Drawn ApartChapter 6 free porn video

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I was a little more distant toward Julie in the coming days. We still hadn't decided where she would be living — with me or on her own — but for now I cleaned out a spare bedroom that I had been using for storage and put a bed in there. I didn't always sleep there but I did occasionally.

Julie, I think, was hoping for a quicker resolution to our situation. But I just couldn't get let myself be put into a situation again where she could hurt me.

If Julie was having a difficult time separating work from the other portions of her life, I didn't recognize it. Every evening at 5 p.m. she would stop what she was doing and we would spend time together. We would take a walk or visit an ice cream parlor. We would hold hands and laugh like we were teenagers. But there was always an unspoken line that I was unwilling to cross.

On rare occasions she would pull out a notepad and jot down ideas but she wouldn't race back to her desk to put her ideas into pictures as he had in the past. For my part, work ended at 4 p.m. — OK, sometimes 5 p.m. — but when I left I didn't bring it with me.

The Tara situation didn't resolve itself easily. Julie's publicist gave the announcement that Julie wanted and it was greeted by a collective yawn. As I had believed, no one seemed to care. If they cared at all it was in a positive way. Besides, anyone who had seen more than a couple pieces of her work could recognize that she was the mind behind both her political punditry and "Tracy Takes Off."

At least it only took me one or two glances to know. But I might have had a head start.

Tara stayed in the background. She didn't contact, to my knowledge, Julie and Julie didn't try to contact her. I hated for Julie to end a friendship but I also knew me well enough to know that I couldn't commit to anything further until Tara was completely out of the picture. Perhaps it was selfish but I couldn't seem to forget what had happened with Armando.

The Danni situation also didn't resolve itself easily either. It wasn't a tense time at work but it was awkward. It appeared that everyone in the office was aware of Danni's feelings toward me long before I was. There were times I would see her with such a sad look on her face that I wanted to wrap my arms around her and protect her from whatever was bothering her. But I knew that I was likely the cause of her discomfort, so I couldn't help.

After a couple of weeks of watching someone I consider a friend studiously avoid me, I decided to face the problem head on. Probably not one of my better ideas.

"Are we going to be OK?" I asked her one afternoon when I managed to catch her alone. "I'm worried."

She smiled and the dimples made a reappearance for the first time in what seemed like months.

"We're going to be fine," she said. "I just have to work through some guilt and anger issues."

"You have nothing to feel guilty about," I assured her. "I don't want you mad at me. That's for sure. I don't feel guilty..."

Danni cut me off with a raised hand.

"I don't feel guilty about that night," she said sweetly. "I feel guilty because I hope Julie hurts you again. I hope she takes off and leaves for L.A. or Hong Kong or Timbuktu. I hope she drops you like she did last time so I can be the one to help you get over it."

Ever the master of words, I replied, "Oh."

"And I'm not angry at you or Julie," she continued. "A part of me is angry that I want to see her leave you again. But most of me is angry because I just sat around for two years and watched you. I didn't say a word. I didn't make a move. If I hadn't been drunk that night, I would still be sitting here pining away like a schoolgirl. It pisses me off that I let that opportunity go by."

I tried to calm the anger that I could see rising.

"Even if you had said or did something," I replied. "It wouldn't have changed the underlying circumstances. We still work in the same department and I'm still your boss."

Danni smiled at me again.

"I'm pretty marketable," she said with a grin. "I was approached discreetly about applying for the comptroller's job when Mark Jones left last year. About every three months one of our competitors tries to steal me away. Someone once told me I was selling myself short by working for a jackass like you instead of heading up my own department."

I knew who had told her that — it was me during her personnel evaluation the year before.

"Instead I stayed here," she went on. "I didn't want to be that far from you — even if it would only be a couple of offices down the hall. And I didn't want to have the last obstacle removed. If I left, there was no reason I couldn't ask you out. Then I would have to be willing to face the fact that you didn't find me attractive."

