Warum? free porn video

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Titel: Warum? Autor(in): 'Katrin Elisabeth' Copyright (C) (abgekupfert von Debbie Sanderson): "Feel free to pass it around, archive it, repost it... Please don't alter it, or charge for it. Thanks." Auf Deutsch (quasi woertlich uebersetzt): "Nimm dir die Freiheit und reiche die Geschichte herum, speichere sie, schicke sie weiter ... Bitte aendere sie aber nicht, und verlange fuer sie auch kein Geld. Danke." Warum? ====== Warum habe ich diese Gedanken und Wuensche? Sie passen nicht zu dem Verhalten, das andere von mir erwarten. "Wie eine Schwuchtel! Fuer dich muss man sich schaemen! Ich mag mich mit dir gar nicht mehr sehen lassen. Wofuer habe ich das verdient, so einen Perversling als Sohn zu bekommen?" Tut weh, tut sehr weh. Sie ist doch meine Mutter. Wenn ich so was von anderen hoere, dann geht's ja noch. Wenn ich von anderen gestupst, gestossen oder getreten werde, dann werde ich total passiv. Dann lass ich einfach alles ueber mich ergehen. In so einem Moment bin ich dann nicht mehr ich selbst. Es kommt mir vor, als stuende ich neben mir. Ich sehe bzw. fuehle mich am Boden zusammengekauert liegen, doch die Tritte spuere ich nur ganz dumpf. Irgendwann merke ich dann, dass man von mir abgelassen hat und ich allein bin, fuehle langsam wieder wie Leben in meinen Koerper zurueckkehrt, versuche dann aufzustehen und mach mich auf den Heimweg. Meistens schaffe ich es nicht, meinen "Unfall" meinen Eltern gegenueber zu verbergen. Die Folgen sind dann Erziehungsmassnahmen "zur Foerderung meiner Selbstidentifikation als Bub". Mein Bruder ist 18 und in der 12ten. Ich bin 11 und in der 5ten. Werner wird bald studieren und viel Geld verdienen, hat Ma mal zu mir gesagt. Ich, so Ma, koenne mit meinen Noten bestenfalls Putzfrau werden. Und dabei lachte sie boshaft. "Ach ja", fuegte sie noch an, "und dann putzt du dich am besten gleich selbst weg. Aber so wie du dich verhaeltst, da werden das deine Schulkameraden in der naechsten Zeit fuer dich besorgen. Du bist ja eh dafuer zu bloed." Wie Recht sie doch hat. Als ich vor drei Jahren vom Dach sprang, da brach ich mir nur das rechte Bein und verletzte mir mein rechtes Handgelenk. Ich bin wirklich zu bloed fuer alles. Ich weiss auch nicht warum meine Eltern so jemanden wie mich haben bekommen muessen. Irgendwie als Strafe? Ich soll mich endlich wie ein Bub verhalten, wird mir immer wieder gesagt. Aber was heisst das, sich wie ein Bub zu verhalten? Soll ich mich etwa so verhalten wie die, die mich mit Schuhen treten? Ich will ueberhaupt kein Bub sein. In meinem Herzen bin ich ein Maedchen. Ich mag keine Buben. Ich will mit Buben nichts zu tun haben. Morgen in der Schule, morgen auf dem Klo werd' ich's machen. In der Maedchentoilette. In die Bubentoilette gehoere ich eh nicht sagen einige Buben meiner Klasse. In diesem Fall bin ich sogar mal deren Meinung. Ich werd's tun. Ich werd's tun! Ich leih' mir von Papa das Ersatzbrotmesser aus, das er im Keller in dem linken Schrank so schoen saeuberlich in Papier eingewickelt aufbewahrt. