The Essay
- 4 years ago
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> Friends: I often get mail from anxious readers requesting help in training a Fuckpig. Sometimes this mail is bogus, just jerk off material from some horny reader seeking correspondence with me. But now and then, I get to interact with a truly concerned father, brother uncle or Master, who truly wishes help in shaping and training a boy into a perfect Fuckpig. So I thought I would address this issue for many of you, via a letter I recently sent to a Father of a thirteen year old boy with whom he is working.
> First, we must agree on what the term Fuckpig actually means. To me, a true Fuckpig, is a boy(I use this term loosely as the Fuckpig can be any age which I shall explain shortly) who lives only to service dick. this is an easy thing to say, but a truly difficult condition to achieve. I man "only to service dick." In other words, every other thought, desire, dream, goal, interest has been wiped from the fuckpig's mind. He actually spends ever waking hour thinking about cock. And most of his dreams concern only cock too. Although many men think they want their boy in this condition, in actuality few do, as it requires a great deal of responsibility and attention. THIS IS NOT A SLAVE. This is a boy who has been reduced to truly being nothing but a living breathing fuckhole! The boy has been conditioned to require cock, the way a heroine addict requires a fix. If he does not have dick up his ass almost constantly, his hole itches and stings unbearably. If he is not tasting and smelling fuckmeat all the time, he is reduced to tears, worse, he can literally hardly function. His ever move, ever need, every thought is connected to pleasing dick. Of course the mind is affected. A Fuckpig in this condition is almost what what might call retarded, or challenged in the modern sense. So he require constant care and attention. He needs cock so badly, his glands salivate whenever near a man. He stares at the fucklump in every pair of trousers like a vampire needing his next blood fix. He has been reduced to nothing but an ass cunt and a facecunt that constantly needs filling. How can this be enjoyable for the father, brother, uncle, or master? Simple. In order to get his "CockFix," the Fuckpig will do anything! He will degrade and debase himself. He will humiliate himself beyond belief. He will gladly abuse and hurt himself. You see the responsibility involved. If you give a Fuckpig a knife and tell him it would please you to see him cut off his hand, he will do so. He has no power to resist, because he needs to service his master's dick so badly.
> Most of you have never even seen a real Fuckpig; a boy reduced to this state of constant need for fuckmeat...a need so strong is is all he ever thinks about. Most masters could not bring their boys to that degraded point even if they tried. They would kill the boy with training, or they would so destroy his mind that the boy would end up a vegetable in an almost comatose state.
> Most would not enjoy having to take care of a creature who is like an animal. Who will not piss or shit or eat without permission. Who will not think of anything except cock! Who will suck ass, lick balls, take extreme pain, eat shit, drink piss, do anything to please his master's prick! To create such a creature, takes time and patience. The master must enjoy every step of breaking and training the Fuckpig. After all, it is the journey, not the destination that matters. Once I have actually created a fuckpig, I lose interest in him. I soon pass him on to others to use. I am actually only interested in a boy's mind while he is still able to resist, to fight a bit, to suffer. But I have several friends who truly loving having a Fuckpig around. It reminds them that they were able to take a healthy, normal, clear thinking boy and totally destroy his mind, body and spirit. It makes them feel good, and they also have a perfect fuck receptacle for themselves and their friends.
> Now there are two kinds of Fuckpigs, what I call a Fuckpig, and a Slut Fuckpig. The first kind of Fuckpig lives only for his master's Dick. He has been taught to look at the master's cock with hunger, with love, with adoration. Some actually make the master's dick into a god and pray to it. The master's cock gives them everything life, and they owe their very existence to it. To get to service the master's cock, they will do anything the master wants. This includes, taking great pain, complete degradation, servicing other cocks, balls, assholes etc. But the thing on the fuckpig's mind while he is serving other dick is always the master's cock!
> A SlutFuckpig, lives not only for the cock of his master, but for all cocks. He feels he needs to service the dick of every many he encounters. His mind is insane with the need to taste the cock of every man on earth and to have every cock up his cunt. You can imagine the twisted mental condition of such an animal. It is very difficult to take him in out in public, because he will feel no compunction at all at begging every man he encounters to allow him to worship dick! If two or three dicks are presented to him at once, he can almost have a seizure because he needs to service all of them at the same time and is not sure how to proceed. I have seen a slut fuckpig have a total breakdown because he could not handle all the dick presented to him, and felt he needed to!
