Drawn Hentai
- 1 year ago
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What am I doing? What have I done?, Belle thought as she pulled into her driveway. Then she noticed that David's car wasn't in his side of the garage. When she entered the kitchen she looked around and saw that it was spotless. He must have cleaned up, which she had to admit was nice to come home to. Right after walking out the front door she had completely forgotten about the mess she had caused by preparing the meal. She looked around the kitchen and realized that there was no note, no David... nothing.
It was getting late and she knew that the car that was to pick her up for the airport would arrive early the next morning. Everything was ready to go; all she would have to do is pack the last minute items in the morning after showering. Her guilty conscience struggled with what she had done but also she felt confused by the fact that David wasn't home. Where was he? What exactly was he doing?
She got ready for bed. One second she was hoping that David would get home soon and the next she was hoping he wouldn't. Her mind and heart were in turmoil and she really wondered if meeting Jeffrey had been a bad thing or if it happened at the right time, given what David might be doing. But why had she cheated on David? Was it because she suspected that he was cheating on her or was it because she felt so strongly for Jeffrey? She felt it was more one than the other but it was terrifying to her to realize which one had guided her.
As the time drifted by she felt exhaustion set in caused by the day events and finally sleep overtook her. Her last thoughts were not about David. They were about Jeffrey as she was remembering what he felt like on top of her and inside. The vibrant memory of how she tingled when his hands caressed her flesh, the taste of him and his masculine scent wouldn't end.
Her alarm went off earlier than her normal workday and she leapt from bed. David was lying beside her asleep and the noise of the alarm going off caused him to groan and stir. She switched the annoying sound off and walked quickly to the bathroom to get ready to leave.
The hot shower was reviving to her body and mind. She finished packing the last few items in her makeup bag and she had just brushed her teeth when David came lumbering into the bathroom.
"Good morning, Sweetheart," he said before kissing the top of her strawberry-blonde head.
"Good morning, David," she replied. His dark hair was messy and his face had a day growth of stubble etching it. She had no idea what time he had gotten home and thought about asking him but decided not to. It would have to wait because she had a tight schedule to keep.
"Are you still upset with me?"
"I don't know what I am right now." She paused, collecting her thoughts, trying to avoid questions about his whereabouts or who he had been with. "We barely see each other with how busy you are with your business and errands," she said putting an emphasis on the last word. "And now here I am running off on my first out-of-town business trip. I was hoping to spend a nice evening together and that was spoiled." Then she thought back to the night before and the way it seemed like Kismet that she was at the home site and Jeffrey showed up, forcing her to talk about her problems. She felt so weak having caved so quickly to her desires for Jeffrey. Given what she had done she felt she had no right to judge David. Even if he was cheating, she was no better and because of that she felt guilty.
"I know. I'm sorry now that I ran off. If I had taken one second to think about it like that I wouldn't have. I would have loved to have a nice evening with you and lately we haven't been able to. I will make sure to change that when you get back. This weekend is just for you and me. No business."
"Really?" she asked, turning around to face him looking dumbfounded.
"Really. I owe you more than that and I know I've been an ass lately. I've been so stressed because of the expansion of my business. You tell me to be happy with what I have but I never seem to be."
She arched her brow in reaction to his last statement, wondering just what he meant by it. Did he mean his business or did he mean everything including her?
"Okay. I'll make sure that this weekend is just for you and me."
"Especially Sunday."
"Why especially Sunday?"
"You'll see. Just promise me that this weekend you won't need to run to a site or complete some drawing."
Site? Did he know where she went last night? Her heart was pounding with fear. But if he did know he would probably be angry but he wasn't. Would he be upset? If he was doing the same thing on the sly would he have a right? He seemed sincere and sweet so she reeled in her nerves.
"I promise, this weekend is ours."
"Great." He pulled her into a kiss. It was soft and sensual and yet she felt something was missing. "Have a safe trip. Knock 'em dead."
