Drawn Hentai
- 2 years ago
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I have to admit I was a little sore the next morning. I could tell by Julie's gingerly movements in the shower that she was uncomfortable too.
"Muscles I haven't used in a while," she explained after a kiss. "And portions of my anatomy that aren't used to visitors. Well, non-plastic visitors. Eight times in 24 hours. Not bad for a couple of old fogies.
"But if you come near me with that thing in the next, say six hours, we are going to have to find another place to put it," she added as she rubbed her butt against me.
Amazingly I got erect again. Julie smiled and patted my hard-on gently.
"Ask me again sometime," she said. "When he's not sore and I'm not feeling so sluttish. Or maybe when he's not sore and I am feeling so sluttish. Maybe tonight we can just kiss each other's boo-boos away."
I had a morning meeting scheduled with Belinda and Danielle — or Bebe and Danni as they had asked me to call them since we were friends now as well as coworkers — so the kissing part couldn't begin.
Julie rode into the city with me and claimed my truck for the day. Julie was, by all accounts, tiny. I always got a smile watching a woman barely 5-feet tall wrestle with a full-size pickup. The meeting with Bebe and Danni didn't flow as smoothly as they usually do. I guess my mind was elsewhere and it seemed theirs might be, too. We wrapped up a little before 11 and they asked me to accompany them to lunch.
I agreed and we wound up a deli a few blocks away.
"It's time for a heart to heart," Bebe announced. "We both like Julie so please don't take this the wrong way. We just like you more. Please don't jump in over your head. The past few weeks you've been like a totally different person. You've always been nice and treated us well. But lately you've been joking around with us and going to lunch with us.
"Just be careful, David."
I understood the motivation behind her speech and a part of me appreciated it. But another part took umbrage at their temerity for jumping back into my personal life again.
Danni seemed to sense this and moved to alleviate it.
"That's what we meant by 'don't take this the wrong way, '" she said with a smile. I saw why her e-mail address was Danni Dimples. Her smile worked as she probably knew it would.
"I know things are going well," she said. "And I'm happy for you. Just don't fall back in love with her until you're sure."
I considered what she had said and I realized it was good advice. In had been only three days and while those days had been wonderful we had managed three wonderful days before and I didn't want to forget how that ended.
"Good point," I conceded. "Things are going pretty well. But you're right. I have noticed some marked changes in her personality from what I knew before. But I have to see if those are long-term changes or just something for my benefit."
"How long is she staying?" Bebe asked with a glance toward Danni that I didn't understand. I admitted that I didn't know.
"You're not planning to go back to L.A. with her, are you?" Danni wondered with a worried look on her face. "She isn't trying to convince you to quit your job and move there, is she?"
I pondered the questions. I believed that Julie knew me well enough to know that L.A. wasn't a place I wanted to live. But she also knew me well enough to know that if things were going well for us, I probably would be willing to move there with her for a short time, job or no job.
"I don't think that's her goal," I decided. "I think she wants to come back here — to start over. But I can tell you firmly that I have no plans to leave my job or to move to L.A. I might visit her there from time to time but I can't see myself being happy living there.
"Perhaps if I could take my girlfriends along with me, it would be OK," I joked, earning a giggle from Danni and a head shake from Bebe. "But for now you don't have to worry about breaking in a new boss."
Before I knew it five days had passed and I heard the words I dreaded.
"I have to go back to L.A.," Julie told me on Saturday morning. What she said next sent a cold chill down my spine.
"It'll only be for a few weeks, just until I get things settled. Then I'll be back."
I doubted she would remember but it was almost word-for-word what she had said to me five years earlier. I held my tongue but my countenance belied my emotions.
"Seriously, David," Julie said as she took my hand. "I just have to get some things wrapped up there. I'm coming back. I want to be here with you if you want me to be."
I dropped her off at the airport Sunday evening.
"I love you," she told me at the terminal gate. She put her finger over my lips when I started to reply. I think she knew I wouldn't be willing to share those words even if it was what I was feeling.
"Don't say anything," she said. "I know how you feel. I just want you to think about something. When I come back do you want me to look for my own place or move in with you? You know what I would prefer but understand if you want to slow down. Don't answer now. Just think about. Promise?"
