Drawn Hentai
- 2 years ago
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Belle and Jeffrey walked for a long time in silence before they starting talking. They managed to avoid the subject of David, shifting to talk about the town, it's architecture and the stores that they were passing. Despite the previous nagging feeling in her gut she managed to shake free from it and enjoy herself. What they shared was small-talk but it put her at ease. Maybe it was just he who seemed to put her at ease? She was sure that it mostly had to do with Jeffrey's easy demeanor helping to make it possible. That and the fact that she found him to be devastatingly handsome. When they stopped in front of a store, that had caught their eye, she tried to look at his reflection rather than at the wares laid out on display.
It was getting too dark to steal long glances at him in the glass so she began to look up at him as she found herself suddenly unable to look at anything but him. The way his eyes lit up when he talked or the sudden flash of his dimples when he smiled made her feel as though she had lost the ability to breathe. The one thing she wished she could do was to look into his piercing light eyes and get drawn in by his long lashes forever.
His voice was like a soothing massage, releasing the tension from her body with its smooth, deep vibrations. When she managed to say something witty, his hearty laughter tickled her tummy.
Eventually they had strolled through most of the town and arrived back at their lodging. Inside the foyer she began to feel disappointed that the evening was drawing to an end. She looked into his eyes and wished she could hold him, lie with him, be with him.
"Have a good night, Belle. We'll be leaving for the airport around eight. Would you like to meet me for breakfast?"
"I'd love to," she replied honestly, while struggling with what she really wanted to add. It was easy for her to want to explore her feelings for Jeffrey, given the situation with her fiancé. It was harder, much harder, to end the evening with the man she was so incredibly drawn to. She wanted to tell him that she didn't want the evening to end and to ask him to stay with her. Being alone was the last thing she wanted right then. She didn't say any of those things but she did manage to gather up enough courage to say something. "Would you like to come to my room for a nightcap?"
His eyebrow rose in surprise but a soft, crooked smile formed on his handsome face. It made her heart flutter and she held her breath. How was it that he had such an effect on her?
"I would love to," he replied. His voice was exquisite. Why hadn't I noticed that before tonight?, she asked herself. She had, she knew it, but for some reason she just realized it. It was deep and smooth. No word was wasted or used frivolously. Each one seemed well thought out, whether it was about business or whether he was simply joking. It never appeared that he was nervous because everything he said was said with ease. She couldn't quite do his voice justice with any description but she could imagine hearing it in her head as they made love and it was amazing.
He walked a step behind her on the stairs with a hand on the small of her back, not really for support but more for the sheer physical contact that it brought them. She loved that he was touching her in any way. She knew that when it left her she would feel a sense of loss.
She opened the door to her suite and they entered walking closely together, briefly brushing against one another. What did she expect to happen now that they were in her room? She knew what she hoped for but refused to admit it. She wanted him, she needed him, she longed for his touch. It was amazing to her that, even though they had sex once, the night before, she felt like it was the first time. Perhaps the spontaneity before had prevented the anticipation that she was now feeling?
His closeness made the fires within her burn and the longer they were together the more her body threatened to become a wildfire. If she gave in, would she be no better than David? Could she do it again? But could she really stop her deepest desires?
Together they fixed a drink and sat in the little sitting room that overlooked the king-sized bed in her suite. The tension in the air was almost oppressive to her but did he feel it? They talked and laughed while sitting in the two wingback chairs that were angled toward each other. Their knees occasionally brushed and she wished the fleeting feeling would last longer. Should she just stop next time and keep her knee pressed to his? His hand brushed hers when he reached to the table between them for his glass. Their drinks weren't close together so she knew it was an excuse to make contact with her. Each touch sent jubilant pulsations through her and she yearned for more. Licking her lips more often while sitting tightly against the arm closest to him, she touched his knee after saying something that had made him laugh.
It was a brief touch but carefully calculated by her. When she made contact with his knee he froze like he was trying to keep it there forever. They made eye contact and their laughter faded away. All that remained was silence and the sexual tension that filled the space between them. She could see the passion in his eyes and she wondered what hers were saying to him. Were her eyes giving away her desires? Were they like a beacon?
"Excuse me," she said before standing up from the chair to walk toward the bathroom. The time she spent in the bathroom wasn't enough to temper her fire that he had stoked. When she exited the bathroom she decided to take her heels off and get more comfortable. With her back to the sitting room she stood a short distance in front of the bed and bent over to remove her shoes. His hands were on her hips before she could stand upright again. When his hands made contact with her body all she could do was smile, satisfied that she too had stoked his raging fire. When she was standing she felt his breath on her ear.
