ConflictedChapter 2 free porn video

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The week rolled on, as weeks usually did. I'd sneakily listened at the door to my sister's bathroom every night, hoping to hear her going at it again, but either she was being a lot more quiet, or—much to my disappointment—she just wasn't playing with herself in the shower anymore.

I wondered what it had been that had gotten her so excited that day. I'd quickly made the connection between her exuberance during her cheer competition and her unbelievably hot masturbating session in the shower at home. From that, I had made a fairly tenuous leap of logic that her wild fingerfucking session had caused her to be hungry enough to eat a third slice of pizza; a feat normally unheard of for my gorgeous sister, who watched her weight and figure like a hawk. I had based that conclusion on my own experience; if I jerked myself off particularly vigorously, I was always starving afterwards. It didn't seem too far-fetched to imagine the same thing held true for my sister.

Since I was still curious to find out why Kelsey had been so happy during her competition, I decided to go see her cheer again so I could investigate further. Fortunately I didn't have to wait long as that Friday night our football team had a home game against a huge rival, and the cheerleaders would of course be present at the game.

I smiled at the size of the crowd as I arrived at our school's excuse for a stadium, the stands on both sides of the field filling up rapidly with people. Most of them were from our school, parents and fellow students, though the visiting team had brought a sizable contingent of supporters along as well.

As I surveyed the stands, I debated where to sit. At most games that I attended I'd sit near our team bench, along with some of my buddies. Several of my friends were on the football team, but one of them was Jeff, and he'd been ignoring me all week.

I was still mad at him for ditching me at the mall, even though I knew that if he hadn't done so I most likely never would have gotten to see my sister cheer, then fingerfuck herself senseless later. The images of her shower masturbating session had been a recurring part of my dreams every night since. A small voice in the back of my mind wondered why Jeff had been avoiding me just as hard as I'd been avoiding him, but I quickly told it to shut up. If Jeff wanted to be an asshole, I wasn't going to waste any time worrying about it. He'd been acting weird to me for almost a month, and I was no closer to figuring out the reason behind that either.

Jeff's behavior—as well as the real reason why I was at the game anyways—settled the issue of where to sit, and I quickly moved over to where the cheerleaders were assembled in front of the stands. I smiled at a few female students who were sitting in the front row, and they all quickly scooted in to make some room as soon as they recognized me. I thanked them with a nod, grinning to myself; there were definitely benefits to being one of the school's most recognizable athletes. Even though the swim team wasn't anywhere near as popular as our baseball and football teams were, I was still considered one of the school's athletic heroes—with all the perks that came with it—because of my utter dominance in high school swimming.

As I sat down, I shifted my attention to the cheerleaders and looked around for my sister. I quickly found her standing beside Amanda amidst a group of girls.

Being fairly late in the fall it'd gotten pretty chilly, and as such the cheerleaders were all wearing their cold weather uniforms: navy-colored Nike sweatpants, white sneakers, and a stylish, burnt-orange sweater over which they had put on a black body warmer. As was their custom at every home game, each cheerleader had two small tiger paw prints drawn on her cheekbones, which I had to admit made them all look very, very cute. Of course, every single one of them also held their ubiquitous pom pons.

It took a few minutes for Kelsey to notice me, but as soon as she did she came running over. "Heya!" she said brightly, giving me a big hug while grinning smugly at the girls who were sitting beside me.

"Hey sis," I said, being deliberately loud so that the girls beside me could hear. I didn't want them to think Kelsey was my girlfriend or anything, since the blonde who was sitting right beside me was actually pretty damn hot. I was single again, after all.

"How come you're not sitting over there with your friends?" my sister asked, pointing over at a spot nearer our team bench.

"No particular reason." I shrugged.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, don't worry. Jeff's been an asshole to me for a few days, so I don't feel like bumping in to him."

Kelsey's face scrunched up in a way that I imagined it would if she saw a bug crawling over her plate. "What did that jerk do this time?"

I grinned at her. Kelsey hadn't liked Jeff for the longest time, even going so far as to pretend to vomit when he had asked her out on a date one time. A request, I remembered, that he had never bothered to clear with me first; I'd been pissed at him about that for weeks. "It's nothing," I said. "I figured I'd come sit over here and make sure you stay out of trouble."

Kelsey giggled charmingly. "Oh, whatever! You're here because you can't resist watching your cute little sister, admit it!"

"Damn, you got me!" I laughed, taking care to put a mocking tone in my voice; I didn't want her to realize that she was actually right. "Are you girls doing a lot of those fancy stunts tonight?"

"Nah, we don't do that kind of stuff out on the field. It's way too dangerous. Besides, sweatpants may be comfortable and warm to wear, but they were definitely not made to tumble in."

"I'll take your word for it," I said, shrugging.

"Good. You should do that more often!"