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - EIN JAHR SPAETER - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Ich hab's getan. Ich habe mein Leben veraendert. Heute ist es mir unerklaerlich, wie ich damals den Mut dafuer habe aufbringen koennen. Meine Therapeutin sagte mal, mein innerer Schmerz waere zu jener Zeit so gross gewesen, dass ich dadurch die Angst vor diesem zu erwartenden koerperlichen Schmerz nicht mehr als beaengstigend empfunden haette. Mag schon sein. Meine "Selbstbehandlung" ging uebrigens fast schief. Aber, waere sie schief gegangen, waere sie eigentlich auch gut verlaufen. Mir ist erzaehlt worden, dass ich nach der Pause gefehlt haette, mein damaliger Lehrer Herr Bauhofer nach mir hat suchen lassen, und dass ich nur ganz durch Zufall von einer Drittklaesslerin, die eine grosse Karte aus dem Kartenraum mit ihrer Lehrerin zusammen geholt hatte, entdeckt worden war. (Na also, doch gut, wenn man manchmal waehrend der Unterrichtsstunden auf's Klo muss :-).) Ich weiss noch, erst war es nur ein ganz heisses Gefuehl und das Blut spritzte. Dann spuelte ich das nah am Koerper abgeschnittene Ding im Klo runter und dann, dann wurde es mir schwarz vor Augen. Nach dem Entlassen aus dem Krankenhaus kam ich in eine Kinderpsychiatrie wo ich bereits nach einer Woche Maedchenbekleidung tragen durfte. Meinen Eltern brauchte ich nur noch einmal unter die Augen treten, und das im Beisein von einem Therapeuten und einer Schwester. Das Verhalten meiner Erzeuger war so, dass mir von da an ein weiterer Kontakt zu ihnen erspart wurde. Seit einem halben Jahr wohne ich nun in einem Kinderheim. Meine Gruppe bzw. Familie besteht aus 2 Maedchen, 3 Buben und mir. Roberta und Herbert sind bereits in der Lehre und haben eigene Zimmer. Paul ist 14, Hans bald 15, und die beiden haben ein Zimmer gemeinsam. Biene ist 10, ich tendiere bald auf 13 zu, und wir beide haben ebenfalls ein Zimmer gemeinsam. Mit dem Namen "Johann" wurde ich nicht mehr angesprochen, seit ich in der Psychiatrie meinem Arzt Klaus sagte, ich wuerde von ihm gern mit Katrin angesprochen werden. "Das mit deiner 'Selbstkorrektur' hast du geschickt gemacht", meinte Klaus vor ein paar Wochen laechelnd, als ich ihn mal in der Kinderpsychiatrie besuchte. Er meinte, wenn der Penis gefunden worden waere, so haette man versucht, ihn mir hinzunaehen. Haette ich dagegen damals eine Selbstkastration probiert, so haette ich das sicherlich nicht geschafft. Er scheint viele Transsexuelle zu kennen, und keine von denen die es versucht haben hatten Erfolg. Ausserdem haette ich auch im orchidektomierten Zustand noch als Bub aufgezogen werden koennen. So aber, wie es jetzt aussieht, so erklaerte er mir, stuende nun der von mir gewuenschten vollstaendigen Operation nichts mehr im Weg. Oder anders gesagt, in 19 Tagen komme ich wieder ins Krankenhaus und dann werde ich endlich so, wie ich es mir seit meiner Kleinkindzeit irgendwie immer wuenschte. Liebe Gruesse Katrin P.S.: Uebrigens, es sieht so aus, als waere ich durchaus auch mal in der Lage zu studieren. Meine Noten haben sich ganz gewaltig veraendert, und sicherlich nicht nur deshalb, weil ich die 5. gerade wiederhole. Ich wollte mal Kindergaertnerin werden, ich weiss. Aber ich fuerchte, da kann man viel zu wenig bewegen. Ich habe ein Vorbild: Klaus. Daher ist mein neues Ziel, Psychotherapeutin in einem Kinderkrankenhaus zu werden. Aber was traeume ich da? Jetzt freue ich mich erst mal darauf, einen neuen Ausweis mit meinem Namen "Katrin Elisabeth ..." zu bekommen. Warum der Titel dieser Geschichte "warum" heisst? So lautete mal eine Ueberschrift in meinem Tagebuch. K. E. M. (Meine Initialien. Ja, das bin (endlich) ich.) ENDE