"Isn't this where we left off earlier today?"
The butterflies that had been swarming through her stomach changed to hummingbirds when she thought back to the earlier time and realized that her cell phone was off and they were, indeed, completely alone. Her whole body tingled and she could feel the ache in her loins, begging for him to relieve it.
"Yes it was," she replied breathlessly.
After the last word left her mouth he slid the hem of her dress up and over her hips, exposing her lace-clad thighs and bare ass cheeks to his hungry eyes. She could almost feel his gaze on her flesh and it warmed her skin which gave way to goose bumps. His breath had left her ear and again she felt he was drinking in the sight of her body. Before she could even come to her senses she felt his breath on the crease of her ass. He licked her panty-covered crotch with his hot tongue and she squirmed, letting out a squeal.
He had instantly taken charge and she was melting. Quickly he pulled her thong down, not wasting any time. She knew what he wanted. He wanted to taste her. He urged her to bend over the bed and she bent to his will, literally opening her keyhole to his hungry mouth. His tongue traced her moist slit, causing her legs to feel weak. She groaned all the while enjoying every sensation he brought to her most secret places.
Pressing her body against the mattress he continued to feast on her womanhood, to her delight. He licked, sucked and nibbled in ways that she had never had done to her. When he sucked on her clit, the orgasm erupted out of her body with such force that her body arched and she felt as though she might pass out. Her legs were like rubber and she could hear him groaning while he lapped up her juices. Unrelentingly he went at her clit again and she was surprised when another orgasm coursed through her body immediately. She could barely catch her breath.
His tongue was working in and out of her wet hole while she gripped the bedclothes. "Oh God, Jeffrey. That feels so--o good."
"How does this feel," he asked, moving his face out of her sex. A few seconds later his cock was firmly pressed against her slippery pussy.
"Oh yes, please," she begged.
"That's right. Beg me again, Belle," he said in a low, sultry voice.
"Please, put it in me. I'm begging you," she replied in a half-whisper.
"Tell me what you want me to put in you, Belle."
"Please put your cock in me. Make me cum, please." Her words were almost a whimper and she heard a quiet growl from behind her.
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"Good morning, morning glory," Jeffrey's voice soothingly said causing Belle's eyes to flutter open. She could feel kisses lightly brushing her cheek and down to her neck. Then the memory of the night before swept back to her. They had made love two more times before falling asleep in each other's arms. "I'd ravish your body again if we didn't have to fly out so early this morning." "Don't make promises if you can't keep them, bud," she replied teasingly. "I will keep this...
When the car pulled up into the drive and the hotel came into view, Belle was taken aback. It was breathtaking. Atop a hill was a medieval castle made of stone, with stained glass windows and majestic meandering gardens. She felt she was stepping back in time. "What do you think?" Jeffrey asked, curiously watching her expression. "It's fantastic!" "Are you happy that we're staying another night?" "Well, yeah," she replied. Then his question struck her and she turned to him,...
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Tara did not go quietly into that good night — or good morning. Julie told her that if she wanted a ride to the airport or the train station Julie would call her a cab or I would drive her. "Does the train even run on Sundays?" Tara asked Julie. Julie, in turn, looked at me. "How would I know?" I asked. "Do I look like I work for Amtrak?" Julie stuck her tongue out. "You seem to know about so many arcane things, I suspected you might know this, too," she said with a grin. I gave...
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The hot shower was refreshing and she emerged from the bathroom hearing talking from the hallway. Dressed only in her short, silk, periwinkle robe she began to walk toward the voices that she now realized were coming from the foyer below. "Hello?" she called down the stairwell. "Oh, honey. The ladies are here for you. Are you ready?" "Yes, send them up." She turned away from the hall and re-entered the master bedroom. The conversation below ended and she heard the footsteps of the...
They had been at the party for only an hour and already David had splintered off from her a few times. She wasn't surprised that he jumped at the chance to talk about business with Dominic Winslow and some of the other men. In an effort to show support she kept following him around but was quickly tiring of their discussion. Across the room she saw a few people she recognized and left her fiancé and the businessmen. The people that she worked her way toward could loosely be termed friends...
