einträglichen Stellen Rohstoffe aufnahmen oder die Natur ausbeuteten. Die...
It's a Pink Satin Sissy's Life (And I love it!) by Missy Satinpanties Authors Note: I wish I could tell you that this is an autobiographical story, but it's not (sigh!). I'm a sissy, and there's no denying that fact. In fact, as I wrote this, I wore many of the outfits I described here (See E-Bay shops Simply Playful, Jolie's boutique, Birchplace Shop and I Love Ruffles, as that's where a lot of my sissy wardrobe came from), but I am far from looking like little Debbie,...
Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Antagony – Kinmer, The Free Cities of Grena I hated this tavern. It was vile. The scent of sour beer and unwashed men assaulted my nostrils. Their inane babble—a...
NOTE: THERE ARE SOME SPOILERS ABOUT THE MOST RECENT “FRIDAY THE 13TH” MOVIE THAT CAME OUT, SO IF YOU HAVEN’T SEEN IT AND DON’T WANT IT TO BE RUINED FOR YOU THEN SKIP THE MOVIE SCENE WHERE THEY WATCH IT. I woke up against my will to the sound of a door opening and then my phone ringing. I looked at the caller id and saw it was mom, so I forced myself awake and pushed talk. “Hey mom, thanks for the wake up call,” I said sarcastically. “Its 10:00 in the morning, you should be getting up...
The question hung over my mind like a summer squall. All of the evidence pointed to an answer that would shake, if not destroy, my world. I wanted to ask him, but I was so afraid of the answer. Afraid of the truth, afraid of a lie. Afraid that I wouldn’t know the difference. I should not have invited him here, should not have opened myself up to the temptation of the two of us alone. I should not have looked into his powder blue eyes. One look at the desire reflected in those expressive orbs...