I nodded and she removed her finger and replaced it with her lips.
"I'll call you when I get in," she said as she departed.
I decided that I should wait to see if she came back before I made up my mind about where she should live.
If Julie's words were eerily reminiscent of her previous departure for points south, our actions continued the similarities.
For the first week we were apart we spoke on the phone for hours at a time. We talked about big things and silly things. We talked about her work and my work. There would be a cute e-mail waiting in my inbox every morning and I would wish her goodnight the same way every night.
But after 10 days or so it seemed as if we ran out of things to talk about. Our chats dropped off from an hour or two to 10 or 15 minutes. The e-mails became more sporadic as our lives got busier.
By the fourth week it was down to a phone call every couple of days. Then they stopped.
I left a voice mail for her on Tuesday night just telling her hi and to call me when she got the time. I heard nothing from her on Wednesday so I tried again on Thursday with the same result. There was no word from her Friday, either. No voice messages, no e-mail, no carrier pigeon.
Despite my friends' earlier warning, I took it hard. I had slept alone almost every night for the five years prior to Julie's reappearance. Hell, I had slept alone more often than not for the four or five years before she left. But in six short days I had grown accustomed to waking up beside her. I missed the smell of her hair in the morning and the warmth of her back against my chest.
I was disheartened. Again.
Friday was the last day of work for one of my employees who was taking a new post in the corporation. We always had a going-away celebration for those who departed and this time was no different.
I usually stayed for the dinner portion of the evening but skipped out before the hard-core reveling began. This time I stayed and partied with the rest of them. By 9 p.m. it was down to Danni and me at the fourth stop on our bar list. We both were pretty well hammered.
"One of these days, boss, I'm gonna quit," Danni slurred. "And the moment I do, you and I are going to do the horizontal rumba."
Although I had heard Danni mention the horizontal rumba on other occasions, for some reason the wording struck me as the funniest thing I had heard in years.
"What's so funny," Danni asked. "I'm not ashamed to say I'd like to fuck you."
I said the first thing that came to my mind.
"No time like the present."
We stumbled outside and caught a taxi back to Danni's apartment. I have a vague recollection of some hot and heavy kissing and petting in the taxi and a dim memory of the two of us undressing the other.
I should have been a little more specific when I was talking to Julie. She took my invitation literally and two days later she showed up at my office. I was on a conference call still dealing with the fallout from Moorman Industry's demise when I saw Julie, Danielle and Belinda standing in the doorway. I lost my train of thought immediately and I couldn't seem to regain it even after they saw I was busy and left. When I finally was able to get off the phone I found the three women...
I was a little more distant toward Julie in the coming days. We still hadn't decided where she would be living — with me or on her own — but for now I cleaned out a spare bedroom that I had been using for storage and put a bed in there. I didn't always sleep there but I did occasionally. Julie, I think, was hoping for a quicker resolution to our situation. But I just couldn't get let myself be put into a situation again where she could hurt me. If Julie was having a difficult time...
"Good morning, morning glory," Jeffrey's voice soothingly said causing Belle's eyes to flutter open. She could feel kisses lightly brushing her cheek and down to her neck. Then the memory of the night before swept back to her. They had made love two more times before falling asleep in each other's arms. "I'd ravish your body again if we didn't have to fly out so early this morning." "Don't make promises if you can't keep them, bud," she replied teasingly. "I will keep this...
When the car pulled up into the drive and the hotel came into view, Belle was taken aback. It was breathtaking. Atop a hill was a medieval castle made of stone, with stained glass windows and majestic meandering gardens. She felt she was stepping back in time. "What do you think?" Jeffrey asked, curiously watching her expression. "It's fantastic!" "Are you happy that we're staying another night?" "Well, yeah," she replied. Then his question struck her and she turned to him,...
The delicious smell of bacon and French toast met Stephen's nose as he descended the stairs, adjusting his tie. The sizzling sound of bacon reminded him of the sizzling of his groin last night, when he was a voyeur to his beautiful teenage step daughter making herself come. She didn't just make herself come; she had made herself come while talking dirty about them, while thinking she was alone. She had moaned at how much she wanted her step-Daddy to make her cum with his tongue.Stephen had...