> Both types of Fuckpigs are pretty mindless. They are no good for conversation. They only follow orders. The kneel with their mouths open for cock all the time.
> How to turn a boy into such a creature? Let me give you a few tips, although ever man will have to find his own way. I have been available upon occasion to make house calls to help train a fuckpig, but only rarely. I would need to extremely interested in the boy. I have trained two Fuckpigs long term in my life. I have dabbled with many many more. Do do it correctly, it takes years, not months. Extreme patience is required, but as I said before, the training itself is the fun.
> The ideal age to begin training a fuck pig is between eight and ten years of age. At that age you can truly shape the boy's mind to convince him to truly believe he was born to be nothing except a cunt for dick. He can be made to actually believe that his mouth is a facecunt and his asshole a pussy. His very ideas of sex and his role in sex can be shaped as his sexual feelings emerge.
> BUT I AM WELL AWARE THAT MANY OF YOU ARE MORAL AND ETHICAL AND FEEL THAT IT IS WRONG TO TAMPER WITH AN UNDERAGE BOY. YOU FEEL THAT THIS IS CHILD MOLESTATION AND ARE TERRIFIED OF THE POTENTIAL LEGAL PUNISHMENTS THAT GO ALONG WITH SUCH ACTIVITIES. I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE. Very few men will take the risk of working with underage boys. I am simply stating the fact that this is the best age for the training, I am not advocating that you behave in this way. I have been very fortunate in my life to be able to cross the line in various countries and work with boys of various ages.
> A note of encouragement: There are now some countries where the age of sexual consent is sixteen, fifteen, and even fourteen. Here you would be free to experiment within the law. However you must remember that turning a boy of any age into a mindless fuck animal would probably be frowned upon by the law in any nation. So let us suppose for our discussion that this essay is merely academic and not realistic.
> As I said, a boy of eight to ten is ideal. But you can train a boy of any age. If you work with an older boy...sixteen to twenty say, you will have to spend lots of time wiping his former sexual ideas and desires from his mind. This in itself can be lots of fun. You re-train him. You convince him that he is not a normal high school student with normal sexual interests, but a fucking animal who was put on earth to service cock! What fun! HE WILL RESIST YOU LIKE A YOUNGER BOY WILL NOT. HE WILL FIGHT YOU, AND YOU NEED TO BE ESPECIALLY STRONG.
> I find it is more fun to turn a straight boy into a fuck pig than a potentially gay one. A straight boy suffers more. He feels he is being unsexed. He feels he is losing his own masculinity as he is forced to suck dick and take it up his ass. He can actually feel his ass tuned into a cunt, slowly, painfully. Most of you know of my extensive work with teenage boys in this area.
> THERE IS A CERTAIN EXTREME PLEASURE ONE ACHIEVES IN KNOWING THAT THE BOY WILL NEVER RECOVER, NOT ONLY PHYSICALLY, BUT MENTALLY. HE WILL BE CRIPPLED SEXUALLY HIS ENTIRE LIFE. Once a boy really becomes a Fuck Pig, he is most likely never able to resume a normal life. He will be passed around and fucked and fucked and fucked. He can no longer take care of his simple needs. He can only serve dick!
> As I said, to properly train a fuckpig takes years. If you want a total fuckpig of twelve or thirteen, you need to start his training two years earlier. A boy who willingly drinks the piss out of your dick when you wake each morning. Who licks your ass for you after you shit. This all takes time. Here are some tips to use in his training.
> 1. Give him plenty of Love. Mix punishment with love. Confuse him by defying logic of when and why he gets punished. If he crawls wrong, if he kneels wrong, if he doesn't suck dick with enough enthusiasm, you punish him. Punishments should be painful and creative. Thumb tacks in the feet, nipples, scrotum, penis, tongue, etc., whippings and beatings on the ball sack, ass, feet, being bound in painful positions for long periods of time. Being burned with cigarettes and candle wax, breaking fingers and toes, these and more should lend variety to the boy's training. In between and even while the boy is in great pain, kiss and lick him and tell him how much you love him when he is a good boy. Tell him you don't want to hurt him, but he has to learn to be a good Pig!
