Nothing Is Ever What It Seems Ch. 03 free porn video

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I know it’s been nearly 1.5 years since I posted it.

But believe me it was never my intention to leave it for this long.

This past year has been absolutely CRAZY!

In between laptop/computer troubles, I also work 12 hours on most days, so even when I do have time, my brain switches off. Anyway, after reading this for the 100th time, I can’t read it any longer. I’ve definitely lost all my editors as my email account that links to this was blocked. Took me only recently to unblock it! I am back on that account, so feel free to shoot me a PM.

If you would like me to reply, please do check you’ve entered your email address correct




To say that I was relieved to be home was a major understatement.

All the congratulations, the fake smiles I had to put on. The last 2 hours passed by in a blur.

I can’t believe he proposed to me.

I really should be happy that he’d proposed, but I can’t shake the feeling that I don’t really know him. I mean, we’ve only known each other for less than a year! In terms of really dating, it’s only been 7 months. And truth be told, in those 7 months, even I haven’t shown him the ‘real me’, and by real I don’t mean no make up.

Do I love him? I constantly ask myself this question. There’s no doubt, I really, really like him -but love? I’m not so sure you can really fall in love with someone in 7 months… or maybe I just liked the idea of him.

It’s really strange but I get this feeling that he’s not really him when he’s with me. And the only real glimpse I get is when he’s with his friends/colleagues.

I don’t know. I should be grateful someone like him would actually take an interest in me, no less marry me. But sometimes, I just don’t know what he sees in me. We are very different. Not just the 10+ year age gap, but our interests are really different. I am an outgoing person, but going out with him most days so that I can socialize with his peers really isn’t something I like to do all the freaking time.

There are times when I feel like he’s… parading me around? It always feels like there’s a battle between him and his friends as to who has the hottest and youngest partner on their arms. Don’t get me wrong, I’m most definitely not the hottest, but I sure am winning the youngest prize. I turned 18 not that long ago and when his friends found that out during one that I was still in high school, they patted him on the back and then whispered something to each other, grinning ear to ear.

It made me sick to see their misogynistic and narcissistic views on women and how they view us like a piece of meat. As oppose to the other girls who didn’t mind being viewed as a trophy, I resented that.

My mom was the good little housewife and I was always taught that was what I should be. Going to the top schools was always for networking and meeting my future husband. Luckily for my parents, they saved a few hundred thousand dollars now that it looks like I may not even go college if I was really married. I mean what is the point of going to Harvard, Brown, Cornell, or whatever my parents had in mind, if I’ve already achieved their goals?

Now as I write this and hearing my mom’s screeching down the phone with her friends about the engagement, I can’t help but wonder if I can get out of this without my parents disowning me.

If I can’t even choose which subject and college I wanted, I doubt I could get out of this.


Hallie watched Ryan walk away from her, until he was lost in the crowd. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her emotions and control her shaking hand.

As she walked back to join the crowd, she felt everyone’s eyes on her. As if what transpired between them five minutes ago were witnessed by everyone and they have been oblivious to it all. Hallie was guilty and she knew it. If she couldn’t control her damn mind, her husband would be able to see the guilt written all over her face.

She returned and went into the crook of Jack’s arm. This is where I belong, Hallie reminded herself, this is where I should always be…

‘What took you so long?’ Jack leaned down and hissed in her ear.

Hallie froze. Was this a test? Quickly she said, ‘I met one of your client’s wife outside and we had a quick chat.’

He paused and looked at her intently. Hallie smiled at him trying to fend innocence at his inquisitive questions. He was about to say something but then quickly shut his mouth. Jack was no longer staring at her, and Hallie followed his gaze.

Her saviour.

‘Brad…’ She said breathlessly. Surprise was an understatement – she hadn’t seen her brother-in-law for almost 5 years.

Brad swooped in, ignoring his older brother and hugged Hallie tightly, ‘Hallie, it’s been too long, I’ve missed you. How are you?’ He said softly. He knew his brother was watching on, fuming, but he didn’t care.

