Pax MultiChapter 2
- 2 years ago
- 27
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The interior of the Bug warrens had been disturbing and creepy and icky, the first time Lou had come into them.
Now they were just deeply, deeply sad.
Walking through the narrow tunnels, holding his com before him with the light turned to maximum, Lou perked his ears, trying to hear any sounds of movement, any hint that there was life down here. But when his ... spouse had left, she had left. Even the things that he hadn’t thought were part of her hive mind were gone. The tiny little glow-worms that had writhed through the subcutaneous material that lined the walls underneath the hardened carapace that made up most of the tunnels support structure? They were gone. The tiny scuttling beetles that had been about the size of a quarter were gone. The distant breathing sounds that he had thought were a natural byproduct of the tunnels shape and the winds of Charon? That was gone too.
It was desolate and haunting and made him feel more panicky and nervous than coming down here the first time had.
But he pressed on, his jaw clenched.
His studies in popular culture had ended somewhere in the mid 20th century – past that, media and culture had (according to his lectures and tutors) fallen to the two great perils. The first had been an cannibalistic repetition made endemic by late stage capitalism and the second had been due to the ‘coarsening effect of utopia.’ Without the rarefied needs of high culture – and the complex web of etiquette and politeness that had been that had come with it – humanity had devolved into a bunch of...
Lou actually kind of liked GF. But the man’s full name was God Fucker and he had thought that an appropriate joke on first meeting with someone he had never met was to start cracking on about harems.
But of all the culture that he had studied – from the Chinese poets of Wang Wei, Li Bai, Du Fu to the works of William Shakespeare to the songlines of the Aboriginal peoples (such as had survived) – the only myth that came to mind to succor him in this moment of great personal dread ... was Orpheus. Except it was inverted – he was behind Eurydice, hoping that she’d look back and see him. Lou clenched his jaw and kept walking forward, even as the caves grew narrower and more winding and the feeling of depressing emptiness became replaced by a creeping dread.
Anything could be in the darkness, without his spouse in it.
But still, he pressed on.
And, at last.
Lou stepped up and into a familiar looking chamber – the same gestation room that his spouse had taken to him to before. He swept his com around and found the light spilling over a large, seamed mound of black, rubbery flesh. It throbbed slowly, swelling and then seeping backwards, and as his light shone onto it, he found that the rubbery material was partially transparent – and inside, he could faintly see the quasihumanoid form that his spouse had begun to gestate to serve as her ... he wasn’t sure what to call it. She was a hive mind intelligence spread across three solar systems. Could it really be said that anything was her focal point?
And yet, she had needed to take breaks from talking to him. It had been tiring for her to understand and grasp the singular viewpoint and to listen to his singular voice. He sighed, then sat down beside the egg, breathing in slowly.
“Now we wait,” he said.
Time passed and Lou thought through everything he was going to say – and he thought he knew how best to handle things. When he checked the clock on his com, he saw that about thirty minutes had passed. With his speech prepared and his plan settled in his mind, he settled down to wait. And to wait. And to wait. And to wait.
After what his com claimed was two hours, but to him felt like a greater time than the entire history of the human race, the egg quivered. Lou, whose attention had been wandering, jerked upwards a bit, then tensed, readying himself as the figure that he could faintly see inside of the egg wriggled, then reached outwards. The egg unfolded itself with a glistening, ripping, tearing noise. The head of his spouse’s newest bioform emerged first. Her head had white fur that looked like hair, bristling from around a delicate, feminine face. The additions that he had requested, to make the face more humanoid, were there: A small nose, slender lips, and eyes that were ... well ... she had tried. They weren’t compound eyes, like before, but they were decidedly alien looking: All black, save for two glowing blue irises. Her furred shoulders came free next, with her two upper arms. Then her breasts, her lower arms, her curved thighs, her dainty feet, and then she was sliding down the egg and onto the ground before him, dripping with egg slime.
Lou flushed, wanting to look away – she was ... naked. And...
A lot more...
A lot more ... ah...
But this was his wife. It was okay for him to see her naked – and as he blushed, he saw that she was scrambling to her feet, turning and spreading her delicate wings.
“Wait!” Lou stood.
“No!” She said, but he grabbed her lower right arm, tugging her around. Her feet dug into the ground as she strained to get away from him, shaking her head. “No no no no no! I’m a monster!”
Lou ... regretted teaching her that word. A lot. Right now. It hadn’t even been a word she had taken much notice of, during their long exchange of words and definitions. But he grabbed her other hand, holding her tightly.
“No! You’re not!” he said, his voice firm.
Her eyes closed and she ducked her head forward. “Three hundred twenty eight thousand one hundred and ninety humans! A-And then ... if human subunits are humans, and not subunits, if they were all like me, then ... then so were the others! Sixty eight million seven hundred thirty two thousand five hundred and ninety two, five hundred million, ninety eight thousand, five hundred and six! All! Consumed! Consumed, I...” She closed her eyes and screamed. “I killed them all! I KILLED THEM!” And she let out another horrible keening noise – a sound that Lou had never wanted hear again.
He cupped her cheeks – she had gone limp, no longer trying to run. “You didn’t know-”
She shook her head, brushing at his hands, trying to shove them away, but weakly. “No no no no...” She whispered. “No. No.” Lou pressed his forehead against hers, his hands sliding from her cheeks to her neck, marveling at the incredibly sleek, smooth feeling of her. His fingers sank into the soft fuzz that crested her shoulders, his fingertips almost touching the edges of her wings. He drew her in and her hands pressed against his chest – twenty points of contacts at the ends of four hands. All her fingers.
Lou gripped her, drawing her close. Her hands slid, more by accident than design, around him. Her fingers traced along his back. “W ... What is?” she whispered, her voice a trembling quavering sound. She had no tears – but of course she didn’t. Why would a bug ever need to cry? “W-What ... what what what-”
“It’s forgiveness,” Lou whispered. He had tears. And he shed them, burying his face against her neck. “A ... And a hug.”
“Hug...” his wife whispered. Her hands, gingerly, tightened, two low, two high, holding him. “You said ... forgiveness is what you give, when you recognize someone has done wrong, but ... but you know they’re ... going to be better?”
