The Essay
- 4 years ago
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Many readers from the United States (and from around the world) that are old enough to legally access StoriesOnLine can probably tell you their exact location at 9 a.m. Eastern Time, Sept. 11, 2001.
I certainly can. It is one of three instances off the top of my head that I can tell you precisely where I was and what I was doing at a specific time, all three of them tragic.
The first was April 20, 1999, the date of the Columbine Massacre.
The third is a day in May 2003, the day my oldest sister died unexpectedly.
The second is Sept. 11th, a day that the world I thought I knew became a horrible fantasy.
On Sept. 10, 2001, I was a relatively young newspaper employee. I lived about an hour from Shanksville, Pa., the site of the crash of Flight 93.
I was in my early 30s, naive and immature. I was clinging tightly to my fading youth and just as tightly to my rapidly evaporating idealism.
I had worked late Monday night because I was supposed to be off work on Tuesday. I had put away three or four beers when I finally got home and stumbled to bed shortly before the sun arose for the day.
The incessant ringing from my telephone pulled me out of my slumber. I ignored it, as I typically did. It rang again after a short lull.
Then my cell phone began issuing its obnoxious ringtone (“Take Me Out to the Ballgame”).
I was relatively new to cellular technology. I had never possessed a cell phone until I was issued one by my employer. I rarely carried it and I rarely used it. I remember that I had to search through the bedroom for a moment to locate it.
Two years later, on Mother’s Day 2003, I would get another horrible call on the device telling me that my oldest sister, the sweetest person I knew and the person I considered my moral compass, had died.
I cannot recall a single time I have received good news via cell phone. Perhaps that is why I despise them so thoroughly.
On this day in 2001, I remember I looked at the caller ID on my phone with surprise. I had three brothers and four sisters and, at the time, I talked to about three of them with anything remotely resembling consistency. The number of the phone was from my middle brother, a man I had spoken to exactly once since my mother died in 1996.
Then I saw he’d called half a dozen times.
I knew the fact he would call me at all would portend bad tidings. The fact he’d called me six times in 20 minutes had me expecting the worst.
My telephone had finally stopped its incessant ringing so I kept my cell in my hand while I made my way across the room to the check the call log on the land line.
The missed calls, 10 it appeared, had come from two places: my job and from my middle sister, another sibling I rarely spoke to. My sister’s name popped up on the log with a fresh call as I stood looking at it. The phone in my hand rang again a moment later. It was my middle brother again, a retired U.S. Army Colonel.
I decided I liked my sister better so I answered her call. Whatever horrible news was coming, I preferred to hear it from her.
I can still recall her first words in my head.
“Are you OK?” she asked.
I didn’t understand the question – and I was perturbed from being awakened from blissful slumber by such an inane query.
“Of course, I’m OK,” I answered in the angry tone of voice that my family probably associates with me when they think about me.
Then I told her to hold on and answered the cell phone that showed no signs of stopping buzzing, vibrating and ringing in my hand.
“Thank God, Bub,” my brother told me. “I was worried.”
I am the youngest by a number of years and my relationships with my siblings had been strained by my mother’s passing. They knew I lived in Pennsylvania, somewhere east of Pittsburgh but they had no idea of the town’s name or its exact location. I had only lived there for almost three years at that point.
“What in the fuck, Dave?” I recall asking.
There was a moment of silence.
“You’re not at work; you don’t know,” he said. “Bub, turn on the TV.”
My brother had been a staff officer during the Vietnam War. He had commanded troops in battle and in peace time for 25 years. His voice told me it was not a request but an order. I put down the phones I held in each hand, reached for the remote and turned on the TV.
The scene on television looked as though they came from a Hollywood blockbuster or a Tom Clancy novel. But they were real and they were live.
My first coherent words were: “Jesus Christ” as I sat heavily on my couch and read the scroll across the bottom of the screen.
I picked up a phone and held it to each ear.
“I have to go,” I told my siblings.
“Wait!” my sister said.
She told me that another plane had gone down a few miles outside of Pittsburgh and that I needed to be careful.
Then my brother said something to me that I’m not sure he’d ever said to me before.
“I love you, Bub,” he told me. “You look out for yourself.”
I arrived at the closest of our chain newspapers a few minutes later, unshowered and wearing a baseball cap and blue jeans, still smelling of the beers from the night before, and was immediately told I needed to call the regional publisher for instructions.
My job was to cull through the massive amounts of (dis)information and shape our coverage of events for the seven newspapers in our chain that were near Pittsburgh.
To make matters worse, he told me he wanted me in Shanksville, Pa., to oversee the chain’s coverage of the crash of Flight 93.
It was the worst three weeks of my life.
My job required me to immerse myself in the thousands of stories (some true, most false) that were coming via our wire service providers every single day. I had to sort through the horrifying photos that accompanied those pictures. They were not only photos of the attack and its aftermath but of young families – husbands, wives, sons, daughters, fathers and mothers – who had had their lives ended by madmen.
The initial death toll estimate was 20,000 people in the World Trade Center Towers, a number I could barely fathom. It went as high as 30,000 in the coming hours before decreasing daily for the next few months.