Jack tried to control his anger. Watching as another man embraced his wife. He knew his brother had a thing for his wife. He just loved to compete with him constantly. Jack knew he was the successful one out of the two, so what did Brad do? Went and fucked himself up with alcohol and drugs, just so he could steal the limelight from him. And somehow it worked. No matter what he achieved, his parents would still have some sort of soft spot for his brother, instead of looking down on his failures, they cared for him more- ‘Top in class, well done honey, but now is not the time for celebration… we have to go to the hospital to see your brother.’

He hated that attention seeking prick.

‘Jack, great to see you too.’

Jack stepped forward, brushing Hallie aside. He embraced his brother. Outsiders would presume it be two brothers catching up, but Hallie knew better, ‘Listen you cunt, I don’t know why you’re back, but never, ever fucking touch my wife again.’ he whispered in a dangerous and low voice.

Jack pat his brother on the back, ‘Great seeing you buddy, it’s nice to see you looking like your old self again,’ He said loudly in a friendly tone, ‘We’ll catch you later. Let’s go honey.’

His hand on her lower back, he urged Hallie away. When they were away from the crowd, he quietly said, ‘How can my night get any worst. Stupid cunt.’ He waved his hand dismissively, ‘Anyway I wasn’t finished earlier, I saw Ryan Harris.’ His eyes never left her as he uttered those words. ‘Is that why it took you so long earlier? Were you lying to me?’

Hallie was shocked. This was definitely a test. He had seen them together.

‘No! ‘I don’t think h-he would be here. Alin told me he went to Beijing with them.’

‘I saw him.’ He said dismissively, ‘But if I see him anywhere near you, I’m going to knock him the fuck out…’ He trailed off, whispering the last parts to himself.

She exhaled a sigh of relief. So he hadn’t seen them together.

When it came to Ryan, they had argued- mostly a one sided berating from him about her supposed affair with him. He had done despicable things to her in a fit of jealous and controlling rage. Of course, it was inevitable that she would see Ryan even if she tried her best to avoid him, her best friend worked for him.

However, it didn’t mean he accepted it. She lost count of the amount of times she had to do anything, absolutely anything to assure him that her heart only belonged to him and no one else- especially not Ryan Harris…

…but it wasn’t true, was it? She used to be able to tell him there was nothing going on in a strong voice, but since the kiss, she could no longer say nothing went on. Because something did happen. It may be a kiss, but there was always a starting point for everything. She knew her voice would quiver and her hands would shake, should Jack ever decide to question her again.

The upside to all this was, Jack had
troubles of his own. He just didn’t have the time or energy to mind her business or do anything to her yet. It didn’t take a genius to piece everything together. Hallie knew why her husband’s mental and physical abuse had stopped in the past few months.

Jack had landed in hot water a few months ago concerning an intern at Carter & Stone. Hallie didn’t know any further details, just the facts that Alin has reluctantly shared with her. She had a feeling Alin didn’t delve in any further to spare her feelings. It was reported by the media briefly concerning somewhere along the lines of sexual harassment and unfair dismissal.

Hallie wasn’t surprised if it was true. Her husband had a history of fucking the interns and associates, which explained why Carter and Stone was one of the top employers for equality and promoted themselves in giving many chances to women, who was known to be less successful than their counterparts in the legal field.

This also further explained why Jack’s hatred towards Ryan had somewhat intensified. Alin had told her Ryan was also involved in helping the young and pretty intern at her husband’s firm, but was not sure of the full story. Alin had hinted Ryan’s reluctance to say any more regarding the intern at Carter & Stone.

She felt a sudden stab of jealousy and sadness. Not for her husband’s dalliance with the intern, but the obvious affection and care Ryan had for this mysterious intern.

And that was what was wrong with the whole messed up situation.

Throughout the night she laughed when appropriate, listened when she had to, and most importantly she made sure she hung on to every word Jack uttered. Everything was a blur. She would act as if she was enjoying herself but secretly one eye was scanning the room, hoping to see him.

But it was just that- hope. She sent him away and now she was regretting her decision. The bravado she had shown earlier to Ryan was pathetic.

I am pathetic.

