Kathy und Betti Watson German
- 3 years ago
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They found Andy hanging from the bracelets on her wrists. Two small pools of blood had formed, one below each foot. They had formed as the blood from the myriad cuts across her body had slowly flowed down her body to her legs, then down to her toes to drip onto the polyethylene below. Since her legs were still held spread wide apart by the ankle bracelets attached to the torture frame, two separate pools had formed. There was also a small pool of urine beneath her. Andy's head was pitched forward with her chin nearly on her chest. Ken gasped as he looked at the girl. He had seen nothing nearly this bad since he had cut the Trang sisters down from the scaffold. But, he thought, the Vietnamese intended to kill the sisters. What happened here?
Before he could utter the words aloud, Kathy picked up a small envelope lying on the floor just in front of the polyethylene sheet. It was addressed to her and she opened it. "My God!" she exclaimed, "It's to me from Andy. She says she has received over 100 lashes. Most are for not returning home at the appropriate time, but a few are for making an unauthorized telephone call.
"Since she knows how much I hate to beat her, she made her own arrangements so I wouldn't have to." She looked up at Ken with tears pouring from her eyes and added, "She doesn't think she'll be able to kiss the whip so those strokes will be added to the next time!
"My God!" she wailed, "what are we going to do?"
"As a first step," he said softly, "How about if we get her down from there? Any idea how long she's been hanging on that rack?"
"What time is it now?" she asked. When told it was almost seven-thirty, she replied, "This is dated today at three o'clock. My God! She's been hanging suspended for over four hours!"
Ken asked Mike for help. Together the two men lifted Andy's weight from the hooks permitting Kathy to unfasten them. Meanwhile, Judy had gone to the second bedroom, took the bedspread off the bed, and pulled down the covers. As gently as they could, the two men carried Andy between them to the room and laid her on it.
Blood covered both men when they stepped back because Andy's body was bleeding from everywhere. The only unmarked part of her body was her face. There were lacerations on her breasts, her belly, her loins and her arms. Her legs had been whipped on all surfaces with particular emphasis on her inner thighs. The result was there was no way to carry her without touching a number of the still-bleeding cuts across her body. There was not a single square inch of her flesh that wasn't marked.
Judy came back with a pan of warm water and two washcloths. Giving one to Kathy, the two girls worked as carefully as they could to wash off the blood and lymphatic fluid that covered her body. In addition, it was apparent that the woman had been sweating profusely during her ordeal and there was a great deal of dried salty sweat all over her body. As they carefully worked with the men watching, the new pain seemed to partially revive the injured girl.
Kathy was working on her shoulders and chest as the girl suddenly tried to get up. As gently as she could, Kathy held her down and whispered, "Relax, darling Andy. It will be all right!"
"I have to get up," the girl gasped in a husky voice. "I have to clean up my mess!" Her eyes opened and searched the room, finally fixing on Kathy's face. "Mistress, I tried to hold it in. Honestly, I did. But I finally lost control and urinated on the floor. I must lick it up before it dries..." The girl again tried to rise while tears of sorrow poured from her eyes.
"You're staying in bed, Slave Andy!" Kathy commanded firmly. "Now tell me what happened. Who beat you?"
Slumping back the girl whispered hoarsely, "I beat me! It was no one else — just me! Mistress, I broke every rule and needed to be punished. I just made the arrangements, is all." Again she struggled to rise and again Kathy held her down. "But Mistress," she protested, "I must make your dinner! I'm not sure how much more punishment I can take right now."
Kathy didn't know what to do, but then she had an idea. Since Andy was still wearing the leather bracelets on her wrists and ankles, she asked Ken to get a length of clothesline she had seen in the pantry. When he gave it to her, she cut a piece and attached it to Andy's left wrist, then tied the other end to the head of the bed. After cutting another piece, she tied it to the strap on Andy's right ankle and then tied its other end around the lower leg of the bed. She made sure there was enough slack for Andy to move but not nearly enough to permit her even to sit up.
Then she heard the girl mutter, "Water ... Could I... ? water..."