"Thanks. I will." she said with a giggle. He was being sweet and tender. Was it just a normal cycle for David or was there more to it?
It was then that she realized that guessing and wondering wasn't going to answer a damned thing for her. It was then that she knew that she had made a decision; she was going to hire a private investigator to put the questions to bed, so to speak. With her gone on a business trip David would be completely alone and if he was, in fact, cheating he wouldn't have to sneak around as much. If she did hire one she would know for sure and could make a decision one way or another.
It took a few trips for her to take her bags downstairs so that she could wait for the car. She grabbed her cell phone to call Jeffrey to see if he knew of a good P.I. in the area. Why was she calling him for this issue, she wondered?
Then it occurred to her that the majority of her friends were also friends with David, and if she asked them for the name of a good P.I. then she would have to go into a lengthy explanation as to why she was doing it and what she suspected. If they knew of his possible indiscretion then her veil of secrecy would be torn away. Yes, Jeffrey was really the only person she could turn to that wasn't a friend of David's.
She tried to call Jeffrey's cell phone but the voicemail picked up. Surely she couldn't really ask him for that information with David still in the house anyway? What if he overheard? How would she explain it away? Still she needed to find out how she could get in touch with Jeffrey so that she could eventually ask him for the information. She hung up the phone, deciding not to leave a message before pulling out the business card he gave her the night they met. She dialed the number to his office.
"Good morning. Revitacorp. How may I direct your call?"
"Hello. May I speak with Jeffrey Winslow."
"I'm sorry, ma'am, Mr. Winslow is on a business trip."
"I know he's leaving today. My name is Annabelle Daescher and I will be going on this trip with Mr. Winslow. I was trying his cell phone but there was no answer. I have a question for him and was hoping you could direct me to the best way to get in touch with him."
"He left earlier this morning on his private jet."
"He did?"
"Yes, ma'am. I know that a car will be by to pick you up for the airport very soon but Mr. Winslow had to fly out ahead of schedule to take care of some things. If his phone is off it might be because his plane is landing. Try him again later; I'm sure he will be available then."
"Thank you so much. Goodbye."
She closed her flip phone feeling disappointed that she wouldn't be sitting next to Jeffrey on the plane whether it be private or commercial. Perhaps she was looking forward to seeing him this morning more than she thought. Was it because of their intimate act? Did she want to make sure she hadn't imagined it? After a hefty sigh she put her phone away.
"What's wrong, Belle?" David asked her from the top of the stairs.
She was startled by his question. He was home and she knew that, and because of that she was glad that Jeffrey hadn't answered his phone.
"Nothing. It's my first business trip and I'll be going alone. I don't really like flying. Maybe I'm nervous about it."
While walking down the stairs, dressed and ready for the office, David flashed a sympathetic smile.
"Try to think about something else if you feel uneasy. Take a book or listen to music."
"I will."
She heard a car pull into the driveway so she picked up some of her bags.
"Let me help you with those, honey."
"Thanks," she replied, smiling at her fiancé. He was being so sweet. Were all her suspicions wrong? Had she been the only one that had slept with someone else? Was she over reacting? Or was he anxious to send her off?
Williams was about to knock when Belle opened the door.
"Hello, Ms. Daescher. I'm here to take you to the airport. Mr. Winslow had some urgent business to attend to first thing so he flew out a few hours ago. He asked me to let you know that he will meet you when you land."
"Okay, thank you."
"I can help her with her bags, sir," the driver said to David who was waiting to carry her bags to the car.
"I don't mind. I'd like to say goodbye," he flashed Belle a smile and winked at her.
They walked to the Cadillac together and the driver opened the trunk so that David and Belle could deposit her luggage. The driver closed the trunk and held the door for her. Before she climbed into the car, David spun her around on her black heels to face him.
"I'll miss you. I can't wait to spend the weekend with you alone." His words dripped with sexual meaning and his eyes burned into hers. He planted a possessive kiss on her mouth.