‘Babe,’ Jack whispered in her ear, startling her out of her reflections, ‘It’s time to go home.’ He slid his hand down her back, stopping just above the curve of her rear.



I am nervous.

As you already know I had doubts about my wedding. I threw caution to the wind and sat down with my mom telling her how I felt.

It didn’t go down well.

She said that I was blessed and that it was ludicrous that I was having second thoughts.

Her tone started off gentle, but when she saw the blank look on my face, and the fact that my whole face screamed that I was disagreeing with her, she started to turn borderline mad. Then she started to threaten that if I didn’t go through with it, I’d be living on the street…

Welcome to my privileged life. Although I had wealthy parents, in this household, money becomes a bargaining chip to everything.

The only good thing is, his family is very welcoming and are nice to me.

But then again, there’s always something about them that makes me feel uncomfortable… almost like they know something I don’t. As for his brother, I didn’t expect for us to get along. He is not known for being a sane guy, but how wrong it was for me to listen to rumours. He’s the nicest guy! I can confide in him things I can’t even tell my husband-to-be.


‘Fuck, I can’t believe you’re still so tight…’ Jack whispered in her ear as he forced himself inside her. It felt great to be inside a pussy without a condom, he thought to himself. One hand wrapped around her neck, and he tightened his grip even further as he felt his climax building.

Jack made sure he would sheath himself with a condom when he fucked those dirty cunts. One BIG mistake he made in the past was enough for him to put his dick second.

His wife was different though.

She was his and he was the only one who had fucked her.

Hallie closed her eyes willing this to be over soon. She was slightly worried with the fact that Jack hadn’t used any protection. Last time he had given her a huge health scare. Still, she knew after that mistake, Jack had been somewhat more careful with his dalliances.

She had seen his wondering eye during the Charity Ball and had hoped he would choose one of the girls that was vying for his attention.

In the past, by the end of the Charity Ball, she would always go home alone. Her husband would sneak away with a beauty on his arm and then return in the morning with a big fat smirk on his face.

She didn’t always feel like this. When she first found out about Jack’s cheating, each one broke a little part of her. She cried herself to sleep, blaming herself for not satisfying him enough to the point where he had to seek pleasure elsewhere. It didn’t help the fact he didn’t even bother to hide it.

It seemed time and time again, Jack would test where her bottom line lies… he kept pushing and pushing, until one day she just couldn’t take it any longer. Just when she finally stood up to him and decided to move on, he had done despicable things to her before given her an ultimatum…after that she never had a doubt in her mind whether to stay or not. Now his affairs meant nothing to her.

Jack hardly touched Hallie after their daughter was born. She was happy to keep it that way, and was relieved that he sated his lust elsewhere. After conceiving Penny, Hallie had been extra careful with protection, religiously taking her birth control pills, even though he no longer touched her.

But tonight was different. He was extra possessive. When they got home, he closed the front door and pushed her against it, urgently unzipping her dress. They didn’t even make it to any of the rooms. He fucked her on the hard cold marble floor.

After he was done, he rolled over and lay beside her on the hard floor. ‘Fuck, that was good.’

She gave him a tense smile and he smiled back at her smugly, ‘I love you, Hallie.’



‘All human beings, as we meet them, are commingled out of good and evil: and Edward Hyde, alone, in the ranks of mankind, was pure evil.’

I love this quote from The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson. I’ve just finished the book for my assignment. It was sad to see how the doctor couldn’t overcome the ‘evil side.’ Most importantly, it has made me wonder whether the quote hold some truth. In class, we learnt a theory where if one tries to eliminate any dark thoughts in the unconscious mind, this would in actuality provoke the evil side and the development of a character like Mr Hyde.

I just wonder whether someone could possess two opposite extreme persona in one person. Anyway, just my random thoughts- I guess the assignment has really taken over my life. Not a surprise really, since I’ve been spending the past month on it. Though God forbid, if a truly evil person exists, I’ll never meet or even cross path with him.


Hallie sat up looking at the dark room aimlessly. She grabbed the sheets and held it against herself, wincing as she shifted slightly. She knew there were bound to be a couple of bruises forming. She felt exposed and violated. Jack slept soundly next to her, sated and with a small smile on his lips.