Her heart went out to this poor tortured woman, who couldn't even bring herself to ask for water, although she was certainly dying of thirst. Judy shot out the door and in moments was back with a pitcher of water and a glass. After pouring, she gave the glass to Kathy. As carefully as she could, Kathy lifted Andy from behind her shoulders. In spite of her care, Andy involuntarily gasped in pain because Kathy's arm was across a number of terrible bleeding welts across her shoulders. Disregarding her cry, Kathy brought the glass to the girl's lips and let some water trickle into her mouth.
She swallowed, then swallowed again. When she drained the glass, Judy refilled it and Andy drained it again. Finally she gasped, "Thank you, Mistress! You are too kind to your slave..." Then her body just went limp.
Kathy couldn't tell if she had gone to sleep or fainted, but she gently lowered the girl's head to the pillow. Although they had done nothing at all to clean up the girl's back, she and Judy concluded that they had done as much as they could. After turning off the lights they left the room.
Kathy was sitting in a chair by Andy's bedside the next morning, reading a book. Judy, who had driven Mike back to Pendleton the night before and then returned, was downstairs making breakfast. Early that morning, Jack Fletcher had called and told Kathy what had happened. He was in tears and could scarcely talk. She assured him that Andy was as good as she could be but certainly was in no shape for visitors yet, but perhaps he could see her late that afternoon. Sensing some movement in the corner of her eye, Kathy saw Andy's eyes flutter and then open.
When she moved to get out of bed, she found that her wrist was tied down. Looking around she saw Kathy and smiled wanly. "Mistress," she said softly, "may I get out of bed to go to the bathroom?" Tears came to her eyes as she remembered the events of the previous evening and added, "I can't wet the bed, too."
As Kathy untied the cords, she asked, "How do you feel, Andy? Do you feel well enough to try to take a bath?"
When the two cords were untied and Andy tried to get up, she screamed in pain. During the night, scabs had formed on the dozens of cuts on her back and legs and attached themselves to the bed sheet. As soon as Andy realized what was causing the pain, she just sat up in a quick motion tearing the scabs off her back, then lay back down again while she raised her legs together. Again she involuntarily screamed as the scabs on her legs were torn off, too. Lowering her legs, she was again sitting up. Then she spun her body to swing her legs over the side of the bed. When she did, she almost fainted from the pain coupled with the wave of dizziness that came over her.
Recognizing what was happening, Kathy called out to Judy who came running. Then the two women stood beside the bed and Kathy said, "Andy, I think it would be easier if you supported yourself on us rather than us trying to hold you. Want to try?" Reaching out a hand to each girl, Andy pulled herself to her feet. When her weight came down on her feet she screamed again.
Hearing it Kathy said to Judy, "The bastinado: It's probably the most painful torture of them all although it doesn't sound like it is. A heavy stick is used to beat the victim on the instep of both feet. I think it was discovered during the Inquisition. Anyway, that's what it is. Judy, she can't walk. It's impossible."
Moving close to each side of the girl, they each took one of her arms and put it over her shoulder so the girl could largely suspend her weight on their shoulders. In that fashion they were able to get to the bathroom where Andy gratefully sank down on the toilet seat. After she relieved herself, Kathy asked her just to remain seated and took the opportunity to wash her back. Judy helped as soon as she realized what Kathy was doing.
Then they filled the bathtub with warm water and again helped the girl into it. Gratefully, she sank down in the tub. Kathy gasped as almost immediately the bath-water turned pink and then just continued to darken as so many of the again-open cuts on Andy's back and legs continued to bleed.
As she gratefully soaked in the warm water, Andy looked at Kathy and said, "Mistress, the punishment for failure to perform my duties is two lashes for every hour missed. I guess I'm up to another twenty-four about now. Since I'm really not in good shape, could you let me work them off at the rate of ten strokes a day? I don't think I could make it if I had to take forty-eight each day. Could we, Mistress?"
Hearing Andy's request, Kathy's heart turned over again. The girl was so sincere and so brutally beaten it made Kathy heartsick. Together with Judy, she finally got Andy cleaned up and even managed to wash her hair. Recognizing how painful any movement was for her, they fed her while she was still in the bathtub. Finally, using the same technique they had developed earlier, they helped her back into bed.