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Home Alone 11 By Susan Brown. I looked at Nicola's mum in horror. I'm sure that the blood must have drained out of my face, as I felt faint and giddy all at the same time. Don't worry Katie, I'm not annoyed with you. We all want to help'. Just then, there was a knock at the door and Nicola put her head around it. 'Are you OK? She said rather hesitantly, obviously not sure whether I was annoyed with her or not. 'Come in Nic.' Said Mrs. Bright. Nicola came in and ran over to...

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It was a lovely late summer day and the sun was shining strong enough to forget that autumn was just around the corner. We were driving down to Lymington, enjoying the drive in the sunshine and idly chatting as we went. The conversation at some point turned to matters of sex as it sometimes does, especially when we are relaxed, and we talked about favourites – positions, sessions we could remember, places we had done it and so on.The conversation made me a little randy and I leant across and...

1 year ago
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General SidChapter 16

Masterson, Peterson, Connor, Albert, Barson, and Olaf were gathered in the command tent waiting for Sid. They were about to embark on their first siege of a citadel. It was a massive undertaking. For the first time, they were facing stone walls that were eight feet thick and twenty feet tall. "Those bastards fired at us when we went to parley," Sid said upon entering the tent. He was furious and stopped by the table to pour a glass of watered wine. His horse had taken an arrow. He'd still...

3 years ago
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Three Months in Paris Part Eleven

Jacque slowly raised his rollered head and gazed longingly into my eyes. A tear slowly ran down his quivering cheek. His eyes showed desire and fright. "Now, now, Jacque, enough of those tears. Once we get your makeup on there can be no silly male waterings. Girls don't cry at slumber parties unless they find out the boyfriend is cheating on them. Your boyfriend isn't cheating on you, is he, Jacque?" "I don't have a "boyfriend", Wendy" "Well, after we get done with your makeup and...

2 years ago
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CAROL MY CAT DREAMS PART TWOJUST USEDI just sat in the middle of the living room couch, my legs spreed wide, my head back looking at the ceiling. All I could here was the fucking machine slowly moving the black cuck back and forth into my cunt. Then you cam in, stud in front of me and asked what has happened. Cum was dripping out of my cunt, down over my ass hole onto the couch, I said that I was very hot, put on my cat ears, tail and front pows and crawled into the back yard, I thought I would...

4 years ago
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Mother and Daughter part 1

Janet took a deep breath to calm her nerves as she stepped through the rear entrance of the vast supermarket. When she was younger she never imagined that she'd be starting work as a lowly checkout operator at the age of 42. But then, she also never imagined that on her first day of work, she would pin to her chest a name badge that read 'Janet' instead of 'John'. John Cole was born on the 11th of December 1973, and seemingly had everything he could ever want. Rich parents, a good...

3 years ago
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A Hilltop Interlude

Written with a little help from Tender Cowboy ???? Life changed dramatically after moving in with Jamie. I found that I had traded the comfortable but boring life of a mild mannered housewife with a cold and distant husband for an exciting life with an indomitable free spirit who pours his fiery passion for beauty into everything he does, whether he’s crafting a new beer, building a car, or making love. We both work hard all week, but the weekends are for fun. Whether we are taste testing his...

2 years ago
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Janets Summer Transformation

Introduction: Chapter 3 of my story Over summer I am no longer that goofy little girl as I become a woman. I last left you with having some fun with Kim and her boyfriend John at the drive in. That happened our junior year in High School just before school left out for the summer. I figured it was going to be a long hot summer. However that was not going to happen due to my parents. They had brought themselves a camping trailer and I found out we were going to be spending our whole summer away...

3 years ago
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Once More With FeelingsChapter 19 Getting to Know Me

Wendy was unusually quiet when we went to bed Thursday night. I couldn't really blame her. It had to be a lot like walking in on a secret meeting only to discover that life, as you knew it, was actually run by a committee. She just cuddled real tight to me that night and kept telling me how much she loved me. I knew she needed reassurance so I just showed her with gentle kisses and soft murmurs about how much I loved her and that I never wanted us to be apart. I could feel her tears on my...