She whispered. “I don’t ... I don’t ... I don’t get forgiveness. I do not ... made it out of...” She was groping for words, and Lou guessed.
“You don’t ... deserve it?” He snorted, quietly. “My wife, if you deserved forgiveness, you’d never need it.” He felt her knees quivering and he laughed, quietly, marveling that there was a similar ... reaction in her, as there would have been in his body. He drew her down onto his lap, and she was so very light. Like a feather, she settled there, her wings buzzing in nervous little jitters. His hands caressed along her back, drawing her in close. His voice was soft.
“I ... my wife...” He said, the words feeling awkward on his tongue, not smooth and easy like he had imagined them. “I want to tell you a story.”
“Humans sometimes use stories to explain ideas,” he said, quietly. “You feel ... bad because you killed the Procyians and the Lupens and humans.”
“You know their names? And that they existed?” she asked, blinking at him, her antennas twitching and ... Lou gently petted her antennas – reflexively. They bent backwards, then jounced back upwards to their original positions. It was the most adorable thing that he had ever seen. “I liked that. Do it again.” She said, simply, and so, Lou continued to pet her as he explained.
“Yeah, um ... we knew.” Lou sighed. “And those are just names we gave them. The Procyians had launched a simple space probe before ... it was remarkably similar to one that we humans launched – Voyager. It had their language, some images, a message we think translated to ... from our star, to yours, we greet you.” He shook his head. “The Lupens, which is our name for the aliens that had lived in the Wolf 359 system, are more vague. We only caught the, uh, radio bubble that came away from their world as we approached it. Twelve years, approximately, and then...” He paused. He didn’t want to mention the nightmares that the reconstructed Last Broadcast had given him, during his education on the Bug War.
The Lupens hadn’t been humanoid.
But their ... screams had...
He closed his eyes. It was almost impossible to combine the image of the hellgaunts and the waves of bio-organic drop-pods falling onto human colonies and the last screams of those long dead aliens with the gentle soul he held in his arms. So, he simply didn’t. He focused, instead, on the story.
“When we were still confined to one world, there were two men who killed four billion people,” he said, simply. “Humans. Who killed other humans.”
His wife drew back, her antennas rubbing together, a chittering sound emerging from her throat. “Why? Was it a mistake? Did they-”
“No,” he said. “Their names were Charles and Fredrick Koch. They had a great deal of power because they controlled access to a resource called oil. You know how ... when ... biological life dies and is compressed by heat and pressure under the ground and becomes coal and oil and such?”
“Oh, yes, I regularly harvest it,” his spouse said, nodding. “You need to be careful, though. It causes planets to retain heat – among other side effects.”
My wife is older than the biological concept of sexual reproduction, Lou thought for the second time. It still sounded like a bad joke in his head – not real, not something concrete. But hearing her casually mentioning that she regularly harvested fossil fuels that she produced ... not synthesized like humans could with nanofabrication and other chemical processes, but rather, via geoengineering on a time scale that made the Imperial Egyptians look like toddlers building sand castles. It ... made him shiver to his core. But he pressed on.
“The Kochs had access to this resource and, through it, a great deal of power. They became aware, as did others, that releasing carbon into the atmosphere would cause a destructive effect on the environment that we all needed to survive. And ... they used a great deal of their power and their position in society to crush that knowledge. They paid liars to tell people everything would be fine. They convinced entire generations of humans that the entire idea was a hoax-”
“How?” His wife sounded completely baffled. “The effect is so rapid, it happens in a...” She stopped. “You ... do not have new subunits to sustain your minds once old subunits become unable to serve and are recycled.” She sat up. “Lou! We have to-”
Lou put his finger upon her lips. They were very ... very soft. Very sleek. Very slippery. Very warm. And for a moment, looking into her eyes, feeling the slight dampness of her mouth, the alien chill of her breath, looking into her black/blue eyes, Lou felt as if his heart was racing a million miles an hour. His voice was husky. “Let me finish the story.”
She bobbed her head, then laid it down against his chest. His hand began to pet her antennas again. “The Kochs knew that there was going to be a disaster. But they didn’t care – they kept things as they were, until the point where easy changes were impossible. Then, when there were ten billion people on the planet, everything began to collapse. Droughts, storms, flooding, famines, everything all hammered at the same time. It was ... like an exponential curve had been hit.” Lou sighed, quietly. “Four billion people died. Just so that some ... old men could cling to power.”
His finger caught her chin, lifting her so that he could look into her eyes.
“You did what you did because you didn’t understand. It ... was horrible. But in a universe of horrors ... y-you’re actually ... fine.” He blushed. He had had a more suave ending – but looking into her eyes had caused his brain to short circuit.
She blinked at him.
“So ... don’t go...” Lou said, cupping her cheek. “Lets work to make this better. Okay?”
She looked away. Her antennas twitched.
“What happened to the Koch brothers?” she asked.
“They died of old age and their children spent most of the 21st century in a fortified arcology protected by a legion of slaves,” Lou said, sighing. “Then, eventually, their kids ... well...” He shrugged. “That’s getting into the Meme War and the founding of the UHP. Which is even more complicated...”
“I want to learn all of it,” she said, softly. Then her eyes closed. “I am bringing my subunits back. I ... I simply did not want to see humans, or talk to humans. It ... I felt...”
“It’s okay.” Lou stood, groaning as his back twinged and his legs started to throb as blood started to flow into bits of his body that had been lacking for a while too long. His wife remained in his arms, as light weight and easy to carry as a feather. He carried her towards the exit, and she allowed him to do it, her eyes closed as she thought – or more likely, as she began to realign her bodies and her subunits off to do everything that they had stopped doing in her moment of panic. As he walked, though, he noticed that the glow-worms were coming back. He smiled.
They emerged into the twin suns of Charon – and before an armored wall of heavily equipped combat troopers in power carapace, his father and GF and Amy standing at the forefront. GF had a combat unitard on and one of the heavy duty combat rifles preferred by AnCom, while Father had his pistol and sword combination – and from the vids that Lou had seen, they weren’t merely for decoration. The Bugs had, over the war, engaged in melee combat often enough that having a sword had gone from affectation to absolutely necessary for any front line ground combat.