It felt like he was taking more than giving and yet she felt her body react with her nether lips beginning to drip with juices. When he overtook her like this she always melted. Was she with him because he was so strong and forceful?
"I look forward to this weekend too," she forced herself to say breathlessly when their kiss broke.
With a wave and a smile he shut the door and the car pulled out of the driveway. Once they had gotten down the street, away from the house, her mind shifted from the weekend to getting a private detective to find out the truth. Once again she dialed her cell phone to call Jeffrey. This time it didn't go directly to voice mail; it rang.
"Hello. Jeffrey Winslow speaking."
"Hello, Jeffrey. It's me, Belle."
"Belle? Belle? That doesn't sound familiar. Do I know a Belle?"
For a second she sat there with her mouth open but uttered nothing. When she heard him chuckle on the other end of the phone she realized that he was obviously joking with her but had caught her off guard.
"Okay, Mr. Funny Guy. You got me."
He laughed harder and replied, "I'm sorry. I couldn't resist. I'm in such a good mood and just hearing your voice made me smile. I love the sound of your voice. Did you know that? It's the sexiest voice I've ever heard." Her stomach was flopping around with each compliment he paid her. "Now what could've put me in such a good mood? Let me think. Was it breakfast? No I didn't have anything but coffee on the go and it was horrible. Was it business? Actually, business is going well so that does help. But no, that's not it. I know what it is. I made love to the most amazing woman last night. Can I tell you about it?"
By then her heart was banging in her chest like a tribal drum before a war. The smile on her face hurt and her cheeks were flushed with embarrassment. She felt so alive when he spoke to her and when she heard his voice.
"It sounds like it was amazing. I'm sure I could imagine it quite vividly. Maybe you can tell me all about it when you see me." She giggled, feeling like a school girl all the while her panties filled because of the thought of being within his grasp again. "Right now I have a favor to ask you."
"Anything, Belle. For you... the world."
It was something about they way he said it that brought chills to her. But she didn't doubt he meant it. She felt at that second that if she asked for the world that Jeffrey would fight to get it for her. When she was near him she felt like there wasn't a cloud in the sky, like she was always walking in sunshine... day or night. He had a laid-back, easy way about him and the twinkle in his eye always caused her to ache with need.
I should have been a little more specific when I was talking to Julie. She took my invitation literally and two days later she showed up at my office. I was on a conference call still dealing with the fallout from Moorman Industry's demise when I saw Julie, Danielle and Belinda standing in the doorway. I lost my train of thought immediately and I couldn't seem to regain it even after they saw I was busy and left. When I finally was able to get off the phone I found the three women...
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"Good morning, morning glory," Jeffrey's voice soothingly said causing Belle's eyes to flutter open. She could feel kisses lightly brushing her cheek and down to her neck. Then the memory of the night before swept back to her. They had made love two more times before falling asleep in each other's arms. "I'd ravish your body again if we didn't have to fly out so early this morning." "Don't make promises if you can't keep them, bud," she replied teasingly. "I will keep this...
When the car pulled up into the drive and the hotel came into view, Belle was taken aback. It was breathtaking. Atop a hill was a medieval castle made of stone, with stained glass windows and majestic meandering gardens. She felt she was stepping back in time. "What do you think?" Jeffrey asked, curiously watching her expression. "It's fantastic!" "Are you happy that we're staying another night?" "Well, yeah," she replied. Then his question struck her and she turned to him,...
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Tara did not go quietly into that good night — or good morning. Julie told her that if she wanted a ride to the airport or the train station Julie would call her a cab or I would drive her. "Does the train even run on Sundays?" Tara asked Julie. Julie, in turn, looked at me. "How would I know?" I asked. "Do I look like I work for Amtrak?" Julie stuck her tongue out. "You seem to know about so many arcane things, I suspected you might know this, too," she said with a grin. I gave...