In the foyer she stood nervously waiting for Jeffrey, wondering if it was such a good idea for her to be alone with him. She didn't trust herself, and could she trust him? He was so attractive and magnetic. Not to mention the fact that she seemed constantly aroused by him, just from his presence. Just when she was about to change her mind and find David, Jeffrey entered, greeting her with a warm smile. "There you are, are you ready to go?" "Yes," she replied, her nerves causing her...
Tuesday morning was a sun-filled day and work was... well, it was work. Belle had plenty of projects to keep her busy, which always pleased her since boredom was not an option for her. In college she had had an internship with a small firm and had to find things to do. It was annoying because she hated having idle hands. Marcus Architects & Engineers continued to grow and she loved it, the busier the better. Occasionally she put some thought into the future and what she would want to do...
"It's wonderful to see you again, Belle. You look amazing, as always." His compliment warmed her in a way she had never felt before. She felt like a little girl earning her father's praise with such words. "It's lovely to see you again, Jeffrey. You also look great." "Thanks." "I'm grateful that you considered me and my firm for so many of your projects. I'm honored that you thought so much of me, not even having seen my work." "Don't thank me yet, I'm a tough and...
They spent the rest of the afternoon walking through the properties and discussing plans. Belle took notes and Jeffrey promised to get her the original floor plans for the warehouse. She made a note to have one of the other designers visit the house in order to take measurements and photographs since no plans were available for it. The house had been their last stop and she didn't realize how much time had passed until she glanced at her watch. It was six o'clock and her stomach echoed the...
Belle's eyes opened, looking into the dark room. Why did she wake? What time was it? A glance at the clock through sleepy eyes showed that it was 1:06 AM. When she rolled over she noticed that David's side of the bed was empty and cold. That's when she saw the warm glow of the bathroom light seeping through the gap below the door. She climbed from the bed and grabbed her satin robe. Then she walked to the door and slowly pressed it open. There was David drying himself after a shower. He...
David left the house after Belle had gotten dressed and walked into the kitchen. On the way out the back door he mumbled something about being gone for a couple of hours to run some 'errands'. She ran to the door to catch him before he got to his car. "I'll have dinner ready in two hours. Will you be back then?" "I should be." "Okay, bye." Once back in the kitchen she went to work preparing dinner. She pulled out some fresh chicken breasts from the refrigerator and breaded them...
What am I doing? What have I done?, Belle thought as she pulled into her driveway. Then she noticed that David's car wasn't in his side of the garage. When she entered the kitchen she looked around and saw that it was spotless. He must have cleaned up, which she had to admit was nice to come home to. Right after walking out the front door she had completely forgotten about the mess she had caused by preparing the meal. She looked around the kitchen and realized that there was no note, no...
Belle's cell phone rang causing Jeffrey to pull away from her and let go of his hold on her hips. Timing is everything, she thought. She frantically tried to pull the phone out of the pocket of her coat, that she had hung over the bedpost. The interruption was what she needed to regain some semblance of control. When she answered the phone she was surprised to hear that it was Richard Ericson, the P.I. He said that he would continue to tail David for the next day and a quarter but had...
Belle and Jeffrey had no sooner entered the suite than her cell phone began to ring in her laptop bag. They looked at each other and she knew it was David. She really didn't want to talk to him now. He hadn't been available when she called him, for reasons she suspected were similar to what she had just been doing with Jeffrey. Should she answer it? While the debate went on in her head, the phone stopped ringing. She exhaled in relief that she didn't have to try to talk to him with...
Morning came too quickly and so did the realization that she would have to face the inevitable. Belle still had no proof that David was having an affair and no knowledge of how she should discuss it. The room was quiet except for the sound of Jeffrey whistling in the bathroom. She stretched leisurely, encased by the soft folds of the bedding, wishing she could stay forever inside the room with him. However, since admitting her feelings for Jeffrey she felt she could face anything and be...
Almost a week had passed since Belle had returned from her business trip with Jeffrey. The plans were underway for each project and she worked closely with her team which made her feel that they had a decent start. Jeffrey had called once during the week to her office for her but she had been in a meeting at the time. She was relieved because she didn't know what she would say to him. Due to her continuing state of confusion she now felt she had no right to be with either man. She also...
The streets were bright only because of the lampposts that were gleaming. She knew where she was driving; it had been a split second decision. Belle's suitcase was full and back on her bed in her room. She had packed it but left it behind. The scene she witnessed had her in a state of shock and not thinking clearly. In regard to her relationship with David she had one foot out the door and one still planted in the house with him. She was torn. The pain she felt seeing David with the other...