“My son,” Father said, frowning. “What...”
Lou blushed, holding the naked body of his wife protectively. “C-Can we get some clothes for her.”
“Yes!” Amy hurried forward, then stood before him and the rest of the soldiers. “Give them some privacy – it’s not like none of you have seen hot moth ladies before. Come on! Turn around, turn around!”
GF, before he turned, gave Lou the biggest thumbs up.
Proxima Centauri hurt to behold.
Not for the reasons that most stars did – the brightness, the hard radiation, the sheer immensity that made them hard for human scale minds to grasp. No. By those standards, Proxima was fairly easy to hold in the mind and the eye both. It was, for one thing, significantly smaller than it had been. It had started as a red dwarf, about an eighth the size of Sol, and what had happened to it during the Bug War had only shrunk it further. It was now barely the size of mountain – five, six kilometers at the length. Easily graspable in human terms. It was significantly less radiant. No longer did it put out a searing red light. No longer did it crackle with the fusion-fury that had burned in its hydrogen belly.
Instead, Proxima throbbed with a sickly color that was somewhere between purple and the synesthetic sensation of tasting the sound of a woman screaming at the top of her lungs as she was being tortured to death. Its surface was a single color, without mottling or distortion. It should have looked like a poorly rendered image from the early days of computer animation – but instead, the longer Colonel Admiral Bosch looked at it, the more that he was certain that he could see subtle striations and distinctive lines. They squirreled across the surface of the former star like lightning bolts, jagged and straight and crackling, but they were never quite there when he focused upon them. It was more like his mind was throwing chaos into a perfect simplicity that his monkey brain refused to accept in its totality.
But that wasn’t the worst thing about Proxima.
It was the stars around it, visible thanks to the bridge lights on the FSS Invisible Hand being set to their lowest setting. They were beginning to distort, as if he was looking at the bubble of twisted light that surrounded a black hole. But the distortion was not immediate or obvious – it was a slow, insidious twisting of light, which grew more and more pronounced the longer that he looked at Proxima.
Bosch tore his eyes from Proxima, his head pounding.
“Sir, respectfully...” one of the bridge officers – a sleek, blond haired woman that had served on the Hand for the past ten years and yet, had never been skilled enough for her name to move past the outer fringe of Bosch’s memories and into the part that actually lasted. “Is that wise?”
“Exposure to Proxima is only dangerous at significantly closer ranges than this, Lieutenant,” Bosch snapped. “It will take more than a spatial anomaly to cause me any trouble.”
The woman nodded, looking frightened. Her eyes flicked down and Bosch tasted iron on his lips. His fingers lifted and he touched his nose – which was bleeding. He glared at the woman, then turned his back to her and to the window, striding away as he pinched his nostril shut with one hand, trying to stem the flowing blood. As he strode past the firing consoles, where serving crew members were wedded with the control systems by an intricate series of tiny wires and cyber-jacks. Most of them were from the penitentiary system, considering the effect on the nervous system that top of the line fire control computers had. But the Federated States had a simple rule when it came to going into the justice system: If you weren’t guilty, you wouldn’t be up before a judge in the first place.
So, anything that the criminal scum got was what they had coming.
By the time Bosch arrived at the science lab that had been attached to his beloved battleship, his nose wasn’t bleeding and he had cleaned off his hands. The scientists here were mostly Federal – but he had heard from his spies that they were all essentially subordinate to Listens-Deeply-And-Considers-All. The fucking dolphin knew it too. Bosch tried to control his sneer as he watched the sleek cetacean walk around inside of its wetsuit, on four little mechanical legs, with a harness of attached grippers that it controlled via its cyberjack. Those grippers were currently holding a stylus, which Listens Deeply was using to scrawl some ferociously complex mathematics equations on the screen that the scientists had set aside for long-form calculation.
“Dr. All,” the Federal scientist standing next to the Upkin said. “Are you sure that wave-function form won’t collapse?”
“There’s only one way to find out, really,” Listens Deeply said, his voice chirruping from his collar. He turned his beady little black eye to Bosch. “Admiral. You are here to breathe down our blowholes again?”
Bosch frowned. “I carted you and this entire lab four light years and ate up ten years of my life back on Earth – I expected faster results. The farce is already going on down on Charon.”
“The farce. Hah!” Listens Deeply chittered. “I wonder, will he take pleasure in the creature? Humans are able to make a fetish out of anything, given time and inclination.”
“Humans don’t,” Bosch said, his frown deepening. “Degenerates do.”
“And what does this make me, Admiral?”
A useful pawn, Bosch thought – and he was fairly certain the Upkin saw him in the exact same light. The mutual loathing the Upkin felt for the Federated States – and the same loathing that the Federated States felt for the Upkin – could only be eclipsed by one thing. That one thing was what he brought up: “A useful ally against the Bugs, of course.”
“Ha ha. I need a new woman,” Listens Deeply said, casually. “The current one bores me.”
Bosch repressed a disgusted sigh. “Of course. But only...” he reached down and took the stylus from Listens Deeply’s gripper. “If you tell me that Project Etemenanki is close to some kind of break through. You’ve had a year out of cryo and two months in orbit around Proxima. I want. Results.”
Listens Deeply chittered – and the collar turned it into a laugh. “Results you shall have. Admiral.”
Bosch nodded.
“Bring out ... Echo 3...” Listens Deeply said and one of the doctors hurried out – showing more deference to an Upkin than Bosch liked to see. But soon, the doctor had returned, flanked by two of the members of FSMC that had been assigned to the ship. Between the two men in their power carapace was a struggling, kicking ... thing. They weren’t quite a woman, they weren’t quite a man – they were, in other words, an AnCom deviant. They were still dripping with the suspension fluids of the cryotank they had been hauled from, and they were still coughing and hacking.
“What ... the fuck is going ... where...” she – Bosch was pretty certain that they were a she, after a second glance – said. “Feds? Feds? What? The ... this ... you fucking Nazi cosplaying fucks, I am going to sue the lot of you if you don’t let me go right now!” She snarled as Bosch smirked at her.