I grinned at her impudent smirk, then quickly pinched her side, causing her to squeal with laughter while she desperately tried to return the favor. As I was fending off her little hands, I noticed Stacey running over towards us.

"Hey Kelsey's brother," the gorgeous blonde said teasingly as she watched Kel and I mock fight.

"Hey Kelsey's captain," I grinned, happily playing along.

Stacey gave me a beautiful smile and a small wink, then turned her attention to Kelsey. "Kel, we're gonna line up in two."

"Alright," my sister said, smiling at her friend. She bent over and gave me a big smooch and a hug, then the two of them quickly jogged back to their spots near the twenty yard line. My eyes were glued to Stacey's ass the whole way, though I couldn't help but frequently glance at my sister's amazing ass as well. It looked absolutely fantastic in her fashionable sweats, just a perfectly tight curve. A shiver ran through me, and I felt myself get a little warm.

"Do you know the two of them?" one of the girls beside me asked, interrupting my daydream.

I turned towards her with a smile. "Yeah. The brunette's my sister, Kelsey. The blonde's her friend, Stacey, but I only know her by name."

"Your sister is so beautiful," said one of the other girls, a redhead who couldn't have even been a sophomore.

"Thanks." I smiled appreciatively at her. "I'll tell her you think so."

The girl blushed a pretty red which matched her hair quite nicely, and I turned my attention back to the field. The referee whistled, and with a great kick-off the game got underway, to thunderous cheers from the crowd.

Though the game was supposed to be a good one, matching up two very good teams who were fierce rivals to boot, I only had eyes for the cheerleaders. They did a great job at keeping the crowd entertained with several cheers, dances and yells, every now and then shaking their curvy asses in what I assumed was an effort to drive every teenage boy insane with lust. Even though I was mostly looking at my sister, I wasn't immune to the effect of watching sexy asses being shaken in my face either. I surprised myself by actually groaning as Kelsey shook her butt, and she grinned as she saw me stare at her.

I thought I heard one of the girls beside me sigh with longing as the cheerleaders did their ass-shaking, but I didn't want be too blatant and look over at them to see if I was right. Besides, I was far too busy with ogling my sister's amazing ass myself.

At half-time, the cheerleaders did a few pyramids and simple basket tosses at the center of the field while the school band marched around them, then they led the crowd in the 'Go Tigers' chant. Once the second half was about to start, the girls returned to their spots along the side of the field. Unfortunately, Kelsey wound up quite a ways away from me, much to my chagrin.

Right as I began to ponder if I should just be obvious about it and change seats to go sit closer to my sister, Amanda came to stand practically right in front of me.

"Hi Damon!" the gorgeous blonde said with a beautiful, dimpled smile.

"Hi Amanda!" I replied, giving her a big smile in return.

She and I didn't know each other very well, but she was my sister's best friend, and she was over at our house often enough that she was more than just another pretty face. We had talked to each other from time to time, but usually she and Kelsey were pretty busy, so the opportunities for me to actually chat with her were pretty limited. We hung out in different crowds in school, of course, so we didn't exactly mingle either. Still, what little I did know of her was all wonderful. If possible, she was even more of a sweetheart than my sister.

Since Kelsey was too far away for me to be able to study her, I shifted my focus to Amanda, trying to discover if there was any sign of that same exuberance in her. It quickly became clear that she, like my sister, was just not in as happy and peppy a mood as she had been last Tuesday. She was still cheerful and happy, to be sure, but it lacked that extra spark that it'd seemed to have at Westmore.

So much for my whole brilliant theory that Kelsey got so excited because I was there, I thought sourly. I kept throwing up possible scenarios in my mind in an effort to figure it out, but every single one fizzled without much traction.

It wasn't until a few minutes later that I noticed Amanda was blushing cutely; I suddenly realized that I had been staring at her the whole time. "Sorry!" I mouthed, holding up my hand in apology.

Amanda just gave me an absolutely gorgeous smile, and she inclined her head slightly as if to acknowledge my apology.

"Who is that?" I heard one of the girls beside me whisper to her friends.

"Amanda O'Sullivan. She's one of the seniors," one of the other girls whispered back.

"God, she's beautiful," the first voice said, quivering with longing. I found it hard to keep a straight face, actually getting quite a bit turned on by the thought that one of the girls beside me might be more interested in other girls than in boys. There was nothing that got me turned on more than watching a couple of hot girls going at it.

Amanda was hot, there was absolutely no doubt in anyone's mind about that. In fact, she transcended hotness and went straight into the realm of the absolutely ridiculously stunning. Many a guy could—and probably did—happily entertain himself by staring at her for hours on end. Her beautiful blonde hair; her perfect, gorgeously cute face; and her amazing, athletic body that was curvy in all the right places, cemented her place as one of, if not the most beautiful girl in school. I imagined that being stared at was par for the course for her.