Instead of feeling exultant and comforted at Jack’s declaration of love, she was very afraid. She wasn’t sure what bought on his sudden need to declare his love for her, but it was something that didn’t sit right with her- it never sat right with her.

He’s playing with my mind again, Hallie thought to herself.

In the past, when Jack decided to play the devoted and loving husband, Hallie would fall for it hook, line and sinker. Without notice, he would unexpectedly revert back to his old ways and laugh in her face when she confronted him. He loved playing mind games with her and enjoyed breaking her. At least this time she knew wh
y he expressed his love for her. He needed her to play along with him in showing the world what a great family man he is.

It didn’t help matters with Ryan’s appearance tonight. She desperately wanted to tell him how she felt for him. But what use for was that? She looked at Jack… I hate sex, she thought to herself. Could Ryan overlook her lack of enthusiasm for any form of intimacy?

It didn’t matter anyway, even if Ryan could overlook it, they would never be together. Jack’s ultimatum ensured that. He had won.

Tears fell from her eyes without warning. Hallie wasn’t sure how much she could take. She bit her lip stifling her cries.

‘Baby…Hallie, why aren’t you asleep?’

Hearing Jack’s voice, Hallie brushed the tears away quickly and turned to face him. Even though the room was dark, lights from outside somewhat lit the room. Jack could see her red puffy eyes.

‘Why are you crying, baby? Did I do something to hurt you?’ He said softly, though his narrowed eyes betrayed him. If her answer was not to his satisfaction, this would give him the chance to punish her.

‘No, I’m just so happy tonight.’ She whispered and laid her head in the crook of his outstretched arms. He instantly relaxed. Hallie looked up at him and smiled, hoping she had convinced him, ‘you make me feel so happy and it feels so great to be with you like this again.’

He seemed ecstatic and almost shocked at her reply. Somehow, he had thought she would stall when answering him, giving him the perfect opportunity to question her further. He kissed the top of her head and whispered, ‘Good girl.’

Slowly his lips met hers and he rolled on top of her. His knee parted her thighs and using one hand he roughly tweaked her nipples. Hallie bit her lip hard, trying to balance out the pain.

She remembered one time when she dared to protest being too sore for him. She had learnt the hard way that when Jack wanted something, any indication of protest would anger him, resulting in some form of punishment. Therefore, she now pretended to be a willing participant. She tried hard to relax as she felt Jack’s hardness against her inner thigh. He shifted and was about to enter her, when a loud cry broke them apart.

‘Fuck!’ He hissed as Penny’s loud cries from the baby monitor pierced through. He rolled off of her and pushed his hand through his hair in frustration.

‘That little shit!’ He said punching the bed. ‘Every single fucking time!’

Hallie remained frozen, unsure what she should do. It was only when her daughter continued to cry, did it snap her out of her decision making process. It was catch 22 – if she went to console her daughter Jack would be pissed that she left in the middle of the fucking, but if she stayed, Penny would continue to cry- in turn, pissing him off further.

‘Sorry,’ She murmured, avoiding Jack’s narrowed eyes. ‘I’ll come back quickly.’

Hallie quickly picked up her dressing gown and practically ran to the baby’s room. She picked up her wailing daughter and laid her on her chest. Hallie stroked her back gently, whilst singing lullaby to her softly.

Within a few minutes, her daughter cries were slowly reduced to a few hiccups and then she fell asleep gradually. Hallie padded back to her own room, expecting Jack to be asleep.

Not only was he not asleep, he was spread out naked on the bed and stroking himself as he fully engrossed himself with the porno on TV. He turned the volume with one hand as he saw Hallie enter the room.

It was late and the children were asleep. Hallie was afraid the noises would wake up Alex. He was seven years old, and he was at an age where he would start to ask question about everything. It horrified her to imagine her son witnessing anything like what Jack had in mind.