TabooA weary sigh escaped Stephen as he pulled into his driveway and turned off the car. His watch read 10:48. He didn't know how many more of these late nights he could do. For the past few months he's been out the door by seven and he's been lucky to be home by ten. That's what happens when you accept such a high promotion in the corporate world; it's more money, but the cost of it is high for your home life.He quietly opened the front door, set his suitcase down on the foyer table, and loosened...
TabooMy door had barely latched before Belinda was knocking. I opened to find her standing with her hands on her hips. "You got some 'splainin' to do, Lucy," she said in her mock Ricky Ricardo voice. It was one of her least endearing qualities. "How long have we worked together?" she asked but she didn't wait for an answer. "You know my kids' birthdays. You know my husband's birthday. You know my anniversary. You probably even know my bra size. Why did I not know you had an...
I knew the promises of naked fun with Julie stood a high probability of evaporating once she found out where I had spent the night. Although Danni and I had not made the leap into full sexual union, it wasn't for a lack of trying. Danni was an enigma to me. I hadn't been lying when I told her I found her extremely attractive. In truth, she reminded me of Julie 15 years before. Danni was playful and fun. She was flirtatious and audacious. But she carried herself with a quiet, sultry...
I had been a step off kilter since my trip to L.A. almost five months before. Julie's return, departure, return and departure; Danni's revelation and departure; the failure to keep the L.A. plant open; the amount of work involving in bring our programs to new states and, now, new countries. I probably could have handled any of them on their own without too much worry. But I couldn't handle all of them at once. Some things were out of my hands: Danni wasn't returning to work, I knew that;...
Tara did not go quietly into that good night — or good morning. Julie told her that if she wanted a ride to the airport or the train station Julie would call her a cab or I would drive her. "Does the train even run on Sundays?" Tara asked Julie. Julie, in turn, looked at me. "How would I know?" I asked. "Do I look like I work for Amtrak?" Julie stuck her tongue out. "You seem to know about so many arcane things, I suspected you might know this, too," she said with a grin. I gave...
I probably could have been a tad bit more diplomatic with Julie about the e-mail situation. But coupled with my unplanned vacation, I conceivably could have been fired for receiving the pictures. It was something that I couldn't seem to get across to Julie and her inability to grasp the nuances of corporate politics irritated me. At the same time, I realized that she was naïve to the situation because she had never had to play the game before. There was no way she could know the rules...
The hot shower was refreshing and she emerged from the bathroom hearing talking from the hallway. Dressed only in her short, silk, periwinkle robe she began to walk toward the voices that she now realized were coming from the foyer below. "Hello?" she called down the stairwell. "Oh, honey. The ladies are here for you. Are you ready?" "Yes, send them up." She turned away from the hall and re-entered the master bedroom. The conversation below ended and she heard the footsteps of the...
They had been at the party for only an hour and already David had splintered off from her a few times. She wasn't surprised that he jumped at the chance to talk about business with Dominic Winslow and some of the other men. In an effort to show support she kept following him around but was quickly tiring of their discussion. Across the room she saw a few people she recognized and left her fiancé and the businessmen. The people that she worked her way toward could loosely be termed friends...
In the foyer she stood nervously waiting for Jeffrey, wondering if it was such a good idea for her to be alone with him. She didn't trust herself, and could she trust him? He was so attractive and magnetic. Not to mention the fact that she seemed constantly aroused by him, just from his presence. Just when she was about to change her mind and find David, Jeffrey entered, greeting her with a warm smile. "There you are, are you ready to go?" "Yes," she replied, her nerves causing her...
Tuesday morning was a sun-filled day and work was... well, it was work. Belle had plenty of projects to keep her busy, which always pleased her since boredom was not an option for her. In college she had had an internship with a small firm and had to find things to do. It was annoying because she hated having idle hands. Marcus Architects & Engineers continued to grow and she loved it, the busier the better. Occasionally she put some thought into the future and what she would want to do...
"It's wonderful to see you again, Belle. You look amazing, as always." His compliment warmed her in a way she had never felt before. She felt like a little girl earning her father's praise with such words. "It's lovely to see you again, Jeffrey. You also look great." "Thanks." "I'm grateful that you considered me and my firm for so many of your projects. I'm honored that you thought so much of me, not even having seen my work." "Don't thank me yet, I'm a tough and...