"A man who is not attracted to a witty, personable woman like you would be an idiot," I said. "I might be a jackass but I'm not an idiot. I just could never allow myself to think of you that way. When I did allow it, it led us here."

"Then there's Julie," Danni said. "I truly do like her. I would really enjoy being a friend to her. But every time I consider inviting her for coffee or for lunch, I picture myself leaping over the table and trying to scratch her eyes out for coming back into the picture. I don't think I would do that, but then again, I never thought I would wake half naked beside you after a drunken evening."

I smiled.

"I would guess you were about seven-eighths naked," I said. "That thong was pretty tiny."

Danni flipped me off.

"You know what I mean," she said. "I won't say I haven't pictured waking up that way with you before. But the circumstances that led us there were far different in my mind. In my original scenario you weren't tricked by a drunk when you were vulnerable."

I sighed.

"I wasn't tricked by a drunk and I wasn't vulnerable," I said. "I wasn't sober. I won't lie about that. But I was aware of who I was with and what I was doing. It was my idea to go home with you. I remember the taxi ride to your apartment and I remember us rushing to get our clothes off. I don't remember much after that. But I remember that I was as eager as you were. Most likely I was more eager."

Danni smiled her wonderful smile.

"It's nice to hear you say that," she said. "Honestly, I remember bits and pieces. You might be surprised that it was me who asked if we could just kiss and cuddle. You said that would be fine with you. Please don't think I regret our night. And please don't think I hope it will never happen again. But I do need a bit more time to work through my feelings before we can get back to normal. Or what passes for normal for us."

A week later she stopped into my office and closed the door.

She sidled up to my desk and plopped her shapely behind on the corner of it.

"You know, it occurs to me that there is only one portion of my anatomy that remains a mystery to you," she said in her fake drawl as she turned her knees toward me. My eyes were immediately drawn to the hem of her short skirt because I knew what she was talking about. A millisecond before I got a glimpse she hopped off my desk and moved to the chair.

"A little mystery is good," she said deadpan. "It adds spice."

A day later she begged off a two-day trip to Denver. When I returned, I found a letter of resignation on my desk and vacant terminal where she used to sit.

"Don't worry," Belinda told me as I stood there in stunned silence. "She took a job as the marketing director for Stroechine. She didn't want a going away party yet. She'll call you in a couple of weeks. David, this isn't about what happened. Well, part of it is. Mostly, it is about her moving up, just like you always told her she should."

Tara came to the forefront soon after.

I was still reeling about Danni's departure — and the way she handled it — when Julie got a phone call in the middle of the night. She and I still weren't sharing a room every night, to her disappointment, I think, and I heard yelling coming from where Julie slept.

I raced to the room to make sure she was OK but I found her sitting on the bed, white-faced and shaking.

"Tara just told me she swallowed a bottle of pills," she said. "What in the fuck am I going to do?"

"Call 911," I said. "Tell them what you just told me and ask them to alert the L.A. sheriff's department and EMS. Give them Tara's address and they'll take care of it."

It was all I had. We were 400 miles away. I was trying to hide my anger at Tara for being such a manipulative cunt but I don't think it was working so I turned to leave the room.

"I have to go to L.A.," Julie said through her tears. I tried to bite back my retort and failed once again.

"People intent upon killing themselves don't call someone to announce it," I said flatly. "She is interested in dragging you back to her."

"What do you expect me to do?" Julie asked hotly.

"Send her a box of razor blades," I replied evenly. "Tell her if she's serious to go longways. If she's not serious then she should leave you the fuck alone."

Julie stared at me.

"When did you get so unfeeling?"

I gave a mirthless chuckle. "About five years ago," I said as I left the room.

Julie did go to L.A., of course. I hadn't doubted for a moment that she would. In fact, she was gone for the airport before I got up the next morning. She left me a note telling me she would call me when she landed.

"I'm sorry, David," she told me when she called. "She needs me. I had to come down here."

I told her I knew she did.

"I'll be home soon," she said. That part I doubted.

"Whenever you're ready," I replied.