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The Story of Dan Everett Peyton List

The production team have been at it for over an hour now and are getting furious with the blonde. It isn’t Peyton List’s fault but none other than a stranger who has snuck into the crowd, Dan Everett. Dan Everett have been using his reality warping powers to mess with Peyton List. The reason he is fucking with her is for personal revenge for all those times his little sister forced him to watch the horrible sitcom, Jessie. He remembers the only good thing was watching Peyton List and...

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The Story of Dan Everett Natalie Dormer0

Everett continue to walk around the edge of the convention center and pause as he sees a tall red head who he recognizes as Sophie Turner and a short brunette named Maisie Williams. They are in a photo booth taking pictures. Everett smirks at the opportunity and walked up the booth. A couple security guards stop him “Turn around now.” Dan just smiles and says “Actually why don’t you take a break. I am going to get my dick wet.” “Fine. Do me a favor and give it good to the red head. The...

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The Story of Dan Everett Natalie Dormer1

Everett continue to walk around the edge of the convention center and pause as he sees a tall red head who he recognizes as Sophie Turner and a short brunette named Maisie Williams. They are in a photo booth taking pictures. Everett smirks at the opportunity and walked up the booth. A couple security guards stop him “Turn around now.” Dan just smiles and says “Actually why don’t you take a break. I am going to get my dick wet.” “Fine. Do me a favor and give it good to the red head. The...

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Emerald Princess Chapter 9 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and...

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Vantier a Whateley Tale part 12

Vantier a Whateley Tale.....Ancient and Powerful Vantier awakens in a foreign world, struggling to find her place in it. In this chapter....Kyley Settles in Whateley and deals with some of her inner demons NOTE that this chapter Kyley talks over the subject of attempted suicide. So if that subject bothers you? You might want to stop on this one? He is saved from the death of his race and start all over again....but can she survive? A human high school and being a...

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beverlys holo fantasy

said the voice of Lieutenant O'Rourke. "In fact I can't remember the last time I went through a whole shift without someone reporting to sickbay for something or other." "It must be your Irish luck, Morgan." Beverly answered the disembodied voice coming from her com-badge. "But if anything changes, don't hesitate to call." "Don't worry Doctor," Morgan replied. "There's little short of a major disaster that we can't handle by ourselves. You've got us too well trained....

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Survival A Whateley Universe FanFic

Whateley: "Survival" [A Whateley Universe FanFic] By Zapper Synopsis: Kate's parents are both mutants and she's grown up knowing that there is a good chance she might become a mutant someday. But now sixteen she's dealing with the normal teen problems, puberty, boys, and her band. Then everything changes when she's kidnapped. Kate's now trying to survive long enough to be reunited with her parents. Note: This is a Whateley FanFic and has a little more violence than most...

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A Bit of Bass a Whateley fanfiction part 1

This is a work if fan fiction set in the Whateley Universe. Knowledge of the universe may be helpful to fully appreciate the story but may not be necessary. The setting and any previously established characters belong to their respective creators. A Bit of Bass Chapter 1: Indy Punk Chase Price sat on the weight bench in his room, doing curls with a 40 pound dumb bell. His massive arms swelled on each raise and the veins pop up from the skin. He did 20 quick pulls then switched...

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Emerald Princess Chapter 3 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated. As such it is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Currently there are 13 chapters written -...

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Emerald Princess Chapter 10 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and...

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Emerald Princess Chapter 11 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and other...

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The Halloween Ride of Paula Revere

(Listen my readers for I shall tell Of the story disclaimer of Miss Jezzi Belle. On the 31 of October of '84 If life for you was not yet in store You're too young so get your butt out of here.) The Halloween Ride of Paul(a) Revere By Jezzi Belle Stewart (c)2002 TRP Listen my darlings and you shall hear Of the Halloween ride of Paul(a) Revere. On the 31st of October of '95 No "man" involved is now alive Who remembers that famous day and year. Paul said to...

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Emerald Princess Chapter 6 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and other...

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Emerald Princess Chapter 12 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and...