A little after four-thirty, the doorbell rang. When Kathy opened it, she found Jack Fletcher standing there. He introduced himself and she led him into the living room. After he sank into a chair, Judy offered him a drink which he gratefully accepted. She disappeared and then came back with his, as well as drinks for Kathy and herself.
Then Kathy asked, "Jack, what happened? Do you want to tell me about it?"
When he looked at her, Kathy realized she had never seen such tormented eyes in her life. Moreover, Jack looked awful. It appeared he had not slept a wink and she later found out that he had not. He told her about meeting Andy on the steelwork and about their date that night.
"Then, Mistress Kathy, I made a disastrous mistake: I asked Andy to spend the night with me. When I asked her, I saw something flash across her eyes that I didn't recognize. Now I do. It was pain. You see, she knew exactly what was going to happen. Because she did, she made me swear to do her a favor last night. She said it would be painful for me, but bearable."
Looking at her he began to cry like a baby. "I don't know how I did it. Mistress, after every single stroke of the whip do you know what Andy did? She looked at me with all of her love in her eyes and said, 'Thank you, my darling.' After every one! As the beating continued, her voice became more hoarse and fainter, but until she passed out, she thanked me every time. Can you believe it?"
He saw great pain in Kathy's eyes, too, as she replied, "Knowing Andy, I certainly can. She's a remarkable woman, isn't she?"
"You don't know the half of it," he replied. Then, very diffidently, he asked, "May I see her? Would it be all right?"
Kathy took him upstairs to the room where Andy was still sleeping. Even though she had not made a sound opening the door — Ken had oiled the hinges so they operated silently — it was as if she sensed Jack's presence.
Instantly her eyes opened and locked on him as she said in the most loving voice Kathy had ever heard, "My darling Jack, I love you so very much!"
Then turning to Kathy she asked, "Mistress, if I swear to stay in bed, would you please untie me so Jack can make love to me now? I've been thinking about it all day and I can take him if I can be on top. I know this is another fifty lashes, but it's worth it to me. Please?"
Hearing the girl's words, Kathy almost broke down in tears. Instead, she just weakly smiled, untied her wrist and ankle and then left the room, closing the door behind her.
Looking up at Jack she said softly, "Darling, this will hurt a bit. So please ... give me a kiss first? Will you?" He went to the side of the bed and very gently put his lips on hers. It was not the kind of kiss Andy had in mind at all. Now that her arms were free, she put a hand behind his head and pulled his face down towards hers, hard. As she did, she mashed her lips against his and then worked hers softly against his as she felt the wonderful electricity flowing between them again. When he finally pulled away, he saw the most beautiful smile on her face he had ever seen. Again she whispered, "My darling, I love you so very much!"
Completely ignoring the pain and what she was doing to her back and legs, she sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed. Jack was utterly beside himself. It was obvious how painful it was for her to do what she had just done. It was equally obvious that she wanted him inside her at any cost, so when she asked him to get undressed, he complied. Stripping off his jeans and shirt, he then shucked off his shorts and lay back on her bed. When he did, he was conscious of wetness on his back from Andy's blood on the sheets.
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They lay in bed naked, holding each other; a hand on each others buttocks pulling them close. “I love you so much Kathy” “I love you too.” “I never realised you were so open about sex.” “I think I’ve got a few things to learn about you too Jeff” “Oh Kathy, I am so sorry; I hope you will forgive me; I feel so guilty for cheating on you.” Kathy opened her mouth and kissed him, pushing her tongue between his lips to find his. They could both still taste the sperm in each others...
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Driving in to work the next morning, Kathy felt wonderful. Reflecting on her life with Ken it seemed that each night was better than the one before. Last night had been the very best. Gently, she ran her fingers up her sore crotch and softly moaned, remembering. Ginger had certainly been right: The more she worked to increase Ken's enjoyment, the greater was her own pleasure. Going up in the elevator she realized she was a little late: It was already eight-fifteen. Entering the office, she...