"What do you mean by that?" she asked with anger in her voice.

"I mean just what I said," I told her. "Come back when you're ready to come back. Don't come back before you want to."

"You're pissed because I won't do what you want me to do," she stated.

Again I gave the mirthless laugh from the night before.

"If I were mad every time you didn't do something I wanted, I would have spent the first 10 years we knew each other pretty much angry all the time," I rejoined. "I'm angry because you're allowing yourself to be played by a conman — in this case a conwoman — again."

"You don't know her," Julie said. "How can you say that?"

"I don't know her," I replied. "That gives me a better perspective of the situation. I do, however, know you. I firmly believe you're walking into the same trap as you did five years ago. When you want to come back, it'll be something else. She'll fall down the stairs or get mugged or wreck her car. You're both adults for fuck's sake. Don't forget that. She's acting like a spoiled teenager and you're acting like her over-indulgent mother."

"I hoped you would support me on this, David."

"I'm supporting you the only way I know how," I said. "I'm letting you make your own decisions. I don't think you can say the same about the other party involved. If you want unconditional support, I think you know me better than that. I support your right to make whatever decision you want. But I don't have to like the decisions you make. If you want me to keep quiet when I think you're making an error in judgment, I guess you shouldn't ask my opinion."

The phone was silent before I heard an outrush of air from Julie's end.

"I'm at the hospital," she said. "I'll call you later."

Again, the lack of specifics proved troublesome.

My interpretation of "later" was later in the day. Certainly not past the next day. Julie's was somewhat different.

I was surprised when she didn't call me that evening. I was perturbed when she didn't call the next day. By the third day, I was boxing up her belongings to send back to her condo — which she hadn't sold despite two solid offers. I was in the middle of resealing some of her boxes a day later when my phone rang. The ID said it was Julie.

"Well, it certainly is later," I said in lieu of a greeting.

"Don't start," she said. "There's enough shit going on that I don't need it from you, too."

"I wasn't starting," I said. "In fact, I was just finishing."

There was silence on the other end of the line but she didn't rise to the bait.

"I want you to come down here," she said finally.

"What good would that do?"

"I just want you near me. I can't handle this alone. They put her in a psych ward for four days."

"Well, duh."

"What the fuck does that mean?" Julie asked. "You're starting to piss me off. You know that."

"Well, welcome to the club," I shot back. "I went passed pissed off yesterday when you didn't call. Ninety-six hour commit, it's called. It's state law. After a suicide attempt, they lock you in the loony bin for four days. Did they petition for an involuntary commitment?"


"Here's the deal," I said. "If you're serious and likely to do it again, they use the four days to petition the court for an involuntary commitment so they can keep you. If they think it's a cry for help — or an attempt to manipulate someone — they toss you in the rubber room for four days to teach you a lesson."


"I haven't even gotten the chance to talk to her yet," Julie continued. "I'm not family so they won't let me visit."

"Damn those gay marriage law," I said. "You would think a progressive state like California..."

Julie cut me off.

"I can't believe you're acting this way," she said and I heard the tears coming. "I need support and compassion. I don't need you to be an asshole. What did I do to piss you off so badly?"

I sat stunned.

"This is Julie, right?" I asked. "You left like a thief in the night to go down there. You tell me you'll call me later and it is four days before I hear from you. You've refused to confront this woman and you're playing her silly games with her. You've turned down at least two offers for the condo so you can keep a residence in L.A. I'm sure I've missed a few things but that's a pretty good start to the list.

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Aliquis’ mistake The guards lead me into a dim lit room. I was brought with my hands locked in shackles behind my back, barefoot in jeans and a white shirt, a guard on each arm and two more behind. I was frightened, but I tried to hide it."This is my choice." I said to myself.In the room, a woman waited. She was dressed a conservatively; a white sleeveless blouse and a fitted pinstripe skirt over knee-high stockings: nothing too sexy, although the skirt had a side-split to mid thigh. She had...