“I recognize you...” he said, nodding. “Your name is...” He sighed. “Righteous Zen...” He shook his head. “Absurd.”
“Fuck you!” Echo 3 snapped.
“Except that’s just it,” Bosch said, his voice gloating. “Righteous Zen, right now, is currently doing whatever it is she-”
“They. They them, you fucking fascist.”
“She,” Bosch said, with deliberate coldness. “Is currently doing whatever it is she is doing back on Earth. Because you are not Righteous Zen. You are a copy. Acquiring you was trivially easy – your cortical stack was accessed during your latest backup scan. We cloned the body you’re currently in based off your previous body – no need for you to have to readjust to everything. After all, your brain scans are going to be extremely important.”
“You...” her eyes widened. “You spliced me? You fucking ASSHOLE!”
“Prepare it for the probe,” Listens Deeply chittered.
“The probe?” Echo 3 asked, then kicked as the men dragged her towards the preparation table. A bone saw started to whir. “Hey! Hey! Whoa! Fucking whoa, killing a splice is still fucking murder! I’m still a person! I’m STILL A PERSON!”
The bone saw started to scream as the straps clicked home.
Bosch watched.
First, the procedure.
Then, three hours later, the oblong, torpedo like shape of the probe containing Echo-3, accelerating away from the Invisible Hand and towards Proxima. Beside him, Listens Deeply watched the readouts.
“Yes...” he murmured as the jagged lines symbolizing Echo 3’s brainwave started to warble and twist as she approached the perverted stars. “Yes! Project Etemenanki is ... as you Federals say ... a go.”
“What on Venus were you thinking?” Father asked, stomping back and forth in the small room. Lou watched him, his hands clasped in his lap. He felt an urge to get up, walk out of the room, down the corridor, and to the small bedroom where they had put his wife – but instead, he kept himself seated properly. In the roughly twenty four hours since he’d been at the human spaceport, the AnComs had done what AnComs did best: Fabricate. The spaceport had been expanded outwards, with additional habitation domes and even a few small mansions set up in the blistering fast, eclectic style of the most populous human polity. With nanomachines and the patterns for literally millions of different kinds rooms that could be ‘snapped together’ with a few quick button presses on a GUI, they were able to create fantastical structures that rivaled the palace that Lou had been born in.
The fact that these structures had been built in hours rather than months did tarnish the impression slightly, to him.
“Well, I was thinking I was married and that I should be honest to my wife,” Lou said, watching as Father paused in his pacing. He frowned as he looked square at Lou. Lou looked square back – and knew that Father knew that he knew that Father had been unfaithful with Mother. And with an AnCom too.
Father frowned. “Louis, I am glad that you recall the foundational principals of our Kingdom, but you must also remember the subtler lessons as well. The AnComs can be blunt. We, by definition, cannot.” He frowned harder. “You should have recalled that.”
“We were discussing what humans are,” Lou said, sticking out his chin. “That’s what my role was to be, wasn’t it?”
Father rubbed his hand along his square jaw, turning to face the window. “Yes. But it was never my plan for you to be left so ... bereft of guidance.” He shook his head. “I didn’t expect the Bugs to take you off like that.” He sighed. “I am sorry for that, Louis, I am. And I am sorry about how ... stressful this has been.”
“You don’t need to apologize, father,” Lou said, standing up. “I am your son – and a Prince of the Star Kingdom. I know what my duty is.”
“Your duty...” Father nodded. “You managed to draw the Bugs back from their little...” He waved his hand. “Panic attack?”
“I think so,” Lou said. “I ... she ... that is, they...” He paused. “We’re still trying to figure out exactly how...” He blushed, then coughed.
“You did call her a wife without thinking,” Father murmured.
Lou’s blush deepened. “Y-Yes, well, that was a touch presumptive. My spouse ... doesn’t understand this marriage. But that’s all right – she ... they ... will.” He nodded. “And maybe your plan will work, Father. Maybe we will have peace...” He licked his lips – and was tempted to ask about Amy, about the fact that Father had cheated on his wife. Instead, he said: “I believe I should speak to my spouse, again. She ... should be able to focus on me again.”
Father nodded.
The corridor leading down to the medical ward that held his spouse contained Amy and GF, who both moved to Lou’s sides. Amy spoke, first. “She’s fine,” she said, nodding. “Biologically, I mean. This is actually the first living bug specimen we’ve actually managed to study up close and personally, it’s really fascinating. Did you know-” she stopped, then closed her eyes. “I mean. Sorry. She’s fine. She’s good, even. She was actually talking to us.”
“Oh, good. Thank you for checking on her,” Lou said, nodding, while GF leaned in close, whispering to him.
“Your dad was furious,” he said.
“Yeah, I noticed,” Lou said. “I ... won’t lie, I did kind of stick my foot in my own throat.”
“What happened, exactly?” GF asked, his brow furrowing.
“I...” Lou bit his lip. “I told her that humans are singular beings.”
“ ... oh...” GF winced.
“I don’t get it, why would she freak about that?” Amy asked, cocking her head.
“She didn’t know that humans were singular beings,” Lou said, quietly.
“ ... oh...” Amy said, in the exact same tone of voice as GF.
They came to the door leading into the medical bay, which opened obligingly. Inside, laying in the bed, was ... well, Lou’s wife. That was the only thing that sprang to Lou’s mind when he looked at her delicate four armed, moth winged body. She was dressed in a simple white shift that protected her modesty, with four sleeves and two holes cut in the back for her wings. Her head was rested upon a pillow, and she was looking up at the ceiling. But when Lou stepped into the room, she sat up. Her lips lifted into a smile, while her antennas twitched up. “Lou!” she said, then blushed. “God Fucker. Amy. I ... those are the designations for you two?” She asked, pointing at GF and Amy.
“You got it!” Amy said, giving her a thumbs up, while GF nodded.
“I am glad I got it right,” she said – then grabbed onto Lou and dragged him into the bed. Lou yelped, blushed, and squirmed all at once as she pressed her entire body against him, wrapping her legs around his hips, her lower arms around his belly, her upper arms around his shoulders. Her wings buzzed and she buried her nose against his neck, breathing in. She spoke, her voice muffled. “I am hugging Lou. I enjoy the tactile sensation of touching my husband and I missed it while he was away.”