Belle and Jeffrey made love. Their lovemaking was slow and passionate in ways and hard and lustful in other ways. It was perfect, she thought. Everything she wanted and needed. Finally they got out of bed and dressed. They realized that they needed sustenance because of their exertions. Belle quickly telephoned work stating that she was going to visit Jeffrey's work site for some last-minute double-checks. Jeffrey was fielding phone calls and all the while they were working together in the...
Eight months had passed. Belle checked her makeup and hair. Her silver, satin sheath dress clung nicely to all her curves. She exited the bathroom and walked back into the main room of the house where the holiday party was in full swing. The home was a large mansion full of elegant furniture with large beautiful Oriental rugs covering the floors. It was a home she remembered well. She still loved the color scheme of lush gold and red, only now it was decked out with Christmas trees and...
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Hi I’m Natasha back again with part 4 of my story. Got some really nice messages from you guys and girls, makes me happy. Please keep messaging me any kind of opinions or suggestions. The support really pushes me forward! Also, guys looking for sex or sex chat, please find someone else :) Please read previous parts before continuing, or you wont understand the story! So back to the story. The thief threw me on the bed roughly. He had his dick in his hand and was aiming it directly at my pussy,...
She’s a perfect slut – an all natural beautiful set of magnificent breasts, a luscious ass that begs to be bitten and spanked, a juicy tight pussy, a face of an angel – Valentina Nappi was molded from sex-clay and brought to life with the power of cock. One of her favorite acts is opening up her puckered booty to receive a tongue, fingers, and a nice fat dick. The Italian babe is as perfect as a woman can get and her intensity for fucking is absolutely real – loving it...
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Rebecca studied me up and down."What happened to you?" She asked."I...uh...I..."Ty cut me off, "you look like you are in shock Rebecca. Let's fix you a drink and I'll explain everything to you.""Make it a double," she said as Ty started to make her a screwdriver.He handed her the drink, grabbed a joint, and ushered us outside.Rebecca sat down in one chair, Ty in the other. There wasn't anywhere for me to sit, so I stayed standing, leaning against the railing."Come sit here and smoke your joint...
So one day you are shopping on the deep web when you come across a love potion that is not well defined by the seller so you purchase it. But at the same time you do a little digging and find out that the mysterious potion is called Aphrodite's Essence. Which people on a forum are discussing its unknown origins as well as different effects they have noticed. Though in you observations you see that there are not many in this forum maybe 10-15 people. You take note as you wait for the package to...
Mind ControlSo there I was standing on a street corner dressed in a tight red pvc dress, high heals and my best wig, surrounded by scantily clan females looking for there next John. I walked up and down looking for the car I was waiting for, a few guys looking at me as I waited... Several hours before. There I was sat in my office wearing my stockings and cock cage under my smart business suit finalising the latest big money deal for the company. Nobody having any clue my cock was bulging at my cage...
Best Halloween Ever - part 4 By strangefun WARNING: This story contains extremely graphical depictions of sex, abuse and humiliation. The alarm rang its way through my dream, and I awoke. The first though was to go back to sleep, but then the realization where I am and what has happened shot a wave of adrenaline and excitement trough my body, jerking me wide awake. I looked around the room and saw trough the balcony door the gagged and blindfolded figure bound to the chair....
Hi everyone. This is a 3 part story about a fictional meeting between me and my spiritual sister, Patricia. I hope you enjoy it! Sally-Anne xxxx Meeting Up - Part 1 It was our 4th anniversary. Once more, we were at our favourite restaurant although things were a little different this year. About 8 months ago, I told my wife Kristin about my cross-dressing fantasies. They had been inside me for years but this was the first time that I had ever told anyone. From about 10...
In England there was a TV programme entitled Footballers Wives. The title gave me idea, and so I started work on this story. Many of the spelling are those used in the Oxford English dictionary but also as I have a spell check born in the USA it has also influenced some of the spellings. I enjoy writing and while the majority of the stories I write have a sexual context. I also like to ensure that the story has a good story line. ************ Prologue The Chairman had called an extraordinary...
Erotic FictionHi Friends Raj here this time with more surprise and more of an eye opener for me. I was in UK for 6 weeks and feeling very bored after my Estonian friend left when my ex colleague Padma called me and said she was coming over to see the country side and climb hills with me and go for long walks. She was there for 3 months and only onemonth over and two more left and was bored to the hilt. Worse than that she was away from her poor husband and missed the active sex life she told me and said so...