3 years ago
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The Cafeacute Reopening

My daughter Lisa had now moved out staying with her bestie Lauren which was always going to happen one day but I still saw her quite frequently as she didn’t have a washing machine so would drop their laundry off once a week which had it’s advantages, it always amazed me how two young ladies got through so many pairs of panties in a week but who was I to complain as most weekends I could satisfy my panty fetish.Apart from a few items of clothing and a few personal affects her room was now...

1 year ago
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Celebrating Our 16th Wedding Anniversary

“I can see the house!” Veronica exclaims. George smiles at her enthusiasm, turning the car into the familiar drive of their friends’ Bed & Breakfast.It’s just the same as they remember; the sun shining down over a large outdoor pool with an adjoining hot tub, looking out over acres of natural terrain. It’s gorgeous.Veronica begins to take off her clothes, her eyes fixed on the bright pool. George’s eyes follow his wife’s movements as she allows the last item to fall to her feet. She stands in...

2 years ago
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Skimpy Dress

Abla rips the pretty wrapping from the box Alex has just given her. She loves surprises and she loves presents and she just can’t wait to see what he had got her. She opens the box and smiles to herself when she sees what’s inside. ‘You sneaky…’ she playfully punches her boyfriend on his extremely toned arms. Alex throws his head back and laughs heartily. He expected the exact reaction from her and he is amused at how well he knows her. ‘You went ahead and bought it?’ Abla laughs as she...

2 years ago
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Secret Lives Chapter 13

Well that was only mildly awkward and before things could get too weird I decided to get some air. I offered to go to the bottle shop for a top up of our drinks. Sarah said she would like to come but first she wanted to get changed out of the clothes she had been wearing all day. I got a list together of what we needed then headed for the car. I was sitting in the car when I received a message from Sarah. “I’ll be down soon, but first we are going to play a game.” As turned on as I was, I was...

1 year ago
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Sex A Waiting Game Ch 02

Ch. 02 Sex, A Waiting GameI mounted her naked body and rubbed my penis up and down her wet opening. Then I slowly began to enter her. Little by little I felt the tightness of her pussy clamp down on my hard cock. I kept pushing until I my entire dick was engulfed in her warm body. BEEP BEEPBEEPI leaned over and turned the alarm off on my phone. "Dammit," I shouted out loud as my alarm ruined my dream. 8:00 seemed to come sooner everyday.I stood up and stretched before finding some athletic...

Oral Sex
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BangBus Selina Moon Baddie Fucks For Money

We got lucky this week. On the way to the tire shop we ran into some baddie sitting on a bench. We started chatting her up. At first, she seemed bored and uninterested in anything we had to say. Until we brought up the stack of cash. After seeing the cash, she instantly wanted to hop inside the bus to negotiate how she could get some money. While inside it was easy to have her do anything we wanted. This chick turned out to be a nympho. She quickly started deep throating cock. Eventually, Tony...

3 years ago
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The trouble with sister

“Hey, hows it going Molly?” Ryan’s friend asked her to which she just gave a nod and a smile and went back to concentrating on her music. “See you tomorrow then Ryan.” The friend said as he walked down the street to his house. Ryan walked up onto the porch and walked past his sister trying to ignore her but already knew something was going to happen. As he walked passed her she put her foot under one of his causing him to miss a step and stumble to the ground which she found quite...

4 years ago
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Overboss of the Commonwealth

It was long, hard, and dangerous, but you finally did it. Sitting in your throne atop Fizztop Mountain in the abandoned Fizztop Grille, you look out and survey your kingdom. All of Nuka World is yours. You sit down, in a large throne you converted a Nuka Cola Machine into, symbol of your position in this world. Gazing over your kingdom you start to think, what next? What is there to do now that you own it all, that you are the best Raider Boss in the entire Commonwealth, hell maybe even the...