“Nice,” GF said.
“Awww!” Amy clapped her hands over her chest.
Lou wanted to die of pure mortification.
Amy drew up a chair and sat down beside the bed, grinning. “S-So, Lou was telling us about how ... you ... um, well...” She coughed. “You have my forgiveness too.”
“You can give forgiveness as well?” Lou’s wife asked, cocking her head. “That is not something only Lou can provide?”
“And ... and this ... this is Endless Song Echoing Upon the Depths.” Lou had never seen a Upkin diplomat in the flesh before, not since he had first set foot on Earth what felt like weeks but was in actuality years before. But he had seen them on the screen and read about them in book and he had rather foolishly thought that he had maybe gotten at least a fraction of what it was like. He had told himself that it wouldn’t be too shocking, if he mentally prepared himself. I’m really dumb...
“No, I do not have a knife, my lady,” Lou said, his voice somehow not managing to fall into giggles once more. But it was hard to resist the urge. His wife, Beatrice Benoit, a seven hundred million year old hive mind with her consciousness spread across three solar systems and several trillion bioforms, had managed to get her latest body stuck fast into a few strands of spiderwebbing. This made sense, considering her latest bioform was a spider: Six arms, two legs, eight eyes which fanned out...
Five days into the voyage, with the foundations for the cabin finished and the roof going up today, and Lou was beginning to feel a mite guilty about the fact that he had never told his wife what being transgender actually meant. It was one of the things about being married to an alien – especially an alien so ... well, alien from the human norms. Beatrice had absorbed a huge amount of information about the human race, and was learning more every day as the lighthugger slowly accelerated out...
“This is decidedly unpleasant...” Beatrice groaned. Lou sighed, looking up at the ceiling as he tried to let the headache that was filling his skull ease. But it was hard. The past three days, he had been doing nothing – not enjoying his lovely wife, not reclining in the idle comfort of pastoral life aboard an interstellar starship, not even trying to think about how he planned to handle resuming his normal duties as a prince once the lighthugger had reached the SOL system. No. Instead of...
“You absolute bastard!” Lou snarled, stepping forward – but a pair of Federal marines in power armor were there to grab him and slam him back down into a chair. Their metal gauntlets were shockingly gentle, considering their enhanced strength, but Lou still felt terribly impotent in their grip. His hands tightened into fists and he glared at Admiral Bosch, who shook his head slowly, looking sad. “That is the problem with you Neopolitans. You’re so sentimental. Embracing tradition for...
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Sister Megan entered the sanctuary, her drab dress obscuring the shapely ass and perky tits that Father Cameron jerked off to every night. Beneath her habit, she winked at Father and smiled seductively. “Why don’t we try something new tonight?” she whispered into his ear, leaning up against him with his shoulder between her boobs. She felt his rock solid dick against her thigh, and was about to reach underneath all the priest-garb and give him a massage when Father Lawrence, the boring...
It was Brian’s first week on the new job. He was fresh out of college and had just hired on with a well-known shipping company as a delivery driver. Wednesday morning he pulled into the parking lot of the distribution center, clocked in and picked up his delivery papers for that morning. He thumbed through them to get a feel for where he was headed that day and as he flipped through the pages, the business name, “Forbidden Pleasures” caught his eye. Forbidden Pleasures was an adult novelty...
EroticHey, guys, I’m back with another story for you guys, it’s been a long time since I wrote my last story so I will try to make this more interesting and hot for you guys. So this time I would like to tell you about this year’s summer vacations when I visited my cousin brother in haldwani(it’s a little town in uttrakhand) and how I ended up having sex with my bhabhi. But before that, I would like you a little about myself and my bhabhi. Well I am a 20 yr old guy with a heavy body but a big cock at...
IncestChapter 4: Ms. UberThe alarm went off at 7 a.m. Surprisingly, I had slept relatively hard the past two and a half hours. I hopped out of bed, changed into a suit, and put my luggage by the door. Airport parking would rape me over a three-week stay, so I decided not to load up the Benz. My alternative was Uber. I set up a request through the Uber app for 9 a.m.I’ve still got enough time to eat and tidy up.Soon enough, my Uber driver was out front. Nice car! I thought, as a black Lincoln...
IncestShe opened the door with baited breath knowing it was him. “Hello Aunty , mom told to give you this. ” All of 21 he seemed the typical mamma’s boy. Except that she found the messy hair and weird fake smile extremely attractive. Her husband had gone out on work.He would be back in only a few days. “Is didi at home Akhil? I shall thank her personally. ” ” Na na. they went out for some land work to the village. Its just me at home. ” ” oh, then come in akhil have lunch with me.” He sat himself on...
Nervously I leaned in for our first kiss. Kisses and kissing are tremendously important, they’re a doorway into the type of person and lover you will be. I especially love soft and sensuous kisses, building in intensity and urgency, with fingers entwined in hair, pulling a partner tight to your lips as the excitement gets too much to control. The sensation of hands roving for the first time over a fresh body, the promise and potential of things to come and enjoy. Drink in the intense feelings a...
SeductionIt was a typical Sunday morning, I lean over and kiss my longtime girlfriend Amanda on the cheek and get up to use the restroom. As I'm getting dressed I look towards the bed and see Amanda starting to get dressed. She is roughly 5'6" with an athletic build with blonde hair down to her shoulders. She starts putting her red and black sports bra to hold those perfect B cup breasts with beautiful pink nipples, not to large not to small. Bucky our golden retriever is anxiously sitting by our...
I’ve always enjoyed sex with any woman who is into it as much as I am. No matter how we have to go about pleasuring each other just as long as we can do it and we enjoy it as we are doing it. But through the years I have been thinking of trying new things with new people. I don’t mean fucking new women that I have not been with, I am talking about crossing the line and feeling the feelings that happen when a man pleasures another man. A man sucking a man and being fucked by that same man. Or it...