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The hot shower was refreshing and she emerged from the bathroom hearing talking from the hallway. Dressed only in her short, silk, periwinkle robe she began to walk toward the voices that she now realized were coming from the foyer below. "Hello?" she called down the stairwell. "Oh, honey. The ladies are here for you. Are you ready?" "Yes, send them up." She turned away from the hall and re-entered the master bedroom. The conversation below ended and she heard the footsteps of the...
They had been at the party for only an hour and already David had splintered off from her a few times. She wasn't surprised that he jumped at the chance to talk about business with Dominic Winslow and some of the other men. In an effort to show support she kept following him around but was quickly tiring of their discussion. Across the room she saw a few people she recognized and left her fiancé and the businessmen. The people that she worked her way toward could loosely be termed friends...
In the foyer she stood nervously waiting for Jeffrey, wondering if it was such a good idea for her to be alone with him. She didn't trust herself, and could she trust him? He was so attractive and magnetic. Not to mention the fact that she seemed constantly aroused by him, just from his presence. Just when she was about to change her mind and find David, Jeffrey entered, greeting her with a warm smile. "There you are, are you ready to go?" "Yes," she replied, her nerves causing her...
Tuesday morning was a sun-filled day and work was... well, it was work. Belle had plenty of projects to keep her busy, which always pleased her since boredom was not an option for her. In college she had had an internship with a small firm and had to find things to do. It was annoying because she hated having idle hands. Marcus Architects & Engineers continued to grow and she loved it, the busier the better. Occasionally she put some thought into the future and what she would want to do...
"It's wonderful to see you again, Belle. You look amazing, as always." His compliment warmed her in a way she had never felt before. She felt like a little girl earning her father's praise with such words. "It's lovely to see you again, Jeffrey. You also look great." "Thanks." "I'm grateful that you considered me and my firm for so many of your projects. I'm honored that you thought so much of me, not even having seen my work." "Don't thank me yet, I'm a tough and...
They spent the rest of the afternoon walking through the properties and discussing plans. Belle took notes and Jeffrey promised to get her the original floor plans for the warehouse. She made a note to have one of the other designers visit the house in order to take measurements and photographs since no plans were available for it. The house had been their last stop and she didn't realize how much time had passed until she glanced at her watch. It was six o'clock and her stomach echoed the...
Belle's eyes opened, looking into the dark room. Why did she wake? What time was it? A glance at the clock through sleepy eyes showed that it was 1:06 AM. When she rolled over she noticed that David's side of the bed was empty and cold. That's when she saw the warm glow of the bathroom light seeping through the gap below the door. She climbed from the bed and grabbed her satin robe. Then she walked to the door and slowly pressed it open. There was David drying himself after a shower. He...
David left the house after Belle had gotten dressed and walked into the kitchen. On the way out the back door he mumbled something about being gone for a couple of hours to run some 'errands'. She ran to the door to catch him before he got to his car. "I'll have dinner ready in two hours. Will you be back then?" "I should be." "Okay, bye." Once back in the kitchen she went to work preparing dinner. She pulled out some fresh chicken breasts from the refrigerator and breaded them...
Belle's cell phone rang causing Jeffrey to pull away from her and let go of his hold on her hips. Timing is everything, she thought. She frantically tried to pull the phone out of the pocket of her coat, that she had hung over the bedpost. The interruption was what she needed to regain some semblance of control. When she answered the phone she was surprised to hear that it was Richard Ericson, the P.I. He said that he would continue to tail David for the next day and a quarter but had...
Belle and Jeffrey had no sooner entered the suite than her cell phone began to ring in her laptop bag. They looked at each other and she knew it was David. She really didn't want to talk to him now. He hadn't been available when she called him, for reasons she suspected were similar to what she had just been doing with Jeffrey. Should she answer it? While the debate went on in her head, the phone stopped ringing. She exhaled in relief that she didn't have to try to talk to him with...