1 year ago
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Dirty Teacher in Internet Cafe

Have you all noticed the increase in young female teachers having sex with their students, boys in their teens, whereas in the past, it was the sole domain of girls like myself, who were dropping our knickers for Sir enjoy.As menstruating teens we girls have more hormonal problems to contend with, our ovaries start producing eggs and our bodies go into heat, a craving for sex and men, its not that we are bad or naughty, we simply have no control over our cravings and are turned on quickly,...

1 year ago
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me and my girlfriend

She was outside on the deck smoking a cig…but she was kind of leaning forward on the railing of it….So when I saw what he sent me up there to go look at……..Man I’d like to shit myself. This bitch had huge fuckin tits. Well that’s when we first spoke to one another. Almost at the end of the day her boss came to me and asked if I wanted to stay in WV to work for him and he offered me an apartment plus salary, so I took the job. Me or him never told my boss about this, we just kept quiet...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 814

Short and devistating! Dear friends, One spelling mistake in hurry can make your life hell. I wrote a romantic message to my wife while I was away on a business trip and missed an “e” in the last word. Now this mistake has caused me to seek police protection to enter to my own house... I wrote “Hi darling I’m enjoying and experiencing the best time of my life & I wish you were her! Getting Old I found this timely, because today I was in a store that sells sunglasses, and only...

1 year ago
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A Quiet Evening

It’s a quiet evening at home – Jamie is doing something on his computer and I’ve been “playing a game” on mine. And oh, what a game it is, telling some stud half my age how much I want him to stroke his cock up and down between my boobs while I‘m sucking on the tip. By the time I’m done teasing him, he’s blown his load all over his monitor and I’m getting pretty heated up myself. I can see that Jamie is involved in whatever he’s doing and quietly get out of my chair and head down the hall. As...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 642

Have a great Thanksgiving Day, Canada... These are compliments of SmokeyJoe Adults only NUDE SANTA Scroll down to see the nude Santa . . . . . . . . . . . . . For crying out loud. Act your age. There is noSanta! Sometimes I worry about you!!! Now go and get some work done!!! The urine sample One time I got sick and landed in hospital. There was this one nurse that just drove me crazy. Every time she came in, she would talk to...

4 years ago
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Julie a Willing MotherChapter 3

Dan moved to his mother's right side, hugged her hip to his loins, and kissed her on the mouth. At the same time his right hand fondled her breasts. Julie kept moaning softly, enjoying the thrill. Ben asked, "Mom, since Dan is kissing you, may I also kiss you?" Julie broke the kiss for a while to ask, "Where do you want to kiss me?" "Here mom, here." Ben tapped the bare upper pubic mound that wasn't covered by the skimpy hot pants. Her son wanting to kissis her there thrilled...

4 years ago
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Mrs Reed0

“Good morning.” I told to my Mom as she was doing some dishes in the kitchen. “Hey Hun, how’d you sleep?” She asked. “Pretty good.” I replied just as my Mom bent over to pick up the towel she just dropped. My eyes became instantly glued to her backend. My Mom is very good looking woman, and has been one of the subjects of my fantasies for a few years now. She is only 5 feet tall and about 120 pounds, very nice shapely breasts, C cups if I would to guess, and an ass to die for. The...

1 year ago
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SurprisesChapter 20 Threesome

Right on cue, Jerry came through the bedroom door. He might have been surprised to see Anna and me laying naked on the bed, but he also looked happy. “Amber, so good to see you again! Anna, lovely as usual!” Anna said, “Jerry, you are way too overdressed. Take your clothes off so we can use your body in unspeakable and illegal ways.” She began caressing my tits and I fingered her wet pussy as he undressed. He had been wearing a nice light charcoal suit. It was soon on a chair, and he was...

3 years ago
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Marie the Pinay Slut WifeChapter 28

Marie did not know what to say after she had heard how she had suffered such humiliation for nothing. She did not know whether to cry or be angry, but, in the end, she sat in stunned silence. Finally, she recovered enough to ask Jane some questions. “Did you know what Brad and Hiroshi had planned for me today?” was her first query. Jane replied that she had no idea that they had planned such an elaborate way to humiliate Marie, although Brad had already told her that he was sure that he...