> 2. Call him Pig and Cunt. Do not use his former name. Make he respond to the most disgusting names willingly. Make him call himself these names.
> 3. Have him sleep with earphones on, with a tape you make calling him "a fucking hole," " a cunt, "a dick dump," "a fuckface," and every other degrading name you can think of. Reward him when he begins to think of himself this way.
> 4. How do you reward a Fuckpig? You might allow him to lick pudding off your dick! You might allow him to eat something delicious out of your asshole. Some really tasty food works well. That is because his daily diet consists of tasteless or foul tasting food! Dog food is great to serve a pig, but make sure he gets all the vitamins he needs. Anything you serve him, Other than those special reward treats, should contain either cum, piss, shit, pre-fuck, spit, snot, or a combination of all. He needs to know that everything he eats is laced with your body fluids. I find cornflakes soaked in piss a nice breakfast for pigs. For lunch, a salad with a nice cum and snot dressing!
> 5. Headphones can also be used to train a Fuckpig in how to behave, how to kneel, how to address a master. I find things like six hours of telling a pig "Cock tastes wonderful. You need cock. You must suck cock!" really works wonders. Especially if the pig is in pain, and the pain is then reduced when he actually sucks dick. For example. If the boy is forced to keep a nine inch dildo up his ass at all times, except when he is sucking dick or being fucked, then he will look forward to the sex. Especially if the dildo is often covered with tabasco, or Ben -gay, or if it has painful bumps and ridges.
> 6. Make the boy work out to develop his body. Teach him that the more perfectly formed his body is, the more you will love him, and the less pain he will face.
> 7. Do things to sexually disorient him like make him wear a bra and panties when your friends come over. Dress him like a cunt to make him behave like a cunt once in a while.
> 8. HE IS NEVER TO DISOBEY AN ORDER. Eventually, he is never to hesitate when given an order, even it involves cleaning out a shit filled public toilet with his tongue.
> 9.CONTROL HIS DICK! Force him to remain erect for hours and hours at a time, without any thought of orgasm. If he ever cums without permission, you must administer the most severe punishment. (With young boys, of course you will not have such a problem, but make them remain erect as well, and forbid dry cums.) Taunt the pig by masturbating his dick until he cannot hold back, and then punish him for lack of control.
> 10. I am a great believer in using Viagra with a boy. I find it fun and helpful. I feed my boys two or three viagra every single day. I want my pigs in an almost unbearable state of arousal.
> There are many more tips I can share with you, but space and time force me to stop here. I will be glad to continue this discussion if you are interested.
> Enclosed, please find some photos of some Fuckpigs with whom I or some friends have worked with.
> The First photo is of our friend Brian, the Bible student turned fuckpig, here eating shit off the floor.
> Many of you remember Brian. He is doing well, and not an almost totally mindless fuckpig who will do anything.
> The second is a younger boy forced to masturbate but not cum. If he cums, he will have his smooth young balls beaten. He has been fed
> three viagra. He is suffering nicely.
? The third is of the fuckpig who belonged to an Asian Bar owner friend of mine. One of our readers helped to train this fuckpig. I think he did
a really good job. Look at the dead mindless look in the pig's eyes. Look at the mouth hanging open ready to suck dick or eat shit. The boy is
a total fucked up mess. And he started out only a year earlier as a straight A student. Good work.
The last is of one of my own Asian Fuckpigs. Notice how he needs to stay close to my dick in order to be happy. He wants to worship my cock
24/7. He would lick it for hours while I watched tv, ate, sat around, visited with friends, or worked on the internet. My dick was his whole life.
> I have obviously hundreds and hundreds of personal photos of me working with fuckpigs that I would be happy to share.