Can’t beat a mail-order wife! Just ask today’s Hubby, who you may remember. He was married to Katrina Jade, who he shared generously with some of his pals. Well, that relationship didn’t work out, nor has any of the relationships he’s had with American women. So, he went online and “ordered” a wife! Enter Sharon Lee, who has no problems with doing the dishes and cleaning the house and doing the wash and ironing clothes! Sharon will still give blowjobs to...
xmoviesforyouLizzy was in here early 20's she was a slim size 8 with a tiny wait and curvaceous bum. She was about 5ft8 and had long brunette hair. Lizzy was newly single and had just started working in a bar in her local town. Lizzy longed for something different and exciting.Then one day whilst she was working at the bar she was informed by her boss that a new doorman/bouncer was going to start at the bar working on the doors. Lizzy was asked to show the doorman around so he could see the layout of he...
What time do those legs open? They open right now, Sadie is on the bench and she’s surrounded. The time for talk is over, now it’s time to get it on. The #Cocksmen are chomping at the bit, so they get her on her back, and get her pussy in their mouthes. She’s a little bit of a screamer so the guys are on mouth duty all day, making sure she doesn’t bring the house down. That’s okay though, a cock fits perfectly inside her weenie washing machine. As they go around...
xmoviesforyouRocky Mtn. Road TripPart ThreeAfter we got back on the bikes and back on the road again Mark spotted a bar with alot of Harley's out front and we pulled in looking for some lunch.This was a pretty normal biker bar. They had two pool tables, lots of stools at the bar itself and small tables and chairs around the stage. Yeah, they had a low stage right next to the juke box and right in the middle of the stage was a gold plated pole. Very much like the ones I used to dance on in my younger...
I'd been up since 5 because the chore list of housework was a little longer than normal and because this was an extremely busy day for my wife, too.She had pilates at the gym starting at 7, coffee and breakfast with a couple of her pilates friends at the gym cafe afterward, which wouldn't put her home until about 9:30 or so, followed by a post-workout massage; then a shower before going out for a lunch date with her boyfriend Brad. No telling how long they'd be out, but I was prepared to do...
My father is a certified DILF as I've heard from my friends. From the time I was a little girl I'd always thought my daddy was handsome and he spoils me wonderfully. I remember the day I first witnessed him naked. It was a moment I'll never forget, I was walking out of my room and the bathroom door was opened.He'd just stepped out of the shower and his body was glistening with steam and his cock...Oh god. It was so fucking huge and powerful. I wanted to fuck him right then and there. Ever since...
Bill’s turn: Did anyone ever explain to you that a power plant is noisy and hot? The thing is, there’s a lot of big machinery running, lots of electrical power being generated, which all has to go through conductors, transformers, and control devices. Any time you push current through conductors, you get heat, and big power means big heat, both the waste from the energy going in and losses from the energy going out. And nobody in his right mind would try to cool that mess down to acceptable...
Continuation of “Forbidden in Salinas – Pt.1” Chapter 7: The morning after. The beam of sunlight through the bedroom window made Rachel stirred. Drowsily, she placed her arms across her face to block out the irritating glare. As she moved her other arm to her side, she touched something. Grudgingly, her senses began to focus and she forced her eyes to open. The image of a naked man lying in her bed almost made her jump in shock. Looking at him, she realized that it was Daniel. ...
Part Four When I awoke, I realised four things. Firstly, we had slept for over an hour. Secondly, Mike had rolled me off him and had pulled me back into a delicious spooning. Next, the tops of my legs were stuck together from the copious amounts of goo which had obviously trickled from me and finally, I had a Cheshire Cat grin which I couldnt wipe from my face. I slowly lifted my lover and brothers arm off me and made my way to the bathroom. I stepped into the shower to freshen myself up and...
An ex Mistress gets revengeWell it all started after splitting up with my ex. We had grown apartover the last few years and I eventually moved out getting my own place.Me and Betty meet about ten years ago online when I was single andsearching for a femdom Mistress. After a few months of light chattingback and fourth between us, she had me drive the 100 miles to meet her.She asked me what I had going on for the weekend and I told her nothing.She gave me a time to meet her if I was serious and...
The mood had definitely been broken. She felt sleepy when they re-entered the empty cabin. Ashriel held her close and kissed her languorously. “You look tired,” he said, his deep voice giving her chills. She smiled and murmured, “It’s been quite a day, sweetie.” With one hand, he pulled the comforter from her body and then gestured for her to climb on the huge bed. She watched him climb in after her, his naked body moving with masculine grace, typical for Seraphs. He was poetry in motion...
Fantasy & Sci-FiAs the movie went on, I decided I would make my move, and with my arm already wrapped around her shoulder, I lowered my hand to attempt and grab hold of her right tit. “Not now, Miles”, she said, brushing my hand away. I silently sighed and rolled my eyes, not wanting to agitate her. Carefully, I began to lower my hand again, this time, making sure she would only think of my sudden action as an accident, by yawning, and stretching my arm. Then, after doing so, I let my hand fall freely...
So when i was 20 in college, I was still a virgin. I ended up meeting this very pretty girl (Laura) which I found out had a huge crush on me! So I thought this was my chance to pop my cherry. We started hanging out over the following weeks and started to get to know each other better. Up until this point I assumed i had an average cock and that I would be fine, little did I know that my so called "average" cock was below average and would be my curse to this day lol. The time came for us to...
Hi fellas, this is Ronn again from Delhi with a new story which involves me & my maths teacher (Ankita). Thanks to this wonderful platform where we can share our hidden desires and secrets. About me, I’m a normal guy from Delhi with a 5-inch tool and the lady in the story is Ankita who is from Delhi. She was 24 years old with fair complexion and vital stats of 34-30-32. This is an old story when I was in 11th class and being a student who’s always having fun around and was poor in studies, my...
Larry Says: From the moment Stacey moved into our neighbourhood, I felt something intense and beguiling about her. It was an innocent observation as she was far too young and when she first move in, my life was in turmoil. I didn’t really think that I’d have the opportunity to watch her beauty develop as she grew into a woman. She lives down the street and when she moved in she would have been 13 or 14, and I would see her walking off to school with another of the neighbourhood girls. For some...