Morning came too quickly and so did the realization that she would have to face the inevitable. Belle still had no proof that David was having an affair and no knowledge of how she should discuss it. The room was quiet except for the sound of Jeffrey whistling in the bathroom. She stretched leisurely, encased by the soft folds of the bedding, wishing she could stay forever inside the room with him. However, since admitting her feelings for Jeffrey she felt she could face anything and be...
Almost a week had passed since Belle had returned from her business trip with Jeffrey. The plans were underway for each project and she worked closely with her team which made her feel that they had a decent start. Jeffrey had called once during the week to her office for her but she had been in a meeting at the time. She was relieved because she didn't know what she would say to him. Due to her continuing state of confusion she now felt she had no right to be with either man. She also...
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Belle and Jeffrey made love. Their lovemaking was slow and passionate in ways and hard and lustful in other ways. It was perfect, she thought. Everything she wanted and needed. Finally they got out of bed and dressed. They realized that they needed sustenance because of their exertions. Belle quickly telephoned work stating that she was going to visit Jeffrey's work site for some last-minute double-checks. Jeffrey was fielding phone calls and all the while they were working together in the...
Eight months had passed. Belle checked her makeup and hair. Her silver, satin sheath dress clung nicely to all her curves. She exited the bathroom and walked back into the main room of the house where the holiday party was in full swing. The home was a large mansion full of elegant furniture with large beautiful Oriental rugs covering the floors. It was a home she remembered well. She still loved the color scheme of lush gold and red, only now it was decked out with Christmas trees and...
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IncestThis is the continuation of the novel Empyrian. Please make sure you've read chapters 1-10 before proceeding! CHAPTER 11 Andreas pulled on the door to his room and as he suspected it was open. He checked the hall. No one was visible in either direction. He had no plan, which somewhere in the recesses of his Tor addled brain he knew was a mistake. Was he trying to escape? His military brain kicked in an pushed him forward He hurried down the hall back the direction he had...
I had been friends with Catherine for some time, we had in the past been a little intimate and I always found her pretty hot. A year or so after we met she moved away to live with her boyfriend in London. I always regretted not taking our sexual relationship further.About a year later I went down to London on a business trip 5 days & nights in England’s capital city, I took this opportunity to re-connect with an old friend and gave Catherine a call, we arranged to meet on Tuesday night I...
Note: the author encourages unauthorised reposting, sequels, and blatant plagiarism of this work. NOTE FOUND ON YOUR WIFE'S VANITY Hank, I can't do this any more. I love you, but you're not the man I married. Everything I did, I did for you. But now I realised you didn't give a shit about me at all, you cheating ass. So from today, we're going to start again. We're going to finally start a family, with three kids, a cat and a dog. And you're going to be utterly faithful to me...
The first part of my plan was the easiest. I had Tagus turn his craft out towards the sea in the hopes of catching the wind in his sails. With our sails filled I wanted to swing out towards the seaward craft and get it on our portside. I figured that once we were on course towards it, the pirates would ship their oars and prepare themselves to board us. That would give us a couple of seconds in which we could let loose with the second part of my plan. If everything worked out we'd have one...
I know it’s been nearly 1.5 years since I posted it. But believe me it was never my intention to leave it for this long. This past year has been absolutely CRAZY! In between laptop/computer troubles, I also work 12 hours on most days, so even when I do have time, my brain switches off. Anyway, after reading this for the 100th time, I can’t read it any longer. I’ve definitely lost all my editors as my email account that links to this was blocked. Took me only recently to unblock it! I am...
Realdoll! What would happen if the producers of Black Mirror made a porno? Well, I think I may have just found the site that would start it all.Real Doll made by Abyss Creations makes the most lifelike, realistic, customizable male sex toys on the market today. They have a whole roster of sexy inanimate fuck toys for you to browse and (if you’re lonely and rich enough) purchase. If you thought blowup dolls were bizarre, just wait until you see the shit that Real Doll has to offer. Holy....