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I woke up with a splitting headache. I was puzzled, then I remembered! I was eating supper with Lauder when I felt ill. Damn, drugged! I sat up and immediately wished I hadn't. Nausea swept through me. I silently willed myself better. Slowly at first, then quicker, I started to feel better. I took stock of myself. I was sitting on a bed. Someone had removed my shoes, socks, and other clothing. I was sitting only in my boxer's. I got up and went through the rooms. It was the same suite they...
Sally was entranced by the painting. She noticed that the prince and the harpist were both sitting on actual bulges of rock from the cave wall. She wondered if they had really done that. Then she realised that the artist had used the surface of the rock to show folds in the men's clothes. She took more photographs of this clever and very effective demonstration of his skill. So enthralled was she that she never heard the rattle of falling stones. She did hear the bang though when the roof...
This is a long story, written as one piece, so I’m choosing to post it in one submission. There are actually only two sex scenes within a short period of time, but that means, of course, that the remainder of the story is not filled with that kind of content. Read as you like. The story reads better as one piece, rather than chapters. A very heartfelt Thank You to Erik Thread for his fabulous editing. His skills make your reading pleasure better. If you find errors, it’s because I messed with...
_______________________________________________________________________________________ It had been far to long since i last had sex. My sexual desires were awakened for the first time whe i was 13, and since then i had become a nymphomaniac. I stuck to keeping the number of the men i had slept with low, and was very proud of myself being 18 and only having had slept with 4 men, which i slept with on a constant basis until a few months ago. Being considerably younger then these men (by 3-5...
It was a very normal day, until you made the wrong turn, and ended up in alley. “Crap.” you think to yourself, but then see a glowing ring. You move towards it cautiously and touch it, and it sparks once, before fizzling out. Then, the world started spinning, until you collapse, and then, blackness. You wake up in the same alley, but something was different. Your arms, once skinny, are now nicely toned and muscular, as was the rest of your body, so your clothes actually fit a little awkwardly....
Back at the car, they started butchering the latest kill. Jeff hoped that Julie didn't ask him to identify this bug, because he thought it was a roach. Jeff was sure that the knowledge would gross Julie out, and she needed to keep a level head about things. They were able to get quite a bit of meat out of this carcass, so Julie hoped to jerk some of it. Jeff built a drying frame while Julie was butchering the meat. The two of them worked together to fasten it to the frame over the smoky...
Not much of a Joke, but a bit of advice you may be able to use: GOOD VISION IN A DOWNPOUR How to achieve good vision while driving during a heavy downpour. We are not sure why it is so effective; just try this method when it rains heavily. This method was given me by a Police friend who had experienced and confirmed it. It is useful ... even driving at night. One method used by Canadian Military Drivers for years. Most of the motorists would turn on HIGH or FASTEST SPEED of the wipers...
I've been skiing most of my life. There's something about the making first tracks in newly fallen snow with the wind in your face. The contrast between snow laden trees and blue skies is awe inspiring. My 16 year old daughter, Jenifer, Jen for short, started skiing when she was 14 when she got into high school. She hadn't wanted to ski until new friends she found in high school were hitting the sloops regularly during the winter. Jen and I had only gone skiing 2 or 3 times in the past. This...
Hi Friends. Mera naam minu hai. Meri age 45 hai. Meri shadi ke 24 yrs ho gaye hain. Kahte hain Naughty @ 40, bus wohi haal hai mera. Part 12 mein maine bataya ki kaise mujhe aman aur akash ka lund ek sath lene ko mila. Aagey ki kahani kuch aisi hai. Please apna comment mein bhejen. Aapki comments mujhe aur bhi likhne ke liye majboor karenge. Please story ki sari parts padhe aur comment bhejen. Nisha apne brother ke yahan se wapas aa gayi thi. Mujhe pata nahi tha ki wo kaisa react karegi. Per...
Narrated by Swati Hello, main aapki nat-khat Swati. aap logo ne dekha ki maa ke na hone par main papa ke mana karne par bhi main unhe lubhane ki apni chal chali. Apni purani school uniform pehan kar unki badmash school girl bankar. Papa khud ko rok na paye aur mujhe jamkar chode. Bad mein pata chala ki maa mandir se hospital gayi hai. Hamare apartment ki Mishra aunty hospital mein admit thi. Is karan papa aur mere paas ab kafi waqt tha akele ghar mein masti karne ki. Uss chudayi ke baad main...