The second half of the game was pretty boring, our team blowing out the opposition to such an extent that our coach pulled the starters halfway through the third quarter. As it got late, the temperature started falling rapidly, and with the game having been decided a long time ago, the crowd thinned quite a bit. The girls beside me decided they'd had enough of ogling either the cheerleaders or the football players—my money was on the former—and left too, which left me sitting by myself since all other fans near me had already left as well.

Even though they found themselves with fewer people to cheer for, the cheerleaders tried to rally the crowd with some cheers and dances, though eventually the lackluster responses seemed to take the wind out of them. The girls all huddled up around their coach and sponsor, then broke up into little groups. Most of them wandered off, leading me to assume they had been dismissed for the remainder of the game.

After talking to her friends for a few minutes, Kelsey came running up to me and plopped down right beside me on the bench. She immediately cuddled up against me, and I could feel her slender body shivering.

"Are you cold?" I asked with concern.

"Yeah. We weren't really active tonight so it's been kinda hard to stay warm," she admitted.

I shrugged my arm out of my sleeve and draped the left side of my coat across her shoulders.

"Awww, thank you! You didn't have to do that!" she said appreciatively.

"Don't mention it," I said, wrapping my arm around her the small of her back. She felt great sitting against me like that.

"The other girls are gonna say you're spoiling me rotten."

"Did they just figure that out? You've been spoiled for years!" I laughed.

"Who, me?" she grinned smugly, then gave me her patented 'innocent little girl' look.

I chuckled as I shook my head. "That look stopped working on me like three years ago, Kel."

"Oh really?" she retorted, rustling my coat a little as she snuggled in its warmth. "I'd say it's still working pretty well!"

I laughed and squeezed her against me while tickling her side. She squirmed with peels of laughter and returned the favor; both of us squealed as we behaved like little kids.

"What happened to those three freshmen sitting next to you?" Kelsey asked after we'd finally stopped acting like goofballs.

"I guess they got too cold; they left a little bit ago," I said, shrugging slightly.

"Awww, poor brother! Left alone by the cute girls. Did you at least get some phone numbers?"

"They were like fifteen years old, if that!" I protested, giving her a disbelieving look.

Kelsey grinned at me with a satisfied little smile. "So you prefer your girls a little older, huh?"

I nodded. "Yeah, eighteen or over, please."

"I'm eighteen!" Kelsey giggled.

"You're also my sister," I said wryly. "In case you had forgotten."

"I'll never forget that," Kelsey said happily, even as she rested her head against my chest. "I love being your sister."

I felt a surge of warmth flush through me, and I bent down to give her a soft kiss on the top of her head. "I love that you're my sister too, Kel," I whispered. I swore I could hear her purring.

We sat like that for a little while until my sister waved at a few of her friends who were still standing near the field. Amanda smiled, and I couldn't help but gawk at how unbelievably ravishing she was as she quickly walked over. If cheerleaders at every school are as hot as Kelsey and Amanda, I thought to myself, it's no wonder they're so popular!

"Hey hon," my sister greeted her friend as soon as she approached us.

"Hi Amanda," I said warmly.

"Hey guys," the blonde cheerleader said, another dimpled smile brightening up her face. She was eyeing my coat a little enviously. "It sure got cold, huh?"

"Yeah. You want to sit with us?" Kelsey asked.

Amanda gave me a questioning look. "Is that okay with you, Damon?"

Before I could reply, Kelsey snorted. "Oh please, like he's going to say no to a knockout like you sitting with him! Come on, his coat is nice and warm."

Amanda bit her lower lip as she blushed fiercely, but she still looked at me with questioning eyes.

"Yeah, of course, Amanda," I said quickly as I felt my sister elbow me in the ribs.

"Thank you!" Amanda said gratefully as she took a step towards the spot next to my sister.

Kelsey shook her head and nodded towards the bench to my right. Amanda froze for a second, then quickly sat down beside me. Before my sister could even suggest it, I was already getting my arm out of my right sleeve, then tried to drape my coat around the beautiful blonde's shoulders.

"Hey!" Kelsey squeaked as the coat was pulled away from her.

"Sorry, but that coat's only big enough to cover one of you at a time!" I smirked at her.

"Oh great! And of course you pick the gorgeous blonde over your own sister!"

"Stop it!" Amanda complained with a smile, her cheeks turning red again.

Kelsey gave her friend an innocent look that wouldn't have fooled anybody. "Stop what?"

"You're embarrassing me!" Amanda giggled.

"Well, what do you want me to do? Lie? It's not my fault you're so ridiculously hot," Kelsey grinned cheekily.

"Kelsey!" Amanda whined plaintively.

"What do you think, Damon?" Kelsey hammered on, mercilessly.

"I eh ... think I, eh..." I said, quite eloquently.