2 years ago
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I slide my dark, innocent eyes up to your face as you slip the thick head of your cock from your pants. I lose my breath, knowing what you want from me is my first blow job. I am scared of the unknown and the path this act will set my feet upon but I part my lips obediently and slide the tip of my tongue over the smooth crown of your erect penis, lapping. Your moan encourages me to be bolder and I slip my lips all the way over the head. It’s soft and dry and smooth, and I imagine that it almost...

4 years ago
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The Yellow Sundress Ch 19 Returnee

19 - Returnee His planned heart-to-heart with Judy never eventuated, at least not then. As he approached home he recognised the black jeep. Uh-oh, seems like Sharon's back. He walked in to find Judy and Sharon sharing a bottle of white wine. Unusual as Judy seldom drank, and then only with a meal. It seemed that Sharon had been dumped by her girlfriend and was now in a very "I hate girls" mode. Despite his femininity Adam was very aware that Sharon knew he was really a boy so when...

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Outward BoundChapter 11

As we stepped into the electronics bay, I was stunned. The noise, hustle, and bustle were surprising. Given the quiet of the maintenance bay, this was pandemonium. Kids were laughing and singing. Several adults were circulating through the room, supervising what was happening on the work tables. An older, dark-haired man watched what was happening from an elevated desk on the far side of the room. When we came in, he was talking to a pair of kids. Showing them something on a piece of...

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Sal the Super the Nookie King of the BronxChapter 20

It was one of those days that Sal thought for sure would go down in the books as uneventful. His Aunt Gina was all caught up in some asinine Bingo game scam up in Yonkers that he viewed as a big waste of time. A lot of the residents were away at the shore making up for lost time because of the last two rainy weekends. He had an appointment to do Mrs. O' Brian's pipes right after lunch but she came down into the basement early in the morning catching him putting some Irish in his coffee and...

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TollFree Signed Out

A notification popped up on Miranda's computer screen with an alarmingly loud noise. Ker-plink! High-pitched and sudden, like her computer was disapproving of her incessant lack of work.She’d been meaning to finish up these emails before her first service meeting today, but that clearly hadn’t happened. Between the report dropped on her by her manager Kelly, her phone buzzing non-stop by her boyfriend, and fucking Jason’s overbearing voice parading down the cubicle rows, her focus had been...

Office Sex
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SweetSinner Alexa Grace The Best Medicine

Chad White and Alexa Grace – Married couple, Chad and Alexa have grown bored of one another and their sex life is struggling. But it wasn’t always that way as the two bond over a memory from their past when they first started dating and Alexa’s grandmother was in the hospital. Despite the drama going on with her family, horniness still managed to take over and Alexa, eager for Chad’s cock, yanks him into an empty hospital room and rips off his clothes. Alexa’s...

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Wife Swap III

Danny woke up in a frisky mood. We had been married eleven years and I knew instinctively when she had sex on her mind. All she had to do was softly moan and I knew what she wanted and needed without even looking in her direction.Danny was addicted to sex, or so it seemed the first few years of our marriage. But, as familiarity set in and perhaps, too, a bit of convenience, our sexual activities declined. So it was with a great deal of love and a lot of apprehension that we decided to spice...

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Riverdale MixUp

This story originally appeared on my own web site. Having enjoyed Anne-Mal's, Caleb's and Heather's contributions in this vein, I thought I'd contribute it out of a love of mayhem as much as anything. Copyrights, parodies, etc, etc--all the usual disclaimer nonsense.... Riverdale Mix-Up By Jacquie Windsor Archie Andrews was 100% sure that Betty and Veronica were happily splashing around in the new pool that Mr. Lodge had just installed last week. The red-haired teen was...

4 years ago
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Cockatoo part 28

Cockatoo Part 28 Nikkie Silk I love feedback [email protected] I couldn't believe it when I saw Jandaeng come into the bar. The first thought which flashed through my mind was that he was following me and my instinct was to get up and run. The problem was Steve had his arm around my waist and was holding me tight even though he was busy kissing Nin. My hands began shaking as I watched Jandaeng and his group as they ordered beers at the bar and laughing as they looked around. I...

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