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Emerald Princess Chapter 13 Whateley Fan Fiction

This work took a little bit longer hiatus than I planned due to the demands of real life, but not to worry I'm back at it again! There is a cue of three other completed chapters after this and I'm pretty sure if my energy holds up there will be another two or three done by next week. I hopefully will be able to post one a week for a while here. Right now I'm guessing there are right around 10-15 chapters remaining here. This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes...

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Emerald Princess Chapter 16 Whateley Fan Fiction

This will be the last chapter before I have to take a break for a trip and then company coming in. Most likely my next post will be in the first or second week of the New Year. (It would probably be sooner if I have some comments :-) ) This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity,...

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Emerald Princess Chapter 19 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and other...

1 year ago
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Vantier a Whateley Tale NYC summer

Vantier a Whateley Tale.....Ancient and Powerful Vantier awakens in a foreign world, struggling to find her place in it. this is just a run into new line of seeing what she would do in the marvel universe at large just a side trip for Vantier, and this will not be 'canon' for her. Just me having fun! --none of this is my trademark for marvel characters Copyright © 2016 by Shadowsblade All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or...

2 years ago
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Lady GuinevereChapter 52

Eddie was hugging me when I woke up the next morning. While we slept in the same bed, we were too tired to do anything else. The evening on the boat had wiped us out and as hard as we tried, we just weren't into making love. I slipped from under his arm and went to the bathroom. After taking care of my bladder, I jumped into the shower. While I shampooed my hair, Eddie came in and stood in front of the toilet. "Don't you dare flush until I'm finished," I yelled. Eddie laughed and then...

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Long RelieverChapter 10

Arlie slept on the issue and didn't write to Susan's mother until after breakfast the following morning: To: [email protected] From: "Arliss Stone" [email protected] Subject: Your Visit to Baltimore Dear Mrs. Munger: I'm here at home with Susan and my children for the remainder of this week and next, before the team is off on its next road trip. I imagine now that it's close to time for your trip to Ohio and to Baltimore, you must be getting excited about seeing your...

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Beverlys Love

100% fiction! One day while I came back from high school, mum told me that my cousin Beverly was coming over to stay with us the next day as her new workplace is quite near to our house. I was so happy hearing this because Beverly is my cousin sis who's 3 years older than me, by that time I was 18 and she 21. She's super hot, with her big boobs and sexy looking ass. Everytime I masturbate, she's the one I fantasize about. Simply knowing that she's coming to stay with us had made my cock hard...

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Bhai Ke Dever Se Chudayi

Hi maira name Rahil h meri 21 h ye meri real story hai maira rang gora h aur dekhne me bht khubsurat hun college ke bht se ladke mujhpe marte h par mai kisi ko bhav nhi deti hun mairi frnds mujhe apne sex ke bare me batati h to mujhe bhi sex kar ne ka man karta h par moqa nhi mila kabhi ab apni story pe aati hun Ye baat do saal pehle ki h jab mai b.Sc ki student thi Mairi do sis aur do bro h dono sis ki shadi ho chuki h mairi badi sister ka name nahid h aur chohti ka rehnuma baat tab ki h jab...

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My Everett Mountain RetreatChapter 6

She is wearing a black string bikini. It appears, from the back, that her bum is bare; but, the string is hiding in heaven. Her scent hits me. Charlize is beautiful in her own right, like all the girls; each is distinct and so appealing. She stops and her skirt settles on her hips. She looks into my eyes and flicks her finger for me to follow her to Jayden's bedroom. Following her is a visual delight. Her skirt sways with her hips, at the bed she turns, facing me; she makes a production out...

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Evergreen Forest Ch 01

There was no water. Close to the heart of the Evergreen Forest, Snatch narrowed his eyes. The forest was picturesque. The trees (deciduous, despite the forest’s name) were thick enough to keep the ground below in a perpetual twilight, the grass was tall and green, and there were flowers everywhere. The place was obviously well-nourished. So where was the water? Snatch was not one for the outdoors, of course, but he’d worked with a druidess once. In his experience, it was very hard to spend a...