This is based off a role plau I had with two friends who are subs. As I walked along the sands of the beach with My partner, who is also my pet. We come across a barely clothed young lady. Her skin blue from being out in the night air and constant motion of the waves rolling up her body. We help her up and take he back to my place. We nurse her back to health and in the process begine to learn her language. In my nature I asked if she would be part of Mine and dani's life style. With a bit of...
What am I doing? What have I done?, Belle thought as she pulled into her driveway. Then she noticed that David's car wasn't in his side of the garage. When she entered the kitchen she looked around and saw that it was spotless. He must have cleaned up, which she had to admit was nice to come home to. Right after walking out the front door she had completely forgotten about the mess she had caused by preparing the meal. She looked around the kitchen and realized that there was no note, no...
The twins who lived next door were sixteen years old, like my son, Toby, but they were a year behind him, about to become juniors in high school. One was a boy, one a girl, and they spent zero time with Toby. It seems a school year makes a big difference at that age.You might already know me, Lauren, from what I’ve written in the Mom’s Laptop series of stories. And from the pictures I’ve posted and refuse to blush about. The twins, though, Haley and Danny, will be new to you, as they mostly...
IncestWhen I saw the first time the cartoons of Robert, Damian, Quoom, Archimboldo (which I still adore), in my fantasy the scenes b Montagsfolter (deutsch) Gl?cklich ist, wer Hobby und Beruf verbinden kann. Sie kommen am Montagmorgen etwas sp?ter in die Zentrale, weil sie Wochenenddienst gemacht und sogar ?berstunden bis sp?t in die Nacht geleistet haben. Aber es war auch zu sch?n gewesen! Allerdings nicht f?r ihr Opfer, eine dunkel gelockte, sehr ansehnliche junge Frau. Nun ja, jetzt nicht mehr seh...
You're name is Kjalar Vidarsson. You are the first Icelandic male tennis player to compete at the Australian Open. Having just turned 18 years of age you are ranked 51st in the World. You have successfully qualified for the first round of the Australian Open. Your first match is against the 12th seed Curtis Sanderson of Great Britain. Your younger sister Kveta is also playing in the tournament. She just turned 18 a week ago and is ranked 47th in the world. For someone her age she has a very...
I awoke to the feeling of covers slipping off me in the warm twin bed in my friend's room. Opening my eyes, I saw the ample breasts of my friend's mother, loosely covered by red silk as she tucked herself under the comforter beside me and pulled it back over us. The warmth of her body laying against me was intoxicating and strange. I was a little startled, but didn't move as her presence was both unexpected and exciting. I felt her hand laying on my hip, slowly reaching around to touch my butt...
Allan stared at the brightly lit mirror as he adjusted his bow tie. It seemed as if the face of a stranger stared back at him. The door opened as his manager strode in. A brief wisp of discordant music came in and abruptly ceased as the door snapped shut. “Did you see the review? Here .. ‘Flawless technique.” And this one, “Unsurpassed precision, yet lacking.’ Another referred to you as a music machine. ‘Perfection without emotion.’ Do you think you could at least try to smile tonight?”...
I love to read...and not just erotica! I went to the library this afternoon and grabbed a few books from the "New" shelves. Not having heard of some of the authors, I sat down on one of the couches at the back of the library. It's one of my favorite places to read. The rounded back wall is an expanse of tinted windows that overlooks a beautiful park. There's even a covered veranda with tables, for days like today when the weather is nice. Unless I'm sitting and talking with someone, though, I...
VoyeurHi all, Rahul is back again to share one more sex experience. Mallika and I, used to have phone sex whenever we get free time. On Thursday evening, Mallika informed to meet at manthri mall. As we were known well to each other, we spoke freely. I asked Mallika, “what is the purpose of meeting?” She said to wait some time. After 20 minutes, one more lady joined us. Mallika introduced her as Shabhana, working as manager in a private firm. Shabana was wearing formals white shirt and a mini skirt...
A guy goes fishing every Saturday morning. He gets up early and eager, makes his lunch, hooks up his boat and off he goes, all day long. Well, one Saturday morning he gets up early, dresses quietly, gets his lunch made, puts on his long johns, grabs the dog and goes to the garage to hook up his boat to the truck and down the driveway he goes. As he is coming out of his garage rain is pouring down, it is like a torrential downpour. There is snow mixed in with the rain, and the wind is blowing...
We decided to take the 4 wheeler for a spin. He starts it up and I climb on behind him and wrap my arms tightly around his waist, pushing my chest against his back. We ride for a little while, enjoying the sights of the forest and the sound of the 4 wheeler. I enjoy the closeness of us. The roar of the engine and the vibrations are turning me on. I can start to feel the dampness in my panties. He pulls off to the side of the trail and cuts the engine. I get off to try to stretch my legs and...
Hot, lingerie-clad blonde Misha Maver loves showing off for the camera. The wicked sex star struts and poses for director Proxy Paige, indulging in kinky anal masturbation. Misha jams a glass dildo into her rectum and then flaunts her stretched sphincter, fingering her cunt simultaneously. Before long, Angelo Godshack and Damien Soup arrive for a threesome. The decadent studs dine on her cunt and kiss her, to start. Then they fuck-slam her slit and ream her throat. Action escalates with intense...
xmoviesforyouWhen I married Amy, I didn't really know what I was letting myself in for. I didn't realise I was virtually marrying her sister Jill as well. Well, that's what it felt like. You see, when I first met Amy, Jill's husband Ron was on a company posting in Singapore. Ron works for some bank in the city and they had sent him out there for a few years. Apparently he was in for a big promotion when he returned. Jillian had gone with him, of course, so when I met Amy and fell in love with her, I...
Richard shook himself out of his stupor as he saw Emily taking Sandra into her arms on the floor. "What happened?" Emily asked repeatedly, but Sandra just stared off wildly in shock, breathing in ragged spurts. She was barely able to breathe, let alone talk. Richard picked up the phone from the floor. "Cosa sta succedendo?" his father asked, coming closer to Sandra. Richard ignored him. "Hello?" "Hello? Who is this?" the voice asked urgently. "This is Richard." "Oh, Richard...