"Judging by the way you were ogling her a little while ago, I assume you completely agree!" my sister said, flashing me a teasing grin.

Amanda and I glanced at each other simultaneously, staring into each other's eyes. As if on cue, we both began to blush, and Amanda shyly diverted her gaze. I tried to say something to ease her mind but completely choked on the words. I wondered what the hell was happening to me; I was far from the smoothest guy around the ladies, as was evident by the fact that, at age eighteen, I'd had exactly one girlfriend, but I'd never frozen up like that before either. I took a deep breath in an effort to gather my wits about me.

"I'm sorry for staring at you like that, Amanda. I wasn't trying to embarrass you or anything, but I guess I just couldn't help it," I said after a few moments of summoning up every ounce of courage I possessed.

"It's okay," Amanda said with a sweet smile.

"Why couldn't you help stare at her?" Kelsey prodded me, and I flashed her an irritated look. All she did in reply was smile impishly.

I turned my gaze back towards Amanda to see her staring at me expectantly, with her bottom lip caught between her teeth. When she saw that I wasn't about to answer Kelsey's question, she whispered, "You don't have to tell if you don't want to, but I'd kind of like to know?"

I swallowed the massive lump that had formed in my throat and looked deep into her alluring eyes, which seemed to shimmer between green and blue if you watched them long enough. Amanda blinked several times as her smile grew bigger; her thick eyelashes completely mesmerized me.

Kelsey elbowed me in my side again, and I finally blurted out, "Because you're so beautiful."

Amanda's smile was like the flash of an atomic bomb, and it warmed every single neuron in my mind. She put her hand on my arm and whispered, "Thank you."

As I was trying to come up with something to say, Amanda glanced past me, and I saw her eyes flicker even as a small grin appeared on her face. I quickly turned towards Kelsey to see what the two of them were grinning at, but my sister just gave me a curious look.

"What?" she asked, her voice dripping honey.

"Eh, nothing, I—" I said when my phone rang in my pocket. I got up, shrugging out of my coat while muttering something about poor timing, though secretly I was relieved to get a break from being embarrassed.

As soon as I vacated my spot, Kelsey scooted over, pulling my coat snugly across her shoulders and cuddling up close with her best friend. I smiled at her, and she gave me a satisfied little grin. Bringing the phone up, I glanced at the screen and saw that it was Mom calling.

"Hey Mom," I said, putting the phone against my ear as I walked a few steps away from the girls.

"Hi honey. I'm sorry, but I won't be able to come get you two until around ten, or maybe even a little later. We have an emergency surgery on a little kitty, and it's taking a lot longer than we thought it would."

"No problem, we'll just be here on the field," I said reassuringly. "Give me a call when you get here."

"I will. You make sure to watch your sister, okay?"

"Don't I always?" I grinned.

"Yes you do, and you're sweet. Thank you, honey. I'll see you in awhile."

"Alright Mom. Drive safe," I said, then she disconnected the call.

I got an idea before closing my phone so I kept talking, pretending to still be on the phone with Mom. I paced here and there, trying to keep my fake conversation going logically while slowly making my way back over towards Amanda and my sister.

I shivered slightly as it was getting downright cold. Glancing back at the girls, I saw they were cuddling close together, almost buried up to their noses in the big, warm coat. My big, warm coat, I corrected myself, wishing I was sitting right there between them. I took another two steps towards them while fake discussing my swim training I'd had yesterday. When I was less than a foot away, I strained to hear what the girls were saying.

"He likes you," Kelsey said, so quiet that I'd never have been able to hear if I actually had someone on the phone.

"How do you know?" Amanda asked, just as quietly, though I could detect the hint of curiosity in her voice.

"I don't know, I just do. I've always known when he really likes a girl, all the way back to Rebecca Micnitz in eight grade."

"Who's Rebecca Micnitz?" Amanda giggled. "Competition?"

Kelsey snorted softly. "No way. She moved away several years ago with her parents. Besides, she was a little geek with braces and big librarian glasses, she'd never compare to you."

"Will you stop that already?" Amanda pouted. "You know you're just as beautiful as I am, if not more so!"

"Whatever, Miss Teen USA!" Kelsey giggled. "Besides, you're the one that has to impress him, not me."

"Yeah, and how do you help? You go and embarrass me right in front of him!"

"I didn't embarrass you, you loved it."

"I did not!"

"You were smiling that cute little smile of yours at him the whole time! You love compliments and you know it."

"Oh, I am so going to get you for this!" Amanda whispered fiercely.

"Yeah? Promise?" Kelsey grinned sultrily, a devious little smile on her face.

Amanda nodded, trying to pull off an angry scowl but bursting into giggles halfway through.

"Mmmm, I can't wait," my sister purred, then I heard something that very much sounded like a kiss.