Since Kathy and I had lived together sharing the same one bedroom apartment at our community college we had become an item. An unusual item. Kathy had a cock. A huge cock. Bigger than my seven inches. But I adored her and we were really good together. I'm Greg and we had completed our first year. We had gone our separate ways and then I was invited to Kathy's home to meet the family. It had went so fucking well. Her mother and father had the master bedroom downstairs. I had a guest room...
TransNow that Ken was working for Higgins Construction, their life together established a pattern, but it was one quite different from the way it had been before. In the beginning, Ken was arriving home first, since construction work normally ended at four o'clock. Kathy would usually arrive home while Ken was in the shower. As soon as he came out to the bedroom, Kathy would insist that he lie on the bed while she massaged his aching muscles. She would always begin on his back, shoulders and...
The next morning, Kathy was the first to awaken. She lay in the bed with her eyes closed just enjoying the wonderful feeling of Ken's hand still cupping her tit, while her body was molded to his. Then she just wriggled a little and enjoyed the crispness of the sheets against her bare skin. She gently squeezed his hand and looked up at his face. Instantly, his eyes opened, and instinctively he moved his head towards hers. Their first kiss of the morning was like the last kiss the night...
A week later, sitting at her computer Kathy was typing a paper for one of Ken's law classes. Without any conscious thought, she was editing and rewriting it as she went. Since she was so experienced and skillful at it, she was able to do it while typing at a speed that made it appear she was just copying Ken's words. Hearing a soft knock on her door, she told the person to come in without looking up from her computer screen. Because there had been no announcement from Judy, she assumed it...
Wife continues to submit joined by s*sAfter Kathy got started she could not turn it off. One cock was not going to be enough for a weekend so most Friday’s we had one to three guys spending the night and Kathy fucking and sucking all of us. This also was the giant step into Kathy becoming submissive.The first few months turned into a couple of years and along the way we agreed, and I do mean we, that Kathy would do what she was told during play times and even during the average work day. I...
When they were 3 years old, Kathy's family and Roy's family moved into houses next to each other. The families had bought new houses that had been built only twenty feet apart with a fence exactly halfway between them. As a result, both families paid extremely low prices for their otherwise very nice homes. The afternoon that they both moved in, Roy's mom and dad went out to their pool deck and collapsed into the deck furniture to recover from the move. Kathy's mom and dad were in their...
It was almost four in the afternoon when Kathy found herself high up in a new downtown skyscraper in front of the most impressive office entrance she had ever seen. It was all furniture-polished hardwood — it appeared to be cherry — with solid brass letters spelling out, Clifford & Jamison, and below, in smaller letters, Attorneys at Law. She was wearing her good suit for work, and that was unfortunate. Because it is quite cool in the Redwood Country, what was appropriate attire for...
As she waited for an elevator in the lobby of the tall office building, Judy Jeffries was depressed. A tall blonde with beautiful features, Judy was the daughter of Major General Stanton Pierce Jeffries and Susan Barnes Jeffries. Because of her father's high rank, her childhood and adolescent years had always been strange. Since she had been raised on military posts, her father had always far outranked the much younger — and far more junior — fathers of her classmates. This happened because...
At ten o'clock, Ken and Kathy met Ali and Bill Clifford on the first tee of the Bay Course. Of course Ken already loved Ali. Now he found he really liked Bill Clifford, too. He had learned earlier from Kathy that he was one of the richest men in the world and was in his fifties. Nevertheless, he looked like he was in his late thirties, and Ken found that he liked him a great deal. Completely ignoring the men, Ali challenged Kathy to a $50 Nassau, a challenge that was immediately accepted....
In her own room now Lupita masturbated to the vision of Esther the youngest of her three children discovering the wonder of her first orgasm. "Huuugh huuugh huuugh "she grunted as she put herself in Esther's place "aaaagggghh aaaaaaggghhh " she groaned as she fist fucked herself. Yes her capacious cunt could hold her own hand and she looked like she was searching for coins in the bottom of a purse as she fucked herself. "Fuck me Nancy fuck me fuck me" she whispered "ooooohh ooooohh...