I sat sunning myself on the deck, which was right above Wilson's bed. I considered playing the radio with hard rock full blast. I hated that if left to his own devices, he could sleep till noon. I would be willing to bet that for the almost two weeks I was gone, he slept till noon every day. I didn't have a radio that I could play on the deck, so I couldn't rag on him. I made a mental note to buy one. I hated to miss an opportunity to rag on Wilson. I ate my biscuit and drank my coffee,...
I don't really know if people read these stories or not but im going to write it in hopes that you all do read it. About me I'm Blake Manor and I have (at this stage) an amazingly beautiful girlfriend called Lizzy (Elizabeth). I live in Buckinghamsire with both of my parents and life is really good to me having wealthy parents can have that effect on life. I'm a male that is 6 foot tall and is 10 stone in weight. I have black hair, brown eyes, pearl white teeth and im white in skin colour...
I look at the figures dropping into our apartment from the hole above in fear. They moan and limp slowly towards our little camp. I move my hands slowly to grab my baseball bat. They didn't notice because zombies have extremely bad eyesight and have a keen sense of smell instead. However, the zombie's keen smell won't usually work due to their own stench of rotting meat. As they got closer i examined them, there were 3 normal rotting zombies and another zombie with a broken leg...
I have been viewing a lot of stories from quit some time and now I want to share one my experience with you. This story happened with me a few years ago. My name is Nick Gates and at that time I was working in abroad since a long time and I was having a girlfriend, who was living with me at that time. One day I got a fax from my father in India and it said that my mother is in hospital so come soon. So after I received this fax I talked to my father and he was crying, I told him that I am...
EroticIf you ever want to live out a fantasy then this is the place to be. You see it all began while I was out hanging with my girls. On this particular night we decided to go bar hopping. We finally settled on this spot called the Tango Sweet. It sort of reminded me of a lush hotel. The exception being that it was an extravagant ballroom party. After dancing non-stop for about seven songs the girls and me plopped our ass at the sports bar and ordered our drinks. It was then that I noticed people...
It was like luck had struck, except not quite. Marti was definitely the hottest of the handful of girlfriends I'd had. Her parents kept her on a tight leash, but times she chewed through it, she was the one yanking up her shirt to shove her tits in my face. Once we were free to do that, having gained a private moment, she was always eager and anxious for me to get her panties off. Marti loved it when I got to play with her pussy. Beginning with my fingers, and then stirring in the...
True story. Also my first on here.Not too long ago, I found myself in an interesting situation. I was working on my AA degree and while in class made some friends, all female. Now, to be perfectly honest, my luck with women hasn't been the greatest. I was friends with four girls in my class and when our schedules allowed it, we would have lunch together. Two sister, both a little older than me, a slightly chubby girl my age, and another, older hispanic woman. After getting to know each other...
"Are you sure, Tavi?" Diana asked. April waited by the black SUV. Elis watched Diana and me through a back window. There was something unsure about the way Diana looked at me. "Are you siding with April?" I asked. "Gonna stash me somewhere safe." She stared at me. "This is bullshit," I said. "You know the best thing that could happen is the Russians come here." She nodded slowly. Looking back at the SUV, Diana's features hardened. She reached out and stroked my face from temple...
Just got home from a day of wet saggy pussy,a funny day in lots of ways in how it all worked out but i`ve got to share this one with you.They say `every holes a goal` at our local dogging meets and today i really shouldn`t have but i was turned on and given no choice.I was called to test some electrics in a wardend block of flats,only 12 flats and it was for over 65`s.The first one i went to was some old irish guy playing Daniel O`fuckin Donnell all morning long,i couldn`t get out fast enough.I...
My Ex-wife back in the mid 70's. One of my Ex-wife’s and my friend would stop by and visit from time to time when in town. His name was Jerry. Jerry was the kind of guy that didn’t have a steady girlfriend. So Jerry would always be hitting on all the girls. Jerry would use every trick in the book and ever ploy and angle he could to get close to all the girls. Jerry would love to stop bye and break out some crystal or a little smoke and some booze. Jerry liked stopping by our house because of my...
Roman HolidayorA Connecticut Yankee in Caligula’s Courtby [email protected] 1“Brandi!” shouted Diana with exasperation in her voice. “Come over here!”Diana shook her head in disbelief at what she had just seen. But as the captain of the lacrosse team, she had to do something about it. She couldn’t afford to let something like that happen in a game. It could get a player kicked out of the game which would be bad for the team. And this year, Saxbury College had a very good...
“Washing your breasts feels so nice, Bell. I can see why boys obsess about them,” said Ariel. She gazed at Bell’s hard pink nipples as her hands slipped over the brunette’s soapy breasts. “So much more fun than washing my own.”“You’re such a slut, Ariel,” said Bell. She nodded over Ariel’s shoulder. “Why don’t you get Jasmine clean while I wash your back.”Ariel pushed her thumbs across Bell’s nipples a little harder than she needed to, causing Bell to suck in air and shudder at the sensation....
HardcoreAs usual, I don't have any idea where this one came from. "Happy birthday, bro." It was a paid subscription to a dating service. A really high priced service, with guarantees of strict confidentiality and carefully screened members. I wasn't smiling. She saw. "Come on now, don't be like that. It's been fourteen months. Have you even gone on a date since then?" "That's your business how, exactly?" She stood up and towered over me. Man I hated that. Being eight inches shorter...
Back in the 2002 S Club Juniors were supporting S Club 7 on their UK Tour. Working as camera man for thier behind-the-scenes tour DVD wasnt the best job id ever had. The girls in S Club 7 were all hot, and being the behind-the-scenes camera man meant i spent a lot of time in their dressing room. Obviously i never got to see any of them nude but plenty of times they were in thier underwear. Rachel Stevens was my favourite, she was 24 in 2002 and absolutely stunning. All of the guys working on...
Introduction: I get a call in the small hours of Easter morning from my best friends daughter. Shes stuck at a frat party with two of her friends and is getting scared. I rush to help her out and find them drunk and all dressed in bunny outfits. Easter used to mean chocolate candy eggs laid by a magic bunny. But that was when I was a kid. Now it was just a Sunday that I got to sleep in for. I was deep into doing just that when my cell phone woke me up far earlier that I would have liked, even...