"Yeah, okay Mom, we'll see you in a little while," I said, closing my phone and turning around quickly, hoping to see any evidence of kissing. Both girls just looked up at me with big smiles.

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“So, what did you have to do?” “I had to take care of my father,” she said. “What?” “I had to finish what you started tonight.” “What did you do to him?” “I finished him off.” She looked straight into my eyes and the shock of the potential meaning of her words chilled me. “Kendi, you need to explain that.” “I will.” “You didn’t hurt him, did you?” “No! What did you think I did, stand on his air hose?” She gave me a sly smile. “You sounded kind of cold-hearted towards him today. I...

4 years ago
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Haleys BunchChapter 19

Deena’s turn: I’m really thinking that Mister Andre’s the best possible choice for legal advice on my side. “You’re not the defendant, Deena,” he said. “You’re the victim. Theoretically, the district Attorney is supposed to have your interests in mind in the application of the laws violated in your attack.” “But the defendant’s...” “Yeah, his family’s in bed with the DA and a lot of the big wheels in the area. We’re gonna see how well those wheels spin if we put some sand in the...

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A Reluctant Daughter 2

Introduction: Purely Fantasy I originally published these stories but removed them because of their dark nature. Some assholes on other sites decided to flaunt them as their own and win some awards. To that I say no! This is the work of dirtydiana18 and no one is gonna claim it as their own except me. So enjoy the story from yours truly… BTDubbs Steph is 18 years old and a senior in high school. After nearly getting caught by my mother the intensity of sex between my dad and I increased. My...

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Ajay My Student 8216Filled8217 My Home

Hi all I am Ritika, I am a 36-year-old married lady working as a lecturer at a prominent college. I give you a brief introduction of myself and my family before writing up the incident. I am married to a handsome and good-hearted man named Akshay for 13 years. Even though ours is an arranged marriage, we soon bonded well with each other that we live happily even though we are not blessed with kids for my husband’s biological problem. Knowing the fact about my husband’s biological problem, we...

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Just One Look

 It was a beautiful, warm, dry evening in Santa Fe.  I found myself wondering once again whether there could possibly be anything wrong with the place.  Of course, I’d only been there for a week, but the city had certainly made a good impression on me.I live in Dallas and work for a rather successful consulting firm.  My specialty is, for want of a better term, “automated payroll accounting.”  I was sent to Sante Fe to set up an automated payroll system for a newly established distribution...

3 years ago
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Saturday Morning Solution

SATURDAY MORNING SOLUTIONThe Keyhole Adventures continue… A couple weeks had passed since Mom and I almost did the deed. It was hard to concentrate on school work wondering if and when we would explore one another next. I thought and thought and realized Mom was thinking she may have “missed out” on some things marrying young at the height of the Great Depression and me coming along after the big war. Dad was also 10 years older than Mom and might have been losing interest in sex and the...

4 years ago
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what I am I doing

I took my fingers and slowly, gently stretched it apart.It was so pure and white.I licked it once, twice... I found I couldn't stop. Ilicked it faster and faster, and harder. I began tosc**** my teeth against it.There it was, in my mouth! All sweet and creamy. I was done.I threw away the outsides of my Oreo Cookie

2 years ago
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Youre Nobody Til Somebody Loves YouChapter 3

The following afternoon I mentioned that Mrs. Klugman appeared to resent the fact that I was staying at the house to Warren Klugman. "Nonsense," he replied. "She has to get used to you. Sheila has this thing ... she doesn't take to anyone right off. But once she gets to know you, why you'll be amazed at how well she'll treat you." "I don't know, Warren. She seems awfully cold toward me." "You're imagining things," he said and then chuckled, "Me too." "What do you mean?" I...

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His Lordships Delights

Chapter One: Richard’s Introduction In the year 1876, Lord Richard Blanchester had taken over the Lordship on his father’s rather premature death, at the age of 46. His mother Lady Clarabelle Blanchester had died just after his sister’s birth, some 18 years ago. When his mother died Richard was only five, and had missed her terribly. He and his sister were raised by several nannies over the years. Their father always appeared to be away on some business matters, or other such things. ...

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Private Angel Emily Loves Wild Sex

Real life couple Angel Emily and Mike Angelo have come to Private Specials, Break Ups and Makeups Sex, and after a recent argument they’ve decided to resolve the conflict in the only way they know how… a hot fuck! Watch this horny couple in action on as the saucy Angel makes things up to her man, first warming up with an incredible gagging blowjob before offering up her pussy for a taste as she gets everything wet and ready for a hardcore anal pounding that has her screaming all...

4 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess2e16 Ruth 46 dentist from Peterborough

Tucked away in the east of England, a town that few outside the country have even heard of ... Half of the country has barely heard of it. We’re in the sleepy town of Peterborough, watching a fairly anonymous middle-aged woman walking along a street out the outskirts of the city centre. She has curly dark hair, tied up in a loose bun, a fair face with high cheekbones and thin lips, and a pleasant demeanour. Dressed in trousers and a jacket. She walks across to the camera and stops right on...