Kathystory about a lactating single momIt was a warm, sunny September Saturday afternoon and I really couldn’t stand it anymore to sit at my desk and think about my thesis. They call it “writer’s block” and mine was finest quality marble, weighing a ton at the least. Any which way I formulated and reformulated the text, it only seemed a summit of stupid phraseology. You can’t force creativity, so I resigned to put on my shoes and take a nose full of fresh air. I took a bus to the nearby park to...
Graduating from high school at eighteen I was off to college that fall. I was going to a community college in the nearby city in preparation for going to a more prestigious institution. My name is Greg. My grades had not been that great. I was more interested in girls than school and had made the attempt to work my way through all of the girls in high school. I must have fucked at least twenty in my class of one hundred. Pretty good record if I say so myself. I never stayed with one more than a...
TransKathy Simms lay on her bed in her dorm room. It was saturday and she was languidly stroking her pussy with her hand pushed down through the waistband of her panties. Hearing a knock on the door she went to the peephole and saw her dad, stepmother Donna and her stepsister Janie. Just a minute she called as she quickly hid the Beefcake magazine and the vibrator she had been preparing to use on herself. Opening the door she said what a surprise. What are you guys doing here? Donna said Jim had...
Ken Carlson's first thought that day had been just to go away and never come back; he would lose himself among the street people. Then he realized that it would take Kathy seven years or more to have him declared legally dead, so he rejected that idea. Suicide was a more attractive alternative until he realized it would be far too easy on himself. He would not suffer nearly as much as he knew he should for having failed totally in his responsibilities as a husband. One more time he would...
Note : This story is completely fictional! "I feel terrible mom""I knew that slut Jenny would dump you" snarled Jessie."I miss her so much" sobbed Mike."You miss the sex""Yes, that too" he admitted.Jessie felt sorry for her son. His father ran off with a younger woman years ago. She was lonely herself and longed for a man to make love to her."You can use me for sex if you want" she cooed."Oh my god, really?" said the shocked boy."I want sex and you can satisfy my needs" smiled Jessie.Mike sat...
IncestDid you know that the average high school romance lasts about three weeks? Well, Kathy Thomas and Gregg Hollander beat that record by about forty years. They met when she was but a freshman and he a sophomore. From that point they were inseparable. Yes, theirs was that true mythic love that seems to stand the test of time and remain pure. Now before you go and get misty over this nice sweet couple I have to tell you that Kath and I were married for about thirty of those years and I thought...
After my brief encounter with Ken my married neighbor I realized my obsession with sex could be filled now that I was 18 , all my fantasy's , taboo lusts and needs could be satisfied . It was easier to become Kathy now that I could get away for a few days by myself . The book store an motel had quickly my sissy hide away , since no one knew me here . I'd rent a room in the back of the motel , an exit let me come and go without being noticed and the book store a 5 minute walk away . In my bag...
Andy soon found that her work on the construction site fit in nicely with her work at the apartment. Since Kathy and Ken were both early risers, she could fix their breakfast, clean up, and still be at work by eight o'clock. Similarly, the construction job closed down at four-thirty giving her time to get home ahead of them with enough time to have all the preparations for dinner complete. Since she truly did not like herself, her accomplishments never registered. Rather, she only thought of...
Authors name: Joe Slackie Story title : Kathy's First Orgasm -=*=- Kathy's First Orgasm by Joe Slackie August 13, 1998 My afternoon client had called to let me know that he was sick and would not be able to make our meeting. Disappointed, I went home early to catch up on a little paper work on the old home computer. As I climbed the stairs and was walking past my oldest daughters room I heard a soft noise that caught my in- terest. The door was slightly ajar so I peeked...
Hank smiled warmly at her daughter and replied, "I was wondering if you were ever going to stop your monologue long enough to pretend to be civilized. Samantha Conroy, I am very happy to introduce our host and hostess at luncheon today, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Carlson." When the girl heard the name, her jaw dropped and she slid off the sideboard. Suddenly, she was embarrassed by her appearance and was obviously torn between fleeing the room and meeting the people she had heard about all her...