They spent the rest of the afternoon walking through the properties and discussing plans. Belle took notes and Jeffrey promised to get her the original floor plans for the warehouse. She made a note to have one of the other designers visit the house in order to take measurements and photographs since no plans were available for it. The house had been their last stop and she didn't realize how much time had passed until she glanced at her watch. It was six o'clock and her stomach echoed the...
Belle's eyes opened, looking into the dark room. Why did she wake? What time was it? A glance at the clock through sleepy eyes showed that it was 1:06 AM. When she rolled over she noticed that David's side of the bed was empty and cold. That's when she saw the warm glow of the bathroom light seeping through the gap below the door. She climbed from the bed and grabbed her satin robe. Then she walked to the door and slowly pressed it open. There was David drying himself after a shower. He...
David left the house after Belle had gotten dressed and walked into the kitchen. On the way out the back door he mumbled something about being gone for a couple of hours to run some 'errands'. She ran to the door to catch him before he got to his car. "I'll have dinner ready in two hours. Will you be back then?" "I should be." "Okay, bye." Once back in the kitchen she went to work preparing dinner. She pulled out some fresh chicken breasts from the refrigerator and breaded them...
What am I doing? What have I done?, Belle thought as she pulled into her driveway. Then she noticed that David's car wasn't in his side of the garage. When she entered the kitchen she looked around and saw that it was spotless. He must have cleaned up, which she had to admit was nice to come home to. Right after walking out the front door she had completely forgotten about the mess she had caused by preparing the meal. She looked around the kitchen and realized that there was no note, no...
Belle's cell phone rang causing Jeffrey to pull away from her and let go of his hold on her hips. Timing is everything, she thought. She frantically tried to pull the phone out of the pocket of her coat, that she had hung over the bedpost. The interruption was what she needed to regain some semblance of control. When she answered the phone she was surprised to hear that it was Richard Ericson, the P.I. He said that he would continue to tail David for the next day and a quarter but had...
Belle and Jeffrey had no sooner entered the suite than her cell phone began to ring in her laptop bag. They looked at each other and she knew it was David. She really didn't want to talk to him now. He hadn't been available when she called him, for reasons she suspected were similar to what she had just been doing with Jeffrey. Should she answer it? While the debate went on in her head, the phone stopped ringing. She exhaled in relief that she didn't have to try to talk to him with...
Morning came too quickly and so did the realization that she would have to face the inevitable. Belle still had no proof that David was having an affair and no knowledge of how she should discuss it. The room was quiet except for the sound of Jeffrey whistling in the bathroom. She stretched leisurely, encased by the soft folds of the bedding, wishing she could stay forever inside the room with him. However, since admitting her feelings for Jeffrey she felt she could face anything and be...
Almost a week had passed since Belle had returned from her business trip with Jeffrey. The plans were underway for each project and she worked closely with her team which made her feel that they had a decent start. Jeffrey had called once during the week to her office for her but she had been in a meeting at the time. She was relieved because she didn't know what she would say to him. Due to her continuing state of confusion she now felt she had no right to be with either man. She also...
The streets were bright only because of the lampposts that were gleaming. She knew where she was driving; it had been a split second decision. Belle's suitcase was full and back on her bed in her room. She had packed it but left it behind. The scene she witnessed had her in a state of shock and not thinking clearly. In regard to her relationship with David she had one foot out the door and one still planted in the house with him. She was torn. The pain she felt seeing David with the other...
Belle and Jeffrey made love. Their lovemaking was slow and passionate in ways and hard and lustful in other ways. It was perfect, she thought. Everything she wanted and needed. Finally they got out of bed and dressed. They realized that they needed sustenance because of their exertions. Belle quickly telephoned work stating that she was going to visit Jeffrey's work site for some last-minute double-checks. Jeffrey was fielding phone calls and all the while they were working together in the...