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School Afair

Thus i had to stay late in school that evening to fix my notes. I was struggling to finish my work faster, but at around 5 PM i realized that I'm not going anywhere soon, i got depressed because i couldn't get the task done. The class was completely empty, I started to get a headache from all those working computers, and it was really hot, i started to sweat and my headache got worse. A couple minutes after, my teacher came in. She had very short hair, it was blond with black highlights, a...

1 year ago
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The Fun Intensifies

for protestbanana, againContinued from:"Here, man," Sam says as I open my eyes. I reach out and take the beer he's offering. I close my eyes again and take a long drink... I can't remember the last time I was feeling this great. And I to think I almost went back to my hotel room to go to sleep!I open my eyes and notice that Sam is gone again. Nicole, who seems to have cleaned the cum off of her back, bum, and feet, is now reclining on the...

2 years ago
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Im Not Wearing A Bra

I’m Not Wearing A Bra I was outside when my neighbor noticed me, we waved at each other as we usually did. Then she started waking toward me. Samantha asked, “Can you help me move my picnic table so that I can mow under it. I’ll let you look down my blouse. I’m not wearing a bra.” I had a confused look on my face. She had never talked to me like that before. She was a fine looking woman though. Then Samantha said, “I saw you looking at my clothesline. You seemed very...

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The Maintenance Man Book 1Chapter 6

Mark was again at a loss, after what his sister had told him, he knew that he'd have to have help looking up the laws for this situation. Finally alone, after checking up on Nissie, he called the head master for help. "She did what?!" he cried incredulously, "you know, I knew that there was tension in your family, but I never thought that your sister would take it this far" he shook his head at mark, "she wants to be with you that badly?" "Apparently so, I am at my wits end now, can...

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The Compromise1

Leanne had found a new apartment to live in and had begged me on the phone to call over and help move some of the heavy furniture. I rode the short distance to Leanne's place on my shiny new motorbike. My cock was a little crusty in my tight jeans with dried cum and slimy period cum juice. Leanne and I awkwardly moved a mouldy old couch. She wrinkles her nose picking up on the smell of sex on me. "You could have showered for fuck sake before you came over here," she chides me....

2 years ago
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Chapter 5 Derek Enjoys Chrissie to the Fullest

Chapter 5Derek Enjoys Chrissie to the FullestI gathered up my clothes and shoes and silently went in search of thebathroom to freshen up, as I was ordered to do by my wife's best friendand my doctor, Helen. I couldn't quite believe I had just given head toDerek, who I had only met less than an hour ago and who I suspected wasless than a reputable figure although I had to acknowledge he had a cockworthy of worship. It was the first time I had done that in my life and Ifound the experience both...

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My Best Friends Dad

I had always had a crush on my best friend's dad. I was quite confident to have sex with any other guy I met, but somehow, when it came to Bill, I was extremely shy and became tongue tied. Often, when I went to her house I became wet as soon as I saw him and had to excuse myself to the bathroom to relieve myself. Imagining riding him kept me awake at night. One night she invited me to sleep over at her house. I gladly agreed, hoping to see her gorgeous father in nothing but his boxers. I...

Straight Sex
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Men8217s World Part 1

This is a fantasy story and no depiction of original people. Men’s world My name is Abhishek.Today I am going to tell you a story that I have never shared with anyone.The series of incidents that I will be telling in this story happened a long time ago but today when I think about it I could feel the same spine-chilling effect that I used to that have during my adolescence. My father was an engineer and he had a transferable job and he used to get the transfer from one village to another. I...

1 year ago
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DDFBusty Krystal Webb Cucumber Goes Deep

Krystal Webb is a stunning brunette with irresistible brown eyes and amazing tits. The pierced and tattooed Milf from the United Kingdom can’t wait to take her skin-tight mini skirt off in the kitchen to slide that fresh cucumber deep into her wet shaved pussy. The curvy hottie massages her extremely hot 30DDD/E / 65G tits and pinches her hard nipples. Watch her get naked and enjoy that curvy goddess slide her cucumber up and down between her big tits. The glamour babe doesn’t stop...

1 year ago
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slag for use part 3

Slag for use Part 3Ron pulled me up onto my knees and dragged me to the centre of the room, his cum dripping from my pussy and down my legs and his friends cum dripping from my face and tits I was literally dripping with it!As I knelt there the old men walked back to the sofa, slowly stroking themselves as they ogled my young body, Ron passed round some beers and sat down with them, saying ‘we need a break whore time for some entertainment get on your feet and dance for us!’. He put on some...