Dear Diary, Words can't describe it! I'm sitting at my dining room table thinking back over a weekend that is surely the high point of my life. Three days of sheer and absolute joy. Days of total expression of love. Days of sexual enjoyment and satisfaction whose tingle still rings through my body at this moment. And yet I cannot wait for the moment Charlie comes home and I can give him my body once more and feel the joy of his heat inside my body. I have just waxed this beautiful table...
The following is a complete work of fiction. The following story contains erotic situations between consenting adults. If it is illegal for you to read this please leave now. Any resemblance between the characters and any real life person is completely coincidental. Please do not copy or distribute the story without the author’s permission. Enjoy and keep voting! Chapter 2 Emy opened the oven door and pulled out the roasting dish and placed on the wooden chopping block. The radio she bought...
Hi friends sexy lady it’s my real story first time sex pehle main aap sab ko apne baare me bata du ki South Delhi main ek achi family se belong kerta hu lekin main fir bhi apni khud ki earning kerna chahta tha isliy maine socha ki gigalo bana jaai us me achi income ho jaati h per socha yeh sab itna easy nahi h per lekin main kuch kerna bhi chahta tha Main look vice smart hu or main modelling me Mr.state reh chuka hu yeh story ek do saal purani h maine bahut si story read keri isliy socha ki...
Carrots. Carrots!Remembering I needed carrots, I leave the cashier’s register, dash back to the produce section and quickly find the sign boasting ‘Today’s Special’ - freshly picked carrots. Reaching over them for a bag of smaller, bite-size carrots, my hand passes over the large carrots with green stems. My fingers barely graze the slightly dirty orange skin and large ridged, conical-shaped carrots when suddenly, my mind casts back into a kaleidoscope of images, smells, and sounds, and I hear...
Straight SexDay one 5:30 am: Sunrise "SON OF A FUCKING BITCH!" I said as I jumped up from the bed. I stood there looking at the sun rising to the east or what I assumed was the east and then looked at the stacks of lumber, cabinets, bricks, concrete but no house. "If I get my hands on those fucking aliens I will kill 'em," I snarled as I looked at my family's home stacked in its basic components. On the other side of the stacks of 2x4s I could see my dad's motor home. Standing against the...
Part Seven CHRISTIANA I must say they gave me a bit of a shock on the Friday evening. Miki was already at home when I got there and I gave him a kiss as I stroked him through his trousers. ‘I’m looking forward to this tonight,’ I said. ‘So am I,’ he laughed, but I couldn’t see why he laughed, not then. I went and got myself a drink and poured one out for him too. ‘How was your day then?’ I asked sitting down with my drink after passing his across. ‘Same as ever. Holding cocks as the...
BisexualKarla Kush is a lousy golfer, but she is an expert in handling Chris Strokes’ balls. Why Karla hired a golf instructor is unclear. Maybe it was a gift for her eighteenth birthday or something. Karla sucks at golf, that much is obvious. She’s so bad Tiger Woods couldn’t get much better results than Chris Strokes can. Chris made a bet with Karla and we suspect he let her win so he could get a chance to fuck that teen pussy and boy does he ever. Chris uses his big cock to leave Karla gushing all...
xmoviesforyouMe , my girlfriend Amy , her brother Alan and his girlfriend Harriet had all booked a weekend to Cornwall to stay in a caravan each, I was driving with everyone in high spirits, me an Alan in the front, with the girls in the back.As we drove along I could see Harriet in the rear view mirror, the wind blowing her light brown hair, slightly tanned face, but lovely juicy lips and come to bed brown eyes. I'd always wanted to fuck her and wondered if she thought the same?We arrived at the caravan...
I was not one for cheap tricks and theatrics, but I did enjoy to be alone more often then not. My girlfriends would always try to push me to go shopping here, or get my nails done there. None of these things truly interested me. I wanted to be at home. Cooped up in my living room with all the shades closed. I looked forward to that special “me” time. Where I could really get myself worked up by reading my favorite story, or watching one of my hot steamy shows I keep hidden in my closet in some...