Sex Doll Shopsmy mum was 5 foot 6, size 14, blue eyes, dark brown hair, She has 38C breasts (I know, I've seen her bra's), I would peek a glance at her any chance I could; I had seen her nude many times around the house, She had a lovely hairy vagina that I had started to notice more latly These images and would flood into my head when I'd jerk off, and it disturbed me. At first. I shouldn't think about mum that way, it's gross and wrong, she's my mum. But the more I thought about it, the less inhibitions I...
One thing we agreed on during our periods of rest and discussion was that sex among the eight of us had improved, and was continuing to improve, over time. The more we lost our inhibitions, the more ready we became to articulate personal needs or wishes. Once expressed, the more easily were they fulfilled.It was during this get-together, for example, that Selma confessed for the first time that she and Mike enjoyed anal sex. At first it seemed that she might be offering herself to be sodomised...
SpankingA real story about how she turned my life into a hell.The start We’ve been married a few years and it all went well. When we made love every now and than she tied me up or otherwise. No big deal. After a while I started searching the internet about BDSM and femdom because it really turned me on. We spoke about it, but she never would go farther. Finally Friday afternoon, finished with working and looking out for a nice and well deserved three weeks holidays, she called me to the basement. I...
'Becoming Bea' Chapter two There I sat, in my office, staring at my reflection in the monitor looking like I always look, but with a strange awkward smile on my face. Underneath my suit I was wearing my wife's lingerie. I had my small equipment tucked between my legs where it felt like I was perpetually leaking into my panties, but thankfully the delicate fabric was kept safe with the clever use of a sanitary napkin. I had avoided putting on a bra, because I was still deathly afraid...
Copyright 1998, 2000 I'm Wilfred Warren and this is my story. At twenty-seven, fresh from MBA school back east and newly married to my childhood sweetheart, I accepted a job with a firm in Fort Worth, Texas - "Cowtown" they call it. I'd never been west of the Appalachians. My employer was a conglomerate owned by a big rancher and businessman named Jefferson McDuff III. My darling wife, Sheila, was twenty-five. We began dating when she was sixteen. I was the only man she had ever had....
No sex in this chapter, folks – my characters need more time getting to know each other. The rest of the story is finished and will post imminently – let me know what you think! * * * Rain streaked down the windows in greasy rivulets, distorting the myriad of reflected lights. The bus trundled on, rumbling through the dirty streets and by-ways of the dreary town. Eventually the houses and factories gave way to endless fields and flat scrubland. It was featureless and grey – just like the rest...
Where we'd teleported in was a broad pass that cut between two rock formations that made up the highlands that dominated the area. The pass was roughly a mile and a half long and it wound between the rocks, stretching from southeast to northwest. The caravan approaching us was coming up from the flats to the southeast and they were moving at a leisurely pace. I went and had a look at them with my binoculars and saw that we had ample time to set up an ambush. I also did a head count of what...
Two weeks had passed since Miss Driscoll’s sex education assembly and, like most of her 14 year old classmates, Molly had thought of little else. For them, it had been a period of illumination. The girls, none of whom had previously admitted to masturbating, would now openly swap tips and experiences, giggling in the corridors as they regaled stories of their first orgasm, what they were thinking of and, in one case, which family member had caught them making innovative use of an electric...
During the holiday break I expected that my sex life would be limited to Billy, Jimmy and occasionally Bert, but it turned out that I was wrong. The company Christmas party was held on a Friday night and one of the guys in the mailroom asked me to go with him. I spent most of Thursday and Friday trying to make up my mind as to whether to give it up to him or not and it turned out that I wasted a lot of time on the subject. He was passed out drunk two hours into the party. Mom wasn't there...
My wife Shere and I had just recently moved from the city to a rural area, out in the country you might say. We had grown tired of the noise, smog, and fast pace that come with living in "the center of things." Our new home was quite a long way from any neighbors, set back against reforested mountains with a grassy plain in front. The days were hot, the evenings cool, and the sunsets gorgeous.Shere was 37 years old and more attractive than any girl half her age. At 5 ft 5 inches she has...