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Melvin a Whateley Tale

This story is a Fan-Fiction saddled in the Whateley Academy Universe created by Maggie Finson and other Authors. Please notice that English isn't my native language and I'm still working on my grammar. First of all I want to thank the Canon Authors for their incredible inspiring tales as well as my editors and collaborative Authors Nuuan & Shadowsblades check out their stories if you have time for it. Thanks also for reading this little introduction, I hope you have fun...

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Emerald Princess Chapter 1 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated. As such it is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. As I begin posting this I have about...

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Emerald Princess Chapter 2 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated. As such it is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please keep in mind this story is a work of...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 36

After cleaning the boat, I decided to take a shower and lay down before dinner. When I was finished in the head, I slipped on a long tee shirt, went to the master stateroom and stretched out on the bed. I was alone for about a half an hour and almost asleep when I felt someone crawl into bed with me. "You still awake, Little-bit?" Brad asked as he circled my waist with his arm. I rolled onto my back and said, "Sort of." "Are you tired?" Brad said as his hand slid down my stomach to...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 40

It felt good to be home, back in our house and on solid ground. I helped Eddie and Dad unload the van, sorted the dirty clothes and took my suitcase to my room. Once my bag was emptied and everything was put away, I flopped on my bed. After kicking off my boat shoes, I pulled my legs onto the bed and nestled my head into my pillow. I lay quietly for a while, got up and removed my clothes, putting on an old comfy tee shirt. I went out to the living room and sat on the floor, my back against...

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Androids of Evergreen pt1

Thomas Evergreen sat alone in his little corner of the world. He lived on a hundred acres of land, uninhabited except for him. He was an only child, never married, and never had any children. His parents had passed away years ago and he had no other relatives, except for a few distant ones that he shunned. They were only after his parent’s wealth after all. The mansion and property were worth millions upon millions to the right buyer or inheritor. At 42 years old, Tom wasn’t likely to have...

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Any reader old as me or any one that watches old tv sitcoms will know the Beverley Hill Billies, all about hill billy Jedd Clampett Who was out hunting raccoons with his coon hound in Kentucky and shit at a coon, but missed, but the shot brought up a fountain of black ooze which turned out to be oil or “Texas Tea”. He immediately sold his mineral rights for a fortune and decided to buy a mansion in Beverley Hills, California so loaded up his old 1929 Ford Truck with Granny, Jedd,s Daughter...

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The Reverend

THE REVEREND Joseph wasn't the sharpest pin stuck into that weird little tomato shaped sewing accessory. He did however find an interesting niche to take advantage of in the current situation. He worked for the reverend, a scary small-time gangster that nobody would ever go up against. The reverend was small in stature but had none of the so called "small man syndrome," There was something in his aura that reeked of true power. There were bigger fishes but the reverend had an aura that...

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Youve Got to Be Kidding More Action From Everett Mountain

✧ ✧ ✧ Special thanks to Jim7 for his expertise in editing and proofing. No Bunnies were harmed during this edit!! ✧ ✧ ✧ It had been a long hellish week. Thankfully, today was Friday. Even so, I was three hours late leaving the job site. A stupid boring machine decided to seize, thus making it a very shitty ending for a totally fucked up week. Murphy’s Law had found a seat on my shoulder all week, as breakdown after breakdown challenged my ability and sanity. ✧ ✧ ✧ My name is Ron Wreckler,...

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My Everett Mountain RetreatChapter 4

"Uncle Don, mom's in some kind of trouble!" That's how it started. My sister is a piece of work, the comment 'absolutely useless, ' is a high complement if you are referring to her, it goes downhill from there. The only good thing to come from her pitiful life was the result of a one-night stand, is my niece, my lover, my Jayden. My life revolves around her. Jayden is fourteen going on twenty-five. I get tingles in my stomach just thinking of her. What the hell has my sister done...

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More Big Black Cocks For Beverly

This is a continuation of a story called ‘A Big Black Cock For Beverly’ its not imperative you read that first but if you wish to get the whole story then I suggest you take a look at it. Once again thanks to couple4hunghung for the inspiration. check out her pics and give them a thumbs up! The butterflies were racing around Beverly stomach as she watched the clock tic by. Today was the day she had waited for, the day she had ached over arriving. Today was the day she was going to meet up with...

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