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The First Ranma A Really Twisted Tale

Urusei Yatsura/Those Obnoxious Aliens*Lum [The manga ran 9 years, the TV show from 1981-86.] Was created by Rumiko Takahashi; along with such later manga/anime as "Ranma 1/2" The First Ranma: A Really Twisted Tale By Ron Dow75 It was a typical day at Tomobiki High School: "A boy went into the girls' room!!" a long raven-haired girl yelled in the hall. "A-ta-ru!" Lum yelled, giving off lightning flashes within her long blue sailor suit, and flying off for the door. There was...

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Dads Dating AdviceChapter 2

Bob simply took off his boxers once they were in his bedroom. His three children stared, shocked, as he displayed his erection to them. “Now you, Bobby,” he said, looking at his son. Bobby didn’t hesitate. He got naked. His own long, hard penis bobbed in the soft light of the bedside table. “This is what being with a girl and fooling around does to a boy,” Bob said. “Or a man,” he added. “And it matters not that the girl is his daughter or sister. Men react this way when things get...

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Dani and Danny Part 51

Dani had become plenty aroused watching her brother’s spurting dick and feeling Brie's pulsing orgasmic contractions as she fingered her. She was still wet and gooey now in her room now alone with Brie. Dani and Brie had seen each other nude many times since they were young, and in fact, they often compared their development as they reached puberty. Dani had developed breasts a bit earlier than Brie, but once Brie’s came, they outgrew her friend. They weren't sure what to make of...

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Lessons In Love Chapter 2

Shay tossed and turned that very night. The memory was still fresh in her mind of watching Kacie masturbate and orgasm next to her. Staring upon the sweet innocent face of this young budding woman who now lay silently asleep at her side.. Watching her ample chest rise and drop with each take of breath she took. Just watching Kacie made Shay grow a little moister between her thighs. She'd watched this young woman grow up for the past few years. She'd been a close friend of her mothers all that...

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Dominant wife pt1

"Your Late ! now get on your knees and crawl over here to apologise" commanded Mj. Daz thought this seemed like fun to play along with for a bit so obeyed his wife and crawled over and then knelt before his stunning wife and looked up giving his cutest smile "Sorry I am late and didn't ring" Mj's smile disappeared "Shut up, I didn't give you permission to speak" Mj tapped the crop in her hand as she circled Daz staring at him in deep thought. Mj stopped in front of Daz and roughly...

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I’d been on the road for over three weeks, always staying in motels. I’m an IT trouble shooter with a big part of Oregon to cover. It was Halloween and as a large Hen Party was assembling in the lounge bar of my hotel, I decided to walk into town to a topless bar I’d visited before called The Palace. In times gone by it had probably been a spit-and-sawdust beer hall. In 2020 it was a noisy disco cocktail bar, with table service provided by gorgeous topless waitresses, many big-breasted. Mine...

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A very personal trainer Part 2

A (very) personal trainer - Part 2It was another unusually hot night in London, the noise of the oscillating fan was amplified because of the erie quiet caused by the lockdown. Iain and Shilpa lay naked on his bed. They were partially covered by a tangled sheet, their bodies were coated in dried sweat from the previous night’s energetic lovemaking.Iain stirred as a welcome breeze of cooler air drifted in through the partially open shutters. He blinked and looked at the clock, it was just after...

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RayChapter 2

It had been two months since Ray had that one night affair with Jane. Ray had seen her outside the townhouse but the opportunity to talk with her alone had never presented itself. One day as Ray was going out of his townhouse to get the mail he saw that Jane was also going out for the mail. They met at the mail boxes. Ray noticed that one of her cars was gone so maybe Vic her husband was at work. She looked good and had a spring in her step and a smile on her face that she didn't have...

4 years ago
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Dost Ki Ma Ke Saath Chudai

Hi friends mera naam Sameer (name changed ) hai. Mai punjab ka rehne wala hu. Main aap sab k samne apna pehla sex experience share karne jar aha hu jo ki mere or mere dost ki maa k bich me hua hai mere dost ka naam Mukesh ( name changed ) hai hum dono bhahut hi ache dost hai hum dono ek dusre ko bhaiyo jaisa pyar karte hai ab main aap sab ko bore na karte hue story shuru karta hu baat tab ki hai jab main or Mera dost hum collage me apna gradation pura kar rahe the mere dost k ghar me mera...

2 years ago
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Daughters Slut Training 4 Daughters Anal Training

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Four: Daughter's Anal Training By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Leyla Umayyah I shuddered as my hunky, older brother Faizel fondled my ass. He squeezed my butt-cheek hard, digging strong fingers into my naked flesh, making my breasts quiver in the hallway outside our bedrooms. I shivered, my deflowered pussy growing so hot and wet. Juices trickled out of my shaved cunt like the whore I was. I...