3 years ago
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More Mallucinations

Another party on another Saturday night, it's an ordinary suburban house but what's happening inside it is far from being ordinary. About a dozen young teenage couples are standing or sitting in a circle watching two thirteen year old girls undressing each other, I'm not all that interested in watching them, I'm more interested in the sexy little panties I've nestled in, They belong to Sandra, a pretty little fourteen year old and they're pulled right up into her slit, she's sitting in...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Abigail Mac Kendra Lust Little Red A Lesbian Fairy Tale Part Three

Wolf This is a tale of transformation; of predators and their prey. Of little girls who obeyed their mother; but got lost along the way. It’s not easy being in cahoots with a runt Fox. I’m Wolf and I deserve my spot at the top of the fucking order. I just chuckle when folks tell me I’ve got a big ego, because I can fuck you up without a chance to defend yourself. I play the little pawn when I need to but when all howl breaks loose I’m the alpha, and I’m not taking...

1 year ago
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JudgementsChapter 8

"I don't know, Bri... she's... she plays the role a lot, I think. She spends so much time being the party girl that we don't often get to see her being herself. Hope says she was a completely different person last night." "She'd just had a break-up, of course she was subdued." "It's not just that... we've seen how Marcus changes when she's around, Hope says he does the same thing for her." "So how do we get her to see that?" "You could stop pushing her into it." "Well...

3 years ago
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My Mates Girlfriends

Fortuitously left with my mates two horny women: I did what any guy would do; ‘look after them’....My mates Murray and Peter felt sorry for me and invited me around to their apartment Friday night. I knew what it was like being the third wheel but it’s even worse being the fifth wheel. Two set of love birds. I really stuck out like a sore thumb. There is only so much microwave nachos you can offer to prepare and trips to the fridge to get another drink. I mean my mates were dutifully watching a...

4 years ago
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Made Pregnant My Second Reader

Hello buddies, after a long time of nine months I am posting my next story here. This is not story, this is real life incident. I want to thank this ISS for giving me such assn opportunity to enjoy life. Feed backs and contacts can be sent to After my first reader got twins from me she dumped me. Her mobile number, house address everything has been changed. And I am sex starved again. I got so many appreciations for her story written here. But some guys asking number of some females. Guys...

2 years ago
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While stationed in What was then West Germany duty as a security policeman on the Air Base was pretty lousy, yet off duty was fine. One particular weekend was the late summer time for Wine Frst in Koln(Cologne) to anyone not German. I planned to go with a good friend and colleague, but he cried off at the last minute saying he,d got a hot date, so hot in the end she gave him gonorrhea! So I decided to soldier on driving to Koln in my old Fiat 500 hoping my dodger battery would last the weekend....

2 years ago
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Mausi Aur Unke Baccho Ke Sath

Mein mithoon ek nayi kahani kelar aaya hu. Ye kahani mere mausi ke parivar aur mere beech jo ghatna ghati uske baare mein hai. Mere mausi ke parivar mein masaji , mausi aur unke do bacche ek ladka aur ek ladki. Bhai behen se chota tha.   Baat tab ki hai jab garmi k chuttiyan chal rahi thi. Mein final year mein tha aur mere mausi ka ladka dhruv. Mein 21 ka tha aur wo 16 ka. Maine to pehle hi sex ka anubhav kar liya tha apni teacher ke sath. Mein straight hu. Par ek baar dhruv ne kuch paisa kiya...

3 years ago
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Fucking My Hot Classmate In College

Hey, guys, my name is Arpit. This story is about how I end up fucking my super hot classmate, Riya. I am a third-year student residing in Chandigarh and this incident occurred 2 weeks ago. To tell you about Riya. She is 5’4 and her measurements are 34 30 36. She has a fair skin tone and dark brown hair. Her ass is so sexy that every guy loves watching it sway. So coming back to the story. We both are in our final year and we had our practicals coming up. As instructed by the teacher we all got...

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