I spent 20 consecutive 18-hour days reading about the horror and heroism.
I don’t cry but I wiped away tears often in the first couple of days.
As I pored over the details (again, some factual, others pure fantasy) of the attacks and the victims, I lost the ability to remain objective. Anger seeped through me. Then, I became desensitized to the stories.
I had no more tears to offer when I read the true stories of heroism from New York City’s first responders and the brave men and woman that had brought down the plane whose wreckage lay a little more than a mile from where I was stationed. I had no praise to give to the fine people that donated time, money and their blood to the victims of the calamity and for the men and women that lined up in droves to go forth and defend this nation against all threats, real and imagined.
I, foolishly perhaps, didn’t understand the bigger picture. Yes, it was terrible that so many people had been killed but it happened every year in other parts of the world. Terror had been a way of life for millions of people in Africa and the Middle East for generations.
Selfishly, I couldn’t see how a terror attack on American soil would affect me and those I hold dear.
I was wrong on too many levels to count.
At first, it was something relatively minor in the grand scheme of things.
I became increasingly disenchanted with my profession as I watched story after story hit the airwaves and the printing presses without a moment’s worth of vetting or verification. Anything overheard on a street corner or mentioned in a bar was thrown out as fact to a public that I thought still trusted the media to get things right.
On a personal note, I tried to stay true to the ideals taught to me by my first editor: Facts are more important than First. I took a slew of angry calls from my boss about why competitors in our region ran certain sensationalized stories that I had spiked because they lacked proper sourcing and attribution.
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Foreword: Dear Readers, I wrote this story nearly 20 years ago. Now, thanks to my new French friend Avaro Le Banni, who searched his archive and forwarded a copy to me, I am pleased to post Bianca Paragon here. Here's part two of four parts. - Best wishes, Toxis. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BIANCA PARAGON A Tale Of Love Perfected by ...
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Personals...My name is Ian. I am a six foot two, twenty- nine year old white male. I go to the gym every Tuesday and Thursday. I take good care of my body I eat well and have good hygiene. I have dated lots of women. But they all lack something. The sex is fair, we connect but I feel something missing from them. In my latest escapade for that special someone. The woman was everything I'd want. Legs that didn't quit, ample breasts, shapely figure, athletic, smart, funny and had a seductive look...
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Nydia's boots made a rather strange sound as I plunged my cock into her ass from behind. Ninve wasn't kidding about her fetish for wearing them, not that I had any complaints. It was funny to know that this proper Mormon girl had such naughty fantasies and ideas, but she did so, much to my delight. I wouldn't want a serious deal with her, however, since she could be such a bitch at times and a real hypocrite about the whole religion and morals BS. Still, her ass was delightfully tight and...
will never find that she is my mother-in-law. She looks at least fifteen years younger,-with all her tight skin & also young face and long hairs ;- and of course her plump breasts & 'S'-shaped buttocks. One thing for sure,- she always wore nothing other than loose sari and of course nightly at bedtime. I am a man of 38yrs,- having a working wife,- who is quite a loving and a caring one. We ,- me & my mother-in-law,- were just discussing about her. As she asked me,- I could never...
A new story with a few new themes I wanted to explore. For those who know me somewhat, yes, she is a bit docile for my taste but Ill try everything once. Enjoy! By the way… I wanted to design this story in a way that I, as a writer, can get my kicks out of it too. For those who are not true sadists, like myself, youll find out that not every story is meant to please you. Part two will follow. Someday. Id like to get you all nice and anxious. Part I She sat in the garden silently gazing at...
I’ve always chatted with Eileen ever since I started delivering her milk in 1990. She was always pleasant and well turned out. I always call every other Thursday and that was the day she went out for lunch with her husband George. When I called she usually had just returned home. In the summer she would wear a blouse that would show a sneaky bit of cleavage, and a nice smell of perfume. I would always ask where they had been and what they had done. It was usually a visit to a garden centre then...
(((((Yet another chapter re-written.))))) Monday morning Jason was bouncing in his seat with excitement at going to the south of Spain. His excitement extended to other things as soon as his dad left for work. We hadn't had sex since Friday afternoon with Jason's dad staying home for the weekend. We watched from the living room window until my husband's car backed out of the driveway. Not wanting to wait any longer Jason stripped his shorts down and pulled me to sit on my knees as he plunked...
Hi indian sex stories dot net doston readers edi nenu rastunna and share chesukuntunna second real life experience.Nenu chpeydi everything nijam and imaginative story kadu.Thank you na last story experienece ki baga response vachindi and 1 aunty sex ki sye andi kuda and thankyou ISS for the great platform.In case evaranna na first experience miss aitey edigo e link copy chesukuni chadavandi Na peru Tarun nenu currently hyderabad lo untunna na height 6 feet fair and na sulla size 14 cms height...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Two days ago,while I was staying at my older sisters house,something great happened. I was watching some porn,when she suddenly came home,and almost caught me. She was wasted,which she hardly ever did,and she had a hard time walking and talking. She asked what I had been doing,and I joked about watching a porno. She looked at my shorts,saw my 7.5inch hard on,and said to bad you don't have any hole to stick that into!I said if you weren't my sister,I'd...