Eight months had passed. Belle checked her makeup and hair. Her silver, satin sheath dress clung nicely to all her curves. She exited the bathroom and walked back into the main room of the house where the holiday party was in full swing. The home was a large mansion full of elegant furniture with large beautiful Oriental rugs covering the floors. It was a home she remembered well. She still loved the color scheme of lush gold and red, only now it was decked out with Christmas trees and...
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Hi Doston! Hum sexy stories ke regular reader hai. Hum se matlab hai hum dono pati-patni. Jee haan, yeh kahaani hum dono mil kar likh rahe hai. Hamaare naam hai Rohit aur Mona. Hum dono ki age 30 ke aaspass hai. Yeh kahaani sachchi ghatnaon par based hai par thodi se changes humne kiye hai. Changes is liye karne pade ki asal mein hui kuchch baate, hume (especillay Mona ko) achchi nahin lagti ya bataana nahin chaahte. Story bataane se pehle authors aksar laude aur choochon ke size aur figure...
"So we're going to do another one.""We are, you seem quite perky at the prospect.""I got a George Eliot special hand job last time so of course I'm perky. What's this one going to be?""We're going to do a little bit of Greek Mythology for the Fantasy and Sci-fi category.""You're taking this Omnium thingy seriously then?""Indeed I am.""So what's the story, morning glory?""We're going to do Orpheus rescuing Eurydice from the Underworld. I've printed you out a copy of Virgil's version, just have a...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi“You should have come straight to me,” Lord Morant said with an authoritarian stare.They were standing on the deck of the fishing boat as it pulled away from the docks. Morant, Lynch and Jack had joined them without a word as they boarded the ship. Will had started to speak, but Morant had cut him off.“Why would I do that?” Will snarled back, still fuming.“Nae, Will. He’s right,” Captain Vex said. She wore her hat and coat, but her other clothes had still been wet and were packed away, so she...
Fantasy & Sci-FiI only, went down the shop to buy some, porn, but when I got there I couldnt take my eyes of the , are you intersted in that the really cute man behind the counter asked, no i repiled thats a shame i could have taught you a few things never mind. Just then i got a huge eriction, Wait I said I am intrested, well then, he walked up and put the closed sign on the door, walk this way, he led me up into his bedroom. Up there he layed on the bed unzipped his jeans and took out his cock, suck on it...
GayA young man sees a lonely girl hitchhiking, and pulls over to give her a ride. While driving he discovers she has no place to stay, so he offers her to stay at his place. And she happily accepts. Once there, she gives him a special thank you, giving in to her ‘Stranger Danger’ urges. Can she trust him not to be a creep and what’s up with this young woman who basically throws herself at this handsome man? Seems they’re both extremely lucky in getting a very exciting and...
xmoviesforyouHyde Park, London. March, the same year. “WE WANT WORK ... WE WANT WORK ... WE WANT WORK...” The chanting had been going on for what seemed like hours to the small contingent of police officers designated to marshal the peaceful protest as it wound its way around central London. Similar protests were taking place in a number of other towns and cities around the country, but most of the protesters had made their way to London to join the main march. Although they had hoped for more, the...
I've always had a self image problem. I don't think that I'm very pretty and I know that I'm not comfortable in most social situations. Ever since I was in kindergarten I've been shy and quiet at school. But when I finally started high school things rapidly changed for me. It was about half way through my freshman year that I met Karen and her friends. I'd known who they were of course, because they were very out going and everyone saw them around school. It was in Freshman English...
I cannot begin to describe how much I wanted him: how much I physically needed him. I would see him from a distance and my head would spin, my legs fire my cock begin to throb. Should he pass me closely, it was all I could not to fall in a faint. There was a fragrance, a manly scent that flowed from his shoulders. The sight of his shirt as it gently outlined the roundness of his chest or the arches of his shoulders: how it fluttered loosely around his slender waist. His hips, how round and...
GayNEW YORK SWITCH CHAPTER 4 Waking up next to my master, I felt my clit throbbing from the dream I'd had, then quickly slipped under the covers to pull my masters boxers down with my teeth and slide his cock into my mouth. It was part of my morning routine that I was used to and had even come to love. Maybe it was the numbers of times that I'd done it, or maybe my brain was being rewired by Serena's hormones. Whatever the reason, my pussy throbbed as I slid my lips back and forth along...