As they entered the hospital, Kathy was completely unaware of the fact that she had achieved her desired appearance. Now she was a slender brown-haired vision of beauty as she walked with her long-legged stride at Ken's side, moving with the unconscious grace of a great cat. She was oblivious to the looks that followed their passage. Her posture was straight and her breasts were proudly upthrust. The fact that they could be seen moving under the light material of her yellow shirtwaist dress...
Promptly at six, the doorbell rang in the suite and Marie went to answer it. The girl looked very cute with her beautiful nude body while she wore only a large white silk bow pinned to the back of her head. After looking though the peephole to ensure it was the Conroys and her sister, Celeste, she opened the door wide. "Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Conroy," she said politely. "Welcome!" They entered, but Hank stopped as soon as she had come in just far enough to allow the girl to close the...
Kathy knew she had to hurry, her husbands friend Craig was waiting for her downstairs in the kitchen. She turned and looked in the full length mirror one more time at her fancy dress costume she was wearing to the work party that night. Her husband of ten years, John, had been dropping unsubtle hints lately about her old school uniform, wondering aloud if she could still fit into it after two children. To her delight, Kathy could still squeeze into the little pleated skirt, although her hips...
At this point Ken Carlson asked Jerry if he could have the microphone for a few moments. The bandleader was startled but immediately complied. Having watched Jerry, Ken knew where to hold it so he started right in. "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. First, on behalf of my wife, Kathy, and myself, I want to thank you all for this warm tribute. I would also like to make a few remarks on the evening of one of the most remarkable days of our lives. "First, I would like to comment on the...
During the last week of their stay on Maui, Kathy began to play tennis with the Trangs. As she suspected, they were both remarkably well coordinated. Since the game she played was against the twins playing together, they quickly became very good because of the way they seemed to share a single brain. It was like playing one person with two bodies, employing each one to maximum effect. When she insisted on massaging them after their match, Kathy realized how perfect the two girl's bodies now...
Contains a mild scatology theme. If thats really not for you then please don't read. If you are mildly curious or just simply love it, then go ahead and hopefully enjoy. Constructive criticism and comments would be gratefully accepted Kathy woke up and felt the empty space in the bed beside her, then heard the front door close as Jeff left to go to work. She pulled off the duvet and felt the chill autumn air from the open window cover her warm naked body. She closed her eyes and lay...
After High School I needed a job, I could not decide in what field I wanted to work, I tried the military but didn't like the feeling I got when I talked to the recruiters. So I went to work for circle K as assistant manager, as there were fewer stores on the south side where I lived, I had to go to the north side. After traveling to many different stores, and parts of the north side, finally getting my own store on north May Ave. The building behind me is where many of my customers came...
If you find shitting pissing and farting a turn on, or even somehow mildly amusing, then please read on and enjoy, but if you totally dislike the thought of anybody ingesting excrement for sexual pleasure, please go elsewhere. Kathy and Ivan. (A seriously filthy scat story.) Kathy finished her shift at the hospital at 10pm and was in the changing room when she checked her phone. She had a message from Ivan, explaining that he and his wife were not on speaking terms and he was staying...
Kathy By Xu [Fade into school classroom, one student front row centre tapping a tube of lipstick on the table, a girl, around 14. Dark mascara, pale lipstick, too much foundation] Hi, I'm Kathy. Actually, I'm Christopher, but no one believes me. Confused yet? I know I am... [Zoom from classroom as the Kathy speaks, then merges to opening credits] [Cue theme song, 'Leap of Faith'] Sometimes in life you just have to take chances To get where you think you should...
"Put that medal back on this instant!" Judy Jeffries exclaimed. Mike Morris was sitting beside her in her convertible as they sped north on the freeway towards Los Angeles. It was the day of the Clifford & Jamison Christmas dance and Mike was wearing his dress whites. With a grin, Judy had earlier made "a big concession" by not insisting that he wear his sword, too. Because uniform regulations require that medals be worn with the full-dress uniform, Mike had miniature medals pinned...