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Archie and Veronica Changing Places

The characters used in this story belong to Archie Comics Publications. They're used in this story as a fantasy fan fiction, with no profit to garnered by the authors in their use. The story is free to be archived upon any website wishing to do so, provided free access is given to readers to see it. It is also mandatory that the authors be given credit upon any site posting. There's a particularly fascinating artist who wishes to go by his eBay selling name, Tebra. Anyone who...

2 years ago
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Sarah was a good friend of my girlfriend. They had been friends throughout high school, and were now good friends in college. Sarah came down to stay with Jeni (my girlfriend) for a weekend. They had planned to just do some shopping and a little bit of partying.Jeni and I had been dating quite some time. We had a wonderful sex life together, in part because both of us enjoyed being kinky, though Jeni was shy. I had taken her virginity at 17 as far as I know she has only been with me since we...

1 year ago
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Her Game Was Passion Ch 03

-one- Nothing much happened until that afternoon. Not a word from Lem Clemens, nor from anybody on the team. Nice bunch of people. Screw them all. If I got out of this I’d take Jackos’ job away from him. If I got out of this. Dr. William Sloane came. He was a fat quiet little man who seemed nervous. He kept reading the charts at the foot of my bed and papers about me in a folder he held in both hands and finally he told me I’d been given a sleeping electroencephalogram, but they weren’t quite...

1 year ago
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Turning black

It was a Saturday night when me and my wife were eating at a restaurant. It was our first time eating here sense this restaurant just opened a day ago. The food was surprisingly good and the waiters were really polite. Suddenly I had to go pee so I got up and told my wife I had to go use the bathroom okay dear. So on my into the bathroom I saw nobody in the bathroom except a big black guy pissing, so I walked to the urinal next to him and as I started pissing out of my 3 inch white dick I...

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Roommate Change

The front door of my apartment banged closed behind the last of Chip's friends. Like Chip himself, this friend was an overdeveloped gym rat, and the black plastic garbage bag holding the last of Chip's things from our apartment caused him no strain at all. Which left him plenty of energy to slam the door on his way out. I collapsed on my ratty loveseat with a sigh. Finally! The only thing Chip had had going for him was his ability to pay half the rent on our two-bedroom apartment. For the last...

1 year ago
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Life of the Party

Chapter 1 - Initiation Chapter 1 - Initiation. I?ll preface this by saying that I don?t have a submissive bone in my body. What happens to me is in no way willful on my part, the following events could only happen to me if I was forced and had no other way out. This all started when a woman I worked with, I?ll call her Nancy, intercepted some files of mine that would incriminate me. If she told my manager, I would definitely lose my job and maybe even do jail time.? One day she told me...

2 years ago
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Plasma Experiment went wrong

Trembling with emotion, her voice was barely a whisper when she spoke. “…Victor?” Time itself seemed to wait with baited breath. There’s no breeze in a closed off, underground laboratory. Yet, Agnes shook with relief at the barest touch of wind against her shoulder, an intangible caress that she felt more keenly than the weight of the clothes over her body, cotton and nomex. Agnes quickly divested herself from the lab coat, eager to feel more. “V-victor, is that really you?” She stepped...

3 years ago
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Cruise Ship Regeneration 2Chapter 2

The sexual enlightenment of a mother, son and tutor Part-2 Aron and Daniel, Ellie and Daniel 02.12 Aron and Daniel, Sexual Guidance: 02.13 Aron and Daniel, Mirror, Deepthroat: 02.14 Aron and Daniel, Mirror, The Mating: 02.15 Ellie, Daniel, A Programmed Encounter: 02.16 Ellie, Daniel, oil massage, Masturbation: 02.17 Daniel, Ellie, Oral Orgasm: 02.18 Ellie, Daniel, The Mating: 02.12 Aron, Daniel, Sexual Guidance: Aron had prepared the room while Daniel slept. The harness was...

4 years ago
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Chinese TakeOut 4 Mia Gets an Egg Roll

The look Mia had on her face was stuck in the back of my head the rest of the day. It seemed to me as though it was mostly surprise but with a slight smirk. Li called me for the first time on her cell phone as she was leaving, not quite crying but feeling very embarrassed and wanting to find out what happened as she had bolted the instant I slammed the door. I told Li that I'd handle it, that she had no reason to worry because Mia was new enough to not be familiar with the area, but she knew me...

2 years ago
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Murphy 1Chapter 5

I woke at daylight, as is my habit now-a-days. I need to break that habit; but I like the mornings, so I just enjoy it. I fumbled in my small duffel bag, and felt for the vest I sometimes wear fishing. Slipping it on, I pulled my cell phone out of the end pocket of the duffel bag, and slipped it into my vest, and snapped the flap closed. I put my shorts back on, that I wore yesterday, and found my wading shoes; I grabbed my worms, and artificial salmon eggs, my spinning rod and reel, and...

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